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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 790 KB, 600x906, tumblr_mr2fgaJB3O1qzmpk6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7018946 No.7018946 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread:

So, like the previous thread's OP asked, what Homestuck cosplays are you all working on, any cons you're all heading to or preparing for?

>> No.7018972

mmmm MF's booty

>> No.7018976
File: 193 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mb3nh6TZlB1qi5vqao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Dave's white suit and I was wondering what to use as a prop. I know that he's seen with the time tables and caledscratch in that outfit, but I've seen those two done a lot so I was thinking of maybe making a Scarlet Ribbitar. Do you guys think that'd be fine or would I get shit for not using the right prop with the right outfit?

(pic related)

>> No.7018979

The fact that you'd have a prop at all would be great, I doubt anyone would come up to you and say "Well he doesn't use that prop with that suit."

That said, I would also suggest that other sword... the snow cone machine sword? With the Snoop Dogg and SBAHJ on it? The name escapes me, but hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.7018987
File: 6 KB, 404x202, Snoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the snoop dogg snow cone machete?

>> No.7018985

Yes, I know which one you're talking about! I was also considering that one.

>> No.7019023

As long as it's well made, any prop should be fine.

Though, just to throw this out here, I'm pretty sure the White suit is only worn by the Dave that became Davesprite. So, it's kind of a weird thing.

>> No.7019028

Personally I think white suits Daves/alt universe Daves should only have time tables, but I think any prop whatsoever will be awesome.

>> No.7019038

Timetables are too overdone because they're too easy to make. Swords are the only props a Dave should have.

>> No.7019053

Different anon but I disagree. Well done timetables definitely stand out from the rest and can be as good as any sword.

>> No.7019301

I'm sorry but "too overdone" has got to be the shittiest excuse ever.

Timetables are good, timetables are fun, timetables are Dave.

>> No.7019303

Dave in general is too overdone, and thus, you don't really see too many, if any, good cosplays of him.

>> No.7019373
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>> No.7019383
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing another anon's question, I bring this to you; How far is it okay do stray from a "canon" outfit to make it look real?
Pic related, I want to do an exile but they were supposed to be wearing, well, rags for hundreds of years. It'd still have all the "iconic" shapes to it (Hood replicated as best I can with just cloth, this PM did a really awesome one that you actually can't see in the photo), correct cut at the bottom, little weird sleevey things, etc), but it'd look a lot more ragged and disorderly compared to the "canon"

>> No.7019389

Currently working on a base Equius and Nepeta for Kentokyocon and Anime Weekend Atlanta. Gonna be trying some severe full body binding. Cause fat.

>> No.7019409
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-05-08_23.29.39.039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, the baselayer would look something like this

>> No.7019521

I like it, definitely. Try to get some good weathering painting on it and it would be great.

>> No.7019532

Oh also, should it have that layered kind of look, or should stitch it so that the ends are together so they bulge out a bit like the stuff over her chest

I was planning on using coffee staining and the like on it

>> No.7020150

Any GT Daves with Caledfwlch props?

>> No.7020239
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>> No.7020319
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>> No.7020338
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>> No.7020348
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>> No.7020365
File: 622 KB, 1280x1920, so close yet so far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7020400
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>> No.7020426
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>> No.7020455

How do I sew the stripes in the knight pants?

>> No.7020461

This might sound really stupid and I'm hoping I won't get judged too hard here, but my friend insists that I go out to an upcoming Prom!stuck event with her (she's never gone to a gathering outside a con before and would like someone she knows to go with her) but I'm not a Homestuck.

Can anyone tell me what to expect? And she really wants me to cosplay as well to fit in more but I have no idea who to cosplay and don't know much about the series other than the more popular characters and I've only read the 1st act.
Would I be bored and should try to get out of it? Will people judge if I don't know much about it?

>> No.7020465

Google: How to sew stripes

Jesus fucking christ, people. We're not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.7020479
File: 40 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mr4n2pVzlq1qdnxyfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dress made for a CMV they're filming this weekend.
Really looking forward to it.
Should probably mention she said she's "scared of fake eyelashes", so you can only really imagine the top notch quality that's going to be this Porrim cosplay.

>> No.7020480

Cut out stripes, fold the edge underneath and iron them down, then topstitch them to the pants? alternatively use fabric paint or iron-on applique?

>> No.7020483

you can cosplay one of the beta kids, its the easiest. also gatherings (around socal at least), its basically mingling and then they have a photoshoot and play spin the bottle until everyone leaves.
if youre uncomfortable with that, you can just hang back with some people and talk a bit.

>> No.7020486

Wouldn't this look ugly?

>> No.7020499

/r/ing troll horns that don't look like shiny pieces of plastic stuck onto someone's head.

