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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7377381 No.7377381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'Gulls, I got invited to a wedding and I have NO IDEA what to wear. It's in March but it'll still be very cold, and it's a late afternoon ceremony with reception to follow. /fa/ hates everything that doesn't involve a peacoat, so I'm asking you ladies for any more interesting, possibly lolita- or Jfashion-influenced ideas. Pic somewhat related, it looks like it might be appropriate (although obviously I wouldn't wear white).

General adapting-your-fashion-for-normalfag-occasions thread, I guess.

>> No.7377388

Personally I think it's a little impolite to take attention away from the bride. I wouldn't wear lolita or lolita-inspired clothing to a wedding. Sage for not really contributing.

>> No.7377393

Unless the bride and groom are very fashion forward or involved in similar activities, I don't think Lolita is ok for a wedding. While looking nice is great any other day, you really don't want to detract from the reason of the day: The Bride and Groom.

>> No.7377396

A lot of classic lolita dresses without a petti will just be interpreted as a nice party dress. No prints, though.

>> No.7377394

Sorry, but /cgl/ isn't the best place to ask about this. I'd say just wear a normal dress. At the very least, ask the bride if she minds you wearing lolita, because it's very rude to wear something so attention drawing to a wedding.

>> No.7377401

How many times do we have to go over this? You should really ask the bride and groom what's okay, every wedding standard will be different. I think your photo is a good start, but I'd agree about avoiding white and I'd check what colors the bridesmaids and bride are wearing.

I'd love for everyone to dress their best at my wedding. I'd only lay down the line at OTT.

>> No.7377416

Have I just been to fancy as fuck weddings all my life because I honestly can't see classic lolita as being too attention grabbing, and more "normal" clothes are way too casual.

Last year I attended my partner's brother's wedding, and I was showing their mum classic lolita to give her an idea of the sort of formal/fancy clothes I like and she thought they were perfect. Didn't end up getting one in the end because of time constraints, but still.

>> No.7377418

Also this, and if you're not close enough to the bride&groom to even ask this type of question, you shouldn't have even asked whether to wear attention-seeking lolita in the first place.

>> No.7377425
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>Guys i've been invited to a wedding, instead of worrying about buying the hosts gifts, what should I buy myself to look best at this free food shindig?

>> No.7377427

>if she cares about how she looks she must not care about the host!!
awesome logic

>> No.7377428

Why do so many people get the bug to wear lolita to someone's wedding?

>> No.7377431

Because most lolitas are attention whores. What better opportunity to get LOTS of attention than by attempting to steal the spotlight from the bride by wearing weird shit from japan?

>> No.7377433

I have no idea. OP is now trying to justify >>7377427

Wear it to your own wedding, stop trying to spoil it for others that don't understand it.

>> No.7377436

I am so bad with wedding rules I literally sent a picture of the dress (since it was white with navy florals all over it and i didn;t know if that broke the 'white rule') directly to the bride to ask if i could wear it. I would never wear lolita to a wedding, though I guess you could always ask if it was ok, but I would still feel like it was somewhat imposing

>> No.7377442

Because for some its the nicest clothes that they have.
If you have a closet full of just jeans and tees with a few lolita clothes. You'd wanna wear the lolita clothes first before having to buy a new outfit you're only going to wear once.

>> No.7377445

Tone down classic lolita passes easily, though. Dressing to the occasion is an art, it'd be just as disrespectful going to a classy wedding in jeans and tshirt.

But if you can't dress yourself at that level, and you don't know the bride or groom, then yeah. Pass on lolita and wear something else.

>> No.7377448
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>> No.7377450

depends on the type of wedding. anything thats a traditional wedding would be a no go for lolita. So anything along the lines of orthedox or catholic, no go at all.

>> No.7377458

A plain-colour or floral classic dress with a blazer, no petti, tights, and elegant heels.

>> No.7377464

Jesus Christ I took a shower and the thread shit itself. I don't have any intention of wearing anything near full-blown or elaborate lolita, I just trust /cgl/'s taste more than /fa/'s and was wondering what they would wear to a wedding. Part of the problem is that I haven't been to a wedding in years and I don't know what constitutes wedding attire these days.

>> No.7377468

A simple dress, with a nice shawl to cover your arms would be the best route to go. since it's a spring wedding, spring colors. just check and see what color the bridesmaids are wearing first. so that you don't blind in with them.
you can do heels or flats, just no flipflops or tennies.
save the lolita for other events, something other than a wedding. because any type of lolita will get attention at a wedding and take away from the bride

>> No.7377476

Wear a normal dress and stop being an attention whore. Really think about your motivation for wearing lolita to a wedding.

>> No.7377478


I would wear a JetJ dress to a wedding, or even a Mary Magdalene piece, they're some of my nicest clothing, and I'd want to look my best for such an occasion, not everything is OTT sweet, some lolita can be beautiful and simple.

>omg ur wearing lolita 4 attention

stop. some of us consider it a fashion not a costume

>> No.7377494

actually you don't want to look your best at a wedding. That's the bride's job. obviously if you sent a picture to the bride and asked if those garments were Ok, then it would be fine, but JetJ and MM STILL stand out very obviously in a crowd, especially if you're 'dressing your best' in them...

>> No.7377500

no one is calling it a costume, yes it's a fashion but it's an out there type of fashion.
Think about it this way
you spend a year to 2 years of your life planning your dream wedding.
Some one shows up in lolita and is stealing your spotlight, the spotlight you waited 2 years for. YOUR wedding day. you would be pissed.
you would want to kick them out or make them go change.

>> No.7377501


do you really think everyone tried their hardest to look like shit at a wedding? or what?

