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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 15 KB, 480x480, DF960C84-3B4C-4A85-B582-18027019D5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9793723 No.9793723 [Reply] [Original]

>post your favorite accounts
>self-posts welcome
>discuss new reach strategies
>please keep shooping accusations to a minimum

Some of my favorite accounts to start




>> No.9793742
File: 60 KB, 593x595, ss+(2018-02-22+at+01.42.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im obsessed with this girls work. Its really artsy EGL. Im not even sure how to explain it


>> No.9793759

>Im obsessed with this girls work
You don't have to be ashamed about selfposting. This is literally a selfpost thread.

>> No.9793824

it can't be a selfpost, the girl from insta can't into proper english

>> No.9793829

neither can you, apparently...

>> No.9793838

What is the actual point of instagram now that your feed is out of order?

>> No.9793851

Sorry anon it's not a self post. This girl can't speak proper English I think she's from China or somewhere. I just wanted to share one of my favorite weird accounts

I found her originally through a CoF post

>> No.9793854

>what is a meme

>> No.9793869

Sure anon, that's why "she" posts in COF repeatedly, right?

>> No.9793872

Who gives a shit

>> No.9793882
File: 169 KB, 512x384, 1466775220102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is off to a fan-fucking-tastic start, way to go, gulls.

Anyways, here's mine

>> No.9793886

Maybe this is the thread for it but what do gulls think of Vero as an "algorithm free" gimmick?

So far the people I've seen jump on the bandwagon are all HASHTAGcontentcreators that think too hard about numbers and followers. Maybe it'll be a nice support network like Amino, but I'm betting vero's reach will be lacking.

>> No.9793888

I keep seeing this on my Instagram, I just came here to ask about this. Is this going to be good or just "content creators" circlejerking? I'm tempted to make one and find out.

>> No.9793891
File: 1.18 MB, 720x962, 20180222_083345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, someone has to start posting faces so thread doesn't immediately derail. I'm not on /cgl/ as much as I used so be, but here's mine. Mostly crossplay, fair warning that I'm in the middle of a big Yuri on Ice phase that has no signs of ending soon.

>> No.9793949


Just a few of my favorites

>> No.9793958

Clearly she does, if she's going out of her way to selfpost surrepititiously

>> No.9793969

Some I like off the top of my head:

>> No.9793971
File: 469 KB, 750x1114, CF25627F-CFEB-41D7-B24C-F61924540C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this person actually mentally ill? They should be seeking help instead of posting on social media.

>> No.9794000


>> No.9794002

I think they might be but I still like the art they make

>> No.9794004


plz no

>> No.9794033

Would be helpful if you posted your ursename

>> No.9794035


>> No.9794042

Oh dear I always thought it was just an adopted character in her CoF posts

>> No.9794050

pls no

>> No.9794056

So what's the point of this thread if people are just gonna shit on everything.

>> No.9794060


>> No.9794084
File: 418 KB, 750x1191, B6F4A10A-C449-48E2-8DB3-CAD1523D3ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s me. As for fave accounts, I recently fell in love with enyen_. She is a hella good crossplayer anon posted in the old Devilman thread with criminally low follower count imo.

>> No.9794085

Do I spot a Leo cosplay?

>> No.9794141

Yeah! I loved being him! It isn’t quite done (have to make the collar stand up better, fix some spikes, and give sonic feet and better pupils, MAYBE engraved acrylic discs with LEDs for the eyes of god outside the goggles, I’m not sure yet) but it really made me miss cosplaying and want to try crossplaying more.

>> No.9794231

from what I'm seeing, it's just one person stirring up shit over nothing.

>> No.9794237

ok, please suggest someone else for me to follow! i am a friend of myrsky and i adore her even though the first time i met her i was just scared, she would NEVER shut up hahaha! love her though, and i admire her wig skills and OTT hime classic looks.
kate is really into the same thing i love, like angelic pretty super sweet. i know its a thing to dislike her, but i just care about clothes and i love her use of color combos, it makes me nostalgic. would love to see you post some that could be good to follow if you are into OTT classic hime and sugary pastelvomit ap golden era thats not them, if you can suggest some please?

>> No.9794272


god you're like the lolita version of a thot

>> No.9794279

I created one but personally don't like it. Hopefully enough people will sign up that Instagram decides to offer a chronological option

>> No.9794619
File: 526 KB, 833x2425, one stormtrooper boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mostly my Star Wars stuff/events/upcomings projects/PSAs. Pic related, that's me in my Stormtrooper outfit.

>> No.9794665


Mainly just cosplay, regular clothing and some /k/ related stuff.

>> No.9795037


recently started this account for cosplay and cuter clothes (plus a little bit of casual lolita)

>> No.9795083

Post lesser known lolita inspo. I need some new people to follow and I'm sick of seeing the same old faces.

>> No.9795098


>> No.9795116

I hate insta now. When I open it I see posts that are 4-5 days old first. I check instagram every day, so why didn't they show me those posts 4-5 days ago when they were still relevant huh?

>> No.9795241
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180223-150122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9795257

>literally 1:10 ratio of lolita to shitty artwork

>> No.9795348

Canniny is cute but her shoops terrify me.

>> No.9795388

Hey gulls can you give me some ott angelic pretty sweet account recommendations? Specially if they are Chinese/Japanese non-celebrity lolitas since they are less well known here in cgl

>> No.9795398

To be fair I followed her when she was posting really charming lolita pics for GLISH and hadn't checked back recently

>> No.9795401
File: 18 KB, 501x327, 2EC9F6A8-56E4-46B5-B3D7-86DB68A678EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re going to abandon ship just like cosplay amino and everything else they’ve tried.

Don’t get me wrong, something other than FB/Insta would be nice but I don’t think Vero is the answer.

>> No.9795412

>discuss new reach strategies
TIL posting coord photos showing my face get way more likes/user interaction than coord photos stickering my face. bad news because i hate accounting for my face when i pose, good news because other people think i'm not ugly i guess. just a possible tip for others who use stickers on the reg.

>> No.9795458

Selfposting because why not. CCW, I guess.


>> No.9795542

Shameless self post! Cosplay Photographer.



