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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 768x576, crappy ass shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407159 No.7407159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't find one in the catalog.

>> No.7407275

What's the quality of L-email wigs?
Are they heat resistant?

>> No.7409106
File: 435 KB, 804x822, 1166393_1357720679247_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm going to make a Rapunzel wig in her braided hairstyle.

Since I need to have this done in May I don't have the time to test order one wig to check thickness and such. I've been browsing around ebay for long wigs that aren't too expensive (since I need 4 of them)

Here is the ones I found so far that I liked
1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Light-Blonde-Fashion-32-Long-Straight-hair-cosplay-Wig-Costume-Party-Wigs-/141189217962?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item20df887eaa

2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/100cm-Light-Blonde-40-inch-Straight-Long-Bangs-Costume-Anime-Cosplay-Party-Wigs-/360853232345?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item5404875ad9

3. http://www.ebay.com/itm/40-Gold-Blonde-Long-wig-Bangs-Straight-Cosplay-Fashion-Party-full-hair-Wigs-/141185708916?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item20df52f374

I wonder if anyone might have any experience with wigs from these stores, which one of the wigs you think look best or if anyone else have a store with a good, not to expensive, long blonde wig

>> No.7409674

what are good sites for wigs?

>> No.7409755
File: 35 KB, 550x471, Sideshowbob2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side show bob?

>> No.7409758

my friend bought a wig like that

holy shit it was hilarious and she looked awful

l-email have been nice for me so far. i think they say they're heat resistant but i havent tried anything myself yet

>> No.7409761

So I'm new to styling a wig and I want to trim and do spikes. Is it basically just hair scissors, hair spray, and a comb?

>> No.7409767

That picture's old as shit, but it was actually intended for Sora.
It makes a near-perfect Bob wig though.

>> No.7410780

Need a short ponytail look but I don't want to do the short wig + clip-on ponytail since that looks weird to me. I obviously can't just tie up a longer wig because the bottom part on the back of your head would look weird and since the ponytail isn't that long there's no way it would cover up that area.

Is my only option to stub+ add extensions/wefts? Or is there a much simpler method? Please have a much simpler method ):

I've tried looking around for some wigs but most are clip-on ponytail or those that don't say specifically don't have a back view of the wig plus most are usually the same stock pictures.

>> No.7410813

That's a wig for sora? fucking really?

>> No.7410881

You don't have to do much if the ponytail isn't very high, but most anime ponytails are practically on top of their heads which need extra wefts at least.

>> No.7411043

First two are too light, second is too yellow. I think you need a more honey blonde.

>> No.7411055
File: 500 KB, 500x272, tumblr_mps4xrqJ9F1rvhjm6o5_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a good Yuno Gasai wig. All of them on Ebay have the same shitty stock photo. Anyone know where to get a nice one?

>> No.7411451
File: 1.33 MB, 850x2369, Saria_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a Saria wig, anyone know a good place? I checked all the usual sites like lockeshop and arda and such

>> No.7411592
File: 122 KB, 800x1247, 614E1PmLB+L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this one around on a few different sites but can't seem to find a review, anyone ever see it in person?

>> No.7411604
File: 43 KB, 320x480, DSC_0556_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eowyn from Arda has a perfect base for the bangs but you'd have to cut half of the length off, so $42 might be kinda expensive
in emerald green would be the best match I think.

>> No.7411784

I was wondering if anyone has worn a wig for a job because of unnatural hair color or whatever reason
Has anyone noticed?

>> No.7411814
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, dandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got a good tutorial for pompadours? Getting on the space dandy wagon. Wondering if I should just get a cheap elvis wig and do my best, or if theres a better way.

>> No.7413314

I have a few L-email wigs they're very thick and really soft I have straightened a couple of curley ones (on very low heat) and there was no burning or melting and they look just fine

>> No.7413319
File: 158 KB, 250x390, Makoto_Tachibana_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a good wig for Makoto? Its the color that's got me stumped really, it's brown with some kind of green tint in it I guess but I cant find anything I like and all Makoto wigs end up being too green

>> No.7413363

I've recieved a ponytail wig, and it doesn't fit my head correctly, I'm thinking it's maybe due to the wefts being sewn across the elastic at the back, where it'd normally stretch to fit - anything you guys know of that can be done the fix this?

>> No.7413439

oooh i wanted to buy this too! Bump for this post

>> No.7413470

stop pretending to be stupid. even though its a bad wig, you can tell its a bad sora wig right from the get-go.

>> No.7413488

Moemall has a nice Makoto wig, it's more brown than it is green and the quality is nice too.

>> No.7413540
File: 38 KB, 600x600, scruffy-side2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever modified a wig's size before?

Like stretching it out or sewing extra elastic into it?

This wig is made on the small side and my head is, well not. So it tends to dig into my forehead to the point it leaves a rather nasty mark. The wig is thick and looks way nicer then their advertised picture so I really want to use it.

I've seen some stuff on online about alterations, but nothing that seemed certain or matched up to this wig well, they usually say sew in elastic at the ear tabs but this thing has a lot of wefts. I guess I would just like /cgl/ pros opinion before I end up ruining it.

And if anyone has an idea on how to attach moleskin to the front I would love that as well, its mesh is a little extra scratchy, but that could just be from being blisteringly tight.

>> No.7413712

k well it's only $20, I ordered it, I guess I'll post it on here with reviews once I get it

>> No.7413768

Okay, So I ordered two Jeannies from Arda. I haven't taken out the ponytail yet to resize them, but I have tried them on. The area near the ears (eartabs? I don't know the term) fits kind of strangely and either covers my ear a bit or shows some of my hairline. Will this be fixed when I redo the ponytail to adjust the size? Thanks.

>> No.7413910

this one >>7413540 comes in green as well and looks a lot like her hair or could easily be styled too if that one doesn't work out.

Be warned the wig model they use is on the small side.

>> No.7414760
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1392831834895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good place to find split wigs?

>> No.7415117

oh awesome, where did you get it?

>> No.7415139

You'll have to cut part of the cap off around your ears. If you don't the wig will put pressure on the top of your ear and you will get a headache. I didn't do that because I didn't notice how bad it was until I had already styled my Jeannie and now I'll have to go back and deal with fixing it. Do the mods before you style.

>> No.7415465

Its from cosplay.com, its honestly a really damn nice wig their photos don't do it justice. Its very thick haired with a lot of wefts.

Which is why I'm trying to make it fit on my big head.

>> No.7415467

Mintymix.com sprecializes in split wigs.

>> No.7415962

A website that's actually in stock once in awhile

>> No.7415964
File: 20 KB, 500x281, yanagin-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good place to find a wig for her?

>> No.7416332


I wore a black wig for cosplay and some guy thought it was my real hair.

>> No.7416335


Link to ponytail wigs? Where/what do I search for to look for them so that I'm not getting ponytail clip-ons in my search results?

>> No.7416344


I stretched out a small ebay wig for a friend once.

What I did was wet the entire cap, then forcibly stretch it over a wig head as far as it would go, and let it dry. Every couple of hours I would adjust the cap and stretch it further.

It worked like a charm and fit her perfectly after that. Previously it showed about an inch of her hairline.

>> No.7416345

any good ebay stores that have synthetic wigs that aren't shiny as all fuck?

>> No.7416347

How does one thin out wig fibers? I want to ask here before diving into tutorials

>> No.7416925

Awesome I'll give that a try thank you.

I really didn't want to cut it and try more elastic since it has wefts out the bum in every direction.

>> No.7417057
File: 226 KB, 1600x900, nogravitynurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a wig for Kalos nurse joy !
I'm thinking about getting Arda's chibi in Rose pink, but I'm not sure because it looks too light on some pictures.
I'm also wondering how I can make these gravity defying hair loops hold. I don't want them to look droopy and sad.

