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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 23 KB, 560x282, heroes-of-cosplay-logo-wide-560x282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7081201 No.7081201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Official thread for tonight's episode

>> No.7081218

Is someone gonna stream it?

>> No.7081220

The one with Anime Matsuri.

>> No.7081227

Oh, joy. Heroes of Bullshit. Can't wait.

>> No.7081234

Hope so, I do enjoy watching with others.

>> No.7081278

What shit happened at Anime Matsuri?

>> No.7081284

this is just the episode featuring anime matsuri

>> No.7081282

*crosses fingers for stream* Then I can be in the know NOW and not a week later! Woo!

>> No.7081297

cosplayers are so fucking jealous of each other

only reason people hate this show is because they aren't in it

>> No.7081308

actually most people hate this show because it's full of fake drama and idiots who don't know how to craft their way out of a paper bag.

But it's entertaining as hell.

>> No.7081312

Not exactly HoC related, but Face Off related.
Anyone else seeing that girl with the colored dreads in her hair who seems to be friends with the red head girl?
She's always wearing really terrible lolita dresses, which is a shame. She'd be really cute if she dressed herself properly.

>> No.7081313

Tonight is the Anime Matsuri episode. My body is ready for this bullshit.

>> No.7081317

Anyone streaming the new episode?

>> No.7081343

>So we have HoC trying to put a group into the WCS competition (which they probably won't even mention since staff said NO)

?Fake throwing up (I believe from one of the Cat skit girls)

>All groups entering with skits, and skit awards going to walk-ons because they did so poorly

>Yaya talking shit about the con in her hotel room (which I PRAY makes it in, because the heads of AM kiss her ass constantly)

Anything else?

>> No.7081344


No offense to the seagulls, but I don't think anyone on this board knows HOW to stream. I don't.

>> No.7081360

http://ufreetv.com/syfy.html This is live and streaming the new faceoff but the sound is shit. Turn your speakers down.

>> No.7081376

Wonder if HoC will stream next

>> No.7081385

I'm mostly looking forward to the back-peddling aftermath that is sure to come.

>> No.7081391



>> No.7081396


I predict they are going to throw a fit about not winning awards.
When the contest ended, people came back to collect their things and discovered all their belongings (purses, bags, props, etc.) were tossed out into an unsupervised hallway. Cast locked themselves inside, screamed if people tried knocking and wouldn't come out for ages.

>> No.7081403


That....that wasn't real. There's no way. It can't be. IT CAN'T!?

>> No.7081417
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>> No.7081424

what am I even watching

>> No.7081428

The secondhand embarrassment hits my like a freight train.

>> No.7081432

boring as hell

>> No.7081436
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That was a hard watch.

>> No.7081452

It's like watching small kids play make believe, only really embarrassing and not endearing
Is this what furcons are like?

>> No.7081454


This is the skit they are performing in tonight's episode.

>> No.7081467
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Oh boy, my first time watching live with /cgl/!

>> No.7081479


Maybe I haven't been in a lot of masquerades or something, but uh.
Why are they doing Cats...at an anime convention?

>> No.7081490

me too!

>> No.7081493

It's not the Musical Cats..it's meme cats...like Grumpy Cat and w/e else the other one is..

>> No.7081497


Grumpy Cat and Maru are not fucking anime characters.

>> No.7081495

They're not. As a Cats fan,this makes me cringe because the costumes are so good but the performance is just.. no. They're supposed to be Grumpy Cat and my friend thinks the other one is a meme cat or something.

>> No.7081499

i'm so excited to watch with you guys 2nite.
this is going to be the best
watching the cats skit on a 55" HD screen oh god i might die of second hand embarrassment

it's an honor, guys, really.

>> No.7081509

i have a hd 55' 3d tv thinking of turning on the 2d-3d for it

>> No.7081505

>My ex-boyfriend is the DM of my LARP group. If I go back, he'll just kill off my character.

I like this girl.

>> No.7081507
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Awaiting shitstorm my gulls

>> No.7081516

this already looks like the best episode yet

>> No.7081517

oh god this is going to be the worst yet

>> No.7081513

Did Yaya just almost pass out?

>> No.7081515

oh god be careful you might get sucked in.

>> No.7081510


>> No.7081511

Episode's starting

>> No.7081512
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Not sure if my embarrassment for them comes from a place of anger or pity

>> No.7081522

theyre not making anime look retarded so far

>> No.7081523

lol wat

>> No.7081525

>Yaya 2014 calender

>> No.7081519

lol did yaya just collapse?

>> No.7081520

Oh gawd Yaya's doing Jessica Rabbit this episode

>> No.7081521

>with anime conventions, skits are the RULE, not the EXCEPTION


>> No.7081531

>"tie it super tight, I don't need to breathe! hehehe!"
>shocked when she can't breathe
>is pissy when she can't breathe

>> No.7081532

could that have been faker

>> No.7081528

didn't u no u have to do a skit or u r not a reel cosplayar!

>> No.7081529

> Those galaxy leggings.

>> No.7081530


>> No.7081527

You know as a girl who doesn't wear makeup I can't help thinking Yaya looks like a hooker every time I see her

>> No.7081538

>THOUSANDS of people at Anime Matsuri!!!

>> No.7081539

>we could maybe cosplay like, something anime

to an anime convention?? Revolutionary.

