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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6909512 No.6909512 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread here >>6893677

>that one guy who blew all their money on the dealer's room and is now begging for dinner money

>> No.6909536
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>that one guy who goes to the con without money and bums room and food off of friends

>> No.6909560

>that one stranger who comes up to you while you're talking to a girl to talk about fucking body pillows
Fucking is a verb here, not an adjective.

>> No.6909579
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>That one 'friend' who asks for your help with one part of their costume which turns into you making the whole costume.

>Tfw they say they don't want to cosplay that character anymore and end up not even wearing it.

>> No.6909615
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>That one guy that whines about not doing what he wants to do at the con when he's free to do whatever he wants

I hate people who whine about that. You're not a dog on a leash. Go do whatever you want. You paid to be here so get your money's worth.

Also, same friend

>That one guy that whines about the group not liking what he likes and tries to shove it down the group's throat. Later, he whines that he doesn't like what the group likes and adds stupid commentary to the group's conversation. Then he tries to piggyback off of what the group likes and becomes one of those "fake fans" because he doesn't want to feel alone.

Ok so you like FMA and Doctor Who and don't like Madoka Magica and Mass Effect. Congratulations buddy. You like/dislike something.

>> No.6909623
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One more post about the same friend.

>That one guy that always has to give facts about the shows, etc. when no one really cares or asked.

>That one guy who feels obligated to invite himself into every conversation you have with someone at the con.

>That one guy that tries to get into every single picture that someone asks to take of you even though his cosplay is shitty and you're not even cosplaying from the same series. Luckily the photogs always say no to him.

Again the claim to everything is because he feels alone.

>> No.6909634
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>That one girl who tells you she thinks cosplay is fucking dumb, but admits she still does it for a chance at fame
>That same girl who admits to being fake nice to everyone, and they're all none the wiser

>> No.6909636

>that one guy who refuses to shower and gets angry when you mention it.

>that one guy who doesn't understand that you don't want to talk to him.

>that one guy you just met who tries to turn the convention into a weekend long date/relationship with you.

>> No.6909639



You have the patience of a monk

>> No.6909643

Have these people no shame asking for money? Maybe I'm prouder than most people, but I would rather starve than ask for money if the people I'm asking have seen me wasting it elsewhere.

>> No.6909645



>> No.6909650

>that one girl who came to the con to pick up 'smexy emo boiz' and doesn't even like anime
>that one girl that 'borrows' a bunch of random slutty pieces of cosplay to be her ~unique neko OC~
>that one girl who made you split the dinner bill halfway even though she had ribs and dessert when you only had salad, because she spent almost all her money on one of each flavor of pocky
>that one girl that actually fell into a semi-catatonic state after eating all of that pocky in one day and had to be dragged back to the hotel room by Harley Quinn and some random KHers so she doesn't get banned for sleeping in the lobby
>that one Harley Quinn thats stuck dragging her hambeast cat ear wearing cracked out lookin friend down the hall

>> No.6909663

>That one person who sees you're cosplaying from the same series of you and figures that you too must be a massive sperg so they go full out spergathon even though they're a total stranger

Trufax so I'm cosplaying Soarin from MLP (which really means I was inviting this sort of thing, I know) and I see Tara Strong randomly walking around, go up and talk to her, get a picture, she leaves, talking to friends bout how that was pretty cool, then some girl I've never met before in a Dash shirt comes out of nowhere singsonging "SOMEONE'S A HAPPY POOOOOOOOOOOOOO~NNYYYYYYY" and I'm just thinking... "what did I ever do to you"

>> No.6909669

My group and I have cut down our connections with him. He's banned from going to cons with us pretty much.

>> No.6909679

Those people make things so awkward. I've cosplayed Rose LaLonde from Homestuck (dropped that cosplay after 1 con) and Nurse Joy. I was sitting with my friends as Rose (I also had an Egbert with me) eating lunch when this group of trolls came up to me and my Egbert and started poking us and demanded we put some of our lunch into their buckets. They tried to hug us in mid-chew as well despite my group and I telling them to leave us alone so we could eat our meal in peace. When I was Nurse Joy, I got a lot of people running up to me yelling "HELLO NURSE~" or shoving their Pokemon plushies at me demanding I heal them.

I might like something but that doesn't mean I will stoop to every little thing.

>> No.6909689

Wow, you guys are really no fun at all. I love it when other fans come up to me for costume bro-outs, even if they're a bit weird and awkward. Especially with Homestuck and ponies, you've got to expect a few weirdos.

>> No.6909894
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> That one guy who's so asp that he can't talk about anything other than how good his mediocre cosplay is, and how everyone else is shit.
> That one guy who when I invite him over to my house, complains about his life the whole time, and doesn't have an indoor voice, put down any movies my parents bring up as conversation, and basically is an elitist asshole.
> Spends entire time with my mundane bestie showing awful pictures of other peoples cosplay on his phone and talking loudly in public about how they could ever go out in public like that, when she doesn't give a fuck but is too polite to tell him so.
> That feel when said elitist asshole is the only one in the area who cosplays the main character to your side character.

I want to punch a bitch.

>> No.6911159

There's bro-outs, and there's spergs. Most people don't mind casual friendly chats about a shared fandom with a fellow fan, but having someone run over and scream/touch/sperg at you like you are their long lost best friend is never welcome.

