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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 108 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7414707 No.7414707 [Reply] [Original]

Not quite ita but not quite right. Not really ugly but not quite pretty. A bit too fatty but not a ham planet. For fun, as a hobbyist troll or as critiquing therapy for the serious autist poster, blow off steam or vent your passive-aggressive jelly by posting these things here.

For real ita, use the ita thread. But you can squabble about what ita is here and post your picky opinion with a photo. Parody and irony and sarcasm welcome.

>> No.7414715

I saw someone claim that boring coords count as ita too and I think thats inherently incorrect. That implies that basically every old school coord that consists of a solid color dress, unembellished blouse and regular head accessory was ita when it wasn't, though it was certainly a bit different from the lolita of today.

>> No.7414722

I think that as long as the look is clean, polished nd well thought, 'plain' outfits aren't awful. But I also think that you have to be prettier/thinner to wear a goo plain outfit because the overall look count more than just the actual coordinate.
Plain coords can even be top-tier, if it's really well styles and fit the wearer perfectly.

>> No.7414736

So a thread like this for saying "I think this coord is boring" instead of calling everything ita? I think some of the nitpicking might just be buttmadness too. I'm tired of seeing boring in the ita threads too but I'll post someone here and say what I do not LIKE about their coord. Or post someone with a great coord otherwise but sub-par hair, or fugly (to me) shoes.

>> No.7414882
File: 102 KB, 412x750, tumblr_n1y00eFuut1s1yl17o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not lolita.

>> No.7414887

Nop, skirt's too short. Lolita inspired, sure, or just casual cute j-fashion, but not lolita at all.

>> No.7414900

No, but if she tagged as lolita it's understandable, since it's a brand skirt. It's more otome or general cute fashion though.

>> No.7414908

>someone posts mediocre/slightly off outfit
>"she looks cute gtfo vendetta-chan"
>"are you blind so awful is she your friend or something"

Every ita thread.
It's either "everything's fine as long as she's pretty and colors match" or "everything lesser than fashion-show worthy outfits is ita".

I know there are tons of horribly misguided weaboos in saggy milanoo dresses, I see them at every con. Do we really need to delve into "I don't like X with Y therefore ITA"?

>> No.7414911

Perfect nitpick. Tagging a brand item but the coord is not Lolita will piss off many. Technically not incorrect but I think most will object because the use doesn't fit the aesthetic.

It's better to put that kind of thing for a nitpicking session and keep the ita thread for ita and not opinion of what we like/dislike. I see lots that I dislike. Are they ita? Usually not.

>> No.7414917

Ita literally means "It hurts to look at", not "I think [x] could be better and this coord isn't perfect, but otherwise it's whatever."
If something that's NOT Lolita is tagged as "lolita", that's just some retard who doesn't know what the fashion is, not ita.
Why doesn't anyone understand this

>> No.7414929

Most do or learn quickly. That's why we have a nitpick thread here right now for everything not ita but still whack, mis-tagged or that we just don't like.
Technically this could be the other type of Lolita, haha!

>> No.7414946

Source of the skirt? It's cute.

>> No.7415016

Angelic Pretty's Polka Dot Chocolate

>> No.7415046

You can gain a lot of skill with makeup, work out, change your body, learn how to put together good and impressive looking coords. But in the long run, it doesn't matter. Some bitch will complain and nitpick you because she has nothing more productive to do with her time.

The moment you're rushing to a meet after work and don't go all out because you don't have time perfectly arrange every detail or fuss with falsies you're a fucking ita.

The moment someone is jelly that you got that dress they wanted but couldn't even afford. You're an ita.

The moment someone doesn't like your nose, you're an ita.

Go from fatty-chan to fitty-chan, a well toned body is ita. Only tiny dainty 17 year old pretty hime-chans are lolita anon! Don't you know?

>> No.7415049
File: 330 KB, 1600x1050, sad_sack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was still a tiny dainty 17 year old pretty hime chan

>> No.7415072

Personal goal:
>leaned out visible muscle ita

>The moment someone is jelly that you got that dress they wanted but couldn't even afford.
So true.

I like seeing full-on actual 'ita' coords; not just cute outfits tagged as lolita that may not quite be lolita or coords with one item I disagree with. Something satisfying about the resulting cringe.

Also, thanks OP, good thread idea.

>> No.7415276

her coords are all so bad and her closet is huge

>> No.7415301

also, not even jelly of her closet, I wish she had awesome coords that were inspirational. When she posted her wardrobe I immediately asked for her blog to see inspiration for my wardrobe and it was all shit

>> No.7415374

I like the way she coords even if it is simple or a bit lacking, but I prefer to wear lolita items in a more casual/otome way on a regular basis anyway. I liked that wonder queen outfit she planned.

>> No.7415386

Why is she complaining about not wearing wrist cuffs correctly, when she's only wearing one?

>> No.7415402

I wear it in a casual/otome way too. I like her coord with the pink cutsew and polkadot chocolate skirt but everything else.. they're just so bad. The blouse doesn't fit well with miniskirts and ankle socks, and she looks so awkward.

>> No.7415403

I think she's wearing a scrunchie on her hand

>> No.7415518
File: 404 KB, 500x747, tumblr_n1s9ouCceU1qb98f9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scrolled past this on tumblr and got excited at first to see a pretty ouji prince, but...the longer I look at this the more things I notice wrong. Which is a shame because the girl's quite lovely and her makeup is nice, but her whites are all slightly off, that gauzy buttcape over-emphasizes her waistline/ladyhips, and I don't care for her choice of socks/shoes. it looks like most of the items she chose were picked because they're brand, not because they necessarily went together. also this outfit is a great example of one of my major pet peeves, which is when metal accents don't match. if you're doing a outfit with gold accents, do all gold. if you're doing it with silver, do all silver. but a mishmash of antique gold, bronze and bright gold is just weird-looking to me.

>> No.7415528

What a trainwreck of an outfit. I bet it has a ton of notes because of the photography.

I don't mean to be rude, but holy shit she looks emancipated. It might just be the angle but she looks like she's going to snap.

>> No.7415533

I think if her shoes were a light white like the vest and hat, it would be a lot more balanced. You can wear a mix of whites as long as it's worn cohesively. This outfit isn't really so cohesive, though.

>> No.7415537


>she looks emancipated

...do you mean emaciated?

>> No.7415544

Lol, oops. I did a typo and must have accidentally autocorrected it to that.

