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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7308851 No.7308851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you come up with genderbend cosplay which manages to be obviously genderbent rather than 'I can't be bothered to bind', but at the same time isn't just 'stick him in a miniskirt'?

>> No.7308867

alter the outfit enough to be different from the male version, making it more feminine without just slutting it up.
its not that hard honestly, and sometimes not a lot needs to be changed other than maybe hair length and pants type or shirt fit and shoes.
if it doesn't fit the character's personality, don't put them in a skirt.
look at the character's outfit and picture what it would look like if you just made it female instead of male. not all girls wear skirts or have their boobs showing like most all gender bends end up looking like

>> No.7308897

I think the best approach is just to think about the character and what they might wear if they were the opposite gender, while keeping some iconic details in mind. Consider what the character's outfit says about them and their priorities when it comes to clothing––for example, if we're looking at a male who is very active and prioritizes comfort or practicality, a skirt would probably be inappropriate even in a genderbend.

>> No.7308929

I like to think about what the character would wear as the opposite sex. Adding a long wig and skirt are lazy as fuck. Little details matter, and it's great to have fun with it. I don't pay attention to slutty genderbends, but I do love well thought out ones, like this female Captain America I saw who had an entire outfit that covered her with a proper hair style for the 40s era.

OP doctor is so cute. Dear gods.

>> No.7308992

There is such a thing as a casual cosplay.... not everyone has to sink money and time into every single costume.

It's stupid to call people lazy when there's really no "right" way to cosplay. Everyone has different goals, abilities, limitations, and standards.

The cosplayer in this photo makes other costumes which are generally hand made and good quality. Why does it matter if she does a simple genderbend to have a comfy cosplay with her friends? ALERT: these people don't cosplay for YOU they cosplay for themselves

But if someone wants to go all out and make an elaborate genderbend, be my guest! There's nothing wrong with that either. But almost every cosplayer has a few "lazy" costumes to wear when they want to be comfortable.

>> No.7309004
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You sound mad.

>> No.7309008

Lol you sound like the lazy genderbend cosplayers we are talking about.
>i want to cosplay Homura, but I'm a guy, so I'm just going to wear black jeans and a short black wig with red glasses
>whaaa why does no one take my photo? I put so much thought into this

>> No.7309014
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I just don't understand it, at all. I don't get the appeal and I don't find them interesting at all. Most of the time it's to slut it up. This chick keeps posting everywhere. So much attentionwhore, getting so much attention, and I really am mad as hell

>> No.7309019

Her cosplay is lazy as fuck. I think it can be done well, but it really does have to have work and thought put into it. I was going to do female Link, but I would still have chain mail and wear pants, just figure out little here and there details. Male Zelda would be hot if done right.

>> No.7309025

>link cosplay at all

I'm not usually the sort of person that gets upset by overdone cosplay, but I'll make an exception for Link. If I ever see another Link cosplayer again, it'll be too soon.

>> No.7309051

All I see are a bunch of butthurt and jealous cosplayers.

- it doesn't matter if people cosplay for attention (Surprise: we all do it, don't lie and say you don't want any form of attention, cuz that's a lie lol)
- if someone wants to dress sexy, it doesn't matter. It's not holding you back from making your cosplay. Mind your own fucking business
- who the fuck cares if it's "lazy"? After I've slaved away hand sewing beads or painting some massive uncomfortable armor I'd be crazy if I didn't throw in a comfortable "lazy" cosplay to wear one day for a break. Also, some people don't have the money, time, or ability to create a fantastic genderbend cosplay you elitist pieces of shit. So when you criticize people for being "lazy" you make yourself look like a judgmental ass.

With regards to the cosplayer in this photo, she's actually really nice. I've met her irl and she certainly did not come off at all snobby or rude. She took a personal interest in how I was enjoying the convention and how I made my cosplay. The rest of her friends I can't speak for though because I have not met them.

