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File: 601 KB, 800x562, how did dakota get into popteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7728386 No.7728386[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain this shit to me? Like she goes from doing 1 or 2 modeling gig, having to do with wigs or makeup and shit and then I read the June issue of popteen only to find that she's in it! How?

>> No.7728391

She tried and put herself out there.

>> No.7728392

Dakota has been working for Popteen for months now. You could have googled before opening a thread to ask such about a well-known fact.

>> No.7728393

>I read the June issue of popteen only to find that she's in it! How?
Is this the only issue you're read or what

>> No.7728395

Oh snap really? The June issue was the first issue I've ever read of Popteen in a very long time that's why I was caught off guard. Why should I google her? Seems like waste of time knowing her character.

>> No.7728398

You could have googled Popteen itself and you'd still have found the info faster than asking here. It literally takes three seconds, anon.

>> No.7728399
File: 828 KB, 1061x720, this is greater than this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what I don't get is how come they let her in and not Rina Carolina who is half Japanese half Italian. Rina at least has Japanese blood in her but they opted for their own token Caucasian girl in the end? Still think they should have stuck with Rina.

>> No.7728402

When one googles Popteen you get pictures of fashion not specific models. Still can't be bothered to go through all that. I figured since this is cgl you guys would know more about this.

>> No.7728406
File: 571 KB, 1400x2002, 045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still she's got good taste in fashion I'll give her that.

>> No.7728409

>i thought the dresses had a My Melody popping between the flowers
>but My Melody is only into the tees

>> No.7728416
File: 840 KB, 1400x2024, 169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That remind me, don't the Japanese know about her racist remarks? Her past videos are still on the web somewhere, wouldn't one catch on to a Japanese follower and then the word be spread?

>> No.7728419

Nobody cares

>> No.7728423

Thanks for translating <3 Not everyday someone does something this nice :D One day I'll learn too!

>> No.7728429

I care.

>> No.7728436

What an unfortunate shoop. She's sort of looking like Ally & Sally.

>> No.7728437

she's still a shitty person and a liar. She lied and attention whored herself to fame.

She still lies about her age on her blog, too. Says she's 19 and was born in 1995 when we all know she's 20, nearing 21 and was born in sept 1993

>> No.7728445

Bravo bends at the waist for her. I don't know why she makes the same face in every photo. All the gurkslook happy and natural and there's Kota 0_0.

>> No.7728446
File: 891 KB, 1400x2000, 040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of her face from the side. You can tell it's not shooped.

>> No.7728449

it's like they got her over there, realized she looked nothing like her shoops, but they didn't want to look like idiots so they kept her and keep booking her for shit. Despite that fact that she has to do sameface in every pose so they can shoop her correctly. If she makes an interesting or natural face shooping her to look like the other shoops is too hard

It's also why she doesn't really move her face at all in videos. too hard to edit.

>> No.7728451
File: 795 KB, 1400x2000, 067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why she makes the same face in every photo.
Hahaha so true. Didn't noticed that until now xD

>> No.7728455
File: 54 KB, 135x175, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

err not anon you're replying to, but yes that is shooped.

Have a few looks at the few unshooped photos of kota that exist and you'll realize she hardly looks like that

>> No.7728462
File: 25 KB, 320x278, dakota-rose-on-japanese-tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii desu elfu goddess amirite

>> No.7728468

The shoops are really irregular too. In some, she looks cute, but in others they really make her look like someone with FAS.

>> No.7728469
File: 627 KB, 1400x2002, 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the impression she's photoshopped here. I could just be her jaw because of the extended mouth.

>> No.7728470

What's FAS?

>> No.7728473

*it could

>> No.7728474

Yeah, and I'm not even saying Kota is ugly. It's just annoying when people say she isn't edited to hell and back

I'm just saying she doesn't look like her shoops. She's above average looking, mayber 7.5/10 without shoops.

Bravo thought he photoshopped photos were legit and hired her off those, like I said, they keep her to save face and not look stupid.

