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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9771788 No.9771788 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9743324

I'll start: I think heavy/dark eye makeup is fine for all characters because otherwise cosplayers' eyes tend to disappear in photos. See pic related. She's so pale that her eyes are barely visible due to lack of color contrast. I want to photograph well when in cosplay so I'll wear my black winged eyeliner as I please.

>> No.9771802

Can't wait for all the "unpopular" opinions regarding the same fucking topics for the millionth time.

I swear we have these threads so that ragey gulls have a safe space to bitch about fatties and argue about wig quality for the 3485th time.

>> No.9771809

> VM coffin bed is W E I R D A S F U C K

>> No.9771852

It's still possible to overdo it, especially like that weird black guy who get's posted in bad make-up threads sometimes. It doesn't help that he cakes make-up on to the point where his face loses all definition.

>> No.9772157

If your hair is good quality, and actually looks like the character's, there's no need to wear a wig when cosplaying.
There's obviously a line between having healthy, long, beautiful black hair and wearing it free;y for a Kagome cosplay, and having a shitty dye job and thinking you can pull off Chibi Moon if you put it in pigtails. Understand that line, and you're golden.

>> No.9772182

Except real hair doesn't have the same fullness characters have and is bound to be affected by weather/sweat/etc through the day, more severely that a wig would. Kagome is a specially bad example for your case since she has really poofy bangs that real hair simply can't achieve.
The only times real hair really looks better is if there are undercuts, mohawks or very short hair involved. There are a few other exceptions but 99% times a wig would look way better.

>> No.9772204

Are you talking about ManaKnight? I instantly thought of him.

>> No.9772217

??? That's a TV/media thing because lights will destroy contrast, most people on TV are caked in makeup, and HD/4K made it even worse because UHD pores

>> No.9772544

Ouji looks dumb 99% of the time. Only really skinny, good looking androgynous people pull it off.

inb4 waah you hate fatties, I think larger girls can look fine in lolita, ouji is just less forgiving.

>> No.9772547
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I always thought Kagome's hair (along with a lot of 80s/90s/early 00s anime characters) was supposed to resemble something like pic related.
However no one ever styles their hair like that for those sort of characters.

>> No.9772568

It is, that's why it's iconic.

>> No.9772577

Yeah, I just didn't know his name. I remember during Otakon someone posted a pic of him in a bad make-up thread and he came on and started trying to defend it.

>> No.9772585

Trie I've seen redhead Asuka that looks way better than a wig.

>> No.9772728

I agree on this, IF the character is from a live action series or film. If not, a wig tends to look better.

>> No.9772731

I can give you that but to do that your hair needs specific haircuts nobody uses anymore, and I'm not seeing anyone getting fugly 80s haircuts to be able to style their bangs like that for a single cosplay. Especially when it's not even super accurate and when wigs are cheap and easy to get. Not to mention not everyone's hair can hold styling even if "good quality", even when I had completely healthy virgin hair, any sort of styling I did to it was gone 5 minutes later and back to being completely straight.

This is one exception I forgot to mention but that I completely agree.

>> No.9772753

I don't think fanart should be allowed in AA. I think it should have to be all original.

>> No.9772803

Agreed. IMO ouji also crosses into costume territory more easily than lolita does, so a lot of Western oujis end up looking like fat weebs/fujoshi in kuroshit cosplay.

>> No.9772890

Why? If I wanted original art I'd go to an auction or a gallery.

>> No.9772923

I hate it when people draw in thin "anime" eyebrows over their concealed brow. I hate when people try to colour their eyebrows to the exact colour of their wig and I hate when eyebrows aren't shaped properly for the character (eg. Super arched for lolis)

>> No.9772928


>> No.9772929
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>> No.9772966

Some thumbnails shouldn't be expanded

>> No.9773206

Making money off of someone else's IP is lazy and unethical. If your original art isn't good or interesting enough to be sold, get better.

>> No.9773252

Nayrt but almost nobody buys original art at cons. The vast majority of people who buy at the AA want cute charms/prints/drawing commissions of their favorite characters, not the artist's OCs and such. I personally do buy original art at cons but even comparing AA hauls with friends at the end of a con, the vast majority of purchases are fanart.

>> No.9773261

Yeah but my point was that no one goes to conventions to see someone's OCs. Sure you may find something new that interests you, but majority of the time you're going there for something that you're already an established fan of and you want merchandise of it.

>> No.9773266

Are you European or something? I don't understand this mentality. I wouldn't buy art of someone's OC in an AA. I might get something commissioned but what I commissioned would be art of a preexisting character.

>> No.9773416
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I mean if you're gonna cherry pick.

Cmon man. Pencil thin eyebrows make you gain 20 years on you.

>> No.9773754

Then buy official merchandise? Support the companies who make the shit you like. Encourage your cons to get a variety of dealers who have the things you like. Artist Alley should be about the artists and what they have to offer, not just shitting out FotM prints. I'd honestly even be okay with a small percentage of fanart allowed (maybe an 80/20 split), but I think the focus should be on original art. If your art doesn't sell, make better art. It's truly as simple as that.

