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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9748231 No.9748231 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Lolita culture so toxic?

feels like 80% of the community are lolcow bitches.

>> No.9748236

who hurt you?

>> No.9748246

It's a community based on looks and making things look pretty and beautiful. It's shallow by definition.

If I could recommend the wonderful world of wood working and more artisan type hobbies, you'd find that people in those communities are just happy to share tips with one another. Make things look pretty with hard work and discipline rather than comparing your own physical looks with others looks ... you'll feel a lot better about yourself.

>> No.9748248

Nice blog post.

>> No.9748250

>girl isn't happy with fashion community
>better suggest wood working
nailed it

>> No.9748254
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>> No.9748255

adding onto this by recommending other handicraft communities like embroidery, cross stitch, knitting, crochet, etc. the majority of the people who frequent it are nice old people anyway.

back to the point OP, if a community doesn't make you happy, then leave it. or cut out the parts of it that make you unhappy. you can't expect a large group of people to change to suit your tastes, even if it would be a change for the better. i doubt any sort of fashion community is much nicer than our own. it's all about who/what looks good and who/what doesn't.

>> No.9748256

It's because lolitas are somehow obsessed with competition.
Instead of being constructive it's easier to shame someone better than you, or bully someone worse than you.
Self improvement dodge

>> No.9748262

>the majority of the people who frequent it are nice old people anyway.

You've obviously never been anywhere near a crochet vs. knitting debate. Ravelry.com used to be full of drama. I haven't been there in a while but it probably still is.
Basically, any time you have a group of people who are into anything you will have some kind of drama arise. Because there is always one faggot that isn't happy unless they're complaining about something. I've been in groups for lolita, larp, textiles and knitting, and various book clubs. Even a club for collecting frog figurines (don't judge) and every single group has had drama at one time or another. It's human nature I guess.

>> No.9748266

i have, but Ravelry is really chill for the most part and the irl comm is even better. i go to the local group sometimes and it's full of people who knit and crochet equally at the same table. as a bistitchual, it's heartwarming.
>though knitting will always be superior for worn garments

sage for dumb knitting discussion

>> No.9748309

I have a hard time believing 80% maybe 30% but that is pushing it. Lolita attracts young and keeps older folks alike into it people are bound to butt heads over a fashion that can seem vain at times. I decided to be a lone lolita and that cut the drama by 1000

>> No.9748323

I tried to get into the social side of knitting but the groups I tried either iced me out or were catty and judgemental as fuck. Literally making fun of an absent member because her husband was having an affair. My lolita comm can be catty, but at least it’s only about small nonconsequential stuff. Also tried to join a casual LARP group but they were even worse. Anyone who says men don’t have petty drama has never been part of a LARP group.

>> No.9748354

Seconding that any group that's fanatical about something will have drama, and it doesn't matter which sex it's dominated by. In fact, I'd argue that the drama we have in lolita is at least predictable and consistent enough that we rarely get the sort of drama that'll shake the foundation of the overall interest. When drama erupts in the "friendlier" communities it's almost always the sort that completely disrupts things to the point where it's never the same again.

Despite the move off egl/lj, the general feel of the community now isn't dramatically different than 2004 when I first discovered it. Things have come and gone and there's bits of nostalgia here and there, but in the end we're all still a bunch of weirdos getting together to talk about the clothes we love and the rules that govern it.

>> No.9748373
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Honestly, nothing bonds people by hating on a common thing. I personally like how brutal things get; you can get real up-front advice and opinions on this board. I suppose it just isn’t for the faint of heart.

The thing girls forget to do is make friends with individuals. You can go to meets and have fun but like if you really want to partake in the community it really helps to have friends who you can talk to one on one and get honest opinions from before you run to the Internet for validation.

Otherwise get out of my swamp

>> No.9748389

Those places can have drama too, I was surprised but there's even a lot of drama in bird watching. It's human nature really

>> No.9748394

You probably haven't met a whole lot of lolitas or don't have any lolita friends, then. The majority of the community, from my point of view, is pretty nice most of the time minus a few bad apples here and there. But of course, any hobby is going to have drama. Even fucking chess communities have tons of petty drama

>> No.9748396

I think this is just a skewed perspective based on the people that are most visible online. The average lolita community member is pretty chill and not really vocal online except to like ask/answer a question once in a while or make plans about a meetup. Personally I spend way way more time browsing shopping sites for lolita than I do participating in discussions.

>> No.9748421

>nailed it
Nice pun.