The fact of the matter is unfortunately people who get popular always get attacked by jealous fucknuggets like yourselves because you feel like you deserve it more. Which you might have hella rad crafting skills and whatever, but who cares? As long as you're doing something you enjoy then don't worry about everyone else. She's popular, get over it. You posting some hateful comment isn't going to make people think "Wow, this person is right, lets all ditch nina and follow this new, better person!! WOW!!!" ... all it does it make you an asshole with no life complaining on the internet. Why not do something useful? (I realize by posting this I also, am an asshole with no life)

>> No.7309057
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Stop being a slut if you want people to respect you.

>> No.7309068

That girl needs to learn how to smile.

>> No.7309124
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A bloo bloo
Listen, I know people do Link a lot, but I've been wanting to cosplay him since late 1998 and I'll do what I want. I don't think people will ever stop cosplaying Link because new stuff with Nintendo and Loz keep coming out. Get over yourself.

>> No.7309128


>> No.7309141

Intead of a miniskirt, go for a tasteful knee-length skirt.

Take inspiration from the female characters in the universe, if that applies.

Make sure you always keep personality in mind, ask, "What would a girl like that actually wear?"

I'm working on a genderbend right now, and there's a female character who is sort of his counterpart, so I took elements from both of their outfits to create mine. The overall design of hers, to be accurate to the way that a female dresses in that situation, and then the colors and details of his clothing. For the hair I thought about what he might do, and decided that since he likes things being practical, just a short ponytail would work.

>> No.7309179
File: 83 KB, 533x800, fem eight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking Doctor Who, since you used a Doctor Who picture as the OP, then it's pretty easy. I've saw a really good genderbent!five at GallifreyOne last year that I think would help draw some ideas from, since I think she successfully pulled it off without slutting it up.

For now, here's a fem!eight. I'll look for a fully body of the five.

>> No.7309197
File: 147 KB, 421x639, fem-doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she had a longer skirt when I saw her, but it's still not too short. I still think she's a good example of genderbending for DW.

>> No.7309388
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>> No.7309395
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The problem comes in where hobby-cosplayers pull this.
Partly because there's so much information out there. You can easily find tutorials or at least examples on how to make a good sword, cap, shirt, sheild, everything!

There are lots of reference pictures with lots of detail for you to be able to look in and see all the little details. There are lots of very good link cosplays for you to look at and take inspiration from. There are lots of talented link cosplayers that you could even ask about the specifics!

There are different versions to choose from, whether you're going cheesy anime or edgy twilight princess. All with different details.

Will all these possibilities, it's disappointing that people aren't using the information at hand and instead put on some leggings and off-color smock, tie it together with a belt from their closet, and a plain cap with no details.

I won't blame someone for doing a super lazy link just for the sake of having worn something, but they're gonna have to admit it's lazy. It's like walking around in a kigurumi. I'm going to assume that cosplay isn't a hobby of theirs, but that they're just dressing up for the hell of it.

But then you see people who have done a lot of cosplays in the past and are obviously motivated to put time and money into their costumes and they do this? I don't get it.

Even if it's the shittiest thing, you make the x's in his hat with a single strand of sewing thread, your emblems (like windwaker's belt buckle) literally looks like a drop of poop, you cut a v in a turtle neck to make his mock collar, his arm guards are obviously made out of craft foam, you made his anti-grav bangs look more like antennae -- at least you TRIED and you're giving yourself an opportunity to improve at this craft.

Run around in a green dress and no wig and call it Link, go ahead. Just don't call yourself some master cosplayer.

>> No.7309403

either she has crooked teeth or she thinks what shes doing with her mouth looks cute. like how people do those stupid duck faces

>> No.7309405

Keep it similar to the original, but maybe add a skirt/dress or longer hair. You don't want it to be so similar that it just looks like a lazy attempt at the male version, there should be something distinctly female but otherwise keep it similar.
Don't add more cleavage then necessary if you don't want people getting butthurt.

>> No.7309417

Well, yeah. But anon was implying that Link cosplaying at all was bad, they (you?) said nothing about effort.

>> No.7309452

I think it's a bit oversimplified, kind of like how when most feminists say "ALL MEN ARE PIGS! LET'S BURN THEM ALL" they do not actual want to rain genocide against the male gender. They're expressing frustration in an exaggerated way, to let off steam. This anger can look like genuine hatred to many, and some women take it literally. Which I think is a part of how people get really mad at feminists.
(I realize that bad cosplay =/= sexism, I'm using a dramatic example to get my point across)

Political commentary aside! I am very off topic!

