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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6980798 No.6980798 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /cgl/ who cosplay without knowing the source material

>> No.6980825

Motherfucker, how new are you?

More like
>there are actually some people on /cgl/ who do, actually, bother to know their stupid source material that no one cares about lol XD
it is the majority that's gamer girls here, not minority.

>> No.6980833

babby's first troll

you're gonna get reported and deleted so quickly i wasn't even gonna sage

>> No.6980884

Offended gamer girl detected.

>> No.6981496

>deleted so quickly

>> No.6981518

Why would it get deleted? It's on topic and isn't breaking any rules.

>> No.6981523

I know this is a troll, but it is true. Just look at the 'what should I cosplay as' threads that's normal on /cgl/. Most people here think more about the design accuracy.

>> No.6981553

I'd rather they think about design accuracy than just cosplaying what is popular at the moment so they can get pictures taken of themselves regardless of how accurate it is.

Also 90% of those people in those threads just want an excuse to post their picture on /cgl/.

>> No.6981589

So basically a lot of people cosplay without knowing the source material.

>> No.6981592


A lot of girls say they are gamers when they only watch Let's Plays. Why does this surprise you?

People cosplay for different reasons. Just think less of them in private and move on with your life.

>> No.6981637

Why can't they just cosplay what they know? If they don't know shit about a series, don't cosplay it. It just shows that it's more about attention whoring and bandwagoning than about being a fan of the show/game/comic/etc.

>> No.6984131

>Also 90% of those people in those threads just want an excuse to post their picture on /cgl/
True, so fucking true.

I used to post in those thread when they were good (80% cute girls, 10% ugly girls, 7% ugly guys, 3% doable guys) and I always gave suggestions to everyone, and I noticed that some people kept posting over and over and over the same suggestion chart again, and I always came with something new for them.

Do you know how many of those hundreds actually added my suggestion? Or anyone's suggestion at all? Less than a dozen.

Fuckers just wanted to attention whore.

Not that that changed now, it's still just attention whoring except it's over 50% ugly guys and much more ugly girls.

>> No.6984590

>Also 90% of those people in those threads just want an excuse to post their picture on /cgl/.
I don't understand that. I'm actually fucking terrified of winding up on here because I know how catty people can be

>> No.6984601
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I would never cosplay something I didn't know inside and out and was a huge fan of. But that's just me.

>> No.6986897

male detected

>> No.6986919

Yep, just you Roko.

>> No.6990752

But that's the only kind of people that we have here?

>> No.6992317
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yeah i just cosplay minor characters from obscure shows/games that don't have sexy or elaborate designs because i crave attention so badly

it's not like i watched those shows or played those games and just really liked those characters or anything

that would really be silly

>> No.6992366

You're saying that in jest, but sadly this is often too true. I've meet a lot of gals at cons that really didn't know much about the show or game they were from, they mostly cosplayed cause the seen that it was popular online.

>> No.6992401

your anecdotal experiences with a handful of people don't fucking define more than half the cosplayers in existence. you people just need to fucking stop, it's getting really sad.

yes, you've met a few people that cosplayed shit they didn't really know about, and it was probably vocaloid, and those people make up an easy-to-ignore-and-stop-whining-about minority.

MINORITY. that's a key word, okay, shitbrain?

>> No.6992440

I never stated a defined size, such as half, I only said a lot, much more than a handful. What I stated was no more than fact, some people cosplay not cause they love what they are cosplaying, but solely for the possible attention. That will often lead to people cosplaying as someone they never even seen before, or know little about. Nothing I stated is incorrect, you may not like it, but life is filled with inconveniences.

What leads you to guess vocaloid? Never seen people who cosplayed as a vocaloid not know who they were.

>> No.6992471

almost everyone who cosplays vocaloid thinks that vocaloids are anime singers and have no idea what vocaloid the program is.

>> No.6992507

But that's what cosplay IS now

It's not about fun, showing off a character from your favorite comic/manga/anime/show.

It's about attention whoring and showing as much of your tits as possible with each costume

>> No.6992525

Whaaa, you gotta be kidding me. 80% of the Vocaloid cosplayers I know are on the other side of the spectrum. They're obsessed with the whole thing and even RP about their own Utau and stuff.

>> No.6992578

you don't even cosplay or go to cons.

I don't even need to ask, I just know you don't. you stalk this board and buy into drama and that's the extent of your knowledge about cosplay.

>> No.6992587

i'm not even saying most vocaloid cosplayers are like that, i'm saying that particular fandom attracts more casuals because it doesn't even involve the time and commitment of watching an actual series.

when i said more than half, that was referring to female cosplayers. the assumption bitter misogynons make about female cosplayers is not that SOME of them are in it for sexual attention, but that they ALL are, and it's a steaming pile of bullshit.

and they usually cling to that discussion because they had one conversation this one time with this one vapid chick who had only played three seconds of a video game, and they like to confirm their pre-conceived notions rather than have to actually question anything they believe.