>> No.7377509
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>this fucking thread

OP, pick out a simple but cute outfit, check with the bride and groom just out of respect and be on your merry way. Everyone will have their own opinion on the matter, but really the only people that it matters to are you and the hosts.

I hope it goes well!

>> No.7377512

That isn't want anon's saying, they're saying that yes, dress your best, but if your best is going to be better than the bride's, then you might want to re-think and tone it down a little.

Yes, lolita might be a fashion for you, but for a lot of people, it's going to be pretty out there. Non-printed otome would be 100x better than lolita because it's still dressed up while being more understated, especially when compared to JetJ or MM.

>> No.7377513


if some girl in lolita is "stealing the spotlight" are your wedding, then your wedding wasn't worth attending in the first place.

>> No.7377514

hmm, i don't see how you took me responding to you saying you would wear JetJ and MM and look your best to me saying everyone needs to dress like shit. No, that was not my point. My point was everyone dresses according to specific rules so that the Bride is the focal point. There is not simply 'BEST DRESSED' and 'shit-tier' when it comes to outfits. If you can't figure out how to tone something down or simply ask the Bride if you can wear what you want with a picture, then I guess I can't really say much more.

>> No.7377516

I have literally NO "nice" dresses or outfits except for lolita because I have no occasion to wear fancy or dressy clothes to.

Lolita is pretty much the only fancy/formal clothing I have, save for a $15 dress from H&M that looks terrible on me and is in storage.

>> No.7377518

lol, because normal fags totally are used to seeing big poofy dresses on a normal basis

>> No.7377524

Thrift stores are your best friends. The dresses may be last season but you can customize it and make it your own then

>> No.7377533

I've never found anything wedding-worthy at a thrift store. Nothing but polyester nightmare prom dress rejects and sweater dresses.

Also the prices at Salvation Army have gone WAY up. I'd guess that a nice formal dress in good condition would be $30+ now.

>> No.7377536

you're all full retards. Really.
What's the problem of a toned down classic lolita? Just don't wear a pettitcoat, pick a dress made with a nice fabric and it will be fine. Also don't wear a huge bow or huge lolita heels, "normal" heels will work ok.

>> No.7377542

If you're not willing to spend $30 for a dress for your friend's wedding what kind of friend are you? You can't save 30 bucks?

>> No.7377547

well anon, obviously I don't do toned down, I have to dress my best in my JetJ Échelle du Sphinx OP (I mean, it's not white, I'm following the rules!) because I don't understand that when I walk into a room all eyes shouldn't be on ME.

Toned down? I'm not some filthy peasant.

>> No.7377556

well some ones a trolling little spoiled brat

>> No.7377560

lol if you can't tell the difference between trolling and joking I feel bad for you. How do you survive on the internet?

>> No.7377579

tbh, wearing the whole petticoat and stuff might get you mistaken for a flower girl. avoid ruffles and too much poof so you don't get mistaken for a bridesmaid. Super and simple should be the key here.

if its warm where you are you could always go with a plain-colored sun dress look, or a nice jsk without a blouse, maybe a bolero. Try to keep the look as modern as you can, so that you don't look really odd and out of place.

something like this:


if you really want a print i'd go for something not too crazy like polka dots, if broken up with solid colored pieces.


and keep accessories to a minimum. cardigan or bolero, a nice hair comb or something. Don't deck yourself out like you normally would.

As many others have said, just try not to draw attention away from the bride. If you're decked out in lolita people will be giving you attention, and probably negative attention. You'll want to normalize these jsk's or whatever as much as possible as not to create any stir.

>> No.7377596

I don't know what kind of mid-90s American suburban hell you guys all live in, but in my city (in Australia) the vast majority of younger people are well dressed to the point where JetJ and MM would just be considered "nice day dresses."

Good lord. If it isn't OTT sweet/gothic you'll be fine. A nice plain or floral dress with a full skirt from Japan is absolutely no different to any other nice plain or floral dress with a full skirt.

>> No.7377604
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Actually, scratch that. I was in Hollywood a couple of weeks ago and everybody was wearing yoga pants and cropped shirts in 30 degree weather.

>I'm sorry. I genuinely don't why I bothered asking.

>> No.7377608

You mean, like, in normal, every day environments? Oh right, not at a fucking wedding, retard.

Once again, send a picture to the bride of the outfit, you get the nod, you're fine. I don't get what's so hard about that concept

oh wait, people want to 'dress their best!' and not be told 'uh yeah no, can you just be a little more simple with it?'

>> No.7377612

you really think the bride's gonna tell a guest to change their outfit?

God you're stupid.

>> No.7377619

>you really think the bride's gonna tell a guest to change their outfit?
Yeah they will, it just depends. My friend's sister made one of her close friends leave the wedding entirely because she didn't like the way they were dressed.

>> No.7377629

uh... are you for real? Hell yes they will, wow.

And I'm not sure why you think 'sending a picture' means 'showing up and being asked to change'. If you're going to wear something that stands out, you obviously send a picture to the bride way beforehand so she can say yes or no. And yes, they will turn down outfits without any problems. How dumb are you? Wait, that's not fair, you just must not have a lot of experience with this kind of situation. At least you learned something.

>> No.7377630

I'm not a lolita, but what kind of person does that RUIN the wedding for

>> No.7377644

laughing so hard.
I've been to loads of weddings, just no bridezillas'.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned to consider it crazy rude to tell your own guest you won't allow their clothes at your wedding. I've never ever heard of it happening, particularly if someone was kind enough to ask if an outfit was ok.

>> No.7377647

No one's saying they asked about shit.

>> No.7377652

I think you should read what the posts were replying to, before trying to "contribute"

>> No.7377654

The only thing simpler than a plain fucking dress is jeans and a t-shirt, you colossal bumblefuck.

