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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9955247 No.9955247 [Reply] [Original]

Why do white cosplayers get away with Photoshopping themselves so much while Asian cosplayers get criticized for it?

>> No.9955249
File: 57 KB, 571x430, bf7bdedbc5b546438faf2df4428302f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfies are never going to look the same as professional shots, due to the focal length of the lens. I see all the time people crying shoop when they compare a portrait taken from the other side of the room to even an obviously unfiltered selfie. Selfie cameras enlarge the midface and the edges of the face fall away, compared to the more true to life appearance of a prime lense.

>> No.9955250

LMAO who are the insecure people who got the 'asians actually photoshop theyre not milky white perfect thin oppai waifus btw' thread deleted?

>> No.9955258

>white cosplayers get away with Photoshopping
So which parallel universe do you hail from anon?

>> No.9955260

Well I think we've found them

>> No.9955262
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Thanks for getting my thread deleted. I’ll just use yours.

>> No.9955264
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>> No.9955265
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>> No.9955267
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>> No.9955268
File: 102 KB, 960x960, B72A1AF2-5CF8-4B0F-ABE0-57C3A263830C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana.Bunny_Bunny is such a catfish with these shoops lmao

>> No.9955269

Right doesn't even look bad aside from the streaky paint.

>> No.9955270
File: 874 KB, 2048x2048, 903F4E0F-A9E0-472C-B4C3-9A0288FA3CF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao ignoring the giant hips she gave herself and the super round baby face and giant eyes?

>> No.9955271
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>> No.9955273
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>> No.9955275

I didn't say they didn't look different, I just said right side doesn't look bad, so the shooping was unnecessary.

>> No.9955276
File: 603 KB, 2048x2048, 8B98C82F-18D6-4183-8130-405E758832E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasha from Spiral cats always shoops herself with huge hips and thighs even though she’s a bean pole irl and no one says a thing

>> No.9955278

I don't know who or what that is, or how it invalidates what I said

>> No.9955280
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>> No.9955285

Isn't the whole point of cosplay to look like someone else?

>> No.9955288
File: 216 KB, 1483x872, 3BD1AD06-6931-4C66-8C6A-A986BBE57451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont just do it for cosplay. They want people to think the shoops are what they always look like

>> No.9955293

On a real note where to find photographer that will photoshop me into an uguu anime grill

>> No.9955294

Damn, she's so good at photoshop even the costume was totally modified to use different materials.

Jokes aside I didn't know people still believed in Misa, aren't her years of PS hijinks already cataloged in excruciating detail on other sites?

>> No.9955296
File: 606 KB, 2048x2048, 9B71863C-CBCF-46B9-8CB0-7B223FFBCD21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9955298

I've shot with Tasha before and she's never asked for final release control on any of my photos so on some level she doesn't care that much.

maybe it's all Sinme (their main photographer) lol

>> No.9955299

I wasn't the one who got your thread deleted. I actually posted some pictures of super photoshopped Asian girls in yours. Extreme Photoshop is a detriment to the entire cosplay community regardless of race.

>> No.9955300
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x2730, 1498366290717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really the best thing to do is git gud at Photoshop yourself so you can shoop yourself into a kawaii anime grill like pic related. The top picture was shooped by the photog and she further shooped herself into the bottom picture.

>> No.9955302

That's just lighting.

All I'm seeing from this thread is a massive lack of appreciation for proper lighting.

>> No.9955304

Are you >>9955249? Because the girl in OP's pic is clearly doesn't just look different because of camera lens vs. phone lenses and >>9955268, >>9955300, and all the photos of Misa Chiang clearly aren't just because of lighting.

>> No.9955305

I'm not anybody in this thread
I forgot my link

>> No.9955306
File: 803 KB, 2048x2048, 756509D9-E33C-412F-8E1D-D1C523032A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convenient how someone comes to wk Tasha whenever she is mentioned here. Last thread had her pic as Op and got deleted.

