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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7305750 No.7305750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The old thread died so here's a new one.

A few questions to get the ball rolling:

>favorite wardrobe so far?

>what have you liked?

>what have you disliked?

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?

>> No.7305759


OP here, I'll get us started.

>favorite wardrobe so far?
The JetJ dominated ones since I've really come to love the brand of late.

>what have you liked?

Posts with nicely lit photos. Sadly, they've been in the minority so far.

>what have you disliked?

That odd jfashion wardrobe that wasn't really lolita at all.

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?

I'll be adding more basics to my wardrobe in order to make it more workable.

>> No.7305790

I like flicking through the wardrobe posts and playing "name that brand" for each dress. It's a lolita eye spy game I play to waste time.

>> No.7305796

I can't get into the theme this year. Usually I get super excited, look at every post and sometimes save photos/names of dresses to look for in the future, but this time I just haven't bothered. I don't know why, but I am completely disinterested this year.

>> No.7305799

I should give that a go! I'm think I'm pretty good at picking non print AP, Meta and Baby but I get a little confused with some of the other brands.

I like trying to guess someone's personality from their post.

>> No.7305804

>favorite wardrobe so far?
I really liked Dark Romantica's wardrobe. She had many items I love and it was such a nice balance of gothic and classic.

>what have you liked?
The gothic wardrobes, the old school wardrobes (I loved all of the velvet!) and the classic wardrobes. Also discovering new dream dresses, there were many non print dresses/underrated dresses that I had not seen much that I absolutely loved.
>what have you disliked?
Ah that one jfashion wardrobe.,

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?
I had already decided to further develop my classic wardrobe aswell as my gothic wardrobe but after seeing DarkRomanticas I really hope I succeed. I also hope to add more hats and shoes (after seeing wonderful collections).

>> No.7305822

> Jane likes pina coladas, walking in the rain and collecting imprints of scrotums from guys she has copulated with.

>> No.7305847

>favorite wardrobe so far?
Darkromantica, she has a bunch of pieces that are on my wish list!

Kyashii's wardrobe and room photos were great as well, even though I'm not into sweet I can appreciate her collection and general style.

>what have you liked?
Seeing some well-curated wardrobes, where the pieces go together nicely and you can easily see lots of coord options; it gives me a better sense of what I could do to improve my own collection!

>what have you disliked?
The lack of actual closet / room shots. My biggest hassle is figuring out how to organize & store everything - I'd love to see a bit more of how the girls with the bigger closets manage!

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?

The old-school collections have made me add a Meta velvet piece to my wish list :) So lush!

>> No.7305851

I really want to join in this theme, but it's hard finding a place I can take photos of my clothes. Our house has turned into a storage bin, since my grandfather passed away a couple of months ago and we're clearing out his house (he lives kind of far from us). Whenever I try to take photos in the front room, my cats suddenly appear from no where and plop themselves straight down on my stuff. Freaking cat powers of knowing when there's something on the floor to sit on. Sometimes I don't even get as far as putting the dress down, sometimes they just appear when the sheet goes down onto the floor.

>> No.7305853

We are similar anon! Also Meta's velvet pieces are incredible, I own one quite old op and I really enjoy it.

>> No.7305857

I was pretty happy of my wardrobe, but I've just seen this one http://egl.livejournal.com/19498950.html
and now I'm curled up on my bed trying to not cry because this is so wonderfull and my life will never be so perfect and full of pretty things.

>> No.7305868

Shut them in a room somewhere else for a while, or use a squirt bottle or something to keep them away?

>> No.7305872

Seems a bit harsh to use a squirt bottle, it's pretty extreme measure. My house has no doors inside so it's hard to shut them into a room.

>> No.7305875

Not even for the bathroom, anon? I wouldn't want to poo in plain view of my family

>> No.7305889

I knew I was missing a lot of basics (blouses, accessories, more varied legwear, etc.), but seeing all of the wardrobes has made me hesitant to post my own.
I have a decent number of main pieces (17) for someone who only got into the fashion this summer, but I still have very little jewelry, no boleros, and most of my blouses are fairly similar (white, AP).

I probably need to sell off a few of the dresses I don't wear often and stock up on basics.

>> No.7306085

her wardrobe is fucking perfect.

>> No.7306100

She shouldn't take wardrobe photos in a bathroom.

>> No.7306101

>favorite wardrobe so far?
jahr's, darkromantica, onlyeasy, that one chocolate themed one and the recent AP wardrobe were good, too

>what have you liked?
Themed wardrobes and nice pictures, handmade items. I also like discovering new pieces for my wishlist or brands I've underrated so far.

>what have you disliked?
Dark and blurry pictures, dirty unkept rooms, wrinkled bedsheets, pictures of underwear (pettis and bloomers), also I like seeing great offbrand finds, but your 10 H&M basic blouses? not so much.

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?
Definitely, I need more basics and more shoes. I also want to buy less printed items and more non-printed pieces I can also wear on a daily basis. And I want to focus on classic more.

>> No.7306111

She was thinking about locking the cat in the bathroom I guess

>> No.7306140

I like to see petti sand bloomers only IF they are really cute, fancy, or colorful. Not if they're plain.

>> No.7306160

I really love seeing people's cats in there wardrobe posts. Especially if it's a bad wardrobe, I feel like a cat can seriously improve the quality of the post.

>> No.7306182

I'm deathly allergic to cats so it lets me know who not to buy from.

>> No.7306183

links to the chocolate/ap wardrobe?

>> No.7306223

It's standard procedure to let people know in selling posts if you have a cat or not, so I don't know what you're notching about.

>> No.7306236

>petti sand bloomers
>sand bloomers
Some lolitas are literally so sandy in the vagina that it gets all over their bloomers? That's incredible

>> No.7306322

Lol it was a pretty ironic typo lol

>> No.7306373

Can't you just ask sellers if they have any pets?

>> No.7306834

>favorite wardrobe so far?
jahr and violetnoir, but tjarasasse and kyashii had really nice rooms as well

>what have you liked?
posts with good lighting and room photos

>what have you disliked?
the J-fashion wardrobe and wardrobes of entirely offbrand/bodyline

>will you be making any changes to your wardrobe because of the theme?
I thought I had a decently sized wardrobe but apparently 20+pieces is still considered small

>> No.7306870

I think 20 pieces is a medium sized wardrobe, especially if it's well-rounded with tops, shoes, and accessories.
Small to me is under 15, 40+ is big, and anything past 60 is huge, in my opinion.

On the topic of size, whose wardrobe has been the biggest? I've only saved the ones I thought were particularly beautiful and well-presented, so I really have no idea.

>> No.7306907

My cat was the reason I gave up on my wardrobe post last year. I swear she thought I was laying her out a bed or something, and it was almost as if she chose the most delicate/expensive items to sit on and shed on.

