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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 111 KB, 500x750, 4714284+_d66e02ece1ecc60651c1467e28fd0efe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7070018 No.7070018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I really hate what /cgl/ has become. It used to be such a perfect place. This used to be a board where we could vent our unpopular opinions without stigma, because it was anonymous. We could be "fat-shamers", we could be racist, we could tell the truth. Now, this board has become a tumblr clone. This whole, "only post pictures, no debate, discussion, or drama" thing pisses me off. If I wanted to look at pictures, I could go anywhere. I come here for the discussion, not a bunch of "omg so prutty" coddling. I once got banned for calling a girl fat. What has this board become? Watch me get banned for posting some actual discussion.

>> No.7070029

So true, my edge hurts.

>> No.7070038

Truth be told

>> No.7070045

Attention all tumblrfags, get the fuck out kindly

>> No.7070049

>I once got banned for calling a girl fat.
What the fuck?

>> No.7070067

This board is becoming more and more tumblr-esque. It's horrible.

>> No.7070076

>we could be racist
No, you couldn't. Racism is against the rules outside of /b/.

>> No.7070075

Idk what the fuck your talking about. "I literally come here just to bash people" - the 3rd time I have typed this in 2 days

>> No.7070083

Strictness of any rule is often compensated by loose enforcement mechanism.

>> No.7070081

I just read the subject of your post OP and I can already agree with you.

>> No.7070086

I was once banned for saying that a girl isn't pretty. Not even "ugly" just "not pretty".

>> No.7070090

You poor dear. After three times, you'd think one would have typed "you're" correctly.

>> No.7070092

if you're going to just insult the way the people in the cosplays look then maybe you deserved the ban?? relentlessly insult the actual cosplay itself i dont care but dont insult the way a person looks when they can't help that

>> No.7070093

In general I'm seeing Tumblr "activism" leaking more and more into real life, and I'm already so tired of it.

A local baseball fanclub makes a yearly pin-up calendar of female members of the club in sexy poses, wearing bikinis, typical pin-up calendar stuff, etc., and just today when they announced who'll be in the calendar this year some raging Tumblr feminist posted this whole rant in the comment box about how the calendar is the work of disgusting misogynist pigs promoting rape culture. Completely disregarding the fact that is a yearly tradition and the women themselves apply to be in the calendar and give consent to be in the calendar, wear the bikinis, etc. every step of the way. It made me so angry reading it. It sucks that there's getting to be no escape from this kind of shit anymore, not even on 4chan.

>> No.7070098

>If I wanted to look at pictures, I could go anywhere. I come here for the discussion, not a bunch of "omg so prutty" coddling

Agreed. All of this tumblr lingo lately...

>> No.7070096

> we could be racist
>we could fat shame
>we could tell the truth
Stopped reading there. Your opinions are not truth. I cannot fathom how anyone could think this.
Perhaps constructive crit laced with verbal abuse, yes. Love that. But being mad because you can't just say a cosplay a bad because they're blackbrownblueblurple? That's just dumb and makes for a boring thread.
5Gs seagulls. God damn.

>> No.7070101

Yes, you could. You could say, "black girl look bad in lolita" and get away with it. Now, any statement about protected races that isn't favorable gets banned.

>> No.7070100



>> No.7070106



I've got news for you...

>> No.7070104


And why would anyone let people like you win?

>> No.7070105

I thing some of the tumblr-fications are ok. Like seeing cosplayers who aren't Asian or White and people who are over weight getting actual help/compliments with their coords and cosplays is nice.

At the same time though this is fucking 4chan.

We don't play nice and honestly people need to be told to tuck their fat roll in or shove it in a body shaper everyonce in a while. Also some people aren't very attractive and if they cant handle a bunch of anons on the internet saying that they're fat, or ugly or whatever the fuck else then they might as well just go sit in a padded room with nothing but saltines for the rest of their lives because life is going to be rough on them.

I just hate how overly sensitive people are now a days. It's like you can't say anything other then "you're beautiful" before they cry like a bunch of babies. Hell every things been nerfed at this point to make up for people who lack any tough skin.

>> No.7070108
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You took away the very thing that made this board popular in the first place. No one even goes here anymore, the traffic died down so low, that thread stay up for months. Don't be mad because I'm bringing this to your attention.

