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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 201 KB, 615x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7312287 No.7312287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lookie what popped up on my dash.
Of course, commence the bitching of "but I didn't ASK for help; I can dress myself TYVM" because someone gave a tip to lose the tights.

>> No.7312295

Is that a man or a woman? And is the parasol a blue-ish tint or is it just my screen?

>> No.7312299

>oh an ita thread how fun!
>vanilla lace
>every time I run into this trip he/she's a raging cunt

>> No.7312300

Wait, what? I barely post here under my trip, and I actually thought I had erased it.

>> No.7312306

Trip or not that outfit is ita as hell

>> No.7312319

true true. I wish I saw the post of her complaining
well, the few times you have, it has been an unpleasant experience. congrats.

>> No.7312335

>saw the comments
Well, to perpetuate my cunty-ness, you want screen caps?

>> No.7312341

sure. but seriously, don't be a cunt on trip.
you've said some awful things about me and I don't really appreciate that.

>> No.7312343

do you even dress lolita? ive never seen a photo only u shitting up cgl

>> No.7312344


Yes, please.

>> No.7312351

I honestly think you're mistaking me for another trip. Check the archives; I never said anything on here that could even be misunderstood as a personal attack or insult.

>> No.7312356 [DELETED] 

So, can we get over the whole tripfag thing and post some itas... or caps from OP? Either one would be spiff.

>> No.7312355
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>> No.7312359

no, its you.

>> No.7312360

>somebody help
>jk I'll do whatever I want because I am perf

>> No.7312362
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I would suck bloodandcupcakez's dick.

>> No.7312364

lol 'bloodandcupcakez'

>> No.7312365

>that top with that jsk
>then you add the bag and the shoes because the collar of the top was black

>> No.7312371

I'm not going to lie, if she was skinnier and wore a wig (or didn't have that nasty styled hair) it probably would look oddly quirky-cute. On her it is a hot mess.>>7312362

>> No.7312385

Holy hell.
Uh, hi guys.
BloodAndCupcakez here.
Apparently I've started a war.
I'm now waiting for the people to call me mean and "attack" me.
And for those of you who will research the post, yes that Surface Spell pic is me. Yes it is a fucking nightmare. And no, I didn't mean for it to get posted. I had typed it all out and then I decided that no, it was a fucking hot mess and I was high to even think it looked good, so I hit discard post...or so I thought I did. Oh well. *shrug* lesson learned.

>> No.7312386

tbh, I wouldn't feel any different about the outfit. Too many random color accents that either aren't in the print enough or not at all. The reds don't match. Too many shit accessories that don't fit the theme of the print. Ankle socks and tights. Bad distribution of color throughout the cord. Bad balance. This outfit is a hotass mess and the girl wearing it appears to think she's above concrit and seems to have a rotten personality.

There is nothing to salvage about this. Just tell her "enjoy looking like a train wreck" and move on.

>> No.7312393

I like you a lot still

>> No.7312396

Watching this go down on your tumblr with a bucket of popcorn.

More semi-interesting comments on falafel-sister's tumblr about mustard-tight girl.


>> No.7312397

Nah, don't worry about it. It was a major dick move of that chick to dreg up your personal photos like that. If it makes you feel better, she seems ita as fuck, too. (The "It might not be good but at least it's INTERESTING!" comment was a dead giveaway as far as I'm concerned.) So she probably looks as busted as her personality.

We all have our off days and we all start somewhere. Besides, I'm not a great artist, but I can tell when someone's anatomy and shading is off. Your personal level of skill doesn't mean you don't have anything of value to say in the way of critique. At least you offered your advice. She and her friends are probably super butthurt because tumblr is a hugbox and she wasn't expecting anything other than people licking her ass for how special and unique she is. Or at least that's the impression I get from the way she and her friends are acting.

If it makes you feel better, I'd be happy to offer you some advice if you're open to it. This isn't exactly the thread for it, but I'm sure we can find somewhere.

>> No.7312403
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Incoming falafel.


>> No.7312405

That girl sounds vicious, though.
>I have the skirt, the mustard tights def go with it when you look at it up close
>no but srsly guise u just need to get close to her to see it it totes matches

>And was nothing but polite about it. (maybe a little sarcastic but not in a mean way)
>not mean

pick one

I mean sure, you have no grounds for criticism but at least you acknowledge you fucked up

>> No.7312406

Just throwing on a trip for this thread.
Thanks guys. And to advice anon, sure! Advice would be awesome! Do you tumblr or no?

And the messages have started coming in. Le sigh.

>> No.7312408
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>> No.7312412
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>> No.7312409
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>mfw that craft room

I'm not surprised that she's badly dressed either. At least she matches her wildly inappropriate motifs.

>> No.7312413

I do not have a yu gi oh screen cap that can adequately describe what I'm feeling

>> No.7312417
File: 95 KB, 612x612, 1390117127113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7312415

Oh my god and I know the "Me being kinda slutyyyyyyyy" one isn't lolita but I laughed so hard

>> No.7312419
File: 113 KB, 612x612, 1390117231511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this fucking pose?

>> No.7312420

Boring, but kinda cute.
But why is she looking down in all her photos?

