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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 426x639, tin-tin-kid-cosplay-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084768 No.7084768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

kid cosplays? they're the cutest non drama filled magic ever.

>> No.7084777
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>> No.7084783
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>> No.7084810
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>> No.7084812
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>> No.7084819
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>> No.7084967
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>> No.7084970
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>> No.7084974
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>> No.7084978
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>> No.7084986

This thread is the cutest shit I've ever seen.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7084989
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>> No.7084992
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>> No.7084994
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>> No.7085042

Reasons to have kids:

1. To make cosplays for them.
2. ???

>> No.7085043
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>> No.7085046
File: 24 KB, 500x375, Baby Gohan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085048
File: 76 KB, 540x720, Baby piplup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085049
File: 59 KB, 501x369, Baby Sasuke & Baby Naruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085051
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>> No.7085082

>that awkward feel when you recognize the person in the background (the guy in the white shirt with glasses)
Despite the fact that I have absolutely no idea what the fuck/where the fuck that convention (?) is.

>> No.7085085

Omg I love this

>> No.7085086

2. To jerk off your ego.

Wait, that covers "1." too. :-)

>> No.7085087

so how many of you actually have kids?

i hope you're not still cosplaying if you have kids....

>> No.7085093


I hope you fuck off, you judgmental prick

>> No.7085096


obviously Mexico

>> No.7085095

>i hope you're not still cosplaying if you have kids....

And what's wrong with that? If my husband and I are successful, and well off financially why can't I still make costumes for myself and my children?

>> No.7085097

Why can't my husband and I make costumes for ourselves and our children if we're not well off financially?

>> No.7085101

Ha, I got excited and thought it was a Monkey King cosplay.

>> No.7085102

god god god i want to be a mommy

i want a baby so fucking badly

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.7085104 [DELETED] 

Your children need their mother there for them at all times. Not conventions with slutty cosplayers.

>> No.7085117
File: 161 KB, 635x599, tumblr_mh0jf8fjxj1r7mc2eo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No not at all.

I started dressing my little brother up in cosplay when he was 5. He really liked it originally but now (age 7) he's not that into it.

I am worried that it's because his last cosplay didn't go over so well. Very few people wanted his picture. One girl approached us and got really irritated with us like "I bet he doesn't even WATCH Korra."-- and he's only watched like three episodes. He almost cried there, because she was so rude.

>> No.7085123 [DELETED] 

No. Fuck children, seriously.

>> No.7085125

>implying we don't just like to see kids dressed up as our favorite characters

>> No.7085126 [DELETED] 

How many dicks you taken whore?

>> No.7085128

Were you a good onee-chan?

Did you make your otouto feel better?

>> No.7085132

I had that feel when I was 17-19, it started calming down around 20. Then I got pregnant. Now I don't want kids unless I pay someone else to carry it for me.

>> No.7085134

Did you slap her silly?

>> No.7085135


I do, but then at the same time I think of the havoc it would inflict on my body, and all the free time I'd be losing.

I'm a pretty selfish creature, but thank god their are people out there who want to be moms. It's not for everyone, but I think that's fine. I'd rather the willing and able have kids than those who don't want them.

>> No.7085145
File: 82 KB, 960x644, 429703_10150495979511784_628616783_9282653_959739314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did. ;_; We went to the dealers room and bought him a plush and then took him to get ice cream. He cheered up a lot.

I wanted to, trust me. I explained it was very hard and a bit dark for a six year old to watch and that he had seen a portion of the series but not the end. She was unamused.

the year before that, we had such great times too. Now he's all shy about cosplay. I tried getting him into some child-friendly series and asked for advice on a local forum. Someone told me to dress him as a sailor scout because kids love Sailor Moon. wtf?

It's weird, there's actually a mom at our local con- she's like mid 30s or + and has a 9 year old. She is like... competitive with her kid's cosplay. Any time anyone mentions kids cosplay she has to remind us that her daughter was THE most POPULAR kids cosplay at (con) and (con) and it was so CUTE she had so many pictures taken!

>> No.7085147
File: 127 KB, 500x747, 1368769806649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085154

Children need to learn independence and social interaction outside of school life.

>> No.7085159


Conceptualizing how bad a mother cosplayers would make is actually really depressing. I hope nobody on this board has kids, because chances are you're a shit mom.

>> No.7085186

I'll help you get one. :3

>> No.7085188

>implying that post was implying any of that
Jerking off your ego = dressing up your kids for your pleasure.

>> No.7085435

You're a fucking idiot who probably doesn't even have kids. Adults are allowed to have hobbies outside their kids while still being good parents. At least we don't have to worry about YOUR disgusting, narrow-minded genes reproducing and shitting up our society.

>> No.7085449

Agreed. I think some of the worst parents are the ones where having a kid becomes their life and they basically smother the poor kid. Not to say a parent should abandon their child to go get drunk every weekend, either.

