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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 280x373, GLORIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6469170 No.6469170 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6469175

AP does Divine Cross? The fuck?

>> No.6469177


>> No.6469193

WHOAH AP. Surpises!

>> No.6469208

Whoawhoa. Do want.

>> No.6469230

Moitie is releasing sugar candyland soon too

>> No.6469235
File: 96 KB, 478x640, fullofit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally have a distaste for religious iconography on clothing, but I'm such a sucker for black and gold.

I've never felt more torn in my life...

>> No.6469238

What is the name of this?

>> No.6469247




>> No.6469250


I think it's just called Gloria, does anyone know when it'll be stocked?

>> No.6469261

Thank you for the link.

>> No.6469266
File: 487 KB, 500x270, blinkblink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so beautiful. Ffffff~ Holiday time has screwed me.

>> No.6469267

So judging from google translate, the posted version has a ruffled back.

>> No.6469273
File: 40 KB, 740x418, 388596_203183506431960_1369099942_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me right now

>> No.6469292

wallet and anus prepared

>> No.6469303

It'll probably be this coming Saturday.

>> No.6469355 [DELETED] 

HNNNGGG will most likely have all the money when it comes out on the U.S. site

>> No.6469390

lookin pretty moitie there, ap

>> No.6469573
File: 496 KB, 296x160, 1352092795743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UGH I can feel my money already leaving my wallet.

>> No.6469594

All of my want!

>> No.6469608

whoa! like....whoa
sweet is dead?? or fading at least???
happy day!

>> No.6469679

one print and sweet is dead? really?

>> No.6469680

Pretty sure AP has always done a variety of styles, everyone just wants to LABEL it as sweet.

>> No.6469709

Does anyone know of a good shopping service to reserve this? I know there are a lot of shopping services, but I'm not sure how good they are in snagging something like this..

>> No.6469719

Most of any good ones are probably already full. Since this print looks to be popular, AP may limit the number of pieces that can be bought per-person.

>> No.6469724

Goddamn AP,I used to hate you,but this dress..hnnng

>> No.6469727

Why does it have to be a religious print?
My jew parents would stone me for this shit.

>> No.6469734

Oh, fuck, I don't even do loli regularly, and I want this like burning.

>> No.6469737

That dress would be fantastic if it didn't have religious print on it. Now it's kinda... meh. Would not buy. The cross ruins it, basically.

>> No.6469745

Thanks for being absolutely useless.

>> No.6469755


I love it except for the fabric. For some explainable reason I despise the heavy velvet-looking fabric that is used to make some dresses.

>> No.6469901

AP just stahp
I don't think my bank account will be able to take it

>> No.6469906

Does anyone know if the JSKs for Gloria have any shirring? I'm assuming the one with the tie in the front has it in the bust but I'm more concerned about the other one.

> relevant captcha Decisions olawspo

>> No.6469925

>tfw $1200 Christmas budget.

>> No.6469928


>> No.6470082

I like it. It can be worn for Christmas AND Easter.

>> No.6470111

FUCKING HELL. I almost spit out my beverage

>> No.6470116

Oh come the fuck on AP, please put up better information on the colorways soon!

As much as I like it, I have Twinkle Carnival in gold/black so I don't think I'll be buying this dress unless another colorway blows me away.

>> No.6470134
File: 7 KB, 251x201, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6470166

Any clue when this will be available? Is it going up for reserve first or...? Not sure how AP works, never bought much/paid attention to them. sorry!

>> No.6470175

Comes in pink, wine, ivory, black

>> No.6470194

Hey, she wasn't useless. She did a great job at killing everyone's expectations and hopes.

>> No.6470191

It's most likely going to be on reserve. According to the AP site, it seems it'll be in stock sometimes early 12 (December?). I take it we'll see a sample schedule soon.

>> No.6470209

>no forest green
Nothing to see here guys. I'll bbl, crying my eyes out.

>> No.6470243

Link to this info?
Sauce plz

>> No.6470278

I am so insanely angry.
I went to Tokyo with all of my monies, and couldn't find brand to make my heart go doki doki enough in any of the shops to part with my cash.
I come home, I've spent all my money on maid cafes and Bodyline instead, and now this. Thanks AP.

>> No.6470340

Is there any way to know when it is coming for sure?

Also, tips on attending a release at an AP store in Japan for the first time? Should one get there super early and if so what time? Thanks!