>> No.6911187
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>that one girl who buys a hotel room and 3-day pre-reg pass, only to spend the entire con wandering around high
>then brags about how fun it was
>then complains about money problems

I can get why it'd be fun for an evening or so, but the entire con? Really?

>> No.6911223

I've had personal experience with all the following:

>That one guy who insults everyone's cosplay when there own is not that impressive to just downright shit
>That one guy who carries around a body pillow just to show off how forgone they are and earn nerd points when they're not even that harcore about their waifu/hasubando love when it really comes down to it
>That one guy who doesn't have their costume done and spends most of the con in the hotel room working on it
>That one guy who insists on using the bathroom first then literally takes hours to get ready
>That one guy who has to make judgmental comments about what other people are spending in the dealer's room because they're bitter they could only afford a couple $8 blind box figures
>That one guy who comments loudly on all the shitty art in the Artist's Alley thinking somehow magically the the artist won't hear them
>That one guy who bitches about all the slutty looking cosplayers, assuming anyone in anything remotely revealing is automatically not a ~true fan~ despite not even having a conversation with any of these women to determine so
>That one fatty who bitches about all the slutty looking cosplayers out of jealousy
>That one guy wearing a Guy Fawkes mask (perhaps the worst stereotypical con goer of them all)
>That one guy shouting out memes
>That one guy who bitches about everything popular
>That one guy who forces pissing contests over who's a bigger otaku
>That one guy who doesn't have a lot of money and guilt trips people into buying them things from the Dealer's Room
>That one guy who insists they're a massive Vocaloid fan, but when you attempt conversation about it, it's clear they literally know nothing about it other than Hatsune Miku's name

>> No.6911224

>That one jerk who wants to know of every convention we go to just cause he wants to get with my friend even though he creeps her out and has a gf.

>That one girl changing plans that our group made, especially with the rooms just so she could have one of the rooms to herself and bf.

I got nothing against dating/hooking up at conventions but holy shit the amount of drama is always around this crap.

>> No.6911233

Highly agree.

It's not like I don't bro-out with people but I was eating lunch at the moment and I don't appreciate things shoved at my face.

>> No.6911234

>>That one guy who bitches about everything popular

This shit. If you don't like something ignore it or just move along. I can understand venting but don't stand there in front of your friends who are enjoying themselves and tell them that whatever it is they like sucks. You're an ass.

I've got one friend who can barely go to cons because of her work and this one jerk who came along just ruined her entire weekend just because she liked KH.

>> No.6911239

>that one guy you don't really know all that well, but you know he's kind of a dumb fuck and is a homophobic gay. He's kind of a friend of the people you went to the con with
>He feigns tiredness and goes back to the room early one night
>You discover, upon returning yourself with part of the entourage, that he has hooked up with an anonymous stranger he met earlier that afternoon and had drunken unprotected gay anal with him while everyone was gone
>Both giving and receiving
>On the bed you were planning on sleeping in
>In his drunken, post-coitus stupor, he tells you everything in gruesome detail

>> No.6911244

And that's what I meant by dating/hooking up often leading to crappy times.

>> No.6911259

Details? To ruin someone's entire weekend, he must have been pretty damn shitty to her.

Those types are so fucking annoying. Last con I was at, there were these guys we were hanging out with who kept bitching about pretty much any anime with a large fanbase and going on about how they didn't get how they could be so popular. Finally, when they started going off about Madoka, I asked them if they even watched it and only one of them had and they only saw the first two episodes.

>> No.6911272

> horn hat

jfc scrolling by I thought this was a Animal Crossing thread for a second.
I think I need help.

>> No.6911306

>Friend finally manages to get a weekend off to come to AWA. Would consider it her onlu break from work.
>Big fan, HUGE fan of KH. Get a group going and head off, including jerk.
>Arrive at hotel, she wants to wear her KH 2 shirt. Jerk tells her she looks like a thirteen year old weeb. Friend changes shirt.
>Go to Artist Alley. She wants a print, Birth by Sleep, I promised to get her something so I told her I'd buy it for her. (It was like 7 bucks.)
>Jerk says I'm wasting my money, she should get the "totally better drawn Halo poster" Said post is $20 plus she wants the other one.
>Calls her shallow for liking such a "girly" dumb game.
>Friend tries to ignore him as we walk around.
>Ditch him and we go to a panel, on some j-fashion as she's interested in that. Panel goes over a little.
>Get back to group jerk is talking loudly saying we "kept them waiting forever" and says we were wasting time at a KH panel probably.
>Friend loses it, tells him he's a dick and why can't he leave her alone.
>He claims it's because we're a bunch of shallow girls who buy into shallow stuff and it makes it harder on guys like him.
>All of my what.
>All of her what.
>Smug ass look on his face like he just burned us or something.

The rest of the con was just ruined by him complaining and telling what was superior what wasn't. Even ditching him didn't work.

I got other shitty awful stories.

>> No.6911328

Did you ask if he even played KH ever? Because I am seriously failing to see how the fuck it's shallow. Girly as fuck, yes, but shallow? No.

And seeing as Halo is even more so babby's first vidya than KH and even more overrated, he has no right to bitch.