>> No.9795619
File: 80 KB, 637x955, lolimtig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually really like her ig feed! i'm looking for more accounts like this with the whole weird arsty vibe~

pic is my ig and here's my username @lolimetangere ^^ i'm gonna start using it for cos stuff soon and i'll be doing my first ~*legitimate*~ cosplay as froppy tomorrow. i only have a few photos of my face but i mostly post macro-ish type of photos?

these are a few of my fave ig accounts and they're all artists

>> No.9795630

Instagram protip to defeat the algorithm: there's a site called queryfeed that makes rss feeds out of instagram feeds. i've synced queryfeeds with my rss reader and now see all my instagram feeds 100% chronologically. you're welcome >>9795116

>> No.9795644

Holy shit, possibly vendetta or are you just retarded?

>> No.9795797

Some of my favorite accounts


All cosplay or jfashion.

>> No.9795809

Anyone wanna join a cosplay pod?

>> No.9795873

Same here. Also selfies showing more of my face but less of my coord get even more interaction. I don’t know how to feel about it though because the extra interaction is coming from guys and non-lolitas but I started an IG to get in touch with other lolitas.

>> No.9795920

vendetta for what? o: maybe just retarded

>> No.9795932

I wanna follow some new feeds, are there any lolitas that also have interesting non-lolita style? Even normie stuff is fine

>> No.9795939


I'm trying the platform but so far, I must say it's not my cup of tea. Yeah, photo filters are nice and it's cool you can post more than photos/videos, but Tumblr was more or less the same.
Let's see what happens.

>> No.9795967

How did you get your TK approved?
Your chest plate doesn't overlap the ab plate

>> No.9795968


>> No.9795979


Self-post. It's mostly itabag related stuff right now and in a couple months it'll be a flood of cosplay and crafting.

>> No.9796402

It does now. That's a september 2017 picture. There was some tolerance GMLs used to have when it comes to that specific issue. I've fixed up my armor so the overlap always happens.

Plus I kinda spaghetti'd the position up so that's why my body armor is so out of place.

>> No.9796496


>> No.9796638
File: 283 KB, 1365x2048, DSC06451-PS2_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-posting. I post a lot of tabletop stuff with sudden burts of cosplay.

>> No.9796640
File: 1.67 MB, 750x1334, D46621EE-22DE-4F07-A59E-C12AE18B1805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting. @dani.amari. I'm new at cosplay plz no bully. My ig is mostly me fucking around with a little cosplay every now and then so fair warning.

>> No.9797090

Gave you a follower. Way to go, don't give up on cosplaying. Your Reaper costume was pretty good-looking and i'm sure you will have many great moments from now on.

Ah, and never let any bully let you down. At least in the cosplaying world you can easily see who's odd and who's the real deal.

>> No.9797099
File: 10 KB, 149x134, yeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Legend of the Galactic Heroes...?

>> No.9797124

Reaper was actually my friend lol

>> No.9797170

Oh shit. I'm sorry, then. Seems like my perception is sucking today. Anyways, my message of persistence and good advice still stands up!

Your friend did a nice 'genderbent' Reaper though.

>> No.9797531

Yup! Working on his long hair and musical outfits as well. (Maybe making Yang for a friend.)

>> No.9800359

@dollielulu SO CUTE GEEZE but there's something unnatural going on with how thin her ankles and legs are.

@surgarycarnivore - Larrisa has sort of a long face (or maybe just nose?), but I really like how she does makeup. She's really adorable gosh...

Ugh, @kammiepomeranian is who I want to be in life in terms of fashion and style. TT^TT My hair won't take any more bleach and rainbow doesn't fit my skin color.
Also, does anyone know what Kammie does as a job? Like does she make all her money from her wig store?

>> No.9801003

For the best cosplay photography ever


>> No.9801115
File: 2.03 MB, 750x1334, 939B3E7F-5DD9-4382-BBA5-015AD2F7D0C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for more idol loving friends as always!!

>> No.9801638

Looking for artsy instagram reccs of people that are also into weeb or cgl related stuff.

I follow some mori girl lifestylers so I'm into that but I also like street photography and street fashion. Pls feel free to plug yourself I want to follow more "real" people and less magazine models

>> No.9803153

Is it even worth signing up for instagram at this point? I wanted to make one to post my art but with everyone complaining about the new algorithm I dont know if I should bother

>> No.9803188

New algorithm has done jack shit to my accounts and most of my friends', the affect has been really overstated imo. I think it hurts more the more followers you have, but not a big deal if you're under 5k.

>> No.9803226

I'm curious, does anyone who self posts on these threads actually find that they gain any followers from it?

I'm always tempted to post mine but my account isn;t cosplay or lolita related. I just try to Keep it Cute, ya know?

>> No.9803303

not really but that's just me. I noticed that nobody on the internet wants to befriend me.. even on friend finder threads on other boards but you might have some better luck than I do, anon!

>> No.9803306

Usually 5-7

>> No.9803318
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180301-173705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting @hentekorino
New-ish photog, pls shoot with me and help me get better friends.
>tfw the white borders probably make my insta look much more disorganized but I can't stop

>> No.9803451
File: 350 KB, 433x430, dakimakira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self post lol
idk how to theme and i ran out of funds recently so my cosplays have been slowing down ;A;

>> No.9803508

I've gained about 5 after posting in several threads. My posts are usually followed by 20+ "REEEE PHOTOSHOP" posts though.

>> No.9803524
File: 658 KB, 1017x978, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpostan. I dabble in accessory making aimed at lolitas.

>> No.9803527

there really shouldnt be this many roastie whores on 4chan

honest question, why are you cunts using reddit instead

>> No.9803531
File: 3.21 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180302-005706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameful self post - GMenCosplay

I have a 9-5 and a side gig so updates have been slow. Still new to IG.

Mostly foam, 3d printing and other construction stuff.

>> No.9803626

Just seems to be a marketting gimmick. Forget about Vero.

>> No.9803697

Oh hey, I already follow you. Nice stuff!

What's your problem, dude? Haven't seen anything even sexy in this thread, and Reddit SUCKS for cosplayers; it's all thirtsy dudes who only care about the most mainstream fake nerd shit.

>> No.9803699

>muh secret club for boys only!!! No girls allowed!!!! >:'^( reeeeee
Truly embarassing behavior

>> No.9804413

please stop

>> No.9804479

Thanks for the info! Tbh, it really doesn't seem like enough of a gain to make it worth outing myself on 4chan, haha. I am def gonna keep checking these threads for neat accounts though!