>> No.6470386

Jokes on her, I found a shopping service and I was the first to ask for the color I wanted, so she can shove a stick up her ass.

>> No.6470384

I knew that but I just can't ever decide on colorways without seeing bigger pictures with closeups and such.

If the ivory version had black print...hnnngg

>> No.6470577

AP pretty much stopped reserves. Expectations are that it'll be released this Friday.

>> No.6470614


>> No.6470629

What are the sources for the expectation? I wish AP would just confirm a date.

>> No.6470650

I haven't gotten any requests yet, but then again I don't advertise.

>> No.6470663

I might be interested, post your SS page. Do you want the money up front, or only if you get it?

>> No.6470697

fb /groups/354810557946696/
Only if I get it. I expect the money within 24 hours if I do. Deposits are nonrefundable.

>> No.6470725

>"I don't advertise."
>links to business a post later

ic what u did there

>> No.6470758

Haha that I meant was that I don't post on comm sales or anything every time a new print is about to come out, saying I'm taking orders for it.

>> No.6470761

So wait... if you don't get the dress, your customer doesn't get the deposit back?

>> No.6470770

I'm assuming this too, because that seems kind of fucked. Even just a $10 fee to search for the item maybe if you're going out of your way to do so, but shit...

>> No.6470786

It's a new thing I decided to start for AP release days only. If you want to be guaranteed a dress then you've got to camp out in front of the store from early in the morning until the store opens, then wait in line for a few more hours. I only had completely full slots when Milky Planet was released, and for the past year or so I've only gotten one or two orders, if any at all, since there's a larger pool of SSes to choose from now. If I had a full order I wouldn't keep the full amount from everyone.

Basically, whether I got the dress or not, it was an attempt that cost me half of my day.

>> No.6470813


mfw nobody notices this is lacetreasures and that vendettafag hasn't come back

>> No.6470826

have you seen AP's latest releases?
>cinema doll
>misty sky in two dark colorways, plus the odd light indigo (pink was the worst seller)
>toy march all in deep colors
>sweet cream house with dat otome vibe with the browns and creams
>Gloria, not sweet at all

>> No.6470834

they were shitting up the scammer thread before it got deleted. Don't ruin this thread too.

>> No.6470852

oh no, it's not me. I'm just pointing it out because I'm surprised she's so obviously posting in a thread and nobody came to talk shit to her

>> No.6470906

You forgot marshmallow bunny!
It's not surprising that they released misty sky with dark colorways either

>> No.6470927

I think this person is talking about sweet being dead, not new releases. Marshmallow Bunny is a very sweet print.

>> No.6470928

I also think Cinema Doll is very sweet, just not typically sweet.

>> No.6470962

lol wtf, srly this makes me think of a conspiracy theory.

Did AP hire the former moitie print designer or what.

>> No.6471029

That's because there's one person who dislikes her and no one else currr

>> No.6471037

And how much of the deposit do you keep?

>> No.6471040

of a* deposit
I'm basically wondering how much you take as non-refundable, because my thought is, what is there to stop you from not even trying to get the dresses when you're going to make some money off every customer anyway?
cynical question, probably, but I have to ask.

>> No.6471103

It depends on the case. My fees are already pretty low, and I basically want to be compensated for my time because it seriously requires at least 6 hours of my day, often more. I might do it like, 500-1000 yen or something like that, depending on how many orders I've taken. I hardly ever end up not being able to get things though. Please note that this only applies to people whose entire order I end up not being able to get. I'm still hammering out the details but like I said, I've rarely ended up not able to buy things for people.

If anyone has suggestions pertaining to this I'd love to hear your input.

>> No.6471185

I've requested to join the group, I would really be interested in your SS for this.

>> No.6471287

>Bodyline instead

>> No.6471334

Do you guys thing the Angelic Pretty USA site will get these?

>> No.6471339

* think.
Or will I have a better chance using a shopping service?

>> No.6471350

They will, but later and in much more limited stock.

>> No.6471426

Isn't this the girl who people say lies about being sick to go party?

>> No.6471432

Welcome back vendetta-chan

>> No.6471449

>implying you've never done that

>> No.6471495

see >>6470813

>> No.6471665

HOLY SHIT! I hope they make one with full back shirring!!!

>> No.6471742

So is this the first Angel print Angelic Pretty has put out?

