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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 412 KB, 900x600, teen-girl-isolated-from-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9686657 No.9686657 [Reply] [Original]

Ever got bullied or ostracized because of your love of cosplay/lolita?
Or bullied/ostracized in general?

Girl-on-girl bullying is topic rarely touched upon

>> No.9686658

>Girl-on-girl bullying is hot

>> No.9686824

Really? You think?? How many movies about girls harassing girls have been made?

>> No.9686846

I was bullied long before my interest in cosplay or j-fashion even started. I had already rejected ever being normal out of spite for my bullies. It feels strong when I do the exact opposite of what the bullies wanted.

>> No.9686864

I don't even remember the faces or names of my bullies. Mild bullying is no big deal, y'all wanna play victims cuz some shit kids were being lil shits. I bet your bullies don't even remember your name or face either.

>> No.9686869

>Girl-on-girl bullying is topic rarely touched upon

Thats because us men get the blame for your bitchy behaviour

>> No.9686878

It's not, it's hideous and lame. As least guys get to beat the shit out of each other and call it a day, sometimes they even become friends out of it.
We don't get that sense of closure.

>> No.9686893
File: 996 KB, 496x279, 344C8F6D-2FBF-4372-89DB-8FE729D68733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second year in Japanese class
>in class with fashionable guy I’m seriously crushing on, which never happens
>but we never talk English or to eachother in class so suffering
>message him on fb feigning interest in where he gets his fashion inspo maybe twice with meh responses
>one day wear black skater dress with sailor collar and necktie and red beret
>stalks his twitter later
>”I know anime is cool and all but this girl wore a full cosplay to class”

>> No.9686896

i was bullied by a guy in my friend group. serves me right hanging out with a bunch of stoner boys anyway. one of them came up to me privately and told me to basically fuck off if im going to dress in lolita. it was the day before halloween and honestly he was just being a no-fun-nancy

>> No.9686900

bullying is shit in general. Although girl bullying was worse than guy bullying for me

>> No.9686902

>be male teenager years ago
>bullied by girls

feels bad man

>> No.9686904

I get what you're saying but you have to understand from my point of view it's incredibly hot

>> No.9686906

>guys get to beat the shit out of each other and call it a day
Yeah, that's why I have burn scars on my forearms and have a limp
Just guys being guys and calling it a day

>> No.9686914

Eh. During school a bit, but no more than just a little teasing. Nothing traumatic or anything.
The way that I look at it, if they aren't paying for my shit, they aren't shit. I've spent too much of my life feeling bad for liking what I like and I eventually just got sorta tired. If you're gonna make assumptions about anyone based on this one facet of their life (wearing jfashion or whatever), then you're already doing them a favor and letting them know that you're some narrow-minded asshole and to steer clear of you.

>> No.9686915

Don't take women seriously. They actually think we live at the top of a cloud or something. I blame the "muh patriarchy" brainwash.

>> No.9686920

Bullying is a complicated subject. A lot of bullies start out playfully messing with acquaintances and end up accidentally taking things too far. On the other hand, people with low self-esteem tend to misinterpret playful jokes for aggressive attacks on their identity.

The types of Westerners who are attracted to cosplay/lolita tend to come from a background of having low self-esteem. The structured rules of lolita offer a fairly clear path for increasing one's self-esteem, but concrits and unsolicited comments from people outside the community hurt particularly badly during the early stages of getting used to the style. Many itas end up self-destructing before they can make any true progress. Once they feel comfortable whatever style they settle on, most gulls will develop thicker skin towards random comments.

There can absolutely be a weird sexual tension to bullying. Depending on the severity, the line can blur between 'soft bullying' and regular flirty behavior at the start of a relationship. There are obvious dom/sub roles between the two parties as well.

>> No.9686932

I recommend you watch LIFE, it's a japanese drama about girls bullying other girls (the manga is also very good), if you're interested in that and like emotional stories .

>> No.9686933

>guy bullying is fine
>get pulled into toilet at school and pissed on by a guy and all his mates
heh.. calling it a day

>> No.9686985

I got bullied fairly badly every year of school from age 4 until I was 15. The only thing that changed at 15 was my attitude. One day I just realised that I didn't care what those people thought of me and after that they stopped having any power to upset me.
I think that makes me a lot more confident about wearing goth fashion and lolita. Also once I started dressing goth, people would always insult me about that, which is easy to ignore, rather than insulting my looks, intelligence etc, which takes more self-confidence to brush off.
Short version- weird clothes are good armour.

>> No.9686992

The “guys can beat each other up but it’s all good fun, girls are the only ones who are truly evil” is being pushed by men, not women. They’re the same people who keep insisting female friendships are impossible in the feels thread. Ignore the trolls.

>> No.9687022

Boy bullies don't have it better, anon. That is a fantasy.
It has nothing to do with romanticised yaoi
Bullied ones end up commiting suicide where I come from, and I am in a supposedly liberal region.

>> No.9687028

Blaming the patriarchy is just a misunderstanding of the term.
~the patriarchy~ is not blaming men for being men. It just describes a social structure where negative masculinity rules. Not just masculinity, but the negative like "men should be stone cold and fight for domination, even if it hurts them".
IMO is a bad name. I don't think it reflects what it really means.