>> No.7309029

can someone post the wardrobes worthy of checking out so far? I haven't been checking regularly and don't feel like looking through days of posts

>> No.7309390

I was actually bored enough to to this. There are lots of good wardrobes this year but these are the most interesting ones so far imo (in chronological order):
tjarasasse: http://egl.livejournal.com/19498950.html
darkromantica: http://egl.livejournal.com/19496732.html
Kyashii: http://egl.livejournal.com/19495927.html
glass_bubblegum: http://egl.livejournal.com/19490905.html
momokurama: http://egl.livejournal.com/19490063.html
violetnoir: http://egl.livejournal.com/19486629.html
onlyeasy: http://egl.livejournal.com/19481817.html
lei_yukoi: http://egl.livejournal.com/19480965.html
riotkitty_: http://egl.livejournal.com/19480202.html
arashi_san88: http://egl.livejournal.com/19479141.html
bunny_labbits: http://egl.livejournal.com/19475983.html
tbeanax: http://egl.livejournal.com/19474608.html
ruban_rose: http://egl.livejournal.com/19467730.html
jahrhundert: http://egl.livejournal.com/19462565.html
payapayapapaya: http://egl.livejournal.com/19461879.html

redtonic's was good to, but she deleted all pictures of her post.

>> No.7309440

Thanks for the list, just checked them out!

>> No.7309647

Ugh, why did redtonic delete? She's always been one of my favorites and I've been too busy to look at any wardrobe posts yet D:

>> No.7309660

Photobucket took down the pictures because of too much traffic.

>> No.7310561

Ah, mine made the list! I feel so honored TAT

>> No.7312566
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Do some anon want to cry with me ? I'm so jelly I start to taste like strawberry

>> No.7312587

i-its beautiful

>> No.7312593

are we just crying because its beautifully organized?

>> No.7312597

That and those lovely pieces. Maybe not for you, but when I see something this beautifully organized it bring tears to my eyes. So pretty...

>> No.7312654

Mmm, dat organizational porn.

It just reminds me that I better get a move on and finish off my post.

>> No.7313325

Fashionbabylon's post was amazing and so was madaristocrat's.

>> No.7313659
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Her Juliette et Justine collection is my favorite so far. And the multiple copies of old prints. Pic related.

>> No.7314050

That is one of my favorite prints so when I saw that, I fangirled a bit.

>> No.7314165

Does she have a blog?

>> No.7314321

Are there any posts that have shown really good organization ideas? While getting ready to do my post I am realizing how my accessory storage is not really working well.

>> No.7315130
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meanwhile in china

>> No.7315132
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>> No.7315135
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>> No.7315137
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>> No.7315139
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>> No.7315141

Anon, please tell me these are all different wardrobes, and not just one person.

>> No.7315142

Who- whose beautiful wardrobe is this? It's amazing. I need. So much.

>> No.7315144
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this is the same poster

>>7315139 only took one photo

and current pic related was solo photo too

>> No.7315146

I'm crying, there's so much stuff, it's all so beautiful. Are most of those replicas? Is that a store? How can they afford so much?

>> No.7315145

my wardrobe is still better.

>> No.7315149
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lowdown's all here
it's not like EGL where they document every single article of clothing, just snapshots of their wardrobe, so no deets at all really. But the Chinese comm is pretty supportive of burando and the active lolis don't seem to respect replicas much? I could be wrong though. I'll try to quote images together if they came from the same poster.

>> No.7315151

china has a lot of second generation rich, so if they can afford brand of course they will buy it, its only logical.

>> No.7315152
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>> No.7315155

something tells me this is lostnatsu from tumblr
a lot of matching pieces

>> No.7315158
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this person took lots of photos so i took the liberty to merge them

>> No.7315160
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seemingly the most humble wardrobe in the chinese thread...so far.

>> No.7315166

I counted my bags and i think i have too many....
close to 35... mostly AP, a handful of IW, MILK and other various japanese brands. might be the highlight of my post. enough for one bag per dress and then some.

>> No.7315168
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one box = same poster, tired of waiting for the timer to go down before posting another photo

>> No.7315176

they'd have to be humble with that closet space!

>> No.7317679


I love the hair accessories in this post.

>> No.7318677

All the pretty dresses!
I tried not being jealous... I failed!

>> No.7318962

I have a definite weakness for bags too! AP ones are just too tempting.

>> No.7318982

I love that wardrobe. Boystyle isn't done enough!

>> No.7319642
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The "wardrobe" that was literally just babby's first bodyline dress.

>> No.7319671

oh god that was so embarassing. Why was that necessary, at all???

>> No.7319745

Well, she changed it to "my first dress"...

>> No.7319761

The all-black wardrobe has arrived and by god it's glorious.

>> No.7319808


Everytime I see her hauls in the mail thread I want to cry... So much glorious stuff.

>> No.7319847

>tfw I should have waited to post until later in the month

I think I goofed up by posting early in the month. Not only have I acquired a couple of pieces since posting, I think I could have done much better presentation after seeing other people's posts (and seeing what NOT to do). And I feel like people get more attention now because the theme is in full swing. Sigh. Lolita problems.

>> No.7319865

I feel like the first few posts had a lot of attention, but it probably did die down in the second week or so

>> No.7319872

Yeah. Mine isn't crazy impressive, but I like to think it's pretty cohesive (with ~30 main pieces) with a good color scheme and style. It's stupid and petty to want more attention, but I feel dumb for not judging the timing better.

>> No.7319905

yeah, you want to post closer to the end of the month and try and time it so it's not 3am in the more populated countries

>> No.7319919

Maybe I'll do better next year, but I'll probably be dumb and excited and end up posting too early again, haha.

>> No.7320175

>etoile twins
awww yiss
excellent taste

>> No.7320413

I am curious to know which posts get more comments. I was surprised to see posts that I thought were good getting little comments. I was surprised that Choke's post got so little comments despite her popularity.

>> No.7320419

I liked hers, but I figured since she's famoose she'd get a lot of comments, so I didn't bother.

>> No.7320449

Didn't someone make a list of last year's most popular wardrobe posts? I can't remember where it is, but if someone has that, it might answer your question

>> No.7320786


Her wardrobe is my favourite this year! That glorious one of a kind JetJ is hard to top.

>> No.7320807

I really loved Aerynsys' wardrobe.

>> No.7320915

I love wagamamajuliet's wardrove and the quality of her photos, but her "boring kei" outfits are just... no.

>> No.7321387

violetnoir's is one of my favourites too.
20+ pieces is decent imo.

>> No.7321570

I would seriously kill for that dress, it's everything I love in one... sigh.

>> No.7321634

xylia_x's is up

>> No.7321635

Honestly, I agree. Her pieces are gorgeous, and even her flat coords look nice, but something about how they look on her is off.

