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File: 288 KB, 990x594, oishiiprooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6284198 No.6284198 [Reply] [Original]

So ! Oishii! Ichigo first single will be release tomorrow ! Have you seen their videos for the release ? Here's the last one :

And the playlist for everyone's video :

>> No.6284603

How exciting!

>> No.6284607

I'm really curious about this. Not much of an O!P follower, but I really like Kelsey, and the moetwinstyle girls are interesting. I just want to know if it's going to be a train wreck or tolerable.

>> No.6286157

these twinstyle girls...their hideous.

>> No.6286559

They are all so ....unfortunate looking...

>> No.6286617

what kind of stuff do they sing? is there a sample anywhere? Really cant get exited or dread this before I know what their music is like. For the record, never heard of them before.

>> No.6286642

So where is it? It's 6PM on the day of the release EST already.

>> No.6286662

Why would they do pre-orders without releasing any songs????

>> No.6286708

Just see on Dansa tumblr that she is uploading it right now.

>> No.6287126

PV's out. The song's catchy I guess but it's not very well synched in some places...? And the PV itself isn't particularly well done, I dunno.

>> No.6287230

PV is awful (Who thought the terrible over exposure was a good idea?) and the song is... not good. The beat is catchy but I can't understand the lyrics at all because their so much quieter than the beat AND it's auto tuned to hell.

Not good.


But at the same time not surprised.


>> No.6287236

I will say Kimono Time dancing during the first chorus is the best part. But that's not a surprise at all since the girl can dance.

>> No.6287250

not really impressed, it felt more like a montage of random videos rather than a music video. the song is catchy though.

>> No.6287263

The song's super cute, and I'm actually glad they went for more of a casual, home-filmed feeling (like Macaroni by Perfume) than trying to flawlessly piece together a video to make it seem like they were all together...I just don't think it would have worked given that they're a net idol group. That said, they could definitely stand to work on their film editing and whatnot, but I like the song, and it's overall pretty good for a first attempt.

>> No.6287275


They're definitely not hideous, even if they're not your type...but I actually think they're really cute. Their Japanese is also really good and they have a nice presence in front of the camera.

>> No.6287281

that, and they're sweet as fuck. they just seem like genuinely nice girls.

>> No.6287296

most of the Oishii girls do, I mean they've already grown a good deal too when you look at how Popku's become more comfortable with herself

>> No.6287322

yeah. even if I end up not liking what they do, the girls themselves seem so nice that I can't help but want to support them.

>> No.6287372
File: 96 KB, 515x255, twinshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that with a couple tweaks, they could look better than they do right now. They have a wide and thick lips so maybe a lighter lipstick shade. The bangs don't really go with their face to me so maybe parted bangs would look better. They have small eyes so add a little bit of eyeliner around. Here. I shooped this image from the music video to show you what it would look ilke. God, they used too many filters on this shit.

>> No.6287395
File: 80 KB, 500x475, 060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so here's my review of this shit:

Really amateurish if you ask me. Were they even singing in Japanese? i couldn't tell anyways because the background music was way to loud to hear any of the girls. The parts where they were supposed to be made to sing a long were strung together very badly. There's really nothing special about this song at all, nor the voices.

The MV:
Way too fucking bright. Can somebody turn down that exposure? When the arms of the girl singing disappear because of the contrast, it's too fucking high. And way too many random shots. If you've ever seen a Jpop MV, usually the "random shots" are spaced in between close up shots of the singer actually singing or something. It all came off as extremely awkward, and poorly edited.

2/10 for the effort

>> No.6287409

Oh dear...I feel bad for the people who actually bought the CD for this song.

>> No.6287577

I don't. Anyone who is stupid enough to buy anything without knowing what it is they're buying deserve to be ripped off like this.

>> No.6287614

They claim it isn't auto-tuned.
Seriously? Who do they think they are kidding?

>> No.6287644

This is what took them 4 bloody months to make? Where are the matching outfits? Member colors? Hell, ANY dancing besides stupid little quirky robot moves now and then? And why is it in English?? Aren't they trying to somehow make it in the Nippons? I'm disappoint.

CAPTCHA: flabby kinggg
All hail dansa

>> No.6287663

can someone link to their japanese singing?

