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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 282 KB, 754x1060, winter_tulips_by_sitriel-dbrspce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9716695 No.9716695 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>9712578
>Prop-Anon did some weathering
>Anon: "Who are some people I should follow on Instagram?"
>Some mods have left their community after people called for a purge of inactive members or something.
>Who do you want to see as a cosplay judge?
>What makes for a good cosplay judge in the first place?
>Team Chaos Cosplay has been disbanded. So long and thanks for all the Fish!
>Also, a moment of silence please for all the Dutch Thread memes which have suddenly gone irrelevant.
>Pretzl in charge of following original designs
>Dutch Cosplay Couple has been announced as hosts for DynamicCon's contests
>I updated our convention agenda with the known dates for 2018.
>Viencon discharged from suicide watch
>u just salty XD
>Anon: "Who are some upcoming photographers to follow?"

The five next major events
>TomoFair Amsterdam (January 6th & 7th, Amsterdam NH), a crowd control experiment designed in MsPaint to see how many people one can fit into a venue.
>DynamicCon (January 21st, Eindhoven NB), the second edition of a smaller convention targetted mostly at cosplay.
>YayCon (February 11th, Amersfoort UT), an anime and fandom con targetted at the LGBT community.
>Hearts Warming Con 2018 (February 17th & 18th, Haarlem NH), a brony convention and before you get too excited, there's no yiffing allowed.
>Nishicon (February 23rd - 25th, Almelo OV), the convention which sometimes forgets it has a Facebook page.
>Full agenda, now updated for 2018: https://churi.nl/agenda

Links and advice:
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ often only makes things worse. It's best to take things posted here lightly and move on.
>Our sister site with the store list, newcomers guide and more: https://churi.nl/
>Dutch Thread Discord: https://discord.gg/kjQxd4S

>> No.9716701 [DELETED] 


>> No.9716706 [DELETED] 

Second. yolo

>> No.9716708 [DELETED] 


>> No.9716711 [DELETED] 


>> No.9716713 [DELETED] 

X de la D

>> No.9716721

...for fucks sake

>> No.9716726

Just in case anyone still doubted that someone called upon the FB whiteknights...

>> No.9716727

Can we talk about the van Abbemuseum video? What even is that?

>> No.9716732

The beginning already made me cringe.
Also what's with her wig..her outfit..her everything
Also >Dokter Oak

>> No.9716735
File: 598 KB, 1500x1001, DSC_3404logor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neglected to post in last thread because trash thread, but I had my photoshoot with my new demon wings, coolest pic so far

>> No.9716740

No you're not allowed to be so perfect I'm jealous.

>> No.9716746

Would be cooler at night with those rave glaives

>> No.9716750
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, YTCapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a marketing campaign to lure parents and their children to a museum. Parents see this and they might think that museum could be a cheap day out with the kids. They'll show this to their kids and they might think this is an adventure instead of some boring old museum. Sure it's cringy to us, but that doesn't matter as it wasn't made us in the first place.

Also here's a link to those who curious about the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCaMP6y9Fkk

Looking good Smoke!

>> No.9716765


That is some weird ass, blm, miku, star trek, gyaru selfie crossover coming to life from some weird oc from deviantart...

Love the cos, too bad of the angle. First glance cool photo, closer up meh..

Got some better shots/photos ?

>> No.9716768

>Love the cos, too bad of the angle. First glance cool photo, closer up meh..
>Got some better shots/photos ?
Care to show us a picture of what you think is a good photo and good angle?

>> No.9716770
File: 437 KB, 1000x1498, DSC_3448logor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was hard for the photographer to get the wings on the picture hence the angle i guess (theyre 5m, also why the weapons aren't on here), here's another but with just the glaives


>> No.9716777

>Care to show us a picture of what you think is a good photo and good angle?

This one.

>> No.9716778 [DELETED] 

>This one.
I don't see anything wrong with the angle in the first one. But this does sum up your taste in one quick example.

>> No.9716779

>This one.

I don't see anything wrong with the angle in the first one. The cosplayer herself obviously thought it was a nice photo too, otherwise she wouldn't have chosen to post it as a first picture.
But this does sum up your taste in one quick example.

>> No.9716782

Everyone has their own taste :-), never said it was a bad photo.

>> No.9716789

All these people here judging eachother for their tastes jesus christ

>> No.9716795

And now Jesus Christ has been added to the mix as a power term to add more tude, Jesus Christ.

>> No.9716796

Is there a option to start this thread over xD

>> No.9716797

That was added like 2000 years ago

>> No.9716803

>Hopping onto /cgl/ just to say how much you dislike the people on it
You truly sound like the kind of person who would visit a steakhouse only to complain about how everyone there is eating meat. Stop being such an obnoxious idiot and piss off if you can't handle people not sugarcoating everything they say.

>> No.9716809

There's a difference between not sugarcoating and just plainly bashing someone for absolute bullshit. Kind of like you do right now. Take a piece of steak, will ya?

>> No.9716815

Here is where I would post my work in progress, IF I HAD ANY

>> No.9716821

Sounds like a splendid idea!

>> No.9716823

>tfw I still haven't gotten around to ordering fabric for my DMC3 Vergil
Fucking work taking up all of my time, at least it's far from a bad job and it pays pretty well

>> No.9716832
File: 44 KB, 600x600, PSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a friendly reminder to everyone that these shitposters/white knights are only here hoping to trigger a response with their posts. The best course of action is to simply ignore them completely and carry on as usual. Giving them any form of attention will only make them stay longer.

Also to said shitposters/white knights, keep in mind that your presence here is doing more harm than the original remarks which brought you here in the first place. The content on 4chan moves fast and typically goes forgotten within just a day or two. The thread regulars are also very keen on moving on to more interesting topics than some mean words some Anon said about you or a friend. In fact, by continuously bringing up an old topic and throwing these childish tantrums you are the only one responsible for keeping said topic and the thoughts that came with it alive. Besides, why do you even care what some prick on the internet said about you anyway? Just move on, go to bed and make tomorrow a better day.