>> No.7417074

I admittedly thought it was the basis for an equally shitty Hagakure wig

>> No.7417083
File: 129 KB, 312x556, vanellope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any prestyled wigs/already ponytail wigs close to vanellope?

>> No.7417113
File: 37 KB, 438x342, Aurafull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a wig for Aura from .hack. Doesn't help I am colorblind so trying to fins the right color is annoying me greatly

>> No.7417204

Yes she has colored shadows, but I'm pretty sure anything other than white will look pretty off in reality.

>> No.7417254

You could go for a very, very light gray wig if you wanted, like Arda's silver. It's mostly white, I believe, with gray sprinkled throughout so it doesn't look so stark.

>> No.7417269
File: 248 KB, 856x326, movie_aura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very light silver I think, hear, have the movie version.

>> No.7417307
File: 77 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a wig for Kotori Mizuki (Pic related) from Yugioh Zexal but unfortunately Arda doesn't have any wigs that have no skin top or a part to the side. Does anyone have any tutorials for how to work around this with a regular heat resistant wig or even a store that sell dark green wigs that are heat resistant that have no skin top or side part.

>> No.7417456
File: 22 KB, 350x350, glue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes you can make them defy gravity. I would use a clip so you can keep some softness to them though in combination with this gel or the spray of the same name.

Its liquid cement.

>> No.7417505
File: 11 KB, 370x394, malbin-long-pink-wig-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is match wigs? I just ordered two of the wig pictured. I'm really hoping it will be thick.
Not looking forward to my first time cutting up a second wig to add to the first.

>> No.7417548


Look around the archives for the guy that made a huge pomp for the shop owner in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Did a pretty banging job.

>> No.7417727

Do epic cosplay wigs come pre-styled like in the stock photos?
I'm looking at the Mia wig (naturale wig style).

>> No.7417734

They aren't. Atleast last time I bought from them a year ago the wig came unstyled

>> No.7417739

Dammit, idk how to do kawaii curls like that.

>> No.7417752

This one?
I don't know about Epic Cosplay, but I bought a wig similar to this from GLW and it curls like that on its own. I actually had to straighten it a bit because it curled so nicely.

Yes, most wigs do tend to come unstyled (like Lucaille's wigs), but curled wigs are generally as they appear in the pictures, sometimes with longer bangs.

>> No.7419269

I dunno why but it looks like a really pale lavender to me

>> No.7419754

Anyone know how long it usually takes epiccosplay to restock? I'm looking at getting a (sold out) wig to use for a con in late May.

>> No.7420112

Does anyone know about how long it takes for l-email/wig-supplier to ship to the U.S.?

>> No.7422007

Are bodyline wigs any good?

>> No.7422018
File: 99 KB, 540x960, 1394506342418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sure anon, you can borrow my wig!"

Never again.

Tl;dr, been working on this bad boy all evening.

Is it presentable yet? (minus the two unraveled curls)

>> No.7422020
File: 84 KB, 540x960, 1394506410012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422419

Fuck this, I"m just going to get another one, I can't do this. I've been working for hours, and I"m only making it worse. at 30 dollars each, it's worth ti

>> No.7422529

Does anyone know of a Cloud Strife wig that is pre-styled?

I made the mistake of trying to style one, I didn't do bad to be honest, but compared to something prestyled to be exactly what it should be it wasn't good enough.

>> No.7422604

What is it for? Never lend your wigs, EVER. My wigs got ruined by my friend and augh.

>> No.7422630


...ask Epic yourself on their facebook or something. How could anyone possibly answer you except the company themselves? It depends on what they ordered and when they ordered it.


Anything you order that's pre-styled will end up looking like OP's picture anon. If you can't style it yourself I would look at local wig styling commissioners.

>> No.7422671

Woah there anon, I did message them, but all I got was to subscribe to their email notifications. I'm not looking for a specific date, just wondering if anyone's had experience in waiting on a sold out wig of theirs (before they restock every 2-3 months like Arda).

>> No.7422866
File: 219 KB, 768x761, bakemonogatari-meme-oshino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i decided to buy this wig for my oshino meme cosplay but im not sure if its going to look right, can i style it to look right? or did i make a misstake in buying this?

>> No.7422877

It looks like a wig I have, which is one of those punky/lift wigs, pretty much perfect for fluffy spikes. You'll be fine.
You'll just have to brush some sections upward and hairspray it into place.

>> No.7423058
File: 15 KB, 240x320, tumblr_m6j6glLfrj1r7lm5co1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wear wigs with their 'normal' clothing? If yes, do you have any suggestions for wigs for every day use? I'm looking for some gal-friendly wigs.

>> No.7423611

What sort of caps are best for holding a bunch of hair down? I have long, thick hair and a somewhat large head. Right now, I have a mesh wig cap that came with one of my wigs. When I try to wear a wig with my hair under that cap, my wigs don't fit on my head (things are okay if I leave my hair down, but clearly I wouldn't go out like that). Are nylon caps better? Should I wear two wig caps?

>> No.7423665
File: 65 KB, 300x300, 1256679969769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas of a good wig for Lucas from Mother 3?

Rather inexperienced with styling so I have no idea how I'd make it look like that too, tips would be useful.

>> No.7423673

You might have to look into doing pin curls or thin braids, but yeah, I imagine nylon caps would squeeze it tighter.

>> No.7423720

Thanks! I'll try the nylon first and if that doesn't work, I'm sure that the pin curls will.

>> No.7423728

Best way to de-poof a fluffy wig? I've tried using a straightener and hot water straightening. The wig has ridiculous volume but I don't just want to chop at it haphazardly because I don't want to risk exposing the wig lace.

>> No.7423739
File: 26 KB, 390x580, Edea_lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good lacefront wigs under 100$?
Cosplaying Edea, but good looking lacefront seems difficult to find without breaking the bank.

>> No.7423744

Maybe http://arda-wigs.com/products/the-dude ?

>> No.7423749

Same poster, forget the 100$ part, more like any recommendations for ones that are good.

>> No.7424301
File: 101 KB, 558x791, Sumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an idea of a wig I could use for Sumia from Fire Emblem? It goes between grey and brown, but I see most cosplays with brown. Can't find a good color on Arda.

>> No.7424321

look up dark blonde or ash/ sandy blonde

>> No.7424331

Amphigory has a really odd grey color called platinum grey that's only available on like two wigs, but it's got a warmer tone to it than most greys for cosplay wigs so it might work for you.

>> No.7424433
File: 350 KB, 288x540, 1394604899025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really need a wig like this, that is just about as voluminous as this one appears to be if not more so.

i keep finding bad ebay dealers :c has anyone purchased something like this with good results?

>> No.7424467

Is there a sticky for basic wig care?

I've heard that the best way to wash wigs is to soak them with detergent and soak them in fresh water to rinse before doing the same with fabric softener

ive also heard that soaking a wig in fabric softener for a few days removes icky shine

how reliable is this information? any tips or tricks?

i also know you should use your hands to gently comb wigs that are curly, and use metal wide-tooth combs for general brushing to reduce static and fighting with knots.

please correct me if im wrong!!!

>> No.7424495

That color looks perfect but I only see it in one wig and it doesnt have bangs.

Would sharpie dying a gray wig brown work?

>> No.7424525

You can cut bangs into it, it has a full skin top (I used it for the color and had to do this). It's NOT heat resistant, so hot water and a hairdryer will be your friends restyling it.

>> No.7424538

Okay, thanks!!

>> No.7424552

I'm getting a super long-assed wig for a cosplay, what would be the bet way to keep the wig from getting messy or frizzy?
Also I've heard hair anti-static spray is good, can anyone link me to some that works well?
Also I heard there is a trick where you mix in some wig shampoo and water in a spray bottle, does this help and how much shampoo should I put in if it does?
Sorry for all the questions and thanks for any help!