>> No.7415551

For me the clash of styles with the shoes and socks irks me even more than the colors. But the colors of them mismatch even more, it brings not only white but off-white/ivory and beige into the equation. As well as pink and brown.

Why the fuck would you wear soft florals with a harder masculine look? And in colors that don't even match as well as the theme. This is really bothering me more than it should.

>> No.7415547

If you crop it off at the knee up it's pretty cool

lol emancipated
but yeah that angle is definitely a slimming one, perhaps too much in this case

>> No.7415549


My phone autocorrected to it too, so I feel you

Thanks for the good laugh though. Christ I needed that today

>> No.7415575

nearly 4,000 notes.

glad I'm not the only one who's a little confused by that..

>> No.7415576

Can you give the tumblr? i tried reverse google search but just a ton of ita blogs showed up..

>> No.7415586

Hehe, you win the observant prize. I was wondering who would mention it first.
Thats the spirit...NITPICK!

>> No.7415587


>> No.7415659

>nearly 4,000 notes

Sheesh. Tumblr has the worst taste. The nicer coordinate often go unnoticed for atrocious ones like this. I guess well coordinate outfits aren't edgy enough.

Was Tumblr always this way? I don't remember it being so bad in the first year or two that it was up.

>> No.7415661

Not really, no. It seems to have gotten worse when it started linking into things like instagram/twitter/facebook so you can post to all of the above from one single platform.

>> No.7415674
File: 203 KB, 448x637, 1394234511911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butt cape

>> No.7415705

Where are these shoes from? I keep seeing them in coords but people rarely post where they're from.

>> No.7415706

It looks like cheap cosplay, not a wearable fashion.

>> No.7415708

Speaking of wristcuffs earlier...
What's the "right" way of wearing them? I'm paranoid that I'm wearing them wrong now.
Also I have a pair of wristcuffs that are too big for me. They're really loose but don't fall right off because my hand is big enough to prevent if from sliding off, but it's kind of weird. Should be okay, right?

>> No.7415709

I think they're Innocent World?

>> No.7415715

I'm pretty sure that the statement of "right" is facetious. People wear them all different ways. Over long sleeves for more decoration, under long sleeves for a bit of wrist poof, on their ankles to make their socks cuter.

Wear 'em how you want.

>> No.7415720

I think it basically means the bottom of the bow facing the your hand, so that the bow looks upside down to you, but right side up to others. Also, what >>7415715 said.

>> No.7415735


Yep, they're innocent world. They're still up on the website.

>> No.7415740

I read somewhere that you're supposed to wear them under a long-sleeved jacket or your shirtcuffs if they don't already have lace. that's what people mean by 'right way', it's not just the direction they're facing. It was basically a method for ladies in the 19th century to pretend they were wearing a blouse under their fancy high-necked riding jackets without actually having to suffer an additional layer of clothing.

>> No.7415763

Hm, I don't like the socks/shoes and I wish there was a different collar on the blouse, but everything else looks pretty okay to me. I'm giving her a pass on the bronze buttons with gold braid since that appears to be how the vest is made. I suppose one of my pet peeves is bright gold braid/buttons/fringe all over anything, I feel like it looks cheap compared to a more antique gold color.

>> No.7415895

idk i like the outfit itself but damn that shop. went on her tumblr and found the close up pictures. they went to hell with it.

>> No.7416073
File: 135 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate makeup like this

Ruins any form of coord for me instantly

>> No.7416086

Were they serious?
Why would you even THINK about going out like this.

>> No.7416099

I thought it was going to be some ott gyaru make up but omg what the hell is this???

>> No.7416115

I-is that drawn on in paint?

>> No.7416125
File: 28 KB, 120x149, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who leaves their house thinking that make up looks good.

>> No.7416172

...Was she supposed to do a skit on stage... this is only acceptable for stage because it would read from a far distance.

>> No.7416614
File: 64 KB, 500x327, Anastasiya Shpagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing good about this. I don't understand how people can think that eyelashes/eyeliner 3 inches below your waterline looks good. Not even gonna touch on that lipstick. She has cute hair though.

>> No.7416724

I love everybodys reaction to this

>> No.7416737

no, holy hell that make up is driving me insane.

>> No.7417796

>The moment someone is jelly that you got that dress they wanted but couldn't even afford

Speaking of this, I think it'd be nice to have a 'bitches wearing your dream dress horribly' venting thread (or post em here, whatever), even for dresses you have. Sometimes I pass by coords for dresses I love, whether I own them already or not, and just cringe at how boring or off the coord is. That's where I end up wanting to nitpick the most.

The reason this bothered me when I scrolled past is because it looks like an overshooped cosplay photo, not a lolita coord.

>> No.7417808

see >>7416614
it's just disgusting. i don't care how sweet she is or happy or w/e it's gross.

>> No.7417821

I'd rather see a "Dress Wars: Who wore it better" kind of thing.
The other would quickly descend into

Poorfags and fattys whining with jelly about someone buying their "doresu o yume"

..and people bitching at them...nahhhh!

Try posting a few here though maybe.

>> No.7417824

We've had threads like that before, with comparisons of different prints/cuts on different people. I always like those threads.

>> No.7417880
File: 120 KB, 500x652, tumblr_n1a0sphpRe1tn1499o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares who's doing the bitching, as long as there's something to nitpick that's the point.

Anyway, shit like this comes to mind.

>> No.7417960
File: 188 KB, 500x750, burn the shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate brogues with lolita. It rarely ever looks good, especially when worn with sweeter coords.

>> No.7418030

Is that Lor? God, she always looks so haggard.

>> No.7418134


jesus christ. that fucking nose contour.

>> No.7418166

Cat lady uniform?
Someone's aunt?
Nerd girl?
I have trouble telling with this kind of thing...
The glasses glare is creepy.

>> No.7418181

Does a coord with only 2 colors in different shades qualify for this thread?

>> No.7418189

speaking of this, is country lolita actually a thing? sounds stupid as hell, it just ends up as adding a plain hat to a boring coord.

>> No.7418195

If you don't like it and want to pick at it then yes...yes it does.

>> No.7418201
File: 61 KB, 232x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she is going to wear gloves and a hat, she needs to do her hair and makeup.

>> No.7418206

I'm of the opinion that it's not, it's just a sweet or classic coord... It's a theme, sure, but only as much as carousels or cats or crowns are.