>> No.7312421

>"not exactly the most stylish lolita we have ever seen"
>dresses like this

Nowhere in that dress (to my knowledge) is there a fire-engine red anything. Why add a bright red, polka dotted cardigan?

>> No.7312422

Probably so she can look kawaii uggu.

>> No.7312424

>mustard colored tights

>> No.7312428

Maybe to hide her face?

>> No.7312432
File: 450 KB, 500x270, tumblr_lkc70p1rmQ1qctt0ho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cheetah print with florals. That's it. Jesus. Animal print does not belong in fields of red and pink roses. Just- ugh.

>> No.7312439
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And now back to Julia.

>> No.7312443
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>> No.7312450
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>> No.7312447

This wouldn't even be so bad if not for that hair... Ugh.

This, on the other hand. No.

>> No.7312448

it coulda been good, but its so bad, bitch needs a wig if she dont want us to gag

>> No.7312452

She keeps doing this Jim Belushi face too and I can't tell if I hate it or it's endearing.

>> No.7312453

I don't even understand why those people argue with each other. Go back learning some more about lolita, making some cute accessories and a at least ok outfit, lear to style your hair and do your make up, then you can post yourself on the internet and argue with each others.
I can't figure how someone older than 16 can dress themselves like that and be proud of it, unless they are some kind of redneck, and even with that, still bad.

>> No.7312455
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>> No.7312459

girl ya need some makeup im sorry to say, she looks like a horse who ate too much hay.

>> No.7312458
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Get a closer look.

>> No.7312462
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>> No.7312464

that looks like a fake corset, NO NO NO, all you look like is a cheap ass hoe.
>i am the worst meanie evar

>> No.7312466
File: 95 KB, 640x960, 1390118460692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And that's the last of the big girl who can dress herself.

>> No.7312468

Yeah, it's a bit of a trainwreck all around. Just every which way, bad coords from everyone in the argument.

It's almost cosmically aligned with the ita thread.

If not for their bickering, I feel like this whole thing would be a different conversation

>> No.7312474

i think the problem is that she just can't fucking match colors for shit

>> No.7312480

Even as one of the arguing parties, I do agree. I will admit, sometimes the drama whore in me creeps back up and I get caught up in shit.

Not nessisarily. Somedays I feel like I have fashion ADD and I turn into a 4 year old, saying "I wanna wear what I want! *gets dressed* I look awesome! *takes a pic*" then later on, I realize I look like a retard.

>> No.7312479

>big girl
>can dress herself
how about no

I don't understand how people with such piggu faces have the confidence to let it all hang out with no bangs or make-up. I have never seen such an unfortunate combination of double chin + butt chin + huge nose. Also why does she look so saggy all over? Like her tits and arms and even petticoat are melting off her and fit like a burlap sack over potatoes.

>> No.7312482

"When I read this post I kinda expected it to have more notes. I assumed that it would have like a thousand positive notes and like three rude comments. At least ratio wise. I am honestly surprised that people would be such basic bitches so quickly. You look lovely btw."

Which proves that, goddamn tumblr. You have no sense of style. I mean, would any of them honestly step outside, see a person dressed like that and say, "WOW. That is one rad outfit!"- providing they leave their house, of course.

>> No.7312485

Shit, forgot the link to that comment.


Comment to the above post provided by the generous ladylarkin.

>> No.7312483

i like you. i like you a lot.

>> No.7312489

HAAHAA! HAAHAAHAA! Oh my god, Julia started following me! What the hell?

>> No.7312492

I do, I do! But it's three am here. I'm likely to be up all night, but my mind isn't focused enough to give you anything worthwhile at the moment. I've got the main page of your tumblr up so I'll drop you a line tomorrow once I've slept an hour or two.

>> No.7312497

You are actually not that bad, altought you definitly need to work more on your outfits. In fact, comparing to the other posters, you are ok. I was particulary speaking about OP's pic, apart from being color blind I don't know how one can fuck up something this easy to coord.
Anyway, you sound nice and well-headed, I'm sorry you are going trought this tumblr shitty hug-bow mentality right now. I sometimes really miss the harsher days of our lolita community. (god I sound old, I swear I'm not that old)

>> No.7312500

hugbox (can't type for shit)

>> No.7312501

moar itas

>> No.7312504

I think it's pretty terrible/fascinating how quickly someone took advantage of hugbox culture and used one person's criticism as an excuse to be a full blown asshole and DIG through their tumblr to drag them through the mud.

Pro-tip kids reading: You're not being a good person by defending someone in the most assholey way possible and your attitude doesn't get justified by your intentions,

>> No.7312518

I saw her in person at The Fairytale Boutique/LA fashion walk. It really didn't match but she was nice so i felt bad

>> No.7312521

you were there too? tbh her outfit was far from the worst there...

