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6615558 No.6615558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now, I've seen convention horror stories threads, and I've seen weaboo horror stories threads, etc. but I have yet to see a good panel horror stories thread.

What are some instances that you can remember where a convention panel just went horribly wrong? Whether it's poor coordination, boring as fuck, poor room layout, technical difficulties, etc.

I'll start:
>running a panel at a convention
>our panel (Vocaloid panel) requires both a projector and speakers in order to be able to run it
>we arrive at our designated setup time
>line-up for our panel is literally all the way around the fucking building
>the previous panel still has not yet concluded and they continue to run right up until ours is supposed to start
>finally we are allowed to set up
>200+ room packed with overflow
>projector and speakers nowhere in sight
>ask a panel moderator when they will be bringing projector and speakers
>"I don't know, but if you asked for it in your submission form, you should be getting it."
>i stated specifically in the submission form that we required a projector and speakers
>send him off to go find it
>our runtime is an hour
>20 minutes later we get a projector, but no speakers
>ask him to find us speakers
>15 minutes later, they bring us a portable speaker unit
>wrong fucking cable
>friend in the audience offers to bail me out and grab his computer speakers from his hotel
>comes back 5 minutes later with speakers
>40 minutes later, we finally get our panel started
>by the time we're done, we've run 30 minutes into a guest panel
>look like assholes for doing so
>post a complaint to forums afterwards about the lack of proper equipment and cables
>get response: "Well, we had a lot of people asking for cables to hook up DVD players for their panels. Laptops are more of a specialized connection and you should have specified that in your submission form."

Really? DVD players? And how were laptops considered a "special connection" when nearly every fucking panel uses one?

>> No.6615596

Anything involving Hall H or Ballroom 20 at San Diego Comic Con. Talked to a lady on the shuttle and she said she spent 6 hours in line hoping to get into an Iron Man 3 panel and still didn't get in. Personally I don't bother with anything in one of those rooms for exactly that reason. If your line goes around a good portion of a big center like San Diego's, you've got problems.

>> No.6615794
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A panel about shounen mangas

>there's technical problems
>the guy with the microphone constantly jokes with his friends instead of talking to the audience
>I repeat, the panel was supposed to be about shounen mangas
>suddenly there are American robots punching each other and we watch about 10 minutes of this Hollywood movie without the panelist saying anything
>then there's this clip from a soap opera where an old man tries to hang himself in his living room

The pic is my face when I left the panel at this point.

>> No.6615934
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>video game soundtrack panel
>first year on panels, super excite
>other two panelists are two guys, one i know and one i don't
>the one i do know keeps talking over me, scoffing at my comments and steering away from any topics i bring up
>the other guy doesn't say anything, just looks up random songs the audience says on his macbook and raises the volume higher and higher
>ask him repeatedly to please turn it down we can't hear anyone
>he does so
>2 minutes later it's back up at full volume again

i have a panelist blacklist and it is those two, never ever again.

>> No.6616094

Colossalcon 2010 I attended a MST3K hentai panel. The panelists got almost no room to speak thanks to a drunk guy shouting out his own unfunny commentary every 20 seconds.

Last year's Colossalcon was an absolute wreck as far as panels went.

-There was a panel that was 2 hours of 2 guys playing gamecube in a huge panel room all by themselves.

-There was a MLP panel that was listed as 18+ even though it wasn't.

-The guest panel "Ask your favourite anime character" was set up literally 10mins before it started and Vic Mangina took all the attention away from the other guests.

-No one knew whether or not their panel was confirmed or not until less than a month before the con.

-My friend (staff) had 2 panels scheduled -at the same time slot- so she had to assign a friend to do one of her panels. The panel debuted in 2011 and was a huge hit. It was about self confidence, and one of the people called up to speak admitted he had Aspergers and didn't have a whole lot of friends. Last year he returned, with a girlfriend and a much happier social life. The friend covering the panel basically ignored him the whole time and just blabbed endlessly for an hour.