>> No.9805083

>Oh hey, I already follow you. Nice stuff!
Oooo thanks! Hello whoever you are!

>> No.9805158

recommendations for inpirational larme instas to follow.

>> No.9805177
File: 270 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_7303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost, @caffeinated_cameron if anyone's interested. I post just cosplay stuff on the account and then progress and occasional pics in my story.

Also what are some basic tips on improving my reach? I've only been using Instagram for a couple months

>> No.9806240
File: 257 KB, 750x1334, 62893553-3872-4353-9E4C-5C8116E8F87C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ValleLator is your handle for everything
>tfw it’s taken on insta
>tfw insta is what you use for cosplay social media and it’s the odd man out

Mines Vallelated and I’m 5eva bitter about that.

>> No.9806607

What hashtags do you gulls use on instagram generally? I'm trying to expand my following but a lot of the time the hashtags I've been using are blocked.

>> No.9806623

for cosplay or for lolita?

>> No.9806649


I don't really care all that much about photoshop either way, I just like her coords so w/e

>> No.9806650

everyone attractive and normal looking is clearly a roastie whore and not a true~~~ nerd like me, which as we all know is the most illustrious and special title you can have.

>> No.9806651

Didn't you know anon? /cgl/ is the whorehouse of 4chan.

>> No.9806670

oops I should have specified; general J-fashion or lolita

>> No.9806676

I'd like to know as well, but for cosplay!

>> No.9806677

the tag is #lolitafashion
I also use the name of the dress for specifc coords I'm looking for and I end up finding lolitas i like that way. dunno bout anything else, someone else will probably answer that.

>> No.9806684

for lolita i use #lolitafashion, after that...it's anything that's relevant to the picture, name of the print, the brand name.
#fashion, #jfash the colors that are prominent in the pic and print and the type of lolita outfit #sweetlolita, #hothiclolita, etc
i also use #kawaii and #cute since i see other j-fash instas doing the same thing so i suppose it helps with exposure

for cosplay i use #cosplay, #characternamecosplay, name of the series and name of the character. If it's froma game then the specific game and the subtitle, even the company name or publisher, w/e
i also use #costume, #crafting and something that stands out in the pic.
sometimes i use #cosplayphotography depending on the picture quality and if it's a wip then just #cosplaywip or just #wip

>> No.9807017
File: 818 KB, 606x608, 12345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very new to the instagram, can anyone direct me to where people are getting all the cute photo frames - pic related

>> No.9807021

>enjoying Asian retards who photoshop themselves to look like fetuses

>> No.9807024

>being this jealous of someone cuter than you

>> No.9807762

>zero pictures of her eating a burrito
fucking why?!

>> No.9807776

try to lose some weight
also don't edit ur pics like this, it's too dark on ur skin so looks dirty

>> No.9807887

I said I liked her coords you autist.
I don't glare obsessively at people's faces, photoshop or not.

>> No.9807888
File: 99 KB, 1200x676, gojirasucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9807904

Also agreeing with the other anon on losing weight, sorry friend. ;_;
Ignore the dirty skin edit shit tho.

>> No.9807905


>> No.9807908 [DELETED] 


Looked at the account, while there is a bit of pudge it looks like the vast majority of the weight look comes from face shape and styling.

Anon, learn some contouring and work on styling your wigs in a manner that may be slightly less accurate to character but suits your face shape more, and your overall cosplay appearance will improve a lot!
I also noticed that in the tailoring of a lot of your costumes they seem to fit tightest around your lower hip- unsure if THAT'S just the designs you pick, but making sure your tighter costume points are around your waist will help too instead of creating that artificially lowered beer belly look.
As far as reach, there's a cosplay marketing Facebook group, go check that out.

>> No.9807917


Looked at the page, anon's weight actually looks in the fine range, they just have a broad face shape and some odd fitting stuff going on.

Learn to contour your face and style wigs in a way that may be less "accurate" but which flatters your face shape more! That alone will help immensely. Most of your cosplays also look like they do this weird thing where the tightest fit is around mid hip, aka the widest part of your body, and would sit on you much better if you adjusted the waist higher!

If you want to improve reach, I recommend the Cosplay Marketing group on Facebook for advice.

>> No.9807948

>mfw people in this thread seriously recommending cosplay marketing group
everyone in there giving advice either is less than 100k or has less than 4% engagement rate... I would really not take advice from people who clearly don't know how to get popular themselves lmao

>> No.9807970

>all these Finns

I'll continue with some more:

And if you're into larme:

>> No.9807971
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x2268, 20180305_175835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all. Follow @queen_of_ivy on insta for my in progress Sister of Battle cosplay. I recently got the wig for it and couldn't resist walking around town in it. I also do Witcher, and DC bombshell cosplays.

>> No.9807974

Also shitty 4chan readers for phones messing up my images is fun times!

>> No.9808016

How many cosplayers do you know with over 100k and high engagement rates? And where do they give advice?

>> No.9808020

Oh jesus, I'm sorry but this is awful. You have a good face for a Sister of Battle, but if this is the base of your costume, it looks seriously cheap and tacky. Please tell me you're going to trim that wig and make/buy some power armour, or at least wear something that doesn't look like it was bought at Hot Topic.

>> No.9808028

I'd recommend lurking. This isn't really the kind/caliber of content you want to be posting here, especially not with such overzealous promo.

>> No.9808031

Oh shit, you started the Warhammer 40k barely disguised self promo thread too. Calm the heck down and focus on producing some actual solid content.

>> No.9808034

There are actual goddamn celebrities who don't have those numbers; if those are your standards, I'd love to see your work.

>> No.9808057

Aside from what's been mentioned, I also use #eglcommunity as I find a lot of others that way.

>> No.9808093

Plus, many popular cosplayers manipulate that shit with bots following and liking their posts. There are ways to find out.

>> No.9808150
File: 1.15 MB, 772x776, rthrthrth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, Iam going to self-post.


I don't really know where I'm going with it.

