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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.66 MB, 1296x968, MAGLifeSupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10667467 No.10667467 [Reply] [Original]

Because MAGFest's data security is still a joke, and they rely on Google docs for just about everything, here's the result of the COVID-19 survey they had earlier in the year. "No Jab, No games for you" - https://docs.google.com/document/d/164VgU0P8yrwLn_go0Y1s9u_7FLfOSgxdeHIIa8UAmTw/edit# - Screenshots below for when they figure out their screw-up.

Expect staffers constantly screaming at you to put your mask back on despite already having the vaccine.

>> No.10667469
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>> No.10667472
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>> No.10667473
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>> No.10667474
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>> No.10667475
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>> No.10667488

Hotels open up blocks yet?

>> No.10667841

Definitely not going in 2022. They have no real excuse to go back to normal. This is super virtue signaling instead of making up for lost time.

I'm not paying over 100 dollars to wear a mask 14 hours a day. Hell no!

>> No.10667844
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I have to wear the muzzle enough at work as it is. I don't want to go on vacation to a place where I have to wear it to escape being reminded of corpo hell, let alone deal with this nonsense. Oh well, I guess the memories I had of Magfest were enjoyable while they lasted.

>> No.10667861

Kek at boosters not being required, proving that the entire charade is just lip service.

>> No.10667905

Jeeze, they're still trying to force shitty memes, even with their passcode to register. Was dumping a ton of baked beans on a staffer really that funny during your fundraiser? Don't get me started on the stupid mag-donut thing either

>> No.10667922

MAGfest went from having fun playing games 3am drunk as fuck to shame and blame lgbtq+ panels 24/7 and now the faggots have every excuse to be dicks to people and kick them out of events or forbid them from attending outright. This shit started in 2014 and has progressively spiraled into worse and worse conditions since.

>> No.10669633

And there it is officially. - https://super.magfest.org/covid
Go fuck yourself, MAGFest.

>> No.10669684

We really need a competitor to MAGFest at this point...

>> No.10669721
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Just get the jab you chuds.

>> No.10669726

For an organization who constantly espouses "no politics" because of their non-profit status, they sure do love finding subtle ways of excluding people who don't align with their politics. I just want to play games and hang out with people, not be berated for my views that have nothing to do with video games.

>> No.10669752

Do they not realize that the gaylord is very easy to ghost?

>> No.10669816

Someday, the people who have collaborated with this so-called "public health" farce will be held accountable for their actions.

>> No.10669874

>Buzz Words : Alt-Right / Libertarian
>Literal Wojack face and beard style

Christ, I'm so glad I don't use social media. I almost forgot how retarded the convention scene was on it.

>> No.10669882

PAX West required vaccine or testing (testing is basically impossible though because they said you have to do it 6 hours before going).
PAX was fucking DEAD. Almost nobody showed up, you wouldn't even know it was there unless you already knew. I saw like 6 people hanging out outside. The videos from inside are so sad. Basically no major booths and halls were barren of people.
Yet they still sold for full price (they only sold out of Saturday tickets).

>> No.10669963

Welp there goes this con. Maybe next year they'll stop playing into this hysteria.

>> No.10670060

>The videos from inside are so sad. Basically no major booths and halls were barren of people.
>Yet they still sold for full price

Because there was a fighting game tournament there. And everyone, even the presenters were wearing masks as a massive virtue signal

If they're still in business...

Because they enjoy virtue signaling.

>> No.10670066

>Maybe next year they'll stop playing into this hysteria.
Not a chance. Magfest has been a twitter tranny shithole for the longest time now. They'll run the con to the ground before admitting they were wrong.

>> No.10670080

Which is really sad: Because I come to the convention for the video games, arcade, and the concerts and the spontaneous events occurring, especially the mini dj dance parties in the hallways.

I rarely attend the panels.

>> No.10670101

are there results of the polls screenshots, or just the rough draft policy screenshots? i wanna see how many ppl said no mask, yet still they put this "must have paper vax card in hand" shit through.

>> No.10670112

Rough draft of the policy before release to the public. They won't release the covid survey results, even staff at large couldn't see those results.

>> No.10670129

So it could mean that MAGFest higher ups may have ignored the calls of a return to normal and imposed this superwoke policy as a virtue signal.

>> No.10670149

I don't understand how magfest went to shit so fast with all this tranny shit. 3000 lgbt panels, gender neutral bathrooms, pronoun badges? Ffs it's about videogames. Now it's just dashcon with a better arcade.

>> No.10670152

Its happening to all cons. They are political tyrants and destroy everything that isnt a propaganda factory.

>> No.10670157

And now with coronachan and lockdowns, they're going all in on the corpo sponsored woke.

>> No.10670158

The only anime cons that have not been affected are anime matsuri and collosalcon.

The rest have been compromised.

>> No.10670169

I wanna see what the REAL results were. I bet they were not nearly as unanimous as mag pretends them to be4

>> No.10670171

They complained about gatekeeping, and keeping out those who wanted to change everything back in 2014. We now see the result. "Friends of MAGFest" last year was a flat-out power grab play, lead by Debra, the one office staffer who was fired for insubordination. Who previously was working with/fucking Nick, the ousted director, to set office staff up to fail, to give them a reason to fire/eliminate people who didn't agree. Paul Birtel, the replacement for Nick, started cleaning house and firing dead weight. And then the calls of bigotry, racism, and gatekeeping began again...

>> No.10670174

i was planning on magfest being my first con but from the sounds of it its going to be DOA with such a strict policy, should i just wait? what other cons would be the most comparable?

>> No.10670177

I would guess 70% said masks were ok
maybe 15% or less said they needed vaccines
They probably are thinking "we need more people to take the vaccine!" so they think this will "help" people somehow.
Also, we need to stop calling it vaccine when it clearly isnt. Its ruining the reputation of real vaccines. How many shots do you need to keep taking? 5? 9? And it doesnt even stop you from getting it or spreading it. Its all bullshit.

>> No.10670182

I hope that ten years from now we discover that the vaccine gives you ass cancer so I can show up to Magfest and laugh at all the people who are dying of ass cancer.

>> No.10670200

Almost all anime/fan conventions are going to be like this until they snap out of it (which they cant because they're addicted to virtue signaling) or go out of business.

They rather go out of business than return to normal with basic common sense policies (if you feel sick, just stay home and mask optional policies) and blame coronachan and consumers.

>> No.10670203

Unlike vaxxed zombies say about unvaxxed, I dont want them to die, I just want them to stop being fucking insane.

>> No.10670211
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Remember when magfest used to be good? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmOIFsoKJZ4

>> No.10670401


I missed out on this year, there was a no mask policy there too. (Ohio) saw a bunch of trannies complaining about it over twitter but that’s par for the course. I might go next year if I have the PTO, but I’m making due with Colossalcon Texas this year. It’ll be nice to do shit without having to worry about out of touch twitter trannies ruining it.

>> No.10671534
File: 482 KB, 579x907, Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 11-35-47 MAGFest on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This convention is not going to be fun anymore.

Probally going to be dead like PAX West.

>> No.10671536

>Let's F-cking party but let's be safe during it

>> No.10671537

>Let's F-cking party but let's be safe during it

They mean "but lets virtue signal while during it"

Also they can't say fuck anymore?

>> No.10671540
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I don't know dude, I'm kind of numb to this entire mess.

>Twitter replies is just angry LGBTQ cosplayers hunting down people who QRT and trying to cancel them
>The entire cancerous part of the con culture going "mmmm yaaasss daddy jabbed and masked"
>Magfest literally trying to make free money off of masks.

There's no real signs of hype, no real signs of a party going on. Just... signs of virtue signaling everywhere. I'd actually be angry if I didn't know any better but as I said before, I'm more numb about this entire affair if anything. Anyways twitter people are fucking broke, I highly doubt any of these folks are actually going.

>> No.10671554

>Twitter replies is just angry LGBTQ cosplayers hunting down people who QRT and trying to cancel them

Thank god I just mentioned the announcement and screencapped it. If I did QRT it, I would have blocked them. Sutorippu's law easily observeable in this case and you can easily tell which people are rampant virtue signalers that will immediatly persue anyone that dissents.

So many cosplayers have a mask and jab fetish over the past 18 months by the fear propaganda.

>Anyways twitter people are fucking broke

Or if they're are not broke, they won't support or attend. Their only hobby is either facebook or twitter or watching netflix.

>> No.10671555
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.... I know that typing style. Call sign Chopper?

>> No.10671560
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So you found out...

>> No.10671564
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Relax. Miku here, we're on the same page regarding Magfest 2022. Entire place is going to look like dogshit in compared to the previous years and as I stated, I highly doubt that half of these nerds will actually cough up the gas money let alone the room money to go.

>Virtue Signal with Masks
>Still Room Stuff.

calling it now.

>> No.10671572

It will be dog shit with the rules in place.