>> No.7418210

Preach. Also ita/ poor coordinators tend to love it because no one quite knows what the hell it is and therefore they can't be "Wrong"?

>> No.7418705
File: 54 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n26bctHq2h1rshss8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little confused at what she's trying to achieve.

>> No.7418803
File: 408 KB, 500x573, tumblr_mns6gb9wRR1qcfequo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of mintkismet's coords are bad.
Out of all the outfits she's posted I've only seen one or two I liked. Plus some of the things she posts on Tumblr seem downright attention whore-y.

>> No.7418828

What are you picking at here?

>> No.7418833

Not that anon, but there's so much going on on her lower half, while the upper half is really plain.

>> No.7418845

That fill-in piece?
The only things I could think of was
- cover odd tie motif or
- disguise bust gap since it's laced closed and still looks roomy.

>> No.7418844

A few weeks ago someone got so upset that they were called out on posting boring coords in an ita thread that they made a NEW thread for making fun of boring/average coords because "the ita thread has too many rules hurr durr tumblr" but since that's such a stupid idea to begin with everyone in the thread thought it was just a coord critique thread where people post coords that can be improved and OP GOT MAD ABOUT IT

long story short: I am really hating the lean toward '__________ I don't like/find boring is ita'.
I get it, we don't always have new fodder for robust ita threads, but you're an asshole for just posting shit you don't like. What's the point? Are you going to fix it by posting it in an ita thread? Or just underwhelm everyone in the thread?

>> No.7418851

can we have some crit of some otome coords? I want to wear otome however I would like some more guidance on what to wear and shop for, along with what makes an outfit more interesting and obviously otome and not just a cute outfit. I don't see those get critiqued very often and I'm sure there's a lot of things people commonly get wrong with it.

>> No.7418853

I'm surprisingly ok with the lack of make-up or hairstyling, but a natural look would be better without gloves or even long socks.

>> No.7418857

Nitpick 2: I hate top down angles on pictures. What are you doing to her legs. Even if you have a cameraphone, man, angle that shit any other way

>> No.7418859

What about this?


>And, of course if you did a Kuro Lolita outfit with a pastel with that would look so cute!!! <3


>> No.7418862

Huh, I tend to think of her coords as the opposite, usually. They're...mild? Not entirely boring but nothing super out there--like her entire personality. "Attention whore-y" never really springs to mind.

>> No.7418863

OP here and the points were intended to be roughly these:
- to blow off steam
- to keep the nitpicking and squabbling out of the ita thread
- to post 'this isn't even lolita' things
-to post wtf things tagged lolita
- to yes, just post opinion on something we don't like for whatever reason. (Don't need a reason)

So far, I think it's going along ok.
It's also clearly labelled so people who wish to avoid it, can.

>> No.7418867

If you can't tell, then you have a lot of learning to do.

>> No.7418866

... That's called balance.

If it's loud on one half, you keep the other half more plain to balance it out.

If you don't do that, it tends to be an eyesore.

>> No.7418870

This would be a great coord for many skirts, but not that one. The skirt seems really out of place!

>> No.7418872

>If you don't do that, it tends to be an eyesore.

Lolll. This outfit is an eyesore. The only reason you think it looks good is because she's thin/pretty and wearing AP.

Firstly, the colors don't match at all. She has like 5 different shades of pink and blue (and possibly mint?) in there. Secondly, way too many motifs look really messy. Thirdly, way too many details that scream in your face. Neither half is plain whatsoever.

>> No.7418873

Uh no, that's imbalanced. With your logic wearing a suit jacket, vest and tie with jeans and sneakers is "balanced".

>> No.7418875

I think people think she is attention whorey because she once had this picture dump while anon of amazing otome coords, and included a couple of her own pictures without saying it.

>> No.7418878

As a shortie who constantly has people taking topdown pictures of me even when I ask them to make sure not to do so, sometimes you just can't win.

>> No.7418879

Not exactly, though I don't agree with that anon. Wearing a suit jacket, vest, and tie is like wearing most of a coord set (maybe the complete set if the tie is from the same release) and maybe a detail or two that's different (if the tie is different or whatever)


>> No.7418881

>implying contouring

>> No.7418883

Yes. There was (is?) an otome thread but I think it was just for posting pretties...though shopping questions will likely get better response there.

I made this a Lolita nitpick thread partially to deflect the fussing and nitpicking in the ita thread but several have posted other things to comment on. Post some otome things you've been looking at and ask questions, maybe?

>> No.7418885

I think she haZ a confus and needs a clarification (or 50) sent to her ask box...

>> No.7418890

What this girl does is the opposite of balance.
You can't just slam all kinds of patterns together on one part, and keep the other part completely plain.

>> No.7418896


The blouse pink should match the pink in the socks and ditto for the blues in the hair accessories, cutsew bows and shoes.
How long has she been making coordinates? This usually improves with time and a larger wardrobe for better choices vs 'wear what you have' but...there are some people who just never quite get it too.

In a basic coordinate, peripheral items generally must match each other in color, shade and tone as well as matching one color in the main piece.
There are exceptions for contrast and accent, of course but this is not that.

>> No.7418902

it would have been more balanced if she wore plain legwear and a small hair accessory. and possibly more normalfag shoes

>> No.7418904

..... how do you know it was her then

>> No.7418917
File: 84 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m76r54wpYR1qcfequo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look at her tumblr
>mm ok coords
>she's cute
>see this
>Is she wearing... two blouse?

Was she trying to balance color? Because that didn't quite work out.

>> No.7418927

Damn, that's horrible.

>> No.7418929

>She has like 5 different shades of pink and blue (and possibly mint?) in there.

I think the sax colors match pretty well and the pinks match through the socks, headdress, and cutsew. BUT, I don't think any of those things actually matches the skirt at all, which is why it looks really off to me. It's like she should have worn a completely different skirt.

>> No.7418938

what the hell are you talking about? you're saying that if I have an elephant on one side of a scale and nothing on the other side, that it would be balanced.

>> No.7418948


yeah this girl doesn't know what she's talking about. First off, creepy cute IS just a certain theme of accessories, it has no link to lolita specifically and definitely not a link to prints (WAMH tried it and failed horribly, I laugh at the fact that all they do is acrylic laser cut necklaces and pins now).