>> No.7081540

Can someone make a gif of this. Oh god the over acting of her fainting. Bullshit.

LOL Anime cons placing more emphases on construction. HA.

>> No.7081541

welcome to cgl

>> No.7081542

>demands to be cut out of the corset
what a drama queen

>> No.7081535


>> No.7081536


meanwhile, furries, weaboos, and tumblrfags...

>> No.7081546

it's like watching the flubber dam burst

>> No.7081543

seriously i have never seen this before. i don't know if the world is ready for this.

>> No.7081555


Ahahahaha oh fuck it's happening

>> No.7081556

I think they meant it has to be ANIME oriented

>> No.7081549

damn, 20 more minutes with that corset on and this episode would have been the best ever

>> No.7081550


The fuck?

>> No.7081552

Why would anyone want to team up with Victoria?

>> No.7081566

I hate everyone on this fucking show, they are so fake and whiny bitches. Yaya is the worst by far, fuck that bitch.

>> No.7081568

I contentiously keep forgetting when this comes on until I see these posts.

>> No.7081562

>will the anime people get our cats?

girls come on please be smarter

>> No.7081563

i think it's because they've been at comic cons and stuff?
i have no idea.

SyFy says so it shall be

>> No.7081564

who the fuck brings a "cats" musical skit to an anime con. Half the kids won't get it, the other half weren't even alive when it was on broadway.

>> No.7081558

This can't be how they fucking came up with that idea.

>> No.7081559

Oh jesus cats is happening

>> No.7081560

the MEMEsical xD

>> No.7081561


>> No.7081565

>let's try to catch the anime fandom crowd
>cosplay cats

what the fucking shit

>> No.7081576

I thought internet meme is not allowed for competitions?

>> No.7081578

Shit ya it's Jinyo

>> No.7081579
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internet meme cat cosplay costumes for a professional contest


>> No.7081569

>let's do famous internet cats in CATS musical style

Fuck you. Fuck you quoting Rum Tum Tugger while coming up with this stupid idea.

>> No.7081570

Am I a douche for thinking Yaya Han is fucking hot?

>> No.7081572

i keep hearing anime missouri instead of anime matsuri

>> No.7081573

we almost saw her cooter

>> No.7081574
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>perfect storm

You have no idea.

>> No.7081580

I like Jessica and Holly despite this Cats fiasco. Their Mass Effect armor looked great. They're appreciably awkward ("We have low self-esteem that's why we cosplay!"). I hate them less than anyone but Chloe.

>Jinyo wearing Han Solo pants while making costumes


>> No.7081582

that god we dodged that bullet

fucking ark of covenant down there

>> No.7081583

Yaya of all people should know corset health and safety rules...

u just bein silly yaya

>> No.7081586

cats is best anime

>> No.7081587

Unless you're a chubby chaser, she is not hot.

>> No.7081589


They're not...

>> No.7081592

So this piece of shit >>7081391 is Holly and Jessica? Oh man that ought to be good.

>> No.7081595


>> No.7081596

I wanna work for vidya games!

>> No.7081597

>"You don't get to work for Blizzard unless you're like...Jesus."

>> No.7081601


>> No.7081599


>> No.7081606

Isn't a viral video supposed to go viral before being called a viral video??

>> No.7081603

Wait what? She worked on Pacific Rim?

>> No.7081604


>> No.7081605

Damming monika has it all. It's hard to get internship at gaming industries especially with blizzard

>> No.7081610

So are Egoraptor and Jontron going to make a cameo in this episode?

>> No.7081611

>gets to do a commission for Guillermo Del Torro
>Doesn't comes across their minds that Meme Cats might be a bad idea

>> No.7081612

>it's just a matter of y'know, cutting it out and sewing it together

Is that all, Jinyo? Is that all?

>> No.7081608

I think it was for that one youtube video with Egoraptor in it

>> No.7081613


>> No.7081617

lol Jinyo stands by his woman

>> No.7081614

Poor Monika doesn't realize Jinyo does all the work.

>> No.7081615

>I don't know how much we can work on this when it's just me and Jinyo

More than if it was you and Victoria.

>> No.7081616

I think she means "wary" not "weary"

>> No.7081622

Okay, so how many years old is Yaya's Dark Elf costume?

>> No.7081623

Yeah gotta build a time machine to go back in time to finish that Dark Elf costume that was done since SEPTEMBER 2012. Fuck this fake shit.

>> No.7081628

God Victoria is such a huge bitch

>> No.7081629

Jinyo is wearing the top of a BSG pilot outfit now. He is my bro.

>> No.7081626

>Victoria has to check in with Jinyo on Skype to see how her costume is coming

>> No.7081627

What career Monika is going for?

>> No.7081634

So far I've seen Jinyo do more on Victoria's cosplay than she does, and she still complains about accuracy

>> No.7081630

blizzard bunny at the blizzard mansion

>> No.7081631

Jinyo deserves a better partner.

>> No.7081632


And then she complains that he's doing it wrong.
If you want it done a certain way, do it yourself!

>> No.7081637

Blizzard bunny?

>> No.7081638
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>Doesn't make costume
>Jinyo makes it for her
>complains when the dress is off by an inch or two
>still proceeds to take credit for making cosplay

>> No.7081635

Zerg broodmistress

>> No.7081636

"Monika heads to Blizzard to help her career in the video game industry doing... uhhh... shit, what is she going to do?"

