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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 193 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mtwxp0JiFh1qansizo8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205112 No.7205112 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread in autosage: >>7193120

>co-ord tips
>shopping help
>expose scammers/bad selling practices
>dream dress hunting
>wardrobe expansion

Also, let's talk Christmas. What Christmas coords are you planning? Anyone hosting or attending a Christmas themed meet?

>> No.7205113
File: 48 KB, 205x218, vw x melissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know whether these are relatively easy to find and where to search for them? I currently check ebay and the comm sales a few times a day.

>> No.7205119
File: 46 KB, 180x243, mary_jacket_emmanuelfrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a MM Emmanuel Frill jacket, but they very rarely show up secondhand anywhere and when they do they cost more than I'm comfortable spending for a blazer.

Does anyone know where I could buy a comparably loliable blazer, brand or otherwise?

>> No.7205134
File: 281 KB, 1280x987, tumblr_mwl2n3WitU1r3o680o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where the pancake tights are from? Im in love

>> No.7205138

Anyone else live in the land of eternal summer? I'm from Florida, and I'm going to end up wearing a summery coord to this week's meet because it's too damn hot to dress for the season.

>> No.7205140

They used to be but there's a new model out with the ribbon details at the fastener. Size up if you're between sizes. The newer ones are more burnished and orangey gold though. The ones you posted are perfect but getting harder to find unless someone bought the wrong size. Watch out for replicas being sold as the real thing.

>> No.7205149

Hnng dat Qpot beret!

>> No.7205147

I do too, feelin your pain. So jelly of people with seasons.

>> No.7205188

These are very gorgeous. Are they Vivenne Westwood x Melissa? Does anyone know where I can get somewhat similar shoes in a short period of time?

>> No.7205224

Found in bronze

>> No.7205247
File: 226 KB, 400x600, golden circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Infanta's Golden Circus salopette so badly, but I have D cup boobs. :( I've been trying to decide whether or not it'd be worth it for months. Should I just buy it anyway?

>> No.7205254

Your cup size means shit without your band size, anon. Cup is proportional to band, and D cup could mean you do or don't fit in it.

>> No.7205264

I was eyeing that, except in red or green. But I'm a DD with a 102cm bust AND tall.

>> No.7205274

we went basically with no meetups since august and now we have 3 in december! i need more pretty winter (and autumn) themed items. and i'm pissed because i think the fabric i wanted sold out before my purchase is cleared.

>> No.7205278

I'm trying to figure out a Christmas coord with a dress I already have. I don't really have the cashmoney to buy anything new right now, aside from some small accessories and such. The dress is in wine, so I was trying to figure how to make it more christmasy without being tacky.

>> No.7205300


Planning on getting mine done to a D and I'm currently 32 C. Is it weird that my love for my lolita wardrobe makes me slightly hesitant to get them done?

Anyone that size and have trouble fitting in brand?

>> No.7205313

what do you have together so far?

>> No.7205314

Different anon--It's iffy. I'm a 28F wearing a 32C bra and I already feel that loli isn't super flattering on me. Stuff fits, but I really feel that it would look better with slightly smaller breasts.

>> No.7205327

why are you wearing a 32c if you're a 28f?

>> No.7205329

My comm has some meets lined up, like tea parties and one where we will meet at a pub and then see decorations downtown. I usually wear my Bodyline floral skirt since it's got this darker red on it, but this year I got a pink loliable coat, so I was thinking wearing whatever fits that.

>> No.7205340

Because I like to try on my bras before I buy, 32Cs are actually possible to find in BM stores, and 28Fs are very expensive.

>> No.7205346
File: 36 KB, 331x500, T2f6SyXs0XXXXXXXXX_!!830055817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've my fingers crossed that my Taobao order comes in before the holidays as I really want to wear MTP's Winter Mass for an event or two. I was hoping to coord it with red, but I usually avoid the color, so the only thing I have is red tights. I might just do those with white shoes/blouse.

>> No.7205357

What print is this anon? It's gorgeous!

>> No.7205381
File: 101 KB, 500x669, yogurt cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205385


Not that anon, but

> http://magic-tea-party.taobao.com/

>> No.7205388

really guys? It has the shop's name on the image.

>> No.7205393

Once you get it, please do a review! I've been eyeing another one of their similar dresses but been scared to pull the trigger since the prices are so low and I keep thinking they must be too good to be true for how cute they look.

>> No.7205395

I know. I wish we had a little variety down here. I always want to do a fall/winter themed coord but seasonal items are always of a heavier material. I don't want to die of heat stroke in December.

>> No.7205396

Sorry if this was answered before but : search term for antique beast? The brand name in English doesn't give me squat and lolibrary doesn't show any other way the brand name is presented.

>> No.7205454

Do you recommend a half size or full size up? And does the sizing issue go for both releases?

>> No.7205484

Sure thing! I'm trying not to get my hopes too high, but I adore most of their pieces and have seen quite a few good reviews.

>> No.7205492

"Antique beast" or "アンティークビースト"

But the reason you're not getting anything is because there's very little there. It's a small indie brand that does make-to-order, there's not going to be pages and pages of stuff.

>> No.7205538

That is indeed VW/Melissa.

>> No.7205564

I'm moving to London in a year and was wondering what I should expect regarding the lolita scene? So far, all I know is that I can expect to pay a shit ton more for lolita due to customs fees.

>> No.7205609

I have one of their skirts but it was only 100 yuan but the quality was pretty middle of the road. Not great but really worth the money if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.7205624

>>7205112 I really need a princess sleeve blouse... Any recommendations on taobao shops that are selling them right now?

>> No.7205680

I snagged a tartan Baby apron skirt off of mbok for 3000yen yesterday. Seriously happy about the deal, and I really needed a Christmas-y piece since nothing I have fits the bill! I've been brainstorming ideas for coords but nothing concrete yet.

My comm is having a couple of Christmas meets! It'll actually be my first time attending a meet -- I only bought my first loli pieces the end of this summer, and I've been away at school, so this winter I'm finally getting to go home and join my hometown comm. :)

>> No.7205823

How important is it to have a pretty face in lolita?

>> No.7205825

Well, looking at LovelyLor's popularity.... not at all. Just be fucking annoying.

>> No.7205860

It's not important at all if you don't mind being called ugly on here in the event you get popular.

>> No.7205862

Boguta is the shop you're looking for.


>> No.7205920
File: 78 KB, 608x913, 1379621_10151858959253533_881154319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this coord today to a small meet and I was really happy with it!

I have an actual lolita blouse on the way from Taobao, but I think this shirt actually went with the dress well.

What could I add/subtract from this coord to make it better? Thanks!

>> No.7205928
File: 103 KB, 720x552, 15034010-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, Meta? Why?

It's bad enough that you're selling mini hats again, but this material?

>> No.7205930
File: 27 KB, 506x638, tumblr_mcsfx3TPtv1qbx12bo10_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205934
File: 118 KB, 400x707, RSJ0025-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively new to the scene of buying things from taobao shops, and while I have scoured the internet for clear, definite answers, I am still stuck. I want to order R-Series' For My Lovely Glutton and Dear Little Friends, and while Qutieland offers these both, I am not sure if I should go through taobaospree instead. Also, is it alarming that I can not find ownership pictures of these dresses anywhere? I saw a used Dear Little Friends on Ebay, but. Sorry for being so confused!

>> No.7205942

That looks so cheap and costumey..

>> No.7205946

Generally speaking a SS is cheaper than ordering from Qutieland, but Qutieland is click and ship.

>> No.7205960

The taobao thread >>7201402 has all the answers you seek. Read the FAQ first!

As for those specific releases, they were both make-to-order reserved pieces, where the reservation period has now ended. There are a few pink JSKs left over for the glutton series here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?&id=19327309880.. There's no listing for available stock for the Dear Friends print, only reserved dresses, so it may not be available yet, if it is at all.