>> No.7312522

This so much. The first comment was rude, but you can tell that it was not tought, it was obviously written with anger or something. Even with that, just answering "so explain me why and help me", even with a bit of sarcasm was the best thing to do. Digging up someone's outfit to shit on them is stupid. Mustard-chan asked more or less for concrit in her picture description, she got upset when people actually tried to help her, it's her fault. If you post your picture on the internet, linked to a specific fashion and on a image/fashion board, people will concrit and critisize, that's normal. You don't have to react like a autistic child who didn't recieved something he wanted.
Plus if you want ass pat, fame and people telling you you're beautiful, you need to deserve it

>> No.7312538
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I agree with you. I got into the online Lolita comm circa 2007 and it was very different. Sure we had a reputation for being "mean", but we were no worse than any hobbyist or fashion community in my opinion. Even though we weren't perfect, there were also more rigorous standards when it came to styling. I remember when people would say "Don't post your pictures online if you don't want concrit" on daily_lolita of all places. The special snowflakes would eventually flounce because they thought we were all elitists and those that were serious about improving and not just in it for praise would (usually) get better.

Now people are trying to come up with "experimental coords" and most aren't open to constructive critique. (Pic related. I feel this way about the idea that "boring" coords aren't good.) Those who want to say something seem to be afraid to. In my opinion, it's driving our standards into the toilet.

The coord threads on here give me hope, though. I really like helping people so I'm always in there making suggestions when I can. Though I've seen people completely ignore some of the advice others have given them still.

Part of me wants to run a Lolita style blog on tumblr. I would post advice based on what I've learned about fashion (filtered through the lens of my own opinion, I admit), post resources and tutorials I've found useful, and allow submissions so everyone following the blog--not just me can give advice. I don't know that I would post advice I don't agree with, though. Assuming that it even gains recognition, people will probably hate it or at least think I'm some kind of snob. Still, I'd like to feel as if I was helping at least some people.

I just want everyone to look pretty and feel pretty. Everyone deserves their best.

>> No.7312543

you haven't started any kind of "War", don't be stupid.

>> No.7312551
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>> No.7312556

We are the same "lolita age", I started lolita around 2007 and got on the online comm the year after (I was really young and english wasn't my first language), and even at that time people weren't really mean. I mean, maybe it's because I come from a fashionable familly but it's obvious that fashion have rules, grapsing the aesthetic basics took me more or less two years when I was 12 ! Anybody older than 16 and who can read english easily shouldn't take more than a few month or a year to produce some basic, two coloured "boring" outfit. It's not that hard.
It's understandable that concrit isn't always pleasing to hear, but if you don't want people to critisize don't post it, that's all. I'm not an elitist person by any mean, and I like seeing dresses from everywear (I'm not found of replics but if one want to wear it, good for them), but I'm picky about coordinate and I'm often baffled when I see people's "finest" outfits to con and nothing match/it's not well balanced.

I'd totally be with you on this blog, something that gather old school, new school, simpler outfits and handmade things would be awesome, plus answering questiong a la lolita-tips (but more useful hopefully) would be great.

I really like boring coords ! I myself often wer just the regular headdress (hat/beret/bow)+op+textured tights+cute shoes and bag, if you know how to style yourself it can be cute.

>> No.7312557
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>> No.7312568

Yeah i agree. It was odd seeing that some of the better dressed girls from the comm didn't show up.

>> No.7312570

there were none of the well known lolitas there! i was really surprised... and the event was really disorganized. why was some dude with a 'i <3 shimapan' shirt making announcements anyway

>> No.7312575

I was so confused by that guy, why the fuck was he there and wearing that???

>> No.7312578
File: 61 KB, 500x750, lime green clusterfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may do it, then. The tumblr, I mean. My love for Lolita has recently been rekindled and I need an outlet while I rebuild my wardrobe. I know some of my advice might be seen as "controversial" (it IS tumblr, after all), so I'll just have to drive home the idea that I'm speaking from my own experience/opinions.

I agree with you on simpler outfits. "Simple" doesn't mean boring; there are plenty of ways that you can make an outfit visually interested.

Anyway, contributing with some ita

>> No.7312600

You'll have to make a disclaimer and add "in my opinion" to a lot of post, but if you can handle a little bit of anon hat it's worth a shot.

>> No.7312624
File: 65 KB, 437x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A cute and easy lolita skirt.
I was going to an anime con and i wanted to dress lolita but i didnt want to spend a ton of money, so i made my own outfit. Here is how to make my cupcake overskirt.

Sorry if i dont have pics for the first couple of steps, but i got furstrated with it and i had to just make it up as i went along.

If anything isnt clear, dont hesisate to ask me.

>> No.7312625
File: 75 KB, 472x648, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitty craft site called cutoutandkeep is a landmine of ita

>> No.7312631
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>I made this out of a bed sheet I found at the thrift store last year. The ruffles on this are actualy not made by me but were on the the sheet when I bought it. I just added some addition lace in places.

>I used a tutorial I found on deviantart. In the pictures I'm twirling around in a water feature while my frien Gin took the pics at the Cherry Bloosom Featival. Unfortunely I couldnt find the obi or the skirt I made to go along with it.

>> No.7312636

WTF.... Just WTF.....

>> No.7312643
File: 48 KB, 373x452, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she in her fucking bra?

>> No.7312668

I feel ya man. Sometimes I repeat outfits just for the sake of not being a fashion disaster. I'm no where near as bad as I was in high school, but I have my days if I'm not careful.

>> No.7312686


I'm going to say its a camisole.

>> No.7312722
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>> No.7312742
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>> No.7312748

I actually really like this but then again I have a unnatural love of 80s work out gear in tacky colors.