>> No.6992596


>> No.6993115

Usually people who don't know the source material tend to have a less accurate costume (what a surprise) and therefore suck motherfucking ass.

While it's true that it shouldn't immediately hurt anyone when someone cosplays a character they don't know at all just for attention, it's still harmful to the hobby. Cosplay should be about celebrating the series/character you really love and making costumes, and when the gamur gurls dress up as Yoko to show off their body and get attention despite not knowing who Simon or Nia are, it kind of turns cosplay into some kind of fetish play. You dress up as a fantasy character to get attention and popularity while accurately portraying a character and costume making is pushed to the side. When you look at all these websites' TOP 10 GREATEST COSPLAY lists they're always cosplay models in skimpy costumes. I don't want the hobby I love to be sexualized like this. I don't want to be embarassed to tell people I cosplay because they immediately get this image of JNig's tits in their mind.

It's not about jealousy, it's about not wanting cosplay to be an actual hobby instead of bordering on softcore porn. Look at motherfucking Volpin or any talented prop maker/cosplayer and tell me that cosplay can't be taken seriously.

>> No.6993209

ITT: Virgin neckbeards complaining that their hobby was taken over by strong independent womyn who don't have the time to watch their pathetic animes and play their video games aimed at manchildren.

>> No.6993777

It's wYmYn

>> No.6993916

I have no qualms with people who don't know the subject matter for things like designs from untranslated visualnovels/eroge(for example, I love the character designs, but can't into moon).

The what should I cosplay threads always baffle me, because if you watch anime and play video games regularly, you should have at least some idea of things you want to do. Personally, not a single anime season passes where I don't slap at least 5 costumes onto my wishlist. It really does seem like a lot of people are just fishing to find out what's "hip" so they can get a lot of attention.

>> No.6994023

I'm guilty of doing this once. A friend insisted I cosplay Yuuko from xxxHolic and they would be Watanuki. Day of contest comes around and they were a total no-show, leaving me with no idea what to say or do, no reference for the judges, and an incomplete costume since she was making the accessories.
On the bright side I fell in love with the art style and ended up reading the manga, its now one of my fave series.

>> No.6994032

I post in suggestion threads because I have a terrible memory for characters and a bad case of self doubt so I feel nervous about doing characters justice with my funky shaped face.

>> No.6994786


I post in them because I'm very dark skinned and I don't feel comfortable cosplaying characters that aren't also at least tanned. So I get suggestions for series that I watch to see if I ever want to cosplay that character.

>> No.6994826

If they know nothing about the fandom, they don't need to cosplay it. The fact that they would cosplay a character they don't know about from a show/game aimed at "manchildren" makes them even bigger attention whores.

>> No.6999241

Humans will sexualize anything.

I have the same thought, but it's a bit difference. I like good cosplay but then there's the faggots that are like "oh no cosplay is supposed to be fun". I mean WHAT THE FUCK DID THE BITCH DO TO MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!
Then you discover you can just troll them. It gets hilarious at first but then it gets shitty when the "cosplay is supposed to be fun!" faggots show up.

I know my viewpoint is kinda elitist-like but it still pisses me off when I see a shitty cosplay. Or chubby girls doing stuff that doesn't fit to their disgusting body.
(and before the feminazis come, it applies to guys too but I don't look at guys cosplaying)

>> No.6999390

your whole rant falls short when you use a commissioner for the example. Do you think volpin or gstq are familiar with every character they make something for? Their work is all still impeccable. You can cosplay from something without having seen the source material and still make an excellent costume, as long as you do your research. I understand the type of people you are complaining about but the problem is when you say stuff like this you ultimately end up lumping people who cosplay because they want to make something challenging in there too.

I've displayed from things I haven't watched or played, but you probably can't tell because I strive for accuracy in anything I make.

>> No.6999400

Am I foolish for hoping they familiarize themselves with the source material for the characters suggested for them?

Those threads could double really well as disguised "recommend me new media to consume" threads.

>> No.6999404

tbh, I've never actually posted a picture in any of those, I'm mostly a dude who lurks /cgl/ for random cosplay tidbits [I DO cospaly and attend cons] and for laughing at lolita drama.

But even -I- use those threads basically as recommendations for what to watch. I like seeing people's bodies get matched to anime characters and I get interested in the media those characters are from. I think it'd actually make for a neat TV show, like Project Runway or Say Yes To The Dress or something like that. Every episode, some cosplay nerds get saddled with a new model, and they have to figure out how best to make a costume for that model in a week. And sometimes you get challenges like "Vocaloid only" or "Must be from an 80s anime" or something like that. How fuckin' neat would that shit be? I'd watch the hell out of it.