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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 181 KB, 480x640, C360_2014-02-07-22-56-55-594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7356322 No.7356322 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, i'm back~
I had to stop for a while because i had health issues recently, but i got a new wig and really wanted to hear your feedback!
I'm sort of at a standstill with my Luka cosplay because i'm waiting for the circle lenses to come in, but here's my cos test of Urushibara Ruka
I don't have any of the clothes he wears, so i guess this is a trap progress general!
Feel free to post your own crossplay progress, and please do give feedback and criticism!~

>> No.7356325
File: 2.77 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7356329

That wig is super cute on you. Looks like it might be a little shiny though, might just be lighting.

>> No.7356336
File: 1.50 MB, 1088x1920, C360_2014-02-07-22-59-44-462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7356341

It is really shiny irl too!
Is that a bad thing? I could make it matted with some product~

>> No.7356346
File: 171 KB, 480x640, C360_2014-02-07-22-31-00-256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7356353

Try either the fabric softener method that cosplayers use to de-shine their wigs, or just use a little talc on it.
Talc might be bad since it's black, though.

>> No.7356361

Ooh, i'll definitely give the fabric softener a try!
Would it still be alright to style the wig using heat-tools?

>> No.7356364

It depends on the wig, but probably not if it's a cheap wig.
Does the listing from where you bought the wig say 'heat resistant'? If not, you can still style it but instead you'll need to style it without heat, which is still doable. Read up on cosplay wig styling techniques for this.

>> No.7356370

It's second hand, and the seller doesn't know either~
I'll look those up for sure! I'll definitely need to style my Luka wig, its a mess~
Thanks for your help!

>> No.7356371

on my god you are perfect

>> No.7356393

Just want to say that you are a super cute trap and that hair style is working for you. Definitely tone down the shiny and maybe define your eyebrows a little bit more? The sweater is good but you might look cute in something baggier (to hide the lack of boobs).

>> No.7356410
File: 194 KB, 298x289, co1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagulls look easily excited

>> No.7356413

it's you again

>> No.7356415

Do you buy everything online?

>> No.7356418

traps excite me easily, what can I say

>> No.7356446

Boi you are damn fine, I'd tap your ass in a blink of an eye.

I-I mean... Nice to see you make so much progress! You look cute! Maybe try some false lashes?

>> No.7356478

You are male or female?

>> No.7356494
File: 532 KB, 951x640, cheek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that bothers me that is still making you look like a man to me.. your upper lip. It's too thin. Learn to pout or use makeup to make it fuller.
Also add some shadow under your lip to make your chin look rounded instead of longer. Highlight under your eye and a slightly darker shadow on your check makes your cheek bones look higher

>> No.7356507


>> No.7356517

a-anon you look so cute now...with the blusher<3

>>7356494 is pretty right
but i think you can go heavier on the blush, and your brows need a better trim (my edit is pretty bad, what i show here isn't the best eyebrow shape, i'll try to find a better example), lastly i don't know if your bottom eyeliner was on purpose, if that's the case, don't do it it looks weird, try and draw your liner such that it's not a distance away from your eye.

>> No.7356519
File: 409 KB, 951x640, i_tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly me. this is my edit.

>> No.7356538
File: 77 KB, 347x515, o0347051510830598898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to mention, my edit was done on top of the other anon's. and here's an eyebrow shape you can try copying. note it is wider near the nose, and narrower to the tip (away from the nose). note that it is not straight, but it's a bent kinda like "he" in hiragana.

>> No.7356543
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 131080112917213301120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiragana "he" - へ

>> No.7356547
File: 94 KB, 451x346, 655305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of thinness in pic related should be good for you

>> No.7356565

I didn't do the eye brows because I noticed in his other photo that he had them done.

>> No.7356577

these photos look like they were taken at the same time to me though..

>> No.7356621

I agree with this anon on most comments, maybe not so dramatic as the edit on the brows but just tame and fill a little so that there's a defined shape that will help frame your face. Blend out the upper liner? It looks really harsh, maybe soften it up with some brown/black shadow. And definite no-no on that bottom liner, line closer to your waterline/lashline and work outwards if you want a thicker line, don't leave a gap.

>> No.7356624
File: 92 KB, 400x567, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you take lessons from this beautiful angel. Hizaki ex Versailles.

>> No.7356636

>maybe not so dramatic as the edit

yes!! my edit is pretty bad, but i wanted to show how you'll look better with trimmed brows. i did mention to anon to get eyeshadow in the last thread, i'm just guessing anon hasn't gotten round to buying some yet. (you should though, they're easier to apply than eyeliner, sometimes when i'm lazy i use the black eyeshadow as my eyeliner)

>> No.7356639

>want to trap
>perfect face for it
>every guide on makeup I've found assumes that I have some basic knowledge of makeup and it's completely foreign to me
I'm sure I'm just being lazy and not digging hard enough, but I feel too discouraged to try...

>> No.7356656

It's not too bad if you already have the face anon. Do you have makeup of any kind so far? If not, start off with a good foundation and literally look up tutorials on youtube for beginners, flawless foundation, basic makeup, natural makeup etc.. just to get the basics down. Work slowly up, don't jump right into crazy eye makeup and fancy contouring.

>> No.7356659

Just wondering, how tall are you? Your body is A LOT less blatantly masculine than a lot of other traps I've seen!

>> No.7356663


>> No.7356787

Seconding female.

>> No.7356795
File: 108 KB, 640x412, 1380984657382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are girls that like traps?

Would either of you ever.... date one?

>> No.7356797

thirding female


>> No.7356800

Are you gay, OP?