>> No.9687031

That is not bullying anon.
He didn't mention your name, not even posted a picture.

>> No.9687032

And yet, the moment men stop being "stone cold and fighting for domination" women stop seeing them as sexual partners and start seeing them as beta males, virgins and fedoralords.

rly maeks u thenk

>> No.9687034

Teen bullies also can end up abusing sexually their victims. Maybe it is the power Trip

>> No.9687037

That way of thinking is a result of the toxic masculinity.
Women actually prefer men who are peaceful. Both studies in animals and humans show that.
Get a dude boasting in a bar, and he will become an anti-poison reflector.
Do not confuse kindness with the "nice guy" who thinks that listening to a girl's problems entitle him to fuck her.

>> No.9687038


Autocorrect is virgin

>> No.9687040

I don't know what planet are you on or if this is due to woman bias, anyway.

The moment a male shows no signs of holding his ground or being able to physically protect himself or his girl, he becomes the antipussy reflector incarnated. This psychological and unconscious, stop bullshitting, different genders behave differently and are complimentary, a male that behaves like a female is not attractive to the female brain and viceversa.

>> No.9687057

I think the term 'bullying' should only refer to the grey area that I mentioned earlier. Actual assault or battery should be labeled as such, and the offender needs to be held accountable for their actions at that point.

George Costanza got more pussy than Don Draper. You don't have to prove your worth at the fucking Salty Spitoon.

In words you'll understand, figure out your class and minmax your build.

>> No.9687060

Different anon here.

I agree with you to a point, but I don't think it's that clear cut in either direction, and it definitely differs from person to person. For example, I don't like boastful, macho masculine types. I much prefer a man who is clever and kind.

But I also do agree that if a man doesn't hold his ground, and acts weak it is unattractive. However, for me at least, if a man initially goes into a conflict confidently, but is not strong enough to win, that's not unattractive to me, because he tried. So I think it's more about confidence rather than strength, and also balance - no one likes an over-confident person or a diffident person.

Anyway that's my two cents. Basically I don't like super boastful guys or super timid guys.

>> No.9687069

I think you are confusing being a mature adult who can take care of him/herself, take decisions and be self sustainable with toxic masculinity.

Being kind is not the same as being a childish adult who is still in the mental age of 12, can't do shit for life. And that applies to women too. Who really wants to be with a girl who cannot decide whether she wants to go out with you or not and keeps giving indirect answers.

>> No.9687071

>But I also do agree that if a man doesn't hold his ground, and acts weak it is unattractive.
Exactly, because women unconsciouslly seek a male to protect them, whether wymmyn like it or not, this was useful back in stone age.

>However, for me at least, if a man initially goes into a conflict confidently, but is not strong enough to win, that's not unattractive to me, because he tried.
Because it shows bravery, a masculine trait.

>So I think it's more about confidence rather than strength, and also balance - no one likes an over-confident person or a diffident person.
Yes, because a male that seeks conflict constantly can put her female in danger.

It's all about the brain, really.

The thing is that these feminist tumblrinas want to erradicate any trace of masculinity, because when they mean toxic masculinity, they mean masculinity in itself.

Asserting dominance, haughtiness, banter, not being a PC bitch, all of these they call toxic.

They want to turn males into submissive cuckolds, and some males fall for it thinking that women actually like that and they'll get laid this way, and this is the great tragedy of the west. Emasculated eunuch males being effectively neutered by the angry frustrated feminist.

>> No.9687078

You sound really smart redpilling these gulls on who they're actually attracted to. You're also absolutely right that the 'feminist tumblrinas' are a huge threat to the future of masculinity.

Are you currently in a fight club, or are you waiting for an invitation soy boy?

>> No.9687079

Nobody mentioned wanting to make cucks. Wtf man.
Bravery is not the same as being a bully

None of that is part of the problem. The point was to mention how male bullied ones also suffer, and just because boys being boys, it doesn't mean it is less important.

You are just taking everything into a hyperbole, which is as shitty as said tumblrinas do

>> No.9687081

But it's still sad and effective

>> No.9687083

Again, I mostly agree. There are things that are "instinct" that prove difficult to change. I put instinct in inverted commas because I think it's a mixture of social norms and actual instinct that influences these masculine/feminine traits.
Anyhow, I think we should just be aware of them, rather than actively seeking to get rid of them - like many feminists fight to do.

I'm still keking that you actually wrote that.

Also I don't think bravery is a masculine trait - I think it just shows itself differently in men and women.

>> No.9687084

>You sound really smart redpilling these gulls on who they're actually attracted to.
They just said so themselves >>9687060

>You're also absolutely right that the 'feminist tumblrinas' are a huge threat to the future of masculinity.
As long as """"""""""males""""""""" think obeying them will get them pussy, yes.

>Are you currently in a fight club, or are you waiting for an invitation soy boy?
I like this meme

Hyperbole? Yeah, but still right.

Yeah, this is a pretty good problem, what is and what isn't toxic masculinity can magically change and warp, and it's obscure too, you don't even know what things are until they are mentioned.

Could you list what traits are toxic masculinity with NO ambiguity?