>> No.9955307

you're retarded if you think that the difference in >>9955276 is just due to lighting

>> No.9955308

The purple backlight accentuates her ass

>> No.9955309

>Her hips are a different size and shape
>It's just lighting guys

The whiteknighting in this thread is fucking hilarious.
>It's okay to shoop, that's just retouching!
>White people do it too!

And now
>There is no shoop, there is only light refracting from weather balloons

>> No.9955310
File: 659 KB, 2048x2048, 57A3AC39-E2F3-481C-A5F4-134B89C0F07C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain these hip shoops as “lighting” white knight

>> No.9955311

I don’t think this is even the same girl - the costume is different in both pictures (different belt, different placement of text on shirt, wig has a different styled fringe, etc)

>> No.9955312

No that's the same girl. Misa Chiang's extreme photoshopping antics are well documented on Weibo. Left is a picture that she posted and right is a picture of her taken at a cosplay event in Taiwan.

>> No.9955313
File: 1.40 MB, 798x797, Annotation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/, I provide to you this tool :^)
It's used to detect photoshopping.
I hope /cgl/ becomes expert level photoshop detectors :^)

>> No.9955315

So how does this show shoop? Her hips are clearly twice as big on the right photo, there’s no way thats anything but shoop.

>> No.9955317

>No explanation whatsoever on how this shows anything


>> No.9955321
File: 1.34 MB, 743x745, Annotation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have adjust her figures to my tastes, and more badonkadonk on the right. :^)
I hope this answers your questions. :^)

>> No.9955356
File: 618 KB, 2048x2048, oni_bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9955392

Does one of them photoshop their official ones? Obviously. But both her and Sinme have never asked me to show them my photos before I let them loose on the internet.

>> No.9955423

I've seen her irl and she's still fuckable, so idgaf.

>> No.9955705

Bet they never shared or acknowledged your unshooped pics

>> No.9955722

Seconding. I don’t need someone to shop me so much I’m unrecognisable but it would be nice to have a photographer willing to even out my asymmetrical features and maybe enlarge my eyes a tad before posting everything online for everyone to see.

That runs the risk of multiple versions being released though, plus many photographers don’t appreciate it when the model messes with their pics.

>> No.9955774

Idk why you guys are making a big deal over ps for. They’re just trying to make high quality prints for their fans which is what fans want. There’s no difference between ps and say makeup, push up bras or butt pads. No one is going to get plastic surgery for every single cosplay. Ps is just a better alternative.

>> No.9955775
File: 2.86 MB, 180x320, 1532869523095.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is makeup any better than photoshop?

>> No.9955786

There's a big difference between enhancing/retouching what you have and this:

And it's not about looking unique for each character because they keep shooping themselves to the same mantis face.

The +3-4 inches to the hips thing is fucking weird but less silly than swapping out your entire face/body.

>> No.9955795

>replying to soup

>> No.9955805

who cares lol no one looks like an anime in real life anyway don't you already know that..

>> No.9955813

Yup, anything with makeup os fine because you've made yourself look like that with a bit ofveffort. Photoshop is fine too as long as it stays within the realms of what's possible to do to your face with makeup and lighting. People only get bitter when 1. Someone says they don't use photoshop and they clearly do or 2. It's drastically overphotoshopped to alien proportions.

>> No.9955835
File: 17 KB, 260x273, 1524927713101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

>> No.9955866

I actually prefer these photoshoped pictures with pretty fake people than the natural ones with ugly gals.

I'm on the internet to see pretty things, not real ones.

>> No.9955901

worked with Zekia before, she does shoop your photos afterwards herself. she did ask.

>> No.9956046

what the hell does she use in her nose and chin?

>> No.9956057

For chin it's probably face tape

>> No.9956076

desu this kind of photoshop isn't a big deal. I think we'd all rather see the smooth-skinned version, and her features match the aesthetic of the cosplay/aren't changed in a drastic way.

this is probably the kind of editing that bothers people more, because her features are very noticeable-y different. But seriously, I'd rather look at her edit too ha

>> No.9956078

isn't that a problem if the photographer posts the original version, which I am assuming is what happened here? Plus it looks like the photog had already shooped it

>> No.9956254

Slightly unrelated, but real talk, would anyone be interested in a thread where we could discuss post-production and exchange Photoshop tips and techniques?