>> No.6911341

No amount of arguing or telling him off shut him up. He just Wouldn't. Stop. Bitching.

>> No.6911363

Did he elaborate on how it makes it harder for him exactly?

By the way, you should share your other stories you mentioned having.

>> No.6911380

He said something about it being because of the popularity of KH and other popular games was making it harder for "actual gamers" to get any new games. Then he mumbled off a bunch of other nonsense like how my friend was doing it for attention or something I don't know. We stopped listening to him after that.

I've got a lot, nothing dramatic of anything just really depressing stories of cons gone wrong and shit going down. I'll just summarize some of them.

>> No.6911407

>I got other shitty awful stories.
Do tell. Also, why do people go to stuff that's supposed to be fun and hang around people they don't like?

>> No.6911408

>Friend and her mother and I decide to go for a day to see what it's like.
>Ride there her mom bitches about the long drive and traffic. (It's cool it is pretty bad but if we had left earlier...)
>Her mom wants us to go find her friend and her friend's son first. Okay we track them down and they chat.
>Her mom keeps pushing for me to go do stuff and pushing for my friend and the dude to go hang out.
>Wander off into dealer's room.
>Few minutes later my friend tracks me down and wants me to go walk with them.
>Start to. Her mom appears suddenly, wants me to go off again.
>Okay...wander off.
>Friend tracks me down sometime later, wants me to come along again.
>Fucking tug of war here. I tell her, her mom dosen't want us to hang out. Wants her to hang out with friend's son, obviously matchmaking.
>Friend lets me go, seems neutral about it.
>I go hang out and then watch some dance battles. She shows up again MAD and tired. Dude is no where in sight.
>Her mom shows up, not looking satisfied. Says the tickets were too expensive for all this, says she missed some things (something about trueblood I don't remember) cause she hung out with her friend.
>We hang near some railings. Dude shows up, says he wants to hitch a ride with us on the way back for some reason. Okay.
>Leave after sometime, falling asleep here on my feet. My friend refuses to sit in the backseat with him so I'm back there. Her mom shoots a disappointed look at her.
>Ride home compare loot. Dude is laughing it up about some of his mystery stuff. Friend falls asleep.
>We drop him off, start heading for home and her mom just bitches about how my friend didn't hang out with him much at all, says it's not fair to just have one friend to hang out with.
>Nothing but awkward silence.

The worst thing about that trip was since she said that I feel like my best friend is wary of us hanging out too much now cause she doesn't want her mom mad. She's going with us to the next one

>> No.6911428

... but... as stated, he likes Halo, so that argument is completely invalid coming from him.
Oh my god, I hate parents like that so much. Especially when they're that pushy regarding their kid's love life. How old is your friend? She should consider telling her to back off with that shit.

>> No.6911439

Another AWA con.
>Going as group this time, from school.
>Plan out who's staying in what room, a week before we go. Ask repeatedly if everyone is okay with it. Everyone's good to go.
>Arrive. Notice that the room is cramped and tiny but we assigned the right number of people to fit in each room so no worries.
>Go and get passes. In line and suddenly we hear some arguing up front. Some girls fighting each other.
>They stop and go in seperate directions. We get passes and scatter. My friend wants to follow (same best friend) but I lose her at one of the stairs.
>Run into one of the girls that was fighting, she's asking loudly some of the people walking by if she can stay with them.
>Group leader wanders over and asks her what happened.
>The two girls were dating and broke up. She got kicked out.
>Leader and I feel sorry but we really can't fit anyone else in and tell her she should try to get a ride home or something.
>She agrees and nods her head and when my leader goes to get some help from some staff she leans in to me and asks if I'm single.
>Deer in Headlights stare. "Excuse me?"
>"If you let me stay with you guys I can pay..."
>Step away from her, repeat that we can't squeeze her in. She pouts but leaves after staff come to help her.

I walked around, hung out whatever for a few hours before about to head back to the hotel.

>Girl is there, outside of the hotel doors.
>She's asking anyone for a room.
>Finally ask her why she didn't go home.
>Says she wants to stay. Some dude in a vash costume walks by, she asks for help from him.
>Whatver I'm tired I'm heading up.
>Get to room, hear my friend call to me to help her carry some bottles of water up to the room, turn around to go back down stairs to get them.
>Walk past Vash dude and some other dude.
>"I'm letting her stay but she's paying us later."
>Ugly laughter and disgusting gestures.

Can't unhear laughing. I swear most of my stuff is just the sad parts of convention goings.

>> No.6911442

At the time she was like 17 I think. She doesn't want to date at all. Ever. And she hasn't. I don't know why her mom continues to push it still, she's 19 now.

>> No.6911450

There's a thread for that:

>> No.6911448

I'll stop here because this was originally a different thread, and I ran it off topic. I'm sorry.

>> No.6911459

Yeah night post more later there maybe. I need some sleep.

>> No.6911456
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How do you put up with this guy?

>> No.6911460


captcha: acceptation errect

>> No.6911464

>"If you let me stay with you guys I can pay..."

... wait, so she was implying she'd whore herself out... then she possibly agreed to do the same to a Vash cosplayer? What the fuck...

>> No.6911472

Is /cgl/ well-known within the lolita community?

>> No.6911474

>... wait, so she was implying she'd whore herself out...
And they said no?