>> No.7020506

To be fair I have issues with fake eyelashes as well, some people tear up way too much to wear them and it ends up being an aggravating process.

>> No.7020513
File: 571 KB, 767x500, d100ed5ceaeef00f6f6fb916b379c076-d5ebzss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Applique tends to actually look better than paint when done neatly.

This Latula's symbol, for example, is appliqued.

>> No.7020557

If you're a shit sewer, yeah.

>> No.7020588

well, wish me luck.

>> No.7020646

god drunk roxy is fucking hideous

>> No.7020645

You have a machine, right

>> No.7020654


i think she's cute in a kind of... generic chubby white girl way.

>> No.7020660

I wouldn't say she's hideous, but she's definitely unattractive. What's going on with her face?

>> No.7020659

I personally think she's pretty cute
Not a looker, but cute

>> No.7020689
File: 58 KB, 300x400, HorseSmile2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a horse

>> No.7020705

If anyone judges you for it, they're jerks and you should ignore them (and/or tell an admin). If you've read the first act it means you're at least trying and working on it, so that should be good enough.

To be honest, at most Homestuck events, my friends and I don't even talk about Homestuck. Sure, there will be people with Homestuck related jokes, clothing, and food, but a lot of times we'll talk about cosplay, mutual friends, book's we've read, tv shows, stuff like that. It's usually a pretty friendly crowd.

You shouldn't feel obligated to cosplay, just wear a nice outfit for something since it's "prom", or go as a beta kid.

>> No.7020713

If you use a fabric that doesn't fray, you can cut out the strips, pin them down, and then sew the edges down with a zig zag stitch in matching thread colour.

Dude, who cares. Yeah I dislike the dress too but false lashes isn't automatically equivalent with a good cmv. As long as she wears mascara whatever.

>> No.7020716
File: 316 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mnoubaTJje1r35os0o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promstucks are pretty uneventful so you'll probably be fine. If your friend wants you to cosplay, you can always throw on a black dress and a wig and call yourself Rose.

>> No.7020727

Different Anon, but has anyone been to any Promstuck events? There's one happening at the end of this month and I'm a bit tentative on going since... well, I've never even been to regular prom. But like
said, I'm guessing it's mostly just like a regular meet, just all fancier and prom-themed, right?

>> No.7020733

does anyone know what happened to burrenbari?

>> No.7020756

Last I knew she changed her URL and dropped out of Homestuck.

>> No.7020786
File: 3 KB, 425x328, Follow your dreams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a chipmunk
She doesn't look great, but she doesn't look terrible eother. You're mindlessly insulting her. If you're going to insult something, base your insults in reality

>> No.7020787

Wouldn't happen to be the Toronto one is it?

>> No.7020793

The insults are based in the reality that we think she's ugly. Lrn2whiteknight.

>> No.7020792
File: 75 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m365b4dDIm1r49qi7o1_500.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shouldn't feel obligated to cosplay, just wear a nice outfit for something since it's "prom", or go as a beta kid.
>You shouldn't feel obligated to cosplay,
In cali, there was some poor guy who just came in a suit without cosplay
He stuck out like the sorest of sore thumbs

>> No.7020795

But I'm not whiteknighting. She isn't attractive, but she doesn't look like a horse either. She looks like a chipmunk, because she has a really fat face.

>> No.7020802

personally i think she has a nose like a pig

>> No.7020801

Yeah, I think chipmunk face is far more accurate than horseface.

>> No.7020803

>She isn't attractive
>hurr stop whiteknighting

>> No.7020810

So much samefag happening here, on both sides.

>> No.7020822


>> No.7020834


>> No.7020837

Oh my fucking god that terribad ms paint photshop skills

>> No.7020839

>dat blonde

>> No.7020846

I was gonna say, huh that looks kind of neat, but I looked closer and well is that... Gemiblu?

>> No.7020850

Nah, it's Murtunacaptor.

>> No.7020852

No, that's Murtunacaptor.

>> No.7020851

how do i stop being attracted to a homestuck cosplayer
my normal method of seeing that they're a homestuck cosplayer isn't working

>> No.7020854

That's one terrible wig though. Isn't Mur usually better than that?

>> No.7020857

Homestuck cosplayers are attractive?

>> No.7020856

Oh good. I think it's interesting then, you usually don't see too many people cosplay that outfit of John's.

>> No.7020858
File: 999 KB, 500x210, koti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you die

>> No.7020879

Nice going on insulting yourself there anon.

>> No.7020882

Cool idea, but the Jack Daniel's sign in the background makes the shot. Source?

>> No.7020889

I guess different areas have different opinions. I didn't cosplay to the last promstuck and half of the admins didn't either.

I'm sorry your Homestuck community ostracizes people for not cosplaying?

>> No.7020891

I didn't notice it until now. And now I can't unsee it.