>> No.7356809

Traps are the best of both worlds. It's a qt girl with a working dick.

>> No.7356849
File: 138 KB, 328x449, 1370721014763 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. I know I'm sorta hijacking the thread a little bit but... how do I get a girlfriend as a trap? And what kinds of qualities would a girl want in a trap?

>> No.7356886
File: 6 KB, 493x339, nigcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what you are just putting yourself into.
Fasten your seatbelts and wait the answers hurricane

>> No.7356891

I definitely would.
I'm actually a girl wondering how I could get a trap as a boyfriend. I have no idea how I'd ever encounter one and even if I saw one, I'm sure I wouldn't know it was a trap.
And as for qualities, I'd probably just like if they liked fashion and really liked dressing as a girl and were interested in animu.

>> No.7356898 [DELETED] 

...Would you... like me email? Or would you prefer to just meet someone in person.

>> No.7356905

..Would you... like my email? Or would you prefer to just meet someone in person.

>> No.7356908

This. I browse trans communities on Reddit and dream.

>> No.7356926

Yes and yes.

What do you look like, anon?

>> No.7356931

I would but I just doubt that you would live very close by, I'd like to be able to hang out with whoever I meet and go on dates and stuff. Where do you live?

>> No.7356934

This without a doubt.
My bf has the manliest jaw unfortunately.

>> No.7356952


>be woman
>have thinner upper lip than this trap
>never looks right when I draw them thicker
>cry self to sleep

>> No.7356958

This is my email for anyone who wants it.

>> No.7356968

You're a dick. Not every woman has a big upper lip.

>> No.7356974

no, but a larger uppoer lip is generally more attractive. if op is already trying to look like a girl, why not look like the prettiest girl he can?

>> No.7357007

I won't lie. But I would pin you down onto the bed and fuck you like an animal.

>> No.7357008

Female. Traps are cute when they can pull it off.

>> No.7357011

Meant for >>7356478

>> No.7357021

Yes definitely.

>> No.7357063

no, no ahahha still wouldnt fuk, ur not there yet bro. u have strong arms and feet i can see all your manly veins, ull never be a trap

>> No.7357067

hands and feet*

>> No.7357068


And op is QT as all hell, you cray son.

>> No.7357341

Hey, OP, I was just wondering, how old are you?

>> No.7357399

Op here!
Thank you! My eyebrows are really messed up, but i'll try to fix them up! Thanks for the tip about clothing, flat is justice~
I know some other cosplayers who are really supportive, so they help me get some of the stuff i need~
Thank you! i hope you continue following me in the future as well!
I have a retarded smile~ Thank you for the tip about the upper lip, i didn't notice it at first,but now that i have, it really does look obvious, thanks!
Thank you! I tried using lower lid eyelashes, and faild horribly haha, i'll take your advice to heart!
Thanks for the edit, it really shows how much difference eyebrows can make!
She's really cute, i hope one day i can be as cute as that~
I would, but i don't know him/her, besides, i like you guys because you always give such lovely feedback and advice!
Sorry~ I got some, but i totally forgot to put it on because i was in a rush~
Next time, i promise!
I'm 172cm, and i used to be quite athletic, but i realised that if i wanted to show my arms i'd have to cut down~
Straight as a gay pickle~
The only thing with a penis i'd like is a trap~

sorry i'll get back to everyone later, i'm kind a bit of a hurry atm~

>> No.7358073

That is one pretty trap

>> No.7358088

Hizaki is a musician, just google hizaki Versailles and you'll get tons of pics. try to copy his eye makeup because I think it'd look amazing on you.

>> No.7358094

Jasmine You was pretty good too

then he died

>> No.7358101

He wasn't trying to be a trap though, just a fabulous drag queen, like Kaya.

He was perfection when it came to that.

>> No.7358150

Shit, all 90s visual kei folks are good inspiration for OP

>> No.7358217

attached trap here. I suppose it is really up to what the girl is looking for anon. Some prefer their trap bfs to only look the part but still fulfill the more typical role of a guy in the relationship. So you need to dig around abit to figure out what the other party wants. being a trap is just part of the relationship, most of the other things wrt relationship are pretty much the same as having a normal bf

>> No.7358223

excellent work op. thanks for reporting back lol. Interestingly enough i would suggest that you get something flattering rather than baggier. Trapping imo is a sum of all parts thing, since you aren't super bulky (nice legs btw) you should dress in a way that brings to attention the things that would make you more womanly. throwing on baggy clothes masks the body but people will be forced to see the face and other exposed parts, so even a slight slip up might give you away. In my experience it helps to dillute the attention across several things so that you pull off a general picture of feminity rather than throwing all your chips in one bet.

dfc is awesome yes, but if you could just put abit of curves into the top it would really help. i am guessing from the pic you did pad abit, so why not show it to help the illusion along? well but Ruka is flat, so i guess just kiv this for future use heh.

oh and i think you might want to go slightly heavier on the eyeliner and lengthen your eyes inwards a little. the large space between your eyes looks like it would really make your nose look latger in full frontal closeup shots.

>> No.7358274

>She's really cute, i hope one day i can be as cute as that~
I'm not telling you to try and look like the girl in the picture, you can copy the way she shaped her eyebrows, but please stay the way you are OP you are prettier than me ;_;

also OP could you measure yourself and use this to determine your body shape? http://www.shopyourshape.com/ can't really tell from your baggy sweater, we'll help you find clothes that make your body look womanly!