>> No.9808156

I used to use bots for following and liking me and honestly it's just worked against me. I used follower bots to just gain number of followers ~2k because somebody once said to me that people will more likely follow somebody who has some ffollowers already. but now with the new instagram algorithm I have to remove all those bots (who are inactive because they're bots) to gain more reach because instagram's showing ur posts to all of your followers only if the engagement of your posts to a 25 percent of randomly chosen followers is high enough.
So I'm pretty fucked.

>> No.9808158

You post nothing jfash or cosplay related, from that photo. Why are you even sharing?

>> No.9808248

If you're less than 100k, you definitely should have over 4% engagement rate. Celebrities have millions of followers; the average engagement rate goes down as you gain more followers. Stop being delusional about your shit tier group and comparing yourselves to actual celebrities lmfao

>> No.9808250

They don't, that's the point. No one in that group knows what they're doing, and their results show that. You're better off just watching closely what cosplayers with high numbers and engagement rates do, instead of following advice from nobodies who can't even show results from their own advice.

>> No.9808287

If you have 400 followers, getting advice from someone with 5k is super helpful. It's all relative. Besides, most of the most well-known cosplayers IN THE WORLD don't even have the follower stats you're talking about, you should really consider adjusting your metrics for success.

>> No.9808290

I'm sorry. That first thing is cosplay tho. Or at least, I tried.

>> No.9808295

Read >>9808248
I mean go ahead and take advice from someone who's been stuck at 5k with 2% engagement rate for the past 2 years. Just know that that's a major red flag of ghost followers, and you're not going to get anywhere with that kind of advice. You'll just end up at the same place, topped out at 5k with it looking like you bought most of your followers.

>> No.9808307

Are you trying to be lain?

>> No.9808309
File: 1.03 MB, 1902x1440, WIN_20180306_13_22_05_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying yes

>> No.9808340

My engagement rate is reaching up to 35% so I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I'm not trying to compare with celebrities, you're the one who said the group was worthless because nobody in it had celebrity numbers. I'm just trying to find my audience and make quality content, I don't need 100k followers.

>> No.9808362

Maybe you should reread it again, since I never mentioned celebrity numbers, you did.
35% with what, 1000 followers? keeeeeeeeeeeek
The group is worthless because no one in it knows what they're doing. If you want to delude yourself into thinking that people with low engagement rate and low numbers have the ~secrets to social media~ be my guest, but you're going to end up stuck in the same dead zone as they are.

>> No.9808422

I hope you didn't actually believe that /cgl/ was all men and the occasional ham beast role playing as woman in strange costumes and frilly clothing. The majority of this board's audience has been women for a very long time. Those are real, live women posting about their love life and fashion woes in the other threads...

>> No.9808672
File: 377 KB, 600x481, 28832918_10216178268914837_777156195_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fav ig account

>> No.9808677

go on a diet you fucking beluga whale

>> No.9808679

is that a man in drag?

>> No.9808680

did you just cross the border today?

>> No.9808686

Why do fins have lovely coords but bad faces?

>> No.9808703

Hm? All of them look fine, except maybe milkycap

>> No.9808711

Maybe not Fins then, I seem to see a lot of butterface girls from Scandi areas. But then some really gorgeous ones (though they're rarely lolitas). Probably just my outlook

>> No.9808740

Eh I didn't realise I'm getting fat again
You're right, no more food

>> No.9808763
File: 90 KB, 500x492, 140E4225-F2DD-458C-A232-A1E0B9E0A681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when some newfag tries coming at you with a trump tier talk
Step it up, I’ve been on /cgl/ since before you first wandered into your moms wallet to use her credit card for momos Patreon.

>> No.9808770

It's just the wig. If you look on my insta you can see me working on the armour.

>> No.9808866

You're not clever, no one likes you.

>> No.9808903

Man idgaf about trips but this is top tier cringe.

>> No.9808985

you're a girl? holy shit. you fooled me. thought you were a dude lmao

>> No.9808989

you make one ugly ass dude

>> No.9808992

one ugly ass chick too. i don't know what the fuck you are. this tranny gender bullshit is retarded

>> No.9809211


Why is this board so mean. The post isn't THAT bad. Give them some credit. I know you're anonymous but that doesn't mean you should be a dick.

>> No.9809219

That's obviously a samefag; how new are you?

>> No.9809230

T___T I've been here for 8 years I'm just really sensitive

>> No.9809237

If you'd been here for 8 years, you wouldn't have replied the way you just did...

>> No.9809240

>been here for 8 years
kek, newfags

>> No.9809257

don’t want to selfpost in fear of being ripped to shreds but any tips on getting more exposure? i’m a cosplayer and tagging a lot but only have ~200 followers and getting 50-60 likes per photo. i really don’t want to start massively following and unfollowing people but according to my friend it’s been working really well for them. i don’t follow people back unless they’re cosplayers.

>> No.9809262

don't follow and unfollow, you'll just end up with a bunch of ghost followers.

>> No.9809299

>responding to someone who used the term "roastie"
You took bait, stupid.

>> No.9809301

You sounded so desperate for attention and followers that I decided to check out your insta and I'm sorry but you're hideous. You should actually cosplay before posting on a cosplay board desu

>> No.9809307


Why would I lie on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.9809328

I'm fapping to all your selfies.

>> No.9809337


>> No.9809392

Nah, I had no idea they were a crossboarder, Captain Obvious.

>> No.9809394

can anyone rec me some sub 1000 follower gothic, classic leaning accounts? Want to follow some new girls.

>> No.9809397

I dunno, care to share your reasoning on why you're bothering to lie then?

>> No.9809407

I've been lurking on numerous different boards over the last 9 years. /a/v/r9k/fit/adv/ and some of the smaller, slower boards like /p/n/ck/diy/ etc.
/cgl/ is probably the most hostile board filled with venomous cunts. It's like there is no idea of bantz at all on this board, these are all just genuine insults.

>> No.9809409


>> No.9809433
File: 1.29 MB, 988x1530, Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 2.28.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls be nice


Some lolita accounts I've been digging lately:

>> No.9809442

Don’t encourage them to shit up this place even more, thanks.

>> No.9809443

i see u tagged in a mutual's fb photos from time to time and i just wanna say YOU ARE REALLY CUTE

>> No.9809447

seconding this

>> No.9809508

Yeah I'm glad that's not just my point of view. My main is r9k so really I should be used to this stuff but this seemed hostile for the sole purpose of being hostile

>> No.9809584

Yeah Voldie I know you get a lot of shit here, but idk why and I like you.