>> No.9717121 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 1280x960, IMG_4433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even half-way through. But we're getting there.... and then it needs waxing..

>> No.9717123
File: 666 KB, 894x1280, IMG_4433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even half-way through. But we're getting there.... and then it needs waxing..

>> No.9717137
File: 1.42 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20171202_223645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel honored

You can borrow one of mine (progress of my zeraora new mythical pokemon of ultra sun/moon)

>> No.9717139

It looks loads less derpy now! Good job.

>> No.9717155

Am i the only one wondering where op gets the neverending supply of art from?

What are you guys' opinion on "big" cosplays. Aka big ass props or armors?
I've been contemplating on putting all focus on a big projects instead of smaller works.

>> No.9717166

I think big cosplays attract more attention and are often more impressive, but they also limit where you can go and what you can do at the con. So it depends on your priorities and what you want to do with the cosplay. If you want to win contests and do photoshoots then big projects are great, but if you also want to hang out and wander around then anything large will quickly become a liability.
A good compromise is if whatever is large about your costume (weapon, wings) can be removed and left in the car or hotel room. Then you can wander around without smacking people in the face and only retrieve the wings or whatever for when it's time for photos.

>> No.9717180

As someone who commonly makes big cosplays: when you start out you are miserable at making good constructions, stuff breaks down and you're gonna die under the weight and duration of the con, but over time you learn to compromise, make better constructions and be a lot more comfortable. It pays off in the end, and it's nice because people pay attention to a bigger cosplay more often in the end.

>> No.9717198

Agreed with this. Also if you're going to do armour, keep a few things in mind:

-Be able to sit
-Be able to use the toilet
-Be able to eat/drink

Those are stupidly important and if you didn't think of them during making, you're going to have a bad time. In the case of Nethergundam for example, I know I won't be able to use the toilet, so I will go before I put it on and will only wear it for the competition and a few hours, then switch to something else.

>> No.9717213
File: 663 KB, 1200x1200, Embroidery test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also did some embroidery yesterday by the way. It's a test in colours.

>> No.9717238
File: 1.17 MB, 1508x2120, winter_tulips_by_sitriel-dbrspce_waifu2x_art_noise2_scale_tta_1_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am i the only one wondering where op gets the neverending supply of art from?
I typically use Google Images to find them. Just use some Dutch thing as a keyword, slap anime or manga behind it and odds are you'll find something that works. Reverse image searches are also useful as they tend to give you the name of an artist and similar works by others. If that fails I'll try searching DeviantArt and Pixiv to find some cool stuff. Sometimes I'm lucky and other Anons will suggest an image to me. For instance Sinterklaas from the previous thread, traditional Dutch appeal and the original Tully pictures were all suggested by you wonderful people.

And to get a bit more technical, I always make sure to upscale smaller images using Waifu2x. This tool does an excellent job at upscaling without causing (too many) ugly artefacts. It also handles basic noise reduction although I prefer to use Topaz DeNoise for photographs. Finally I'll make sure to reduce the filesize a bit without sacrificing picture quality by saving it as a JPG (quality 9~12) or as a compressed PNG using the SuperPNG plugin in Photoshop. For instance, here's the current OP image after running it through Waifu2x.

Waifu2x online version: http://waifu2x.udp.jp/index.html
SuperPNG plugin: http://www.fnordware.com/superpng/

>> No.9717263

Oh nice!

>> No.9718023

Anyone visited midwinter fair? How was it, did I miss anything by staying inside drinking hot coco?

>> No.9718056

Missed my bus stop because I was reading fanfiction. Now have to take another bus after standing outside in the snow for a while. Is this punishment for being into fujoshit?

>> No.9718062

Reading the fanfiction didn't make you warm enough to melt the snow around you?

>> No.9718125

Must have been a lousy fanfic then.

>> No.9718133


>> No.9718763

Planned Discord-mod-meeting has been postponed thanks to some H20 with Hypothermia.

Now I'll just have to strap up Nethergundam on my own.

>> No.9718780

do you have a cosplay page or anywhere where you posted wip pictures/tutorials for the wings? If not any tutorials you used?

>> No.9718888

Or just wait until Wednesday before you somehow end up stabbing yet another crucial body part. I swear I'll eventually free you from your windmill shaped prison cell.

>> No.9718893

It wasn't known on here yet that I stabbed myself.

>> No.9719010 [DELETED] 


>> No.9719021

Yeah, I have descriptions in my progress album for this cosplay on /WillowCreative.NL/ (facebook). I did a lot of research for the wings mainly using information from thegriffinqueen/alexis noriega/the crooked feather (all the same person)

>> No.9719032 [DELETED] 


>> No.9719479
File: 176 KB, 2048x1365, 25073440_1467756953337982_7607788170626333649_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think she could Photoshop more than she already did. Guess I was wrong. At least the older pictures kind of looked like her. This is just madness. Wtf kimu (definitely not a vendetta post :^) )

>> No.9719480

I didn't believe it was her at first. Ah well. What did you expect?

>> No.9719482
File: 859 KB, 720x960, 25152229_1468708146576196_5325041236274395955_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just still horrified by this. That's literal 'giftwrap ribbon'.

>> No.9719483

damn you look awesome!

>> No.9719487

I'm not sure what horifies me more: the badly done symbol or the ugly edges of the ribbon itself

>> No.9719537

Who made this? I'm SHOOK

>> No.9719548


>> No.9719550
File: 241 KB, 412x464, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets even worse. It helps that she doesn't want to pay a lot as she wants to do quick cosplays and shoots, get e-fame and then move on, so you'll never see it in real life. I just hope she can someday understand how amazing it is to put actual dedication in a cosplay.

>> No.9719602

desu the edges, person didn't even bother to cut off the extraneous lengths at the corners, why
oh it's kimu, just photoshop all the bad stuff away np

>> No.9719626

This is supposed to be Kimu? Her face literally changes with every photoshop. Ah well. If ugly shoops are making you happy.....

