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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 752 KB, 1581x2380, smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6431636 No.6431636 [Reply] [Original]

Actual good gender-bent cosplays please?

>> No.6431645

Getting tired of seeing the droves of "sexy" male characters. Too many attention whore women trying to ruin cosplay the same way they ruined Halloween.

>> No.6431658


>> No.6431675


Cosplay used to be about showing your love and fandom for a character. Now its just Halloween 2.0.

Women ruin everything.

>> No.6431699

Considering that Kratos is a shirtless dude in a skirt, she's doing a bang-up job of being more clothed than he was in the game. Over-sexualized rule63 cosplays are annoying, yes, but they'll occasionally look alright.

>> No.6431709

If this was over sexualized her tits and ass would be everywhere.

>> No.6431719

It takes two to attention whore.

Women wouldn't have gotten to this ridiculous level if it weren't for men who are too weak to keep their dicks in check.

If anything the constant praise slutty costumes get just shows how weak men are.

>> No.6431738
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>> No.6431750
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superior female Kratos is superior

>> No.6431753
File: 24 KB, 300x425, Kratos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears more clothes then the original character design

>> No.6431756
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>> No.6431760

if they don't have the muscles for it they shouldn't cosplay it

>> No.6431759
File: 135 KB, 535x900, lady_two_face_1_by_virtualgirl6654-d41wbi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this not showing love and fandom of the character? this chick is wearing more clothes than the character she's portraying. It's like it's JNig's Joker cosplay or any of that shit.

<----- It's possible to do a gender-bent cosplay without ruining it.

>> No.6431762

oops, didn't mean to reply to someone.

Also, I meant that towards both genders of course.

>> No.6431763
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>> No.6431765
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Has anybody EVER really had the muscles for female video game fighters?

>> No.6431769


whats more, these characters also tend to have big tits, and if you have muscles you lose tits
so you cant win

>> No.6431774

Most body builders get implants

>> No.6431783
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>> No.6431800

if this was the case, we'd have very few cosplayers out there. Picky as shit, dude

>> No.6431807


Meet a Chun-Li who can kick your ass.

I think she also holds the world record for most consecutive kicks within a certain time frame

>> No.6431818


That's pretty amazing, but it's still not accurate, Chun Li's thighs are grossly disproportinate.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing, just that women shouldn't be lambasted for not being 100% physically accurate when it comes to female fighting game characters.
It's either extreme boob or extreme muscle, you can't have both unfortunately.

>> No.6431826
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>> No.6431835

>Cosplay used to be about showing your love and fandom for a character. Now its just Halloween 2.0.

Perfectly said.

That's what all the "fun"-fags and "liked the design" turds who don't know the material they're cosplaying have turned cosplay into.

>> No.6431860

It's time to stop taking things so seriously. It happens when things get popular. No need to worry about it.

>> No.6431875

Yes, there is need to worry about it. It used to be a nice hobby, but the moment casualfags like you become fully accepted, the people who actually cosplayed because they wanted to express their liking of the source material will be looked at as weirdos by the majority of loser normalfags who couldn't get enough attention being themselves, so they had to wear costumes instead to get some.

>> No.6431893

Cry more.

>> No.6431894


Here's what I'm seeing here:

--cosplaying is about portraying a character accurately while also showing your fandom, correct? Then the only people who should cosplay, by your standards, are hot girls with perfect bodies who also are gamers.
-- so that means no fatties, uglies, and now no hot girls, because YOU think if they're hot, they obviously don't play the game.

So only about .001% of cosplayers should actually be cosplayers, by your standards.

Who knew a fuckin' hobby could be so catty.

>> No.6431909
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>> No.6431911
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>> No.6431920
File: 121 KB, 960x720, 385600_203258139794833_101686536618661_14135730_140302921_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6431923
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>> No.6431929
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>> No.6431934
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>> No.6431935

Welcome to /cgl/

>> No.6431941


>> No.6431942

just stick to the cosplay threads in /co/ when they pop up. almost no hate in those except for a snide remark/joke here and there. i think there's one still up right now.

>> No.6431943

who dat?!