>> No.7020895

On her nose?

>> No.7020904

The hair. But thanks, now I can't unsee that either.

>> No.7020946

what meet are you talking about because i know a lot of people dont cosplay to homestuck meets in cali, but i live in south california and usually go to the meets in modjeska park

>> No.7020967

Oh hey, I've been to those! I did my first cosplay at one of those, I was a pretty terrible slick
Then again, those are pretty casual so

They weren't ostracized, it was just odd because the event was a cosplay event and literally everyone but this single dude was wearing cosplay

>> No.7021299


>> No.7021699
File: 352 KB, 640x480, 1375828435500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When making cloth look worn/frayed, how do you stop it from fraying _too_ much without a super obvious seam?

>> No.7021720

Depending on the fabric (some synthetics), you might be able to seal it with heat e.g. a soldering iron, clothes iron on a high heat or flame (if you want the really distressed look). Otherwise fray check.

>> No.7021743

Doesn't fray check make the fabric hard?
I assume that I'd apply it after any fraying I wanted done, right?

>> No.7022013

Fray check is what you apply to seams when you're all done everything, and it does make it hard. It's a bit like clear nailpolish I guess?

Depending on the fabric, you can get some that does fray at all, so that way you can leave a raw edge and burn and tear and dirty it up without having annoying strings everywhere.

>> No.7022386
File: 80 KB, 500x343, tumblr_mr65375w5l1rzzbyqo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7022483

I know these cosplays have some issues but this photo is adorable.

>> No.7022492

bringing back a question from the old thread, opinions on having a guitar to play as a prop for cronus, since he is a musician in canon?

>> No.7022514


You go on the nudestuck tag! It's fun!

>> No.7022545
File: 336 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mqwhhz4Nwi1rqx8j1o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on just out of curiosity and


>> No.7022547

I personally would love to see a Cronus with a guitar. Bonus points if you went around singing boy band songs like "That's What Makes You Beautiful" and "Beautiful Soul."

>> No.7022556

On my way to Otakon in two days. Any cool cosplays or BNFs I should be on the lookout for?

>> No.7022633

If you serenaded a Meenah with a really cheesy love song I'd give you a high five.

>> No.7022648
File: 840 KB, 216x162, tumblr_inline_mijv89kPyA1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7022651
File: 667 KB, 216x162, tumblr_inline_mijva5Ff9m1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7022654

I was actually going to do this, i had practiced some Buddy Holly, Grease and songs in my own language but I never got around to bring a guitar. I can't really play anything else though so i might just record a video.

>> No.7022712

ah i most certainly will attempt it! this sounds like fun

>> No.7022808

That was me last week.
Bondagestuck is pretty cool too

>> No.7022936

thats you in the photo or uh you in the tag

>> No.7022959

Oh my god

>> No.7022991


Is that actually you? what the fuck. Did you actually shoop a shitty looking tentacle dick on to an even shittier picture of yourself in a shitty cosplay? Like, what the hell was the point of that?

And why the fuck did you shoop the dreamer pjs red?

>> No.7022992

You got me anon, yes that is me
I love taking the alien dick and sharing photos of my nefarious activities on the internet for others to enjoy

>> No.7023003
File: 25 KB, 600x338, 08WishfulThinkingHD_1172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding that anon was saying that the way the person reacted was how they also reacted last week

>> No.7023010

The thing is, to an extent, I do want it to look worn and shitty... I just don't want to make it so that over time the cloth ruins itself

>> No.7023009
File: 642 KB, 127x188, 1375918158418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread

>> No.7023015
File: 1010 KB, 320x240, COULD IT BE THAT YOU'RE CRAVING MY MCNAKKIES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh are we posting sexy gifs now

>> No.7023023

I dare someone to post that... certain Kankri gif. I'm sure you all know which one I'm talking about.

>> No.7023022

i'm going to vomit everywhere

>> No.7023027

oh hell yeah anon post some more

>> No.7023036

oh god
forgot that existed

>> No.7023040
File: 147 KB, 575x199, bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry they werent very clear

>> No.7023047


>> No.7023050

Fetishists or all the Tumblr pee jokes is my guess.

>> No.7023067

It's actually a no so rare kink and it's been around since ever. Go to any kink emem and you'll see request with that.
TBH there are kinks that are even worse, don't get me started...

>> No.7023099

What's worse, peestuck or nudestuck?

>> No.7023108

Peestuck because they can be underaged and participate. Plus their ~*~*~'gender'~*~*~ won't be questioned and they can feel like they are sexually activate and participate! in! adult! fetishes!
More people are acknowledging the fact that they have to be 18 to do nudestuck.
Both are trainwrecks.

>> No.7023119

can we stop talking about fetishes? SO HOW BOUT OTAKON WHAT ARE YOU GUYS BRINGING?