>thank u random anonymous stranger?

>> No.9809589

You seem like you'd be a fun friend irl. I would drink wine with you anyday.

>> No.9809624

You must have good taste in friends haha, thanks anon!

Thank you kind anonymous stranger!

Hah well if you're ever in Toronto slide into my DMs and I'll drink up with ya

>> No.9809824

Are you ever going to edit your photos to not be tilted ?

>> No.9809831

Same anon. Ck/x/co/tv are all fun boards where anons can joke around.

Cgl is straight up no fun allowed.

>> No.9809866

Probably never, I like them tilted

>> No.9809887

Lame. At least you stopped the annoying drake shit.

>> No.9809973

>oh she has a cute acc-
>she kisses girlytoot's ass

>> No.9809975

Probably taking selfies on another app, saving the images and reposting to insta. I don't know where that particular frame is from but Snow has some super cute filters!

>> No.9810000

Tag spam is slowly getting me 2-3 followers a day lol. The only times I've really jumped in followers was when I was tagged by more popular friends or promo'd. Try looking for themed accounts with a high follower count that take photo submissions in exchange for exposure

>> No.9810006

All the LA girls do. They're all mediocre so they make each other look better.
Cheerleader effect.
Also GH's efame boner is the most obvious thing. At least before her coords had some variety, now it's the same damn thing every time.

>> No.9810009

You mean all the LA fameseeking attention whores do.

Leave us lonelitas out of it who live in LA.

>> No.9810016

Stopped following her on IG after I saw pics of her and girlytoot. Lost all respect for vanillabear.

>> No.9810031

smells like some samefaggotry in here
who gives a shit about k8 these days lmao

>> No.9810071

I don't know what I did to hurt you. Obviously you have a problem with me, so either DM me directly or shut your crusty face

Thank you for giving legitimate advice instead of acting like a dipshit. DESU I didn't realize that my costumes were fitting weird around the hips (I haven't been sewing for that long) so I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.9810072

Don't selfpost if you're ugly and fat and have thin skin, kek
No wonder that anon was making fun of you if you're this sensitive.

>> No.9810077

I don't know where you're getting "fat" from. I think that anon just has a round face. On their insta they have pics of them in a crop top and it's not that bad.

>> No.9810121
File: 509 KB, 1080x1080, 25009821_330223827455583_4926840561010212864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this belly
>not fat
Please stop defending yourself; you look fat and it's not just your round face.

>> No.9810151

Again, not skinny, but definitely in an acceptable range. From looking at accounts looks no worse than >>9793891 who's just better at hiding it, or >>9794619 who we don't care about chub because it's a dude, I guess. I don't think it's vendetta, but y'all are being neurotic about this.

>> No.9810154

Thanks for responding anon. I found it by searching the artist's name and it's a Line Camera exclusive sticker pack for $3 so I bought it. Thanks for responding though.

>> No.9810157

>>9793891 looks skinnier and better
>>9794619 is covered up, and doesn't seem like they'd care in the first place about being called fat
You're being shit on because a) you proved yourself a sensitive crybaby b) you look bad and c) you're trying too hard to defend yourself.

>> No.9810196

>Round face
I thought I had a naturally round face too before I lost 40 lbs.
He isn't obese, but he can definitely lose a good amount of weight which would obv make his cosplays look nicer. Your body is a part of the cosplay too.

>> No.9810272

She isn't a LA lolita though. She's from San Francisco.

>> No.9810521
File: 402 KB, 960x1280, IMG_7370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting again, here's a picture of baby's first cosplay back in 2014. I was 5'9" and 115lb and still round-faced and got a "double chin" when I smiled.

I'd literally have to go back to purging after every meal to get back to that weight, and I still wouldn't look "skinny" enough to please the masses. I think from now on I'll just learn to contour better.

Again, I'm smelling a lot of samefagging and vendetta. I don't get what your issue is with me.

>> No.9810522

>pls insult me more, anon UwU

>> No.9810523
File: 188 KB, 820x1280, IMG_7371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothes are baggy so you might not believe me, here's an out-of-cosplay pick from 2014

>> No.9810533

Become bulimic. Maybe you'll be hotter when you lose some pounds you walrus

>> No.9810536

Nobody actually cares about you. Stop posting, for your own sake.

>> No.9810544

If you want to show skin while cosplaying, cosplay Roadhog. Everyone's sick of you trying to cosplay kawaii uguu bishonen boys.

>> No.9810574

aren't you a fakeboi? gtfo with your fat titty yaoi ass.

>> No.9810576

this. these yaoi fakeboi fujoshits are cancer.

>> No.9810583

>17 bmi at that bodyshape
you're not fooling anyone anon, stop defending yourself and lying about your weight. it's embarrassing. don't selfpost while being fat if you can't take the heat.

>> No.9810584

but anon, she is obviously one of those fatty anorexics you always hear about.

>> No.9810586

I know you're joking about, but it's just mind boggling to me that she's really expecting people to believe that she's 17 bmi (5'9" at 115 lbs). I'm 17.5 bmi and I still look like a stick lol.

>> No.9810591

You look like me when I had a 21 BMI

>> No.9810595

Bull fucking shit, I’m a 25 on the BMI and we have the same exact body shape. If you really were 5’9” and 115 lbs you’d look like a stick. If you said you were 140-150 lbs that would be more believable.

>> No.9810623

Valuable lessons today: don't self-post on the insta thread and certainly don't add more pictures if you get torn a new one
If I were you I'd stop replying >>9810523
. It'll just make it worse

>> No.9810649

I think the lesson is more like: if you're going to selfpost just suck it up if you get torn a new one and don't try to insult anons back and bitch about how you're being insulted because it'll just cause more people to make fun of you. agree with the picture part though, no one in their right mind would post more pics lmao

>> No.9810673

Idk my bmi, but I'm 5'8 and 125 and look skinny, so self-poster chan is lying

>> No.9810709

Anyone have any recs for jojo cosplayers?