>> No.6287689

they're singing in english, if you look under the video they posted the lyrics

>> No.6287862

This song would sound so much better without the singing, if they just left it as a little techno track.

The horrendous vocals and lyrics ruin it.

>> No.6288067

This is bad and embarrassing. I expected no less of them =D

>> No.6288146
File: 78 KB, 540x720, 254568_10150216836449385_6023491_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promise sisters are more professional than them

>> No.6288230

why was only one person dancing? and nyanko is really adorable omigosh

i liked the song but the video was bad...i wish they would have all donce a dance routine and the video could have mashed them together

>> No.6288236

This whole thing was a fucking train wreck. You couldn't even hear the girls singing. It's what I expected though honestly.

>> No.6288243

The video definitely could have been done a lot better, but I really like the song! It's super cute and omigosh Nyanko. That fucking girl, she's just way too adorable.
The dancing by the girls other than Kelsey was pretty bad, I hope that they improve a lot. The contrast was also much too high, so I think played a part in making their dancing look sloppy.

Totally buying the song and my love for Nyanko is even stronger~

>> No.6288244

>girls sitting at their computers and one dancing.

Fuck this is embarrassing.

>> No.6288246

Why an earth did they edit ever so over exposed? It looks awful and you can tell that some of the girls had really good lighting in their original videos so there was no need.
Also anyone else notice they used the same clip of Chi about 3 times, The wiggly fingers thing. Like you barely saw some of the girls (cherry, nyanko and jenny) yet they used the same clip of chi over and over. Seems a bit odd if you ask me.

>> No.6288257

Not to surprising when you consider the bias dansa has for chi?

>> No.6288262

It's funny, a group made by DANSAnohimitsu and Beckii has almost no dancing. Come to think of it, didn't Dansa used to criticize people that mashed their dancing together? And why did it take them so long to do this?

>> No.6288265

I've got ear cancer and gone blind from watching that vid. The filters and over-saturation is horrid, the singing is terrible, the fake-cutesy acting makes me want to strangle someone.

The mousey-haired girl isn't so bad, and neither are the twins (though they need to drop the fringe which is accenting their troll-mouths, but they're cute and their Japanese is great) but how the fuck did that one over-saturated one with the buck teeth and Jew nose get in!? Her monster wiggle fingers thing is damn disgusting.

Also, funny accent brunette is really good at dancing. She should go off with the twins and become a trio. The only really cute ones with any potential really.

Why did the twins only appear like once? Whoever edited and planned the video did a horrid job of showcasing them individually and it looks like some horrid fanmade MV against techno music where the creator was forced to use a set of vids that made no sense and no correlation to each other.

>> No.6288275

This shit gave me aids, stop trying to be japanese.

>> No.6288282

I thought the song was cute, but the video was awful. Next time they should try something a little more themed towards their cutesy style.

>> No.6288298

This video shows how much a hypocrite dansa is and it's hilarious.

She kept bragging about how omg amazing their debut was going to be when sites were mocking the group. She's so harsh with critiquing videos and other people too for being kawaii uguu desu.

And then she turns around and does the same thing. And it's not like she's doesn't have a say, it's her and beckii's group after all.

Also can we talk about ex-member honeymomo posting nudes of herself, while still being underage? And when people are coming at her for it (and got the blog deleted), she's like 'waaah, but there's other tumblrs for underage loli girls too. wuteva, fuck the haters'

>> No.6288423

When did the whole honeymomochan majig happen?

>> No.6288539


Honeymomo was always interested in that lolicon and ageplay stuff. Even before oishii project, I guess she saw yukapon and other idols and decided she wanted to be just like that. So when Dansa came about with oishii project, she managed to join and got accepted.

People on cgl brought up the fact that momo posted skeevy stuff on her tumblr and it got back to Dansa around the Yukapon drama came out. And since Dansa herself is a big advocate for not letting that stuff happening and calling out people for 'pandering', she told Momo that she had to stop.

So Momo did. Then Momo went to Japan during the summer, met Yukapon, did Harajukuu FW and I guess, she got cultureshock and quit O!P. So I guess, Dansa washed her hands of her since she didn't even say that Momo quit, or did that graduation stuff.