>> No.7081640

brettygood.com super good quality of Heroes.

>> No.7081641

I would beat every pussy on this show except jessica and holly.

>> No.7081643

It's beyond me why he's still with her

>> No.7081644

Still fuming over the fact she had an interview at blizzard...

I know people far more qualified than her...

>> No.7081647

you think it's REAL though...

>> No.7081648

Bah. Crabcow Industries didn't do anything for Del Toro. They made suits for this YouTube 'Pacific Rim' parody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iw8XQ3vdW_4

Del Toro has a little cameo at the end, that's all.

>> No.7081645

Aw. The stream died for me.

>> No.7081652

Did Jesse get booted or something? He created some pretty cool power armor stuff.

>> No.7081649

Turn on your TV, that's what I've been doing.

>> No.7081656

It took him a while to make it though. Maybe he just doesn't have anything new?

>> No.7081657

yaya actually looked good just flat gray makeup, before the whore eye shit

>> No.7081655

You can tell a lot was cut out and edited.

>> No.7081661

he did not provide adequate drama, thus he was culled.

>> No.7081662

>contest allows skits and walk one
>everyone bothering with skits when they have nothing planned

>> No.7081664

Gotta love that fake drama.

>> No.7081659

Jesse was way cooler and better then like Victoria.

>> No.7081660

>promised not to be sewing in the hotel room
>is sewing in the hotel room

>> No.7081667


I'm without cable at the moment, so that's not a possibility. I got the second stream to work, though!

>> No.7081668


He was too fancy plus all he does is stuff based off his storm trooper armour

>> No.7081665

She was working the Blizzard booth at SDCC. Her major's industrial design, so no clue what she'd do at a game developer.

>> No.7081666

Becky invited to con, wears bunny outfit instead of real costume.

>> No.7081670

Hey Jinyo, are you reading this?

I can't sew, but I'll put out if you make me costumes. We can cosplay Apollo and Starbuck. <3 Anon-chan

>> No.7081672

Fuck I would be pissed if I work with Victoria. At least Monika is honest about Becky judging.

>> No.7081673

Lol that Pacific Rim video reminds me of the old Power Rangers.

>> No.7081676


>> No.7081680

Said what?

>> No.7081681


>> No.7081679

>antagonize the person who will be judging you


>> No.7081687


>> No.7081688

>Nah bitch your craftmanship sucks

>> No.7081689

maybe that's the reason he's still with her, lol

>> No.7081690

Becky isn't judging. She judged the Marvel one.

>> No.7081682

the first episode had a preview of an assassin's creed costume, so at some point he's back

>> No.7081683

Obviously Becky only picked Monika because she was going to use her to try and win.

>> No.7081685

What a bitch.

>> No.7081686

What do you figure the odds are of these whores actually having watched an episode of whatever the fuck they're pretending to dress up as?

>> No.7081695
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BF suggested a drinking game for Heroes of Cosplay

Every time someone says "craftsmanship" you shout out "BOOBS!" and take a drink

>> No.7081691

monika comes off really standoffish

>> No.7081692

wait, I must have missed that part, what happened

>> No.7081698

I can't even remember who Becky is.

>> No.7081696


>> No.7081697
File: 13 KB, 128x123, N Stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I will never like Monika. I don't even particularly care for Becky, but God fucking damn.

>ur not good enuff 2 dress up as anime characters w/ me also we're not friends and we're never gunna be friends

Are you five?

>> No.7081699

the terrible Merida from episode 1

>> No.7081700

you sound like tools

>> No.7081701

>feeling productive
>proceeds to watch this with cgl while making dressform
aww yeesss

>> No.7081708

Which chick is this?

>> No.7081709


>> No.7081711

http://brettygood.com/ join us!...there's a commercial right now.

>> No.7081702

oh no, my cable's fucking up



>> No.7081704

Shes the crazy "actress"

>> No.7081705

She told Becky eight off the bat that she is the last person she want to cosplay with.

>> No.7081716


>> No.7081717

check out their sweet furry cosplay guys
totally anime related

>> No.7081714



>> No.7081715

Not a big fan of Monika but I don't blame her. She's partnering with Victoria and look how well that's going and now someone who isn't that great at craftsmanship wants to team up with her, it's just going to be a repeat of Victoria but with Monika probably having to finish making both costumes herself.

>> No.7081718

I'm less mad about their Cats skit now that I know they basically made it in the hotel room.

>> No.7081719
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No wonder their costumes are awful

Just. Awful.

>> No.7081720

Would you want someone like Becky on your team? All of her costumes are meh tier at best

>> No.7081721


>> No.7081722


>> No.7081727

who cares about the fucking bodysuits

>> No.7081728

Lol you painted those things in the hotel room.

>> No.7081730


I just lost so much respect for them

>> No.7081723

>the Chun-li's face

>> No.7081724

>"These are the most accurate costumes we've done!"
>fucking original Cats designs

>> No.7081729

are you new?

>> No.7081733


>> No.7081735
File: 316 KB, 324x187, bleeeh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire episode

Not even Del Toro's appearance can make up for this.

>> No.7081731

Fushigi Yugi was my first childhood animu and I'm really grossed out by how bad those cosplays are.

>> No.7081732

Hahaha they're getting told.

>> No.7081739

oh shit, that's embarassing

>> No.7081740


Not anon you're replying to but Chun-Li is Cathrine. Owner of God Save the Queen Fashions.