>> No.7424592


Don't message them privately or e-mail them, post on their Facebook page. Arda and Gothic Lolita Wigs answer on their pages, I'm sure Epic will too.

>> No.7424607


I don't think there's a best way to wash wigs, anon. I wash mine with baby shampoo. Any mild shampoo will do. I never let anything soak, though. It's not necessary.

Soaking wigs in fabric softener will do a lot of things. It softens the fibers, helping with tangling issues, and removes shine. It is possible to remove too much shine though. Natural hair has shine, so don't forget that. There is no rule of thumb for how long to soak them, so a few days is likely not necessary for every wig. I would only soak for a couple of hours. If you're not happy with the results after rinsing, soak for longer.

I never use metal combs on my wigs, I use wide tooth plastic combs. To remove static, lightly mist with water, rub with a dryer sheet, etc.

You can brush individual chunks of curls with a wig brush, just 're-set' them around your finger after to keep the fibers together.

>> No.7425041

I'm thinking of cosplaying Victor from Bravely Default at somepoint soon, but the wig seems like a mystery to me. How do you think I should go about this? I was thinking of maybe trying to incorporate those clip on fox-tails to the end of a long wig but it sounds like a recipe for disaster. I don't want to go for something that looks like its made of concrete or worse.

>> No.7425069
File: 67 KB, 866x1024, 1394643849998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

>> No.7425094
File: 19 KB, 303x351, Miriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm cosplaying miriel from fe:a and i'm honestly really confused as to how her wig works? it looks kind of like sideswept bangs, but it also looks like blunt straight (well, tilted) bangs. i don't want to cut it at an angle and it end up looking terrible; should i just go for a sideswept look ?

another angle just incase http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130502174019/fireemblem/images/4/4c/Miriel_%28FE13_Artwork%29.png

>> No.7425180
File: 124 KB, 866x820, wigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have this wig (TT-704, found on ebay)? Is it as full as it looks? Is it conducive to spiking up?

>> No.7425292

I've worn a few wigs that people thought were my real hair, like my friends thought I had cut or dyed it. They were always lacefronts.
The one time I wore a wig to work it was for Android 18 for Halloween and everyone thought I cut my hair. The one guy who didn't, only thought so because he reasoned someone with long hair like me wouldn't just up and cut it one day for a Halloween costume.
Awesome advice! I have a big head so I'll definitely try this.

>> No.7425502

I did Saria last year, and out of a lack of finding anything else, I tried this one on a whim; it was actually pretty good, soft, the colour's more accurate than most things i've seen. it's a bit short, but just needs the ends styled up to look nice, I'd say


(it's just sitting around right now, if your other one doesn't turn out as you'd hoped or anything, I'd be happy to sell it to you super-cheap)

>> No.7425513

My mum used to wear a wig all the time because cancer and shit, as long as you get a good quality one, no one ever notices. I think it just doesn't occur to people to think that it wouldn't be your real hair unless it's like super shiny, fake looking or crazy coloured (or if you've got lots of hair underneath, the dreaded wig-bump)

>> No.7425522

or just use wire for the shape, and then cover it up with the wig fibers (with felt,glue and styling products like >>7417456)

>> No.7425737

If you're still here, the only thing I can think of is buying extra wefts in the dark green colour, parting the wig where her hair parts and sewing them along the part and under where her bun is, the hair spraying the fuck out of everything to get it to stay where it's meant to. You could also ask http://jacksswaggieadventures.tumblr.com/post/50549564646/heres-part-of-my-kotori-mizuki-cosplay-so-far-u for tips as she did a really good job with hers.

>> No.7425759
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, jsdfhoawfbjkavhwq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't seem to find the exact color I need for my Princess of the Crystal cosplay, pic related is closest and it's still very off. Any suggestions on where to look, or what sort of color to search under?

>> No.7425850


Maybe this.

>> No.7425854

That is the closest I've seen yet, thank you anon!

>> No.7425952
File: 10 KB, 218x300, 1394674992951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around June I am hoping to cosplay Godoka but I am having trouble finding a good wig because the back looks like several separate parts and I was thinking about buying three different wigs but would that be to much? Any help would very much appreciated!

>> No.7425960


Something more orange if you prefer that.

>> No.7426124

Oh my that is perfect! I would hug you so hard right now if I could!

>> No.7426125

Anyone have any good wig ebay store recommendations?
I usually get my stuff from CosplayWig but it seems like they've disappeared

>> No.7426268
File: 24 KB, 400x550, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edea anon again.
The lacefronts sold my Arda (namely Imladris) are remarkably disappointing and have a really weird unnatural hairline.
I was thinking something like this would work better (since it's meant to have a more natural hairline), and ends up costing less than the Imladris with shipping.

My guess it that it would hold up to styling just as well as a standard cosplay-geared wig would, but second opinions are appreciated.

>> No.7426275

I've considered buying lacefronts off of ebay as well, my only hesitation is whether wefts will match or not

>> No.7426307

Are these instructions still valid for oversea shipping? http://cyperous.com/foreigner.html

>> No.7427083

I've considered purchasing a lace front from the store that wig's from but I ordered something from them over a month ago and still didn't receive it. They tell me to wait and that they have no tracking number. So I'm kinda afraid to spend so much money on a wig and then not receiving shit.

Has anyone bought lace fronts from lux.vogue on ebay? I've been eyeing them for a while but they're pics aren't the best and I've been looking for opinons and reviews.

>> No.7427093

this is just my opinion, but i fucking hate match wigs. in my experience with them my wig (which was a med-short length black wig) took a month+ to get to me, had weird layers in it (that weren't shown in the item preview) and the fibers in the back of the wig were so sparse that i could see the netting and see out of the back of the wig.

on the other hand everyone else seems to love them, so theres that.

>> No.7427099

my shit english, I apologize

>> No.7427145

How different is it to style real hair vs wig? I know absolutely nothing about this stuff, but need to figure out how to style my own hair.

>> No.7427147
File: 62 KB, 744x642, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aura Anon here. My friends and I discussed it and decided on a silver/lavender color for it. now to find one. Someone else suggested cosplay.com Powder Purple or Epic cosplays Ice Purple. or maybe like pic

>> No.7427735

When I ordered from them a while ago, I got express shipping, but it took them a while to ship. Took about a month and a half.

>> No.7427738

I used to wear my wigs from Gothic Lolita Wigs on a regular basis, the Rhapsody in lavender was my all time favorite. They're a bit shiny, though, more than real hair is, but not as bad as cheap ebay wigs.

>> No.7427876

Does anyone know a good place to get pre-styled wigs?

I'm looking for one in particular and everywhere I find it, its just a generic photo sometimes noted as not styled or nothing said at all.

>> No.7428071


You will never get what you see in photos for pre-styled wigs. Always, always, always expect to fix them up when you get them.

Shipping will flatten the styling, or the styling would have been done on a small mannequin head and will look ridiculous to you, or the picture just isn't what you get.

How complicated is the style you're looking for?

>> No.7428121

Well I would expect the need to fluff it after its been a wig bag being shipped for a month, but I've seen some around that seemed designed to hold a certain shape to a degree. Kind of like when you comb your hair a certain way for a long time it tends to try to stay that way.

Looking to do a Cloud Strife, I have some small hairstyling ability, but every picture for every wig has the same piece of artwork/photo/photoshop advertised with a wide range of price. No idea what they look like or if they are just pulling images off an image search.

As much wood work as the sword will take I hate to end up not doing the cosplay over a shitty wig.

>> No.7431467
File: 26 KB, 219x222, please respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for less tight/constricting wig caps? I got a generic wig cap from Sally's but it gives me a headache after half an hour of wear. I have shitty thin hair so I'm not worried about the cap being unable to contain my hair.