>> No.9748425

It probably is, cgl was my first exposure to cosplay and it made me really not want to go to cons for at least a year until I had a good commissioned cosplay to wear. Then it turns out no one cares outside of the contest

>> No.9748433

Even on /cgl/, the general consensus is that people who post on lolcow are awful, unhinged outliers of the community. They are absolutely not a representation of lolitas as a whole.

This. Especially these days, the community overall is pretty nice. It's just that places like 4chan, BtB, and lolcow skew people's perceptions.

>> No.9748442 [DELETED] 

In the world of Lolita, it's borderline socially unacceptable to mention you even go on /cgl/. So yeah, it's definitely skewing your perception. In general, lolitas only get bitchy when you can't dress yourself for shit.

>> No.9748445

In the world of Lolita, it's borderline socially unacceptable to mention you even go on /cgl/. So yeah, it's definitely skewing your perception. In general, lolitas only get bitchy when you can't dress yourself for shit and refuse to accept constructive criticism.

>> No.9748447

>it's borderline socially unacceptable to mention you even go on /cgl/
disagree, people don't care if you're not an outwardly shit person. the people who do care are usually newbs who are scared of 4chan as a whole, but that's not the entire community.

>> No.9748450

not sure how i quoted that post

>> No.9748465

Online "communities" tend to make the most obnoxious members of a hobby a lot more vocal then they would be otherwise. There's also people who get really competitive about being the best or policing who is doing something the "right way" whether it's fashion or watching gundam anime in a certain order.
Some of the biggest drama creators on this board probably don't even actively participate in cosplay or lolita.
You'll see that most of the really well dressed lolitas just stick to FB and instagram and their own circle of friends and don't get involved in dumb drama.

>> No.9748515

As a lady who used o be obsessed with fashion and self esteem deteriorated by how nitpicky people where to others ... yes wood working is pretty rad. I was no longer showing off clothing combo's that other people made and I just bought and looked good in, I was making something that looked amazing and I could sell ... for money! Now I've made my dream mori room with raw wood furniture. When I do geek out about fashion, it's clothing I made myself. Looking back ... I'm not sure why I was ever intersted in a community that argued over brands and who wore it better and what you can can't pair it with. It went nowhere and ate my money with little to show for it but shallow bragging rights.

>> No.9748529

>bitch that's a fucking Brewer's Blackbird. Literally the most common goddamn peice of shit on this coast. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9748533

Disagree, you can be the nicest person ever and folks will still wonder about your trolling habits.
That too, is human nature.

>> No.9748535

>omg you actually work with wood
I'm fucking dying anon, pls

>> No.9748544
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Adding to the 'crazy side of creative community,' I used to lurk in the beading community and people would go ballistic when their simple as fuck 'design' was 'stolen' by another person. Would post multiple comments telling them to take it down, threaten lawsuits over a basic variation of pic related. A forum about venetian glass beads degraded into Chinese bashing and 'we should cut off the hands of any Italian who teaches Chinese about the art of beadmaking, lol jk!'

Every community is nutty dude. Dig deep enough and you can uncover some nice skeletons.

>> No.9748548

Man, fuck other people

>> No.9748559

Yeah my comm is nice.

>> No.9748581


Is it actually a surprise to you? Look at how they dress.

>> No.9748631

OP have you tried getting off 4chan and going outside more?

>> No.9748777

I feel like its made me a shittier person. I like to see myself as a nice person, but this whole fashion has made me a bit two faced, especially to my community, I've posted people here and had some fun with BTB and I feel like a shitty person for it.

With that said, most "small" collective groups of fans (for want of a better word), for example cosplay community, gothic community, and even the punk community can be toxic. Hell, even a work place can be toxic for you.

That said, like I mentioned, I feel this hobby has made me more a cunt than I should be, and I'm kind of ashamed of myself.

>> No.9748783

>Lolita culture so toxic
All lolitas I know irl are actual genuine lovelys

>> No.9748789 [DELETED] 
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You need to take a break from imageboards.

>> No.9748798
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You need to take a break from imageboards


>> No.9749115


Ironically, the people most likely to backstab you are the ones who act like pure angels to everyone else. I'm still friends with the people who outright told me "You're look ita, please improve" but those who go "OH EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL I WANT TO LOVE EVERYONE uwu!!!" are usually the WORST.

>> No.9749116

we wub chu

>> No.9749123

Every culture is toxic.

>> No.9749125

You might actually have heard of my gran, that's so weird.
No I'm not posting her, but she made lampwork beads.

>> No.9749128

That's not really ironic at all, more like, exactly as expected.
Someone that refuses to let you see behind the mask is hiding something.
The prettier the mask, the uglier the face.
Pretty sure there's a German phrase for it, but I'm no German soo..