>> No.7081741


>> No.7081742

Whoa. The costume fell apart after she just finished talking about how she was afraid it was going to fall apart?!

>> No.7081743


>> No.7081737

Told by Yaya. Big whoop.

>> No.7081738
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>Her fucking horn came off

>> No.7081751

>mfw people are watching this shit instead of the BEST AGT SEASON EVER

>> No.7081752


>> No.7081753

>"Who cares if we didn't make the bodysuits?! We just did stuff for DEL TORO."

>> No.7081754

Our prejudging consisted of yaya not in the room and the other judges not bothering to get up at all or stop eating to even ask us question. such bs

>> No.7081746

> "i would never show up with a costume that would fall apart"
....yeah but you'd partner up with someone who did.... so......

>> No.7081747

Monika has learned a valuable lesson. Never team with anyone.

I liked Victoria's fin ear things though. Wonder how she or Jinyo made them.

>> No.7081748

UGH that Chun Li looks awful, at least get a fucking wig. Cosplays never look good without a wig, no matter how closely your natural hair color resembles the characters.

>> No.7081744

Wow, so embarrassing having you shit fall apart in front of everyone.

>> No.7081745

Catherine seems like a boss. Just got dead to inspecting the costumes.

>> No.7081757

She is amazing. She basically is everything I think yaya wanted to be, didn't have the skill to, so she fell back on boobs.

>> No.7081758

Exactly, as long as you customize and do all the rest of the work then it's no problem.

>> No.7081756

Don't act surprised her horn fell off. That clip has been in the opening of every episode people.

>> No.7081763

The only thing Victoria is good for is hate fucking all night long.

>> No.7081764

But this is my weekly /cgl/ trainwreck TV!

>> No.7081762

I just found my parents yelling at the TV. They were watching Heroes of Cosplay and complaining about how fake and stupid and untalented and retarded the whole show was.

So I sat down with them and we all bitched about the show for a good 15 minutes or so.

I love my parents.

>> No.7081769

how are the ratings for this shit? did anyone post the third episode's stats?

>> No.7081771

dat b8

>> No.7081773
File: 2.47 MB, 280x208, 1370963122794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dream cosplay"


>> No.7081774

Fake vomit!!!

>> No.7081767

This show is my first exposure to cosplay. Is it safe to say it's all women using characters from shows they've never seen to dress in super slutty outfits and not get called whores for it?

>> No.7081768

>Her dream cosplay to the audience.

Seriously SyFy?

>> No.7081778

I haven't been watching.

What the fuck are they talking about with "I just did work for Pacific Rim!"

Do they honestly think their half-assed youtube skit counts as official material for a professional movie now?

Worse still.. Do they think that getting someone else to build all the armor, props, costumes, and do all the sculpts and actual work makes them important to the process, somehow?

>> No.7081779


>> No.7081777


>> No.7081784

What is Yaya cosplaying from?

>> No.7081785

Oh shit. She threw up and still got on stage?

I'll give her some credit there.

>> No.7081781

HAHAHAHA none of these chicks stand a chance.

>> No.7081788

Yes they fucking do. Their egos are endless since that one

>> No.7081789

OH hell yeah

>> No.7081790

I can't watch these skits.

>> No.7081791

Excited for Rynn's face when she sees the stolen Fushigi Yugi skit.

>> No.7081792


>> No.7081787

And did I just see Blue Ezreal?

>> No.7081794

you're a pussy

>> No.7081795

it's fake. someone backstage says they faked all of it and then the syfy staff pushed away anyone showing real concern for her.

>> No.7081796

What was the Red Dragon from?

>> No.7081793
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>> No.7081801

I eagerly await the day when their youtube money dries up and they suddenly can't afford all the rental space for their shitty little workshop, then.

Their one Mass Effect group was good, but to think themselves professional champions of the cosplay arts because of it is absolutely laughable.

>> No.7081802

Nope. Changed the channel. I can't watch this Cats-wannabe train wreck.

>> No.7081797

>a cat is her 'dream costume'

>> No.7081799

>aerith cosplay
You wot?

>> No.7081800
File: 1.35 MB, 220x233, 1234152646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening!

>> No.7081809

>Yaya's face when

>> No.7081810

Don't they have some shitty job for the company that makes mass effect?

>> No.7081803

I really want this show to get renewed just we can have more of these threads.

>> No.7081804

qt3.14 eureka in the audience

>> No.7081805

>We promised the fans.


>> No.7081806

im happy
im so happy
that skit was so shitty

>> No.7081807

The joke is that she kills Sephiroth instead of vice versa.

>> No.7081808

lol yaya

>> No.7081811

The crowd's faces. Ahahaha

>> No.7081818

That was Becky.

>> No.7081819

This is the best. hahahahah.

>> No.7081812

Who was the qt pinkie pie?

>> No.7081813

that was pantsu the legend herself

>> No.7081814


>> No.7081815

Oh my god pissing off security. I'm dying.

>> No.7081816
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>> No.7081817
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This... is... SOOOOOOOoooo... BAD.



>> No.7081820

Jessica got a fat booty low-key.

>> No.7081824

Wait, what happened? Why did they get accosted by security for? I missed that.

>> No.7081826

Oh really? She looks adorable.