Momo went back to posting kawaii stuff and lolicon stuff on tumblr. Eventually making a side tumblr and linking to it. There she posted really pedo-y pictures of herself in fetish outs. Like maid dresses, kawaii pjs, etc. So she took pictures of herself in underwear and tummy, underboobs, crotchshots etc in her room (she blurred out her face but her room is so distinct. How many black girls do you know with a bedroom like that?).

So earlier this week, someone brought it up on Dansanohimitsu about what Honeymomo was doing, and Dansa was like 'oh dear'. Of course a lot of people follow dansa, so they went over to Momo's side tumblr, harassed her and eventually got the tumblr shut down.


>> No.6288540


Momo goes back to her main tumblr and bitches and complains. Because there's so many tumblrs about pedoshit on tumblr (actually it's just ageplay asian girls), and everyone does it so why can't she? etc
So people try to talk some logic into her for being a dumb bitch. And she's like haters gonna hate, she's smart and knows what she's doing, her parents won't find out, etc.

So someone goes back to Dansa and is like 'yo, you have Momo's (and her parent's) contact info, why don't you warn them about this shit. because 1) it's illegal 2) it's cp and illegal 3) the parents can get in deep shit for negligence, 4) there's pedos out there & it can seriously fuck her upp' But Dansa is like 'oh but i don't want to get into that' and 'i'll be overstepping my boundaries'. Like bitch, you were ready to take Venus' mom to court, now that you have the chance to actually get off your fatass and help someone, you won't?

Dansa is a hypocrite so I don't get why people stan her or this group.

>> No.6288565

What are the links to her tumblr ?

>> No.6288571


It doesn't matter, she already deleted more

>> No.6288595

post anyways

>> No.6288611



>> No.6288648

I didn't see anything at all on the tumblr. Is it under construction or something?

Does anyone have any of the photos momo had posted of herself?

>> No.6288654

She quit the tumblr already.

>> No.6288688

Holy shit they really are more professional.

>> No.6288702

Is it just me or do the Promise Sisters remind you of Popku when she was young?

>> No.6288714

A little bit but more greasy.

>> No.6288720

Speaking of Popku, did anyone else notice she looked orange in her gametime count down video?

>> No.6288722

>>6288654 >>6288648

actually she made a new one in secret

>> No.6288723

yeah, I thought it was a little weird. looked like the bad lighting choice though.

>> No.6288725

What's her new tumblr?

>> No.6288728
File: 124 KB, 634x350, popku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6288730

You and everyone else wants to know, she only gave it out to people who asked un-anon and I missed my chance

>> No.6288731

If it gets posted here, she'll just delete it.

>> No.6288738

Someone post it on their tumblr or something so we can find her then delete once we all got it?

>> No.6288745

Does anyone here even have it..?

>> No.6288752

Oh, guaranteed someone has it. There are two Yuka and three Oishii threads on the board, so the ratio of cosplayers to pedophiles here right now is about 50:50.

(And the ratio of users to mods is infinity)

>> No.6288760

all that self-tanner

>> No.6288790

I've given up on Oishii Project and about all the girls wanting to be Akiba idols. Most of them suck and aren't going to make it. The only ones I can stand now are xabiipopx and xabbieisakittyx, but abii pop acts like a weeaboo too much and now wants to go for little sister type idol, and abbie chii is just... lol sometimes.

>> No.6289385

I don't know, that black one is pretty cute, though she wasn't shown in this video. And the first girl in the purple is cute.

>> No.6289450

Alright reading the lyrics for the first time and jesus christ these are bad and make no sense at all.

I hope this Chii bitch isn't the only one writing the music because she's terrible.

>> No.6289515


They seem professional, but I don't really like the lead girl's voice- though, it could just be that she's winded and needs more practice signing while dancing. Very cute girls, at least!

Yikes, Popku, what are you even doing? She looked so cute back when she was Miku Maxime and now she's all tanned up. She's trying to make herself look a lot older and it isn't working. She's the youngest member of O!P, she should be proud!

>> No.6289531

They need A LOT of practice with their japanese pronunciation. But other than that pretty damn good for just performing at cons.

>> No.6289619

My god you people are idiots. Popku lives in Houston Tx. Do you even have a clue what the sun does to anyone who steps outside for any length of time there? You get fried. Summer lasts for eight months! Nuff said.

>> No.6289653

Whoa there, yes, I know where she lives and I am familiar with the climate. What I'm saying is that she could at least try to avoid the sun as much as possible and use sunblock often. Her makeup is contrasting with her skin tone, as well, which is making it even worse.