>> No.9719634

We all start somewhere, but there's a difference between 'It'll do and I'll improve on my next try' and 'I'll just photoshop it away'

>> No.9719635
File: 46 KB, 300x253, 20171212_181042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What that fat hand do

>> No.9719651
File: 463 KB, 497x1322, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prolly my worst prop of the year
Are you sure, Kimu?

>> No.9719666

Aren’t these posts from her private account? I’m not a fan of her either. But if you dislike her so much, just unlike her.
Posting things from someone’s private account is such a dick move.

>> No.9719670

Not the one who posted the screenshot of the props, but it was posted on her private account and set on public.

>> No.9719691

Why y’all always trashing kimu like that? What does it matter she photoshop her face? You think she is the only in the world who does that? Don’t be so naieve. If you dont want to edit your face then dont edit your face. If you do want to edit your face because thats how you like it then by all means do it. You guys are acting so shocked she does it. While every single billboard on the street has more editing to the model then photoshop can handle. Its life grow up. We people like to make things look more pretty and photoshop is a great tool for it! In fact i see allot of cosplay photos where i wish it had more editing because my eyes hurt looking at them...

>> No.9719694

It does matter when one blatantly lies about not using Photoshop or filters.

>> No.9719703

Does she? Show me where...

>> No.9719704

> As mentioned in previous tread, there's a separate tread on PULL about kimu, it's a waste to spend time and attention on her in the Dutch 4chan tread.

I don't know how I feel about all the rushed snow shoots. I wouldn't want to risk hypothermia for some shitty closet cosplay shoots

>> No.9719708

She claimed multiple times on her personal facebook and cosplay page. Also to "friends"

>> No.9719709

i kind of agree i see allot of photos out there what make me want to poke my own eyes out. i dont think its such a bad thing to edit cosplayers faces

>> No.9719710

Thats kind of what you get for being a manipulative liar

>> No.9719712 [DELETED] 

I like furry hentai

>> No.9719715

man of culture

>> No.9719719 [DELETED] 

I eat my girls ass if she had a bad day.

>> No.9719724

As long as she edits her own photos to uncanny valley, I couldn’t care less. Like she does.
But if a photographer edited my face to
unrecognisable, without discussing it beforehand. I would really be angry.

>> No.9719725

Nah she just asks for RAWs and edits her face without permission

>> No.9719729

Well seeing she always shoots with the same people, they do give permission? Otherwise why would you shoot with her after getting tricked once.

>> No.9719732

She edits the pics, the photographers she works with do edit beforehand but never to that extend. She just takes a pic that was a 7.5 before and turns it into a 5.6 while she's a 2.5 irl

>> No.9719736

For a photographer it's business. If she pays they get the money. If it's free they do get some exposure through her. Even if half of the likes are bought she still has a big platform where their works will be shown.
It's a pity she doesn't clarify that she edits the pictures
"photo by:.....
Edit by me"
Because now it looks like the photographers botch her face like that

>> No.9719744

Of course she doesnt clarify that she "edits" her face. She claimed multiple times that her face isnt edited and she'll never admit it either.

>> No.9719832
File: 1.10 MB, 640x1136, suitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9719837


>> No.9719840

At least change your typing style if you’re going to samefag that hard.

>> No.9719959

I dont think she ever paid a photographer in NL atleast. The least she'll do is cover traveling expenses.. sometimes.

>> No.9720002 [DELETED] 

We are not shocked. How can we be? Kimu doesn't have any normal pictures with her real face. We are Disgusted, so everytime we see another badsly shopped face we are disgusted again. You dummy...

>> No.9720004

We are not shocked. How can we be? Kimu doesn't have any normal pictures with her real face. We are Disgusted, so everytime we see another badly shopped face we are disgusted again. You dummy...
We see shit and we call shit out. I'm surprised you are acting so shocked, did you live under a rock the last 10 years?

>> No.9720017

Maybe one of her "friends"? Though I doubt she would see anyone without value as a friend.

>> No.9720235

she never did. She even started fights with photographers who did ask money for shoots. But it's nothing new that she's like that. I mean, she got banned for refunding perfectly fine cosplays so why expect she'd pay for shoots

>> No.9720312

Many photographers do it as a hobby just as the many cosplayers do. I see her shoot allot with the same photographers. I don't think they would shoot again with her if she did all those things mentioned here? Sure maybe in the past she did some things which are not good, but who didn't? Most negative things about her are the same things which are mentioned for years now.. Maybe she did that in the past, learned from her mistakes and moved on. Maybe its time to do the same? The person who keeps bringing her up over and over again really has issues with moving on with his/her life and should seek some professional help if you ask me.

>> No.9720319

Here buddy I found your nametag. Don’t lose it this time.

>> No.9720329

You missed a lot of rain on the Saturday, and a lot of snow on the Sunday. The midwinterfair is fun but it feels like it's shrinking more and more every year. All in all the Archeon is fun, but the event feels a little in decline.

Atleast there's a chance he'll help you undress it. :^)

Man, I never knew even I could get cosfamous. The more you know.

I'm sure this is based on some historical recovery of an art piece. As we all know some medieval artists were rather... loose with their perception and depiction of reality. Pic related.

Or you could fix that last problem by becoming better, instead of pretending you're good.

The goyim know. Shut it down.

>> No.9720333
File: 91 KB, 800x450, TranslatiSuntInGoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even post pics anymore. Atleast it's a free (you).

>> No.9720429

And when they choose to do it for money, they shouldn't get yelled for. She also just could've said something like "Okay, I'm not interested then" instead of making a whole big (online) deal and fight about it. She doesn't learn shit from her mistakes. People like her never change.

>> No.9720457

Tbh i don't even think it's people with vendetta who keep bringing her up on the tread. No one who has beef with her even has contact with her. It's prolly just one of her 'friends' who's salty. Or even herself. I mean she's an attentionwhore alright. She might as well just drop herself on every tread since we always take the bait

>> No.9720458

I really hope nobody has sunk so low as to self shame on 4Chan.

>> No.9720467

Nayrt but it's happened before. Haters make you famous, right?