It's a fucking wedding. You're expected to dress formally.

A plain dress will not stand out. What kind of fucking weddings have you been to?

>Fuckity fuck fuck.

>> No.7377655

I flat out told lolita's I invited if they showed up in lolita they wouldn't get to stay.

Don't be a bitch OP

>> No.7377659

wonderful place isn't it? I haven't worn socks for a year.

>> No.7377662


the only bitch in this thread seems to be you.

>> No.7377663

did you even read the comment that I replied to saying

>hurr in koala land jetj is a plain day dress!

please, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.7377665

>particularly if someone was kind enough to ask if an outfit was ok.

i think you missed the whole point where i said you should ask if you have any doubts to be polite

>> No.7377666

>I was a dick at my wedding so it's normal

>> No.7377668

That was me, dipshit.

I honestly do not understand why this topic is so touchy for you. You're making an absolute fool of yourself.

>> No.7377676

Someone said it'd be a good idea to ask, but no one actually said they planned on it, it was never in the scenario.

>> No.7377677

If you're the type of person who can't pull your head out from under your frills from sniffing your own princess farts to realize that for one day, maybe even for only a couple of hours, you shouldn't be strutting around and patting yourself on the back about how you only dress for yourself and the only validation you need for your outfit is how good you think you look... then you should probably skip a wedding before you make a fool out of yourself.

>> No.7377678

I think you're the one making a fool of yourself arguing that random people you don't know will 100% feel 1 way or the other.

>> No.7377680

lol, no, I'm really not. If you think the next step down from a full jetj or mm outfit is jeans and a sweatshirt, you are a moron.

>> No.7377681

Hi google
Hello anon, what'cha need?
"What to wear to a wedding"
First hit: Nordstroms "Guest of wedding" category
Sort by price $25-$50
168 choices, lots really cute.
Now how tough was that, really...

>> No.7377683

that has been my advice this whole time for OP. Or anyone thinking of anything outside of normal-fag formal wear: send a picture and ask, done.

>> No.7377684

b-but anon, i have to be supaa cute and kawaii in my azn fash! the people who's wedding i'm goin 3 can't possibly have any opinion but shunshine and rainboes about mah fashun cents!!!

>> No.7377685

Honestly, though, if you have to ask, wouldn't it be better to assume "no"?

>> No.7377688
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This thread, my god.

>> No.7377689

... are there seriously only like, 2 people in this thread that have actually been a bride at a wedding? I expected this to end very shortly with several opinions from different brides and that would be it...

>> No.7377696

What? You can't read someone's mind, why wouldn't you ask if there was a chance they would say yes. That's a really... kind of sad attitude to have anon.

>> No.7377699

Don't wear lolita. Don't wear white.
Wear a regular coat, find a nice dress that doesn't have glitter or sequins on it. Pair it with solid color tights and cute heels of flats. Done.

>> No.7377705

Protip: Normalfags can't tell the difference beyond "The top row is made out of t-shirt fabric and lycra. It's low-quality and would be worn to buy groceries." and "The bottom row fits properly and is made out of nice cotton. It's formal and should be worn to a formalevent such a wedding."

>> No.7377709

No, your kawaii powers are fail. If you can't dress yourself be supah kawaii in all situations without your azn fash crutch you lose the life princess style game. Fork over the tiara, biatch.

>> No.7377711

except the wedding would be full of normal fags. Just dressed up normal fags

>> No.7377712
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Dropped my image.

>> No.7377713
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>done with work now, time to check on thread
>what have I done

>> No.7377717

Reading comprehension, anon. That is the difference that they CAN understand.

>> No.7377719

yeah the last couple of weddings I went to were full of the top row and no one knows any better (except the really old women wearing pant suits and shawls or whatever, old lady formal wear, that they probably go grocery shopping in any way)

>> No.7377720

Not the person you replied to, but what about having to buy a gift too? So it's money on the dress, and money on a gift.
Honestly if I just find a friend to borrow a dress from if I couldn't swing the $30 for a new dress.

>> No.7377723

oh, the 'beyond' whistled through my brain and out the back

and yeah no, they really can't. other than saying 'the bottom row looks really weird and old fashioned...' and side eyeing commences

>> No.7377729

What makes you think OP only has the choice between Lolita and "Normal Casual Clothes".
She can wear the standard everyone else is wearing at the event

>> No.7377731

A simple classic dress without a petticoat and a blouse (maybe a cardigan instead) would work fine as long as it's not white.

I don't understand what happened to this thread. Most classic lolita dresses that are toned down without a petti and blouse just look like nice formal dresses. I've worn lolita dresses to lots of weddings and family occasions but the way I dress them just makes them look like nice formal wear.

>> No.7377734
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Now for an actual answer OP, I don't know what country you're in but 50s style dresses are trending right now in America. I would try to avoid lolita at all costs, personally since I don't feel it's appropriate BUT it can be done tastefully. The problem is that most people's opinion of tasteful can lean towards OTT since we are so used to the lolita aesthetic.

I think something like pic related would be very appropriate.

>> No.7377732

... is that the gay viking dude from oglaf

anyway, seriously, just pick a plain sundress and a nice cardigan and low heeled shoes and tights. Seriously. And if they have a color theme, throw on matching accessories.

>> No.7377735
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>I don't have any other formal clothes
>other formal clothes
>her miku cosplay is formal

>> No.7377737

At all the weddings I've been to the only lolita dress in that image that wouldn't get you stared at is the grey first one. The others look way to different from a normal dress even if it's plain.