>> No.9956333

You know, this one isn't actually that bad. I'm actually shocked for once.

>> No.9956335 [DELETED] 

Please stop. Are you angry you got posted?

>> No.9956339

Please stop. Are you angry you got posted?

>> No.9956437

I guess you could go through the profiles of people whose post-shoop photos look appealing for you and try to look for photog credits. I think Zekia mainly works with shutterfoo.

Yeah, if you plan on shooping yourself into a kawaii alien baby, you should tell your photog to not release any photos.

Interested, but terrified that it'll just devolve into "wahwah shoop is LYING" and vendetta posts.

>> No.9956510

most likely sfx wax to create a new nose shape

>> No.9956777

FWIW, I follow that photog and he never posted the 2b photo.

>> No.9956792

Is this really controversial or just hobbyists being autists? As an outsider I just assume all cosplay pics are manipulated to some extent. The first few times I saw people posting regular pictures of themselves (after seeing them in cosplay) I was shocked, but then I looked around and noticed it’s ubiquitous. And it’s not even unique to cosplay. Some people touch up every single photo they post online.

>> No.9956867

It's just cgl being autists desu, people here are jealous of these people's success and rationalize it out in their heads by saying "i-it's cause they shoop!!!1!!! they don't DESERVE having followers!!!11!"
As long as you're recognizable in person who gives a shit

>> No.9956873

I always wanted to see what they looked like in real life.

>> No.9957069

because humans are gross in general. they arent clean and perfect like anime people.

>> No.9957117

That's the main thing I think. Just make sure you're not editing so much that you can't even be recognized

Editing to a certain extend is def expected. Anyone who thinks cosplay photos should never be edited at all is just dumb. Smooth the skin, brighten the eyes, slim yourself a bit. No big deal with any of that, it just makes the picture look better

I try to edit my photos so they look like the best version of me, basically. Sometimes my skin is perfectly clear, and from some angles I do look very curvy. So I don't have any reservations editing myself to look my best in every picture

>> No.9957118 [DELETED] 


>> No.9957233

most of the people in this thread can be recognized though. the only stand out ones that are extreme are misa and hana.bunny

>> No.9957257

You must not follow cosplay very hard for being on /cgl/. What happens is you get used to e-celeb cosplayers and they depict themselves as something super glossy and nothing like their original looks. They begin saying things like they actually look like their photos irl and lie about it and begin attacking people who call them out. Some people actually get fame from their photos like >>9955288 and when they go to events to meet people, they're unrecognizable, so they shouldn't even be there.

>> No.9957276

of all the people posted in this thread, that’s literally only misa. you seem new as fuck if you think every single cosplayer does the same shit misa does

>> No.9957325

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't know who Misa does nor do I give a care. This is normal for all these cosplayers.

>> No.9957357

except it’s not. stop projecting your jelly

>> No.9957408

I'm guessing it was posted and she quickly asked him to take it down? Can't see how it would be leaked otherwise unless she posted the original and then edited it again later

>> No.9957441

It's exactly what you said. The tog posted it and she got him to remove it almost immediately, but not before someone saved it and posted it here.

>> No.9957459

No, I follow him closely and it was never posted. He posts all photos from a convention in one go, and I looked through the album when it was posted.

>> No.9957460

Tbh I still think she's pretty.

Though it is such a shame that she heavily uses PS. Her PS are literally the closest thing to a 10/10 asian girl.

>> No.9957461

Well if he didn't post it then how did it get leaked?

>> No.9957462

I've no clue, I'm just stating that fwiw, the photog never posted it.

>> No.9957468

Plot twist: it was posted by the photog on here, they just never posted it publicly.

>> No.9957664

They don't. I've seen white/western cosplayers getting criticized too on this board and others. Momo-kun, Ahripop, so on.. Talking about Ahripop, I guess trying to shoop yourself more Asian is also a catagory in that.

>> No.9957665

It was probably posted on one of his other social media profiles

>> No.9957706

These aren't even the same person. Look at the shorts.

