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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 462 KB, 1530x2048, Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6528120 No.6528120 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket C83 was a few days ago, and I was rather inspired by all the cosplayers there. I have set my sights on doing a Cosplay in the Summer for C84, and am currently in the process of doing research.

One thing I would like to ask /cgl/ is this. What makes an outstanding Male cosplay? Something that will draw crowds and woo photographers?

Something I noticed during C83 was that none of the male cosplayers really got any attention. If they did, it was because they were supporting pretty female cosplayers/part of a group.

While its rather sexist, female cosplayers just need to look pretty (genetics) and put on a decent costume to draw attention.

I am wondering what male cosplayers can do to pull the same amount of attention. Also, I am wondering if there are any famous/popular male cosplayers on the same level as Alodia Gosiengfiao or Jessica Nigri that I can use as references?

Thank you very much.

>> No.6528123

(Applies to both sexes)



>> No.6528126

Japan likes their moe. What can I say? As a guy, to get noticed, your costume either has to be really good (we're talking about mechs here) or really funny. Though, if you dress up as fast food mascots from KFC or McDonalds, you will get noticed and have your pic taken.

>> No.6528129

To be "outstanding" you must be fulfill at least one or more of these criteria:

1) Be exceptionally attractive
2) Have a great body with abs and show it off
3) Look exactly like a character (good luck with that.)
4) Display amazing craftsmanship (mecha, suit of armor, whatever)

Also add 50% bonus points if you are asian.

There are some "famous" male cosplayers, such as Matt Mercer, Living Ichigo and Harley's Joker. But as you might guess it's pretty hard for a dude to become an idol. Most people interested in cosplayers are guys that just want to look at sexy ladies, but if you can be exceptional and work hard then all things are possible.

>> No.6528131

It's impossible to draw as much attention as female cosplayers for many reasons. A big one for Comiket at least, is that most otaku and photographers who go to see cosplayers are male and thus are drawn to the sexy/moe female cosplayers.
Another reason is female cosplayers have so many options (sexy, moe, or crossplay) and can still look good. The only way for males to look attractive in cosplay is to be really fit and show it off. Simple, non-revealing costumes won't garner much attention, and crossplayers could oftentimes pull off the same costumes with better faces. Sure, you could do ridiculously detailed costumes like with armor or something, but you won't get as famous as big female cosplayers.

I think another reason is males stir up a lot less ~drama~ than females. Popular female cosplayers tend to have tons of haters as well, which just raise their popularity. Some well-known male cosplayers I can think of are Kaname and Ameno-Kitarou (?) but they're nowhere near as well-known as the two you listed. But on the flip-side, there aren't many negative things out there about them either.

>> No.6528132

>There are some "famous" male cosplayers, such as Matt Mercer, Living Ichigo and Harley's Joker.

I don't think any of those people are cosplay famous in Japan. Kaname and that one guy who cosplays from Final Fantasy is though. But even then, the girls are more popular.

>> No.6528134

OP here.

I am Asian, and always get told I look like just like Mukai Osamu from girls/other guys, so take that for what you will. (Its literally always "Mukai Osamu.")

But it seems the most effective way would be the craftsmanship route.

Could anyone post some more pictures of really well done male cosplays then? Harley's Joker is amazing btw, thanks for that.

>> No.6528137

There's a slight difference between getting attention at a con and becoming an idol or e-famous or whatever you want to call it. To get attention at a con, you have to be really attractive, have amazing craftsmanship skills, and/or have a really clever costume. But if you want to be well-known beyond that con, you have to make multiple costumes like this and befriend (or pay for) a good photographer for multiple shoots.
This goes for both male and female cosplayers I think.

>> No.6528139

Who gives a shit about japan.

>> No.6528141

OP does.

>> No.6528143
File: 41 KB, 600x397, 1268098615180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could anyone post some more pictures of really well done male cosplays then?
Thread is now a male cosplay thread!

... I don't actually have many pictures that I know aren't crossplayers, someone help me out?

