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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 95 KB, 832x1024, D2484D1F-A758-460B-B7D4-0A1E546A9934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10737434 No.10737434 [Reply] [Original]

A few cons now around the corner, join us for kita on doom posting as conspiracy and vendetta chan spread division and hate between communities, fill us in on your hopes for kokoro or whatever the other cons are called. Maybe talk about a photographer no one’s heard of outside MCN who is a didler of some sort.

Pull up a chair and bitch about discord groups, then accuse me of being a shill for one convention or another based on the order in which I list upcoming events.

Crack open a monster energy ultra and relax, for you are amoung (us) friends.

>> No.10737443

MinamiCon 2022 March 11-13, 2022 Novotel Hotel
Southampton, UK
KokoroCon 2022 April 1-3, 2022 Crowne Plaza Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
Animangapop Newport 2022 April 16, 2022 Holiday Inn Newport
Newport, UK
SunnyCon Anime Expo Newcastle 2022 June 24-26, 2022 St. James' Park
Newcastle, UK
Animangapop Glasgow 2022 August 6, 2022 Holiday Inn Glasgow Airport
Glasgow, UK
Kitacon Returns 19th-21st August 2022 Warwick Arts Centre
HotaruCon 4-6 November 2022, Jurys Inn Milton Keynes.
AmeChibi 2022 October 14-16, 2022 Park Inn by Radisson, Northampton Town Centre
Northampton, UK
Animangapop Brighton 2022 November 12, 2022 Holiday Inn Brighton - Seafront
Brighton, UK
Doki Doki 2022 August 27-28, 2022 Sugden Sports Centre
Manchester, UK

This was the corrected list from last thread. Sorry if I used a lower case letter for your fave con, only I’m being paid by another con to deliberately misinform rather than be helpful.

Discord links at other posters discretion. You can join britguls which is apparently dead. Ask for a democord invite but be refused because demo doesn’t like you. Maybe an emocord invite is more your thing? Failing all of those you can join that UK con general discord with too many sections and no posting before shuffling back to the specific Facebook group of your con of choice.

The possibilities are endless, but if you stay here you can remain somewhat anonymous and shit up my thread with some spicy very specific drama instead of sharing cosplay plans as was common 10 years ago.

Where did the time go, seriously.

>> No.10737453

Bless op

>> No.10737454

OP gave me a hearty chuckle. I kinda think we should just stop making threads for a while and let it all blow over, but then Minamicon and Kokorocon are on the horizon.

>> No.10737459

But where else can I go to complain in a way that no one on discord can trace back to me

>> No.10737460

kek, but every time someone posts drama here they hyper analyse who could be behind it.

>> No.10737462

OP is kinda sus ngl, saw them vent at Scarman

>> No.10737466

This is a bit of a longshot but a friend of mine has gone missing. She has just stopped posting on discord and twitter. She doesn't reply to messages at all from our friend group. Even her girlfriends twitter doesn't make mention of her anymore. She used to talk about having some very close friends she met in the Brit thread on 4chan's cosplay board so with any luck I am in the right place to ask this but have any of you heard from kiln. If not I fully understand.

>> No.10737470 [DELETED] 

there's no need to hyper analyse, there are only about 7 active posters in this thread and i could name 5 of them right off the hat, including the posters who pretend to be someone else, which would be funny if it wasn't so sad

the reality is there is no drama, it's all over and has been for months - gullcord is dead and isn't coming back, and emocord is a ghost town because demo took everyone he liked and formed democord

it's good, but it's no daxtycord

>> No.10737482

Assuming you are not concern trolling over some event or thing that has happened I am not aware of I havnt seen them post in about 8 months, possibly longer.

I’d stop, but these days even drama makes me feel some connection to the scene which I loved and I can’t stop even if I haven’t really enjoyed cons since 2009.

>> No.10737486

Drop your discord and I will dm you regarding kiln.

>> No.10737496


>> No.10737506
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This is the last anyone I know heard from her. There was some drama with lolcow but that is all I really know.
Nono#6393 It is a dummy account. My real account is linked to everything I use so I am worried about doxxing myself by posting it here

>> No.10737538

have you asked their gf too?

>> No.10737547

Her GF is a very crazy far right skitzo. I tried messaging her on twitter but I didn't get a reply. She didn't interact much with Kiln before she disappeared and I don't think they had/have the healthiest relationship with the lolcow drama.

I did get someone add me on discord claiming to be a friend of Kiln's who said "Anyway, she's having a pretty hard time but nothing crucial In and out of hospital with problems but hopefully will be getting help with them soon" Unless anyone knows something contrary to what that person said I will just send her a message reminding her that she is missed and to get well soon and hope she reads it.

Thank you all for taking time to help me today.

>> No.10737550

are there any actually good seagull discords

ideally with none of the morons from gullcord

>> No.10737568

there are giant animals and i am scared of them

>> No.10737573

no, stay away

>> No.10737594

cafebeef is a retard and kiln deserves better

>> No.10737625

Discord drama?

>> No.10737633

suck a fart out of my rancid asshole you drama hunting hag

>> No.10737644

i'm 90% sure i know who you are and if i'm ever proven right i am going to fucking smack you

don't you ever feel safe

>> No.10737646

what did they do

>> No.10737647

Please piss off back to your own board and stop being a scorned orbiter here. This thread has enough homegrown drama without importing yours.

>> No.10737648
File: 28 KB, 668x360, WhatIdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get your knickers in a twist from a simple question it must be juicy drama so now I am interested.
So who am I private eye?

>> No.10737651

aftab hurry up and have your fight with dairy and stop poncing around about it

it's been months give us the gullbowl

>> No.10737654
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You have anger issues. A simple question shouldn't rustle your jimmies so much
No idea. That is why I am asking.

>> No.10737675

If you don't know it's because it had fook all to do with you m8

>> No.10737678

People posting about drama in public. It is not really private so cough up the goods.

>> No.10737684

Yeah once you mention it here you're gonna get people wanting tea

>> No.10737690
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AL event closed due to Russian University students with aids.

>> No.10737701

Anyone going to the kokoro Saturday party?

Might check it out for an hour but rock city is RIGHT there

>> No.10737712

absolutely nobody

>> No.10737716
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me too

>> No.10737723

what year is it

>> No.10737725

2006 anon

>> No.10737746


>> No.10737855 [DELETED] 

Kokoro rock party will be shit but does have the significant advantage of 0 risk of having to interact with ben collins

>> No.10737863

I was able to find who I think is cafebeef on Twitter. What a trainwreck. Is she apart of the discord drama?