It might also have a part in what I said about how lazy links, I assume they aren't cosplayers. This might be because they're poor- which, no problem, have fun! Cosplay is just a very expensive hobby, and you can't really be poor and be a cosplayer too.

But other people don't see that these are not cosplayers. So when people associate cosplay with a green dress and leggings, it kind of hurts the already poor reputation we have as a hobby. So much skill goes into this hobby, but if you go into the story threads here, when asked about it most people will say "costume designer" or something along those lines. Partly because a lot people don't know what cosplay is, and partly because the few who do know it because they see the media go up to overweight males in bought Japanese school girl uniforms.

Cosplay is so much more than being a good thrift shopper.

Other sources of anger is that maybe they don't see the split like I do with lazy cosplays =/= cosplayers. So where I was saying with, if you're a cosplayer, and have cosplayed, why don't you try to improve this beautiful craft? You could look wonderful if you tried!

And having people say "IT'S JUST FOR FUN!!!" might be interpreted to mean that effort isn't appreciated, because it's just for fun! Why would you put so much time and effort into your cosplay?
I have heard people actually argue this before.

/end armchair psych session

>> No.7309866

OTL: I met her at Dragon*Con. She... didn't really recognize my costume which was weird as shit considering she's a huge fan of the character I was.

And she dismissed me like I was a 5 year old child and was pretty short with me.

>> No.7309892


>using 'feminist' phrases that even feminists like to remove themselves from as an analogy to cosplay

This is going to end well. Real well.

>> No.7309908

Dragon*Con is also a tremendously overwhelming con. I remember the first time I attended, I was terrified of the crowds and got really grouchy because of it, even though I was having a good time overall. There's so much going on (every time you blink it's like the crowd and costumes change over) that I wouldn't take it personally if someone didn't recognize you or was "short"/"dismissive" of you.

I've met her at C2E2, she took time to talk to me and even though she didn't know the character I was dressed as (Cally from BGS), she asked me about the series and the character and how I made the costume. I can see her being a little awkward but hell, at an anime/comic con, that kind of goes with the territory.

Anyway in terms of good genderbending advice! In addition to what's already been said, stay true to the "feeling" of the character's original design, too. If the character's actual outfit is sophisticated and modest, don't opt for something spunky/cute/revealing when you genderbend them. Take their personality into account. Would stoic, reserved Squall really be comfortable in a mini skirt? Probably not.

>> No.7309925

Holy shit, what? OP here, I posted the girl because I thought she was a good example of a genderbend cosplay.

>> No.7309935

I agree, all of these are good. I personally can't see Four with a short skirt and high heels ever, but I think the ones she picked are reasonably feminine without being overly sexualised. I love her hat, too. Also love the Five and how well she managed to translate the 'public school cricket' theme, though I can't imagine her outside of trainers. The Eight is excellent. Not saying that she is, but I honestly would think oversexualisation is appropriate for a female Eight since his/her outfit is canonically someone else's fancy dress costume.

>> No.7310074
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I agree with these folks. It's really about thinking about the character and their personality and how it would translate to the opposite gender equivalent. But you also have some freedom in how you choose to interpret the design. I wouldn't say skirt's or long hair are taboo always, just depends on what the focus is of your interpretation - how literal you want to be or do you really want to feel cute/sexy. For example, I was the 7th doctor in this group with OP's doctor and I kept everything pretty much the same but swapped out a more feminine but equivalent hat, a woman's blazer, a tasteful knee length skirt that had a pattern that was similar to 7 pants, stockings instead of socks, and shoes that were literally the same style, only in a woman's heel. Now realistically the doctor runs around a lot so a fem doctor most likely wouldn't wear heels and a skirt, but I thought they were a cute touch and helped distinguish my otherwise quite literal outfit as distinctly feminine. I also went with long hair, but in a layered cut so I would have the kind of poof on the sides that you'd often see with Sylvester's hair.

>> No.7311544

>hand made and good quality

lol you can't be talking about Sirene/Hythe her shit sucks in person.