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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 5 KB, 224x154, stalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7360417 No.7360417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you on here, especially those with Facebook pages ever had a stalker? What did they do and how did you deal with them?

>> No.7360424

I've been wondering if seagulls had any creepers as well, and was going to make a thread for it. asking:

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?

>what were their favorite things about you?

>what were some stupid things they said?

>what were some creepy things they said?

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?

>> No.7360440 [DELETED] 

>Behave like a trashy, sexually open whore
>Surprised men start to "stalk" you

Knowing how to use google != stalkers. That would make me a stalker for sending nudes that a camwhore on /b/ took to her parents and family.

>> No.7360438

I had an internet stalker but it had nothing to do with cosplay/lolita.

I had to abandon several websites/messengers and create new ones. I stopped displaying my name/location, and I moved(though that wasn't related specifically to the stalker).

>> No.7360441

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Cosplay and lolita
>what were their favorite things about you?
Cuteness (really?) and interesting conversation topics
>what were some stupid things they said?
"Im in love of you" (he was 35 years old while I was 15)
"How do you know?" (I asked)
"Because every night I masturbate thinking on you" (he said that when take me to my home one night, and told it in a romantic way...)
>what were some creepy things they said?
"We can go to my brotherhood, we will initialize you"

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
The age
And some weird things...

>> No.7360449
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I had a girl on Facebook get really creepy with me because she REALLY LOVED this guy I cosplayed.
She'd plan (shitty) cosplays of things related to him, message me a lot about random shit, etc.
The worst she ever did was spam a group's cosplay page with shitty fanart of that character, all directed at me as a way of saying, "PLEASE COSPLAY HIM MORE AND COME TO OUR MEETUPS"
Never went to one. She eventually left me alone.

Dramatic and compelling, I know.

>> No.7360518

Stalker #1 - An obese female with 0 sense of good hygiene
>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
>what were their favorite things about you?
The cosplay I was wearing (Rukia from Bleach)
>what were some stupid things they said?
cant really remember any stupid things, just a bunch of socially awkward comments. This was years ago.
>what were some creepy things they said?
"I want to fuck your brother.............." (first thing she said to me)
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
Stalked me for an entire day at a con and thought we were bffs cause I was cosplaying the sister of her husbando. Bitch, no.
Also found me on several forums and social networks that existed back in the day despite me having given her no contact information whatsoever.

Stalker #2 - South european guy who spoke very bad english
>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Neither, he met me on my way home from a grill I used to work at when I was 17.
>what were their favorite things about you?
"you look so much like my girlfriend at home!!!!!"
>what were some stupid things they said?
See above, possibly the worst kind of pickup line ever
>what were some creepy things they said?
No creepy things were said except him telling me how hot I was (with my disgusting greasy grill hair mmmm) I couldn't understand him 90% of the time (and this was also 5 years ago).
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
he somehow figured out where I worked and somehow convinced my manager that he was my boyfriend so he could get my schedule and phonenumber. showed up at my workplace for the rest of that summer and would sometimes wait at the local station for me to show up. Hardly ever said a thing to me, just followed me around.

Both fairly harmless but creepy and annoying. I've had one downright scary stalker who threatened me and showed up at my house, but he quit it after a week whereas those two kept on going for months.

>> No.7360531

Defensive stalker detected.

>> No.7360546 [DELETED] 

Like I said, all I've done in the past is forward some /b/ camwhore's nudes onto the parents and wider family.

>> No.7360559 [DELETED] 

i fake faceook stalk people locally p funny to see people panic

generally people all have the same background/hobies/struggles/routine

so sweeping vast generalizations with race, age, sex and clothing styles are suprisingly very accurate

>> No.7360569
File: 14 KB, 283x289, family values.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty petty and creepy attitude to have. Just because someone is a retard online doesn't mean it's your personal responsibility to "punish" them. Grow up and sort your issues out.
This is not the behavior of someone who even remotely likes themselves.

>> No.7360609 [DELETED] 


I did this to a chick on /soc/, apparently got her kicked out of home according to her tumblr.

I see what I did as moral though. Women need to stop thinking they're "safe" to post those sorts of pics online. There's a worrying lack of shame.

>> No.7360616

>This is not the behavior of someone who even remotely likes themselves.

And camwhoring for brand/dressing up in a kamui senketsu is?

>> No.7360620

Searching for someone's family to send them photos is creepy/stalker behavior. You're fucking insane.

>> No.7360626
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aren't you two saints

don't worry, one day those camwhores will realize what sweet, nice guys you are and how you were just looking out for them, and come running into your arms

>> No.7360630 [DELETED] 

>Information a few button clicks/searches away

Pls. It was so easy to find her on FB and other places it wasn't even funny.

>> No.7360631

The difference is that they are only hurting themselves, while you actively feel the need to hurt others. You're disgusting.

>> No.7360636 [DELETED] 

I'm not hurting her, like the other guy said we're helping them by shaming them into some standard of decent behavior since you're clearly incapable of doing that of your own accord without shame threatening you.

>> No.7360640

/pol/, why are you off your containment board? Maybe we should ask moot to find some way to keep you shitposters there.


>> No.7360638

It doesn't matter how easy it is. It's still fucking creepy to search for a stranger's family like that. Stay insane.

>> No.7360641 [DELETED] 


keep trying to shame me over the internet lol.

taking off your clothes for random men is infinitely worse than being the messenger to your dad

>> No.7360646 [DELETED] 

Race mixing whore.

>> No.7360647

Getting someone kicked out of their house is helping them so much. Wow you so generous. Do you masturbate to the thought of your own pathetic justice? Do you pat yourself on the back having helped an insecure count learn her place? Grow a pair and worry about your own fucked up sense of worth.

>> No.7360651
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>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Lolita, my modesty, the cosplay I did do

>what were their favorite things about you?
I was black (he was anti-white), shyness, willingness to listen, cuteness, innocence

>what were some stupid things they said?
"i need mens rights because female pornstars get paid more"
"I was molested by a woman when I was young, and when I told people about it, men laughed at me, that's why I need men's rights"
"all white people are evil scum" (he's a mexican albino, with blonde hair and blue eyes, white as hell looking)
"mormons are amazing, I love everything they do and believe in, they have been 100% right about everything"

>what were some creepy things they said?
"I've been checking out your blog more and printed out a few pictures of you from it, and framed them all and put them on my nightstand. you said you used strawberry shampoo on your blog once, so I bought a strawberry candle and put it by your photos, and I light it before I go to bed, and it makes me think of you"
(in all honesty, I wished I asked for a photo)

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
10 year age gap, I was 16
"I want to impregnate you, and break the world record of having children with you, at least 10 kids. if you or our children ever lied to me, I would cane you, and waterboard the children"


>> No.7360658
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should of added to the fact that he posted poorly MS paint photos of wonderwoman on his blogspot saying
"I'm wonderwoman, and I support men's rights!"

stupidest fucking thing I ever heard.

>> No.7360662
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>taking off your clothes for random men is infinitely worse

You are projecting so goddamn hard it's laughable. Thank goodness the internet has saviors like you to keep all of the slutty sheep from wandering from your pure maiden flock.

Ask yourself honestly, why are you so threatened by women expressing sexuality?

>> No.7360668

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
I don't really know.

>what were their favorite things about you?
My lips. He had some kind of fetish.

>what were some stupid things they said?
He said he liked me because I was unattractive and so he didn't have to worry about my cheating or being stolen away.

>what were some creepy things they said?
He said he'd kill himself if I stopped talking to him.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
The above.

On top of that, when I stopped talking to him was when he started stalking me. He started digging up various accounts on websites that weren't even remotely related to anything he'd spoken to me on. When I blocked him, he began creating dozens of throwaway accounts and trying to contact me again and again.

I had to delete or abandon a lot of sites.

He ended up finding me again anyways. I don't know how since I basically kept all information private after that shit. At this point I've stopped caring because he'll find me anyways.

He's been trying to contact me off and on for three years now. Most recently he tried to add me on facebook a couple weeks ago. I flipped out and tore him down in every way I could possibly think of.

I haven't heard from him since, but it wouldn't be the first time he's left me alone for more than a couple months.

>> No.7360671
File: 44 KB, 450x418, hurr_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expressing sexuality

>> No.7360676

>Getting someone kicked out of their house is helping them so much.

It could actually help in that it forces her to stop posting that kind of thing online and maybe re-evaluate her behavior as a whole.

Not the person you're replying to, just offering a thought.

>> No.7360693

It doesn't really solve the problem. Most women who post that shit are really insecure to begin with. Forcing them out of their home does not address their lack of self worth at all and most likely makes it infinitely worse for them.

>> No.7360695


So wait, "taking off your clothes for random men" as you described the act, is in no way an expression of sexuality?

>stripping to illicit a sexual or non sexual response isn't an expression or exploration of personal sexuality

It threatens you, so you feel the need to take a "savior" role to "straighten out their offensive behavior"

It's even more pathetic than seeking validation from strangers, but someone so divorced from reality wouldn't pick up on that.

>> No.7360696

I like daddy issues.

>> No.7360702

Guilty as fuck conscience lol

>> No.7360713

gr8 comeback

>> No.7360716

>no actual argument
Maybe stop being so obsessed with women and what they do online? Smells like sour grapes.

>> No.7360718

It's just obvious you have a guilty conscience and have a lot invested in this issue.

Men don't respect you.

>> No.7360722

That the best you got? Samefag harder. Sage for tired of talking to basement dwellers. Have fun jacking off to your daddy porn.

>> No.7360723

its a troll, jesus christ ladies, stop responding and he'll leave

>> No.7360727


still kinda stings sometimes to think that guys who share our hobbies hate us so much.

>> No.7360729

Not the anon you were talking to and have never taken nudes or anything similar to them. It's just laughable that you think anyone actual values the respect of internet autists. Though I guess if you weren't obviously autistic you wouldn't be acting this way.

You're also one to talk about investment if you're going out of your way to text peoples' families because you've decided to play internet police. Maybe dial down the obviously unhinged obsession a bit and girls will be interested in you.

>> No.7360731
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>projecting so hard that you are certain you are talking to a woman

>> No.7360744 [DELETED] 

because most of you women are devoid of any sense of morality and to say that your sense of right and wrong is askew is a gross understatement.

most men i know would not resort to selling sex, sexual imagery, or using people in order to gain material worth

i don't pity stories of harassment at conventions, karma is a bitch

>> No.7360749
File: 340 KB, 1261x1000, 1391978808658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys called?

>> No.7360766

It's hard to take you seriously about this stuff when half of your fantasies revolve around being brutally raped.

>> No.7360767

>most men i know would not resort to selling sex, sexual imagery, or using people in order to gain material worth

Except for the fact that the majority of sexual imagery of women is created for and by men. So, there's that.

>> No.7360763

You've got to be fucking kidding me. "I see what I did as moral" I fucking hope karma gets you, cunt.

>> No.7360780
File: 971 KB, 480x360, ghost babe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerds sure are terrified of women.

>> No.7360785

>Non-slutty cosplayers
>I want to believe

I've given up on lolitas but reading threads like this makes me a sad panda.

>> No.7360801
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, 1375680408828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have any of you on here, especially those with Facebook pages ever had a stalker? What did they do and how did you deal with them?
Yes, a couple actually.

Avoided them, then confronted them, then avoided them again. I was prepared to call the police but I'm pretty meek so I don't know if it would have come to that.

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Cosplay, playing DS, and posting nudes (respectively)

>what were their favorite things about you?
That I was nerdy like them, that I wasn't fat, and that I wasn't good at saying no

>what were some stupid things they said?
"Can I stay in your bed? Mine has mold in it"
"Your hair probably smells really nice"
"plz respond" (okay, not literally that, but dozens of texts along those lines)

And etc.

There are some other stupid ones like "why isn't there a WHITE history month?!" and using words like "kitteh"

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
Inability to read social cues, taking my jacket so I couldn't leave (and acting all cutesy about it), putting LSD in one of my drinks as a joke, finding me on Facebook and adding my friends on Facebook while pretending to be another friend who lost my number, texting unsolicited (and hairy and greasy) nudes, texting verbals insults.

Anyway, I've been avoiding men now and the whole problem has disappeared. Even online, the slightest hint that the person I'm talking to has a penis and I go hyper defensive.

>> No.7360799

And half your fantasies revolve around brutally raping women and cumming on their faces so ????

>> No.7360808


>most money would not resort to selling sex, sexual imagery, or using people

what. that's literally all most men do.

>> No.7360814

We can't help it. It fulfills some primordial need to dominate you.