>> No.9720485
File: 59 KB, 960x582, 25353762_963761267108087_7271664287255330752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for something fun!
I placed a commission at Willow Creative and the outcome is amazing. 10/10! The communication went really smoothly and it is even fluffier as it looks. The construction is really nice as well. It was really worth it!
I wanted to share it as she makes amazing products and I wanted to share something positive on here.

>Please take your drama elsewhere.

>> No.9720495

Good for you

>> No.9720502

Nice shill, Smoke

>> No.9720506

Thank you.

But it was me, Di.. uh I mean Frederica.

>> No.9720516


>> No.9720535

Thats fun! We love to read self marketing posts!

>> No.9720541

If you're in the 4chan discord or the fate NL discord , you know that I am not Smoke and that I was soo hyped for this that I shared it everywhere! I even bothered my Fate-friends with it. Ah well, not like I am going to convince a random anon here. Well then, please keep on shitposting about Kimu. bye.

>> No.9720547

> Ah well, not like I am going to convince a random anon here.

>If you're in the 4chan discord or the fate NL discord , you know that I am not Smoke and that I was soo hyped for this that I shared it everywhere!

>> No.9720559

Oh fuck off

>> No.9720561

Then don't assume it was a self post. I get you assume 4chan people are shitheads but I try to keep some dignity atleast.

>> No.9720565

don't make me get a tripcode you fag

>> No.9720574

Why you talking to yourself lol

>> No.9720582

Lol, you're posting yourself 3 times in a row..... Fucking dumb. If you're gonna do it, at least change your name.

>> No.9720587

Go home Smoke, you're drunk!

>> No.9720588

So I heard reading comprehension is difficult these days. Thanks for giving me an example.
>trying to be smart on 4chan but not knowing what a tripcode is.

>> No.9720607

The IQ of people here are seriously through the roofs

>> No.9720610

She'd seem like the type to do so. She loves to post drama and cries on facebook anyways. Perfect way to get people to boost your ego and tell you you're amazing and don't deserve the hate.

>> No.9720617
File: 11 KB, 512x283, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're already photoshopping everything... Might as well photoshop your wig an entirely different color! :D

>> No.9720622
File: 175 KB, 1098x810, StruikelGevaar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfag Thursday is tomorrow.

>> No.9720705

Might as well photoshop your entire costume, no need to scam taobao sellers anymore then.

>> No.9720757

Too bad she scans people who buy her costumes as well. No one should ever buy costumes from kimu. The doesn't clean them and asks 2-3 times the price she paid for it. Don't fund this shit lol

>> No.9720758

Scams* she* my bad. Autocorrect.

>> No.9720782

Speaking of uncleaned costumes..I noticed that only 1 out of 5 second hand costumes I own were cleaned beforehand. The others were either dusty (big costume that doesn't fit in regular washing machines, so ok) smelly (sweaty) dirty (makeup and paint almost everywhere). I also have a terrible handmade costume that will never see the light of day. Seriously people don't become a commissioner or sell second hand selfmade costumes if you're shit at it.

>> No.9720786

speaking of scammers, dont trust shoobiecosplay they lie about what they make

>> No.9720787

That's the worst. Ever. Really though. I bought something from her once and it had foundation stains everywhere. It's so gross and for 30 euros less I could've had a brand new one. Disgusting and disrespectful. Heard the same complaint from a few others.

>> No.9720809

Would always advise to meet up and see the costume for yourself when buying second hand self made cosplays. Unless it's a reputable cosplayer or has commission reviews.


>> No.9720810

Would always advise to meet up and see the costume for yourself when buying second hand self made cosplays. Unless it's a reputable cosplayer or has commission reviews.
For myself I sold older, less well-made costumes before, and I discounted it and pointed out that it was lesser quality self-made stuff. I just didn't want to throw it in the bin if I could make anyone else happy with it for little money.


>> No.9720813

Seems like it didn't cancel my old post like 4chan said it did, you can ignore it

>> No.9720825

I know it's fucking gross. I can't get it out either. XD I'll always have kimu's sweaty foundation stains in there. Feelsbadman

>> No.9721023

I bought something from her too one time and it also had foundation stains... The socks were really dirty and had a lot of glue stains on it, which made the fabric absolutely terrible and ugly, even breaking off. I regret buying it. I also got one of her wigs with it and it was one of the worst wigs I've ever seen. Definitely unwearable and full with broken fibres.

>> No.9721035

Did you laugh or did you lose?

>> No.9721041

I was about to make a similar joke.

As for the scamming discourse: I'm glad I make my own stuff because I'd be so salty if I bought a cosplay and it's gross.

>> No.9721045

I don't know how this is for secondhand bought costumes but most cosplayers I know who make their costumes don't bother finishing them properly, so you get costumes that would be unlikely to survive handwashing let alone a washing machine. I've offered to let friends use my serger or show them how to zigzag edges but they don't see the point because nobody will see the inside anyway. Well, except the people they sell to?? Who then get a costume that has never been washed and cannot be washed without fraying like hell.

>> No.9721055

But that still doesn't make up for the people who bought their cosplays. They don't bother washing them either.

>> No.9721102
File: 10 KB, 300x168, ScoobyCosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Scoobycosplay. I was worried about the skateboard moves you were gonna pull.

>> No.9721111

They just nasty.

>> No.9721174

Curious as to which tread. What do i look for?

>> No.9721219


Please take all the Kimuposting here, thanks. Nobody cares.

>> No.9721230

Nah senpai. There is way more activity here than there so let's keep et here.

>> No.9721232

A lot of people care. That's why its getting posted here, dummy

>> No.9721252

'she sells things before it even arrives' I noticed it and this is weird af.

>> No.9721267

In doubt whether I should buy a dressmaker form or just get my sister to make me into a duct tape mummy. I'm just starting to sew

>> No.9721270

Duct tape mummy, that shit is so much fun!

>> No.9721293

One person samefriending up the thread does not a lot of people make, anon.

Then make activity there and leave this thread out of it.