>> No.6471787

Don't use her service. She is a rip off and a rotten cunt to boot!

>> No.6471792

ah there you are, vendetta chan. Took you long enough. I'm really interested to hear why she's a ripoff, in your opinion

>> No.6471795

Don't you remember when she bought Midsummer snd sold it for a ridiculous price?

>> No.6471901

AP isn't the only sweet lolita brand around, and people still wear, Idon't see how sweet is dying of anything. It's just as popular as ever.

>> No.6471925

No. One. CARES.

>> No.6471940

Does anyone think this will be available on the International site as well?

>> No.6471943

Ugh, I'm just hoping I find an in store SS, a couple comments say it will be out this weekend.

>> No.6471946

I'd also like to know the sizing on these! I need to know which one has half shirring/corset lacing (I'm assuming the posted version? although I wonder if the back frill will be too frou frou for me...)

>> No.6471957


>Thought I would thrown in my two cents since I am getting a lot of requests for shopping services on this series very suddenly. Lots of people are wanting to know the shirring situation on the JSKs. The shoulder frill JSK has partial shirring in the back, bust 90-106cm, waist 70-86cm. The back frill JSK is a little trickier because it`s not well shown even in the sample pictures. The front has that lace up part, which means their *might* be shirring in the front of the dress with a faster/zipper or solid back. But I don`t know for sure. It has some shirring though, as the bust has a range. The bust is 88-95cm and the waist is 70.5 cm.

There is one more color not show, it will also come in pink with gold print.

There is a headbow with a cute little feather attached, dangling off one corner of the bow and tights as well. The headbow comes in all colors, but the tights only in black and ivory.

There is also a pair of feather earrings planned to be released, but the price has not been set yet, so I am not sure how soon they will actually come out.

From the egl post, chibi_tenshi

>> No.6471975


> bust 90-106cm, waist 70-86cm
> bust is 88-95cm and the waist is 70.5 cm.

...why so huge, AP?

>> No.6471979

I thought the exact same thing. I have a skirt that is 66cm waist... whatever happened, AP?

>> No.6471990


what with Twinkle Witch I thought things were getting smaller, not bigger...
make up your mind AP!

>> No.6471989

I'm fine with the bust, wish the waist was smaller (on the first jsk)

>> No.6472006

Oh thank you! Haven't really checked egl as of late.

I agree... These might be too big for me and that makes me really upset. Maybe because its a velvet/winter dress?? Don't really know how much ill be stuffing underneath the JSK

>> No.6472046

>bust 90-106cm
>has 86cm bust

Fucking. Ugh. I hope that's just the measurements on one dress, and they release Medium and Large sizes like they did with Cinema Doll.

>> No.6472055
File: 65 KB, 280x373, bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the exception of Gloria, the recent prints you listed are all sweet. Yes, they come in black, indigo and other dark colours but look at the designs and cuts. No doubt they AP have had some more "casual-looking" inspirations lately, but you only you look at the styling of the images they continue to publish in the magazines (particularly over the past 2 years) to see that they don't want to leave sweet - they just want to do something different with it, which I think they've succeeded in, IMO.

Pic kind of related. It's versatile enough to be sweet, casual and even classic.

>> No.6472062

Hate to be a killjoy here but it seems unlikely, particularly for pieces with shirring. The L-sized items that AP have released so far all do not have shirring: Cinema Doll OP, Royal Chocolate JSK and Royal Chocolate Skirt. I hope I'm wrong though!

I know Baby pulls similar shit and occasionally releases items with larger-than-usual minimum measurements.

>> No.6472067

Kind of. It just really surprises me, because I'm not really skinny. I feel like I'm normal. I live in Japan and I'm probably larger overall than many girls here. But I still only have a 89cm bust and 64cm waist.So they must really be catering to larger Japanese girls, as those are L+ sizes here.

>> No.6472071

AP staff said that L size will only come in OPs and skirts, never jsks.

>> No.6472075

In Japan, lolita is for fatties. Gyaru is for skinny chicks. That's why it amuses me when people baww about being too fat for lolita and how it's "only for skinny people"

>> No.6472161

that dress...want!

>> No.6472296

And that's why Royal Chocolate came out with M's and L's?

>> No.6472320

So wait, AP is finally putting out some bigger sizes on their jsks so fatties won't have an excuse for replicas, and people are seriously bitching about that? Skirts and OPs are still small, what's your bitch? At least you have more than one option to fit in things, welcome to the world of fat people problems.