>> No.7321646

Obsixwi's is amazing, holy shit. So much black, so much variety. How.

>> No.7321650

I'd say it's because she's butt-ugly, but honestly if she wore makeup and did her hair, maybe actually wear a petti, she wouldn't look half bad.

>> No.7321657

i find most of her dresses plain and unimpressive. if it was all black with stunning black dresses then i would be blown away, but its not.

>> No.7321717

Sadly, I feel like there are a lot of girls like that. I follow a bunch of people that post beautiful coordinates, and then there's the rare picture of them in the coord, I just can't. Ghostintheforest is the perfect example of this.

>> No.7321720

Mid season comments check?

1 - 131 - payapayapapaya - http://egl.livejournal.com/19461879.html
2 - 128 - redtonic - http://egl.livejournal.com/19479818.html
3 - 123 - jahrhundert - http://egl.livejournal.com/19462565.html
4 - 116 - riotkitty_ - http://egl.livejournal.com/19480202.html
5 - 112 - darkromantica - http://egl.livejournal.com/19496732.html
6 - 101 - mlle_camelia - http://egl.livejournal.com/19507555.html
7 - 99 - bunny_labbits - http://egl.livejournal.com/19475983.html
8 - 94 - kyashii - http://egl.livejournal.com/19495927.html
9 - 92 - alyssiumbaby - http://egl.livejournal.com/19511870.html
9 - 92 - arashi_san88 - http://egl.livejournal.com/19479141.html
10 - 87 - ruban_rose - http://egl.livejournal.com/19467730.html

Obviously going to change as more of these big wardrobes go up in the end half of the month, but that's the score board for now.

>> No.7321724

the rise of wealthy chinese dontcha know

>> No.7321729

I'll be happy if I can get 10 when I post mine.

>> No.7321736

Don't worry, anon. The girl who only posted one Bodyline dress got 11 comments. She had pretty good presentation, though.

>> No.7321739

Yeah, but the bulk of those were people telling her it wasn't a wardrobe post or trying to help her.

>> No.7321741

There are quite a few wardrobes in the 50-80 comments range, as long as your pictures are nice it doesn't seem to be too difficult to hit that- easier if you have photos of your organisation/storage and/or popular/hard to obtain items.

>> No.7322093


>> No.7322111

Organization/storage photos will be impossible for me as I live in a tiny apartment with too little space for all of my frills, but I plan to take nice photos/really emphasize the presentation to make up for it.

>> No.7322136

Sweet wardrobes (or at least predominately sweet) tend to not get as much, especially if they are just about decent sized, even with nice pictures and presentation. Unless they happen to have extremely sought-after pieces in them, not just popular but fairly common.

>> No.7322187

I dunno, seeing how people efficiently pack their things into small spaces is also kind of useful.

>> No.7322294

Sort of, if it's not mostly bodyline and has good pictures, they seem to do well overall. From memory maybe five or so would have made it if I'd done a top 20. It's definitely a lot more likely that you'll get comments if you have a big wardrobe that's either impressive overall (the chiffon and black wardrobes) or has a really good mix (alyssiumbaby, jahrhundert, et al) but it's not like the sweet wardrobes are going through with ten comments. I think tumblr/external sites are having an affect too, I know doctorginger has a ridiculous number of notes on her tumblr posts about it, but few comments on her actual lj post.

>> No.7322360

alyssiumbaby's wardrobe isn't impressive once you realize she has sold half the shit she says she owns

>> No.7322381

ghostintheforest just doesn't know how to pose for photos. She always has this kind of weird dead facial expression when you take an actual coordinate picture of her, but if you catch a candid one she can be pretty cute.

>> No.7322403

That's kind of my point, though. I don't pack it in super well.
Pettis and some blouses I don't wear often are kept in clear bins under my bed, dresses and blouses are exploding from rod of my tiny standing wardrobe, and my jewelry is all kept in a box.
I can't alter the room at all (student apartment) and didn't have room to add more functional furniture (it's a 10x7 box with a huge, unremovable bed).
My room stresses me out half the time; I don't want to subject other people to it.

>> No.7322520

Haha, her wardrobe revolves a lot (she sells a lot because she buys a lot), but it's size is pretty consistent just fyi.

>> No.7322553

Jesus f-ing Christ, 3 Misty Skies! I am soooooooooo jelly!

>> No.7322573

I have a few questions regarding wardrobe building:
>how did you build your wardrobe? did you buy a lot of main pieces and work on basics later? or did you follow the capsule method and work on perfecting one coord at a time?

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?

I ask because while I have a few main pieces (3 JSKS and 2 skirts), I only have one blouse and two pairs of shoes. My jewelry collection is also meagre, and I don't have any outwear, hats, or umbrellas. I'm wondering how other lolitas built up these magnificent wardrobes.

>> No.7322589

>how did you build your wardrobe? did you buy a lot of main pieces and work on basics later? or did you follow the capsule method and work on perfecting one coord at a time?
Started with two main pieces, built up a couple of really good coordinates with basic pieces that matched, and then got more dresses/skirts to fill things out. Filled in more basics (blouses, socks, etc) in between saving up for big items.

But then about four years in I did a major style overhaul (sweet to classic) and slowly swapped things out, so that kind of messed up the groove I had going. I'm back on track now, though (three to five "big" pieces a year and basics/matching accessories as needed).

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?
I personally think that starting with a full coordinate is best, so that you can go to meets and stuff without feeling underdressed, and then add main pieces that go with the basics you started out with. Then you can add more basics along the way as you need/want them.

That's just my two cents, though. Other people probably have better ideas.

>> No.7322593

My wardrobe is really small, much like yours (6 main pieces), since I got into the fashion last year. I could have spent more money on main pieces this past year, but I decided to work on complete coords, and adding accessories to my wardrobe that can work with each main piece so I can wear it in more than one way. So when I add main pieces to my wardrobe, I have nice things to coord with them. For example, I have as many bags as I do main pieces at the moment.

It also probably helps that I have a color palette I've decided on, so things generally mix pretty well together.

>> No.7322625

I need to start proofreading my posts when I'm on mobile.

Thank you for your input! I certainly need to work on focusing on outfits and a specific colour palette rather than losing it over every beautiful dress I see.

>> No.7322812

The way I would do it is not the way I actually did. I started with outfits for about 3 years as a student, but then when I got a job I went a bit crazy buying cheap main pieces because they were good deals and sort of liked them, without thinking about fit or how they worked in my wardrobe. This was over about 7 months, and I ended up selling a whole lot of my stuff because it was too big or didn't suit me. I started being a bit pickier, willing to pay more for items I really loved, and thinking about how items worked in my wardrobe. My style then changed and I downsized a lot over the last year, and started thinking about a more cohesive capsule wardrobe. My current approach is to only buy items I love and know I will wear since I have a good sense of what my personal style is currently, as well as buying items to complete outfits.