>> No.7360819
File: 35 KB, 417x374, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting LSD in your drinks

>> No.7360823 [DELETED] 

anything to justify your lack of upbringing and lack of ability to act like a civilized human

i bet every other word you spout is profanity, and you spend your nights and weekends consuming alcohol in large amounts like the typical low socio-economic peoples in america.

>> No.7360830
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>aww sweet this thread has potential!

>mfw reading thread

>> No.7360831

I didn't drink it, he was being pretty obvious about doing it (again, that fake cutesy shit).

Honestly it would have been fine, it's not like I can't handle myself on psychedelics, it's just that the act of drugging someone's drink is really repulsive.

>> No.7360836

>Talk to a guy on msn for a while.
>Come back to heaps of offline messages, talking about how perfect we were together and how he thought we had a special connection.
>Let him down gently and talk less so I don't encourage him.
>He asks why I wasn't talking to him as often as I used to.
>He got a job at the same place that I worked. He'd try to come up to talk all the time, but we were in different sections.
>See him everywhere, getting creeped out.
>Quit and got a job a bit further from home. Blocked everywhere online. Problem solved.

Not sure if that counts as stalking, but it was pretty creepy.

>> No.7360845

I had one stalker on a forum I used to frequent. He was almost my father's age, and was proper obsessed with my posting and would get incredibly offended if he saw I'd lurked a thread, probably saw his post, and didn't reply. He was meticulous about it too, like he was online 24/7. I left the forum about two/three years ago but I went having a nose about recently and I saw a post of his saying he knew where I lived. All this time later. WHAT THE FUCK. I've a twitter under a different moniker which one or two friends from the forum follow but it wouldn't surprise if he was still silently monitoring like that too.

I've never posted nudes. I'm never really camwhored. I never gave him any indication that I saw him as anything other than some random dude on a forum yet it still happened. I barely even spoke to him, actually because he was hella creepy.

I attracted a lot of weirdos on that forum, actually. I had another guy say he used to literally be in love with me. I look boring, and the same can be said of my style of writing. I'll never understand it. On every other forum I frequent I always pretend to be a dude now.

>> No.7360854
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"Lack of upbringing and lack of ability to act like a civilized human"? No offense, sieg, but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
It's sad that calling you an obese, self-important weeaboo neckbeard wouldn't even be a baseless insult, considering your face has been shown both on /fa/ and here before.
99% of the time you don't know what you're talking about, and a lot of your opinions are very uninformed and/or ignorant.
I suggest taking a break from 4chan indefinitely. You really are part of the problem.

>> No.7360852

Oh go on then.

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
We used to chat together on Gaia, in vampire roleplay threads. So embarrassing.

>what were their favorite things about you?
Probably that I was a little underage imouto-chan that still wanted to talk about wordy, 'intelligent' things. I was too precocious, really.

>what were some stupid things they said?
Everything, I don't even remember it now. Mostly just talking themselves into feeling okay about chatting up someone so much younger than themselves because I was 'so mature'.

>what were some creepy things they said?
Mostly just different attempts to get me to send perverted photos. I mostly remember I had a long sleeved Tshirt with lots of rips in it I would wear over other Tshirts, I remember him asking for a photo of me in it with nothing underneath it for weeks.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He was slowly gathering enough information about my life to pinpoint my address using googlemaps and then began adding my female friends when I got a boyfriend.

He still talks to one of my friends, it's so creepy. I haven't talked to him willingly in over two years but he sent me a birthday message this year and my skin just crawled away into a corner.

>> No.7360861

I was working today and saw this adorable, chubby boy walk in with his father. How many kids do you think we should adopt? I know that you're a guy and straight, but would you be willing to let me inject estrogen in your body to give you a curvier figure?

>> No.7360878

You are the biggest piece of shit on the planet. I bet you are a republican.

>> No.7360882

What kind of retarded moron are you?

>> No.7360892

Only a retarded republican would care about morality. Go fuck yourself, biblethumping fuckface.

>> No.7360912 [DELETED] 

im not religious, however religion has a place in the world..if you would like to discuss philosophical influences on what is just (or modern day morality) i can digup my old master's thesis?

>> No.7360909

>not believing in God
>not feeling a sense of community
>not wanting more than just base pleasure
>having herpes
>not loving your dad

>> No.7360914

>helping them by shaming them
Because that's even remotely going to help
You do understand why that's fucked up right? It's their bodies, they can feel however the fuck they want about it. Everyone deserves to have their own, private life if they want it, if you wanted to teach them a lesson you'd talk them out of posting nudes online instead of viciously fapping and forwarding them to family. Don't think for a second you've helped anyone in any way

>> No.7360931

Women aren't really anything more than sex toys. This is what you enjoy being. Look at your fantasies.

>> No.7360983

This thread went to shit so bad. Why so many annoying sexist trolls today? So much mad

>> No.7360993
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>tfw afraid to even talk to girls out of fear they'll think i'm some kind of creepy stalker

>> No.7360998

Someone's so sad and ronery

>> No.7361005

I don't think so.

>> No.7361008

If they really mean so little, why fret so much over them?

>> No.7361011


>> No.7361027

Last year I had a woman 12 years my senior stalking me. I once stayed in a restricted section of the library between classes because she told me she was coming to my campus for a job that day and would be looking for me. I still have NO IDEA what she really wanted from me because she was a little. Why do you want a "mommy" who was barely legal at the time?

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
I posted a shoulder-up grainy picture of my Halloween pin-up girl costume on my college's Tumblr tag. The costume was even quite modest for what it was supposed to be..

>what were their favorite things about you?
being a cute young local girl, not being repulsed by homosexuality, wearing Doc Martens

>what were some stupid things they said?
sent me anonymous messages everyday with shitty Facebook-quotes-section "inspirational sayings"

>what were some creepy things they said?
It wasn't what she said, it was the frequency of her messages. 5 a day until I blocked her.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
her looking for me on campus, her kinks


>> No.7361021

Because using your bodies is fun.

>> No.7361070
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>> No.7361135
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I've had my fair share of uncomfortable moments and disagree comments at conventions, but I can more or less safely say that I had two full-on stalkers.

The first and more severe case was a 24 year old male. He was white, slender, and quite socially awkward. I at first didn't mind because he seemed very sweet and made an effort to be humorous and kind to me. I have low self-esteem and I'm ashamed to say that I felt comfort in his flattery. The moment he found my contact information however was when I became uncomfortable and realized the error of my ways. I was simply too timid to speak out against his actions, and without resistance he eventually begin to speak and act more lewdly to me.

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
>what were their favorite things about you?
My shy and quiet demeanor, (from his word) my lips, eyes, hair, rear, thighs, and height, and his interest was magnified upon learning I was male
>what were some stupid things they said?
"Do you feel dirty for tricking guys into falling for you? Or does it get you off?"
"Are you sweaty under there? I bet your body gets real sweaty walking around in all that fluff."
>what were some creepy things they said?
"I bet you could walk around all day with a dildo inside you, no one would ever be able to tell under all the clothing"
"What do those bloomers feel like on your penis? Does it feel good?"
"You're not a real woman you know. You'll never be, not until a man cums inside you."
"Let me make you a real girl. It's why you dress that way, right? I can make you feel like a real woman"
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He sent me a package containing a set of provocative women's undergarments, worse still they were stained with bodily fluids. That was when I was forced to summon my courage and ask that he never contact me again. The entire experience was incredibly unsettling for me.

>> No.7361157

>"You're not a real woman you know. You'll never be, not until a man cums inside you."

10/10 pick-up line, I'll be using this from now on if you don't mind

>> No.7361159

Tbh this just seems like someone trying to make friends and being a bit too overkeen

>> No.7361198

It's hard to sympathize with you to be honest. I mean that guy sounds like an ultra creepy pervert, but... aren't you also a pervert by nature of being a male in lolita dress?

>> No.7361206


I understand how you feel with the low self esteem but I really hope you've learnt from that and wont let it happen again. I also hope you have friends and can learn (or have learnt) to have more confidence in yourself.

Ignore this idiot.

>> No.7361210
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>> No.7361212

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
>10 year age gap, I was 16
>"I want to impregnate you, and break the world record of having children with you, at least 10 kids. if you or our children ever lied to me, I would cane you, and waterboard the children"

holy shit

>> No.7361216

Stalkers don't necessarily have to be sexually interested.

However the whole "she liked me because I wasn't repulsed by homosexuality" thing was my red flag -- she started off our interactions by asking me my sexuality, if I'd ever date a woman (after I said I was straight but felt no one was 100% anything), and then talked a ton about how she just broke up with her ex girlfriend who was my age, how she hates everybody but I seemed awesome, and so on.
Then came the rest of what all happened in the first post.

>> No.7361218

>divorced from reality
>implying him and reality were even on speaking terms to begin with

>> No.7361220
File: 523 KB, 800x1000, 1390951488908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god lol, that's an even better pick-up line than this was >>7361157

we should compile these like /fit/ did

>> No.7361224

Just stop responding to him, he's only looking for attention.

>> No.7361225

go back to shitposting on /fa/ i'm sure they miss you

>> No.7361231

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7361238

why do half of these have to do with tea bagging

>> No.7361244

cause they're supposed to be the most terrible pick-up lines /fit/ could think of

>> No.7361247


>still being fooled by the left-right dichotomy

retard detected

enjoy your endless wars and surveillance state regardless of who you vote for :D

>> No.7361252

>Still thinking it's all one big conspiracy.

>> No.7361256

ewwww you sound so pretentious

>> No.7361257

Some guy on campus creeped on me a bit and idk why.

He just saw me sitting around doing nothing and started chatting with me, seemed ok. Exchanged numbers, and he sent me an excess of messages that I didn't really respond to. He started getting all clingy and attached and I was just all "nigga I ain't even interacted with you for more than half an hour." Sometimes I'd run into him in spite of actively avoiding him and he'd be all "I missed you so much! Why won't you return my emotionnnss." At some point he tracked me down and gave me this sob story about how he was going through a terrible point in his life and how I was terrible for ignoring him and in a crowning moment of sociopathy I was like "ok."

He followed me to a bus stop in spite of me repeatedly telling him to leave me alone and I didn't get on my bus in fear that he might follow me home or something and he also tried to force a kiss on me at some point. blurgh

In retrospect I should have been more forceful in telling him to fuck off or at least reported him to campus police or something

>> No.7361269

>He just saw me sitting around doing nothing and started chatting with me, seemed ok.
Girls are okay with this? I often see a girl sitting alone and I want to chat with her but I get nervous.

>> No.7361272

>"why isn't there a WHITE history month?!"

There's no need for one since they already have World History Month, Technological Development Month, Space Month and Inventing Something Other than Sticks Month.

>> No.7361282

yeah I have the same problem, this is me >>7360993

girls how am I supposed to talk to you without seeming creepy? At the moment I pretty much never talk to any girls unless they're the ones who initiate the conversation

>> No.7361284

Why are you answering questions that nobody asked?

>> No.7361286

>that stalkers sense of entitlement
Damn. Men who think they can make women "complete" with their penises are beyond pathetic

>> No.7361289 [DELETED] 
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>>Still thinking it's all one big conspiracy.

>implying it has to be a conspiracy

The only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is on social issues, which are just a distraction. Either way, government grows over time, taxes rise, government employees get higher wages, new wars are started, prison population increases, and the surveillance state grows every year (Bush; PATRIOT, Obama; significantly increased its scope)

But it's a "conspiracy" since it makes you uncomfortable? F u you're the problem

>> No.7361292


>anon says "This is a stupid question"
>answer it to illustrate their point for them

Why are you such a buttblasted tumblrite?

>> No.7361298
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I understand... I know that my hobby and interests are unusual and undesirable for a male. I do not see it as a sexual thrill or fetish in any way... It's simply a fun pastime that makes me feel good about myself and my body and lets me connect with others.

>I understand how you feel with the low self esteem but I really hope you've learnt from that and wont let it happen again.
I have most definitely learned from this experience, I have now been able to at least attempt to say something when someone makes me feel uncomfortable. To be honest though, it has made me feel more nervous and uneasy when presenting myself in lolita fashion, and around men in general. I understand that that likely stems from irrational logic however.

>I also hope you have friends and can learn (or have learnt) to have more confidence in yourself.
I... don't have any friends... (I do go to conventions with a familiar group and attend lolita meets in my city, sometimes). I strive to improve my assertiveness and confidence.

>> No.7361308

You misquoted.

Good luck with the future okay?