>> No.10737870

I can guarantee that you won't need to worry about him interacting with you

>> No.10737889

Yeah he's not going to kokoro right?

>> No.10737893

As a bystander in all the offshoot 'cords this is the funniest thread yet, please touch grass all of you

>> No.10737896

It is hilarious. I want them to fight more.

>> No.10737897

Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door the /tttt/ channel is two blocks down.

>> No.10737898

Nah they're just a cunt

>> No.10737899

How do you know that? He could be anyone of us.
Is this kiln girl also just a cunt?

>> No.10737900

I don't know about kiln anymore, cafebeef is definitely a bad influence


>> No.10737901

Corruption arc

>> No.10737902

deeply underrated post

>> No.10737928

Drama rundown 03/03/22
>Dairy is a sex machine fucks everyone but Aftab.
>Including demo's GF dragon.
>Aftab mad and ready to throw hands.
>Demo's GF dragon gets pregnant.
>Dragon kicked out by her family.
>Dragon runs away with Dairy who forces her to get an abortion.
>Demo mad and ready to throw hands but fucks off and makes his own discord.
>This kiln person is missing. Possibility in hospital.
>Kiln is involved with lolcow drama and might be discord related. Discord gulls seem to know her.
>Cafebeef is an outsider and a cunt. Hated by all gulls. (((Anon's))) jimmies rustled.

>> No.10737935

OP is purposely missing the biggest beast of them all, the Megacon events

>> No.10737955

Drama rundown 03/03/2033
>Electricity bills are now over £2k a month on average
>A single Greggs sausage roll now costs £40
>Multiple discord members have been executed for not bowing when passing their street's statue of Sir Tom Moore The Golden, Hallowed Be His Name
>The Conservatives are somehow still winning elections
>Meets and cons are getting harder to organize after Hadrian's Demilitarized Zone was set up in the wake of the secession war
>Some clown is still, to this day, posting her drama schitzo ramblings in /cgl/ brit threads

>> No.10737959

Fuck me internet funny man.

>> No.10737967

>Kitacon finally sells out it's tickets

>> No.10737983

You took the joke too far no one will believe that

>> No.10737985
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>> No.10738101

I hate this thread so much but I can't stop looking at it

>> No.10738111


Thread Vibe.

>> No.10738282
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Discord gulls keep drama posting. I need to make a discord gulls relationship chart solely out of morbid curiosity.

>> No.10738287

Every day you make me feel grateful to not be you

>> No.10738288
File: 26 KB, 1005x513, Gull chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone can be winner anon.

>> No.10738290

I thought you were doing a bit but you genuinely believe all this shit don't you

That's honestly the funniest thing imaginable

>> No.10738293
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>> No.10738294

It's so much more exciting than the reality which is boring and was over months and months ago at least. Might adopt this as my new reality based on the hard work anon put into their picture.

>> No.10738295

Take your medication

>> No.10738296

It really is wild that people not involved are still trying to drag things up that happened last summer

>> No.10738297

Well are you just going to bitch about it or are you going to help drama anon

>> No.10738298

I'm going to go back in time and convince Baker to not run Kokorocon.
Dairy losing his shit and thinking it was a scam is what started this all

>> No.10738299

thank you for giving us some gullcord content before everyone that matters goes back to democord posting, you're a real human bean

>> No.10738300

"Nothing will stop me now! Oh!"

Puss in Boots, a ginger tomcat who wears a cavaliers hat, spies a spot of light on the ground and chases it.

>> No.10738301

I take this post back i'm sorry everyone enjoy your spaces ;-;

>> No.10738303

The knife in the back is the sharpest

>> No.10738304

Just to spite you I'm going to have a horrible time in my tiny discord that you're not invited to

>> No.10738305

Can I get a martinicord invite

>> No.10738307

I'm howling at the moon

>> No.10738309

no. :)

>> No.10738310
File: 34 KB, 128x128, Laughdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will only join servers with laughdog

>> No.10738311

Enjoy only being in dead servers

>> No.10738325

Kokorocon schedule is out. Only one room for panels and all the interesting panels are on the same day. Guess it prevents clashing but fuck knows what I'm going to do most of the weekend

>> No.10738335

Nottingham is a lovely city, recommend at least one trip to the pit and pendulum

>> No.10738337


>> No.10738339

If they have a dealer room, fall asleep in that. Perhaps under a table.

>> No.10738344

Thank you anon. I work hard. Discord gulls are more then welcome to contribute

>> No.10738345

Saturday AM and early PM look decent, but yeah pretty dry schedule overall. Doesn't seem like they've allocated time for changeover either.

As another anon said though Notts is great, lots to see and do even if the con is dull.

>> No.10738347
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Let's make new memories together at Kokorocon Anon!

>> No.10738357
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Man this thread stinks of shit
Kokfuccs and kitashits

>> No.10738361

The average AL con has more people than kokcucks. It's ogre.

>> No.10738364

hey guys can I get an greggscord invite?

>> No.10738365


>> No.10738366

ill drop my room number at kokoro for the orgy

>> No.10738367

no women allowed right? just bros... right?

>> No.10738368

of course, i fucking hate women

>> No.10738434

>wake up
>no drama anon post

>> No.10738585

>wake up
>still in br*tain

>> No.10738591
File: 95 KB, 640x1030, zack_snyder_bvs_vero_spear_1098805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no buffer in between panels?
>Zack Snyder: story telling genius
Might go just to see this

>> No.10738596

why do we keep going to UK cons?
flights to Europe cost less than train tickets nowadays and are 100x better in terms of quality

>> No.10738601

…. Because cons in yurop are full of foreigners.

Simple as

>> No.10738603
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by all means go to europe

>> No.10738634

Can I get an invite to the discord?

>> No.10738640

If all those places intervened the comic would be about Western nations needing to mind their own business

>> No.10738794
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Still too bloody expensive. Plus hotels and shit plus dealing with hotels who don't speak english. I'm happy with local cons and the occasional MCM desu. I live quite close by Excel so it's only a short walk.

>> No.10738822

99.9% of hotel FDs at cons will speak English, anon

>> No.10738897

Hate Europe simple as.

>> No.10739025
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Cope OP cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope

>> No.10739092

cause they use foreigner language.