I really can't even pick out what the hell she's trying to say here. She's talking about pastel goth? The girl didn't ask about that, she asked about adding pastels into a gothic coord, which I have no idea how that would look or work either, while still being gothic.

now i'm just imagining a pink and white iron gate print and it's hilarious

>> No.7418951

dem shoes though. this would be fine if she just took the extra blouse and that belt off

>> No.7418953

>now i'm just imagining a pink and white iron gate print and it's hilarious

oh gosh.

>> No.7418958

what if that's the new fad in 2014? Pastel super gothic prints and dresses. And obviously I'm talking about super intricate MMM-esque prints and like... Atelier boz and Atelier Pierrot designs

>> No.7418963

Vampire Requiem in lavender coorded in a very gothic way is a gothic coord with a pastel colorway, but not "pastel goth." this chick is just dumb.

>> No.7418969

Yeah I didn't think about the lav colorway of VR.

>> No.7418997

Not too sure how I feel about completely bare legs in lolita and casual lolita

>> No.7418998

Not that anon, but the balance she is referring to is a common concept in western fashion. (Ex: You can't wear patterned pants, patterned top, patterned shoes. However, you can pick one of the three to be patterned.) I'm not sure if this rule carries over to j-fashion however?

>> No.7419009

brands make ankle socks, they're not really anything new or controversial.

>> No.7419010

The shape totally doesn't look like Lolita.

>> No.7419014

It does to some extent, if you wear multiple patterns they should compliment each other, not clash horribly. And if you're all patterns and shit on the lower half of your body and no patterns at all on the upper half, that looks horrible.
She could've had some bright cardigan with accessories, a plain blouse or shirt, a patterend skirt, plain socks. There, balanced.

>> No.7419021

it just feels so wrong

>> No.7419031

Speaking of western fashion rules, I always heard that wearing shoes that match your dress is taboo so when I first saw lolita I was put off by the matchy matchy.

>> No.7419049

Or maybe a different color belt? The dark brown is just coming out of nowhere.

>> No.7419050
File: 45 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a strange dark camisole thing going on as well...

>> No.7419055

I noticed she likes to talk about how her bf is japanese a lot. Seems like she's trying to legitimize herself and prove she's not a weeb by having a japanese boyfriend, so sad.

>> No.7419056

The brown belt is picking up the color of the brown bows on the shoes and there is some brown in the print but not brown overall enough to justify that big of a splash of a wide brown bow belt in the middle. Also darker belt with lighter shoes doesn't look that great

>> No.7419058

If that's the case then she should get one of his sisters or cousins or aunties to give her some fashion advice, haha.

>> No.7419060

Yeah but there's only a tiny bit of dark brown in the whole print and the bows on the shoes look like she added them herself..

>> No.7419087

On a different note, how do all of you feel about people who wear OTK socks with patterns over top of plain tights?

>> No.7419096

I thought she talked about him a lot because she was sort of boring, so that relationship takes up about like at least 30% of her personality. And to be fair, she is bouncing back and forth between countries when she sees him

>> No.7419099

Unrelated but I noticed she calls him "boyfran". Man I hate it when people do that, it really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.7419103

She's probably just using him as an excuse to go/move to Japan.

>> No.7419104

Idk, that seems like a reach even if we're being assholes.

>> No.7419106

I have no problem with that at all. I used to wear just sheer pantyhose under OTKs to help keep them up, but now I wear a very subtle lace pattern in a matching color to the dress. So like a pair of black tights with super light/small polka dots or a lace pattern that is subtle, underneath a pair of black otks with a print that matches the dress

>> No.7419125

At the end she said something about "btw this is a picture of me", before anons pointed out that she had already posted several of her own pictures earlier as examples of amazing otome coords. She admitted that it was herself that posted it after that.

>> No.7419137

You're picking at her life/personality and this is supposed to be about clothes, not drama.

>> No.7419148

Mana wears lace tights or stockings with otk.
I will try it too.

>> No.7419153

The fill in piece is built into the JSK. It's a hard one to coordinate with regular blouses because of the neckline being so low. It generally looks best with a scooped or square necked blouse.

>> No.7419169

It's always about drama.

>> No.7419176

One of the things that makes me irrationally angry (in concerns to nitpicking, mind you) is the lack of attention to flattering clothing that other fat women have. Believe me, as a larger lolita, I know the struggle of finding the perfect coord as it often seems easy to just settle for less. But poor fabric choices, too-tight measurements, stretched out patterned socks? Seriously, I've seen some coords on fat lolitas that have been utterly ruined for me just because they gave up on paying attention to every minor detail. You're already going to be made attacked for being fat in lolita, so you should put 110% into not looking like a sack of trash.

>> No.7419178

I remember that thread and I'm pretty sure she said 'oh that's me' because someone was posting her pictures and she found it weird. But I don't really know. Just saying 'oh that's me' isn't really proof either way I guess.

>> No.7419183

See, I really don't understand why you'd have a blog dedicated to your outfits and then get upset when someone posts praising them? Screams attention whore.

>> No.7419207

I don't think saying 'oh that's me' is really indicative of being butt hurt but I don't remember the thread much. I think someone posted just a huge dump of her outfits and maybe that's why she thought it was strange? I also now remember someone made a bunch of creepy secrets about her, saying stuff about her legs and arms and how much they loved her. Dunno

>> No.7419212
File: 231 KB, 494x1000, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this on tumblr...

>> No.7419215

I wear white tights always... Didn't think it was an issue at all. Not happy with my skin and there will always be a bit showing over my OTKs when I sit down and such, just way happier with tights + socks
(Plus it's cold as balls here)

>> No.7419219

I feel like most of this girls outfits are made by rolling around in a pile of brand and calling it a day.

>> No.7419221

infinityneeya is always a little weird with her outfits. She's either head to toe in all the matching accessories (which always looks boring to me) or she just throws shit on with no semblance of trying to match

>> No.7419227

This. Always a hot mess. How can someone who owns that much brand dress like shit all the time

>> No.7419237

Is this really what people think when white girls have Asian boyfriends? Mine is Korean and I'm paranoid people think I'm with him so I can move to Korea and live a kpop dream or something.

>> No.7419238

This is that rich girl right?

The outfit is a mess, nothing goes with anything else

she's got cats on her legs, floral and a house on her dress, and chocolate on her purse. The pinks also don't match.

This would be fine if she got a different cardi, dropped the bag, and changed her tights

>> No.7419242

Do you talk about Korea a lot? Do you type in Korean and talk about all your favorite Kpop bands? If you don't do those things, then I doubt anyone thinks anything of it

>> No.7419247


Uh, well, that particular comment was talking about how she always had to include the fact that her japanese boyfriend was japanese and doing japanese stuff. As long as you're not obnoxious with that stuff, people shouldn't judge you.