I would recommend the approach of buying main pieces you like and outfits around them, if you're still figuring out what you like best. Don't worry about a cohesive wardrobe, some people (e.g. Fanny Rosie) will find their own specific style within lolita but others will wear a variety (e.g. herajika) and unless you know you want to go for one substyle only don't limit yourself.

>> No.7322819
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>how did you build your wardrobe? did you buy a lot of main pieces and work on basics later? or did you follow the capsule method and work on perfecting one coord at a time?

Truth be told I bought anything and everything in sight. It's no surprise then that I ended up with one giant clusterfuck of a wardrobe.

Pic related, an IW luckypack, was actually my first lolita purchase but instead of controlling myself and sticking to a wardrobe plan I spiralled out of control.

I barely had any basics in my wardrobe and very little of my stuff matched so I could barely pull together more than a small handful of outfits.

Atm I'm still working my way out of the hole that I dug for myself. I've sectioned my wardrobe off into small groups and I'm working on building up outfits for each group (it's a bit like the 'capsule method' you talk about but on a larger scale.)

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?

The 'capsule method' that you speak of.

Work on building a coord one at a time but also keep in mind the bigger picture.
Those pink platform boots with heart motifs might work great with that particular outfit but you're better off picking up more generic pieces when you're at a beginner stage.

>> No.7322834

>how did you build your wardrobe? did you buy a lot of main pieces and work on basics later? or did you follow the capsule method and work on perfecting one coord at a time?

I have only been into the fashion for a year and own 15 main pieces. I bought a lot of main pieces in a short amount of time. Sadly this left me with a lack of basics at some time. I own quite a lot of socks, and tights, and a fair amount of headwear. I do not have enough blouses, outwear or shoes. When I got my dream dress (last dress) I worked on planning the perfect coord for it.

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?
The best way is probably alternating between buying basics and dream items/main pieces. Although starting with basics is a good idea.

I sometimes wished I'd thought it through more and bought more basics although I am happy that I have quite a few dream items.

I think buying an Innocent World oddment pack is an excellent way to build a wardrobe as the biggest pack often contains many dresses, blouses, socks, accesories, sometimes skirts or outerwear.

I plan to buy the next one.

>> No.7322864


Speaking from personal experience I found that buying an IW oddment pack was both a good and bad idea experience.

On the plus side it helped fill a few gaps in my wardrobe and I managed to get a few pieces that I loved but never would have thought of buying.

On the downside the sheer amount of pieces that I received, many of which were mismatching, only added to my wardrobe headache.

In my opinion I'd only really suggest the packs to people who find it easy to let go of pieces (I'm not one of them) or to people who have semi-rounded wardrobes already.

>> No.7322876

>how did you build your wardrobe?
I made a list of basics that I needed, and bought pieces as I could afford them/were affordable at the time. Along the way, I accidentally just bought way too many main pieces (maybe 30-40?) that don't balance out with the rest of my wardrobe. I think I have a good number of blouses- 10- but not enough outwear, shoes, hats, and accessories.

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?
I mean, it depends on your financial situation. The reason I ended up with so many main pieces is that it's stupidly easy to find them cheap on auction, but a nice blouse or hat is a little more difficult. Maybe if you used a ratio system, so if you built up too much of one thing, you know it's time to get more of something else.

>> No.7322946

I can understand it being both bad and good. I'm glad it helped fill some gaps in the wardrobe but I can also understand the headache. I don't mind selling off items, my main hope is to get more blouses. Then the items that don't fit or suit I was planning on selling them or trading them and using the money to buy dream dresses or items I'd really like.

>> No.7323018

All of this reminds me, do you guys remember how a few years ago, an impressive wardrobe got you somewhat efamous and people called you a slut? Good times.

>> No.7323028

Not that I want to be harassed, but if only it were that easy.

>> No.7323080


Best of luck with your pack then!
Also be prepared for shipping to be a killer.

>> No.7323094

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?
>how much time did you spend making the post? (include photography, photoshop, typesetting on LJ, and time used to create graphical statistics of your wardrobe etc)

>> No.7323099

Thanks anon I live in Australia so I hope it's not too bad atleast there won't be customs.

>> No.7323106

I skip wardrobe posts that have sloppy looking pictures or have pictures with bad quality. Don't care how amazing your collection is because if your first two pictures suck, I don't give a shit.

How long do you think egl will have the wardrobe theme? I wish that they would do it every 6 months.

>> No.7323107

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?
27 individual (55 total)

>how much time did you spend making the post?
Probably around 2 hours, maybe 2.5. Wish I had done more, like detail pictures or coordinates or something.

>> No.7323109

I scroll through the lame ones and the ones with crappy photography, but I won't comment or anything. If they have at least half-decent quality, good lighting, and a clean room, then I'll leave a comment because I know how nice it is to get a little attention.

>> No.7323111

I wish it was every 6 months, too. I think it will probably keep going every year until EGL dies completely.

I think I'll do a six month one this summer for my personal blog and tumblr, just for fun. Maybe I'll actually remember to use some of the cool ideas I'm getting from all the good posts this month...

>> No.7323114

>In the realm of around 80~ total
>Busted it out in a day starting around 11 and ending at 7... so, 8 hours? Holy shit.

>> No.7323120

Damn, eight hours? Did you do coordinates or dress up a dressform? That's crazy...

>> No.7323119

I think it will be a thing even after EGL dies. A lot of people have posted theirs to Tumblr, rather than EGL. It will probably be a thing until lolita dies.

>> No.7323123

That's probably true, but as an EGL theme, I figure it'll chug along until the bitter end. But the eventual and inevitable tumblr/facebook migration will happen, too.

>> No.7323135

Sadly, it wasn't even that I made coords or had a dressform (which I'm sure would have made it really nice). I'm going to guesstimate that it took around 4-5 hours to take the pictures, and the rest was editing and formatting.

>> No.7323152

I don't want egl to die. I'm too much of a sap but I know it is inevitable. I like doing my wardrobe post on LJ than on Tumblr because it's nice to get comments than some reblog or like.

~attentionwhore 5ever~

>> No.7323163

Fellow Ozzie!

Thank god for no customs. I just went through and had another look at my invoices and saw that shipping for the A pack was only about $110 so no where near as bad I remember it being.

>> No.7323165
File: 37 KB, 526x291, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest post. Really?

>> No.7323186

jelly shoes, jelly shoes everywhere.

I liked xylia-x's wardobe, the black wardrobe and the tiny classic wardrobe recently. Which lolitas are left that you hope will post by the end of the month?

>> No.7323197

The black one was smaller than I tought from the preview photo but it was great.