>> No.7070109


>> No.7070111

lol so many ita picures to make fun of and and then there is this bitch
go make me a sandwich

>> No.7070113


>> No.7070117
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>> No.7070118

thank you for this, OP. Someone save this so it can become a copypasta for the end of times.

Asspatters makes the world boring.

>> No.7070120
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>It's still funny after a year of constant repetition

>> No.7070122

Speaking of pic related, does anyone else's dog do that? Mine was previously owned by mexicans and taken away, now he fucking hates them.

>> No.7070124

I mean OP pic, not pic related. Tired.

>> No.7070126
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>> No.7070132

Yes, my brother has a "pitbull" (really undetermined breed that looks like pitbull) that previously lived in mexican family and was generously beaten. Perfectly fine around anyone else, but hates mexicans.

>> No.7070129


>baww I can't be a racist dickwad anymore and cant have my beautiful PT and kooter threads
shut the fuck up. that attitude is unhealthy as fuck. PT. and Kooter threads were fucking creepy, and it saddened me to see girls internet stalk some weirdo constantly and talk about them months on end-thats unhealthy and creepy as fuck. a new one would arise whenever PT made a goddamn tweet.

If you so much of an asshole on 4chan that you get banned for being a racist, creepy, drama mongering cunt, then yeah, you deserve to be banned.

>> No.7070130

Same, I came here for the discussion, the harsh criticism (even if it's directed at me) and the drama. If I wanted a shitty hugbox I can go to any other community on the internet. It's a damn shame, and why I only pop in here and there.

>> No.7070131

I agree, can't even have a nice friendly Nazi thread without JIDF and SJW getting involved. Fk th jntr and also fuck moot. I hope he's happy, because he killed this board.

>> No.7070137

>why I only pop in here and there.
Yeah, same here. I left cgl for a little while, and come back to this bullshit.

>> No.7070140

Feminism isn't tolerated either. Case in point: go to the archives and search the term "feminist" or "feminism".

This board is for cosplay/lolita/jfashion. Tumblr-esque SJW posts regarding racism, feminism, and misogyny etc are off-topic and against the rules.

>> No.7070142

You're race receives coddling and protection pretty much everywhere, don't be butthurt when you're vulnerable to criticism like the rest of us. If prejudice where legal, your race really wouldn't stand a chance now, would it? You must know this, otherwise you would be less butthurt. Please go back to tumbr and live your fantasy life.

>> No.7070143 [DELETED] 

Whenever I have my dog in the car he'll bark at brown people that gets close to it.
I don't know why, he was never beated by anyone

>> No.7070146

I heard from an ex-seagull I met at a party that there's a new board that a lot of people disillusioned with cgl 2.0 jumped ship to, however I searched and searched and came up with nothing.

>> No.7070147


>> No.7070145

it sounds like OP needs to grow the fuck up.

that post REEKS of 15 year old (mentally at least) internet tough guy

>> No.7070151

>This whole, "only post pictures, no debate, discussion, or drama" thing pisses me off.

Actually that was the mods' doing because you couldn't STFU about Tripfagdrama, Kotie, PT et al, and actually discuss cosplay.

>> No.7070152

I don't even know if my dog was beaten or not. At best he was neglected and chained up in the yard next to his poop for a year or so. He has no fur on the bend in his floppy ears because of fly bites.

Though at one point we were on our first trip with him, he cowered and pissed a little bit on the seat when he heard Mexican music and people speaking spanish in a car next to us. So it's a very real possibility.

>> No.7070149

No. If racism is relevant, to cosplay or lolita, it gets banned, if feminism is relevant to cosplay or lolita, it can stay.

>> No.7070153

Your dog is racist

My dog would hump any dog, male, female, juvinille, adult, he was a monster

>> No.7070157

>you're race
Stopped reading there.

>> No.7070155

hahahaha are you kidding? Go to /pol/ and come back and say that

>> No.7070158

.....valid point anon.

>> No.7070161

Feminism has nothing to do with making cosplay or buying burando. Keep it on /pol/.

>> No.7070163

Maximum faggotry? It doesn't show up on google anymore. :/

Your post reeks of tumblr tween who can't handle what she didn't grow up hearing.

>> No.7070164

Sort of connected to tumblrs, bot not really.