Only people that will come as cosfamous folk on twitter and children and youth.

Who wants to actually attend with these people virtue signaling about masks and vaccines?

>> No.10671687
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It'll be great once they crowd everyone together and sing out "we are the champions" as they saved magfest.

>> No.10671690
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I love irony.

>> No.10671725

I swear, someone should just fork/respawn MAGFest back into what it used to be.

They are completely banking on people being desperate to come back to MAG, and relying on the old method of word of mouth that got MAG to the place it is now. They've chased off most of the people with actual multi-year/multi-con staff experience, and replaced them with woke drones. 8 weeks out, and they still don't have shit ready for virtual MAGWest.

>> No.10671737

>they chased off most of their staffers.

Funny enough, I have a dude in one of my fediverse circles who used to staff went on about MAGFEST’ staff being pozz’d so that lines up. It being replaced with office workers is kind of hilarious to me though. That tells me that MAGFEST got big enough to become a “corporation” if it was able to replace con volunteers with actual pr drones.

>> No.10671744

It's sad really. The slack channels for the most part are dead. Anytime they post its the office saying something about how they're so busy. All the old staffers that used to shitpost, gone. All thats left are West staffers, and even they got shafted. They have their planning con next month, let's see how many people show up.

>> No.10671751
File: 39 KB, 1126x639, MAGWestSlide7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data security is also still a continued joke. Here's MAGWest's 12 slide presentation to Department heads, in Google Docs. Nice unsecured JIRA links, MAGFest.

>> No.10671752
File: 99 KB, 1378x855, MAGWestDraftSchedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, here's the MAGWest draft schedule, too.

>> No.10671753


>> No.10671797
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>> No.10671801
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>> No.10671809
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I used to be one of those old shitposters in slack, then ragequit at the growing idiocy at the top back in 2017. Still getting flak from the current administration every time I try to hold an opinion about mag. Can't believe I put more than 10 years into that, just watch it all go to hell anyway.

>> No.10672714

Especially when the badge price is gonna be a lot higher this year. Here's the upcoming badge prices, along with dealer/AA costs

Regular badge price: $110

Dealer badge price: $80
1st table - $180
2nd table - $300 ($480 cumulative)
3rd table - $500 ($980 cumulative)
4th table - $700 ($1680 cumulative)
Apps open: Friday September 24
Apps close: Monday October 4

>> No.10672728


Yeah fuck that noise.

>> No.10672729

And I bet there won't be a swadge for this year, not to mention the base badge is basically paying more for less with the covid theater going on.

>> No.10672730


>> No.10672738
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>120$ to wear a muzzle for four days straight.

>> No.10672850

They're filtering the complainers out with this. They know that they can rely on enough of that DC area tech/gov/law money to still show up to MAG.

>> No.10672856

>requires trumps vaccine
KEK may as well be MAGAfest

>> No.10672866

Or if you are coming out of the dc metropolitan area, showing your much you "care" by virtue signaling.

>> No.10672953
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Oh, they're gonna have swadges. They're doing QA on the firmware right now. Still haven't come up with the regular badge design. M-Points are going to have PCBs, for some reason.

>> No.10672964

The entire convention scene is the notion of "Get woke, go broke" playing out in real time. It's sad that people who claim to want to "tear down the system" are doing exactly what the system wants. If anyone still believes that this is about public health and also knows what's happening at the US southern border, then they are supremely brainwashed tards.

>> No.10672972


At least they should have the dignity to mail them out to those who can not attend due to their covidwokeness.

They never cared about actual issues.

Now the entire convention scene? Yes, they are going woke and broke and instead of admitting theyre going overboard theyre going to go all in and when the event fails they will blame anything. But not their self imposed rules

>> No.10672984

circuit boards. For m-points. wut?

>> No.10673450

I hope Magfest and Katsucon dies next year with sudden thunderous applause.

>> No.10673452
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>> No.10673454

This and fuck these faggots.

>> No.10673467

This thread is weird. I always figured /cgl/ was probably one of the most left leaning boards on this website. And MAGfest itself being a pretty left leaning convention. Sorta expected everyone in a MAGfest thread on /cgl/ to be pro-jab. Interesting.

>> No.10673497

You also got to remember that Reddit tourists and tumblr tourists exist nowadays. But there are is a few folks on /cgl/, at least I am, who are conservative.

>> No.10673551

It doesn't matter any political bs the problem lies how far Magfest is so far up in their asses that could kill this con completely and I'm willing to see how this shit is gonna end in disaster due to low attendance.

>> No.10673552
File: 59 KB, 321x331, 3AD58DFC-D03F-41D4-9F02-B74064E02EE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let it burn dude. MAGFEST and Katsu will be good examples on how Titans can sink if they can’t read the mood. Sure, loss of two extremely mid cons, but the amount of chud blaming and onions tears will be worth it for me.

>> No.10673556

I'm super free shrugs on masks restrictions, outside of the con and "public spaces" nobody actually gives a shit. 99% of people will just take off their masks and chill/drink/party. I don't really care about wearing them, I'll wear them only to appease the constaff, but I'll still likely go since I'll spend most of the time around people that couldn't care less. Also, I'm vaxxed, so COVID isn't that much of a problem for me.

>> No.10673579

>Also, I'm vaxxed, so COVID isn't that much of a problem for me.
I'm vaxxed too the problem is lies with Katsu/Magfest for being such absolute assholes that I just cannot fathom for them doing this to virtue signaling instead of balling out.

>Also, I'm vaxxed, so COVID isn't that much of a problem for me.
FYI more vaccinated people are admitted in the hospital than unvaxxed people.

>> No.10673604

Dragoncon had a vax/neg test requirement and it cut the crowds in half making the con manageable and more enjoyable without being packed like sardines. I hope less people show up to Katsu and MAG so I don't have to deal with the hot scramble of trying find a hotel in the harbor. MAG was getting overcrowded to the point that people were camping in cars, vans and RVs. Prior to the WuFlu there were plenty of complaints about cons all across the country being overcrowded. WuFlu and the vax requirements solved the con overcrowding problem.

>> No.10673652

So, basically you want the cons to die.

>> No.10673668

But they were fine years ago with that population...?
The silver lining is that the *really* annoying people won't even come because they're terrified of the coof. Colossalcon barely had any mask restrictions since it was pre-delta, and the population there was *way* down as well with tons of people bitching on FB about how it was irresponsible to run a con during a pandemic. The same people did that with Dragoncon, and the same people will do it with MAG.

>> No.10673669
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"Staff Bandwidth" is a shitty way of saying you don't have enough staff to properly run Marketplace

>> No.10673696
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>Invitation only vendor hall
>Staff Bandwidth
>Vaccine proof + mask anyways weekend


>> No.10673719

No. Just bring the crowds back to 2010 mumbers. This year's Dragoncon was absolutely comfy not having to be packed ass to ass with 80k people.

>> No.10673721
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Some of us old con farts already want to see it all burn, especially with how longtime creations have been stolen away, just to be corrupted into virtual signalling corpo meets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkAp5gAYDUQ

>> No.10673775

Holy shit, my brothers were here the entire fucking time. Did I become the last of the dinosaurs forced to watch my hobby become a shallow shell of itself while you guys watched from a distance?

>> No.10673776

You really have no idea what con finances look like, do you?

>> No.10673788

That would only work if every panel in the programing tracks gets recorded or streamed and have people record random event or occurrence they see

>> No.10673792

>Staff Bandwidth

Anime Matsuri had their usual volunteer staff cut from 400 to 200 due to people bailing out due to coronachan hysteria and paid staff from 400 and 200 due to super unemployment benefits and it didn't stop them from holding a almost full exhibit hall.

The reason why MAGFESTe complaining about staff bandwidth is the fact that staff members are quitting over the vaccine mandate. So it's a virtue signal. They know it sucks but they do not give a shit. Virtue signaling and coronawokeness is all that matters instead of returning to normal.

>> No.10673796
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It's not worth fighting for any longer. The fest is dead. It's all con now. Higher ups want so badly to kill the Colossus Roar with their own shitty doughnut/bean memes. When the X-Men arcade cab is allowed to finally break down and not be repaired, is when the soul of MAG is truly dead.

>> No.10673814

MAGFEST is like the only convention I knew of to have a legitimate Megaman X meet up. Thanks China, thanks Reddit very cool.

>> No.10674002

Yes, since they are being taken by insane leftists and mentally ill corrupt fucks since they are pushing vaxx passports and other personnel bullshit that would turn away a lot of people.

>> No.10674005

>They know it sucks but they do not give a shit.
They will give a shit when MAGFEST dies and I'm looking forward to someone getting fucked.

