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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7254224 No.7254224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's gyaru time.

>> No.7254261

Oh man those lashes are cute. Anyone know where I can get some like that?

>> No.7254355
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>> No.7254359
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Who's everyone's favorite and least favorite gaijin and Japanese gyaru? Why

>> No.7254401
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>> No.7254456
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Favorite Japanese gyaru: I know it's cliche, but I adore Sakurina. We're the same age and the way she comes across on interviews seems cool. I also various kuro gals and just about any gal who attempts a goth-y kind of look.

Favorite gaijin gyaru: That's tougher because I really like a lot of them. Pic related seems like a really lovely girl from her youtube and I have to give her props for being a good plus size gyaru. There are tons more that I like just as much, but I don't know their names. I just reblog their photos.

>> No.7254487

are there any, er...
Less extreme gyaru styles of clothing?
Roma seems too saccharine sweet, hime as well, but even onee gal and mode have the huge heels and sexuality played up a LOT. It's like going to extremes in both directions. Just curious, nothing else.

>> No.7254516
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>> No.7254553

Gyaru really is all about going to extremes, to be honest. Even the more 'toned down' gyaru styles that everyone's been bitching about lately still do more in terms of self-presentation than your average girl on the street.

Onee, mode, amekaji and ora ora gyaru are what immediately springs to mind when I think of more toned down gyaru clothes. While ballet flats aren't exactly common, plenty of gyaru outfits use certain types of flats. Engineer boots and certain types of sneakers are the most common, but Uggs are also unfortunately popular. Crocs--double unfortunately!--are also a common footwear choice for some gals. Low heels are perfectly acceptable, too.

There is also a trend towards 'natural mori' makeup that uses all the same gal-friendly elements in a way that doesn't look as extreme. Say what you like about her as a person (I'll probably agree!), but I think Dakota rose does a good example of this look.

Honestly, as long as you have the hair and makeup down and your clothes are trendy and a little sexy, I think you'll be fine. If you're interested in gyaru style, my advice to you is to look at street snaps. A lot of those girls are just bumming around and window shopping, so they aren't going to be as dressed up as a model, shopstaff or someone who's on their way to a meet/special occasion. Like I said, they're still going to be dressier/sexier than your average girl, though. And once you start dressing up, you'll be surprised at how comfortable you get with those things. I felt so weird wearing false eyelashes at first and now if I'm not at work, I feel naked without them.

>> No.7254756
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What are everyone's gal-friendly new years resolutions?

>> No.7254776
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>> No.7254987

I have a ton of "stuff I want to try to work on"-style resolutions, but no one major goal. They are as follows:

1. Work on being skinny/fit/. I want a stronger version of Izumi Mana's body!
2.Nail down a good skin care routine
3. Buy from more Japanese brands
4. Perfect my wardrobe

>> No.7255003

Izumi Mana is my work out inspiration too. I love her legs.

>> No.7255212
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On that day mankind received a grim reminder...

>> No.7255361

i wanna get gal/fit/ too :( do you know if there are any resources for gals/kawaii people who wanna lose weight?

>> No.7255671

bumping for gal health tips

>> No.7255678

If you want to lose weight, reduce your calorie intake. Sport is really only good to tone your body. Don't expect to go on with your eating habbits and compensate the superflous calorie intake with sport. Unless you plan to run one marathon a day.

Myfitnesspal is a good free calorie counter on he internet.

>> No.7255922
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Honestly, I'm following the sticky advice on /fit/, but altering it a little bit to better suit my lifestyle. Here are my tips:

1. Cardio is the best way to burn fat. I try to do a mix of jogging and high intensity interval training on the stationary bike for at least 30 minutes and at least three times a week.
2. That doesn't mean you should neglect weight lifting, though. LIFT WEIGHTS. You are not going to do some bench presses and suddenly wake up Vin Diesel. I promise. Again, at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week (on different days than you do cardio), but Burpees are a good alternative if you're short on time.
3. Good abs are made in the kitchen so try and improve your eating habits. By no means starve yourself; with all your increased activity, you'll be hungrier. Just make better choices. Any improvement is still improvement. Cut down on sugars and fats, eat your oats and go for lean protein and lots of it (I still need more).
4. If you're the type who needs instant gratification, I suggest tanning up! It makes you look leaner and calls attention to any muscle definition you gain quicker. Why do you think body builders are so dark?
5. Don't get discouraged! If you backslide don't beat yourself up about it, just tell yourself the day isn't wasted and do something healthy to make up for it; there's always tomorrow. I'm definitely not one of those people who thrives on negative motivation. Find ways to make it fun. I love shopping for cute workout clothes, now.

That being said, I've been sick off and on since thanksgiving and have fallen off my routine something serious. Especially since it's the holidays.

Pic related. It's Izumi Mana's stomach.

>> No.7255946

Her stomach is so toned. Gorgeous

>> No.7255962
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Now that I'm 27, I thought of going for a fresh-faced and chic gamine sort of style (pic somewhat related). Then my love of gyaru resurfaced.

Who am I to pretend I'm a normal fag, anyway.

>> No.7256142

Thoughts on that Saxy chick? (http://mahoushoujosaxy.tumblr.com/tagged/gyaru)) She shows up on my dash from time to time and I just get sad.

Her makeup, hair and clothing don't look remotely gyaru to me. It's almost there, but not quite. But if you give her any crit about how to better wear her hair, makeup and clothes she just gets buttmad and turns it into an issue about her weight. Yes, overweight tend to people look better with some types of clothing/hair, but the same holds true for any body type, even the skinny ones. Not everyone is going to look amazing in everything, it's not an issue of "b'awww I can wear whatever I want and look perf! You're just hating because I'm plus sized!". If you're going to wear a style that's so concerned with looking your best, you'd better nut up.

I was so disappointed because it would be cool as hell to see someone her size rock the shit out of gyaru.

Then again, a lot of tumblr and lj gals seem to have a hard time accepting crit.

>> No.7256153

>it would be cool as hell to see someone her size rock the shit out of gyaru.

No, it fucking wouldn't.

>> No.7256187

Unlike Lolita fashion, gyaru is that fashion only meant for skinny chicks. Sorry.

>> No.7256200

That sort of thing would look ok with gal makeup at least

what do you mean normalfag?

>> No.7256212

This is nowhere near normalfag, I'd say more chunky /fa/ stuff and geometry and that crap.
If you want normalfag, wear messy buns, yoga pants and uggs.

>> No.7256238

yea any hair or makeup effort gets neglected once i noticed her chins

>> No.7256259

Plus size girl can't dress herself =/= fashion style is only for skinny chicks

>> No.7256288

It's been that way forever, please, they only make gyaru brand clothing in size tiny.

>> No.7256290

Gyaru is only for women of a certain size. Gyaru has always been that way. Get over it and take it back to tumblr

>> No.7256293

Chin chiminey chin chiminey chin chin charoo
Those thighs are as massive
as massive can be

>> No.7256297

Dear god. Someone please make this into a power rangers shoop

>> No.7256304

As a skinny girl with massive thighs who doesn't wear gyaru because it looks bad on me, I disagree.

>> No.7256309

THey do that because its a Japanese style and Japanese clothing sizes are a size down from American. Get over it, the fashion isnt made for Westerner/non-Asians.

>> No.7256317

Yes because it's totally not possible to make these clothes yourself/ find them from somewhere other than Gyaru brands.

>> No.7256333

>Get over it, the fashion isnt made for Westerner/non-Asians.

And therefore not fat people. I mean since there aren't any fat asians it's not for any fat people.

>> No.7256340

There are fat Asians, they just rarely appear in the media. One Japanese comedienne is quite fat.

>> No.7256352
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Fat Asians are still nowhere near the kind of fat Americans are.

These women in this photo are considered :very fat" in Japan, anyone larger than them is morbidly obese by Japanese/most Asian country's standards.

>> No.7256364

sources? where it explicitly says they're 'very fat'?

>> No.7256375

try living in japan and hearing everyone tell you you're morbidly obese and if only you were a 'normal fat' like those girls are.

>> No.7256386

That's why I'm asking for sources. Hearsay isn't proof.

>> No.7256388

Look it up yourself then. If anything should be a clue it's that asian sizes are smaller than american ones, so obviously people wearing a L who are considered L are going to be smaller because the L is smaller.

>> No.7256391

I dunno about that, a large portion of the Japanese exchange students that come to my university are about the sizes of the two girls down the end.

>> No.7256399

I did, can't find anything. Link, please.