-Friday morning there was an "Iron Artist" event (not panel, it was apparently a sponsored event). I was supposed to cover this, but was also on night security so I assigned my two art school graduate friends to cover for me the night before on the chance I couldn't make it. This was their first convention ever and they ended up having to cover an event that had zero preparation. No one was told what they were supposed to do (not even me, not even my staff friend). Despite it being an "Iron artist" panel there was no paper provided to them, and all they were given was a box of crappy markers and beach balls.

Much of this was the fault of the newbie panel heads though, but they've since been replaced.

Colossal is a great con- it's the only con I still go to nowadays, but last year was hell for panels.

>> No.6617374

Well, there was a brand new convention that I went to this past August, which ran in a set of large, open rooms, where panels were separated only by curtains.

It's like this: Imagine two different bands performing in a single room to two different audiences separated only by a thin sheet of fabric.Each side is constantly trying to make themselves heard over the other, and when one side turns their volume down out of respect for the other side, not only can their audience no longer hear their panel, but the other side does not reduce their volume whatsoever.

>> No.6617381

Guess you don't understand the point of Iron Artist huh? Did you bother googling it? Have you ever seen Iron Chef?

>> No.6617388

Offtopic kind of but do you guys feel really rude and awkward when you leave a panel before it's finished?

>> No.6617431
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Not if it's terribad. I don't feel like wasting my time in an awful panel when I paid to go to the convention and there are better things I could be doing.

One panelist called me out for leaving, but idgaf. Put more effort into your panel instead of reading off a slideshow word-for-word and maybe I'd stay.

>> No.6617432


Also, sometimes I don't leave because it's boring. Sometimes I'm in a panel to kill time before a meetup, sometimes I have to leave to go potty, sometimes I get a text to meet a friend, and sometimes my tummy grumbles to tell me HOLY FUCK, I AM STARVIN MARVIN. I do feel bad in those instances, like I'm being rude for leaving, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.6617454
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>PAX Prime, Kirby panel
>Get there an hour early
>They cleared out a large space for the panel/line, but didn't have nearly enough metal rails to keep the line in check
>The 2 volunteers they have there are overwhelmed
>Tons of people outright cutting in line
>Had to punk out a guy who tried to cut in front of me
>When the line finally moves, whole groups of people just file in from everywhere
>They've run out of the t-shirts just moments before we got there (Only real reason why I was there)
>Didn't get included in the mass picture of assholes with Kirby shirts
>Managed to find another picture with non-shirt people
>Someone very obviously picking their nose

>> No.6617456

>co-running a Doctor Who fan panel
>line fucking out the door around the corner holy shit
>300 people in the room, largest panel room available
>I was just asked to show up and distribute audio dramas to curious people with USB sticks and occasionally lead activities
>it starts with charades, nobody in the audience can even guess Jackie Tyler or the Nestene Consciousness
>quickly devolves into the same five sperglords hijacking the mic and mangling their favorite lines in terrible posh accents
>my attempts to save the dying carcass of the panel with a Nine impression and a segue into discussion of Classic Who fail miserably because someone grabs the mic and goes back to spewing "WIBBLY WOBBLY TIMEY WIMEY" into it
>Mine and my other copanelist's attempts to stop this fuckery is met with resistance by the woman that we're both helping run the panel
>she's totally fucking into it, thinks it's the coolest thing ever that everyone's getting to do free expression and talk about the same five fucking episodes of NuWho over and over again
>By the time the panel is over, most of the audience is just fucking gone

And yet I'm helping her run it again next year. Joy of joys. I'm going to make like a powerpoint or something and show The Curse of Fatal Death because last year was a fucking disaster.

>> No.6617463

>Put more effort into your panel instead of reading off a slideshow word-for-word and maybe I'd stay.