>> No.6472342

Lose weight then, bitch. AP generally has smaller measurements than the ones listed for Gloria, so why else wouldn't we expect their usual sizes?

Oh and replicas will be made regardless of how big or small they are because people don't want to spend big bucks on dresses.

>> No.6472358


>> No.6472359

Holy fuck why are you so mad. I'm not even a landwhale and I agree with the other anon, it's really not something worth bitching about.

>> No.6472370

>fat girl problems
>this is why I buy replicas

So a fatties entitlement to brand accommodation is more acceptable than a long term ap customer? Oh, okay.

I don't care about the max measurements. I care about the minimum, which almost always goes off the radar

>> No.6472408

If AP is making bigger sizes because they want to expand their customer base, then that's got nothing to do with "customer entitlement."

Also who says people who buy their bigger sizes won't be long time customers as well, or haven't been? It's just that now they have more options to buy besides jsks, shoes, and accessories.

You're just pissed because your brand isn't singling out anyone anymore. So now you have nothing to hide behind to disguise your body shaming, and now you can't say that fatties can't do lolita because now that there's more brand that will fit them (popular at that), and replicas and overpriced offbrand made by amateur seamstresses are no longer the only options. Move over sweets, fatties are gonna rain on your bitchy parade <3

>> No.6472413

I agree with you, but... brand has never "singled anyone out" Not making bigger sizes isn't singling anyone out.

>> No.6472416

Poor choice of words then. My mistake.

>> No.6472430

Woah guys, calm your shit down.
It's not my fault I have big tits, but hey I still smoosh them into a lot of brand.
It'd be nice to see something that didn't max out at 89cm bust.

>> No.6472477

I'm still torn on the whole issue, but I think you're missing the basic against-argument. The idea is that, it doesn't matter what your measurements are, or if "it'd be nice to see something that didn't max out at 89cm bust". You simply are not entitled to have clothing that fits you and is illegally made.

I know the feeling, I have large breasts too, but that's not really relevant to the argument. Many view replicas as a form of stealing, and thus, how big or small or whatever you are doesn't matter.

>> No.6472482

"itd be nice if..." =/ "Im entitled"

>> No.6472502

=/ =/= learn the difference.

Also, fuck you. Is it okay if I say 'It'd be nice if they only made clothing in my size?" No, it's not so watch your mouth.

>> No.6472595

which colors you see as most popular?
I personally love pink in general, I have a weakness towrds it but in this release it'll be the least popular IMO, with black being the most popular

>> No.6472607

For one I think they were refering to BRAND, not replicas. And second of all, it's not "entitled"to to wish a company made your measurements in clothes. Educate yourself on the definition of "entitlement."

>> No.6472629

Holy shit you are so fucking mad. Calm down.

It's not entitled to wish they did, but it's quite entitled to presume they should.

>> No.6472989

Damn I wish they could make this in navy and silver.

>> No.6473000

Wine then black

>> No.6473067

Newsflash, AP is a whore for money. Remember when they made a shit ton of stuff in polka dots after that dolly print became popular?

>> No.6473070

How will I know when the reservation goes up? I found a reservation page but it seems old and has information about Little Bear's Cafe on it. I don't want to be refreshing on the new arrival page if that's not where updates will be.

I'm living in Japan so I can order, I have just never done it before and the google results about reservations are kind of old. I'm hoping someone who has done it recently can help me out.

>> No.6473076

AP stopped doing reservations afaik. I'm still confused, too, because they seem to still also do a sample run before they release a series. Your best bet will be to check the blogs and the main site, as well as new arrivals.

>> No.6473082


agreed, or even in dark green and gold

>> No.6473105

It'll go up on the webshop and you order from there.

>> No.6473245

You can't really call it singling out when the majority of Japanese teens, their target audience, can fit into it. Why teens? Because they are the only people in Japan who are dumb or impulsive enough to drop $300 on a dress without thinking in a 20+ year recession. Their foreign market is just a bonus.

>> No.6473290

Business is a whore for money anon. Theres not really any point to be made there.

>> No.6473310


It seemed like she was saying that people shouldn't be upset over replicase. Therefore, I assumed that what she was saying was that, because she has sizing issues, she thinks it's okay to purchase replicas. Perhaps I misinterpreted what she was going for - if she really just meant wishing she could fit into something, of course that's fine. But the first sentence about calming down suggested otherwise.