>> No.7358374

you're cute but your outfit seriously needs to update.
the sweater is a tad too masculine and makes your upper half of your body look bulky. The print on the shirt underneath looks cute, and like a scoop neck? which is a good idea if you have broad shoulders. but, the cardigan is breaking up the neckline and making this also unflattering. I'd say trade in the boyfriend sweater for a cute flared skirt that's worn at the natural waist. idk if you have resources or if you're trapping on the dl, but if it's the former you should definitely take the opportunity to show off your legs, which are cute and slim. Wearing hose is a good idea, and if you get a chance to look at footwear anytime soon, try to pick something with a small heel to elongate your leg. Even a pair of bulky winter boots can look feminine if paired with cute tights or slouchy socks.

>> No.7358429

OP i can see that your room got messier, and your little cork board is more disorganised...if you'd let me in i'll clean it all up for you *_*

>> No.7358526

So, we does a girl find a cute trap boyfriend? Or trans boyfriend.

>> No.7358539

There was one who posted their email earlier in this thread. Could always try /soc/ and okcupid too.

>> No.7358554

>I know some other cosplayers who are really supportive, so they help me get some of the stuff i need~
Gee i sure envy you...

>> No.7358616

online shopping is really convenient now. you just need a good idea of where to get your stuff and what measurements etc. join local taobao sprees to pick up essentials for cheap. and get a chinese friend to give you quick translates for search keys. if you eant anything translated to chinese i could help if you're still here anon

>> No.7358635

>seagull dates 'girl'
>kissing etc
>having great times
>start to get intimate
>wait, you have a vagina
>Yea silly
>b-but i thought you were a boy
>I've been saying i'm a girl day 1
>..haha i'm just messing with you
And that's how /cgl/ became lesbian

>> No.7358640
File: 30 KB, 367x420, 1354341747984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seagull dates 'girl'
>kissing etc
>having great times
>start to get intimate
>girl pulls out trap's penis
>trap gets flustered and uncomfortable
>trap isn't cool with giving the d
>girl is disappointed and unsatisfied
>girl breaks up with trap a few days later

>tfw when I'm the trap

>> No.7358641

Aw trap-chan, that's too sad!

I'm sorry it ended that way.

>> No.7358648

Kind of on topic, how do I convince my bf to trap for sexytimes? I already got him to try on my panties but he thought it was super embarrassing so he quickly took them off. He's been open to everything else so far (cat ears and purring, me tying him, him tying me etcetc) but as far as getting him to put on thigh highs or a skirt, nope, not working.

>> No.7358654

Probably avoided a nasty rash.

>> No.7358658

You look just like the picture.

>> No.7358659
File: 523 KB, 756x703, 1385247677438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desensitize him through exposure. Guys are apparently conditioned to feel horrible about expressing femininity (that's why trap suicide rates are like 20x the norm or something). Just keep asking him to try stuff, he'll slowly get there.

>> No.7358684

Get partway through sexytimes and ask him to put on a skirt if he wants to keep going?

>> No.7358689

If he clearly doesn't like it, why push it? Sounds like he's catering to a lot of your kinks already.

>> No.7358715

I thought of that but tbh I'm also catering to a lot of his kinks in turn. We're constantly trying to make sex fun and exciting for both of us.
I honestly think he's just embarrassed of being submissive, that time he agreed to try on my panties he got a raging erection from wearing them but still refused to put them back on. It must be a pride thing.

Is it just me or have the captchas gotten harder lately?

>> No.7358814
File: 8 KB, 242x176, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I'm more into guys (traps, geeks, ukes) and very shy (introvert) I welcome fem advice/guidance friends to hang out with, to help me socialize and fit in better and learn makeup/bodylanguage/fashion/etc
There's others like me I'm sure. I'm trans.
*waves shyly*

>> No.7358842

Woah, Anon... I thought you were the same person I saw today at the lingerie store...
I had to double take for a moment...

>> No.7358916
File: 111 KB, 478x640, pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt your are female

>> No.7358939

the funny thing about those doujinshi is that they actually are crossdressing so yeah, they are men

>> No.7358940

Forced Femdom every guy loves that shit. Men know that women are the more powerful and important sex just keep forcing that down his throat until he'll be your toy

>> No.7359044
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 1391906390966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love boys who crossdress, it shows a sensitive, vulnerable side. Plus I love dominating them, and I get turned on by the embarrassment, it's cute.

I would introduce the topic slowly. He feels his manhood threatened, you have to reassure him that it's ok for him to be vulnerable and girly, and talk to him about how much it turns you on, and offer to give and take, doing the things he likes, if he does some of the things you like

>> No.7359051


>> No.7359054
File: 462 KB, 649x661, 1385036211178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetish post
Uh..... I really don't know how to word this in a not rude way but you're kinda weirding me out.

>> No.7359057


>> No.7359065
File: 774 KB, 276x220, 1389512089859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know they're a male bro. Crossplay is perfectly fine in the cosplay board. They're not asking for advice on passing or getting hormones and shit, they're trying to cosplay Ruka from steins;gate (a male character) and asked for advice on getting the appearance down. Slow your roll.

This really isn't the thread or the board for you to be honest. It doesn't look like you've put any substantial effort into feminizing your appearance the way OP has. And this is not a trans discussion or fetish thread, that goes on >>/lgbt/.

*waves shyly* is fucking cringe-worthy by the way, please never do that again.

>> No.7359072


>> No.7359082


>> No.7359086


>> No.7359091
File: 134 KB, 900x805, 1391907990199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7359096

You are obnoxious

>> No.7359274

I'm thinking while there is overlap in the activities, crossplay is more focused on emulating a character than the act of crossdressing and becoming more feminine. means and ends kind of thing you know?
as some anons have posted, this really isnt the board for fetish discussion. try to stick to OP's thread and discuss how to crossplay. I'm sure you have loads to contribute but kiv we might not be approaching the whole crossdressing thing from the same angle.