>> No.7361312

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
They liked small short girls and liked my personality.
>what were their favorite things about you?
I would talk to him about Batman and paid attention to him and not because I was sorry for him but because I though he was a nice guy. Most people would talk to him and be nice but didn't actually want to be his friend because he was tall, ginger, and had a lazy eye and was a bit strange.
>what were some stupid things they said?
He kept calling my boyfriend his "nemisis" and would run away when my boyfriend came to see me when me and him were talking. I told him he could talk with both of us and be friends but every time he said “no way” because my boyfriend was his nemesis.
>what were some creepy things they said?
He didn't ever actually say anything creepy to me. I just knew that he stalked me and would watch me down the halls at times and constantly watched my Facebook and would always give me a lot of his action figures as gifts even if I said no.
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
I knew that they stalked me sometimes like on sites and in classes and stuff and I was fine with that, but one day in the last class of the day he gave me a box and told me not to open it until I was home because it was "scandalous". I said okay but I opened it in study hall anyways and what do you know? It was a wand vibrator wrapped in tissue paper and not in it's box... After the weekend was over I gave it back to him and slapped him and never talked to him again and he kept trying to talk but eventually gave up and I blocked him on every site I was friends with him on.

>> No.7361317

The person you're quoting is a guy you know

>> No.7361318 [DELETED] 
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>The only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is on social issues
>taxes rise
Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_tax_in_the_United_States#History_of_top_rates

>> No.7361325

Also, I don't want to shit up the thread any more than it's already been, so I'll stop posting.

Sorry. It just irritates me when people proselytize dumb shit like that.

>> No.7361328


Your image proves little to nothing, except for a few cherrypicked instances. Historically and today both parties are extremely similar in their practices.

The history of top rates you linked to shows republicraps doing some major cutting and both reps and democrats raising, and yet overall the trend doesn't seem to change regardless of which party is in power (other than 80's neocons). I don't see how that's relevant to your point

So at best you've shown that democrats raise taxes and oppose surveillance and republicans do vice versa. Thus either way, over time you are fucked. Great



>> No.7361329

These loser dudes are totally embarrassing, please go back to reddit.

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
We were both gamers and apart of the same gaming community. When he found out I was a female that wasn't a "gamer gurl" he set is phasers to stalking mode.

>what were their favorite things about you?
I don't remember him every actually saying (this was five years ago) but it was probably the fact that I was so thin, flat, and I actually payed attention to him.

>what were some stupid things they said?
He was always being ridiculous and would do anything to get people to laugh or pity him. I don't remember specifics because this was a long time ago.

>what were some creepy things they said?
His whole theme was to intentionally be the "creepy jokester" type of guy, being 16 at the time I thought it was funny but it didn't last long when he started to get seriously. He would send me all sorts of weird sex stuff and ask for my opinion on it.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He lived in his room, LITERALLY PEED IN JARS AND MADE ME LISTEN TO IT OVER SKYPE ONCE. He also printed out pictures of me not-so-modestly dressed (which he harassed me until I shared them with him, they were supposed to be only for my boyfriend,) framed them, and jizzed on them.

>> No.7361335

>(which he harassed me until I shared them with him, they were supposed to be only for my boyfriend,) framed them, and jizzed on them.

This is your own fault you retard.

>> No.7361342

I know.

>> No.7361348

Oh jfc . That loser was the very definition of a Neet creeper.
>peeing in jars

>> No.7361354

It may have been but I was 16 and confused and he took advantage of that.

>> No.7361366


>"this guy has shown he is completely untrustworthy by being aggressive and 'creepy'"
>better send him suggestive pictures I'm sure that will help lol

w/e if underageb& it was excusable I guess

>> No.7361406

Why didnt you hike up your skirt, bend over, and take a dicking?

Don't you want to be a real girl?

>> No.7361425
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You don't have to let creeps give you the d to be a real girl.

>> No.7361433

There's toys for that, anon. You don't have to hurt other people.

That's called being a sociopath. A creepy sociopath. It's not needed. If you hate society so much, just go hikki. Nobody wants or needs you.

>> No.7361439
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>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
At first it was the Yugioh TCG, I met him at nationals and he kind of just clung on to me. I told him outright that I did not want a boyfriend and he was just a friend but he started getting more intense, especially after finding out about my cosplaying. He was determined to do a couple cosplay with me and for about a year kept trying to pressure me into cosplaying Amy to his 11th Doctor.
>what were their favorite things about you?
My looks, fashion sense, skill at sewing and my 'nerdiness'.
>what were some stupid things they said?
He's convinced that my girlfriend is sending him hate and death threats on tumblr and likes to refer to her as a psychopath. He thinks sexuality is a choice. For a few months kept trying to offer me help with sewing and such as if I didn't know what I was doing despite having done it for 4 years and having given him a link to my dA. He stopped after he'd seen one of my costumes in person. Also wanted to do a photoshoot for me despite not even having a point and shoot and when my gf is a good photog and does most of my shoots.
>what were some creepy things they said?
That he'd wait forever for me (I was the girl for him, if I didn't want kids we didn't have to have them, that kinda stuff), I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, I'm inexplicably talented, etc etc etc.
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He went to a small con I was meant to be going to but had fallen sick the day before and not been able to go. He spent the day there, stalking my girlfriend who had gone, never saying anything or approaching her but just watching.
It's been 4 months since I last talked to him, hestill messages me on tumblr and I recieved a birthday card from him a day after my 21st last week including a letter signed "love ____" that among the self hatred, notified me that he'd got me a gift but he had the decency to let me decide if I wanted it or not. No thanks.

>> No.7361518

Don't worry, anon, It'll get better.

I don't have any lolita friends either. If there are ever anymore of those friend threads I swear this time I'll add and talk to someone instead of just watching the replies enviously. You should too.

>> No.7361538

what deck did you run in order to make it to nationals?

>> No.7361555

Inzektors, it was a while back when this all started.

>> No.7361577

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
cosplay. apparently they added me because we had mutual friends and they had no time to meet anyone new at the last con they went to (?)
>what were their favorite things about you?
I.....guess that I'm a semi-attractive young girl. But i'm not honestly sure since I consistently gave them the cold shoulder.
>what were some stupid things they said?
They'd just list off every single cosplay they had to me even when I gave one word replies and tried to make it very clear I didn't care. They also made a lot of dumb statuses bitching about random things.
>what were some creepy things they said?
Well, they were 10 years older than me, I was underage at the time, and they commented with an anime nosebleed reaction picture on one of my pictures where I had a minimal amount of cleavage showing.
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
Other people made statuses about them being a creep.

>> No.7361585

damn, you're way etter thani am. had exodia ack in the day and didn't eve win a local tourney.

still play?

>> No.7361590

>nothing happened
Ok, cool thx for the contribution

>> No.7361595

They sound like neither a stalker nor a creepy person really. Quit your crying.

>> No.7361599

i guess the questions didn't get the full point across, he would contact me every day and talk about nothing but cosplay/anime for hours on end even when i tried to tell him i was busy. he also kept going on and on about a con we were both attending and when i saw him there he followed me around until i told him i had to leave. he also had really bad grammar and i couldn't understand what he was saying half of the time, it didn't stop until i just deleted him and started ignoring his messages

>> No.7361602

idk if I'm just bored and sitting around and a guy comes up to me I just assume he's really outgoing (and also bored) so I don't mind. It's only creepy if he tries to follow me after or keep prolonging the conversation. Don't approach girls listening to music (that's the default 'don't talk to me' sign), reading a book or if she is otherwise occupied.

>> No.7361610

this is somewhat related but I have a couple friends who seem to attract stalkers where ever they go. I'm fine being the body guard at cons but whats a good way to explain to them that they shouldn't be so nice to creepers like this all the time?

>> No.7361613

Well, they'll learn when something bad happens to them

>> No.7361620

I'd prefer it didn't come to that...

>> No.7361623

How old are they? If the answer is older than 18, they need to learn some basic fucking street smart skills.

>> No.7361632
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>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Shared interest in anime and similar things, sort of referred to each other by a mutual friend.

>what were their favorite things about you?
She mistook my perpetually analpained personality for being tsundere, and assumed any nice gestures must be romantic advances due to their rarity.
She talked a lot about my eyes. I'm a halfu and there's nothing special about them but circles

>what were some stupid things they said?
Asked me if I would wear a strapon or other similar appendage for cosplay
Asked if I knew what soulbonding was
Said she didn't mind me being cold because she knows how much I love her on the inside.

>what were some creepy things they said?
Her physical cues were more concerning, like sitting on my lap, licking the edge of my drinks, and rubbing her index and middle fingers over my mouth when I tried to correct her. She did call me heichou and senpai and some English pet names instead of my name. Never called me by name. Sometimes by character names.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
She asked the distance between our houses. I took a blurry screenshot with google maps from a distance which made reading streets and locations impossible to show her the little travel line, and jokingly said it was about two inches. She deciphered where my house was, and showed up at my door randomly wanting to "make me tea" or "help me fall asleep"

Boy I hope she doesn't recognize me from this.

>> No.7361633

I have a few internet "stalkers" if you can even call them that, because of my cosplay.

They're benign beyond just being in my face all the time for no reason. They follow me on every social media thing, respond to every single thing I post (sometimes multiple replies to the same post) and ask to buy me shit. I just don't respond. I am always a little creeped out just by their sheer persistence.

>> No.7361670

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Originally it was that I played TCGs, but cosplay ended up making it worse.

>what were their favorite things about you?
That I wasn't fat, and was too nice for my own good.

>what were some stupid things they said?
"If I met you 5 years ago, we could be dating right now!"
"It's not fair you should be with me!"

>what were some creepy things they said?
"I wanna take pictures for my portfolio, it doesn't have to be scandalous or anything, I prefer you wearing your "girly" clothes"
On multiple occasions:
"I would so kidnap you and bring you in my room, you could live with me here!"
"Maybe I'll just chloroform you and bring you to my place that way."

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
See above. The creepiness started mildly, and kept going further and further to the point where I legit felt like he was seriously gonna kidnap me. I kept trying to say no, and I tried to originally be his friend since before he was my brother's friend for a while, but it just wasn't happening. I eventually cut all ties with him, blocked him on every social media ever. Thankfully he never had my phone number, otherwise I might have been in a real nightmare.

>> No.7361679

>tfw I've fallen for some of these

>> No.7361686

play magic?

>> No.7361692

Magic is the only one I haven't gotten into yet. I know it's gotten super big as of late, but I just haven't picked it up. I've mostly only played all the animu TCGs. I keep telling myself to start picking it up, but I don't know when that's gonna happen.

>> No.7361715

every summer (june or july ) they hand out hundreds of dollars worth of cards i played a year on cards i got for free, and traded up for cards i needed

>> No.7361725

Stalker guy and money have put me off the game. When I start working full time again I'll likely go back to it though.

>> No.7361745

Wow, I'll have to look into it then! Thanks for the heads up. It'll definitely let me know if it's something I wanna play seriously or not.

>> No.7361999

>>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Lolita. I posted a picture of me in lolita on a forum I belong to and he immediately started talking to me.
>>what were their favorite things about you?
I look very young, I have a very careful polite way of talking (only online but he never heard me actually speak, lol appalacian accent), and I was pretty easily manipulated I guess.
>>what were some stupid things they said?
Not really specifics but he'd dumb things way down when he talked to me, even about things I repeatedly said I understood or had an interest in (dick kept explaining Star Trek to me, have been watching it literally since I was conceived)
>>what were some creepy things they said?
Started off nice, went creepy fast. Went from "hey if you ever visit here we should meet" to actually looking up costs, train schedules, and trying to police my own spending. When I told him to back off he cooled it for a little, and when I started dating my current boyfriend he started making remarks like "So how long will THIS one last, hmm?" (I not only never discussed my dating history with him but also had only about 2 prior relationships at the time)
>>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
During the "planning" he went from showing me parks and museums to hard core prison-decor bdsm clubs. He also made his own sex toys. And when asked why he was so insistent I visit him, he let slip that he can't travel due to being on the motherfucking No-Fly list or something for non-defensive assault with a concealed chemical weapon.

>> No.7362029

...I forgot the actual stalker elements so let me add those.
>found my profiles on several different sites
>found my different instant messenger handles via those profiles
>found profiles I forgot I even had from years and years back, would show me the photos on there and talk about how cute I was as a teen
>would follow not only my accounts but my friends as well, so if I closed one account he would go through all of their accounts to find me again
>went so far as to remember which specific dresses, dolls, and model kits I had so he could search for me that way
>joined various forums I belonged to "just to see what you're into"
>would find a way to message me every time i posted anywhere anything even hinting that i might be single again (such as liking or reblogging a picture of a cute guy)
>this started in 2010 and he still follows me
>have changed names so often that I'm sick of it and am just physically ignoring him as best I can

>> No.7362038

>the person in this thread with the creepiest stalker is a guy

Is anyone else bothered by that?