>> No.7023130

also this

>> No.7023136

im bringing this

>> No.7023150

do people actually throw up on themselves...

>> No.7023158

im laughing so hard at feetstuck

>> No.7023164
File: 128 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mr5fw0ycd81qe4fcso1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7023166
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>> No.7023169

all you need to know
I don't wanna go trught that thing, find out for yourself

>> No.7023171
File: 125 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mr6vwoGq4q1sv8yhuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7023192
File: 243 KB, 399x311, well shi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tribalstuck or warpaintstuck is even worse than flowercrownstuck or faunstuck
god damn it

>> No.7023197

Sorry for my late response but thanks! Hopefully the event goes well, I don't mind and like going to gatherings and such, just wasn't sure what to expect at a at something "Prom" themed especially of a series/fandom I'm not as familiar with.
I'll most likely try to throw a Jade "cosplay" together since I have a black curly wig lying around.

>> No.7023374

You best bet might be a nonfraying fabric, or a fray fabric that you don't hem, and leave the frays but fray check so they don't rip further.

I like the horns but why are they so far back? :/

>> No.7023381

I feel like a should thank you guys.
Few months inquired about ideas for making a maid equius cosplay, a few of you guys gave me pointers and directed me into some patterns for dresses that might work.

Spent a few weeks learning how to sew and i'm pretty fucking proud how it came out. Kinda nervous to post pics because shitty phonecam + not having horns/glasses yet, and the only photo I took I hadn't really tidied my wig because I was running around, BUT ANYWAY.

Thanks for being bros teaching a dude how to make dresses and ending up making him learn how to use a sewing machine!

>> No.7023500

I'm glad 4chan had a positive effect on you! (It usually goes the other way). Definitely post pictures from the con when you're finished, especially if it's your first time sewing. The first made cosplay is always a big milestone.

>> No.7023905

So what is up with the anonymous hate issue going on with Sdstuck? Saw the post on my dash and I thought I would ask cgl since I know a few members hang out here?

>> No.7023934
File: 40 KB, 500x667, so much fuckin eyeliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7023937

A girl is getting anon hate for making racist comments towards another member and being an overall douche.

>> No.7023968

Are the What Pumpkin GodTier shirt color accurate?

>> No.7023971

Depends which shirt you're looking at. Most aren't.

>> No.7023974

The Hero of time one.

>> No.7023979

Yeah that one's alright.

>> No.7024014

Is it even possible to find fabric of all the different red?

>> No.7024078

I wouldn't worry about it, anon. As long as your colors aren't too far off from what's canon I don't think anyone is going to mind. If it bothers you, you can always try dying fabrics, but that's kind of a pain.

>> No.7024214
File: 506 KB, 1095x663, w hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7024242

who the fuck is she cosplaying?

>> No.7024246

>dat fucking eyeshadow abs+wide girly hips combo

>> No.7024251
File: 458 KB, 575x1053, so hot desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamzee wearing Tavros's shirts. Kawaii~

>> No.7024256

no i meant the eyeliner monster in >>7023934

>> No.7024258
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, ALIM8140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some fabric.

>> No.7024259

Hah shit that teaches me not to check which of my posts people are replying to,.
Bro Strider apparently, I'm just. Really.

>> No.7024297

hah thats ok anon.

I thought it was rose in bro's clothes. Well, that explains the soot on her chin. It doesn't explain the Lalonde wig or that slap

>> No.7024367

I actually got pretty damn close with a ton of thrift shopping + Joann for the cape fabric. It's not an exact match, but I'm happy with it.

>> No.7024508

I'm curious.

Anyone have any stories of staff or other people being assholes to Homestucks just for being Homestuck, whether they deserve it or not (and I'm guessing most of these are the latter)?

>> No.7024653
File: 134 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mqxoyvSUzV1r33yrpo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there a thing a while ago where people were stealing troll cosplayers' horns at conventions?

>> No.7024656

That was a hoax. Since Homestuck is regularly shat on for being a bad fandom it was supposed to be a "H-hey they are mean to us! Just listen to these fake threats/stories! We're just persecuted!"

>> No.7024673

Nope, I got my horns stolen, and my friend did too. The horn-thiefs later apologized, gave us back our horns and complimented them, and turned out to be pretty nice and they felt bad about it (I think somebody with a HS hateboner dared them?), but it was still a pretty shitty thing to happen.

>> No.7024802

Are there any alternatives to arm-socks?

>> No.7024805

Well, you could paint your arms, but I'm pretty sure you are asking for some sort of non-paint alternative here.

>> No.7024818

bath tub sharpie dye

>> No.7024825

Someone ripped my horns off my head at megacon this year. He didn't apologize either. I wound up switching out the left over headband for my friend's clip-ins. Maybe the "hunting game" thing was a hoax but people apparently get hella mad when homestucks go to cons.