>> No.7359777

OP here, sorry for taking so long to reply, but i just got back from a medical check-up!
That is actually really reassuring to me, because it means that people on this board are really honest and give critical advice~
I'll definitely work on my veins though, maybe i could wear gloves?
Also, does that mean if i fix those up i'd "be there"? ~
I'm 18~
Inb4 i don't have a long time until i become manly man
Oh ok! I actually needed tome idols to follow/look up to, so i could have a reference to something other than my....collection.... hehhhhehh
I miss Bou~
Oohhh, that makes a lot of sense!
For now, while i get my wardrobe sorted, would androgynous asian fashion work for me?
And thank you about the make up advice, i'll take that into account next time~
No way, i'm sure you're way cuter, pics or it's true~ /shot
I'll try that measuring site in a second~
Thanks for the fashion tips! I'll address them quickly, i'll try wearing a proper skirt next time ~
I'm still a guy!~ Idk about other guys, but no matter how often i clean it, it gradually gets worse~

>> No.7359779

Don't be! I'm sure if you found a way into a cosplay circle, there'd be tons of people wanting to help you!
I've been hearing a lot about Taobao recently, i'll give it a try!
All aboard the Taobao train, whoot whoot~
Thank you to both of you for taking my efforts seriously, it means a lot to me!
And thank you >>7359065 for clearing that up for me, i wasn't sure if i was posting int the right board for a while!~
I actually plucked them out one by one! It was probably the most retarded thing i've done in relation to crossdressing. Now the hairs are growing back and it looks and feels awful. Maybe i should just shave regularly~
On a side note, when i actually go to the convention, should i tape *it* down? In case something happens?
I'm actually surprised i'm the only one posting progress pics atm, i thought cgl would have tons of crossplayers on it~
Ahaha, that's fantastic~
Well, at first i wanted to cosplay Marisa from Maria Holic or Luka (Just be friends/Magnet ver.), but i thought that those would be too ambitious for a first con, let alone my inexperience with cosplay in general~
Then i watched the Stein's Gate movie recently, and it hit me, Ruka! Her personality's a bit similar to mine~
Is it the cap's? I read everything in caps in a sort've yelling while out of breath way~ Kind of cute
Thank you! I just feel that since everyone here has helped me so much, i thought if i made the thread a bit more general, other crossplayers could benefit from seeing other people posting theirs here~ So a sort of encouragement/ realistic criticism with no icing on the cake type of thing~

>> No.7359789

I've been wondering this too. I'm pretty feminine for a heterosexual male. I'm also sexually submissive and the notion of being called a slut by a domme sounds nice.

>> No.7359793

OP here, is domination interesting? I really haven;t thought much into kinks yet~

>> No.7359804

I wouldn't know. I'm a 19 year old virgin. Really though one of my worst fears is never experiencing something like this. I worry that a girl will think it's weird or will lose respect for me. Probably a result of me reading all this stuff on /r9k/. But I read a lot of posts by dommes and I get some hope. Maybe I focus on sex too much, but I can't really help it.

>> No.7359849

More pictures!!

>> No.7359873
File: 62 KB, 480x640, C360_2014-01-19-23-54-43-875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here,
Well, if you're fok with less recent pics i can post/repost some for those who weren't on the previous thread~
Maybe it can be a sort of "what i should do/ not do again"~

>> No.7359874
File: 519 KB, 1536x2048, C360_2014-01-19-23-59-05-618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7359883
File: 448 KB, 1536x2048, C360_2014-01-20-00-18-43-695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, can i have some advice about posing/posture/facial expression?
I know that when i don't smile a certain way, it gets incredibly obvious that i'm just a guy in a dress. Also, i'm scared that since i'll be at a convention, i won't be able to know exactly how i look at every angle, so it'll be even more obvious

>> No.7359885
File: 461 KB, 1536x2048, C360_2014-01-21-00-46-25-269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7359893
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>> No.7359894
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140104_215359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7359896
File: 81 KB, 480x640, IMG_20140115_153555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7359904

if you pose with your hand on your hip, put your hand slightly higher than it should be, like around your waist, instead of at the top of your hips. It makes you look thinner/slightly curvier

sorry, i'm not much help

>> No.7359907

Please iron your clothes.

>> No.7359909

Please be my boyfriend

>> No.7359938

I want to cum inside you.

>> No.7359939


Need to do your eyebrows better; they need a better shape and filling.
Make sure your wig sits right.
Use some blust.
Maybe fake eyelashes / more cute eye make up.

Otherwise great progress, looking forward to see more. Good choice for your lipistick and nice smile. Youre are real cutie!

>> No.7359969

You obviously never browse /d/

>> No.7359973

First get him to try something emberassing just for the fun, keep a camera hidden behind you.
Take a picture, then blackmail him into doing the whole thing

>> No.7359980

Op here~
Ooh, ok! I some of the pics i'm wearing a home made hip-form and breast forms, not too sure if they made a difference though~
Ahahaha, are you the same anon from the previous thread? I'll get to it one day~
B-but anon-kun, i'm a boy, w-who dresses like a girl~
Roger~ I've gotten really long (like lolita long) fake lashes, so i'll try them out soon~
Thank you for following my progress, i hope you'll continue doing so!

>> No.7359997

I think you crossdressing is what makes him want to impregnate your butt

>> No.7360010

I'm a girl and I want you to be my boyfriend <3

>> No.7360038

That sounds like it would destroy any kind of intimacy and trust those too have built up.