>> No.7081821

>we promised the fans
p p please don't

>> No.7081827

dat sassy security guard

>> No.7081828


What insufferable cunts.

>> No.7081831

She sat on the floor and refused to get up.

>> No.7081832

She sat in the middle of the hallways "because she felt so sick" and got pissed when security told her she had to move.

>> No.7081833

Answer me /cgl/! What was the Red Dragon from cause I though it was awesome.

>> No.7081829


Wait what?! How'd they piss off security?

>> No.7081830


One of them wouldn't move out of the way in the hallway.

>> No.7081835

She was sitting on the floor.

>> No.7081837

>uhh I care about craftsmanship
>hey victoria I know you do your ship half ass..wanna team up?
Monika confirmed for jackass?

>> No.7081838

Jessica was sitting in the middle of the hallway and wouldn't move

>> No.7081839

so hard to scoot your ass over two buttlengths

>> No.7081836

Sitting in the middle of the convention hall. She was too "weak" to move.

>> No.7081843

Meanwhile Holly is pretty fuckable

>> No.7081840


>> No.7081841


>> No.7081842

Jesse is back next episode ~
this episode needs to not exist anymore

>> No.7081852

Come on, /cgl/, wht's Yaya cosplaying from?

>> No.7081853


>> No.7081847

Yay! He's more tolerable than most of the others.

>> No.7081849

You can tell this is getting bad since jessica and holly are sinking below the respect level from us. It's up to Jesse and Chloe now.

>> No.7081850


>> No.7081844
File: 36 KB, 530x530, 999466_588655757863410_422033835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. Let me get this straight.
These two build up a reputation as being highly skilled, professional cosplayers who can make shit like a giant animatronic latex head for a true-to-scale Grunt costume from Mass Effect.. They get all sorts of accolades and internet points for their highly accurate group cosplay...

And this is what they bring to a convention? A couple of half-assed body suits, some beginner-tier facepaint, and a joke about lolcats and memes?

Who the fuck are these charlatans and who the fuck is making them famous?

>> No.7081846

Naw dude they had like 3 clouds in their group.

>> No.7081856

>tfw no one placed

>> No.7081859

Did they actually think they stood a chance? pfttt

>> No.7081855

Fucking Draven, man.

>> No.7081863


My guess is that they are talented, its just the episode schedule demand doesn't allow them to create relatively good costumes from scratch. Thus they enter in shitty last minute costumes.

>> No.7081860

i personally like, feel bad for the cosplayers. they most likely are decent people, and most of them are good cosplayers. but this show twists it to shit and they're under contract to act certain ways. but Jesse is immune from that because he's not an attractive girl who's apart of the community, he's on his own just making costumes. but he's a bit manboychild.

like this scripted shit.

>> No.7081861

Again. Shocker.

>> No.7081869

Besides the chicks that cosplayed the cats and Yaya, what do these girls do for a living that they can sink all this money and time on all these cosplays, hotels, and plane tickets all year?

>> No.7081870

They were busy doing a commission that looked like it really took a ton of time to make.

>> No.7081872

this is also prob true. like i'm sure they were like "you're required to go to all these conventions, you have to have something."
which is prob a reason so many re-uses of costumes is happening too.

>> No.7081864

you got to remember they have like a week to make this shit..while the wrex costume took how long?months?

then again is the week before the convention true or do they have lots of time?

>> No.7081865

>Cosplay isn't about elitism

>> No.7081866

fuck, the ONE part I wanted to see was the damn part with Yaya 'passing out'

JFC though, having this Faceoff show after this shows you real fucking skill.

>> No.7081880

I'm really happy Draven won!! I didn't really get the first place winners tbh, maybe if they showed more of their skit/close up of costumes it would make more sense. Looked like there was a lot of better costumes then theirs.

>> No.7081882

We watching faceoff?

>> No.7081883

either way it's inexcusable. If you've only got a week b/c you spent so much time on something maybe schedule yourself better or reprioritize and if they had costumes done a year in advance like half these dumb fools that's even worse

>> No.7081877

>>Cosplay isn't about elitism
Unless you're the 'great Yaya, Ambassador of Cosplay.'

>> No.7081878

Wait, it ended? Why is faceoff starting.

>> No.7081879

Syfy probably pays for them to attend.

>> No.7081873

Not even close. most of their 'new' cosplay is stuff they have made years ago. It's all fake dude.

>> No.7081874

u mad bro? The cake was a lie until I took an arrow to the knee.

bt dubs I just lost the game

>> No.7081888

Yeah that Draven was awesome.

>> No.7081884

when the fuck is yaya going to cosplay the red queen from Alice:madness?

They show her with another girl in the opening.

>> No.7081885

The others have been using old costumesthat they've made months or even years before so the "week" is hardly mandatory.

>> No.7081890

Welp, that was that episode.

I can't say I hate the show as much as everyone else seems to. But this was the worst episode hands down.

I miss Jessie, he may have had a few holes in some of his costumes they were still good and I liked his personality. He wasn't a horrible bitch.

>> No.7081891

Was it just me , or did the first place winners also have a "...wait, we one FIRST? Really?" face when they gave him the trophies?

>> No.7081892

Bull. Shit.
If they were as good as they pretend to be, they'd be able to pump out better costumes in a week than this shit.

>> No.7081889

There aren't people in the thread who honestly think Victoria is attractive right? inb4 jealous fatty,etc, but she looks old, her voice is grating, and her shitty attitude doesn't help. I feel bad for Jinyo, he's talented, and should enter contests on his own with his work.

