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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 264 KB, 1280x960, 18-01-31-18-55-19-522_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9772869 No.9772869 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread here >>9768145
"pronouns they/them and he/him! i've only been into lolita for 10 months, but it's my big hyperfixation! i like country and ott sweet, and mixing other kei styles with lolita, such as mori and menhera!"
try to not look like divided shit first before you branch out

>> No.9772870

God she’s such an unfortunate looking person. I know she got a boob reduction because that shit was huge. But she needs to eat a salad and join a cycling class for 10 months.

>> No.9772871

Sorry, I just need to rant about this. I am DONE. Do we REALLY need TWO threads like this?

Is Lolita some sacred fashion that you have to live and breathe 24/7? It can't be ONE outfit described as 'Lolita', it HAS to be a lifestyle now and you can't get ANYTHING wrong? It has to be fucking perfect?? If someone says 'that's not Lolita!' then you're judged on your 'Lolita-ism' and whether you've given it enough work?

Who the fuck cares? Seriously, get a grip crazy burando bitch Lolita people. I swear to God I have heard more bitching and moaning from certain Lolita bitches than any other fashion clique on the planet(that includes goths and punks that scream poser every other second). They all seem to take it PERSONALLY when someone 'messes up' THEIR fashion, then act like they're God's gift to Lolita, blessed with every rule ever known to the fashion, and the power to smack someone who doesn't know this magical list of rules.

"Well, according to the Lolita Bible ______"

Jesus Christ, I know there's a magazine called Gothic and Lolita Bible, I own a few issues of it, but I think a few people took it a little too seriously when reading it. It's like people reading the real Bible, they follow everything to the letter and lose the point entirely(don't even start me on my views of the pitfalls of the real bible).

Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of Lolita people that can laugh stuff off when someone 'does it wrong', or don't even care and let the person have their fun. Not at all saying every Lolita ever made is evil, most of them are great people. There's just a few of them that are such bitches I can't even start.

I didn't do this to offend anyone, there's just some people who rub me the wrong way with how arbitrary they're being. I don't want to get into a debate of the rules of being a Lolita, I'm just saying this is what it looks like from my standpoint, a mass of frilly girls bickering about 'true lolita'.

>> No.9772873

I think you need to go chill out. Take a break from /cgl/ if you're this bothered.

>> No.9772875

Christ. Are you 13?
DoN't EvEn GeT mE sTaRtEd On ThE pItFaLlS oF tHe ReAl BiBlE

>> No.9772876
File: 55 KB, 457x381, miku ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I despise fakebois. What's under her lip? Did she forget to wipe away a piece of the 5lb. chocolate bar she was devouring whole? Her hands look like she's injected them with her local McDonald's frying oil.

>> No.9772877

Is this copypasta? If not, can we make it one?

>> No.9772881

okay ignoring the rest of your stupid rant, the last thread is in auto sage, and it's pretty standard to make a new one once the current thread hits bump limit.

also you're clearly fucking new around here, no one has ever said "according to the Lolita Bible" because all it was advertisements and street snaps. please fuck off back to your corner of the board

>> No.9772882
File: 38 KB, 241x169, tsukasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9772883

Fuck off

>> No.9772884

I see it all the time from you burando bitch snobs. who caaaaaaaaaaares about the rules

>> No.9772887
File: 29 KB, 180x88, Screenshot at Feb 01 07-35-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9772888

Sausage fingers

>> No.9772889

Shit, is it irish?

>> No.9772900

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.9772901

Holy shit rage-anon. Way to fly off the handle there. The last thread is in auto sage. Calm the fuck down. Eat a snickers and get a grip on reality.

You can’t stop people from talking shit about other people online for a fashion that literally connects to eachother through the internet. The people in the fashion are already outcasts that found the fashion with some form of online presence. Games, manga, social media etc. Sass like what you see here and this “brand whore” idea isn’t real. It’s mainly roleplayed on the internet on anon forums like this. It’s become a meme in the fashion like hover Loli and the term “ruffled bloomers”.

It’s a fashion mainly full of women who spend heavy dosh on alternative clothing. You will get a lot of catty behaviors and snarky remarks. Goth fashion is just as bad with the “elitism” you are waving around. Elitism in goth fashion is a little worse then it is in Lolita fashion. There is a lot of shit slinging and trash talking but it’s simply not online and mainly contained in little cliques of goths since goth fashion is far more mainstream then lolita fashion.

Tl:dr you really flew off the handle with this with a false image of what this fashion is about.

>> No.9772905

Is this ita also the really fat quiet here >>9767560. I’m all for body positivity but this is just wrong.

>> No.9772908
File: 243 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1517493842291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless her for having the balls to post this on CoF and keep it up for 2 hours with only 5 likes.

>> No.9772911

Sorry, I just need to rant about this. I am DONE. Do we REALLY need TWO threads like this?

Is Lolita some sacred fashion that you have to live and breathe 24/7? It can't be ONE outfit described as 'Lolita', it HAS to be a lifestyle now and you can't get ANYTHING wrong? It has to be fucking perfect?? If someone says 'that's not Lolita!' then you're judged on your 'Lolita-ism' and whether you've given it enough work?

Who the fuck cares? Seriously, get a grip crazy burando bitch Lolita people. I swear to God I have heard more bitching and moaning from certain Lolita bitches than any other fashion clique on the planet(that includes goths and punks that scream poser every other second). They all seem to take it PERSONALLY when someone 'messes up' THEIR fashion, then act like they're God's gift to Lolita, blessed with every rule ever known to the fashion, and the power to smack someone who doesn't know this magical list of rules.

"Well, according to the Lolita Bible ______"

Jesus Christ, I know there's a magazine called Gothic and Lolita Bible, I own a few issues of it, but I think a few people took it a little too seriously when reading it. It's like people reading the real Bible, they follow everything to the letter and lose the point entirely(don't even start me on my views of the pitfalls of the real bible).

Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of Lolita people that can laugh stuff off when someone 'does it wrong', or don't even care and let the person have their fun. Not at all saying every Lolita ever made is evil, most of them are great people. There's just a few of them that are such bitches I can't even start.

I didn't do this to offend anyone, there's just some people who rub me the wrong way with how arbitrary they're being. I don't want to get into a debate of the rules of being a Lolita, I'm just saying this is what it looks like from my standpoint, a mass of frilly girls bickering about 'true lolita'.