I think it's pretty cool when parents bring kids to conventions. I would have loved conventions as a kid! This is assuming it's a safe, kid-friendly environment and that the kid is old enough to enjoy it. Babies and toddlers should stay home. They have no business being at conventions.

>> No.7085477
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>> No.7085478
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>> No.7085479

>implying dressing up your kids is for your self-esteem
>implying we don't just like to see cute things

>> No.7085481
File: 193 KB, 545x1536, sdcccosplayb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085498

aw shit nigga, that's fuckin' cute

>> No.7085499

any pics older than 7 years old? i've never really seen any kids older than 10 who have decent cosplays... maybe it's because that's usually their weeby-original-oc age...

>> No.7085545

I want to know that feel

together with you

*wink wink*

I mean unless you're ugly that is

>> No.7085580
File: 54 KB, 610x440, babychocobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7085593

>have two children already
No more.

>> No.7085707
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>> No.7085709
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There we go.

>> No.7085715

anyone got pics of those kids that Vic hit on at Dragon Con?

>> No.7085743
File: 4 KB, 519x88, THE MOST EXCITING TIME OF DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085760


Little brown girl in a wondy costume, iirc.

>> No.7085830

>tfw like more than half of this board is femanons

>> No.7085852


No points for guessing which anon has spent the evening drinking alone.

>> No.7085857

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E6cmVWFGdg 8 minutes in.

>> No.7085887

Oh man....I remember this mom and kid. This was at Natsucon a while back. My friend said that the baby looked like a Gerber baby, and oddly enough, that is the kid's last name.

>> No.7085932
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>> No.7085934


QUALITY parenting right here.

>> No.7085947

What's so bad about it?

>> No.7085954
File: 216 KB, 850x1234, sample_8e0d17329bf7732583ef5d18ccd469c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm, who should I dress my 6 year old as?
>Ooh, I know! Tits McGee from the shittiest anime of the season!

>> No.7085962

/a/ pls go

>> No.7085967


What? It was terrible and so was its costuming.

>> No.7085987

All of which has no bearing on parental ability.

>> No.7085989


I consider not trussing your child up as the flavor of the month for attention a parental ability.

I also consider not showing your children Sword Art Online a parental ability.

So, whether the parent picked the costume or the kid picked the costume, still terrible.

>> No.7085992


>That Link doll in the top corner that looks like his basement got no business lookin like this.

>> No.7085996

Ohhhhh man that is adorable

>> No.7086374

I know this feel all the time but I understand it's just my ovaries screaming at me sometimes and continue on with my day. I am too young and not ready yet, but someday!

>> No.7086380
File: 34 KB, 400x533, 1290880017109 baby alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7086381
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>> No.7086384
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>> No.7086409

Am I the only one who thinks that there is a time and a place to dress your kids up ~so kawaiiiiii <3~ and that a convention is not one of them? Dress them up for Halloween, a kids holiday. A convention is not the place to be bringing your young child. As much as you may want it to be family friendly, most of the time they are not (lots of people everywhere, lots of walking, small cramped spaces not suitable for a stroller, people shouting inappropriate things all over the place, etc etc)
Find a babysitter and keep your kids at home.

>> No.7086419

maybe not a 5-6 year old, but i think a kid who's 9, 10 or 11 is definitely old enough to attend a con with a parent. granted they're not /that/ cute anymore, but it's not particularly irresponsible. i also think it should be the child's idea or wish to go, and not the parents i.e. it's the parent who should be getting "dragged" along and not the kid.

>> No.7086442


I'm more concerned about the early teens who show up all by themselves.

>> No.7086454

That depends on the cons. A lot of comic conventions have dedicated sunday to kids so there's a lot of kid's programming and many attendees will dress up as more common superheroes, disney characters, etc. On those days. Gencon has probably more families in attendance than just single people. Anime cons late at night may be a bad choice because of rowdy they can be but cons aren't always a crowded place with wall to wall smut.

>> No.7086495

My god, this. Teens without parental supervision. No, thank you.

Someone I know (late twenties) ended up fucking a 14 year old at a con rave, she was on E and he had no fucking idea she was underage until she mentioned school starting. He noped on out of there.

I don't understand why parents would let their teens go to the con without adults. Don't they know?

>> No.7086500
File: 186 KB, 600x800, Spirited Away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys still able to turn a kid's cosplay thread into drama? Jesus christ.

>> No.7086523


This is why I no longer attend concert festivals: after one statrape and another near miss it is just not worth it.

>> No.7086529

I'm all fine with kids cosplaying until the parents (Or worse yet, the kid itself) turn it into a attention-grabbing thing.