>> No.6289657

I'm from Texas and have a friend from Houston that would disagree with this. The sun makes you tan, not orange. Also, if you look at her pictures from her facebook you could see how this tan is fake.

>> No.6289661

Or she could lay off the self tanner because she's fucking orange.
I love popku, but she needs to tone down on her makeup, STAT.

>> No.6289667

uh she doesn't look fake tan orange to me in the any of the facebook pictures I see?

>> No.6289716

That's my point.
It shows she used self tanner.

>> No.6289725

no what I mean is she doesn't even look tan to me in any of those pictures

>> No.6289777

>The V1 PV wasn’t linear and wasn’t supposed to be! Thanks for the input.

Someone said the PV wasn't good on the O!P Tumblr, and this was Dansa's reply. Yeah, okay, Dansa. I am totally sure you didn't just add "V1" to the title because people told you how shit it was.

>> No.6289806 [DELETED] 

>She does even look tan to me
Oh shut the fuck up. Now you're just lying to save face.

>> No.6289812

>She doesn't even look tan to me
Oh shut the fuck up. Now you're just lying to save face. She is ORANGE.

>> No.6289827

At least Popku is more comfortable in being herself. Its better than her overly fake kawaii desu introduction video.

>> No.6289833

wait but what face am I saving
she definitely looks orange in the videos
i'm just saying she doesn't look ridiculously tan or orange to me like you're saying she does in any pictures that I can see. post an example then?

>> No.6289844


Dansa is just so stupid and she can't seem to see it now.

>> No.6289866

Basically, out of nowhere, Popku becomes orange.
>Self tanner
Case closed.

>> No.6289883
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Yui1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOOPS. Sorry, I thought you were the "you have no idea what Texas' climate is like" anon. SORRY!

>> No.6290147


i actually would have held higher standards for them because they're sisters. they can practice together and they know each other's strengths and weaknesses. but considering that, i couldn't even finish this.

the vocals were just so bad... thank god game time had autotune because at least i could listen to them.

>> No.6290508

Man, I'm cuter than these girls and if I had money to buy all these kawaii outfits I would totally beat the shit out of them

>> No.6290752

The song's good! I was expecting worse because of Beckii's You Can't Kiss Me (I Can't Finish Listening To This) song. It's way better than that.

The PV is horrible. :(

>> No.6291367


>> No.6291370

Nope you can't kiss me was 10 times better then this shit.

>> No.6291533
File: 254 KB, 501x481, 1346183829124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh I feel like it's an excuse to show these girls,
I've been fallowing them for a while, if they would just change their overall look (not even trying to be a bitch, but they seem to never do their hair/makeup/and those outfits are pretty bad), they would be miles ahead in terms of actual "group" material. (something that Pinku and... whatever this is, is lacking.)

>> No.6291804

Wasn't there suppose to be a Dance PV up yesterday?

>> No.6295096

It was supposed to be up like 3 hours after the "first version" was posted but I have yet to see anything.

>> No.6295626 [DELETED] 

I started looking through their other videos and found out that they even had a CM for this song. Surprisingly, it's in better quality than the PV itself. But Jenny is still really hard to look at.

>> No.6297325

here's the dance version

>> No.6297560

This was marginally and I mean MARGINALLY better.

The absence of that horrible garbled colour filter makes a big difference but goddamn whoever is editing these needs to be put down. The transitions were awkward as hell, and the edited camera zooming was an eyesore.

If every one of these girls invested in a DSLR, wide angle lens and a tripod the quality would improve drastically. Get them all a white set background and congrats you have enough right there to create a high-quality easy to follow dance video without 999 ugly filters and constrast upped to hell in back.

I hope this isn't supposed to be the "Dance shot" because 50% of the video was still girls derping in front of the camera. While that isn't bad, it's still tough to watch when it cycles through them all so damn fast, in no particular order and with those nasty glaring glow filters and the ridiculous contrast.

>> No.6297595
File: 16 KB, 200x225, kperry jpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see.

>> No.6297608

Are you kidding? I live in Houston, and no one looks orange except those who have spray tanned, even during the summer.