Even in the netherlands you sometimes had to tell the panels to speak american.

>> No.10739142

What’s the mood on wearing lolita to MCM cons?

>> No.10739269


>> No.10739286

You will be harassed by chavs and chavettes. You probably deserve it.

>> No.10739302
File: 122 KB, 385x398, 1641693392300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get harrassed by chavs at MCM no matter what costume you wear. It baffles me they can even afford a ticket with how expensive they've gotten.

>> No.10739321

>Still have to pay loads to get to the airport via train
Unfortunately not everyone lives within a cheap enough distance to get to an airport

>> No.10739338
File: 54 KB, 630x630, 1646632167982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought nonce's weren't a thing at MCM?

>> No.10739383


>> No.10739401

You dont have to be a nonce to be a cunt, anon.

Anyone going around with a real camera is 99% a nonce unless it's some disgruntled dad being dragged by his kid or some hyperactive teenage/grandma.

>> No.10739402
File: 684 KB, 4096x2896, FJT5cdJXwAQYU_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see MCM last year? All the togs were 50 year old blokes taking pictures up teen girls skirts on the green. Even more than 2019. Which is really saying something. Only other place I felt that uncomfortable was Cosxpo. Which had a similar problem. Just with far less people turning up. I'd say I don't like nonces IRL but that'd probably get me banned from several cons.

>> No.10739422

Now to be fair, not all togs are old. They are however all balding prematurely.

>> No.10739576

MCM is the home of nonces, staff usually side with the fuckers

>> No.10739582

What the fuck is a nonce

>> No.10739584

Kiddy fiddlers.

>> No.10739585

Not on normal community exercise
Or something to that effect.
English slang

Nonce. Police slang for prisoners (usually kiddy fiddlers) who are dangerous to be in prison due to threat of being killed or beaten up by the other prisoners due to the severity of their crimes. Go watch gritty crime films starring Danny dyer etc to see it being used.

>> No.10739594

I'm not opposed to coomer togs that exclusively shoot hot women, so long as the women are actually happy to be shot.

The real dogshit is the togs that go around cons trying to sneak shots in, real scum

>> No.10739604
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>mfw I see people taking pictures without even asking the cosplayer first

>> No.10739608

Thanks britfags

>> No.10739618

ooooh oooh
i shit my pants
oooh im such a little stinker someones gotta shoot me with a gun and put me out of my misery

>> No.10739623


>> No.10739676

you are

>> No.10739920

I have a copycat I see. Did you miss me that much anon?

>> No.10740038

Maybe you would all enjoy a relaxing cup o tea and KPOP

>> No.10740067

what is the etiquette of me going to these cons just to talk to girls and maybe get a date

>> No.10740129

There are hundreds of men already at any con doing that and a significant chunk of them will be more attractive and interesting than you. It's a fools game.

>> No.10740130

Start a discord

>> No.10740132

pretty much any girl attending an anime convention has low self esteem. use that to your advantage anon

>> No.10740158

ok but i am lonely and i do like anime
not as low as mine haha zing

>> No.10740160

You sound like such a catch
I'm sure you'll not be a creep at all

>> No.10740167

I'd argue I have a genuine interest in the scene/medium of cosplay, whenever I see these cons IRL I feel a yearning to be part of them somehow

>> No.10740196

Yeah, so are all the other guys and so do they. And they go to the gym. It's a non starter mate.

>> No.10740198

Shared interest isn't enough, you also have to not be a creep

>> No.10740199

>And they go to the gym
Good for them lol

>> No.10740214
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First of all have a good costume. Preferably one you made yourself and can talk about to others. Only certain people are allowed to have bought costumes without being looked down on and I reckon your tits are too small for you to be in that group.
Second of all be good looking, willing to talk and listen, not obviously up your own arse and not obviously looking for a shag.

I feel you're going to fail on the first point alone. But here's hoping.

>> No.10740226

You honestly don't even need to be good looking
Just not a creep and able to hold a conversation

>> No.10740229

damn, you're fucked then

>> No.10740276

if you can't pick girls up at a bar, you won't at a con

>> No.10740279

I've made my stay and I am no longer going to engage the replies in this thread, enjoy your cons.

>> No.10740288
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If a mandem at a con purely with the intent to get a girls number you'll be mad disappointed. Mans just gotta have a good time and if ye don't be cringe you might get a convo going. Not to mention most are like 13 what you doing bruv.

>> No.10740301


>> No.10740418

>making your own costume

Spot the out of touch boomer.

>> No.10740511

Anyone at minami?

>> No.10740554

every anime fan over 40

>> No.10740778

that feel when no girlfriend

>> No.10740797
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>> No.10741049

Ded thread

>> No.10741050

Femanon here. A few years ago at May MCM a guy wearing a superhero costume with a belt full of condoms came up to me and a friend and asked if we wanted to accompany him and his “incredibly flexible tongue” back to his hotel room.

Was it one of you autists?!

>> No.10741052

did you tho

>> No.10741054

No but only because I was a shy fat virgin at the time. he was pretty good looking so I would probably take up his offer if it happened now.

>> No.10741063

nobody here is interested in capeshit.

>> No.10741071

Guy sounds based

Fact is, once the booze and good times are flowing, it's not even really about looks

If you don't play, you can't win

>> No.10741103

Lel pedo hunter still running unleashed nonce cons I see

>> No.10741112

I'm pretty sure that most women who goes to comic con already have boyfriends who they attend conventions with

>> No.10741119
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>um actually only people over 40 make their costumes.

Do you actually think all those "nice" men and women like you for your personality?

>> No.10741143

Why con goers bring their clearly bored, agitated, disruptive and tired toddlers to a anime con, especially to the panels-is beyond me. Just because it's a "family friendly" event that gives the weeb parents an excuse to bring their spawn along who don't have a clue what is going on. Minami turning into a freshly baked cream pie daycare.

>> No.10741189

It’s been like that forever noob. You can hang in the hotel bar for an afternoon catching up with your friends without attending any events then take your kid home as normal. Plus like has already been stated, minami is historically an older con and the attendees who started going in the early 2000s are now in their late 30s/early 40s now mixed in with the train spotting OG Dr Who nerds of olde stretched into a Chinese knock off chobits tahirt..

>> No.10741225
File: 61 KB, 332x338, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Femanon here.

No you ain't

>> No.10741227

Same reason anyone else’s is still here.