>> No.7312747

Legitimately trying to look at everything in this picture but her.

>> No.7312755
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>> No.7312761

She looks like a mutant ninja turtle.

>> No.7312767

dat jew nose

>> No.7312769

Someone finally posing with RHS right.

>> No.7312775
File: 134 KB, 678x960, 1390134259654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just posting my favorites.

>> No.7312777

That Mtn Dew. It really makes that shot pop.

>> No.7312778

Is that the lolcow who stole heaps of clothes looking sly on the right?

>> No.7312782

Ohyes... don't know what's going on with that glove... thing, though.

>> No.7312783

she's fat ermargerd.

>> No.7312787

>Part of me wants to run a Lolita style blog on tumblr
That already exists, though it's pretty dead.
I think they accept submissions though.

>> No.7312797


I kinda wanna be like "shut up, you're gross too" but I also still kinda suck at dressing myself.

>> No.7312826

It's lame

>> No.7312939
File: 85 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mov8abKd0j1qg8anxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coul be wose

>> No.7312950

Someone alert Hildekitten, we found her a bff who's as much as a special snowflake as she is!

>> No.7312952


I thopught it wasn't so bad until I actually opened the thumbnail.
Holy mother of batman.

>> No.7312954


dat boobloaf.

>> No.7312974

I'd like to see this. I often disagree with a lot of advice I see spouted at newbies. Not that lolita tips is bad- just it would be nice to see other opinions,

>> No.7312988

I can't decide who looks worse

>> No.7312990

woah, deets?

>> No.7312994
File: 60 KB, 960x636, 1390145971956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fucking eyebrows

>> No.7312998

Karita or whatever yeah.

>> No.7313000
File: 531 KB, 1280x1013, 1390146085261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not saying this is ita in any way, I actually love this coord... but does /cgl/ like this sort of thing? The painted denim and mask, etc, all seem like something that would be a no go for anyone else.

>> No.7313010

I'm not a fan of the mask as a fashion statement, but if she's wearing a surgical mask for illness underneath, that's a pretty slick way to lolify it.

>> No.7313021

I personally would have preferred if she were wearing the black JSK, but I actually really like this. I agree with >>7313010 about the mask, though.
Also, mad fabric painting skills. Every time I try to do something like this it turns out looking like shit.

>> No.7313023


>> No.7313024

I'd like it without the mask, leather vest(?) and if shoes were lighter color. It's not bad, just confusing..

>> No.7313025

She probably isn't, It's trendy to wear them as fashion accessories now. It's been that way for many years.

>> No.7313028
File: 70 KB, 500x293, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kai Narita. She's got a bunch of "lolita personas" and scammed quite a few girls out of their stuff. I believe she was posted to getoffegl a few times. Trying to dig up that photo where she explains her mary sues.

>> No.7313035

Agree. Ditch the mask, switch to the black colorway and possibly go for a white blouse underneath to balance out the white/pastels in the outfit. I like it best when bags match shoes and the shoes themselves are a bit of an awkward choice for those tights--especially the backless heel--but I could live with that if she made those changes.

Either way, that vest is damn quality.

>> No.7313038

Oh god I think she's gorgeous but she does need help, and probably lose weight. Her face though.

>> No.7313040

Kai is such an annoying person. Nearly intolerable levels of rudeness and arrogance.

>> No.7313041
File: 554 KB, 640x360, 1383002692307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want help
>No, don't help me!
What the shit, if you don't know how to work a look ASK people in the know, jesus. Or do your research.

>> No.7313042
File: 33 KB, 214x312, nnnEEEGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh honey, that make up

>> No.7313050

so she scammed a bunch of people and no one fucking reported it?

>> No.7313065

I think people reported it but there wasn't a whole lot anyone could do. I don't know how you missed this; it was a huge fucking mess.

>> No.7313068
File: 178 KB, 774x1032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to the police, no. Pretty sure the extent of it was being banned from the Facebook group.
Found her DA: http://youngladykai.deviantart.com
Lots of cringeworthy stuff there.

>> No.7313075

Looks like cozy pajamas, tho.

>> No.7313080

What the fuck is even wrong with tumblr? Is it really that much of a hugbox or do these people have an aesthetic sense from another planet or something? I don't get how anyone could think that shit is "lovely".

>> No.7313083

There's something profoundly sad about somebody scamming for insignificant shit like headdresses.

>> No.7313091

I think it looks pretty sub-par honestly. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but the outfit lacks a point off focus and just comes off messy. I'm also not crazy about the mask and the vest overall; they don't really fit in lolita.

>> No.7313095

>will my Oo Jia replica ever return from the war?

>> No.7313092
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, 1390149362562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.7313099


is holding the sides of the dress
out what people do when they don't have a petti?

>> No.7313101

>literal trash on the floor
Jesus H Christ, don't show me the bathroom.

>> No.7313117

Judging by that wig on the floor, who wants to bet that it's going to be another god-awful Pinkie Pie loli attempt?

>> No.7313122
File: 114 KB, 960x720, 1390150402759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7313135

God, and I actually liked this print and wanted the dress. Not so sure anymore.

>> No.7313142

I actually like that dress the print is cute where is it from?

>> No.7313144

It says Emily Temple Cute right on it...