>> No.9810795
File: 341 KB, 615x720, 1520016093056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9810801

>implying it's not just gulls smelling fresh weak blood and diving in for the laughs

>> No.9810937

How did you manage to lose fat in your face? I have an unfortunately round face that's all fat and it makes me look bullimic because I have a thin neck and prominent collar bones.
I've already burned a LOT of fat compared to last year, but it seems to only be coming out of my arms/legs/waist (legit went from a 28" waist to 23"), while my face remains the same.

>> No.9810938

Your face will naturally lose volume if you lose enough weight. It just depends on your fat distribution. I went from 18 bmi to 16.3, and I didn't notice my face getting less round until around 16.6 bmi.

>> No.9810945

Oh damn. I guess I'll just pray to Mana-sama that I start losing fat from my face before I truly look like a bullimic skelly.

>> No.9811002

Some of my favorites atm:

@mysterious_condiments (Lolita, all time fave!)
@Livlotte (lolita, kimono, pretty good consistent picture quality)
@_solarflight_ (very creative lolita coords)
@yetaxa (old school lolita)

>> No.9811013

Yeah, I’m a fatty at 155 lbs and 5’6”; self poster-chan and I have the same body shape. It’s so very obvious that she weighs around 140-150. Jesus Christ is she delusional.

>> No.9811018

I used to weigh a lot more and I still have a fatty face. Unfortunately genetics determines how much fat you lose around there. There are girls I’ve seen that lost around 50-60 lbs and still have a pudge face. It’s super disheartening to see how skinny you look and then still have that oversized milk dud.

Good luck with your journey though!

>> No.9811064

I think a lot of people still don't like Kate because of her previous drama and the fact that she's learned absolutely nothing from it. She still makes efame her top priority and refuses to dress down even when she's in a more conservative (fashion-wise) country like Nepal.

Misfortuneee is also a major K8 asskisser, which is sad because her coords are adorable. But it really says something about you as a person if you're willingly complimenting and hanging out with someone like K8.

>> No.9811112


Unfortunately I found out Fannyrosie is licking K8's butt too.

Honestly, I'm just sort of jaded at this point. At one point I was really excited the next time I went to Japan to try and meet up with her, but Idk if I want to anymore. It's super shallow, but with what K8 has done with the community and hasn't offered any sort of recompense for it, I kind of feel disgusted with people who continue to associate with her for the e-fame points.

>> No.9811420

I'll never understand why Fanny feels the need to kiss K8's ass. She's gorgeous, has an amazing sense of style, seems like a nice person, and already has a decent following of her own. She literally has nothing to gain from K8 since her style and audience are the complete opposite of K8's.

>> No.9811459

Some accounts I follow (lolita):


>> No.9811471

Do you really think people would stop hating on K8 so much if she offered up an apology? I don't think it would offer up much change, people say this a lot but I don't think it would do anything

>> No.9811664

I think people would certainly gain more respect for her and all the k8 h8 would die down. Probably wouldn't completely go away forever, but she would be getting brought up negatively on here a lot less.

>> No.9811675


>> No.9811691

You’re not interesting enough for any vendetta.

>> No.9811692

It may be hard to believe, but maybe she genuinely enjoys her company/friendship and isn't looking to gain some sort of efame or whatever from tagging her in stuff.

>> No.9811716
File: 2.65 MB, 899x1692, ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted some months ago but I'm still looking for more gyaru/cool/eccentric people to follow!

>> No.9811894

seconded, I'd really like some gyarus in my feed, if anyone has any recs

>> No.9811900

Apologize for what? The LACE stuff? I am lost...

>> No.9811921

I always feel so bad when I see that you've posted again. It must suck to take the jump and post slutty photos and still not be able to get many followers.

>> No.9811925


anyone ever think maybe the reason so many people "kiss her ass" is because she isn't the horrible monster cgl loves to claim she is and she might actually be a fun and nice person in real life?

>> No.9812621


Shut up Claire.

>> No.9813657

That's really naive anon, it wouldn't change a thing. I can already see people making comments along the line of, "Oh she's just trying to save face, this only furthers her efame somehow, she hasn't changed one bit."
I wish cgl could collectively stop paying attention to her, you know you're just throwing her more and more into the spotlight she wants.

>> No.9813789
File: 3.86 MB, 1920x1920, 814F8DF9-947D-45CA-A7E0-B7E0F8D0E69B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my insta is confettiribbon! I like spank!, yume kawaii, fairy kei, and pop kei. I'm a busy person but sometimes I post

>> No.9813791


>> No.9813795

Honestly I just want her to go away. She could be lone if she wanted but she has no place in the community.
She sperged out and called the whole western community awful and stuck up and that she was LEAVING FOREVER!!!!!! only to try to come back and pretend nothing happened like a year later.

>> No.9813880
File: 470 KB, 1151x1439, IMG_20170617_090950_269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting, I'm BrokenBladeWorkshop!
And I have a raging erection for foam armor

>> No.9813895

Based anon! I remember seeing her picture in a nanchatte thread but I could never manage to find her on insta. Thank yooou!

>> No.9813909

Seconding this

Also Fallout, pls.

>> No.9813965

holy shit i just saw the nepal pictures on her instagram and im so uncomfortable. how in your right mind do you think dressing like that in a poor 3rd world country makes sense

>> No.9813967

Jojo cosplayers

I'm a huge fan of all their stuff

>> No.9814079

All. Of. Them.

>> No.9815041

self posting, @godofviktory

I'm just learning to sew cosplays, but I post most of my progress on my story since I'm not used to the "posting every other day to grow my follower count" shtick.

>> No.9815102

an anime company reached out to me for a promo and i asked if was paid and they stopped replying to me. i was literally just wondering if it was paid like they could just say no and i wouldnt care; and would still do the promotion anyway cause it's fun. has anyone come across petty pr people?

>> No.9815111

besides all the scamming shit they do, they asked me to pick a dress and i guess i picked one that was too expensive because they stopped replying to me and blocked me
kept dming me over and over for my email even though it was on my bio, gave it to them, and they never contacted me again. tried to follow up, ignored again
contacted me for promotion, looked on their page and they had stolen pictures from my friends with no crediting
>daniel wellington
tried to add on links and caption requirements after sending me the item, this was unpaid and we had already set terms for the promotion

And in general most lens and taobao resell companies besides Pinkyparadise and maybe Uniqso are assholes with promotion/sponsorships and expect a shit ton of pictures/promos in return for a single $5 item because most of the asian fashion based community are complete pushovers when it comes to sponsored items.