Just to suffer

>> No.10741258

ok so where do i go to date them then if they've got a boyfriend by the time theyre going to conventions

>> No.10741259

What do you guys actually do during cons? Do you go with others or alone?

>> No.10741260

consider blunt force trauma

>> No.10741269

Kokoro just announced a vaxpass is REQUIRED to attend, not just a negative test
Dead on arrival, anyone want my ticket?

>> No.10741292

You could flirt with women who goes to comic con online or wait for the perfect opportunity of a couple going through a breakup to make your move. There's also chatting to people at the closest pub near the convention after a con.

>> No.10741464

Just get the vaccine

>> No.10741483

Lol no

>> No.10741487

hows it goin kazoo

>> No.10741492

Or read what they put instead of losing your air over nothing
You can just show a neg test and you'll be good

>> No.10741545


>> No.10741587
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Reminder frens:
VAXPASSES can't shield you from nuclear blasts, Kokuccked indeed

>> No.10741713

Never had one. Shit is fake as fuck.

>> No.10741735

Well don't come infect the rest of us you dumb cunt

>> No.10741741

Not attending a DOA con, anon

>> No.10741902

>moaning about vax rules for a con you're not even attending

You are special

>> No.10741944

The kotatsu lounge had a toddler crawling around on the floor at well past 10:30, their parents clearly didn't give a shit if they got injured or under someone's chair or table. Hope the kid absorbed some of the foul language we used.
Same child also ran full-pelt at my legs earlier that day and their parents clearly expected me to stop them. Honestly the parents are so selfish - get a childminder in, skip the convention, leave your kid with a grandparent. If they're screaming they're not enjoying it. Just because a convention accepts children doesn't mean it's child-friendly.

>> No.10741991

I'm not the anon bitching about the rules kuckoro rules. Just replying to you substance pushers.

>> No.10741994

What did the parents look like?

>> No.10742016

Like people who were hoping someone would accidentally pack their child and take them home

>> No.10742045

This is exactly the problem I noticed. Just because a con is "family friendly" doesn't mean you have to have zero control over your child and let them run wild amongst con attendees who are there for a good time.

These could have been the same toddlers who ran around the matsuri area & dealer's room over the weekend, being knocked into multiple times. They were in one of the art panels throwing paintbrushes. Not just any paintbrushes either, but guaranteed to stain watercolour brushes while taking up space that could have gone to other attendees (someone in a wheelchair was turned away). They became disruptive and nobody could hear over the presentation the panel host was showing which was just disrespectful. They had no concept of what the activity was and one ended up being given a phone to keep occupied. A peaceful watercolour session that ended up sounding like a nursery classroom. Fantastic.

Nothing at Minami is child friendly and it's catered mostly to grown adults. The parents at this one pissed off more people than they realise because their precious little darlings were allowed to cause havoc.

Go to MCM instead.

>> No.10742182

give it 10 or so years

>> No.10742250

UK cons were never good, you just enjoyed being able to be drunk and a weeb in public

>> No.10742439

I echo the sentiments on babies and kids at Minami there seemed to be more than normal and they were either running into people or being vocally disruptive actually wish committee would ban them from being allowed in

>> No.10742617

tell me you’ve never been to minamicon before, without telling me you’ve never been to minamicon before

>> No.10742633

The kids who've been to Minami before have usually not been taken into chill panels. I know parents at Minami who either tag team with their partners or remove their kids when they get disruptive. This set of parents are shit.

>> No.10742703

2 weeks to kokoro

How we feelin

>> No.10742740

Pretty hype desu!

>> No.10742816

this is literally it

it has been the same way since my first con over a decade ago

>> No.10742861
File: 311 KB, 980x794, 1642444925183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not fun anymore cause real life bulldozed you too hard.

Back when you were 16 you probably enjoyed watching paint dry.

>> No.10742879

Nah mate, been going for years and this is the first Minami where I would have gladly paid extra for no children allowed. It's obvious half the weeb couples decided to shag all during lockdown, got knocked up and dragged their feral gremlins to the con as soon as they got the opportunity to do so.

>> No.10742982

I'm sorry you've had this experience

>> No.10742985

The one on the right gophers every con and comes in 10 variations.

>> No.10743000


This is too real for men. I've seen 50 something looking men at my local con and they really were 22.

>> No.10743227
File: 63 KB, 449x767, 1596753453658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you nail the diet,
you can look 22 forever,
keep em seething that way.

>> No.10743266

Youll be fit.

But still have jowls, wrinkles and be bald.

>> No.10743485

don’t chat shit, i’ve been going since the early 2000’s and i can count on one hand how many times minami has been child free. And yea crying babies in the main events, it happens, that’s minami. Welcome to minami newbie, i hope you preregged for next year or you likely won’t get back in

>> No.10743517

It’s not even just the diet, basic shit like drinking a fair amount of water everyday and washing your face and moisturizing go a long way. It always blows my mind that so many of my friends (we’re just entering our 30s) complain about how bad they look. It’s like dude you lived off burger king and rockstar and vodka your entire 20s, are you really fucking surprised?

>> No.10743623

They also get less than 7 hours of sleep a night, which is kinda cringe.

Also sunbathing.

>> No.10743731

babies and kids have always been around the communal areas at the hotel but the problem this year was kids in panels or taking up seats meaning paying adults had to miss out (happened at craft panels) I hope the committee put a stop to this coz my understanding was 12+ with an adult in actual events

>> No.10743774

No one cares.

>> No.10743788

Clearly you do kek.

>> No.10743790

based on what anon? there’s nothing in there about 12+, you can register your 1 year old for minami

>> No.10743833

Why do cons even allow under 12s to come in for free anyway?

They are literally a net negative to both the organizers and the plebs who go to cons.

>> No.10744204

How come gullcord is so dead?

What happened?

>> No.10744209

Nice try Rek

>> No.10744212

Nics try Yorkie

>> No.10744253

dairy falseflag

>> No.10744261

Nice try demo

>> No.10744300

The active people left
It happens

>> No.10744344

Is there a non-4chan affiliated cosplay britcord?

Since you know, we are ded.

>> No.10744471
File: 432 KB, 290x282, mystic-messenger-confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would I get weird looks if I were to cosplay at Insomnia? I don't want to have to wait until there's an actual con in my area.