I don't understand how having a general thread is beneficial to anyone. For one, most questions can be found in the archives, since most newcomers have the same question (does anyone have a pattern for the snk jacket, are there any guides i can follow for troll horns, etc etc). The threads clog up the board and leave it boring. I come to /cgl/ and see the same few generals all the time. Fuck, the shows aren't even that great.


>> No.7070166

>My dog would hump any dog, male, female, juvinille, adult, he was a monster
Made me giggle. Thanks for that, anon.

And thank your rapist dog for me when you get the chance.

>> No.7070167


Not entirely related, but I once got banned from /lit/ for making a single trolling post about Jews.

>> No.7070173

I make racist remarks on /int/ and /a/ all the time, have never gotten a ban. They were relevant to the board/thread, of course.

>> No.7070171

Your dog is probably slightly mentally retarded and can't deal with all people not looking the same.
Not actually insulting you or your dog, this is actually legit.

>> No.7070172

Honestly I don't mind the lack of racism/misogyny but all these SJW react way too strongly if someone does get insulted, posts bait or whatever. This is fucking 4chan we're talking about here. Just don't take anyone seriously and you'll be alright. If you can't do that, just go hang out on Gaia or Tumblr.

>> No.7070178

>Your dog is probably slightly mentally retarded and can't deal with all people not looking the same.
Is that why certain dogs tend to flip the fuck out if they see a person in a hat or wig suddenly? Like it goes from "Oh I know you!" to "HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHO IS THIS STRANGER GET THE FUCK AWAY"

>> No.7070175

looks like someone escaped the gulag that is /pol/ again

>> No.7070179 [DELETED] 


>> No.7070184
File: 482 KB, 256x192, 23894729849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry Moar, anons.

Your tears are delicious.

>> No.7070181

Of course you did. You can't handle criticism. Do you see what I mean? Why so insecure?

>> No.7070185

Someone send this thread to moot. Please.

>> No.7070187

Tumblrshit, please leave. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.7070188

You're doing it wrong. Newfag.

>> No.7070192
File: 38 KB, 550x349, 1377627169790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.7070190

You don't stray far from tumblr or /cgl/, do you?

>> No.7070191



I think if they enforced a ban then they'd turn into ghost towns over night.

Like it's been said elsewhere, /pol/ is a containment board for that shit, and even then that's more for people who are genuinely racist etc, as opposed to the above where it's just ribbing or edgyness. The only other places it's officially tolerated are /r9k/. /b/ and /v/. Everywhere else depends on the mods.

>> No.7070193

He might be. His race is on the lower end of intelligence (looked it up before getting him)

>> No.7070195

>>implying they aren't relevant to cosplay

>> No.7070197

See...the costumes themselves are bad, though. If they had nice costumes, and accurate, it wouldn't be that bad....
Using that picture to reinforce your point in response to the post you reference was fucking retarded.

>> No.7070198

>>being this gay

>> No.7070203

It would be a shitty cosplay no matter what they wore. Know why? They do not have the bodies for it, you fucking retard.

>> No.7070199


They're about as relative to cosplay as ad homs are to a religious debate.

>> No.7070201

/mlp/ don't give a fuck as long as it isn't porn. They have a "king of all niggers" pony, who is an incredibly racist caricature.

Then again they are also a containment board.

>> No.7070204

The costumes being good wouldn't save it or make that anon moot

>> No.7070205

>/pol/ is a containment board for that shit, and even then that's more for people who are genuinely racist etc

Yeah, that's what I ment to say. While as racism makes up the core of /pol/ and /b/, other boards are still allowed to have racism and all other -isms to a greater or smaller degree. You shouldn't get a ban and many angry replies only for finishing your post with a "sandnigger".

>> No.7070209

Keep crying.

>> No.7070206

That was one terrible analogy. Can you please stop? Cosplay has cosplayers. Cosplayers are about as relevant to cosplay as it gets, moron.

>> No.7070208

I absolutely fucking love that guy. He is legitimately my hero.

>> No.7070213

This is sad. You can't even hold your own in an argument or debate, you just go straight to ad hominem.

>> No.7070215

and J/fa/

>> No.7070214

Just because you're a cosplayer doesn't mean everyone here is a cosplayer sweetheart.