>> No.7360044

Op here~
I-i don't have a yaoi hole, i can't have children~
Y-you mean, you want me as your 'girlfriend', right? wink wink ~

>> No.7360051

if you're not sure how to trim your brows consider going to a beautician, ask some girls around your area for recommendations? the first time is always daunting, i went to a beautician and thereafter i always did it myself.
>I actually plucked them out one by one
that's silly of you anon, girls don't do that. we shave, wax, laser, or veet it away. i shave. i think veet looks best but i heard veet is bad for your skin in the long run and i dare not use it.

>> No.7360062

Op here~
I've tried doing them before, and it ended horribly~ I plucked too much, and i have gaps everywhere!
I'm hoping to grow it out a bit more, but i'll definitely ask someone to help out~ Maybe if i feel confident i'll do it myself since so many kind anons have shared their resources!
Ahahaha, i feel silly indeed~
I'll try shaving or waxing soon, and maybe i'll post the results? I'm not sure it'll still be relevant, but i think i'll be showing a lot of my legs during the convention~
Tbh, i really had no idea what girl's did with body hair, so thank you for giving me an insight!

I'll be back later~ Night!

>> No.7360086

Or both? <3

>> No.7360099

You should follow the arc of your eyes as a general rule of thumb. But if you are cosplaying and you want to go the full mile and match your eyebrows to your wig color, you can use a little trick to conceal them. Take a normal gluestick, or mascara base and slick your eyebrows in the direction of the hairgrowth so that it is flat against your skin. Let it dry completely before you use your concealer and cover over the eyebrows. Then do your foundation as per usual. After it all dries, start using eyeshadow of the appropriate color to draw in the eyebrows to match your wig. You might want to try this for Luka because black eyebrows stand out heavily against pink hair.

>> No.7360104 [DELETED] 


>> No.7360136

I remember when /d/ wasn't all about dicks

>> No.7360147
File: 41 KB, 480x787, 1391961959843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya~ I know you're on the JTraps FB page [since I happen to be an admin there] I would suggest looking at Mihiro's or Dublin's album if you're looking for good fashion ideas. And Udon/Rina for more hair choices and makeup.
Just a quick thought since after looking at your page and what others have said, you're doing fine.

>> No.7360165

>cute trap
>likes Steins;Gate and Maria+Holic
>familiar with Bou from An Cafe

Hey OP, w-would you be willing to give out any contact info like email or Skype? I'd love to be friends with you. ;_;

>> No.7360207

maria holic and touhou i might mention. top tier trap bro

>> No.7360423

I wish I could just do your brows and eye makeup for you .__.

>> No.7360576

Please be my girlfriend

>> No.7360579

Does anyone have like a comprehensive guide on trapping they can post?

I want to but idk how to become feminine

>> No.7360944
File: 41 KB, 300x332, 1386966067923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone pls respond ;_;

>> No.7361052

There isn't one.

>> No.7361063

i-is there any sort of guide or something that will help with any aspect of it though?

actually doing make-up properly is probably the thing I need to learn the most about

>> No.7361096
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, 1387752049294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax, this is a slow board. You need lots of patience here.
This is the only one i have saved, but I'm sure there are more complete guides everywhere
If you want something more specific It depends a lot in your facial features

>> No.7361105

Are you serious? Just google mtf guides there are a shitton if resources.

>> No.7361122

no I mean the actual themes of those doujinshi are crossdressing guys. It's right on the cover.

My Japanese teacher would be proud if she knew this is what I use what I learned from her for.

>> No.7361129

ok sorry ;_;

>> No.7361219

I will be your dom girlfriend op.

>> No.7361230

OP would you be willing to give me your email or anything?
You seem interesting and I'd really like to talk.

>> No.7361281

You guys are pathetic, a million fat gulls all squirming for the attention of one guy.

>> No.7361327

Is that the best you can do? I'm underweight and I look fine.
I have never talked to a trap before though and OP seems nice. It's fine if he doesn't want to talk, I just thought it was worth a shot to ask.

>> No.7361331

You will never be the little girl. Stay jelly.

>> No.7361373

I'll talk to you if you want m8, not as pretty as OP yet but I'm attempting to be a trap at least.

email me if you want idc

>> No.7361674

hey anon, i dont find those guides helpful because you need to know which specific features you posess will help you pass. do what op did and maybe we can help?

>> No.7361762

Hi op. This is my first time on CGL in a while, and even though I usually lurk, I just wanted to throw in my two cents. First of all, what are you going for? Because I have a few "suggestions", but if you were going for a different look anyway, they wouldn't matter. I'll list them anyway, though.

>thin lips (but that could help with looking young)
>contour your nose and chin/jaw
>fill in your brows
>make your eyes look a bit larger

That's really all. Your makeup looks really great otherwise. That wig isn't too realistic looking, though, if that's what you're going for.

>> No.7362149

Op hereeeee
You just reminded me of that taco ad, "why not have both?"~ <3
Ohhh, another anon recommended that, but if there's more people recommending it, then it must be really good! ~
I'll be sure to try it next time
Hey! I didn't really think i'd meet someone who'd recognise my page~
Thank you, i'll definitely go through their albums, i really love their work from what i've seen before!
Hi guys~ Actually i want to talk to the people here and get to know you guys a bit better too, but my situation makes it hard for me to use my personal contact details for these kinds of things~
I can give you my fb page's name, so we can talk through that~
Just search: Kuu's Cosplay
and you'll find me!
B-but that wasn't me who posted that~
I really appreciate your effort to help me out!
Well atm, i don't really have a set look i want, i just want to pass flawlessly first~ Anything that works and looks nice would be amazing!
Thank you for your tips! I'll take them to heart when i fumble with my make-up~

>> No.7362178

I love traps and I'm a guy. It's all thanks to /a/ and their ironic suggestion of Boku No Pico.