Well, I will. But I'm a judgmental cunt who can't separate my previous personal experience from my judgments. If I get to know you I'll understand your true intentions and I won't judge. And you shouldn't care about me anyways.

>> No.7419255

Only pinks that don't seem to match for me is the hat?

Agreed on the motif clash though, but the colors other than the hate are fine to me. Maybe the shoes too but they're pretty neutral.

>> No.7419273

sweet gentle jesus

>> No.7419305


I think the attention to detail and what flatters you should be a standard applied to all Lolita, but I agree. Chubby-chans are already pariahs in our community, so they're going to be judged extra harshly.

>> No.7419319

Eh the problem with this isn't the colors but the motifs. She's not following a theme so it looks really bad in that regard.

>> No.7419327

I think this applies to any kind of fashion, really, but then again this is because most of the fashion world doesn't really cater to large people imo.

I think that if you wanna fit into a dress and look good, you should lose weight if possible instead of stretching it to shit and hoping the poof will hide your rolls.

>> No.7419329
File: 35 KB, 135x180, 1394408837360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brands make crew socks with lace. She is wearing ankle socks. Theres a big difference when you actually wear them or look at them. The ankle socks go far lower and make the legs look more bare. The crew socks cover up the ankle and look normal. Pic related, brand crew socks.

>> No.7419340
File: 40 KB, 650x365, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7419354

What you're thinking of is bobbysocks. And yeah, they look weird when folded down as far as she has them, though usually I don't think it's bad to use them if you fold them over a little higher above the anklebone. On her it looks terrible because the skirt is way too short as well.

>> No.7419365

I agree with this sentiment to a certain degree. I don't think there should be pressure on someone to lose weight for a dress, considering that there are so many options out there right now that cater to larger women (by so many, I mean a decent amount.) I think girls that have a bit more weight to themselves should stop thinking "this Angelic Pretty print is going to win me lolita points if I squeeze into it" and instead ask themselves "well, really cool companies do custom sizing" or "will that style and cut of brand dress even look good on me?"

>> No.7419369

I'm not thinking of bobbysocks, and i have no idea where bobbysocks fits into this. Youre not supposed to fold the crew socks and she *is* wearing ankle socks. I own the same pair.

>> No.7419376

Stop being such a cunt about 2 inches of socks.

Her outfit isn't lolita, it's sort of bad, and the socks don't look great on her. But those crew socks look stupid as hell, the shorter ones look much better on most people, because they don't stop and cut off 1/4 up the calf.

>> No.7419409

Nope, she admitted to posting it herself.

>> No.7419422
File: 21 KB, 280x373, pk-4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa whoa, didnt mean to rustle your jimmies so much over socks.

I agree her outfit isnt lolita, i think its really bad, but I do think that if she wore appropriate socks it would be a lot better because not as much leg would be exposed, because the two inches does make a big difference. Truth be told yes, generally, you do need long and skinny legs to work it.

Maybe this pair would be a better example, because the cinema doll ones are quite long.

But for the future, please refrain from unnecessary name-calling and drama. It starts a long line of shitposting if you cross somebody.

>> No.7419468

....Yes, you are thinking of bobbysocks. Bobbysocks are the little anklesocks she's wearing with a ruffle or lace trim.

>> No.7419484
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 126916BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brands make ankle socks, retard. I own a pair of btssb ankle socks.

>> No.7419511
File: 19 KB, 610x241, ankleSocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobby socks are socks you fold.

That has nothing to do with being retarded. But excuse me, these are ankle socks. Pic related.

>> No.7419606

Yeah, no. Those are more like liners, that you wear with flats to pad your feet and don't show.

>> No.7419613

She's been dressing this way for a long time. She used to be lauded for her coordination skills. I disagreed.


>> No.7419634

>that you wear with flats to pad your feet and don't show.
LOL WUT. No. Did you even look at the photo?

>> No.7419630

Oh no, there's so much wasted wardrobe potential.

>> No.7419633
File: 51 KB, 310x630, 2-22-11body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this skirt.

>> No.7419639
File: 41 KB, 450x800, 1394415545124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People must like her just because shes skinny and pretty. Which she is. But those coords, damn. Are just awful.

>> No.7419643
File: 40 KB, 298x640, 100_3987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um.. I guess she's improved from this at least.

>> No.7419648
File: 615 KB, 577x799, ootd sept 14_zpsb9575b48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How? Why?

>> No.7419659

oh god
looking at >>7419639 , make up can do wonders.

>> No.7419661

I don't know, sometimes I think she's pretty and others I think her nose looks extremely phallic.

>> No.7419664

>I think her nose looks extremely phallic.
YES. I was thinking this, actually.

>> No.7419671

There's even a little indentation on the tip...

>> No.7419707
File: 62 KB, 310x452, hue-noshow-liner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google 'liner socks'
>pic related

Are you through being a retard?

>> No.7419712

>that you wear with flats
>and don't show

please show me how this would work with those socks

>> No.7419715

Yeah, those are "no-show" socks. Ankle socks are the ones that come up and cover your ankle bone and then stop. Crew socks go up your calf 2-4 inches.

>> No.7419724

Does it really matter what theyre called?

Her socks were too low, and >>7419422 >>7419484 are more lolita appropriate because they cover the ankle. Who gives a shit what theyre called.

>> No.7419732

Her outfit isn't lolita in the first place. Why does it matter what kind of socks she's wearing when it's not lolita?

>> No.7419742
File: 26 KB, 306x273, 1394417625331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this

just stop replying. your shitposting isn't going anywhere. congrats on the thread derail.

>> No.7419743

Because it was fucking posted as lolita? Same as any other shitty almost-ita outfit that gets posted here.

>> No.7419751

Its not for the sake of lolita, its just an outfit being good or bad.

>> No.7419759

But the height of her socks don't determine if her outfit is good or bad. Wearing a higher pair of socks would not have made her outfit good.

>> No.7419755

>nitpicking in a nitpick thread


Fact is it's an outfit that was posted as lolita, which it isn't, and the discussion is about a specific aspect of why it isn't. Sorry you can't handle on topic posts!

>> No.7419773
File: 6 KB, 191x235, 4983680459345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Nitpicking in Lolita" thread
>not even nitpicking a lolita outfit
>arguing over names of socks

you can stop shitposting now.

