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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6346180 No.6346180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you girls got any advice for depression?

>> No.6346184

Why would women know anything about depression?

Your life is on easy mode.

>> No.6346190



>> No.6346189
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>> No.6346193
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1. eat better
2. lift
3. cardio
4. read books

depression is not of magicks. it's chemical imbalance due to shit lifestyle infa 1488%

t. neuroscience

>> No.6346196

just try to find the good things, like hobbies, to occupy your time. if at all possible, go see someone or vent to a close friend you know that you can trust with your emotions.
there are a bunch of different support groups online to take a look at.
(also 'There She Is!!" is the cutest thing ever and I applaud OP for using it.)

>> No.6346197

go running

>> No.6346205

try to make yourself do productive things. it's hard when your depressed but it can help, even if it's something small.

>> No.6346211

Seriously, fuck off. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, doesn't matter how "easy mode" your life is; when you get depression, it's very difficult.

As for OP, do you see somebody every week to talk to, like a case worker or therapist? That would be a good start. Going to therapy one or even twice a week helps greatly. If you still have symptoms, you could go down the medication route, which I have a lot of experience with. But it would be good to find out if what type of depression you have depending on the severity of the symptoms. If you're having suicidal thoughts, you need immediate attention. If you have thought out a plan on how to kill yourself, you should turn yourself in to the nearest mental health clinic. You have options, it is not completely hopeless.

>> No.6346215


I didn't read the rest. I assume retard.

Op, listen to spurdo

>> No.6346219

Is depression a 1st world problem? I'm seriously thinking it is. Poor people are too busy trying find food so they won't starve for the night.

>> No.6346222

>Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain

Some depression.

Most of it is just "bawww my life sucks" and women can't have shitty lives so they aren't actually depressed nearly as often as women.

>> No.6346224

If it weren't for medication and therapy I'd be fucking dead right now. Of course working out and eating healthy can reduce depression, but even lifestyle changes may not be enough, especially if the person is suicidal. I'm just giving ideas that worked for me, doesn't mean I am a retard.

>> No.6346229

I love the packers.

>> No.6346226

Make new friends.

Talking to real people helps, always.

>>6346193 These are all lonely activities- you will not

>> No.6346230


>feel better

>> No.6346232

>implying half of /clg/ isn't men right now.

>> No.6346236
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>> No.6346233

Somewhat true. You can obviously get depressed anywhere but it's mainly due to a poor lifestyle. Most 1st worlders are just so pathetic and lived with blinders on.

All depression. "baww my life sucks" ----> chemical imbalance.

Lifestyle changes are literally always enough. Depression pills treat symptoms, not cause.

>> No.6346235

Essentially speaking? Yes, but because major depressive disorder can only be diagnosed in relation to a past event by definition.

People currently experiencing strife are considered to have acute stress disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder only after they are removed from the conflict and strife.

So basically, people in third world shitholes will never have depression because they're all busy having acute stress disorder.

>> No.6346237

I actually wondered about this. Does anyone have a study documenting cases of depression across countries or annual income or whatev?

Anyways, Ignore the sad troll in this thread. Go find a professional to talk to, OP. Find something to do. Don't sit around and mope in it,

>> No.6346240

>people who feel shit long after a stressor/trauma = depressed
>starving little afrikans are constantly having stressors

>> No.6346242
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here you go op :)

>> No.6346245

>go to McDonalds

>> No.6346250
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>> No.6346253


they don't call them happy meals for nothing!

>> No.6346257

Nice. Though, I usually just don't eat when I'm depressed.

>> No.6346256
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Before I get more angry. My best advice: Don't hide your depression in hopes of people not noticing and feeling strong. It'll just backfire and you'll breakdown in a ball of sadness and failure. Sometimes you got to surrender and accept that you feel like shit.

Sincerely, person with bipolar and a chronic physical illness

>> No.6346262

Should I just ended all and stop masterbating every day?

>> No.6346263

kill self

>> No.6346264


Stop thinking about the past, live in the present.

Be kind to others, and accept the kindness of others- both generosity and gratitude will make you feel warm.

The important thing is human interaction. You already sensed that this was true because you've come here just to talk... OP you cant rely on the internets for solace, you will an hero sooner or later.

Go to meet-ups, conventions, join a club or interest group or something with people who share common interests with you.

>> No.6346269
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Are they having a game soon? Maybe you should go and see them, make a new friend maybe.

>> No.6346271

op, kill self. no one loves you. niggers in africa are better than you. think about that.