Unless Qutieland has some special deal with them (possible but unlikely), the listed stock on their site is not going to be accurate. You can try, but they may end up refunding you. Going through Taobaospree is more complicated but more transparent, and probably cheaper or about the same price.

You won't see ownership photos because most of the people who own the dresses are Chinese and don't really post on Western platforms.

>> No.7205966
File: 163 KB, 500x691, jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R-Series is reliable and well-established. Not every Chinese brand is shit quality or a scam. Here's Lost Natsu wearing Dear Little Friends, which was apparently released in honor of their 10th anniversary. In the future, you can try searching the Chinese name in Google images.

>> No.7205990
File: 1.79 MB, 200x133, 1378774128383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206014

Cause meta's a strong independant brand who don't need no satisfied customer base.

>> No.7206019

Sigh, that's rather sad. I know that I read somewhere that with every 30 orders, they will send out a new batch. And the waiting time on Qutieland says around 65 days? I just really want it for the sake of custom sizing, and the fawn print.

>> No.7206021

Keep pretending you don't love the way meta is
This is the brand that bought us the beautiful Twinkle Journey.

>> No.7206070

Meta is always off their rocker, I love it honestly.

>> No.7206071

mah niggas

Cabaret lolita?

>> No.7206074

Person who posted it here. I love Meta and they are one of my favourite brands, but this is too horrible. Usually their weird stuff is at least tacky in an interesting/unusual way, but this has nothing redeeming about it whatsoever.

>> No.7206079

I appreciate Meta's usual eccentricity, but they're charging almost $50 for something you can get for like $3 on Ebay with a couple of cheap ass craft roses glued on.

>> No.7206088


I'd ditch the blouse. If I can tell at a glance that you used an office blouse for your coord, that's usually a sign that the blouse isn't frilly enough for lolita. The sleeves on this one look too open as well, it somehow doesn't look feminine enough. I do like that the stripes on the blouse look like they match the pattern at the top of the dress, that's pretty cool.

Personally I think this dress is really feminine and graceful. I think the chunky boots and bold striped tights aren't really a good match for it. Maybe floral tights and shoes with a bit more detail would work better.

>> No.7206102
File: 46 KB, 250x333, IWFlavieCheckBlouse-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard will it be to find this and how much will it cost me?

> Sorry if noob question by the way

>> No.7206107

Axes Femme?

>> No.7206145

Seconding, I'll be studying there (american loli) next year and I'm curious.
Also interested in the Aus comms.

>> No.7206179

which size anon? I have it in both blue and beige

>> No.7206219

So I'm finally making my first transaction on the Facebook sales comm, is it acceptable to request and post feedback to egl-feedback pages even though the transaction was not conducted through the lj comm?

>> No.7206223

my friend also is trying to get rid of this, leave your email and I can tell her to contact you though she's at a convention now.

>> No.7206321
File: 102 KB, 300x400, SailorCollarOP-ruby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lost my dream dress - MM Sailor Collar OP - on the Y! auctions for a couple hundred yen, ugh. I would be much obliged if someone were to help me find this in any colorway. I'm hoping to pay around $200 before shipping because that's the price I missed on the auctions.

>> No.7206332

No. Only egl_comm_sales transactions are allowed on eglfeedback.

>> No.7206338
File: 515 KB, 780x800, cwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want it because of this, right?

>> No.7206394

I've never seen this before and don't understand it...

>> No.7206407


Also, sorry anon I think I outbid you, please forgive me.

>> No.7206408

It's Chris-chan.

>> No.7206416

Literally the first thing I thought of when I saw this dress thank god I wasn't the only one

>> No.7206419

You must be really, really new. To everything on the internet, but especially 4chan.

>> No.7206422

So, uh.
I bought a bodyline coat a few weeks back, and it's taking forever to get here. I've been checking the tracking, and it went from New York, to Cincinatti, to Chicago (I live in Ohio, so I was a little confused on why it suddenly went to Chicago,) and now it's saying it's in Japan.
What.. should I do? Am I fucked? Or should I just wait it out longer?

>> No.7206423

You made my day.
Hopefully someday somebody will do this...

>> No.7206426

Different anon, can't believe I've never heard of this guy before...

>> No.7206429

Looks like either you or they fucked up and made a typo on the address, so they returned it back to the sender.

>> No.7206442


I'm looking for the blue one in either S or M (although leaning towards M because I own a different IW blouse in S that fits me very snugly)

> Email is in the field

>> No.7206468

I have the L in blue if you want. I'm trying to get rid of it quickly so willing to sell cheap

>> No.7206483


His life's actually gone way down hill since the death of his father Bob (who's currently cutting down trees with the great lumberjack in heaven). Google "Sonichu" for the full Wiki documenting his entire life.

He also posted a new video two weeks ago after a two year dry spell. Before anyone comments, the reason his hair is so long now is because he's gone "tomgirl" in order to attract a boyfriend-free girlfriend.


>> No.7206578

I'm not part of the London comm (only been here a month and haven't gotten around to contacting them yet), but I've heard nothing but good things. The Tea Party Club which is run by Kyra/blondebates do big events every year, usually with fairly high profile guests, that cost quite a bit but are worth going to. The one they're currently planning is here; facebook /events/615134418525020/?source=1

Also, yes, fees are a bitch. A couple of months ago I paid £25 fees on a package worth £30. That included the Parcelforce fee, though, and they include the shipping costs when calculating the fees, so I think with more expensive packages it's slightly less disproportionate. Try to buy secondhand within the EU, and don't bother with Taobao unless it's a Taobao-only brand; the shipping costs are prohibitive for small orders, and the customs fees will negate large ones.

>> No.7206587

>he's gone "tomgirl" in order to attract a boyfriend-free girlfriend.
I... what? What does that mean? I would have thought he was trying to go Fabio or something. But he's trying to look like a woman to attract a woman?


>> No.7206608

You should look into brastop.com or figleaves.com for 28Fs. Both have fantastic return policies and ship internationally.

>> No.7206622
File: 545 KB, 560x560, It'sMetaandIknowit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206693

Girls, I have a question.
Is Keiko (SS) on hiatus or something? She doesn't anwser my e-mails since a week or so. Do anyone know anything? Thank you

>> No.7207505
File: 13 KB, 300x400, meta_jsk_pintucktiered_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how accurate are meta's stock measurements? can a 99cm bust fit this? http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/metamorphose-temps-de-fille/type/jsk/item/82/

>> No.7207547
File: 323 KB, 1671x989, An attempt to coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so i'm kind of stuck with this dress. I'm getting it in beige for dirt cheap, and i'm having a bit of trouble with it. I was thinking the cardigan being open and a little baggy? Suggestions would be great.

>> No.7207554

I think the cardigan would look awkward. It would create problems with the neckline of the dress unless you left it open like you said. If you did that, it would look slouchy and not give the dress any 'form' so to speak. Especially with how baggy it is. I think a clean silhouette would look much better. I would go for an open-necked blouse (so the neckline doesn't show under the collar) that matches your tights/collar of the dress. A choker would compliment this style of dress very well since the neck is open. I think a pretty pearl one with a flower motif to match the dress would be lovely.

VM has released pieces with a similar bodice. I would look around and see how they styled it.

Also I seem to remember people saying this dress looks better if you remove the waist bow and awkward looking ribbons at the scallops. I'll leave that to your discretion, though.

The shoes are an excellent choice. I would bring more brown into the outfit by getting a matching purse with an old-fashioned design.

As for headgear, consider a floral headdress of some sort? Or possibly a brown hat to match your shoes/bag that has been adorned in flowers.

Hope this helps! But yeah, definitely forgo the cardigan.

>> No.7207559
File: 498 KB, 500x266, 1376193380667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see, thank you! That helped a lot; i'll see if I can get an off white short sleeve blouse and tuck the collar under to just show the sleeves? Is that what you meant?

