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9928082 No.9928082 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite channels. What would you like to see in a channel? Do you have one?

>> No.9928089

No one really likes lolita YouTubers. They're all efamers and we just like to shit on them. No one should make a lolita YouTube unless they want to be either ignored or harassed and nitpicked until they quit.

>> No.9928101

/cgl/ doesn't like lolita youtubers. General J-fash people like lolita youtubers, and ~60% of lolitas in general like them.

>> No.9928151
File: 676 KB, 851x476, katedreamybabbyroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Kate's Youtube channel. She just started out, but I'm looking forward to her future videoes.


>> No.9928156
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>> No.9928164

I am happy that she restarted her channel and that she did take a break. She seems to have calmed down now.

>> No.9928168

Not at all bait.

There's potential here, but she's leaving potential on the sidelines. Akon was last month. She should have filmed some video and done a Q&A with ScarfingScarves. AP had their anniversary tea party in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. AX is almost here so there's time for that. She needs a microphone for voice overs, cut scenes, bumpers, etc. There is a vacuum for a lolita to do SoCal lolita related videos ever since LovelyLor departed for Toronto.

>> No.9928193

As much as cgl likes to shit on her >>9928168 is right, she has the means to create a lot of content and it doesn't seem to matter whether or not it generates income. It could be really cool to have someone covering all the big events.

>> No.9928196


Not meaning to sound vendetta, but she literally spends all her time taking selfies of herself at events.

I was at a tea party and she made zero effort to communicate with people who didn't kow tow to her as if she was the relic of a long pilgrimage. She just sat in her own little group and when privy, they would move to a corner at awkward times to take photos. It was really awkward. I felt like I interacted well with other people and even made a few friends, but she was just in her own little world. I can't imagine her doing anything that's not self centered like an interview tbqh.

>> No.9928206 [DELETED] 

Anyone who's met k8 in person knows she's a huge autist. This isn't anything new or shocking that she keeps to herself

>> No.9928213


Clearly >>9928193 and >>9928168 haven't gotten the memo yet if they think she has any potential to do anything as socially interactive as interviews.

>> No.9928215

She does look lonesome in her IG stories. I'm that a lot of the times because I'm a lone lolita. You can savor food and clothes alone, but how can to you show that to others? Latching onto other lolitas who want to suck your e-fame is not healthy and in the long run, you end up leaving the famous and search for something more e-fame worthy (what Ellejay did).

She needs to join a local Toastmasters group to gain confidence and social skills. Learning to communicate and chill with lolitas is vital. Being with friends with others in the LA Comm can do a lot of good for her. You don't have to friend everyone. Just find a group of 10-12 lolitas you can hang out casually.

>> No.9928219


I'm a lonelita too, but it's not that hard to make small talk. I grew up from being the most socially awkward high school student to someone who can at least be ok talking to people and even making friends. Unless she's an autist, it's a very learnable skill. But she's probably sheltered to the point where she doesn't have a lot of opportunity to hone that skill, whereas I have to talk to clients on a daily basis. So I guess there's that.

>> No.9928227

All lolita YouTubers are super annoying except Lor. Also her lolita videos are actually interesting because it's not the usual Lolita 101 or omg look what I got! She also doesn't try to have a cute voice or make cringe kawaii poses for half the vid.

Kathy Cat and AskJapanese is has good content but her voice is so fucking grating.

If any of you Lolita YouTubers are reading, please do new and interesting content geared towards actual lolitas not newbies. Don't rehash the same topics of what a coord is, etc. Also don't title your videos Taobao Haul. There's a thousand of these and they are so not helpful. Can you make it something like Taobao Haul: Diamond Honey, Strawberry Witch and Infanta or something, just so 1)I know wtf Im gonna watch and 2) I can actually search for reviews on those specific Taobao brands and you get more views. That way when someone on FB asks omggf anyone heard of this Taobao brand??? What's the quality???? We can just post an actually relevant review.

>> No.9928273
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There are very few lolita youtubers I actually enjoy

Taylor with LWLN. Seems most either love it or hate it. I like it and I'm glad to see someone not afraid to make jabs at people.

Victorianme . I find it super interesting having a perspective into other lolitas culture around the world. Especially a glimpse into Chinese lolitas since they are on the rise.

She rarely uploads but I like Agnes' sense of humour (bowsbeforeboys)

People I watch but don't really love:
Lor. She was so annoying in her breakup phase "tru love isnt real wahwah!". But I also dont like her neutral stance on literally everything. Its one thing to not want to be involved with drama but it makes her seem like she has no convictions and really wishy washy. Especially on topics like AM, Cakes and Couture, or Kelly Eden

Milkbox. Nothing particularly bad but nothing too charming about her videos. I'll still watch them from time to time. Found some good stuff to buy through her taobao hauls

>> No.9928275

She’d never ask anyone anything about themselves because she’s so stuck up her own fucking ass.

>> No.9928277

Being a bitch is not Autsim. Stop letting people like this get away with being assholes. Being a twat isn’t a disability.

>> No.9928288


god thank you for saying this. People are like 'o poor girl uwu' but she clearly just wants to spend time with other efamous lolitas who lick her butthole.

>> No.9928360

Anyone have stories about meeting YouTubers?

I've only met two, and they were both at meets. The first one I knew about prior to the meet and I expected her to be self centered and trying to film everything. She ended up being down to earth, talking to people, never once mentioned YouTube or anything about herself as an efame whore. She made conversation with a bunch of people.

The second one I didn't know about prior to meeting but boy I sure learned a lot, because she couldn't shut up about herself and YouTube and boohoo they don't pay me enough.

>> No.9928362 [DELETED] 

The two are not entirely separate ya retard

>> No.9928377

I only really like watching MilkBox she's a pretty small channel but most lolitas on youtube have really bad editing skills, shitty camera etc besides like Lor and I generally dislike her videos because I don't like her taste and she has a very unfortunate nose that I can't get past

>> No.9928378

I actually like Lor for being neutral. Nothing turns me off of a channel than getting sucked into shitty drama. I boycotted LWLN until she was done with her stupid publicity drama with AM. I did kind of enjoy her tearing Kelly Eden a new one, but her take downs of Cathy Cat were weak. I don't love CathyCat but she proves that just not getting sucked into the drama is good, and will make it blow over. Thanfully she is back to the good content now.