>> No.7070222
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He doesn't care. He just wants to shitpost.

>> No.7070223

This is the most entertaining thread I've seen in ages, actually.

>> No.7070216

We do fat shame though, they are disgusting and ruin costumes. People don't understand that they can't be Nia and 250lbs. It has become a lot more tame lately though.

>> No.7070227

Boy you English people sure do like banal garbage.

>> No.7070224
File: 241 KB, 900x736, docta_niggashy_by_paultorsynocobnik-d52w6mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They are a pretty decent board, too. The people there have the ability to recognize trolling, and know not to respond to it. They have relaxed rules because they can handle it. /cgl/, on the other hand....

>> No.7070225
File: 983 KB, 500x364, 1369810344096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ban nigga I post like 3 times in a year oh boo hoo last time a I was banned the ban lifted like a day after I noticed I was banned

>> No.7070233

True. And though it is a lot tamer now, it's not as if it was ever hard to ignore if you didn't want to deal with it.

>> No.7070228

>implying this isn't all the janitor's fault

>> No.7070230

The woman's, sure. What's wrong with the guy?
My only point is that your pic related was not really all that relevant to your point, since the person you were responding to EXPRESSLY SAID "relentlessly assault the actual cosplay itself" and the costumes you posted were shit, and yet you insulted the way they look.
You pretty much reinforced their point. And thus we're back to the fact that you're a retard.

>> No.7070231

That made me lol really hard. Pathetic, just pathetic.

>> No.7070237

I tired to start a thread for fat lolitas and I got banned. All I did was post disgustingly fat lolitas in the thread I started. Oh, and in a "plus sized lolita thread", I said that being fat just doesn't work with lolita and got banned.

>> No.7070242

everytime moot comes in to /cgl/ he ends up making it worse

I agree the off topic shit should be stopped (like "women are disgusting/slutty" threads) but now we have SRS feminazi janitors

oh well maybe in a couple of years moot will come back to /cgl/ and fix it

>> No.7070248

>What's wrong with the guy?
He looks like he wants to chop off my nipples and wear them as war trophies

>> No.7070252

Holy fuck, you're retarded. The person said I deserved a ban for insulting the way the person in the cosplay looks, and that critique should only be based on the cosplay itself. I said that the way a person looks in the cosplay greatly effects the quality of the cosplay as a whole. You can not be fat whale and cosplay team rocket. It does not matter how much you try to clean that shit, up, it will look bad, you retarded tumblr feminist. I don't care if they "CANT HELP IT :((". It looks like shit. Why? She is fat.

>> No.7070258

You've whined about "getting banned for calling a girl fat" multiple times, you pathetic cunt.

>> No.7070262

Perhaps someone can email him? I remember him saying that he doesn't get too many emails a day, and that we're free to contact him.

>> No.7070261

I'm starting to think the janitors are fat.

>> No.7070265

>m-muh free speech!


>> No.7070264

I've also noticed an influx of conservatives complaining about "degeneracy" and acting like feminism is the worst thing in the world. What the fuck is up with that? I wish people would stop taking things so damn seriously. 4chan used to be by large apolitical and non-religious.

>> No.7070269

>>implying I' the only one
Retard janitor is fat herself.

>> No.7070271

Yeah, probably. I've had posts deleted due to me calling someone out of their fatness. People can't take responsibility for their own bodies it seems :(

>> No.7070272

Most of these are just trolls.

>> No.7070273

You fight fire with fire.

>> No.7070275

Fucking newfags. Get lost.

>> No.7070282


It's more likely they're /pol/tards on crusade.

"Degeneracy" has become their "privilege" buzzword.

>> No.7070286

I don't want /cgl/ to becomr a coddling Tumblr ver. 2.0 as much as the next seagull, but fuck you people who try to create drama at every corner. Stop trying to be 3edgy5u. Calling someone fat in a plus-sized lolita thread doesn't make you any prettier, it only makes you an insecure cunt.

>> No.7070283

The problem isn't feminism, it's feminists. You made your own enemies, enjoy.

>> No.7070287


>> No.7070289
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>> No.7070291

>bitching about not being able to bitch

>> No.7070292

Not true. I was arguing about feminism in a post last night and every post that merely had the word feminism in it was deleted.