>> No.7431476


you could do a modification of this tutorial. you will still need wefts though


>> No.7431478


Are you the same anon that asked you last time? Use nylon if you find the net ones too tight, or buy yourself some superXXL pantyhose, cut them apart and make your own.

>> No.7431482


I hate to break it to you anon, but spiked styles like that will never come as pictured. I suggest looking for a local commissioner to make the wig for you.

>> No.7431485
File: 9 KB, 194x259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for trimming wigs? I have a voluminous ponytail but the end is bluntly squared off and I need it to be natural looking, preferably somewhat tapered at the end.

>> No.7431486


fabric softener may help

>> No.7431493

I've never asked before. The one I have now is nylon - the net ones are even tighter? Maybe I'll try the pantyhose then.

>> No.7431497


>> No.7431503
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 51522gY2UNL._SY300_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in her confession pic it looks like they're blunt cut (spam filter wont let me post the pic), you could use hairspray or got2b if you wanted to keep them more sturdy, if youre worried about it coming out bad you might just go for sideswept.


the sallys ones are shit for big headed people. look into open end wig caps anon (pic related), Arda sells them cheap and they're great for adjusting the size.

>> No.7431507


google vertical trimming for wigs.

>> No.7431514

Thank you so much, this is perfect!

>> No.7431517

I have long, thick hair, too. I use too netted caps and I usually look fine.

>> No.7431519

Excited to see people cosplaying FE:A characters! I haven't been to a con since Ota and I know the game has gotten more popular since then, but, I didn't see anyone cosplaying it. Perhaps I just have bad eyes, though.
I think a Luthien in Desert Brown would be perfect for Sumia. For some reason it isn't listed under the color's page, but, it is on the Luthien's.

Her bangs look blunt yet angled to me. If you're nervous about how it will look, perhaps try a more subtle angle?

>> No.7431521

Never buy prestyled wigs.
Never do it.
You will always get shit on when it comes in the mail.

>> No.7431525
File: 310 KB, 744x1053, Matoi.Ryuuko.full.1642578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where to buy any good Ryuko wigs? I was planning on buying the style 'Inigo' from Arda and a pack of red wefts to sew in her streak. This will come to about $45 with shipping. I'd prefer something cheaper, so any suggestions?

>> No.7431721
File: 277 KB, 1102x1545, Sailor.Mars.full.179772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to be super sailor Mars for Acen this year and in the anime her hair is black but it reflects purple. In the manga and certain illustrations her hair is depicted as completely purple but I think that might just be artistic flair at that point. I don't really want to go with a straight black wig because I think the purple would go nice with the bow on her fuku but I don't know whether I should buy a pre-dyed dark purple wig or get a white/blonde wig and dye it myself ( I have bright purple hair irl that I've had great sucess with). Any wig suggestions/coloring suggestions?

>> No.7431733

Do you want anime or manga? Anime is black, manga is a purple black.

>> No.7431759


Why not stick with your own bright purple hair? It will look more natural (obviously), and the difference in color will give your rendition a distinguishing feature. Artistic flair is a thing, as you said.

>> No.7431761

I guess manga then. I'm really leaning towards purple black. I saw a wig I really liked on Epic cosplays site but its sold out and I've heard mixed reviews about Arda's longer wig styles.

>> No.7431778

I don't think vertical trimming will be enough. When I say voluminous, I mean from the point of where it's bound it fans out in a perfect triangle and goes down to my butt. Given the length of the hair, I don't think vertical trimming will do enough to get rid of the triangular, blunt-cut way it lays.

>> No.7431802

... Cannot tell if serious.

>> No.7431822
File: 243 KB, 340x456, 1394952618378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is too short and a bit too bright to be Mars. I'd pass off Motoko Kusanagi more so than her. I'd really like to stick to a wig.

I love this wig from Epic but they are currently sold out and unless they restock in time I'm thinking I might just have to custom dye a white/blonde wig to achieve the same color.

>> No.7431831

Wouldn't starting out with a white wig give you results that would be too light in color? Is there any reason not to start with a purple wig and dye it "black"?

I have zero wig-dyeing experience, so I'm pulling things out of my ass here.

>> No.7432225

i'm really excited too! i have to wait to do miriel until fall, or even winter, since everything will be so heavy and hot in the summer... i can't wait to see more cosplayers...
i'm just worried because my hairline starts kind of low on my head. i might just go with blunt to stay as canon as possible.. thank you both so much!!

>> No.7432634
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying for the first time. Would a cheap black wig from amazon be enough for this character? Or something below 20usd is fine, since I'm only doing this occasionally. Tips for his weird red/white hair?

>> No.7432892

I've always thought of Shuu's hair as a really dark bluish grey rather than black. I have no idea about how to do the red and white tips well (and I've been thinking about it on and off for ages even though I have no intention to cosplay him), sorry.
Although this is out of your specified price range it's more just an example of what kind of colour I thought his hair was, although a bit darker than this wig http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wig-prince-greyblue-cosplay-Umineko-George-Ushiromiya-/251468110649?pt=US_Costume_Accessories&hash=item3a8caadb39

>> No.7432899
File: 220 KB, 328x2438, 1395008407367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you follow this tutorial to paint the tips of his hair? I imagine you'd have to use a test strand to see how well the dark hair takes the paint but I think this could be something to consider.

>> No.7433661

Now that you say it, his hair really is dark grey... If I can't find the exact color I'll go with black then.
Thanks! Would this harden the wig though?
My friend suggested bleaching the tips then use red sharpie to color it. I'll try out both methods.

>> No.7433749

You can't bleach a wig. Unless it's human-hair, which tends to be pretty expensive, wig fibers are colored plastic. Bleaching won't do a thing.

>> No.7433782

What I'd recommend is to get a black wig, but also two bits of white weft. Dye one end of the wefts black, the other red, leave a white band in the middle. And sew those into your wig.
Yeah, you can't bleach wigs and going lighter than black is really hard unless you're fine with it being stiff.

Note about black dyes: very rarely are they solid-black on the first few trials. Usually what's labeled as "black dye" is actually a really dark purple or brown/orange, and it will show. You'll have to mix colors a bit.

>> No.7433792

**I got the color order wrong but you know what I meant.

>> No.7434193
File: 108 KB, 492x740, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no bleaching then. Thank you.
And here I thought Shuu would be an easy choice. Cosplay really is made of effort.

>> No.7434222

For a Giorno Giovanna wig: Would it be easier to style a long blonde wig or customize an Ice Queen Elsa wig?

>> No.7434227

Hanyaan did a tutorial ages back that's a pretty decent starting point. I'd get a long wig and extra wefts in that colour for the donuts, apart from the plats his hair isn't that similar to Elsa's
InaIre and easy wig choices are far and few between. I've been looking for a Shindou wig that isn't too grey but not to brown for myself and I thought he was the epitome of easy to sort out wigs from the series.

>> No.7434229


I'll check that out. Thanks!

>> No.7434506
File: 294 KB, 640x720, Elisestatus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for Elise? I'm having trouble finding that greenish blonde color. It looks a bit more ash blonde in art.

>> No.7434509
File: 262 KB, 1000x563, 1395062521319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But like yellow-green in game. Ideally, I'd like a balance between the two. Like a greenish-blonde?

>> No.7434520
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1395063428166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should just go for dark ash blonde. imo yellow-green looks pretty bad irl unless your skin is freaky i-don't-go-outside pale and the perfect color is going to be super hard to find

found a wig that might work (pic) found by searching "yellow green wig" on ebay but it's more green

>> No.7434581

My second favourite Tales Of game!

>> No.7434604

Yeah, that's much greener than I'd like to go.
The worst thing is I saw the perfect color on lucaille so I know it's possible but when I went to buy it, it disappeared from their site.

>> No.7434627

This isn't actually really very green, it's just the shading. It's supposed to be more on the side of a dirty/ash blonde in real life than green.