>> No.9772913

Is this our new copypasta?

>> No.9772916

Holy fuck, I think so. What did you do to my poor innocent eyes? Why?

>> No.9772918

If I had to suffer I’m bring all you bitches with me.

>> No.9772921

Literally no one else lets lolita fashion or ita threads get their panties this bunched. Have you heard of not sweating the small shit? Just ignore ita threads if you don’t like them, they are not ruining your quality of life or threatening you in anyway. If you get this worked up and upset every ita thread, you’re gonna give yourself a damn aneurysm.

>> No.9772942

You all think you're so cool because you can afford to drop money on burnado dresses but I can't OKAY? Sorry if that's so fucking offensive to you bitches.

>> No.9772948

It's bait, anons, stop replying to this person.

>> No.9772968

Annnnd you baited too hard. It’s obvious now. Was fun while it lasted. Now it’s just cringy.

>> No.9772970

That's not me

>> No.9772975

Foto anon here - I definitely get that bothered by these threads. No one on this fucking board is the authority on lolita.

>> No.9772978

Yes! They are just cruel and a means of mocking people who can't afford the same nice things or maybe aren't as conventionally attractive or skinny. It's not fair and it's not kind.

>> No.9772984

Foto anon again - I can afford to buy nice things but I don't think there is a reason to give people shit for not being able to afford something they want. I love my brand but I also have some taobao dresses simply because I liked the design.

I never actually feel the need to talk shit about people unless they deserve it. I don't know why its become "lets roast people who aren't as average as we are!!"

I can't post online without knowing I might get posted and I'll be judged not by my clothes but because some anon doesn't like how I look or my life choices.

>> No.9772998

You get brand ita’s anon, it’s not that deep

>> No.9773043

What's her tumblr?

>> No.9773067
File: 129 KB, 960x960, 27067313_1938242153102919_1006629538598227343_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773069

Nice roleplay. Too bad no one here actually makes fun of people for buying cheap. They do, however, make fun of people who don’t know how to make cohesive color combinations. There’s plenty of examples of cheap coordinates that look really good. Same with Home made.

If you want to bitch about something, bitch about people here making fun of people who are itas because they are fat. Not because of some made up bull shit about how they tease simply because the ita isn’t wearing top brand.

>> No.9773082

I also need to know this

>> No.9773083

>being this new and asschapped about a fashion involving frilly dresses

>> No.9773086

Did you get posted? That's usually what brings on a rant like this.

>> No.9773111

Looks like bad wig but actual hair. Ew

>> No.9773139

sweetyuris.tumblr.com and Lolitas be shopping is her Twitter.

>> No.9773148

From all of the coords they have produced, this is the best one.

>> No.9773210

Its @thirdbike

>> No.9773214

That's not how I found her.

>> No.9773227

I typed in lolitasbeshopping, and >>9773210 showed up. She might of just changer her handle.

>> No.9773241

Is this whole thread going to be about fakeboi or can we move onto someone else, please?

>> No.9773245

So why didn't you post something?

>> No.9773256

I'm saving this picture for educational purposes so I can post it next time someone wonders why fatties often wear their waistband right under their tits.

>> No.9773259
File: 685 KB, 1080x1920, 50028abe-5467-4820-b514-35697b8679bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773260
File: 5 KB, 300x300, lakeland-professional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her body looks like a piping bag.

>> No.9773269
File: 80 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1517519767707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like really bad ageplay.

>> No.9773272

I agree,saw it and thought it looked godawful. And the whole "queer babby uwu" is cringe. Saying it as a lesbian.
The shoes are a sin and look ratty.

>> No.9773275

seriously bruh? she posted it on fb saying its an incomplete coord and wanted some pointers aside from makeup and hairstyling because she knew she needed that

>> No.9773280

no, they're midwestern. knew them in high school, super sweet person. but they post on facebook a lot about the light critique they get on amino, taking it too seriously

>> No.9773282

I saw this and thought it was a shitty joke. Apparently not.

>> No.9773286
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 27459679_764256467096484_2364963663946441513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773287

Is that make-up, or does her abusive husband think she's a slow learner?

>> No.9773288
File: 29 KB, 596x960, tumblr_p3a11ta8Jz1v8u0m4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773292
File: 301 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p2rspgbD041w4g3lqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773293

I thought it said " queen baby"

>> No.9773294
File: 103 KB, 540x540, tumblr_p32qkuEyzb1vae88xo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773297
File: 493 KB, 933x1920, tumblr_p2xy8she8M1rml5tho3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773300
File: 406 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_p2xdnoQWcn1rsin45o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773301


>> No.9773307

really love the colors in this coord

>> No.9773308

gotta love that bit of bloat bursting through her blouse at the bottom. learn to wear shit that fits, fatty.

>> No.9773311

Thanks for the nightmares!

>> No.9773315

That’s a dude with a tiny soul patch right? Or is it a homely girl with a labret (not sure if right term) and the cleaning standards of a man?

>> No.9773318


>> No.9773320
File: 289 KB, 483x355, 1511553863047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gee I haven't been to /cgl/ in awhile
>click this thread first for some cheap lols
>second post

>> No.9773323

i want to gouge my eyes out

>> No.9773384
File: 67 KB, 422x750, 4B621C07-F7F9-48AA-970F-E8AA35C2D20A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted with a Marina and the Diamonds “How to be a Heartbreaker” gif under it. Definitely breaking my heart, but not in the intended way.

>> No.9773389
File: 65 KB, 422x750, DA4078CE-956B-4C9E-A096-BF75F6E00790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus: The heartbreaker’s makeup look

>> No.9773392

I know this was posted to Cof, but I really feel it could be a decent fairy kei coord with a wig, better makeup, and a little different accessories. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it's pretty bad as is.

>> No.9773401

Sauce on the skirt and does it come in black?

>> No.9773407

Ugly as fuck girl with lebret that is a fake boi. See op post.

>> No.9773436

she was probably posted because she went into a group some youtuber is famous in and complained about the concrit

>> No.9773441

>capitalizing the L in lolita

>> No.9773450

holy shit she needs to shave

>> No.9773468

I would literally pay her to shave off that mustache

I didn't know dressing like a 50s housewife was lolita now

Looks like she'd threaten to hex you if you criticized her

Jesus, it looks like she painted her face white

>> No.9773477

How the fuck is a full set an incomplete coord?