Fucking this. Don't get mad at me for leaving if you're the asshole who didn't make any preparations for the panel aside from "make dick jokes and talk about Homestuck in a non-Homestuck panel"

>> No.6617470
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>4chan panel at AN
>all the neckbears shouting out epic may-mays

>> No.6617481

Ugh, that sounds awful. Really any sort of 4chan panel sounds really horrible. I can't imagine one going well. :/

>> No.6617495
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>Googles it

Jeez, sorry I'm not knowledgeable in your furfag competitions, aspie. I don't even watch tv, and no, I can't google it at an anime convention if I don't own a laptop to do so.

The point is, no one bothered to actually tell the people who were assigned to step in as event hosts what was going on at all. It was just "here's an event, here's a room, have fun."

Poor-ass planning, but luckily they don't have the twins on paneling and events this year.

>> No.6617496

The quality was good overall, but at some points it was just some unshaven guys just shouting shit out, ugh

>> No.6617510

so you assume I'm a furry with asperger's because the first link on google is some furry wiki? You assume furries INVENTED Iron Artist? Where do you get all this baseless knowledge from?

>> No.6617516

Because only an aspie furfag would get that butthurt over something so trivial and completely miss the point.

You forgot your sage in all your rage, butthurt-san.

>> No.6617524

>connects furries to iron chef
That's worse than the conspiracies I've heard on /x/
Seriously. What are you even getting at. (Not the person you're arguing with, just very very confused fan of iron chef)

>> No.6617526

I don't get why people ever feel this. People have shit to do. Sometimes, that includes taking a shit. What are you going to do? "Oh no I have to go to the bathroom but the hosts might think it's mean! I'll just use that special pocket I sewed into my bloomers!" Seriously, the panelists don't give a shit. If they do, they're bad panelists.

that panelist should go climb a beanstalk made of dicks. A dickstalk.

>> No.6617527
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They're not talking about Iron Chef, you... you...

>> No.6617531

No, the first three results for "Iron artist challenge" on Google are FA stuff.

I'm picking on Anon for it because I find his/her frothing rage at something that trivial hilarious.

>> No.6617657

how did this turn into a thread about artistic furries?

>> No.6617690

Iron artist is based on Iron chef dickwad

>> No.6617725
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>The panelists got almost no room to speak thanks to a drunk guy shouting out his own unfunny commentary every 20 seconds.
>mfw I was the drunk guy at D*C's dub your own hentai panel last year
>then I went and played drunk Mechwarrior in the pods
>halfway through a match one of the attendants cracks open my pod door
>"Are you okay? We can hear you shouting."

>> No.6617733

>want to see late night hen-tey panel with bestest gurlfrand
>get there
>no sound
>guys try to "dub" the episode with unfunny jokes

>> No.6617742

Just clarifying because I just saw the post above mine. This was not at D*Con. This was at AUSA.

>> No.6617744

No, no, I understood that. Sorry if I was being confusing myself.

>> No.6617841

I go to NYCC a lot and normally have no problem with panels (because I avoid the anime ones WHAT) but from what I recall the worse panel I went to was my on first year. It was a Q&A with Peter Mayhew (Chewbaca) Daniel Logan (young Boba Fett) and Ray Parks (Darth Mual). You'd expect with this line up of famous people it would go okay right?

First Ray Parks didn't even show up and the panel host didn't even mention why. It was a normal size room yet there was only like 20 people gathered near the front. Why are there only 20 star wars fans at a comic con? Daniel carried the panel with his cute enthusiasm but Peter was super boring. You could tell they were just saying stuff the fans in the room already knew and no one but a young girl asked any questions for them.

It was over all just awkward when it wasn't suppose to be. There are actors people line up for hours, to this day ever year, to pay 50 bucks for an autograph.

>> No.6618279

>Go to "WTF Anime" Panel
>Room is packed and people around me are awesome to talk to and anime fans who can laugh at themselves
>Panelists are funny drunk girls and the clips they picked were ones most people have seen or could find funny out of context
>One dickbag keeps interrupting with, "That reminds me of this indie anime that you probably never heard of which did that better and differently."