And I'm from Canada.

>> No.9773776
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>no official merch of the things I want to buy
And I'm not sure why fan merch isn't showing what the artist has to offer. The artists are drawing in their own different styles, not printing official art and selling it (and if they are then that should be banned).

>> No.9773784

Even if the series I'm looking for is popular and has official merch, sometimes artists come up with good fanart shit. I'd rather buy that then whatever OC crap someone's shilling.

Repeating what I said before, if I wanted original art, I'd go to a gallery or auction. Good art sells there but people go there just for original art. No one goes to an anime convention for your crappy webcomic.

>> No.9773791

nayrt, but I actually don't buy much fanart at anime conventions. I usually go for generic cutesy shit like drawings of dogs with flower crowns or food with smiley faces on it.
I like buying original art because I can decorate the house with it without getting snide comments from dinner guests. That being said, I don't go to artist alleys to actively seek out anything. I show up, browse, and buy 1-3 things that "wow" me. Usually that's mostly original art, but not always.

>> No.9773802


>> No.9773805

>buy official merch
because a lot of the time official merch is a) tacky as shit and b) owned by every anon under the sun and therefore boring.
Fan art creates the opportunity for new ideas and customization, esp if you have something commissioned.

>> No.9773809

Discord killed con threads and it fucking sucks

>> No.9773820

Discord killed or ruined many threads

>> No.9775582
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As cute as Kamilah is herself, her brand's clothes are so fucking cringey and ugly.

>> No.9775587

it killed con threads and generals
people form cliques based on their discords and only post in the discords
whatever gets posted in the actual threads is either a circlejerk post or something copied over

>> No.9775591
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Agreed. I want more art of cute black/dark-skinned girls in J-fash clothing, but it seems like a lot of the art used is just plain bad (with a few exceptions, of course).

>> No.9775919

Im tired of 97% of the cosplays I see people do. There's so many anime characters that havent been cosplayed.. and people only choose those that have been cosplayed by someone else 100s of times.
Cosplay accounts are becoming even more dull because of this.

>> No.9776117

I don't think Taobao has much of a hand in putting brands out of business, because the audience buying up all the Taobao shit is not the same audience who'd be buying directly from brands.

>> No.9776185

I disagree. While the Bodyline audience that moved on to Taobao wouldn’t have bought directly from brand anyway, I’m also seeing a lot of girls with brand wardrobes buy from Taobao more and more. There are over a hundred girls in my comm and I can’t think of a single one who only has brand, all of them have at least one or two Taobao dresses and nearly all of them get their blouses, shoes and hair accessories primarily from Taobao. A lot of them don’t see the point in buying basics from the brands or even secondhand when they can get a new blouse for secondhand prices from China. Even most of the self-proclaimed brandwhores only get their main piece (and maybe a matching accessory) from AP/Baby and then flesh out the rest of the coord with Chinese pieces. I’m also seeing more and more girls tempted by Taobao’s axolotl chinchilla zombie pirate doge prints over the more tasteful prints the Japanese brands produce because they’re “boring”. Maybe this isn’t the case in your comm, but in my comm Taobao is definitely starting to take over from the Japanese brands.

>> No.9776270

My unpopular opinion: Purists who want animecons to be ANIME ONLY !!!111!1!! and hate it when people cosplay things that aren't from anime, or vice versa with Comic Cons.
I like the omnicon idea. It's chill, everyone loves cosplay, everyone loves geekery, and not the fucking purists sperging about 'ThIS iS an ANimECON. COSplAY AnimE Or GTFO'

>> No.9776275

see, the problem lies in the balance between niche interests and popular media. if you lean too far towards omnicon, you end up with SDCC, which is entirely too big and expensive and frankly pop culture as hell

>> No.9776281

the problem is that people sperg out when I cosplay anime at a comic con, so why should I let it slide when they cosplay homestuck and marvelshit at an anime con?

>> No.9776289

I can name like three good looking Western oujis tops, no more, and one of them still fucks up their makeup really badly imo because they basically do >>9772929

that makes no sense, I'm European and all the cons I've visited here have had AAs that mostly focus on fanart as well

>> No.9776293

I also know people who only buy their main-piece from Japanese brand and everything else from taobao. Some of them are very unaware about sales so I try to inform people about that, but some others don't see the point of buying something if it doesn't have a print so they want the cheapest blouse that can go with their main-piece.

>> No.9776296


Hence why I said 'vice versa'. SDCC is too big, yes. But you know, you can also just limit the amount of people and tickets. Sold out is sold out.

>> No.9776299

forcing everything into one big con and limiting the number of tickets is not the way things should be. That's fine for SDCC but it's not really the way I would want any other small to mid sized con to go to

I would hate it if 5 years down the road, every con over 10k people was basically hard capped and you were unable to get into them without a ticket lottery. That would be fucking abysmal

>> No.9776304

Thank god I live in Europe where cons are not that massive (yet).

I just want cosplayers to be enjoying themselves and not be told off.