>> No.6911489

No from what she was asking was she would pay to stay in there, with money or food, she just didn't have much for her own room I think. (Really wasn't whoring herself out to the dudes since she was hitting on other girls and such.)

Nah from what THEY were implying was that they wanted her whore herself out to them as payment. I don't know if she did or did not but I didn't see her the other days there so I assume she went home.

>> No.6911490

Yeah, besides to the total newfags.

>> No.6911526

>>That one guy wearing a Guy Fawkes mask (perhaps the worst stereotypical con goer of them all)
It's like rules 1&2 never even existed

>> No.6911535


They haven't existed since about 2008, when moot got Chris Poole to act as him.

2004-06 was the golden age, guys.

>> No.6911650
File: 19 KB, 497x510, ren rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who wears casual versions of characters and closet cosplays and then is surprised when no one recognizes her

>that girl who tries to flirt with you ala anime style; she shows up in something skimpy and expects you to ravish her on sight; or shows up in a "cosplay" of her roleplay character and expects you to jump into character and be all over her (basically cant separate roleplay from reality)

>that guy who is surprised that you don't find it funny when he pretends to crack you in the face with the butt of his prop

>those airsoft gear wearing asshats who rage at you for being a dirty Russian commie when the flag you're carrying is the French one

>that guy who tries to take your prop from you and gets butthurt that you "ruined his joke" when you tell him to back off

>> No.6911658

>those airsoft gear wearing asshats
I thought those were universally banned from cons?

>> No.6911686

>That one friend who complains whenever you drag them to events/panels/parties even though they always have a great time

I hate you Phil.

>That one guy who invites himself into your group and the proceeds to ruin your reputation by association

You let a guy hang around for one night and then have spend the rest of the convention swearing he's not around in order to be allowed into any social function.

>> No.6911702
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>>That one girl who wasn't going to go to con unless she could get room/entry for free.
>>That one girl who asks if she can join your cosplay group, but then demands to be the most popular character in a "sexi" version of the costume, regardless of what the rest of the group has decided to do.
>>That one girl who agrees to show up for all your photoshoots, but then ditches you as soon as you get to the con. Then, when you ask her wtf happened, she claims that you were giving her "negative feelings" and that she KNEW we didn't want her there... yeah, that's why we kept calling and asking where you were and if you were ok.

Never again, /cgl/. Never. Fucking. Again.

>> No.6911719

>that one friend that has social anxieties
>still goes to conventions
>complains about social confinement
>blames you for _____ reason

>> No.6911728

My group and I don't anymore. We got sick and tired of his BS. We cut down communication with him and we agreed that he's no longer permitted to room with us at cons. If he wants to go, it has to be with someone else. I'm not sure about the rest of my group but I definitely don't want to hang out with him at or outside of a con anymore. He's highly annoying and the sad thing is he's 27. You would think he had his shit together.

>> No.6911737

Good god why do you people put up with this stuff? I thought going in groups was supposed to make it fun, not insufferable, what with shitfucks ruining everything and awful room situations.

>> No.6911741
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>that one girl who always does closet/casual/alternate cosplays of characters and blows so much money on them and then complains that she doesn't have enough money to do one of their recognized versions, people don't recognize her, and that she wishes she could have a recognized version of a character done one day

How about you pull your head out of your ass and use that money you're blowing on these Genderbent!Fancy!Fashion!Casual!versions to do an actual version?

>> No.6911777

>that one guy who just doesn't tell them this shit and they never learn.

>> No.6912130


No. They're probably the types that are used to their parents handing them money whenever they ask.

>> No.6912390 [DELETED] 

>>That one girl who asks if she can join your cosplay group, but then demands to be the most popular character in a "sexi" version of the costume, regardless of what the rest of the group has decided to do.

are you me, anon?

>> No.6912395

>>>That one girl who wasn't going to go to con unless she could get room/entry for free.
>>>That one girl who asks if she can join your cosplay group, but then demands to be the most popular character in a "sexi" version of the costume, regardless of what the rest of the group has decided to do.
>>>That one girl who agrees to show up for all your photoshoots, but then ditches you as soon as you get to the con. Then, when you ask her wtf happened, she claims that you were giving her "negative feelings" and that she KNEW we didn't want her there... yeah, that's why we kept calling and asking where you were and if you were ok.

a..are you me, anon?

>> No.6912402

It depends on state laws and how laxed con security is

>> No.6912422

>That one girl you were only nice to because your sister begged you not to be mean to because she has emotional problems.
>She invites herself into your hotel room despite you telling her no repeatedly.
>She shows up to the con expecting you to allow her in your room.
>You still don't so her and her mother drive to your dad's house to complain about how you lied to her.

>> No.6912575

>that one person who always complains about "being poor"
>they're infamous in your group for being a mooch and a cheapskate
>they'll beg everyone in the group to spot them for lunch because they "don't have any money"
>after lunch, they fuck off to the dealer room for the rest of the afternoon and somehow spend upwards of $200 on shit like blindbox figures, pocky, ramune, and wall scrolls

>> No.6912701

Mfw.. I feel bad for you anon.

>> No.6912755
File: 408 KB, 800x561, hellsing alucard yotsuba vampires 1200x842 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow wtf is she like 10?

