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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9719565 No.9719565 [Reply] [Original]

We're a little more than a month out from Ohayocon!
Anyone have any plans?

>> No.9721380

Totally. I’m hosting a few panels, plus attending the big BJD meet.

>> No.9723093

I might pop by on Saturday and get some autographs. Really torn on if I want Patton's or not. He was my absolute favorite voice actor from the time I was 12 until he got pissy with a comment I left a few years ago on Facebok when he asked why people didn't like Sentai Filmworks and basically told me to fuck off and not to watch anime anymore.

>> No.9723192

What's the AA usually like? I usually only buy fanart at cons, so I'm not sure I should even bring money to Ohayo.

>> No.9723210

Relagated to the Hyatt again this year, but still looking forward to it. Hopefully the construction is over now from last year?

>> No.9723215

That logo violates the Geneva Convention desu.

>> No.9723507

Construction is pretty well over by now, shouldn't affect anyone anymore.

>> No.9723534

First time going! I'm exctied, I'm going to be in the AA

I think it's worth looking around, you might discover something new you'll like!

Me and a couple of other J-fashion buddies are vending and bring our J-fash stuff.

>> No.9725974

At least the dealer's are finally in the convention center. It's long overdue.

>> No.9726166

Will this be the year ohayocon finally implodes on it self? This con has been on a straight line decline

>> No.9726185

In the AA this year. No partner and the one friend I have there will be busy the whole time. I'm hoping it'll go well even though I'm alone.

>> No.9726541
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I hope to see you all there :^)

>> No.9726661

Idk, I feel like last year was a bit of an improvement especially after the construction year.

>> No.9726871

AHHHHHHH. Can't wait to see you again!

>> No.9726945

Now that I think of it nothing actually went really wrong just nothing stuck out as impressive.

>> No.9727044
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This or MAGfest? Hmm

>> No.9727952
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Anyone party at this? Or is it a more "wholesome" anime con?

>> No.9727996

At least that's an improvement

>> No.9728004

I don't think I'll be going this year. Last year was disappointing and I popped into the lolita tea party out of curiosity and it was full of creepy men and one fat girl wearing 'doctor who' lolita.

There was this James (pokemon) cosplayer being extremely creepy and eating the food then wiping it on his pants. Awful.

>> No.9728527

im going with my girlfriend and at least one other friend. it will be all of our first times there.

we are staying at the doubletree suites which is a little further away than i would have liked (~15-20 min walk), but my friend got a really good deal that we couldn't turn down.

i'm going to be cosplaying spike spiegel, but am a little nervous because it will be my first time, and im sure my costume wont look that great compared to others.

the only other decent sized convention i've been to was this past ACEN, which i thought was a lot of fun.

im hoping this will be similar, except on a smaller scale. i can't wait to see all the cool costumes!

>> No.9728536

magfest hands down

>> No.9729034

Yeah but they're a tad harder to find than larger cons/colossal

Just find a group that looks like they party and don't be a creep

>> No.9731604
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I'll be partying, for sure. You're welcome to partake as long as you're on site

Anywho, does anyone else have cos-plans? I've got a few renovations I'm working on, and I may actually be whipping out a KFC / gundam spinoff for Ohayo if I get motivated enough.

>> No.9731607

plot twist: I plan to call it, Mobile Suit Sanders

>> No.9733526

Think I'm gonna do ohayo. More friends going there and I won't have to drive for 8 hours hung over

>> No.9733528

Meant for >>9728536

>> No.9734343

I find that Ohayocon is literally just a shit-show now. Which is awesome for me, terrible for the actual animecon-goer looking for a great, non-alcohol-fueled time. My squad is gonna be there all weekend.

>> No.9734572
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Sounds great

>> No.9734602

This 100%. It's pretty easy to find out who's parties desu. Party congoers somehow always know where the next party is in case the one they're at gets shut down

>> No.9734830


I'm going literally just to party and am not even buying a fucking ticket lol

That said, I love to cosplay and I will

>> No.9735416


pls can me n my friends come

>> No.9738626

Schedule is out, what does everyone think?

>> No.9738626,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Honestly it doesn't look awful. There's a couple things I might actually go to
Way fucking better than the barren wasteland last year's schedule was.

>> No.9739411

Honestly it doesn't look awful. There's a couple things I might actually go to
Way fucking better than the barren wasteland last year's schedule was.

>> No.9739611

The events look ok but the app said the dealer's are in the convention center now? That's an improvement provided there's more dealer's to fill that space, those rooms are huge.

>> No.9739640


>> No.9740917

There are quite a few panels I’m interested in attending.

>> No.9741321

>21+ panel about brewing beer

I know where all the drunk people who aren't ghosting are going to be at that time. Considering buying a badge just to see what that's like

>> No.9741385

Apparently they're letting the local comm run Lolita Crush again. Can't be worse than last year?

>> No.9741412

What's lolita crush?

>> No.9741601
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Ohayocon is debauchery con. The bar specials run cheap and the later panels are decent.

>> No.9741734

That hotel bar does NOT run cheap. Though the local bars aren't too insanely bad. The staff doesn't give a good God damn if you have hard liquor out in the open half the time. Literally passed around a pint of whiskey on the dance floor last year as a "security guard" walked through. Save your money - get shit-housed on any of the 700 discontinued bottles that Ohio is discounting this month.

>> No.9741763

Oh shit.

This desu. I usually grab 1 beer at the bar when I want to relax though.

>> No.9742386

>tfw have a room at the hyatt
>tfw have copious amounts of alcohol

I'm fucking HYPE

>> No.9742401

Have fun with your wristbands and waiting 15 minutes for the elevator

>> No.9742414

KYfag here, I can get better bourbon here than you guys could squeeze through a queef crease this side of the decade, what kind of special liquor does ohio offer?

>> No.9742481

First time at a con, what should I expect? Just hoping I don't end up in cringe threads.

>> No.9742506

start off with some panels that you have interest in , get used to the fact that you are now among fellow social outcasts and that someone liking naruto is not a "rare occurrence". Then move onto the merch, don't splurge on everything, pick 2-3 shows or characters that mean a lot to you personally and see if you can find stuff for them. Wall scrolls are cheap for entry level merch, start there. Figs are generally much pricier because theyre handmade.