>> No.6297626

They need to cut the girls who are clearly dead weight - there's some girls who clearly didn't put in that much effort into their segments (like orange girl),

Nyanko: Underused. She's really cute and has a natural connection with the camera.

Cherry: Terrible. She seems ungroomed compared to the others and her voice is not great. Drop.

Scarlett: I like her voice, and she's cute, but she needs better equipment (camera etc.) and some dance training.

Popku: DROP. Her segments were the most awkward to watch. If they really want to keep her they need to style her better + teach her some makeup skills + get her a better camera and lighting setup.

Jenny: I mean, she tries...but her look isn't working for me. You can be cute in a different way, like Hyoyeon from SNSD, but she just seems unpolished.

Twins: SUPER cute. Better hair needed, but they're really cute and have a natural chemistry.

Kelsey: Outclasses the rest. Needs dance and voice lessons but still better.

>> No.6297636

She's definitely not orange in person.

>> No.6297643

Oh GOSH. Nyanko. STOP BEING SO FUCKING PRECIOUS ♡ Also I love this version so much more. Yaaay!

>> No.6297656

Oh and Chii...ehhh. She's too posey, like she's running a set of predetermined poses through her head so she never looks genuine. Possibly drop.

>> No.6297673

..Holy shit. That Nyanko girl is fucking adorable.

>> No.6297682

I REALLY like her look. Unorthodox yet adorable???

>> No.6297683
File: 1.36 MB, 210x273, 1349249493749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanko - Damn.. you's a cutie pie.

Kelsey- Never really cared for her, she always has a poop face going on.

Ally & Sally - Weird.. but I like them.

Popku- Isn't this velveetah?
These probably the only girls I liked out of the whole video.

>> No.6297698

You liked Velveeta-chan??

>> No.6297773


Everyone keeps saying that the twins need haircuts. Personally, I don't think they look too bad. Maybe a bit bland, but not awful. What would you change?

>> No.6297800
File: 66 KB, 600x450, S0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bangs are too solid and thick, and hime cut doesn't work with their faces very well. The color makes it look especially harsh too.

Something soft, with more volume at the end and gentle waves in a soft brown color, would do them huge favors.

>> No.6297886

Yeah I like her somewhat, but in this video she just looks weird.
I've been following her channel since she first posted that Miku dance cover.

>> No.6297940

I follow their twitter and they said they just got haircuts. I forget which, but they got them cut in the styles of a couple of their favourite chika idols.

>> No.6297950

We keep talking about what girls we want to keep and what girls we'd take out but are there any girls out there (youtube dancers, kawaii idols etc) that you would rather put in?

I think some of the mini cherries are honestly more well suited to be in ichigo.

>> No.6298030

Well, maybe some suits more, but they need them in the future group too ! I saw an anon on their tumblr saying that 3 groups would be better for the cherries, and I agree with him. They are like 3 types of person in the cherries :

The more weird/darker :

- Yukina
- Sophia
- Sophie
- Tohru
- Shannie
- Nina

The softer :

- Mariko
- Hana
- Nico
- Chikage
- Abby

And the 3 weeabos/imouto :

- Abbie~kins
- Usagi
- Vicky

so, I hope this will be the futur division of the cherries.

>> No.6298145

popku is incredibly awkward, but her voice is one of the best in the group imo.
And none of the girls other than, I guess, kelsey have any "star quality"

>> No.6298256


dear lord I cringed when the people started staring at them

>> No.6298973

Who are they ?


I supported the Mini Cherry more than Ichigo gurlz. I think this division is great I can see the first group doing more strong and maybe a bit rockish song, the second group doing super soft song, a bit cutish, maybe a bit like Dango and the third one doing super bright and cheerful songs. I think because they fit more together than Ichigo, they will all have more chance to debut professionally.

>> No.6299287


I think that's the result of filter abuse.

>> No.6299294



>> No.6299310
File: 177 KB, 500x390, W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised Beckii and Kimonotime haven't teamed up and formed a duo like W.

>> No.6299621

Do you really think Kimototime and Beckii are cute enough to form a duo? Come on, plain faces are permissible only for groups.
Beckii ever been famous in Japan is a scam and hyperbole. Don't fall for that. No one cares about her in Japan anymore. They don't even remember her name.

>> No.6299642

Becki is extremely cute. Kimonotime, not so much. But she's an excellent dancer which makes up for her plainness.