There's this kid in my local cosplay scene shows up in numerous cons as Mikasa from AoT (Don't ask me why parents will make their kid cosplay from such a gory series) and there are a lot of attention and compliment on how cute she is. It's all fine until she joined competition and she was given the most popular award, and then during the photography session the kid demanded to go up and be with the cosplay guests (They are taking pictures with the con sponsors). When she is stopped by the staffs she actually throw tantrums at the staffs.

Parents and kids, please leave the hobby as it is, it's fine if you want to come & have fun but it's bad if you just want to grab some attention from it.

>> No.7086590

G-girls... if any of you wants a baby in her belly, I'll gladly help you *blush*

>> No.7086652

rofl, awesome, Shaun of the Dead

>> No.7086831

Constantine or cas from supernatural?

>> No.7086909


>> No.7087004

What a nasty girl! Like, what kind of pathetic person would be mean to a child?!
Is that him in the picture? He looks adorable and hopefully he'll get back into it again and it'll go better next time.

>> No.7087060
File: 190 KB, 764x1023, IMG_20130330_161951_zps5e031687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this in march. he was really cute but he generally just looked very confused, uncomfortable and scared of everybody. I felt bad for him because it was really hot outside but he had no choice but to be dragged around wherever his parent/siblings were taking him. I think any little kid would be enthusiastic to dress up as a character in a cartoon or movie. I dont think at age 5 or 8 kids have a deep understanding of the plot or characters so really its just the parents heavily influencing the kids. Its like the pageant moms that live through their children.

>> No.7087075 [DELETED] 


>> No.7087082

lel, laughing at the two furries, the hamplanet with more fast food in her hand, the guy wearing a flower crown, the school bus, and the attempted mawl gawth in the background.

>> No.7087083
File: 123 KB, 682x1024, 1368737885175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087094

Okay that is just adorable

>> No.7087104


oh my god, she is too young, her hair is too long, that ring looks too white, she doesn't really have hairy feet and are those sandals?! not saged

>> No.7087123
File: 2.03 MB, 2736x3648, DSCF3708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing at this.
I can't even FATHOM someone having that logic

Contradicting points? I think I read it wrong. Kids fucking LOVE playing dress up, they don't need to have a 2deep4u understanding of the character.
But if it's the parent dressing the kid up it makes more sense.

This kid was cool though.

>> No.7087151
File: 252 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mox20tetgZ1rxufgfo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087156


Please tell me her dad was the titan.

>> No.7087168

Oh my god please let this be true.

>> No.7088335

Sorry to let you down, but no. Her dad just raped her in the hotel bathroom.

>> No.7088356


Well at least that's tonally accurate to the series...

>> No.7088499


This is so adorable.

>> No.7088505



>> No.7088534
File: 86 KB, 540x720, baby kratos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7088550


Kratos escapes hades once more, this time by reincarnation!

>> No.7088976
File: 195 KB, 927x1280, alex8778_noh_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We caught up with Noh-Face while he was on his break.

>> No.7089053
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>> No.7089054
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>> No.7089058
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>> No.7089059
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>> No.7089062
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>> No.7089063
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>> No.7089066

>some day I will break you...

>> No.7089103


>> No.7089587

I think you either undermine the awareness that five year old kids can have or overestimate the necessary understanding a character may require.

>> No.7092159
File: 109 KB, 468x431, 1219033679607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in late 20s
>Don't like children
>'Daww, wouldn't it be nice to have a child to call my own?'
>Look at calender
>In most fertile part of my cycle
>Nice try body, nice try

>> No.7092160
File: 80 KB, 720x540, yotsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7092163
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>> No.7092167
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>> No.7092168
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>> No.7092169



>> No.7092170
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>> No.7092173
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>> No.7092177
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>> No.7092179
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>> No.7092181
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>> No.7092261
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>tfw most of these are better than I could ever do for myself

>> No.7092414

How do you not know a 14yo is underage?

>> No.7092416

that is the cutest fuckn howl i have ever seen i wish adults were this cute

>> No.7092502

People hit puberty at different times, anon. Sadly "early bloomers" get the shit sexually harassed out of them because people think they're legal when they're in middle school.

>> No.7092507


She's heavily made up and he's probably drunk.

>> No.7092616

12 year olds look like 18 year olds these days

>> No.7092905

That's only because you're getting older and don't notice this shit when you're a kid.

>> No.7092906
File: 36 KB, 600x379, 1327680133466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg yeeeeeees

>> No.7092910


Nah it's the growth hormones the Jewpedos are putting in their school lunches.

>> No.7093696
File: 1.11 MB, 240x320, zelda stuck in infinite grab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7094228


>> No.7094236

oh my gid

>> No.7094262

Not to mention some people have mentaly fucked parents. My mother dressed me like a slut after age 12 and wouldn't buy me anything that wasn't short skirts, short shorts, or had cleavage errywhere. I didn't even develop breasts and I still had the shit harassed out of me. It made me extremely uncomfortable and I hated it, but I had no other clothes to wear because I wasn't allowed to get a job.