Luckily a group of people told him to shut the fuck up after the fifth time and he stayed quiet the rest of the panel.

>> No.6618301

Not really, but if you're uncomfortable just walking out you can pretend someone's calling you and just say things like "Where are you now? Is he okay? Where did you have your key last?"

>> No.6618326

I'm never really one to participate in panels but I skimmed over the ones for Kumoricon last year and my word.

>Hetalia meets Homestuck
>Fight for Your Favorite Pairing
>so many Hetalia world conferences

I did give a Whose Line is it Anyway panel a try until they expected me to go up there and perform. Nope'd outta there real fast. I thought I was going to watch four people play scenes from a hat.

>> No.6618329

I was made to look like a total bitch.

>zap brannigan panel, spaceship of love. Best fucking panel ever.
>Too many people, captain, that man needs a bigger room and screens.
>Chairs were not offset, but I could see zap through a gap in between two people's heads. Girl in front of me laid her head on her BF's shoulder. Blocking my (incredibly tiny) view of everything.
>After three minutes, tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to not do that.
>"Well I can't see, either, so tough."
>"Whatever, thanks."
>Sit back down. She gets the fuck up. Stands over by a wall. Stands for a few minutes, and then leaves.
>Her BF didn't say anything to me, and I was as polite as I could be.
>Sister and friend, after panel, asked me wtf I did to make her go. I told them everything.


zap's panels are great, but fuck me, there are too many people. He needs screens. If you get stuck behind a tall person, you're fucked. They're really funny. . .

If the crowd doesn't heckle them too much. Stfu I came here for zap.

>> No.6618375

>going to a 4chan panel

like what the fuck do you expect. Going to a 4chan panel in the first place kinda puts you right with the neckbeards.

>> No.6618445

after the first year of people trolling us with memes during the whole panel, i like to give the audience some time to get it out of their system so we can move on to actual topics

it's going into its 4th year, it's been pretty successful actually

>> No.6618765

Frothing...rage? I came back to the thread hoping to have a quick laugh at you being too embarrassed to post again, but instead you keep on embarrassing yourself.

I don't understand how asking you why you didn't google something (which you answered later) and if you've ever seen Iron Chef (Which you also answered later) shows that I'm raging. And now you're picking on complete strangers on the internet? The place where I could literally not care less if I get insulted? I think you should reevaluate a few things in your life and maybe come up with a few better insults than calling me a furry or saying I have asperger's. You know, an insult that ISN'T repeated on super edgy 4chan boards all the time?

>> No.6619437

Friend told me about this one
>I Wish My Life Were An Anime Panel
>Friends decide to go
>Turns out it's just a black chick awkwardly talking about jibberish slightly relating to the topic
>Entire room is dead silent
>They leave and join me
Can anyone confirm how bad this actually was? I thought shit couldn't actually be that awkward.

>> No.6619456

anyone know what happened with Tanner at Tsukino con last year? I heard he is banned for something he did in his "talking to girls" panel or something and was dressed as Jessica Nigri's Pikachu

>> No.6619478

>Holiday Matsuri
>Friends take me to a Vocaloid panel
>I only know of Miku, otherwise completely lost
>The red one kicked some black guy out??

I have no idea what he said but the red one screamed RACIST and got security to kick him out of the panel.

>> No.6619494

No. Why should I?

>> No.6619518
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>> No.6619523
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>Sort of a small con that added a rave just that year
>presenting a late night panel about sound programs and optimization and how you can optimize fandubs/videos/etc
>Obviously drunk group of underage "RAVUR GIRLZ XD" sitting in front row.
>Continuously screaming out obscenities and for me to play Skrillex and if this is a pannel about sound then why isn't there music playing
>Tell them to please be quiet or to leave.
>They get louder and more obscene
>other host I'm with leaves the room to call the cops
>One of them starts playing shitty dubstep on their iphone, getting up and trying to drunkenly rave in front of the panel
>Girl in front row projectile vomits all over my sound equipment
>Cops arrive
>They try to get into a drunken brawl with the cops
>They obviously lose
>mfw I got her parents to reimburse me for damages and to see her and her friends fucking sorry as fuck asses crying in handcuffs
>mfw I'm never going back to that convention again

I'd name the con but one of my good friends are on staff and I don't want to ruin his rep.