>> No.7024909
File: 119 KB, 850x850, tumblr_mr6g2jp0LB1s9ny64o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7024948

I don't know anything about homestuck but this is a cute picture

>> No.7024951


>> No.7024972

What an obvious friendfag post.

>> No.7024979

lmao shes just baiting cgl now

>> No.7024982

Who is she, anyway?

>> No.7024988

its canon dirk isnt it

>> No.7025037

Do people cosplay as their personal God Tiers to cons?

>> No.7025041

No, cosplaying as OCs is for faggots.

>> No.7025055

I kind of thought it would follow any general rule that as long as it looks good it should be okay. But I guess it's just not okay period?

>> No.7025057


Ohhhh shit here we go.

>> No.7025058

>*Any asks telling one another to hurt/kill themselves are automatically deleted.*

>> No.7025063
File: 99 KB, 720x488, commander neko chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying as OCs in anything at all is no.

>> No.7025071

Different anon, but I guess I wouldn't consider personal god tiers as falling into the category of an OC. If someone wants to hang around a con on a Sunday in that, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

>> No.7025073
File: 92 KB, 550x440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes. I can already smell the butthurt.

>> No.7025075

I didn't think there'd be a problem either because they'd at least sort of fit in with other god tiers. You could have some Knights sitting together and they look like they'd belong.

And even if not, you're walking around in solid coloured pajamas and possibly weapons, which shouldn't be too out of place at cons.

>> No.7025081

There's already a submission about lactoria. This is going to be good. Someone make one for acne dave.

>> No.7025110

this is so fucking stupid.

>> No.7025116

Considering most people hate Homestucks as it is, why be offended by THIS?

>> No.7025112

>99% of the posts are responding to asks about how mean and oooo what a bully
Yup, hate blogs. I like em, but honesty a few need to learn to not clog up their blog with tons of anon and non anon butt hurt about how mean their blog is. Read one ask about it read em all.

>> No.7025126

The people offended are fellow homestucks it seem, and the general tumblr anti bully league.

You know i remember I used to call a group of coscomers the every one shits rainbows brigade but tumblrs taken that mantel since if you say any mean thing ever about any cosplay clearly you dont cosplay so you dont get it and its all just for fun and oh you must be ten.

Yeesh it gives me a head ache, I just want to browse through hate and sip my wine man, I dont need whiners clogging up the hate blog pores.

>> No.7025130

>don't need whiners clogging up the hate blog pores.
amen anon. i'm sitting here trying to decipher urls as the submissions come in. i wish i had wine to do it with.

>> No.7025142 [DELETED] 

Wine makes any tumblr experience better.
And submissions are coming in now yay, and lol at the people being personally offended when they probably werent important enough to be gossiped about anyways.

>> No.7025145
File: 46 KB, 500x320, I'm not drunk enough yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine makes any tumblr experience better.
And submissions are coming in now yay, and lol at the people being personally offended when they probably werent important enough to be gossiped about anyways.

>> No.7025153

whos jmfa?

>> No.7025158

Frankly I dont know, I dont keep up with homestuck cosplayers individually and al the initials instead of names is rather confusing, at least for me.

>> No.7025171

There is a limit to how desperate someone can get for attention.

>> No.7025174

That one irl canon dirk strider in the flesh. Only dates jake cosplayers to get the point across. Even if it means cheating on them with one another and constantly switching between them.

>> No.7025182
File: 484 KB, 592x1072, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Fb2df072de49e609f77a0b86ed7c0f254%2Ftumblr_mp9vegZArH1qmy3h7o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, i-i...

what is this...

>> No.7025184
File: 150 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpqhsnWVwf1r99r2mo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At anime expo. . .

>> No.7025193

Another female POC cosplayer that Tumblr's probably all over.

>> No.7025190

Jane Crocker, apparently.

>> No.7025194

Huh I actually like that god tier Aradia but uh that.... interesting interpretation or robo Aradia on the other hand...

>> No.7025196

The fat aradia tho
someone really likes blush jesus fucking chirst

>> No.7025199

fuuuuuuuuuuuuck i saw and i threw up a bit in my mouth
in what world would you ever think this was acceptable? its just so fucking repulsive

>> No.7025200

That girl with the red wig's face says it all.

>> No.7025201

The god tier Aradia and robo Aradia almost look decent standing next to those other two.

>> No.7025209
File: 32 KB, 500x708, 1359271420068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7025211
File: 31 KB, 500x375, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr-users, what are your thoughts on this stuck-up motherhomestucker?
Bro SlimShady Strider.