>> No.7377740

pretty sure OP isn't a lolita, so what would even the point be of dropping money on a classic lolita jsk that would look weird without a petti, when they can just buy a cheap plain dress instead

>> No.7377744

This is a really pissy excuse.
Go to some $20-50 range young female fashion store and just pick something, it doesnt have to look like you spent $100 on it, you'll have a dress for life that you can wear to all "normal ocassions" and for "this is not my time to show my powerlevels". There is no excuse. You're in a fashion that forces your wardrobe to have a net worth of at least $200, and you're complaining about finding 1 simple dress for the rest of your life's situational needs for $30?

>> No.7377747

Wear a printless lolita dress, but with no petticoat. Then you can wear your lolita and not have to spend oh-so-much as $30 for a new simple dress.

>> No.7377751

None of those bottom row dresses would stand out or outdo the bride provided OP wears a simple shawl/cardigan with it and minimal hair accessories (no wig). Lolita can be fine but you really have to tone it down and keep it classic, that's it. Style it more towards casual but keeping a formal feeling without going OTT.

>> No.7377761

Actually that's not really something you can say, since you aren't the bride.

>> No.7377764

You can't use that excuse to invalidate somebody elses opinion/suggestion without also invalidating your own.

>> No.7377767
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>> No.7377768

Yeah, as long as you dont wear a petticoat with it.

>> No.7377775

I didn't give an opinion or suggestion.

>None of those bottom row dresses would stand out or outdo the bride

You do not know what would or would not outdo the bride. That is a fact, not an opinion or suggestion.

Which means, once again, the simplest solution: Ask the fucking bride.

>> No.7377777

You could wear it to job interviews too if you picked smartly enough.

>> No.7377784
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The fuck is even going on in this thread?

OP, I wore toned-down classic to a wedding a month ago. Actually, I wouldn't even call it lolita, it just happened to use a couple of pieces that I also use for lolita. Outfit was pic related with a very light petti, plus a vintage blouse, a normalfag blazer (it was chilly in the venue), solid tights, and pumps pumps. Hair was a simple updo.

My advice: not too many ruffles, no prints or only subtle, mature ones. Skirts are generally less formal than dresses. Don't overdo it on accessories. You want to look good but not flashy.

>> No.7377785

Mm. Pettis are not a daily "standard wear" item. Its known to normal people as something that are worn exculsively if its your prom, or a wedding, or a costume party.

If you're wearing a petticoat and your bride is wearing one too, you're instantly competing with her.

And if she doesnt have one, even worse. Its a item that takes space and is a symbol of elegancy (remember women used to compete with petticoat sizes back in the 1800s. Or picture Anne of Green Gables)

Dresses are almost a bird display of dominance.

>> No.7377788

>The fuck is even going on in this thread?

people keep arguing and OP won't just ask the bride what's in or out.

>> No.7377789

And you can pray and hope your bride will "understand you" for wearing a lolita dress to her event

Or you can rightout assume that she doesnt have time, or should have needed to, think about whether your flashy outfit is intruding upon her space to shine. That she paid hundreds to thousands for.

>> No.7377799

confused ex lolita here

if you really have to ask what to wear at a wedding, just don't go. If you don't own even a normal ass dress or nice clothes outside of lolita, go get some. Making a wardrobe outside of your kawaii desu bullshit is easy as hell. I bought two dresses for under $30 usd a piece at Kohl's or some other bullshit when I lived in the states. If you want to have a dress that looks nice but can also be worn outside of formal occasions, hit up a retro type place. Here in aus we have Beserk and Trash Monkey.

Stop being fucking retarded and just get a normal dress. Wtf do you wear to school and work if you don't own anything outside of jeans and lolita??

>> No.7377811
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I think dresses like these would be cute, not plain, and wedding appropriate.

>> No.7377819

OP still hasn't answered what type of wedding it is as well.
That really defines what you can and can not wear to a wedding.

>> No.7377893

why, because I didn't want special snowflakes running around in pastel vomit candy unicorn kawaii princess-chan meeting my extended family? No one had a problem with it.

>> No.7377951

no one's fucking telling her to wear over the top sweet to this wedding jesus christ

Why is everyone in this thread such tight uppity cunts about their imaginary weddings in which they enforce regime-esque dress codes?
If someone came to my wedding in a banana costume or a Winnie the Pooh mascot costume I wouldn't give a shit.
Weddings shouldn't be about showing off how amazing you look and making sure everyone else stays out of your spotlight, it should be about being wed to someone you love.

>> No.7377956

Agree, something like this. Get something with a cute twirl but nothing with a petticoat under it. Maybe one of those dresses with the heart cutouts in the back?

>> No.7377967

>because I don't give a shit, anyone who does is WRONG

>> No.7377973

if it were just about marrying someone you love the couple wouldnt have spent thousands decorating it.

>> No.7377982

>imaginary weddings
>at my wedding I asked people not to wear lolita

I'm married, I had my wedding. I didn't care about people "stealing" my spotlight, I just didn't want anyone in over the top obscure Asian fashion when my wedding was extremely traditional and filled with both mine and my husbands families. Even toned down lolita is still fairly eccentric.

What I don't understand is why you can't just drop the $20 on a simple little dress to wear to a wedding. You bitches drop $200 dollars on a brand JSK but you can't spend a tenth of that to get an appropriate garment for the occasion? It's not like you would never use it again, a basic dress is extremely useful and versatile, much more so than anything lolita.

>> No.7377985

I don't know why every other bitch in this forum seems to think lolita to wedding=the most ridiculous AP dress you can wear topped with a cake hat. There's a ton of regular lolita clothing you can wear to a wedding as long as it doesn't look too out of place. I'm pretty sure you can wear most neutral/one color dress/skirt sets without offending anyone. Besides, you could probably get away with wearing shit from Innocent World, Victorian Maiden, Beth, and Mary Magdalene without someone so much as batting an eyelid.