>> No.7207567

I think the cardigan is going to make it look frumpy. It looks like it'll drown you and its shape doesn't really fit with the lolita silhouette. If you search for peplum sweaters or jackets I think you can find something better suited for lolita.
I love the shoes. Very classic. The tights are ok, but kinda plain. They're a safe choice though if you're tall or don't have experience with mixing patterns.

>> No.7207573

Yeah I see what you mean with the cardigan now. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7207640

Are GLW still any good?

I've seen a few negative reviews over the past couple of months that seem to say their quality has declined.

>> No.7207643

I've ordered a couple over the past year with the most recent being a few months ago and they're just fine? Maybe I am just lucky?

>> No.7207645

Were they from an older collection or one of the newer ones?

>> No.7207740

I never really cared about this before, but lately all the people who are under the very misled impression that make-up is absolutely mandatory for lolita are really starting to get on my nerves. Over all, my coords are very well received, but every now and then I get some girl who points out my lack of make-up as a flaw and acts like it totally breaks the coord. The way they go about it, you'd think I fucked up something major like my choice in blouse or something. The funny part is that almost every time this has happened, it has been a girl who couldn't do her make-up worth shit to the point of distracting from the outfit. No matter what one's stance on the issue of make-up in lolita is, no one can argue that no make-up is infinitely better than bad make-up.

>> No.7207751

It's a pretty big preference to have makeup in lolita now a days. I remember when there was preference to looking natural with lolita makeup but to be honest I do prefer more rather than less myself, especially in pictures.
For me I try to match the level of makeup with how casual/formal my outfit is.
Outfits are more OTT these days so makes sense to look polished.

>> No.7207755

Honestly, people not wearing make up with lolita actually does ruin their coord for me.
I'm not saying people need to wear 30+ products and look flawless, but as a general rule some foundation, mascara, and eyeliner is necessary.
The girls who don't wear make up in my comm always look like shit in our group photos.

>> No.7207768

Bad makeup will look bad, but when you're dressed in an extravagant looking fashion, you need SOMETHING. No eyemakeup act all makes you look like a child, and you need something on the skin to make the skintone look even.

>> No.7207791

My style isn't particularly OTT, which is probably why most people don't think anything of it.
Sometimes I wear eyeliner, but my eyelashes are already pretty thick and mascara makes it look like I'm wearing falsies, which is an effect I would only like for something particularly OTT. I don't need foundation and after reading all the ridiculous side affects wearing it on a regular basis can come with, I go out of my way to avoid it.

I find the girls who look like shit without make-up always have other things going on like acne, greesy skin, insane eyebrows, etc.

>> No.7207793

>No eyemakeup at all makes you look like a child, and you need something on the skin to make the skintone look even.
This does not apply to everyone. My skin tone is even and nothing in this world save for plastic surgery could make me look like a child.

>> No.7207798

Post pics.

You're probably talking out your ass.

>> No.7207799

Unless you post your face or an full outfit to prove your point (which I doubt cause it's 4chan), sorry I don't believe you. You may have good skin, but it will still look too bare, and it will show up in photos.

>> No.7207807

Don't waste your money, buy from


instead. Same wigs, like 1/3 the price

>> No.7207811

I think a lack of makeup comes across worse in photos than in person, so if you are going to post online be prepared for the concrit. Taking a photo tends to make everything looked more toned down than it is, so you will often look plain compared to your outfit. Eyeliner and mascara that makes you look like you have falsies in real life makes you look like you just have gorgeous long eyelashes in a photo, same with skin tone since the way light reflects off foundation is different from actual skin (foundation is invariably smoother and more flawless if applied correctly)

>> No.7207814

If it's got full back shirring 99cm bust is highly likely to fit but the buttons may gap.

Can you not find 30D bras at all? I'm *technically* a 28C but actually find 28 bands too tight on my ribcage to wear all day (I have quite a bony ribcage though and am quite pear shaped so all my padding is below my wait) so wear a 30B instead.

>> No.7207831


I own this in the lilac colorway (one of my FAVORITE dresses, I wear it a lot around the house and when I just need to toss something on and not go all out) and I'm at 92 CM and I think it will fit 99cm, but it will gap. It gaps on me at 92 without a minimizer.

But it's super comfy, the dress is plain you could say, but the pintucks and tiers really spice it up a lot upon closer inspection. It's a great, solid mainpiece to have, imo. Can wear it to anything really and dress it up or be really casual and it still looks great.

>> No.7207850


I think it would look better with a longer sleeved black blouse. It would make the dress the center piece instead of the blouse. The top now looks way to busy and because parts of the sleeves are open it looks very weirdly shaped.

>> No.7207874

Yeah, the only time I have pics taken of me in lolita is when people ask for them at cons. I don't like getting pictures taken in general. I'll keep that in mind, though, for any events or conventions I go to in the future.

>> No.7207886

Does Meta make an OP of this dress? I've always liked it but don't like wearing JSKs unless they're with a jacket (and feel like this one is too pretty to put a jacket over)

>> No.7207931


Thanks for the advice! I agree, I need another blouse haha. I'm getting a black three-quarter length sleeve blouse from Taobao so next time I wear this dress I'll wear that.

I also bought some more delicate tights on Taobao, one black pair with tiny white dots and lace print up the sides, black with 3D gems, etc etc.

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7207967

This makes me really sad.
I have super sensitive skin and eyes, and it's impossible for me to wear eyeliner and anything that gets too close to my eyes so I cannot even apply eye shadow properly and have to skip that (without literally breaking out in tears, my eyes also turn red and burn like hell).
I have to be very careful with foundation, my skin starts itching, to produce pimples and desclases with too many artificial layers on it. So I can wear light layers of make-up at best. Most of the time, I apply foundation, mascara, eye brow pencil and some rouge, when my skin is having a good day I can wear foundation as well, but that's the max.
I wish I could do more but I have to stick to minimalistic make-up. I try to compensate the lack of make-up with more elaborate hair styles. But still, it really sucks that my coords will never be seen as "complete" because of the lack of make-up, it makes me feel like a bad lolita after all.

>> No.7208004

Don't worry about it so much. Just enjoy what you like wearing.

I personally don't like obvious make up with most co-ords. I particularly dislike heavier eyeliner, eyeshadow and big eyelashes with sweet lolita and have similar irritations when it comes to classic lolita. I think the most important thing is to have a clean looking face, anything after that is optional to a good overall look.

>> No.7208053

this might be an obvious question but have you ever tried organic or hypoallergenic makeup?

>> No.7208145

I agree with this. I recently started wearing make-up but I went three years without it and looked fine. I may not have been something from a magazine, but there was nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7208181

what a beautiful wig

>> No.7208191

Is it too late to reserve traumerei of dreaming stars

i don't even...know how to reserve shit ohgod

>> No.7208193

oh fuck its chris chan

>> No.7208203

>implying it is literally impossible and unheard of to look good in pictures without make-up
... have you been living under a massive rock and have somehow just never seen an unaltered photo of a pretty girl without make-up besides those carefully selected unflattering pics of celebrities that unattractive people post all over the internet to feel better about themselves? You act like looking good in pictures without make-up is more rare than a unicorn, yet there are so many examples all over the internet. Hell, I could find a bunch just by going through some of my Face Book friends's photos. Sorry not everyone in the world needs make-up to look nice in photographs.

>> No.7208208

Sorry but most of the time when you see a photo of a girl claiming she's wearing no makeup, or photos supposedly of someone with no makeup, you can tell theyre still wearing something, I see it way too many times (or theyve just photoshopped their skin). Yes there is such a thing as natural beauty, but almost everyone would need to put something on while wearing lolita fashion. It's like showing up to a special event wearing your nicest dress, and then your face looking a little blotchy and and a couple of red spots showing. Even cleansing/toning/moisturising/using primer does something compared to if you just wake up and splash water on your face. Using primer I would count as makeup as it helps fill in imperfections.