My god, if I still lived with my parents, or were younger and that happened, my dad would look at me and say "Anon, what happened?"
Me: "I told that girl I didn't want to share a room 100 times beforehand."
Dad: "Ok." *Looks at mother and daughter* "Kindly, gtfo of my property you cunts" *Closes door in their faces* "ANON!! Let's go get some icecream."
Me: "Fuck yeah!"

>> No.6912774

>that one girl who complains she doesn't have money to make fancy costumes but spends ten times more than the cost of a fancy costume on making 50 mediocre or closet costumes a year.

>that one girl who jealously regards the $100 figure you bought in the dealers room and whines about not having the money, even though she spent $200 on random crap.

Have some self control, buy quality not quantity idiots.

I know right. My mother was an absolute cow but unless we were like ten years old an under if some lady had come to the door with her daughter she would have laughed in her face.

That being said, maybe the daughter ended up so messed up because the mother is an overprotective nutbag.

>> No.6912828

Yeah it was a bit of a bad time to learn about my friend's blood sugar control issues. Funnily enough this friend has since declared me too embarrassing to be seen with because I wear cosplay to cosplay events like a crazy person.

>> No.6913282

>>You still don't so her and her mother drive to your dad's house to complain about how you lied to her.

I wanna know how your dad reacted to that.

>> No.6913301
File: 25 KB, 442x454, 1316398666907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who bitches about how you "made her" do a cosplay she didn't really care about
>same friend wanted to do the cosplay for the group because it looked pretty
>same friend is now super bitter because she's struggling with making it on her own
>same friend is expecting you to drop all your projects to help her because "i's YOUR group"

Haha, nope. Volunteering yourself =/= getting forced into it, and yet she ALWAYS COMPLAINS about how it's _____'s fault.

>> No.6913304

>and yet she ALWAYS COMPLAINS about how it's _____'s fault.

And lemme guess, it's never her own?

>> No.6913320

Oh god these.

They invite/force their way into the group, and then act like they're doing YOU a favour by being there and get bitchy if it ends up costing more money/effort than they wanted to spend just to attention whore.

>> No.6913400

Heres a bright idea, why dont you actually communicate with these people and tell them what the problem is instead of bitching to otger people? This is why relationships dont last too.

>> No.6913410

A lot of the time, these people are too delusional to really take it as criticism.

>> No.6913488

>that one guy who paid for dinner
It was me because a faggot fucked up the bill.
He was whining about him paying too much and shit so I decided to just pay for everyone and get back to the hotel for some sleep.

>> No.6913500

>that one guy who went to his first con and thought he was going to find his Manic Pixie Dream Girl
>that one guy who is me

Pick two.

>> No.6913502

You probably didn't even give two shits about the con you were going to.

>> No.6913523

It was ACEN 2007...or '08? Something like that. Anyways, it was my first con, and I wanted to go 'cause it seemed like it would be fun and all. I forget why, but for some reason, I had the idea in my head that I'd meet a cute girl while at the con.
Ended up not even caring about finding a qt3.14 by the end of the weekend. Loved the con from the moment we got to the waiting line outside on Friday afternoon. It's what got me so interested in cosplay after all. I took pictures of everyone like some dumbstruck idiot. Ah, the memories.
Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6913560
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>that friend who talks about how much they want to cosplay
>that friend who complains about how the parent gives them shit about it and says they're never going to finish
>that friend who freaks about because they have little cosplay experience and whines about getting no help when they have two or three friends always willing to help

>that friend who decides not to cosplay over the con because they are afraid of having money issues but buys a 3DS and Animal Crossing less than two weeks after making that announcement


I'm pretty sure it would have been cheaper to make the cosplay than buy a new (as opposed to used) system and a new game. They already had the wig and everything too.

It's their decision, but I bet they're going to keep whining about not having a cosplay all weekend, when everyone else does and they were supposed to cosplay with us. ugh

>> No.6913594
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>that one friend who ends up texting/being on the phone for the majority of the con and then whines about how they missed all the good cosplays or funny stuff

Well maybe if you looked up from your phone or put it away then this issue wouldn't exist. You can text/call any other time.

>> No.6913600

I was kinda the same way, but I soon realized that everyone was either out of my league or I didn't care for them.

>> No.6913605

I think affording the 3DS and Animal Crossing was what she meant by "money issues".

>> No.6913623

>tfw it's already been said and the friend got SUPER defensive and started pointing our your own flaws out of nowhere

>> No.6913649

How do these people even get rooms? I know if this was my "friend" there is no way he'd be sleeping in the room without pitching in.

>> No.6913655

>That one friend who asks for advice, but really just wants an excuse to hear their own ideas out loud after turning down yours.
>That one handsome bastard who could cosplay anything but wants to be awkward characters instead.
>That person who goes to an anime convention and has brought plenty of Homestuck, AT and MLP costumes but not one shred that has to do with anime

>> No.6913657
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>That guy who is... I don't even know what this is.

I was at Anime Day Orlando yesterday. There were some people watching the new Smash Bros. trailer on a phone, and one of them was super excitedly narrating the whole thing. It seemed like he mostly wanted others to hear his commentary, or to be the center of attention, and others being entertained by it was secondary. He was completely unable to sense the social atmosphere, and wrapped up in his own world where people genuinely wanted to hear his play-by-play more than the trailer's audio. He was a meat tank with long hair and a fedora, which may or may not be relevant. I was passing by during the Mega Man reveal segment.