>> No.10674093
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>haven't been to MAGfest since 2015 due to personal issues
>was going to attend 2019 but friend bitched out last minute and I didn't want to attend alone again, fuck that noise
>meme flu hits along with all this controversy going on about MAG
>convention is mostly likely good as dead now

I mean I got sick as FUCK back in 2015 but I shared a room at the gaylord with randos I didn't even know so that was my fault. All these restrictions will kill the the whole vibe of the convention which is suppose to be a party con. MAG should die and a someone should start up a better version in a noncucked state like Florida.

>> No.10674251 [DELETED] 

That's the argument!

They don't care until it dies then they will scrapegoat any reason other than themselves.

What you had was the concrud. It happens to all of us. Even if you didn't room with other people, you would have gotten it anyway. Best thing you can do is lessen the symptoms or possibility.

>All these restrictions will kill the the whole vibe of the convention which is suppose to be a party con. MAG should die and a someone should start up a better version in a noncucked state like Florida.

They know this and they don't care. They need to virtue signal to the twitter cat ladies and the cosplay community that is part of the 12 psychos of twitter. That is the reason why I will not attend MAGFest 2022 and why I skipped out of all anime conventions since the fake reopening of 2021 (otakon, awesomecon, blerdcon)

At least I have recorded 13-14 years of memories of MAGFest starting with my first one in 2008.

All these restrictions will kill the the whole vibe of the convention which is suppose to be a party con. MAG should die and a someone should start up a better version in a noncucked state like Florida.

>> No.10674255 [DELETED] 

Anonymous 09/19/21(Sun)15:44:10 No.10674251▶

That's the argument!

They don't care until it dies then they will scrapegoat any reason other than themselves.

What you had was the concrud. It happens to all of us. Even if you didn't room with other people, you would have gotten it anyway. Best thing you can do is lessen the symptoms or possibility.

>All these restrictions will kill the the whole vibe of the convention which is suppose to be a party con. MAG should die and a someone should start up a better version in a noncucked state like Florida.

They know this and they don't care. They need to virtue signal to the twitter cat ladies and the cosplay community that is part of the 12 psychos of twitter. That is the reason why I will not attend MAGFest 2022 and why I skipped out of all anime conventions since the fake reopening of 2021 (otakon, awesomecon, blerdcon). At least I have recorded 13-14 years of memories of MAGFest starting with my first one in 2008.


>> No.10674256
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Cope harder

>> No.10674293

seriously, stop. why would you link your youtube channel to your own post? I know who you are

>> No.10674423

>Linking your YouTube channel.

That wasn’t the best of moves bro.

>> No.10674478

I knew MAGFest was dead when I was throwing a banger in one of the suites, the red concept suite at the gaylord, and after 8-10 people chilling on the main bed, it collapsed.

After telling staff about the bed collapsing due to being made of shitty material, they assured me all was good.

Got an e-mail afterwards saying I was banned from booking a suite at the gaylord due to "destructive behavior" and charged $400 additional dollars ontop of deposit.

Get yourself fucked hard.

>> No.10674480

The whole concept suite thing is now pure nepotism amongst MAG staff, only doling out concept suite reservations to whales/friends of staff. Honestly should have called the hotel and told them immediately, instead of mag staff.

>> No.10674505

Good riddance to this rapey ass con and their molester nerd bands. Hopefully they never come back after this year.

>> No.10674608

You aren't kidding about the nepotism part. The same year I was having a good time in the red suite, I went to check out the green/yellow.

Was just bullshitting with the owners of the room asking details about the room and got the "If you have to ask, you'll never find out." response.

Cunt, I have a suite also. But I realized that some of the suite owners were just given it as a weird fucking "gift" for being a loyalist to the new staff and knew I couldn't even get the satisfaction of snitching on their room to anyone due to their most likely protected nature.

If I knew I was going to get charged with the bed, I would've been hellbent on ruining that rooms rep. But hindsight is 20/20.

If I got to MAGFest now I book across the way outside the gaylord and pretty much keep to the older circles that still go, which is essentially dying/dead. Luckily the discord has a bunch of the old heads in it, but as was previously said they don't really listen to any complaints or take it as "being negative to someone" and instead ban the use of reaction emotes.

I could go on for hours about the behind the scenes stuff, but I pretty much lost interest and access a while ago so all my shit talking is old news for most.

>> No.10674622

Was that red suite named Cinnamon? The one with the outdoor hot tub, in the center of the Gaylord "A" layout?

>> No.10674639

That's prob the staffops suite where food is prepped.

Ask about how the chili was made in the bathtub.

>> No.10674660

Maybe you should be in a spot where you aren’t begging for money on gofundme before you start bitching about cons lmao

>> No.10674759

I sure as hell hope not. I've witnessed some pretty messed stuff in Cinnamon suite, including the "puppy party", complete with pee pads... and half the room was upper staff.

>> No.10674789

Red and cinnamon are different. Red is "Red and gold trim" executive suite. They redid all the concepts so not sure what is actually existent anymore. This one was right below the penthouse nightclub.

>> No.10674920

are we talking full on deergasm, but worse here?

>> No.10675003

Almost. Full-on leather puppy masks, demanding pets while crawling around on all fours. And the pee pads were being used. Oh, and a paint shaker with dildos attached to it. This was back in 2017, so I have no idea if it's gotten even worse.

>> No.10675005 [DELETED] 


>> No.10675058

I think the bigger issue is a huge event like pax takes a tonnn of planning and commitment from companies to exhibit their games and that process probably needs to start wayyy before the actual convention. So like a lot of corporate policy is still very conservative in terms of approach to covid so no companies wanted to commit to exhibiting go PAX a full year before when they wouldn’t be able to gage how the world would look in a year.

>> No.10675092
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1600127836363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we allow furries to share and breathe the same space as us?

>> No.10675126

>paint shaker with dildos attached to it
jesus fucking christ,

>> No.10675290
File: 52 KB, 813x851, MAGBoD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notes from the September advisory committee meeting:

Now that the entire BoD has been ousted, they are all trying to come to a consensus as to what a BoD member should actually do. They still have the very thing in place they originally complained about: . The only people that can elect people to the BoD, are the BoD.

>> No.10675291
File: 78 KB, 814x850, MAGBoD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This page, is full of so much chagrin/cringe/idiocy. Once again, great work on your internal data security MAGfest. Putting everything into a single Google Drive, and constantly forgetting to password it is brilliant! Also, MAG now has "crisis managers"

>> No.10675292
File: 62 KB, 815x852, MAGBoD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, being on the MAGFest BoD should not require any experience with MAG itself. Because MAG will now be just like every other convention out there. Board member at any other non-profit? Perfect! Go right ahead and dilute the original intent of MAG even further!

>> No.10675297

I so wish I had saved a copy of their one MAGFest 9 Promo... it was CalArts animation from the "Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?" crew, describing what MAGFest had to offer, with Ashley interjecting "You're gonna get raped!" constantly. It ended with a photo of Ashley Burch mock-raping a bent-over Jon St. John.

>> No.10675298
File: 29 KB, 478x288, Ballz1-478x288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic. (Thanks Archive.org!)

>> No.10675299
File: 67 KB, 930x625, 4chansofuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't care. They are gonna get paid, even if the org goes down, and they already are going to line up their new jobs with their friends at another con, org, anywhere and say how they "changed the world".

And you chuds are going to sit here and whine, and still get a ticket. Bring cash you fuckers.

>> No.10675303

>And you chuds are going to sit here and whine, and still get a ticket. Bring cash you fuckers.
How bout kill yourself faggot.

>> No.10675311
File: 90 KB, 1415x958, magfestnotionlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really are completely clueless, just how much "internal" documentation is freely available

>> No.10675315

>How bout kill yourself faggot.
Nice try edgy boy, but you still need your vaccine card if you want to get in. See you at Nandos.

>> No.10675316

>See you at Nandos.
I'm in a diet right now so please get fat and die bitch.

>> No.10675317

>I'm in a diet right now so please get fat and die bitch.
Ah, if COVID doesn't kill you, then cardio will?

>> No.10675593

ah yes. the non-profit educational 4 day alcohol fueled gaming bender known as Magfest.

>> No.10675612
File: 88 KB, 1266x906, MAGTaxesChildsPlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why is Child's Play Charity, giving money to MAGFest? Shouldn't it be the other way around, since MAG raises quite a bit for Child's Play? Is there such a thing as charity kickbacks?

>> No.10675646

Is this completely normal in the charity industry, or a scandal in the making?

>> No.10675656
File: 50 KB, 585x453, billpax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me, man. I just (don't) work here...

>> No.10675780
File: 45 KB, 936x302, badges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now it's official. And mag can officially go fuck itself. Maybe if they managed their finances better, and didn't go with the clusterfuck that is MAGWest, they wouldn't have to raise the badge prices

>> No.10675808
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, Kick-In_Merch_Me_Plenty_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price of badge plus the mid-tier supporter merch pack went up from $160 to $205. (85 to 110 badge, 75 to 95 merch) that's not insignificant. even in 2020, the merch pack was very meh, but this year is even worse value.