>> No.7313155

I love making sweet dresses punk/gothy/whatevs but I thought this outfit was absolutely horrendous. Blows my mind how many people are jizzing all over it. I do like that jacket though. I'd like it better with ought the weird train on the back though.

>> No.7313160

I like the print but let's be real the dreses Rouge Aerie made of it are ugly as sin.

>> No.7313162

Oh shit. I just woke up my reading comprehension is still a bit off

>> No.7313173

Aurghhh that bodyline dress in that colourway is my #1 hated print. It makes me feel so unsettled.

>> No.7313175
File: 120 KB, 774x1032, 1390152525961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget she was selling the fabric on Spoonflower. The reason there are so many itas with that print are because they bought the fabric and made something (or had some crappy seamstress make something). Pic related.

>> No.7313200

Jeeeeesus christ that's awful.

>> No.7313283

The eyebrows are an easy fix. She just needs to fill them in.

Woaaw, you can fill in eyebrows?? (Yes, I had to learn this through online makeup tutorials. It blew my mind at the time.)

>> No.7313303
File: 432 KB, 702x1280, itashop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse the crappy shoop, I cba to find a good wig, I just wanted to see what she'd look like with something poofy to balance her out and some more make-up

>> No.7313312

Don't wanna derail the thread, but I'm in charge of this blog, would you mind telling me how I could make it better? Obviously by being more active, but would posting links to tutorials and resources like the other anon was suggesting be good too? Also,
If you contact me on lolitaconcrit, I can discuss setting you up as an admin of the page, and we can combine the ideas?

>> No.7313374

Wow! This looks worlds better. Behold the power of minor tweaking and the barest of makeup skills. The wig really balances out the outfit and looks great with her coloring/face shape. She looks super cute here. I know you can't shoop this in, but here's what else I would have liked to have seen on her:

-A bow to match the dress and further balance the whole thing out
-A nicer blouse. She was right to go with the open neck, but the sleeves are a little...meh. I think an open-necked, black chiffon blouse with half sleeves or something would be really cute with this.
-Accessories to better tie the theme together. A necklace and a matching bracelet with a star/constellation theme would have been super cute. She's also got the makings of an outfit that those damn chocomint stars would actually fit with.
-A better petticoat, but that goes without saying.

>> No.7313431

The 4 different shades of green make me sad.

>> No.7313479
File: 247 KB, 483x720, matchyourdamngreens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried

>> No.7313492

What wig? That thing at the bottom? It looks more like a random piece of fabric to me.

>> No.7313504

That's not a very convincing trap.

>> No.7313944

bumping for more itas

>> No.7313976

She looks like Manny from Modern Family

>> No.7313988

looks like puke green to me but i just hate most greens. good job anon.

>> No.7313995


it reminds me of mushy peas but was the best I could do unfortunately to make those goddamn tights sort of match the dress

>> No.7314001
File: 136 KB, 480x854, wtf did i just read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't...I don't understand what's happening in this photo.

>> No.7314026


What fresh hell is this, is that Rabbit?!

>> No.7314040

Think so, yeah

>> No.7314041
File: 82 KB, 640x960, 1390178959479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is the co-ord shit, but it's supposed to be Sailor Moon / Usagi loli but there's nothing even remotely in character about it.

>> No.7314062

This was the second place coord at the Angelic Pretty anniversary party too...

>> No.7314063

guro loli is worst loli

>> No.7314070

i personally think it's really cute!! obviously denim in coords isn't for everyone, but i thought it was a cool idea. i wish i had one.

>> No.7314075

You're a dude, right?

>> No.7314086
File: 56 KB, 500x500, falafull of regrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol look my face pretending der a peen haha XD #me
what the fuck am I reading?!?!

>> No.7314092 [DELETED] 

I-is she trying a >she sees your dick expression?

>> No.7314098
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1316394868246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7314115
File: 248 KB, 1024x821, knock this shit off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with the trend of girls who cant do makeup always doing that stupid ass curly Q eyeliner?!?!

>> No.7314121

I used to do it in middle school. I thought it looked fairy-like.

Turned out I just looked like a retard.

>> No.7314129

Those fucking gloves look like thongs for your hands and I think they are extremely tacky.

>> No.7314137


this grosses me out

>> No.7314147

That hairstyle is not doing them any favours. A nice wig could help tremendously.
Course, that's not the only problem with the coord, just the one that stands out most to me.

>> No.7314146

With a bigger dick than you.

>> No.7314152

Everything is pretty well coordinated, right down to her pony bag, and everything that is modified (the jacket, overskirt, mask, gloves) she did herself. She wore it to the San Fran AP tea party and won 2nd place in coordination- highly doubt that if it was really that horrendous the designers would place her.

I adore that coord of hers. It's so different.

>> No.7314156

I like it lots too! I've been trying to work my leather jackets into some loli coords too. its too much fun to play with styles and execute them well.

>> No.7314157
File: 1.49 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan town in LA is such a joy to go to. There are weebs everywhere.

>> No.7314176

It was amazing yesterday. Amazingly bad.

>> No.7314179

>Jesus christ do something about those huge pores.