>> No.9815129

yeah this is interesting to hear but not surprising!! i was just sorta shocked because it's a company that's been around forever and a huge company, for them to ghost me just cause i asked if it was paid is so immature. i wonder if people who do lens sponsorships with large companies like that get a decent amount of payment or just pennies per picture/code

>> No.9815390


>> No.9815518
File: 1.02 MB, 1440x2187, Screenshot_2018-03-13-13-40-40_mh1520948744249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here goes... Self posting! I started this as a personal wardrobe project and because I love detailed shots of lolita clothes. I'm working on improving my photography, I know it's not ideal yet, but I'm having a lot of fun with it!

>> No.9815611

Love your work! Would you accept submissions in the future?

>> No.9815660

Thank you so much, and Yes definitely! I haven't worked out the best way to do it yet, though. I'm considering an email address or linking to a tumblr submission box. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome!

>> No.9815674
File: 58 KB, 640x360, auunp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9815726

Wait whats the @?

>> No.9815750


>> No.9816984

I'm really enjoying harajukukawaiitour's insta. I love seeing what the guides are wearing everyday, their coords are so cute yet functional! I really want to do one of their tours when I go to Japan

>> No.9817163

>being butthurt enough about getting btfo’d to reply after a week
how embarrassing

>> No.9817172

who are some good moitiefags to follow? need some inspo for later this month. i looked thru some of the posts in tag, but wanted some other recs.

>> No.9817241

personal waifus

>> No.9817246



and don't forget our based queen @manasanyuuji

>> No.9817255

>She has an Instagram
I think you may have ruined my life. Thank you

>> No.9817264

back off bitch she's mine

>> No.9817279

virtualpetz? i follow you on tumblr, i didn’t know you visited this board..

>> No.9817402

hi!! sometimes i lurk on the yume kawaii thread for inspo. nice to hear you follow me! aw

>> No.9817405

oops! didn't mean to reply with my email filled in.
but yeah! i come here sometimes when i want to look at outfits

>> No.9818172
File: 12 KB, 242x402, b71bd3bf-5b20-44a1-bfbc-b5338e46ce5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pet peeve of the day: People on ig with cosplay usernames/accounts but you have to scroll down like 3 pages to find any cosplay related content amidst their food pics, bad fanart and memes. And then they wonder why they arent getting as many followers as other cosplay accounts.

>> No.9818179
File: 159 KB, 1024x768, d88b8d82-cae1-42ed-a887-0a64ef459a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse u

>> No.9818214

Nice ig anon! Do you accept submissions?

>> No.9818240

Thanks! I'm still deciding how to do submissions. I definitely do want to accept them! Question for anyone who's thinking of submitting: would you rather submit through an email or through something like a Tumblr submission box? I think they come also potentially be sent in an Instagram dm, but I'm worried that might reduce the quality of the picture. (Of course, I'll happily credit anyone who sends me anything.)

>> No.9818242

I need to stop posting from my phone

>> No.9818318

email is the best imo, tumblr would compress the image too much and kill the quality

>> No.9818546
File: 277 KB, 795x600, 1520959319205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the easiest way to get followers just to follow a shit ton of people and hope they follow you back?

>> No.9818551

I just started an instagram, and my floordinate post got a lot more attention than the two worn coords I posted. I would think that it would be the other way around, especially since I'm not fat or ugly (at least, I hope I'm not ugly).
Any tips to take coordinate pictures that people actually like? Also is commenting on people's photos a good way to get more interaction on your own? I'd really like to actually communicate with people instead of posting coords in a bubble.

>> No.9818569
File: 969 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-15-23-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My account is heartbu12n, I do Lolita and other alternative/Japanese girly fashions, as well as lots of thrifting hauls and random things I find pretty. I've found some great people to follow/gained some great followers from these threads in the past so I figured I'd post again now that my feed is a little more cohesive and I finally got myself photo lights >>9818551
I think commenting is a good way to get people's attention so they check out your account, but not guaranteed to get them to follow you, esp if your comment is kind of generic instead of something specifically flattering. Also, if you're mutuals with someone already, it's good to reply to people's stories to let them know that you're interested in them as a person beyond their posts!

>> No.9818692

also niche tags

>> No.9818815

gave me a chuckle/10

question: what kind of content appeals to you guys the most? like, what sort of posts compel you to follow someone? do you mind seeing the occasional personal post (like food, or hanging out with friends, random life stuff, etc.) as long as it doesn't detract too much from the overall aesthetic of the account?

>> No.9818817

it’s about the quality of the posts but also the person in themselves, they have to be interesting and genuine (to me)

>> No.9819127

I find I dont mind the occasional life post in lolita/fashion centric accounts but for some reason I'm more likely to get annoyed with the same thing on cosplay accounts? Generally I just look for pretty stable consistent accounts in terms of content, quality and how often they post, plus generally seeming like a decent human being. I dont mind/rather like seeing life stuff in stories but nothing gets an unfollow faster than 20+ story posts per day bitching about some irl drama on a consistent basis: everyone has off days but like if you just come off as an unpleasant person, nobody wants to see that

>> No.9819140

Random stuff and friends is absolutely fine but I'm not interested in food at all. Unless it's something you made or something that's visually striking/has a great setup I probably won't follow you if you have too many food pics in the first place.

>> No.9819144
File: 2.94 MB, 750x1334, 32084C7C-7716-4A67-955B-1AC52BA527C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My instagram is @saltiestbun

It’s a lot of lolita/Mori/dolly kei fashion, but with a mix of some other styles, some cosplay and personal, and the occasional highlight from my metalworking and my art pages.

>> No.9819757
File: 1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180318-021026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, i am cosplayer hirari. I do cosplay and stuff in tokyo.

>> No.9819860

Are you Jewish?

Ugly face edits

>> No.9819861

How many sexualized photos did it take to grow your account?

>> No.9819873
File: 663 KB, 1080x1450, Screenshot_20180317-154637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not her but @CaffeinatedKitty has an aesthetically pleasing profile imo. Unfortunately she hasn't been posting as much lately considering there's not that many cons going on around where we are, but she's planning on posting more when the weather finally breaks. (t. her bf who is biased desu)

>> No.9819877

Boyfriends shouldn’t post their girlfriends on 4chan.