>> No.7362051

Nah this was the creepiest stalker >>7360651

"I want to impregnate you, and break the world record of having children with you, at least 10 kids. if you or our children ever lied to me, I would cane you, and waterboard the children"

>> No.7362052

>tfw reading these threads
Offering to take people to shady BDSM clubs? Jesus people are unstable.

I don't even like going to shit like bowling with people I barely know.

>> No.7362080

the fuck, sounds like my ex.

its the worst thing ever. and no one cared about what he did, but it instead it went into victim blaming about how much a bitch I was for leaving him.

maybe we can talk about shitty exes together. thowaway?

>> No.7362082

sounds a lot like me, except I'm not currently stalking anybody that actively.
Too lazy to read whole thread but ask an actual (online) stalker anything.

>> No.7362086

I posted about her in the weaboo story thread we had a little while ago. She doesn't stalk me anymore, thank goodness.
>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Lolita. She saw me sitting down with my friends while I was dressed in goth loli. Loved calling me Misa-chan.
>what were their favorite things about you?
I'm honestly not quite sure. I'm not that striking or anything. I guess she was really excited to meet a lolita.
>what were some stupid things they said?
"That's not how you pronounce -rorita-, you say it like -ROW REE TUH-." She was always trying to teach me about the fashion for some reason.

>what were some creepy things they said?
"Don't be so tsundere, Misa-chan!" (I realized that this was the point of no return).
"Will you be my maid?"
"You look just like this girl!" (this was said as she showed me an image of maid-themed ecchi)
"WHY ARE YOU HIDING FROM ME, YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND" (said whenever I wore lolita to the school and she managed to sniff me out of where I was hiding)
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
The smell of cat piss and that they were always trying to touch me. She once locked me in a restroom and my only means of getting away from her was to barf on her. That was fun.

>> No.7362088

I also sometimes stalk people that I don't know or have any reason to stalk. i get to know everything about them and follow them but they don't know about them, then I slowly insert them into their world via online community or via friends, then drop subtle hints about how much I know and watch them slowly slip into terror.

>> No.7362098

I also keep a files on everyone I know with every possible detail I have seen them divulge publicly or to another person who then divulged it to me.
Rather than most physical, "madly in love" stalkers or wannabe BFF's I just enjoy fucking with peoples minds on an psychological level.
Have I used my obsession for good? Yes, but it's never as much fun and never worth it.
Seeing people destroy themselves out of terror feels much better.

>> No.7362102
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>"That's not how you pronounce -rorita-, you say it like -ROW REE TUH-."

le nabokov face

greetings from /lit/ btw

>> No.7362105

Is it creepy if I google the names of girls I like and look at their online profiles and stuff?

>> No.7362109

Most people do this. Ever since the age of Facebook, this is mostly normal.

>> No.7362106

You wouldn't believe what kind of personal information and secrets people will tell you if you pretend to be their friend. It's also easier than you think to make people believe the most ridiculous things if you spin it right. In the end the fear will be irrational and many have to get help from shrinks and take psych meds. Pretty funny if you ask me.

It's also a great learning experience learning about the human psyche and various mental disorders.

>> No.7362116

Depends on who you ask. if you ask me that's weaksauce.
What's creepy is getting to know where they live, their surroundings, online and real life friends, family, colleagues etc.
Then start stalking the key players (the ones closest etc. and learn their habits until you can literally predict their moves and guess what they must be thinking.
Takes up a SHITTON of time though, time you could use to earn money so I don't do that stuff as much anymore, but I do long for the days where that's what I'd do all day the thrill sustaining me for hours, days even.

>> No.7362119

Restraining order?

>> No.7362120


>> No.7362133

Ignoring stalkers (if possible) is actually the best way to deal with us, however it will drive most people mad and to more desperate measures, so I guess it can also be the worst way.
Restraining order is a splendid idea, but works only for real world stalkers and be aware, a restraining order is not a magic field, you can still be approached, talked to, touched, kidnapped and killed so better be prepared for shit hitting the fan once you have someone obsessed with you, it's a mental illness after all, one that can be overcome with willpower, be cured entirely and one that can rapidly grow worse unpredictably.

>> No.7362143

Sometimes your actions speak louder than your words. For example if another victim decides to change all online handles, phone numbers and completely vanishes from the internet - those are actions that radiate fear and are a clear victory to me. However, most normal stalkers can actually be shocked by this and for a while stop and think about their behaviour and it's consequences, others ignore it and wait until they have enough data to continue their prowl.
Either way as long as you are weak you will just be prey to all sorts of degenerates.

>> No.7362145

One time I had a several hour long conversation with a guy because he came up to me and told me I was pretty and he felt like talking to me. Starting outwith something like that is great, ask about hobbies, find common ground, etc.. You start getting into creeper level ifyou continuously compliment her (one at the beginning is an icebreaker but the more you try to pile on compliments, the more it seems like you're trying to just get into her pants.) Just overall be polite.

>> No.7362156

Hah, yeah he flipped out calling me a heartless bitch, this and that. I was like, "Uh. We were never together. Go fuck yourself."

>> No.7362161

Also never think you've won when you succesfully have avoided a stalker by completely changing your online and even real world identity.
Usually it is just a matter of time some people (some even in witness protection) make some kind of mistake and contaminate their new Identity by somehow engaging in similar behavior logged into old accounts or used old names or even talked to some old friends. That mistake doesn't neccesarily mean you are instantly discovered which some take as a sign that the air is clear but an obsession can reawaken at any moment and if those mistakes and contamiations are found you can say hello to your old friend the creepy stalker, who may even come back pretending you were old friends.

>> No.7362172

Yes, retelling your stories with even the least amount of details is how any smart stalker can put 2 and 2 together and make an educated guess who you are. Of course you won't remember making this mistake a couple dozen of times and later end up wondering how he possibly could have gotten your new online accounts.
After a while you realize that most victims are dumb and being stalked actually makes them considerably smarter and more careful which in turn makes them less likely to be a victim again.
Unless one prefers a challenge that is.

>> No.7362226

Not as extreme as some in my thread, and the whole situation was partly my fault (I was young and stupid), but hey.

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
I was the president of my local anime club, shared interest, was also interested in "cosplay girls"

>what were their favorite things about you?
cute, innocent, inexperienced, the fact that i was a virgin, cosplay

>what were some stupid things they said?
"Men are pressed by women on so many fronts these days", "women have it so easy", "it's so hard to find a virgin over 16 these days, so many girls just turn into sluts", etc, etc

>what were some creepy things they said?
"I really think I need someone to love me for me to heal, and I believe you are that person" this was /after/ I had told him to leave me alone

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
Maybe I should just greentext story this whole thing

>had been decent friends before he turned creepy, lived 2-3 blocks away from each and walked home together after anime club
>get peer pressured into pity date over the holidays with the guy
>fee sorry for him being a 26 year old dateless virgin still living with his mother (why did this not occur to me as a warning bell)
>day after date, he comes over to return something, I tell him I don't want to date him
>he seems okay, tell him I'll see him at club (scheduled to start 2 months from them when uni does)
>Check fb later

>> No.7362241

>page long essay on why he's "totally fine with just being friends"
>give a short reply telling him I'm sure he'll find someone eventually
>returns another page long essay where he gradually becomes creepier and creepier, beginning to talk about how "perfect we are for each other" etc etc
>send a short message telling him that i wish him the best in life but i really don't want to be anything more than friends
>don't check fb until the next day, he's written three messages all as long if not longer than the last ones talking about how well we might've worked
>don't even read the whole thing, delete and block him from facebook
>he didn't have a cellphone at the time, but a few days later, i receive a text from a number i don't know
>it's him asking me to hang out
>ignore it
>next day find a prepaid phone top-up in my letter box
>get a text from that number, he left it in there
>flatly reply with "You are making me feel very uncomfortable and creeped out, please do not contact me again"

>> No.7362239

>my only means of getting away from her was to barf on her

So tsundere~

>> No.7362249
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>All these MRA stalkers

>> No.7362258

How did he know you're a virgin? Did you tell him?

>> No.7362262

>"I was molested by a woman when I was young, and when I told people about it, men laughed at me, that's why I need men's rights"

there is nothing stupid about this statement

>> No.7362265

>as i am on holiday from uni while this has been happening, I'm regularly sleeping in until 1-2pm
>happen to wake up early once, about a fortnight after I sent the text
>hear a knock on the door, sounds like a short conversation, then the door closing again
>Get up and ask flatmate who it was
>It was him, apparently he had been coming over almost EVERY MORNING since I had blocked him from facebook, sometimes twice a day after I had sent him that "you're creepy" text
>tell flatmates what happened, they say they'll pretend I'm not here when he shows up
>about another week later, I'm the only one home
>hear a knock at the door
>guess who
>he tries to shove his way into the house and grab me before I can do anything, but i push him back and shove the door closed, but it's blocked by his foot
>"I just want to talk, anon, we were so good together"
>repeatedly shove the door closed on his foot, hard, while telling him no and leave me alone
>he finally withdraws his foot

He turned up to anime club on the first meeting, and I was so freaked out I gave presidency to whoever would take it and never went again. he turned up at my house another two times after that, a number of months afterwards, but I closed the door on him both times. Apparently now he runs it and gets all of the girls to call him "Uncle".

Sometimes he would hang out at my house with a number of others after anime club, my flatmates had been drinking and one brought it up. It was very awkward.

>> No.7362283

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Cosplay (and my tits I'm assuming).

>what were their favorite things about you?
My boobs. This person would follow me onto every single cosplay account I have (started with dA- yipee) and would post extremely graphic and gross things on certain pictures.

>what were some stupid things they said?
Not really stupid, just straight up nasty.

>what were some creepy things they said?
They would constantly talk about wanting to ejaculate on my boobs, and see me drenched in body fluids. It was super gross.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
^The comments above. And the fact that they'd make new accounts after I'd block them and delete their comments. Once I got their IP blocked on dA they moved on to the other sites I have accounts on.

>> No.7362292

>men laughed at me
>thats why I need need mens rights

>> No.7362297

That's what feminism is though. They want equal rights for both genders. it's messed up when a victim gets shamed rather then gets the help they need. It's definitely not cool. I hope that person got therapy.

>> No.7362295

>girl gets molested by a man
>man goes to jail for years, is put on sex offender registry, can never get a job or live a normal life ever again, hated by every member of society

>boy gets molested by woman
>"lol bro just walk it off it's no big deal haha"

>> No.7362315

I just created this throwaway when the anon requested. It's not a regular email and it's not something I'll link to any other account.

I never took anonymity seriously until he started contacting me off skype, which is where we had been talking. You'd be surprised how detailed I was after that, but he found me anyways. So at this point, I don't really care.

>> No.7362319

she went to prison for what she did though? and was put on registry.

MEN laughed at him. he said his mother and immediate female family members comforted him.

he said since MEN specifically laughed at him, his father laughed at him and said he should of enjoyed it, as well as his uncle, and his guy friends.

and he said because of that, he supports MENS rights.

>> No.7362329

Not that anon, but supporting a male cause doesn't mean trying to change bad things that women do to men, it's just trying to improve any issue that affects men. It's not a gender war.

>> No.7362330


even if you fundementally disagree with MRAs the fact remains that mens rights puts a specific focus on male victims as opposed to feminism which either ignores or denies that they exist

>> No.7362339

This b8

>> No.7362341

>mens rights puts a specific focus on male victims as opposed to feminism which either ignores or denies that they exist
This is a pretty unfair representation of feminist thought though, opposing patriarchy is not the same as oppossing all men ever. Yes, it may be the case that this idea might be misunderstood or misrepresented, but feminism does not deny male victims of rape. In fact, opposing societal gender constructs is the same as opposing the standard that says men cannot be victims of rape.

>> No.7362346

do you want me to be more specific in what he wanted?

he said stuff like:

"my perfect world is dominated by mens rights, it would be illegal for women to wear pants, and If I had the choice, I would make lolita the most dominated fashion in the world. mens rights should make it illegal for women to have a say in court, and women should not be able to get jobs. women that don't know their place are horrible creatures. men should always be at LEAST 45% more than women, because they are genetically engineered to work harder."

now if you agree with that version of men's rights, go right ahead.