>> No.9773479

Welcome to /cgl/, it’s customary to shut the fuck up and lurk until you become aware of which threads have been ongoing since 2009

>> No.9773484
File: 29 KB, 261x369, 7DD73106-1398-4594-86A9-F8E5E6AB884D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a yaoi paddle?

>> No.9773485
File: 223 KB, 750x742, 195DDBD7-2956-4A53-BA38-FE3F034620F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773494

Ah well suck it up, you are one of hundreds. Take the advice or don't. Or better yet, go to the alt fashion amino for asspats, you baby.

>> No.9773495

It's a girl, unfortunately. A girl,who wants to be a boy, while wearing girl clothes....yea.

>> No.9773498 [DELETED] 

Some jimmies are ruffled in Amino.

> Dear Lolita fashion lovers both new and experienced

Lolita fashion forums and groups are not safe spaces. They’re not made to be safe spaces though, they’re made to be places for other Lolita’s to get in touch and even plan meet ups.

Lolita’s are many different kinds of people or different backgrounds.

Some Lolita’s are kind, while others are quite cruel. Some know they’re being mean while others say offensive things unintentionally. There are Trolls in this world of fashion. They lurk in places like behind the bows, 4 chan, CGL,live journal, closet of frills, ruffle chat and even amino. These trollitas are immature and have been around since the beginning of the fashion and though they may be less active on these sites, they are still there. They don’t care how long you’ve been in the fashion but newbies (or at least those new to the online community) seem to be the main targets.

So newbies, don’t expect all Lolita’s to be lovely because you will be in for a rude awakening.

We can’t make people be polite if they don’t want to, I’m not saying Lolita’s should be expected to act a certain way. But let’s be real...Lolita’s get enough trouble offline, we don’t need web conflict too. Also, trolling is extremely childish and pathetic. Especially if you know it’s something you’d never say in person. BTB and other sites where people steal images of others just to rip on them need to disappear. There’s no place for them, if you have beef with someone you can talk to them like an adult. Of course some may not be willing to listen to you, especially if you’re being rude. In which case, just forget it. Don’t go elsewhere and spread rumors, don’t spam the comments on their photos with rude things, don’t bully, don’t troll. There’s no reason to.

>> No.9773525
File: 12 KB, 210x240, darla-finding-nemo-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9773534
File: 45 KB, 640x480, are you frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9773536
File: 195 KB, 640x764, 3C710303-35BA-4E66-8E37-4E022C340D54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Lolita inspired”???????????

>> No.9773537
File: 493 KB, 300x225, applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9773544

Awful taste, decent execution

>> No.9773547

You know its a name right?

>> No.9773550

I.. I think so?

>> No.9773556

>Ah well suck it up
How come anons can't suck it up when they get the retaliation? Why is the response always "just shut up n take it"?
If you don't actually want a fight then don't insult someone's personal choices just cause you saw it online somewhere. Don't let some shitty image board ideology go to your head. Like you haven't been brain washed to insist on insulting people. And if you're legitimately doing this - then get ready for the fucking backlash regardless of if your behavior is considered acceptable or expected.

>> No.9773558

Probably because it's lacking a petti and proper shoes (at least I'm hoping she realizes that's what's missing)

>> No.9773561

Cool Seinfeld gif - have you ever even watched that show? Or did you save the gif from a thread where "lulz" were had?

>> No.9773563

A lot of us love good offbrand or quality handmade. But if you look like trash, you'll probably end up here.

>> No.9773573

This was in the last thread. Please stop,

>> No.9773578

Aww, would you rather the response be a heart felt apology? Ok. I'll try my best. Sorry you got posted. Better?

>> No.9773579

A firm hold shapewear would work wonders on that tire she’s shoving into that skirt. It wouldn’t bulge as much.

>> No.9773581

>if you look like trash
More like if typical cgl gulls find you to be repulsive for any reason what so ever you'll be posted and mocked for no reason other than anons need to vent by taking it out on people they don't know.

>> No.9773584

I didn't get posted though. I just don't care for this part of the fashion community.

>> No.9773611

And this is why we press our seams boys and girls.

>> No.9773633

Yet, here you are.

>> No.9773669

When I saw this on my fb feed I laughed out loud irl.

>> No.9773674

I found out about lolita from this board. I'm not leaving.

>> No.9773678

Then stay out of the ita threads if they bother you soo much. Stay in the help and inspiration threads.

>> No.9773682

Her outfits are usually better than this. We all have our off days.

>> No.9773691

Tbh, it doesn't matter if you stay or go, ita threads will continue.

>> No.9773697

Aww, a lolita at heart! How precious!

>> No.9773706

Omg, I modeled for her a while back. Dress felt way too big... The colors and way she coorded it was cringey, dresses were a lot better quality in person.

>> No.9773708

She normally has a make up artist to do her models make up, and she made me look so dead. Worst I’ve ever looked in public.
Beaten, abused,and sparkely is there “go to”

>> No.9773709

What? It's the name of the fashion, it should be capitalised.

>> No.9773712


>> No.9773717

Why TF does it matter?

>> No.9773719

Yes and it caused a SHITSTORM.

>> No.9773721

I know it must be a huge struggle being a giant brolita but jesus christ.

>> No.9773728
File: 37 KB, 288x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773733
File: 663 KB, 1438x1867, B0E854F3-08A3-45AC-A0B8-BD4AE663FF83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way better then her normal garbage, she apparently has kids and drops her child off as school looking like something from fucken silent hill.
That kids gonna end up fucked.

>> No.9773736

Hey anon who caught up on the thread and literally just posted 20 replies in a row - please fucking chill, nobody cares about the conversation you're having with yourself. Sage for OT.

>> No.9773739

Looks similar to the one from Peacockalorum on Etsy.

>> No.9773740


Wow, Kayla. You apply to model at a con and the girl gives you the opportunity, and then you bitch about her online after? Talk about ungrateful and two-faced. You should have turned down modeling for her if you're so above her.

You really shouldn't be burning bridges when you're this new.

>> No.9773741

You are soo new. Any one who’s been here longer then a week would know that reposting something from a saged thread won’t have the same effect in the new one. C’mon anon. Have some sense.

>> No.9773742

I feel like this thing never really tries.

>> No.9773743


>> No.9773748

Damnit Kayla, you can't do shit right.