>> No.6619648

There are a couple of girls who have been running a "Unicorn" panel at a local con here in Vancouver. It usually has a slow, awkward start but it gains steam as the white girl gets increasingly intoxicated and her asian friend gets louder to compensate. They talk and fight about literally the stupidest shit for about a half hour, including which version of My Little Pony is better. And then it gets worse. They turn on the audience, viciously insulting their small room of maybe 10-20 girls, about half of them lolitas, and the scant few males who dared to come (or were forced to). This panel has to be probably the worst one ever put on in the history of cons in Vancouver and I don't know why C&E and other events are so desperate for programming that they let it happen.

>> No.6619654

He was banned because he was drunk and basically admitting it to a room full of minors and also berating many of them, not because of the Nigiri thing.

>> No.6619673

But none of us know your friend. You didn't even give a name. What con was it?

>> No.6619844

No, why do you ask?

>> No.6620108
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>Realms Con
>Want to go to Lolita 101 panel, since recently wearing the fashion
>They keep on changing the time, and remove it from the final schedule
>It's finally back on, but the people who were going to host it then balked
>Random lolita is suddenly picked to host, and asks me for help, so I do
>No one is there because the wrong panel is on the sign to the room, plus we're not even on the schedule
>Host is just using a print out list from the old rulebook online, as well as some GLBs, while I fill in the gaps of today's trends
>What few people are there involve a chubby girl who wants to cleavage the fuck out of catgirl/steampunk-based lolita(why), and a skinny chick who won't shut up about how her husband views lolita and her wearing it all the time, no matter how much I try to change topic (the other host doesn't do anything)
>She claims her long, ankle-length, ratty skirt is totally lolita
>Whoever else came left because we couldn't inform them at all, thanks to this girl not actually being on topic

I know Realms Con is dying, but god damn.

I also later ended up seeing the girl who wouldn't stop talking the next day, in some really half-assed casual, without a petticoat... Which is depressing, as she's part of the insanely small number of us in the Corpus Christi area.

>> No.6620141
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>At Anime Boston '12
>Go to Crossplay panel
>Everything going okay
>Two of the guests really unnerve me, though.
>One is this older M2F who looks like she just walked straight out of Laura's Playground. Like, she was wearing this Hot Topic lolita cocktail dress, had the face of Nathan Lane, and had super thin hair. Like, I'm talking Buffalo Bill without the wig. She was nice and all, but I kept having this nagging feeling in the back of my head that trans kids in the audience would see her and think, "Is THAT what I have to look forward to?"
>Other guy was this sperglord who claimed that transgender meant that you liked to wear girl's clothes and that transvestite meant you wanted to have the snip-snip. Everyone was like, "Uuhhhhh dude? No." But he got really uppity about because he claimed to have trans friends.

The worst part is that the same sperglord went to my uni, and participated in the annual drag show along with me and several other students. I won't go into details about the drama that happened backstage if nobody wants to know.

>> No.6620146

I wish it were possible to say cons should just have one panel per popular shit fandom, but since panels are run by attendees a majority of what is submitted will be weeby shit. I don't get the point of having more than one Homesuck panel at a con, but there's nothing that can be done about it.

One of the biggest things I've seen ruin panels is when the panelists don't try to involve the audience at all. They make it more like a school presentation than a fun, engaging activity. It's not that hard to involve the audience- ask for stories, do trivia, and hand out some sort of cheap prizes.