Truth is, they should've found a cuter white girl who looked like Kota does shooped, only she wouldn't have to actually be shooped.

>> No.7728476

It's mainly the intense lighting. They shooped all of their eyes though.

>> No.7728477

If you wanna see natural Kota, watch the popteen videos. She has two with just her and the others even though they try not to show her, you'll get a glimpse.

>> No.7728479

You can tell how much more intensely Kota is shooped compared to the other girls, though. Look at how blurry and bad quality Kota's face is, compared to the relative crispness and HQ of the other model's faces.

>> No.7728480

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

>> No.7728481
File: 652 KB, 1400x2024, 103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem to me like it's worth it though. Like one would have to use the computer on her every time. Seems like more trouble than it's worth D:

>> No.7728482

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Do you think they edit the videos too? I find Dakota to look much nicer in them than in the magazines, even if she's somewhat faded compared to the genki of the other models.

>> No.7728484

Yes, there's widely publicized proof that the videos are also edited.

And yeah, it is more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.7728485

yes, but not so much in the photos with her mouth gaping open. It's the lighting in those ones. She looks the same in the few other photos with the same expression. The other ones where her jaw is relaxed? Definitely.

>> No.7728489
File: 747 KB, 1400x2000, 034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna picspam just because.

>> No.7728491
File: 518 KB, 1400x2000, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks good here. I thought she looked natural.

>> No.7728493

Plus the shoops aren't even consistent. Your pic related looks like the Koti I know, but a lot of the other ones in the thread don't.

>> No.7728496

Have non of you idiots ever heard of plastic surgery? She's probably had some work done (cheek bones shaved etc.)

>> No.7728498

Isn't she being styled in these..? It's hardly her taste in fashion.

>> No.7728500
File: 926 KB, 1400x2024, 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she gets to meet a boy band. G.O.P. I think. Doesn't look shopped here imo.

>> No.7728502

Have you never heard of recorvery time?

It would be very noticeable if she had surgery. Thta fact that she's been posting photos of some kind consistantly for ages makes that impossible.

>> No.7728509
File: 678 KB, 1400x2000, 077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face has the same outline as when she did her first interview so I don't think she's had plastic surgery. Besides, wasn't her family asking the Dali Llama(sp?) for money? She must come from a not so wealthy family considering that. Though with these new modeling gigs it's a possibility in the future.

>> No.7728511

> implying the entirety of popteen isn't shooped to shit

what is a magazine

>> No.7728518

Those pictures are older though, from when she just came to Japan I think. Personally I think it's mostly change of makeup style, different hairstyle and weight loss that has changed her look a bit. I'm not saying they don't shoop her a bit, everything in magazines are retouched and stuff, but I don't think she really looks that different IRL. Does anyone have any recent "IRL" pictures of her?

>> No.7728520
File: 745 KB, 1400x2002, 074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she ever gets enough money I'm sure she'll aim for the pic on the lower left corner. Her eyes stand out there.

>> No.7728528

You know what, I like Koti now. She's been relatively low key lately and looks cute as shit. You guys are just a bunch of jelly hoes.

If you want to see a real train wreck check out her sister.

>> No.7728530

>Kota keeps making the same oops face
>swimsuit oops
>eating oops
>new outfit oops

Like fucking blink, move you jaw, big smile, do a kissy face, laugh. Just fucking do something.

>> No.7728533
File: 910 KB, 1400x2026, 180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I could come up with. She's at a show IRL. Got another one too with her from an angle.

>> No.7728536

I ain't jealous bra. I just don't like it when conceited/insecure girls are famous when they shouldn't be. Natural selection fucked up on that one.

>> No.7728540

Kiki is so sad. Strapping photos off google, putting them through a filter and saying she's been there.
Trying to sell used shit as new and one of a kind.
Sayings she's been working in Japan, Taiwan, Korea when bitch hasn't left her room in months.

>> No.7728545
File: 930 KB, 1400x2024, 179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the other one. Here you can really see the outline of her face with the lighting and all.