Go ahead and hop into the 18+ panels or the rave once night rolls around, just expect everyone of age to be drinking or doing other recreationals, and flirting is very casual. It's nerd hookup culture, when you get too stuck up on a single person is when you end up in one of the cringe threads. No means no, but a less cringy way to say it is to just be able to take the hint and back off. Girl 1 turned you down, you're at a con of 18,000 people, there's at least 1,000 more out there that would give you the time of day, move on.

Respect personal boundaries and don't run up and glomp strangers and in general it's not much different than a normal day, just more fandom references, memes, and everyone around you is a nerd. They're lovely events.

>> No.9742768
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Ohayo is actually doing Day 0 events this year. A few panels and things as well as gaming opening early.

>> No.9742810

Never thought I'd see the day. Free events or with a badge?

>> No.9742958

I heard they got a new programming director or something. Can anyone confirm? Might explain the sudden day 0 thing since they've been so terrified of change in the past

>> No.9742991

Can confirm, the old head isn't in the Facebook group anymore and someone new has been posting all the updates.

>> No.9743989

The new head is pretty decent. She's been pushing hard and releasing the schedule earlier than most cons do which is refreshing. I have to admit that things look a lot better this year, I can't find much to complain about.

>> No.9744246

Was surprised that they released the schedule 3 weeks early, as well as having Thursday events. I went in 2016 with all the construction and it was... leaving something to be desired, so I passed on ohayo '17, but I had friends saying it was the best one yet, so back again we go for '18.

>> No.9745343
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>two of three panels applications denied
>one waitlisted
>all three super popular anime franchises that didn't get a panel
>three LGBTQIABBQWTF+ panels on the schedule
>a fucking Spongebob panel on the schedule

>> No.9745356

What panels? I'm curious

>> No.9745357

Maybe you suck bro.

>> No.9745426

Sounds like your panels were rejected as the panel director was looking for fresh content. Oh well. At least you still get a free badge, salt chan.

>> No.9745629
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I might pop in for Saturday, since work has me in a choke hold right now. If there's any semblance of an older /cgl/ meet up, I'll be down to say hi for that.

>> No.9745630
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I'm gonna be bringing a DBFZ setup to the gameroom, as it releases that day. Come on and let's learn the fucking game together

>> No.9745644
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>tfw planned to go with friends and party for once but they all backed out

>> No.9745649



good luck

That wrist band shit ruined parties

>> No.9745651

Thanks, I was mostly worried about being bored going to panels, but I didn't realize how many different events there would be until I checked just now. I'm crossplaying with a friend and dragging my wife along for support in case weirdos hit on me (conceited I know), so not worried about hooking up or anything.

How common is it to get asked for photos? Whether that happens or not doesn't matter either way to me, but are you supposed to pose or anything for them or is that more for people who are very serious about cosplaying? I'm very reserved and I'd have no idea what to do for that. I'm overthinking everything, I just don't want to look like a retard or have a bad time.

>> No.9745682
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if you cosplay you'll get asked for photos. At the higher traffic cons I can go 5-10 minutes without moving because
>person 1 "can i take yer photo"
>traffic flows around them
>person 2 hops in from out of traffic "can i take yer photo"
>need to use bathroom or go eat or go to panel that starts in 5 minutes but dont wanna turn em down

You'll get asked a lot more if you have a unique/well made/eye candy/funny costume.

>> No.9745852

>Being a Hyattcuck

There's 3 other hotels connected to the center that won't fuck you on this, and 3 across the street

>> No.9745908


Ah shit good point anon. I forgot. Would rather go to the Crown or something

>> No.9745913

I get this Drury every time. Been lucky every time with not getting a room next to kids who like to go to bed at 10am so they can catch their 8am panel.

And they give Drury residents free breakfast, dinner, and like 4 free drinks

>> No.9745919


gonna talk to my pals about this

let the muthas know

>> No.9746079

Just play it in the arcade room lol

>> No.9746158


They're not gonna have a setup (games comes out that same day), so I'm bringing mine

>> No.9746244

Wanna bet? ;)

>> No.9746267

Abby is that u?

>> No.9746415
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You gonna bring your own setup? Sweet, it's gonna be a big game and a lot of people will wanna play

Really though, looked on the Facebook and I was the only person talking about it. Plus, it comes out that day. If you're gonna have it you should def bring your own setup, though you're welcome to play mine as well

>> No.9746470

I've been found out

But yeah that's going in one of the Noir pairs along with Puyo Puyo Tetris unless fgc people whine at me enough to change to like SFV or something lol

>> No.9746566


Abby, you are full of shit man

>> No.9746598


>> No.9746702

What is this wristband meme?

>> No.9746710

I'm bringing a 3 shitty with a bunch of fighters and my stick, I'd love to get some casuals going if anyone else is interested.

>> No.9746732


I might play with you but I'm gonna mainly be playing DBZ with people lol

>> No.9747012

This is my third time going to Ohayo, the game room is always nice, it's one of the smaller ones in Ohio that I enjoy going to a lot, you'll have a great time

I feel like the panels are a HUGE improvement this year, last year I remember attending almost none, now I have quite a few I' m interested in going to

You're my hero

>> No.9747031


no problem brew, can't wait to get some DBFZ in

>> No.9747184

Whats the wristbands thing? I’m staying at the Drury. I just wanna hang out with people and drink

>> No.9747211

Hyatt people get cucked out of parties lmao

If you are at another hotel ur good

>> No.9747336

>tfw your friendos panel gets accepted
>mfw it's gonna be a fun one.

>> No.9747666

Which one?

>> No.9748025


I think they implemented it 3 years ago. Hyatt got assmad about people putting more than 4 people in their rooms. The first year they were pretty lax with the wristbands (I was able to sneak a party up, but we got shut down in 20 minutes), but now they're pretty strict.

In a perfect world, only the underage /people who cannot deal with noise go to the Hyatt. But somehow there's still people trying to party who get rooms there. It's wild.

It's not even that much cheaper than the Drury, maybe by like $40 or something.

>> No.9748056

so they're being noise nazis? And then are the wristbands being used to prevent people from entering the halls, and is it super anti-fun?