>> No.9749132

The people that worry the most about "trolling" are people that love to get offended & blame others. They're trolls in their own way. Safe to disregard them.

>> No.9749149

In my comm it’s normal and even the mods openly admit to coming here. People regularly talk about cgl at meets and it’s not frowned upon. Which annoys me a little to be honest, because the people who whine the most about mean 4chan bullies not liking their coords are the same people who always know exactly what’s happening in the ita and bad makeup threads. Why are they always in those threads if they’re so ~*above all the negativity*~? Hypocrites. Some of them know way too much about people like Pixielocks and Kelly Eden too, which tells me they go on lolcow because I know they don’t follow those people on social media.

Speaking of beads, the perler bead community is downright insane. I’ve seen fights play out on Pinterest that culminated in people threatening to kill themselves if the other person didn’t stop “stealing” the same Pokémon sprite design they used (but did not design themselves). At first I thought they were children but from their profiles, some were at least in their 30s. Oh and then there’s the coloring book community...

>> No.9749151

Fellow LARPer here, and totally agree. I have felt with more sexual and vocal harassment, bullying, and drama in some of the LARPs I’ve played then I ever have in the Lolita community.

>> No.9749179

A friend of mine told me that the drama in sugar glider communities is so heated it created multiple schisms..

>> No.9749211

Every group regardless of hobby has drama after some time or after they get big enough.
The only difference is the kind of drama which will change from people to people and even based on their culture

>> No.9749217

>someone mentions LARP
>a wild hungarian LARPfag appears
It's okay dude we're not shitting on LARP specifically, just confirming that drama exists everywhere.

>> No.9749218

>Some of them know way too much about people like Pixielocks and Kelly Eden too, which tells me they go on lolcow because I know they don’t follow those people on social media.
Oh god, if there were every any obvious farmers in my comm I would avoid them like the plague. Especially anyone from the KE threads. I hate her, but some of those anons took it to a "no seriously get help I mean it" level. At least they have the sense not to advertise they go there, I guess.

>> No.9749220

I know. I just came here to agree that yeah even in larps drama is generated by the shitload. And everywhere else too. Basically humans are walking drama machines.

>> No.9749225

It makes me glad that this thread was obviously started by a dumb robot looking to start a fight, but it brought in actual discussion.

>> No.9749240

Yeah I'm making a mental list of everyone in my comm who seems too invested in cgl or lolcow, especially the two-faced ones who claim to haaate drama yet talk about it 24/7. If shit ever goes down I know who not to confide in.

>> No.9749245

My comm knows of who goes here. Hell many of us post in the draw threads and bst threads. The people I have noticed in my comm complain about how “ toxic” it is here are the people that don’t or rarely attend meets, only talk on the page, have failures of YouTube channels and are the ones obsessing over your typical cows. We have two e-famous ( if you want to call them that) lolitas that have some sort of name for themselves here. One never attends meets ( because she stirred up drama in the past and knows the older members remember it) and the other has a personal life that takes her away from the comm most of the time. Either way it’s the people that don’t mingle with the comm that are the ones to scream about cgl being toxic.

>> No.9749246

Lolitas must be lovelies even though no human is.

>> No.9749309

I rarely go to meets and I don't really go out of my way to make friends, but I have yet to see the amount of drama in my comm that I would on cgl.

Fuck, there is a fairly decent sized group of girls in my comm of 300 who are consistently posted about here and I fucking never see that shit in public at meets.

I assume it's because outside of cgl, most people don't give a fuck about this place existing.

I read about drama here and always wonder if it's real. I've never seen the kind of drama talked about here in real life - not even with my friend group that isn't lolita. I used to date a cosplayer and they had a neckbeard in their group who caused like, a very small amount of drama that was quickly quieted and he was removed from their group.

I think a lot of people here exaggerate about things in their lives.

After all, it's easy to get on anon and just tell mad lies.

>> No.9749323

Not OP but I have a full time job, a boyfriend that I have a social life with, and I also go out to meets and socialize with a lot of my coworkers.

But I gotta say - cgl is full of mean little cunts who are being mean for the sake of being mean. I think going outside has absolutely nothing to do with the people here who hate specific girls and go out of their way to say the most awful, edgiest insult they can come up with. Or whatever tired meme is going around at the moment like "sorry you got posted" or "I'm embarrassed for you".

I post on a few other boards, and I never see anons going out of their way to find out who is posting so they can better insult them.
Like people on /ck/ crack jokes and post memes. /cgl/ on the other hand tries to play detective and investigate your life if you make even one post.