>> No.7362348

*earn, not be

>> No.7362352


but it's true though. The only time I have heard feminists talk about male victims is either in response to the claim that male victims are never talked about by feminists or to minimize their victimhood

>but feminism does not deny male victims of rape

>"We acknowledge the inappropriateness of female verbal coercion and the legitimacy of male perceptions that they have had unwanted sex. Although men may sometimes sexually penetrate women when ambivalent about their own desires, these acts fail to meet legal definitions of rape that are based on penetration of the body of the victim."

Prominent feminist Mary Koss said this so naah. The broad 'but we are fighting the patriarchy!!' doesn't mean shit to the guy that just got raped and has literally no support services or help

>> No.7362354


dude was probably completely messed up due to being raped. you here about females hating men after being raped well this seems like the same sort of thing

>> No.7362399

i want pregnancy leave too, btw im a man

>> No.7362404

you guys should have beat them up or something

>> No.7362459

After reading a number of these stalker testimonials, you should all come to a realization that I don't think anyone actually noticed. These people likely have some form of Asperger syndrome and they have problems with social cues. What they're doing isn't right, but they do need to learn what is acceptable. It's a shame they take your acts of kindness and go to extremes.

It's a shame when you have to take up the role of the person who has to teach these people what is acceptable behavior. It's probably a decent idea to suggest these people get diagnosed for Autism and finally learn something about themselves.

>> No.7362512

I dont even know why everyones so upset to be honest is been my fantasy to have a stalker be raped and kidnapped etc. I just want him to tie me down and stick sex toys in me and everything. Is there anywhere I can get a stalker ?

>> No.7362518

We did not live in the same country. It would have been needlessly difficult. Especially given that I knew he couldn't fly, which would be his only method of reaching me.

Also, if it clarifies why he jumped to sex clubs, as I said he found every profile he could, using common friends and phrasing. One of these profiles was on a roleplaying site I had been on like 4 years earlier, that had some light kink rp going on. Like GaiaOnline level yaoi fanfic rp. Pretty sure I was playing Demyx or some shit.

>> No.7362526

I'm sorry you've only met misinformed and confused feminists but please, don't go around saying that feminist thought would suggest that a man cannot be raped, or that it isn't as serious if a woman gets rapede. Feminist thought is completely contrary to that because it is about destroying the gender roles that keep men and women oppressed. Please, use this to school other feminists in arguments on their own ideological identity, not to say feminism is countary to the idea of male victimhood.

>> No.7362533


put your money where your mouth is. show me a single instance where some aspect of the feminist movement, beyond some 'we are destroying gender roles' bullshit, has initiated or supported specific programs targeted towards male victims of domestic violence or rape

>> No.7362654
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>Met this nice and kinda cute cosplayer at a con.
>Added him and his friends to fb so it wouldn't look that awkward.
>Talk more with his friends than with him.
>Too shy and insecure to start a conversation.
>Thought about breaking the ice, but I rather not because I'm socially awkward and too stupid to notice when I'm being creepy and when not.
>Mfw it's already been two months since I met him.
>He may already forgot me.

Fuck this shit. I'm not an autistic person, but I'm scared I'd look like one or a creepy stalker as I could picture myself doing somethings like google search or shit like that.

>> No.7363472

Were you the anon in the weeaboo horror thread too? That story was hilarious in its awfulness.

>> No.7363637


I have a lot of fun telling it because of how funny the barfing was, but that person was really creepy and I hope that I never encounter them like that again.

I saw her at the community college a while ago and she did a full 180 as soon as we made eye contact, so I doubt it will happen again, thankfully.

>> No.7363676

Why would a woman-centered movement support men-centered programs? Anon said the feminist ideology does not support the myth that men cannot be raped. Male-rape is not a feminist issue so there is nothing in the feminist ideology that addresses it. I'm pretty sure most people don't believe men can be raped (aside from maybe anal rape). There are plenty of non-feminists (many men, actually) who don't believe men can be raped. But it's not a feminist belief that men cannot be raped.

>> No.7363679

So when I was eighteen....
>>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Fantasy adventure RP chatrooms, chatting about anime, fanart, etc. We were friends for a long time before he went fucking nuts.
>>what were their favorite things about you?
That I kept talking to him after he started going off the rails, probably. Oops.
>>what were some stupid things they said?
Started talking about running away from home (the other side of the country) to come live near me. Was ok with the idea of being homeless if it meant being in my general vicinity. Then he actually fucking did it - stole some money and got a ticket somehow. But he was underage, so his family called the cops and he got picked up at the train station.
>>what were some creepy things they said?
The list goes on. One time, I had to go right to work after school, so I didn't sign on. He called every [chain store] listed in my town until he found the one I worked for, and kept me on the phone for half an hour, talking about how he'd been afraid that I'd abandoned him forever and slashed his wrists. Now he was scared and didn't know what to do. I told him to go to the hospital. I almost got fired. Had to ask my coworkers not to accept callers asking for me. GOOD TIMES.
>>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
I stopped speaking to him after that, and he went fucking ballistic. Started leaving scary, rambling revenge messages on my mom's answering machine at all hours. When we unhooked the machine, the phone would just ring FOREVER.

He finally fucked off after I gave my mother his contact information, and she ripped him a new one, threatening to report him to the FBI. (My dad was ready to hunt him down like a dog). I got one last sullen message about how he'd stop contacting me, "if that's what you REALLY WANT *sniff*," if I sent him back some CDs he'd sent me before he went totally batshit, and also removed drawings of his OC from my web site. I've never mailed anything so fast.

>> No.7363702

Same anon, different asshole:
>>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Cosplay. I went to a friend's dorm room to deliver a computer part. Friend innocently mentioned to his roommate that I was another cosplayer. We exchanged names. THAT'S IT.
>>what were their favorite things about you?
Breasts and a pulse?
>>what were some stupid things they said?
He wanted to cosplay Sakura and Syaoran from "Cardcaptor Sakura" together. As a "couple cosplay." Again. Had literally met him once. Also, we were nineteen or twenty. YEAH COOL LET'S COUPLE COSPLAY AS CHILDREN, THAT SOUNDS SEXY.
>>what were some creepy things they said?
He messaged me on AIM a couple of times, and started going on and on about his emotional problems. Felt super betrayed that his roommate had gotten a girlfriend. Blathered on about how he didn't want friends, he only wanted "One pillar of support for everything." Strongly implied that it should be me. Healthy.
>>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
Three or four days after I met him, and gently refused to do couple cosplay, he messaged me a photo of a full-sized sealing wand, or whatever the fuck, that he had CARVED OUT OF WOOD FOR ME. When I refused again, he went on and on about how I'd stomped on his heart. I blocked him on AIM and have avoided him at cons ever since. I also grew up and discovered boundaries. That was great.

>> No.7363729

>It's probably a decent idea to suggest these people get diagnosed for Autism and finally learn something about themselves.
I had an acquaintance from high school who was diagnosed with aspergers in college and his life seems to have gotten much better since he's learned how to live with it. Like finding careers/new interests that are better for his personality type.

I kind of feel that way about someone I occasionally work with, they seem like a nice person but I don't know what they think of me because we rarely interact together. So it might be kind of weird to greet them on the rare times we wind up in the same store or restaurant in case they think I'm a weirdo.

>> No.7363740

>>Honest young nerd with a healthy attraction for women and strong conviction about his hobbies. Eccentric, intelligent, misunderstood. Approaches women he likes despite social stigma and fear of rejection, in the face of derision and years of bullying he shows bravery and spirit.

Ew, creepy stalker! Looking at me with impure intentions. Definitely a rapist. Deserves life imprisonment at the very least. He touched my boob with his elbow when we passed in a hallway, I'm calling security!

>>Old man with more money than sense, no social skill whatsoever after years of soulless working, loveless marriage with children he barely knows.

It's not prostitution, he's just my sugar daddy! I never let him fuck me... well, only that one time. And the rest was just oral! His wife is a bitch anyway, I'm not a homewrecker, and it's the only reasonable way to pay for my clothes. Besides, he's handsome in a kind of grandfatherly way, you know?

>> No.7363758

>>Girl who talks to you because she's nice

>>Girl who doesn't want to sleep with you, for whatever reason, and is really put off that you keep bothering her under the guise of being "friends" in hopes that she will eventually decide to jump your bones


>> No.7363768

There's a solid difference between just talking to a girl (even if you're interested in her) and tracking down her accounts on websites she hasn't told you about because YOU'RE REALLY GOOD FRIENDS, RIGHT??

>> No.7363787

I hate the way some people treat dudes who are just trying to be nice. Like I posted a photo on my fb page a while back and some guy was called thirsty and creepy for saying it was a "great cosplay". Like obviously the con scene does have its creepy dudes, but people are overreacting a lot and are way too quick to call someone creepy or a stalker.

>> No.7363792

If you're "eccentric, intelligent, misunderstood," then why "like" and choose to approach the kind of superficial women who seem like they'd be into sugar daddies? You wouldn't have anything in common anyway. The relationship would be worthless. If you try to connect with women as human beings, who seem to share your interests, then you'll have better luck.

>> No.7363794
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This guy comes in and feels the need to defend stalkers in a literal stalker thread. He's not worth explaining the difference to.

>> No.7363796

7/10 bretty guud

>> No.7363898

Half to agree with you on guys getting shit just for being nice. I always give somebody the benefit of the doubt before immediately screaming creeper. A lot of guys are just fans of the character and will like your cosplay if it's good and accurate. If they are trying to get into your pants, at least they tried being nice about it instead of immediately shouting "HEY I LIKE UR BOOBS LET'S FUCK!"

>> No.7363905

*Have to

>> No.7363963

Holy shit, when did this thread become about placating a bunch of whiny fedora tippers? "WHAT?? People talking about something bad that happened to them without considering my widdle feewings? On MY 4chan?!" Are you an actual stalker? No? THEN THIS THREAD IS NOT ABOUT YOU, SON! Share a story YOU have about a stalker, or get the fuck out.

>> No.7363971

Crossboarders get their feelings hurt easily. Most of them have a hair trigger for the word "stalker" or "creeper" since they've probably been called creepers before.

>> No.7364004

0/10 copypasta from /r9k/

>> No.7364028

Not a full blown stalker but it was pretty weird and I think if he had successfully gotten my name it would have turned out to be one. Also known as "DJ Ranma is a p cool dude"

>babbys first con
>am somehow only Harley Quinn there
>only other Batman character there is a Scarecrow
>try to chat with him
>he does not speak, only mimes
>get adopted by some Final Fantasy people instead
>no one seems to know who I am but want me in the group shots anyway
>go to rave with them
>feel something weird behind me
>it is scarecrow, minus his hood
>hasty attempt at joker makeup
>lipstick all over face
>attempting to clip a leash to my collar's diddlybob/pompoms (what are those called)
>a wild ranma appears
>slides in between us and dances me across room to door
>waves and goes back inside
>what just happened

>weeks after con
>lookin through con galleries online
>in every single pic of me, scarecrow is in background
>staring straight at camera
>friend says some guy is asking who the Harley cosplayer was on the forum
>no one remembers seeing a Harley at all
>look at pics again
>I am tagged as "Female Kefka"
>final fantasy and dj ranma saved me

>> No.7364059
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Here's some gold from a guy I met on /soc/. He was a total fucking creep and kept wondering why I never wanted to answer him back. Blocked him a few times, but he just kept coming back. After all of that, I gave up on /soc/ as a whole.

>I just wanted to make some internet friendus ;_;

>> No.7364067

Can you please gtfo you're ugly, fat, look 40 years old and nobody likes you.

>> No.7364070
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Jesus christ, that is exceptionally creepy. I'm glad you got out of that one alive, Anon...

>> No.7364075

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7364085

I guess you could say they're a /soc/iopath.

>> No.7364099

You are going to need to provide some more context here...

>> No.7364104

haha yeah I was stupid enough to put my kik in a /soc/ thread in attempt to make friends

why do guys think being an asshole will make me respond to them

>> No.7364117
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I just added a few people from /soc/

Jesus fuck maybe I should just not talk to them.

>say you don't want calls
>calls anyway
>complains when you don't answer
if you see this pls end yourself

>> No.7364152
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Why is anyone shocked that soc is full of narcissistic shitheads looking for attention?

>> No.7364165
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>> No.7364191

Long story short, I grew balls to try out /soc/ to look for internet friends after I tried (and fail miserably) to look for internet friends on Tumblr. I posted in a Skype thread, and my skype blew up beyond what I thought I was going to get. At the time, I tried to reply back to everyone, but after a while, it got tiring and I gave up some of the chats that I didn't find interesting. He was one of those chats.