>> No.10744472

Nah, people cosplay at Insomnia, EGX, those kinds of 'expos'. Not as many as MCM or smaller cons but there's still some.
When in doubt, check their site and see if they have a section for cosplay, which Insomnia does (there's even a cosplayer in the website banner front and centre)

>> No.10744476

I think my main concern is that most cosplayers at insomnia are gonna be "professionals" who enter the contest.
I'm just some amateur who wants to hang out with other amateurs. Still, I don't think I'd look too out of place.

>> No.10744505

what is the girl picture?

>> No.10744626

maybe ask somewhere that isn't 4chan

>> No.10744675

trust me the vast majority of the cosplayers entering the insomnia contest are nowhere near to professionals

>> No.10744681

Im not asking quora. They spam y emails enough as it is.

>> No.10744802

Better than me, at the very least.
Also, I've noticed all of the "guests" they've got listed on their website are people I've never heard of. Do they only get nobodies these days, or am I just getting old? I haven't been since 2018.

>> No.10744805

You drama llamas need to get over yourselves

>> No.10744809

But without drama there's no point in this thread!

>> No.10744839

I didn't say anything about the thread

>> No.10744865

But it's so much fuuun!

>> No.10744932

agree, i haven't heard of a single one of these cosplay guests. in the past they had a solid bunch

>> No.10745416


>> No.10745432

nettle is the worst gull addition in some time

>> No.10745443

I've just read the information unless it's an old statement it says you need a vax pass a negative test isn't enough. If not you have to provide proof you're exempt.

It also says you have to wear a mask at the parties, what the hell?! You can skip the party go into town and go to a club where you wouldn't need a mask. Its crazy.

>> No.10745455

Where does it say you have to wear a mask at the parties?

>> No.10745516

It took you this long to come to that conclusion?

>> No.10745697

I thought nettle was cool, what happened?

>> No.10745710

Nothing, just irrelevant vendetta posting from people that left Gulls a long time ago

>> No.10745723

They've updated the website since I posted. The old covid rules said masks at parties, but since last night it's changed to masks optional. They're also put this on their social media.

It also reads as while masks are optional you'll be judged if you don't as why wouldn't you want to.

>> No.10745731

>wearing a mask at a party
Happy to be judged and spread this shit everywhere, better to have no party than a masked one

>> No.10745799
File: 47 KB, 593x492, f08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW when the con you go to every year puts up the 'back in 2023 ^_^' notice in a vague Twitter reply...


>> No.10745820

which con you tease

>> No.10745903

Megacon Birmingham in a feeew hours bitches

>> No.10746105

What the fuck is a megacon

>> No.10746108

Maybe it's a con all the mega paedos meet up at

>> No.10746167

Just Google it you dumb cunt

>> No.10746184
File: 984 KB, 1920x1080, 1625862852676.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google this

>> No.10746192

Ew don't post that ugly schizo hasbeen

>> No.10746253

finally people talking sense

>> No.10746362


Where were your parents when you grew up like this

>> No.10746489

My parents haven’t met nettle. But for all I know they might agree with anon.

>> No.10746521

Nettle fucked my mum and didn't even call her after

>> No.10746541

Nettle stepped on my cat's tail and never apologised

>> No.10746544

Nettle grinched me da in secret Santa

>> No.10746553

Nettle did a shit round my flat and didn't flush

>> No.10746565

nikocado is based.

>> No.10746583

Sums it up. No one went, R.I.P

>> No.10746775

Maybe they should've spent less money on normie-centric advertisements in the bullring and on the M6, and spent more on advertising targeted to their largest demographic, and spent money on more well-known guests.
I first heard about it in this thread, the day before it happened. Needless to say, that wasn't really enough time to get a cosplay ready.

>> No.10746826


BETTER turnout of neat cosplays and guests than any con you'll go to this year, cry some more

>> No.10746840

Is it true that in England people don't really think about making a life for themselves as much as Americans do? That because of the close confines of the island they are more communal and less interested in individuality and traditionally american ideals?

>> No.10746841

no, we lost all of our good genes in the world wars, so now everyone that's left is either autistic or a deano

>> No.10746844

i only go to cons if they're in birmingham, so i probably won't go to any this year
maybe insom if i'm really bored, but that doesn't count

>> No.10746852
File: 645 KB, 501x748, concreeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, which one of you motherfuckers was it?

>> No.10746856

Any good cons coming up in April ??

>> No.10746859

gaysexcon in my basement

>> No.10746889

is that ben collins?

>> No.10746915

can't imagine a less demo action than actually using his camera

>> No.10747021

Take a one month nap and go to london

>> No.10747055

should I go to Bristol Anime and Gaming Convention?

>> No.10747071

Youll likely only have fun if youre a zoomer

>> No.10747087

what about animangapop newport? just looking for anything southwest-ish i can go to as a 25 year old solo male without being accused of noncery

>> No.10747129

No it's ran by a nonce

>> No.10747141

go to london next month.

>> No.10747142

2 months I mean.

>> No.10747185

Can kita conspiracy guy give me a sitrep update on ticket sales. I’m feeling out of the loop.

>> No.10747186

We're now on -500 tickets sold, the kitacon committee are now posting badges to random UK addresses

>> No.10747187

He said he DIDN’T want to be a groomer.

>> No.10747189

I don't know what's worse on these cons
the old and disgusting nonce groomers
the fat sluts who are so starved they'll fuck anyone
it wasn't always like this you know, some of these people don't even like anime or egl

>> No.10747193

Kokoro soon!!

>> No.10747302

I've seen far too many people selling their tickets for that shit show. Yall just need to go to ColossalCon

>> No.10747305

Literally never heard of that

>> No.10747311

Really? Do you not pay any attention to overseas conventions?

>> No.10747312

The only nonces in mcm are the togs, he doesn't sound like he wants to lug around a camera/take pictures.

>> No.10747314

You'll never vax me alive copper.

>> No.10747323

Lolitas are on equal footing as nonces in the "not welcomed" part.

>> No.10747338
File: 75 KB, 506x625, 1593861067157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a similar tog guy at a MCM way back when doing the same thing, shit

>> No.10747358

Based Colossal enjoyer
Already got my flights sorted

>> No.10747434

Why would I?

>> No.10747729

cuz they are a lot better than the shit shows here?

>> No.10747744

Literally. Not every con overseas is automatically better of course, but their best make our best look like dogshit. Even European cons embarrass the likes of Kita and Ame. And I'm not a hater, I really enjoy Kita and Ame, but the foreigners are simply doing it better.