Also it's pretty sad the amount of times I've made a one word post that another anon then read into and went into a rage because of it.

>> No.9749348
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Because you hate them anon.

>> No.9749353

I hate who exactly?

>> No.9749356

>complains about worn out memes
>can’t even notice they are being memed


>> No.9749357

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.9749360
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>> No.9749370
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Oh god this anon has my sides in orbit.

>> No.9749374

keep dodging

>> No.9749383

sorry you got posted

>> No.9749389


>> No.9749392

I'm not making assumptions but I often feel like people are talking about the Dutch comm

>> No.9749394

No one of the states in the U.S.

>> No.9749400

>there is always one faggot that isn't happy unless they're complaining about something

>> No.9749420

Confirmation bias. Also this is fucking 4chan and you're calling lolitas and cgl toxic?

>> No.9749423

Nayrt but same. I’m pretty sure the entire comm is on here.

>> No.9749424

I wouldn't say that, considering it's quite a big comm, but I often see exaggerated stories of things that happened in our comm

>> No.9749432

Doesn't even make sense.

>> No.9749434

>I often see exaggerated stories

Its an old tradition at this point to make up stories and tell them on 4chan. Greentext stories are almost always fake on other boards. Of course there's a bit of truth in there but people love to talk themselves up on here.

>> No.9749485

I'm not scared of lolitas in general and I love my comm but I will admit that I don't post my coords on CoF because I've heard it's a catty popularity contest and I don't want to be posted to the ita or CoF threads here.

>> No.9749488

Same here. I kind of wish I could post to CoF if only to find people who like the same styles as me but it's not worth it to be called fat or ita or for people speculate about my sex life.

Its almost like anons want to keep people from posting their coords and that's fine with me. Itd be great if more people stopped posting as we clearly can't have nice things.

>> No.9749495

Honestly the tiny ass board game/tabletop rpg community in my country is worse than the lolita comm. And they have a wider range of people, from 60 year old retirees to the 10 year old grandchild of the retirees.

true. I made friends with a few girls at my first meet and eventually realised that its much more fun to hang out with them instead of the entire comm. We also catch uber rides to comm meetups together, which is less awkward than posting on the event page for an uber ride buddy with some possible ita you don't know.

>> No.9749527

It's full of women.

>> No.9749557
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>> No.9749573

Proving their point. The lack of self awareness is astonishing.

>> No.9749577

>hurr durr if someone's a nice person they're probably a psychopath waah
who hurt you?

>> No.9749627

>projecting this hard

>> No.9749652

>ur just projecting!!!

>> No.9749661

they were talking about Lolitas hiding their true personalities and you brought up being pretty and being a psychopath for absolutely no reason

>> No.9749669

Oh, I thought they were talking about psychopathic masks.

>> No.9749675

Everything is based on looks, everyone wants themselves to be complimented, and on top of that they generally go to a convention that's not catered to them.

>> No.9749708

Most lolitas I know IRL are really chill/nice and just want to look pretty and buy cute things. If anything, the cosplay community seems far more toxic to me, because everyone seems to always be trying to compete with one another.

Now, that isn't to say that there aren't competitive girls in the lolita community (because holy shit I know some), but they are few and far between.

>> No.9749798

most lolita's in my comm don't go to conventions at all, and the ones that do are also into cosplay and anime

>> No.9749808


>> No.9749814

Hi I’m new to the community but this is why I think this fashion is worth my money.

> it has set rules and a standard of what is good and not
> it’s not fast fashion so most items are a long term investment
> it requires a long time to perfect.

So ... imagine taking your time in your hobby and a bunch of people sexualise it.

Others pick on you for it.

And on top of it all cheap milanooo/aliexpress girls that think “daddy will love this” that will get angry if you call them out for sexualising the fashion


Newbies that want to get asspats over everything.

I think Lolita’s aren’t bitches they are literally following their hobby and trying to protect themselves from being put down even more by normies.

esl I hope it made sense ;.;

>> No.9749819

Your explanation is good, anon, but it's wasted on a bait thread. Don't fall for it next time, it's not worth it.

>> No.9749822

No anon, just using the mask to refer to the 'fake nice' front some people use.
The more extreme it is just like, the more broken they probably are.
I think it's a rare case when it's hiding literal psychosis.

>> No.9749825

*the word mask

Let's see how confusing I can be.

>> No.9749878

Whoops I myself majored in furniture building and design. I also do whatever feminine "craft" you can name. You get shitty, pompous idiots in any hobby/ obsession woodworking or otherwise. You just gotta do it for your own enjoyment and hopefully you'll meet a few good friends along the way.