>> No.7728544

I finally understand why I hate her, personally.
She looks like a young version of the grandmother I almost punched in the face

>> No.7728548

Japanese are racist towards chinese and sandniggers too and that was what her racist video was about mainly besides that it is old as fuck and she made an online apology like two years ago already.

>> No.7728549

goddamn her chin is big IRL

I really don't like big chins on girls, but I especially don't like big chins that don't even have a cute little dimple in them or anything


>> No.7728552

she might be scared to look unattractive. there a few people who think she has dysmorphia

>> No.7728554

Why does her jaw look so fucking big in that full body pic.
Kota has a small head but big puffy cheeks.

>> No.7728555


>> No.7728557

Dakota is pretty alright in my book, tbh. The current shoops are Bravo's decision, not hers, so we can't even blame her for those. She's looking good regardless.
Since leaving her family behind, she's grown out of the drama and she seems much happier and leading a better life, which is all she deserved after paying up all possible karma forward while growing up Ostrenga.

>> No.7728559
File: 622 KB, 1400x2026, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7728561

And yet she's a model Where ppl judge the fuck out of you.

>> No.7728565

no one ever said she was clever.

>> No.7728567

She knows it's harder to shoop a person into someone completely different, so she tries to keep her face neutral at all times.

It looks so awkward compared to all the happy smiling models she poses with, especially in that picture at the top of >>7728545

>> No.7728568
File: 689 KB, 1400x2026, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might just be BDD. Like what Michael Jackson had. Although dysmorphia is plausible too.

>> No.7728572

I have no clue who this girl is but for some reason she keeps having threads create about her. So anyone got a mini version of who she is and why a person or people are getting butthurt over her?

>> No.7728575

Check the "kotakoti" entry on encyclopedia dramatica.

>> No.7728578
File: 606 KB, 1400x2024, 105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I got nothing but I'm sure someone on here does. Or you could go to wikipedia dramatica, that's where I last went to find out about her when she was first mentioned. Don't go there if you're younger than 14, there are perverted ads there.

>> No.7728581

>why does her jaw look so fucking big
Because she has a huge fucking jaw IRL

>> No.7728583

Once upon an internet there was some scenester attention whore named Kiki Cannibal who had a younger sister following in her footsteps. A few years after this the sister went weeb mode and wanted to become a japanese moderu but a bunch of people on the internet (aka Spoony) got butthurt because she used to act like white trash with her oneesan, lied about her current age, hung out with charlotte charms and a bunch of other stupid petty shit. Anyway she wound up getting a bunch of model gigs and everyone decided to stop being a bitch about it because she got to live the dream...and unlike her sister who is a hilariously pathetic trainwreck.

>> No.7728587
File: 730 KB, 1400x2000, 073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they hired her because she's the same height as the models. That would explain why Carolina was rejected.

>> No.7728589


Me here, Thanks!

>> No.7728597
File: 661 KB, 1400x2002, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A doll that was taken out of the packaging and placed to stand a certain way. That's what this pic reminds me of. Now compare to the other girls.

>> No.7728602

>Maybe they hired her because she's the same height as the models. That would explain why Carolina was rejected.

For modelling work weight and body size is more important than her face. Photoshopping every picture is doable, re-sizing every item of clothing would be impossible. Her job is to sell clothing.

Her being e-famous helps a bit, it makes her a better choice than a prettier white girl with better looks.

>> No.7728603

But isn't the doll thing Dakota's main sale point? Bravo might still want her to play that image and that's why she's so awkward. I mean, she's certainly directed during the shoots, so we should take it as something intentional.

>> No.7728604
File: 671 KB, 1400x2002, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely any shooping in this pic, I don't think.

>> No.7728609

>For modelling work weight and body size is more important than her face.
That makes sense. But I think it depends on the magazine. Like Vivi had heights that used to range (compare Jun Fukuyama and Lena Fuji) now they're all the same height (Reina Treindle, Lena Fuji, Maggie etc) Like in the magazine Zipper the majority of the girls are 5'0 to 5'3.