>Again, I mostly agree. There are things that are "instinct" that prove difficult to change.
No need to change it, it would be retarded.
>I put instinct in inverted commas because I think it's a mixture of social norms
This is a meme, survival gives no fucks about social norms, these instincts helped us survive in stone age, and in stone age I don't think "social constructs" or patriarcal boogeymen existed.

>Also I don't think bravery is a masculine trait - I think it just shows itself differently in men and women.
Men tend to be brave, because they are wired into risktaking due to testosterone, women tend to be on the coward side, because of the lack of testosterone.

This is something I wrote for another thread that might give some insight:


>> No.9687085 [DELETED] 

"According to evolutionary psychology, women rely on the community and others in general for physical protection, so they are "wired" to be interested in how they present themselves to others (fashion, beauty, mannerisms, etc.) so they attract males and are generally viewed positively within their community, therefore, they use this against other women since they are not playing in the same league as men.

Men don't generally depend as much from other's opinions since they can hold their ground physically and are prone to risk taking activities such as asserting dominance, changing paradigms and usually that-stuff-that-upsets-some-people-and-sometimes-somthing-great-comes-out-of-it. That's why they come off as less bullshitting and are more prone to just tell you you're a faggot and break your face if the situation demands it. Women usually don't take this approach and will attack you trying to shame you or put "public opinion" against you, because that's "their" enviroment and area of influence.

>but anon, how does this work?

These behaviors are chemical, and are ingrained in the brain, testosterone and estrogen are the culprits, that's why effeminated men will tend to use the women's way of dealing with enemies and why long-clit girls become the queens of the jail.

On a side note, yes, this is what is behind the numale phenomena and the propagation of emasculating ideologies. "

>> No.9687089 [DELETED] 

Also this:

"Look at it in this way.

>prehistoric enviroment
>danger and death looms around
>need to hunt or starve

Which couple would be more succesful in this scenario taking into account the strong and weak point of each sex

>couple A: numale male with strong feminity, not brave in physical confrontations, demands that others designated by the state take care of his safety / empowr'd wymmyn who don need no mansplain and wont be in the cave waiting for the male while taking care of the children because MUH PATRIARCHY

>couple B: classically masculine man, brave, does what he needs to to survive and feed his girl and offspring, goes hunting because he is the sex that is more physically strong and that's literally brainwired to engage in such things / women who takes care of the cave keeping it clean and stays safe while pregnant and raises the children and cooks the meat the man brings.

couple A is already dead, the choice is pretty clear

Men and women are a team, they work like clockwork when they follow their natural roles, switch them around and you're fucked.

Say you are eating soup and meat. Would you use the spoon to cut the meat and the knife to eat the soup?(couple A) or the other way around? "

>> No.9687090

Except society has changed a lot. There is no point in looking into Paleo concepts.

The same bullshit Pop "science" about trying to compare alpha male wolves with humans. While alpha males have been proven to not exist, but are the parents of the young wolves who take care of the group.

>> No.9687091

You're like a child who thinks they've figured out the secret to rock-paper-scissors. Women in different social circles and different economic conditions won't respond the same way to one hypothetical 'alpha bro'. Power is always relative. There isn't one winning move that will get you every woman. Prehistoric environments are literally irrelevant in the modern world. Genghis Khan would look like a fucking idiot if he brought his shtick to Los Angeles. You are posting the dating advice equivalent of the virgin vs chad meme.

>> No.9687093

>Girl-on-girl bullying is topic rarely touched upon
Are you serious? Girls being gossipy catty bitches who hate each other is one of the most pervasive memes around.

>> No.9687094 [DELETED] 

>Except society has changed a lot.

Are you aware that society changing has nothing to do with our biology changing?

Are you aware that we possess the same traits that helped us back then because of natural selection?

Jesus, some people just hate nature so hard they want to make it seem it doesn't matter.

>what is extrapolation?
>what is understanding psychology?
>what do you mean you don't have to bring yous shtick out to be manly but just keep the symbolism intact?

You'd have to be a special kind of retard to think I'm advocating swinging spears or something.

>guise nawalt
>guise there *might* be women out there who like femenine betas
>ur le chad meme

Try making a worthwhile reply or don't, stay ignorant.

>> No.9687095

toxic masculinity traits:
- do not have feelings. If you have, remove them.
- if you don't show dominance, you lose
- if you show any trait that is not masculine, remove it (e.g. wearing hand cream is for girls)
- no mercy: if you fail, self destruct
- if you are bullied, it means you are weak, this deserve it and should self destruct.
- use violence to solve conflict
- Take. Everything belongs to you. Don't mind others.

More questions? Look at back to the Future, Biff Tannen is the impersonation of such traits

Just look at crappy TV sit coms. It is always the laugh when a man acts slightly off the expected. Lol wow, he watched pretty woman and he said he liked it.

>> No.9687098

Or maybe people just don't understand nature.
Brains are extremely plastic. They change.
Did you know that the region used for written language was previously used for photographic memory? Modern humans have terrible photographic memory. They forget what they just saw. Would miss details.
People who never learned to read, actually have extremely good skills in visual memory.
Brain changes with society.
Do you think our fingers were made to type shit? No, but we now use them a lot for that.

If our brains and bodies were kept the same as in previous society, there would be no changes.
There is evolution, people change.
Or just look at Bonobos. Why haven't they built cities?