>> No.9773750

Don't play dumb.

>> No.9773752

Yeah I know

>> No.9773755

Was worth a shot at least.

>> No.9773762

DM me

>> No.9773771

I actually love this
Casual lolita is my lifeblood, and I really like the way she used the scrunchie

>> No.9773781

I mean, I guess it'd work for Halloween.

>> No.9773794

>I just don't care for this part of the fashion community
Then stop fucking engaging in it. You know you're just making it worse by slinging shit and beating your chest, right?

>> No.9773836


Sausage doing the belly rolls aside, what skirt is this?

>> No.9773838
File: 56 KB, 240x240, BBB31F52-A907-4A1C-AA75-11FAE2D12480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babytssb stary Mother goose

>> No.9773840

Ty anon, sorry you had to see that.

>> No.9773842

I saw her quiet cosplay..... there is no god.

>> No.9773843
File: 59 KB, 1334x750, 29E4C873-36E5-4256-958C-F348CA4C8712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously policing someone’s Seinfeld cred?

>> No.9773844

The dress is cute.. but everything else is just wrong

>> No.9773846

The tea started to BOIL really quick

>> No.9773863

Oh crap, I may know this ita. If it’s who I’m thinking of, (and I hope it isn’t) they’re OBSESSED with boys cross dressing in lolita. Not brolitas, cross dressing lolitas. They sound the same, but apparently the cross dressing ones don’t make any effort to pass. It’s a fetish for them/him/her, and they also fetishize gay men.

>> No.9773867

Nvm, not them/him/her/whatever, thank goodness. The ita I described IS awful, though.

>> No.9773873

Right, when you look like trash.

>> No.9773875

You have very low standards drama.

>> No.9773876

Sorry, I just need to rant about this. I am DONE. Do we REALLY need a post like this?

Is Seinfeld some sacred show that you have to live and breathe 24/7? It can't be ONE gif from Seinfeld, it HAS to be a lifestyle now and you can't get ANYTHING wrong? It has to be fucking perfect?? If someone says 'that's not Seinfeld!' then you're judged on your Seinfeld-ism' and whether you've given it enough work?

Who the fuck cares? Seriously, get a grip crazy tv bitch Seinfeld fans. I swear to God I have heard more bitching and moaning from certain Seinfeld bitches than any other tv show clique on the planet(that includes Cheers fans and Friends fans that scream poser every other gif). They all seem to take it PERSONALLY when someone 'messes up' THEIR show, then act like they're God's gift to Seinfeld, blessed with every rule ever known to the show, and the power to smack someone who doesn't know this magical list of rules.

"Well, according to the Seinfeld Wiki ______"

Jesus Christ, I know there's a website called Seinfeld Wiki, I read a few pages of it, but I think a few people took it a little too seriously when reading it. It's like people reading the Bible, they follow everything to the letter and lose the point entirely(don't even start me on my views of the pitfalls of the bible).

Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of Seinfeld fans that can laugh stuff off when someone 'does it wrong', or don't even care and let the person have their fun. Not at all saying every Seinfeld fan ever made is evil, most of them are great people. There's just a few of them that are such bitches I can't even start.

I didn't do this to offend anyone, there's just some people who rub me the wrong way with how arbitrary they're being. I don't want to get into a debate of the rules of being a Seinfeld fan, I'm just saying this is what it looks like from my standpoint, a mass of frilly girls bickering about 'true Seinfeld’.

>> No.9773880

That ain't a she.

>> No.9773888

It's hard to tell through all the shoop but I think this woman is in my comm. Her son is like 10 and she's always talking about how much he hates lolita and how he throws tantrums when he sees her wear it. I don't blame him desu, can you imagine being an elementary school kid and having your mom drop you off at school dressed like Annabelle? I'd grow up hating the fashion, too.

>> No.9773895

I hate to disappoint, but she is a she.

>> No.9773901
File: 782 KB, 2931x3192, 7638AD7F-DAB6-4831-BB1B-30621B8E909E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773902
File: 692 KB, 1728x3192, D6DF7E71-2736-49CC-AFC4-A9EA6D5CDD56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl can’t do any fashion right.

>> No.9773913

God bless you anon

>> No.9773928
File: 318 KB, 1079x1390, _20180202_105309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mess. If she would spend less time photoshopping herself into a white beautiful asian, she might've more time either loosing weight or finding dresses that fit.

>> No.9773931

>only children can wear this weh
Few things make me saltier than this bullshit. She's probably better off wearing boring normie clothes that fit her, we don't need people with this attitude in the fashion.
What's with the lace on this, anyway? Is it a replica?

>> No.9773936
File: 90 KB, 960x960, 25151961_1562259407194670_1950158598767915485_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100 likes

So much wrong with this

>> No.9773945

Not 100% sure if it's a replica.

But her attitude makes me salty af. I'm a busty girl and I fit this fashion. Guess why! I'm not fat, I just have a bit bigger boobs, but they do fit brand. Also, if she knew more about this fashion she'd know that it was originally designed for heavier asian girls and that's why the sizes are pretty large and especially ap sizes are huuuuuge.

>> No.9773958

Read the thread idiot. This was posted here >>9773269

>> No.9773962

1. Learn to fucking spell
2. The "child waist sizes," as she calls them are achievable if you don't gorge yourself on unhealthy snacks.

>> No.9773963
File: 108 KB, 476x720, 5284578D-D3FE-431E-8A1F-0361A38199BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9773967

Oh who is this?

The lace looks really off. That can't be her wearing it though? Someone with legs that small would 100% fit the waist of that dress,

>> No.9773968


>> No.9773971

I've just checked the Lolibrary measurements 71-80cm is not a child's size waist! What the fuck!

>> No.9773972

She claims to be half brit half German, but both her English and German are super off.

She's shooping herself to hell and back. Not sure if name dropping is ok, but since she's some 20k followers I guess it might be, her insta is angelicxdoll

>> No.9773975

Thanks anon! She is really is a trainwreck. Christ.

>> No.9773978

She really is. Lately she made a post in which she doxxed a girl who wrote with her bf or sth why not doxx your bf?
But that's not part of the ita discussion.

She has another black AP dress which appears to fit just fine, it's from a LP I think. It's an easy cut without a print and looks good on her. If she really has problems around the waist, she might just try sack dresses. I think they'd even flatter her body shape.