>> No.7434652
File: 65 KB, 554x313, talesofxillia11024x576_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's basically blonde but with the slightest of green tint. The greenishness is much more evident in the game than in the art.

>> No.7434889

I bought a black lace front from there. It arrived no problem and I love it. Used it for multiple cosplays and con friends ask me when I dyed my hair. If they had unnatural colours I'd never need Arda.

>> No.7434923

Anons, what are good, lighter colored wigs for people with darker, warm toned skin? I really want to wear a blonde, or possibly pink wig at some point for a coord I'm planning, but I'm afraid of ordering a wig that is unflattering to my skin tone.

>> No.7437004
File: 181 KB, 1600x1600, 1395151748343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I want to cosplay Chii buy I'm not sure about the wig. Does this one look good or should I search for a more pale one? Suggestions are welcome

>> No.7437240

I have that wig, it's pretty pale irl and quite nice overall

>> No.7439676

Thank you!

>> No.7439679
File: 136 KB, 600x661, Ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good wig for Ed from Cowboy Bebop?

>> No.7439680
File: 59 KB, 600x600, silky-straight-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, cheap wig sellers in EU? Lockshop is a bit pricey but has the kind of wig I'm looking for (long, straight, black, pic related). I'm wondering if I could get a similar wig somewhere for cheaper.
This is my first time purchasing a wig so pardon if this is a really noob question.

>> No.7439793

Hi guys.

My cat pissed all over a wig of mine. It was in a box on a shelf. I'd never worn it and I don't even know how to normally clean a wig, let alone wtf I should do in this situation. Can anyone help? How do I wash it?

>> No.7439801

The typical way to wash a wig is by filling a sink with lukewarm water, mixing in some baby shampoo, and swishing the wig through that. Lay it flat to dry, comb it when it's dry.
I'm not sure if that'd get the smell of pee out, but you can try.

>> No.7439824

They really are not expensive for the quality, their stock pictures are accurate and if there's a problem with your item they make no problem about sending a replacement.

>> No.7440105
File: 117 KB, 600x800, stock_wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a random question. Is there any way to save this wig? I know it looks REALLY bad. But I've heard of weirder miracles happening.

>> No.7440107

>are not expensive for the quality
......except that they are.
Slightly above GLW quality.

>> No.7440115

So here's what you do:
Divide the hair into 3-4 separate sections.
Start from the ends and work your way up with a comb. If you run into snags/knots that can't be fixed just cut them out with scissors.

It's a really time-consuming process, but if you want to save that wig that badly...

>> No.7440127


My miracle product is the Mane and Tail detangler.
Works WONDERS on my wigs. Just really saturate a section and do what this anon >>7440115
said to do. Start slow, from the bottom, and braid the section when you're done
I store my long wigs braided when they're not being worn. helps them from tangling.

>> No.7440136

what's the best place in general (for the quality and money) to buy wigs? I'd like to wear wigs for lolita so I don't need some insanely specific type of wig.

>> No.7440145

Thanks so much lovely anons.

>> No.7440248

Coscraft? I've never bought from them but their wigs look pretty standard. Think they're UK based though.

>> No.7441313

I purchased this: not sure if it's what you're looking for. Got to me pretty quickly.

>> No.7441317
File: 182 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a straight heat resistant wig that I need to make wavy. Could I braid it and pour hot water over it?

>> No.7441339

When you guys first started buying wigs, did you go through a lot of trial and error? Like, "Ah shit this wig is crap, now I have to order another one from that other recommended seller" or "Welp, I just butchered this wig by trying to style it myself". Because I'm going through that right now and it's making me and my wallet cry.

>> No.7441346

yeah, sadly. I started cosplaying in 2001 and didnt start actively using wigs until 2003. They were a shit ton more expensive back then too. I do trust Epic cosplay wigs and Arda wigs. Ebay wigs are always trial and error, but since they're usually under $15, i dont mind the money. The ebay thread might have recommended wig sellers too. I'm not on my own computer or else i'd bring up my ebay history.

>> No.7441427

For cosplay? Fuck yeah.
For lolita? Not so much.
>first Chii wig
A yellow eBay mess with unstyled bangs. Ugly wig. Tangled into oblivion.
>first Miku wig
Bought it in a completely wrong twintail style, and the color was awful. Eventually tangled into oblivion as well.
>Arda wigs for Kneesocks cosplay and one of their skin tops which was also shitty
Another awful, awful wig due to quality issues. Back then Arda was shit at describing the things they sold and had way more quality control issues. Didn't fit my small head anyway, which was another detail they left out back then.
^ Don't really consider this incident my fault.
>Rarity wig
The wig claimed to be 'heat resistant' but it wouldn't hold any curls no matter what methods I tried. I remember going to an advice thread over it and some seagull shat on me because they thought I wasn't 'trying hard enough.' I wound up tossing it and got a different wig.

And I think after buying those costly, shitty Arda wigs I started to learn and research wigs more and that was around the time I began lolita.
Surprisingly I never got fucked over by places like GLW.

But I did get fucked over recently by a few eBay buys:
>want a blended blonde twintail wig
>go to eBay where lots of display pics are misleading
>buy what appears to be an ash blonde twintail for $15~
>arrives as a thin, pure platinum blonde wig
>absolutely hideous and unnatural looking
>use it once for Halloween
One more:
>buy some cutesy honey-brown wig with light waves
>seagulls guilt me about cutting the bangs
>cut the bangs
>bangs don't flatter my face
>another unusable wig

>> No.7441896

My wig history here:
2003: noob with no wig
2006: found Amphigory ((made an awesome dread wig) and a Sallys Beauty Supply near me
2008: Coscom I bought my Talim wig from, bought wefts so I could do a twintail french braid without the back showing
2010: found a awesome ebay wig that was brilliant, thick, skin top, no tangles
2011: ebay again but this time no luck, wrong color, too short and way to thin in the back, had to buy another and I went back to Amphigory
2013: hello Arda, I bought two wigs from you and you are humongous on my head although I love everythig else about you. Also bought from Lucaille for the first time then.. and OMG love them too! All the wigs I've gotten are 100% and fit my head perfectly.. I own two wigs from them so far, and I have two more that just passed customs in HK

>> No.7441903

damn. I feel bad for you, son
I got 99 problems but a wig ain't one

>> No.7441914

This always sounds kind of weird but I have bought all my wigs from Amazon, they have awesome reviews on most and a pretty great selection, plus they are soo much cheaper then anything out there with the same quality, I think $40 is the most I ever paid and that was for my 4" saya takagi pigtails. I can post pictures of some of the ones I've got if anyones interested.

>> No.7441919

>Got pink amphigory "innocent" wig for basically free
>Start trying to make CereCere
>Loops are turning out okay but 30% thicker than I would want
>Don't have enough salvaged hair to start over, not sure I could cover another pair of loops if I convert current loops into the stick-things and try again
>Desperately trying to glue more hair on to make it look smooth
meh. my whole hope at this point is that it's not often done so I'll get points for trying.

>> No.7441927
File: 36 KB, 315x448, sere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.7442127

>stock pictures accurate
I don't think this is true. I bought a blonde wig off there that looked really natural and, when I put it on I looked like a drag queen, it was laughable. I've never been able to wear it. That was my first wig, I've bought loads since then that I've been happy with. Even a really cheap (less than /13 the price of the lockshop) wig was more accurate to the photo they used, and I think they had stolen the photo -_-

>> No.7442138

> and I think they had stolen the photo -_-
I should have mentioned, it was one of those cheapass ebay stores and I think the photo they used was a stock photo from Gabalnara, which the wig was WAY too cheap to be.

>> No.7442146

I'd love to see some wigs. I wouldnt mind seeing the Takagi as well (high school of the dead, right?)