Still prefer women but still.

>> No.7362194

But anon I came first
I was here the first thread but OP never emailed me ;_; I'm happy OP came back to post progress pics though!!

What, why, OP I'll learn how to Facebook for you

There isn't much for you to do except practice more and we'll see what else you need to improve next time. If you want you can try to figure put your body type ans how to flatter the figure more, but maybe that won't work if your cosplay outfit's fixed.

>> No.7362246

Op here~
I'm so sorry, i tried to get the email app working~
Thank you for your support, and i'll try my best!

>> No.7362255

Op here~
I'm late, sorry anon~
I got the "hourglass" result, which i think surprising seeing as i dont have any curves what so ever~

>> No.7362308

Is that with or without your padding on the hips and boobs
And men measure their waist as the largest part of their belly, but girls measure it as "the part under your boob" you could feelt like a sort of depressing around the centre of the bottom ribs? Lungs?
So did you measure your girl waist or guy waist

>> No.7362310

Feel a sort of depression*

>> No.7362358

Not necessarily. You measure it from wherever the smallest part of your waist is.

For some women, it's at the belly button. For some, it's right below it. For others, it's at the rib cage. For me personally, my smallest part is right below my rib cage.

Bottom line: a woman's waist is the thinnest part of her torso and could be anywhere.

>> No.7362366

Op here~
Without paddings~
I measured my girl waist~
B: 84
H: 87
I remeasured again, and entered these values and got a "unavailable" bpdy type~

>> No.7362383

o-oh :(

>> No.7362382

You need to enter it in inches.

>> No.7362476

I can tell you already it's probably more of a "rectangle" body type.

>> No.7362691

is that in inches? gross

>> No.7362701

It could look could if he's tall.

>> No.7362709


>> No.7362711

Id pound your boypussy and hold your hand
(guy here)
>no homo

>> No.7362714


>spoilers on /cgl/


>> No.7362742

Would you be interested in dating a guy

>> No.7362780

op i'm endlessly amused how your thread has half become a dating thread

>> No.7363415
File: 342 KB, 1280x960, 20140210_150202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my body too masculine to do crossplay?

>> No.7363421

yeah this is me >>7363415

>> No.7363425

I'm assuming that you're a guy, in which case, no. Your body shape just looks like a slender girl. Just pad more or something if you want curves

>> No.7363430

yeah I'm a guy, email is in field if you want my skype, I don't feel comfortable posting face pics here

>> No.7363436

Could someone give me an idea of what sort of outfits I could wear? Not op but I'm interested what will give me a feminine look. Links would be helpful.

>> No.7363452

no, just get a good padded bra, cutlets, and if it's a character with a pronounced butt or hips, pad those too.

>> No.7363454
File: 50 KB, 402x604, 1377234586102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait apparently you can put your skype in the email field, somebody add me pls

>> No.7364212

not at all! i would say you have a really good base to work on for your body. abit of pushing and padding and you could even pull off more revealing crossplays with ease.

but the biggest question has yet to be answered though. how masculine is your face? cause body shape can be disguised via costume choice but there isnt much you can do except contour for facial features...

>> No.7364233

don't feel comfortable posting face pics here but I'll send you one on skype if you add me, it's in the email field

>> No.7364236
File: 50 KB, 849x852, 1388052916755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops this was meant to be a response to >>7364212

>> No.7366942
File: 544 KB, 572x760, 1392176833906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be the trap guru. there are a couple brolitas in my comm that could use it and I wouldn't mind helping out.

but at the same time /cgl/ tells me it's rude to offer unsolicited concrit. and everyone else who responds to their outfit posts is usually overwhelmingly positive, so I'll sound like a bitch coming from out of nowhere.

>> No.7367069

i know that feel lol. that's a thought that nags me alot when i post. but hey. just be tactful and try i guess

>> No.7367134

Where am I supposed to find a cute trans SO? I just dropped by /lgbt/ and that was the wrong thing to do, they raked me over the coals and I wasn't even that upfront. Didn't realize it was a safe space. My bad. I just want a cutie trans SO.

>> No.7367183
File: 339 KB, 1273x1997, ryoudress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have trap potential? Face is obv very fem, like my body.

>> No.7367740

Kawaii anon!!

>> No.7367752

same, I'm interested in dating a transwoman but thanks to SJWs you get your ass handed to you if you say that

>> No.7367774

I'm curious anons. why would you specifically date a transwoman? shouldn't other criteria like personality, interests or even physical beauty come first rather than actively searching for a trans person as a criteria? i'd think that if they identified with the opposite gender telling them you want to specifically date someone who is trans is like picking at a scab

>> No.7367861

Because wanting to date someone solely because of their genitalia is kind of a scummy thing to do.

>> No.7367869
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1392215497161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone wants that kind of stuff.

>> No.7368080

Interesting stuff but that breastplate is over $900

>> No.7368150

what /fa/ calls goth ninja is pretty androgynous (google it)

you'll probably post a secret with concrit, tell nobody else what you did, don't let your comm find out, kinda rude though and some people don't take well to it. you don't want to ruin the fun he has in lolita and quit because of a secret you made eh.
unless you become close friends with the brolita guy, close enough to just concrit him in the face.