>> No.10675964

So what are the pixelated items?

>> No.10676073

It's shit they havent announced yet. If history is correct, the blue thing on the right is some sort of doom themed stress ball.

>> No.10676079
File: 5 KB, 250x160, new_classic_doom_item_potio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it now: It's the Doom health potion

>> No.10680187

And prereg got delayed due to "IT issues". Good luck trying to get a damn hotel room.

>> No.10680265

>Good luck trying to get a damn hotel room
>This con is going to filter out all the mask trannies and vaxx tards

Which one is it people

>> No.10680286

Schroedinger's hotel room: no one will try to book a room because they know everyone is going and is gross and rona, therefore no one will book a room.

>> No.10680408

When confunk hits day 2, who will be responsible for creating the new rona variant?

>> No.10680423

My money is on some basedjack who virtue signaled on Facebook and thought blaring pop punk at a room party was a good idea. God loves a good schadenfreude after all.

>> No.10680438

"IT Issues" translation: Backend programmers don't keep up to date on current VMWare updates, and assume everything is the same when you tried the code a month a go.

>> No.10680628

the least autistic room parties ive been to are those pop punk/ "emo" parties. ill take those over nitecore anime themes.

>> No.10680644
File: 53 KB, 633x791, F5048937-3D4E-44F2-9276-B6153D8AE227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ll take these over nightcore anime room parties.

Nah dude, the more autistic, the more wild the party is. Otherwise you’re just hanging around college hipsters and they’re fucking boring.

>> No.10682745

So who got their badge? More importantly, who is booking a suite for the maskless room party?

>> No.10687191

so lets make a list of cons that arent twitter tranny shitholes.

ill be honest i saw this coming a few years back, covid just expedited it considerably. im mainly worried about the show me your papers gestapo. straight up lunacy. which cons are adament about protecting human rights?

>> No.10688947

Who's ready for the shitshow that is the hotel lottery tonight?

>> No.10688950
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, D86C796D-2B56-4FDB-82CA-3DE4FD2AD071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hotel Hunger games
>No refunds
>con whaling
>vaccine papers please


>> No.10688954

Fuck that, I got a room through my job's corporate account with marriott.

>> No.10688966
File: 87 KB, 440x540, 1623680557417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like this idea, but making a list on a place with reddit tourists like /cgl/ usually means the list is going to get compromised pretty fast / some underage tranny from twitter will find some way to openly bitch about 'these cons being a hazard to human health as a whole'

>> No.10689331

That work for the Gaylord?
Also the queue maxed out at ~4500 or so, which ain't that different from last time they did this lottery iirc. Maybe it won't be a dead con?

>> No.10689395

>That work for the Gaylord?
Yes, but I always use the corporate rate for the Residence Inn across the street.

>> No.10690594


The whole MAGCon meeting stream. Here's the Notion notes of relevant points during the meeting

>> No.10690600
File: 116 KB, 382x432, e3232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This COVID shit is going to be permanent, isn't it?

We're never going back to normal. So long as the virus exists we'll all be pressured to wear masks and distance and whatever.

This is our life now.

>> No.10690603
File: 402 KB, 1399x667, ThisBitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spends over half an hour going on about COVID and mask policies
>isn't wearing a mask at all in a confined space with other people, who are wearing masks
Hypocrisy, thy name is MAGFest

>> No.10690608

Charity organizations pay other organization to be hosted in the form of a stipend, such as a percentage of whatever money is raised. This is also how the people who run Games Done Quick make millions.

>> No.10693263
File: 833 KB, 1190x1006, ForcedDeVitoMAGFestMeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has $100,000 fundraiser
>raises badge prices even more
>"What do you guys think about official corporate sponsors?"

>> No.10693274

The alternative is paying more tax so that the healthcare system isn't always on a razor's edge. What do you prefer?

>> No.10693314

Magfest sponsored by White Claw.

>> No.10694140

Many other events are going back to normal. It's just cons (and video game tournaments like fighting games) that won't.

>> No.10694693

Ah yes, the con where one of the headline bullet points was "no corporate sponsors." Duplicitous cunts. we all got duped by the magfest metoo.

>> No.10694994

No but Southern anime cons are gonna get a ton support if they continue this charade. Also off topic, congrats to Glenn Youngkin winning VA GOV race, mask mandates will end in Virginia.

>> No.10695016
File: 276 KB, 1188x814, LOLParking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts parking lot reservation info
>doesn't even sanity check to see if the lot is open for online reservation... when it isn't
>people calling the lot directly get info that the lot is closed due to COVID-19 with no reopening in the future

>> No.10695017

Too bad MAGFest isn't in Virginia, it's in Maryland.

>> No.10695040

OT: masks mandate have been done away for months in Virginia. probably limited to schools

>> No.10695221

Good, you’re all fugly anyways

>> No.10696897
File: 111 KB, 977x545, MAGCOVIDSurvey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 3,700 people out of normal 20,000+ attendance responded to survey
>based decisions on the survey results of Twitter virtue signalers

Finally decided to release those COVID survey results, huh MAGFest? This is rich considering how much upper staff likes to "ignore 4chan"

>> No.10696928

you know there are people out there that will ignore the survey? i had to conduct field work for a study done a couple of years ago. maybe 1 out of 5 would decide to fill out a survey. we got a good number of responses for a sample size that we could be confident with in deciding how to plan and fund projects.

3,700 responses is a decent sample size to work with. that's a better confidence interval compared to some telephone poll for a political race

>> No.10697246

Last count for badges sold was 7100.

>> No.10697321

you can’t get everyone to fill out a survey. stressing again that 3,700 responses is a good sample size. you’re not going see the percentages change that much if more responses were added. welcome to statistics

the study I did, we barely got 2,000 responses. 1,300 were from handing out surveys in person over 6 weeks, 700 were from an online survey over that same period. were we going to throw out the data? no

>> No.10697341

Damn you cant even use a picture of your vax card to get in? Why is that not acceptable when even Dragoncon accepted picture taken vax cards?

>> No.10697410

trannies want to flex authoritative muscle... it's the only time they get to flex any kind of muscle.

>> No.10697430

show hard proof or GTFO magstaff larp

>> No.10697443

We can remove or blacklist them out of power, no one isn't gonna put up with their bullshit. Magfest will die because of them and Leftists ideals.

>> No.10697483


I've gone to two big cons this year so far

Dragoncon and AWA. I barely wore a mask for either of them. Most of the staff are too cowardly to do anything beyond meekly ask you to put one on, the cops walking the venue don't even have them on for the most part so who's gonna kick you out?

I only wore a mask when walking in between checkpoints and panels just to avoid any needless confrontation. My friend didn't give a fuck and just muttered 'uh-huh' and motioned his hand covering his face.

With the small crews cons are running this year I can't imagine mask enforcement is even feasible unless you do it in the most retarded way. Also carry a drink around (I always did regardless), that probably helped me a bit too.

I used to be concerned out about mask enforcement at cons, but after these last two experiences I don't worry about it.

>> No.10697509

hey Faith

>> No.10697512
File: 418 KB, 448x192, bc-MAGFest Lumber- jacks No sir never heard of them.This helmet has no meaning..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely not Faith. Just a former Lumberjack that hung up their helmet. I just find it funny as hell mag staff comes here to try and control the narrative, without providing any hard proof, despite them "not caring" what 4chan has to say.

>> No.10698387

I hope the attendence will be terrible enough Magfest to die.

>> No.10698446

Tons of Tech/Law/IT bros/trannies in D.C/Maryland have already whaled it up by buying $500 kick-in merch packages of crap. MAGFest is banking on the whales to keep it going.

>> No.10698457

Not only that, the Gaylord will do everything in their power to keep them there as MAG and Katsucon are the events that 100% sellout the hotel.

>> No.10699554

>ONLY a vaccine card or a STATE-PROVIDED QR CODE verification are acceptable
This is going to cause so many problems at badge pickup. Very few states actually have a QR code verification (apparently Maryland stopped doing theirs for some reason lmao). This means that physical cards are the only option, and people are going to lose or forget them before the event. They might even reasonably assume that pictures of the card would be acceptable since, you know, most other cons have done it that way, and they'll be fucked. "They should have read our email/website!" may be true, but it's still going to cause issues at registration because there's just going to be a certain percentage of people that missed it and are now stuck with no options. I feel bad for the volunteers doing reg, as they're going to have to deal with a lot of pissed off people because of this stupid policy.
At the very least they should allow QR codes from large chains like Rite Aid are doing that for the vaccine. Requiring them to be *state-issued* just reflects leadership that is out of touch, IMO.