Like do they have people checking wristbands on each floor or can you get around it? This is my first year rooming on site and I went with the Hyatt, appears to be a rookie mistake, but I'm still wanting to salvage my weekend

>> No.9748083

They have police at the entrance of each stairwell and the elevators. If you can get by they don't check at all once you're in, but good luck sneaking by, they were really hard ass last year. They do let six people stay in the rooms instead of four though.

>> No.9748300

The Hyatt hands out security wrist bands for people staying in the hotel. 4 per roo. I think.

In the evening the stairs/ elevators are monitored by police officers who check for bands. No band, no go.

>> No.9748316

Ah yes, the ceremonial yearly Ohayocon thread.


Awh man I can't wait to get murdered by you.

>> No.9748432

According to other anon it's 6 now.

>> No.9748438

Yeah he's prolly right.

>> No.9748460
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Thank god the Hyatt is sold out

My dumbass friends, who party hard all the time, wanted the Hyatt

>> No.9748477

The Hyatt is great for the location so most people just kinda assume that's the one to stay at

>> No.9748487

What makes it doubly dumb is that they know about the wristbands but still wanted to cram as many people in for a party as possible

Fucking retards lol

>> No.9748506


It doesn't seem like a bad plan if you're not trying to party with absolute randos.

>> No.9748591

True, but that's the thing, they always want randos

>> No.9748596
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>True, but that's the thing, they always want randos

Aahhhh ya don't say?

>> No.9749099



And now that we're at the...Drury I think?W e actually fucking can lol

>> No.9749811
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/cgl/ meetup?

>> No.9749812


>> No.9749841

Your Waifu Is Trash.

>> No.9749896

expect to see McDonalds man in attendance :^)

>> No.9749907

>Tfw bought a room at the Hyatt
>Tfw just wanted to get drunk and play fightan games with randos

>> No.9749917

Come find us at the other hotels breh.

>> No.9749936
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/cgl/ hotel party when

>> No.9749957

Is it true that Ohayocon is forcing everyone to wear wristbands this year ? A friend told me that they're no longer going to allow people to have their wristband on their badge.

>> No.9749958

That has been the rumor literally for the past like three years and they havent done it. To be honest Ohayo is too lazy for that shit.

THe hyatt does give wristbands to its 'guests' however

>> No.9749963

Ok cool. I'm not at the Hyatt so I won't have to bother with the extra one.

>> No.9750020

Ohayos badges are wristbands as of last year iirc. You have to pay extra for badges.

Or maybe I dreamt this and I'm lying. I don't remember a lot of ohayo.

>> No.9750022

desu me either. I know my crew had wristbands, but I think prereg peeps got badges? It's weird.

>> No.9750028

of all the places to jew out at.

Btw the meetup will happen when we get closer, still 2 weeks out

>> No.9750033

I was told that prereg got the only actual badges as a perk but they still need the wristband, kind of like the badges are a souvenir.

>> No.9750567

Come to game room DBFZ on Friday

>> No.9750604

>still need the wristband

The wrist bands are the legitimate "I paid to be here" marker.

Pre-Reg may recieve badges as a perk for their registration, but they still wear actual wrist bands.

>To be honest Ohayo is too lazy for that shit.

It's as easy as holding them and putting them on people. They're not as lazy as they are inconsistent (eg: some staff might insist on doing it while others not so much so you get mixed reports and rumors like this).

>> No.9751008

Wristbands are a thing every year and has been for the past few years. A lot of staffers like to complicate things by calling the bands "badges" and the badges simply "lanyards."

They really need to rework their language because it causes a ton of confusion.

>> No.9751148

>implying its not confusing on purpose

>> No.9751309

Has anyone been to the 21+ Mixer before? I don't think I've been to a con that offers alcohol as part of the programming.

>> No.9751386

that room exists so you can ID whoever it is pants you're trying to get into

>> No.9751429
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but will there be an open bar
these are important questions

>> No.9751739

Description says cash bar and socializing games.

>> No.9752941

I'd not be surprised if the cash bar is just as expensive as the Hyatt bar .

>> No.9753363

Hyatt bar is so shitty. I ordered a basic ass amaretto sour that would be $4 anywhere else and I paid $7 for a 5oz glass that was mostly sour mix.

Fuck Hyatt bar.

>> No.9753694

That sucks. The small glass of wine I got costed my buddy $10 . They are over priced for what they offer .

>> No.9753715

Just buy a whole bottle from the store thats downstairs?

They're terrible but some of this is just bad decision making.

>> No.9753734

After that I definitely did. I wouldn't have minded paying the $7 if it was a normal sized drink.

>> No.9753761


Yeah they're definitely engaging in some shenanigans. Pretty ballsy move considering there's a free circular bus route that loops through center of downtown, effectively putting all the bars in the area within a comfortable distance.

>> No.9753767

Do you need a pass or is it fare-based?

>> No.9753772

>Do you need a pass or is it fare-based?

It's just free.

>> No.9753774


>> No.9753787
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They look like this and circle throughout the popular food/bar districts of downtown. No pass or fare needed, you just hop on.

Alternatively, fare/pass based busses also run up and down High street and around downtown but they look a bit different.

>> No.9753796

To add to this they're only 2 bucks a ride, with free transfers. I advise you stay on the 2 route though, considering it's the line that goes straight down High Street.

>> No.9753824

It's just a question of whether a lot of con attendees know about the Cbus plus what the weather will be like. I'd much rather stay within the confines of the hotels + con center and not deal with cold weather. Then again, I'm probably going to bring my own drinks anyway

>> No.9753942

True, but there are a lot of really great eats in the area that are worth checking out if the weather holds out.

One trip to North Market on a Friday afternoon can set you up with food and alcohol all weekend.

>> No.9754098

My first Ohayo was Ohayo '15, I remember driving up from NKY in 5~ inches of blowing snow, parking and changing in the garage in single digits, and returning late that night and having to stop for gas with it being 2 F outside. It was my first 'big' con

>still in my top 5 con experiences ever

>> No.9754099

wait wait minor correction, this was Ohayo 14.
>went in 2014
>skipped 2015
>went in 2016
>skipped 2017
and now we back for 2018.

>> No.9754344


>> No.9756186

Discord for Ohayocon / Midwest cons if anyone is interested: https://discord.gg/wBC5gJR

Lots going on here

>> No.9757081

>$45 for one day
I was considering doing Saturday, but for that price there isn't nearly enough I'm interested in. Saturday costing 2/3 of the at-door weekend pass is bullshit enough on its own

>> No.9757389

>$45 for one day?
>I might as well buy a weekend pass...