>> No.7728612

The minimal eye makeup look does not flatter her face, imo.
How old is she, anyhow?
I don't really get how she got the gigs she did. I know how she got popular in the states, but she's not particularly pretty as far as modeling goes and her Japanese is shit. She's also made some pretty damaging remarks.

Also, I hate popteen now. Maybe I'm just turning into a bitter old woman, though.

>> No.7728638
File: 775 KB, 1400x2000, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it either. Maybe the Japanese think every blond girl is beautiful.

>> No.7728648
File: 850 KB, 1400x2002, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That definitely doesn't look like this.

>> No.7728657
File: 778 KB, 1400x2002, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually smiling in this one :D

>> No.7728665

nah, im still bitter about her cuntish internet behaviour in the past and her lying her way to where she is now. shes appeared less in the latest popteen issue with the latest model debuting in popteen and im glad.

>> No.7728666

ive seen japanese commercials with her singing in them

>> No.7728670
File: 89 KB, 339x480, rina carolina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rina would have indeed been better. She wanted to do gyaru fashion from the beginning but alas, the readers of popteen didn't like her because she was too tall or because she was Eurasian. She hasn't given up though. She's modeling for Liz Lisa among others.

>> No.7728680

Besides her jaw (which I don't really think is THAT bad) she doesn't really look that different from the other pictures. You can kinda see her jaw in some of these pictures >>7728406. Some shoop is expected in most ads and magazines.

>> No.7728694
File: 843 KB, 1400x2024, 217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She for sure Photoshopped this pic where she's supposedly at her house.

>> No.7728699

She can sing 0_o?

>> No.7728739

It's not really her singing, it's a voice over.

>> No.7728787

I agree. She looks adorable in these photos, and she's relatively successful. Good for her. I don't care if people think she's 'average' or '7/10 at best', she's out there in magazines doing what she wants. Her look is what the Japanese like evidently, there's no point in crying about how she's nothing special from Western standards

>> No.7728820

so how would one go about getting the same deal then? I'm a moderately attractive white girl. What was the secret to her success? What fanbase did she tap into on the us market that likes overly shooped girls?

>> No.7728826


Please, please take a hint from how other people here type and stop using all these fucking emoticons.

>> No.7728829

She's paid to look pretty and wear clothes, not be the spokesmen of the magazine. You're just looking for any reason to get mad.

>> No.7728830

>be really skinny, have pale skin and have a youthful, nymphet-ish sort of look
>get super popular on Tumblr by making lots of gifs of you moving your leg/winking/breathing, and take loads of good photos of yourself
>either wait to be noticed or apply to an agency
Generally, you'll only really get somewhere if you're both extremely attractive and seem to have a non-existent or enigmatic personality, though.

>> No.7728833
File: 144 KB, 506x625, 1405999730535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being pc by western standards
>caring about rayceessummmmm

>> No.7728834

Knowing the right people. Being in the right place when opportunity opens it's door. Networking. Kissing ass to move up.

There ya go, some of people's secret life success stories summed up

>> No.7728835

Oh, yeah. And having videos on that one Chinese site I forget the name of and tagging it with things like "blow up doll", "beautiful white girl", "sexy", etc helps.

>> No.7728836

The japanese doesnt care about racist remarks

>> No.7728837

Why don't you post the one of her posing with random people, where her face wasn't so bloated instead of cherrypicking this one?

>> No.7728838

I'm pretty sure they care if it's directed at them in particular, anon.
You remind me of that one fat white guy who went to Japan just to grope a girl on a train and get arrested.

>> No.7728839

Holy shit in a pancake, 10/10. I have found my new waifu.

>> No.7728842

Yeah, I'm glad for her.

>they should be!
Well she is, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You're getting rustled over something that can't be reversed, why waste your energy?

>> No.7728844

But it was never directed at them. Point ut where she explicitly says japan a shithole or along those lines please.