>> No.6431946
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>> No.6431947
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>> No.6431951
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>> No.6431954

wow. That's actually pretty much awesome

>> No.6431958
File: 80 KB, 500x475, shitting tit fucklets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-genderbent Sonichu

2/10, did you even try to make it accurate, you fucking casual slut austism cannon?

>> No.6431968

Like I said before. Those normalfags got attention from the "real nerds" like you hence why they got so popular.

Face it, you guys just got played by us normal looking folks who look good.

Now who looks pathetic?

>> No.6431982
File: 214 KB, 2000x1244, vogue_toad_by_eatsleepbroadway-d4zwklo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6431991
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>> No.6431992

you guys
seeing how the only things you can actually cosplay are the homosuck easy shit

>> No.6432013

>Like I said before. Those normalfags got attention from the "real nerds" like you hence why they got so popular.

Except I'm not a "real nerd" you dumbfuck. Just because I cosplay from things I like doesn't mean that I'm some greasy neckbeard.

You only proved *my* point, where I said that good cosplayers will be treated as weirdos by casualfags/you.

>> No.6432023

>So only about .001% of cosplayers should actually be cosplayers, by your standards.
That would be perfect actually.

Who cares if that means less conventions and less people? If you cosplay to socialize, you're a loser normalfag, since you're using it to compensate for your lack of social life, or a lack of attention that you strongly desire in your attention whory life.

>> No.6432028

ITT: babbies

>> No.6432044

>baww you don't agree with me you babby bawww

>> No.6432047

keep gabbin ur goob kiddo me n me m8s will fukken rek u.

>> No.6432050

Sup Todd

>> No.6432053

Isn't everyone going to a convention a loser normalfag?

Real anime fans just stay home and watch anime

>> No.6432061

>anyone using the words "real fan" ever

How did we get so pathetic?

>> No.6432072

everyone watch the fuck out we got an elitist over here

>> No.6432117

No, just because you're ugly and I'm not does not make me an elitist. Just a person who likes her hobby.

>> No.6432151

Go suck a dick whore.

>> No.6432153

>genderbent kratos
>not the chick from heavenly sword

do women even vidya?

>> No.6432156


>> No.6432179


>Toad's tits
>Mario's tits

What's going on here?

>> No.6432193
File: 198 KB, 900x1358, goddess_of_thunder_by_multim_in_parvo-d5d4ly3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not posting the superior Thor who could legitimately fuck shit up

Lily may be chunky but she's an oly weightlifter. Bitch is strong.

>> No.6432212


>> No.6432244


>> No.6432299
File: 26 KB, 246x400, She-Hulk Cosplay Flex Pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She-Hulk counts since she's technically the female version of her cousin, right?

>> No.6432301
File: 66 KB, 540x720, 1322906514726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432305

Why hasn't anyone pointed out this isn't a genderbent Loki?

>> No.6432307

I accept it. I like it. What started out as a simple concept drawing on tumblr transpired into a pretty good cosplay.

>> No.6432313


Fucking what

>> No.6432314

I really can't stand her boobages in this outfit. It looks uncomfortable, and just.... Odd.

10 lbs packed in to a 5 lb bag doesn't look good.

>> No.6432312

it's not a concept you tard, Loki canonically is female for a while and this is a canon outfit.

>> No.6432315
File: 134 KB, 220x378, tumblr_m4r3i7Ox411r4edj9o2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female Loki
>concept drawing on tumblr

Loki actually turned female in the comics at one point. That is what the cosplay is based on, not Tumblr genderbent bullshit...

>> No.6432320

I didn't know that! Cool!
I love it!

>> No.6432323

You are the cancer.

>> No.6432328
File: 740 KB, 320x240, 1344238392575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Tony Harris hates people like you.

>> No.6432367

I thought his name was Tony Stark.

>> No.6432374

Ah well; I don't think i'm cancer I'm just learning still.
I only see Loki x Thor stuff posted everywhere, don't see a lot about his stuff in the comic books so I'm really ignorant when it comes to his lore and stuff, I should read more but he's not really a favorite of mine.

>> No.6432375

Who gives a fuck what Tony Harris thinks? He's a slice of dickcheese. He probably hasn't been touched by a woman in years, which is probably why he's so angry at seeing the flesh of a woman he's not entitled to.