>> No.7377998

I'm not talking about like, jeans and a t-shirt. I mean more normalfag formal attire. Something you'd pick up in a department store or whatever, but IMO it's still too casual. They're all something you'd wear to go out drinking in, not attend a wedding wearing.

Like this stuff being suggested:
>>7377712 (top row only)
Is all way too casual, at least for any wedding I've ever attended.

It's illegal to bar entry to a wedding, at least in the UK. Everyone who shows up has to be let in, because of the whole "Speak now or forever hold your piece" bit. So good luck keeping anyone out, lol.

>> No.7378006

>My opinion is the correct one because I had a wedding. How dare any other person think differently.

>> No.7378019

do you...even understand how green text works?
Your complaint was that people who aren't even getting married and planning weddings are complaining. I was pointing out that I am married and went through this. My opinion is worth more because I have been a bride and can relate to OP's bride.

But hey, if you can't come up with anything better to say then keep failing at the green text

>> No.7378024

>It's illegal to bar entry to a wedding, at least in the UK

thank god I'm in America then. That is fucking stupid.

>> No.7378029
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What kind of weddings do you attend? Ones where you have to wear formal dresses?
Every wedding I've been to were weddings on the smaller side where something like the dress pictured would be WAY to overdressed, to fancy, and would get you side-eyed the entire time.

It's probably more like what >>7377819 said. Unless they say the type of wedding (formal, small, laid back, daytime, etc) we won't really know what they should wear.

>> No.7378042

>Is all way too casual, at least for any wedding I've ever attended.
Which comes back to the point that you fucking ask the bride. Also, I see nothing inappropriate about the dresses in the second post you linked to.

>> No.7378049
File: 110 KB, 500x709, Cocktail Dress Jennifer Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Please don't wear lolita to a wedding. Majority of lolita dresses are essentially very expensive sundresses. Unless the wedding is in an outdoor setting during the day, it photographs badly and looks frumpy as fuck.

2. I don't know who all these people are going about "stealing the spotlight from the bride" but lolita does draw a lot of negative attention at the wedding, and I don't think anyone wants to hear "who the fuck was that weirdo who dresses like she was at a pageant" as the only summation of the couple's happy day, just like nobody wants to hear about how Aunt Polly drank out the bar tab and threw up on the best man.

>> No.7378053

>It's illegal to bar entry to a wedding, at least in the UK.
pretty sure that's actually relating to church weddings.
because you can't bar people from entering a church.

>> No.7378060

I really don't know why these girls can't A) ask the bride or B) buy an appropriate dress. This isn't rocket surgery.

On a side note, I fucking love these threads because of all the cattiness.

>> No.7378064

>A) ask the bride
Because they know they will be told "no".
>B) buy an appropriate dress
You expect these people to do something appropriate?

>> No.7378065


>> No.7378077

Well, every one I've been to has been in a castle and the men's dress code was tuxedos. Big evening do's after the ceremony, the whole shebang.

Again, it's just in my own experience. If whoever's wedding it is is happy for someone to turn up in any of those outfits then obviously it's fine.

It's not, I've only ever been to secular ceremonies in secular venues and the same rule applies. The last one I attended the bride and groom asked the venue if they wanted a guest list so they could turn uninvited people away, and they were told they're not allowed to stop anyone from entering anyway so there's no point.

>> No.7378083

>and they were told they're not allowed to stop anyone from entering anyway so there's no point.
I would like to see that law. I can't find anything of the sort online.
Afterall, doesn't it seem odd that the couple would be asking if it was banned?

>> No.7378086

actually, wait, according to your response to >>7378029
you've only been to weddings in castles?
You think that fact might be related?

>> No.7378103

I'd love to go to a wedding that fancy. Would be a great excuse to buy a classy formal dress and actually wear it somewhere.

>> No.7378105

>Afterall, doesn't it seem odd that the couple would be asking if it was banned?

What? They didn't ask if it was banned, they asked if the venue wanted a list of the people attending so they could check people off as they arrived and deny entry to people who weren't invited, and were told there was no point in providing one as they have to let everyone in anyway.

>You think that fact might be related?
Could be, but as far as I know it's the registry office that makes the rules, you can actually hold the wedding anywhere they've deemed appropriate. The venue itself doesn't have any special rules.

>> No.7378111

>Afterall, doesn't it seem odd that the couple would be asking, if it was banned?
sorry, lack of comma apparently changed the context

>> No.7378117

So what's to stop someone from just rolling into the wedding and getting free food from the reception since they can't stop people from entering?
And what about celebrity weddings?

>> No.7378118

that anon probably just hasn't been to a wedding that happened in private property
celebrities get married in the UK all the time.

>> No.7378120

Yeah, the dresses on the bottom row are dull enough to not be too showy, but that's only without a petticoat. A petti solid enough to hold the heavy fabric and give it an attractive shape would be too much.
And without a petti, all of that extra, droopy fabric would just look bad anyway, so why even bother?

>> No.7378123

found the answer!
It was hidden in your post >>7378077
apparently in England and Wales, if you would like to have an officially recognized wedding in a secular form, it must be in a non-religious location that is a designated marriage location, open to multiple weddings, and cannot ban people from entering.

In america, there is no such thing. We don't register locations. We have individuals who are registered to preside over ceremonies, but anyone can get married anywhere.

>> No.7378125

Sailor lolita.

>> No.7378128
File: 36 KB, 364x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saw this and thought it was cute, simple, and classy. Throw in a cute pearl necklace or something. Just for fucks sake don't wear lolita, unless you ask the bride if it's ok, and if she says yes don't go overboard with it.

>> No.7378147

That was what I was about to say. In my country (France) people really care about dressing up for special occasions, and at a formal, familial occasion like wedding, young girls are expected to wear something youthful and innoncent like florals, pastel colors etc. so a simple elegant dress with nice fabric would be better than wearing black all the way.