>> No.9928379

Milkbox doesn't really stand out to me but I like her videos enough. Apparently she's a jerk irl though, and I've seen her being bitchy on her IG before

>> No.9928383

She is a jerk. She makes exclusive secret meets for like 20 of her "close friends" only, then cries about it when the fact that the comm had only secret meets gets exposed, even though nobody specifically blamed her.

>> No.9928387

The only three I watch are cake calamity, scarfing scarves and yetaxa

>> No.9928389

>What would you like to see in a channel?
Think for yourself. What do you have to show to the world that others could benefit from? Nothing? Then don't make a channel.

Also this >>9928089

>> No.9928397

There's nothing wrong with secret meets though. And where did she whine about being exposed?

>> No.9928401

Ayrt and I don't care about secret meets I've just heard about her being rude to people irl

>> No.9928403

I liked Princess Fancypants/Charlie's videos but she hasn't put out anything in a while and she mostly wears lazy oaf now. I like Lor too, her vlogs covering different events are nice and her talky videos are good background noise. I don't mind Milkbox either, she has good quality content and I don't really give a shit what she's like irl.

I also like Tyler, but I'm not really involved in any comms or lolita fb groups to really be interested in some of her topics. Watching her tear strips off of Kelly Eden was hilarious though.

>> No.9928423

I've met ScarvingScarves and I've spoken with LovelyLor. LovelyLor is very genuine and sweet. ScarvingScarves is possibly one of the coolest people I've ever met. She's very down to earth and interesting.

>> No.9928463

Where are the gothic youtubers? Call me bigoted but I don't give a shit about any sweets.

>> No.9928464

Not inviting you to her meet up makes her a jerk?

>> No.9928466

you still don't get a pass for being a pos

>> No.9928471 [DELETED] 

Nobody said she did

>> No.9928476

I dont think they exist start one

>> No.9928492

>someone used my reaction image


>> No.9928764
File: 29 KB, 303x188, 1D0918C3-FE79-4EE0-BF60-EB8213C1736D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that finds this shit annoying? It says no photos but here we are, looking at a photo?

>> No.9928767

>not liking sweet lolita is bigotry now
Off the top of my head, there's Fille de Porcelaine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHhDZYUyGPE not a personal favorite though.
And Rose Nocturnalia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYZ7s1OauFw who has gothic lolita and goth related content.

>> No.9928769

Looks like this was taken in Fairytale Boutique, in that case I imagine they got permission from the owner to take this pic.

>> No.9928805

Does ScarfingScarves actually go to meets?

>> No.9928859

Is hello batty still a thing? I unsubscribed after her 20th tag.

What do you think of youtubers that wear lolita but just talk about general stuff, not specifically Lolita?

>> No.9928862

>What do you think of youtubers that wear lolita but just talk about general stuff, not specifically Lolita?
I'm perfectly fine with that. You don't have to vlog about the fashion to wear it, just like you don't have to attend meets to wear it. It's infinitely better than the randos that vlog about lolita without wearing it.

>> No.9928882

>What do you think of youtubers that wear lolita but just talk about general stuff, not specifically Lolita?
I enjoy seeing things like travel vlogs and makeup tutorials or other cute fashion related stuff, but personally I'm not interested in watching vlogs of boring people going about their boring days just because they happen to be wearing frills.

I see a lot of jfashion youtubers in general complain about their videos not getting enough watch time or views or whatever but the content is just straight up boring. Honestly if you can see that people often don't watch past the first few minutes, maybe your content just sucks.

>Hello Batty
I like her but had to unsub during her clogging up my subscriptions with her 31 days of tags and the cheap fast fashion hauls. Sorry but I'm just not interested in your $5 normie dress or the plastic crap you got from target. I still do watch her lolita videos from time to time though. They're fun.

>> No.9928963

I assume so, but I met her at a con and I'm not in her com

>> No.9928988

Lou Graves does goth stuff and actually uploads regularly, I wish Marie Dauphine's channel was actually a thing, she has one video on her channel, there is so many abandoned goth channels that have content that is a year or more old, it sucks

>> No.9929171 [DELETED] 

She can be very rude, confrontational, and petty. I use to admire her but it’s obvious she is looking for e fame.

>> No.9929232


I can't put my finger on it but she always look so unpolished and "new" despite being in the fashion as long as she has.

>> No.9929269

I like Lovely Lor but she is making way too many videos with her gf right now. They are cute, and obviously in their honeymoon stage, but I can't help but think how awkward it would be when they break up..

>> No.9929331

Using your gf to increase subscribers and help monetize your channel is not a smart business practice.

You don't see Kate use her husband in videos. Glad we won't see "Dressing My Husband in Lolita".

>> No.9929659

let me be clear and honest about Katie- I think she should continue doing Lolita but not try and be popular or make youtube channels for the efame. She's barely 24 and her body is literally falling apart. The girl is naturally bald due to her illness and she keeps dying/killing it to keep up the looks. She's married to a very emotionally clingy husband (they're perfect for each other though), and she said she's trying to work more professionally. If you posted this Katie honestly take a huge break from online, go to therapy, spend time with your husband for once and settle down. You complain about LA and its culture but yet here you are. As someone born and raised in LA you need to love it and have been raised in it to truly appreciate how much better California is than let's say fucking Florida.

Honestly for her mental and physically health she needs a break. Just stop Katie.

>> No.9929661

also bitch needs to learn to do her damn eyebrows and eyeliner. how is she even married???

>> No.9929664


Holy shit, I thought she was late 20s thanks to knowing about her since her first scramble for efame, but if I were to guess without context early 30s no joke.

>> No.9929667

nope, she's close to 24/25 I believe. She got married straight out of college (21) and has celebrated her 3 year anniversary.

>> No.9929669

HOLY fuck I thought she was honestly like 32 or something

>> No.9929676


Did she drop out or graduate early?

Also what's her relationship with LA? You can be really vague about it but I'm sort of curious.

>> No.9929678

Nayrt and just speculating but didnt she just drop out? She's selling her dresses to "fund" her new education

>> No.9929681


holy shit i would need like 500 holy lanterns to fund my yearly education lmao. Isn't she a trust fund baby though?