>> No.7419779

but the topic was brought up that it looks like too much leg is exposed (in general), and that ankle/crew/short socks don't have a place in lolita [or related styles]. ( >>7418997 ).

Ankle sock argument ensued which was completely unnecessary. The conversation really should have just ended at >>7419422 .

>> No.7419798
File: 342 KB, 1205x1600, 084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they do have a place in lolita
here are pics from brand photoshoots, street snaps, and glbs
why is this even an argument

>> No.7419800

Did anyone see the video lovelylor just posted?

For hot days in lolita, she suggested wearing a short sleeve blouse (the one she put in her video was cotton) or a PEIGNOIR instead of wearing a CHIFFON BLOUSE or bolero. A PEIGNOIR. WHY.

>> No.7419806
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>> No.7419809

dat broken ankle

>> No.7419811
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>> No.7419815
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>> No.7419823

As you can see here, it looks a lot better with her ankle completely covered >>7419798 >>7419806 than in >>7414882 where its only partially covered.

the extra inch of sock really does make a difference with lolita.

Thank you. That was all I was trying to say.

>> No.7419827
File: 18 KB, 220x401, t02200401_0283051610531529916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7419833

it doesn't look better with anything you dumb cunt her outfit sucks no matter how high her socks are and a decent actual lolita coord with those socks would still be ok for lolita

>> No.7419848

...But the socks you were arguing were better are almost mid-calf??

And this...

>> No.7419862

Because Cult Party Kei sneaking over into Lolita?
I think it's a cute fashion look sometimes BUT I wouldn't call it Lolita. I WOULD wear a thin lace bolero though as Lolita. Dotted Swiss, Point d'esprit, etc. and a the right sort of peignoir could be cut down to bolero size/shape. But as-is? No.

>> No.7419887

Dude, calm down. Why are you so mad?

>.But the socks you were arguing were better are almost mid-calf??
So I corrected myself and said the chocolate rosette ones are a better example.

If this is samefag, please take a step away from your computer, you must be blind with rage. Anon, I'm going to stop responding to your shitposting now, okay? Bye bye.

>> No.7419890

>Because Cult Party Kei sneaking over into Lolita?
pls. no. so often it just doesnt work with a peignoir.

>peignoir could be cut down to bolero size/shape. But as-is? No.
Well, yeah, but at that point its not even a peignoir anymore. but shes misguiding all the noobs to thinking peignoirs are a better option than a chiffon blouse, like, what the actual fuck.

>> No.7419895
File: 155 KB, 216x367, Nitpick Time Yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7419896

Wow, I take a nap and anon goes batshit over socks.
How about 'I don't like these socks because (list reasons). Lots of things that I think look like shit ARE Lolita so 'ew not Rori', 'Yahuh, so Rori' always just ends up in a pile of poo unless it's a generally accepted faux pas (petticoat as a shawl, headbows upside down, etc.)

I always think people who hide behind (It's lolita/it's not lolita) have a weaker POV.

In this thread, it's ok to just say 'fuck those socks, I hate them!' And give the reasons you think they do not look good. Others can say why they disagree. Neither of the sides usually define Lolita.

Also...batshit brand stylists may use them tomorrow and lots of brand stuff is NOT Lolita.

>> No.7419906

>anons don't agree with my autistic shitposting so they must be samefag!
>u mad!

Yes, it's time for you to leave, thanks.

>> No.7419907

This photo is creepy and looks like it was taken in the back of a brothel.

>> No.7419911

I didn't say it was correct, I don't think it is either. Just musing on the whys and wherefores. In the west, peignoirs even in CPK look like you raided your granny's closet because many of us are used to seeing that kind of stuff at thrift stores. In a Japan, I think it's more a novelty thing like Shriner fez or other lodge regalia and out-of-place medals in Dolly Kei. I don't think an unaltered peignoir is especially suited as a fashion statement in the west, period.

>> No.7419916

Have you been watching the Lolita pornoZ, anon? It's ok, you can tell us, haha!

>> No.7419948
File: 236 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly my most hated lolita socks ever.

>> No.7419954

I'm not seeing much of a difference, shut the hell up

>> No.7419955

Holy shit, can we just get back to nitpicking? We have fresh meat >>7419895 enough with the fucking socks.

>> No.7419964

That pose is shit

>> No.7419976

Kawaii kuma-chan needs to go potty?

That's always what this pose reminds me of...

>> No.7419982
File: 290 KB, 500x666, tumblr_n0p2baUgu31raulqeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that leggings with plain socks and Doc Martens...? Why???

>> No.7419984

the doc martins trend needs to fucking die

>> No.7419986
File: 332 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n12a1chsaz1raulqeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...twice. what the hell
>my thoughts while going through her tumblr

>> No.7419987

I must admit, I do this kind of thing on casual days when I'm not wearing lolita, just brand pieces in a non lolita way. I would never mix those colors, ugh.

>> No.7419992

since she did it twice for dif coords, it's probably more for the weather than the outfit
I've worn ful lolita with underarmor+jeans, don't hate

>> No.7419996

But come on, I love that skirt, and she makes it look so... plain.

>> No.7419999

when it's cold as balls you have to sacrifice some aspects of the outfit, anon.

>> No.7420017

But you don't have to post it as a coordinate, which implies you think the outfit is good enough to share.

>> No.7420019

The blouse is too saturated for the reds on the jsk. The flowers look really washed out

>> No.7420021
File: 284 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n0so8gBcUd1raulqeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7419982 >>7419986
I don't think there is anything wrong with dressing for the weather. What bothers me about this girl is she flaunts her plain outfits as 'boring kei' like it's a legitimate, good style. She has all this nice brand too, and she never really utilizes it. It's disappointing, since she has a good figure and vast closet by the looks of it.

>> No.7420024

Or just choose a fitting outfit altogether.

>> No.7420025


Little Neo Victorian flat boots would look so much better. These look too chunky, like work boots with the soles and that stitching.

>> No.7420031

Are you thinking of wagamamajuliet/honeycruller? Or does this girl also peg it 'boring-kei' too now, god. Please don't tell me that's spreading.

>> No.7420032

I agree, it just breaks with the style of the skirts/dresses.
Delicate print doesn't go with those tights and shoes.