>> No.7442149

Soak it in fabric softener mixed with water (1/2 cap) and spray it with Motions Oil Sheen

>> No.7442172

Between Epiccosplay and Matchwigs, which brand tends to have thicker, fuller wigs? Just looking for a cheap, soft natural coloured wig in the next little while and wondering which one's the safer bet to try out (or anywhere else in that price-range)

>> No.7442190

I've never used Match but I was really surprised by how thick Epic's wigs are, there's a lot of fibre in them.

>> No.7442323
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 20110704215611_30_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me what happened to all of the wig stores on Ebay?

I took a little bit of a break from cosplaying in the last year or so, but everyone I used to shop from on Ebay has just dropped off the face of the earth. Cosplay Wig is gone, Fantasy Sheep Ebay is gone, Wig Fever is gone. It's like there was a wig store holocaust.

I mean sure Arda and Epic's wigs are amazing and Taobao is super cheap, but wigshops stateside are too expensive, especially for joke cosplays and Taobao is just a hassle to use unless I am in a huge group. Ebay was a nice middle ground for me. Hopefully someone can shead some light on this subject.

>> No.7442348
File: 86 KB, 500x1100, Shiki_Misaki_Artwork_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help finding a Shiki Misaki from TWEWY wig. None of the usuals (Arda/Epic/Coscom) seem to have anything close.

>> No.7442421

I'm pretty sure Fantasy Sheep is just staying with taobao now, but I have no idea for cosplaywig. I thought they left because of the holidays (back in December I wanted to buy a wig from them and saw they were closed), but they haven't come back since. It's a shame, I really love my wigs from them and as far as I know, they don't have a taobao store.

>> No.7442655

I just got my first two wigs from match wigs a couple of weeks ago to do some wefting. They were both really thick! I was able to cut 24 nice thick wefts from the whole wig. Had the wigs I got been natural colored I would be tempted to use them for just every day fashion wigs.

>> No.7442805

Anyway to fix a particularly scratchy wig?

Thought about attaching moleskin, but no idea how.

>> No.7443096

That depends, anon-- how/where exactly is it scratching you at? Moleskin's probably not the answer you're looking for, though.

>> No.7443108

I just realized I'm an asshole and made an extra thread. Somehow I didn't see this in the catalog.

Any tips, or help on this front would be appreciated. (Good recommendations for Archer + King Gilgamesh from Type-Moon)

>> No.7443457
File: 358 KB, 1480x986, mandunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got the pink one for my mandoka {pic related after trimming and styling). It's a tad thin but there's plenty of length, it hit my shoulders out of the bag. I wouldn't recommend it for huge gravity defying spikes tbh.

>> No.7443466


Try razor-trimming a couple of layers to thin it out at the bottom and make it look wispier.

You could get drinks cans/large bottles and wrap it around loosely before pouring the hot water over it. It should separate into waves with fingers if you did it loose/gentle enough.

>> No.7443907

Ebay is banning sellers left and right for minor problems, all while piling on increasingly inane seller restrictions, so sellers that aren't already banned are bailing ship in droves. You will probably find them on alieexpress, amazon, or opening their own webshops, or possibly even another ebay store under a new name. Do you have their email from sending them paypal payments? I would try contacting them there.

>> No.7443928
File: 37 KB, 611x611, 1395432632729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, wig anons.

Any suggestions for a good bubblegum pink wig for Nonon?

Preferrably something cheapish, most of it's going to be covered with the hat, so the only thing that really matters is that the bangs can be cut nicely.

I can't seem to find much that's the right color that won't require a LOT of styling, and I really don't want to screw it up.

Also kind of poorfag ATM, so commissioning is sort of out, unfortunately. Pic related is best I've found so far.

Adra doesn't have anything the right style or color, so I'd rather not spend all that cash on a wig that I'm going to have to work the fuck out of.

I have found some that look nice but would need to be darker, should I just... get one of those and dye it darker?

(sorry, I also posted in the KlK thread.)

>> No.7444564

Last min plans here.
Does anyone have any experience ordering wigs when pressed for time?
Located in the US
and looking for decently priced wigs with fast-ish shipping

>> No.7444571

epic cosplay wigs. My wig came in three days. You can pay extra for faster shipping though.

>> No.7444788

thanks! I'll check it out

>> No.7445891
File: 623 KB, 997x832, 1395525660142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a Chihiro wig and it's too late to dip into a taobao order (so my first choice, Lucaille, is out of the question)
I know there are a bunch on ebay but i just want to find one that i know looks good

>> No.7446266

Basically the very front part of the mesh that goes against the forehead is just a lot rougher than usual. Like it has no softness at all.

>> No.7446559

Anyone know if any Amazon wig sellers are worth anything? For part of my tax return I was offered to turn part of it into an Amazon giftcard with +10% of whatever I was giftcarded. I want to try and keep cosplay purchases through Amazon if I can.

>> No.7446570

Lucialle has their own website though don't they?

>> No.7446573
File: 24 KB, 648x495, Unohana_and_Minazuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that it's pretty much impossible to keep long wig from tangling, but what's a store/brand that's easy to detangle? Bonus points for a black wig that isn't shiny as fuck.

>> No.7447042
File: 10 KB, 350x350, 41014-wigbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of wig brush is the best?

ive never tried one of the looped ones and idk if i should get a looped or a metal pin one

>> No.7447320
File: 809 KB, 500x281, RAGYO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something fairly long so I have room for error and not necessarily too thick since I plan to add wefts/wire/whatever for the rainbow glow.
It's mostly the colour I'm having trouble with, is it gray or pale purple or both or what!?

>> No.7447349



I was looking at these two?

>> No.7447369
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1393880861287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the purple is just a lighting thing. Go for a pale silver.

>> No.7447783

They do! Their shipping is a bit pricey, but if you consider how cheap the cost of the wig is it balances out. It usually takes me a week to maybe pushing two weeks to recieve them here on the eastcoast USA. I usually get the USPS shipping and sometimes they will ship via DHL with no extra cost.

>> No.7447798

It's definitely silver white

>> No.7448698
File: 106 KB, 600x467, All40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is something else to go on. Though, the hair accessory is only on one side for the keychain, so I don't know how much you can really trust it.

>> No.7449567
File: 285 KB, 803x751, howdoesistillwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still this dude.
This was my first cosplay, and I hated how the wig looked. Am I wearing it wrong, or does it just plain not fit? I have a lot of hair and a big head. I ended up with errant hairs off the side and out the back even with a wig cap. The wig pictured is this one: http://www.cosplayhouse.com/Fate-Stay-Night-Archer-Cosplay-Wig.html

I am looking to purchase a new wig for my Archer (Fate/Stay Night) and looking to do a cosplay of King Gilgamesh (Fate/Zero, Casual) and don't want to shit it up. Any recommendations? Thanks.

>> No.7449866

Go look into lace front wigs. They make it look like the hair is actually out of your head. Arda has them look for the Cady style. They're kind of expensive and also you might need to add lace to make it work better for your head. I needed it for an Ivy Vanlentine cosplay and bit of my real hair line showed through. I had to get some of the same fiber (had a friend with a spare weft luckily) and hook in the fibers. Look into wig ventilating.

As for Gil any gold blonde wig in his style will do.

>> No.7450240

I friggin' hate how sites do that. That wig clearly wouldn't work for Archer, but they sold it as one anyway. It confuses the fuck out of beginners. I made the same mistake for Saya from High School of the Dead. It's not your fault, really but it was a lesson learned, I *guess*.

I couldn't find any references of what Gilgamesh's hair looks like in the back, so I can't tell you if it's "perfect" but you could look into 'Derek' from arda in either Platinum Blonde or Pale Blonde.

You should compare colors to a screencap from the show to these galleries:
Pale Blonde 013:
Platinum Blonde 081:

Though they are currently out of stock for both of those colors at the moment.