>> No.7208210

Many ugly and plain women need to force themselves to believe that there's no such thing as naturally beautiful women so that they can feel better about themselves. They need to believe it's all just a product of heavy make up and photoshop.

>> No.7208214

Tell you what, how about you show us a good example of someone dressed in lolita with no makeup on? And natural makeup doesnt count.

>> No.7208220

A lot of you guys seem to think that the only way to make your skin appear nice in photos is to create the illusion via make-up. People have a hard time believing I don't use make-up or Photoshop my pictures until they see me in person because I have gone out of my way to make sure I have lovely, healthy skin. I dedicate myself to a strict diet and only use safe skin care products that improve my skin's health rather than just make it look pretty for pictures.

>> No.7208223

I honestly never see girls in good coords without make-up. The girls who don't wear make-up tend to be wearing ita trainwrecks. That being said, I think the idea that it's impossible to look good in a well coordinated lolita outfit without make-up is rather absurd.

>> No.7208258
File: 1.66 MB, 3248x1836, sorry about the foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this petticoat today and I was wondering if I'd be able to get away with wearing it as a skirt or overskirt if I hide the elastic bit with a waist ribbon or something. The lace is kind of nice and it seems a bit of a pity to just wear it as petticoat layering.

>> No.7208265

Wearing a pair of panties that has nice lace doesn't mean you can go without wearing pants just because you want to show them off.
A petticoat is underwear, how nice it is your little secret.

>> No.7208267

**keep how nice it is your little secret

Also, the lace isn't -that- nice, it's just a little fancier than your average petti.

>> No.7208276

Has anyone seen Moi Meme Moitie's Rose Tulle Lace OP for sale. I came across it somewhere but completely forgot where. Thank you.

>> No.7208437
File: 24 KB, 334x500, leif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Sacred Night in white going for these days? I bought it for $350.

>> No.7208567


I don't do the whole "bloomers and petti are your underwear" thing, but as a lolita I have to say the material is obviously petticoat netting. It's going to be pretty obvious that you're just wearing a petticoat rather than a proper skirt.

On the other hand, I feel like the skirt is perfect for layering under/over other things as part of a morigird coord (just watch the silhoutte as morigirl stuff is known for being A-line, not poofy). Or, if you can find an opaque skirt of the right length to go under it, you could try wearing it as a normal skirt.

>> No.7208576

if you have the time to spare, could you stuff socks into your bra till you're 99cm and see if the dress fits...and let me know? if the fit is bad i won't get it.

>> No.7208656

I'm sure people have asked before, but why is cosplay and lolita on one board? Most seagulls seem to say that the communities were small, so one small board, but I feel like there's enough traffic to earn two boards. I'm sure people ahve proposed it before, so why have we never gotten separate boards? Is it too much of a hassle?

Honestly, I feel like cosplayers sometimes just completely shit up the lolita threads, and derail everything. And this is just a generic comment because I know the two mingle a lot, and there are tons of people in both, but sometimes there are posts by people who are very obviously not Lolitas, and idek why they bother to comment because it's something stupid that no one gives a shit about or something. Just reeks of I don't know what I'm talking about.

Just wondering.

>> No.7208683

It's annoying but it's also helpful. We both have a lot of sewing in our communities and go to the same conventions. We're both looking for make-up and skin care tips, shopping from Taobao, and have people cross dressing.

I'd love to see it get split in to a cosplay and prop building board, and a jfashion board. I think there'd be less drama in the lolita community without cosplayers shitting up threads.

>> No.7208692
File: 84 KB, 720x480, DD1Q7724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have $100 to drop on lolita between now and xmas, but I'm a sweet lolita noob. I have some AP stuff (jsk, skirts), but I really need:
-better fitting blouse (bodyline one is ugly, AP one pops buttons, AP cutsew doesnt fit either because bust)
-purse (boston or heart style)
-winter coat/parka/cardigans
-pink heeled shoes
-accessories (I have a bracelet and small bows already, idk)
what should I make my priority? Or should I just spend my money on a gym membership until I can have a <90cm bust. I will eventually buy everything listed above before AM but I cant justify buying it all at once for now.

>> No.7208695
File: 58 KB, 450x600, 16993_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would this Air Mail JSK be worth? It was a dream dress but the torso was too short for me.

>> No.7208701

You don't *need* a gym membership to get fit.

Start running, even if it's only for 2 minutes a day til you're exhausted and then build up. Try situps, pushups, yoga and eat healthy food.

I'd personally go for nice shoes or a purse. If you're going into winter you can layer underneath your loli and remain pretty warm. Your popped buttons can be hidden under a JSK.

>> No.7208710

How tall are you? I really wanted that but now I'm woried.

>> No.7208714

while we are on this topic

>be fat
>too much boobs for brand
>but also too much waist hips shoulders for brand
>keepin' silent about it
>all boobious/plus size girls in comm never talk about our size.

>normal physique girl in comm
>she's 29, way past puberty
>pretty much boobless probably 35" b cups at max
>always complaining her boobs are too big for brand
>talks about it all the time at meet ups and in her sales posts
>my boobs grew! i can't wear burando anymore!
>i'm so sad :,( gotta sell my IW jsk cos my boobs grew again
>my boobies grew too much i can't wear VM anymore - said while wearing VM
>sigh and VM is my fave

i'm undeniably jelly of anyone who can fit brand because i'm too fat, but it feels like she's foaming crap from her mouth. i don't know if it's supposed to be a joke and she thinks it's funny. if it's a joke it's a pretty cold one. at least she's moving away after christmas.

>> No.7208717

Some people are blissfully unaware of how insensitive they sound. Others are cruel for no real reason. Either way, there's no sense taking her comments to heart, anon - they don't matter.
No sense wasting time thinking about it either.

On-topic - Are you planning on doing something special for Christmas? Perhaps trying out something you haven't yet?

>> No.7208721

>You don't *need* a gym membership to get fit.
This, all of my this.
While there's a lot of exercises you physically can't do without certain equipment, your body is all you need to stay fit. Build up gradually over time. It's a super-extreme example, and is probably totally unnecessary to do the _entire_ program, but Couch-to-5k is a pretty good way to do it. Starts you off with just walking a little extra each day and over a few months builds you up to marathon level, and it's all at your own pace.

TL;DR I habeeb in you and your <90cm bust goal, gym membership or no.

>> No.7208780
File: 153 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mj7l58ma3g1s3zkpvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I was wondering if anyone knew what dress this is?
It's super cute!
Also if anyone knows how much I'd be paying for it that'd be rad too!
Thanks in advance

>> No.7208792


looks pretty much like Bodyline's L340 in pink


>> No.7208795

That's L340!
I have it in Sax, designwise it's very pretty if you place the bow elsewhere besides the ding dong neck, but its a disappointment up close and personal. The tulle is kinda scritchy, but dealable. I did make a video review on it once showing what I meant but never cbf editing it let alone getting it uploaded... The nicest thing is the tulle shit around the neck area, its a very dainty look, just yeah, not anywhere near plush looking like the photo makes it look.
Still available on the BL website.

>> No.7208801

>tumblr shit

Also holy shit at the girls demanding they look just fine and great in lolita because "gurls look good without it all tha time".
You're in a fashion designed to look like /dolls/.

Itas fucking everywhere in this thread.

>> No.7208862

check out fitnessblender on youtube. they post a lot of workout videos, most of which you can do without special equipment. there's a lot of stuff that you can do at home to get fit.

>> No.7208910

If a seller on mbok writes 'No Chinese' in their item description, can I assume that shopping service bids will be rejected? Any ideas?