I feel like they assume thats the train of thought most people have.

>> No.9757550
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Yep. I used to be all about the the panels and raves when I first started going to cons. But the decline of this con in particular, the fact I never buy anything from dealer rooms anymore, and the fact ohayos game room is just average pretty much solidifies that I'm not buying a badge. I'm pretty much just here to see old friends, people watch, and party

Besides, 2 games are coming out on the 26th that I must buy

>> No.9757556

how easy is ohayo to ghost? asking for a friend, of course.

>> No.9757563

>how easy is ohayo to ghost? asking for a friend, of course.

Define ghost. You can explore the convention center, it's an open space that normally hosts multiple events at one time. But you most likely won't be able to get into any events.

>> No.9757575

What >>9757563 said. You can walk around the convention space because the hotel and con center don't have badge checks except at rooms. If you're there to hang around and look at people then you can do that no badge required.

>> No.9757577

>But the decline of this con in particular, the fact I never buy anything from dealer rooms anymore, and the fact ohayos game room is just average pretty much solidifies that I'm not buying a badge.

The idea that Ohayo's gameroom is mediocre is funny to me, not because I disagree, but because it used to be so much worse.

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I go so meet up with people and party a bit but I've kind of fallen out of the demographic that would drop hundreds of dollars on anime merch that you could just buy online for less.

>> No.9757595

How was it worse, it's already so tiny?

>> No.9757600

>How was it worse, it's already so tiny?

It used to be almost exclusively console setups except for DDR

>> No.9757623

That's pretty bad. I hope they can move the game room soon so it's not so cramped and split up and they have more arcades. The only thing I even go to gaming for.

>> No.9757681
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Just curious and I'm sure this'll sound strange but is anyone going to trap or cosplay crossdress on Sunday? I find it absolutely adorable and wanted to get some photos

>> No.9757859

The arcade room is actually moving to a bigger space and we're bringing 29 cabinets this year.

>> No.9758427
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>T Minus 6 days
we con hype now

>> No.9758667

>tfw still one year away from being able to drink
Will I still be able to have fun here? Didn't plan on going to any parties

>> No.9759281
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>> No.9759320

Not on Sunday but Friday night I'll do some shitty drag for a friend's panel.

>> No.9759333

Hi My name is Josh, would anyone PLEASE be my cute cosplay GF at Ohayocon.

>> No.9759344
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Okay bois and gulls we're T-Minus 5 Days from Ohayocon! Whatcha...
Also, any parties that anyone is gonna throw?

>> No.9759382

Knuckles, Piccolo
Everything. But mostly gin and whiskey
Whatever is at the Drury
Taking pictures of cosplayers, partying, blasting a lot of Korean trap

>> No.9759418

I would throw a party if I wasn't a hyattcuck.

I'll still bring a decent amount of alcohol and vidya games though.

>> No.9759428

The fearsome fast food warriors
Why's all the rum gone?
food court, and some cheezits for an inside joke
panels, memes, /cgl/ hangout, general decompress weekend before I drown in coursework

>> No.9759822

>break up with gf on new years.
>First time going to con.
>Friends bday so shit is supposed to be lit.

I'll most likely either kill myself or spend the weekend crying in the corner. At lest I don't have to pay for anything besides a ticket.

>> No.9759835

dnt be like that. if you need a casual rebound shag, there's more than ample opportunity at ohayo.

>> No.9760821

aw c'mon man. There are other plenty of nice girls. Plus, you might meet a nice girl at this con. (Shit never works for me but I haven't given up hope, lol.) I'm going to do ridiculous cosplay this year, you can hang out with us if you want.

>> No.9760847

Vodka and Gatorade
Bringing my own, them lines too long
Hanging out and people watching, only going Saturday

>> No.9760932

william from nioh, youngblood set
i dont drink
i have plenty of food im bringing but i plan on going out for sushi during the trip
i mostly go to these for the dealers room and seeing cosplays so probably that

>> No.9760945
File: 1.41 MB, 1800x2770, the_stillsuit_by_niteowl94-d90s4cx[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont drink

>> No.9760992

Nothing because I'm a filthy normie.
wahtah. cheap vodka and whisky.
Prolly gonna bring some stuff and explore the delivery options of downtown
Buying a badge for the first time in a minute. Want to hit up some of the panels, gameroom, aa and dealers room

>> No.9761592

If you need some bros to hangout with, look for the shitpost fast food warriors. I'll buy you a drink anon.

>> No.9761648

I'm not cosplaying this year but I made my little bro a Ugandan Knuckles costume because I love me some dank memes and this one gave me a rare knuckle. But now I'm kind of worried that he'll be negatively or even aggressively confronted for being racist. He's 11.

>> No.9761655

I really doubt anyone is gonna do that.

>> No.9761669

I doubt it'll happen anon.
If it does I'll show them the way of the ass-kicking.

>> No.9761703

For those with normiebook, there's an unofficial ohayo group now with less anal mods.

>> No.9761733
File: 972 KB, 472x700, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a shit storm a-brewin'
It seems like every damn year there's something with this con now

>> No.9761740

Isn't that the same as last year's policy?

>> No.9761798

It's literally the same as it's been the past few years. Anyone getting upset missed the outrage when it was first introduced and is looking for a reason to start shit.

>> No.9761919
File: 10 KB, 208x243, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay more to get a transparent but still seeable wristband

Oy vey

>> No.9761939


You talking about Alternative Con-Goers or something else?

>> No.9761957
File: 54 KB, 300x300, 14263126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used to be able to register a year in advance on Sunday for $25
>At Door Admission was $45-50

>Now at door is $65 for a shitty wrist band and +$5 more for a wrist band that won't shit up your cosplay

Also it's 2017 why the fuck is Ohayo still cash only?

>> No.9761976
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>> No.9762000

Seriously this group is even more cancer somehow. Fuck that bitch and fuck her lizard we don't fucking care about your life.