>> No.9687099

>do not have feelings. If you have, remove them.
This is actually beta, an alpha male can "afford" to feel whatever the hell he wants
>if you don't show dominance, you lose
This is a fact, if you don't win, you lose.
>if you show any trait that is not masculine, remove it (e.g. wearing hand cream is for girls)
Well, this is because it is not natural for men to have girly behaviors since "women rely on the community and others in general for physical protection, so they are "wired" to be interested in how they present themselves to others (fashion, beauty, mannerisms, etc.)" You must be able to get women by just being manly only, you don't need make up or shit, so it's seen as weird for a man. evolutionary
>no mercy: if you fail, self destruct
Hm, depends, in some cultures yes, in others you must try again and again until you make it or die. A brave man must not fear death, because if he does, he stops being brave, he'll turn into a coward whenever faced with the risk of dying. evolutionary.
>if you are bullied, it means you are weak, this deserve it and should self destruct.
It's true, it means you are weak, but no self destruction there, it means you need to improve yourself until you are able to hold your ground and become strong, perseverance is masculine. evolutionary
>use violence to solve conflict
Violence solves every conflict, every conflict ever has been solved with violence and fear, you are literally mentally ill if you think you can solve conflicts in non violent ways.
Do you know what is behind war? War is when two parties won't agree and neither will budge, and what one party is doing will effect you negatively and viceversa, how would you solve this nonviolently? Are you going to hug them into submission? How would you stop a hardened racist convict from raping you? With hugs and love?
>Take. Everything belongs to you. Don't mind others.
Made up shit or misrepresented, if this was true, men wouldn't even raise families and feed their women.

>> No.9687100

Why do gulls love bait so much?

>> No.9687102

Hey girl, you might want to look into what is natural selection. This way you'll understand that no evolution happened since thousands of years ago due to natural selection being "stopped", because men learned to shape their enviroment and change it.

>> No.9687103

>Agrees with all traits

Well, please don't reproduce

>> No.9687105

Neuroplasticity doesn't apply to hardwired traits such as sexual selection. There have literally been peer reviewed studies proving that women are more attracted to masculine high-test traits. It's all a quick google search away, you have literally 0 reason to continue staying ignorant.

>> No.9687106

>agrees with all traits
>can't read

Can you actually refute anything I said with reasoning and facts?

>> No.9687107

b-but the bonobos!!!
muh feels!
muh social constructs!

>> No.9687108

Yes. Back in high school I was already bullied due to being aspie (except we didnt know back then)and when i decided fuck it and dressed differently since they were making fun of my fashion sense anyway,they still bullied me.
Actually it was pretty hardcore and the police got called once. Teenagers can be awful.

>> No.9687111
File: 29 KB, 299x213, hurtin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.9687112

One friend of mine got bullied due to Gyaru.
A guy started following her after school to give her regular beatings.
It stopped when a sibling came with her and told him to stop.
Meanwhile the school teachers didn't give a fuck

>> No.9687115

Never been bullied in my live. Maybe because I didn't care. Yeah, some people were talking behing my back but they didn't do anything besides that.

Stop with this pasta already, you retard. It's pseudosciene ergo bullshit. You can't prove your theories. If you thinking that fighting in 4chan's disscusion is making you very handsome and masculine male you are wrong.
My bf is kind and shy and I LOVE that about him.

>> No.9687118

>le pseudoscience!
As opposed to your irrelevant anecdotes? You got me.
If you took 5 minutes of googling you'd see how there have been peer reviewed studies proving what I say >>9687105

Also, get the fuck out of here and stop stalking me you weird ass bitch.

>> No.9687119

>You'd have to be a special kind of retard to think
>I'm advocating swinging spears or something.

Here is your first post, idiot:
>The moment a male shows no signs of holding
>his ground or being able to physically protect
>himself or his girl, he becomes the antipussy
>reflector incarnated.

What if I had a gun and shot you to death? Would your prehistoric chad instincts save you? Physical strength is irrelevant in the modern world. Killing another dude with a gun is also not the ultimate strategy for getting a gal. How about shared interests and goals? Or is that actually what the alphas do in relationships because they're so strong in their beliefs?

You idiots always regurgitate the same talking points on a theory can not be tested. The 'feminine dude' will always end up losing the girl in your hypothetical examples, because you are the chode that is writing the example to prove your own point. People have different needs. Some girls may like Proud Boys, or effete artists, or thicc gamers, or dudes with dad-bods, or gym rats. Your theory doesn't help clarify how the world works. It is worse than useless, because it distracts from the fundamental question of how to be more attractive.

You can't become universally more attractive. You have to specialize for the situation. If want to date an artsy chick, you have to understand what that type of girl wants out of a relationship. Here is a hint: you can't write her side of the story and build a relationship out of nothing. Girls are people too.

The draw thread is broken. I've got nothing better to do.

>> No.9687120

KEKEKEK you absolute fucking retard

>> No.9687121

Thanks for aiding me bro, I just don't want to google stuff because of retards anymore, I used to source all my claims but then my opponent just stopped posting instead of admitting to be wrong. Now I just say it and investigating it is their call.

>> No.9687122

Psychology is a meme and not even science.

>> No.9687123

Yeah these coping femoids really piss me off.