>> No.9776312

Some places in Europe have banned fanart from their AAs.

>> No.9776313

I've never had anyone sperg at me for wearing anime cosplay at a comic con. People who do this are just morons who should be ignored.

>> No.9776318

I wish we could ban lolitas who never progress beyond the ita phase from comms.

>> No.9776323

>tfw more than half my comm would be banned in this situation
I can't say I disagree with this.
>inb4 "elitist!!!1"
If you can't dress yourself, you have no business being in a fashion community.

>> No.9776760

and who would be the judge of something like this? There's a reason why it doesn't work that way.

>> No.9778671

I hate old school lolita. It's so easy to make that stuff myself. Brands release much more interesting solids nowadays.

>> No.9778685

>Brands release much more interesting solids nowadays
>all chiffon and thin tulle lace
>next to no pintucks
>everything too delicate to wear regularly
Might want to reconsider your factually incorrect "opinion", anon-chan.

>> No.9779361

E x t e n s i o n s

>> No.9779367

Even though everyone whines about OTT classic, sweet lolita is and will always be the most beloved and popular style of lolita. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just the most visible and what most girls fall in love with.

>> No.9779656

>>all chiffon and thin tulle lace
>everything too delicate to wear regularly
you don't pay attention to new solid releases do you?

>> No.9780201

If you're not petite or can't at least pass as a teenager, lolita will always look cringe.

>> No.9780212

Tfw you're petite and pass as a teen.

>> No.9780213
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Good feels anon, good feels

>> No.9780214

I do actually, it's why I mostly buy secondhand. Maybe I'm wrong, please direct me to the new releases featuring torchon lace and cotton fabrics other than Baby's Classical series.

>> No.9780222

I don't love torchon and I don't see how that makes a dress more or less difficult to wear regularly

>> No.9780272

This isn't an unpopular opinion on cgl.

>> No.9780615
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Torchon lace is thicker than tulle lace, it's still delicate but a lot more durable in comparison, and in my opinion looks much prettier and richer.
That thread is nice but most things in it are more OTT meetup/tea party confections and at this point in time it's tiring to see.
You can argue that they're "more interesting" than what brands used to release but imo you've seen one rococo-esque lace OP, you've seen them all. Even when it comes to OTT shit, brands used to come up with better designs than they do today.

>> No.9780619

There are 3 OTT dresses in that thread. I don't go to meets but I would wear all of those dresses, I don't care if people think it's gaudy.

>> No.9780658

Isn't it more prone to discoloration (especially on a dyed cotton dress) and you have to iron it?

>> No.9780660

I'd rather see the fiftieth cosplay from a fotm series that the cosplayer actually watched and loves, than see a cosplay from an obscure series only to find out the cosplayer doesn't actually care about it and only wanted to cosplay from it due to design/being the only one.
It pains me when series I love finally get cosplays and when I try to talk about them it's "oh I just watched some parts of the lp on youtube/saw the first episode/read the wiki 'cause I liked the design". I don't mind if a nice design inspires someone to actually watch/play/read the series and they end up honestly enjoying it though.

>> No.9780663

I don't think so, I have several 10+ year old pieces with torchon lace and they're fine, not discolored at all. It does need to be straightened out after a wash because it kinda shrivels up when it's wet, it's a bit tedious but not much else.
I will readily admit that I romanticize the shit out of this fashion though, including the mundane things like hand washing the clothes, so it's probably a personal thing more than anything else.

>> No.9781101
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or if you don't have a cute face
There's quite a few lolitas that are small and petite but if you're a butter face you might as well make your waist ties into a noose

>> No.9781386

That tfw you’re tall but you look like a teen and you’re skinny
Only half good feels

>> No.9781527
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AP's Summer Resort Princess jsk released last year. You also might like the Princess Classical jsk they released since the tulle lace isn't large and delicate.

>> No.9781530

I have zero respect for any guy who wears ouji. It looks ridiculous.

>> No.9781553

Imo the main problem is that a lot of people wear shit from F+F or somewhere else instead of nice ouji clothing.

>> No.9781555
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I really dislike people who nitpick and complain about cosplays. I'm talking about people who don't like a white person or a tan/dark person cosplaying someone who is the opposite skin colour, a person that didn't get one detail right on a cosplay, or someone just doing a casual uniform cosplay.
Or someone using a commission instead of making their own.

I feel that they should have security and screening at hotels because it's too easy for someone to bomb an anime convention because they hate a certain series.

I feel that Nintendo cosplays in general, especially Pokemon, Zelda, and Fire Emblem, are boring and wish that more people did the lesser known games and series.

>> No.9781561

If anyone wanted to do some fuckin damage, all it would take is a Mack truck, especially for cons like AX

>> No.9781564

Nitpickers only get on my nerves if they have obviously never cosplayed or their cosplay is terrible. I agree something like bag check would be great to enter, and more generous than a backpack ban.

Unpopular opinion wise, I dont mind the rise of the Chinese in the fashion. It’s bettwr than falling stagnant like it has in Harajuku. I think aristo is far better than pumpkin pants-ed twinks.