>> No.7314183
File: 178 KB, 570x819, il_570xN.516803111_tddn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the girl on the right used this pattern

>> No.7314186

Yo, I sorta met you at the fashion walk. My advice, for your sake, is to stop responding. Being posted dies quickly but you're feeding the fire.

>> No.7314203


Literally screaming this was on that website

>> No.7314212

http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/classy-doll-makeup this is in the lolita tag there

>> No.7314234


Best dressed is voted on by the attendees, not the designers.

>> No.7314241


Oh shit, I was gonna wait till a bad crafts thread to plunder through and post the lol on that website, but this is amazing

>> No.7314246

What the fuuuuck

>> No.7314260
File: 159 KB, 168x337, letete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what that bolero-thing is supposed to be, it wasn't even the first time she wore it.

>> No.7314262
File: 74 KB, 600x896, 987546987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see girls dressed like this I just imagine how amazing they must think they look.

In the mall, girls looking like pic related flood Hot Topic and Spencer's. They have such smug expressions and roll their eyes at people dressed normally. I find it so fucking hilarious.

>> No.7314274

I just saw the thumbnail and thought that a girl's face was on someone's dress and I thought it was creepy that someone had a real person's face on their dress.

>> No.7314276

I like those boleros. They're cute for layering. They don't fit lolita, though.

>> No.7314281
File: 69 KB, 600x557, spice girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bolero-thing
That bolero-thing is almost old enough to drive.
People need to learn to let go of their old crummy juniors dept. crap.

>> No.7314286

Okay, come on, that's creative and cute.
Give the girl a break.
You all have a lot of fucking free time to post in a thread hating on someone else's fashion sense.

You're pathetic.

>> No.7314292
File: 64 KB, 303x563, tumblr_mzh6yvfs5w1tq6i6ao2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is even this

>> No.7314293
File: 250 KB, 960x1280, eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita, but I can't handle her eyebrows/lack of all other makeup/black shoes

>> No.7314300

She looks really young.

>> No.7314301

she looks like she's a little kid.

is she actually a little kid? if so this can slide

>> No.7314304

a vendetta post

>> No.7314305

You're all just bullying what are likely foolish children.

This isn't even a constructive critique... just a travesty.

>> No.7314312



this thread isn't for concrit. its to point out your "lolita" outfit fucking sucks and we laugh at it.

>> No.7314313

That's not creative; ita's do shitty fandom lolita all the time. Stop being so salty because someone has an opinion opposite of yours.

>hating on someone else's lack of fashion sense

>> No.7314319
File: 115 KB, 320x320, 1381630625371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not lolita
>posts in an ita thread

>> No.7314337

I'm not even into lolita bullshit. I just come to this board to watch.
>fucking sucks
>and we laugh at it
That sounds an awful lot like being a catty asshole.

>> No.7314340


>> No.7314343

It's still failed J-fashion

>> No.7314348

Because you've never laughed at anyone.
Because you've never judged anyone.
Because you've never thought anyone looked like shit.

It's still not ita.

>> No.7314353

/cgl/ tends to be the only place that speaks its mind
some of it is catty, but a lot of these people are socially ackward wierdos in their 20s who ought to improve their fashion sense.

>> No.7314354

a vendetta post.
is so obvious that you are bitches

>> No.7314355

Its kinda a 90's goth thing, i always find it shocking that people still do it because it always look dumb.

>> No.7314360

It's ita, the that bolero looking thing looks stupid as fuck.

>> No.7314366


I don't know the monstrosity pictured, and I can confirm it is ita with no potential for vendetta whatsoever.

Not everybody has to love your hideous coords, stop whiteknighting yourself.

>> No.7314369

I think you're the only one who gives a fuck.

>> No.7314374

Gawd damn this site is bloody terrible:

>> No.7314426

heres another

>> No.7314438

That looks like a Milanoo site.

>> No.7314445

I've been trying to find a red polka dotted cardigan since forever and I can never seem to find one ;_;

>> No.7314485

Yeah, I figured. Some of the dresses are hilarious though

>> No.7314489

the real problem with whipped magic is that itas are like "herpderp there's green in it time to break out all my green accessories"

no my bitch that print is busy as fuck, you need to calm that shit down and keep it simple with white

>> No.7314490

yeah, def milanoo. how many fucking sites do they have?

>> No.7314965

I met her at the fashion walk. She said she just turned 16 and was wearing those shoes because she thought they were comfortable and diddnt know if there would be a lot of walking involved.

>> No.7314990
File: 173 KB, 640x931, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7314992

This is ok, with dolly kei influence, nothing specially ita

>> No.7314993

I actually liked the combination of sailor collar (looks like bodyline's sailor tops) and a sweater... I know I'll be copying that when winter comes.

>> No.7314997
File: 63 KB, 960x720, shoesfuckingwhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, I had posted Kai's most recent disasterpiece in the last ita thread. Repostan.

There's also one of her in this outfit slow-dancing with a Homestuck. I chortled.

>> No.7315308


>> No.7315321

This is obviously dolly kei, not lolita. I think it looks good.

>> No.7315381

do you seriously look at that girl and think "yes, she looks perfectly fine, and everyone who says otherwise has a sandy cunt"? She looks like shit.

>> No.7315397

Lol, she couldn't even get the katakana right.