>> No.9773983

Don't AP's waists typically stretch up to more than 78cm? That's nowhere near "child sized". It's fine if she's plus sized but it's embarrassing when she and people like her are so delusional as to think that only children can fit anything that doesn't fit the size of their equator.

>> No.9773984

To be fair, this dress is ita on its own.

>> No.9774066
File: 32 KB, 417x657, ita 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9774067
File: 85 KB, 960x960, ita 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9774070
File: 123 KB, 720x960, ita 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9774073
File: 119 KB, 720x960, ita 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9774080

There is a feature on here where you can hide threads, utilize it. Whinging about it won't do anything, Lolitas have been around for more than a decade and they have chastised itas for just as long. .

>> No.9774092

I'm not trying to stop anyone. I just come here to bitch at people who definitely deserve it.

>> No.9774100

>Sorry, I just need to rant about this. I am DONE. Do we REALLY need a post like this?
>Is Lolita some sacred fashion that you have to live and breathe 24/7? It can't be ONE pic from a CoF post, it HAS to be a lifestyle now and you can't get ANYTHING wrong? It has to be fucking perfect?? If someone says 'that's not lolita!' then you're judged on your lolita-ism' and whether you've given it enough work?
>Who the fuck cares? Seriously, get a grip crazy lolita fans. I swear to God I have heard more bitching and moaning from certain lolita bitches than any other fashion clique on the planet(that includes goth fans and fairy kei fans that scream poser every other pic). They all seem to take it PERSONALLY when someone 'messes up' THEIR fashion, then act like they're God's gift to lolita, blessed with every rule ever known to the fashion, and the power to smack someone who doesn't know this magical list of rules.
>"Well, according to the lolita bible ______"
>Jesus Christ, I know there's a website called lolita bible, I read a few pages of it, but I think a few people took it a little too seriously when reading it. It's like people reading the Bible, they follow everything to the letter and lose the point entirely(don't even start me on my views of the pitfalls of the bible).
>Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of lolitas that can laugh stuff off when someone 'does it wrong', or don't even care and let the person have their fun. Not at all saying every lolita ever made is evil, most of them are great people. There's just a few of them that are such bitches I can't even start.
>I didn't do this to offend anyone, there's just some people who rub me the wrong way with how arbitrary they're being. I don't want to get into a debate of the rules of being a lolita, I'm just saying this is what it looks like from my standpoint, a mass of frilly girls bickering about 'true lolita’.

>> No.9774105

Its just copypasta

>> No.9774108

I don't think she claimed this was lolita.

>> No.9774112

It's ugly, whatever it's meant to be.

>> No.9774115

Cool concrit

>> No.9774120

could be her roommate's sorority paddle or something

>but probably a yaoi paddle

>> No.9774126

I actually really like this!! I love the style and colour of the dress. I wouldn't call it ita, but to be fair we don't see the rest of her coord and the hair could be better.

>> No.9774135

true, though skirt doesnt seem full enough and it's being worn by somebody's aging stepmother, but colour coordination is cute

>> No.9774136

So you're basically just pissing in the wind.

>> No.9774138

Is this you? She's frumpy, needs makeup/hair styling and some headwear. I'd also bet money she has shitty shoes too.

>> No.9774144

Yea get used to it.

>> No.9774145

I called her out and she blocked me oof

>> No.9774149

Get used to what? Your presence on this board hasn't changed anything.

>> No.9774154

Again. Its not about that. Get used to me being here

>> No.9774157

You do realise that the mods can just perma ban you

>> No.9774165

Again. Get used to what? Nothing has changed.

>> No.9774211

Really? What did you tell her??

>> No.9774216
File: 157 KB, 1440x1440, FB_IMG_1517594667610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's favorite is back. But honestly why would you post a coord pic then say you're going to change everything you're wearing minus the shitty wig that needs a good brushing? Just dont post the picture.

>> No.9774232
File: 89 KB, 940x602, BWEA_cElhS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9774237

>doughnut print
This has to be bait.

>> No.9774239

>apply makeup
(Maybe loose some pounds)
>remove that shitty piercing

>> No.9774246

she has potential.
eyeliner, bra and better fitting blouse needed.
also, no more potato pics

>> No.9774251

her followers are all bought, right? who in their right mean sees this insane shoopchan writing in broken English and thinks, "that's follow worthy" ?

>> No.9774253


With the other troll complaining about brandwhoring, I'm finding it ironic that this girl would actually be improved if she stopped being such a brandwhore -- these skirts she's buying clearly doesn't fit her size. Going for a taobao made-to-measure dress may be step down in quality, but at least the clothes wouldn't be highlighting her stomach pudge.

>> No.9774255
File: 67 KB, 732x960, 25152087_1631976036867923_1779753267221522748_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9774256

I seriously have no idea. Also I wonder what her mother tongue is, because it's seems like it's neither english nor german like she claims to. Also wonder what her nationality is. I tried to find out through her YouTube videos, but they made me cringe so hard. It's like she came straight out of 2008

>> No.9774257

Did you miss the part where I said she looks like an ugly aging stepmother? All I said was that I like the colour balance, she still looks like a mess

>> No.9774269

Is she talking about the British Bear skirt? Because according to lolibrary that waist measurement is 66~80cm. In what universe is that child sized?

>> No.9774271

She's wearing the JSK if it even is the real deal. But it probably has similar measurements.

>> No.9774277

That’s even bigger at 71~80! What kind of children has she been hanging around with?

>> No.9774281


>> No.9774286
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 11295932_10202791072698178_1571786347905013892_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9774291

I can't remember what I said word for word, but it was similar to this
>What do you mean by 'child sized', the max measurement is 80cm?? 80cm waists are considered plus sized in western society, so Angelic Pretty most definitely are creating 'normal sized lolita dresses', lolita has always been sized for chubby girls. Ap does not have to serve you, and if you don't like it, lose weight

>> No.9774299

That was a good one. Really, I hope she finds this thread, I wanna see her rant.

>> No.9774317

The sad thing is, their face isn't completely unsaveable. If she just lost some weight and started wearing better wigs she could produce some mediocre coords.

>> No.9774318

Jack Black, no!

>> No.9774351


Someone's having a field day posting Memphis pics, huh?

>> No.9774401

Does she carry around a Sakura blossom to stand on wherever she goes?