>> No.7081899

Any job that isn't waiting tables or working behind a counter? Live in an area with low living costs, don't have a lot of student debt and have a desk job that pays decently, devoted all your time and money to cosplay related things and surprisingly you can afford to go to a lot of cons. And also have no life whatsoever.

>> No.7081901

I think Becky is really pretty even though I can't stand her as a cosplayer

>> No.7081895

almost all the girls look nasty. The only reason I like yaya is her huge ass tits and I have a asian fetish

>> No.7081896

Jessie is a girls name, it's Jesse.

>> No.7081897
File: 479 KB, 670x748, dmb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well at least they know it´s bad

>> No.7081907

it's both before and after.

>> No.7081908

Hatefuck, boy.

>> No.7081909

Thank you for this.
I've been wondering what that cosplay was for the longest time and I couldn't find any photos on Yaya's websites of it.

>> No.7081903

I've said this before, but I think Jinyo is the kind of person who just does not care about contests, no matter how talented he is (do they even say what he does for a living?) and maybe he just likes to make shit, even if it is for a whining ass cunt of a GF.

>> No.7081906

that sounds like a furfaffinity level comment

>> No.7081904

Where I live Faceoff came on BEFORE Heroes of Cosplay.

Mind = Blown

>> No.7081905

>literally the worst skit I've ever seen

>> No.7081913

you weren't at zenkaikon 2013
that adventure time skit
see that shit in my dreams like vietnam flashbacks

>> No.7081915

My bad.

>> No.7081920

I don't think she's ugly, but she's not that great looking either.
I love her figure though.

>> No.7081917

I wanted to see it too so I actually tried looking for it as well on her website..nothing.

It is her in the opening, I don't know why she isn't flaunting the costume.

>> No.7081918

Well thanks for watching with me /cgl/
Hope to see you all again next week for more griping.

>> No.7081919
File: 576 KB, 360x200, 1zptbuf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did no one else notice that hideous Square Enix typo or.

Has to dip out after the cat girl "vomited." The embarrassment was dulling my senses.

God I just want Icky Vicky to stop but I say that every week.

>> No.7081922

They looked so hesitant going up on stage! I got that feeling too. But hey good for them! I wish we got to see better shots of their costumes then the few short seconds.

>> No.7081923

>adventure time
say no more anon

>> No.7081934

Monika and chloe are god tier. Yaya has dem tits. Riki and Holly are alright. Victoria is beat. Becky is plain. Jessica is beyond beat but her ass is fat.

>> No.7081931

I find it funny they never showed the girls that won Best in Show, especially after SyFy hurriedly paid them the award money they provided, but never gave out at the con.

>> No.7081932

I'm gonna need a high res pic of Holly's booty in the cat suit. For scientific purposes of course.

>> No.7081933

Not where I live. I watch it on space so I get inner space now.

Thanks Canada.

>> No.7081939

monika has too many fucking moles dude...and that weird shit above her lip is super defined fuck that ...she has like no aesthetics

>> No.7081936

no worries. better you do it here than like... idk if you ever meet a boy Jesse?

they were aware of how awful it would be. but hey, contractual obligations will really get you.
i think it's admirable that they're able to laugh at themselves when everyone else is raging.

>> No.7081942


>> No.7081943

>>cat girl vomits violently in a line of people.
>>nobody even looks


>> No.7081944

that's because the winners didn't get the thousand dollars until like 6 months after the show that matsuri had to fork out of pocket when the "source" (read: syfy) didn't pay up since matsuri wouldn't rig the contest the way the producers wanted.

>> No.7081947

i really don´t get why people like Monika that much, i just don´t see what is so special, Chloe on the other hand....

>> No.7081949

Yeah I used to be friends with one, many a year ago.

>> No.7081951

So you think they just... lie about the actual good stuff they make? lol

>> No.7081955

i've never met a Jesse. but people spell my name weird all the time so i'm a little partial to correcting names.

>> No.7081956

I'm from /fit/ and pretty aesthetic...most of the time when a cosplay thread comes up there they say girls there are easy to pull.

How easy would it be to hook up with yaya? Is it possible?

>> No.7081957

Actually, since this is a good place to ask.. How many cons actually offer cash prizes at all? I know many have small things, like Anime boxsets or free badges or something like a trip to Japan for the really really big shows, but I haven't seen any that offer cash prizes.

>> No.7081958

I think she wears a corset during the interview sections of the show. It just blows my mind her arms are so fat but her chest/torso you can see looks skinny

>> No.7081961

She's engaged.

>> No.7081962

she's married.

>> No.7081963

>Holly's booty
>not Jessica's

>> No.7081965

the reality is unless theyre busted up or mental cosplay girls are insecure to the point of prude.

>> No.7081967

>it's not so ba...

>> No.7081968

That's why i'm confused. Last episode one of them did a full blown out Alien prop and painted it and it looked great IN THREE DAYS. Then they do this in a week? ....Hmmmm.

>> No.7081971

practically none if any at all, the money being awarded at these cons has been given by syfy. most cons you're lucky if you get a trophy or a certificate.

>> No.7081972

I mean pretty in her face area

>> No.7081973

Youmacon has like tons of cash prizes for their gaming stuff. apparently for gaming cash prizes is very normal.

for cosplay i have not seen it much.