>> No.7368646

I'm horrified and intrigued by that entire website

>> No.7369580

most j-fashion looks pretty feminine, especial if you start looking into visual kei

>> No.7369587

This thread is going to places woah

>> No.7370714

not nearly enough places as it should be

>> No.7371959
File: 115 KB, 536x1000, xmassDSC_0369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely come here, but this thread got me interested. It's super surprising to me that there are actually girls who like traps. I was almost certain, that it would be impossible to find someone from different gender who likes this as much as I do... To cut story short, I'm trapping for my own fun once a while, but have literally not a single soul I could talk about frills and skirts with.

It's possibly a dead beat to even attempt, since I assume there's noone here from the shithole country that's Poland here, but anyways, email goes in email field.

Picture related (I know it possibly breaks a fuckton of unspoken fashion rules that I'm oblivious to, I just liked the skirt in this outfit so much ;_;).

>> No.7374160

concrit ok/no?
if you're just looking to hook up for a quick fuck i guess no
if you're serious about trapping i suppose yes, post a full outfit shot without that weird angle

>> No.7374278
File: 81 KB, 457x1000, xmassDSC_0364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrit is very much appreciated.
> Quick
> Serious
Actually no. I just like to dress up once a while. It's not serious, I'm not thinking of ascending into the nasty world of hormones and this whole transistioning bullshit. I just want frills and cute outfits once every while and none of the lgbt drama.

In any case, I'm hunting for my first mary magdalene dress, that would go nicely with already possessed shoes.

>> No.7374290

heya. I just want to say. you don't need hormones and stuff to look good. just a decent amount of effort and investment if you're willing to. The more you put in the more you get back that kind of thing.

okay just checking. is your corset one with steel boning? or is it just decorative? it would help with the illusion of feminity loads if you had just abit of waistline so look into a possible investment there.

a fitted top like that seems to be slightly strange. do you have any white pressed shirts? wear one under the corset and roll up the sleeves just abit. or lose the corset and pin up the waist area on the shirt to create an illusion of a feminine cut. experiment and post pics! this should be fun

>> No.7374292

where is that corset from? it doesn't look like it's giving you any waist definition, it just makes your torso look more tubular. I hope it wasn't expensive, you were probably ripped off if it were. I can't tell if your choice of blouse is good or bad because Cannot See With Weird Angles Of Photography. It's good that you use soft, figure-hugging black fabric that conceals any masculine joints along your shoulder to arm, but I can't judge any more because Cannot See.
Your shoes look like they're a bit too long. Not really a big gripe, just worry about your comfort I suppose. Good use of black stockings to elongate and shape your legs.
From what I can see so far, it's a simple co-ord, not a bad "j-punk" "j-goth" whatever outfit, but I can't see much anyway. But that corset tho, uhm.
Totally respect that you want to remain anon, but looking at these pictures I won't immediately think "it's a girl" or "it's someone trapping." I'm more likely to think you're a male dressing like japanese punk fashion stuff.

>> No.7374296

>Totally respect that you want to remain anon,
*so I can't see your face, that would really affect my opinion on whether you look like a girl or dude. I won't immediately think...etc blah

>> No.7374312

Someone from Poland? Okaay.

Ditch that corset, it looks awful, it's a tube not the real one.

>> No.7374337

Thank you very much, this is a great idea. I'll hunt a bit for shirts to fit in that, but the common issue I found was that usually my arms were looking strangely big in white shirts. I will try to get one and experiment though, as I never had a proper shirt that would go with the skirt.

Dithing it for sure. Thanks.

Nothing to apologise for. I'm really gratefull for the input!

a) Corset - it's some Vaacodor underbust corset (with steel bonding, but the eco-skin stretches a bit), it was cheap as hell and I got it on some reseller website with around 50% off. I must had been blind to not see that it's not doing the job it should, thank you both for pointing this out! I'll try to invest a bit in something better, so it would actually do the trick.

b) I will work on stylisation. Currently, I just don't have anything presentable apart from loose bits and pieces. My wardrobe is a mess of loosely collected items that accumulated over the years of closet-trapping. I shall improve.

Thank you very much for commenting on those rather badly composed shots, I will improve in this regard as well - it seems I had got used to low standards on some bogus /cd/ threads and it's the effect. I shall report in a month if there's a thread already running, so I can pull my bum together and be presentable.

>> No.7374380
File: 6 KB, 155x155, lik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont visit this faggot board usually lmfao, but i saw your picture on the frontpage and opened in another tab and just looked now.
you make my dick hard, pls b in copenhagen bbegurl

>> No.7374395

Plenty of people on cgl prefer dating people who are thin or flat chested, is that also scummy?

>> No.7374554

I'm gay and I don't want to date someone with a penis, is that scummy?

>> No.7374569


I'd kill a man to have a husbando like Mihiro.

>> No.7375118

i think the difference here is an issue of sensitivity. I'm running on the assumption that if you are trans you would prefer to be considered a member of the gender that is in line with your mental state and not well... transexual?

>> No.7375174

You look like you fit Japanese sizes, go crazy on Yahoo auctions, you can get h.naoto dirt cheap and nobody will fight against you in bidding. There's also taobao but for the price I personally prefer yahooJp
White is a colour that makes anyone looklarger btw, if your joints are larger & more ~manry~ you can continue concealing them, but it's fun to try different things too
Come back soon anon!

>> No.7375722

Just wondering, for you (wannabe) traps out there, do you work out at all? I don't mean /fit/'s whole spend-6-months-becoming-fat-ass-then-spend-3-months-going-anorexic-while-squatting-plates workout, but I mean stuff like cardio, aerobics, swimming, yoga, dancing, etc. The sort of things that shapes your body, makes you more flexible, more energetic, and more limber. I mean, the lot of you camera + mirror traps are heavily missing the point of femininity in that femininity (like masculinity) is much more readily communicate in motion than in stills.