>> No.9721307


>> No.9721310

If this wasn't anonymous maybe people would listen to you but since it is anonymous I really don't give a shit who or what gets discussed.

>> No.9721315
File: 446 KB, 1066x1114, SmartSelectImage_2017-12-14-18-39-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like she's trying to cover for herself by "standing up for photographers". Silly kimu. You're already past the "enhancing" point of your pictures.

>> No.9721322

Some people are just trash, but can only show it if no one is watching. No one wants a shitty friend like you, so please, keep on pretending.

>> No.9721358 [DELETED] 

You see that button in the top right? Yes? It means I'm not her friend on Facebook you daft cunt. Wouldn't want to be even if it cost me my live.

>> No.9721359 [DELETED] 

Life* my bad.

>> No.9721364

They were replying to a different post, though.

>> No.9721368

Photography doesn’t work that way. If you’re starting with a turd you can use Photoshop to polish it up as much as you want, but all you end up with is a polished turd.

>> No.9721378

All that matters is the outcome, you know that makes the photog happy with the end result, but we all know you'd looke like trash if it weren't for them.

>> No.9721381

Wait are you saying Kimu is a polished turd?

>> No.9721387

The moistest of them all.

>> No.9721390
File: 512 KB, 485x619, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast someone is happy to have a polished turd on his photos. Even making it his cover image... She's probably talking about him on that fb post since he edits a lot, and often shoots with him nowadays too

>> No.9721435

Just let the guy be happy with his pictures. They're good.

>> No.9721436

is this Robin himself or do we get more context for this screenie?
Also I would set a good picture as my header even if it has a turd on it.

>> No.9721463
File: 186 KB, 791x645, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is naomi such an attention whore though

>> No.9721465


Most likely how all drama starts.

Poster makes screenshot. Shares it. Gets shared again. Some weirdo who still thinks this walking photoshop is relevant somehow. 4chan post

>> No.9721468

water is wet

>> No.9721469

Her English gives me aids

>> No.9721471


>> No.9721476

Damn, that's actually a better name than DTD desu.


>> No.9721486

People like Kimu only attract attention whores that like to ride other people's popularity bandwagon, so it makes sense that people like Naomi (not that I know her) flock to her and react on her posts.

>> No.9721565

Curious to the kimu x NNN drama. What happend?

>> No.9721571

Shit happened.

>> No.9721581

I'm curious too.

>> No.9721601

It was pretty messy and the smell was unbearable. I would love to post a picture but I flushed before I even thought of taking one.

>> No.9721602
File: 280 KB, 982x1038, K923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard from different people though that kimu had been a long problem for the longest time but the owner couldn't fire her for some reason... Basically her ruining the whole mood for everyone.

>> No.9721611

I read her post on her page about leaving the café but she was appearently lying about it to her manager about taking a break and then she tried to take it back. She only posted it on her page so when her "fans" see her in the café she will be considered special. Special snowflake Kimu didn't know how to keep up her lies? I can imagine why any café wouldn't appreciate that. She has been discussed in some WhatsApp groups too with screenshots but I lost them :(

>> No.9721619

she ruined my mood on Formula cosplay too, terrible service and bumped over tea with her cosplay tail then asked ME to apologize. luckily some cute colleague helped me out with cleaning it up. but she is such a terrible personality from my experience

>> No.9721620

Wasn't Xiuemi the one who f'ked things up there? she got hired and fired in a week or so and then shit went downhill fast, a lot of fights and people getting their head stuck in their ass and getting fired shortly after #shame

>> No.9721621 [DELETED] 

yh i heard she caused for a lot of drama issues in that period and she and kimu are friends now too right, i wonder if they got to some agreement, but at least trash took itself out

>> No.9721627

I always hear shit about her and about the time she worked there and how she allegedly ruined everything but never saw anything happen? So I'd like to know what the whole deal is. I thought it was personal conflict between her and pedo leon and kimu.
But even if you put her case and kimus and every other ex-maid's you could still say nnn is just a toxic cesspool.

>> No.9721636

I'd like to hear background on the maid drama thing too.

>> No.9721641

Doubt she would have caused all that on her own. If anything, she just spilled the bucket over that they've been desperately and pitifully trying to keep up.

>> No.9721643

I guess fake likes come with a free shitty ego and personality.

>> No.9721852

Xiuemi got hired there and left the cafe herself after a month or 2 because of the cafe drama and the cafe owner. Its not as if she'd caused it, she didnt even work so how could she. But all those NNN maids are fucked up in the head so I can imagine why'd she left so fast.

>> No.9721856

You didnt see anything happen because nothing happened. People like to assume things. She didnt got fired and there was indeed a personal conflict between her and Pedo, hence why she decided to leave the cafe herself. If any, Kimu was the one who fucked things up by lying etc. which made every maid angry and backstab her basically

>> No.9721889

>wakes up
>sees the thread
Okay, time to go back to bed, I guess.

But seriously, how could you have missed all this drama? It has been posted when it happened as well.

>> No.9721951

Didn't browse the boards ar that time. Also the boards get messy fast and it's hard to keep up when things get heated. Trying to find info in archive is near impossible.
But this much info is enough. My speculations have so far only been confirmed.
Nnn? Yikes.

>> No.9721965

Is that why she started her own cafe with that other ex-NNN maid?

>> No.9722016

I honestly don't think that's the reason.

This is what I heard as well. I think the story about Xiuemi f**king up everything is just another rumor spread by people who've got personal issues with her.

This sucks to hear. Didn't the manager say anything about it?

>> No.9722019

Kimu should work together with the organizer of Formula Cosplay, then. Since he is good in ruining events.

>> No.9722028

I wonder if Gio will organize a third edition of Formula...

>> No.9722031

To be honest with you, the guy did well organizing an event with such a low budget and with a shit reputation due to Powned and that whole K-Pop VS J-Pop thing.
Hey it's not a great event but it was good as some kind of meet with a few low-budget activities?
Unlike Tomo it doesn't take itself all too serious and actknowledges it's mistakes... fuck that shit with closing everything around 17:00 while it should've lasted till 20:00, they forced all their third-party organizations/helpers (such as the karaoke) to close all their stuff down while people were still using it/buying stuff from it.