>> No.7256501

I saw a cute chubby gal when I was in Japan. But a.) she was smaller than this chick and her weight distribution was better, b.) she was wearing cute clothes that flattered her body shape and wasn't all "FAT PPL CAN WEAR SKIMPY OUTFITS TO MUH OPPRESSION", c.) you could tell she was wearing a good bra and control top undergarments and d.) everything else was on point.

>> No.7256513
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Either power rangers or pic related. That's what I thought of when I saw OP

>> No.7256514

That's exactly my point.
Just because Saxy can't do it doesn't mean other plus size girls can't either.

>> No.7256533
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You're right, I guess. I suppose it seems more 'normal' to me in comparison to the stuff I normally go for. Even though I know when to dress professionally, my friends and family always tease me for having a 'weird sense of style'. So I guess I'm feeling the pressure to start looking sophisticated and a little more like your average person. Even if clothes like that are more trendy and polished than what your everyday person wears, you're still more apt to see something like that on the street.

I feel like rock/goth and ora ora gyaru--as well as other styles I've worn in the past--match with my current lifestyle as well as a lot of my hobbies and interests (anime, games, sic-fi and fantasy) more. That doesn't matter as much as me not wanting to appear like a pathetic, PT-like figure who refuses to grow up. Also, I feel like I like so many different types of fashion that I'm wasting a lot of money and closet space buying for different styles that don't necessarily go together. I'd like to eventually work something out to where my wardrobe is more fashionable and satisfies most of my tastes.


I know this is dumb, but it's been on my mind lately.

>> No.7256548

Oh god I feel you completely.
I like that natural-kei style women in zakka magazines wear, but I also really like the akamoji-kei 'older' looks, the stuff models from Oggi, Classy, AneCan, Spur etc wear.
My wardrobe is a weird mix of frumpy and sophisticated and at best I can make some ivy league-type outfits (I like dressing conservatively, yet I used to be gyaru, huh).
Every month I end up having nothing to wear and make these lists for stuff I should get, but if I buy clothes every month it feels so vain and wasteful, you know? And it feels so much nicer to be able to spend the money on some nice experience like a trip, or save it for a house or something.
Gah, sorry for the blog post. But I thought I was the only one who feels wasteful and in-between styles.

>> No.7256577

Does anyone have sits for a gyaru beginner?
And where I might find some good places/pieces to start off?

>> No.7256591
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You're definitely not alone.

>Every month I end up having nothing to wear and make these lists for stuff I should get

My gosh I do this too. But money is so tight for me (even though I just got a new job) that I don't often get luxury purchases. I feel like I should help my parents as much as I can--we're struggling to hold on to our house, it's fallen in disrepair and we all have a ton of health issues though mine is more mental than anything. Anything else that's left over is either saved or spent on one of the hobbies I mentioned or other stuff I like such as classic literature, mysteries and comedy shows I enjoy. (Monty Python, Archer, Arrested Development and other crap like that. Even my interests are sort of divided.)

I guess I can incorporate what I like about my old sense(s) of style into the new look I'm interested in? Darker color palate with gothic-friendly accessories/the occasional motif and gyaru/gyaru-inspired makeup on my off days?

>> No.7256635

different anon, but also, what kind of wigs are usually worn with gyaru? they seem to be mostly brown to blonde shades, but are there other specifics for gyaru hair?

>> No.7256672
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You could do that! Maybe a darker onee-kei?
Also, I think it's a good idea to slowly start reading the college student/young OL magazines and start moving in that direction, if you wanna transition to a more 'mature' look. I really like CanCam and AneCan for this. The western magazines usually like to go either with the valley girl trash or the couture thing with chunky coats, minimalism, color blocking and some crazy 'statement' accessory that looks good on the photo but few can pull off irl.

As for clothes, if you're ever in need of anything basic don't be shy to hop to the nearest thrift store, they usually have something like that aside from the average grandma wear and muumuus. And I suppose for makeup you can only tone down the lenses to something more natural and not use bold lip colors, and leave the rest the same.

As for hobbies, I do film photography... That's mad expensive, especially the developing.

Feel twins ftw

>> No.7257516
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>> No.7257532

I like that she has the same eyeshape as me, but this is really sloppy

>> No.7257544

Ugh yeah I didn't notice that until I enlarged it. The eyeliner is a hot-assed mess (especially that random thin line on the lower waterline). At least her lashes hide them somewhat well, but what's with the blue and pink there?

>> No.7257595
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I know how you guys feel, too. I was bullied for being "the weird kid" growing up and fluctuated between not giving a shit and longing to be something people would consider normal.

I'm around the same age and feel the same way you do from time to time. I don't want people to think I refuse to grow up and I worry about coworkers judging me for looking a certain way in my spare time. More importantly, girls who wear lots of makeup and flashy clothes are judged as trashy bimbos. Nothing is more annoying than people assuming you're an idiot when it's actually quite the opposite. I'm no mental giant, but I'm of reasonable intelligence, at least.

It's easy to say "don't give a fuck about what people think about you and do what you want", but in reality, I think most of us are brought up thinking that how others perceive us and how we present ourselves is important.

I think of giving up all my "weird" hobbies (many of which are the same as yours), buying a bunch of J. Crew and blending into the crowd more and more these days. But my family is also struggling--my mom's side is either borderline impoverished or actually below the poverty line--and I feel guilty about wanting somewhat expensive clothes. On the flipside, my dad's side used to have money, but a lot of them lost it and still insist on living like they're wealthy. I don't want people to think I'm like them--projecting an image of luxury when I'm actually pretty broke. Part of me also thinks "Yeah, so what if you start dressing normally and stop reading manga. You're still going to be the same weirdo you got teased for being in grade school deep down. People are going to think you're normal and feel tricked once they get to know you. Why bother." It'll probably further alienate me from the people who have similar hobbies as me--most of whom treat me like a moron who can't possibly understand their fringe interests as it is--anyway.

tl;dr: I know that feel, sis.

>> No.7257610
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You have to ask yourself what normal is though. To me, that word makes no sense. I honestly don't know what normal job, normal hobbies etc are supposed to be. To me, jfashion and video games/ cosplaying had always been my normal. So yeah
Just be yourself and shit

>> No.7257644

Seems like you're conflicted and don't have much self-esteem. I wish I had some advice for you but I don't. Another thing I got from your post is basically your average person treats you like a Sheldon and other nerds treat you like a Penny?

>> No.7257777

You can wear whatever you want in your spare time and stuff, and in school or wherever you're concerned about people giving you 'the look' you can tone it down and wear something more conservative. Clothes don't define you, and that goes for 'alternative' fashion too: you'll be the same person and just as interesting in a suit or Gap jeans as you are in D.I.A. Many young people think they are being 'unique' and fun if they dye their hair pink, so if someone calls you a 'poser' or whatever some idiots say, don't mind them. Really. People are gonna gossip no matter what you wear, so wear what makes you comfortable as long as it's appropriate for the situation. It's not reserved for 'weirdos' either - last month I got talked about for wearing Tommy Hilfiger boots, as if I give a shit. Apparently they were "too cheap" because the ladies at my workplace measure their worth with brand items. But yeah, best thing to do is look for quality, in friends and everything else. If 'normal' clothes make you feel more adult and safe, wear them. If you want to dress gyaru, go ahead.

>> No.7257785

All being "normal" is is knowing how to balance things out. Learn when to wear gyaru, and when it isn't quite appropriate for the situation. Learn when to express your interests and when to keep quiet about them. "Being yourself" is decent advice, but in the long run it's not going to earn you a job or much self esteem. You need to learn how to be yourself while still be acceptable to our society's standard- no ridiculous standards of course, just basic ones. Knowing what to do and what to say really goes a long way.

>> No.7258018
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I'm 5'11" with wide hips. I'm tiny in terms of bf%, but my bones seem to screw me over. Like, I'm nowhere near >>7256352 but my hips were somewhere around 39in when I last measured them.

I've ordered Asian clothing before and a pair of XL pants couldn't fit around my hips. Now I'm too cautious to buy any Asian clothes for fear even the largest sizes will be too small on me.

Gyaru clothes especially worry me because most girls I see in gyaru have such tiny frames.

Are there any other gaijin gyaru out there who aren't tiny and could possibly tell me where they get their clothes? I'm more concerned about pants and shirts. Tops sometimes aren't long enough for my torso but they're not quite as much of a concern.

>That doesn't matter as much as me not wanting to appear like a pathetic, PT-like figure who refuses to grow up.
>my friends and family always tease me for having a 'weird sense of style'. So I guess I'm feeling the pressure to start looking sophisticated and a little more like your average person.
I'll be turning 25 in less than half a year. I feel a little unusual in my style and I've gotten looks when I'm out in public. Fortunately none of my friends really have anything against how I dress, and I have no family to pass judgement.