>> No.7450294

Any recommendation for natural colour, realistic looking wigs for cosplay? I'm thinking of ebay, but any sites other than Arda and Taobao would be appreciated!

>> No.7450701

I noticed that epiccosplay has specific ponytail wigs with a ponytail attachment (for length?) Unfortunately the color I need is out of stock but just wondering because they don't really describe in detail, what makes the base wig different from normal wigs? Obviously in regular wigs when you try to tie a high ponytail the bottom edge tends to lift off your head and you will likely see the cap to where the wefts are sewn in. Is the base wig for the type epiccosplay has sewn in a different way? How does this take care of the bottom edge?

>> No.7450929

Most standard with sewn in the wefts downward. I think ponytail wigs sew the bottom and side wefts upwards so it just sits as as a ponytail better. Bottom edge really depends, it might just fold up or have some short "baby hairs" like you have on the back of your neck.

>> No.7450935

So apparently according to their twitter you can sign up for EpicCosplay restock email updates on the item page? Does anyone know how this works? I can't find anywhere that lets you do that...

>> No.7451183

Can someone tell me what the deal is with Arda wigs? I've just bought two long wigs and threw them in the fucking bin because they were thin and the fibers just wanted to knot together. I used a cheap ebay wig instead which hardly knotted. So mad I spent so much on over-hyped shit wigs.

>> No.7451196

Arda's known for thick wigs, so I guess you got smacked with 2 defects?
You should've returned them. What wigs were they?

>> No.7451460

Has anyone bought wigs from cosplayfu? Are they any good? I'm looking for a long brown wig about lower back length.

>> No.7451654

This. All the wigs I've gotten from Arda are also TOO thick.

>> No.7452793

I've only had thin wigs from Arda too. I don't buy from them anymore... I just think they're way too over-hyped.

>> No.7452834
File: 37 KB, 397x480, SaberIlya~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any place I can buy a good Saber wig?

I have one I bought before that came with a clip on bun. But the bun is too big and the wig is too yellow. Any recommendations on where to find a good one?

>> No.7452852

If you go to Arda's site, they have a wig with pieces like that in the front (called the Jaguar) and several shades of blonde to pick from. They also sell hairbuns and braids as separate pieces. Might be a little pricey, but it would look nice.

>> No.7452883

got this in the mail and I totally adore it, pictures later if anyones interested

>> No.7452897

sounds like you got defects. they're supposed to be crazy thick. contact their customer service?

>> No.7453010
File: 24 KB, 250x443, p3-fuuka_yamagishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying Fuuka from Persona 3 and am having trouble finding a wig in the right shade and length

>> No.7453110
File: 92 KB, 392x281, Persona_3_Fuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone also having trouble because it seemed to vary a lot depending on the picture. That being said, I couldn't find anything close enough to either color.

>> No.7453746

Anyone have extra wefts or anything in Arda Silver I could buy? I need to add some doohickies to a wig, but not enough to need to buy a whole pack or ponytail.

>> No.7453754


Yo're not going to find one in that length and style. You have to cut it to your face.

>> No.7454802

Arda or epiccosplay for long straight wigs?

>> No.7454824

Epic dear god Arda's long wigs suck

>> No.7454850

Thanks anon, was hoping for epic.
Already had my eye on a wig.

>> No.7457485
File: 51 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really appreciate if someone can help me find a good base wig for Kakashi. Also, help with choosing a color. Not sure if white, light gray or silver would be best.

And does anyone have any tips with spiking? I tried with another wig and the wig cap started showing. :(

>> No.7458444


If you don't need it soon, it is out of stock currently, but restocks in may.

It doesn't come styled though.

>> No.7458495

I've only had luck with their short wigs. I have their Magnum and Magnum Long and they're both great, you can't see the netting at all even after styling unless you really dig for it.
On the other hand, I have the Jareth which is a piece of shit. Only the bangs are thick and have a lot of hair, if I so much as shift the hair in the back or the top of the wig, you can see a giant gap where you could sew in 3-4 rows of wefts. Highly disappointing since this is their "styling" wig? I've had ebay wigs thicker than that.

>> No.7458511

marry me!

>> No.7458526

I like this, except for the fact they're out of stock, and have been for the past few days in the colors I would need. (Including a lace front replacement for Archer's cosplay.)

How often does Arda restock?

>> No.7458553

Go on their "information" page, there should be a link to their restock list.
But other than that, they restock really slowly. If what you need isn't on the list, it probably won't be in stock for another 1-2 months.

>> No.7458560

They just had a massive sale a little over a month ago that cleared them out of almost everything. I wouldn't count on them for awhile, but link to their twitter or FB for updates.

>> No.7458564

Does anybody know when Arda's gonna stock the new Arwen lacefront? It says Spring 2014 and here we are.

>> No.7458577

Epiccosplay has a wig shop on Amazon. I've only bought one wig, but its lovely, thick, and very tangle resistant.

>> No.7458591

Thanks, the information page said what I need will be early next month. Went ahead and placed an order, should be fine before Sakuracon. I'm excited to have a lace front proper wig for Archer now.

>> No.7459055
File: 1.52 MB, 3276x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am planning to cosplay Mika Jougasaki but have no idea what sort of wig color I should choose for her. Any help is greatly appreciated!

>> No.7460597

Is there some kind of wig magic that cosplayers know? I can't keep my long wigs from tangling no matter what I do; I'm trying to style my Elsa wig but it just ends up tangling. I'm using Mane and Tail detangler (Motions Oil Sheen or whatever it's called isn't sold where I live) and a comb that's only used on wigs, combing from the tips to the top in small sections. Are there any other tricks? It just looks awful.

FWIW, my own hair is super short and when it's long it's very fine and never tangles, I've never had to deal with tangles before wigs.

>> No.7460602

Long wigs just tangle. It's what they do. All you can do is get ones that are easy to untangle later. Epic is known for having wigs that untangle easily, while I can say from personal experience that Arda's are a nightmare.

Another problem is wigs are plastic. Once they tangle the fibers tend to crimp and bend. After detangling you sometimes have to straighten it out again with hot water or a low heat flat iron to restore it.

>> No.7460668

coscraft.co.uk have a nice vanellope wig in their 'standard styles' section

>> No.7460944
File: 7 KB, 171x295, agnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for managing that hair swoosh? I'm a beginner at styling wigs, but it seems styled that way, not just windswept.

>> No.7460960

What do you think of human hair wigs?

>> No.7461391
File: 460 KB, 900x720, 132627791915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw arda states that they're going to reduce the size of their ponytail wigcaps
GDI, I always went to Arda for my ponytail wigs because I have a big head. What the hell am I going to do now?

>> No.7461536

I feel you anon, my hair is hella thick.

>> No.7461555

According to the front page, it's because of feedback. Honestly, though, Arda's known for their large caps and itt's the only place (afaik) that sells ponytail wigs for a large circumfrence size. Like, seriously, why not go to ebay/taobao/anywhere else if it's such an issue??

>> No.7461605

I thought they meant that they're selling them as well? Like have smaller wig caps as an option.

>> No.7461648
File: 99 KB, 300x446, mako2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on where to purchase a wig for Mako from KLK? I'm pretty new at this and all the stores on ebay all have the same stock image for their products and I'm really hesitant about buying from them.

>> No.7461669

Oh, that would be great if that were the case.
I'd look up "brown bob wig" or "short light brown cosplay wig" to find something in a bob style in a color you think would work. After that, cut it so the length in the front and the bangs matched Mako's. I like this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Light-Brown-Layer-Bob-Cut-Short-Cosplay-Wig-16-inch-High-Temp-CosplayDNA-/160946802955?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&hash=item25792d510b

>> No.7461694

thanks for the help that sounds like a good option

>> No.7461750
File: 57 KB, 883x905, 1396069920829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7461759

It doesn't even have the right number of spikes. Did they not notice all that empty space there?