>> No.7728849

>hasn't seen the video of her mocking Japanese and other Asians, but posts as if they know what's being discussed anyway
>expects to be spoonfed
How about no

>> No.7728855

she's usually wearing the same thin ring on her right ring finger. is it from her boytoy??

>> No.7728858

>oh, anon i have a gorillion dollars in the bank!
>that must mean i really do have a gorillion dollars

About a no. Go find the video, maybe you'll learn something new.

>> No.7728870

>video that everyone who's not new as shit has seen a hundred times
>fuck you anon go find it for me pls
You go to lolcow farm, scroll through the Kiki thread and watch it yourself. I'm not spoonfeeding you. :^)

>> No.7728872

>maybe you'll learn something new

>> No.7728925

You clearly haven't rewatched it. This is like chinese whispers, you adding shit on that wasn't even there.

>> No.7728938

Nope, she used Japanese words and even Kiki went "For one thing that's Japanese" loudly.

>> No.7728956

>speaking japanese is racist

So a lot of weaboos are racist. Okay.

>> No.7728959

Yes, weeaboos are pretty much by definition racist. Are you retarded?

>> No.7728964

>Popteen puts stores and prices of every single piece of clothing
>except the one I'm interested in
Does anyone know where the top in the bottom is from?

>> No.7729004

What kind of annoys me about Dakota is that she got what she wanted but is so detatched from everything like she's super introverted or ungrateful


>> No.7729009

She should really considered getting that massive chin of hers shaved down. It's just so unflattering when she's not edited.

Kota has a great nose, she's very good with makeup, but her chin/jaw is awful and her mouth is placed weirdly on her face.

>> No.7729012

Saw this on PULL
Notice how she doesn't really talk to anyone.

>> No.7729014

I can see the appeal of a troll type face when it's cutesy but it really, likeyou say, does not translate well irl.

>> No.7729019

She seems like a real bitch.. either that or she doesn't know the language, but that's not really a good excuse considering she's been working in Japan for two years now.

I bet all the Japanese models talk just as much, if not more, shit about her as we do. lol

>> No.7729026

They probably have a lot of nasty opinions about foreign girls modeling in Japan. I know I would.

>> No.7729068

It seems more like being nervous since it looked a lot more formal with the bow. Maybe she feels like she has to be careful with where she steps and how she acts because she's not just an outsider, she's an outsider with controversial history that can be used against her at any time.

>> No.7729078

I don't think she has trouble with the language, the videos on the Popteen youtube channel that feature her show her speaking it pretty fluently.

>> No.7729117
File: 39 KB, 373x280, photoshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kooter self-posting here just like the old days.

>> No.7729125

She seemed more shy than anything in that video

>> No.7729128

jfc you're right
I just re-read OP and it's obviously her

sage for that. Pathetic.

>> No.7729136

Venus will always be my favorite e famous weeb.

Honestly I would be way happier for Venus if she was in kota's place, Venus seems legit sweet and she deserves to be a model-san way more than kota

>> No.7729159

>Maybe the Japanese think every blond girl is beautiful.

Trust me, they do. Dye your hair blonde, like... ash blonde. Go to Japan. The reactions you get will crack you up.

>> No.7729167

Do you really think she has it that good? I think I would kill myself if I was an entertainer/model in Japan. You're basically a fetish object to them, you aren't even "human".

>> No.7729168

Depends on your outlook, I guess. I love the few fashion modelling gigs I've done and I'm always wanting to do more, I don't exactly live in an area where that sort of work is readily-available and the few things I've done I've had to drive several hours to do (which isn't exactly feasible when I'm working and going to school).

>> No.7729198
File: 418 KB, 292x283, GODDAMNIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gdi fucking dakota is so cute now i don't even care about her current fake-ass attitude. thank god someone else started styling her and she was able to be around other idols to learn to mimic them. i truly hope the best for her and i hope she finds happiness and makes good friendships far, far away from her family.