>> No.9749889

Well you'd probably hate me lmao! I'm just usually really nice to people, though I would offer honest critiques if I was asked for them. Though I do believe you're right in theory, there's a very specific kind of fake kindness I get from some people in this fashion that just creeps me the fuck out. Like I can tell it's fake 100%

>> No.9749908

Have you tried not being fat?

>> No.9749930

That's what being nice, polite and considerate is. Living selfishly perhaps makes you more real/honest but it's not a good thing imo.

>> No.9749937

>hiding literal psychosis
i don't think you understand the meaning of "literal psychosis" fampai. psychosis is a legit medical condition that has little to do with faking being nice to people. try "sociopathy" or something.

>> No.9749944

I do both Lolita and cosplay and agree with this. The cosplay scene has a lot of tension between people because of the rise in popularity/ need to be seen. I understand when you work hard on your cosplay wanting to be noticed. But throwing those lesser in skills under you doesn’t level you up. You stay on the same platform as before just with more people below you. Lolitas at least help eachother improve more often then not. Cosplayers don’t. They go “ oh subscribe to my patron and every month I do a tutorial on how to do this very basic worbla armor for you”. I still cosplay but don’t compete any more. It was stressing me out worrying about what would please the judges. Once I started doing it for the fun of cosplay, my cosplays improved and I had loads more fun. Hell not even looking for attention/ plugging myself all over the place got me more attention by international scale then being a shameless self promoting cow.

>> No.9750125

>everyone wants themselves to be complimented
That's strange. I consistently see gulls talk about how they don't want asspats on CoF and how harsh crit is so great compared to said asspats.

>> No.9751283

If you're on FB or instagram, unfollow the catty bitches and voila!

>> No.9751292

My grandma had a rival in the "Bannana pudding" contest at the county fair. Half the people who tasted it prefered my grandma and the other half prefered the other lady's bannana pie.
They tend to alternate winning the grand prize and each night it results in a bar fight between old men who are bannana pudding enthusiasts and connoisseurs.

>> No.9751393

Same here, and I’m glad. In a neighbouring comm they do plan most of their meetups at/around anime cons which have no lolita programming and I’d hate it so much if my comm started doing that.

>> No.9752297

nayrt but this has never happened to me. I never see this shit happen. nobody is this unreasonably mad over people telling others that their outfit sucks. I mean seriously the worst insults I've seen on ita threads are fat-related. nobody doxes anybody. and hell, I only go on those ita/bad cosplay/makeup ect threads so I can improve.

>> No.9752420


Going to be blogposting but I wouldnt completely write off everyone who visits lolcow.
I like to visit a few threads myself but I'm not the type to start drama or want drama in my own life. I just really enjoy watching others drama from afar. I would compare it to how some people really enjoy reality TV shows. But I personally hate dealing with drama in real life because it stresses me out like no tomorrow

I also have some friends who keep up with the same threads I do and we will chat about it like old ladies in a sewing circle. Its just something fun to talk about I guess.

>> No.9752469

You haven’t met enough thin-skinned babies, I guess. There’s a thread up on RC right now started by someone complaining that her friend got concrit. I’ve personally seen people IRL get upset and start whining because someone said their converse weren’t the ideal footwear for lolita. You’d think people this sensitive wouldn’t go on cgl, but they do, and they apparently love playing the victim about it.

>> No.9752492

I feel the exact same way. I can't stand drama around me in real life because it sucks up your energy that you could use for other more interesting things. But I enjoy the virtual shitshow

>> No.9752565

There's a particular hypocrisy to communities like lolcow and PULL that bother me. And it's that every single user on both of those sites is guilty of exactly what they nitpick the "cows" for. Just lurk the off topic boards, see all the vents about mental illness, topics asking for tips about losing weight, getting note followers, plastic surgery.

Look at Koti and how cgl was obsessed with her, made tutorials to look like her and looked for her clothes and tried to find another living doll to "take her place". It might've been legitimate at first but then it spiraled into vendetta nitpick. It always does.

Look at KE. The first thread was justified, talking about her entitled incident at Angelic Pretty. Then it devolved into "lol slut, fat, ugly" with some obsessive speculation thrown on top. Same with pixielocks and every other person they make a thread about. It always ends up being about vendetta, calling people who are average at most "fat", wanking about nasolabial folds, eye wrinkles, yelllw teeth.

I think there's a perception that a really negative or critical statement is automatically more true, or valid or unbiased, because compliments are just fake asskissing. And that's not true, negativity and hate can be just as biased as any other statement depending on the intent behind it.