>> No.7378157

It's really strange how people sacralize wedding in the u.s. Your wedding is about enjoying yourself with people you love, asking your friends to leave your party because the way they dress...that's not so fun.

>> No.7378174

I actually think that a good deal of IW and VM summer dress can be used at a wedding. Summer dress with no petti or a very subtle one, shall, nice but plain updo with hair corsage, maybe tights a elegan heels et voila

>> No.7378186

Not OP but Lolita is not a costume, I wear towned down classic everyday, and if I was to go to a wedding, if I was close enought with the bride I will definitely ask her if I can dress in simple, elegant retro lolita. The last summer wedding I've been in I wore a really retro dress in pastel color, it had a light petti and nobody batted an eye. If I didn't now the person at all I might not attend or reuse one of my night dress, because I have a hard time finding something that fit me. Anyway, it's not about what you wear (basically any nice dress or formal pants can do), it's about how you wear it.

>> No.7378197

This, finally ! My mother wore a simple white skirt and blazer for her wedding, the focus was the actual wedding and the ceremony with friends, not 'omg it's the only time I'll be in the spotlight in all my fucking life I need to shiiiiine'. They had fun an their friend still remember it well twenty years after.

>> No.7378213

Good for her. Unfortunately, not everyone is like your mother and some people expect their guests to adhere to a dresscode.

>> No.7378215


Because I'd have that lolita dress already, why drop an extra 50 on a plain dress when I could pick up another classic dress for used and wear more than once as well?

I dress classic anyways - if you can wear toned down lolita to work, don't see why you can't get away with it at a wedding.

>> No.7378223

>why doesn't the world revolve around meeeeeeee?

>> No.7378237


It's a stupid cotton sundress without a petti who the fuck am I stealing a spotlight from may I dare ask.

>> No.7378238

I was uninvited from my sister's wedding because she didn't like either of the dresses I picked out. Might I add, these were not lolita, but generic mostly casual/semi formal dresses from some cheap store. She got mad because there was a tiny smidge of white on them. She wouldn't go shopping with me to help out so I just said fuck it and didn't go. She also uninvited our mother (who still went for some reason.) The best part was the wedding photographer was an absolute amateur so the photos were horrendous, and just overall shoddy work. My other favorite is that her best friend showed up in a maxi dress, boobs everywhere (she's a big girl) and her boyfriend showed up in a white shirt, board shorts, and flip flops. Just ask the bride and use pictures, or if you're close, have her go with you to shop for a dress.

Don't wear something over the top or even anything with a petti as a previous anon suggested. Really, the easiest route is to just not wear lolita at all. While I don't really get the whole "spend thousands on a wedding etc" they also put in money to be the center of attention, so it is what it is. Good luck and I hope you find something that looks nice!

>> No.7378241

Your sister sounds like a cunt.

I'm worried about having to uninvite my family members, but that's just because they're dramamongering dickweeds and I don't want any trouble at my wedding.

>> No.7378243

I really don't understand why the fuck people are insisting on wearing lolita to a wedding in the first place. If you're having doubts and second thoughts about wearing lolita, buy a normal dress and wear that, why is this so hard to understand?

>> No.7378256

Everyone was 'well dressed' tought, even her punk friends. Meh, they still had their piercings all over the face but they wore shirts and dropped the cargo for better black jeans so it was nice from them. Most of them still had their leather jackets tought

>> No.7378261

God what a raging cunt ! Are you usually close or not at all ? Uninvinting close members of your familly just because you don't like the way they dress even if they bought dresses specifically to please you, way to be classy.

>> No.7378271

Three points can be made against that
1) A plain lolita dress is just a fancy dress, especially if you don't wear it in a lolita way (aka no petti, elegant shoes and nice updo)
2) A cheap dress will always show. The more formal is the wedding, the more a cheap dress will show, and maybe nobody will say anything but it still show, and I (but that's a personnal opinion), that wearing something cheap at a formal event is really disrespectful
3)It happens that just just can find something aproriate and that you like too.

Before hand you should always ask the bride if you see that'll matter for her, but keep in mind that dressing fancy is your way to express you joy for her and your gratefulness for being invited in such a significan event. Underdressing can be worst for some brides, it really depend of the person.

>> No.7378273

I think*

>> No.7378329

she is. If you have to uninvite them for drama reasons, I'm sure others will understand. I hope it doesn't come down to that so good luck!

She has a pretty big history of violence with me when we were growing up. She tried to kill me three different times, and the only person that can back me up is no longer alive (from sickness, not her.) She has cheated on everyone she has dated, and married one of the poor suckers and now acts like she's bipolar. I tried to be close to her multiple times, even as we are both adults, but she wants to be mad and angry at me all of the time instead. She has this belief that our mother has always preferred me, etc. just generic gradeschool bullshit she never got past. Safe to say, she was a complete cunt to my mom at her wedding and my mom stole the remaining cake and cupcakes and shared it with me.

>> No.7378331

Oh god, sorry for you mate, I wouldn't even bother and try to be any close to her anymore, she sound really awful.

>> No.7378333

Shit, I mean, my parents clearly favor my siblings over me, but I'm pretty sure your sister is an actual psychopath. I would never try to actually hurt them (though, my tweenaged sister really needs a good punch to put her in her place; she's a fucking cunt already and she's only 12).

I take it she's the older sister? She probably feels bitter because the younger siblings almost always have it easier, but that's honestly just way too much grudge for a normal person to have. You really should just avoid her like the plague, and if she tried to hurt you again... well, call the fucking cops on her ass.

How old were the two of you when she tried to kill you?