>> No.7081976

so no chance? I thought the dude was never there when she did these things.

that sucks

>> No.7081977

I can't even finish it

>> No.7081978

I think they get other people to do the really hard shit, then take credit by stepping in front of the camera when people want to take a photo.

Their little Pacific Rim video kind of proved that they've got numerous hollywood professionals around who are willing and able to do all the work that they take credit for (like saying that they "just did work for Pacific Rim!")

>> No.7081980


>> No.7081983


Yes, I know that. The girls who won are actually good friends of mine. That's why I said I thought it was funny they weren't shown,

>> No.7081989

Shes a solid 9 when shes not making that retarded mouth hanging open face.

>> No.7081991

Shinrajunkie on facebook

>> No.7081992

ah, i see

well I'd better put a call into the repairman to have my sarcasm detector examined.

>> No.7081995
File: 602 KB, 641x646, 1368242193899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel I have a pretty easy name and I get called the wrong name all the time. Gets under my skin. Whenever I meet someone with a foreign name(Foreign from my perspective) I try to make sure I say their name right. Because I know what it's like being called the wrong name.

So yeah mfw spelling his name wrong

>> No.7081997

yeah what´s up with THAT?

>> No.7081998

my nickname is "Lotte"
and a lot of people say "Lot"
and i'm like
no why would i have that as a nickname i know that's how it should be said but really?

>> No.7082003

Thats because when people tried to help Syfy staff pushed them back. Allot of us were concerned, but they told us it was apart of the show.

>> No.7082005

Professional gaming has grown considerably and now cash prizes are the norm, in most cases. I'm not sure how Youmacon does it, but in many cases, smaller tournaments will require an entrance fee which will go towards the final cash prizes.

>> No.7082006

They only won 1st place Craftsmanship. They didn't show any skit awards or Best in Show

Also WAT in saying Shinrajunkie's Draven was only his second costume. He has done WAY more than that.

>> No.7082008

fucking fake drama

>> No.7082010

not many. Some of the big name ones do, but a lot of little cons say you can't compete if you've won money so a lot of cons just avoid it. Most will give away some crap from the vendor hall and a trophy or certificate. I know sac anime gives away bad cat bell necklaces as some of their awards. They're like a strip of lace and ribbon with a bell hand sewn on. I won one at the cafe for a memory game the time I went. Felt bad that the people who do masquerades are getting the same crap.

>> No.7082011

Agreed. Don't know anything about Becky or why people hate her so much (feel free to fill me in) but Monika came off as a total fucking cunt

>> No.7082015

Like "Steals a Lot"?

>> No.7082018

She has some slow tedencies she might be like 10% retarded. Still cute as fug tho.

>> No.7082022

Ok, the problem with that scenario, is that a professional is not going to let them just 'step in' and take credit, especially since they have several big projects under their belt.

>> No.7082025

>name is Mitchell
>Get called Micheal
>People also pluralize my last name. I have no idea why.

>> No.7082032

There are ways around that, namely crediting elsewhere. They can say they worked on that super important Pacific Rim video and let people think they made all the costumes and did all the hard work, just as long as the actual video credits the various other studios, prop makers, costumers, and professionals who did all the actual work.

They can get away with calling something a CrabCat industries production, which is technically true, and let people think they are some sort of cosplay geniuses without saying "Oh yeah, I MADE EVERYTHING", and that's what they're doing. They are acting like they did everything without saying that they had a small team of pros doing the heavy lifting.

>> No.7082034

How easy the girls seem to be (from easiest to hardest)
Monika>>>Becky>Victoria (sorry jinyo)>yaya>Jessica>holly>chloe>riki

>> No.7082037

or a $25 gift card to "Local comic book shoppe"

>> No.7082040

God Save the Queen was harsh, man. She just seemed really peeved off.

>> No.7082048

I don't understand your scale

>> No.7082050

These girls have no buns.

>> No.7082056

So does anyone have a link to this now that its done playing? I missed the live stream and don't have a tv... :'(

>> No.7082057

just replace all the > with = and it becomes clear

>> No.7082059

how easy it would be to convince them to let you fuck. Fell free to tell me if i'm wrong.

>> No.7082064

Yup, that's me! Masao was next to me but you can't really see him. Oh well. I wish they had put up the clip they filmed of us kissing but I'll take that little spot even though I completely hate the show.

>> No.7082074

I lol'd but don't talk about chloe like that.

>> No.7082075

This. I remember how jazzed I was to have entered my first contest and win First in Journeyman craftsmanship (entered novice but got bumped up). But the prizes were just an XXXL tshirt from the same con 3 years ago, a keychain, a plastic trophy and a certificate.

That was when I learned why most hardcore cosplayers don't bother with contests. If you aren't in cosplay for the love of making or wearing it, then you're in the wrong hobby.

>> No.7082079

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7082082


fuck being hardcore, who in their right mind wants to waste most of their day sitting sequestered in a fucking room with nothing to do but wait?

>> No.7082092

Meet some new people.

>> No.7082094
File: 25 KB, 354x367, Patchy_Unamused_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt3.14 eureka in the audience

You must be new here.

>> No.7082100

Aaah, 'easy', i get it now.
Nah I pretty much agree with you all around.

>> No.7082105


yeah I can do that in the hallways, at a meetup, at a bar, and all three of those things still at the con

>> No.7082128

Streaming link?
Anyone uploading this?