I'm guilty of it, I lurk those communities but they have an awful effect on my self esteem, I start to nitpick at myself for things that aren't important and that's when I know it's time to quit.

People hate that cgl is too kind now, but getting rid of senseless drama keeps things a lot better, positive, and we can still discuss drama if it's actually important like scammers or Anime Matsuri. We don't need to talk about how X sucked ten dicks for brand and got a nose job.

>> No.9752893

Seconding this. Some lolitas might be good people but there's an awful lot of two-faced bitches in this fashion. I lurk here every now and then to avoid getting too hopeful about making lolita friends. Most are fake anyway, will be sweet to you irl but talk shit about you behind your back.

>> No.9752931

>Why is Lolita culture so toxic?

>go to a con
>meet a lolita when chilling to rest my feet
>talk to her a bit
>conversation is painful unless I am talking about her dress, how she made it, or something only specific to lolita in general
>doesn't watch anime, doesn't read manga, not even play common video games doesn't give a fuck about anything aside from 'muh dress'
>try to continue to convo outside any of those topics
>literally devolves to shit about "I don't wanna think about it"

>> No.9752936

It's depressing how many lolita's make it their entire life

>> No.9752950


Oh, you're bored of the /cgl/ meet thread and want to shit up this thread now. Don't you have a con thread to bitch in?

>> No.9752963

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.9752973

Sounds like you just met an unfriendly person. I know I'm probably wasting my time replying to bait, but boring, unfriendly people exist in all hobbies. I've met boring normies, boring lolitas, and even boring anime fans. It has nothing to do with the hobby and everything to do with someone's personality.

The ones who think lolita is their entire life tend to be more vocal online and in person, so they might seem like the majority, but they're really not. The lolitas with outside interests are, more often than not, out pursuing those interests. After all, lolita is just clothes, and it doesn't dictate what else someone is interested in.

Kind of a tangent, but not all lolitas are into anime and video games. I watch maybe 3 series a year, and the only video game I play is Mario Kart. I kind of resent that people expect lolitas to be into those things. I understand it's the norm, but we're not a hivemind either. (For the record, I only go to anime conventions if someone else makes me).

Sorry if this is a disjointed ramble, I'm exhausted from doing home renovations all morning.

>> No.9753284

Nayrt but I think I know what anon meant with unfriendly lolitas who go by themselves to cons. Ok not all lolitas have weeb interests but why even go to a con if you don't like anything other than pretty dresses. It's not really "rude" imo to ignore everything around you that doesn't involve lolita (you do you, idk) but it's weird af.

>> No.9753309

I've had the exact same experience with cosplayers at lolita meets. They buy a BL dress or two but don't actually want to discuss lolita because brand is too expensive, so instead they spend the entire meetup talking about cosplay and anime. Even when I try to talk about cheaper alternatives, Taobao, handmade, whatever, they turn the conversation back to cosplay. It's pretty aggravating.

>> No.9753333

>Don't want to talk about Lolita
Wow who would have thought?
Why would you go to an anime con and expect people at meets to talk about anything other than cosplay or anime?

>> No.9753336
File: 176 KB, 433x339, reading comprehension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is talking about lolita meets specifically, not anime cons or cgl meetups. You're so bitter you can't even read.

>> No.9753471

I'm sure a lot of comms have dramawhores though. It's definitely not only one country. The Irish comm are no saints either and really enjoy drama wherever they can find it (cgl, btb, lolcow... the list is endless).

>> No.9753538

why are cosplayers at lolita meets then?

>> No.9753559

Can you even read?

>> No.9753563

I can, and the anon mentioned talking to cosplayers at a lolita meet. Either she's lying about them being cosplayers or it being a lolita meet.

>> No.9753569

Cosplayers join the fashion and comms related to it because it's a super kawaii uguu thing for them to wear, quite a few of them treat it like another form of cosplay, and stories of girls like this that basically roleplay as kawaii princesses at meetups are not uncommon. There's also this >>9749226 You can argue that greentext stories are often lies but after the shit I've seen cosplayers pulling in our comms, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

>> No.9753583

but at the point that they're going to a meet and wearing at least some lolita pieces, wouldn't they just be considered an ita?
I wouldn't count them as cosplayers at that point just like I don't consider people not dressed in the fashion lolitas. It makes no sense that there would be cosplayers at a lolita meet unless they were actually in cosplay, other than some salty lolita's weird hate boner for cosplayers.

>> No.9753591

If a girl is dressed terribly and only comes to meets to discuss anime and cosplay, she's a cosplayer parading as a "lolita".

>> No.9753593

no, they'd just be an ita. Just because some cosplayer hurt you in the past doesn't mean you should drag us into it.