>> No.7378364

Luckily I am not even in the same country anymore!

haha, maybe she'll get a good ol' punch at school from a fellow kid. She is indeed older, by four years. Again, as stated earlier, I'm not even in the same country so I guess I win in this situation. I was the ages of 9 (13 for her) 11 (15) and later on while 11 again. I wish I were joking when I said one of the attempts were because I was taking too long in the restroom (we shared a bathroom and I have bowel issues)

>> No.7378371

My god. She needs to be institutionalized, that's fucking mental. What did your mom do about it?

>> No.7378377

This seems way too casual for a wedding though? This is what most people wear to go to college or go clubbing.

Anyway, surely a floor-length massive wedding dress with a huge train is going to stand out more than a simple classic lolita outfit anyway? I wore lolita to a wedding last year (toned down but printed), and to be honest nobody even noticed until after the ceremony. Admittedly, I was in the choir stalls (as part of the invited choir) so I was kind of tucked away, but still. The bride looked way more dressed-up than I did, and the groom quite specifically told us to wear whatever we wanted. I mean, some of the other choir members turned up in sandals.

>> No.7378393

Late afternoon wedding with the reception going into early evening usually = dressy cocktail dress.

>> No.7378404


While I can understand that, if you don't have any garments for special occasions, it's probably time to sell some dresses and invest. Hobbies are wonderful, but practical needs should come first. A dress for a wedding doesn't have to be absolutely amazing - you could find a very nice, simple dress for $50-$100, one which could be used for future weddings, receptions, and other formal events. Sure, it might not be nicer in quality than a classic lolita piece, but it's likely to be a lot more appropriate. Even classic lolita, while beautiful and toned-down, still has enough details that it might stand out a bit too much at a wedding. That's not to say it's NEVER appropriate, as it would depend on the item. But when in doubt, better to invest in a simple piece that will be undoubtably appropriate and has multiple uses.

>> No.7378410

I've only been to a few weddings before, but that seems much too short and too tight for a formal affair. If it's in your bestie getting married and it's in the backyard or something, sure, but I wouldn't wear that to any event unless I knew the people throwing it were super relaxed.

>> No.7378415

Christ. Has she ever been diagnosed with something? Because she's clearly mentally ill. Not a psychiatrist so I don't what it is, but damn. Poor guy. Sounds like she's a piece of work, sorry she's your sister. At least you'll always be the impressive one.

>> No.7378622

>if you can wear Lolita to work

Good god, do people do this? Unless you work at weeb central this is not appropriate. No wonder you idiots don't get it, you've convinced yourselves Lolita is appropriate for everything

>> No.7378677

>Guys I'm posting on a fashion board about an outfit choice

>> No.7378681

It's not a generalized "fashion board," it's a very specific niche fashion board mixed with cosplay.

>> No.7378685

why so sandy anon? Toned down classic is probably fine, nobody's going to show up to work in fucking sugary carnival

>> No.7378687

The reception generally happens in a different place to the ceremony. You can block anyone you like from the reception, but the ceremony is open to all

>> No.7378952


It was an A-line plain black unruffled skirt I wore to work once, not sugary carnival or JetJ's clipart monstrosities. Not everything is so wildly OTT and inappropriate. I'm just making the point some things are normal-faggable if you don't adhere to the rules of lolita and treat them like normalfag clothing.

>> No.7379194

so...you didn't wear Lolita at all, you just wore a piece of clothing a Lolita brand.

>> No.7379198

some is going to, and she is the reason you all look mentally handicapped.

>> No.7379512

Where do you live that someone would wear the top row to but groceries?

>> No.7379644

Yeah. Some people, as surprising as it may seem, work in places where lolita is not only appropriate but encouraged, and not all are weeb central.

>> No.7379665

Anon, that's very rare and situational and you know it.

>> No.7379686

This. And with no petticoat

>> No.7379765

where the fuck would you work that it is encouraged, where they would even know what it is?

>in b4 burando stores

>> No.7379791

From what I can tell, OP keeps on leaving the thread to check for responses and is horrified each time upon returning at the shitfest she accidentally started.

>> No.7379813

diff anon but I have a friend who works part time at a boba place and they do ask her to wear lolita to work. But obviously that's not some kind of professional career path, just something fun and incredibly specific

>> No.7379818

>wearing burando as a barista

>> No.7379822

it's a boba place... not a coffee shop, they just stick the plastic cup in the machine... I'm' actually helping your point, since it's incredibly specific job and only part time for fun... why would I lie about it

>> No.7379855
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck. it's like noone itt understands that the others are from entirely different backgrounds, ages, religions and even fucking countries. of course their ideas of what a wedding should be will be different too.

i've seen a posh wedding where the ladies had hats the size of a small ship in orange and hot pink, but at my parents' wedding, the bride was wearing jeans and a black jacket. if one of the guest had shown in a funny hat, she would have looked very out of place, and it would have been the same for my mom's jeans at the hat wedding, but it's not like any of those people were dressed the wrong way for a wedding…

also, here is a pic from a wedding, just to put things into perspective.

>> No.7379857

nope, I understand, which is why, my only advice this entire time has been: Ask the bride.

>> No.7379862

Wait, what's wrong with wearing a wig?

>> No.7379864

and i agree, but any other advice in the thread (and there's a lot) has been supremely useless

>> No.7379872

I've seen people working at bubble tea places wearing jeans and a tshirt. Does this mean jeans and a tshirt are appropriate for the majority of weddings?

>> No.7379875

just stop

>> No.7379879

That was the first post I've made in this thread.