>> No.7323218

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?
39 individual

>how much time did you spend making the post?
I spent a day photographing and processing, I kind of wish I'd been more careful, but it worked out in the end.

>> No.7323239

35 individual comments on LJ and 4300 notes on Tumblr.
Spread it out over January -- probably around twelve hours. More if you take into account procrastination.

>> No.7323244


>> No.7323320

Does Moss Marchen ever post? I'd love to see hers.

>> No.7323482


payapayapapaya got that much comments because she replied to every single posts and some of them evolves into a conversation. The actual comments should be half

>> No.7323523

Are you me, minus the legwear?
I've been into the fashion for about half a year to a year and have 20 main pieces but hardly anything else. This year will be different, I swear.

>> No.7323540

>how did you build your wardrobe?
I did more of a capsule method when I started. But now I've gotten down to a method of adding new colors. Basically, blouse, legwear, and if possible, a bag. I started with OTT sweet, but working more into classic, so after the first ivory blouse, I could get a few more main pieces. I'm working on adding brown, bordeaux, and cream. I'd also like to add some yellow into the mix for my sweet stuff, but it's proving to be a little difficult this time of year.

>what do you think is the ideal way to build a wardrobe?
I don't like the idea of sticking to one style or one color palette. But I think before you move onto another style or color, you should at least have some good basics down and gradually add more as needed. I think doing these wardrobe posts help to see what you need.

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?

>how much time did you spend making the post?
Probably about 8 hours total. Photographing (my wardrobe is about 20 main pieces, I didn't include my one replica and my one bodyline dress) and then creating graphics to add to the post for decoration. Also editing photos. That took awhile because I'm a fan of no floors showing and nice crisp, vibrant pictures.

>> No.7323814

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?
Only 20 individual, but I responded to all of them
>how much time did you spend making the post?
I put in a lot of effort this year. Like four days for about four hours a day, so 16 hours total. The response wasn't very good. I don't think I'll be doing one again next year. My wardrobe has 50+ main pieces depending on how you count them, so maybe my taste just sucks. I thought the pictures themselves were good.

>> No.7324019

>how many comments did your wardrobe post get?
25 or so. I only replied to some of them. I posted early in the month but my wardrobe isn't that impressive.

>how much time did you spend making the post?
About 2 to 3 hours laying things out and taking pictures, then maybe another hour or so to edit the images and set up the LJ post. It seriously took less time than I thought it would but then again my background wasn't very good and I lumped a lot of items together.

>> No.7324402

All of the comments should be half, but the fact is MOST all of the posts have comment replies because most people replied to the comments, thus cutting them in half would likely mean jack shit because all of them would be cut in half. I also felt that it meant that there was more 'interaction/activity' which is more relevant, I think. Besides who the hell wants to sit down and count individual comments? We'll save that for the end of the month thanks.

>> No.7324801

How is everyone rounding the corners of their photos?

>> No.7324817

Either a photo editor, or CSS. You can google a tutorial for the CSS, it's pretty simple.

>> No.7324852

Wow, some is salty. Most people reply to every single comment.

>> No.7327569

I think it's hilarious when you see wardrobes that have a lot of nice things, and are organized beautifully, but then you go to their tumblr to check out some of their outfits and they look like shit. What a waste.

>> No.7327770

Please tell me theyre a brand ita because that's the best sort of ita.

>> No.7327816


Who are you talking about ?

>> No.7328012
File: 2.22 MB, 1108x1663, burandochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really wish brand-chan would post her wardrobe

>> No.7328018

she doesnt have that much brand. look at her instagram

>> No.7328020

she has so much angelic prety ! are you blind ?

>> No.7328023

'Sweet lolita's got post more brand'

>> No.7328028

no, im not blind. do you own no Angelic Pretty or what?

>> No.7328048

if she owns from what i can see over 40 angelic pretty dress than she has lots of brand, if she had one or two it wouldn't be alot.

its logic. 40 > 1

>> No.7328051


I'm betting its this chick: http://egl.livejournal.com/19519796.html

Her room is kinda cute but her outfits not so much.

>> No.7328127

Any good recent wardrobe posts?

>> No.7328138


Eh she's not bad. Just casual looking.
You all make it sounds like she's a huge wreck. She's not.

(not a whiteknight. I don't even know her)

>> No.7328141

There's not even 20 dresses in that picture.

>> No.7328142

What was your favorite classic wardrobe ? I'm looking forward to make mine more cohesive, but I don't find that much classic wardrobe post that still cohesive while being small.

>> No.7328145

this girl is called deerskins on tumblr

>> No.7328146

Fanny Rose? is one of my favourites and Vysanthes isn't huge but is gorgeous. Does anyone know if that Melbourne lolita(I think)with all three colourways of Antionette Fleur rerelease ever posts here wardrobe?

>> No.7328151

It's Australia, it's summer and really hot and jelly's are so popular right now. She's not the only aus lolita to wear jellies I've seen others.

>> No.7328169

You guessed it!

Really? Have you seen the way she coords her shit? That Baby biscuit bag does NOT go with the AP polka dot chocolate.

>> No.7328174

God, she has so many of my dream pieces, and her outfits all look like shit.

>> No.7328175

jesus i've followed her for a while and girls got a shopping problem
i love to imagine how fun it will be to clean her room when/if her parents make her move out
in fact, if i were her parents i'd do it sooner rather than later. look at all that shit... jeez

>> No.7328478


>> No.7328489
File: 124 KB, 173x400, tumblr_mv468pdw8N1s1yl17o1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks fine, casual but cute. It matches. Get that sand out of your vag, anon.

>> No.7328505

>it matches

There's more to coording than just matching colors anon. The style of that particular biscuit bag does not go with the simplicity if the skirt.

>> No.7328514

I agree that theres more to coording than just matching colors. However, Its a simple coord, but the biscuit bag gives something to look at. Adds a bit of flavor to it.
It comes down to taste, I suppose.

>> No.7328527

Agreed. I'd wear it.

A casual outfit sometimes is best with a stand-out statement piece like a purse, scarf, or jacket.

>> No.7328745

I'm picky as hell about people clashing styles/motifs in outfits, but it goes together nicely. It's the colour of the cutsew (doesn't match the other pinks) that I'm iffy about. And the lack of a necklace or a cardigan/bolero.

>> No.7328747

What if its hot though?

>> No.7328753

Even in hot weather I can wear a blouse, and cardis/boleros are a lot cooler. But if it was a really hot day, it's fine. Her neck/arm area just looks so empty, I want to give her a necklace.

>> No.7328920

she only has a handful of popular ones, the others are shit. >>7328048
btw, amount is subjective. i dont consider 40 a lot. its average. her wardrobe contains a lot of filler from what i see, so even less than that.

>> No.7328953

40 isn't average by any means

>> No.7328964
File: 37 KB, 491x587, wardrobe size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really subjective. Average is maybe between 10-20.