>> No.10700223

Inside sources say there's infighting with the mag board again. Something about the leader cracking under pressure and they're trying to figure out how to get rid of her

>> No.10700302
File: 216 KB, 813x841, DeleteThisDeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the cunt who was fired by Paul Birtel before for insubordination, then made the whole "Friends of MAG" SJW campaign to get back in? You don't say... 'Course, it could also be the same SJWs who got into power with her actions, now wanting to kick her ass out since she's no longer useful to 'em. Either way, you don't test things on the live production server.


>> No.10700304
File: 12 KB, 816x130, GuestPronouns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10700347

SJW or liberals always fight for the most stupidest things but I'm not surprised. MAGfest is going to die because of this stupid bitch and others. I hope Paul makes a new event while this organization dies without applause.

>> No.10700624

You’re not wrong, they already lost CPAC, if MAG goes under they’ll have to get by with just Katsu. Used to be they could make their whole operating costs back in the first two months of the year now they could be well and truly fucked.

>> No.10700709

Debra is not the President, she's director for MAGsuper and head of the office.

President is Carrie, followed by Jason and Cody on the BOD. Who are you getting your information from? Sounds like you're not staff anymore.

>> No.10700733

Since I know you fuckers lurk here this is a direct warning to you lot. I am not pleased with the way you fucked me over in the past years as well as what you have done to me on a personal level.

I can and will sabatoge shit next year and for a very good reason. Like own up to your actions and take responsibility for once. But you wont as I am just another cog in the machine and no one important. But thats alright me and my friends are going to make sure your lives are very hard for the weekend and I will ensure that massive fuckups will happen. I swear it.

To the regular attendees. Pay no mind to this for it does not apply directly to you. I will have my revenge and I will have justice.

-A very angry woman-

>> No.10700734

Doesn't matter who runs what at this point, it's still a giant in-fighting dumpster fire.

>> No.10700821

Rez, you need to move on. It's really embarrassing at this point.

>> No.10700844

Someone's assmad that someone keeps pointing out their fuckups, huh Mark?

>> No.10700950

>first act announced
>lacey johnson
Literally whomst

>> No.10701684

Gaylord needs stop with the bullshit and end those vaccines mandates in a year or two the Gaylord Hotel will close down because of this.

>> No.10701864
File: 788 KB, 1157x780, 0512607A-7618-43BA-95D8-DF5F22D77525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandates will not last beyond next year, one of three things will happen:
> they try to mandate the boosters, mass noncompliance follows, mandates become unenforcible. Quietly removed.
> Chief Justice Thomas uses the OSHA mandate case as a cudgel to beat cheveron doctrine to death. Corporate counsels all see the writing on the wall, mandates become legal liability.
> a red wave to end all red waves happens, new GOP Congress wants scalps, impeaches cabinet/CDC/agency officials with 51/49 votes. Agencies get quiet, corpos get the message.

>> No.10701872

Oklahoma governor already overrode Pentagon orders regarding the vaccine mandate when it came to National Guard, and last I checked they were working on a bill where employees can sue companies due to Vaccine and Mask mandates. There's hope.

>> No.10701876
File: 106 KB, 617x617, 1637833542150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even more autistic than I remember him
>linking his youtube

>> No.10701882

damn this sounds like a bomb threat. In the MAGfest minecraft server no less.

>> No.10702128

Theres the 4th event: A supply chain collaspe leading to a economic collaspe forcing the feds to resign en masse. Then they will have no real choice but to end all mandates or go out of business. I'm speculating that they will double down anyway.

>> No.10702200

>I'm speculating that they will double down anyway.
If that happens there's will be blood in the streets and civil chaos.

>> No.10702266

The Gaylord and the National Harbor is Prince Georges County's "crown jewel" development. It ain't going anywhere.

>> No.10702273
File: 412 KB, 590x702, AvantGardeDadamusic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of SXSW shit is this, and what in the fuck does it have to do with video games?

>> No.10702275

It maybe the "crown jewel" but it's losing since last year during the pandemic and they will a lot more coming year.

>> No.10702290

you know the "M" in magfest stands for music right? Music AND Gaming festival.

>> No.10702297
File: 34 KB, 569x324, 32148612871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10702301

Beggers cant be choosers. Aint no one wanna go to cons with Omicron killing everyone in sight.

>> No.10702394

>Aint no one wanna go to cons with Omicron killing everyone in sight.
I need to watch that Transformers movie soon?

>> No.10703389

Wtf is going on with staff right now? There seems to be a lot of tension and complicated shit going on. I feel like I am going to get fucked over somehow

>> No.10703541
File: 39 KB, 430x285, 5075245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will

>> No.10704014
File: 1.21 MB, 1176x1724, Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 4.15.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day, we stray further away...

>> No.10705344
File: 56 KB, 945x500, TeaRoomIsEvolving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10705418

Bought my ticket way back, ended up actually getting a Gaylord room today. Would be going solo. Unsure if I actually want to pull the trigger on it now, might just cut my losses on the ticket and not go at all. Is Magfest that worth it?

>> No.10705421

The department I'm in is cool, maybe you should tell your buddies to get it together

>> No.10705478

You'll be getting the completely neutered experience if it's your first time going. Going with friends your first time is highly advised.

what department you in? great mentality of "fuck those guys, our dept. is doing just fine"

>> No.10705487

Don't give a fuck about gender piss rooms but for the love of god add the water stations. The Gaylord gets dry as hell and fuck buying water.

>> No.10705501

Was there a gaylord available on the event link or was it given to you? Because I'm sort of looking

>> No.10705575


Hello Anon I am a vendor and I got screwed over by Magfest and didnt get lucky in the room lottery. Assuming its a double bed room you gotten could it be possible to join your room? I can provide food for your service if thatis alright and can try to chip in on the cost of the hotel. Thanks in advance and hopefully we can come to some sort of mutual agreement <3


>> No.10705582

For all the talk of mag going in the shitter, hotel availability speaks otherwise. Even with all the mask and vaccine requirements, you have a better chance at winning a cash for life lottery than scoring a room at the harbor at this point.

>> No.10705658

It can still go to shit, as in slowly devolving into a generic nerd con for normies

>> No.10705675
File: 302 KB, 404x448, 1638969041226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Screen shot this post. Someone will come back and will have the Ligma variant from the con. Media uses Trannyfest as a pinata, nerds who paid too much money suddenly turn their loyalty on the con.

>> No.10705683

Keep that same energy for HoloMat then.

>> No.10706009

That happened when the one dealers room had a whole quarter of it devoted to Star wars cosplayers.

>> No.10706178


Im giving up one of my rooms which is in the harbor literally 3 blocks from the Gaylord
Its the AC Hotel and I will cancel my reservation the moment I see anyone on the thread show interest. That way it gives them a chance to reserve it

>> No.10706180

that's not how that works you fucking retard. all hotels overbook purposely, especially for events like this. their system will just put someone else in your room who already has it booked, but would otherwise be getting an upgraded room(or entirely different one)

>> No.10706615


Sorry.... I have autism... I think calling me by the r slur is politically incorrect. I am an autistic male and go by he/him pronouns...

>> No.10706800 [DELETED] 

is anyone still looking for a room? i have a room at AC hotel national harbor, which is about a 3min walk to the gaylord. thurs to sun, full room is yours since we're no longer going. 1 king + 1 queen sofa bed. feel free to email my throwaway or dm my discord for more details if interested!


>> No.10706802

is anyone still looking for a room? i have a room at AC hotel national harbor, which is about a 3min walk to the gaylord. thurs to sun, full room is yours since we're no longer going. 1 king + 1 queen sofa bed. feel free to email my throwaway or dm my discord for more details if interested!


>> No.10706993


How much is the room?

>> No.10707128

it's 1690$, please email me or DM me for more details if you're interested

>> No.10707134


>scalping a hotel room not even across the street from the Gaylord

Bruh the AC hotel is like 850 for the weekend

>> No.10707235
File: 28 KB, 703x417, 2021-12-14 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL get fucked, you're charging dragoncon level prices.

>> No.10707242 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10707243
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>> No.10707301

>rack rate
You played yourself.

>> No.10707304


Oh I see. I am so sorry for your loss anon
I sincerely hope you can cancel that hotel with no fuss

>> No.10707305

Damn you really fucked yourself, huh?

>> No.10707512

*licks lips* god I cant wait. I will make them pay. Like soon they will know justice. I cant wait to the point my anxiety is through the roof. *licks lips harder* soon Mag staff.... soon....

>> No.10707533

worst larp ever, or trying to get staff overtly worried, then just do nothing. either way, you're retarded for even giving advance notice

>> No.10707769


Pay no mind to her. Shes a disgruntled former staff that has a personal vendetta due to some rich claims about being mistreated and SA'd during Magfest 2019. Even when other staff tried to help her and ask what happened she was uncooperative with them. So its questionable if she even made the incident up or was trying to seek attention at the time. I wouldnt worry about it anon she cant really do anything. And if something on the off chance were to happen we would find out right away and know who to look out for

>> No.10707773

Lmao please no one cares about you

>> No.10707889

lol once again at mag staff "not caring about 4chan". Hypocrites.