There's plenty of girls in their late 20s and even 30s who know how to rock a look that isn't close to normalfag, most of them are alt models or go to goth clubs, but they all know how to dress professionally when required. You shouldn't have to change your style around friends, but if your family disapproves, you might want to dress differently for gathering n stuff. Basically just know when to dress for different situations. Dress socially in casual situations, professionally when at work or looking for jobs, and sophisticated when around family.

>> No.7258021
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PT isn't even in the same league, really. It all depends on how you look and carry yourself. PT is seen as someone who refuses to grow up because she still acts 16 and dresses in things intended to give off a childish innocent look that doesn't fit her at all. You just have to know what elements of a style flatter you, and you have to act in a manner that suits your age. I've seen lolita coords that would still work on someone in their 40s because they play with the sophisticated elements of the fashion rather than the childlike.

Pic related would probably still look alright on someone in their 30s.

> More importantly, girls who wear lots of makeup and flashy clothes are judged as trashy bimbos. Nothing is more annoying than people assuming you're an idiot when it's actually quite the opposite. I'm no mental giant, but I'm of reasonable intelligence, at least.
This is one of the difficulties I have with the fashion. It involves flash hair and makeup, heels, often ZR and lots of jewelry and to someone who doesn't know Jfash at all it just looks like some Hollywood clubgirl style.

>Part of me also thinks "Yeah, so what if you start dressing normally and stop reading manga. You're still going to be the same weirdo you got teased for being in grade school deep down. People are going to think you're normal and feel tricked once they get to know you. Why bother." It'll probably further alienate me from the people who have similar hobbies as me--most of whom treat me like a moron who can't possibly understand their fringe interests as it is--anyway.
See I never try to fit in with normal people in social environments because I know I would just sit around uncomfortably quiet. It's no fun trying to be something you're not, and to me it would feel silly just to do it for social acceptance.

Agreed with these Anons completely.

>> No.7258035

You are probably going to be SOL on gyaru-brand pants. Japanese girls have no butt and so that's the way the garments are cut. Oversize tops are common, and a lot of skirts have partial or full elastic. What kind of brands/style are you interested in, and what are your measurements? I can try to give some recommendations

>> No.7258163
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I don't remember my chest measurement, but waist is 27 and hips are 39-40.
Is not me but pretty spot-on

I'm pretty close to Rock-Gyaru. I prefer a darker/monochrome wardrobe with lots of metal adornments and rips. Like some of the pics I've posted, especially this one.

Are DIA belts also going to be way too small?

>> No.7258219

They are adjustable and meant to be worn low on the hips of Japanese girls, so they will hit higher on the waist on you. If they're small you could either get extra belt holes punched in (at a shoe repair place) or add in extra chain loops (diy with some chain from a hardware or craft store and a pair of needlenose pliers). You could also try making something similar on your own (imo DIA belts are iffy quality, all the metal parts tarnish quickly).
Your butt is not going to fit in pants, and if you're 5ft11 like that pic, the length will also not work for you, but it's easy enough to find slim fit damage denim pants/shorts in the west I think. Skirts you should be fine if there's at least partial elastic. A lot of them are even full elastic.
Brands: Gilfy, Glad News, Barak, Heaven and Earth, Ghost of Harlem, Moussy
They all have a lot of long tops (stay away from anything that looks cropped on the models or display) - something that is crotch length on the mannequin would probably be ok. Short dresses can be worn with shorts or pants under.
The most important thing: when you're shopping online, always have a tape measurer handy to check the listed measurements against your body.
Arm length might also be an issue if you're tall, if you're worried then stick with short sleeves or 3/4 length.
A lot of brands have more than 1 store (official webshop, 109 webshop, Rakuten webshop, Zozotown webshop, etc), so if the measurements aren't listed on one, check the others.
Hope that helps!

>> No.7258331

Can I request more of this rock gyaru stle? I'm not a gyaru, but I've been interested in darker styles of clothing, yet I still loved very girly elements. These two pictures caught my eye. I don't think I can pull off the makeup and hair, but I would still wear the clothes

>> No.7258343

Is this legit?

>> No.7258361
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Anyone have any good toning exercises for that area under the arm before the elbow? I'm pretty muscular; I'm only 5'4" and 115 lbs. with no body fat hardly... but that's the one area I seem to be unable to tone. I'll wear belly shirt, short skirts, whatever... but I can't wear a tank top because I'm conscious about that area.

>> No.7258364

lift weights

>> No.7258369


Aye, every time I lift weights it only builds the upper part more. That part is fiiinnneee. Maybe I just have too much skin or something. Back during my early teens I had this spell where I got to about 138. I wasn't huge... but then I stopped eating so much junk food. That period lasted maybe... a year? Maybe that part won't ever tone up...

>> No.7258393

Close-arm push-ups, dips, free weight tricep extensions, or pull-down tricep extensions. For toning, you want to do whats known as a cutting/burn regimen, which is essentially low weight, high reps. So, if you free weight extensions, use like 5 or 10 pound weights (whatever is comfortable for you) but do 50 or more reps in a day (again, whatever is comfortable). Basically, it's going to increase muscle density as opposed to just size (heavy weight, low reps gets you size). The increase in density will make the muscle fuller and help to take up some of the extra space under your skin.

Google will have more advice on that. Hope this helps, though.

-Random dude who saw the post at the 4chan homepage.

>> No.7258456

Arm circles. Do forward and reverse arm circles for a couple minutes each day. I just pick a song and do them for the whole time.

>> No.7259280
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Yes. It is very legit and very hilarious.

>> No.7259321
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>> No.7259345

I do these. They have worked for me.

>> No.7259358
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>> No.7259737
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Thanks for all the help, kind Anon!

I was honestly considering just making my own chain belts if DIA were too small. I've made belts for cosplay before.

Elastic skirts typically are a pain in the ass with my hips because they will always, aaaalways ride up to my waist.

Sure. I uh... tried to start a Gal thread last week and dump a bunch, but Moot did too many lines and somehow fucked up the coding so that the OP image I used turned into a picture of eagles and an American flag and the thread died.

>> No.7259739
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>> No.7259741
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>> No.7259746
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>> No.7259748
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>> No.7259750
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>> No.7259752

I really want to wear rokku gyaru as well! Where do these girls get those awesome boots from? Or any brands/stores that anyone can recommend to shop at?

>> No.7259753
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>> No.7259761
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The boots they're wearing are probably some Asian brand I don't know (I'm too big for Asian shoes), but in the west Demonia is a good brand, specifically anything under the "Gothika" name. They go all the way up to size 13 too.


>> No.7259765
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>> No.7259767
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>> No.7259791

What is the appeal of gyaru to you guys? On westerners, there is no way to tell apart gaijin gyaru and chav, or just average trashy westerner dressing. Of course it is different in Japan, but gaijin gyaru seems like the most redundant thing ever.

>> No.7259863

I wonder this every day

>> No.7259866

actually now that I think of it it must be that the name gyaru can only apply there as you wouldn't call them chavs

>> No.7260042
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I swear I need to make some delicious copypasta for this question because it gets asked every thread. Here's the quick and dirty:

For me, I like the style because it's a hyper-exaggerated caricature of Western beauty ideals. It takes femininity, sexualizes it and blows it up to an absurd extreme. Then again, my idols in childhood up were Peg Bundy, Elvira, Dolly Parton and RuPaul; the fact that I like gal isn't really that surprising.

The style itself started as a rebellion against the Japanese standard of beauty, but since Western nations are culturally and ethnically different from Japan, it obviously doesn't have the same appeal/meaning to western girls. A lot of the girls I've spoken to who have the same interest say they like it for reasons similar to my own. Some like it because it makes them feel sexy, others because they have to wear some special snowflake Jfashion to be happy and some don't give a fuck and just like the way it looks. You can like an aesthetic without it having to "mean" anything.

Also, I would argue comparing gaijin gyaru and chav/"trashy" clothing is like comparing a milk snake and a coral snake. The differences are not obvious to the untrained eye, but they exist and learning how to differentiate between the two could save your life.

>> No.7260237
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What's the drama between miyabixlemon and marixunmei on tumblr?

>> No.7260241

It seems like the difference between trashy girls and gals is the attitude?

I don't know much about either, of course, but it really seems like that's the difference to anyone outside of the fashion.

A trashy girl will dress this way thinking, "I look hot, all the guys will love this," but a gal will think, "Wow, I look great."

It's a seemingly small difference, but it's a big deal. A trashy girl does it to get the boys, a gal does it because they like how it looks?

>> No.7260246

This. So much this.
When it's done properly, you can easily spot gaijin gyarus.

>> No.7260396
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Dat frontal ass

>> No.7260405
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Oh... oh dear... If it does not work with your shape, just don't wear it...