He kept pestering me, and bothering me about the stupidest fucking shit, and kept asking why I wasn't posting that day, or why I look like how I do and just fucking stupid questions. I blocked him, but then he re added me on a different skype bitching at me even more. I didn't want to be rude, and still wanted internet friends, so I kept talking to him. He would start the convo whenever I was on with some odd question that occasionally were funny. They would gradually grow more.. weird, and it made me extremely uncomfortable, so I asked him to stop.

He did for a while, but then he went on on how I was the love of his life, EVEN THOUGH I NEVER EVEN SEEN A PICTURE OR ANYTHING OF HIM, and how I was the reason why he would wake up every day. I knew this guy for about two months before hand, and so I just fucking blocked the bitch.

Every single fucking day after that he kept spamming me and spamming me the same weird bullshit, and how I was his pet or some other bdsm bullshit, and every time I would block him, he'd just make a new account to mess with me again.

It got to the point where I never went on skype, and when I did, I was bombarded with more messages, but they seemed less often as usual. That message was the last message I got from him.

I haven't posted on /soc/ since, and I don't think I ever will. Fuck that.

If you guys want, I could provide more screenshots with you if I can find 'em.

>> No.7364206

Jeez, he really was a stalker. How awful.

>> No.7364207

Yeah, more screenshots!

Why not make a new skype? It'll save you more hassle.

>> No.7364211

>>implying you didn't like being harassed by an insane dom
>>implying you wouldn't open your legs for him in a second if he was a real guy and not some easily blockable skype contact

>> No.7364213

>tfw when hes in this thread


>> No.7364214

I'd rather remain a hermit with zero human contact than befriend /soc/ people. I'll be your internet friendu anon-chan

But only if you have like AIM or something. Fuck teamspeak/skype/steam/facebook/etc. man. Text only, everything else leaves too much room for these nutjobs. If I counted every single clingy and socially devastated person I'd met on the internet as a stalker I'd be here for fucking hours.

I met a couple people through haxball as well, most of them from /fit/misc/sp/, and while they aren't have as bad as the usual r9k and soc fair they have their fair share of what the fuckeries.

>> No.7364226
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More screenshots, I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Also you should make a new Skype and notify all your best friends to add that instead...

>> No.7364238


someone really should make a friend thread again, there was a whole bunch around a while back.

>> No.7364240
File: 180 KB, 1308x800, stalker1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some screenshots. So sorry for the spam in advance

> Holy hell I feel like he's going to find this thread and continue on stalking me or do some other crazy shit

>> No.7364244 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7364247

This guy legitimately belongs in a mental hospital.

>> No.7364248
File: 31 KB, 236x404, THE PENIS IN YOUR HEART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that feel when when
>>can't even use meme arrows correctly
>>implying i'm not just defending a poor innocent victim of neurosis from being publicly flogged by seagulls
>>implying women don't like psychodoms anyway

>> No.7364250
File: 185 KB, 1354x800, stalker3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally forgot to cross out a username in the second one

Fuck, one sec

>> No.7364253
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>> No.7364254

>>that kind of ridiculous spam
>>his skype picture is the shroud of turin

All trolling aside sweetheart I think you bagged yourself a real live schizo.

>> No.7364256
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That's what's left of what I can find on this skype. It won't let me go any farther back in time than that, but I'm sure I can find other skypes of his that he's messaged me on.. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I left his username out there, and just... PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T ADD THIS PERSON. Even just talking about him scares me, although it's been months since then.

>> No.7364257

I agree. There was one up earlier this month but it didn't get much attention. The problem with those threads is /fit/ keeps fucking with them and apparently the janitor isn't fond of them either.

>> No.7364262


Fit ruins everything.

>> No.7364274

Most of the dudes who have harassed me have been via AIM or Yahoo or MSN with no cam or anything. Usually from sites I haven't been on in years, and had put my IM handles on in teenage stupidity. Usually goes something like this:
>hey (old screenname)
>who is this
>its (overly manly screenname) from ShittyRoleplayDotCom. you never answered my messages
>i havent been on there since i was 15
>oh. wanna see my dick?

>> No.7364279
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>> No.7364294

why not do this? >>7364207
as far as im concerned i think >>7364211
was correct

>> No.7364303
File: 146 KB, 400x288, 1348790496571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough, most of the dudes I've talked to randomly have been complete normies that may be a little awkward or dumb but are otherwise nothing to niipah about. I've talked to a couple of them who freak out at the slightest thing, but most of my distress always came from teenage girls from Neopets and shit. Who knew something so innocuous could attract such gems as The Girl Who Introduced My Other Contacts to Guro Yaoi, The Homosexual Male With Seriously Bad Short Term Memory Loss, The Oversharing Tumblr Fan, and the ever classic The Wolf Furry.

Why is it so hard to just make nice internet friends without the mentally handicapped elbowing their way into everything

>> No.7364307

to be fair, theyre obviously and very clearly not fitting in offline so online is their only choice.

>> No.7364364


Where do they hand out those cards at?

>> No.7364397

I've never had a stalker (or at least not one sloppy enough to be noticed) and I'd like to keep it that way.

What advice do you seagulls have to make myself less of a target or deal with a stalker?

>> No.7364403

>on tumblr
>post a cutesy pic of me, I'm wearing knee highs
>3 days later
>get a message from some throwaway account offering to buy the socks for $100
>for socks
>so he can jerk it to them

not sure how to feel about it

>> No.7364421


>> No.7364431

I think I will.
and with that money, I can get brand socks too. but if someone offers money for those? nope. I don't care if its 1k, those burando socks deserve better

>> No.7364436

Are you an idiot? Sell them.

>> No.7364437

I'm sorry I missed out. What did that anon say? He got some girl kicked out of her house?

>> No.7364493

well... how much did the socks cost and would you be able to find them again?

>> No.7364504

they were just cheapo bodyline socks.

>> No.7364630

sounds like payday to me

>> No.7365213

>>7361999 >>7362029
I'm guessing the habits/tactics of these kinds of stalkers use are all the same, but he sounds so much like the >>7360852 stalker I had.
Jfc these guys, I wonder how often this kind of thing actually works out and things go wrong?

>> No.7365261

do (or don't) watch "stalking: somebody's watching". so many stalkers have the same MO, and the worst part is how very little can be done about it.

>> No.7365314
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> not peeing in jars to weaponize later

Step it up, Sempai.

>> No.7365375

I wish whores like you wore a sign so men could have a good idea what type of mindset you have before even approaching you.
>inb4 its not whoring because he didnt put his penis into you

Yes, but the nature behind the very act is still the same, it shows how you view yourself and wont hesitate to make a quick buck over using your body. The most frustrating part is you might appear to be a decent girl at first glance.

>> No.7365390

look, if someone offered to buy something from you, whether it be socks, a pen you wrote with, a dollar store hairbow for $100
you'd be either fucking retarded or lying if you said you wouldn't take the money.

who cares if they masturbate to it, or into it.

honestly, who fucking cares. that's a crisp $100 bill. its not like you're selling used panties.

>> No.7365420

not the anon you were replying to, but the (from your point of view) vocal minority that
-denies the existence of male rape victims
-contributes to the gender stereotype of men being sex-crazed and unable to not desire sex from all (attractive and unattractive) women
has grown like a tumor to envelop the core root of the organizations and ideology.

It is irrational to on the one side say that "we are attributing false properties and beliefs to the feminist movement" when the chosen and elected public speakers for the movement say exactly that. This "slander" might have not been part of the initial ideology however that ideology and the aims of the feminist movement have shifted, I am sorry to say.

If you fervently believe everything feminism used to stand for, it would be preferable to move to a different movement that also upholds those same principles. Not doing so only paradoxically harms your beliefs more.

>> No.7365426

>if someone offered to buy something from you, whether it be socks, a pen you wrote with, a dollar store hairbow for $100

There's a difference between selling a pen and knowingly providing fetish material for some kind of NEET. One is completely baseless, and the other is sexual in nature. It's a false equivalence that's a poor attempt at equating someone who's selling any conventional item to one that's being used for fap material. If you cant see why a guy might see a girl using her sex appeal to exploit others and make a buck out of it as a red flag, I dont how the fuck else to explain it to you.
Someone who's already prescribed to that kind of logic is the most likely to be predisposed to becoming an actual camwhore, sell panties, all the while rationalizing that she's a 'good girl'

>> No.7365438

1) sell socks
2) ask him if he wants another pair :3
3) unruffle regular socks without wearing them and send them
4) he replies dissapointed, you say you washed them
5) the price has changed. worn socks 400, worn panies 900
6) send them without wearing them even once, alternatively rub some deo-stick on them once. say you dont sweat much.
7) he will eventually ask for your lovejuices on your bought panties. Keep increasing your price, sell him panties that you've never worn but stained with a mix of agar-agar, corn syrup, talc powder, and fish oil.

fuck I should do this myself and pretend to be a girl online.

>> No.7365440

Not really /cgl/ related, but I was once in a friendship with some people that was pretty much bad for everyone. It was very unhealthy and borderline abusive on all fronts.
Once we friend broke-up they proceeded to hunt me down on almost any website I went to, it was pretty terrible and I realised then I would never get myself in a situation like that again.
They've since stopped even though I think they know about my users now, but, at this point I have more important things to care about.

>> No.7365446

>so you're saying you wouldn't take the money
retarded to the max.
look hun, let her do what she wants.
if I were here I'd be pugging my ears with two crisp $50 bills saying I couldn't hear you over my money.

>> No.7365451

This. Shit, I wish someone would want to buy my used undergarments. I'd sell that shit in the blink of an eye.

>> No.7365476

Sadly I wasn't successful in speaking to a /cgl/ oriented group, but perhaps you can make a more lively and talkative one.

I've only heard of guys pretending to be girls to exploit desperate gamers, though it should work the same way with those kind of guys.
If you really want to you can just go for a jog and stick the socks in your armpits when you're done. Tell them you're just a lively girl.

How about putting random spices inside different pieces of clothing?
How would a stalker react when the sweaty socks he ordered are smeared with turmeric powder? Could also try going for lemon or onion extract, basically anything with a strong color, smell or taste(considering he'll probably try to lick it).
How would a stalker react to socks smelling of gasoline?

>> No.7365477

>let her do what she wants
I don't recall ever trying to stop her. All I'm saying is that if you're so proud of earning money from giving your sock to let some pop a nut into them. Then hey, say it loud and proud wear that shit like a badge of honor and let it be known to any guy what kind of women you are. I'm sure it'll attract the best of guys.

>> No.7365493

I'm engaged to a wonderful guy
my boyfriend found it funny.
he said go for it, easiest money.
we plan to get a multiplayer videogame with the money, as well as new controllers.

no, I don't plan to wear a button that sells "I sell my socks for cash"

I did not go out looking for this, it presented itself to me.

its honestly like finding a hundred dollar bill in a public toilet by chance.
you'd feel ashamed, but you'd scoop it out.

>> No.7366106

mad because no one's buying your socks?

>> No.7366133

I have friends that sell their used panties online to creeps
As long as they can't backtrace you, that shit's a golden way of making cash. They're willing to pay, so why not?

>> No.7366138

>implying any of that really is MRA
are tumblr feminists this retarded unironically?

>> No.7366137

On what sites?

>> No.7366151


Some guy once offered me $300 for my used panties, but I said no because the idea of meeting him made me nervous and I didn't like the thought of him jacking off to my juice.
Still, school has made me pretty broke and maybe I should have said yes...

>> No.7366154

>Why would a woman-centered movement support men-centered programs?
and that's why I'm glad MRA exists even tho I don't follow them.
Regardless of the bullshit feminists spout they don't give a flying shit about equality in itself, they just care about women problems (mind you, they do exists, but focusing solely on one side of the problem and them shaming anyone who calls them out on it or tries to take matters on their own is pretty fucking hypocritical)

>> No.7366164

I love how beta /fit/ is

>> No.7366229

>its not like you're selling used panties.
selling your used clothes/accessories to fetishists is now elitist? whatever. . . idc i dont understand why people are arguing about this

>> No.7367140

In some old issues of Weird NJ there were some articles and write ins about how all the teenagers in one town (both boys and girls, though mostly male) would sell their socks to some local creepy dude. There was an entire drug-deal level procedure for it, and I believe it was something like $20 for used, $50 for really nasty sweaty unwashed gym socks. It was pretty well known that he was using them for fetish reasons but the lure of turning $5 worth of Hanes into $50 for beer was too tempting.