>> No.9929687

Batty is someone who has no personality, and matched with the no job living off the hubby life, she has no friends or reasons to leave the house. It’s boring to watch someone who doesn’t even take advantage of their lifestyle to pick up hobbies.

>> No.9929702

Why did she move to LA then? Did she want to network with more efamous people?

>> No.9929947

I believe she moved because of her husbands job desu and I’m not sure about the dropping out. I believe she’s selling her old stained crap to fund a lolita coding project since she’s working for her husbands non profit part time and has the resources and means to do this project.

>> No.9929960

Actually, this sort of thing is good for YouTube views, you forget her fanbase is younger

>> No.9929972

I've met Peachie, she was so polite and laid back that I didn't realise it was her until someone called her name.

I also once met a lolita that talked about her YouTube channel in the first sentence she spoke and filmed herself talking to the camera constantly but I don't even know who she was. It was like she wasn't even enjoying the meet she was just there to narrate it on camera

>> No.9930235

Actually she doesn't get any money from videos that have the word lolita in the name. From how they act it seems really genuine that they just want to do everything together. It's just a little too much of that desu plus I hope those videos don't get deleted if they break up.

>> No.9930243

How is she dying her hair if she is naturally bald?

Also I'm so confused on why she wants efame so bad. She left because people were mean and she was getting too much negative attention. That is a natural part of being efamous. Plus her only "skill" in the fashion is having lots of money to buy a ton of expensive shit. It's not like she is doing anything like making her own brand, or events or anything in particular to be worthy of people's admiration. I mean she made LACE but that was from purely selfish motivations, and she quickly abandoned it too.

I just want to know what is the point?

>> No.9930258

Attention, obviously. She may not like negative attention but the shitstorms that lead to her flounce were clearly not enough to completely deter her.

>> No.9930440

well she has a disease that causes her hair to fall out, what little hair she has she dyes it.

>> No.9930441

katie's a fucking mess of a human and should give up. let's all just ignore her.

>> No.9930540

Whatever happened to Kota Bear? She had a baby and then disappeared.

>> No.9930740


>> No.9930743

I don't like her videos, not because they're her, but because they're really rambly and long winded. Also hauls aren't my thing - I know what AP looks like, maybe do something else to spice it up.

>> No.9930748

Honestly, I just don't think she has the charisma for it. Brand is all well and good, but if you can't back that up with a personality, you're fucked.

>> No.9930754

Probably got caught up in her family life, which is honestly better for us. She had many shit opinions like "brand is badly made because AP doesn't fit my shoulders", she was contributing nothing noteworthy.

>> No.9931587

I like her channel too! She's well dressed and has a good style. I live in LA and want to be friends with her but I'm too scared to approach her.

>> No.9931592

Unless you're e famous she won't give you the time of day lmao

>> No.9931628

she has cute outfits but her wigs always look like shit and she seems pretty obnoxious and annoying. sadly, lolita youtubers are hard to find so sometimes I watch her but more often than not I just speed through the video because her shitty wigs and annoying personality. sad.

>> No.9931631

I saw a few people say this before and checker her out and she's so obnoxious, and comes across like bragging about everything, jsut like batty and her constant "OMG I SPENT SO MUCH AND NEVER DO THAT"... sure, bitch, sure. I like hauls, but when you're constantly doing hauls with tons of shit and that's basically all there is it gets pretty obnoxious.

>> No.9931636

WHAT?! she had a baby? crazy.

>> No.9931645

i honestly think shes just a tad bit socially awkward, i met her at an event once where she obviously didnt know anyone, and she was fairly nice and tried talking to my friends and i- who are not popular or known at all. we then took some photos together and the whole thing did feel pretty odd since she told us to "pose as if we're best friends" but i honestly dont get all the hate, she was nothing but nice- just in a really awkward way.

>> No.9931649 [DELETED] 

nayrt but I'm not efamous at all but at a con a few months back we talked in line and later on the next day she stopped me in the halls to say hi so

>> No.9931650

Yes. She's in my comm and she attends our meets

>> No.9931651

I want to do instructional sewing videos but I feel like they've all been done before. At the same time, I see a lot of really shitty handmade pieces so I feel like people aren't watching what's out there.

>> No.9931652

Please do this! It has been so long since we got decent lolita tutorials. They are all either old or not that good.

If you document making things from Otome no Sewing books I think it would be pretty great, since it's patterns we can reference. I think a lot of people will like it. There are so few new tutorials since LJ died.

>> No.9931658
File: 39 KB, 367x604, 9f70d8216a6d8cb628e83e8fdae32e43--lolita-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got to meet deerstalkers right before they stopped making lolita content, and it was painfully awkward. i wasnt in lolita when i ran into them because it was a con, but the guy obviously didnt want to come take a photo and was incredibly rude and stuck up, the girl vsyanthe on the other hand was nice but she seemed really uncomfortable about the situation. for some background info i was really excited to meet them in person and asked for a photo and no they werent eating or busy just walking at the con, and when i did the guy turned around and pretended to be busy while the girl convinced him to come for a photo. i hate that photo because of how uneasy i felt, id rather they say no we are busy rather than creating such a harsh atmosphere. it was unpleasant. also a little off topic but are these two dating??

for the people creating these threads, we see the same question once every other month or so, whats the point of creating a channel if you dont even know what to talk about? also know that being a lolita youtuber might make you efamous within the lolita community like lor, but you wont take off more than maybe 100k subs tops, so dont go into it just for money because youre better off working for minimum wage somewhere. so with that in mind just do whatever to make you happy as a hobby or whatever

to those of you making lolita content already, like Kate- for the love of god edit your content more decently. i just watched one of her video and she talked about a headbow for TWO whole minutes, why, no ones attention span is that good. i wont go into details since i find this info self explanatory, but jsut make everything short and sweet without ranting so much. im sure there are advice videos for this on youtube

>> No.9931664

I'm sorry but watching 10+ minutes of someone with a grating voice and no personality that sways her body the entire video is gonna be a "no" from me.

Her husband is freelance though? She wanted to move to Little Tokyo to live out her weeb dreams.

Was LA not what she imagined? She has no right to complain. She rarely interacs with any CA comm members (ie, at LA events and at the AP San Francisco tea party.) Any potential she had to network is pissed away on her having her head stuck so far up her ass

>> No.9931689

Oh this is quite a good idea! I need to get some ONS books first, normally I self draft patterns.