>> No.7260416
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Oh god.

>> No.7260414

She has poops in her hair.

>> No.7260415
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>that xbox hueg vageena flab shape at the front

>> No.7260426

I'd be verily upset if I couldn't see my genitals looking down.

>> No.7260456
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See, her facial features aren't that bad at all. If she would lose weight, even just half of what she currently has, she would be rather pretty. I wonder how she even got that big in the first place, face-stuffing or a health condition?

I have a friend who is ~500lbs but both his parents are overweight and he eats a ton of calories a day.

Completely agreed with this.

There's also some pretty key differences between Gals, chavs, and clubgirls.

Gyaru was intended to be a rebellion so it shares some edgy elements with punk. The outfits are often very busy with a whole lot of accessories. The other two put a lot less effort into the stylization of their wardrobes.

Chavs are a lot sloppier; like they want to look good but don't want to put forth the effort, whereas Gyaru focus on meticulous primping.

Clubgirls put the most effort into sex appeal and not much else. They might do a lot of hair and makeup work, but it's typically not even in the same league as Gyaru and they don't wear nearly as many accessories.

>> No.7260481

There's not much she can do to look cute, because she looks so overwhelmingly unhealthy. WTF does she even think she's doing, she'll be 500lb by 30 and glued permanently to a sofa.

>> No.7260975
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>Chavs are a lot sloppier; like they want to look good but don't want to put forth the effort, whereas Gyaru focus on meticulous primping.

>Clubgirls put the most effort into sex appeal and not much else. They might do a lot of hair and makeup work, but it's typically not even in the same league as Gyaru and they don't wear nearly as many accessories.

I agree so much. 'Stylization' was also a good word choice.

As for Saxy, most people I know who are overweight are that way due to a combination of lifestyle, pre-existing conditions and to a (much) lesser extent things like genetics and bone structure.

People tend to associate lots of excess weight around the midsection with poor diet and exercise, so she probably has a lot of people making those assumptions. That could very well be the case, but she could also put on weight in her stomach more than anywhere else. It doesn't help that she often wears clothing that does her absolutely no favors. You're right though, she has a cute face. It's a shame that her attitude seems so rotten judging by her tumblr.

>> No.7260986
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I can understand why saxy is so bitter and has a bad personality. I was teased mercilessly as a kid for being fat and combined with an abusive household I became unable to be my friendly kind self and the alienation and mockery I suffered caused me to believe all people are shallow idiots so I treated them as such even when I had no reason to be afraid. Saxy must be very scared. She is using her attitude as armor. It's really sad. Not only because she does this but you can't fault her for becoming this way.

>> No.7260989

It may very well be lack of diet and exercise - most skinnyfat people I know don't work out and eat junk food. They all look great, until you look at their stomach. Granted, it's nothing bad - like, it's not a flat belly but it isn't fat rolls either, usually you just see that belly "pooch" with people like that. Still, genetics do affect things but it's not like you can get away with it 100%.
Also it doesn't matter how much you eat as much as what you eat and how much you exercise. I made the same mistake of starving myself when I was a chubbo and then my trainer told me what to eat and how to exercise. I eat ten times as much now but look ten times better.

>> No.7261029

genetics effect where you store weight, not how much excess weight you have

>> No.7261038
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I'm in old school ganguro. And now that my hair is dyed dark pink and is longer, I was hoping you gals could recommend good tanning lotions and make up bronzes to look like my favorite old school gal Katan.

>> No.7261095

? Those sizes are because the national average is different, both in height and weight. Like American sizes, you want to have the most sizes in the median to sell more. So things will be shorter and smaller, generally. I know western brands have a complicated history of vanity sizing and the inverse depending on WHO they're trying to sell to, but I've never heard of the same from Japanese brands. But if you know anything, please share, I find that kind of thing fascinating.

Eating disorders and fat-phobia are pretty prominent, but that's something else. I mean, it probably ties in with sizing, but that's not something I know for sure.

>> No.7261185
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Seconding this request. I want to look nice and dark (not orange!) with minimal damage to my skin. One that's okay to use on my face would be appreciated as well. I use a sunscreen on all the exposed parts of my body every day, so my face especially winds up being significantly paler.

I tan really well and very easily (I've had sunburn all of once in my life), so I could get a decent tan by just laying out in the sun, but I don't want to look as if I'm made of leather by the time I'm 40. I want to keep my good skin as long as possible.

I'm trying to use less cosmetics with "toxic" ingredients, but I think tanner and anti-aging stuff is about the only thing I won't give up because of what's in it. I just feel like the greener versions aren't as effective (and they're usually much pricier than my chemical-laden favorites).

ANYWAY. Here are some of my tanning tips:

-Exfoliate before you tan
-Try to find a self-tanner that matches your undertone. Many self tanners give you a yellow cast which does not suit everyone.
-I prefer to tan at night after my workout when I'm just out of the shower. I could be wrong, but I think it makes it last longer. Just make sure there's no soap/bodywash residue on your skin or you'll get streaky. It's gross anyway.
-Use a gradual tanner first to see how your skin looks with a little bit of false tan. It's not good to go too dark, too quick as it makes it look faker. Build it up slowly with daily applications until you get the color you want and then just maintain it.

I'm still a newbie, but that's what little I've learned so far from reading about it.

>> No.7261234
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The best I've used is Body Drench Quick Tan. It's a spray, so it will rub off a bit on the inside of your clothes and rinse a little in the shower, but it went on relatively even and didn't make me look orange. I used it on my face, too.

Not sure if results will vary depending on your base skintone, and I do agree that layering it slowly rather than spraying a ton on all at once is the best way to go- to make sure you reach a tone you're satisfied with.

Nothing artificial will give you anything close to a natural tan, though. :( Fortunately even with my white as fuck Scot/Slav genes I not only tan easily, but it stays put for almost half a year so I don't have to spend a whole lot of time in the sun.

>> No.7261284

Actually quite a few of these pics are of "New Rock" boots. The brand is from the UK originally. Very easy to find online, just search the brand name. SUPER long lasting boots.

>> No.7261292

These are either new rocks, or rock look a likes:
Those last ones even have the new rock logos on them.

>> No.7261383
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I was considering that, but I haven't seen New Rocks in a decade and wasn't aware they even made girls' shoes.

Not even an Asian brand and yet, they still don't carry my size.

>> No.7261492

Do people usually end up selling pieces from their Liz Lisa luckypacks?

Unfortunately I don't get paid until the 4th, so I won't be able to pick one up.

>> No.7261837

Thanks for the tip!

Ugh I love those boots so much but they're so expensive.

>> No.7261892

it's really not a style meant to look good on bigger girls, sorry

i'm not the person you're responding to but yeah

if you're a bigger girl you can find other styles that will suit your body more, gyaru is a style that is pretty much based around accentuating a skinny body frame

>> No.7262018
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>> No.7262968
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Anyone ordered from kawaii claws before?

>> No.7263039

Sounds dumb as fuck, gyaru is a style about being trashy as fuck. Yeah it look better on thinner girls, but so does almost every other style ever. That's like saying you can't wear lolita unless you're aged 7.

>> No.7263047

It's also about sexuality, and westernized sexual preferences, which are skinny girls with tits and tans, not fatties. I'm going to agree that while yeah, most fashions look better on skinny girls, gyaru does so for a reason.

>> No.7263053

One of the gyaru aesthetics is being thin though. Look at the magazines, there's always articles in there about how much people weigh or used to weigh, what their measurements are and exercises/diets etc.

>> No.7263061

Seriously? Might as well go ahead and say you can't wear it unless you're Asian, then. Since the whole point of it is about subverting Asian beauty norms, which make absolutely no sense for a Western girl to subvert.

>> No.7263064

Yeah look in the magazines, they are also all Asian.

>> No.7263073

Gaijin are already subverting Japanese beauty norms though. Gyaru take the idealistic parts of western sexuality so of course it works that gaijin can wear it since they already accomplished a big part of what makes gyaru the way it is.

Another thing though is that gyaru tends to have really specific and iconic looks and styles that are distinctively different from actual western norms but are loosely based on some trends. It's not a copy of the clothing or westerners in general, but of the look of western girls as perceived by the Japanese, which is easy for westerners to achieve.

>> No.7263140

I will, but only the stuff that I don't really care for. I got the Vintage Rose Carry (online shop version) primarily for the trunk. What items were you looking to buy from the LPs?

>> No.7263180

I'm just trying to expand my very small Liz Lisa collection, so I'm really interested in anything/everything, although one-pieces and blouses are what I really need.
I would kill for one of those trunks, though.

>> No.7263245

Screw all this shit.