>> No.7208914

How to look cute in photos with minimal shopping? I always think I look better in the mirror than I do in photos. I'm jealous of all the lolitas who manage to make themselves look 10x better in photos than they look in real life.

Disclaimer: I'm neither ugly nor fat, so I'm not trying to fix the unfixable. I just want to look as good in 2d as I think I do in 3d.

>> No.7208929

I understand your pain anon. I have the same feelings. I feel like my full length mirror tends to make me look taller and thinner, and I always look shorter and stumpier in photos. I think the truth is somewhere in between, but through the magic of angles and lighting, you can look different.

It also doesn't help if you have an amateur taking your photos.

>> No.7208932

I'd assume if your SS is Japanese then it's not an issue.

>> No.7208934
File: 265 KB, 700x1200, l341-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone own this dress/have reviews on it?

>> No.7208950

Learn your angles and posing! There are guides out there for good photo posing, I'd google for them. Also take a look at photos of lolitas you think look nice and take note of how they pose, how they angle their face, legs, arms, etc.
Most girls that are "photogenic" have just learned what poses and angles work for them and stick with those. Practice by setting up your camera on self-timer and try different angles until you find some that look nice for you.

>> No.7208978

I think there is a bodyline thread, but I will say that bodyline's tartan stuff tends to be a bit cheap. Mostly due to thinner fabric being used for some reason.

>> No.7209027

5'10" - the neckline comes right across the base of my throat and is kind of uncomfortable. My shoulders aren't exactly broad but I'm not a waif either so I'm just sad haha

>> No.7209039

but how cheap? Like wear it once and your done cheap? I mean, I understand the dress is roughly $20 after using the yen trick, so we're not talking good quality here.

>> No.7209051

I've yet to find a good tutorial which is applicable for coord selfies. Links please?

>> No.7209059

Hi, are you me?

tfw almost all brand dresses are dream dresses because I will never fit into them.

>> No.7209071

I'm thinking about quitting lolita for the dumbest reason.

I'm really jealous of girls who buy dresses once a month. I wish I had enough main pieces to make an egl wardrobe post in January. Instead I look at my closet and think "wow I've been a lolita for over 3 years and I barely have a fraction of what these other girls own, girls who have bareyl been in the fashion."

I hate it.

>> No.7209073

Stop being fat.

>> No.7209078

I'll get right on that. And then I'll stop being tall, and I'll get a few ribs surgically removed.

>> No.7209094

Where the fuck did the secrets thread go?

>> No.7209103

If you need to get ribs removed to fix most popular dresses; It's not your fucking ribs, lady.

>> No.7209107

I'm not the anon you're talking to, but a big ribcage can definitely preclude fitting into (smaller) brand. I'm 5' 6" and 105 lbs with a 27 inch waist. I'll never fit into MM or some of the other smaller brands, because my ribcage is huge.

>> No.7209132

What's the cheapest tracked shipping option from the US to Europe for items like JSKs and blouses?
Flat rate seems so expensive. Would it be cheaper to package it in a padded envelope or something and send it that way?

>> No.7209233

Sometimes the janitor deletes it for pretty much no reason.

>> No.7209300

Yes, I agree.

>> No.7209315

Do veils look out of place in sweet?

>> No.7209318

Would you rather see (not see?) piercings in lolita by using clear retainers or would it be better to simply coord the colours and use daintier pieces?

>> No.7209319

not if you're going OTT

>> No.7209381

I personally prefer not to see them at all, but if you're going to have them in, coording them to the look is better than nothing. They do work well sometimes with extremely gothic coords and punk coords, almost never with sweet and never with classic.

>> No.7209397


I've got piercings (Not many, just two by my mouth.) and I've had to leave them in (I wear sweet.), but personally I think I'd prefer the look of no piercings/retainers. I actually kinda regret mine and generally shop them out in photos.

>> No.7209430

Why would you have to leave them in? Any lip piercing can be removed and put back on hours later.

>> No.7209442
File: 59 KB, 499x640, 1287951589379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's really getting on my nerves lately that fatties have been saying they have a "wide ribcage" and that's why they can't fit dresses with completely average measurements like 95 cm max bust. I have a 90 cm bust, flat A cup boobs, but dresses with 90-92 cm max bust are too tight on me because my bust measurement is mostly ribcage, not squishable boob. So I can't zip up any nonshirred VM or MM dresses.

>> No.7209444


What even?

>> No.7209452

Let's skip past that an focus on the good: http://egl.livejournal.com/19424724.html

>> No.7209455

Ah, that's terrible! You should let them close up if you don't like them. Lip piercings close up rather quickly.

I have some white opals to make them look nicer. The cartilage piercings I have are healing so I can't exactly take out the jewelry. All facial jewelry can be swapped for retainers so you hopefully can't see anything.

>> No.7209456

think of it this way. you might have to take your time and spend carefully, but you'll lose far less money than girls who buy the flavor print of the month. it's better to have a small but cohesive wardrobe.

>> No.7209468

How old are you? Do you work?

I buy a dress or two each month but I consider myself an "older" mid/late 20s lolita with a stable job and fairly good income.

Maybe you just are not in the same point in life as some other girls, maybe the other girls are just in a cycle of buyer/selling all the new prints to keep in fashion, or you just have other things to take care of where you can't prioritize lolita as much as other girls.
If you like it - keep too it!

>> No.7209469


These are dahlia piercings, which are closer to cheek piercings than lip piercings. They can take years to heal properly.


Eh, I think the pinprick scars are uglier than the piercings themselves, so I'm just leaving them in.

>> No.7209483

I actually like piercings with lolita. If you like them, keep them in, fuck what other people think

>> No.7209488

Shut up girl I like your piercings, especially in sweet.

>> No.7209489

I see. That's the problem with modifying yourself - you never know how you might react to it from one moment to the next (despite what we all say to ourselves when we get them.)
The only things I know that help are saline soaks, massage, and oiling. Maybe even a stitch or two by a plastic surgeon?

>> No.7209497

Piercings with Lolita make little sense though, especially in sweet.

>> No.7209545

So? It already looks ridiculous as it is.

>> No.7209561

I bought a Victorian Maiden dress a while back, and only recently decided to try find out what it was. This is where I'm having some trouble though. I managed to find this:
Except that my dress is green. I can't find any pictures of it in green, but it looks exactly like the dresses pictured on the link. I'm so confused!

>> No.7209564

It doesn't even mention that a green dress was made. Could it be a replica by any chance?

>> No.7209570

Then it's probably that dress, the entry is just wrong. Old pieces often have incomplete Lolibrary entries, you can comment and let them know there's another colorway if you want.

>> No.7209571

Whoops! My mistake!
Is it this?

>> No.7209572

It's got the VM tags in it, so if it is a replica then someone's taken the tags out of a real dress. I got it from Japan. Are replicas common over there? I know in the western sales comm you see a lot.

>> No.7209573

If it looks exactly the same, it probably is. Lolibrary doesn't have all the pictures, and the old stuff on their site is mostly just taken from hellolace, which admitted to being incomplete. Don't worry. It's probably the same dress.

>> No.7209576

I wouldn't recommend running right off the bat, unless a) you have good supportive running shoes and b) a nice softer place to run on occasion, like grass along side a bike trail. I'd recommend couch to 5k. Or just doing something similar like walking to warm up for 20 minutes, then jog a little bit until a specific point, and then walk again. I usually measure it by lamposts and every week lengthen the time. Running is good for muscle building, but for calories it's not much different than walking unless you're doing really long distances. (a 2 minute run at 6mph burns 23 calories, for calories, you're better off just skipping that little piece of candy, but the health benefits are worth it.)

I've gotten shin splints a few times before from just straight up running. Once you get them, doing any light jogging is fucking painful until it heals.

Doing any physical activity is good. But I find diet changes are far more effective for weight/measurement loss than exercise. Basically if you're out excising, do it for the health benefits, or to take a little extra calories of your day. But don't do it strictly for "omg I'm gonna lose weight". I seriously dropped 30lbs and roughly 10cm from just watching calories and my only physical activity was my job.