>> No.7329026

in that deerfuckers vid she definately has a piece from almost every ap release to date. and they all werent borrowed

>> No.7329198

okay, give me the times. im 100% certain she doesnt. the dresses she hangs up above her bed are the most popular ones that she owns. Chocolate chess, daydream carnival, honeycake, holy night, and nothing else worth mentioning.

>> No.7329628


How the fuck does a newbie have that much brand? She seems really young as well.

>> No.7329673

I loved jahrhundert's, fashionbabylon's, xylia_x's, and mlle_camelia's. Each had something special. There were lots of others I liked, but those four stand out.

>> No.7329676

The sheer volume of omiai's wardrobe was impressive.

>> No.7329683

Has anyone had a look at any of the newbie posts? Some were quite good in my opinion.

>> No.7329752

Sometimes I can't handle sheer number... I get overwhlemed. i definitely appreciate wardrobes that are themed and really well organized, though.

>> No.7329876

I have nearly just as much as her (More skirts, as few less jsks, a looot more bags) and Ive only been buying since April of last year. Its not so hard so long as you dont spend much outside of it.

>> No.7329912

Is it just me or does there seem to be less epic fail this year?

>> No.7329954

No I agree mostly everyone's has been good to completely and utterly amazing

>> No.7330014

There's been a few with kind of bad photography, which is unmemorable. Only one really bad one, where that girl posted her awkward j-fash wardrobe.

>> No.7330099

How is it a waste if it is their money and their clothes?

>> No.7330634

hnngg thank you i love looking at statistics

>> No.7330643

If she owned "almost every ap release to date" she'd own thousands of dresses. Are you a moron?

>> No.7330656

>20~30 dresses per year
10? years (people only care about 2007+ tho so 7 years)
210 dresses?

>> No.7330841
File: 55 KB, 500x400, loveit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example, if you are just a dress hoarder, and i actually wear my dresses, and you have my dream dress and never gonna wear it
> mfw

>> No.7330848

Why do people post their bodyline wardrobes? You know the wardrobes that are nothing but bodyline?

>> No.7330850

Wearing dresses eventually wears them out though so tbh you're putting dresses down while hoarders are preserving them. Also your mindset really entitled.

>> No.7331511

I know I'm being picky with the last wardrobe. But naming out certain pieces and brands?

... and since when has Antique beasT ever labeled themselves Antique:BeasT??? It's not even on their stickers or tags (I own a couple pieces) or on their website...

>> No.7331515

>I know I'm being picky with the last wardrobe. But naming out certain pieces and brands?

^in the title I meant

>> No.7331692

I love all the old school velvet Meta love!

>> No.7332076

I thought that it seemed very "ME ME ME LOOK AT ME AND MY RARE PIECES." I know wardrobe posts are about attention but that post screamed attentionwhore with the title.

>> No.7332910

Bump for the million of posts that went up today

>> No.7333074

Bump again for new ones! Opinions?
Think we'll see any actual fail closer the the end of the month?

>> No.7333226

Sadly (or not?) it looks like this year is just gonna be fail-free

Of the most recent ones, the mint chocolate one is nice, as is go_slow_ly's, and the one with all the bunny ETC is nice, too. Ghostintheforest's is obviously great. Didn't care for chunlichan's (but then, I don't like sweet), and Cederlina's is predictably bad and full of bad attitude. The one that referenced doge I couldn't bear even bothering to look at.

>> No.7333405

The mint chocolate one was too much, all of my jelly. It's amazing someone can have such a coherent wardrobe and not get sick of it. My collection is all over the place, OTT sweet, classic, light sweet, gothic.

>> No.7333417

"A very small wardrobe"


>> No.7333422

it made my thirst for some mint chocolate go up thats for sure

i wish i werent so incoherent as well. i just love it all.

>> No.7333428

Oh lord I saw that one too, a couple BL pieces and a bunch of offbrand blouses? Only thing lolita about it was the shoes.

>> No.7333461

lollipurs was really really cute and I liked go_slow_ly's also the begineer wardrobes by darkmeow and violet_sometime were pretty good too.

>> No.7333466

I meant goth_meow. I also really admired minako_ichigo.

>> No.7333479

ok thats harsh man, lolita can submit no matter the quality of her volume
i was having a go at her title and subtitle thats all

>> No.7333643

How do you do a cut?
Do you put the bulk of your post inside the scissors or after them?

>> No.7333683

Read the LJ help FAQ

>> No.7334012

Two things I noticed this year:
All of the wardrobes have around 50% less comments than last year. Does this mean egl is finally dying?
The sweet wardrobes are getting less love than ever- is sweet finally dying? I do wish that damn painting dress trend would end though. I fucking hate it.

>> No.7334317

Did anyone else find it weird that a huge part of lady_enchanter's wardrobe was still NWT or in the original packaging? I know everyone owns a few pieces you don't find the occassion to wear but still keep them for some reason.. but leaving half of your wardrobe untouched? Idk, it's pretty sad imo.

>> No.7334383

I'm surprised she even has that much. Normally the big cunts of the community are those with scant or shitty wardrobes.

Seems to me she probably wears them with tags, so she can turn around and still it "NWT"

>> No.7334415

Actually i dont. I stay honest and take the tags off. 80% of my wardrobe is untouched. i collect more than i wear, i guess.

>> No.7334428

Why do you support Chinese replicas if you hate anything but Japan so much? Secret shoes are replicas and you have heaps. What a hypocrite you are.

>> No.7334430

I think egl is near its end. Also, fewer and fewer newbies are using it.
For example, a few weeks ago a number of newbies commented on a fb post in my city's comm about how egl was "so difficult, scary, and mean" that they were afraid to use it.
I think Tumblr and Facebook are going to turn the whole Western community into a fucking hugbox.
W/r/t sweet: Classic and gothic are both picking up in popularity. I would say "toned down sweet" or "sweet/classic" is the new trend.

>> No.7334444

I never mentioned i care for japan more than any other country. you all like so, though.

>> No.7334453


This closet is eerily similar to mine in terms of taste. Except mine is crammed in a tiny hall closet.

We even have some of the same stuff...

>> No.7334450

Yes you did, many times on BTB. You said that you wish you were Japanese even and that you didn't care about being racist. At least be consistent and don't lie.

>you all like so, though.
What is this supposed to mean? That I wear replica shoes? Because I don't.

>> No.7334463


>difficult, scary, and mean

Man I started going on EGL 2007 where getoffegl had real power and lolitafucks had posts on the regular. Carolinedesu, amanikitty, talia_speaks, and celticfreefall ruled with cruel.

Dese bitches don't know nothin bout EGL.

>> No.7334467

Oh really? How about some caps then? Fact is, when you call out racism (unless its obnoxiously so), youre projecting your own racism and calling someone else on it.