It was painful at first. The empathy shame was palpable. But after the first few sentences I snapped and it became absolute comedy gold. I didn't even hear anything past that because I was laughing so hard. Really one of the better parts of the day.

>> No.6913740
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>that one guy who stays out all night and comes back to the room to pass out in the bathroom
>with girls in the room because we couldn't afford two
In the end, though, I wasn't that mad. I lifted him up and carried him out easy -peasy and it made me look strong and take-charge in front of my friends, namely the girls...
>that one guy who secretly enjoys cleaning up messes in order to placate his concern for what other people think of him

>> No.6913746

>that one guy who is a 24-year-old Mexican and hits on me, who was 14 at the time
>question him about it
>"gotta keep my options open lol"

>that one guy who then brings back a hambeast one night without telling anyone and makes out SUPER LOUDLY with her

>that one couple who books the room and tells you there will be 6 people, and there end up being 10 one night
>that one couple that sleeps naked. Right next to you.



>> No.6913747

>that one guy who misses the toilet

>> No.6913828
File: 436 KB, 1920x1200, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one stranger who likes your costume.
>like, really likes your costume.
>no, I mean really, REALLY likes your costume.
>like, loves it intensely.
>she wanted one of her own but couldn't make one herself.
>but thinks yours is the best one she's ever seen.
>did someone make it for you?
>can they make one for me?
>no really, I want one.
>I'll pay for all the materials and stuff.
>that is such an awesome costume.
>we can work something out.
>what's your email/IM?
>we can work out the details after the con.
>you don't mind, right?
>mfw she never contacted me afterwards.

>> No.6913882 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 292x532, dirty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're sleeping between beds on the floor
>a couple comes in, doesn't realize you're there, locks the door and starts having sex on the bed directly next to you
>you're still asleep with earplugs in
>they throw a blanket over you and get back to fucking
>yfw it was W.T. Snacks

>> No.6913907

unrelated but i'm messy, when i clean common areas i'm normalizing my impact on the house. also i'm shy and cleaning things is better at showing my goodwill than talking which often comes out stressful

>> No.6914062

>that one friend who clings to you like a leech at cons.
>that one girl who inserts herself into conversations
>when you tell her you want to do your own shit for a few hours "B'aww you think I'm a burden, you're increasing my anxiety!"

>> No.6914104
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>big con with a small venue, so congested hallways
>leech-friend stops to look at a table, but I don't notice and keep walking
>30 minutes later, check my phone
>17 missed calls, 10 voicemails, 24 texts, all from leech
>eventually find her
>she clings to my shirt and sobs for another 20 minutes
>people ask us for pictures (our characters are a popular ship in the series)
>awkwardly have to tell them no

>> No.6914169

She definitely had no interest in it before seeing it everywhere on Tumblr, and even said it was an "impulse buy"

definitely gonna call her out if she starting moping during the con about not cosplaying

>> No.6914180

>that one girl that gets her period during the cons and spends the rest of the con bitching about it

>that one guy that wears the same kigu the entire fucking con

>> No.6914209

>That one guy in the room who snores loudly and keeps everyone else up all night

Now NO SNORES is my main rule when it comes to roomshares.

>> No.6918080
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This guy

>> No.6918090


I hate this shit

its like yeah we are friends and all but we have a personal tastes to. sure we can go to a panel together , dinner etc,and what not but im gonna do mine things its up to you to find yours

>> No.6918102

don't forget gijinkas

>> No.6918106

what were you cosplaying?

>> No.6919864

>That one person who complain's about other people at a cons, when we're all awkward escapist losers.

> That one person who argues this point, unable to accept this and pierce the god damn heavens.

Yeah... first word in captcha "incompetent"

>> No.6919896
File: 250 KB, 680x353, 1369521152932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that friend who says shit like "Pink hair doesn't exist so for the sake of realism I'm leaning towards using a blonde wig."

>> No.6919911

I know you're going to judge, but Hetalia.
In my defense, it was 3 years ago.

>> No.6920022

This is literally the reason I won't wear anything Homestuck to a con anymore.

>> No.6920091

>That one friend with anxiety who has to hide in the hotel room twenty times because hurr, I can't take it
>same bitch meets the most ridiculously attractive man you've ever seen who volunteers to shepherd her around the whole night
>She doesn't even jump on it


>> No.6920113

>That one guy who always makes it to your hotel room to drink your booze and annoy you even though you and everyone you know is actively trying to keep him out.

>> No.6920186

what does moe even really mean
(wiki won't give me straight answer)

>> No.6920197

I usually interchange it out with the word "adorable" and it works. (Maybe "so adorable I could die"?)

In the Japanese it just means "blossoming" I think and the context is that they are the pinnacle of whatever cute trait it is.

>> No.6920211

It is usually used to describe a girl who is sweet, shy, often scared of others, helpless, and adorable beyond reason.
Easy example: my little pony. Fluttershy is moe as fuck.