>> No.6299789
File: 263 KB, 880x1232, honeymomoex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299878

You sound mighty pressed. Honestly not even pressed, you just sound jealous that you didn't receive the same opportunities as her.

They're both cute. If they weren't cute they wouldn't be popular, but they are. These days having 20,000+ subscribers is called popularity.

Japan doesn't need to remember her name. Her fans do and clearly people on cgl and other sites do. Why was Oishii Ichigo able to get off the ground in the first place? Partially because Beckii is involved.

>> No.6299902

last I checked, posters of her etc could still be find in them little idol shops. so yeah, sweetie they remember her name.

also as far as japan is concerned she is the one and only gaijin idol. most people are aware of her, even if her name escapes some of them.

>> No.6299933

Nah uh. Even the goods of obscure no-name idols are displayed for sale in those idol mania shops. It's no surprise that manias know her name.

>> No.6299961

I don't think shops that also cater to otaku white girl fetishes count. But in all honesty, they were probably trying to sell it off after someone dumbed it on them. Ask a regular Japanese person, even a wota, and they'll be like 'who?'

>> No.6299969


Beckii basically lived out the weeaboo dream. All sorts of people have fans, look at Romney, look at Dakota and Venus.

>> No.6300183

+1 for you anon i'd been searching to no avail.

>> No.6300342

Do anyone realise that Momo has a legit 5-head, kinda looks like an fetus.

Also, I lol'd when she basically called Yukapon dumbass for her brand. Spill that tea girl, I don't even like you that way, but I hope she starts something.

>> No.6300347

>i ‘m thinking of going back to milkchuu . this isn ‘t fun anymore ;;; n ;;; not bcos of the anons oh no . i just lost interest in showing my body??? i feel like ppl aren ‘t interested Σ(゚д゚lll) and ugH idk i feel like … weird and idk im sorry lol

Yes, normal people wouldn't be interested in the half-naked body of a 15-year old black girl.

>> No.6300356
File: 192 KB, 618x512, wowmomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This kid is literally so full of it I don't know how she breathes with her head so far up her ass.

>> No.6300429

>one and only gaijin idol

>leah dizon
>countless half-caste idols and celebrities

>> No.6300435

>implying that wasn't beckii typing

She's a frequent visitor, and some of the unique ways she says things publically happen to pop up here on anon, usually in negative ways, and usually only on O!P threads.

>> No.6300434
File: 90 KB, 850x478, sample_97afdd3680ef652a0935c1e183d6aa13530ce516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key point is that if the tumblr user is "moving accounts"but hasn't deleted the original url...they might be reblogging from the original url lol.
Kid logic but really, she should've thought it through.

>> No.6300469
File: 37 KB, 433x162, Screen shot 2012-10-10 at 8.17.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saw it there first, folks.

>> No.6300499


Beckii kinda clings onto what notoriety she had on the internet. Ask some people and they remember her as that weeaboo white girl who became an idol in Japan.

>> No.6300500

Can someone please tell her that her blog didn't get banned because people didn't like her but because SHE'S 15 AND SHE POSTED LUDE PHOTOS OF HERSELF WHICH WAS ALMOST CP.

Tumblr won't give a shit if no one likes you and yeah "my body my rules" blah blah all that shit but gurl, you ain't legal age so nope.

>> No.6300525

I THINK I found her via Naniko's FB url.


I could be wrong, still searching.

>> No.6300847
File: 377 KB, 661x1102, momosuicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honeymomo wants to committ suicide apparently

>> No.6301330

Wow it's like her mom fucking TOLD HER TO GROW UP and instead of doing it she's decided to be WEH MY PARENTS DON'T LOVE ME.

I feel bad for her I really do, but she needs to learn that there are better outlets than posing for pedos. If she stopped devoting so much of her time into her e-person and put some of it towards studying she'd not only have better grades but she'd have an easier time following her dreams towards artschool or studying in Japan.

jesus I wouldn't want to pay for my kids education either if they were blowing it with D's and F's.

>> No.6301369

I think also it's a PT situation where she won't accept responsibility yet like "just as planned" and her mom/dad is fed up with her shit. She did just go to Japan so they're probably super pissed about all that money wasted.