>> No.9762039

Posts like that will get phased out as the group grows

>> No.9762058

She pitched a fit because the official group kept deleting her spam posts, so now she made her own group where she can delete anyone who disagrees with her or says anything negative about her.
She's fucking psycho

>> No.9762060

Meh. I'll stick around until that happens. She made a posts that basically said anything goes as long as it's not fucked up

>> No.9762063

Needs more Santent

>> No.9762068
File: 38 KB, 619x363, Capture4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see all you fuckers there

>> No.9762528

>so now she made her own group where she can delete anyone who disagrees with her or says anything negative about her

Has any of this happened or are you just preemptively bitching?

>> No.9762533
File: 26 KB, 614x179, Screenshot_61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or are you just preemptively bitching?


>> No.9762547


She seems to have an axe to grind when it comes to discord but thats really the only problem I'll see. Any weird shit about lizards will get buried when the drama and party threads start popping up.

>> No.9762553
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Okay...on second though

>> No.9762554
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>> No.9762597

Yup kinda figured that's how that would turn out. Marionetta has always been a grade A bitch and loves to start shit.

>> No.9762607
File: 53 KB, 515x641, mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be a mess.

>> No.9762615
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>> No.9762641

Go back to that n***er comment thread and tell me how many comments have been deleted.
Told y'all

>> No.9762642


You were right...gomen

>> No.9762645

She deleted her whole post because someone seemed to be taking it seriously. Anyone can delete their own post, regardless of whether or not it has comments from other people.

>> No.9762648

That thread was a mess.
The one who instigated it thought Nigga was dangerous.
I couldn't believe she wasn't trolling.

>> No.9762669

Well, whether or not she was serious wasn't my point. Anyone can delete your own posts. If I make some dumb ass post and someone calls me out on my bullshit I can delete it as a regular member.

>> No.9762702

I was excited this other group was going to be like the unofficial Tekko group that turned into KEKS but the girl running the page just seems like a bitch

>> No.9762708

Bitch is crazy as fuck, im just waiting for this group to burn to the ground.

>> No.9762719

Gawd she's just running this like her personal whining feed. She made the thread to have a place without mods and rules and now has added mods and rules and bans people for whatever she wants. I'm going to make sure my kek account lurks only so I get to watch the flames in peace.

>> No.9762744
File: 297 KB, 513x858, Witchhunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: it seems as if they're trying to start shit.

>> No.9762746
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>Posts anonymously when you have the opportunity to voice your complaints on the page yourself

L o l. If you're right, she'll delete your post.

>> No.9762748

Yes. That woman is actively going after someone over a troll of a post.

Wouldn't be surprised if that woman is in this thread.

>> No.9762761

>I'm on Oxy

i.e. she takes opioids?..

>> No.9762766

Fuck she just admitted she was high, then went in the official group to call the angry girl a psycho and told her to never come to ohayo for being a drama queen. And now she's banned. This just made my night!

>> No.9762771

Wew lad

>> No.9762777

underrated post

>> No.9762788
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thanks anon

>> No.9762808

So is there a /cgl/ meet up?

>> No.9762862
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My friend is saying the fucking game room is 24 hrs? Is this true?

>> No.9762863

Always has been.

>> No.9762872
File: 548 KB, 886x755, Screenshot 2017-05-28 at 6.05.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


H-how does that work? Doesn't the convention center need to close? And if a person has a pass for, say, one day, are the just booted out when the clock strikes midnight?

I have so many questions about this.

>> No.9762880


Bro it is actually 2018

>> No.9762889

The convention center does close. If toy fall asleep though security will kick you out. Con security isnt so anal that they would kick you out at the stroke of midnight, but they might not let you back in.

>> No.9762891

Holy shit kill me

>> No.9762892


This is making me reconsider not buying a pass. Holy shit

>> No.9762895

Convention runs 24hrs up until Sunday, then the closing ceremony happens. I would imagine second scenario you are asking about comes down to when you go into the panel. If it's before 12:00 AM, you're probably golden and can remain in said area until said panel is over or you leave of your own volition. You could probably ask someone on staff though.

>> No.9762896

Can there be? I was at the Meetup at the 2016 Colossalcon, we got food.

>> No.9762899

Can we get a discord server going?

>> No.9762902


see >>9756186

>> No.9762928


Saturday 7pm in hyat lobby?

>> No.9763196

Badges lasted until 230am last year. So probably same/similar this year.

>> No.9763221
File: 969 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20180116_233224674~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, if anyone needs Bad Dragon Cum Lube, I'll have a ton for $8/bottle. It's $15+ after shipping direct from BD unless you're buying 9+ at a time.

sc: cosmicdunk
twitter: nah51122751

>> No.9763319


I thought badges were used until registration opens for the following day?

>> No.9763397

Gaming is in the Hyatt which doesn't need to close at night. Last year they clear the room before 10am when registration for the next day opens, so a Friday pass was good until Saturday 10am.

>> No.9763417


cool cool

Shit I'm thinking

>> No.9763699

Aah I wish I could go tomorrow!

>> No.9763929

boyfriend is crossplaying Hanayo on Friday

>> No.9763938

Might do Garterbelt, might throw some other shit together
Beer, Whiskey and whatever the hell my bartender friend wants to mix us
Focusing on high protein shit
Gamean, Dealan

>> No.9764450

How many of you are crossplaying to this con? I was going to but unfortunately couldn't get a costume on time, might still try to look for something.

>> No.9764580


I'd like to to be honest

>> No.9764972
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, dawn of the final day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please have your orders ready when you step up to the counter

>> No.9765017
File: 112 KB, 622x1764, 2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have p much everything for a 2B crossplay but my 30yo old man face just kills it.

>> No.9765049
File: 338 KB, 475x749, 1516920292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulder pieces fell apart on the McD's costume, so I had to frantically make a new pair. It's foamboard wrapped in craft foam, this is the start...

>> No.9765052
File: 826 KB, 1124x803, 1516921227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and 6 coats of paint later, we have something fancy looking.
>base dark red
>base medium red for contrast
>highlight yellow
>back to base dark red
>gloss clear enamel (think car clearcoat) to seal it all in and give it the sheen of a normal plasticky fast food container

>> No.9765055
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the coloring looks much better in person.

who else /CON HYPE/ here?

>> No.9765082

Anyone gonna give a fuck if I walk around with a plastic 40 of malt liqour? Filled with....apple juice, of course. Already worried about my kit being kinda controversial.

>> No.9765088

So when's the meet up?