>> No.9687125

Oh god,how awful I hope she's not too traumatized by it? I still get nightmares around september. I actually started by being "emo" lol. Then started going into cute fashion more and more.
I would sometimes fight back which would result in more bullying afterwards.
The police got called when someone threw a chair at me,almost breaking my nose,and when i was beaten up and one of my dresses got severely damaged by a girl throwing soup on it (i punched said the girl in the face several times)
High school was godawful man.

>> No.9687126 [DELETED] 

Good rebuttal femanon, maybe try getting your head out of your own ass for once

>> No.9687127

Pubmed or gtfo. I'm not stalking you. I'm on that board longer that u snowflake and I'm sick of your retarded bullshit which has no connection to the topic. I hope you get permaban soon.

Did you even read that? It's not related to the topic, lol.

>> No.9687128

Right back at you, faggot.

>> No.9687130 [DELETED] 

You should see how bad it gets on the feels thread, literally being swarmed by feminists in denial calling me incel, virgin, poltard, r9kfag and every boogeyman under the sun just for stating facts.

>I hope you get permaban soon.
How could I possibly ever recover? I wouldn't be able to post here ever again! No going back! :^)

>> No.9687132

>just for stating facts.
*your untestable opinions

>> No.9687135


>explained by natural selection
>explained by peer reviewed studies on sexual selection
>explained by history's empirical evidence

As opposed to:
>some random hole claiming she loves his beta bf

Well, I surely won't be able to recover now.

>> No.9687136

Ignore the drones
Focus in the actual topic of the thread

>> No.9687137

>replies to xirself
Please stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.9687139

She still wears it, but would never try to show it off to anyone, or mention it to outsiders.

The soup thing is very extreme. I always wonder why people have to do that. What do they want to prove by destroying your dress.
It is different with a mean comment only that may come from confused curiosity.

>> No.9687140

What are weak men good for?

>> No.9687142 [DELETED] 

Some can improve themselves and become strong. Alphas can be born, but can also be made.

>> No.9687143

I'll ask again. Read carefully, please. What are weak men good for?

>> No.9687144 [DELETED] 

Here you go you autist
>not related to the topic
Did YOU even read the articles? It backs up my claims that fertile women are more attracted to masculine physical traits caused by high testosterone. Which also results in more masculine behavioural traits.

I get that you're a bit mentally slow, but that doesn't preclude you from trying to understand. Just give it a shot, try reading the articles, take your time, use google. You might even surprise yourself!

>> No.9687145
File: 56 KB, 1080x520, Screenshot_20171109-121712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the samefagging drone

>> No.9687147 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1024x576, 1508696009740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy is wrecking you >>9687144

>> No.9687148

>It backs up my claims that fertile women
*in a test environment
>are more attracted to masculine physical traits
>caused by high testosterone.
*in a test environment

We're talking about relationships, faggot. Stay on topic.

>> No.9687149 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck, I'm literally laughing out loud. You'd literally die before admitting to be wrong, you're a woman alright.

>> No.9687152

Are you ceding the argument so soon? We aren't even at the post limit yet.

What are weak men good for?

>> No.9687153 [DELETED] 

HAHAHA now you're just ignoring science
Indulging you one last time, I've provided you with rebuttals for every shitty argument.


>> No.9687155

>Wives with masculine husbands report increased
>marital satisfaction near peak fertility.
Yet another unrelated article that you got by mashing keywords into the search and hitting post without thinking.

You better be writing a fucking spectacular response. What are weak men good for, faggot?

>> No.9687156 [DELETED] 


Uh, imagine you're arguing with a down syndrome kid, you present SCIENTIFICAL EVIDENCE to back up your claims, and she's still going "lalalal dosnt matter dont real".

What would you do? Keep talking to her until you die from exhaustion?

>What are weak men good for?
Just tell your witty wisecrack already.

>> No.9687158

Yep. I'm working on my epic Sorkin-esque closing statement that will blow you out of the water. Those always work so well in the real world, just like your 'gender theory'.

>> No.9687160

>you present
*from a meme discipline
>to back up your claims

>> No.9687161 [DELETED] 

You are already defeated, foul hole, just go give your beta bf a slap in the ass and pretend you won the debate.

>> No.9687163 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1506714460029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychology dont real
>tumblerina babble about feminism and nature not matter is top quality though, stop being toxic

>> No.9687165

Right back at you, faggot.

>> No.9687170


Gets feefees hurt because the arguments you give are bullshit and can't back up properly. Needs to cite articles with glorified statistics, without a real understanding. Takes speculation as granted reality.
Well that's it. This is the manchild himself fears to be made into. Except you did it to yourself. No Evol tumblrinas involved. You memed yourself into a cuck. Crying like a baby, spouting tryhard offenses because can't do anything more.
Good luck growing up the neckbeard

>> No.9687172 [DELETED] 

Goodness me femanon, it is quite unfortunate that you don't seem to have 2 brain cells to knock together. But thats not my problem, I've provided plenty of evidence for everyone else browsing this thread while you just made an ass out of yourself. I am content with the outcome of this "debate" stay mad roastie.

>> No.9687173

How can we prevent bullying coming from men?

Should they be sterilized? Or maybe HRT is just enough?

I'm afraid of testosterone thanks to this discussion and I want to do somethong about that.