>> No.7334609

>when you call out racism (unless its obnoxiously so), youre projecting your own racism and calling someone else on it.

This is the most retarded thing I've read on /cgl/ today. Congrats, lady_enchanter, you poorly dress weeaboo.

>> No.7334663

Still better dressed than you.

>> No.7334790

That's not even bringing in half the bitches that were active at the time. I remember the Oregon girls going to conventions with signs that said "Hi LFMKII!" for itas to hold in photos.

>> No.7334825

Maybe if you actually wore your clothes.

>> No.7334836
File: 1010 KB, 500x292, 189203594301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are too much.

>> No.7335506

I like to flip through them and guess item name, band and year.

>> No.7335635

Ah, since you're here, would it be weird to shoot you a random message if we have questions about items we own?

>> No.7335727

lol, no, not at all. I don't mind. I'm happy to help if I can. I might not answer until tomorrow because I'm in the "...I hate clothes. I hate photos. please let me done" phase of wardrobe post photography though.

>> No.7336003

Finally. An ita wardrobe cobbled together from bedsheets and dreams.

>> No.7336083

>A wall decorated with little plaques of scrotum imprints: ranked using size, shape, alphabetical using the owners last name and how good they were in bed.
I picture this anon... I used to know someone who collected imprints of peoples ears and she hung them on the wall.

>> No.7336091

water does not hurt cats it's hardly extreme.

everyone's missing the point of there being no doors in the house even a bathroom door

>> No.7336241

Hell, most cats don't even require that you spray them. The moment you shake the bottle, they tend to bolt.

>> No.7336249

"doesnt hurt"
"cats bolt"
just because theyre not sizzling, bleeding or in bruises doesnt mean it isnt harming them

>> No.7336257


>> No.7336259


You know baths are beneficial for cats right?

>> No.7336258


seems like anyone with loli in their username defaults to ita somehow. i've only seen like one exception.

>> No.7336266

Random thought - I wonder why nobody has done Closet Child's local shop style of exhibition yet. They just put the dresses up on a hanger and then lift part of the skirt up to show detailing, then they take it from a slight angle to show the details of the print. I thought it was pretty cool and aesthetically pleasing, in case anyone wants to try that next year.

>> No.7336271
File: 39 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mzvvjoFLqb1s020upo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Possibly because it's less nice looking than I thought at first. Still, that sort of presentation has potential if no one has a dressform but wants to put their dresses upright

>> No.7336274

I'm pretty sure they only do it that way because they get so many items in each week that putting each on a dress form for photos would be a waste of time. Only the ones that end up on the main site get onto dress forms, seems like.

>> No.7336281

God, that really is awful.
I usually skip over ones that don't look/sound good from the first image or description.

>> No.7336291

Do your cats like boxes?
Set a new cardboard empty box near where you are working, always keeps my cats entertained, they like new boxes more then random floor things.

>> No.7336344

My first line of defense when I am working on something is to tie some ribbon to the doorknob so I am alerted when they are approaching.
Next I will set up boxes with good vantage points. They are nosy asses they just want to see what I am doing.
I will also lay out a towel because my boy likes to lay on towels.
If all else fails, time for corporate cuddles. Pick up cat, hold cat close, kiss cat a bit. Do not hurt cat. Just be really fucking annoying.
With this method, I am able to cut even the most expensive of fabrics without cat help.

>> No.7336345

What do you think about sakurafairy's wardrobe? She has a few cute handmade/vintage items, but together it just looks a bit...off. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's bad photography.Same with her outfits. I'm curious because I like thrift finds and handmade too, I wonder if my wardrobe ends up looking like hers.

>> No.7336526

I think her wardrobe is great, however a lot of the pieces look more vintage than lolita which might be what's throwing you off. Plus her coordination isn't traditional lolita style either.
Kinda like how you can wear some Jane Marple pieces as lolita, but it's not really a lolita brand. Her stuff is more that sort of in-between style.

>> No.7336538

I really like her style and outfits, but damn her face is so infortunate.

>> No.7336682

Because someone needs to stand to see it?
What are we hanging from?

Seems more fruitless effort than dumping on a bed

>> No.7337096


Oh wow, no comments. That is just embarassing :(
Even the awkward 'J-fashion' one got a few

>> No.7337142

>If all else fails, time for corporate cuddles. Pick up cat, hold cat close, kiss cat a bit. Do not hurt cat. Just be really fucking annoying.

This is so cute.

>> No.7337147

Her wardrobe seems more vintage than anything, especially with the styling of the pieces and her makeup/hair. I'm not into it at all.

>> No.7337199

>favorite wardrobe so far?

Omiai – Because I pretty much want to own everything she has - http://egl.livejournal.com/19522023.html

Onlyeasy – Gorgeous photos and great Jane Marple - http://egl.livejournal.com/19481817.html

Jahrhundert – Her wardrobe speaks for itself - http://egl.livejournal.com/19462565.html

Go_slow_ly – love the way she framed everything with details - http://egl.livejournal.com/19530386.html

xylia_x – The epitome of a fabulous classic wardrobe - http://egl.livejournal.com/19515292.html

xandra292 – loved the emphasis on jewel tones with purple and teal - http://egl.livejournal.com/19536096.html

>> No.7337367

There were so many great wardrobes that it is hard to pick a favorite. I agree with other anons that this year has been good for wardrobe posts.

>> No.7337413

I love her wardrobe but it is not a great 'lolita' fit. She's always had a more vintage feel in her outfits so that's the feeling I got from it, but I am SO jealous of her hat collection, just wow.

But I get it seems off, because it's not really lolita/

>> No.7338005

i was really jealous, too. It actually also made me really want promenade de paris, as well as the chess chocolate miniskirt.

>> No.7338017

I got all the main pieces of my wardrobe photographed and photos edited, but there's still everything else, like shoes/accessories/purses/ to photograph... urgh. It's feels more wearisome to second time.

Plus side my wardrobe doubled since last year, from 10 to 20+ and such. Everything actually doubled. Awesome.

>> No.7338717

Has anybody else noticed how much people have that gathered chiffon dress by aatp?

>> No.7338719

sometimes cohesive wardrobles are gorgeous but i feel this feel, i think i'd get super bored if it were all similar. i love my incoherent wardrobe. ott sweet, old school, and otome.

>> No.7338730

Well, wasn't it rereleased like, twice? And pretty popular.

>> No.7338742

I don't know, I'm a noob.
I can see why it's popular though, it is really pretty. And everybody loves chiffon.

>> No.7338751

its been released like 10 million times

>> No.7338912

And yet I seem to miss out on it every time

>> No.7338959

last two days. Time for all the big ones to go up....