Dude hates anyone else who even dares cosplay as Dirk since he fancies himself to be the ultimate best Dirk cosplayer ever.
He has literally thrown hissy-fits and ended friendships because people have wanted to cosplay Dirk, and that is "his thing."

Apparently he is tumblr-famous in the Homestuck realm?

>> No.7025210

Could the "mf" have something to do with mostflogged? (Also her irl first name is jenni right? =j?)

>> No.7025213


>> No.7025215


>> No.7025218
File: 34 KB, 500x375, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude, bro-slimshady-strider.tumblr, who claims to be super famous enough so that 'he has even shown up as a response on Akinator'

>> No.7025217
File: 337 KB, 645x685, ccchch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7025222

Well, I've never heard of him. + Being on Akinator doesn't really mean anything since he probably could have done it a few times and then added himself or something.

Sounds and looks like a jerk, though.

>> No.7025220

Never seen him on my dash.

>> No.7025224


He is ~*~elite cosplayer~*~

>> No.7025223

I was wondering how many people actually knew who he was.
Thanks, all!

>> No.7025239
File: 354 KB, 262x570, yeah ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7025241
File: 134 KB, 372x334, 1375044716796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw Good Effects, mediocre cosplays...


>> No.7025244

Never heard of or seen them before. I would love to see him and that irl canon dirk strider cosplay dirk together.

>> No.7025245

He's no where near quality at all to have such a bog head about himself from what I have seen so far on here

>> No.7025247
File: 513 KB, 306x500, tumblr_inline_mqu00g9aa01qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabric colors..
Bright yellow wigs

>> No.7025255

pst anon I'm cosplaying a Made(maid) of Cash god tier.

>> No.7025271

It's not even the cosplays that bug me, it's the absolutely lifeless acting. :/

>> No.7025297


>> No.7025348

I love seeing personal god tiers and self-dreamers. It isn't cosplaying an "OC", it's just wearing your "god tier" if you were in sburb. It's cosplaying, but you aren't an OC. Nevertheless, I think it's interesting and fun to see well done.

>> No.7025352

>it's just wearing your "god tier" if you were in sburb
>YOU were in the sburb

That's exactly what an OC is.
It's an original creation/character normally about if someone was in some series.

>> No.7025358

An original character is a fan creation that has been characterized extensively to operate within the workings of a set universe. Fantrolls are original characters. I'd be willing to wager that almost every Homestuck fan has taken a title test - cosplaying as a Seer of Time is not the same as cosplaying an original character because I'd say there's usually no characterization or worldbuilding involved whatsoever. It's only the outfit, there's no backstory to accompany it. I think it's different.

>> No.7025363


>> No.7025438


>> No.7025494

Ehhh I think it's just how poorly the bodice fits that's causing it to look wrinkled. And she didn't put any layers of anything over the hoops. :/

>> No.7025751

It's gone already.

>> No.7025773
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>> No.7025778
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>> No.7025844

What the fuck.

>> No.7026243

>irl canon dirk strider

>> No.7026385
File: 156 KB, 417x625, tumblr_mqdofcynaH1qe8uxoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7026391

Can we stop posting Taki?

>> No.7026393

nobody has a problem with her except her one vendetta anon (which i'm assuming is you).

>> No.7026397

seriously shut the fuck up? takisiski is the one of the best homestuck cosplayers. she's nice, transfriendly, talented, pretty, and she doesn't give two shits who hates her here. what is the point of slandering other people's cosplays??? jfc you take it all so seriously when honestly it is just for fun, it isn't a competition and i think it's stupid to say "oh taki doesnt suit feferi" and "oh she's annoying for posting photos of herself and also being insecure"?? uh hhh?... who the fuck cares? she loves feferi, and she looks cute with her boyfriend as eridan? picking on somebody for their hobby is low. grow the fuck up

>> No.7026399

I'm not even >>7026391, but seriously? I can't stand Taki either, she's annoying as shit. Get off of 4chan if you can't take people having opinions. Christ, children.

>> No.7026401

>>7025182 would be so much nicer without those fucking contacts, got a better shirt, and put the stripes on the shoes (where'd she get wedges like that, anyway? i've only seen black ones that kind of mimic the look of jordans)

her wig + camisole(?) and pearls are really cute though she could be adorable if she didn't wear those creepy-ass contacts

>> No.7026404

um how is she "annoying" lol

>> No.7026407

looking at >>7025217, at the same time shes cute but also looks kind of.... too old for jane maybe she should cosplay snowman or mom or something??

>> No.7026414

Go home, friendfag.