>Posts condescending comment and expects it not to be taken as butthurtrage
>Continues to butthurtrage even harder when informed they're just being screwed with


>> No.6620173

Oh, everyone wants to know. What Uni, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6620185
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Fanime 2011

> HENSHIN panel
> Last day, 11am aka check-out hell time slot.
> That wasn't even the problem
> check in 15 minutes before panel
> goes in the panel room to set up
> Halko Momoi panel
> she's still talking
> this asshole's keep asking questions
> yes, one guy, hogging the mic
> She keeps answering
> We scramble to set up everything
> Actual panel start time: 11:30am
> Asks for time extension because Momoi panel went way over
> Staff says yes
> So I start the panel
> 12pm mark, she signals to cut the panel despite the fact that my panel got fucked over by Momoi panel

>> No.6620195

>> No staff member ever told Momoi her time's up. NO ONE! I understand that she's GoH but that was just ridiculous.
>> 30 minutes is never enough for panel with video clips.

>> No.6620209

Got two for you all.
>Friend and I go to a Hentai panel to heckle the people running it and laugh at the neckbeards that like it
>Sit in the middle area
>Really weird guy next to me
>Panel starts with the most awkward speech regarding Hentai
>Literately too bad to heckle
>They actually show photos/clips
>The guy next to me starts beating his dick hard
>Girl behind him screams in fear and actually calls rape
>He gets dragged out by security with his boner exposed and pants down
>Hentai panel now hasstaff watching everyone to make sure no one beats off

>4chan panel
>Go to see if the people their are as bad as I thought they'd be
>Filled with guys that actually wear MLP shirts
>Panelist friend wears a MW3 shirt
>Gets heckled off stage by what I think is /v/
>Tell them to shut the fuck up, otherwise I'll come over there
>They're silent through the whole thing

>> No.6620217

>nothing that can be done about it
... dude, conventions aren't required by law to let anyone who wants one have a panel. they can just ban them or restrict them if it gets overwhelming.

>> No.6620221

Fucking Aki Con. They never give you even close to the timeslot you want and they never send you confirmation to let you know your panel was accepted and scheduled.

I applied for a panel and specified when I wanted it to be, and I was actually pretty flexible. It could be any time of the weekend, but I was getting there a specific time the first day and leaving a specific time the last day so it obviously couldn't be before I got there or after I left.

They scheduled me for 9am on Friday. Of a small convention where most programming starts at 5pm Friday and no one gets there until noon at the absolute earliest. I knew for a fact no one would show up at that time. And I couldn't even be there that early. And since no one emailed me or contacted me in any way, I didn't even know I was accepted until the schedule was up on their site. I contacted them about it and they whined that they had already sent the schedule to be printed and it was too late to make changes and it was my fault for "not being clear".

So done with that con.

>> No.6620222

Didn't ACEN have 4 Homestruck panels?

>> No.6620226

I don't understand what part of any of that shows that I'm angry. I'm more confused than anything, none of it makes any sense.

>> No.6620237

I asked for a panel at Momocon and said anytime on Fri, Sat, Sun after 11 am is fine with me.

She said slots were closing up so they only had "9AM or 11 on Saturday"

I chose 11 cause it was right up my alley. I arrive with all my things to my assigned room and check the schedule...yep me at 11.
Some other dude shows up at 11 and I recheck the schedule and the email I got from the coordinator.

It says "9AM or 11"
I check the 2nd board on the room. It has me down for 11 PM.

Would it have killed her to put PM on the email AT ALL? The way she worded it made it look like 11AM along with the 9AM. I don't know if she did it on purpose but I was a little ticked.

>> No.6620249

>panel about a 2nd season of a certain anime
>at the time of the con only 2 episodes of anime were released
>audience doesn't want to listen to stuff about ep 2 because SPOILERS
>host is 15 minutes late
>has literally nothing to talk about
>spends 20 minutes talking about one new character's HAIRSTYLE because "it makes them unique"
>messed up all the names of characters (both old and new)
>turns out host never even watched those 2 episodes
>half of the audience leaves

>> No.6620281

>complaining about Hall H or Ballroom 20 line times.