>> No.10707897

Wait, so was >>10700733
real? Lmao.

>> No.10708161

Mag staff suck ass and should be punished

>> No.10708192

Mag is a shitty con dont bother going you guys. You will have a bad time

>> No.10708199
File: 429 KB, 467x468, Dubs Touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also dubbies for good measure

>> No.10708200
File: 85 KB, 426x266, God Dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my post ends in repeating integers something is gonna happen at Magfest oOoOoOoOoOooOoOo

>> No.10708309

Is this some weird reverse psychology? I can’t tell anymore.

>> No.10709392

You're a bad knockoff of the old Guests manager.

>> No.10709581

Good thing it's not a con, it's a fest!

>> No.10709586

Hot, punish me mommy

>> No.10709676

>Is Magfest that worth it?

>> No.10709730

They're trying to get people to give up their hotel rooms as every hotel in the harbor is sold the fuck out.

>> No.10709887

sorry breh I ended up going with my friend and we solidified our plans. best of luck in your search though

>> No.10709965

don't bother going by yourself dude, you're not going to magically bump into a group of friendly people and make buddies especially with all this covid shit now

>> No.10709969

I bet you they are holding up the reservations on never showing up to Magfest. I hope this shows congoers to give them a big fuck you to the Gaylord.

>> No.10710032

This has got to be the most retarded take I have read. Throwing away money on a room deposit, just to spite the con/hotel...

>> No.10710049

It has happened many times before.

>> No.10710065

>Gaylord rooms through the magfest site link still has rooms available.
Not looking too good guys.

>> No.10710068

I get having beef with MAG itself but what issue do you have with the hotel?

>> No.10710305

Guys I am just letting you know I am going to cause chaos and confusion at this little shindig

Bare with me it will be on par with the BLFC 2021 incident

>> No.10710360

If jerking off on a pizza is going to be your big revenge against mag, gtfo with your nonsense. Your larp is sad, you won't actually do shit, and way worse stuff has happened before. Go be a special headcase somewhere else. Mag already has plenty of sickos behind the scenes.

>> No.10710362

ur so retarded. please do cause your little chaos and confusion. mark me words as soon as you do ima find you. ima nut hard in my hand and smack you so hard across your bitch face with it

>> No.10710817

>sickos behind the scenes

Yeah I see no lies there. I want someone to just tell those problematic Magfest Staff fuckers that they'll be dragged down soon.

>> No.10711006


Oh you tough guy tough guy? Oh I looooove tough guys

>> No.10711206

Not your personal army, fuck off incel

>> No.10711315

Welp, mag lan room virtual signaled their decision to eliminate all Blizzard games from their tournament roster. And people are now selling their badges below cost, because lol no refunds from mag

>> No.10711690
File: 8 KB, 400x400, guidebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schedule/guidebook is out... and it looks boring, with way too much virtue signalling

>> No.10711719

Nonny-senpai, please don't forget to punish me~I've been a baaaad woke staffer and deserve to be punished

>> No.10711910

pray forgive my ignorance but wouldn't magfest be a super spreader event without the precautions? am I missing something

>> No.10712126

Who cares. You're going to get some good music, games with your bros. Get some Dayquil.

>> No.10712167

Why, so you can put the leather canine mask on again and pee on the piddle pads in the Cinnamon Suite while some butch "lesbian" rails someone strapped down to a bondage horse? Quit dragging your anime shit into a video game convention. And it's not a fucking festival, despite your insistence.

>> No.10712258

>To educate
Kek. These little mission statements always give me a giggle. It's a giant load of horseshit that organizers make up so they can file as a non-profit.

>> No.10712265

ive been going to magfest for 12 years now and there really is a good amount of educational panels and speakers. from game devs teaching you tricks and tips and theres a good amount of info on gaming history

>> No.10712269
File: 36 KB, 750x551, Fear Factor Ket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a good time to me. I love to see the degeneracy in the halls, the fucked up people smoking cigs in the stairwell, and lewd sexual shit all over the place despite the kids right there. its a great fucking time.

>And it's not a fucking festival

its not called MAGcon. Ive been to a good amount of music festivals and it channels the same vibe, with half the people fucked up on acid or molly and theres music everywhere you go.

>> No.10712271

Sadly enough they stopped doing that shit for being woke and leftist. I can wait for the fallout and chaos with Magfest for being so shitty.

>> No.10712272

read the guidebook bro, theres plenty educational panels this year.

>> No.10712274

theres constant music and tons of alcohol, its a festival for sure, no clue wtf that guys smoking
you can spend the entire con listening to music on substances

>> No.10712277

I did it isn't intriguing enough to gain a lot of people there.

>> No.10712577

Is it bad of me to be infected and positive as of today December 30th 2021 and still go but not say anything and be quiet about it? Will it also be bad that I lowkey want to makeout with as many men as I can approach and visit the party rooms or party areas and kiss people in the hopes I get them sick too? The idea gets me off and I lowkey want to do it because it makes me feel better about my life. But I will be vague about it and not approach or seem desperate so when the chance arises and I feel its time I will kiss em all.

After the con is over I want to lurk social medias and see the potential chaos ensue and what will happen afterwards. I am also attractive enough to get away with this. No one will avoid me if they get a chance to makeout with me and I already have a bit of exposure as a cosplayer and well known east coast con goer. Bonus points if I get any of the incels too.

>> No.10712620

nice bait

>> No.10712656

I'm a shy incel with a femdom fetish, please push me against the wall and infect me uwu

>> No.10712717
File: 528 KB, 587x783, NoDukeNukemOrSheogorath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like guests are now pulling out. Jon St. John and Wes Johnson both bowing out. Who else is going to cancel?

>> No.10712734

post pics to prove hotness

>> No.10712872

Any woman or trap I fuck is getting recorded so if I get sick you going on the tube sites.

>> No.10712908
File: 3.20 MB, 350x235, totally got off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thorough contact tracing

>> No.10713033


That that anon but tubes site such as Yotube or some other tube site I dont know about?

>> No.10713454

I heard Snacks got COVID real bad. Idk if he’ll show up DJing

>> No.10713831
File: 117 KB, 789x880, Jampods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staff will also be equipped with decibel meters to make sure average Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) at the boundary of the jampod are under the requirement for that location.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA! go fuck yourself magfest

>> No.10713846

Still no atrium rooms available despite so many people bailing out.

>> No.10713848

I have a bed spot at the Gaylord if anyone needs a bed spot for the weekend. Just 250 for the cost

Not an atrium room btw

>> No.10713996

I keep having this reoccurring nightmare that I'm going to walk into the magfest gameroom and everyone is using their mouths to play the games at the game room. What do you think it means?

>> No.10713999
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Nah son you need trips to ensure something bad happens

>> No.10714000
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Trumps er I mean trips for good measure and just in case

>> No.10714014


>Hey bro I got next match in Street Fighter.
> Proceeds to deep throat the arcade stick

>> No.10714071

Just get a regular room for now then when you get to the hotel, ask the front desk to upgrade you to an atrium room.

>> No.10714231
File: 143 KB, 235x290, GovASL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With COVID-19 hospitalizations topping 3,000 in Maryland and predicted to continue climbing, Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday declared a state of emergency to combat the public health crisis.

>> No.10714232

The vaccines are working

>> No.10714283

Me and my friends have gone every year for a decade, and i feel like we'll still manage to have fun in our room drinking and playing vidya, but can't shake the feeling the actual con is gonna probably suck. Like no one is gonna wanna just talk and bs like in the past, no random craziness or room party invites, thotery, or fun people doing gooffy shit in costumes. Feels like an era is over, and depending how it goes, maybe MAG as a whole.

>> No.10714292

I feel the same. So much of the fun of MAG is the being able to be spontaneous, meeting new people, or even just sitting around people watching. I don't know how comfortable I and other attendees will even feel with that when it comes down to it. I really hope that MAG can survive so that we can go back to that

>> No.10714306
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It's been a cascade of bad news since the beginning of December making me feel very uncertain.
The odds really are stacked.
It's sad cause this would be my first time there. Almost feels like it'd be the last too.

>> No.10714310


Seeing LOTS of people backing out today from Magfest. Funniest part is them talking about making up for it in the future. Naw idiots, it's dead. This is the last nail in the coffin, ain't gonna be another.

>> No.10714311

Two years in a row that they sunk the cost into already with the first being cancelled outright and the second having a disappointing turn out.
All this shortly after having their board members resign.

It's fucking dead.

>> No.10714314
File: 75 KB, 482x427, d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm trying to be so hopeful for future Magfests but honestly you guys are probably right on the money

>> No.10714318

Wait, what happened to MAGStock?

>> No.10714323
File: 16 KB, 267x200, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry! MAGStock is coming back, with rustic Camp Ramblewood! ( https://www.ramblewood.com/ ) No power outlets at attendee campsites, so be sure to get in quick on the limited number of barebones.. err, authentic camp cabin space!