>> No.7420036

There are proper Lolita wintery boots and coats, capes, muffs, shawls neck wraps, wool berets and layered leg wear.
No excuse to be fugly in the cold or let non-lolita items show.
I assume people living in cold climates buy cold weather lolita gear. I live in a place that rarely gets down in the teens and I have warm winter lolita gear.

>> No.7420064

They both do the boring kei thing. I've seen photos of them together. I think they're friends?

>> No.7420066

It should be called lazy kei.

>> No.7420072

Minus the socks/tights this looks just fine to me. Again ignoring the non matching tights it looks nice and put together even if it's not OTT or has a million layers

>> No.7420127

I like it. Its casual and reminds me a little of mori. Its not normal but its still cute it an odd way. Like shes not trying to look elegant or anything, just frumpy and comfortable but still cute.

No. Fucking no. The socks. Why. Its a perfectly normal coord that could have been so much better.

>> No.7420130

This is not a nitpick, this is actually ita. The Doc Marten outfits I could accept, but there ain't no way that print can be forced into morigirl type natural tones.

>> No.7420145

Oh, that would explain a lot, actually...

>> No.7420150

..Except she knows fluent Japanese and she went to Japan a lot a LONG time before she met her boyfriend?
Some of you guys are being assholes and just picking at a life and personality most of you know nothing about. I understand this is a nitpicking thread and such but why do you need to rag on her personally? Polite sage for faggotry.

>> No.7420169

Is nobody going to mention how's she's wearing a black petticoat with a pastel skirt? Seriously?

>> No.7420170

Please show me all the suitable lolita shit for -50 degree weather, that is on par or better than actual regular winter wear. Actually don't bother because spring is coming (for where I live I hope lol).
Well if the top half is good, then it'd be a hassle to make the bottom fit better, then you'd have to change back, etc.

If I did that I wouldn't have been able to wear lolita for the past 4 months.

Keep in mind I don't think the grey tights + doc martens look is good, but when it's fucking cold you just gotta do it sometimes.
>inb4 stop defending yourself

>> No.7420180

I don't care about the color if the petti as long as I can't see it, so that's more the issue yeah..

>> No.7420194

honeycruller rustles my jimmies. Remember when people were ragging on herajika and jarhundert for being ugly and wasting their brand? I thought those vendetta-chans were being idiotic until I came across honeycruller and raged because she had nice items but looked like utter shit. It also gets my goat that she posts nail polishes with her coordinates but when she posts worn pictures she is never wearing polish.

>> No.7420239

Fucking this, man. People just love to make assumptions-- the worst possible assumptions. And then others believe it to be true, retell the story, and now its five times worse.

>> No.7420292

We had a special needs girl at my elementary who would call boys she liked her "boyfran" so i cant take anyone who says it seriously

>> No.7420319
File: 124 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n0pmooMPqZ1sctmqgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc i can't even be jealous of her wardrobe because of how shitty she looks

>> No.7420376

If it is that cold then there likely isn't any barring wearing a big loose hooded snowsuit over everything and donning your petti, hair accessories and suitable shoes once you reached your destination. Which is manageable.

But she is inside, not out in -50 weather.

>> No.7420380

Of course it's best to never show it but often a tiny flash will show despite being careful.
Here, it shows so yes, it's an issue and fugly.

>> No.7420392

who is this girl and where is she from...

>> No.7420395

the chick who runs the axes femme tumblr? loli coords are hit-or-miss, with the striped stockings and exceedingly strange taste in prints/legwear

but her everyday liz lisa outfits are much better, she def has the legs for gyaru

>> No.7420409

I generally really like Infiniteneeya, and in fact she's the only lolita that I regularly draw inspiration from. I personally enjoy things that don't exactly match, it seems more playful and natural to me.

But I do agree that this particular outfit doesn't work. I don't care about the pinks not matching, but there's just too many motifs going on. If she just changed the tights I'd feel a lot better about it.

>> No.7420428 [DELETED] 

I laughed.
She may be trying to be 'quirky and you eel'
Not working.
She looks like a strawberry cat lady librarian.
The kind who would tell you about "Mr Whiskers" there on her badge.

>> No.7420431

>>7419219 #
I laughed.
She may be trying to be 'quirky and youneek'
Not working.
She looks like a strawberry cat lady librarian.
The kind who would tell you about "Mr Whiskers there on her badge every time you came in.

>> No.7420597

> I personally enjoy things that don't exactly match, it seems more playful and natural to me.
This. Her outfits look more fashion than costume, and I admire that a lot.

>> No.7420647
File: 37 KB, 399x400, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such an ita fucking coord coming from a brand. The only elements that save it from being called out are the super saturated filter and the fact that the model's a Jap.

>> No.7420652

what is that dress, is it even a dress?

>> No.7420654

Whats that symbol on her face

>> No.7420679


>> No.7420694

girl desperately needs a hamburger

>> No.7420730


>> No.7420732

i asked where is she from, because she looks like my exclassmate.

>> No.7420742

Wagamamajuliet is from Canada iirc.

>> No.7420757
File: 34 KB, 576x390, waga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7420810

>keep checking here to see if I get posted
>every time phew.jpg
>not (in)famous enough to make a 'meh' impression on seagulls


Maybe I'll post when I'm braver and not dying from stress.

>> No.7420844

And what exactly is so ita about it? I think the shoes are too bright but that could be the lighting. And the socks are fine, but I think they would look better with stockings underneath. But that's just personal preference and doesn't make anything ita.

>> No.7420845


Surprised at the negative opinions cause I actually like her coords! I'd look terrible in docs etc and its not typical Lolita but I think she pulls it off..?

>> No.7420847

Nobody pulls off docs in lolita

>> No.7420854

HOW FUCKING DARE AP show off all the items in their set for a photoshoot advertising the series. Jesus fucking christ. Such boring brand coordinates need to stop. They bore me to tears. ablublu

>> No.7420875

Same here, anon.

One on hand though I'd appreciate some concrit. On the other hand I'm afraid of being torn apart from head to toe because I know my coords are pretty simple.

>> No.7420894
File: 222 KB, 804x1280, 1394468885221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been able to understand why this girl talks like she knows everything about Lolita and then goes out wearing this.

>> No.7420918

Well, at least her colours match pretty well.

>> No.7420934

Same, this and the ita thread. I have a vendetta-chan who posts me sometimes (and not even my worst of the worst coords, which is confusing - just my more recent, competent stuff) and I feel like I have to stay ever vigilant.

