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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 640x960, 1351208652882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6351029 No.6351029 [Reply] [Original]

Say what you will bout J-Nigz, but shes heaps hotter then you hambeasts.

>> No.6351039
File: 250 KB, 897x506, noeyemakeuplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramabomb detonated.
Go to bed, Jessica.

>> No.6351046

Her skin is so bad. Isn't she only like 24?

>> No.6351052

>shit tier costume
>swiftly aging face due to heaps of make up and fake tan
"let me distract you from that with my exposed bra"

>> No.6351054

Yet another j-nig troll thread. This is tiring.
I say anyone who doesn't sage and keeps bumping shit like this is Jessica. Now bugger off.

>> No.6351082

she does look alittle tired

>> No.6351089

>tfw when my skin is all bumpy and porous like that and I'm only 19
What do?

>> No.6351118

has mega meth face

>> No.6351127

Would bang/10 as long as she kept that make-up on until I left

>> No.6351186

you are safe seems she has it on 24/7

>> No.6351205
File: 114 KB, 594x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No makeup lol"

>> No.6351248
File: 23 KB, 284x212, 3827364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she'll always just be another washed up bitch in a costume, like Yaya
Oh, you have no idea just how unrustled I am OP. It's like saying she's the queen of pigshit mountain. No1curr

>> No.6351267

>no makeup
>that expression
nice lashes
good job with the face so we can't see your lines

>> No.6351418

wow she looks really fucking good with brown hair

>> No.6351631

>dat clumped mascara
>dat ~*funny face*~ to distract from her plainness

I lol'ed. Why even bother trying to "prove" you don't care by clearly emphasizing you do?

>> No.6351647

how convenient it is that her no make-up pic is taken in low-res lol

>> No.6351948

Is she trying to do Mad Moxxi in the OP? She looks more like one of those slutty Mad Hatter Halloween college bitches. Not enough crazy, trying the same poses as every other costume. 1/10

>> No.6351974

>no makeup
>eyebrow whatever
>no makeup

why do people do this? like, it's not even a matter of "oh maybe she just has good skin" no one is born with the middle of their face highlighted and the corners and jaw bronzed. no one has black water lines, and eyelashes don't clump together naturally. no one is born with the same skin tone as the under eye as the rest of their face. no one is born with darker skin in the crease of their eyelids, or darker skin under their eyebrow hair.

like what the fuck Jessica. i usually stayed completely neutral when Jessica was a topic but this is just- no girl. just no. you are not fooling anyone.

>> No.6352006
File: 276 KB, 500x276, moxxi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually comment on these threads...but her wig is all wrong! It isn't styled at all and is driving me crazy... It's too long.

>> No.6352019

you speak as though JNig ever styles a wig. I'm just shocked she has a wig instead of using her real hair.

>> No.6352023

She's been using wigs more often. She bought one at our booth(Epic Cosplay) and ordered more.

I don't actually know if the one she used in her Mad Moxxi is from us or not since she doesn't say anywhere where the wig is from.

>> No.6352048

I know she's ordered at least one from Arda, so it might be one of theirs? I just haven't really seen her wear many wigs.

>> No.6352057

Her Yoko made me want to cry.

>> No.6352055

Could be. Could even be from coscom. Who knows where she gets some of her wigs from. At least she's using more wigs instead of going the route of her Yoko.

>> No.6352222

So how long before she tries modeling for wig stores? I'm sure she'd get free wigs for name dropping stores and they'd get great advertising.

>> No.6352257

>heaps hotter then you hambeasts
3/10 for that alliteration but no she really isn't

>> No.6352258


>> No.6352265
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 1351072136164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6352266

bodywise she is

>> No.6352269
File: 82 KB, 600x750, 1350287768341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a Jnig thread without bald.

>> No.6352306

let me direct you to >>6352269

>> No.6352320

we have this same thread every day

>> No.6352597


Something about this pic bothers me. I think the forehead and hairline might be shooped.

>> No.6352600

It's not. It was taken directly from her private photobucket. There are other candid unshopped pics of her showing the same hairline.

Kudos to her for being really good at hiding it tho.

>> No.6352608


Oh. Whoa O_O

Well, kudos indeed. Never would have guessed.

>> No.6352618

I don't care if she's more attractive than me. That costume is inaccurate as fuck and it makes me mad. There's no reason to slut up Moxxi more than she is.

>> No.6353115

Damn. Wonder if she wears extensions in her hair when she takes photos for costumes to make it look more full? Or maybe hair loss is why she's using wigs more often.

>> No.6353160

So many jealous whales on this board. 4 serious.

>> No.6354351

more plz

>> No.6355753

so inaccurate, so angry, so dead

>> No.6355769

I always wonder where these people take the time and money from to make so many cosplays in such a short amount of time. And it looks well crafted too.

Does she hire someone to make her cosplays or did she build a secret closet of cosplays for years? Every time I see her on here she has a different outfit.