>> No.7461768

Whats sad is that her ass-kissing friends call her the 'wig guru' of our comm.

>> No.7461774

That's really sad, it looks like Yami Yugi tried to do his hair while really hungover and still half asleep.

>> No.7461794
File: 47 KB, 720x720, 1396071299618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cheap ebay wig"

>> No.7461826

Are they too young to know better or just stupid? :(

>> No.7461830

>some dipshit will pay actual money for that

>> No.7461967

You should also look into general 'lace front wig' information and tutorials.

Here is this to start though:

>> No.7462268

I am the Aura anon who posted this. I didn't follow up on it since for me AX was cancelled, well I just found out that my group is going to go. so...help I just need one wig for Aura and so far everyone had agreed we like this one, however its Taobao and we just dont have enough to justify an order. What should I do? Try to find a different wig? See if someone will add the wig to their order? try to find one on ebay? any advice would be wonderful

>> No.7462290

Got one on the way. Thanks you anyhow, let's just hope I don't fuck it up entirely.

>> No.7462291

Thanks Anon. I do tend to go for Epic for long wigs but because they don't stock lacefronts I went Arda for this one and I'm feeling a bit frustrated by it. It's just annoying seeing all these amazing wig stylers make gorgeous wigs out of Arda products (like some of the Iron Wig contestants) and I can't even keep mine from tangling. So frustrating.

>> No.7462453

what about a junko color wig

>> No.7462520

Oh no, I meant, familiarize yourself with lace front wigs in general if you haven't already. Stuff like what you need to do, how they work, supplies you'll need (lace front tape or spirit gum), ect .
Though that video sums it up, I guess.
Anyway...Good luck!

>> No.7462593
File: 59 KB, 640x480, asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a cosplay of Asuka, and I'm worried about getting the hair color accurate. I don't want to end up with a road cone orange colored hair, nor a brassy brunette. But that's judge, just based on stock photos.

I was considering an Arda wig in Pumpkin, which seems like a decent candidate, but some of their gallery photos make it seems a bit too bright.

Any other suggestions would be much appreciated!

>> No.7463520

I have this wig and it's a decent color for Shikinami. For Sohryu I always thought hers was a auburn brown. Glad you're not just defaulting to orange, Anon.

>> No.7463536

i like this one


>> No.7463557

I own this one, and it's absolutely beautiful.

>> No.7464084
File: 10 KB, 225x300, 225px-DarnellTurner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's perfect for Darnell

>> No.7465184

I have Jeannie from Arda and I had to take the stubbed ponytail down.
Now I'm trying to brush it back up and this is really difficult.
Is there an easier way to do this?

>> No.7465189

I don't know if this is "easier" but when I have to do stuff like this, I used arda's clamp wig stand, clamp it upside down and pop the wig head with the wig pinned reallllly securely onto it. Then gravity does most of the work.

>> No.7469660
File: 255 KB, 501x669, 1395448594665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so, I want to get a Merida wig that's vibrant in color.
I was thinking of getting the merry wig from Arda in the color pumpkin and then adding wefts for some extra depth. Merida's hair has some splashes of different oranges so my question is: If I start out with pumpkin as a base color, should I go with Light copper red wefts or Dark copper red wefts to add more variety to the wig ?

>> No.7469664

How are Lockshop wigs? Looking at a nice Spring wig for my rorita, but I've never purchased from Lockshop before.

>> No.7469741

Leftmost one looks best, but I'd go slightly darker even.

>> No.7469761

What is the colour/brand of the braided wig there? The colour looks perfect for my Mercedes costume I'm working on atm.

>> No.7469785

The picture is not mine, so I don't what color the two right blonde ones are. But all of them are from Arda.

>> No.7469796

Has anyone used idye poly on a wig before? http://www.jacquardproducts.com/idye.html

I've seen it used on faux fur and it turns out well, but not on wigs yet. Could be a decent alternate colouring method.

>> No.7469799
File: 78 KB, 450x450, 1396399028587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, that's the pumpkin color I was going to use as the main color for the wig.
Do you think the one next to it, the light copper red, would look nice coupled with it or should I go for a overall darker orange?(sorry if this is confusing) or maybe even all three colors?

>> No.7470041

Bought two wigs from Arda Wigs, just arrived - and tried them on.

Even before styling they look miles better than the wigs I've had in the past, especially the lace front. Looks fantastic. And as a dude, the lace front fits incredibly well even without spirit gum (Although I plan on using a small amount anyways.)

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm very pleased.

>> No.7470058

I haven't, but that's something you'd have to test with a heat-resistant wig.
Cheap wigs would definitely be melted in the boiling process, but I'm not sure if fiber such as kanekalon or Hiperlon would take it and retain it.

>> No.7470073
File: 1.54 MB, 628x1002, Taezone00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice is Arda's Suzi wig? I found one review on youtube and I couldn't bring myself to sit through it since it was for Elsa.

It's the closest thing I can find online that has a nice looking widows peak for Tae.

>> No.7471549

I'm glad it worked out for you!

>> No.7471639
File: 194 KB, 640x422, jeanewig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with what color to get. When I initially played the game, I thought her hair was a darker blonde, but obviously it's just the lighting when I look at her official art. I'm still worried the ones I'm looking at are too light/aren't a warm enough blonde, though...do I just go for it?

>> No.7471825

To be honest, I didn't even realize the left and right ones were Jeane until I read your post.

>> No.7475115
File: 42 KB, 1065x646, wige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i'm looking for a wig for daily wear that looks like the image kind of.
Like not super 'big' and poofy like lots of wigs and goes down to slightly above my eyes and to about chin length/slightly longer.
Does anyone have a brand/wig suggestion?

>> No.7475697
File: 102 KB, 640x355, 674423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe somebody has any idea how to style a wig like this?

>> No.7475707

the concept art is different from the final game model, a couple characters have some differences like that (kimmy's glasses, i think letz shake is a little different too)

>> No.7475718

Search ebay for "clair beauty wigs". They're a bit pricey than cosplay wigs (around 30 dollars and up) but are definitely worth it. Thick, sturdy, easily detangleble and most of all realistic in color. Or as far as a kanekalon-wig can be. The wigs usually have multiple shades of the same color that make them more realistic. Like a chocolate brown wig has mixture of slightly darker and lighter hairs. Also, they have clips on the front.

>> No.7475728


I friggin love you. I've been looking for a place to buy lace fronts that don't tip my budget.

>> No.7475918

Lots of hairspray, heat and glue. Aslo have extra wefts to sew in. It will be easiest if you build a structural base from wig in the middle of it all that wont be seen when the wig is done and then go about working from that.

>> No.7476024



Thanks for the advice, I'll try the wires.

I looked up swatches of Arda's colors and the Rose Pink color is definately too light. I was thinking of dying it, but I've never done it before.

I saw a tutorial about sharpie dying wigs but the after looked horribly shiny, so I looked it up and someone recommended using copics instead because they make wigs less shiny.

also, the shade R35 is exactly the color I want.

Should I pick a white or light blonde wig to dye it ? (pure white or titanium blonde) I feel white would make the color more vibrant but too flashy, whereas the light blonde would make it look less flashy and more like "real" dyed hair.

Will it make my wig shiny ? I saw Firelilly's tutorial and the after is so shiny it looks like a cheap Halloween wig.

How many Copic refills should I buy ?

thanks !

>> No.7476080

Yeah, I just can't decide if I want to go with her in-game hair color or concept art color. Even in the picture of her in the sundress, her hair is lighter, so I don't know which one would be more accurate.

>> No.7477229


Can anybody tell me if this wig would be too shiny? I'm looking for a hatsune miku wig but there are not many options.

>> No.7477231
File: 112 KB, 750x750, 5001A041213200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479597
File: 179 KB, 349x363, yanagins WEED is hella DANK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479602 [DELETED] 

OK anon!