>> No.6473311


>> No.6473512


Pardon me for my lack of information, but is this series being reserved like Tea Party Cat was? Or is AP just going to release it into the pit and let the masses kill each other for it.

>> No.6473515


Wait, what? For the majority of japanese teenage girls, this dress will be too big.

>> No.6473535

Any info on release or SS yet? If it releases on the main site, I will still need an SS to order internationally (from their main site) right?

>> No.6473613

Do we have any new pictures out there yet? Any news? It might be released soon if it is happening today.

>> No.6473683

thats true but those prints still look nothing like true sweet like toy parade etc.

>> No.6473687

Agreed. While lolita IS typically worn by Japanese girls between 16 and 20, it seems it's usually worn by chubbier girls (by Japanese standards, that is).

>> No.6473702

Toy Parade isn't "true sweet" - Toy Parade is one of their sweetest older prints, and it's similar to the styles that's been popular for the last few years. But it's just a recent trend within sweet, not "true sweet" by any means.

>> No.6473713

Ugh, I just want to buy this in the shoulder ruffle jsk in wine red asap... Why is the internet not providing me information!

>> No.6473772

Anyone who need more than a medium should not be wearing lolita period. even medium is a stretch.

>> No.6473812

This dress is boring. You guys are shitting your pants because AP did something different. Moitie has been pulling this religious iconography shit since the dawn of time, and AP released no interesting color combinations. Everyone can calm the fuck down.

I'm really surprised with their measurements, though. As a few anons stated earlier, this is really big. I'm not the epitome of teeny tiny, I wear a US small, and I was already drowning in some of their latest releases.

>> No.6473815

not the anon you're replying to but uh... toy parade is "true sweet" whatever the fuck that's even supposed to mean. it's under sweet lolita, end of discussion.

>> No.6473819

I just really like the bodice design on the ruffle shoulder JSK, and in Wine Red? Come onnnnnnnn. yes I am excite, sorry

>> No.6473820

I'm happy with the larger measurements. My measurements are 85/70 cm and I have a hard time getting myself into AP dresses.

>> No.6473827

Yeah, I'd agree that the construction is great!

Really? Shouldn't you be fine with those measurements? Is it the bust or waist that gives you trouble?

>> No.6473836
File: 127 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mem980urAG1r9hvtso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the only extra info I've found. The headbow looks really cute.

>> No.6473839

But with Moitie you also only get one gaudy print, not many around the skirt part. Also Moitie's kind got it's ridiculous
>vampire aristocrat egl shtick on it
The AP one is nice, but for sure not unique as a whole

>> No.6473843

That's what I keep telling myself too but it's always Battle With The Zipper. I have a hard time getting into their fully back shirred items. I don't know how bigger lolitas get themselves into these dresses. I talked to other lolitas who are smaller than me and they said that they had hard times with AP dresses. I have no issue with their non-shirred items as long as the given measurements are 93/73. It's just something about those shirred pieces!

>> No.6473859

Thank you for posting this, anon!

>> No.6473862

I guess that's true. I don't know, I'm not really seeing much of a difference, minus some shitty Engrish.

Oh, haha. I'm smaller than you and if you're talking about quarter-shirred items, they're a pain in the ass. I'm always fighting the zipper, to the point I usually just pull it on. I think the shirring tries to snap back the zipper? I'm not sure. I've had no problem with unshirred or fully-shirred, but the quarter shirred is a nightmare.

>> No.6473883

This is slightly off topic, but are those little caplet things (like in the left bottom corner) useful for any sort of weather? They don't look warm enough to be a coat so I'm not sure what the point is?

>> No.6473887

I think you might have not read the whole conversation... the anon I'm replying to was implying that the other sweet AP items, such as recent releases, weren't "true sweet" while prints like toy parade are. What I was saying was that the super-pastel prints are the only sweet in the world, and don't hold some special distinction as "true sweet". They're just sweet, nothing extra-special.

>> No.6473886

Yes quarter shirred is hell for me. I wonder if I'm not supposed to wear these dresses, even though I am not that close to the maximum measurement for some of the quarter shirred dresses. I do not like fully back shirred dresses because I don't like putting the dress on and then squirming into it. I'm scared that I'm going to rip it!