>> No.7209579

Replicas are not common over there. Stop freaking out. Besides, most replicas like DoL ones don't even put a fake tag in.

There you go, anon.

>> No.7209580

Ah yes! That seems to be it! The pictures of the green look a little darker than my dress but it could be down to the lighting since the red also looks darker. Thank you so much anon!

>> No.7209585

No problem!
Sorry about that though, I didn't think before asking if it was a replica - just jumped to the first conclusion I thought of.
Maybe you could get the lolibrary page updated?

>> No.7209583

That's interesting. I guess because I eat pretty healthy to begin with, my dietary changes had little effect on my weight, and it was exercising that made me drop 15 pounds. Not the anon you were replying to, but that's just interesting dietary changes made the majority of the difference for you.

>> No.7209620

It could just differ from person to person maybe. Bodies are weird, man.

>> No.7209816
File: 34 KB, 440x342, phonecases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think this warranted its own thread, so I'll just ask here. What kind of phones do you all have and what do they look like?

Do you have a cute case? Deco? Just a plain case for protection? No case, but it's decorated with other things?
Do you change it to match your coords?

Asking because I'm looking into cases for my phone and I'm curious what seagulls use.

>> No.7209819

I have pastel colored silicone covers that I switch to match my coordinates since all my outfit shots are through a mirror lol

>> No.7209822
File: 100 KB, 667x1000, PID6190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an iPhone 4S and a Grimoire phone case. I've dropped my phone once, in the gutter of all places when getting out of the car, but other than that I'm not too worried about damaging it because I'm pretty careful. I would absolutely not recommend a Grimoire case for iPhone safety if you're clumsy, though. They're made of hard plastic and although absolutely gorgeous, provide essentially zero protection.

Pic related, my case. Oh and Grimoire is having a sale on phone cases right now, if anyone wants to get one now is the time!

>> No.7209846

I have an HTC One S, with a silicone Rilakkuma cover identical to the one in your photo.

>> No.7209850

I drop my phone so much so I'm in desperate need of a phone case, but I can never find cute cases for androids.

>> No.7209875

In the same boat. Companies act like its iPhone or bust. Fuck that shit

>> No.7209929

that food looked fucking delicious

>> No.7210009

I have a plain dumb phone for communication purposes, and a iPod for music and all that fun stuff. I have a cute teddy bear case for it, and if I'm going out in classic I'll put it in a book I modified to hold it.

>> No.7210047

I've been to the Rotunda at Neiman Marcus for high tea, and can vouch that it is in fact fucking delicious. That popover was awesome, and the tea sandwiches are bomb too.

>> No.7210052

I had a normal slider phone for 6 years but it broke recently which is why I had to get an iPhone. I do use the internet but otherwise just do texting or calling on it, no games or music. I already have apps and music on my iPod Touch and don't want to do those things on the iPhone for fear of battery depletion. I guess I should have it all on one gadget, though. I guess I'll wait for my iPod touch to brick. It's first generation so that might happen some time soon.

>> No.7210069

I think its easier like that. I like the longer battery life of my dumb phone, cheap monthly plan, and where I live there's Wi-Fi everywhere so I'm not really hurting for anything at the moment with my phone + iPod.

>> No.7210103

Whoa, are you me? The decorations are reverse for me though. My dumb flipphone has lots of charms on it while my iPod has a plain black rubbery case because I use it for work.

>> No.7210107

That sounds like a really cute idea. Did you hollow out the book?

>> No.7210119

iPhone 5 and I've been trying to hunt one of those damn AATP Gloria cases for it from an english seller for ages. I'm probably just going to give up and go through a shopping service for rakuten soon... I'm so irritated that you can't just order one through Baby's website, why the hell is it Japan only?

>> No.7210133

but you don't need a shopping service for it on Rakuten. The seller ships internationally...

>> No.7210142

I looked up where it was and was thoroughly disappointed that it was on the other coast (well, west coast is the best coast so what did I expect) but if I ever find myself in the area I am going there so fast.

>> No.7210152

Not that I was able to find? Which seller ships internationally that carries them? I'd really appreciate a link even just to the shop please and thank you!

>> No.7210158

This is a really beginner question, so please forgive me.

What material should I be looking at for creating waist ties? The skirt they'll be going with is like a matte silk with a thick lace overlay, if that makes any sense.

>> No.7210163

Aw, thank you. Usually people from the east coast put down the west coast (well, all the ones I've met at least) so I appreciate that comment. If you ever do get over to SF, there are tons of delicious restaurants to visit and of course many amazing bread bakeries. Make a post on /cgl/ and I'll tell you where to go, or where to park to get to Harajuku Hearts. It can be a pain. Getting to the New People building for BABY is a hell of a lot easier.

>> No.7210182

you want to make them out of the same material as the skirt.

but a silk with a lace design sounds reeeeaalllly noob-mistake mode friend

>> No.7210183

Ugh that sounds amazing, thanks Anon. I dunno man, the cons I've been to on the West Coast, various other trips I've taken and my ideal job all point to the west coast being the better coast. I hear the seasons are less dramatic, but I doubt that's true of every where. (also I am a wimp when it comes to the cold so the winter is too long for my liking anyway) At least two of my siblings plan on moving there at some point as well.

>> No.7210221

My phone had a lot of charms, but they broke off! ;A;

Yup, hollowed out the perfect size for my iPod + phone. Makes a cute case, and the little shits that mug girls with iPhones probably won't go after an old looking book.

>> No.7210257


>> No.7210260

You must not be from immediately around SF if you are driving everywhere. Car to go shopping in the city = Newb mistake.

>> No.7210273
File: 74 KB, 450x600, T29VxAXa8MXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, can anyone tell me how accurate is R-Series' sizing is for blouses? I'm thinking of getting this blouse. I have a 90cm bust and the large is 92cm Not sure how many cm below the measurements I should be with them, and whether or not I'll need to get custom sizing.

>> No.7210285

They do custom sizing, but I bought a similar looking blouse from them and it didn't fit very well and that blouse looks to be the same kind of blah material mine was made out of... which is like... an old man's shirt material, weird texture and drape.

Never wore it after I tried it on, sold it off for like 10 bucks

>> No.7210289

what's the difference between fairy-angel.net and .com? I am buying something on the worldwide site, but I noticed the urls are different on hellolace. Just curious what's up with that.

>> No.7210298

fairy-angel.net their international site and and .com is for domestic buyers. They charge about 10% more on the international site and it has less stock.

>> No.7210300

My house is about 50 miles north of SF with no BART station nearby (yeah, middle of nowhere) so I just drive in. I'm originally from socal anyway so I'm used to having a car over public transportation. LA is so much easier to drive in. Fuck SF's diagonal street shit.

>> No.7210302

*fairy-angel is their

>> No.7210304

is the stock different though?

>> No.7210309

sorry, i'm an idiot who can't read, thanks!

>> No.7210342
File: 327 KB, 640x360, yy11a-640x360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw deciding between upgrading computer or buying lolita

fuuuuuck, why can't my computer just transform into a lolita dress when i want it to

>> No.7210441

a ha ha ha! that's hilarious.

>> No.7210445

I have this. Fabric is that thin, loose weave cotton. The skirt is lined with polyester.

However, the waistband sits nicely as it is slightly low waisted. I can throw it in the washing machine and it comes out fine. It's a good dress to throw on when it's a hot day and I feel like casual-lolita-ing down to the shops. I just wear it like a sundress, really. The little bows at the shoulders are not detachable.