>> No.7315445

if it's tagged as lolita and it looks like this it's ita

>> No.7315453

fandom lolita is always ita, fattychan

>> No.7315452

it's dolly kei, and a well coordinate dolly kei at that.
It's a mistag.

>> No.7315459

I'm the person who posted it, I think it's really nice too! I like it a lot, I just wanted to know /cgl/'s opinion on the denim thing because I was thinking of trying it myself.

>> No.7315465
File: 60 KB, 300x358, fldgsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7315467

I really wish she wore the black colorway, or everything black was lavender instead

>> No.7315470
File: 85 KB, 245x200, 1390241208492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7315492
File: 933 KB, 220x250, giveittome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need that vest
>tfw want to have kawaii denim jacket/vest
>tfw no art skills

>> No.7315509
File: 36 KB, 171x382, ss (2014-01-20 at 12.37.49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this look so bad? The outfit looks deflated, anyone have pics from other angles?

>> No.7315513

the outfit looks fine, the problem is chubsters look horrible in salopettes

>> No.7315621

not that bad really

>> No.7315626

Stocky legs plus knee socks make the proportions look off. If she wore solid opaque tights instead, it would look better.

>> No.7315646

The train thing isn't attached to the jacket. You can tell when you look at it from the front. It's tied around her waist. She probably wanted to add more black into her coord with it.

>> No.7315652

That's Miki, the owner of Fairytale Boutique... I actually think she looks good in this!

>> No.7315658

I agree, but I guess the brand tights would look off? Idk I just think that despite wearing all brand, it isnt very flattering.
I also dislike casual hoodies in lolita, but thats just me maybe.

oh. shit. well then.
She tried/10

>> No.7315662
File: 85 KB, 280x373, ddctiered_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dress already has something attatched to it like that

>> No.7315668
File: 22 KB, 247x185, kzero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this one?

>> No.7315673

Looks like a lampshade.

>> No.7315678

Pretty sure she's not wearing the tiered version, anon.

>> No.7315680

Ahh, yes! That makes it a little clearer where it's from, and proves the point it was not a part of the jacket. Thanks.

>> No.7315681

GODDAMNIT I fucking hate upside down corsets. Why do people keep doing this?

Also get a wig.

>> No.7315688

Yeah, it showed up under lolita on tumblr. I thougt she was going for a crazy cat lady look.
Can't delete, on phone. Oops.

>> No.7315702

Baby's first coord but it's not that bad, at all. Everything matches.

>> No.7315704

Upside down corsets, you say?


You're welcome.

>> No.7315707
File: 13 KB, 290x174, angryhijikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I've seen that and it makes me rage so hard.

>> No.7315729

>Why won't they just button up?

>> No.7315747

holy shit same pose, same bad fashion
da fuck

>> No.7315752

>imagine walking through it on your bare feet

>> No.7315763

...Pretending there's a penis? That she's licking?
Girl, stop. You do not have the mental acuity to be sexually active.

>> No.7315784

I assumed it was some stupid way of saying "derping"

>> No.7315813

I hope so.

>> No.7315822

This is very dangerous, people don't like when others roll eyes on them. It may spread.

>> No.7315905
File: 62 KB, 742x960, 1390254236743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315995

She's not wearing the tiered version and made the sheer overlay/train part herself. You can see some rose petals in it. Both chosen 1st and 2nd place winners at the AP anniversary tea party had a lot of handmade elements. I think it really brings more creativity to their coords.

>> No.7316110

>expecting a normal coord
>mfw picture loaded

>> No.7316154

How's it gross?

>> No.7316178


>> No.7316179

The red shirt doesn't match, the salopette isn't flattering, and she's about to lose circulation at the knees.

>> No.7316202

Because they can't deal with age play.
If you check that persons blog they already said that lolita and age play are unrelated for them.

Honestly, my take on anything outlandish is if it's not hurting anybody and is making the person happy, then I don't give a shit and I'll let them be (aside from constr.concrit. where it's necessary). It's a pretty simple way to deal with age play.

>> No.7316206

I still dont like seeing it under lolita/lolita fashion. Keep your fetishes in the bedroom.

>> No.7316214

She said she doesn't tag any fetish in lolita you would only find it through her blog which you don't have to view Think its harsh someone would post about her when she's not hurting anyone

>> No.7316232

Truth. I would get if she was posting fetish stuff under lolita, but if it's just the dress you wouldn't really know unless you explored further.
I hated those lolita the whale posts that we're showing up in the tag constantly a whole back though. Fuck that. I'd rather scroll through one post of a girl in a dress who could be running an age play blog than ten posts of a fucking orca.

>> No.7316235

loli at the right looks so much like linetrap

>> No.7316828

I like it because it brings in a different color and managed to spread it out well. Major props to sticking with similar motifs, aka the daydream ponie, the word daydrem itself. I also like that it seems casual yet OTT at the same time

However I don't like it, because it looks a bit messy. It might be because it was handmade, but overall it like the outfit and concept.

>> No.7316899

Not ita.