>> No.9722032

He probably doesn't know it himself either, as he has been saying different things every time. First he said he would quit organizing events, then he said he will organize next year.

>> No.9722034

The organization behind Formula Cosplay really take themselves very serious and are bummed that Tomo is so successful.

>> No.9722042

Well the kpop vs jpop thing was during the latest event, after that it was total silence with Formula Cosplay.

During Abunai I heard a story that he will work together with another convention.

>> No.9722064

I heard this as well. About working with another convention. I have no idea which one though

>> No.9722119

I thought formula was pretty nice for the limited options they have, the costume contest was trash though. Plus they didn't even have chairs so you had to sit down on the floor. Saw more of ryuko's ass than I expected.

>> No.9722229

Ryuko respectfully apologizes for this shameful performance.

>> No.9722348

No I won't!

>> No.9722476

#viencon promotion

>> No.9722480
File: 49 KB, 1018x867, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this

>> No.9722495
File: 470 KB, 1100x938, VienLolz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viencon! Uncle Tomo is coming to get youuuuu!

>> No.9722576

Why can't we post in Dutch? They speak Spanish in the Spain thread

>> No.9722606

Because unlike those Spaniards we know it's against the global rules and don't feel like having our threads deleted again for breaking them.

>> No.9722622

If you are really smoke...you do have a smoking hot body so I didn't mind the view. I sound like a creeper though. Ok bye.

>> No.9722626

Can confirm, have a smoking hot body. Can't say the same about confirming I'm actually Smoke tho.

>> No.9722629

Speaking about Formula. We had one anime related con that was Christmas themed (no, not DCC winter), and I can't remember if it was a Formula edition or another con.

Man, I really hate those late night thoughts that are completely useless, but you can't lose them because not knowing annoys you too much.

>> No.9722634

I know bro, I had the same with the harry potter con that got promoted a long while ago, where they'd rent a castle. I still have the flyer laying around somewhere. Never heard of them ever again.

>> No.9722636

You probably mean Otakucon. As far as I know it's another con organised by otakunl that only had one edition but will never get a second edition.

>> No.9722639

Isai fuck off mate.

>> No.9722687

>thinking this is isai

It’s not rude enough and lacks threats.

>> No.9722693

Oh I remember that. 60 euro for a ticket for a event that was announced 3 months a head. Place wasn't even booked, so the online ticket system they used refunded people after they saw that.
All the "organisers" used Harry Potter characters as Facebook accounts. Was probably a scam.

That was it! Thanks anon.

>> No.9722993

OtakuNL will not organize anything anymore. I remember that he helped with an event (read: took over) last year, but that was such a failure that he wanted to have his name deleted in articles and such as he said it was all a lie.

>> No.9723012

I'm glad because I don't have to see his shitty self promo anymore. Anyone else has 'friends' that entered the cosplay compo at animecon, but you know they are shit and now you sit around wondering if they even finish their project?

>> No.9723046

I tried to enter. Waiting for the confirmation now.

>> No.9723048

Same, it's going to be my first time international compo if I get in.

>> No.9723061

I’m actually taking a break from international and do just the Animecon Solos

>> No.9723067


Good luck. Gonna enter next year and spend 2018 working on the cosplay and act.

>> No.9723139

I might enter a shit tier contest because I'm trash. Once I stop getting the runs when I'm stressed out.

>> No.9723145

>I might enter a shit tier contest because I'm trash.
Then stop cosplaying Love Live for fucks sake!

>> No.9723320

dingdingding you're right, I do own a love live cosplay.

>> No.9723324

I did enter! I'm really excited for this year. Most of my friends who also compete make really good costumes so I'm actually kind of scared...

>> No.9723998

Don't think Viencon has to worry about TomoParty.

>> No.9724038

Viencon has to worry about Viencon.

>> No.9724210

No shit

>> No.9724218

Very good!

>> No.9724946


>> No.9725029

Any proof? I'm curious.

>> No.9725058

I really hope they boost up their promotion, because what they have done until now is garbage.

>> No.9725119

It's so annoying seeing people want to buy things like swords or anything rare last minute. A wig I get it, as sometimes you fuck up the styling or it doesn't get delivered on time, but otherwise nope.

>> No.9725192

>20 euros for a hinata cosplay as a christmas gift.

Hahahahahahahahaha. Not just last minute, also low-budget.

>> No.9725304

everything there is low budget wtb.

>> No.9725326

when you open a fundraizer for a ticket to the phillipines and try to go to japan the next month but complain it's too expensive. try extortiting your followers for more money lol.

>> No.9725343

Lemme guess, kimu?

>> No.9725375


People who talk about that kimu are like smokers who are quitting, but each day still taking that "last" cig.

>> No.9725421

I'd get so annoyed, I'm glad I'm not in that group. I just seeing it come around through others.

>> No.9725428

I've never seen anyone that good at manipulating others. She's scum.

>> No.9725442

It's not even for a friend, but for herself.
Someone asked what kind of cosplay and she replied with: "I really like a lot of things, so I don't care"

And another time with: "sorry, I already have this one [particular cosplay]".

>> No.9725454

Trust me, there are plenty of manipulative bitches out there. The whole boohoo I'm poor act is just one of them, just read the yandere and/or horror story thread. Girls that threaten with suicide etc.

>> No.9725773

I feel bad for the people who are actually giving her the money and opportunity to do this... You can't just start a fundraiser because you're "broke", and then shortly after travel again...

>> No.9725788

Where's that thread?

>> No.9725806

I do too and they're so blind to it as well. Why would you give this girl money when all you're getting back are some heavily edited pictures and fake kindness.

>> No.9725849

It's only 2-3 dudes paying €100 - €200 , never in the world would I pay that amount of money just for a cosplayer to travel with almost nothing in return. I don't think a pucture with just a handsign on it will justify such large amount. Maybe a dollar if I really like the cosplayer, but not this much.