>> No.6473888

*AREN'T the only sweet in the world, sorry

>> No.6473891

i misread your comment then. i thought you were saying that "true sweet" were items such as old school sweet. my bad.

>> No.6473934

Just a theory about the larger sizes:
I know some brands make larger sizes in the winter time to accommodate warm and bulky underthings.

>> No.6474157


Sage for me being way too excited

>> No.6474283

Has it been confirmed that Gloria comes out tomorrow? The blogs aren't saying much about rules for lining up before the store opens like they usually do.

>> No.6474379

I hate that bodice. Does anyone else think those lace-up bodices with string are tacky as shit?

And I'm not sure about the print either. Maybe it's just because the picture is just low quality but it literally looks like someone splattered gold paint onto this dress.
And why do these brands only ever focus on Christian symbols? There's plenty of interesting hindu, buddhist, islamic, shinto, and even pagan symbols out there.

But I'm glad to see they're putting out some bigger sizes, even if people are complaining about them. It's easy to alter a garment to fit smaller than it is bigger, especially when you take into consideration that this is a winter print and a person is more likely to wear a bulky blouse or sweater underneath this.

>> No.6474389

I personally think the bodice doesn't look bad because it matches the fabric behind the lacing. If it was gold lacing and stood out, maybe it wouldn't look so good. Just my thoughts, though. Though, I'm more of a gothic lolita over sweet.

>> No.6474511

Because lolita fashion in general takes queues from European flavors and styles, and stereotypically Europe = Christian.
Especially with a Victorianesque Christmas print.

You do tend to see Japanese fashion with Stars of David a lot as well, although they seem to think of it in a Kabbalistic/Pagan sense (you see it a lot in manga with magical/alchemic characters or undertones).

Of course they're not going to use Buddhist or Shinto symbols, those are ubiquitous and boring to them and other Eastern religions have zero to do with the old European flavor of lolita. I'm one of them, and even I can realize and acknowledge this.

>> No.6474648

I like the first bodice, no lacing there. The shoulder frill jsk, not the one in OP.

>> No.6474720

Is there anyone who likes the lace up bodice version? It's supposed to have some sort of bustle on the back...

>> No.6474728

Is it typical for them to just release things without announcing exactly when? It seems kind of unfair to not give everyone a heads up if that's the case.

>> No.6474785
File: 128 KB, 300x400, tumblr_menydsOOVm1r47eg2o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little close up I found on tumblr of the print well on a wine bottle. But still.

>> No.6474812

Those are angels?? I couldn't even tell just looking at the print on the dress...

>> No.6474825

Yeah too me a while to figure out what exactly they were. I think they are pretty cute, but then again I collect cherubs .

>> No.6474837
File: 154 KB, 355x640, tumblr_mekmqsaENk1rmxbn3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dug back through tumblr and found one gal wearing it in pink in this thread. >>6470469
There's a kind of closer shot of the headbow in this pic, but both photos aren't very clear.

>> No.6474873
File: 134 KB, 683x758, 07-12-2012 17-20-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of new prints, did any of you guys see this?

>> No.6474878

That is one of the most valid reasons to own that piece. I need it in my closet.

>> No.6474888

You'd really pay $450 for a dress with an idiotic typo like that?

>> No.6474913

C'mon Mana, let's get it together here.

>> No.6474978

So we *should* know in about two hours if this was released today? Or should we already know by now if there is a line/lottery (since it's 8:40am over there)?

>> No.6474990
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>> No.6475126

So it's a little past 10am in glorious nippon, it doesn't look like it'll be released

>> No.6475141

anyone have any more clear pictures of this dress than are on AP's new arrival page? Catalog scans? C'mon, there's got to be something!

>> No.6475189
File: 77 KB, 960x720, 578016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the girl in black is supposed to be wearing Gloria. Hopefully there will be more soon.

>> No.6475202

My SS got me the shoulder ruffle in wine red and matching headbow, YESSSSSSSSS

>> No.6475206

I want to know what the two dresses on the left are~

>> No.6475211

So was it released for sure, then?

>> No.6475215

Post pics when you get it. I just wish it wasn't a heavy fabric and on something like chiffon.

>> No.6475216

Yes it was released. She told me : 'I got the set!!! The only one in my city's store!!' So it was indeed released.

>> No.6475217

Thank you for the information!

