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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 210 KB, 408x487, happyILD12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7224470 No.7224470 [Reply] [Original]

International Lolita Day is this Saturday. What is your comm doing that day? Are you going to a meetup? Is this your first time meeting your local comm or in town to visit another comm?

>> No.7224479

Shit you've got to be kidding me, I let it creep up on me again?!
I'll see if I can pull something casual together.

>> No.7224522

We're having a pretty badly organised meetup, I'm not even sure what we're doing at it. On the bright side it looks like it'll be a larger than average meet and I'm excited to see everyone again

>> No.7224525

Eh, my comm had Christmas Tea early, so I'm skipping out on ILD because finals are coming up fuuuuuuck

>> No.7224527

I'm a lone Lolita. I'll probably just dress up to a family holiday party that day.

>> No.7224627

We're just having lunch together, and exchanging Christmas gifts. It'll be nice.

I have absolutely fuck all idea what I'm going to wear. I'm ill right now (Non-communicable illness) so I was thinking of just wearing a nice AP parka and a skirt, but I'm afraid I'll look boring and plain compared to everyone else who I'm assuming will go "all out"

>> No.7224638

Aw fuck, you gotta be shitting me. I am going to be at my parents place and all my nice clothes like lolita are at my own. And my suitcase will probably be to cramped with dirty laundry, Sinterklaas presents and other stuff.

>> No.7224637

Also skipping out on ILD because of finals, boo.

>> No.7224647

No idea what my comm is doing. I'm going to be programming for a final for a straight week starting tomorrow. Maybe I'll wear a toned down outfit to go to the grocery store or something as a break. Like an obvious print so if there happens to be another loli around, I'll be recognizable. There are like a hundred or more lolitas within a 50 mile radius of where I live. Weird.

>> No.7224649

Same !

>> No.7224650

No ILD stuff for me this year I'm afraid. My bags will be cramped with sinterklaas presents when I go to my parents, so no room for an outfit,Saturday itself is the Depeche Mode concert and I'm absolutely not going to wear my pretty dresses when I'll be jumping up and down

>> No.7224670

The ita comm (that one that always complain about things being too expensive) is going to a tea house that cost too much for me. And the main comm is hiding it's activities. So I'm in the lone.

>> No.7224682

Wear a coordinate and post it online? I love looking at ILD coords. Lurking is my specialty~

>> No.7224699

I get to work that day.

Lucky meeeeeeeee.

But my comm is having a meetup for tea with another nearby comm.

Too bad I can't go.

>> No.7224702
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I almost prefer looking at ILD coords rather than going to ILD meetups. Can we have an ILD coord dump? Preferably winter coords, as an inspiration for this year.

>> No.7224704
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>> No.7224709
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>> No.7224711
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>> No.7224733

How do you even know a picture is an ILD coord though, unless it says on the picture?

>> No.7224753

They tag it on d_l or on tumblr? Not too hard to find and usually we try to meet up and walk around to show our love for lolita.

>> No.7224762

All of the images I posted were tagged as International Lolita Day outfits.

>> No.7224766

I'll probably just dress up and sit at home :|

>> No.7224778

It's okay, lots of us will be doing that. Maybe we could get a tinychat room going all day, tied to this thread?
People can just pop in and sip tea in company.

>> No.7224789

Sauce on those tights?

>> No.7224795

Not a bad idea, I would totally dig that.

>> No.7224812

I'll set it up after I've slept.
I'm not sure how long I'll be online that day but I think it'll be nice just to have it there, running for anyone that's about.

>> No.7224843
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I'm going out to see the Madoka Majica movie at the Murrieta
It will be my first time dressing up and going out for ILD, even though I've been wearing lolita for 3 years

>> No.7224845
File: 128 KB, 531x800, OMG_3118_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

; - ; I needed the money so I didn't take off work... again... man. I wish I could meet the NYC lolitas. Have fun ladies.

>> No.7224846

Actually, I already set it up. I'll post it a little closer to the time in case we get a camping group of r9k or something. Stranger things have happened.
Although I'm not sure whether we really need mods, it'll probably be mostly empty,

>> No.7224870

My comm is going to see Phantom of the Opera, followed by a nice 3-course dinner at a swanky local/organic restaurant. Not everyone is seeing Phantom, but most of the girls are joining us for dinner. I'm really excited, because this is the first time we're doing something for ILD as a local comm. In previous years, a lot of the girls went to ILD meetups hosted by a bigger comm, about an hour away, but this year we decided to hold our own meetup. It's kind of expensive, but we do cheap/free meetups 99% of the rest of the year, so this is a good time to splurge.