>> No.7210451


_ifwinterends finally responds

it's a Thanksgiving miracle

>> No.7210458

this is the best thing I've read all day,

>perhaps you should leave EGL instead of trying to kick me off, and form a new community called "The We Kiss Each Other's Butts and Have No Real Opinions Community"

>By the way if I really were a bitch I'd just have written the whole thing in Japanese and came back in two days to laugh as you all tried to figure out what I said to you

>Even before I came to Japan, I have simply never been capable of doing that stupid little PC song and dance that Western girls like each other (and their men..) to do

>The fact that people could dislike me for a few comments when I've done nothing but be helpful in many threads ([long "weh weh I translated something I SPEAK JAPANESE"]) is totally retarded to me.

> The reason I'm replying isn't because I want you guys to stop hating me, or stop posting (please, keep the hits coming~!) but rather that I love a good debate and that I DO care that you think you're right when really you aren't.

> I am a huge fan of common sense and I really can't stand it when even the most detestable of people do or say things that are without any form of logic, no matter how little I care about their opinion I simply have to debate it out with them.

I can't even quote more, it's too good to give highlights.

>> No.7210466

Wow, she is really that stupid...

>but you bullied meeeeeee
>I'm the only one who can speak japanese here dumbasses
>You don't know it yet, but you really need me in your community, because I'm so better than you~

>> No.7210467

Of all the places for somebody to prance around and try to lord over, why fucking LJ?

>> No.7210468

um UNLIKE YOU PC WESTERN GIRLS, she can speak the language of her motherland, JAPAN, because she's JUST like Japanese girls, she tells it like it is!

even though apparently she thinks most Japanese lolitas are ugly and don't suit the fashion, unlike her kawaii Western (but not too Western) ass

>> No.7210476

That's because she is so perfect she does'nt even have a race anymore ! She took the pretty western figure and the perfect japanese sens of fashion and she became some kind of mervellous goddess of lolita !

>But japanese people are blunt.
I...I will not say anything. For a japanese to be this blunt, it takes some beer or she was really getting on her friend's nerves. Not that japanese are perfect little creatures or anything, but they don't make a lot of blunt statements on a daily basis. And guess what ? You actually learn that when you start speaking japanse ! (thinking about the "to omoimasu" thingy)

>> No.7210478

>By the way if I really were a bitch I'd just have written the whole thing in Japanese and came back in two days to laugh as you all tried to figure out what I said to you

Has she forgotten what fashion she's in? Speaking Japanese is not the ~weeaboo dream~ she apparently still thinks it is; tons and tons of girls speak the language just as well, and even better, than she does.

>> No.7210479

holy fuck deliciouscandy's comment is spot on and beautiful

>A lolcow of this magnitude comes around once in a melty moon~

fucking priceless

>> No.7210485

Best. Response. Ever.
This ifwinterends bitch be permanently trippin'.

>> No.7210494

Yeah, I was going to say, for someone who claims to be such an expert on Japanese culture...

I think she's confusing "people are being blunt with me because I'm an obnoxious foreigner" with "in Japanese, everyone is sooo not PC!"

But even then, she's a hypocrite. She was saying shit about Japanese lolitas, including shop keepers, but you know damn well she'd never tell them to their faces that they're ugly and don't suit the style.

>> No.7210506

It would be sooooo fun if she made mistakes responding in japanese ! I'm not *that* good at it but fantastic-dolly's response was fun, easy to understand but reached it point. I really want ifwinterends to respond in broken ass japanese with nearly no kanji, it would be really a good feeling.

>> No.7210508

Oh, she won't respond. It's her MO. She'll whine and cry about how people are bullying her and they're SO WRONG, but she won't ever respond to points people actually make.

Her blog is in Japanese, so maybe someone who is fluent can take a peak and give their assessment.

>> No.7210515

Her Japanese is pretty good.
I had a good LOL that she is lauding the superiority of the Japanese, when a couple blog entries back she complained about all the terrible racist things that have happened to her, and of course all the times she's said that Japanese lolitas are ugly

>> No.7210534

well, it's not the first time she's been hypocritical. remember bodyline is TERRIBLE and NO REAL JAPANESE LOLITA WOULD SHOP THERE.... but she had stuff from Bodylien and complimented it on someone else's post.

>> No.7210537

Is there a cliffnotes version of her drama?
Haven't been to cgl or egl in a long time.

>> No.7210542

Click on the tag with her name and it has most of it.

More or less, she makes a lot of rude, comments that scream "I'm important, listen to me! I'm an expert!" (like "this indie brand is just awful don't buy from them even though Ive never bought from them and just demonstrated a lack of knoweldge about garment construction" or "Well Iiiiiii live in Japan, and JAPANESE LOLITAS...." even though she's been into lolita less than a year and complains about Japanese lolitas being ugly and racist)

but on top of making comments like these, she rarely rarely raaaaaarely actually responds to people who call her out.

>> No.7210778

is it basically taboo to 'take-in' a dress to fit you?
>size L
>Max bust (since its an under bust )is 94cm, max waist is 80cm
>me being size small
>too cute and cheap to pass up

>> No.7210810

Not really. It can kind of kill the resale value, but if you're keeping it long-term, you might as well.

>> No.7210817

maybe you could try and put something on before your makeup to have a barrier between your skin and the products?

>> No.7210825

It's your dress. Can't say the same for anyone else, but I personally will never sell my dresses. If you plan to keep it, go for it.

>> No.7210828


It will bring down resale value, but if you're sure you want to keep it, do it. I have had a few of my dresses taken in and never had any regrets.

>> No.7210958
File: 91 KB, 300x450, 0943_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know whether this bag is hard to find?

>> No.7210960

Has anyone bought a dress off of Closet Child that's a 2/5 condition according to them? I'm considering buying a dress, but I'm not sure in what condition the dress is going to be.

>> No.7210964

The lowest I've purchased was a 3/5. There was no serious damage or staining, but there were some holes in the fabric where the brooch bow had been worn and the overall feeling of being "worn" a lot. The fabric had no real crispness, though it was a gobelin.

If there's any damage on the dress, there should be photos/information on the page.

>> No.7211006

i've never seen it secondhand, and I've looked for it off and on over the past couple of months.

If you do find it, just to warn you, JM bags go for a shit ton secondhand. I have seen their violin bags easily go for over 40000Y in auctions

>> No.7211013

Oh man, if that's the case I guess I'll have to settle for another gold bag. Thanks for the warning.

>> No.7211174
File: 112 KB, 300x400, 251-0401_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MM's Charlotte Coat OP a coat or an OP? Lolilibrary says coat, but it seems too thin and not expensive enough to be one. If it's an OP, how does it close after the buttons?

(I just bought it, so I'll know in a week or so, but I'd prefer not to be surprised.)

>> No.7211177

Milk does gold heart bags and they appear on closet child blogs.

>> No.7211203

I saw it a month or two ago on the auctions. Was at 400 something when I last checked the auction.

>> No.7211263

Someone selling on the comm sales says it can be worn as either.

>> No.7211282

here you go anon http://www.fairy-angel.net/product/6320

>> No.7211329
File: 270 KB, 900x1355, aristocrat_and_lolita_pride_and_prejudice_shoot_by_ann_emerald-d6tz6by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. I was wondering what's the name of this dress? I always see it but never seem to remember the name.

>> No.7211349

Jet J Star Money, recently re-released too

>> No.7211351

Ah, I knew it was JetJ but the name always escapes me.
Thank you!

>> No.7211366

I'm a moron and can't figure out how to search multiple tags in conjunction on the comm_sales (example the Angelic Pretty tag and the Socks tag to only show me posts which have both AP and Socks tagged in them

>> No.7211368
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 1358062898224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it wasnt for the 29/moving away part i would think you were talking about me
note to self stop complaining about my chest

>> No.7211367

I don't think you can. Fuck I wish you could. I'm sick of sifting through ugly AP tote bags for classic purses.

>> No.7211381

Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but use google's advanced options. For example, searching:
>"item:socks" "angelic pretty" site:http://egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/
will google for posts with socks and AP within the sales com.