>> No.9765140
File: 281 KB, 507x777, 1516839736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least attempt to disguise it.
>pic related,"the happy meal".
there's a sat meetup at 8~ in the food court, might try and work on a Fri one as well. any interest?

>> No.9765146


Yes. Lets just do Friday and Saturday 8pm at food court. and specific spot we are meeting?

>> No.9765149
File: 183 KB, 540x720, Akai 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be wearing a giant fucking McDonalds outfit, I'm pretty hard to miss

>> No.9765150

>tfw no Mcdonalds waifu to seduce and order from at Ohayo
why live?

>> No.9765296

Noted. Broski

>> No.9765300
File: 57 KB, 838x630, Yusuke Spirit Dabs on Hoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gameroom and rave junkies hmu

>inb4 "No cosplay loser"
>inb4 "faggot"

Kik: Harrybear620

>> No.9765322

but it's part of my cosplay and that goes against the blueprint. label out.

>> No.9765782
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 5C7D9F13-C70F-48A7-9C99-1EDA4D2110E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plans are the same as every year. Spend money, and crop dust the dealers room.

>> No.9765785

Makeup is magic

>> No.9765987

Crop dusting the crowds waiting for elevators is my fav thing to do

>> No.9766000

Are any panels worth it this year? Not sure of I'm going to buy a badge or not

>> No.9766246


>> No.9766254

food court

>> No.9766276

Always wanted to hook up at one of these things with someone who digs what I'm into too.

>> No.9766294

Trying to get smoked up but don't know anyone in Columbus with a hook up. Help?

>> No.9766372

Reputable dealer, 10/10, would buy again

>> No.9766600

omg! can you do this on sunday? it's the only day I can go. You look amazing! :D I'll be cosplaying as semi business casual man

>> No.9766915
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, A3B7BF55-7A49-4E68-A4EE-8DFD336E13E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see the guy bust his head open near the stairs yesterday? I heard he was drunk.

>> No.9766973
File: 53 KB, 640x450, 1516232090856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, why do I always miss the cool stuff

>> No.9767052
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x2268, 20180127_134415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this in a hallway, I'm dying xD

>> No.9767053
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>> No.9767179

Reminder meet up tonight at 8

>> No.9767199


Was it that pokemon cosplayer?

>> No.9767373

Where at?

>> No.9767378

Yeah. The guy with the pikachu on a leash.

>> No.9767398

Ohayocon meetup! Currently I the food court, headed to the Hyatt bar at 830. Look for Mcdonalds

>> No.9767480

Where is everyone right now?

>> No.9767482

hilton super drunk room party shouda came to the meetup where are ya

>> No.9767503

Heading over to the regency ballroom right now for the club. Is it worth it or should I look for the meetup?

>> No.9767518

Ayy I’m bored who wanna do stuff itt

>> No.9767527
File: 138 KB, 720x960, 274D63E2-EBB2-4200-B532-48D8CE11A1F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmu if you took a pic of me in my yellow monstrosity. This year feels worse than past years for absolutely no reason other than diminishing attendance- What the hell is with the dealers room only being open for restricted hours? Do they get people with money only buy things when they’re plastered?

Anyway. Sent an angry email about a bigot panelist and got him barred from the con. feels good.

>> No.9767546

Who was the panelist?

>> No.9767614

some dude in a steampunk tophat doing Whos Line Is It Anime on friday night. Gave us the good old "if youre offended by XYZ, leave" schtick, prattled off cunt, bitch, whore, fuck, most of Carlin's "banned words" list, then just added the N-word, hard R, no reason. Dude in the front dipped, my group dipped. Decided to alert the staffers via email. They got really serious about it. Not the expected reaction, but not bad.

>> No.9767661
File: 259 KB, 1400x1050, 12BBE5DA-C2B3-4FC6-8941-AA0694934EEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw only 20 and wanna have fun and drink
does anyone know where to buy alcohol despite the stupid no alcohol past 1 am law?

>> No.9767668

Go to sleep kid! If you go down the stairs to the garage spot where the smokers are, I'm sure someone will offer to roofie you.

>> No.9767741

how'd this turn out i have a job and i am not there i just got home. thought about driving to the convention center probably not at all close to worth it :(

>> No.9768007

It was trash like every ohayocon is.You didn't miss anything

>> No.9768023


That was what happened? I went to the panel they did Saturday night, and the guy issued an apology before starting the panel, but dodged around saying what actually happened. He also mentioned that whatever they had planned for Sunday was cancelled.

>> No.9768030


I know know that Marion McHerron girl. She's an actual scumbag who likes starting shit and harassing people. If anything happens to her as a result of this, it can be chalked up to karma.

>> No.9768054


After actually reading like a not a idiot, I also saw Melanie Wallingford's name. I know her personally, too. She's a somewhat stereotypical brainless party girl. Harmless and perfectly nice on her own, but drama does find her often enough.

>> No.9768213

i just wanna say for any future cosplay masquerade judges:

Be aware of a contestant named Noelle Perry. She lies about making her cosplay. The masquerades state you’re supposed to make 85% of your cosplay. She barely makes her cosplays. She just attaches fabrics to a store bought item and doesn’t hand sew everything.
She also acts stuck up and throws a fit if she doesn’t win. For example, she cosplayed from the Last Unicorn last year. Her dress was not hand made. She was asked if she handmade it and said yes. She was asked which serger she used and she wasn’t sure what to say. As someone who has known her for a long time, I can confirm that she didn’t in fact, handmake it. She just bought the dress and horn and dyed the dress. That was it.

She also threw a major fit saying the judges play favorites and never give her a chance. She’s been disqualified from multiple contests due to her constant lying.

I never want any cosplayers to be afraid to enter a contest because of one elitist.

>> No.9768257

The Novice winner at masquerade is a fashion major and was told by Mogchelle the day before that she shouldn't have entered as a novice.

>> No.9768326

has anyone run into the mtg buttcrack guy

>> No.9768388


So in otherwords you're a baby?

>> No.9768426


Sounds like you're a baby bitch.

>> No.9768455

Does anyone know that cute pizza hut red witch maid girl? Any pics?
She was staying on floor 8 of the Hyatt and I only saw her friday but we talked in an elevator.

>> No.9768464


Are you that really handsome Big Boss cosplayer by any chance?

>> No.9768524

Nice try burg/octo. If u her, what youtuber did I joke reference?