>> No.9957817

Nope, they're the same person on different days. One is a fan pic taken of her at her booth, the other is a picture she posted on her facebook.

>> No.9958042
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>> No.9958057

This is just a dark shitty candid compared to a posed pic with brighter lighting.

>> No.9958062 [DELETED] 

he would make a good satsuki cosplay

>> No.9958102

>Being this retarded

It's a 35 year old woman

>> No.9958113

Who gives a fuck if the finish product looks good.

>> No.9958118
File: 32 KB, 600x456, 1525578812028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (you)

>> No.9958120

This still looks like the same person, just in better lighting.

Some of these other bitches just keep relying on all asians rook same

>> No.9958129

By and large Asian cosplayers (and I mean ones IN Asia) have historically shopped themselves much more heavily than ones in the West. Western cosplayers tend to use photoshop as makeup, cleaning up blemishes and smoothing skin, while Asians were much more likely to radically change facial features and so on.

I can think of a few reasons for this, one is that Asia developed a "professional cosplayer" scene much sooner, so they had more pro photographers and editors and cosplayers had more of an interest in making themselves look unnaturally good, because they were trying to sell photo sets etc. Another is that they were always much more focused on posting photos online and less on going to cons in person, so they could more easily get away with looking totally different in their photos. There are also just different cultural standards over there for what's OK and what's desirable. Now that Patreon cosplay is a thing in the West we're starting to see the same kinds of things happening with Western cosplayers.

>> No.9958160

you're bad at this

>> No.9958166

>replying to soup
You dumbasses need to stop.

>> No.9958315

what the hell
make up is truly an art

>> No.9958380

Wait, does she always shoop her eyes to look more Asian? I've always thought her face looked a bit uncanny anime but I chalked it up to her probably being half Asian (it's obvious she overly brightens and blurs parts of her photos though). It's too bad she goes this far (even blurring out the collar seamline?) because she does great work and is pretty without it.

>> No.9958381 [DELETED] 
File: 3.69 MB, 500x332, 1467481624997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got /cgl/ to come out of the woodworks to defend ugly women

>> No.9958419

lol she fixes her fat piggu nose

>> No.9958472
File: 1.64 MB, 1375x900, 22687650_1590742794315836_8802369121377207274_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow fever is one helluva drug. I've seen her in person and she's definitely just white.

>> No.9958481

I've also seen her in person and the right is more or less how she looks with that style eye makeup. There's obviously some skin shoop but angles and makeup do just as much

>> No.9958510

I've always wondered if she got plastic surgery or some shit because I've been following her since 2011-12 and she looks almost completely different .

>> No.9958523

Crabs in the bucket mentality at work

>> No.9958568

This thread is basically crabs in the bucket: the thread.

>> No.9958573

we used to have cosplayers posting on this board
I used to ask Vernedead and Precious really retarded questions and they'd answer. They'd even hang out at the mythical cgl meetups at cons.

>> No.9958591

me after my boyfriend hangs up on facetime

>> No.9958751

This one doesn't belong here, she looks exactly the same, the right photo is just brighter.

>> No.9958760

Yes, off course. To be able to transform your self with makeup is kind of an art form and I admire the technique and skill that goes in to it. But heavy use of PS is just lazy and deceiving.

>> No.9959155

is this the knitemaya syndrome

>> No.9959414

Looking back at her old cosplay, she does look different. In OP's pic they definitely look longer and narrower. That crazy white balance really hides a lot of her features too.

You may be on to something.

>> No.9959522
File: 1.30 MB, 574x1184, decemberjafar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that >>9958472's example is more due to a difference in makeup styles and the left picture is from several years ago and we lose fat as we age. Pic related is more natural than the shopped photo, but you can see that her eyes still are pretty slanted.

>> No.9959633

desu she looks more asian in the unedited picture. I wouldn't question her being half at all

>> No.9960069

I swear everyone in the cosplay community has lost their grasp on what real Asian people look like.

>> No.9960265

Why? There's a huge variety of appearances when it comes to mixed race people. I've met people who are half but look completely white, or half but look completely asian. It's really not unbelievable.