>> No.7367191

Put my money where my mouth is? I didn't mouth anything like what you're asking for. Feminist thought is not compatible with accepting sex crimes against men as being not as terrible as sex crimes against women. I've said, plainly, that feminism is contrary to male rape because it is about deconstructing gender roles that are harmful toward both genders. That does imply that, at the core of my argument, I will not produce a feminist thought that is exclusive from "'we are destroying gender roles' bullshit" because gender roles are at the core of the problem that feminism addresses.

Are you really going to imply that just because there is not a specific movement that is catered to males that also proclaims that "hey look we are feminist", that it implies that opposite is true? That feminism must be accepting of male rape? I shouldn't even need to tell you that is a fallacy.

That being said, even though I don't need to, I can still provide what you asked example: survivorsuk.org is a male sexual abuse support site that is 100% consistent with feminist ideology. Do you need a flashing banner ad that says "LOOK WE'RE FEMINISTS" or do you have the reading comprehension to understand when something is ideologically consistent?

>> No.7367275

I wish I could get pregnant as a man. Oh wait you can't do shit, we're inherently different.

>> No.7367319

We are inherently different, but we are also different in ways that are entirely socially constructed, and understanding the difference between physical difference and socially constructed difference, and understanding how social constructs may be damaging, arbitrary, or unfair, in either direction, isn't wrong, is it?

>> No.7368309

same with me, but with a cosplay friend that thought we were dating.

>> No.7370403

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
>what were their favorite things about you?
Big eyes, liked videogames, actually spoke to them
>what were some stupid things they said?
"I want to see you in only long-fall boots"
"Please wear companion cube underwear and send them to me"
>what were some creepy things they said?
"I know you're too young for me but I can't help myself"
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He would go on about buying me tickets to go and visit him, which I declined every time. Turns out he buys tickets for himself and flies to my town.

>> No.7370591


It is safe to say: Don't ever go up to a lady sitting alone and compliment her appearance. It's extremely off putting to some girls, so don't even take that chance. Even if you think she's a cutie, don't tell her. It will seem like you have an ulterior motive, and you'll seem super creepy.

If you honestly want to get to know someone, just fucking do it. Just don't go in with the intention of "getting laid" (GIRLS CAN SENSE THIS). If a girl 'finds you creepy' for just talking to her, then I doubt shes someone you want to get to know anyway. Just chatting with girls in a non sexual manner isn't going to hurt anyone.

If she's not really responding, or responding with 1 word sentences, you should take the hint that she wants to be left alone. Tell her 'have a good one' or some shit and walk away.

Personal experience time:
I had a guy come up to me while I was sitting by myself and say that he's seen me around campus and thinks I'm super cute.

>mfw I have never seen this guy in my life.

I was actually really upset that day about something, and reaaaaally wanted to be left alone (hence sitting by myself, won't be the case for all girls by themselves, but this time it happened to be)

He seriously beat around the bush for like 10 minutes before trying to get my number, it wasn't until the end that he realized I was upset. he quickly brought it back to "CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER?" though. I told him no because "I have a boyfriend, so I don't think that is a good idea" to exchange numbers. Apparently that wasn't clear enough because he needed to reaaaally confirm it wasn't happening by asking " So I CAN'T get your number" it a butthurtist manner.
I finally said "No, you can't" and he buttstormed off.

Yeah so basically, read the mood, and don't be lewd.

>> No.7370780
File: 69 KB, 540x540, 1392338738020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
cosplay, being Icelandic and German, being Asatru (Nordic Neo-Pagan, born and raised) generally giving people the time of day, my accent
>what were their favorite things about you?
My cultural heritage, the hammer and torc I constantly wore, my body??? (gangly see-through pale, no tits, funny accent, thin-ish)
>what were some stupid things they said?
"We'd have perfect Viking children together"
Address me as "his Freyja, Frigg, Valkyrie, other bullshit that was insensitive to my religious practices and culture. He had some strange boner for Norse mythology and an unhealthy obsession with Vikings and, of course, knew absolutely nothing correct about them.
>what were some creepy things they said?
"If I were a legit viking I'd take you home with me"
Insert other Viking rape/pillage jokes here
Tried to speak to my father in German and fucked up so bad; thought he was so legit and nailed all the pronunciations/words.
"When we get married....."
"Our kids will be Asatru....."
we are not even dating bro, get the fuck off my dick
>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
He had the great idea to propose a 'hand-fast' ceremony to me, didn't even consider that I would say no. He ended up getting really upset and angry, stalked me over the internet and Steam games I play. Followed me around conventions taking not-so-hidden pictures of me and eventually found out where I lived from an unknowing friend of Facebook.

Our family home has a stained glass door and we can vaguely see who is at it, realized it was him and called for my brothers. He was met with my 6'4" twin brothers, Aeinsnur and Ronan, who had a very fun time telling him to fuck off. If he wouldn't listen to me, then maybe a threat of pummeling from my brothers would work.He ended up idolizing my brothers after the encounter because they were "perfect Norse-men!" tall, pale, and long blond hair.........fuck

>> No.7370785

Women will always be more of a liability than men because of it, deal with it.

>> No.7370797

my bullshit meter is off the charts.

>> No.7370808

Not so sure about that brah, I had a chick in hgh school get really fucking creepy because she found out I was an exchange from Russia. Some Americans have this weird "Motherland/Fatherland" concept. Tried to speak to me in Russian, told me all about how she was related to the royal family (who are all dead and no living descendants) utter nonsense

>> No.7370836

To be fair, everyone says they're related to the royal family out here in Eastern Europe. At least where I live.

>> No.7370844

Yeah, but a 12th generation American? Were do you live, brother?

>> No.7370846

Why is it bullshit? Just because it's something you never personally experienced? Racial fetishism is a thing and it's pretty fucking common when we have exchange students. Also, you're on 4chan. I can't believe that it's lost upon you that Asian women are fetishized here and nearly anywhere.

>> No.7370851

Asatru-Sister here, I'm sorry about your creepy chick anon.

>> No.7370860

No, because no one in the Nordics actually believes in that shit, so they are probably an American who is trying to "get in touch with their heritiji" by being a special snowflake.

>> No.7370856

this guy sounds like some freaky dude who comes to the renaissance fair every year i work at and hits on everything that has a vagina. scared the crap outta some of the female knights we had. asatru chick, you from Michigan?

>> No.7370861

Racial fetishism is a thing. Generally though it's not white people that are fetishized.

>> No.7370869

Um. They're fetishized like anyone else. Latinos and Asian men in my own experience.

>> No.7370872

I'm a Finnish guy (tall, skinny DYEL type with long blonde hair and blue eyes) who used to be a weeaboo and went to Japan one year because my parents let me.
My god, I had a few girls follow me to a hotel and speak broken English and I was "accidentally" bumped into a million times. I was 16, mind you, some of those women might have been older than I was. It was absolutely horrible, and at first it was kinda cute but then it just got annoying and fucking creepy.

>> No.7370874

Not as often is what I'm saying.

>> No.7370875




Yeah NOBODY in the Scandinavian countries believes in 'that shit'

>> No.7370878

This is a joke, right?
The world is not America.

>> No.7370882

Asatru-Sister here again, if you want to contact my Gothi, here you go.

The Icelandic Ásatrú Association
Grandagardur 8
101 Reykjavik, Iceland
(+354) 561 8633

They can tell you all about Asatru in Iceland.

>> No.7370886

Very few people do, and if they do they're probably hippies and mallgoths. Most people here are either Lutheran or atheist, with some Jews, Orthodox Christians or random immigrant religion.
Seriously, most people out here are already fetishized as being "burly blonde Vikings" and you're just adding insult to injury.

>> No.7370889

I wouldn't recommend posting an address of anyone or any organization on 4chan of all places.

>> No.7370890

Are you from Europe anon? The webpage counted 100,000 in 2002 in the UK alone....I think that's a little more that "very few"

>> No.7370897

I hardly believe anyone on 4chan is going to to harass people in Iceland dude.....like they probably won't even read it because it's in english or some bullshit

>> No.7370903

UK, America, Australia and Iceland, AKA not Scandinavian countries (Iceland is Nordic, not Scandinavian).
So you didn't really disprove what I said about it being muh heritiji.
And yeah, I'm Swedish.

>> No.7370932
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I started typing out my own story but it's way too TL;DR so I just screencapped it.

I did actually forget to mention that I received more than just emails and messages through WoW, he managed to find accounts belonging to me all over the internet, Facebook, Livejournal, Deviantart, even goddamn Newgrounds, something I hadn't logged into for years and which was a creepy little surprise when I suddenly remember I had an account there and logged into it on a whim some years ago.

Anyway, that's just my story.

If OP's looking for advice than mine would be not to reciprocate the stalker fullstop. By paying attention to them, even by acknowledging their existence, you are directly feeding their obsession. Stop communicating with them completely and if they send you messages ignore them. Do not be tempted to respond should they attempt to bait you with threats. Block any and all online accounts known to belong to them, and if it gets really serious delete all of your known online accounts and start up new ones under a completely unrelated alias. If said accounts have a limited visibility option like Facebook used to be sure to take advantage of that. Bar all that if it gets to a point that you begin to genuinely fear for your safety do not shy away from making your situation known to the police.

>> No.7370936
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Also this comic is super relevant.

>> No.7371117

>read the mood and don't be lewd

anon my sides
will you marry me

>> No.7371122

Holy shit why didn't I have this saved sooner. Thank you, anon. I will now use this forever.

>> No.7371353
File: 66 KB, 540x960, fuckyouturd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what attracted them to you? cosplay? lolita?
Cosplay primarily, but we went to high school together and he was in the anime club I was president of.

>what were their favorite things about you?
The fact that I cosplay a character he knows nothing about but has come across in hentai, the fact that I have pretty big boobs and he has a fetish for mega-busty anime chicks. I'm also the only cosplayer he knows who can sew and craft worth a shit and he seems to think if he can get me to out with him I'll make him costumes for free.

>what were some stupid things they said?
He calls me by the name of the character even though I've repeatedly asked him not to, continues to ask me for a relationship despite having been informed on multiple occasions that I am gay, has asked to borrow my cosplay of the aforementioned character for reasons he would not specify.

>what were some creepy things they did?
Has come looking for me where I work, drew some really disgusting pictures of myself and another girl we both know with monstrously disproportionate boobs and tagged us in them on Facebook along with some inappropriate commentary, constantly makes posts about his giantess fetish on every form of social media he uses.

>what made you downright "nope" the most about them?
The boob picture for sure, as well as the constant messaging online and attempts to find me IRL

The pic is him, I know he goes to SacAnime but so far I think that's it. He's as gross as he looks.

>> No.7371402

Please, please post the picture he drew of you.

Also his earphone wire being swallowed by the fat folds in his face and the big pussy spot. I don't currently have a reaction image that describes how sick I'm feeling right now.

>> No.7371415

So fucking accurate

>> No.7371418

I actually felt sick looking at this image. Sorry you had to experience that, anon

>> No.7371421

Are you me?
There is one guy who somehow always finds my blog, has contacted me on facebook, has found my various email addresses, etc. and won't leave me the fuck alone.
We didn't even talk that much, as I started to feel pretty uncomfortable pretty fast. Soon enough he was sending me hentai and saying he wanted me to be his loli. I drew the line then and said he needed to leave me alone, but of course that didn't do anything.

>> No.7371456
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I think I'm starting to get one of these.
He saw me talking to someone at work about pokemon so told me he had it too, exchanged friend codes and facebooks. Whatever, I like making friends.

Now he constantly messages me, talking about hentai. Found out I was a lolita and keeps going on about 'lolita maid dresses' which I have tried many times to explain lolitas aren't maids but he just gets angry and tell me I don't know anything about lolita aesthetics and purity. Also my skirts are too short apparently.
Despite the fact they're dresses and just slightly above my knee.

Weirdest part is he came up to me the other day and started talking about my boob size. Saying how hard it was to find natural flat chests in this modern day and that I shouldn't care what other guys say because he likes DFC. I was so weirded out by this, usually I can be flippant or have a good comeback, but what do you say to that?

I think I'm just gonna block him on facebook, and hope I don't see him at work anymore. He keeps telling me he lives near me too, which is off putting.

Oh I forgot, he sent me a message last night saying how he gets angry when he's searching for lolita maid dresses on ebay and only sexy french maid ones come up. I am too bored of trying to correct him now, but did wonder who he was buying a maid dress for as he has no gf...