>> No.6528147

I have cosplayed a Gundam before, and you really do get a whole ton of attention. It was a really well-done one too, didn't look like raggedy shit

>> No.6528149

Yes I would very much appreciate this. Thank you.

>> No.6528152
File: 169 KB, 900x599, ffxii_vaan___sprinter_03_by_amenokitarou-d4ullfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528153
File: 1.20 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_3515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i got some attention from this outfit and it was cheaply done too, so special gimmicks or anything.

>> No.6528155
File: 67 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mfq4k6g5681qcdwqgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528157

No* jeez its too early XD

>> No.6528159
File: 173 KB, 1024x641, sciv_siegfried__crystal_knight_by_amenokitarou-d33z3kr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528160
File: 133 KB, 640x480, 1341371730625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that if you cosplay anything from Ace Attorney you might get a god deal of attention, especially after the movie.

>> No.6528163
File: 98 KB, 500x472, tumblr_m4ocdx7cI41rx3doro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528164
File: 273 KB, 600x900, 1350177009329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit.
No wonder you got attention, you were the crow!

>> No.6528165
File: 132 KB, 600x904, 1350316146424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6528166
File: 189 KB, 664x1000, c83-day-3-cosplay-2-074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this and you will be famous anon.

>> No.6528170
File: 45 KB, 960x637, imagundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add pic of myself

anyways, um, I was stopped like every 5 feet for pictures at densest, was took an hour to get from one side of the con to the other due to sheer amount of people taking pics

>> No.6528177

The cosplay culture in Japan and especially at Comiket is very different from that here. Making your own costume is a ton less emphasized; in fact, the majority of cosplayers don't, so really the only thing that matters there is looking pretty and moe and all that. Since the biggest ways guys can become considered good cosplayers is because of crazy-well constructed armor and such like that, that kinda goes out the window when nobody really cares about the construction of the costume.

Anyways, does being e-famous really matter that much to you?

>> No.6528178

Lol I'm thinking of going as Captain hook the next chance i get, and nice, i wanna try a Tulio cosplay sometime since i have that black hair XD.

>> No.6528211

Its not so much about becoming "E-famous."

I'm the type of guy who will go all out in whatever I do. Because of this, if I get into cosplay, I kinda want to go all out and put alot of effort into it and make an amazing costume/cosplay.

The only real objective way to measure the difference between a "good cosplay" and a mediocre one is the attention it gets. Good cosplays/cosplayers get alot of attention, and those that aren't so stellar unfortunately don't. As such, I'd like to know what are some good cosplays/good cosplayers so I can have an example to strive for.

>> No.6528219


There are plenty of great cosplays that don't get as much attention as they deserve.

The one asset that a lot of famous cosplayers have is the ability to market themselves well so you shouldn't use popularity as an "objective measure"

>> No.6528251

Perhaps. But do you have a better way of judging who are good cosplayers and who aren't?

>> No.6528255

Yes. To determine if a costume is good, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: look at costume
Step 2: there is no step 2

If a costume is good, it's good. That is all there is to it. Just because there isn't a billion pics of it doesn't mean it isn't good.

>> No.6528256

a good costume doesn't mean a good cosplayer.

A good cosplayer doesn't mean a good costume.

>> No.6528261

Accuracy and craftsmanship are what makes a good costume. However only so many people can appreciate the craftsmanship part. Most con goers will just see someone dressed as a half-decent version of their favorite character and be like "OMG BEST _______ EVER"

I find that the cosplayers with the best craftsmanship tend to be in it for the fun of making the costume itself, not so much taking a billion pictures of it once its done. Which is why they don't get as much attention.

>> No.6528294


>> No.6528387

i don't think many male cosplayers put in much effort into makeup and looking the part, combined with the predominance of younger (looking at least) male leads or supermuscley characters, and while hags aren't afraid of dressing like loli but boys are not okay looking like boys

there also isn't much male cosplay community and cgl is full of bullies but it is better than fa which is just confirmation-seeking