>> No.6920247
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>stumble upon this board from front page

So far, I've concluded

>everyone that goes to cons have mental illnesses
>all of you are whiny bitches
>everything is in an extreme PoV where the poster is hiding their autism

>> No.6920252
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>no one on this board knows what "Moe" means
kill me

>> No.6920257

>That one other cosplayer in the comm with cosplay plans that are really similar to yours

Probably just coincidence but it can really put me on edge sometimes.

>> No.6920264

Fluttershy is probably the most capable of the group aside from Flylight. Also she went from being sweet, kind and adorable to pre-Arlong Usopp after season 1.

>> No.6920270

>That one guy who thinks he's better than everyone

>> No.6920273


Well, yeah. I've never browsed this board before. Why wouldn't I think that?

>> No.6920285

Because you're on 4chan in the first place. You have no room to judge.

Also, you keep pointing out that you're not from the board. How about you keep it that way and leave

>> No.6920292


Yes ma'am.

>> No.6920337
File: 48 KB, 381x301, 1346533866954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play bass in a band that plays at conventions
>act nice and talk to all the people who attend the shows, as you should
>girl keeps making heart signs with her fingers during my set
>I acknowledge it with a smile, just trying to be nice
>after the set she offers me some dinner
>accept, why not?
>walking out to her car
>she reveals theres a warrant out for her arrest, assume its for something like unpaid tickets
>we get in her car, she starts driving
>turns out she's not really a quirky anime kid con goer
>shes drunk as hell
>swerving in and out of lanes
>we get carls jr
>we eat it back at her hotel room
>she reveals the warrant is just because she tried to kill her brother
>weirded out, trying to get back to the con to see my bandmates and friends
>Get back to con, she follows the whole way
>some asp is walking around with a bag of dog milkbones
>she takes one, eats it
>falls to the floor
>doesn't walk dinosaur, instead has a fake 5 second seizure
>starts talking in a british accent the rest of the night for no reason

2 months later

>playing two shows in two nights in the arts district, hipster shit
>she shows up first night, finds my dad and tries to convince him to get me to date her
>shows up the second night in a full bridal costume
>avoid at all costs

>over the next few months she texts every few days begging for sex
>patrols my band's fb like crazy

six months later

>telling this story at that arts district venue
>owner of venue approaches me
>reveals that the girl has been showing up every night for hours at a time in hopes of seeing me


>> No.6920357

>that one couple that does couple cosplay the entire weekend

>> No.6920359

Is she hot? Cause I'd fuck her any way.

>> No.6920372

Shes alright.

>> No.6920379


I am definitely one of those people in my current relationship. Sorrynotsorry.

>> No.6920381
File: 35 KB, 500x381, tumblr_lqacxhplpl1qf8di1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one cosplayer that won't shut the fuck up about their cosplay progress or cosplay plans or what they're doing during the con in the con forums

Just fyi, no one gives a shit. It keeps happening in the San Japan forums with one particular cosplayer. She keeps giving status reports about every little thing she's done with her cosplay or what she's planning on doing at the con. It's also like she has to comment in every thread regardless of whether she's attending that event or cosplaying from that series or not. So fucking annoying.

>> No.6920404

>that friend(s) that keep wandering off from you or the rest of your group and you can't tell if it's from lack of awareness or if they are honestly trying to avoid you

>that long-time friend who has a complete mental breakdown in front of the cool congoers you've just met

>that guy that wants to turn literally every thing into a pissing contest for the entire weekend

>> No.6920536

Bad idea. There may be stabbings or a marriage in your future.

>> No.6920662

Never stick your dick in crazy bro, just don't.

>> No.6920753

>That one guy who cosplays Kuwabara from YuYu Hakusho at Colossalcon every year
>And interrupts panels, concerts, THE FUCKING COSPLAY CONTEST to run in and yell "KUWA-BA-RA!"
>It was funny for five minutes in 2010
>The convention is not about you

>> No.6920955

>That one guy at a meet up who stares at you, a female, holding hands with your girlfriend, then tries to friend you on Facebook

From same meet-up:

>That one guy who spent $2500 on a projector to stream fansubs

>> No.6922083

Oh just tap it you pussy, what's wrong with have a psycho bitch on call?

>> No.6923718

......$2500. On a projector. To stream fansubs. At a meet-up. What.

See >>6920536.

>> No.6923727
File: 162 KB, 333x382, 75032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me...

In Texas, we have these Mario and Luigi cosplayers that go to every con. They'll change up the outfits occasionally, but the thing is, they always bring speakers and play Mario music.

It's weird that it doesn't feel like a convention until I hear the same little game tunes for 3 days straight.
It also got old pretty quick, but the new people at the cons every year are always amused.

>> No.6923976


Men never learn. NEVER stick your dick in crazy. It is never worth it.

She'll stab you in your sleep
stab you in the dick as you cum cause she heard about it online
fake a pregnancy and get knocked up by another dude so you'll stay
needy needy needy daddy issues
find where you live and kills your pets
Drive by your job every 2 hours to make sure you are there and not cheating on her
Call you every hour to make sure you love her
Threathen to shoot up your work or kill herself if you break up

Never stick your dick in crazy. NEVER.

>> No.6923984

I know exactly who you're talking about and I hate those guys. They're obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.6924037

The most recent A-kon was the first convention I went to (well, I was working one of the booths), and I was wondering what the fuck that was.