The reason Gyaru is primarily for skinny girls is because >>7260456
>Gyaru focus on meticulous primping.
They wear heavily styled wigs, or style and lighten their own hair. They wear lots of contouring makeup, huge contacts, heavily manicured claw nails. They tan religiously...

You see what I'm getting at here?

They go to every length to make sure almost every part of their body is touched up. If you're overweight in Gyaru, that's like spending hours on your hair and makeup and buying the most expensive shirt, shoes, and accessories possible... and forgetting your pants.

I have nothing against heavier girls, and I feel that if a big girl really wants to get into Gyaru, she should use it as an inspiration to exercise and eat healthier. The unfortunate downside is a lot of girls (not just Gyaru of course) try to take the incorrect "quick and easy way" with eating disorders.

>> No.7263255

Ah cool! I'm probably going to set up a Storeenvy shop once I get the trunk and list what I'm going to sell there. I have a feeling that I will be selling the OP from the trunk set and possibly another OP from a Happy Bag. I will also list a sweater, a coat, and a skirt.

Anyway, keep a look out on Storeenvy. I know of a couple other people who will also list some things once the packs come in.

>> No.7263751

They don't carry my size anymore either unfortunately. Yeah they make girls shoes, some of them are fuuuuucking tacky as shit but some are pretty cool, i got given some fairly plain ones second hand years ago by a friend and i love them to death.

>> No.7263971
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I actually prefer Hades nowadays. I haven't been into New Rocks since my edgy high school kid days. Hades also doesn't carry my size, but I can manage 11s if the shoe isn't completely closed.

New Rocks usually run over 200 in the US, but Hades are typically less than that.

They also focus on women's footwear, unlike New Rock which originally was just men's boots. They primarily make Steampunk themed footwear, but most of their stuff could still fit other aesthetics.

TUK is another brand. While they used to primarily be about "creepers", they have some nice heels and wedges that would work in Gyaru.

Iron Fist, while they mostly do weird bright prints, also has some good options

>> No.7264027
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>> No.7264128

I feel like she's slowly becoming cgl's new PT, but for gyaru.

>> No.7264141


Selfie game weak

>> No.7264151

Her face is disgusting.
She's a fat shit with a bulbous nose, a gross looking mouth, haggard looking under the eyes with those lines, and her eyebrows look like gross shit.
What seriously possessed this piece of failed genetics to think that she could possibly look decent, let alone attractive by posting her hambeast mug.

>> No.7264170

What is the point of taking a makeup selfie if you filter your big fat face so much that it's impossible to tell what you've even put on?

>> No.7264210


>> No.7264213

I'm planning on using false nails to save time switching between costumes, and any tips/tricks you all would be willing to impart would be much appreciated!

>> No.7264290
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I don't think her mouth would be that bad if she wasn't so fat. The roundness of her face just accentuates how thin her lips are. Her eyes... really aren't bad at all and I think you're really, really reaching with that criticism.

Girl just needs to lose weight.

>> No.7264315

Does anyone know of any good online gyaru communities? The LJ comms are dying, and the Facebook one seems to be full of noobies who ask every 2 seconds if lashes and lenses are required. There seems to be good threads on here, but not very often.

>> No.7264319

I got Diamond Lash bottom lashes recently, and is there a certain way to remove them from the package? I have the Princess Eye and I've already ruined one pair because the inner corner gets stuck and stretches out the lash, which then misshapes the base. I've never had lashes do that before so I'm wondering if there's some kind of trick to these particular ones.

>> No.7264383


...this is what the average white girl look like

>> No.7264534
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Tumblr is the best for now unfortunately.

>> No.7264550

Does anyone still have access to Ricoche?

>> No.7264591
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I don't even remember my account password. I think it's pretty dead.

Anyone catch this week's secrets? Looks like there was some racewank I missed on the FB groups.

>> No.7264607

I ran away from it a long time ago so I have no idea what's habbedidg, but it sounds hilarious.

>> No.7264621

They're not UK brand originally, not sure where you got that from.


Made in Spain since 1978 and sizes are European. You get a good amount of fakes and copies though.

>> No.7264633

Being a bigger girl (I'm around 140kg and about 5"8) i've always really envied smaller people and i especially love the Gyaru style, any subgenre i think they all look amazing,
Being someone that aspires to become a Character Designer I've always drawn my women to have the same style sense as a Gyaru would and that sort of puts me into a deep hole really. I can't get out of it!
I've set up a local business here where I live and I mainly paint false nails/tips to sell, but I do paint peoples nails directly too and I am trained to use Acrylics also and it's so surprising the amount of people that want the long talons/claws that you see a lot of Gyaru style that are adorned to the max with gems, glitter, metal, jewels and so on, and it's really fun doing them too!

Like i mentioned before, I'm quite the big girl, and i've attempted to style myself in the same way as this Saxy chick but although i enjoy wearing them i know they don't suit me unless i'm at least 1/3rd of my weight, and that has really pushed me into loosing weight. I used to be 160kgs but since i've gained the motivation to actually want to wear these things and do my makeup and hair and nails the same way I've really pulled my finger out and actually done something about my weight.

(And for anyone about to jump in and say shit like "you shouldn't have eaten that much in the first place" I actually have multiple medical illnesses such as Polysystic Overies and Underactive Thyroid levels so go fuck yourselves <3 I've never eaten a McDonalds in my life nor any other fast food chain because McDonalds is the only one we have around where i live.)

>> No.7264637
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Congrats on the weight loss, Anon! Keep up the good work. And if you need any advice or want any tips we'll be here.

>> No.7264645

That's awesome! Keep up with the healthy eating and exercise and you're gonna get really fast to your goal (: <3

>> No.7264652

If you do have those conditions, you go to a doctor and get them treated instead of going 'muh genetics!' about it. Really. There's a known cure for both, and if you know you have it, you go get treated and take pills.

>> No.7264664

I don't get pills for my Ovaries but i do have to take 5 pills a day for my other conditions,
I don't go all 'muh genetics!' but i felt the need to clarify that i didn't inflect it on myself.

>> No.7264714

this was rude and unnecesary. Even if you have 'the cure', its not magic. Not every body is the same.

>> No.7264716

If you have the cure, you can lose weight. It's not magic, but unless the problem is treated you're gonna have a hard time getting fit with hypothyroidism.

>> No.7264721

There is no cure for PCOS.

>> No.7265392

No, but it is manageable.

>> No.7265731
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>> No.7265761

Really excited. I only have two Liz Lisa pieces and while I can't shell out for a whole LP--especially since I'm trying to build a starter wardrobe and probably only need a few versatile things--I'd have enough for a few LP things on their own

>> No.7266414
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>> No.7266582
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Secrets are coming up again next saturday and I say we use our bitchy powers for good this time. Some of us have been saying for the last few threads that we should band together and make some constructive criticism secrets, possibly with a photoshop Anon illustrating our point(s). I'll start.

Lizzie has always seemed just shy of nailing it to me. She's come a long way from where she started (remember when she didn't want to wear lenses, lashes or even use heat to curl her hair?) and with a few tweaks she could be awesome. Here are my pointers:

-There's something about her face shape that reminds me Yun from Egg (I think it's the cheek/jaw area). She would be smart to mimic how she does Yun's hair/makeup.
-To me, she has always looked best when she tries Ora Ora or similar style clothes and makeup. Especially the makeup. I know she likes Agejo best, but there it is. Maybe she can combine the two somehow if she wants.
-A slightly deeper tan than what she has might not hurt either, but is optional.
-Her brows are a great shape, but she should lighten them somehow. Possibly trim them down a bit more and use a lighter powder/brow mascara to fill them in.
-I'd like it if her hair had a bit more depth to it. Whether it be slight layering, highlights or a combination of both.

Anyone else want to chime in on what I've written or have crit for another gyaru?

>> No.7266935

>(remember when she didn't want to wear lenses, lashes or even use heat to curl her hair?)
>Facebook one seems to be full of noobies who ask every 2 seconds if lashes and lenses are required

I can't wear lenses. Like, there is not a single circle lens in production, including the Toric that Pinkyparadise sells, that will fit my eyes. My eye doctor confirms this. The correctional contacts I wear actually have to be custom made.

Will I get flack from the comm for not wearing lenses, even if it's because I literally can not?

>> No.7266960

Aren't the PinkyParadise ones custom made too? The torics, I mean.

>> No.7266966

If I remember correctly, Lizzie didn't want to wear them because she has astigmatism. Now she's wearing them in spite of that so people would stop telling her she "isn't gyaru enough". Honestly I totally get why she didn't.

>> No.7266975

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, I'm not well versed in correctional lenses, but is wearing plain lenses and glasses not an option?