>> No.6346306
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I genuinely feel for you, OP.

Typically I'm not one to recommend illegal substances, but if anything else, it can help tremendously if you have the right connections


>> No.6346344

Go and talk to someone aka vent! If you're in school/university/college, this is part of your tuition and they will be helpful! Find a new hobby that keeps your mind or body active. Look at a list of positive and negative coping strategies to see how you can improve and change how you deal with depression.

>> No.6346399

Keep yourself busy. I know its hard, but trust me, it helps. Perferably a get a productive hobby.

>> No.6347884

go outside and start an adventure, or you could just deal with it

>> No.6347947


I used to get severely depressed in high school and i was isolated completely so i know the feeling.
My mom used to drag me out the house for fresh air by going to the beach but it was always at night and cold so it never helped.
Once I started walking everywhere (mostly out of cheapness of not buying bus fare) I started to feel happier.
That didn't always work but, it would also help me go to sleep quicker so at least I could sleep the days away.
I got really good at reading harry potter size books in a day because I stopped school and the rest of my life for that matter.
The books helped me to still live and have a life without having to live my own life and the more I read and exercised the healthier I was able to stand on my own and the easier it was for me to "cure" myself.
I hope my advice helps you like it helped me, Good Luck!

>> No.6348036

But how do I get over my whole problem with being a burden or getting perceived as an attention whore?
Who is going to be able to do anything for me anyway, besides my therapist? If I tell my family and friends "lol I hate myself and want to die k wats for dinner" they'll only feel guilt, confusion, and frustrated because they don't know how to help.
Why should I put that load on them?

Also, in response to 'vent'. What the fuck am I supposed to say to anyone? I've had quite a few therapists in my time, but I never know what to say. It's not like I'm struggling over some particular event. I just feel like shit, like I'm not worth anything, and this world and life isn't worth working for. What am I supposed to work through?

>> No.6348044
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Get treated for it.

I struggled for depression and anxiety since I was in highschool (15 or so). I was socially isolated, and I used to time my arrival at school so I ould go straight to class without talking to anyone (since I didn't have anyone to talk to)
eating in bathroom
etc etc

College, my anxiety went through the ceiling, and finally at 20 I got put on celexa and it has really helped my anixety a lot and my depression a little.

honestly, when I get really bad I just watch TV for hours and try and sleep all day. avoid all social contact. try and forget i exist. Maybe not the best but *shrug*

good luck.

>> No.6348050

This. I hate to say "Get medicated" But it was literally the best thing I could have done for myself. I went to my doctor, after trying therapy for a few years, and recently got put on a medication that worked for me. It took me a few weeks to start feeling better, and I've had to get my dosage adjusted, but it's really made a change in my life.

Beyond that? Eat right, exercise and get enough sleep. Not sleeping enough can really mess with you, since my boyfriend started making me keep a sleep schedule it has really improved many aspects of my life.

But really? If it's debilitating I really recommend trying medication. It probably saved my life.
Good luck Anon. I wish you the best!

>> No.6348076

When i had a depression, i fell into crime and drugs. In the end i turned out okay, but it could´ve been worse.

How about going on adventure? Pack a backpack/suitcase and go hitchhiking/backpacking through the world?

>> No.6348085

Friends and family are there to help. They won't see you being open and honest as a burden. They want to see you better and see you happy. If you think being honest with them about your depression could help, then do it. Letting those close to you in on your situation is the best way to bring about understanding.

Also, do you gave any talents/skills? When I was severely depressed, I would play music. Grab my flute or whatever was handy and just play. If I couldn't play, I'd sing. Try and find a healthy way to vent your feelings. Using your emotions can lead to some amazing art and self discovery.

>> No.6348084
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Okay, therapists are trained and experienced in the "therapeutic communication" technique to get you talking? Also we don't know whether you're already diagnosed with any physical or mental disorders already. Talking with a professional might help you get treated. Maybe try group therapy if you haven't already... it lets you understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in feeling this way! ^_^

>this world and life isn't worth working for
they'll help you dig deeper into what's troubling you? Like how is your life shitty as hell and the underlying problems or contributing factors that make you feel that way.

tl;dr get treated, it takes like 1-3 weeks for the meds to take effect (learned it in class today) if you get them

>> No.6348091

How do you know you have depression?

>> No.6348152

>"therapeutic communication"
I guess I've just had some shitty ass therapists, then. I hate it when they stare at me with that look in their eyes just asking, "Why are you even in therapy?"
Or maybe I'm just misinterpreting them. But one of them did jokingly say once, "Haha, looks like you've got some good ideas and that you've got this all figured out! Why are you in therapy again, hahaha" Made me feel like shit.