>> No.6924041


I must be a fail txfag because I have never seen them. Do you have a pic of them? I should look out for them at San Japan just to witness all this.

>> No.6924158
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>Drive by your job every 2 hours to make sure you are there and not cheating on her

I remember somebody that I used to know was crazy paranoid that her on-again, off-again boyfriend was cheating on her, and asked me to drive her past his apartment to make sure he was home. At 2 am in the morning.

She also wanted to see if he really cared about her. Her cunning plan was to have me call him and tell him that she she had been hurt in a accident and was bleeding really badly. From playing DDR.

She also had nudes of him that she took while he was sleeping, and told me about her plans to plaster them all around his school, home, and workplace if she ever caught him cheating.

>mfw this all happened during one night out with her.

Today's Lesson: Do not stick your dick in crazy. In fact, keep it as far away from crazy as possible.

>> No.6924365
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>that one guy who makes a joke at the start of the con, then doesn't stop repeating it

>that one girl who latches onto a guy because he's cosplaying her husbando, bringing up yaoi pictures of his character on her phone and shoving them in his face despite his obvious disdain

>that one guy who will act inappropriate with everyone, but gets so irrationally mad over any guys even thinking about flirting with his girlfriend to the point where you have to step in and make him calm the fuck down

>that one guy who will namedrop some quasi-efamous cosplayer that he 'knows' every five minutes

>that one guy who says something is shit, then decides he loves it and proceeds to call anyone else who likes it out for bandwagoning/not being a true fan

>that one guy who sits in the gaming room playing the same fighting game he always does the entire weekend, regardless of whether someone is fighting against him or not

>that person who tags along with their significant other and spends their entire convention bitching their heart out about being there

>> No.6924367

>that one guy who says something is shit, then decides he loves it and proceeds to call anyone else who likes it out for bandwagoning/not being a true fan

I had a friend like that, he's a nice guy but holy shit would that annoy me. He'd also obsess over something and then if it'd get really popular he'd say it was shit and he didn't like it. A true /v/ideogamer.

>> No.6924381


I wouldn't see the problem with this.
as long as they're going all out for a realistic, human look.

>> No.6924386

>That one guy who considers anything he doesn't like shit and that anyone who disagrees has awful taste as if somehow he's the all holy decider of what's good and what isn't

>> No.6924388

If you're dressing as an anime character, realistic isn't what you should aim for if you want success

>> No.6924391
File: 49 KB, 247x403, WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUDOING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one nice guy who will stalk you and your love interest most weekend and cockblock you any chance he gets
>won't even let you and said love interest have one moment alone at the start of the weekend to hug and kiss each other hello in peace
>will always make obvious butthurt comments about how he has no girlfriend and am loving it whenever he's around you, obviously hoping that you or any other girl will drop any boyfriend they have and date him instead
>will invite himself into hotel room that you're sharing together and sometimes proceed to wait for hours for the both of you to come out if you refuse to let him in with you
>will always complain that you never talk to him online or give him any attention
>does not drink, will remind everyone of this every 5 minutes
>thinks he is the comedian of any party

>> No.6924422
File: 2.19 MB, 1600x1200, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one friend who...

>doesn't want to go because "everyone else is more attractive/wears better costumes"

>finishes cosplays in the fucking hotel room two hours before the con starts (baaawww anon please help)

>"doesn't know" if he or she will have the money to attend the con

Also the stranger who doesn't take a hint and follows you around the con for two days

>> No.6924435

related to the friend who finishes their cosplay in the hotel room

>the friend/group of friends cosplaying from the same series that sews their ENTIRE costume AND styles their wig in the room and leaves thread/scraps/glue/tape/wig hair EVERYWHERE.
>they spend 80% of the con in the room sewing
>finish on Sunday at 3PM
>there's no one at the con anymore

I don't understand???
I know like several people who do this

>> No.6924438


and if you're going for a superhero, anything less than gears of war level muscle isn't adequate if you want success.

what's your point?

>> No.6924447

I used to be like that. Turns out I had a genuine mental illness that needed treatment. Other people just can't plan for shit, it's helpful to lead them by the hand, like showing them how you plan and execute your cosplays

>> No.6924454

That's not even related in any way.

>> No.6924486


>Also the stranger who doesn't take a hint and follows you around the con for two days

Why are you so fucking beta? Report it to con security. this is why people like to walk all over women because they think nothing will happen to them as a result of harassment.

>> No.6924500
File: 57 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one roommate who asks you at least once every con if everyone can steer clear of the hotel room while he fucks a girl

I get that you want to be an alpha nerd or whatever, but keep in mind you're sharing that room with 3 other people.

>> No.6924519

It was a girl in my case, and she didn't do anything bad, she was just constantly present and annoyed everyone. It's not like she molested us

Also, we don't have a con security here, only lazy teenage con staff

>> No.6924576

You thought that was beta? Look at the post above it!

>> No.6924602

You're perfectly within your rights to do the same.

>> No.6924609

>alpha nerd
lolwat...Is he Asian?

>> No.6924633


anime characters aren't realistic.
nor are super heroes.

seems closeenough to me.

>> No.6924691
File: 18 KB, 320x180, summertime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh, it's summertime...!"

>> No.6924886


I don't get it either. You spend, what, anywhere between $30-100 for a con badge, then you spend the entire con... missing the con?