>> No.6475219

Ok sure thing, I asked for EMS so I should get it by next week, though I'm sure plenty of people will already have pictures up by then :)

>> No.6475221

Since it's released in stores does that mean it will go online soon?

>> No.6475229

It is online. But there's too much traffic.

>> No.6475230

It's up on AP's japanese site!

>> No.6475231


>> No.6475259

who's the black girl, what's she doing there?

>> No.6475265


Sold out already?

>> No.6475313

Are the OPs sold out already? Do you think the US store will get them?

>> No.6475359

There is no OP

>> No.6475371

I think she probably means the more elaborate JSK. I thought it was an OP too at first.

>> No.6475379

I think most people are calling it the 'Shoulder Ruffle JSK'?

>> No.6475394

Lol I dont know if you meant to but this question sounds pretty retarded the way you worded it

>> No.6475554

Does anyone know whether or not the dress will go up on the international site on the same day as the Japanese site?

>> No.6475560

That feel when unlimited budget.

>> No.6475581

Did you buy more than one/were you able to get the one you wanted?

>> No.6475594

Already went up and mostly sold out

>> No.6475597


>> No.6475612

So I bought the headbow, but the feather is so lame looking in the pictures... I guess having a matching velvet headbow is ok though.

>> No.6475620

That's more than a typo. That's Engrish and I love it. So yeah.

>> No.6475677
File: 961 KB, 500x289, be2 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? sold out? already?!?!
but they said reservations were until the 12 WTF AP??
I swear to God I just.. I can't even...

>> No.6475708

Well... they only have so much stock, so if the stock hadn't sold out, the reserve would have been up until the 12th... Reserves sell out all the time?

>> No.6475712
File: 498 KB, 500x286, allofmydisgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this worked up over a fucking dress
Is it just me, or have AP fangirls been extra rabid lately when it comes to trying to get the latest print? Calm down girls.

>> No.6475731

Where does it say that?

>> No.6475828

I think anon might have read the new arrival page's month as the day.

>> No.6475854

i think that's the yunni sweet like candy chick

>> No.6475888
File: 22 KB, 243x447, fhbjdgbruhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw seeing AP frenzy first-hand for the first time
Good lord, these bitches be cray.

>> No.6475933

I'm sure finding this second hand is going to be fun.
>Tfw everything is $500.

>> No.6476099

I don't see any on auction anywhere... I heard that smaller cities only got one piece per color per style, and maybe larger cities got a couple more

>> No.6476204

The limitations on this release were stupid. Some cities did only get one, and the International website got less than one each. No skirts, only one ivory JSK, nothing pink, barely any headbows.

>> No.6476357
File: 75 KB, 760x571, 1344857158614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the fuss and the dresses weren't even available
I lol'd! AP cares sooo much about its customers.

>> No.6476366

I'm aware, I'm just saying if/when people begin selling these pieces, I feel like the starting bids will be an astronomical price.

>> No.6476601

Here's an idea, AP should impose a 30-60 day ban on selling or auctioning brand dresses that have just released. This will prevent scalpers and shopping services from re-selling their items for profit.

>> No.6476605

How would that even be upheld?

>> No.6476617

Oh it's beautiful.

I....hate you.

>> No.6476632

They could make an agreement with the auction websites. Users would be able to report the items and the website would take them down.

>> No.6476638

Yeah like Yahoo Auctions Japan, EGL Comm Sales, and mbok.

>> No.6476645

So they're gonna put extra money/resources on making sure that less people will buy it?

AP is a company. They can more easily make more for everyone or set up some kind of pre-order release. They know very well this kind of scalping occurs but they're not gonna inhibit it because it builds the brand's image as something worth fighting over.

>> No.6476653

It's too difficult to do. There'd be lots of other places that people could sell it. And it seems a bit unfair if someone bought it because they genuinely like how it looked, but it ends up not fitting them or it doesn't have a flattering fit for their body. Then they'd be stuck with something they can't wear.

>> No.6476662

This. Lolitas don't seem to understand how business works, or that lolita brands are just businesses.

>> No.6476786
File: 27 KB, 280x373, tumblr_meoyu4AFCN1qgjjjyo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem tights. I need.

>> No.6477710 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6477805
File: 162 KB, 560x416, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Japan at the moment and they had one pink JSK, one pink skirt and one wine skirt available in store today.

What do?

>> No.6477808

Wine skirt is best out of those three options.