>> No.9774404

Fuckn pussy, don't be a ita and ya won't get posted simple as that.

>> No.9774407

Ya same anon, I have bigger tits but a smaller waist all ya need to do is eat healthy and exercise little, it ant that hard

>> No.9774410

That dress is just bad,brands sometimes produce ita dresses

>> No.9774456

Bad wig, bad color combinations, bad dress, bad makeup. Everything about this makes me cringe. This poor girl looks like she came out a bar fight at a drag show.

>> No.9774496

where are her lips?? she really needs some sort of lip stain desperately

>> No.9774499

are you D.A.H., the girl who keeps going on about the evil 'trollitas'?
If so, you're one yourself.

>> No.9774504

I can't hate this, she said it was a jumper her grandma made her. That warmed my heart.

>> No.9774505

I saw her post in the AP tag that said she only looks good in lolita, honey sorry but this doesn't look good.

>> No.9774510

The bear could be workable if she gave it a higher quality strap, or made it into a backpack. The solid black thing doesn't really work.

>> No.9774512

good dress, bad model.

>> No.9774520

I’m dead

Thank you anon

>> No.9774553


The dress itself is meh and the potato quality image doesn’t help, but it looks like she managed to find a blouse that matches that mint and I’m impressed jus by that alone? Everything fits her, and I don’t know about y’all but I think she just needs a hat and a purse and this would look just fine. It’s got kind of a dowdy lolita professor with tenure vibe going on.

>> No.9774656

Did she bring that flower with her to stand on?

>> No.9774714

WTF is up with that t-shirt? is is like fold up on itself?

>> No.9774715

Memphis needs to step they game up.

>> No.9774717

This is a cute post anon.

>> No.9774735

nitpick, needs better hair/makeup/lighting but the match of blouse and well pressed dress is a good start

>> No.9774752

Not my bag. But looks alright.

>> No.9774754

Looks casual.

>> No.9774757
File: 260 KB, 500x600, queenchocolateop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to go against your guys' attitudes, especially since I kind of agree that it's a bit nitpicky and she just looks really basic instead of terrible, but this is actually the OP I'm pretty sure. But it does look like a well matched blouse + JSK so if it's someone who has trouble making an outfit like some newer people it was probably a smart purchase on her part.

>> No.9774758

Where is she?

>> No.9774764

What is she?

>> No.9774771

she needs to post her coords at a better angle

>> No.9774775

I think I the headbow is bad. It's cheap and wonky.

>> No.9774778

Do you not know that you can easily avoid that? Are you new? Do you really think bans matter?

>> No.9774779

No but I derail threads all over this board and its really easy.

>> No.9774790

that anon really break rules which would deserve a permaban though

a three day ban is pretty possible though but people usually avoid those

>> No.9774791

Sauce on this dress?

>> No.9774792

*that anon doesn't

>> No.9774795

This photo looks like it was taken with a flip phone camera.

>> No.9774878

I think its bodyline

>> No.9774884

its a skirt but idk where it came from.

>> No.9774896

Oh! That explains it! I was so impressed. I honestly have no idea what any of the dresses in that series look like in the wild because it’s not my style, but she looks good in it. She has the right body type for it imo. Definitely just needs some accessories and she’ll look great.

>> No.9774900

My biggest peeve about this ita is their smarmy ass twitter post, explaining lolita to people

If you can't dress yourself for shit what makes you think you're an authority/well versed enough to 'educate' others about the fashion??

>> No.9774917
File: 366 KB, 535x640, prettyita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news: pot calls kettle black.

>> No.9775043


>> No.9775059

B-but I thought ita is a slur??

>> No.9775070

I also have big boobs. But I'm a normal healthy weight. So I fit brand most of the time no problem. Only dresses that cut directly under the boobs/have little boob space give me trouble. I fit the unshirred brand I've bought. I always get irritated when someone who's overweight complains about "their boobs" making it impossible to fit clothes. If the shirring is stretched to bursting, it isn't a boob problem. And I get really irritated about fat girls refering to us normal sized girls as people who are child sized. Sorry, nope. I just stopped after I finished my first burger. And I didn't eat a double order of fries and a pie too.

>> No.9775073

This is ita af. But I still find her oddly adorable.

>> No.9775083

Most of the time when someone complains about their boobs being the only reason they don’t fit into brand I just assume that they’re fat and in denial. Not because I don’t believe that big-boobed girls with small waists exist, but because literally every time I’ve heard someone complain about this in person they were really fat. Even if they admit being fat they’ll say stuff like oh I have big boobs so I wouldn’t fit stupid child-sized burando even if I did lose weight! Meanwhile they wear like a 40D bra and most of their bust measurement is regular fat, not breast tissue.
>muh curves

>> No.9775092
File: 188 KB, 720x720, raughs with tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(don't even start me on my views of the pitfalls of the real bible)
Guys, I think we found the perfect girlfriend for the Rick and Morty guy.

>> No.9775112

Some lawl-itas think once they get their hands on real brand, they can call themselves skilled enough to help inform others. It’s a common newbie thing that , if they don’t ditch the style entirely, grow out of in a few years.

>> No.9775113
File: 1.25 MB, 2304x3192, 420F848B-964F-4D3A-8BE8-81EA7FEAA23A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m starting to think she might actually be autistic. My brother is autistic and smiles like that when he takes a picture every time like this girl. But he knows how to dress him self properly.

>> No.9775125
File: 38 KB, 366x366, 14368753_329350444068027_409951571328260405_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to see this so all of you have to too: this disgusting wannabe sat around in this thread for hours pretending to be an edgelord and looks like this

>> No.9775131
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 11393127_105731776429896_1573665029209943331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to excuse the queen baby sweatshirt coord but a person with this photo on their public fb does not get to criticize

>> No.9775153
File: 60 KB, 768x1024, 8XcFdul2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 32D but a 71cm waist
Tbf, I'd like to shed 5-10cm, but I don't know how much it would affect my boobs

>> No.9775158

Can we please kick ugly broke trannies out of lolita? This dude doesnt even wear the fashion and somehow thinks his opinion matters. Looks like an ageplayer in half his fb pics too

>> No.9775201

That tibbers plush though? As a league of legends fan and collector or memorabilia, this makes me cringe thinking of how mistreated that plush is.