>In addition to traditional business and mainstream religious groups, Ramblewood has been catering to the needs of "alternative" groups for over a decade, and is experienced in and capable of providing an environment for unencumbered self-expression.

They're in the contract negotiation stage, but with the current shitstorm going on now with Super... ehhh....

>> No.10714492

Panelists and bands/performers backing out, MAG silently deleting performance announcements from their subreddit, people fighting to get refunds despite testing positive for COVID, extreme lack of volunteer staff, Game room no longer open 24 hour... the end is nigh.

>> No.10714575

Magfest just needs to say it's a protest. Science and the news taught us those actually reduce the spread and stop covid!

>> No.10714581

>God I'm trying to be so hopeful for future Magfests but honestly you guys are probably right on the money
i think cons for me are dead at this point. i'm about to hit 30. i think it's time to call it and move on.

>> No.10714647
File: 361 KB, 512x512, NoMAGFestFunAllowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up, the Gaylord is having people sign a "no-party" clause for your room upon check-in. If they find more than the number of people listed on your reservation in your hotel room at any given time, you are "fined" $500.

>> No.10714649

sounds like a recipe for hallways full of drunk people

>> No.10714663

and with magfest no longer having a 24-hour game room or other events... this will not be good.

>> No.10714672

I've got good news for ya, homie. I've gone to two cons this year - DragonCon & Colossalcon. DragonCon was a little more tame but still a blast. Colossalcon? This was *right* after the vaccines rolled out; about 1/2 the capacity but the people that went were the hardcore ones. The craziest of the god damn bunch. Plenty of top-notch thotery.

I'm expecting the same to happen at MAGfest this year.

>> No.10714675

Should have interesting results

>> No.10714680
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>> No.10714707

Colossalcon was awesome. Got smacked by a yaoi paddle during the outdoor villa party extravaganza Saturday night and had a huge bruise on my ass for like a week afterward No one who went gave a fuck about the schmucks whining about how it was “too soon!” on social media.

The only people who aren’t going to magfest (or any con) because of covid are the kind of spergs you’d never want to encounter anyway.

>> No.10714721

one of the staff (some dude named Ben Tarkus) said this is false in their Discord, even if it's true, guess we'll party in the hallways

>> No.10714741

Looking back on it, Colossalcon was probably the "least risky" convention to attend in 2021 regards to covid, since there were only like 15,000 cases per day at the time it was held.
Kinda funny how some of the people that condemned anyone attending that con are going to Magfest, which will be held at a time when there's over HALF A FUCKING MILLION cases per day.
"I would back out but I already have my room reserved" is the most common excuse I'm seeing from those empty virtue signaling SJW pricks.

>> No.10714745

As far as attendance goes, I feel like Magfest will be closer to their normal attendance than Dragon or Colossal.
Dragoncon was around half of their normal attendance, and Colossalcon was only about a third. I'm gonna guess Magfest will be closer to 2/3rds or 3/4ths of its usual attendance, but I could be wrong.
At this point, most of the virtue signaling crowd have gotten bored with themselves, and are ready to start going back to cons, if they haven't already. AnimeNYC's record attendance was one of the first signs of this.
I'm seeing a lot of the SJW crowd making posts on social media along the lines of "how is everyone feeling about MAG/Katsu", which are generally being made by people that have already decided to go, and are just looking for people to validate their decision, so they don't feel as hypocritical as they are.

>> No.10714760

>muh ess jay duhbuhyews
someone sounds bitter

>> No.10714937

TBF, its a lot easier to get to 20k than it is 90k. Magfest is not nearly as big as Dragon.

>> No.10715089

Still doesnt mean shit if you arent getting your room busted into. Granted with way fewer people its probably easier to quash the party. Honestly, the fact my crew got not 1 but 2 attrium hotel rooms gives me enough hope we'll do our own party.
I guess what Im trying to say is Im not afraid of Marriot stopping parties, Im afraid of the sparce attendance and fear of covid doing that.

>> No.10715330

holy fuck, after 2 AM, magfest just dies. so much for 24-hour party con

>> No.10715360

Probably due to the fewer amount of people and volunteers? Usually the panels are pretty sparse after that but there's still people jamming in the hallways and the arcade and tabletop are still busy. Is all that shutting down early this year?

>> No.10715366
File: 533 KB, 2048x1542, RegistrationFiasco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arcade/consoles shut down at 4 am. And registration was an utter shitshow yesterday. So much for social distancing!

>> No.10715369

There was so few people here yesterday. This is nothing like a normal year, and I wager the snow storm probably scared a few into leaving early. Still though, hoping tonight's a little better.
They said theyre closing the console rooms between 4-8am for cleaning. Kinda sucks

>> No.10715412
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A curse upon anyone who defaces Betty White.

>> No.10715505
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>> No.10715614

>ended up testing positive last-minute
>had to dip out
>having my cosplays go to waste while I see my other friends talking about the con
I deferred my badge to next year, I'm gonna be so fucking mad if 2022 is the death knell

>> No.10715639

What’s with the guy in the leopard dress who just performed on the main stage? Does mag have any real performances this year or is it all random garbage?

>> No.10715885

Are there any fat girls with big titties at mag? I'm in need for one.

>> No.10715891

Dragoncon was the same way. It was so empty that you could get on an empty elevator at the Marriott at 12am on Saturday night. Goning to be a while before we see cons return to their usual numbers.

>> No.10715976


There is actually! And If I have a good reason to publically drop the room number you can go in for a good ole round of titty shots. In case you dont know what it is she basically pours some alchohol in between her boobies and you take a sip and clean it all up off of her. Its pretty fun and a good party favor

>> No.10716039

It smells like someone died in the arcade room

>> No.10716072

>Im afraid of the sparce attendance and fear of covid doing that.
Weak man.

>> No.10716101

thats just how the arcade room normally smells.

>> No.10716139

Gonna go to the rave party Snacks is hosting

>> No.10716376

To the person who decided to be a massive prick and set fire to my buddies panel you are a complete moron and I hope you get b& for life

>> No.10716402


>> No.10716461

Just back home, I was worried the con was gonna be a major disaster but it went smooth even though there's less people.
I feel bad for the staff, they looked pretty tired and running on a skeleton crew.

The only thing that sucks is there isn't really much to do after 4AM when the expo closes which was the big draw for me.

>> No.10716550

I'm >>10714314, and before going I thought for sure that this was going to be the end of MAG. But after actually being there, I'm feeling a lot more hopeful. Fingers crossed for next year, I'd be pretty bummed if it doesn't survive

>> No.10716561


>> No.10716650

Really wanted to go but both the cancellation of the pinball tournament and the decision to go full nazi with vaccines/masks would ruin the experience for me. I go to conventions/expos to escape from reality for a weekend and not have even more fear porn shoved down my throat than there already is.

>> No.10716693 [DELETED] 


Its not that sorry. Some crazy chick decided to go on stage at a random panel room and set something on fire. It was dealt with by Hotel security so no problems really happend and it was handled so everything is fine now

>> No.10716694
File: 537 KB, 628x778, Fire Magfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some crazy chick decided to go on stage at a random panel room and set something on fire. It was dealt with by Hotel security so no problems really happend and it was handled so everything is fine now

>> No.10716699
File: 558 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220109-102426_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did this cuck remove the photo showing the culprit? Wouldnt that be idk useful to the con staff?

>> No.10716726

That's crazy shit. Think it was >>10700733

>> No.10716744

According to the Discord server, that person was having a "Mental health crisis" and escaped her handler's hotel room.
Her friend also seemed pissed that everyone in said Discord was rightfully weirded out by that creepy motherfucker.

>> No.10716794

Ah yes, the classic “I’m retarded/gay/autistic/trans/Canadian” defense people in the con community love so much.

I say if person X is so unhinged they’ll literally light shit on fire they should be locked up in a basement and not at highly populated events.

>> No.10716795
File: 51 KB, 1020x511, pepe above it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thewy still had daily pinball tourney? and honestly i barely cared about wearing the mask in the are. i spewnt most of my free time inthe degen pool vent area flippin acid and smokijgnweed. felt like a normal magfest to me except wearing a mask and slightly lesser crowd. abeen going to mag for 12 years so the smaller crowds just feel like home. i talked to someone working regiswtration and they said it was about ~13k people compared to 24k in 2020

>> No.10716796

Any estimates on what attendance was this year? IIRC normal attendance is around 20K.

>> No.10716797

its been said that the person in the onesie was not the person who set fire, but the one at the table in the back

>> No.10716806

They planned to have a tournament but the person organizing it tested positive a few days prior, and they were unable to find anyone else to host it on such short notice.