>> No.9819884

It's okay she's below average

>> No.9819889

Yikes, don’t do this

>> No.9819925

>actually decide to use all 30 hashtags on a post instead of 10 or so
>all these likes
O-oh okay

>> No.9819929

It really makes a difference. People like to bitch and moan about walls of hashtags but that's how the instagram game is played if you're trying to build a following there.

>> No.9819934

>Sees all these people not only post themselves but also other people.
>Sees a bf just trying to be supportive for their gf and post them
>People attack said bf

Actually go fuck yourselves you hypocrytical, elitist pieces of shit. They were just trying to be supportive actually lay off. Smh.

>> No.9819946

Nobody’s attacking him. We’re just saying that posting your gf’s social media on a site notorious for being hypercritical about appearances may not be the best idea, unless of course he enjoys seeing her get insulted.

>> No.9819950

You can be mad if you want. But if you want an explanation to chew on, try to understand that cgl's board culture doesn't really favor promotion of accounts that are...for lack of a better term, uninspired. Your girlfriend's feed is forgettable at best because the content is inconsistent, boring, and doesn't stand out in any way. Just because she stands out to you and you want to be supportive doesn't mean anyone else is going to have that same personal/emotional investment.
If you're not selfposting in these threads, people expect what you share to be at least vaguely creative and there's nothing unique about what your girlfriend is posting at all - walking down a hall at a convention, you'd pass hundreds of people like her and they all start looking the same after a while. No one here is impressed by half-assed cosplays bought on amazon and multiple stacks of selfies taken on the same day, sorry.

>> No.9819976


What kind of tags are you using, and what do you normally post?

>t. classic lolita thirsty for more likes

>> No.9819993

But she has to dress different wherever she goes to prove she's a true lifestyle lolita princessu! Dare to be different uwu here's a pic of me wearing jfashion surrounded by poor normies uwu not everyone can have a rich husband to support her farting in her brand all day like me!

>> No.9820044

tone down the vendetta kiddo

>> No.9820048

Kate is actually vendetta worthy tho unlike most randos.

I mean I don’t mind her but, you know, others do

>> No.9820127
File: 290 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180318_002038_965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, it's >>9815518 here! Just wanted to say, I've set up an email for submissions. If anyone has any outfit detail shots they'd like to share, please feel free to send them to the email address above along with a lolibrary link or stock photo. (And your Instagram name if you want me to credit you!) Photos don't need to be super high quality, a phone pic taken in natural light is probably good enough. Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions related to submissions here or on Insta.

>I'd actually really appreciate a couple of submissions at the moment because I've lost my camera charger and can't take more pics until the replacement arrives.

>> No.9821166

I'm pretty sure I heard from NoLa friends that Kammie doesn't work, she's just rich.

>> No.9821171

no wonder she's flying literally everywhere, tho im sure her wig is a decent side business

>> No.9821205
File: 1.46 MB, 1432x2157, Screenshot_20180318-210126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go off private soon (I had deleted the app for two months or so to take a break cause life reasons that are now solved) but here is mine. I've tried keeping up a theme but I always end up falling off it and I gave up on hashtags cause nothing has ever helped me gain any followers so I low key gave up lol. I still have a lot of pictures from Seoul and Tokyo to put up and I'm.going to a convention soon so I'll be posting those too. I also post song covers.

>> No.9821492

She looks like a man

>> No.9821594


>> No.9821791

you're really cute but your photos are low-quality and your feed isn't cohesive

>> No.9821873
File: 729 KB, 1440x1601, Screenshot_2018-03-19-13-53-48_mh1521468152153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the gift that keeps on giving.
>Her godly coords
>So earnest in her love of visual kei
>Showing us her cocked pancakes
I love her so much

>> No.9821952


My personal favorite right now is @boxturtlecosplay

>> No.9822132

Yeah my main issue has always been not keeping a theme. I'll start and then give up.

>> No.9822337

it doesn't even have to be a theme, honestly, but consistency with photo quality, filters, and colors will improve your feed a lot even if you have diversity re: the subjects on your feed

>> No.9822407
File: 404 KB, 726x1291, 65CF754B-E405-4BE6-A3C0-042F1611C71D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting. Mostly lolita stuff, but some gyaru and larme too. Looking to follow people with similar styles.

>> No.9822799 [DELETED] 

Yeah for some reason some photos will reduce in quality when I upload them to Instagram even with out a filter. Most of my photo qualities are fine especially when clicked on it's why I was doing a blog for my school. I also had colors matching for the most part but deleted/ archived most of the pictures I posted. I doubt photo quality is an issue there's people with blurry photos all over Instagram and they have a following just fine.

>> No.9822815

Yeah for some reason some photos will reduce in quality when I upload them to Instagram even with out a filter. Most of my photo qualities are fine especially when clicked on it's why I was doing a blog for my school. I also had colors matching for the most part but deleted/ archived most of the pictures I posted. I doubt photo quality is an issue there's people with blurry photos all over Instagram and they have a following just fine. I don't mean to sound defensive I just doubt that's it lol I do need to go back to staying strict to a color scheme/theme though.
Does anyone know if hashtags actually help? I tried using them before and even looked up when certain tags that are relevant are poppin but my posts without hastags got more. I was on private for a bit though so the newest photos aren't of reference.

>> No.9822833

Wait same posting cause I'm stupid but do you mean like background and set up for photos? Cause I definitely need that that's why I bought a tripod for my phone

>> No.9826815

Is arisucookie and ohsokawaii just rich girls? Arisu picked up Valentino shoes and ohsokawaii got gifted a car by her father in law? What do these girls do for a living?

>> No.9827180

The first one is a university graduate, but she is married to a doctor. Specifically, a plastic surgeon so they are upper middle class. She does come from wealth outside being married to a doctor. What she does for work is just pocket change that suffices as extra money to pay for her hobbies. I don't know about the second, but undoubtedly middle class. She might not be upper, but is still middle class. The only people who really hurt for money is your lower middle class who is bad at spending. They aren't hurting for money.

I was hesitant to answer you because I didn't know if you were fishing for drama, but, yeah, they come from wealth. It's no big deal.