>> No.9775209

Trife life

>> No.9775223

>I like big meals and I cannot lie
>you other comfort eaters can't deny
>that when a baker walks by with itty bitty pastries
>and a doughnut in your face
>you eat the lot

This is hands down the shittiest version of the navy seal copypasta I ever saw

>What's under her lip?

A piercing that looks like a goatee the size of a clit.

It's okay, anon. On the internet no one knows you're a fat, unemployed loser.

>It's not fair and it's not kind.
Be that as it may, sissy roast on behind the bows nao?

That hair is the worst. Outlandish stuff only works if you're really pretty instead of unfortunate looking. Poor dear only has half of each eyebrow.

Once your jowls are visible, it's time to bin the pastel vomit.

This gives me vertigo.

all she(?) is missing is a bib that says daddy's cummies

>> No.9775226

bless you for bringing the tea, anon.

Racist and fat as fuck, what a winner.

She's full Malay, but nice try on her part I guess.

...she stole her dead grandma's old bag, and she never, ever, cleaned her room. The end.

>> No.9775228

60 cm waste/89 cm bust (25'' waste/30DDD in burger units). The only burando that's a struggle is unshirred ETC. I can zip up a JSK with a blouse underneath but god help me if I need to do anything that requires me to slightly increase my breathing rate.

>> No.9775230


>> No.9775233

I actually think it's one of those economy size jugs of cooking oil. Could be a cleaning compound but the way the label looks makes me think it's cooking oil. Cleaning products usually use some kind of blue/green in the label.

>> No.9775237

This is fine. Vendetta?

tumblr was a mistake.

>dowdy lolita professor with tenure vibe
life goals

that's some bring in the flamethrower before it breeds! material

People who don't use pillow covers are gross.

>> No.9775238

Can you not?

>> No.9775319

You're fucking new if you don't know that people come back from bans all the time

>> No.9775320


>> No.9775324
File: 210 KB, 1638x2048, FB_IMG_1517676554550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.9775329

Yes it is

>> No.9775337

You have exactly the same measurements as me. But I wear a 28F bra size. Shopping for bras is a lot more difficult than shopping for dresses...

>> No.9775341

With the context of this being a WIP, this makes sense - hope she gets useful concrit on CoF, because there's potential in this, as it's pretty much matchy-matchy.

>> No.9775344

>>9773259 Borderline between nitpick and ita IMHO. Definitely stuff wrong, but not as cringe as some people on this thread. The make-up is a definite NO - she looks more like she got punched than 'mystical and magical' or whatever. She picked good colours for her eye-makeup, but she did a really shitty design with it. Wig would look a lot better if she could actually cut the fringe properly. She's going for that OTT sweet look, so a pastel wig is fine in concept - just not in execution because of how it's been cut. Looks choppy and uneven. There's no spiderwebs on the design, and the texture of any kind of fishnet doesn't match the outfit, so those tights are a definite nope. Does she not have mint shoes? She's chubby and the peignoir doesn't fit her well.

>> No.9775345

She complained about getting concrit so probably not

>> No.9775349

So, so dowdy. Is that a gap in the trim on her skirt? Maybe with some shapewear and a decent blouse she might look semi respectable, but this outfit just accentuates everything wrong with her figure, bringing all the attention to her belly and chubby calves.

>> No.9775351

I'm on the boat. It's easier to find brand that fits than a single bra (EU 65F)

>> No.9775352

Shit photo quality, but mediocre outfit - if she did something with her fringe, and wore a head-bow, she'd be fine - it's not that her coord is un-matching or ill-fitting, it's that the print on the dress is just loud. She could probably do with more petticoat volume.

Where are all the actually cringe itas?

>> No.9775353

Everything about this is cringe - is that 'Queer Angel Baby' or 'Queen Angel Baby' on that ugly AF cropped jumper. Anon who said this looks like a shit attempt at age play is right.

>> No.9775358

Well, that's a waste on her part. She could have had some help to progress this into something that looked decent. It always seems like the big reason why itas are ita is that they have a mentality where they won't accept help.

>> No.9775364

<3 I smiled.

I'm the original gif poster and on the record, I fucking love that show.

>> No.9775369

I wear a 32E and have a 64cm waist and can still wear my MM and VM with the right bra. I'm hoping if I lose some weight my chest will get smaller too but I've lost 4cm from my waist but gone from a 30E to 32E...what.

>> No.9775371

Try Nordstrom if you have one near you. They stock 28F online so they likely have them in store. The women who work in the lingerie department always know their shit too.

>> No.9775401

Slightly improved version of the previous pig coord.

>> No.9775744

The wooden letter and custom paint job would make me think it's a sorority paddle.

>> No.9775748

I'm the anon that criticized you. Just wanted to make sure you weren't some /sp/ wannabe.

>> No.9775943

If youve done any kind of upper body worlout, you've probably built chest muscle from exercising. I've lost weight but ended up with a larger chest measurement too, it's really fucking annoying.

>> No.9776035
File: 679 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180204-054718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, what you think? Scam or naw?

>> No.9776037

The only thing worth sending to someone begging for freebies is a big box of milanoo

>> No.9776046

Also was posted here >>9775972, anon claims this person did this to a few of their friends too. I think it’s a scam to get free shit becuse “ I’m poor let me play your heart strings”

Do you by chance have brand in your profile and or have shown you own a bit of it?

>> No.9776051

>lolita merch
Yeah its a scam

>> No.9776056
File: 55 KB, 539x960, 27459868_1674889125900658_9102000224907409103_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl claims she's trying her best to do "amazing coords" btw

>> No.9776061

She’s trying something but I don’t think it’s her best.

>> No.9776064

I mean, some people actually do put in their best efforts... but then forget to put in the smarts. Work smart and not just hard, everyone.

>> No.9776065

Yeah scam >>9776059

>> No.9776076

I mean, it definitely looks like she's trying, it's not half-assed like a lot of ita coords. I think given some time to grow she could turn into a fine lolita.

>> No.9776081

If I lost everything in a fire the last thing I would beg for is luxury alternative fashion. Fake af

>> No.9776085

A mod called her out on her shit and the girl left.

>> No.9776125

Cringey caption, but that's not a bad casual coord - if she untucked her cardigan, and posed a little better, she'd be OK - however it's not any kind of amazing coord. Headwear is very meh, but it's not dire. I think if she'd captioned this as a relaxed casual coord, then this would seem a lot more inline.