>> No.7420948

There is a thing called casual lolita....
I think it matches pretty well. just a different top and it would be a good coord.

>> No.7420957

You can't wear a fucking plain camisole as the main shirt it looks awful. The bolero is plain and the cami straps are showing her headband looks like a childs, the flower is stuffed like a plushie. Pretty much the only thing loli about this is the skirt.

>> No.7420959

Are you fugly hipster glasses-chan?

>> No.7420964

No lol, I'm a nobody. I get posted like once a month or less and every time people are like "so and so is a bit off but I don't think this is ita". Like I said, it's weird. I have some fuckawful attempts from when I was first starting and those never get posted, only recent stuff.

Are you talking about Kate Davis? She's annoying. "lolololol i trol u xD" not really bitch, you're the one who looks like crap.

>> No.7420968

god i hate that chick
i heard she's finally getting some thin brown wire frames. about damn time. her mediocre coords + hipster glasses ruin everything she posts for me.

>> No.7420970

No, it's terrible.
I feel like she lurks this board and stealth-defends herself.
The least she could've done was either get a pink blouse or try harder to cover those spaghetti straps.

>> No.7420971

>just a different top and it would be a good coord
calm your tits, anon
also, what are fuzzy hair stars? they're pretty common in sweet. its hardly an irredeemable coord.

>> No.7420973

I was talking about her, but I know she's shit, you did kind of say something like I'd imagine her saying though which is why I asked. I want to smack those glasses right off her face.

Speaking of, why do all the FB group mods look like total trash?

>> No.7420978

Aren't fuzzy hair stars more common in OTT sweet or fairy kei? Why wear one with such a casual coord? It doesn't match and it doesn't look good.

Her socks and shoes are awful too. I don't care if the colors match.

>> No.7420979
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 1358062898224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually defending this piece of trash

>> No.7420984
File: 179 KB, 766x467, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doesn't look like a fuzzy star, it looks like one of those flower washing towels/sponges, pic related(which is ironic since she's on the damn bathroom sink.

>> No.7420990

If this is a fuzzy star it makes it even worse. There is no place for stars in this poor excuse for a coord. Poormans lolita, walmart normalfag cami and bolero, payless shoes and ankle socks with ~handsewn plastic lace~ plus the headband looks like the kind for a baby.

>> No.7420993

What kind of a fashion masochist posts themselves to a nitpick thread?!? Unless you WANT to be harshly nitpicked? People are going to tell you what they do not like about your coord, not necessarily what is wrong with it or what could be improved.

So far, most of what isn't liked are things that could be improved but there's no guarantee someone won't just go off about your socks. Why not post in the coord thread?

>> No.7420995


This is actually something I want to nitpick about. I really hate when people especially in OTT coords just throw on a bunch of random accessories that don't match the theme. Even in regular sweet coords there is some out of place fuzzy stars for no reason at all.

>> No.7421025

Bodyline skirt + loliables? Nope.
Casual works with pretty brand cutsews but I think it's one of the easiest to mess up or do poorly.

The socks and shrug/bolero thingie are too small/short. Hair accessory (whatever it is) is too busy for casual look. Shoes too dressy for casual coordinate.
Too much skin showing overall. Arms OR legs OR décolletage not all three, even in ero.

Also clean your mirror if you really must take bathroom selfies, I thought you were wearing polka-dot tights.

>> No.7421056
File: 554 KB, 1152x1728, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild Rabbit appears!

Actually, I picked the <best> of what she tagged lolita.

>> No.7421059

now THIS belongs in the ita thread. christ.

>> No.7421062

The only things that match in this entire outfit are her shoes and her hair.

>> No.7421070
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x1764, 1394476247525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like her corset or headband, something about the whole outfit just seems really off to me.

>> No.7421078

imo, it's probably the corset, it just doesn't belong. She'd have done better with a wide leather belt if she needed waist definition.

>> No.7421083

What I notice first is that the blouse is too small, the sleeves are skewed up into her armpits on the undersides.

>> No.7421085

Her shoes and blouse are too plain for the corset and print. With a nice bolero and fancier shoes it wouldn't look half bad.

>> No.7421110

This is amazing. Looks very much like 80s goth influences with that morbid crucifixion imagery and boots. Sometimes it works to go out of the box you sandy cunts.

>> No.7421144

...no one said they were posting themselves, dumbshit. They said they were worried they would be posted, by someone else.

>> No.7421162
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That hem D:

>> No.7421173
File: 1.81 MB, 4128x3096, 20140308_214615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, does anyone have any suggestions for an ita shirt shop to order from that would arrive in America in under 10 days?

>> No.7421238

>Maybe I'll post when I'm braver and not dying from stress.

>> No.7421246
File: 158 KB, 838x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nitpick thread, some people don't like it.
You are nitpicking the nitpickers in a nitpick thread.
Who is the sandy one?

>> No.7421331

Am I the only one who thinks something about the bolero+long sleeved blouse looks off?

>> No.7421359

That actually is the best I have seen her look.

>> No.7421362


Hot Topic? F21? Thrift shops? Walmart?

Like seriously just grab a non loliable blouse and call it a day. Add lots of shitty lace if you feel like it. Hot glue the motherfucker if you're ambitious.

>> No.7421367

this is ita.

>> No.7421374

Yep, I chose the best, as I said but even then, it's more than questionable.

>> No.7421378

Why do you want an ita blouse?

>> No.7421469

Even for fashion, the outfit that was posted here looks like a big mess to me.

>> No.7421470

mte. Thank you.

>> No.7421472

It's not like she looks bad, she just makes the brand items in these outfits look really underwhelming.

>> No.7421475

agreed with everything you said. She's ideal for wearing lolita in a daily way

>> No.7421480

1. Having a vendetta-chan is an honor
2. When people are nitpicking on the internet, you can't take this too seriously.

>> No.7421492
File: 106 KB, 580x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to this special little batflake 'designer'?

>> No.7421508

New thread >>7421505

>> No.7421537

I think a bolero or a blouse with longer sleeves and some frill at the top would improve this. Also, fancier shoes. And a better petti.

>> No.7423080

What the fuck is 80's goth about this? It's docs with a dress that doesn't suit them at all and a bunch of mismatched accessories. Nothing is cohesive.

>> No.7423666

i glanced at the thumbnail and thought she was wearing an umbrella as a skirt hahahaha

ugh too many colors though. nothing matches the purple on her tights, and the deep burgundy and bright reds look like vomit together