>> No.6477814


Not interested in buying, already spent too much on crap while on holiday here. >__>

Kind of want to offer a shopping service, but don't know if it's really worth bothering.
I don't want to be a scalper and buy it then charge +$200 later on, but I guess 5-10% for my transport fees and shit would be fair.

Eh, if anybody is interested, let me know and I'll pop my email into this thread.

Got good feedback and whatnot etc.

>> No.6478001

Just scalp it. Wine is seriously one of the better options and if you bring it back from overseas, you're bringing a rare print into the US economy for lolita and making it more available to people besides just from Japan. We need this print in our regions, woman!

>> No.6479190

Are there any clear worn pictures out there yet?

>> No.6479255

I heard a rumour about this thing getting restocked this week in japan from a shopping service on facebook. You reckon she's just making shit up?

>> No.6479371

If it's Mi-chan/Yunni, she can't speak Japanese, is ignorant as fuck, and lies her ass off constantly, so take what she says with a grain of salt.

>> No.6479475

It was, thanks!

>> No.6479535

You're putting the print into circulation for US buyers when it may not have been available to them otherwise. Charge as much as you fucking want.

>> No.6479542

Can we get a roll call of US buyers that got it? How did you get it?

Just curious since the release was done so poorly.

>> No.6479557

So far I've encountered 3 people who tried to buy it on AP International and were immediately refunded.

>> No.6479594


More pictues of Gloria.

>> No.6479611

God this is such a boring, ugly print.

Are people only hopping on this bandwagon because it's a goldxvelvet print like Puppet Circus? Fuck I hate this.

>> No.6479632

I want this shit to get restocked so badly. Did they release the feather earrings yet?

>> No.6479658

The other AP blogs have pictures as well.


>> No.6479673

I got the shoulders jsk in ivory. Kind of wish I had gotten it in wine, since the Sendai blog pictures of wine are so stunningly gorgeous. Excited to be the only girl in my country to have this print tho! <3

>> No.6479690

Did you use chibi_tenshi to get it?

>> No.6479743 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1068x818, p4fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you all are screwed.

>> No.6479753

No, the international site.

>> No.6480622

Shoulder ruffle jsk and headbow in wine red here (US)

>> No.6480672

I need that dress.

>> No.6480676

pink shoulder ruffle jsk and tights in ivory over here. Missed the damn headbow but was kinda meh on the feather anyway. I used my SS to get it.
Another girl in my comm got a jsk too so we'll have two here!

>> No.6480882

We've got a black ruffle shoulder jsk and the jsk in OP's picture in our community.

>> No.6481364

How the hell could you make this sweet? You know, Sweet Lolita isn't defined by the shape but the colors.

>> No.6481517

Only know of one person that got it in my community. Wine "OP ?" set and black tights.

>> also wtf aren't there any worn pic yet!!! I need to see bitch in non-stock pics!

>> No.6482383

It's also for all the Moitie lovers who are too fat for actual Moitie.

>> No.6482388

Not like it matters. Replicas of Moitie exist that are so spot on I don't see why people would even waste the money on the real thing even if they weren't fat.

>> No.6482396

Not of Divine Cross though iirc, which is what this print most looks like.

>> No.6482467

Oojia makes a replica of divine cross....

>> No.6482477

Really? Man I'm out of the loop, I thought there was some no-Moitie-after-iron-gate thing because a chick emailed her and baaawed. Got pics?

>> No.6482487

Oh that happened, but I'm not sure if Oo Jia stopped making Divine Cross because of it. I know she still does iron gate and silent moon.

>> No.6482491

Hmm, can't find anything online, so maybe she never made it.

>> No.6482511

I fit and wear moitie, though I kind of like that there are some details to gloria's dress in construction. Just my opinion, though. Simple and clean is preferred by many as well.

>> No.6482545

>though I kind of like that there are some details to gloria's dress in construction

This! I really really adore the jsk in OPs pic even if it is kind of unloved compared to the shoulder frill version. The back? HNNNGGH

>> No.6482597

Oo Jia is probably furiously searching for one of these, knowing she could make a fuckbitch of money of she replicates it.

>> No.6482911

Does she have to take it apart to get the pattern...?

>> No.6485138

Not sure, but she gets the originals to copy the print specifically I think.

Mine just shipped!

>> No.6485154

Probably not right away honestly. She knows people get super pissed off at her if she tries to make replicas of brand new prints.