>> No.10747750

Cause some of them are so much better and the US Congoers talk about this one A LOT.

It's a massive hotel, waterpark and a zoo where you can cosplay anywhere you'd like, essentially. So a lot of freedom. You can also interact with the animals like tiger cubs (which I'm in two minds about; on one hand, cute tiger cubs, on the other hand, a wild animal is not a play thing or prop)

>> No.10747751

I've always felt that it's all down to a weird British attitude that effort is cringe, or liking something is cringe. So we subconsciously sabotage things we like, or don't deliver the effort it deserves.
That and the British tradition of squeezing the maximum amount of cash out of the minimum amount of effort.

>> No.10747776

Go to Warhammer World and organise a /tg/ and /cgl/ joint meetup

>> No.10747825

Baker has been flooding Facebook with Kokopops pre kick off photos. Wonder how empty it'll be because it's only been pictures of him and his home town pals that he grabs to cons

>> No.10747849
File: 3.03 MB, 2241x1442, 75370991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck going to US cons, you are more likely to get the coof easier there, get mugged, get arrested, and experience the shithole America has become

>> No.10747878

Have fun, I await the inevitable drama posting.

>> No.10747892

Just stay in your basement, sweetie.

>> No.10747893

Eyes peeled for a bunch of people cosplaying Gantz at Kokoro

>> No.10747913

Never thought I'd say it. But the kokoro venue is great and the pre reg was so bloody smooth too. Quite alot of people for a Thursday too.

Let's see what happens tomorrow

>> No.10748083

>going all the way to america just for a con
Do people really do this? I don't think I'd have a problem going to Europe for cons but America just seems so far away and alien.

>> No.10748097

Hello Baker, how's being centre stage again?

>> No.10748136

imagine making selfposting claims when the con hotel is range banned from 4ch kek

>> No.10748143

What is mobile internet?

>> No.10748230

Ought to stop most of the Kokoro bitching on here until Sunday evening then

>> No.10748231
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 904522921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys Amerimutt.

>> No.10748255

Back to pol, chud.

>> No.10748267

So, how's "kuckoro con" going?

>> No.10748344

Current review based on days 0 and 1:
Venue- 10/10
Organisation/general competence of con staff- 8/10
Scheduling- 2/10 yesterday was fuckin boring
Parties- 3/10, upgraded from a 2 for the final 30 minutes where big man turned the shitty K-pop off and gave the people what they wanted

Today is the busiest day so will get a much better general feel for if I like this one enough to come back. So far the vibes are good but part of that is definitely just the fact it's the first con in 5ever for most of us.

>> No.10748352

Are there any actual viable places for photoshoots there?

>> No.10748384

Who had 'eyeful of tit in the talent show' on their bingo card? fucking scenes that

>> No.10748399

I'm surprised that's even allowed, being a confident woman showing off what they got is against the rules now. Only trans women are allowed to be women

>> No.10748509



>> No.10748618

now that Kokoro has flopped, who's looking forward to Kita?

>> No.10748624

Flopped ?

Honestly it's probably been the best con I've been to in about 10 years. Fuck knows how

>> No.10748628

committee falseflag

>> No.10748664

Same for me. I would chalk it down to scratching an itch not scratched since Kita's Hilton days, plus a top tier venue.

It's actually been a really good con soz mate

>> No.10748665

Ears on the ground the schedule was a mess and the mask policy was a joke. Oh the parties were a bit underwhelming.

Not only did things keep running late there wasn't much decent running.

>> No.10748667

>Schedule was a mess
Not according to my experience. Some delays on the Saturday, nothing more than 30 minutes. Things are generally where and when I would expect them to be.

>mask policy
Nobody is wearing one. If that gets your panties in a twist that's thoroughly a you problem.

>> No.10748673

There is but the drama is worse than gull-cord

>> No.10748681

Hate to say it, and this is coming from a serial shit poster.
It was an all around good con. Only things really delayed was a few things on the Saturday.

But overall not bad

>> No.10748694

Run by GW, it's £200 a ticket and any cosplay that isn't spess mareens gets thrown out and banned.

>> No.10748705

I can believe it

>> No.10748894

that was my favourite con since 2015 and it's fucking dead Jim

gonna kms

it's been so long I have absolutely forgotten how to deal with post con blues

>> No.10748898

agree with lots of things others have said. hotel was very nice and a lot closer to hilton kita than hibana, jury's inn is a bit shit. hard to tell if the con was good good or if it was just 'this is the first event that wasn't in a field in over two years' good. the scheduling was sloppy and things were starting late every day, but the hotel staff were very accommodating and let us go at it later than the jury's inn ones did/would have and it didn't massively impact the experience.
t. someone who only comes to these things to drink excessingly and hang out with people as sperg as I am

>> No.10748899

More than 4chan drama? seems pretty sus.

what's the link anon(nette).

>> No.10748981

Kokoro was decent.

Location was easy to get to. Nottingham is a bit rough but there was plenty of choice food wise which is always a plus.

I heard hotel bar prices weren't great which is about expected but I did appreciate the generous seating capacity of the hotel, this is an area that the Brum Hilton excelled in and MK Jury's Inn did not.

Video games room was a bit light; was pretty nice to see some worthwhile games cabinets at least. Were there any tournaments in the end?

There were a few schedule changes but they were really minor desu so it didn't matter so much.

I think Baker and his crew did a pretty good job for their first con. Definitely room for improvement but I thought it was a much better event than the Hibanacon events I attended and one of the better cons in recent memory.

>> No.10748999
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 19FE93F0-6733-40AF-AE44-5DB89417F9B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a photo of them, sick cosplays. Never seen a Gantz cosplay group in the wild before

>> No.10749023

it delights me to imagine how much Mike Towers is coping and seething over the success of this

imagine your old lackeys running a better event first time than anything in Anime League history

>> No.10749095

That post doesn't scream Kokoro staff at all

>> No.10749100

Given AL had their own event on that weekend I doubt they've had the time to even notice/care.

>> No.10749229

Let's not do the thing where we pretend only Kokoro staff have any reason to dislike the biggest paedophile in the scene. I am not affiliated with Kokoro beyond having attended the event.

>> No.10749234

That post doesn’t scream Al staff at all

>> No.10749272

Rent free.