>> No.7224890

I don't think our community is doing anything, actually. Most people are too busy with finals and exhibitions and the like. I think there's an unrelated event on that a few people are attending, but I won't be going because I have too much to finish in the next week.

>> No.7224893

Damn I better find something to wear.

>> No.7224910

I live in a state with no comm, so most girls in this state just go to the comm in the big city in the state next to us. I guess they are having a fancy tea that day. I have never been to a meetup before so I'm a bit nervous to pick one to go to. I considered going to this one, but ironically, I will be in that same city with my family to go see A Christmas Story that day instead. I'll probably just dress up to see the play and pretend I have lolita friends.

>> No.7224937

My comm can't seem to organize anything. I would have for them, but I really don't want to see any of them right now.

Why is it so hard for people to organize a meet? I see it all the time where people say, "We should do X!", but why don't they just do it?

>> No.7224940

I'm working that day. Meh

>> No.7224997

My comm is having a meet, but it's not until the evening. It's also the day before my birthday and my father in law will probably be taking us out for dinner, so... it's more likely that I'll be doing that. Husband doesn't like me wearing it out but I'll probably still wear something a little more toned down anyway.

>> No.7225065
File: 93 KB, 851x315, shiwasucon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is happening.

>> No.7225271

I'm visiting California so I won't be able to join my comm this year for ild and it's depressing , does anyone have any idea if the SoCal comm is doing anything public for ild?

>> No.7225273
File: 46 KB, 180x155, tumblr_mbhbwztOgQ1r9ortko2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea.
but you can hang out with me anon at the madoka movie

>> No.7225282
File: 157 KB, 480x731, 1382557152548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas stroll at some obscure town center place!~ Although we are warm weather lolitas, so if it snows we may change plans... who knows.

>> No.7225287

In murrieta?
I'm staying in Cerritos and its quite the drive ;-; otherwise I'd love to.

>> No.7225301

I always loved this photo. The look on those boring people's faces. People who stare grind my gears. You and look and be curious, but staring is just ugh

>> No.7225306

fahr did a whole set of pictures like this, they are all staged

>> No.7225304
File: 92 KB, 254x274, tumblrno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be hanging out with some friends and seeing the Madoka movie in Dallas! Looks like the weather is going to be pretty shitty though, I'm a little worried about it.

>> No.7225316

My girl and I are going to the Baltimore Aquarium. She doesn't know any other lolitas in the area but is gonna dress up anyway just to rep it. (I'll try and look halfway decent too.)

>> No.7225322

I spent a lot of time looking around for comparable events because of the inclement weather (which I've been keeping a laser eye on) but there was nothing that really stood out. It also didn't make a lot of sense to change the location of the meet since a lot of girls are headed to the masquerade afterward which is in the same general location. I know that the weather is very likely going to keep people away, but that's okay. I wouldn't ask anyone to risk getting sick just to have some Christmas fun. I hope you have a good time doing whatever it is you decide to do on Saturday, though!

>> No.7225323

Oh really? I'd love to see the rest of them.

>> No.7225328

My comm hasn't planned anything for ILD from my knowledge but there's a big tea party happening the next day.

I was looking forward to going but my Nanna is really sick so I'm going to stay home. Depending upon what happens I might just dress up and watch movies in my room later on in the week.

>> No.7225334

I'm also going to see Madoka Magika.

>> No.7225337


>> No.7225346


can I please join your comm.


>> No.7225347

What city? Or if you're not comfortable with that, which state? Phantom isn't touring near the LA area. We just have the re-staged Evita...

>> No.7225367

Birmingham, AL.

>> No.7225373

Local anime group is having a "mini-con" so I'm dressing up for that. Meh, better than nothing.

>> No.7225379

>the ita comm that always complains about everything being too expensive
>i can't go because it costs too much


>> No.7225394

I'm excited for my event! Just hanging with some friends and having a nice lunch together. My coord isn't the showiest but none of the pieces for my (much more OTT) in the works coord are coming in time, sadly. Ah well, always next year.