I could imagine the restrictions are part of the reason why the turnout was not as great this year along with those who are still genuinely concerned. To each their own I guess, but the thought of paying $1500+ only to be harassed (I saw a few streams and the staff was being very aggressive with mask enforcement) doesn't seem like the best way to spend my money/time.

>> No.10716816

I care alot about wearing a mask.
I would've probably care less if they weren't so ridiculous with it.
Like why should I have been target locked by some danger-hair staff member when I didn't put my mask on at least 0.38 seconds after taking a sip of long island tea at the lobby bar at an empty table?

>> No.10716836

i see people say this but i was walking around with a beer in hand all day all night taking sips in the hallways and lobby area, nobody said anything to me. especially at the lobby bar nobody was wearing a mask if there wear near the couch areas and not the lobby tables. i wasnt there very much tho because im not gonna spend a bunch of money there, i have plenty liquor of my own.
the only time i saw any staff give any enforcement was when my friend was just walking around with only one ear loop on near the soapbox.

>> No.10716849


That's exactly it, I don't want to feel like I'm in a concentration camp. I am there to unwind and escape from all the bullshit going on in the world. No doubt that aside from people congregating in certain areas where enforcement was a bit more lax, the same people hanging out in the convention centre halls were also hanging out in eachother's rooms, grabbing food together, etc. This is the definition of medical theatre. Having fun in the eyes of the organizers was contingent on perpetuating this hysteria and I disagreed with that on a fundamental level. I'm not going to be a Karen and harass the staff who is just doing what they are told, but I'm not going to spend my $ and take time off work to go there either. Therefore I just didn't go and won't go to any conventions who enforce such nonsense.

>> No.10716857

That is the main reason why I didn't come to otakon 2021, why I didn't come to magfest and why im not bothing to come to katsucon either. Why pay 110 dollars to wear a mask 14 hours a day and be subjected to lockdown/mask culture BS. Whole anime cons have become lockdown culture gatherings, almost everyone one of them. So bad that I'm considering retiring from the scene until they snap out of it. But with cons doubling down over and over, it will never happen. Theyll just go out of business.

And if the whole swath of cons die out, there wont be any replacement for years to come because the culture itself has chanhed since march 2020.

>> No.10716862


>> No.10716877


The silver lining is that the opportunity to meet other like minded individuals who are fed up with these radicals ruining everything under the guise of "tolerance and acceptance" is more prominent than ever. Before getting into this scene I was under the impression that everyone else ascribed to that whacko ideology. The pot has been boiling slowly for the past 5 or 6 years and the backlash against these vaccine/mask mandates proves that isn't the case at all and we aren't alone.

>> No.10716884

Those people are hard to find in the anime convention scene. Much harder primarily because people who actually cared about the scene dipped out of social media because if they spoke up they will be dogpiled immediately.

>> No.10716886

Also not to mention that they're several times louder with nearly every panelist thanking everyone for wearing masks, social distancing (No one was doing that), and all other sorts of flagrant bullshit.

>> No.10716898

For those that went, how was the arcade? I heard one of the bigger suppliers dipped but I didn't hear any complaints

>> No.10716904

Rhythm games did not suffer and the lower turnout made them playable. Candy cabs were there with a pretty alright selection as well.

>> No.10716905

I was worried when I hear about one of the suppliers backing out last minute, but I didn't notice a big difference between this year and the last event, and it was nice to be able to actually play things due to the smaller attendance. They did close from 4am-8am to sanitize everything though which was a pain

>> No.10716906

How were the Gundam cabs?

>> No.10716995

For once I actually got to use the Initial D cabinet without waiting forever in line for it. That's the one good thing about the reduced crowds is that you could move around a lot more easily.

>> No.10717041

I have yet to see a con handle their prereg line well.

>> No.10717054

I pulled up at like 8pm on thurs for pre-reg and it wasn't nearly this bad.

this was my first mag so here are my thoughts:
arcade is sick as fuck, good selection of games + practically no lines
the 2 panels I ended up going to (pinball tips, advanced propmaking) were really good
gaylord itself is very pretty inside
staff was above and beyond chill
people were cool and had a good vibe overall. not to say anime cons don't have it, but random conversations hit different
musical aspect (the performances and such) was a really neat aspect
rooms were tricky to get (before people started cancelling)
little to no cosplay (honestly most egregious part)
Nat harbor kind of limited in terms of food

the neutral was stuff related to covid, like guests cancelling last minute, but ig it can't be helped and not really something I can hold against magfest as a whole.

>> No.10717065

They had those 2 player mecha games. The ones you sit side by side for.
Battletech pods were missing which I always try and spend a few hours doing. Generally the arcade had a little bit of everything, but was more missing the raw number of machines like usual. Oh light guns there was only three working out of the six. Luckily time crisis 2 was working.

>> No.10717066

>little to no cosplay (honestly most egregious part)
Not really surprising, MAGfest hasn't historically been cosplay focused at all. They used to do cosplay roasts instead of cosplay contests, for example. They haven't done that in a while because people got butthurt, though.

>> No.10717090
File: 70 KB, 622x798, Mental Magfest Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can confirm and also back up this anons claim with this screenie here.

Clealry the girl in question was not mentally well and we need to treat it as such and be as respectable as humanely possible.

I just really hope this person gets the help she deserves and things can improve and get better for them.

>> No.10717102


>Your larp is sad, you won't actually do shit, and way worse stuff has happened before

This aged well

>> No.10717124

>Nat harbor kind of limited in terms of food
Wait, what? There's a strip with a number of restaurants that are open pretty late. Or did COVID fuck with their availability?

>> No.10717159

no don't!!!

>> No.10717270

Honestly it wasn't really too bad, I was just sad they didn't have junk food places like McDanks or Taco bell nearby, it was mostly more expensive/ritzy food places. In retrospect, it's a pretty minor gripe. I think I'm more used to big city cons that have more stores/restaraunts available/better transportation (AnimeNYC, ABoston, Ota, etc).

>> No.10717377

Hello 4chan fellow Staffer here. This thread is currently under investigation regarding an incident that has happened at Magfest 2022

There is a small slim chance that this entire thread will be logged and recorded for our records and to look into the potential culprit that caused an incident in our venue. Thank you for your cooperation and hope you have a nice day!

>> No.10717382
File: 1.57 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220111-201647_Photos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre at a 4 star resort with a boujie town aaround it, not gonna find a McDank sadly. i just pack food like im at a camping festival

>> No.10717385

seems like sad bait. They already caught te person who started the fire. what other incident? im tight with staff too

>> No.10717387

You're never going to catch me

>> No.10717388

Otakon 2021 was mostly free of that especially off premises, lots of people felt invincible from vax then so everyone got alone. 2022 though...that's going to be like mag probably.

>> No.10717410

I only hung out with people in my room, who all tested Neg before the event. I am positve tested yesterday. I understood the risks and had a fun time regardless. Feel fine atm

>> No.10717414

people are bound to catch covid at these events
absolutely astounding that people moan about the precautions cons take to reduce the spread

>> No.10717466

I came on one of your shirts and you'll never find out who it was
What are you gonna do, DNA test my dried cum?

>> No.10717469

you can get omicron by literally just walking past someone in the lobby even while wearing masks

not everyone is wearing tight fitting n95s 100% of the time

>> No.10717470



>> No.10717552

lol @ magfest staff "not caring about 4chan", get the fuck out of here. you just want to name and shame your complainers

>> No.10717567

You can't test positive if you don't test in the first place smart guy.

>> No.10717769


Look if you were representing a brand or big company and are getting paid or getting some sort of big benefit from it. Wouldnt you like to also find out about a particular person who has caused issues or problems with said company or business and be able to report them to the higher ups so the company can continue to flourish and better themselves on a professional level?

>> No.10717770
File: 176 KB, 472x1953, Magfest DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shout out to Magfest for having shitty security overall and able to let some random DJ guy sneak into the convention floors unchecked and who were also unvaccinatted being able to set up their DJ setup and perform a couple of songs before security finally did something about it. You guys really are something else

>> No.10717778
File: 42 KB, 500x368, im hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol didnt even hear about this. he probably would have gotten away with it had he worn a mask. they were running on 40% staff compared to last year, but its not like its a challenge to get into the hallways
unless he was just trying to be an edgelord

>> No.10717788

not really shitty security, just understaffed

the amount of people on security to police over 10,000 people in a convention center of this size was nowhere near adequate

>> No.10717825

>didnt walk to the McDonalds at the entrance to the harbor

>> No.10717951

Higher ups are demonstative hypocrites. The SMART thing to do would be to not announce you are investigating something, especially if doing said announcement on 4chan of all places. Fuck off magshill.

>> No.10718278
File: 929 KB, 856x643, Pizza Magfest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually found the cum pizza at Magfest!

I shooped my arm in the photo btw

>> No.10718472

so far away i dont even acknowledge its existence lol

last time i went there a few years ago it was awful so i havent been back. that rofo near mgm aint bad tho.