>> No.7338966

There are almost always a couple on auction. I got the navy that way, nwot. I think it cost me $180 after shipping and fees?

>> No.7339554

So have a lot of other dresses that aren't nearly as popular though. Baby has a knack for that.

>> No.7339651

It's kind of THE fancy AatP dress to have, especially if it's in a rarer colourway.

>> No.7339675

Cadney's is up. Bump for sweet bitches

>> No.7341638

Blondedebates has some amazing dresses

>> No.7342006

Buttcape's is awesome as ever. I also really like the super sweet pink hime one.

>> No.7342459

Bump for the last few posts. Opinions/favourite?

I think it's great that so many people showed their storage (especially animerei in her Alaskan storeroom, that shit is intense), but there was one where it felt like an awkward weeb room that didn't feel related to lolita.

Of the last few, I think blondedebate, buttcape, and ehcapella stood out to me the most, I think for obvious reasons.

There was one in particular that I didn't like, since it wasn't like it was a bad collection, but for some reason every picture was framed with a pink sparkly border with butterflies and shit, accompanied by the life story of each dress in curly font? tl;dr, no one wants to read that.

>> No.7342467

so i think its time for people to post which wardrobes were their favorite? I'm curious since I havent been keeping up.

>> No.7342496

I loved many of the big wardrobes just like everybody else here, but I was also surprised how many beginners posted really nice pictures of the few items they own. You could really feel the love and excitement that I missed in some of the larger posts. I also liked the little stories about the dresses, they made me happy.

Otherwise my favorites were xandra292, sakurafairy, five_inch_heel, tablesheet, cadney_chan, antik_poesi and riotkitty

>> No.7342565

Blondedebates was all of my jelly, but christ would it have killed her to have spent 30 minutes on layout and lighting?

>> No.7342675

I haven't caught up either, besides the brand heavy ones so far I like paillette's, it's nice to see so much handmade that isn't crappy and holy shit she has a lot of good bags.

>> No.7344411


>> No.7344425

I think it's interesting that the last batch of posts aren't getting many comments at all, since I'd have assumed they would get more (according to anons here, anyway) but I can understand since so many got uploaded at once, it's hard to want to comment not them all, even if they're good. But it made me glad I did mine last week.

>> No.7344437

Nice to see a fattchan wardrobe without replicas in it.

>> No.7345007

agree I got tired of looking at them last week

>> No.7345294

kind of glad I was to lazy to do mine this year.
Maybe I will post it to my tumblr or something latter.

>> No.7345719

My photobucket bandwidth crashed.

I'm actually really surprised.

>> No.7346765

So didn't fannyrosie post hers this year or did I just miss it?

>> No.7346811


As far as I know she did not post it. She wrote on tumblr that there werent any big changes in her wardrobe this years, guess thats why she did not post this year. Too bad, I always enjoy hers

>> No.7347897

Opinions on late wardrobes? I like some of the ones that have been put up, but I can't really bring myself to bother to comment.

>> No.7347986

Here is the highest comment tally as of now - What do you guys think? Are your favorite's on here? Who stood out to you and why?

Siriusc – 75

Glass_Bubblegum - 75

Xandra292 – 79

Omiai – 79

Mintiemii - 81

Violetnoir – 88

Ruban_Rose - 88

Arashi_san88 – 94

Kyashii – 96

Bunny_labbits - 99

Obsixwi – 103

mlle_marianne – 109

Xylia_x – 110

Riotkitty – 118

Darkromantica – 119

Alyssiumbaby – 121

Payapayapapaya - 131

Redtonic – 137

>> No.7348419

Siriusc- Her wardrobe isn't huge, but she has great style and taste
Omiai- I remember her great JetJ and classic collection
Xandra292-Her teal/jeweltone pieces really stood out
Kyashii- Loved her gorgeous room
mlle_marianne- Obviously memorable for her chiffon and MM
Xylia_x- I think in part her wardrobe was popular because she is well known, but her wardrobe is really nicely curated and her closet is organisational porn
Riotkitty_- Her BTSSB nonprint stood out to me the most.
Darkromantica- Obviously her sheer amount of rare prints was memorable. I liked her more gothic things, since there isn't very much gothic on this list
Alyssiumbaby- Just shit tons of stuff
Payapayapapaya- Besides being the first post, I think she hit all the good points without having a huge wardrobe- nice presentation, rare pieces, coord shots, nice handmade
Redtonic- just an amazing mix of classic, gothic, an rare items

There are definitely a few I were surprised didn't make it on the list, probably because of late posting, etc. Choke was one person I expected to get more comments, but Blondebates and Buttcape are always favourites of mine to see. I can't remember exactly whom, but there were some people with immensely huge hat collections, which is really inspiring to me because I need to expand that part of my wardrobe. There were a lot of really good wardrobes this year, though, and I'm really quite glad that the over all quality of posts improved.

>> No.7350368

Bump for more late posts. At least they're good!

>> No.7350704

You missed Jahr's- it's 123 comments

>> No.7353602

Sad that egl is dead now that people are actually being civil over wardrobe posts and not yelling "WHORE!" about anyone with a nice collection.

>> No.7353679

People weren't yelling 'WHORE!' but some were calling some chick an ita earlier on in the thread.

>> No.7353693

You mean here?


>> No.7355144


Sad that people finally have common sense to comprehend that women can have respectable jobs that pays well to fund the hobbies. Lolita fashion aren't expensive compared to the real luxury brands out there.

The ones who yells 'whores' usually are students or retail/fast food slaves who can not comprehend 'living salaries'

>> No.7355460

so what do you think of these late post? One or two days okay, but I hope we don't get more late ones.

>> No.7355825

I wonder why it was so bad back in the days. It shocked me how jealous so many people were over wardrobes. As if the only way anyone could own any Lolita is if they were a prostitute or had a sugar daddy. Glad that those days on cgl are now gone.

>> No.7355832

did people actually post this on livejournal?
i find that impossible without the anonymity

>> No.7355833

It makes sense that since EGL used to be bigger, there were a larger variety of reactions (plus, more potential for drama).

It's also easier to get nice prints now. Look at al the year one newbies with them.

>> No.7355854

>It's also easier to get nice prints now. Look at al the year one newbies with them.
I do think this hits the nail on the head. There are still rare, desirable pieces out there, but the ease of getting items overall has really gone up, and the use of Japanese auctions/secondhand means more of those desirable pieces are finding their way to Western closets. Overall, we're just not as surprised or amazed (or jealous) anymore about the things we might have been some years back.

>> No.7357014

>Lolita fashion aren't expensive compared to the real luxury brands out there.
My SO teases me about it sometimes. But he likes Lolita on me too.

>> No.7358678

Lolita newbies with terrible wardrobes

why are you posting now

it is more than a week after January

you are ruining what was a perfectly nice 2014 wardrobe theme