>> No.7026413

>"Think before you say something on someone’s photo. You don’t know who you could be offending. (◡‿◡✿)"
i don't like Takisiski either, but it isn't because she doesn't fit my headcanons or anything. she is just kind of annoying, fake, and fangirly for my taste. her cosplays are just over mediocre (except i'll admit her feferi really does look strange) and maybe that's why more people hate her for her cosplays, because they feel she gets attention she doesn't deserve or something. she seems kind of full of herself (personality-wise, "talent"-wise, etc.) regardless of the "i'm ugly and i suck i'm really not popular guys" stunt she pulls.

>> No.7026440

The amount of second hand embarrassment in that post was astounding.

I question if they were even being genuine, honestly. It sounds a bit too farfetched and probably just to poke fun at the fact that people bitch about Taki.

>> No.7026450
File: 212 KB, 1280x960, acnestuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the freckles

>> No.7026451

Most days I look at my Dave cosplay and think "Well I have a long way to go"

Then I see stuff like this and I feel a bit better

>> No.7026453

what is it with so many dave cosplayers and using long wigs and cutting them poorly.

>> No.7026456
File: 316 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mra5qmRTWZ1ry1rd6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently these two are at Otakon and gave out free horns, according to the post that's been going around

Kind of a waste of horns if you ask me but at least they look okay (going by the quality of the horns they're currently wearing)

>> No.7026465

thats really incredibly nice and wonderful of them, to be handing out to those who couldnt afford/had no time to make horns.

if someone gave me free horns i would cry and thank them endlessly.
props to these guys

>> No.7026472

I agree that it's a really generous thing to do, but. If you plan on cosplaying a troll, wouldn't the horns be one of the first things you start? I don't think anybody would show up to a con in full troll garb but with no horns. If they did, they'd just look stupid, it wouldn't even be a real cosplay.

>> No.7026478

Humanstuck, maybe?

But... even then that's a bit of a stretch 'cause that's going "I'm gonna cosplay as a troll but not without the makeup or horns yet", so.

>> No.7026481

Yeah, even if someone cosplayed a humanstuck troll to a con (though I don't know why anyone would want to), they wouldn't be greying up, so picking up a pair of horns from this booth only to walk around with horns on but no paint would look equally stupid.

>> No.7026497
File: 286 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mraf9wm2tJ1qhc1x7o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more of a....hey, let's give these out to a potential cosplayer or someone who broke their horns type of thing. also a cute idea and it's really nice of them and makes me have faith in this fandom.

posting from tag.

>> No.7026500

uhhhhhh maybe they took the horns are in out of context, it looks like they've set up an advice booth or something

>> No.7026505

Nah, it was a post going around and the caption explained that they were giving out free horns. I doubt it'd be something someone makes up, anyway.

>> No.7026506

Source on that Psiionic?

>> No.7026510


>> No.7026520

Should've known it was JJ. I think she pulls off a really wonderful Captor.

>> No.7026533

why would you wear skinny jeans with a suit like what

>> No.7026549
File: 434 KB, 1062x1597, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7026619
File: 89 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mraf0uJfLN1rkmf6zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's homestuck, haha.

>> No.7026621
File: 57 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mmk5qfnqbr1s9ny64o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this master piece that got the real tattoo and thinks she is Dirk

>> No.7026634


>> No.7026674

um, takisiski didn't even say she was ugly or anything? and "Think before you say something on someone’s photo. You don’t know who you could be offending. (◡‿◡✿)" is only proving my point that she is nice? jfc you're all fucking rude and stupid, good job, i'm out.

>> No.7026685

>you're all fucking rude and stupid, good job, i'm out.
This only proves that you came to /cgl/ to talk up your friend. Your big stink only reflects even more poorly on her because by engaging a negative opinion with "how fucking dare you say anything about this perfect girl i am so obviously friends with and she is so nice!!!!1" you only worsen public opinion with your obnoxious whiteknighting. Nice work. If you hadn't responded at all, no one would even be talking about it anymore. Learn to 4chan before you embarrass yourself any further.

>> No.7026693

Good, go back to Tumblr. (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.7026697


jesus christ, my fucking sides
does that mean we're homofriendly


>> No.7026723

if she doesn't give two shits about who hates her here, then why do you? op sure is a faggot.

>> No.7026737

/r/ing good dualscars, if there are any

>> No.7026733

Wow, this thread reeks of tumblrshit. Get the fuck out of homestuck already.

>> No.7026938

those horns

>> No.7026944

Those are fucking fake piercings what are you even doing

>> No.7027401

Has anyone figured out how to attach Aradia horns without the use of a headband or directly on top of your head I have yet to find anything without use of a headband

>> No.7027412

Why wouldn't you want to use a headband? Use the screws method and out your headband under your wig, structural stability and beauty

>> No.7027430
File: 41 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwobk8vDRB1r6rc35o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either use the screw method of get large plastic combs that you can slide in your wig on the sides of your head.

I've used both headbands and combs and the combs stayed in for hours without need to adjust them. They hide really well in a thick wig.