>> No.9768539

Yo if that guy in the sam hyde shooter tshirt is in this thread, hmu

>> No.9768568

any more pics to share?

>> No.9768585

McD's is finally home!
paneling was meh if you could even get in, merch was B tier, celebs were at the back of the hall behind even the artist alley (wut), but everyone wanted to party and that's pretty much just what we did.

I don't regret coming, but I do regret buying a badge. People just waved me in because I'm a walking aborted nightmare
I can throw up some pics tomorrow, after I've unpacked my stuff. Nothing crazy, mostly just venue and a handful of cosplays. Was pretty crowded for such a shitshow mediocre con.

>> No.9768595

No problem, for some reason i thought this took place last week.
Ive never been to a con but somewhat interested

>> No.9768605

How was the AA this year? I know some anons were complaining, but did any of you buy some cool stuff? Did those vending have a good time?
Please let me live vicariously.

>> No.9768606

they're fun places if you enjoy cosplay, or if you have friends and just want to get plastered around nerds.

A lot of people go but don't buy badges and hang out in the general areas, there's a lot of interaction.

>> No.9768624

You sound like a cunt.

>> No.9768632

ill probably go to atleast one con just to see what its like.

>> No.9768637

I assume youre around the Columbus area? Matsuri comes in August or Sept I think, that's a smaller one to stick your toe in the water.

>> No.9768640

cincinnati. thanks for the tip

>> No.9768645

if you're in Cincy they have a smaller... Animatic?Con at the end of march or beginning of April. It's more of a kid friendly all ages event but if you stay to the evening I'm sure the partygoers will be around. I highly recommend cosplaying, otherwise you're only going to buy merch

>> No.9768745

If you wanna go the other direction too, OMG!con is in Owensboro KY and it's got a really nice friendly atmosphere. It's in June.

>> No.9768777

Glad you reported it. Too many panelists try to pass off "oh does this offend you?" as humor, instead of actually being entertaining.

>> No.9769086

What is this, SJWcon? Fuck off

>> No.9769213

I'm really sorry I didn't see these.

>> No.9769293

Dealers at ever con in existence has opening and closing hours. If you want complain about all the normies then alright but really the con had more space so we weren't all cramped together I didn't really notice any attendance drop I have not a clue what you are talking about.

>> No.9769534

Had a really good time, hope everybody else did as well.

Also, the one girl in a Juri cosplay Saturday night was complete marriage material

>> No.9769811

Who is Mogchelle?

I never really enter masquerades at cons I apologize lol

>> No.9769813

Was anyone there when the fire alarm went off? Did they ever find out who pulled it?

>> No.9769816

Were any of you unfortunate enough to end up in the overwatch panel thing?
Worst panel I attended.

>> No.9769859

went to the WTH Japan panel on Saturday, was unfortunately disappointed by the lackluster of... well, Japanese-y stuff. The Hard Gay stuff was great, though.

I secretly hoped people enjoyed the Your Waifu Is Crap panel I helped with

>> No.9769860
File: 47 KB, 359x640, 27400088_1756462197746146_581453373_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cosplayer who judges at a lot of Midwest cons, but she wasn't a judge at Ohayo.

The Novice winner has a Twitter, Insta and a website/online store (amammre.com) for her clothing brand.
I honestly think it would have still had a chance at winning if it were placed in an appropriate category for her experience. There were lots of other novices who worked really hard and honestly.

>> No.9769865

Ohhh I see I see! Thank you!

>> No.9769873


What exactly happened at the Overwatch panel?

>> No.9769876

Anime hell panel? Was mostly gay.
Or you mean the jap game show?

>> No.9769886

Did he have a beard? I might know him. Is he a heavyset dude with a kilt?

>> No.9769902

Most panels were lackluster and dumb. I blame that fat panel bitch trying to take over that cons programming. She failed at her own convention, now she is trying to fail Ohayo too

>> No.9769909

Oh no, who do you mean? She hosted one or she was in control of what panels get accepted?

>> No.9769939

couldnt get in ;_;
paneling was pretty mediocre.

>> No.9769948

I'm curious too

>> No.9769949

Lol I got in cause my friend's friend is legally blind and he was with us and he's got a disability pass that gets us into panels before anybody else.

>> No.9769963

Caitie Bolten. And the Abby Berding bitch. Caitie used to run a college anime convention at Lakeland, but fucked up and drove it to extinction, so she tried to run a bunch of panels at colossalcon amd no one went because they were any good. Then she tried at ohayo and got a few in, but waited until the panel chick that was running things got sick, and slid in to try to out her and replace her.

She was the one on charge of accepting panels this year. All the "Featured Panelists" were friends of hers, and her and that Abby bitch were the panelists that had 13+ accepted a few years back at Ohayocon because they cheated the system.

Putting two fat, autistic people on charge of panels, no wonder Ohayocon programming was shot this year

>> No.9769978

If you’re going to samefag don’t use the same insult twice, man. You don’t need to act like that, just comment once and I’ll understand your distaste for my point of view. Like I said, I wasn’t going after anyone’s heads- They invited people to leave if they didn’t like certain words, I gave it a pass cause they all seemed drunk, and then that part made me and my group pretty uncomfortable so we left. No other racially geared words- just that one. felt out of place. I didn’t attack the guy, didn’t care to find out who he really was- Just sent a mild email saying “Hey that was uncool did you know it was happening?” and the staff gave me an apology and said that they’ll never perform again. I didn’t ask for his head on a stake, didn’t ask him to get doxxed. I just sort of thought it was tacky and that if it was gonna happen, maybe staff should know— Especially because Ohayocon really does gear itself as a Family Friendly convention (i like that angle, i dress as a god damn disney princess for charity and kids parties when i’m not at cons), so I thought they’d like to know. i wasn’t trying to crusade the dude, so you can calm down, please.

I think I am bitter cause it has been open later in past years and I didn’t get a chance to get in there this year. Also, I work nearby, we get stats from CCC staff re: projected v. approximate attendance and it was lower than the last couple years- a lot of my friends skipped out for Katsu instead, too. Just saying that this bothered me, doesn’t have to bother you, too.
I don’t recall where Sid is this year but it’s not Ohio :( Think he’s visiting friends. I don’t keep up w him like I should!