>> No.7371457

I would like to see these pictures

I need to know how scary this was

>> No.7371471

Does he work with you? Bring it to management if he does, but nontheless, tell him conversations about your personal/sexual life is off limits. Don't be shy about it either, tell him up front. Mild autism makes it impossible for some males to understand the feelings of people around them. So make it clear to him and don't keep yourself in such an awkward situation just for the sake of making a friend. :(

>> No.7371482

No, I'm a waitress and he comes in to eat. The boss always sends me to take his order as he sits for ages, reading fucking hentai in the booths while ordering shit loads.
Also I have actually made it clear I'm not interested and I don't want to talk about sexual things ( especially after the occasion he asked me about how/what I masturbate too) He still brings it up in front of people however but then just goes 'oh, never mind, I forgot you were all prudish'

He's brought a few of his other friends in before as well who all sit around basically saying the words hentai, bukkake and tentacles really loud all the time, my boss hardly understands my English however so as long as they keep spending like they do, he's cool.
Looking for another job further from home at the moment.

I agree about the autism thing, I actually have a male friend whom I've grown up with that have aspergers, quite a strong case though, he has to take medication. But in that case I know how to handle myself, pretty sure this guy is just one of those guys whose only experience of females has been from anime/hentai.

>> No.7371522

Ugh your boss is useless. I can only suggest maybe acting as cold and distant from him as you can. Don't smile, don't give him any indication of interest in what he says. Good luck on your new job.

>> No.7371529
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That sounds like a horror story.
>Soon enough he was sending me hentai and saying he wanted me to be his loli.
Automatic restraining order. It reminded me a little about this guy from uni: he was like two year my senior and we shared some classes together. Most of the time he was pretty chill and we shared some nerd interests. The problems began when he became increasingly obsessed with my (then) girlfirend (I'm a guy, BTW). I met her way before even knowing nice-guy-chan existed, so basically he met her through me. The thing is, he had a history of pestering another gal pal of mine who happened to be lolita. At a moment we were at the library and he became increasingly creepy trying to be "nice" to her (telling her she was his "rorituh"), so I basically told him to BTFO and took her somewhere else. He got pissed at me but he recovered after a while and we went cool after that. Or at least I thought so. Fast forward a year later, my girlfriend kicked me and we broke up. I am totally heartbroken and kind of pissed (she treated me like shit for some time before kicking me and I behaved like a beta faggot not complaining), but try to keep it cool. Fast forward even more ten months later and we go together to a local con. She went with some friends from the uni, among them nice-guy-chan I'm the only one not in cosplay, so I felt kind of off there, but did my best to not being awkward and socialize. The I begin to notice nice-guy-chan turns a little defensive when I get too near my ex (I was still in love with her because I am a masochistic idiot, but didn't pressured her into anything). When the con neared it's end, we got into a crowd to watch the lasts shows of the evening (some local nerd stars and the cosplay sketches). Since she's pretty small I offered her to stand on my boots. One thing led to another and we ended hugging. Nice-guy-chan dissapears and next monday he turns terribly angered at me; only then I realized he was hitting on my ex...

>> No.7371541

bcus is 4 jokez

>> No.7371543

Unfortunately we can't just pull out restraining orders without a police incident on record. They would have to do something to warrant a police call.

Your GF was likely seeing someone else. There's very little other reasons for anger leading to breakups. You're better off ignoring the both of them, neither will change.

>> No.7371549
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A week later after the con, me and my ex have a sort of reconciliation and get back together in "it's complicated" mode. The problem is, we haven't told anyone yet. We are both working at the library when nice-guy-chan appears with a box of chocolates and asks me to leave. I told him why should I leave him alone with my girlfriend and he turns into passive-aggresive mode. Girlfiend asks me to leave for a while and I recluctantly go and wait outside the library. Ten minutes later they reappear and he acts like I don't exist while visibly hitting on my girlfriend. From then until me and her finally break up, I have to endure this asshole's passive aggresive bullcrap. She just tries to be nice to him and keeps him in the friendzone, so he is constantly orbiting around her, waiting for me to leave her alone so he can get closer to her. At a moment he even says to her in front of me "you don't notice me because I'm not as cut as Anon". I was REALLY about to hit him that time. After we break up, he finally stops his bullcrap against me, but enters in that phase of friendzoning when the nice guy tries to find a moment of weakness to bond with the girl. After checking some of the messages in her DA account some months later, I begin to notice how fucking much he pesters her, and it becomes obvious that he is stalking her.
In retrospective, what really pissed me about it is that he basically met my girlfriend through me, and he was interested in her before we broke up and acted like a friend of both while having the hots for her.
I have no idea of what happened in the end with my ex and the nice guy, me and her haven't really talked for a while, but I saw nice-guy chan last week walking with a girl and sporting a "BAZINGA" t-shirt. Fortunately he didn't noticed me.

>> No.7371552

I kekt at this entire thread.

The beta threads on /fit/ have nothing on these people.

>> No.7371576

do you live in Sac, Ratchet?


>> No.7371674


>who he was buying a maid dress for as he has no gf...


>> No.7371722

>tall, ginger, lazy eye, says shit like "nemisis"

Ugh, sounds like a creep I dated when I was a desperate 16yo (he was20), except it wasn't just a lazy eye, apparently he'd been shot with a bb gun or something? He also talked about ghosts following him and focusing energy in hands and shit.

>> No.7371743


> trying this hard to get people to care

>> No.7372302
File: 135 KB, 500x481, tumblr_mze8wyZBMo1s5loo7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these really make me wonder why reverse stalking doesn't happen
Like if there are guys who feel like it's their "responsibility" to send nudes of girls to their parents and stuff, why not screencap their shitty justifications and send what they've done to their parents?

>> No.7372346

It would be cool, but if their parents raised them to become creepy neckbeards, they would probably think it's normal if they find out their sons have sent a box with a dagger and a stained sonic t-shirt to a girl.

>> No.7372920

I've done that. A guy kept harassing me and sending me really explicit sexual messages. He was 17 and I was 15. I screencapped everything, printed it out, and went to his house. I knew he wouldn't stop unless I told his mother...she was so horrified she took his computer and phone away for a pretty long time, iirc.

>> No.7372933

Okay, it's been a few years since this happened, being that I'm 23 now and was 17 at the time, but here we go.

>Be at convention
>Cosplaying Yuki from Melancholy of Haruhi
>First actually decent cosplay
>With friends, obviously other 2 characters
>Meet boy doing awful L cosplay
>Looks to be about our age
>Suddenly there
>"Free Hugs" sign
>This is before I started avoiding people with those signs like the plague
>After hug, he just hangs around with us.
>Follows us EVERYWHERE
>Keeps trying to take pictures up out skirts 'jokingly'
>Much more assertive friend tells him to fucking delete the pictures or we'll report
>"Haha calm down it's all fun! Fine I'll delete them!"
>"Hey Anon can I borrow your phone, mine is out of minutes"
>Stupid dumb-ass bitch me doesn't realize what he's doing, lends phone
>We try to ditch him when he 'glomps' me and rubs his hand on my upper thigh
>Girls room for 30 minutes crying about it.
>We all sneak out, avoid like fucking plague
>Friend gets phone call from him.
>What the fuck we never gave him any of our numbers
>"Oh yeah I got it off your phone, hope you don't mind!"
>Next day, no more Haruhi cosplay. Glad that we were all wearing wigs
>Pray he doesn't recognize us
>He does
>"Hey guys we all go to the same school did you know?"
>Fuck no we didn't.
>Convention over
>He starts finding me in school hallways
>Always when I am alone
>Asks me out, I always politely decline.
>Friend request over FB from people I don't recognize, fine just add them all because stupid teenager
>He lays low, doesn't write me or anything. His picture is from Family Guy so I don't realize who he is until---
>Upskirt photo on my feed
>"Lol guys isn't my girlfriend cool, she lets me do this stuff all the time!"
>Completely overwhelmed
>Report Report Report
>Photo gets taken down a day later

>> No.7372947

>Forgot to mention he still texts me literally every few hours
>Calls me when the picture is taken down
>Don't answer
>Block him on FB
>Stupid teenage girl still trying to take care of everything by myself
>If I block him, he'll take the hint
>Text "Hey baby why did you have that picture taken down, you have such a cute butt" or some shit.
>"Please leave me alone."
>No reply all night.
>Thank goodness? Barely sleep.
>The next morning
>Close enough to school that I walk there alone every morning
>Fucker was literally hiding behind a tree waiting for me.
>Confronts me
>Literally yelling at me
>"Why don't you like me? I've been so fucking nice to you!"
>Takes out lighter (psycho) and threatens to burn me
>(To be fair it took like three seconds in retrospect to realize that shouldn't scare me, it was a regular bic lighter)
>But at the time I was scared
>He puts lighter away, says that he really likes me and I should stop "fucking things up"
>I'm so confused and scared.
>The trail to my high school is a 1/2 mile long scenic nonsense
>Don't want to turn my back on him
>THANK GOD friend sees us together, meets my eyes
>Pulls over and offers me a ride
>"No she's fine." he says
>Think he was going for dark and agnsty, I'm already climbing into the passenger side of her van.
>He finally gives up, I half-expected him to chase us down
>My friend convinces me to go to teachers for help
>After telling the story to 5-6 different adults, I'm in the counselors room being told it's not my fault.
>He's suspended
>He gets switched out of all the classes we had together.
>Told not to interact with me at all.

That was the last I heard from him besides seeing him in passing in school. I heard a lot after that. I became friends with one of his ex-friends later who said that he claimed he took my virginity and that we have been dating for years, but my parents didn't like him so we were like Romeo and Julliet. He apparently had mandated therapy after the 'incident' on the trail.

>> No.7373052

>"Why don't you like me? I've been so fucking nice to you!"
What a self entitled asshole.

>> No.7373095

>>"Why don't you like me? I've been so fucking nice to you!"

So that's who's been giving nice guys a bad reputation.

>> No.7373154
File: 251 KB, 816x757, mlady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only assholes refer to themselves as "nice guys". Real nice guys don't do that.

>> No.7373458

I never call myself that, at least not in dating situations, simply because "nice" is rarely if ever an attribute that attracts women.

My actions should speak for themselves.

>> No.7373481

Why did you accompany that with a cartoon where the woman is the asshole?

>> No.7373826

I didn't save any, and am not sure how to find them now. This was over ten years ago (I'm an oldfag, sorry) and I don't even think the particular con this happened at is even running anymore. They don't have a website at any rate.

>> No.7373860


This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.7374689 [DELETED] 

>deal with it
I'm not sure what kind of new information you're attempting to add, or how you think it is at odds with anything I've posted, so you should probably elaborate so i can let you know why you're wrong.

The state of being a liability 9whatever that means is based on highly variable criteria (financial liability? legal liability?) and in most cases, 'liability" is based within constructed ideals (as opposed to natural or essential ideals) So like I said, this doesn't make any sense without elaboration.

>> No.7374693

I'm not sure what kind of new information you're attempting to add, or how you think it is at odds with anything I've posted, so you should probably elaborate so i can let you know why you're wrong.

The state of being a liability is based on highly variable criteria (financial liability? legal liability?) and in most cases, 'liability" is based within constructed ideals (as opposed to natural or essential ideals) So like I said, this doesn't make any sense in application to my previous posts without elaboration.

>> No.7374797

>randomly qt cosplay grill
>comment expecting no reply
>she lewd and likes to share lewd things
>find out live in same state, town above me
>no bf
>keep talking for month

>feel funny
>suddenly sit back and realized after years of no social life and studying made me so roreny i take this attention as 'luv'
>but sane and old enough to know talking on internet doesn't mean she interested,
>shut off computer and reevaluate what the i'm doing and life.

Havent talked for days i should just cut it all off...

>> No.7374828

Hey, if she replies, more than one word answers and usually in a timely manner you're fine.

Be aware though, I personally joke flirt with people online with the understanding that we live far apart, are never going to meet, and we're both messing around so don't get too emotionally invested till you know it's a sure thing.

The fact you're self aware enough to stop means you're fine, keep talking to her she might be sad.

>> No.7374895

is not really
>keep talking for a month
its we been talking for 3 and half weeks .
I think he had legit converse if you consider what your interest are and what jewelry/accessories goes well with X.
It all started decide on what wig she should buy others reply but ignore those (they were joking not really serious talking anyways, just OMG YOU SO CUTE BB GRIL). then talked about our interests and shared hentai stuff.

well she did post a pic a location that i know is near, I just said something about a local event and shop near by went back and forth.

I asked myself "when was the last time I had a conversation that wasn't going through the motions".
Then realized a week later, im getting invested over the internet.
Average 5/10 180 lb. guy thinking he has a chance at 3 years younger qt cosplayer girl...over the internet...felt pathetic.
eh kinda funny i guess.

From what i gathered she trying to get over something, dont want to go into details.

Came here to cringe lol.