>> No.9687177
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DW anon, the Jews are already onto that.

To any male anons left on this shitty board :
I came from /fit/ and we welcome anyone trying to lift themselves out of beta cuckoldry

>> No.9687179
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Reminder to save yourself from becoming this

>> No.9687182
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Imagine being this much of a tinfoil hat

>> No.9687188

I'm really glad I'm enlightened and free of all this sex=gender garbage we made up.
I can truly be myself, like who I want, and all my friends are fun and peaceful.

set gender roles are ruining your lives.
I want a single soul partner who is also my bff, not some caveperson who I mutually use.
God didn't make us like that. We need each other's skills and love to make this world a great place.

as much as it sucked being branded a loser in middle school, it was actually a blessing because I was spared the gendered song and dance. My impressionable teenaged self wasn't pressured into theatrically presenting a stereotype of my gender, or pretending I'm an idiot so that my crushes found me attractive. Some of my friends are dudes, some are chicks, some are gender neutral, and we're all happy.
I graduated from uni, have a full-time job, and am self-sufficient.

now I'm waiting for my life partner.
we're supposed to leave the world better than we found it. I'm going to do better than my parents and work hard to have a healthy relationship and caring, confident, friendly kids.

we were made to love and help each other. practice humility, empathy, and giving to others when they are in need. someone will always return the favor. you'll never be without if you live a life of kindness and care

>> No.9687194

I got bullied by my friends in college.
I wore lolita one day and they did nothing but make fun of me. Even one of my tutors poked fun.

Moral of the story: don't wear lolita to college

>> No.9687197 [DELETED] 

>Should they be sterilized? Or maybe HRT is just enough?
>I'm afraid of testosterone thanks to this discussion and I want to do somethong about that.
Careful now, if you start looking for biological reasons for aggression you'll eventually become a racist.

>> No.9687199 [DELETED] 
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Are you seriously implying that we need to put 50% of the population on hormones to stunt their natural growth development just so your feelings may potentially be not hurt?
>and I want to do something about that
you don't have the right to force billions to people to permanently alter their bodies.

>> No.9687202

>As least guys get to beat the shit out of each other and call it a day, sometimes they even become friends out of it.

Were it so easy.

I have a knife wound from a 'friend' who just wanted to be a little 'closer' that the rest.

>> No.9687203

>In words you'll understand, figure out your class and minmax your build.
Are you being coy or are you an actual ca/tg/irl?

>> No.9687204 [DELETED] 

You know women definitely generally prefer more masculine men simply by the fact that for hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution, males were naturally selected to be more masculine than women. The preference for masculinity is in our DNA.
The women who preferred feminine men didn't have as many successful offspring as women who preferred masculine men, meaning that the entire genetic line of women you came from would have an instinctive preference for masculinity over femininity with their partners in a sexual reproduction.

>> No.9687205

You're a good person anon hope I can find someone like you.
I used to believe in people like you, but being in college, /fit/ and tinder has slowly made me more jaded as to the realities of the world. I posted the studies above, and while I think our underlying drivers still hold true, the way it's presented can be massively influenced by society and the individual person. And while I still feel like an imposter being "alpha" it seems to work, but you give me hope knowing there are others.

>> No.9687206

Lolita is very formal, especially in comparison to what most college students and faculty wear. You have to either be comfortable with being the 'quirky dress girl' until acquaintances get used to the change or avoid wearing flashy clothes in places where they'll stick out.

You know that one dude on YouTube who wears suits all the time in his fast food reviews? He is really peculiar, but friends get used to it. People new to the channel might think he is weird, but he is doing his own thing with an awkward confidence that is really charming. Fanny Rosie is one of my idols, but you have to understand that she probably gets both positive and negative comments all day about her style from total strangers.

Putting on the frills turns you into a micro-celebrity, with all the good and bad stuff included.

>> No.9687207

Wtf why was my post deleted hahaha it was literally two relavent links to PubMed lmao

>> No.9687209 [DELETED] 

>set gender roles are ruining your lives.
Set gender roles ruins the potential for hedonism if sexual ambiguity is your preferred flavor of gratification.
But the lack of "gender" norms have a destructive effect on society as a whole. The fringe individual must subordinate himself to the "greater good", otherwise society starts to collapse.

So in essence, yes, gender roles can negatively effect the life of an individual with a specific proclivity, but a nihilistic society with no foundation or "norms" will eventually degrade, and then stronger, more cohesive groups will come in and form their own culture where there is none.

>> No.9687221

>it's the evolutionary psychology autist again
Jesus christ

>> No.9687231

I feel exactly the same.
Sometimes I try to tone it down. But once you are more advanced in college, and have your office for working on a project, a smaller group, etc, it is easier to become the "hipster fashion girl" who wears oddly puffy and colorful dresses. Still would stick to less strange styles, try to stay away from the costume-types.
If sweet, only wear non prints that can be paired with muted colors or natural. If prints, only flowers.
If gothic, no crosses, or minimal to nothing.
Escalate only in special events.
Sometimes people get inspired and start wearing more stuff.
Where I am now, everyone wears nerdy t-shirts and nobody says anything.

>> No.9687239

You sound awesome anon, I wish more people were like you!