>> No.10749273

Just like how nobody noticed/cared there was an AL event happening last weekend

>> No.10749328

Let's not pretend Baker isn't complicit in what went on. I refuse to attend both events becuase in our hatred for that Paedo Towers we seem to be giving Baker a pass. It's alright though he isn't Towers so he can get away with it. Open your eyes Anon he is no better.

>> No.10749331

Geez get over yourself

>> No.10749357

Truer words spoken by someone turning a blind eye to Baker's involvement.

Amazing what people will do when it suits then.

>> No.10749366

Clearly personal beef. Take it up with him personally?
Either way Kokoro slapped and ALL of the committee smashed it. Oh and guess what I'm gonna go again next year!

>> No.10749393

>You can also interact with the animals like tiger cubs
I'm pretty sure they don't have cubs anymore because the Kalahari was abusing them or something

>> No.10749516

Is it Kitacon time yet?

>> No.10749550

It'll probably be next year when Kokorocon takes on Kitacon's mantle. Kitacon is dying and so is Amecon. Best to let the new cons such as Kokoro and Hotarucon in November rise.

>> No.10749557

Christ, Baker really doesn't look well in the pics I'm seeing here.

>> No.10749558
File: 143 KB, 901x1026, notlookingsogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10749559

It's only time before all these style of events die off. So might as well enjoy them while we can whatever bandwagon fan club you're on.

>> No.10749562

To be replaced with what, pray tell?

Hint: We're done with Covid now

>> No.10749570

Is that a comb-over? He looks about 40 there

>> No.10749593

Stop age and bodyshaming.

>> No.10749619

He exposed a lot of the shit going in and publicly took a stand against towers, short of getting his hands on a time machine I'm not sure what you expect. People can be rehabilitated from AL you know.

Also, I actually was sexually harassed at this con (non attendees staying in the hotel) and Baker and his team were really good about it. He might have been a shit in the past but he's clearly trustworthy and a good egg now. And besides all that, he runs a sick con. I am probably the biggest and most informed anime league vendetta chan ITT (original towers/AL lolcow thread OP) and the dude seems absolutely solid to me.

>> No.10749630

100 percent agree

>> No.10749640

Another thing I'd like to say on this, actually. There is a known rapist in the con scene who attends the Warwick cons, Toko and Hibana. I have told all of them about him and Kokoro was the only con to ban him when I told them. Meanwhile, Hibana was letting him run their goddamn icebreakers. Based on that I'd say Kokorocon is a damn sight safer for women than many of the others.

>> No.10749642

He admitted he made it all up and then worked the next Alcon. Not sure what public stand he took...

>> No.10749643

Is that Winterbottom?

>> No.10749658

Koko team was pretty sound. other than the bar being really expense like fuck

>> No.10749661

That's the one, yeah. Glad he's notorious enough for that guess.

Receipts or you're talking shite. As an absolute autistic archivist, I've seen no sign of it.

>> No.10749676

I find that hilarious considering I was one of the girls who spoke to him and gave some evidence, and he was genuinely really supportive.

Get of your high horse and stop trying to shatter the life of someone who is actually a decent human. You clearly have some issue with him or you are just bitter that he lost you a job in working with a nonce, so just take it up personally you complete and utter cuntbag.

Here's to Alex and Kokorocon 2.0 daddy boogaloo!

>> No.10749689

It was a guess because I knew he'd done some work like that for some cons.

What did he do? I'm not familiar with what went on

>> No.10749729

Sexual assault and sexual harassment, multiple times multiple cons multiple girls. Unsurprisingly, he still works at Anime League. Has started wearing dresses in order to better ensnare victims in recent years.

>> No.10749738

On girls? I assumed he was gay due to the boyfriends but that's my bad for assuming.

Guess he's got friends in the right places if he's done other cons.

>> No.10749760

Mate where the fuck have you been? He hasn't been at an AL event since 2017. He obsessed of doing his PurpleCon orgy

>> No.10749761

He says he's trans but we all know what some lads will say to get in the girls bathroom

>> No.10749762

>where the fuck have you been
not at fucking AL events lmao

>> No.10749763

Even if you don't attend you know slime ball usually hangs around UK Games Expo with the other toads

>> No.10749801

Can't be worse than the deadpool minions, right?

>> No.10749812

that daddy trend is back with a vengance ..
the guests were good at koko, you saw alot of the team too around people and talking to the con peeps.

>> No.10749824

I'm willing to believe Kokorocon was good (we need more good con options in this country) however let's not step outside the boundaries of reality. Alex Baker is not a decent human being, he is not one of the good ones.

>> No.10749838

Personal vendetta chan, move on

>> No.10749862

Correct, he'll probably end up arrested eventually, but for now let's be in awe of someone who had years over lockdown to run a 500 person event and not fuck it up.

>> No.10749863

What's the word for a female cuck anyway? Genuinely asking

>> No.10749887

Whats with all the mud slinging and fake accusations around here? jfc I'd trust a thick accent coldcalling marketer over you knobs.

>> No.10749912

I highly disagree, he’s a very good egg. But keep spreading your useless hate, no one is listening.

>> No.10749919


>> No.10749921

Do the needful sirs

>> No.10749993
File: 66 KB, 472x360, 09385343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the majority of these other none AL events are run by ex AL war criminals.

>> No.10750001

This made me choke

>> No.10750002

If they're run by ex AL staff how long before they start getting a bit noncy?

>> No.10750021

I think almost everyone in the anime con scene has either worked at or been to an AL event. So that must make you a massive nonce too ? No need to be defensive.

Also I think only 1 or 2 are ex AL staff from 2016 and before

>> No.10750066

Their team is nearly entirely different, not least following the clusterfuck that was Alcon 2018 when they sacked Andre, Winterbottom, that ogre on their reg desk (I forget her name) and a few others who were pretty goddamn awful. To AL's credit the standard of Alcon 2019 and their other events was far higher as a result of it.

>> No.10750069

Does he like it when you put the strap-on on?

>> No.10750086

At least he’s getting some, what’s your excuse? U must be very frustrated if you spend your time slating people online. Try pornhub sometime

>> No.10750148

Looks like someone has already confirmed they tested positive 2 days after the con. Better get yourselves tested too, anons

>> No.10750201

Make sure to test yourself for other bacteria fungi...though you most likely carry your blue waffle with pride.

>> No.10750232

>AL boogieman

Maybe.. just maaaybe you're the schizo here and that the decade+ old organization isnt actually a pedophile drug ring?