>> No.7379883

stop even more

>> No.7379889

I never said anything about a wedding, I responded to an anon asking 'what kind of work place would ask you to wear lolita?!'

jfc you are dumb

>> No.7379892

Which came from an anon saying that if lolita is appropriate for work, it's appropriate for a wedding. You're the idiot here

>> No.7379910

I wonder what your life must be like if you believe conversations can't have non-contextual branches?

what a moron, lol

>> No.7379921

its probably like any other person who uses fallacies to argue a point

i like carrots!
? what, no i just like carrots, what the hell are you going off about?

fucking aspies, rofl

>> No.7379923

This. If it's a one-time deal and you're not too worried about lasting quality there are a LOT of options that have simple eveningwear for a formal night that's hella cheap. Personally I dislike the thought of people wearing lolita to a wedding because it is pretty attention-grabbing.

Anon if you do choose to wear it, go solid pieces and try hard not to have too much white or cream since it's kind of a faux pas to wear at a wedding. Go for a light petticoat and simple legwear. For headwear be very minimal as well. Basically be very simple bordering on normie.

>> No.7379927

My brother gave me some sagely advice for when I asked for a friend what to wear to his wedding (keep in mind I'm his best man)

>"Dress like you're going to a fucking wedding"

Dress it up, not too much, but enough to look appropriate, and like you "tried". Just get a nice dress and maybe some kind of more formal jacket if its going to be cold out.

>wearing lolita
I'm sure if you just had a nice dress on nobody would notice, but if you went full retard with wigs and shit people are going to look at you funny.

>> No.7379938


Wow, fuck her.

Some friend she is

You people take weddings WAY too seriously. Chances are you will get divorced in a couple years after you get knocked up anyways.

>> No.7379961

People are missing the most crucial element here - we don't know shit about this wedding or the bride/groom, or their families.

I've been to tons of weddings and the dress code of each has been startlingly different. I've been to backyard Hawaiian shirt and sandals weddings. I've been to ornate clusterfucks with a full on rainbow vomit (normie/fashionista type) dress and 1.5 foot peacock hair. I've been to vampire goffic weddings that required everyone wear white and blacken their eyes. I've been to a zombie wedding that had required zombie getup. I've been to classical "princess" weddings with the huge ball gowns and most formal of formal wear. I've been to a Chinese Han wedding with the bride in full-on Hanfu/Empress style regalia where all the guests had to dress in warrior wear. I've even been to a furry wedding with everyone in crazy fur costumes.

Not a single article of clothing was able to be worn between two weddings. Each bride and groom has their own requirements and families and standards for dressing. We can't possibly give accurate advice because we all have different ideas for what a wedding looks like. Find out what kind of wedding it is, and what kind of pair the lovebirds are. We can talk all day and night but in the end, we don't know what kind of shindig this will be.

Lolita is a very specific niche fashion. Even dressed down, it is somewhat odd. It is frillier and lacier than most sundresses. The silhouette is different. Some weddings it might look totally normal. Some it might stand out. Some couples won't care if you're a little odd. Some will take it as a disrespect to their families that you didn't dress properly. We can't answer that for you. No one in this thread is wrong necessarily, but no one can really be right, either.

Tl;dr Go Ask The Bride or Groom. Seriously, it's not hard.

>> No.7379966

>Well, every one I've been to has been in a castle

Well, maybe your opinion is bullshit. Not everyone is the god damn queen.

>> No.7379991

Oh, somebody's poor and mad.

>> No.7380005

Speaking of wedding attire, I was suddenly invited to a wedding this Saturday and I don't have any dresses appropriate to the season or the setting.

Do you ladies have any suggestions of what would be a good design to look for when I go shopping for the dress? I asked /fa/ but who knows if they'll help me.

>> No.7380022

>>You people take weddings WAY too seriously.

When you're spending $15k+ and paying for the guests, then you can take it as seriously as you want.

>> No.7380025


Good job proving my point? 15k for one day/night is absurd

>> No.7380043

>15k absurd
Obviously havent seen weddings where the dress alone is 15k

>> No.7380042

not that anon, but you realize there are maybe like a few dozen of what you'd consider a castle in all of north america, and they're all relatively close to each other?
>wedding not in a castle
>disgusting serfs step off we can't be lolifriends

>> No.7380062


>I think it's stupid, so anyone who disagrees is stupid!

>> No.7380140

most of that money goes to feeding your family and friends, especially if you are serving alcohol. My wedding cost around 12-15k and I had a very simple buffet and limited bar (champagne drinks only) and it cost me 20-25 a plate.

You want to save money on a wedding, have it on a sunday afternoon. You won't have to feed the guest a full meal and venues are cheaper than on saturday.

also 15k is way cheap, average is more like 25

>> No.7380273


You had 500+ people at your wedding?

>> No.7380284

they probably spent money on the venue and on decorations, not just on food.

>> No.7380310

And there are over 200 in the UK, the countryside is littered with them, several of which can be rented out for kids birthday parties and essentially function as period themed amusement parks? They're not a big deal at all over here.

>> No.7380331

It's pretty average for a wedding. I recently read an article in the lifestyle section of the paper about weddings. Most couples budget about 10k, but almost all of them end up expanding their budget to at least 15k. That doesn't even take into account the dress and the honeymoon, just the wedding itself

>> No.7380415

This. As someone that works in the wedding business, there are so many types of weddings that any one dress can't possibly work for them all. I know people who specifically mention "no heels" in the dress code because the wedding is on a family farm.

>> No.7380472

no, I had to pay for their dinner (2.5k), booze (2k), cake (200-300) and a place to do it all (4-5k)

>> No.7380577

>Believing media

Women are so easy to fool man. Wedding shit says you should spend 10-15k, so you do.

You know the people telling you how much to spend and the people taking your money are the same people right?

>> No.7380593

I got married on a lake island and the guests came by boat. If someone wore a fancy dress, heels or god forbid lolita there's no way in a million years they would get it clean.