>> No.7082134


>> No.7082167

I doubt Monika is that easy to get with. She is a bit of a bitch
We all know the this show is exaggerated and forced drama, but Monika really is a pretty big cunt to everyone and is pretty much unapproachable if you're not someone well known.
She is the definition of fame-ladder climbing

>> No.7082190

She seems awful to her mom.

>> No.7082252

That was my point if you read my post. Hardcore cosplayers would rather just be around con and show off their hard work rather than sit around and be judged for paltry prizes.

>> No.7082273

People should check out the Cast Critique clips they put online. It's half fawning over each other's costumes and half this is why their costume sucks


>> No.7082289

Ahhh rocketeer was so good, but freaking that button bothered the shit out of me.

>> No.7082305

This is the first episode of this show I've watched, and it will be the last. Besides all these girls being cunts, I love how little these "professional cosplayers" even know about anime. Holy shit I know there are cosplayers who do mainly comic book costumes, but but for the only anime cosplays I see featured to be from an old series like fushigi yuugi that they probably watched in high school is sad. At an anime convention.

Also, does anyone have pictures of, or knows who that cute Aincrad arc Asuna is? From the 2 seconds she was on screen I thought her costume was nice.

>> No.7082307



Forgot about her since she wasn't on this week. The second episode was the first time I ever saw what her husband looks like. I'm not sure how he landed her.

It's also interesting to see the personality of all the girls on this show, because even though I had seen some of their costumes before or pictures of them online, I didn't know what horrible people they are. Do they realize how bad the show makes them look?

>> No.7082323

On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, how'd you rate this episode /cgl/?

>> No.7082349

Chris does the bulk of her work, just like Jinyo

>> No.7082358


Makes sense.

>> No.7082381

And yet she's the one who apparently went to LA to interview with a guy so she could be a professional prop person.

>> No.7082403

Who said to give it that last 10-15%, she turned around and put on her old Hellboy costume + body suit.

Shame we have such shitty people picked to be on this show, but what do you expect from Yaya and her best friends.

>> No.7082570

This, I actually love them.
I was fucking steaming when she was there
And then when for the rest of the episode they were like "HER INTERNSHIP IS ON THE LINE WITH THIS FUCKING ANIME COSTUME AT SOME RANDOM CON"
Noticed this, too. Monika is a fucking idiotic ditz and I'm fucking furious she actually got an interview with Blizz. Yes imad
Also she just seems like a spoiled womanchild

>> No.7082573

The wig made me realize she looks a bit like Scarjo from the right angles. But WHY THE FUCK PLAYBOY BUNNY VERSION, JUST DO THE DAMN COSTUME
Any respect I may have eventually had for her lost

>> No.7082575

I was in the contest at matsuri and when I watched tonight The awards were odd o-o
The awards were split between walk ons and skits
and when you look at the trophy sizes you can tell... The people who won "first" got I think 3rd skit
the fuck syfy

>> No.7082602


I've recently had a friend be filmed for a reality series and the producers had her going to fake "job interviews" that they had set up in pertaining to the premise of her being hired while wearing an outfit that she wouldn't normally wear to an interview. I'm prtty sure in the final cut, it'd nonetheless look believable that it was real.

>> No.7082621

I hope to god this show never comes to Acen or Youmacon.

>> No.7082647

She probably fucks like a demon.

>> No.7082663

Eugh. I think none of this women on this show are attractive 'cept for Riki. Too bad she was revealed to be a bitch as well though. Everyone else is fucking ugly. People here have even lower standards than I thought by reading this thread.

>> No.7082665

I don't like her chin but her tits are nice I guess

>> No.7082675

I cringe like crazy whenever they talk about Yaya's "brand."

Bitch, Coca-Cola is a brand. Having big, fake boobs isn't.

>> No.7082840

Chris has a ton of money, and marrying him got her a green card.

>> No.7082843

Riki was cute with a nice figure before the boob job. Now she's like a caricature of herself.

>> No.7082845

I always knew those tits were too big for that frame...

>> No.7082895

I've known Monika for a pretty long time now, we dont keep in touch anymore but it's interesting seeing her on tv
I can tell a lot of the scenes are scripted and shit and a lot of it is forced drma, but I can tell you that she really does have a pretty shitty attitude.
She's always been a buttmad borderline bitch and she's always treated her mom like shit with her sass
But she has lost a lot of weight, i dont know if its for the show or for her 'career', but I definitely remember her being....thicker.

>> No.7082917

>Chun-Li is Cathrine. Owner of God Save the Queen Fashions.

If you look at the old gallery on GStQ fashion, she's dressed as Chun-Li, there's also Big Sister
from Bioshock 2 that happened to be in a skit.
Did SyFy hire Cathrine's old costumes to fill time, or was that a coincidence?


>> No.7082941

Man, I would live to know what Yaya's ten year plan is. Sooner or later her age will catch up with her, and she doesn't strike me as the person that puts enough away to retire when it does.

>> No.7083398

Who else thought it was fucking hilarity for Monika to call out Becky's shit craftsmanship? Girl has balls I'll give her that.

>> No.7083686


lol she is such a bitch

>> No.7084084

I can't believe I used to idolize these sellouts...

>> No.7084732

That's just a coincidence. There's more than one person who's made a Big Sister cosplay, you know.