I mean, I personally don't trap, but the fact that I can do the splits, arabesque, and sit in that girly way where your legs form a W automatically makes everyone insist I must be at least girly if not full on gay-trap-boy-girly

>> No.7375729

Where's a good place to get some cheap 'cutlets' as you call them? Is there a guide thread somewhere here?

>> No.7375765

taobao. check if there's anyone around your area that's shipping in stuff.
workout is on and off for me personally but i know if you overdo it and bulk up it is counter productive. i suppose you need to understand how your body reacts to exercise and what type of exercises are ideal for you.

>> No.7375768

and might i also add that in the context of cosplay. all that is recorded at the end of a con and photoshoot is pictures. so that should be a good focal point to get right first. unless you intend to make videos

>> No.7375771

Don't get cutlets on taobao the kuaidi and international shipping aren't worth it, tried eBay yet?

>> No.7375790

You look like a dorky girl. Would facefuck if you kept the clothes on.

>> No.7376468

I'm looking, but it's hard to tell much about them. Most of the photos seem like they're just stock photos. Since it's my first time buying I'm not really sure what to look for.

Would love it if someone has a good recommendation for a good seller.

>> No.7376494

I don't think the people in this thread would have an issue referring to a trans-person as whatever their preferred gender is. For the purposes of this thread I think it's just quicker for them to say, "yea I would date a trap" or whatever

>> No.7376997

Traps are not the same as being trans.

>> No.7377756

>for the purposes of this thread

everyone here knows that

>> No.7379201

I bought all my bras from nissen global and half of them came with a pair of free cutlets each, so I have a drawer full of cutlets I got for free...I'd say don't worry about cheap eBay products having product photos that don't look professional/personal. It's usually pretty cheap + free shipping, just make sure to message the seller and kick up a fuss if items don't arrive within 35 days of payment.

>> No.7379225

>neither man nor women
Enjoy never being accepted by society, men and women, only other fags

>> No.7379823
File: 141 KB, 992x935, i&#039;m not even sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like I wanted to post in this thread or anything b-baka. I just couldn't find anything else to wear wwww

>> No.7380307

Hmm, I don't really see any mention of it on their site. Odd.

>> No.7380685

Your legs are kinda skinny, bones and muscles are more noticeable and that makes them look masculine. Try to get a little of phat on them.
Do you have pantyhose or something like that?that could make a difference too

>> No.7380707

I feel pretty bad for your Dad. I know if I ever have a faggot son I will be very dissapointed.
I have some mixed feelings about this though, because both /pol/ and /fit/
I would berry my dick down your ass, but then I''d have to urinate in your mouth and nail you to a cross and set it on fire. It's the only cure for that mental illness of yours.

>> No.7380764

up until your lets it looks pretty decent, just flat chested girl, but your legs do just kind of give it away. too skinny/defined ish

>> No.7380765


>> No.7380774


Those masks wtf..

>> No.7380793

Definitely get a little bit more boobage (doesn't have to be a lot, though), and (as others have said), do something about your legs. They emphasize the fact that you have no shape on your bottom half what-so-ever. I'd suggest gaining a bit, or wearing a knee-length skirt with slight poof.

>> No.7380794


Put on knee-socks and take a picture of yourself sitting down on the floor with your legs in a W position. If you're trying to look feminine without looking slutty, nothing else comes close

>> No.7380798

Get some cute thigh-highs. I think they would make your legs look much more feminine.

>> No.7381219

how do you make your legs look like a W o0

>> No.7381235
File: 16 KB, 616x733, 1392832496347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's literally the worst example of what they are talking about

>> No.7381490

Gosh ...I wish my ex was like you left me for all those reasons :/

>> No.7381498


she left**

>> No.7381598

oh, yeah that makes sense
i was thinking like, putting my feet up by my dick or something

>> No.7382906
File: 204 KB, 640x480, rip best socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn, I ripped one of the sock while trying to get them up to my thighs. good thing they didn't belong to my sis heh. I was planning on getting some thigh-highs/wig but this is getting 2weird4me s-so you better enjoy this last pic b-baka.

>> No.7382923

This picture is an easy giveaway
Your knees don't look feminine and no waist definition = definitely a dude
Also roll up the stocks before putting them on. If you have nails, do this before wearing any long socks/stockings/hosiery
> trim nails or
> wear thick gloves when wearing hosiery or
> wear a pair of ankle socks on your hands
Be gentle, now.

Also do you kope your sister's clothes to trap with...? Damned if my brother ever do that.

>> No.7382944

>no waist definition = definitely a dude
He's wearing a baggy shirt, yo.

>> No.7382947

sg or my?!?!

>> No.7382950

my boyfriend has the same body type as >>7382906 and he looks exactly the same in baggy t shirts. Even under baggy shirts girls will look like girls. Don't try to use bagginess to cover up lack of waist, that's what I'm saying

>> No.7382960


it was only that one time I swear.

>> No.7382968

If you were OP, I'd let you raid my closet and wear whatever you wanted, no need to sneakily steal from oneechan. I'd let neet too but he's a tripfag.

Sorry I don't know how you look like, but it's probably ok for you to borrow my clothes

>> No.7382979

discrimination i say. lol
this might be strange. but putting on just abit of weight might round you out abit more. but then again it is highly dependant if you are the type that packs fat around the thigh areas... which is kinda rare for guys.

try full stockings?

>> No.7385244

This doesn't even look trappish, guys wearing big comfy sweaters is in and the legs give it away. It just looks like you forgot to put on your pants.