>> No.6301720


Like I mean from their perspective it must be terrible frustrating. They have at least (possibly more) 4 children: Angela(momo) and her 3 sisters -- two of whom are older than her and presumably either don't live at home or are students. I don't know what kind of jobs they might have but raising 4 children is expensive as hell no matter how much dosh you have at City Bank.

I mean she's said it many times, and even just by her age it's implied. Momo has never worked a day in her life. Maybe she does chores around her house or whatever, but at the end of the day she receives some sort of allowance and it all boils to down to the fact that Mommy & Daddy pay for her everything. From the food she eats, to the kawaii crap that fills up her room, to the outfits and clothes she poses nearly nude in. Her parents are the one's who foot the bill for her kawaii little lifestyle. She has the biggest free ride of them all. I wish my parents would pay for me have such a cute room AND for me to go to school AND to go Japan but fuck if they could ever afford that.

Her parents paid for her to go to FUCKING JAPAN. Can you not at least be grateful for that alone enough to spend a bit of your free time doing something for your parents who've provided for you? Like giving half a shit about school? Working towards being something in life besides and internet skank? I mean, like PT her parents have SOME fault for spoiling her and enabling her to get to the point where she expects handouts, but what parent doesn't make mistakes. This child is so un-grateful, wasteful and shameless it makes me wish someone would belt her ass.

Eventually her parents probably will kick her out and rightly so. Pretty much she'll need a harsh dose of reality before she gets her shit together and actually starts acting like the adult she pretends to be.

>> No.6303880

she's back: http://milkchuu.tumblr.com/

>> No.6303955


I would tell her that killing herself is a bright idea, with parents like that. What kind of a mother says those things to her child? We get it mom, she wasn't a planned pregnancy. But who's fault is that, hers? For being born? Seriously, her mom should kill herself. She's a cancer to humanity. Motherfucker.

>> No.6303972


how can I contact her?

>> No.6303999


I have to agree. If anyone reads Momo's twitter, she actually does admit that she herself is a failure. And actually recognises what one of the posters said.

I'm gonna be legit and say that while she is immature in some ways, she has a bit of self-awareness in others.

>> No.6305105


It's fancied up. She has a long way to go when it comes to vocal performance strength.

She competed in an Ani-Idol contest I was in before and she isn't very good live.

No idea about the other girls. I just happened to have been in a contest with her recently.

>> No.6306698

Did she place better than you?

>> No.6306851



Don't get me wrong. She really really nice in person though! Genuinely nice. But she she's young and I would wager still learning about her own voice. She could be really awesome, but she's just not quite there yet. I think she would rock if she tried voice lessons or something. Otherwise if she just sticks to this bubblegum jpop mess she won't vocally mature.

>> No.6306909

I'm sorry annon. I do also agree that she probably is still coming into her voice. And lessons would be great for her.

>> No.6307066


Scarlett and the twins are so fucking cute

>> No.6307099

Who the fuck is writing the Japanese on their website and youtube channel???
Seriously messing with about 3 grammar patterns per sentence.

Regardless, it looks really weeby having every single sentence in both Japanese and English.

>> No.6307118
File: 9 KB, 570x107, kokoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she stays the hell away from this, because fake speaking and singing in Korean is really much harder than it is than fake speaking weeby Japanese. Oh jesus christ, I can't wait to see where this goes.

>> No.6308249


I didn't have much contact with her one on one, but she really is polite and humble. She gets nervous live, but she's a sweet girl. I really hope to see her get past the Oshii thing and excell in the future.

>> No.6310691


>> No.6310891

I attended an Ani-idol competition with the twins, they really work hard and are dedicated to getting better! They've been in choir since grade school I believe and they do actually know something about vocal training. Technically speaking they're great but like other anon's have said, no real star quality. On the other hand, Kelsey I think is the exact opposite. She has a unique quality in her voice and you can hear the passion and drive but the technicality just isn't there.

I'm wondering, when the girl's were auditioning, were they required to sing AND dance? Or just one or the other? It seems like the skills are so uneven in the group.

>> No.6312878

When did momo call out/talk crap on yuka's brand?

>> No.6313853


On her twitter earlier this week: https://twitter.com/puppy_202
Basically she holds the same sentiments as majority of cgl, Yuka is a little white girl trying to sell her overpriced crap clothes.

>> No.6315134

Tweets are protected. Any screencaps?