>> No.9687241

Fuck no I didn't even know cosplay existed before senior year of high school in 2008

>> No.9687244

thanks for your honesty anon
but remember you can hurt the hope of others when you spam divisive and skewed stuff. not sure if you're also hole anon but reading all that stuff is really discouraging and frustrating. what do you even say to that? the premise for that way of thinking is sooo different from how I live. I don't see people as bodies, doesn't mean I'm not sexually attracted to people but I am just not wired to sex people I don't feel completely comfortable with.
this is an ot shitfest lol but I just wanna say that if you can't fart and then laugh with a person you probably shouldn't be sharing your most vulnerable body parts and unique fluids with.

>> No.9687247 [DELETED] 

>it's another genderqueer denying evolution so she can justify xir mental disorder

>> No.9687249 [DELETED] 

You're just a hedonist. The only reason that people applaud your ideas is because they're directionless and seeking only immediate comfort.

>> No.9687255

Im not hole anon, and while I feel you on the other stuff, my sources were not meant to be divisive of skewed. It's literally just facts, the interpretation of which can make people angry but knowing our underlying drivers is pretty important. I wish I knew you irl anon you seem like a kind level headed person

>> No.9687256
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The tragic thing is that these types of thought patterns tend to hurt an individual's chances of getting into a healthy and rewarding relationship. They shun legitimately helpful self-improvement advice for the shaky scientific ground of evo psych. It's completely toxic living each day with the belief that your SO will drop you as soon as you fail some unwritten biological test. They think of people as simple machines that are incapable of overriding their programming.

It's crazy simple. Be honest with yourself, and try to improve the world around you. It's totally possible that you'll be screwed over by screwed up people, but the world isn't all black. There are good people in this world that will help you transform the world into a friendlier place.

>> No.9687263 [DELETED] 

The problem isn't that a few individuals are fringe, the problem is that society that promotes "free love" and gender ambiguity is a society without moral code, without a unifying culture. Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society. An aimless society is a society that will soon be subsumed by a stronger, more unified force. Either through invasion or a resurgence of culture.
We've seen this many times throughout history.
Evolutionary psychology can't explain every human thought or behavior, but just about the only thing is can explain for certain is the normality of heterosexual relationships.

>> No.9687266
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>went to an all girls catholic school
>got moved up a year
>autistically and loudly into lord of the rings and sailor moon
I wasn't so much bullied as I was purposefully ignored which is in a lot of ways worse, I could spend literal weeks without talking to anybody outside of group assignments.
Then in senior year I grew boobs and it went from nobody acknowledging my existence to everybody knowing me on a first name basis and rumors circulating saying I was a call girl.
School was rough but I had my hobbies and my now-boyfriend to keep me sane.

>> No.9687269

Agreed. This is why I can't wrap my head around the idea of one night stabds or why men proposition me in the street with the hope I will drop my panties for a total stranger. I do not care how attractive they are, I have to emotionally invested in the person first and I certainly won't let that happen if I know they are only talking to me because they have one goal (sex) in mind. That's an automatic turnoff. I'd rather give myself to a genuine nice guy who doesn't neg or pressure me, but treats me like a person. Someone I can laugh and fart and play video games with as well as constantly offer sexy time to, because they didn't demand it of me.

I have biceps twice the size of my boyfriend's and am perfectly fine with being the one to beat the shit out of anyone who persistently gives us trouble

However I take issue with a step grandmother comparing me to Hitler and Mussolini because lolita dresses being cute apparently doesn't mitigate it being 'pedophile bait' and I'm a terrible person for 'enabling pedophilia'.

How is only sleeping with people you connect with on a level deeper than superficial appearances hedonistic?

>> No.9687272

I hate that I'm like this anon, but have you been exposed to Tinder and hook up culture? When beliefs like mine are reinforced to strongly by society, it's hard to have an optimistic view.
My biggest fear is not being able to fall in love anymore.

>> No.9687273

You speak as if being gender neutral would hurt somebody else. Flash news, it doesn't. Drugs and guns hurt more people.

>> No.9687275

You don't have to be in those circles.
Find people similar to you in other circles. Those where one night stands, hook ups and shallow appearance are not the main goal.
Sports, art, heck even university. There are lots of couples formed within the research groups in science labs, even wining Nobel prizes together. Do you think they met in Tinder? No!

>> No.9687279

My mom says exactly the same. I try to be patient with her.
Have it for yourself and don't let people ruin something they don't understand.
If they say it is enabling pedos, just say it is a misconception, and that this is just a neo Victorian fashion.

>> No.9687281 [DELETED] 

>How is only sleeping with people you connect with on a level deeper than superficial appearances hedonistic?
Because you ultimately want to change the foundation and tradition of your own society just to justify having sex with whoever you choose.
You want to replace ideals with ambiguity and tolerance. There isn't much difference between you an a nihilist.

>> No.9687287 [DELETED] 

>You speak as if being gender neutral would hurt somebody else
it is a cumulative effect, you either are purposefully missing the point or simply cannot conceptualize anything outside of your immediate surroundings.
A society without morals is a society rife with mental health issues and lack of happiness, purpose, and belonging. You are taking something sacred and leaving a void where it once was, and eventually that void will be filled by a stronger force. If you want a good example of what complete sexual freedom and tolerance gets you, look no further than the Weimar republic.