>> No.7316925

bump for more itas

>> No.7316947


Despite her otherwise unfortunate appearance, she is actually wearing that properly. It's NOT upside down, it's just an underbust corset. It's a historical design from the Victorian era, though most times the corsets did have a peak at the bottom as well. This is a steampunk update, I'd imagine. It's meant to be underneath her tits. TL;DR the corset was designed to look that way, and it's a historical design.

>> No.7316951

We can stop pretending. It's okay.

>> No.7316955

i'd say the real problem is she got one that's a little too long for her torso.

>> No.7316959


She has a rather unfortunate face, but she can't help that. She can help the way dresses, however, lol.

>> No.7316965

It's pretty obviously male.

>> No.7316969

If she's a short-shit and she bought a stock corset, that's pretty easy to do. I'm short as fuck, and I can't buy a ready made corset because they're all too long in the torso on me. Custom corsets are expensive, so I think it's safe to say she cheaped out on the thing and just doesn't fit quite right.

>> No.7316994
File: 1.26 MB, 400x226, wouldntlickyuo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7317031

im rather short both in height and torso i think, but there are short-ish underbust ones on OC that would fit me. i measured with plans of getting one to waist train, but chickened out. but yeah, custom are expensive, but i've heard that a lot of places will do payment plans.

>> No.7317047


I'm well under five feet, so, that may factor into my issues with store bought. It's nice for lolita sizing, though. There are corset makers that do, but for me personally, I couldn't see spending that kind of money on an item that I would rarely use. I'm not interested in waist training, so I just wouldn't get the wear for most of the corsets that I'd like to buy.

>> No.7317078

oh yeah, being under 5ft would def be an issue. im only 5'2 and i have a limited selection. i guess i just realized i wouldnt be so devoted to it. i'd break it in, but then what? i wouldnt wear it daily, only with my frills. and underbusts make boobs sit higher.
>mfw busty

>> No.7317154


LOL, yeah, me too. I'm pretty busty, and I'd just end up looking hilariously disproportionate.

>> No.7317923

wtf is this. my eyes hurt!

>> No.7317927

it's no lolita.
but it's not bad, if she only skipped the wig-it looks too big for her head

>> No.7317932

is she one of those abigails from the uk?

>> No.7318001

We need more asian girls in this thread.
I've seen some coords that would be puke-worthy arround tumblr, but because who wears it is a petite asian girl with the cutest face ever, nobody says shit about it.

>> No.7318005

I know this 16 yo "girl".
She has a pleasent suprise in her panties which you will most likely discover once you hear her voice.

>> No.7318075

>tfw I'm on this blog
I was a freshman and I was confused because the tag on my corset was on the bottom

>> No.7318098
File: 2.25 MB, 2044x3361, DSC03839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a con this weekend, and lol.

>> No.7318105
File: 367 KB, 1210x2059, DSC03871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from same convention

yes it's a "brolita"

>> No.7318114

>a-altair-chan on muh boardz

>> No.7318220

you fucking kidding me? o.o

>> No.7318226


Not trying to pick on you, but please don't use emoticons. It shows a lack of etiquette in this part of the internet.

>> No.7318279

this. 4chan is an image board, if you want to convey an emotion, you upload a reaction image.

>> No.7318295

So glad I didn't see these while I was there.

>> No.7318350

Post 'em!

>> No.7318422

Yes, please do!

>> No.7318709

Do it!

>> No.7318743

Now that you mention it, this could definitely be a guy. Looks just like one I used to know.

>> No.7318784
File: 391 KB, 908x730, 1388367481690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I think that's adora--
>those tights

>> No.7318869

I fucking adore this coord, honestly. It's gorgeous. I only wish she used different shoes, but other than that I love it to bits.

>> No.7318882

It's that much of a hugbox. You can't possibly take the risk of offending a snowflake.

>> No.7318946


Is that the chick with the fried grey hair? She's got a class A ita personality to go along with her shitty outfits. I forgot her name so I can't go searching for her though.

>> No.7319072
File: 291 KB, 500x667, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7319179

this lovely coord in the ita thread? rlly?

>> No.7319190

you probably saw me tho

i was in lolita with 2 small asian girls all weekend

>> No.7319195

>>lovely coord
Really? She's cute, and that's a great print, but she's wearing three different patterns, none of which match. That coordination wouldn't look good in daily wear, and doesn't in lolita either.

>> No.7319430

Ok, what the fuck? I ACTUALLY know this girl. I went to camp with her. She's lovely and definitely not a guy. You're all assholes.

>> No.7320105

Her tumblr

>> No.7320405

ok, let me see, choco theme in blouse/cutsew, bag, shoes, bow, the dress have chocolate color too, jsk with food print and Im not sure but that its chocolate syrup or something like that? print with red, socks with red, rilakkuma hanging of he bag in red outfit.
sorry Im gonna stick to the vendetta, cause the only thing i dont like is the headbow.

>> No.7320565

You must have really, really shitty taste, or have color blindness issues. I'm a different poster, and I completely agree too. None of the colors are even the same tone. You have bright red, a neutral chocolate, pastels, plus a random navy headbow. She clashes.. with pretty much everything. Her entire body is clashing with itself.

>> No.7321907

shes annoying as fuck and thinks shes above everyone

>> No.7322784

Does she have a Facebook?

>> No.7323086


>> No.7323603
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, 1390487797182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



So gosu rori