Ty for reaffirming me anon-kun and understanding you can’t just say rude words and magically have a sense of humor or comedic timing.

>> No.9769994
File: 70 KB, 450x800, 27394554_1585954741480558_567413162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw this is all me.

>> No.9769996

Stop shitposting or get off 4chan if you're offended by the word nigger.

>> No.9770022
File: 225 KB, 373x327, 631B9293-C376-4B36-92D7-C1DBFFED6264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9770091

Wait, are you talking about that one blonde chick that did panels, got sick? My group was wondering what happened to her, she was awesome

>> No.9770102

Yeah, the one that assisted that Ohayocon University guy. Word on the street was that her and the special events panel chick both found out they had cancer around the same time. Special events lady died, blonde lady is still alive, but the treatments were bad. She missed one Ohayocon a few years back because of it, and then that Caitie bitch slipped right in to "take over". So when blonde chick was cleared to return to work they shunned her away

>> No.9770118
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literally taking advantage of cancer to run someone's pride and joy into the ground. This makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.9770132

That's just fucked up. I remember that panel lady too. No matter how shitty things were going for them she was always smiling and did everything she could to help my group. Hell, she is the reason I continued to go to Ohayo. Anyone remember that "Open Mic Night" event she created? That shit was hilarious.

Same here. I hate thirsty con-bitches that want power and influence more than provide a good show

>> No.9770206

Alright y'all. Worst panel/event you went to? There was some decent shit this year but man was there a ton of shit too.

>> No.9770215

The Ghost Stories panel. It kinda got boring. I love Chris Patton. But the panel wasn't very entertaining.

>> No.9770269

The Accents and Dialects was two uninteresting voice actors talking about their audition process with no structure and no vocal variation besides occasionally switching from a bored, monotone voice to a bored, monotone voice in a Scottish accent.

Glad the line capped before we got in.

>> No.9770277

oh yeah definitely. It was ridiculous

>> No.9770339
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>> No.9770365

literally how far up your ass did you have to reach to pull this bullshit out

>> No.9770458

Not very far. Have friends who staff Ohayo on security, and the head security guy apparently was friends with her and told them. He was pretty pissed when he found out

>> No.9770462
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I had to take Monday off work. My knees and body were too done to do any kind of programming, wew. Fun cob though. See you guys at colossal

>> No.9770479

I was at the melee tournament. friend was about to play when it went off, we would have probably kept the game going if the staff didn't kick us out. guess this happens every year though.

also melee finals we're hype af, wish more people stuck around.

>> No.9770518

Damn, this is some shit straight out of a elementary school Telephone game

>> No.9770522

>>9770518's right, that is some farfetched story. What were those panel girl's names? If one died I'm sure there would be some record somewhere.

I'm trying to remember who they are. I di remember that Abby girl getting all those panel approved before

>> No.9770524

You could still drink in that area...its part of the hyatt not the GCCC.

>> No.9770555

One was a lady named Valerie that went by Kitty, and the other was Andrea and went by Andi. Not sure of last names, those were just from an old email I got from them in the past about panels

>> No.9770622

Val ran Pajama Jam and Lolita Crush and died two years ago. Andrea only worked with Ohayo for one year, then Matt took over for last 2-3.

>> No.9770642

Huh? Andrea staffed with us at Live Events for at least 4 years before she became Matt's assistant. And before that I believe she was an Info Moodle or something. I remember in 2013 she got her 5 year service pin from HR at our little ceremony thing we did.

I think she did panels with him for about 2 years before she got sick. I didn't know it was cancer though. We knew something was up when she couldn't come to our yearly get togethers, but no one would say anything other than she was sick. That's really sad

>> No.9770818

+1 recommendation on OMG!con. It's a nice little con in a super nice convention center with super nice staff.

>> No.9770878

It must be super nice to staff for them

>> No.9770942

OMGcon is great. My only complaint is it may be to family friendly. The lounge is full of parents who just let there kids run loose. They did at least section off an area of 18+ panels and hallway at night last year.

Also last year I saw a 12yo wearing furry shit and just wanted to yell at her parents they need to hide her from the furrys and stop that shit before it's to late.

>> No.9771080
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>guys I’m a Disney princess on the side
Like pottery
Gtfo you textwall baby.

>> No.9771118

It is indeed a bit more on the "family" side, but during the evening it can get pretty lecherous.
Plus yours truly, mr McDs, is hosting the cosplay contest

>> No.9771149

did anyone here get a picture of my nioh cosplay? i was looking for some feedback on it

>> No.9771190

Runescape guy, the shitbag who made your props is going off on fb about how spot-on they looked yet were still considered terrible by you, and I just want to say you are right and he is wrong

>> No.9771203

the shield look good, the top of the staff was okay, but the bottom looks like a LARP foam bat

>> No.9771313

I’m curious who made these props

>> No.9771645

The artist formerly known as Izusa/Ayato Sanada, of tripfag and creeper fame, now GearHeadAniki on facebook.

>> No.9772040

Yeah but would you rather have her or Matt Sucre? At least she acts like she cares.

>> No.9773451

Does this dude's initials go by SS? I feel like this is someone I know

>> No.9773693

Yeah, Sucre was shit tier. Just as bad as that Colssalcon programming guy. Think they are smart shit and nothing but try hards

>> No.9775224

from what ive seen shes just head of panels anyway. they have some new dude altogether whos heading up all of programming

>> No.9775654

Isn't the guy that does programming the same guy that ran Shumatsucon, and works Matsuricon and Colossalcon? How many conventions is that guy trying to run?

>> No.9775669

Clearly he's taking over the world.

>> No.9775689

Well, if your going to be good at something, might as be the ringleader of anime weebs

>> No.9775824

Lol the new Colossalcon programming guy is such trash. Pretends he's saving their programming while letting it all suck harder than it has in the past.

>> No.9775864

They've had such a bad track record with programming heads. Greggo was oblivious to what actually needed to function, Nick was a slow moving trainwreck, and this new asshole is holier than thou but not when he's sucking the power teat. At least the waterpark will always be great.

>> No.9775933

as someone who also frequents /v/, seeing the way colossal treated 8 bit brody made me never want to go back to that shit hole of a con. between that, the shitty management, and the horrible party con vibe, i'm just not feeling it any more

>> No.9775938

But 8bit Brody is a pile of small dicks.