>> No.10750262

Almost like the 'no refunds for covid' policy led to a super spreader event. Exactly as predicted. I eat vegetables and exercise so not scared of the big Rona but feel bad for more vulnerable friends who attended.

>> No.10750278

Regardless it was bound to happen. Many of us went to rock city, so good chance that we passed it on also.
.it's inevitable unfortunately.

No point trying to pick faults, we all knew the risk before even going. Everyone is in it together.

>> No.10750300

My heart goes out to the 2 lads who have to get a mild sniffle for a day or 3.

>> No.10750324

Kokorocon are at fault for giving into anti maskers and anti vaxxers and make it optional. If they'd have stuck original plans everyone would be masked up at all panels and parties like they should have been! It's not safe out there and the con staff had an obligation to all attendees to keep them safe and scrapping these rules put everyone at risk.

>> No.10750329

You do realise everyone has the same rules right ? No point pointing out for kokoro just because you don't like them.
They stuck to the guidined and that's all that was needed.

Now moving on. Anyone else at cosxpo?

>> No.10750344

As someone who didn't like the event. It was alright, but nothing special. Venue was great, not really many decent merch stalls, content was passable. I didn't think it was worth the money.

However, you do realise that the government guidelines have changed now since their initial Mask announcement so you can't blame the con itself. Not every situation is an anti vax thing.

>> No.10750381

Spoken like a true anti vaxxer. Imagine being brave enough to leave your house only to find the con changes its policy on masks leaving you scared for your life and far from home with no support safe space.

>> No.10750455

Is your post a parody are there actually people who still think like this?

>> No.10750465

Reddit and some ppl from fringe radical discord groups, thats about it.

>> No.10750548

>fringe radical discord groups
gullcord then, got it

>> No.10750587

I hear they banned the anti vaxxer

>> No.10750602

Its not a parody, their mask policy was great then they changed it to personal choice as it people could be trusted to so the right thing.

They had a duty of care and they couldn't be bothered to protect people. Let the anti vaxxers get their way

>> No.10750612

How's CosXpo going? Any pics or news?

>> No.10750644

Is anyone actually there from here? I know people who have gone, but haven't seen any pictures or feedback yet

>> No.10750666

>not joining vidya cord

>> No.10750672

I, myself have 2 friends there and I've seen no updates about it. Where as Kokopops con has photos all over the place.

Guessing it's a lower tier con than KKKoPops Con

>> No.10750702

He was anti "vaccine", not anti vaccine.

>> No.10750867

One of the reasons I never commented about it.

>> No.10751018

Drop the link then

>> No.10751022

Let's be real, Kazoo wasn't banned for having a spicy opinion about the Rona, he was banned because dairy is such an insecure melt that even in a dead server he'll ban whoever doesn't kiss his ass over his shit terrible decisions.

>> No.10751043

I attended CosXpo a few years back and I'm utterly unsurprised nobody has anything to say about it. It's hardcore on cosplay and shoots and if it's still at the same venue there literally isn't even a bar or party in the venue that's open late. Literally had to search around the campus until we found the student union bar to get a drink after like 9 pm. If CXP had anything to offer you, you'd have gone.

>> No.10751046

this guy wont even drop the normie britcord link, dont bother.

>> No.10751053

Because it’s absolutely not worth bothering with.

>> No.10751054

You working on 2017 info here?

>> No.10751074

When's the last time anyone posted?

>> No.10751131


join then fucker

>> No.10751182

The normie one. Not that.

>> No.10751219

>still banned

>> No.10751318


>> No.10751333

Who got banned from kokoro then?

>> No.10751338

ur mum lol

>> No.10751470

Hope it's dairy, that weird creep

>> No.10751474

I only saw his dick about 3 times at Kokoro, he's learning

Hi Mic

>> No.10751644

>known abuser muscling in on all the kokoro meets
you do not like to see it

>> No.10751655
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 6cgnai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10751715

try being less rapey

>> No.10751842
File: 394 KB, 1536x2048, th8EexQwET0Rkfg4V2zJR1hBtZe1OmT0ru4TCaDhCKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a con recently at Warhammer World that had a lot of cosplayers. But you had to be in with this incredibly childish clique of 40 year old men acting like petulant school girls to get an invite. And their costumes were rubbish.




CosXpo is a strange and pointless con. It exists purely for the agrandisment of Kenny and like 3 other people. They go on about being the "only serious con for cosplayers" but that's just an excuse to look down on people whilst still being as unprofessional as any other small indie con. They have their own pointless clique that doesn't even matter but Kenny's lot want to pretend at being celebreties. And there's a group of people who will defend CosXpo no matter what. Even though it was a shitty con. Because they're convinced this weird play pretend clique is hot shit. And they will grovel to get in.

CosXpo makes fuck money because at most 50 people attend. And they only exist because Tabitha's pimp/father subsidises the whole thing. Including guests. Who aren't cheap.

Tldr: a creepy old man is paying for his prostitute who happens to be his daughter and her friends to pretend to be celebreties. CosXpo is shit.

>> No.10751849

>muscular abuser
P-purple aki?

>> No.10751852


>> No.10751872

Christ, that’s an old reference.

Can I feel your muscles boys

>> No.10751903

I love how incorrect and full of a vendetta this is.

>> No.10751906

Cool I'm sure you can disprove it all then.

>> No.10751914
File: 40 KB, 450x450, kobZrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hears someone mention 'major league con'
There are none :)

>> No.10751918

In this country the only con worth the money this year is Kitacon, which is extremely sad

>> No.10751921

Can't wait for that to fail so kita simps will stfu

>> No.10751976

Honestly i used to love kita, but I think it's had its time. Kokoro was defo worth the money. I would pay a lot more for the type of atmosphere there. Cosxpo was mehhhh. Looking forward to toko though

>> No.10752047

I have no clue about what drama is going on in cosplay rn. But I went in 2019 and this year and it was pretty grim lol. 2022 was the same as 2019. I wouldn't have gone but a friend was really begging me to. I could swear there was less people this year but idk. I just know no one I know other than my friend went.

>> No.10752060

>ghost town con held in school in the middle of nowhere

Going to the park or alton towers with your pals wouldve been a better use of your time.

>> No.10752071

MCM seem to be getting into their anime now by getting voice actors. Watch out for a load of MHA kids in collars and leashes