>> No.9753598

Lmao no one hurt me, we're just sick of seeing our comms infiltrated by stupid fucks who think all alternative fashion is a costume.

>> No.9753599

Lolita is based on aesthetics of cuteness and youth. It's a female dominated hobby. In a way, lolitas are hyper aware of the fact that they have an extremely short shelf life. It's kind of the same with cosplay, but much much worse. With cosplay you can still manage to dig up age appropriate characters to cosplay. It's not easy to find but they do exist. With lolita, it's just game over. What makes it worse is that whether you admit it or not, there's a lot of gatekeeping in lolita. Too fat, you're out. Too poor to afford brand, you're out. Too ugly, you're out. So what happens when these gatekeepers become 'too old'? Do they expect people to cut them some slack? Nope, they know younger and prettier lolitas will chase them out of the hobby, taking over as the new gatekeepers to keep their old ass out. Anyone with any foresight realizes this and causes them flip the fuck out when they realize they will no longer have a place in the hobby once they hit their 30s.

>> No.9753603

definitely sounds like some cosplayer hurt you for you to carry this much salt around anon. Where did they hurt you? show me on the doll.

>> No.9753606

>t. not a lolita

>> No.9753616

Because a lot of cons have lolita meetups, events or vendors. There's no law that you have to be interested in everything that a convention is for in order to go to the convention, last I checked.

A Batman cosplayer might not be interested in talking about your animu waifus. A gamer might not be interested in talking about cosplay construction. They're doing their own things at the con and ignoring everything they don't care about.

>> No.9753618

yeah, but then the lolita should be aware that they are definitely in the minority and outside of the few events around their fashion, most people are not going to know or care much about it. They're going to want to talk about anime or cosplay way more

>> No.9753629

Misako Aoki is 36 and still a lot of people's icon.
Also have you seen the amount of praise older lolitas get? Ever so often someone in her 40's or so will post an outfit, and they always get positive feedback, assuming their outfit is nice. I feel like there's a small, but vocal minority of girls who get all uppity about aging. Most people in actual comms don't care all that much.
Not all lolita is super cutesy - I can see myself wearing classic, gothic, and toned down sweet lolita long into the future. I've sunk way too much time and energy into this fashion to give it up when someone else decides I look too old. Idgaf what others think. They'll have to pry my brand from my dead, wrinkly hands.
Inb4 oldfag, I'm in my early 20's and I take good care of my skin and eat healthy. Not afraid of aging - It's natural and the only thing I can do about it is take the best care of myself possible.

>> No.9753633

Sure. However, you can't lump that kind of behaviour all on lolitas. I've met plenty of gamers, comic book cosplayers, video game cosplayers and fandom cosplayers who can't talk about anything but their games/comics/fandom of the week.

People at cons are autistic. You can't expect them all to be master conversationalists about things they don't actually care about. And honestly they don't have to be, they don't have to pander to your interests just because your interests are the majority. Just don't approach them if you have a problem with that.

>> No.9753640

I mean, anon started to talk to her, and she wasn't interested in other things. If he noticed it why did he continue talking to her? Is it a necessity to talk to everyone at the con? A lot of people have more than one interest, sure. But someone only interested in anime won't suddenly stop and play a card game because some rando talked to him.

>> No.9753729

The fuck are you on about? I'm 50 and I still wear lolita. Most of the members of my local community are in their mid 20's to mid 30's.
It's painfully obvious that you're not a lolita.

>> No.9753738

I don't know where you are getting this idea. It's not like the modeling world where you'll get "chased out" by younger women/girls. It's a hobby, you don't outgrow a hobby until you've decided it doesn't fit your tastes anymore. As long as you take care of your skin, body, and health, you won't look out of place if you're older.

It's not that hard, and you're an idiot who probably isn't even a lolita.

>> No.9754507

>Misako Aoki
she's litterly the kawaii ambassador.
she's a outlier too.

>> No.9759394

I feel like ask japanesse or the leighs created this post. Just the timing.

>> No.9759464

>80% of the community are lolcow bitches.
buts thats the most entertaining bit

>> No.9759467

frankly i am new to this board and most of people here seem to be very sweet

>> No.9759479

Dude. This is me. I just fake politeness cuz I don't want to rock the boat and I don't feel close to anyone. If someone you know can be a little mean to you sometimes it's cuz they care and want better from you.

>> No.9759489

I feel like sometimes we just gotta make controversy to have something to talk about. At the end if the day it's just clothes. Sometimes there isn't much to say.

>> No.9759495

>feels like 80% of the community are lolcow bitches.