>> No.7070297



>> No.7070300

Wasn't Denmark confirmed to be the janitor?
She doesn't seem to be fat

>> No.7070305

Only because of the shitposter and people pointing out that trolling was going on.

>> No.7070306


>> No.7070307 [DELETED] 

White people. I hate white people. Even if you aren't white, I hate you, because you're a part of white culture. Anyone from Africa, India, Or east Asia would agree that degeneracy is bad. Anyone would agree that preserving ones culture is important, of that science is more important then paining pretty pictures. Anyone would agree that being a whore, a pimp, or a playa is disgusting. It is only you white people who don't You think you're the heroes of other races because you reject your own traditional culture and take black history classes. You infect our society with disgusting media, but it's okay because you know a lot about Gandhi. Your race is embarrassing to watch, and I hope you go extinct soon.

>> No.7070311


>> No.7070309

Kinda giggled but kinda made me feel bad.

>> No.7070313
File: 22 KB, 187x186, tumblr_m0ymp81ZIX1qa1oth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a new janitor and this place got "nicer" because all the shit posters either got banned, left because their shit was deleted, or just toned it down to avoid banning. When we got nice, the tumblrfags who stuck to MSPA/DR threads ventured out.

People just need to start being assholes again or something. I dunno.

>> No.7070312

Yeah. I mean, I don't like how 4chan has become more hostile with itself (as opposed to other sites) in the past few years, but if that's the way it's going to be, so fucking be it. If we're going to have conservative nutjobs complaining about degeneracy, feminism, and race all the time, I think it's fair we have some crazy SJW liberals to balance it out.

Or maybe it's just trolls trolling trolls and I'm an idiot for not realizing they're being ironic. Fuck it.

>> No.7070314

0/10, Western European Caliphate =/= white people.

>> No.7070315


>> No.7070318
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Noticed it too, not really sure whether this is for the better cause I actually liked this place for ranting and stuff. Years back, this was the best place for getting honest-to-the-bone answers to your questions.

For example:
I asked whether a girl could cosplay as DMC3 Dante and someone went really personal and was pretty much like "I will so laugh about you if you do, you stupid whore" (etc) and this pretty much inspired me to do one of the best cosplays in my life.

Also, discussions were pretty much a swearing party and I enjoyed it. Honestly, it does not get to me if I am being called ugly or a cunt or whatever - what really gets to me is people going all social justice in my face for getting one word wrong or stuff like that...

I sorta miss the olde /cgl/

>> No.7070319

>it's just trolls trolling trolls and I'm an idiot for not realizing they're being ironic
It's most likely this. Though I have seen a lot of that shit lately. Maybe some SJWs are out on a rampage for some reason.

>> No.7070320
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>> No.7070321

I have a feeling OP might just be that one manlett who got butthurt after everyone made fun of him when he was bragging about his muscles and how he wanted to cosplay Deadpool.

That said, tumblr logic is kinda spreading most places. The main thing I hate about the site is that its logic is pretty dumb sometimes. For a site that seems to be filled with people claiming to be experts on gender and sexuality issues, they seem to be pretty goddamn naive about things. I had to explain to someone how Misha Collins having a threesome with his wife and another man does not even come close to meaning that he's "openly bi."

>> No.7070317

No, it was probably because feminism is not /cgl/-related.

>> No.7070322

Explain, then, why it is allowed to stay the rest of the time?

>> No.7070323

>>Western European
A part of white culture. You are useless, please die.

>> No.7070326

It isn't.

>> No.7070327


You're just too obvious.

>> No.7070324

I miss it too.


>> No.7070329


>People just need to start being assholes again or something. I dunno.

I think it's a certain kind of asshole, as discussed ITT (ie. racism, fat"shaming", etc.), that's required

>> No.7070330

>people attacking you for no reason = okay
>people attacking you for SJW reasons = not okay

You're being attacked, either way. /cgl/ is still pretty hostile with the /pol/tards and SJWs running around.

>> No.7070335
File: 277 KB, 2000x1529, 1356516526884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, what? I don't even understand your implications anymore, so here's a map. Maps are great, almost as great as statistics.

>> No.7070336

>I think it's a certain kind of asshole, as discussed ITT (ie. racism, fat"shaming", etc.), that's required
I don't think so. Being a general bitch is sufficient. You could go to many other boards just for those things you listed.