>> No.7267012
File: 91 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m6r4fo6FlS1rpqmyho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue that it's a pretty important part of the gyaru look and if you can get them affordably and safely, then they are necessary.

You have a good excuse not to wear them. If you can't find lenses that don't fit your eyes, then don't risk your eye health just to look cute. If people in the community can't understand that, then fuck 'em.

That being said, I've seen people pull off gyaru without lenses and look great. Pin doesn't wear contacts and his makeup was great whenever he did/does gyaru. There were a couple of others, my memory is failing.

Just make sure you are as on-point as possible with the rest. That's something all the gals who don't wear circle lenses have in common: they have the clothes, hair and makeup down pat. Possibly try to go a bit more over the top with your eye makeup to compensate for your lack of lenses? I'm not sure how that would look, but it's worth a shot.

If you have any more questions or want to make sure you're doing alright before posting to the community at large, I'm sure the other gals in this thread would be more than willing to help you. I would be.

Yeah, I remember her posting about that as well. A few people told her to hold off until the lenses for astigmatisms became available on the western market (I think they were just coming out in Asia at the time). Someone had suggested that she use eye-enhancing contacts until then.

Then she wanted to get circle lenses and layer them over her regular contacts. Which is just...no. Last time she posted about it on the now-defunct kogal panel, she seemed to think that the toric lenses cost too much and took too long to get to her.

>> No.7267232
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>> No.7267259

No, it can damage your eyes. People with astigmatism need to have lenses custom fitted to their eyes, so to speak, or the condition gets worse. Good news is that it is surgically fixable, bad news that it costs a lot, and worse news is that not everyone is eligible for said surgery so if they screw their eyes up they're done for.

>> No.7267263

Now she's wearing regular lenses + glasses, which is going to fuck up her eyes and she's aware of it but still wears them.

>> No.7267266

She also would use lash glue that would have a bad reaction with her eyes. I think she had to try several different brands before she found one she wasn't allergic to, but if I remember correctly, she used the ones that gave her reactions multiple times and on a daily basis.

>> No.7267268

Just wondering, how does that fuck up your eyes? Wearing plano lenses and prescription glasses together mean.

>> No.7267292

It doesn't unless you have astigmatism, and she does. Basically when you have regular bad vision, an image is blurry and stretches horizontally (<-- -->)With astigmatism, it can stretch horizontally too if you have bad eyes, but mainly it stretches vertically (^ v) and you need glasses fit for that. For example, if my sister and I had exactly the same prescription and she didn't have astigmatism, I would still have blurry vision when wearing her glasses. Some people get it from wearing bad lenses or otherwise, some are born with it. It's affected by the shape and condition of your eye, so that's why it's surgically fixable and that's why you can get it when wearing lenses irresponsibly ('irregular astigmatism'). If they scratch your eye, the scar scatters the light rays and your sight is blurry. As far as I understood my eye doctor at least.

>> No.7267293

If you have astigmatism, you need toric lenses, they are specifically fitted to the shape of your eye. Plano lenses are just lenses that have no vision-improving power, if they are not toric, they will not fit the eye properly, thus resulting in potential discomfort or injury

>> No.7267308
File: 54 KB, 800x600, Astigmatism_text_blur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7267326

some people with minor astigmatism /might/ be able to get away with plano lenses but i would strongly advise against it unless you talk to a optometrist/ophthalmologist

>> No.7267340

Exactly. The problem is that she's wearing contacts that aren't fitted for her eye which is hurting it. She's aware she's fucking her eye up but for some reason won't get toric circle lenses.

I like the concrit that one Anon gave her though. (I never really saw the similarities between her and Yun's face shape until now). If we make a secret for her do you think she'll listen?

>> No.7267371
File: 192 KB, 618x800, Untitled-1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't really about vision correction; it's about fit.

All lenses, even non-corrective, need to be able to fit the wearer's eye. People with astigmatism have oddly shaped eyes so even plano lenses might not be able to fit them, and ill-fitting lenses can scratch your cornea like >>7267292 explained.

They're made to order, but you can only choose from predetermined options. My prescription is out of the range of the options they have available. Like, I can't just send in my prescription and be like "make these exactly".

Thanks, Anon. I'm really new to this, so I'll probably need a lot of help.

I just see people in other Jfash getting nitpicked from head to toe, I get a little worried that if I'm missing on minute detail, even if it's for a good reason, I'm going to get all this "gtfo you're doing it wrong, if you can't wear circle lenses you don't belong here" stuff.

Are there any (good) eye makeup tutorials for western eyes with a lot of lid? My eyes are somewhere between prominent and heavy lidded so they don't even come close to >>7262018 and >>7257516 is just sloppy and also doesn't have much lid.

I might give pic related a try.

>> No.7267381

I'm not sure but I think Puni doesn't wear lenses. You can check on her Ameblo to make sure.

>> No.7267414

I was an idiot and fucked up my already messed up eyes by wearing plano lenses with an astigmatism.
My eyes are so bad that my glasses are like coke bottles at the bottom even though I have the special, thinner lenses.

>> No.7267440

Me too, although mine aren't THAT bad when you look at the prescription number itself, but combined with astigmatism, I can't see past my extended hand. Each morning I take my dog outside and forget my glasses, and then I have trouble picking up after him because I can't see the ground at all. At night it's even worse, my dog walks ME instead. But then I usually wear glasses so it's fine.

My mom has horrible myopia and wears friggin jam jars on her face and even she can see better than me at night. Ugh.

Whenever I see some girl saying "oh but anon it's totally fine" I facepalm so hard. Especially here with the previous lens threads, "can I wear x even though my prescription is y? Oh never mind I got some other non-fitting crap teehee!"

>> No.7267450

Both of my parents have awful eyesight (mum has to wear bifocals), so my eyesight likely only get worse, as well.

Related: Can glasses be worn in gyaru? I wear pretty cute, fairly large, round glasses in a dark brown tortoiseshell. I mostly wear mature sweet/classic lolita but have always enjoyed the more cutesy gyaru styles (I bought a fair bit of Liz Lisa when I was in Japan), and I was thinking about getting into gyaru for a sort of everyday wear.

>> No.7267476

>My prescription is out of the range of the options they have available.

That's what I thought. Then yeah, I wouldn't worry about it at all since there's nothing you can do about it. Like I said, your vision is more important and I wouldn't risk damaging my eyes just because a bunch of people on the internet are griping.

> I'm really new to this, so I'll probably need a lot of help.

Glad I could be of service. I'd be happy to help anytime! The tutorial you posted looks good. It's a good basic look. You can change it up by experimenting with different eyeshadow colors and lash types, too. Spiky upper and lower lashes are the most identifiable as gyaru to me, but I've been into really long, feathery upper lashes too as of late.I wouldn't try to do a lot of intricate eyeshadow stuff, though. Maybe just a base color and a crease color. I read somewhere that using your eye socket as a guide when you're defining your crease helps.

Pin doesn't look like he has a lot of lid space either

You can always adapt >>7262018 and clean up >>7257516.

>> No.7268300
File: 91 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mkp3trfJTh1ql5pe3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nail bump!

Anybody own Candy Doll cosmetics? Especially their lip products. What color(s) do you have? How good are they?

I have rather dark lips and so I'm looking for some nice, opaque lip products. Especially gloss since I don't always feel like putting on lipstick.

>> No.7268336

For opaque, try lip stain. Some of those mood lipsticks you can get for cheap are a really strong, opaque color.

I tried candy doll and honestly they're on par with the shittiest drugstore makeup brand I know. Generally, I'm kind of tired of Tsubasa's brands altogether, they are overpriced and only purchased because her face is on the package and girls think that "maybe if I buy Tsu-chan's products I'll be kawaii like her desu~"

>> No.7268405

The mood lipsticks I've been looking at don't seem to have the shades I'm looking for. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong ones.

To be honest, I'm not actually a fan of Tsubasa Masuwaka at all. I think she does her mouth weird in all her photos/videos (it almost looks like she got carried away with collagen injections) and hate it when girls try to imitate her expressions.

That being said, I got interested in her lip products because all the nude-colored lip stuff in my local stores are too yellow/orange-toned for me. Most of ers seemed to have cool-to-neutral undertones which would suit me better. The pinky nude lip product I've come across where I live is either too pink for what I'm looking for or is, again, too orange for me. I'm also having a hard time finding a muted, milky pink that I like. I may as well go back to MAC products.

>> No.7268408

Try Korean makeup. Can you show a picture of the kind of shades you want? I have spare time, I'll try to find it for you.