>> No.9725919

I don’t feel bad for those thirsty idiots. Her ~manniperlayshun~ is transparent as fuck and anyone falling for it is being wilfully blind.

>> No.9725929

Not Kimu again for the love of god... Is the cosplay com this boring that all we have left to talk about is kimu>?

>> No.9725935

IKR? Someone mentioned shoobiecosplay as a scammer, then I asked for proof. None came, and we're back to Kimu.

We're going in circles here.

>> No.9726131

I could talk abour the girl selling her ginny cosplay for 200 euro while it looks like trash, but it's less interesting. On another note can you cancel nishicon tickets?

>> No.9726134

Yes, you can cancel. https://www.nishicon.nl/huisregels/

>> No.9726151

What are you guys working on? Any progress?
I want to make a cosplay for dutch comic con thats a lot of work, but for some reason its hard to motivate myself to start making it. I'm also sorta workin on other cosplays now that are closer to being finished. Any motivation tips or tricks?

>> No.9726156
File: 3.90 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20171208_140640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I like to do is write down whatever still needs to be done on one sheet per cosplay, see if you got the materials for one of the jobs and then pick that to do.
Don't have much progress to show desu, I finished a bunch of commissions in time for xmas but they're not very interesting. And during the holidays i'm not making anything.
Made a cool hearthstone box commission that I can show I guess.

>> No.9726357

I’m currently stuck in a rut with Nethergundam. I just carry on and grind my teeth. The moment I start painting and it starts looking like something, the hype comes back. It’s not bad to take a break but don’t make the break so long you get tight in time.

If you haven’t started at all then do another cosplay that you’re more hyped for.

>> No.9726864

Anyone here nifty advice when it comes to preparing for/feeling fit at cons? I tend to drink too little and only eat candy and/or other junkfood which leaves me with stomach cramps and a headace. How do you fit it into a busy shedule?

>> No.9726887

I just eat and drink normally?

>> No.9726947

Stay hydrated; buy a water bottle and keep refilling it once empty. Some cons don't allow you to take bottles to certain rooms or events, but honestly I've only been told to put my bottle away once in the past 8 years. Besides a Spa Blauw bottle is cheap anyway so it's not a huge problem if you have to toss it into the bin.
As for food, I prefer to leave the con and do dinner elsewhere. Not only will the food be way better, but it's also very nice to leave the hectic con environment and actually be able to relax for a bit. From Animecon it's only a 10 minute walk to a great sushi place and you also have Scheveningen just a few team stops away. Abunai has Veldhoven nearby, Nishicon is in the city centre of Almelo and so on. I mean sure you paid for the con, but that doesn't mean you have to be there non stop.

So yeah, schedule in some breaks, drink plenty of water and don't be afraid to leave the con if you want some decent food. Also taiyaki is the best lunch money can buy, so eat it!

>> No.9726993

I take 2 ibuprofen or paracetamol before i leave to feel good for the rest of the day, and plenty of water

>> No.9727117

Stick to the 6:2:1 rule.
For every 24 hours at a con.
At least
6 hours sleep
2 full meals
1 shower.

>> No.9727127

I always have drinkyoghurt/drinkbreakfast as breakfast, and a bag of krentebollen and water as my main source of food/drink

>> No.9727402

Why is Kaomoji crawling into Cyarine's ass? Their Instagram is literally filled with her...

>> No.9727404

Because she has clothing companies sponsor her for her OOTD posts. She has a lot of reach, so it's a commercially smart move.

>> No.9727530

They’re good friends too iirc.

>> No.9728371

tomo Brian is in the hospital again.. whicht reminds me, How are things with the gamepit crew?

>> No.9728375

Oh boy oh boy did I just hear something really funny from a Tomo volunteer

Tomocon is making arrangements to start hosting international competitions and trying to pull away the ones from Abunai! The crusade continues.

>> No.9728392

So ICL and/or EuroCos? If they do I sure do hope Tomo gets someone on board with the required skills, knowledge and time to properly organise such competitions.

>> No.9728402

-deep breath-

>> No.9728417

Good luck with that, Abunai doesn't even have any international preliminaries anymore.

>> No.9728429

First I'd like to see someone with skills in anything at tomocon.

>> No.9728469

Their catwalk on TomoFair A'Dam will probably be cringe again

>> No.9728475


I can assure you that there are no such plans in the Tomo organization. They are targeting cosplayers that are starting with their hobby, not the professional cosplayers.

>> No.9728484

But they do, right? ICL and I think ECC is switched between them and Animecon.

>> No.9728507

ICL is not coming back, so this year they have nothing. I think EC will find another event soon too.

>> No.9728698


>> No.9728878 [DELETED] 
File: 730 KB, 1012x494, kimu kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kimu is still trying to look asian :^(

>> No.9729669

I want to try a new con this year. I don't have any expectations, so Nishicon or Dynamiccon?

>> No.9729754

Definitely Dynamiccon. Nishi is poorly organized, no program what so ever, nothing to do, empty dealerroom and no atmosphere......

>> No.9729849

Dynamiccon is just like that but really small and crowded so why bother with that one.

>> No.9729909

Because Nishi is indeed larger considering the available space, but there is much less to do compared to Dynamiccon. Even Formula cosplay or, sorry to say, Tomofair, offers more activities.

>> No.9730620

But you get the Old Theater hotel. For nostalgias sake.

>> No.9730981

Did anyone see the new Black Ring Media cmv yet? Opinions?

>> No.9730991

It's too fast paced and has some girls in it 4/5 times. Also the ass shots part could have been left out and instead use that time to give each costume a little more screen time. Or stick a bloopers/behind the scenes after it.

>> No.9731356
File: 1.54 MB, 4299x2764, GULLCARD-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas gulls, may 2018 bring us all some great conventions to visit and many more meets.

>> No.9731368

Merry xmas!

>> No.9731472

So yeah here I am, working on cosplay most of the day because I won't see my family until the 28th.