>> No.7070338


>You could go to many other boards just for those things you listed

True, but the point of the thread is that we shouldn't need to (apparently).

>> No.7070341

I'm only telling the truth. I am calling you out for the pigs you are.

>> No.7070343

They only think he's "openly bisexual" because they want him to. The people of tumblr are wondrous at projecting their ships/fantasies onto real, living people

>> No.7070347

Yah but I prefer people being dumb to people making me look dumb for not knowing the best word for someone's non-white ethnicity

>> No.7070366
File: 670 KB, 2450x1946, 1372826434526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The war against the thunder cunts from SRS is ongoing. Rest easy ladies, /b/ and /pol/ are on it.

>> No.7070369
File: 1.51 MB, 320x240, you will be mist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, I miss that certain kind of vitriol only /cgl/ can produce.
Maybe we are catering to SJW's or maybe not. But your bitter vaginas will be missed.

>> No.7070376
File: 318 KB, 962x1152, 1373410087071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with doxing the Archangelles. One by one. Two by Two. Three by Three. RIP

>> No.7070380

/pol/ is a retarded right-wing version of SRS as far as I'm concerned. I don't like either of them.

>> No.7070381

You're German right? I had a girl on my tumblr dash who was German and getting shit for not knowing something about race relations in the US last night.

>> No.7070388

I like the rational, level-headed nationalist side of /pol/. Edgy teens and baiters, not so much.

>> No.7070389

I want Tumblr to leave.

>> No.7070391

Everyone does, anon. Everyone does.

>> No.7070404


Homestuck general was created to get our grey paint cancer out of the other threads. There was a point where posting any homestuck in progress/con threads just got a lot of abuse and shitted up the threads.

SNK general I don't get.

>> No.7070405
File: 9 KB, 242x208, 1354706028666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7070403

>The woman
Boy do I got news for you

>> No.7070415

Who they is? I hope they deserve it.

>> No.7070425

Yeah, this is right. Actually the thematic is really different in Germany and mostly discussed with the Holocaust in the back of our minds and such thing as day-to-day racism in pattern of speech is widely neglected or almost unknown. Things like blackfacing never were an issue because we have a different history and even most of the neonazi attacks are focused on muslims, therefore we have other debates and most debates are about general xenophobia more than about being 'black' or 'white'.
I am not saying that racism was not an issue but it is mostly mixed up with xenophobia since there really are not many black people in Germany.

Furthermore, there is the language barrier: We learn English in school but most Germans are happy if they can communicate in a language that is not their mothertongue at all. Often, it is just a lack of the right vocabulary that is interpreted as racism. We are not exactly schooled in social justice, so it mostly causes confusion only, if we are accused of racism.

>> No.7070429 [DELETED] 
File: 989 KB, 300x225, zrcUq7z1r3nv5d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just jealous

>> No.7070433

Everything that's popular gets a general because we need to circlejerk things for the sake of circlejerking

>> No.7070438

No you stupid fuck. /pol/ is mostly the kind of people that we need to rule over us. It's just the few right-wing trolls that are making them look bad in the eyes of sheep. Pretty sure that most of them are very liberal (in the real meaning of the word).

>> No.7070446

Ther hatred of women is the only thing I don't like about them. Other then that, I find myself agreeing with them on most things. I would hate to have them rule over us, though, considering what it would do to women.

>> No.7070448

>taking /pol/ seriously
It's a joke, moron. I wish you activist shit heads would find your own website to babble on.

>> No.7070455


>/pol/ is mostly the kind of people that we need to rule over us.

Only if you're so desperate to see your country either ignored or invaded by just about every foreign power in the world.

>> No.7070453

And I wish you SJWs would go back to tumblr.

>> No.7070454

They were right about treyvon...

>> No.7070461


See, that's the thing. I guess Homestuck/MSPA can be kept in a thread since it's a form of "containment' or whatever, but the SNK and the DR and the newest tumblr squeeze? That shit don't deserve threads. SNK general especially since I've browsed a few and they seem to be the same reference pictures and "Where can i get titan pajamas plz help!!!!" every time. It's ridiculous. Can't people circlejerk on tumblr? It's not like it's anymore difficult.

>> No.7070464

people on /pol/
>50% angry rednecks
>25% neo-nazi's
>25% trolls
Yeah they should totally rule over us.