>> No.7225525

I have some questions to keep the thread going
>what are you doing that day?
>what dress will you wear?
>how did you spend the last ILD?

>> No.7225574

Oh shit, once again I've forgotten about it...

I'd love to go out with my SO for a tea or hot chocolate, but it's supposed to be super wet and windy this saturday, so I'll probably end up staying home, playing Dual Destinies decked out in frills and eating homemade cupcakes.

Come to think of it, this ain't a bad plan.

>> No.7225578

It's a little expensive isn't it?

>> No.7225591


I don't even know if I wanna go to this. Part of my body is telling me it'll be terrible.

>> No.7225649

Fairytale Boutique event in LA, anyone?

>> No.7225652

theres an event on ILD?
I'm pretty sure the event is on the 8th. Holiday Fantasia, right?
either way, can't attend either

>> No.7225655

I'm going.

>> No.7225742

I believe the point they are making is irony.

Comm that usually does cheapo stuff, and is expected to do to cheapo stuff on ILD, is unexpectedly doing the complete opposite for once and going to a place even OP cannot afford.

>> No.7225785

Yeah there's a difference between being a cheapo and being poor. I think most of those girls are just stupid cheapos. When they finally give in to spend money they do it in the dumbest way. I am in fact poor so I cannot see myself spending 22 dollars on a tea house finger food meal.

>> No.7225991

my comm isn't having a meetup for ILD, but rather the next weekend. and i have my cycle now, so i won't think i'll be able to dress up. fml

>> No.7225999

>expensive tea house
What the fuck am I reading right now

>> No.7226055


>> No.7226061


high tea costs upwards $40 where I live, I can't believe you're complaining about $22

>> No.7226071

Coming from a part-time poorfag, $22 can be the only thing between you and the unemployment line.

Kind of hard to get to your shitty job if you don't put gas in your car.

Usually I wouldn't mind $22 for something like that, but for example right now, my hours at work are getting cut, so I would never waste that much money on something so frivolous.

>> No.7226079


So let me get this straight... You're mad that they can't afford things when you can, but when you can't afford things and they can, you're also mad?

>> No.7226086

I didn't say I was mad. I'm just explaining why I can't go and the irony of the ita's group choice of location. Also that last post about cars and unemployment line, not me.

>> No.7226119

I'm going to high tea on Saturday that will be $50ish after tip, I find this person who is flabbergasted by less than half of that silly. Where do you live, Alabama?

>> No.7226123

$22 is the cost of the meal, no tip, no tea.

>> No.7226139
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I'll be seeing the Madoka movie in LA. Wasn't planning on wearing lolita though.

>> No.7226144

wear it faggot, its ILD

>> No.7226382


Holy shit me too anon, going on Saturday as well.

I was actually planning on wearing lolita, but there's rain in the forecast so I'm a little on the fence.

>> No.7226510

Ugh rain, it's in the forecast for me too, I'm in Florida. Since I'm also PMSing and feeling fat and gross, I'm not planning on wearing anything too nice unfortunately. Maybe next year will be better.

>> No.7226532

I'm so jelly of all the people going to see Madoka

>> No.7226554

There's an event for Saturday, but idk if I'll go. It's finals week and I don't want to fail my law class. Anything that's below is B is a failing grade.

>> No.7226579


>> No.7226600

I was considering going out on my own, but sure enough an ice storm is hitting the one weekend I planned to spend time with my parents. All of my wardrobe is currently stuck at my house 45 minutes away, and I'm doomed to a weekend of *family bonding* or something. LOL jk my family doesn't care, I'm probably gonna hermit myself in my room until the roads are clear and play vidya, maybe next time.

>> No.7226623

Hahahaha yeah this isn't happening

thanks winter

>> No.7226697

Yeah it's on the 8th but I figured it counted

>> No.7226730

Yeah, that's not Asian level, that's normal level. In grad school or professional school, it's generally accepted that C means you basically have no idea what you're doing. So anything below a B in a law class is... yeah.

Also with the glut in law school students, your degree is basically useless unless you're in the top 13 schools

>> No.7227977

Going to fancy tea with my comm, I'm pretty excited since I feel like I haven't been to a meet in forever.

>> No.7228075

I wanted to do something fun with my comm but for reason were doing a "j-fashion" event instead. What's the point of international lolita day if you're not going to dress in lolita?