>> No.9731625

I have to work starting tomorrow morning till saturday evening :/ contemplating about going to a bar at new years eve. This year just nothing happened so closing it off in an apropriate way will hopefully make it better. Sending virtual hugs to the anon above my comment.

>> No.9731634

Just get blackout drunk, wake up staring at a ceiling you don't recognize and get back in the giant robot.

>> No.9731652

I'm not blackout drunk but definitely in a 'if I'd go out, I may do something I'll regret' drunk. So instead I'm just in bed, browsing /cgl/

>> No.9731673

It doesn't matter how much I drink, I still have a sober voice in my head. I just start acting incredibly stupid.

>> No.9731876

Merry Christmas gulls

>> No.9732147

Merry Christmasu

>> No.9732148

I don't remember writing the 'I may do something I regret' bit, but I know I wrote the rest, so I suppose I wrote all of this...

>> No.9732186

She has a lot of reach but is also becoming infamous for being a stuck up cunt. I really can't understand why everyone's still up in her ass after all the shit she has done.

>> No.9732199

What makes her a stuck up cunt?

>> No.9732213

>Overal bitchy attitude
>Ruining lifes of employees/fellow artists with rumors
>Threatening wacom employees to the point of getting blacklisted by wacom
>When doing freelance work for big companies, makes her friends draw the stuff she can't draw and then claim it as her own.
>Falsely accuses anyone of stalking/bullying if they rub her the wrong way, then proceeds to stalk them herself.
>Stupid ''I'm speshul because I'm an autistic artist desu'' bs
>Expects cosplayers to make her a free overwatch cosplay because she's so important.
>Really believes she's incredibly famous and important and refuses to pay for anything herself even when she's fucking loaded with internet-orbiter cash

If you're an artist/business I recommend to stay far away from this crazy bitch. Almost everyone that did business with her got into trouble.

>> No.9732218

>not any form of evidence.
Anon pls provide screenshots if you expect us to believe in this shit.
Where did the claim art as her own? Where did the expect someone to make her a cosplay?
The only thing I’ve read about was the Wacom stuff?

>> No.9732220

Some anon spilled tea about her using her ex gfs art for a Lego job. Former classmates of the ex also tell the same story. It's concept art so it's not weird that the art was never shown publicly.

>> No.9732237

We've been over this several times, as >>9732220 says. I think it was a few months back when this was posted in the thread.

>> No.9732242

Posting here cause feels thread is dead, but I got a serge for Christmas! I'm so excited :D I can finally make pretty hems on lightweight material

>> No.9732243

Feels thread's right over here: >>9731787

Unless by "dead" you mean "inactive" I guess.

>> No.9732252

Meant that they've become very off topic and invaded. Anyone else get or give a really great gift?

>> No.9732266

I gave a Britgull who asked for 'the sweet release of death' a book titled 'existentialism for dummies'. They loved it. That was great!

>> No.9732458

I've been following the dutch thread since 2015 but I haven't read anything about her ex at all. Could've missed it. My bad I suppose.

>> No.9732507

Funny I originally came here to white knight many years ago.

>> No.9732643

Talking about this thread, didn't the version with current OP start around this year or last year?

>> No.9732645

Anyone going to dokomi next year?

>> No.9732882

Definitely planning to go at least 1 day. Lots of my friends went last year and I heard it's a pretty fun con.

>> No.9732948

If EC pulls out of abunai, they will probably stay with animecon. They have the c4 prelims at mcm, and they visit each other's events all the time.
I believe they even help out each other when they are short on staff.

>> No.9732967

I thought it was longer by now. I think he's doing it for 1,5yrs now or so?

>> No.9732971

probably going for the whole event

>> No.9733000

I've been doing these threads non-stop since April 3rd 2016, with the Discord being launched on March 29th 2017. The tripcode didn't become a thing until after I started hosting con meets as it made it easier to communicate through /cgl/..

Before me there were others who made Dutch Threads, although those were a bit more irregular. Meets were a thing as well but didn't always work out that great. I guess "make gull noises to find us" isn't as effective as having cute tulip plushies on the table...

>> No.9733074

This is likely going to be the last nishicon in february...

>> No.9733081

You heard something?

>> No.9733119

Friend of one of the organisers said it's probably going to be their last year. I could ask for a confirmation but I sort of don't want to know. I have fond memories of the little sports hall and the people I met.

>> No.9733139

I see. It makes me really sad to see how some conventions are having difficulties attracting the audience, get a good program and promotion of the whole event.

>> No.9733491
File: 157 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171228-003404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm Sbs6 going for Tomo now?

>> No.9733549

Guess they couldn't find an asian cosplayer that was willing to work with them.

>> No.9733864

Inb4 cringe

>> No.9733905

I think SBS6 fits with Tomo. xDDD

>> No.9733936


>> No.9734065


>> No.9734271


>> No.9734283
File: 426 KB, 1207x587, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D modelling stuff for new cosplay

>> No.9734934

Where is that character from? It looks fimiliar

>> No.9734982
File: 652 KB, 1926x2596, 20171229_102330-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9735027

That's one mean looking seagull Anon.

>> No.9735030

It is not mean, it is just critical.

>> No.9735197

It's nex from runescape

>> No.9735695

Ah oké cool!

>> No.9735699


>> No.9735725

I do wonder if any of the cons actually received OP's Christmas card...

>> No.9735836
File: 797 KB, 900x1200, BestGift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a lot of gifts today but I can say with honesty that this is my absolute favourite <3

>> No.9736288

That is one well made piece of art

>> No.9736321

It is and I love it dearly.

>> No.9736393

I don't know about the cons but I saw that Saku received one. Or maybe it was for team chaos in general. She posted it in her story a few days ago on insta.

>> No.9736450

I keep seeing 'Nishicon is ded' jokes but their fb is far more active than last year and their website actually updated(at at least for most part, didn't spot anything off myself).
I understand ppl are sceptical after last year but I'm honestly looking forward to having a decent con in the theater hotel again so let me be hopeful :')

>> No.9736458
File: 2 KB, 125x83, 1470007987723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread >>9736456