>> No.7070470

I agree, I like SNK and DR but I don't want it to be the new thing for homestucks

>> No.7070477

>50% angry rednecks
No. You fuck, you don't even know about fedora faggots. Rednecks do not go online, and if they did, they would not use a weeaboo site like 4chan. /pol/ has a large amount of asians/middle eastern angry about western society, and a lot of fedora kids who idolize chink societies because they are rejected by their own.

>> No.7070480

>rednecks don't go online

>> No.7070482

/pol/ would make us strong. We have already been invaded by the Zionists, and they won. /pol/ would reestablish the white culture that once made us great.

>> No.7070483

>>being this stupid
Black? Hispanic?

>> No.7070484

I used to raid with a guy on WoW who was definitely a redneck, and a couple more dudes I strongly suspected were rednecks.

>> No.7070485

Me neither.

>> No.7070489

This is the shittiest and most entertaining thread in a long time.

>> No.7070488

>Rednecks do not go online
>Implying the state of Texas doesn't have internet

>> No.7070491

for anyone wondering where all this babble about "zionists" is coming from, it's basically just britbong shit posting.

>> No.7070492

People from the South=/= rednecks. If they were, they would not be on WoW. Foreigners.

>> No.7070493

Texas is mostly hispanic now, so I don't get what you're trying to say?

>> No.7070499

JIDF cavalry to the rescue.

>> No.7070497 [DELETED] 

Stop. It comes from the jews themselves, and their rule of the media. Democracy allows whoever rues the media to rule the country.

>> No.7070508

>rational, level-headed nationalist side of /pol/
Doesn't exist, sorry. Not all of them are baiters but most of them are fucktards.

>> No.7070511

You feminist black power bitches are worse, though.

>> No.7070518

>not knowing the difference between feminists and Tumblr SJWS
>not knowing the difference between womanists and Tumblr SJWS
I assure you, people from /pol/ are much worse as they pervade almost every board and thread. I'm not even kidding. The containment board is not enough.

>> No.7070519

Were you hear during those times? We would have multiple PT, Jnig and Ashly threads on a daily basis being constantly bumped every time those people made a new costume or posted something online. This was combined with all the /fit/ tripfags following Hobbes lead and making tons of circlejerk threads with What Are You wearing threads going over 200 posts.

All the people pleaded with mods for a janitor as you could not even talk about cosplay related stuff to the point where a thread would be sage or bumped down just because it posted something on topic. We got tired of /cgl/ being Female /b/ and /fit/ 1.5 so we asked for a change. The problem was that people who started drama and started circlejerk threads didn't know how to properly do so thus ruining drama threads for everyone else.

>> No.7070526

>Ther hatred of women
Strawman. Most of them don't hate women. Even most of /r9k/ doesn't.

Yes, the Nazi/Hitler/genocide/IDS HABBEDING/nignogs/chimpouts thing is a joke.

But the thing about Jews (merchants) ruling the media et al. is very much true. There's a little hyperbole again, but it's not like /pol/ wants all Jews on the world to die, or blame regular Jews for what some of them do. It just so happens that the elite that holds all the money and therefore rules the world is mostly Jewish, especially in Western countries.

There is a lot of truth and good, reasonable opinionated people on /pol/. It's just that the average pleb prefers to live in their fantasy world where the Democrats/Republicans/Feminists/MRAs/whatever are the "BEST THING EVAR!!!"/their heroes, et cetera rather than accept the sad status quo that has never changed throughout history - "you are a pleb and you can do nothing against those who rule over you, nor have you ever managed to do anything significant against them". Sure there were lots of power fluctuations in history and with that illusions of grandeur for the pleb, where they thought that "oh, but now the things changed! now we matter! now we have a democracy/equal rights/abolished slavery[lolsure]/reality shows...". But the truth is shit never changed, there were no victories for the "people" in revolutions. The elite is still the elite and they keep ruling and doing what they want. They just transitioned from hard power to soft power - which may seem like a boon for you but it is an even better development for them, since with soft power the pleb is much less likely to revolt against them, and is even happy to live in the elite's servitude.

It just so happens that most of the elite shares some sort of religion. It's not the religion that matters, or makes them the elite (although it may have had some factors that helped - Jewish persecution in the Middle Ages that forced them to become bankers etc).