>> No.9931705

>are these two dating??
Deerstalkers? Yeah, afaik they're a couple.

>> No.9931721

holy crap i always thought that guy was gay

>> No.9931726

Ive been watching the videos with self drafted patterns and it makes it a lot harder to follow along.

OnS is in Japanese and some parts are hard to figure out, but the pattern is there. I think it would be an incredible resource to the community if you did that!

>> No.9932614

or asexual, wasn't anyone getting that vibe?

>> No.9932624

I met one and she was like the first you described. Pretty much the nicest, most chill person. I honestly didn't realise who she was and talked to her like an old friend for half an hour and then a friend gushed about her later and I realised who I had been talking to. I didn't really care for her videos before and mostly agree with >>9928089 but now I watch her videos occasionally just because of how nice she was.

>> No.9932633

I thought he was gay too

>> No.9932646

I'm going to a couple of big events this year. After seeing that people are interested in event videos, I'm tempted to try to make some but I have no idea where to start. What do you look for in an event video? What are some tips for someone who has never made a video for YouTube before?

>> No.9932711

Personally I don't like watching or taking event videos. Watching them is boring. For recording, its hard to film when some people don't want to be in the video or dont give consent. It also takes away from time that you should be spending at the event enjoying yourself. I'll always remember Lor at every San Diego event I ever went to and how obnoxious she was taking videos the entire time

>> No.9932727

- Don't shake your camera, try to hold it as steadily as possible, shaky vlogs make people want to barf.
- Test your recording device (dslr, phone, etc.) in advance to figure out the settings that provide the best video quality, be sure to do it in similar settings (if it's an indoor event, set it up indoors), nobody cares for low-quality footage.
- Practice filming, especially filming yourself and talking to the camera, so that you don't look like an awkward mess during the event.
- Provide information about what you're filming, whether in a voice-over or by filming yourself talking to the camera describing the situation. You can also insert on-screen captions but IMO they are boring.
- Ask other attendees for permission to film some close-up clips of their coords, a lot of people myself included love to see detailed OTT coords prepared for special occasions.
- If you want to film things like fashion shows, guest Q&As, etc. lift your camera and film overhead, so that people walking in front of you don't get into the shot.
- try to mimic the style of a well-made youtube video: add an intro and an outro, try to edit the footage in a coherent and paced way, add some quiet royalty-free background music. If you're filming people or fashion shows, insert the names or brand names as captions.

There's a lot more I can think of, but I think this should be enough to get you started.

Yes deerstalkers have been dating for 8+ years

A friend of mine has met Tyler and says she's super chill and nice to talk to

I'm so sad Charlie has seemingly stopped wearing lolita and making videos, I liked her personality and her videos were well-made, even if they were mostly hauls.

Milkbox has sold most of her wardrobe over the last 6ish months and has said in a video that she doesn't wear it as much anymore, so I'm afraid she might be on the way out like Princess Fancypants

>> No.9932729

>What do you think of youtubers that wear lolita but just talk about general stuff, not specifically Lolita?
I actually think we need more videos like that, or funny sketches, or music videos, basically anything other than more hauls and event vlogs, because hauls get boring really quickly and events are few and far between. We need new Deerstalkers, yes some of their videos were dumb and cringy, or not that well-made back then, but they tried different things to express their creativity and weren't afraid to take risks. Now the best creativity we get is a lookbook video filmed in a park.

>> No.9932805

Just adding, if you're filming a fashion show or something please stand yore side and just add a voiceover at a later date
The last thing people who paid paid to be there want is a camera blocking their view and someone constantly talking to themselves. Be considerate of those around you, you'll get more white knights for your channel that way anyway.

>> No.9932819

This reminds me that I have to clean my room, immediately.

>> No.9932821

Her make up doesn't suit AP, and neither do her wigs.

>> No.9932823

I have no opinions on lor other than she looks much better with her natural hair, dark, than with platinum blond or pastel wigs, they don't do her mature features any favors. Not everyone can have kawaii neoteny features, and that's okay.

>> No.9932834

Yes good point, I feel like an idiot for forgetting this - when you're prancing about hunting for that Content(tm) it's important not bother or be in the way of other guests. No video is worth being remembered as that annoying cunt who kept elbowing everyone to stick her camera out or wouldn't stop mumbling 24/7

>> No.9933649

Milkbox only wants the status dresses, there's no way she is gonna leave.

>> No.9941282

The wasted potential in Kate makes me upset. She has everything at her disposal and yet she doesn't go for it. I think she could easily have the same number of subs as Lor or Peachie but here we are.

>> No.9941313

>stupid explanation on why we must buy brand new from the shops
>proceeds to unbox only one item ordered brand new
>proceeds to unbox an ungodly amount of shit ordered from auction sites

ok hun

>> No.9941323

I agree.

I’ve been to multiple events with her. Each time I noticed that she did not do much to interact with others or even girls that would approach her. She very easily brushed them off after maybe allowing a couple to get a photo. The only people she interacted with outside of her awkward clique were other models from the fashion shows. And only ever if the conversation revolved around herself.

>> No.9941329

I really like Milkbox for her taobao finds, too. Her tutorials are also pretty cute and often make me want to recreate whatever she’s making and lastly I enjoy her intros a lot for some reason. I do think her personality is a little bland in her videos though but I don’t mind too much since whatever her video is about is typically entertaining enough to not be as noticeable.

>> No.9941348


In LA we just refer to Kate's clique as the e-fame table. They're unpleasant and grating to be around, and have almost nothing to do with other parts of the LA community, which is a shame. We have a lot of smaller fun events and keep in touch.

>> No.9941391

Okay, same. It’s also kind of stupid to me to be so involved in how a Youtuber one’s never meet is IRL. We watch their videos for entertainment, people are almost always fake on camera so why does anyone expect differently of someone on YouTube? They create media to give idiots like us something to occupy our time, not to be our friend.

As long as they aren’t doing anything harmful I don’t see the point in being so invested in how they are outside of internet platforms.

>> No.9941397
File: 404 KB, 500x410, 1477786097325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charlie has seemingly stopped wearing lolita and making videos

Yeah She's not necessarily leaving lolita but shes not really wearing it anymore and wants to make videos with other fashions according to her most recent video.
which is kinda lame but whatever.