>> No.7268419

>This is one of the difficulties I have with the fashion. It involves flash hair and makeup, heels, often ZR and lots of jewelry and to someone who doesn't know Jfash at all it just looks like some Hollywood clubgirl style.
Well, isn't that where gyaru style originates from? I'm not super familiar with gyaru history, but I'm under the impression that the fashion imitates and exaggerates Western girls' style, so it only makes sense if people think you're dressed like a stereotypical Western girl

somewhat OT, but this is (kinda?) similar to when Western girls use gyaru makeup that includes contouring and shadowing to imitate Western features on an Asian face (like a slender nose, under-eye lids), but ends up looking silly on Western faces where the features are already there, so they become wildly exaggerated.

>> No.7268539
File: 259 KB, 750x473, lipgloss-and-lips-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too kind, Anon!

Another reason I looked at candy doll is the colors seemed pretty close to what I'm looking for. (Every review I've read also says their lipglosses aren't sticky.) But if it's crap quality, then I'll have to find alternatives.

What I'm looking for is basically pink-toned nudes, cool-toned and milky pinks that aren't too saturated and bright. I really like the way strawberry milk and gelato glitter ("gritter" hah) look in this advertisement. Milky orange is pretty too, but too warm-toned for my tastes. I also really like the way milktea beige looks in this picture. On my monitor, it's showing up as a rosy nude with tones of cool mauves and/or browns.

I'm told that the actual product is really different than what's pictured here, though.

Thanks again so much for your help!

>> No.7268814
File: 125 KB, 800x533, candy_doll_lipgloss_swatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I found multiple lipglosses similar to Candy Doll, but...
From what I gathered, you'd like a nude-ish lipgloss that isn't too saturated, but apparently candy doll ones can be quite bright, or maybe it's just me having been used to the darker/ transparent glosses idk.

If you want the similar look, Canmake Candy Wrap, Nudy Glow and Glossy Holic are about similar, in different shades of course.
Lioele has more natural-looking glosses if these are too opaque or bright, and I also found out that 'Tangee' lipstick stains lips so that they look a nicer, rosier color, but not hooker red or anything too bright. Oh, and Etude House has a lot of lipglosses, from transparent and glittery to more opaque and funkier-colored.

>> No.7270144

I'm the one who posted about the facebook group. What I meant were the people on there don't want to do even the basic makeup that's needed for the look. They'll post things like, "I have big eyes and long lashes naturally, so I don't need to wear falsies or emulate the look in magizines" And they don't look gyaru at all because the falsies and makeup make the look. So I think you can still do gyaru without lenses, but you can't really skip out on the rest because then it's no longer gyaru.

>> No.7270156
File: 1.17 MB, 732x771, candydoll lip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have two candydoll lipsticks... havent used them yet so i cant say if the color swatch is true to picture, BUT lip color varies, so that can also be a factor why lipstick swatches are not always 'true'.

>> No.7270374
File: 715 KB, 502x742, 1388505677321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome! Thanks so much for your help.I'll definitely check out Canmake and Lioele. As for Candy Doll, sometimes they look bright and sometimes they look muted. I think it depends on what you layer over/under the product because there's a huge difference even in the ads.

My natural lip color is pretty rosy. One of the things that attracted me to Candy Doll is the fact that the newer formulations apparently have a concealer built into it so it's a bit truer colorwise.

>> No.7270385

What lip primers would you recommend, seagulls? My lips both tend to be cracked and chappy as well as an odd colour that really affects the colour of my glosses and stains (I like cool pinks, mostly). My friend recommended that I invest in a lip primer, but I have no idea what brand I should go for

>> No.7271105

I would try and get the chapped lips under control before investing in a primer. The primer will help to some degree, but just as with flakey skin, it won't cure it. It's also something I struggle with. I usually exfoliate my lips with my electric tooth brush or use a lip scrub. Immediately after, I put on a chapstick or moisturizing balm. It's a little bit different for everyone as far as which works best. I've started using it at night before I go to bed and if any parts of my lips are sort of scab-y, I put Neosporin on it. During the day, I try to use a lip product that has an spf in it since sun exposure can worsen chapped lips. This time of year, I also wrap my scarf around the lower half of my face so as to avoid my lips getting wind chapped. Try that for a week or so and see how it works?

As for lip primers, Mac's Prep + Prime line is pretty awesome. Urban Decay also makes great primers. On the cheaper side of things, you might want to check out Elf. Sally Hansen has one, but it contains a plumper that might make your cracked, dry lips worse. Elf's also has plumping, but it looks as if it's kept separate from the primer. Personally, I just use chapstick or clear lip balm from burt's bee's.

>> No.7271470

Not strictly true for everyone:
I have astigmatism in one eye and when i decided i wanted to try contacts for work events my opt suggested daily non toric lenses (of a standard base curve) to fix my bumbling other eye. The daily contacts do nothing to help with the issues caused by my astigmatism but they help manage my other vision issues temporarily. Your info might be valid for people who suffer from very bad astigmatism however like all things regarding eyes its a pretty case by case basis.

>> No.7274262
File: 29 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdj3x05d6o1r0ozmho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7274834

Love your eye makeup. Your lower lashes are gorgeous.

>> No.7276462
File: 190 KB, 319x750, tumblr_mjodnhQDBw1rxqtvfo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh that's not me! Sorry! That's Pin, a popular gyaru from Finland. My makeup skills are nowhere near that perfect.

>> No.7276465

Well yeah, but you can't know unless your doctor tells you.

>> No.7276743
File: 77 KB, 487x543, one4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going off the concrit meme, the way Memila does her sometimes really makes her head look...wide and squished. I think it has something to do with her face shape? She'd probably look better without bangs and the majority of the volume on the top of her head as opposed to the sides. Anyone else have any critique they'd like to add?

>> No.7276811

I think she'd look heaps better without the bangs, and maybe a different camera angle. The rest seems pretty cute.

>> No.7276816

I agree. She should also lighten up the contouring of her nose as her nose shape is already long with a high bridge. A highlight and maybe some contouring on the tip to soften it is about all she needs. She should contour her cheeks a bit more, though. It might elongate her face.

She also looked better when she had a tan and her brows were thicker and less arched.I've always thought her eyemakeup is great, though. And she's one of the few western gals who can rock the shit out of silver and super ash-toned hair.

>> No.7277117

Newfag here. Sorry for stupid questions, but some info would be appreciated. I'm interested in the rock gyaru style but have no real experience with fashion except for an edgy pseudo-goth/punk phase which left me with some over-the-knee socks and spiky armbands, which probably doesn't really count. Judging by posts ITT, my first step is likely just losing some weight, although I'm normal by BMI standards. After I'm satisfied with my size, it's clothes shopping time.
Should I buy wigs or is simply putting some effort into styling my hair enough?
My main concern, though, is whether or not brands have as big an importance in this, as they do in lolita fashion? I mean, if I try to go for the more goth-influenced gyaru look, surely I don't have to throw EVERYTHING I have now away, right? Seems like at least my New Rocks are sorta approved here, which is nice!

Either way something like a link to gyaru 101 would be great, as so far I've mostly seen specific tutorials focusing on things like makeup. Thanks in advance.

>> No.7277240

Gyaru is mostly about the makeup, though. Natural hair or wig are acceptable, but both must have enough volume.

Read magazines like egg, Vivi to get some ideas.

>> No.7278329

Ahh, okay. Since makeup's such an important factor and I have slight astigmatism in one eye, I'll need to ask my doc if I can wear contacts or not. Ruining my vision is not worth it, so it might be a decisive factor in whether or not I'll try this style at all.
Either way, a J-rock maniac friend of mine was happy to introduce me to Sex Pot Revenge and some other rokku/goshikku-relevant brands. I also downloaded some magazine scans, and checked them out. It's lovely how they have actual step by step tutorials rather than just pictures of the end product, like many Western mags.

>> No.7278347

meh, vivi is more generic akamoji mag than gyaru, though.

>> No.7278352

you *might* need torics, but you're smart to ask your doc about it. I wish some other gals were instead of shoving random colored plastic in their eyes.

>> No.7278536
File: 79 KB, 600x800, amihamu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully, they make toric circle lenses although they come in certain prescriptions only. They're a little more expensive and take a bit longer to prepare, but they last a year. Hopefully, you'll be able to get some.

I'm also into more gothic/rock-styled gal. Tumblr has been a good source of inspiration for me. If you want, I can tell you some blogs and tags to search.

Magazines I like to read are Ageha, Egg and Soul Sister (if I can ever find it!). Lately, I've been really into looking at street snaps in magazines. They also provide good inspiration. It's nice because we get a chance to see how the average Japanese gal styles herself. I think it's easy for some community members to forget that the models are just that--models. I like looking at shopstaff photos and blogs for the same reason. And since these girls pretty much have to be pros at their style to keep their job, they provide even better inspiration.