EVERYONE should know by now that if you want into any of those panels you have to camp out overnight. that is just how those halls work, it is hardly a horror story. A horror story about Hall H or ballroom 20 would be like some guy stabbed you in the eye with a pen over seats, or you were hit and killed by a car while walking through the line. THOSE are horror stories of Hall H.

>> No.6620296

I was running three events at this one con. None worked out well...

>Event one was a cosplay contest and it got scheduled at the same time as masquerade
>Ask for a change before con which they agree to do
>get an email, oups the only time can do is the same as your other events.
>Can't be in two places at once, replied asking them to cancel it.
>Show up to con with in in their books they give out to attendes.

>Second event was a fan event with other cosplayers
>Suppost to be at 7pm Friday
>In their books it was at 4pm
>Mad scramble to get everyone, shit done, etc.
>In mad scramble, forgot my wig and two people had to drop out because of time.

>Third event runs pretty smoothly.
>Right time, filled room, and almost no walk outs.
>I break no rules.
>Reviews from the con I had to answer too about third event:
>Why were there so little people at your event? You can't host one next year.

I don't understand that con. I never want to host a panel there ever and so have a lot of other panelist people. That con is desperate for event's now apparently, I wonder why...

>> No.6620791

Is the crossplay panel good? I tried to get in at AB 11 but the room was full and I ended up going to a historical costuming panel instead. It seems like it always fills up. (understandably so)

>> No.6620851

my nigga

>> No.6620856

Wow. So they fucked up 2/3 of your events and then have the fucking balls to tell you that you fucked up and can't host again? Sounds like they got what's coming to them in terms of not being able to get anyone to host events though.

>> No.6621398

4chan used to have official panels at otakon YEARS ago. I think they were asked to stop in maybe 2006

>> No.6621549
File: 826 KB, 731x727, 1335674540863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the most awkward panel I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through.

>> No.6621553
File: 1.59 MB, 320x180, maryjanedance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, the ones you were in was pretty terrible.

>> No.6621559
File: 405 KB, 640x960, DEALWITHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6621560

Was this at momocon by any odd chance? I remember something exactly like this happening at their vocaloid panel...

>> No.6621571

Sage for off-topic, but I have to ask -- were you drunk when you did this? I don't think I could manage to make it through the entire thing in a bikini in front of so many people without a lot of booze.

>> No.6621582
File: 925 KB, 212x176, 1360387139868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her arms look like ridiculously long noodles...

>> No.6621584

what the fuck
that is what mj's face looks like?

I'll stick to that anorexic asuka

>> No.6621589

>event in schedule listed as some sort of "cosplay show"
>friends and I go to check it out
>room is super tiny with a few rows of chairs facing a projection screen
>find out that the entire "panel" was just the con staff playing a poor-quality YouTube video that someone had recorded of cosplay skits from an older con

The worst part was that this wasn't even just a panel that some random con-goer was running; it was supposed to be a "main event" run by the actual con staff.

>> No.6621591

that is what she looks like with make up on.

now imagine her without it.

>> No.6621595

Fucking stop. You asshats bitch about MJ in some other thread. Preferably one thats already auto saging.

>> No.6621596
File: 26 KB, 512x384, whattthefuckshitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2007 Otakon
>4chan panel
>why the fuck not
>LE MAY MAYS everywhere
>leave and head back to hotel
>see Moot outside
>strike up a conversation with him
>a bunch of guys/girls wearing mudkip masks run by yelling "THE GAME" without noticing that Moot is RIGHT FUCKING THERE BERT STARING THEM
>cry from laughing so hard

>> No.6621598

well with it she looks like a 50 year old hispanic mother
so without it...
hm. only thing i can think of is a leather Skeletor

>> No.6621602

how about you bitch about us in some other thread.

>> No.6621605

how about you bitch about me in some other thread.

>> No.6621634




It was alright.