When you sculpt your horns and they're finished, measure the arc of the comb against your horn then cut a small groove in there. The horn should be able to slide and curve with the comb which, in your hair/wig will give it a more natural look.

I have a picture of the combs in a wig of mine if you're interested in how they look or I can grab some pictures if you're confused, sorry for my crap describing but I figured I'd offer that up for you. Good luck!

>> No.7027580
File: 226 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mrazqhKIEd1rt2jwgo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7027635

Crayola sideburns.

>> No.7027649

I've seen people grey up but not wear horns at a convention before. I don't really understand it either. Maybe their horns broke after they put on the grey, or they couldn't figure out the horns and at least wanted to get MOST of it out there. idk, but I've seen it.

>> No.7027654

But why is he in Karkat's shirt

>> No.7027668
File: 85 KB, 500x669, i'm scared of the outcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gon make horns for cosplay oh yeah

>> No.7027800

because ~*hot yaois*~

>> No.7027986

Completely unsurprising, Heaven still hasn't returned ANYONE's money, apparently. If it's of any interest here.

>> No.7027991
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1440, sjiioojoikok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl it pisses me off when cosplayers fucking skimp out on making their shit like wow way to go you bought a what pumpkin jacket, some red skinny jeans, and put a cape on a+ cosplay

>> No.7028004

Dirk needs to bind.

>> No.7028042

Dirks need to cut it out with the skinny jeans. I'm tired of seeing it on every dirk cosplayer.

>> No.7028079

where'd you hear this?

>> No.7028091

OP for the post and a few other people said they haven't been paid.

>> No.7028094

link please

>> No.7028106

Most recent I saw was the OP.


>> No.7028149
File: 98 KB, 400x225, 30rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all the hate for Taki?
Even if she is annoying at least their cosplays are decent

>> No.7028156

weak troll. 0/10. the taki issue is dead, don't dredge it up again.

>> No.7028183


>> No.7028196

And she continues to make her own costumes....Haha

>> No.7028197

>and put a cape on a+ cosplay
It's a nice cape, though at least.

>> No.7028203

i know for a god damn fact they didn't make that cape they commissioned it and every con they go to they claim it as their own unless you force it out of them

>> No.7028209

Ah, here it is...the vendetta, it's beginning to show...

>> No.7028214

I found it really interesting that Dave called part of his outfit a "hoodie" in recent updates. Like, seriously Hussie? There was no indication in any prior art that any part of what he was wearing was a hoodie.

>> No.7028218

you caught me im just white and upset

>> No.7028228

Why would anyone have a vendetta against such a bad, unknown cosplayer? Grow up. Not every piece of criticism is vendetta.

>> No.7028238

On the other hand though, I quite like that cape. It looks cartoony and well made.

>> No.7028239

Lots of vendettas are on unknown cosplayers. In their defense, it was a pretty specific complaint.

>> No.7028247

Yeah, but at the same time, if it's true, it's also a very valid complaint. Heaven used to say she made the Stocking outfit she bought from DM. Taking credit for something that isn't yours is really shitty.

>> No.7028259

why do people still call gabby DM? she changed her url right?

>> No.7028260
File: 876 KB, 230x145, yECtAp3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See all all these fantastic cosplays

>Realize broke and not as creative


>> No.7028266

Yes, she did. But the costume was sold while she was still DM, so calling her that just flowed naturally.

>> No.7028285

Oh, that makes sense. I also guess she was more of a homestuck cosplayer when she had the old url, too.

>> No.7028290

holy shit isnt that the guy who got banned from atlstuck

>> No.7028301

Whoa, Why?

>> No.7028309

He harassed a lot of people and sent death threats. From what I understand, he was literally all talk and no game. Actual Broni Friendzoni and whines about cosplay elitists on his blog 24/7

>> No.7028333

the dirk or dave?

also, url?

>> No.7028342

The Dave. I think his url is 8rilliant but like only 86% sure. They change their name a lot.

>> No.7028759



>> No.7028778

I know that feel, anon. Maybe some day the winds of fortune will blow your way.

>> No.7028874

The Nepeta was their big downfall. Along with the shitty acting.

>> No.7028875

Any seagulls at Ota right now?

>> No.7029431
File: 69 KB, 640x960, wOAH THERE FRIEND YOU MIGHT NEED TO SLOW DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exile's rag designs seem to be fairly non-euclidean with the way the wrappings go(and are far too neat for being rags), what are some more realistic designs that look good, whether they be in cosplay or fan art, specifically for WV?

>> No.7029653


>> No.7029852
File: 113 KB, 640x960, 996870_10200319158732820_480600610_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in autosage. should I create a new thread or wait for people to get online?

>> No.7029864

Create a new thread, people will see it soon enough.

>> No.7030112

new thread