>> No.7070527

He doesn't actually care. Have you noticed this thread is mostly inane babble?

>> No.7070532

Oh god they're taking it back for Mexico.


>> No.7070529

So, you are a retarded feminist, then? Cancer, please go. Tumblr and reddit needs you for a nice circlejerk.

>> No.7070531

OP is obviously a girl.

>> No.7070534

>won't concede to the fact that your shit visitors are too cancerous for one board
>butthurt /pol/tard detected

>> No.7070535

Fuck off Athens, you Nazi supporting women-hating neckbeard virgin basement dweller.

>> No.7070538

>>implying I'm from /pol/
>>implying the majority of 4chan users don't think like this
>>implying the majority of people in general don't hate feminism

>> No.7070537

I do not miss the Asian Tripfag Mafia clogging the board or the multiple FAT WEEB CONTINUES TO BE A FAT WEEB threads or the containment board leakage threads

Is the janitor perfect? No but they are an improvement to what we had

>> No.7070539
File: 38 KB, 309x332, 1313366205272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No athens, I never said any of that. I just called you a repetitive shitposter.

>> No.7070543

>1000 years ago
>women had no right to vote, were killed and raped by their husbands and it was legal because they were considered just the property of the husbads', couldn't get an abortion and had no right over their body and if they tried to educate themselves they were burned at the stake
>women are slowly but surely fighting against patriarchy, getting step by step equal with men, who naturally freak out over it, get finally the right to their own bodies and make their own decisions and aren't just items for owning for the patriarchy, pay gap gets smaller a bit
>nothing changed

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7070544

>implying you aren't
>implying they do
Let's do this all day, faggot.

>> No.7070542

Stop spamming the name of a dead tripfag. I'm a girl, by the way. Please leave my /cgl/, cancer.

>> No.7070547

>>foreigners not knowing what a redneck is

>> No.7070549

Depends on what feminism you're talking about. Women wanting total equality? I'm down with that.
Feminazis complaining about trivial shit to get themselves more attention? Nope.

>> No.7070545

It really is. SJW ruin everything and greatly undermine any decent msg that feminists ever had. I wish they would shut the fuck up before the rest of us suffer from the inevitable backlash that society is going to have towards this shit.

>> No.7070553

Let me put this straight... on one hand, you come here every day to post in threads like these to be knight in shining armor who defends the pure maidens of /cgl/ from some villain that lives in your head, thinking that you're some sort of hero whose work is appreciated....

...and on the other hand, everyone keeps telling you to fuck off forever with the "Athens" spamming, since you're the only one autistic enough to think it's still him posting and not other people.

But you keep doing it.


>> No.7070556

You're probably one of those people who think social/societal gender issues don't exist and/or shouldn't be addressed. Or maybe you're not. Sage.

>> No.7070555

I hate to say it, but I saw a huge decline in content posted here once Mootles took out the rulebook and started enforcing it. I thought it might be a good thing, but OP is right, it brought out all the tumblrtards. I barely ever look at this board anymore.

>> No.7070558

Not him, but everyone should hate feminism. Or at least not support it. If you support any sort of political movement then you are a massive tool (this includes voting for people).

>> No.7070561

I've identified as a feminist for years, but nowadays I don't even want to mention it because I don't want to be associated with SJWs. Extremists ruin everything they get their filthy piggly hands on. People who look and dig around for reasons to be offended are just disgusting.

>> No.7070566

>You're probably one of those people who think social/societal gender issues don't exist and/or shouldn't be addressed.
Pff. See
>Women wanting total equality

>> No.7070564

Anyone who opposes the dumb fuckery that is feminism and social justice must be Athens, right? So delusional. You want so bad to believe that people don't actually hate you. Newsflash, Athens hasn't been on here since ancient times. If you go on any other board on 4chan, they will all have bad things to say about feminism. It's only you tumblr cunts on /cgl/ who support it. Why? Deluded newfags, that's why. You are not a chantard, get out.

>> No.7070565

Are you kidding me?

>> No.7070568
File: 41 KB, 150x150, 1324125989900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know for a fact that he hasn't been here recently
Here we go again.

>> No.7070569

>implying I'm the Athens anon.
Nice try, though.