>> No.9941399

What is it that she and her husband even do for a living? Curious not because of the amount of brand she has, her apartment looks sad because of it, but because she’s able to afford going to events often as well as very easily and things along that line.

>> No.9941405

That's too bad, what brought this on? Did she just get bored with the fashion, or is it because she was creeped on that one time?

>> No.9941420

But anyone who dared to try making funny lolita videos would get torn a new one here on cgl, especially if they weren't Deerstalker quality. No one dares to try any more because cgl won't accept anything less than perfection.

>> No.9941427

As long as no one from cgl comes to bother them personally irl, I don't see how anons' opinions are relevant, or at least how they should be relevant. People get hate comments on their videos regardless of if the subject they're talking about has a board dedicated to it on 4chan or not, that's just how some people are unfortunately and it's a part of producing and sharing content online for the public to see. If someone can't handle that then they shouldn't be posting videos at all, comedic ones or otherwise.

>> No.9941432

Mostly because she was creeped on, so she doesn't feel like wearing the fashion much

>> No.9941437

That's unfortunate. Well I hope she's happy with whatever else she chooses to do.

>> No.9941484

Great, so she's just gonna become kawaii video-maker #485938? Yawn.

>> No.9941485

Wait, is she aware she could also be creeped on when she's not wearing lolita? Is she going to drop all fashion styles and stay indoors 24/7 if that happens?
I don't blame her for not feeling like wearing the fashion as much after the experience she's had, I just don't understand the logic.

>> No.9941537

if you don’t understand the logic then you’ve never been creeped on

>> No.9941541

She clearly doesn’t get as bad responses in her lazy oaf stuff. She also talked about the harassment she got before and she looked pretty shaken from the experience.

>> No.9941544

Nah I've definitely been creeped on in the past. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't depend on what you wear.

>> No.9941545
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>doesn’t depend on what you wear
uh huh, sure, tell me more

>> No.9941566

I think you're giving her too much credit. Yeah Kate has the money and the means but it seems like all she is interested in is herself, showing off how cute she is (not really), what she buys and who she knows. I feel like she can't ever be a good lolita YouTuber because she just doesn't care enough about anyone else, like her potential viewers. People like Lor seem to genuinely care, give advice, good thorough reviews, share indie brands, tips. ScarfingScarves puts on a good show and from her history of lolita fashion and feminism bits you can tell she really loves the fashion and what it stands for, and wants to educate people.
Kate had LACE for a bit but only because of something dumb that happened to her. She didn't keep standing by it, and never really had goals to do anything with it to support others. It was just to get a support group for herself.

I never met her irl but everything I see her do online comes off as very vapid, and the irl stories here seem to prove that as well.

>> No.9941590

’m part of the LA comm too and also noticed this.

>> No.9941791

It's true though.

>> No.9941799

Honestly it's not like Charlie's videos were ever super lolita specific anyway. She mostly did hauls, and a lot of her lolita specific content was related to TPC meets. It's a shame that she got creeped on and it freaked her out but I really don't think her channel is going to change much overall. I'm still going to watch her videos since it's not like she's quit lolita and decided to go fully minimalistic normie like others have in the past.

I agree, some anons are seriously overestimating Kate's 'potential'. She has money, but her videos are dull. Like you said, she seems way too vapid and into herself, not really interested in interacting with or making content for the community the way people like Lor and Tyler are. This is the girl who started LACE because some anon heard her take a shit.

>> No.9942628

I'm not in LA but would love to know who is part of this group so I can avoid them at future events

>> No.9942820

I am curious too because I want to know who the other fame hungry Lolitas are.

>> No.9942824

k8 of course, misspinkstazi, larasuzanne, mo**y a**, and the other k8 (except she's not efamous she just latches onto them)

scarfingscarves made a beeline for that table too which i find funny

>> No.9942826

none of these people are LA people tho

>> No.9942893

i've ran into deerstalkers a few times as well, honestly they just seem a bit er.. shy? i don't think they're necessarily rude or stuck-up. had a similar experience as you when i first met them, was just getting into lolita and wearing normie clothes and was really excited to see them and a bunch of lolitas outside afterwards. i just told him its cool to meet them and for a photo, he seemed really chill about it. e

every other time i've seen them either just around sydney or at an event they just seem like normal people keeping to themselves, they're probably sick of the attention from the lolita community and from newer/younger autismos.

i really wish they'd still make lolita videos though, but its fair enough if it isn't "good enough" for their channel

>> No.9942896

>Mo**y a**
I've been trying to guess this one. Mossy ass?

>> No.9942904

I know Kate's a meme,but she has so much fucking brand I don't care. I love seeing shots of pieces in motion and in different lighting like this.

>> No.9942909

I'm so fucking tired of Chokelate and Spoony's sperging every time they see Kate in a thread. She's just a fucking sweet lolita who wants to do haul vids. We don't get enough lolita Youtubers as is, much less ones with a lot of brand to showcase, so fuck off.

Don't try and be the big old bullies or you might get caught on lolcow again stirring the pot like you did before. Your meltdowns and damage control were honestly the best thing that came from the Kate drama.

>> No.9942928
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Why can't someone explain who the other Kate is?

>> No.9942930

What's considered a ton? 20? 50? Over 100?

I mean Lor has a big wardrobe too, bowsbeforeboys, poppynoir etc aswell

>> No.9942936

Scarvingscarfs was unsure which table to sit at and someone from that table politely came over and asked her to join them

>> No.9942957

I completely ignored her after watching 5 min of one of her replica videos. Glad she’s gone.

>> No.9942963

>Kota Bear
I kind of had fun with Kota because she at least spoke her opinions and would openly rant. It felt a bit more real than most lolita personalities who walk on eggshells and are scared to talk about anything other than hauls and lolita 101 vids.

>> No.9942974

>its fair enough if it isn't "good enough" for their channel
Maybe I'm talking out my ass but it's possible one of the reasons they don't do lolita videos anymore is because youtube is being a bitch and a half about those, flagging and demonetizing them because of the name of the fashion. It's why Lor has sponsors for her newer lolita videos, for example.
I imagine they'd rather not bother with that, especially since cosplay videos not only don't have that issue but also allow them to be more creative with their editing skills.
I do think it's too bad but I can understand it.

>> No.9942999

I've been considering to start a lolita youtube channel for a while, to cover more "in depth" (for what it's worth) topics. Like, 99% of lolita channels are unboxings or vlogs.