>> No.9687293

Mean Girls and.........

>> No.9687297 [DELETED] 

>If they say it is enabling pedos, just say it is a misconception
Honestly the sexual liberation movement is objectively a slippery slope. I'm already seeing a smattering of liberal news/media outlets starting to justify pedophilia. I've seen leftist protesters carry around signs against "pedo bashing". The writing is on the wall for the future normalization of peophillia, and it's coming from the same movement that pioneered the gay/transgender rights movement.
Once you fundamentally destroy an ideal, there's not really anything stopping you from degenerating further and further.

>> No.9687300

Idiot women are attracted to those traits then complain that her husband bear her up/is emotionally unavailable. My grandmother lost her dad early in her life so typically went after every gruff caveman she could. They all drank, beat her, sexually abused me and messed up my mother, who was too dumb not to do the same thing and went after a 'big tough masculine figure' who beat the shorn out of her and abused my brother and I. The buck stops with me. My 'beta' boyfriend is the only one who emotionally supports me and cares about me as a person.

>> No.9687315 [DELETED] 

>Masculinity is about violence and emotional suppression.
This is what women think who completely absorb the leftist narrative of "toxic masculinity".
Masculinity is about virtue, honor, integrity, honesty, strength, pragmatism, perseverance, self-sufficiency, and self respect.
Masculinity is not about being a boorish, argumentative sexual predator.
>my beta boyfriend
Women bragging about snagging soyboys, this is just sad. Maybe if you actually were exposed to men instead of violent drunkards you wouldn't have do degrade yourself.

>> No.9687318

This worries me a lot. These people enabling pedos want to have movement in name of liberals, but are nothing but the opposite. Those are fake, don't really have an understanding of ethics.

>> No.9687323

You said it yourself.
Masculinity =/= toxic behavior

Virtue, honor, strength

>Toxic masculinity
Sexual predation

I'm sure you can find parallels to the female expected traits

>> No.9687334 [DELETED] 

Of course.
But you're acting like it's a virtue to turn down masculine men and instead date feminine betas. If you can tell the difference, why would you choose a soyboy?
I'm guessing you're probably unattractive or damaged goods, so you have to settle and are just rationalizing it.

>> No.9687335

No, and I don't ever plan on doing that.
This wasn't my response, but it's exactly what I would have written: >>9687275

Another approach is to frame the style as a way of embracing feminity. Lolita is insulated fairly well to be a community by women and for women. Brolita and ouji styles allow men to participate in certain situations with the community, but it's always with the express consent of the ladies of a comm. A more traditional style like a Mary Magdalene dress could help ease the transition better than pastel donuts or black cross designs.

You should try unplugging from the matrix for a bit and try to find an easier way to live your life.

It's incredibly icky to talk about in polite company, but there are some legitimate issues with how age of consent laws vary from state-to-state. You'd be crazy to think that a major shift in public perception is on the horizon any time soon. Kevin Spacey just totalled his career with the accusation that he harassed a 14-year-old dude. If anything, most media outlets are currently thirstier for the blood of pedophiles than ever before.

You're inspiring. Some people come from bad homes and refuse to let the world hurt any more. It takes a lot of resolve to stop the cycle of abuse.

Are virtue, honor, integrity, honesty, perserverance, self-sufficiency, and self-respect all equal in importance to strength? Can't you imagine the vast expanse of grey area that exists between the 'strongest' alpha and the 'weakest' beta?

Fringe groups gain power from pushing to the top of the media stack. Immoral beliefs are strengthened by attention, like a devil tinkerbell.

>> No.9687347 [DELETED] 

Liberalism today is just social communism. Of course they are going to degenerate the culture until all humans and all opinions are "equalized"
They're going to move on to complete destruction without you. You can draw the line at transgenderism but I guarantee you, it's not stopping there.
The end goal is a multiracial, egalitarian, consumerism where all proclivities are tolerated and subsidized.

>> No.9687360 [DELETED] 
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>You should try unplugging from the matrix for a bit and try to find an easier way to live your life.
>just ignore the collapsing of your society and live life, man
And you deny being a nihilist/hedonist.
>Are virtue, honor, integrity, honesty, perserverance, self-sufficiency, and self-respect all equal in importance to strength? Can't you imagine the vast expanse of grey area that exists between the 'strongest' alpha and the 'weakest' beta?
Strength of the mind as well as the body is a virtue. Improving your physical strength and sculpting your body is a virtue, it has been an ideal for thousands of years. We naturally revere the beauty and power of the sculpted male form. We respect men who can fight their way out of a near insurmountable situation. You do not have to be the strongest, but you should always push yourself to become stronger.

If there were two men absolutely identical in mind then the better man would be the stronger one compared to the weak one (be that emaciated or obese). An ideal man is a man who treats his body as an extension of his inner self.
The same theory applies to women, but with an emphasis on feminine beauty rather than strength.

>> No.9687369

Threads on this board need to be directly related to cosplay and/or gothic lolita fashion. Discussions about relationships, gender issues, mental health, etc, do not belong here. Please use appropriate boards for such discussions.

For constructive advice about personal problems, please use /adv/.

For general discussion and/or blogging, please use /r9k/.

For discussions about LGBT issues, please use /lgbt/.

Thank you.