>> No.6355884

I didn't have a problem with her for a long time, and I sort of still don't.
But I have such a problem with the fact that its like "Oh shit a character with boobs? Let me cosplay them but turn up the boobage ten fold"

>> No.6355929


Gets her friends to do most of the work, takes most of the credit.

Plus she doesn't do anything but this. Being a boothbabe/'famous' cosplayer is her job

>> No.6355945

Is this her here? I never thought she was good-looking at all but when she creates curves and doesn't look tanned to high heaven she looks really pretty.

>> No.6355965

dat body is pretty rocking either way

>> No.6355989 [DELETED] 

I see way better bodies than hers at the gym every day. Since she's involved in a small niche hobby that is full of mostly fat people and average people that don't exercise she stands out. If she tried to compete in swimsuit competitions (think Hawaiian Tropic etc) she's fail miserably. Have any of you ever been to Vegas and sat next to the pool at the Palms? Yeah. Her body wouldn't get the slightest bit of attention there because most of them are more fit and have fake tits. She looks like any average university girl or chick you'd see at a club on Saturday night in any normal city. Cosplay sure is a small pond for this to be your biggest fish.
- /fit/

>> No.6355991

I see way better bodies than hers at the gym every day. Since she's involved in a small niche hobby that is full of mostly fat people and average people that don't exercise she stands out. If she tried to compete in swimsuit competitions (think Hawaiian Tropic etc) she'd fail miserably. Have any of you ever been to Vegas and sat next to the pool at the Palms? Yeah. Her body wouldn't get the slightest bit of attention there because most of them are more fit and have fake tits. She looks like any average university girl or chick you'd see at a club on Saturday night in any normal city. Cosplay sure is a small pond for this to be your biggest fish.
- /fit/

>> No.6356014

If she looks older without makeup, I think the same could be said of many other people. Just don't go off about her superior she is when she has to do the same thing many other girls do already. She's got a great body, no question there. It feels like she's just pandering for attention only, not like she actually likes any characters. She couldn't even answer which female super hero she likes without going with a BS answers like "Oh, there's just so many of them! I like the ones with boobs, I like boobs." The pandering is so evident it hurts.

>> No.6356017

One of my friends said it hurt so much to watch her in an interview about Elsword (I think at this year's AX) because she didn't actually know shit about it and was only cosplaying as Rena to promote the game. Everyone always raves about she's such a geek and loves the games she cosplays but I never see it. Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

>> No.6356045
File: 36 KB, 600x401, 1319165866588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. It's so disappointing when someone cosplays something you like, makes it a sexy Halloween costume, gets details inaccurate and doesn't even care for the franchise. Whatever.

>> No.6356667


This video at SDCC? www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIjyKmmvC9k&t

>> No.6356954

I don't think it's hair loss, I think it's just a really far back hairline. I see people like that occasionally, with a weird hairline and a jutting forehead. it's an unfortunate combo

>> No.6356955

and it hurts so so so so much more when they get popular for doing it. I heard one a guy say "Jessica Nigri is best cosplayer. she's the only one doing it right. everyone else go home-except cutiepie asians maybe"

>> No.6356984

I think Jnig is always either overrated by her fanboys and underrated by her detractors. She`s not the hottest cosplayer, but she`s definitely up there. She`s probably, like, 7th hottest on my list of hot cosplayers.

>> No.6357001

I agree entirely. She IS pretty and cosplays well (well, I like half of her costumes), but she's definitely not the best.

That being said, I think she could be a great Moxxi if she put more effort into it.

>> No.6357017

This. Her body is like a 7/10.

I had no idea who Jessica was until I migrated over from /fit/ and /r9k/ after the /cgl/ threads there. I have a hard time understanding how she got popular. She's not bad but not good either. I see better costumes at Halloween contests and her face is also really unattractive.

>> No.6357027

I should also add that most of the female /cgl/ trips are substantially hotter than she is.
>inb4 I get accused of trying to hook up with you attention starved crazies ;)

>> No.6359565

I'm going to have to agree with this.

>> No.6359571

she got popular because she's worked really hard marketing herself. yeah of course we have tripfags that are hotter than her but they don't promote themselves aside from occasionally trolling other 4chan boards.

>> No.6359587

Looks like it's time for me to fap

>> No.6359596

I'll say it again. She has a better body and I would be jealous but y'know. what is the fucking point. I'm not a hambeast, but I also have literally no tits. I could get implants if I really wanted but I'm not 14 and I don't really care anymore.

Give me my fresh faced youth any day.

>trolled ect

>> No.6359598


Be proud of being soperflat

>> No.6359623

i would be depressed if i had j-nigs body. her boobs are amazing, her abs are amazing, her legs are amazing- but she has such little waist definition. i would choose a defined waist over big tits any day.

i don't think she's as ugly as most people here do, though. like i think her face is quite nice, just a little bit of excess aging from tanning. and i obviously love dark makeup so... i like raccoon eyes.