I don't often see stuff involving researches like you could see in blogs like fyeahlolita. I have nothing against vlogs, in fact i enjoy hearing people talking about lolita, but most of the time it's basically people voicing their opinions or feeling, with little work of research about the topic they're discussing. Alt-fashion, and fashion in general, is something complex that is influenced from its envionment, its cultural or political influences etc.

For instance, I would like to make a video about the Rules of lolita fashion. Why is there a distinct set of rules in lolita that you don't find in other alt fashions (like goth, punk, sapologie, new romantics...)?

I would also like to make more "practical" videos. For example discussing the topic of fit: how to dress for your bodyshape, alterations, tailoring, making your own stuff, why do (some) japanese brands only release one size, "plus size" brands etc.

Idk if a lot of people would be interested, but over the years of coming there, I noticed that gulls were in demand on more lolita channels. Also with the blog era dying out, i think nowadays youtube can be a good alternative to more "in depth" content, that insta or fb don't really allow.

The problem is that i'm french, and have an almost unintelligible accent in english. Would you mind to watch a french channel with english subs?

>> No.9943000

rhymes with polly pan

she's just a literally who with really bad bangs and chola eyebrows

>> No.9943008

>Would you mind to watch a french channel with english subs?
That'll be great! I actually want to improve my French so this would be a blessing.
I'm very interested in all the topics you've brought up, imo if you take care with your video, audio and editing quality, and actually wear lolita on camera, these videos will be wonderful.

>> No.9943031

please do this, you'd have guaranteed sub from me

>> No.9943057

she took a break from Lolita after getting an inappropriate comment in public. She does still wear Lolita on her insta though.

>> No.9943066

That would be amazing, I'm also sick of hearing about Lolita 101 type content and I miss the more specific blog posts about things like how to launder particular types of pieces.

Like >>9943008, I also need to practice my French. I'm sure no one would mind a channel with subtitles. Lolita seems to overlap heavily with people who watch anime, foreign films, and Japanese channels with subtitles, so I don't think it would be a problem.

>> No.9943126

I also want to improve my French, this would be awesome anon. I currently follow a gyaru who does videos in French, but she doesn't always have subs so I miss a lot of what she's saying.

>> No.9943137

I thought she'd said she hadn't quit completely in the video? It's a shame if she quits. I wonder what the creeper did, it seems to have really affected her. :/

>> No.9943141

Iirc she posted a video about it if you're really curious, unless she removed it at some point.

>> No.9943173

I'm glad to see some anons would be interested! I thought british/american people would be reluctant to watch foreign stuff with subtitles, but >>9943066 point makes sense. I will buy the technical stuff i need, while making some researches the days to come. Tbh I'd be happy to have something to look forward to do after my job. I'll come back here when the work will be done.

>> No.9943182

Now I have something to look forward too, lol. Good luck, anon!!

>> No.9943717

well yeah, that's sort of what i meant by the quotation marks. lolita youtube videos seem to be quite troublesome in many regards, which is really unfortunately for other lolita youtubers like you mentioned.

>> No.9943724 [DELETED] 

Feel free to add on some of your peeves/what you want from a Youtube channel:

Overused things:
>Lolita 101
>How do I start lolita with a budget of paperclips and shoestrings
>Haul videos
>Sweet lolita or kawaii content
>Is it like related to the book Lolita or something???
>Basically catering to non-lolitas and young amino "lolita at heart" types
>Shitty sponsored vids by taobao related companies

Content I think would be more interesting:
>Brand heavy content, like a cross-brand buying lolita
>Huge closets or someone who buys and sells interesting pieces to keep a steady flow
>Someone who actually fucking travels to many events and does videos on them
>Someone who's a veteran and knows the fashion and can tell you all about the old days
>Gothic Lolita Bible English translated readings
>Sewing projects not Yumi King level or a sewing lolita in general
>Someone who can get in depth with fabric types, laces, how lolita is made
>How to actually wash lolita
>Lifestyle topics, since they vary per sub-style
>Just more true gothic or classic lolitas in general as Youtubers

>> No.9943733

Feel free to add on some of your peeves/what you want from a Youtube channel:

Overused things:
>Lolita 101
>How do I start lolita with a budget of paperclips and shoestrings
>Haul videos
>Sweet lolita or kawaii content
>Is it like related to the book Lolita or something???
>Basically catering to non-lolitas and young amino "lolita at heart" types
>Shitty sponsored vids by taobao related companies

Content I think would be more interesting:
>Brand heavy content, like a cross-brand buying lolita
>Huge closets or someone who buys and sells interesting pieces to keep a steady flow
>Someone who actually fucking travels to many events and does videos on them
>Someone who's a veteran and knows the fashion and can tell you all about the old days
>Gothic Lolita Bible English translated readings
>Sewing projects not Yumi King level or a sewing lolita in general
>Someone who can get in depth with fabric types, laces, how lolita is made
>How to actually wash lolita
>Just more true gothic or classic lolitas in general as Youtubers

>> No.9943737

>How to actually wash lolita
I've considered making content about this, actually. Not just washing but generally taking care of lolita clothes, removing stains, ironing easily, etc.
Not sure if I want to make videos though because my voice is grating and my English speaking level is pretty bad; might have to settle for blog posts instead.

>> No.9943754


I've been considering doing a washing video myself. It pains me to see all these people who was cotton pieces in the bathtub like any slight tug is gonna ruin it. I don't know what washing machines other people have but mine is perfectly fine to wash all kinds of printed dresses and yes even velveteen

I've been into lolita since 2006 so I do consider myself a veteran, was quite active on egl but I'm not someone who buys and sells a lot since my budget still is pretty small.

I'm also unsure at what point a wardrobe is considered big since I always considered my wardrobe big but compared to other ones it feel quite tiny.

>> No.9943761

Bathtub washing has a place though, flocky, anything that might bleed, or just as a presoak for secondhand pieces that need it.

Also, in case you aren't American, a huge number of washers in the US are awful and extremely hard on clothes unless you have a fairly nice one (meaning it didnt come with an apartment unit or isn't a laundromat). Given some of the washers I've used I'd rather handwash.

Washing velveteen however sounds like wizardry I'd like to hear about.