What's the matter can't handle a girl with some meat on her bones?

>> No.9759497

I kind of dig how edgy some kids are on here. It's just so out of left field and bizzare is a little charming in it's own way. Like you know none of these dumbasses actually act like that outside the internet and are doing it to fit in or get (you)s.

>> No.9759517

>get (you)s.
Yeah, a lot of it is that.

>> No.9759582

>another insecure hag surprised that a fashion called "little girl" is about looking youthful

>> No.9759612

>fashion called "little girl"
nayrt, but it's actually not. The name originally coined by Mana was "Elegant Gothic Lolita", and has no relation to the book. Outside of America, Lolita is just a name. It's painfully obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9759613

>a fashion called "little girl"
its not.

>> No.9759617

I never EVER frequent this board, but their's alooooooooooooooot of insecurity floating around in the air....

>> No.9759626

That sounds like some straight up "Andy Griffith Show" Mayberry shit.

>> No.9759634
File: 498 KB, 500x260, ThisisVersailles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't feel bad about it, it's natural. Anyways, gossips are a Rococo sport, if you do not take it very seriously, nothing happens.

>> No.9759636

I hear /fit/ is just as bad as this place when it comes to that.

>> No.9759741

He thought she was cute and gave her attention, which means that she owed it to him to reciprocate in kind or else she's a stuck-up vapid bitch. It's an attitude many male congoers have.

>> No.9759754

>being this new

>> No.9759760

If you read the book, you'd realize the name, 'Lolita', has as much to do with little girls as the name 'Mary'. It was a common name at the time the book was written, and it's a shortened form of Dolores. The term you are thinking of is 'nymphet', and there is a form of fashion called nymphet fashion which is exactly what you're talking about.

Anyhow, really it's partially about wearing something that would detract potential suitors. That was the origin. It was about expressing the want to not grow up, not necessarily youth as 'youth' is something generally valued when seeking a wife. It was about fighting against the pressure to grow up, get married, work, and present oneself as society expected of a young woman.

>> No.9759764

Lemme' rephrase that so it's not misconstrued, it's about "not growing up" in the sense of not growing up into what society expected of a woman. Gothic styles and ero-lolita wouldn't really exist if it were about not growing up in the sense of "being a kid".

>> No.9759768

>It was a common name at the time the book was written

well i am not sure how much common it was back then, here is a quote from a later book of his, "pale fire", an obvious ironic reference to "lolita":

>Line 680: Lolita
>Major hurricanes are given feminine names in America. The feminine gender is suggested not so much by the sex of furies and harridans as by a general professional application. Thus any machine is a she to its fond user, and any fire (even a "pale" one!) is she to the fireman, as water is she to the passionate plumber. Why our poet chose to give his 1958 hurricane a little-used Spanish name (sometimes given to parrots) instead of Linda or Lois, is not clear.

>> No.9759776

Dolores is pretty common, and Lolita is a common nickname in Spanish-speaking countries. It's not as common as Mary or Anne but it's not like he made it up for the book.

>> No.9759838


>> No.9759887

Honestly you guys shouldn't be scared. Post whatever you'd like. I used to think like this until I started posting my coords online and it's all good for me. I got posted in the ita thread once but it was an old coord that I admit was ita and have already stopped doing that mistake ages ago. It's not the end of the world like everyone here makes it to be, and no one's even going to remember unless you threw a big fit over it or remained a perma-ita. Don't let people kill your fun because of their petty shit

>> No.9759890

Why are gulls so willing to suck the cocks of trolls? Just wondering. Is it because you get bored at a slow board?

>> No.9759896

That writer is an idiot. Lolita is like calling someone named Elisabeth Lissy or Elly, then arguing that Lissy or Elly wasn't a popular name because not many people were called that officially. Like no shit people in that day and age didn't officially name their kids with nicknames instead of a respectable Christian name.

>> No.9759907

>That writer is an idiot
it's nabokov, the same guy who wrote lolita, lol

pale fire is also better than lolita imo

>> No.9759918

I misread that but I'm still right

>> No.9759996

Latino fag here. Yea Lolita only really has that pedo connotation in the states. When I told my parents what the fashion style was called they said it was fitting because Dolores is an antiquated name. There was a small excerpt from the book "so pretty very rotten" where they mention what lolita means in the west to a Japanese lolita and she expressed that it was not how it's seen in Japan at all.

>> No.9760006

not like they don't have the term loli though there in Japan

>> No.9760010

Loli is just short for lolita in Japan and has the same meaning as lolita. Lolitas use loli a lot. It can have pedo implications but it depends on context.