>> No.6432383

Can't tell if troll or lost tumblrfag.

>> No.6432396

Loki possessed the body of Sif, Thor's girlfriend or whatever the hell they call it in Asgard. They finally undid his switcharoo and Sif is back to being /h/ material instead of /d/.

>> No.6432403
File: 55 KB, 550x367, Star Wars Girls_-40-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432518 [DELETED] 

Stop being hurtbutt because he called out fake "girl nerds". He does have a point.

Now Loki is in the form of a little French boy who is joining Young Avengers if I recall correctly.

There's way too much to keep up with comics, but basics and knowing what's from the comic and all is kinda nice to know. Like which characters exist or their back story.

Here, have some female Cyclops, Elmer Frost, and female Gambit.

>> No.6432524
File: 311 KB, 1280x960, 63-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did have a point. Stop denying with hurtbutt.

Now Loki is in the form of a little French boy who is joining Young Avengers if I recall correctly.

There's way too much to keep up with comics, but basics and knowing what's from the comic and all is kinda nice to know. Like which characters exist or their back story and not some bullshit AvengAIDs moviefag's bad fanfic fantasy.

Here, have some female Cyclops, Elmer Frost, and female Gambit.

>> No.6432527
File: 243 KB, 900x540, 8267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an effective rebuttal.
I'm not on her side either, but still. That isn't a way to win an argument.
Can we get back to genderbent cosplays now?

>> No.6432655

So many angry weird boners.

>> No.6432672
File: 690 KB, 1333x2000, e2d7273e7c2190be92eb1aa7cf195442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forever my favorite fem-soldier

don't even care that its revealing

>> No.6433055
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>> No.6433063
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>> No.6433065
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Sachie is my waifu~

>> No.6433131


If only Blu didn't have a croptop

>> No.6433136

Whats wrong with those abs

>> No.6433141

pin up version based on popular fan art =/= fem!soldier

>> No.6433176
File: 67 KB, 638x960, 563857_327925893938328_1708930552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433230

fuck, this is actually one of the BEST rule 63 TF2 cosplay

>> No.6433389

>dat femgambit

>> No.6433406


Impressive as fuck.

But capoeira isn't a martial art. It's a dance. Thumb rule is that the less showy a martial art is, the more effective it is. For reference see Gina Carano who ACTUALLY can kick everybody's ass.

>> No.6433410

that was about as capoeira as chun li is brazilian.

>> No.6433454

Fugly landwhale, going to the gym and doing Olympic lifts doesn't make you an Olympic weight lifter

>> No.6433476

Two things,

that was NOT capoeira.

Second, its not about being practical, it's about moving like the original.

From here website
>GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER – Most amount of kicks in 1 minute

Shiiit, she IS Chun-Li

>> No.6433520

Either those mammaries are too big or that face is too small, otherwise quite impressive.

>> No.6433792

Say what you will about that Toad, but those titties are just asking to be fucked.

>> No.6433813
File: 393 KB, 625x938, TF2 MEDIC GENDERBEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another tf2 genderbend

>> No.6433814
File: 165 KB, 1024x682, Genderbent Justice League.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some superheros

>> No.6433815
File: 420 KB, 873x1164, mami genderbend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand a mami

>> No.6433818
File: 111 KB, 465x700, Japan Genderbend Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433821

to be honest i think there's plenty of non-slutty genderbend cosplay's out there, it's just no one saves/takes pictures of them

so there's that

>> No.6433854

I've never seen a man dress as Tank Girl before. Now I can sleep.

>> No.6433866

that group is perfect! Nothing "sexified" and guys participating, too!
I especially love Aquaman

>> No.6433876

what is this ugly chick suppose to be??

>> No.6433936

Weapon XI
"Wade Wilson" from Origins Wolverine, not the comics.

>> No.6433941
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I really like this Kratos, it's pretty much just normal Kratos with a modesty bandage.

>> No.6433991
File: 82 KB, 682x1024, left_4_dead_group_05_by_cabooseblue-d59ehdk(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-posting my genderbent Zoey. Not amazing but I don't think it's terrible.