>> No.9943773

Ah that’s a shame, yeah I’m a Eurofag and my washing machine is pretty standard but has the option of washing in 30 degrees C and Handwash/gentle function.

But still a plain cotton piece shouldn’t be that hard to wash but I might just severely underestimate how bad US machines are

Velveteen washing is easy but the drying process is a bitch since you can’t squeeze it. I also kept brushing the fibers down in the correct direction as it was drying. The next time I wash my velveteen stuff I’ll try my best to film it.

>> No.9943788

Our washers (at least what I always used in buttfuck nowhere US) had a hot, warm, or cool setting along with a regular or delicate cycle. Maybe a few other settings like quck wash. But to give you an idea of how rough they can be the delicate cycle on US machines might be rougher than your standard cycle.

It's in part because plenty of people are using washers that came with their apartment or dorm, or laundromats so it's probably been 10-15 years since they were replaced and they're rough and inefficient. And if you don't have your own place it can be next to impossible to get your landlord to let you change your washer. People who are older, have their own places, or have parents with newer quality machines might have washers more similar to what you're used to. Basically Americans are right to be wary of their washers because they're destructive beasts oftentimes.

So you handwash the velveteen then drip dry and smooth the pile? Interesting, might have to try that when the weather isn't promising mildew if I try to drip dry.

>> No.9943967

Admittedly I'm someone newer to the fashion (been into it 4 years, wearing it every week for one year) but I've been considering starting a channel and beginning with the "overused" content to ease my way into video making. It's stuff that's fairly easy to film and explain and is fun to watch for a lot of people if well edited so I feel like it would help get me started.

Then I'm hoping to advance to topics more like looking at our fashions history online.I feel like it would be very fun to have a series where we go and look at things that used to happen back in the old day on egl and even cgl, since I wasn't there also and many new girls don't know about them. In my recent comm meet I was telling them about the poor girl who was sent a dress with the moldy orange peels and the girl whose dress got turned into an ironing board. No one had heard about it despite the comm leader wearing the fashion for almost a decade and the only one who did was the other girl in my comm who I know goes to cgl.

Would that be fun for veterans too, you guys think? Watching a video on some old handmade scammer and going "oh, I remember that happening" or would it only appeal to newer girls?

I can't make videos about big meets (Midwester here), traveling frequently, sewing, but I think it would be fun to work with what I have and there might be some use to a newer lolita that isn't bumbling around and wears classic and gothic, not sweet. I'm hoping even hauls might be a little different if they're from brands like Sheglit, IW, Abilletage, Boz, etc.

>> No.9943976

I'd love to see /cgl/ and scammer drama and that's interesting content. However, I really wish a an older lolita would chronicle LJ, getoffegl, and true old /cgl/. This board is pale in comparison to what it was.

>> No.9944265

I used to like Metaphora. Are they dead or just slow?

>> No.9946445

I live in Japan and the washers here are trash. Dryers are rare so most of the washers spin fast to get rid of excess water. The one I own doesn't have a gentle cycle, so you're stuck with 5 settings. All of them are rough on clothes. Mine makes my shirts pill after a couple washes and there are so many holes in my clothes that I have to buy replacements every few months.

So I'm that lolita that hand washes everything in the tub out of paranoia. Apologies in advance. But I would sub to your channel to learn your washing secrets, anon

>> No.9946458

I know she's more fairy kei but what do you guys think of princess peachie?

>> No.9946464

Different anon, but if I had the equipment, I totally would since I've been a Lolita since the egl days. I don't particularly like being in front of a camera, so a podcast with visuals would probably work.

>> No.9946497

damn girl, where are you living? I was given a dryer + washing machine by the housing company (even though I live in a prefecture that mostly air dries? for some reason) and the washing machine has a delicate cycle. Can you replace yours or is it not worth it?

>> No.9946505

They weren't getting enough subs/views with the lolita stuff. I think they straight up said that a few times via their fb and they want to make a living off their skills. Lolita is a niche target audience and cosplay is a much bigger pond to play in and showcases their technical skills more. I don't blame them at all, but wish they did con videos again.

>> No.9946683

They haven't updated in a long while, have they? I hope they're not done with the channel, their videos are wonderful.

Her general style and subjects aren't really my thing but I do like her more "serious" videos about Jfashion/alt fashion, like the one about how to be "unique" in Jfash or the one about fashion identities, etc.

>> No.9946977

Most youtube lolitas are itas that look like ageplayers

>> No.9947011

She used to be fairly likeable years ago because while she was a bit of a mess, she was still at an age where she could grow.

But she really puts off a weird, almost age regression vibe now.

The fact that she doesn't work but is still into so many expensive hobbies is really off putting at her age. She is also still such a cheapass which shows in bad ways now that she is aging, such as her hair always looking ratty since she cuts it herself. When she applies makeup it still looks incredibly unsettling, like a child trying out her mom's cosmetics for the first time.

In terms of videos, her content has been incredibly stale for quite some time. She is teetering on bimbo-tier because as she closes in on her 30s, she seems to become more and more like a womanchild.

>> No.9947025

>a sewing lolita in general
I'm definitely interested in making videos like this, but sewing videos take a long time to film and my hands look nasty so DIY videos are pretty much out of the question for me.
Do people still read blogs? Because I would totally blog my sewing processes instead.

>> No.9947191



Gotta admit I feel like I'm a dying breed still using feedly to read RSS feeds of blogs. I would definitely enjoy them, I'm having so much trouble with my sewing lately and a lot of other lolita sewing blogs seem to have gone dark. I just want to see other people's successful projects since mine are kinda bombing at the moment.

>> No.9947410

damn, she doesn't work? what the hell does she do all day? i hope she can pull her life together if her boyfriend breaks up with her, although she seems much more grounded than people like pixyteri so i'm sure she'll be fine.

>> No.9947416

doesn't she have a disability?

>> No.9947420 [DELETED] 

Anon, a bimbo looks nothing like Peachie.

>> No.9947428

I can’t stand Lor anymore. I feel like her content went from being fun and even a bit spontaneous to her looking like trash in weird shiny plastic looking wigs.

PrincessFancyPants is alright, though like someone else mentioned she doesn’t make as much lolita content. Same for Deerstalker of course.

I find HelloBatty and milkbox are meh but honestly I can hardly stand to watch more than a few videos before I get bored or annoyed at Batty’s grating voice.