> Like how is your life shitty as hell
It isn't. I'm blessed with a good home, good education, nice parents, amazing boyfriend, okay friends. I have a computer, space, independence, anything I could ever want. So I don't know what to say there.

>Friends and family are there to help. They won't see you being open and honest as a burden. They want to see you better and see you happy.
They'll be happy if they see me happy. How are they supposed to help? They'll only feel useless and I certainly know how terrible that is, and I don't want to put that feeling on them. People will only say I'm being a crybaby and am pathetic for not being able to take the steps I need to get better.

>Also, do you gave any talents/skills?
No. Not at all. Nothing.

>> No.6348183

please take this shit to /adv/ and go away.

>but I want to talk with girls! XD

I'm sorry but this is a cosplay board, not a women's self-help magazine. Please stop polluting this board with random shit.

>but I've seen other people do it! That means I can do it too!

No. Those idiots are part of the problem. As are you. Fuck off and die.

>> No.6348188

You may feel like a burden, but to your family, I assume they want you to be happy and if you tell them you need help they'll listen. I thought if I acted out my depression I'd be accused of being overly dramatic, but my family was glad I came out with my depression.

>> No.6348202


this, or opiates/amphetamines

>> No.6348231

Wow Anon, totally understand you. I have everything I need in life (except of money), but I still feel like shit every time I think about it. I've always envied people, never feel proud about myself.
I feel like a crybaby and a horrible human being because I know thousands of people would kill for a life like mine.

I really want to get into therapy, but my family can't afford it so I think I'll have to stick with self-help books

>> No.6348253

shit this bitch is me

good home, no debt, good job, good home life, nice things, no burdens or limitations for shit i want to do

but that feel of still feeling like a failure and having no motivation to do anything except sit around and feel sorry for myself

>> No.6348258

>this is a cosplay board

Lately it is not. Not at all. I'd like to know where the moderator disappeared to.

>> No.6348267

>rich white girl problems
Fuck off

>> No.6348393

I get seasonal depression, about this time of year it starts setting in until spring. I feel like shit. But I've also been really depressed in the past because of my living situation at the time. I saw a therapist during that point in my life, but TBH, it didn't really help me as much as taking time to sort through it myself.

What I find that helps me is:
- Get more physical activity. Full working out helps, but if you can't for whatever reason, do what you can to move around more. Weather permitting, go for a walk.
- Eat better. Feeling depressed wants to make you go towards comfort foods (sweets, fried greasy foods, salty snacks etc). Get more veggies. If you want some comfort food, treat yourself once in a blue moon to something REALLY good, but just don't sit there and eat crap constantly. Moderation is everything.
- Don't sit online all day staring at stuff. Pick up a book, get involved in some kind of craft, write stuff, draw, video games (like RPGs with interesting characters and stories) have helped me in the past, but it's important not to overdo it.
- Listen to some upbeat music.
- Wear brighter and happier colors, and try to surround yourself with objects or things that make you feel happier. I've got vintage ponies everywhere and it reminds me of a happier less stressful time. Plus they're really colorful and I find that helps me too.

>> No.6348414

Therapy. The best kind of therapy to deal with depression is cognitive behavioral therapy. Of course, other methods of therapy might work better for you.

Medication also helps. Anti-depressents gets your brain jumpstarted to get shit done cause when you're depressed, like.. legit depressed, you will not want to do anything that'll possibly better your life because you don't think anything will help.


A social worker with MDD.

>> No.6348466

diz nigga knows.

...but seriously, follow the exercising advice that has been mentioned multiple times-- you'll feel AMAZING, after you get in the routine of exercising. Also, don't dwell on sad shit, insecurities, envy & all that bad stuff depression damns on the minds of poor souls-- it gets you NOWHERE (you'll miss a bunch of stuff/experiences, in life, & will be regretting ill decisions when you get old) & is unhealthy for your brain. (Grey matter fuckin' corrodes the brain & shit, y0.) Also, find hobbies, like playing, listening to, &/or discovering new music; photography, fashion/cosplaying (you're on /cgl/, after all), you know, w/e interests you, mane.

>tl;dr~ listen to the advice everyone mentioned.

>> No.6348471

>therapists are trained and experienced in the "therapeutic communication" technique to get you talking

Mine aren't. Never been. I've been sent to therapists about 3 times and it always ends up in them staring at me for the whole time and then me not going back.

What do?