>> No.7228088

>In grad school or professional school, it's generally accepted that C means you basically have no idea what you're doing.
Is this just America? Because where I am, it's incredibly difficult to get anything over a C at most good colleges. Getting a B is considered pretty remarkable in a lot of places. It's the most demoralising thing in the world.

>> No.7228093

Not the anon you were replying to, but in American grad school the lowest passing grade is a C, so you are by default expected to get much better than that. I'm a computer science masters student and B is "meh". Not all of us are Asian. It's kind of 1/3 Asian, 1/3 Indian, and 1/3 white.

>> No.7228131

My comm will be going to a little tea shop for tea service. Should be fun!

I'm currently doing some last minute crafting for my outfit.

>> No.7228349

Hanging out with another cutie and doing cute things.

>> No.7228424

You're from the UK or Europe, right? In American university, if you're not getting mostly As you're doing something wrong.

>> No.7228447

My comm is full of bitches so I'm doing nothing, again.

>> No.7228454

I think that depends on your program. I got all A's in my gen eds but when I went into my degree program, they really expect you to get C's and anything above that is exceeding expectations. But then, it's a nursing program, so it was also weighted (100-94 = A, 93-86 = B, 85-80 = C or something like that, going by memory.)

>> No.7228471

Going drinking with a friend. Instead of dealing with drama, we just get to bitch about it.

>> No.7228781
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>mfw I don't have any lolita clothes yet

I'll probably just draw some cute girls and cry.

>> No.7228787

This is tiny chat anon. It's kinda hard to type on my phone but I've come to say that I can't host the ild room after all since my wifi is dead.
Can someone please just make a ild room on tiny chat and leave It running for the day..??

It just needs to be set up so anyone can take part as a guest or non user, and doesn't need mod approval to join. I'm so sorry!

>> No.7228816

what better day then today to buy your first lolita piece? you can do it!

>> No.7229221

You're right, I should probably rephrase that to say that Arts & Sciences type degrees should generally be As. Hard sciences, engineering, and medical and law related fields are different.

>> No.7229582

we did a sort of stitch n bitch meetup at a girl's apartment, it was really nice. though three other girls who said they were coming never showed up.

>> No.7229652

I was in little tokyo in downtown LA today and saw a few lolitas, but I was too irrationally afraid that if I greeted one with "happy international lolita day!" that they'd glare at me or something, since I was dressed in street clothes and obviously not a loli (and I'm not a loli myself either, I'm just a general jfash seagull). think I saw faerydragonet though, that was definitely lulsworthy

>> No.7229972
File: 1.94 MB, 1700x1979, 1386478639887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there today in normal clothes too (saw the Madoka movie, woo!), but I saw a handful of lolitas walking around and I felt like some kinda spy, hahah.

>> No.7229984

Out plans got rained out, but we ended up having dinner and seeing frozen. It was a good night. I love my comm.

>> No.7230211

so I went to the madoka movie in murrietta because the L.A. one was sold out.

It rained, we got lost, and the theater had 20 people in it max. a group of weeaboos sat up front being obnoxious through the first half but then they got quiet after a while.

I wish I ran into another lolita, or someone recognized the fashion I wore and said hi.

the ending of the movie was dissapointing.

>> No.7230222

what happened at the end? i am curious but i only like madoka because charlotte.

>> No.7230240

I had classes this exact day, and anyway my new comm didn't organize anything, and my former comm...just doesn't seems to exist anymore

>> No.7230314

actually, that was dissapointing too. they hyped charlotte, and gave her absolutely no backstory.
it was just like
"oh here's charlotte in human form she's an elementary schooler and we call her bebe "

wont say the end because I dont want to spoil it for others.

>> No.7230315

That makes me sad. No worries though, I forgot there's no spoilers, I'll just find out some other way.

>> No.7230316

Thats literally all you learned other than she really likes cheese.
fucking hyped for nothing.

>> No.7230325

That's really unfortunate. I feel crappy for missing out though

>> No.7231471

I planned an afternoon of visiting local antique shops and art galleries, but everyone who said were going stood me up.

I spent the rest of the evening running errands and setting up for a themed party that my RSO runs every end of the year. The theme was Myths and Magic, and so I dressed up in a mori girl outfit with a fox fur stole and had a floral headband with deer antlers on it. I'm afraid that I didn't take any photos of myself since I was very busy co-hosting the event.