Peachie, ScarfingScarves are good, even though Peachie’s content can feel a bit “same-y” she feels really genuine.

>> No.9947434

peachies hair looks bad because it's thinning due to her autoimmune disorder. :(

>> No.9947437

I would really like it if a girl with a huge wardrobe would do detailed shoots of their clothes, especially from VM, MM and JetJ. In a lot of haul videos girls hold up a dress for five seconds, throw it into a pile then go off on some weird tangent, usually with some loud fake persona. I think up-close videos of some pintucks, pleats, and ruffles with some soft music would be soooo relaxing.

>> No.9947442

Crooked bangs and ratty tips are due to an autoimmune disorder? Is fugly eyeliner due to an autoimmune disorder too?

She does "commissions." She whines a lot everything being expensive but her father is super rich and pays her way. That is one reason she was able to go to Japan recently.

>> No.9947453

I'm honestly just want to follow people who post sewing things that aren't just vintage/historical. Even cosplay progress bloggers that I used to follow have stopped.

>> No.9947454

I agree about Lor. If I have to see another shitty minty-mix wig on her head I'm going to vomit.

>> No.9947474

not the anon you replied to, but it's super obvious that peachie's hair has thinned considerably. It's dry and nasty and thinning, which definitely makes it look shitty no matter how well it is cut. Usually when someone's hair is thinning due to health issues, the hair's terminal length shortens, and hair has issues growing, causing it to look ratty, especially at the ends, easily. Not trying to justify it, but it happens.

>> No.9947484

lolita youtubers all have names like they put a My Immortal name generator through spin cycle

>> No.9947535


I haven't updated anything in a couple of years. None of my sewing turned out well unfortunately. I just had another night of frustration being completely out of my depth with some slippery fabric. My sewing table isn't even properly set up because I've tried two different castors on it and both fell off.


>> No.9947659


I think the biggest problem is that everybody has „grown up“, id love to make a sewing blog but work and a kid makes it practically impossible to take the time to properly document a sewing process with pictures/instructions/etc. it would probably end up being one or two post and then dropped when the blogger just can’t keep up. That’s why Instagram and the likes are so popular since is easy and relatively timeefficient

>> No.9947751


At this point I'm not even looking for detailed instructional stuff or sewalongs. I'd be happy with someone who just regularly posts cute stuff they've sewn -- I'm already reading a handful of non-lolita sewing blogs, which is pretty cool, but I really love cutesy frilly stuff so much more than seeing yet another totebag or stuffed toy.

I hear you on being difficult to keep things up. Any ideas what insta tags I should be following? I think all I'm following is the otomenosewing tag.

>> No.9947784

I like the ssasiness of cake calamity. And how chill she seems in her videos.

>> No.9948082

Any demand for ouji or gothic/classic lolita channels? I've been thinking of doing one and have good equipment to set it up.

>> No.9948107

Why not do it and see if it catches on?

>> No.9948266

I hear you both on the time aspect. It takes me 2x the amount of time it normally takes me to sew something when I'm trying to document the process. Take that and apply it to larger projects (ex: fancy ops like AP's princess ones or BTSSB's wedding dresses) and it can really stretch out your project.
I guess there's a reason why most vintage sewing blogs that I follow rely so heavily on sponsors funding their projects.

>good equipment
Please and thank you, anon.

>> No.9949838 [DELETED] 
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Why are so many lolita youtubers ugly? Lor looks like a man, pic related looks like she got hit in the face with a frying pan, batty looks like a cow(not just her weight), and k8 looks crusty with makeup and fuggo without.

Even Milkyfawn was badly aging despite having OK features.

>> No.9949841

Because most lolitas are ugly

>> No.9949844 [DELETED] 

Not really. Your average cof poster looks better face wise than your average lolita youtuber

>> No.9949943

I think that that overall there's more average-looking lolitas than ugly, the ugly ones are just so goddamn hideous that they become imprinted in your mind forever. And, I don't know, there's no barrier to entry to making videos except being technologically adept, and ugly people tend to be that way?

>> No.9949964

Any other Chinese lolita youtubers besides Victorianme who record in Mandarin? I like watching her videos since I'm learning the language.

>> No.9952922

She has type i diabetes and bulimia

>> No.9953078

I've met this girl in person and she is so nice! her vlogs are cute too. it is sad about her face but she a cool chick and also designs lolita stuff

>> No.9953652


>> No.9953657

>MilkyFawn aging poorly

Also, I miss her. Wish she’d come back in some form.

>> No.9954381



type i diabetes doesn't necessarily result in bald heads so long as you actually keep it under fucking control.

>> No.9954386

My hypothesis is that being fuck ugly is what leads them to try to overcompensate their lack of femininity by dressing up in lolita.

>> No.9954438

literally who

>> No.9957004
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>> No.9957018

>All lolita YouTubers are super annoying except Lor.
>Kathy Cat and AskJapanese is has good content


>> No.9957086

I really enjoy Sapphira's channel, she has some vlogs that aren't necessarily lolita related but I like getting a sense of what her life is like living in Japan.
She also has a cute accent and I so appreciate her refined mannerisms.

>> No.9957522

who? link?

>> No.9957524

I think anon means her: https://www.youtube.com/user/princesssapphira/videos
I love her style in lolita but she has many more videos about babies and motherhood than fashion.

>> No.9957573

lmao she looks straight like /r9k/ eggman on that pic

>> No.9957574

Updating on my last post. I'm working on my script, and i'm waiting for my paycheck to buy some technical stuff (tripod, mic, sd cards...) to make a decent enough video. I don't want to have 2010-tier audio on my vids!

>> No.9957586

Bless you for doing your best right off from the start, anon. I'm looking forward to seeing your work!

>> No.9958272

I saw her injecting herself at a tea party. She was trying to hide it from others by doing it under the table in the middle of a conversation. Later that weekend I saw leftover vomit streaks on the floor of a bathroom she used right before me.

>> No.9958281


Her A1c must not be well controlled for her to get gastroparesis so young from diabetes. She should look into a pump for better glycemic control as those have better outcomes.

But judging from the lolcow thread I guess that isn't happening.

>> No.9962146

Anyone else ship Lor and Kate?

>> No.9962239
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>shipping real people
Stick to your fictional characters, retard.