You also see a wider range of body types and facial features which is nice for me because even though I'm average, my legs look pretty athletic.

>> No.7278701

Sorry if I'm derailing the thread but does anybody have any hair tutorials, particularly for medium-length hair?
Having had short hair for years, I never really bothered with my hair until it started growing out and now I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7278758

why are her eyes so red? Is it from contacts?

>> No.7278853
File: 12 KB, 320x426, tumblr_mhgvpgLVWY1r2ksypo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Anon, my hair is short. I'll see what I can find, though.

I would assume so. Though it could be any number of reasons. Personally, I like to take mine out before they get that bad. Or at least use drops.

>> No.7278926
File: 59 KB, 359x640, tumblr_lvjk87ls5v1qcpg21o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Kanako love!

Her raspy voice is adorable.

>> No.7278976
File: 15 KB, 240x320, tumblr_m6j6glLfrj1r7lm5co1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7278979

British sluts thread ?
British sluts thread

>> No.7279016
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>> No.7279124
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>> No.7279735
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>> No.7280244
File: 30 KB, 225x320, picspam12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for summer!

>> No.7280305
File: 8 KB, 194x259, mipo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me either!

>> No.7280342

source on dos shorts?

>> No.7280352
File: 488 KB, 403x302, tumblr_lo7e4ahTix1qbjuyyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing Mipochi, they're probably D.I.A. or a rock brand like Glad News or Gilfy.

>> No.7280453


I wear an extra small in American sizing. All my clothes I own from overseas in Asia is a size M. There's your proof.

>> No.7280501


Actually there's no cure for that. You take medicine, but the medicine doesn't make you lose weight. It just helps the rest of your organs and hormones run more normally.

My friend's mom had that condition. She could lose a hundred lbs over a month and in one day gain 150 just like that. It was really sad. You unfortunately cannot 'get fit' even with medicine. Your basically doomed to be big. So yes, in their case, they can cry about their genetics.

>> No.7280568

Actually, it varies. If your medication is titrated appropriately then you can lose weight the same way as anyone else. It's more difficult than someone with a super crazy fast metabolism, but the same goes for the rest of us 'normal' people. Medicating an underactive thyroid, or putting someone with PCOS on the COC and metformin is NOT going to magically make them lose weight. However, it means that they have a more "normal" metabolism as hormones and insulin sensitivity are balanced better - and so rather than being stuck gaining weight, with the same hard work as most people they can actually lose it. The severity of both conditions does vary and some people have difficulty on medication, but those cases are the exception rather than the norm. If you want to go for anecdotal examples, here's one: I have a friend who has PCOS and is in her mid-20s. She takes the oral contraceptive. She also does orienteering, which involves a lot of cross-country running at least 4 days a week, and she eats pretty sensibly. Unsurprisingly, she isn't overweight, although she was diagnosed in her early teens with PCOS - she barely tips the scales at 53kg and is 5' 4" (okay, so probably overweight by Asian gyaru standards, but not huge landwhale).

>> No.7280584

But 53kg at 5'4" is almost underweight for anyone with a Caucasian body. I weigh that much and my weight is classified as average, and I'm not fat or chubby by a long shot...

>> No.7280680

Sorry, I was being a bit facetious - I meant "overweight" in reference to all those weight loss ads that have girls that go from 49kg to 38.5kg, or 55kg to 43kg...

>> No.7280756

Yeah, those are just creepy! But I guess with their bone structure it isn't as bad... *sob* why am I a Scandinavian white piggu...

>> No.7280910

Well it is still pretty bad because even with a small bone structure, a BMI under 18 is considered unhealthy (i.e. it puts you at higher risk for poor health outcomes) and usually they diet themselves down to BMI around 16. Also, the ads that show body fat percentage often show numbers that are really quite high considering the girl's weight, as none of them really have any muscle. I remember thinking the starting measurements of one girl were really similar to my current measurements, if not larger, but she was 4kg lighter than I am, which is solely due to me having a bit of muscle.

>> No.7282336
File: 33 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mdjqb6KdsB1rtywqzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of those ads are really cringe-inducing. I remember everyone freaking out because Aina went from like 100 to 104 pounds at 5'4. Most gals in the street snaps aren't quite as thin (which is why I like to look at them for inspiration). The same goes for AV gals, unsurprisingly enough. Although there was one on my tumblr dash the other day that was super skinny. You could see the bones in her sternum and everything.

>> No.7282429
File: 2.73 MB, 2448x3264, 1389030176200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't too sure where to post this so... I bought a skirt from the gyaru sales comm and was under the impression it was Liz Lisa. When I received it, it looked as I expected, but it doesn't look like Liz Lisa quality. The tag also appears different from my other Liz Lisa clothing. I messaged the seller, but I was told she bought the skirt last summer at LL Harajuku in Japan. Has anyone seen a tag similar to this before from Liz Lisa? I don't own any Liz Lisa Doll clothing so I was wondering if it might be this tag that I'm unfamiliar with.

>> No.7282752

It's probably fake, never seen a tag like that. Name and shame the seller please!

>> No.7282801

Agree. I think two many people get torn between feeling rejected by the mainstream for having niche interests and then feel bad about said interests, especially fashion/subcultures, if they don't wear them all the time and treat it like a lifestyle thing (which, ultimately, doesn't tend to serve you well with an adult life and job and financial struggle). You're not a bad person for dressing normal when it's convenient and gyaru when you want to. It doesn't make you a poser or totally trying to assimilate. You can do both.

>> No.7282806

If it's a fake, they replicated the font really well. I thought the Liz Lisa Doll tags said "Liz Lisa doll" on them though.

>> No.7282814

How are they not sick? Whenever I lose weight I get an infection of SOMETHING.

>> No.7282819

Honestly, anyone who calls anyone else a "poser" is fucking twelve.

>> No.7282836
File: 184 KB, 768x1024, 1370737101050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but I've always wanted a gyaru friend.
I'm a lolita with a preference for rock styles when dressed normal mode, I avoid tans and can't into hair. But I follow these threads religiously and crush on gyaru all the time.

I guess the Gal look is really unapologetic, it's brash and sexy and isn't giving a fuck. It's punk while looking better than Barbie.
Go, you girls.

>> No.7282834
File: 982 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a tag like that...all the LL stuff I own (from 2011 through current) has a tag like pic related.
I don't own any LL doll myself, but I've been to the stores and their tags say "Liz Lisa doll" on them. Pretty sure you've got a fake on your hands.

>> No.7282853

Yeah, I've never bought Liz Lisa Doll clothing so I had no idea what the tag looked like. I'm trying to give the seller the benefit of the doubt, but the price was unusually low which is why it caught my eye because it was labeled as Liz Lisa.

Yep, my other Liz Lisa clothing has the same tags as yours. I couldn't find Liz Lisa Doll tags anywhere online so I thought maybe... But appears like it is a replica. :/

Thanks gals.

>> No.7288642
File: 178 KB, 667x926, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7288732

I own Liz Lisa doll and the tag looks nothing like that. I'd grab you a pic but I'm a bit ill at the moment and don't much want to fight my way into the closet.

>> No.7289077
File: 207 KB, 667x908, 1355244214646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is a good thread to ask but, I want to start wearing falsies but, I have tremors making putting them on really difficult. I've tried different kind of glues. Tweezers or trying with my hand. My hands just shake too much. It usually takes me 40 minutes just for the lashes, even with all the practice.... Its a real downer. I was hoping it could help with my awkward one hooded eye. Eye liner always looks uneven

Is there like...a product to help you apply falsies? Sorry half asleep writing this post.

>> No.7293474

Some people are really thin but not sick, they will be though.
Same thing happens with really fat people.

>> No.7294345


>> No.7294368

Those plastic lash holders?

>> No.7294475 [DELETED] 

It may be an older piece. I purchased a coat from Mbok with a tag that doesn't look like their current tag at all, but it still had the original price label. I know even the price label can be faked now, but I suppose if you are really concerned you should certainly question the seller

>> No.7294485

Didn't see this! It would be awesome if you could, I'd like them as a reference as I couldn't find them online. Thanks for offering anon, I hope you feel better!

>> No.7294522

Just practice and try using tweezers instead of your hand. Hold the lashes with the tweezers while you apply glue and stick them to your lids.

>> No.7294813
File: 256 KB, 504x285, LizLisaDollTag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go! And thank you, feeling much better!

>> No.7294820

Oops, sorry also for reference I bought this item (and others with the same tag) in store in 2011.

>> No.7295078

Thanks anon! Glad you're feeling better.