>> No.9776192
File: 846 KB, 1074x724, 20180204_123535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9776196

Kek it never fails that the best dressed lolita always stands farthest away from the group.

>> No.9776212

Girl in the front row wearing a hat, parasol girl, and the girl directly behind hat girl look OK. Gothic Lolita near Parasol Girl looks like she's doing some awkward anime pose.

So many are probably conlitas who don't get the practice in between conventions to learn how to dress reasonably. Cat ears, cosplay wigs, mixing styles badly, and not dressing for the figure they have... So many of these girls would look so much better with a decent wig, either because their natural hair is lacking or because the wig they're wearing is what is bringing down their whole coord.

>> No.9776214

This straight up looks like a 'dead girl' Halloween costume. The makeup would be fine if she as actually dressing up for Halloween, but she wears this everyday??

>> No.9776227
File: 93 KB, 540x960, 27545636_841967366004311_5721693126724713354_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from COF

>> No.9776231

Holy shit. Why

>> No.9776232

>hippie grandma headband
>ugly boot socks
>red/purple eye makeup
This is giving me cancer-patient grandma vibes.

>> No.9776234 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180204-115119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuntycat is up.

>> No.9776240
File: 164 KB, 720x906, IMG_20180204_122948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9776283

Is that far away girl wearing a Love Nikki cosplay? kek

>> No.9776302
File: 59 KB, 1000x824, 6991F13B-37DF-4AB9-91AE-E0140CDC9275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it to me

>> No.9776307
File: 33 KB, 250x333, tumblr_p2xdnoQWcn1rsin45o4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"lmfao lolita amino hated me for posting me experimenting with a coord for these reasons:
>i paired white and offwhite
>wearing a bow and a beret
>wearing an unnaturally colored wig
>clipping my bangs to the side
>trying out bunny ears
>wearing an ill-fitting blouse (i’m plus sized it’s so hard to find fitting blouses!!!)
>-wearing an “unmatching” necklace
>probably for wearing bodyline lmfao
but consider this:
>i can do whatever i want and i am cute"

So you know what's bad and you're just gonna pull the 2edgy "its my style" card?

>> No.9776311
File: 72 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1517774607200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9776315

Not ita. I'd like this better with white cuffs(?) and black shoes on both legs, but then again I've never been a fan of the mismatching shoes trend. Pretty cute otherwise though. The horn-like hairstyle is ridiculous and I love it.

>> No.9776321

Lord of the Flies kei?

>> No.9776338

Old news.

>> No.9776340

This is incredible, shame on you anon

>> No.9776344

Ngl I want this dress

Why would you post this to cof? It’s so frumpy. This is the kind of coord you wear when you want to feel cute but also just want to sit on the couch all day.

>> No.9776375

I really love this

>> No.9776378

Nice to see that someone from out private comm posted one of these pictures. They all looked super awkward.

>> No.9776384

The better dressed ones aren't even in the photo

>> No.9776386
File: 91 KB, 1065x2048, FB_IMG_1517780788765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9776389

Jfc that retarded face... Is she mentally damaged? Serious question

>> No.9776423

If she is from Ro I need to find her

>> No.9776437

No she just had wonky eyelashes

>> No.9776617

they're either all conlitas or new. I don't recognize anyone. I know this photoshoot was scheduled at the same time as another lolita event. I think everyone else went to that.

>> No.9776746

I'll never understand why this girl gets hate.

>> No.9776754

>Why would you post this to cof?
isn't it for daily coords? she's wearing this stuff to work at fucking claires, she probably gets compliments no matter what she puts on.

get over your shit fit. it's not like you have to wear this yourself.

>> No.9776838

Knockoff Lin-Manuel Miranda looks kinda off, what the hell is that jacket? Looks like a converted quilt? Middle front could use cuter shoes but not ita. Second from right looks goofy in the pic but the coord seems nitpick at worst. Far right is pretty bad. Can’t see enough of the back two to be sure but righty’s bonnet looks fine

>> No.9776860

Take off the hat, boom it’s fine. Not ita.


Goddamn I like that print, give it some respect.

>> No.9776943

God I fucking hate this person. Some of the outfits they post on deserve the concrit but if you can't dress yourself you don't deserve to act like a fucking know it all cunt when you leave crit. This person is fugly and hasn't even shown they dress in lolita at all. Just another overzealous newbie/fakelita trying to prove themselves.

>> No.9777077

Shit fit is a strong term for someone thinking a coord is frumpy and being confused as to why she’d want to show it off on social media.

>> No.9777116

As someone who agrees that COF is basically just for asspats, i still think concrit shouldn't be worded in the way she did so, regardless of how well she dresses - it does make it worse that she's a fucking ita hypocrit, but still. I'm sure plenty of us might agree with her but on a public group with people legitimate facebook profiles its just a dumb move to speak like that, she literally just had to change some of her wording to make it.

I think its got potential to be a pretty cute outfit, kinda gives me some weird ageplay vibes and the shoes dont fit in at all (and need to be buried in the 9th circle of hell) but a decent attempt at the look she was going for. I think it would've looked cuter with a plain/embroidered/knitted sweater rather than one with typography, a better fitted blouse and some white (knitted?) stockings rather than socks. Not sure about the shoes, but if she were just staying home then maybe some cute slippers to complete the comfy look.

>> No.9777151


>> No.9777368


>> No.9777408

Punk Lolita, not Ita. I think a black cuff on the white shoe, and a white cuff on the black shoe would have been the touch to make it perfect, but this is still pretty cool.

>> No.9777411

Is this meant to be ero? If so she needs decent lace for her blouse, boots instead of socks over pantyhose, and to stop putting her lips in that stupid 'trying too hard to be sexy' face. She just looks stupid pulling that expression. And fix her falsies

>> No.9777415

That definitely explains a lot. So much can be learned from actually wearing Lolita regularly, and with all the cosplay wigs about at cons, it just makes conlitas think that they're acceptable to wear for Lolita

>> No.9777456

New thread >>9777451

>> No.9777461

Not to say that some of them aren't ita, or that what you said isn't true because it is, but a lot of the Lolita I met at crush were relatively new to the community and to Lolita in general. But only a few are actually in this picture. IDK where the others came from.

>> No.9781698

this person looks like every person who looks like this

>> No.9781830

I actually really like this.