>> No.7211383

um, you guys seriously never tried googling "searching multiple tags on livejournal"?
The first result gave me this:
[name of comm].livejournal.com/tag/tag 1,tag 2?mode=and

so for angelic pretty + socks

>> No.7211396

This is probably a stupid question, but whatever. How easy is it to squeeze into moitie skirts? I really want ruins cathedral, but I have a 28" waist and about 27" with a corset. Can I squeeze into it or am I doomed to be a fatty-chan?

>> No.7211400

uh, no I never thought of it! Since after my fruitless 'how do I search tumblr by multiple tags' search made me sad.

Thanks so much!

>> No.7211407


You can fit but you won't like it.

>> No.7211447

It would be like this: egl-comm-sales.livejournal.com/tag/angelic%20pretty,item:legwear?mode=and

>> No.7211452

This. It also depends on your body in particular. My friend has what I swear to god is a 29" waist. We've measured it multiple times. But it squishes like crazy and she can fit my AP Marionette Girl skirt with no problem and it looks fine on her. Fucking magic, how does it work?!

>> No.7211457
File: 49 KB, 359x420, sweet poker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the opinion on how a blouse should be worn with a fully shirred skirt? Should it be tucked in to leave the shirring exposed or left out to cover the shirring?

>> No.7211455

Moitie lies on their site about their clothes' measurements. I'm the anon who was selling a white middle length Ruins Cathedral skirt (sorry if you were hoping to buy it from me, it's on hold right now!) but I think you'd definitely fit it if you really are 27" with a corset. Or maybe I'm just squishy like >>7211452

>> No.7211467

I always leave the blouse out since the bottoms usually flare out a bit and hide the shirring.

>> No.7211472

I'm confused about this as well.

On one hand I want to hide the shirring because it can be kind of ugly but on the other hand I find an untucked blouse can look really frumpy.

>> No.7211471
File: 41 KB, 390x597, img63441382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that skirt is cute.
I like seeing blouses over skirts, as long as the skirt has a nicely finished hem, like this for example

>> No.7211513

should only tuck in a blouse on a full or half waist band skirt. The shirring looks ugly and causes ripples in your blouse if you tuck it in on a fully shirred skirt.

>> No.7211543

By CGLs standards is keeping a bow from a dress before selling it (with a significant markdown!) and asshole move?

>> No.7211544

No, some people keep waist ties

>> No.7211550

Why do people even keep the waist ties? Just seems weird.

>> No.7211552

I know Angelic Pretty does a calendar, but which other brands release calendars? I'd like to get an A5 sized one to put into my organizer. I would even be happy with scans to print into the right size.

>> No.7211554

Sometimes I wish a lolita lived in my town so I could find out her address and rob her of all of her brand. I'm a bad person for these thoughts, I know.

>> No.7211558

With a significant markdown, no.
And you sound strangely familiar, seeing as I just sold a dress to someone, and I had bought that dress from a local girl who kept the bow and lied about it.

>> No.7211568

lol I love the paranoia you guys have
Nope, haven't even confirmed selling the dress yet, I just like this one particular bow.

>> No.7211573

So I'm trying to make sure I don't become one of those messy-room-shot-coord lolitas and in part I have been religiously cleaning my mirror before photos for the past couple months
But why can't I ever get this stuff off? Its leftover dust I think? I use window cleaner + fresh washed duster mit + fresh glass wiping mit. I'm assuming it's static that's keeping it stick. What else can I do to clear this?

>> No.7211576
File: 428 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20131126_170030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to put the picture in dammit

>> No.7211583

I heard club soda and a newspaper is pretty effective for cleaning glass.

>> No.7211586


Instead of using a cloth to wipe it, use damp tights.
(obvious not nice new tights, use your old ones that have runs and that you don't want to wear anymore).

My mom uses newspaper, might work as well.

>> No.7211587

You're not cleaning it properly? Do you wipe it in circles?

>> No.7211605

I tuck in my blouse and then either wear a belt or a bustier/vest that covers the waistband. I've also used a wide ribbon in a matching color as a belt, sort of like how AATP did with the gloria skirt.

>> No.7211635

Interesting, I'll give those a go!

Circles, windscreen wipes, over all this time I've left room for nothing with the motions. I feel the more I rub the stronger the static sticks, if static even is the case.

>> No.7211651

White vinegar is excellent for a streak-free clean

>> No.7211666


I'll start by saying I have big-ish boobs and hips, so every single blouse ever has been loose enough in the waist that the shirring doesn't cause bumps in my silhoutte, which is why I don't tuck the blouses in with a fully shirred skirt.

Alternatively, I also have vests and bustiers, works pretty well to hide the shirred waist.

>> No.7211667

+1 for vinegar. I wash first with an old tea towel and some dishwashing liquid (I heard some liquid hand soaps are what some people secretly use in the window washing business) and then finish off with newspaper and white vinegar. Beautiful.

>> No.7211681

Also not anon, but ribcage does really matter. I'm a D-cup, but my ribcage is only 26", so I can fit into brand easily. I would imagine having a large ribcage would make it much more difficult to fit since your ribs don't have any give, unlike boobs.

>> No.7211686

I'm the opposite, flat pancake chest but spinal disease has caused my ribs to deform and take on a weird shape making it hard to fit into some fitted clothing. Ribs matter, bro.

>> No.7211827

It's up for auction!


>> No.7211838

These are not so easy to find. VW melissas pop up every so often but it decreases each year from the release date. If that makes any sense

>> No.7211845

Hi I am about to sell something to someone by paypal and I am wondering if any of you can give tips.

I have my paypal connected to my debit card. Should I still need to connect my paypal to my bank account if I want the money to be transferred to my bank account? I do not want to keep it in the paypal balance.

How does other seagulls do it?

Thanks in advance

>> No.7212097

Yeah, you'll need to connect your bank account to your PayPal if you actually want to retrieve the money. They'll do something like charge you a small sum of money which will appear in your statement with a kind of pin number. If you don't confirm the pin, they'll eventually refund it to you.

>> No.7212417

I'm thinking of starting to make my own accessories for lolita (mostly just floral hair accessories) and I was wondering if anyone has any tips/tutorials?

>> No.7212601

I need hair help. I started to curl my hair with a straightener (couldn't do it with a curling iron), but my hair just does not want to hold curls for long. When I use hair spray, that just seems to weigh it down even more, but maybe I'm doing it wrong. Just after a few hours, really cute curls just end up as waves at the bottom of my hair.

>> No.7213049

I was browsing the comm sales just now and someone is selling Iron Gate for 1700. I know IG is a rare and coveted piece and always goes for a pretty big price but I was just wondering, out of curiosity, what's the highest it's ever gone for?

>> No.7213331

Hi! I'm having trouble with my paypal account. I sold something yesterday, and found my dream dress and I was trying to pay for it, but it keeps giving me an error. It says the money is in my available balance, but it won't let me send money or pay my invoice. What's wrong?

>> No.7213762

If that's USD and the OP I would still say that's a rip off. The most expensive it's ever got is just over 1000 USD, maybe 1200 max?

>> No.7213972 [DELETED] 

I'm having a hair crisis, my natural hair tends to be very lifeless, and is extremely long so it is a pain to style in a way that gives it more volume.
I would wear wigs, but I have tried many and none of them suit me at all.

>> No.7214144

Don't worry, anon, I've had those thoughts too. I'm also surrounded by girls with great closets, so it might be worse.

>> No.7214922


Did anyone watch this auction end?
I swear the price was sitting way higher than what it eventually ended at.

>> No.7215126

So, I'm totally lost when it comes to making an account on Baby's international site because it seems to be made for people living in Japan. What do I write where?

>> No.7215179
File: 301 KB, 460x351, top_main_photo03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out there is an lolita cafe in Japan.