>> No.7729221
File: 43 KB, 300x400, immage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7729235

she is cute. the un-shooped pics of her from the halloween event with short hair were the cutest.

>> No.7729254

I dunno why this is appealing to so many people here. It's very difficult to make it "big" as a legitimate model, the Japanese market is saturated with cute european models for this kind of shit, it doesn't pay well, and the turnover is probably huge, with very little financial or job security, and every little aspect about you will be up for scrutiny. What do you do when you're done - what invaluable life experience do you get?

If it's just a hobby on the side, great, but don't set it up to be a life goal or anything.

>> No.7729274
File: 99 KB, 500x729, zvd93MP1tnljlwo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dakooter is a real nihonian model now. Deal with it, fatties.

>> No.7729278
File: 58 KB, 1024x768, A_BF6j3CMAAGLJ3.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7729294


Funny because while she has her model gigs with popteen and the like, she still has to to edit her face a body skinnier.,ie her tiara milly shoot.

>> No.7729312
File: 359 KB, 645x726, 2cdbpcy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7729313

She has the western look japan loves. Blonde hair, blue eyes and an ideal facial structure that appeals to them. Really, this comes with no surprise. Japan is the reason why she even has work. Her look doesn't really sell in america. (Not too sure about Europe.)

>> No.7729316

she looks like she just got some horrific news

>> No.7729327

Except those clothes have been picked for her, it's not really her fashion style.

>> No.7729329
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 1370447572815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the eyes.

>> No.7729335

& at events she's at, you aren't allowed to take pics anymore.

>> No.7729336

this. Unfortunately, no matter how nicely she's dressed in her photo shoots, she will still proceed to dress like an unfashionable emotionally stunted 10 year old.

>> No.7729338

She is photoshopped, anon.
In all the images that have been posted, she's shooped.

Especially >>7728451
her face looks completely different in each pic of her.

>> No.7729344
File: 788 KB, 529x413, naniiii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7729345


She's much cuter unshooped imo.

>> No.7729348
File: 138 KB, 683x1024, american-barbie-dakota-rose-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I still had an old picture of her on my hard drive somewhere...turns out I do!

>> No.7729350
File: 344 KB, 539x1119, 1399643955015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will still proceed to dress like an unfashionable emotionally stunted 10 year old
>mfw i realize that's exactly how i dress

>> No.7729357

wut. have you seen the selfies she posts on twitter? even her ameblo banner?
Those are shooped by her & they're fucking weird looking.
She actually looks her best in the photos edited by the magazine.

>> No.7729360

It's how most of /cgl/ dresses, you're not alone.

>> No.7729363

Never forget her early shooping days.

Also lol looks like kotakoti.com is down, I'm getting a 521 error.

>> No.7729365
File: 245 KB, 1355x700, Kotakoti_changing_faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I dorp my picture like a dumbass.

>> No.7729375

You could be like me.

Used to want to dress all goth and industrial.

Now I find the only thing that really works for me is punk/neckbeard type.

It's horrible and I don't know what to do...

Then again, I am a guy and I'm hopeless as far as fashion goes.

>> No.7729377
File: 19 KB, 503x262, zlawaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new.

>> No.7729379


All models in magazines have to be retouched every single time. So, even if it looks like hassle, they have to retouch her so she looks consistent in all her shots.

There are two possible reasons why she has to keep the same face in every single picture they take of her:

1] Because she sold this image of a porcelain still doll. In all her videos she shows little to no expression, and that makes her look fragile like a doll. Considering the Japanese love ethereal pure looking girls, this what got her a significant breakthrough.

2] Because it's the only way you can get her to look consistent in all her pictures. It'd be harder to shoop her if she made different faces, although she already looks inconsistent in certain pages.

I think that her and her agency will keep exploiting this image for a while, but if she doesn't learn how to be more expressive, her modeling career will be brief.

>> No.7729381
File: 236 KB, 1260x710, 1278744842531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture very related

>> No.7729589

all this shameless self-posting

for shame /cgl/

>> No.7729634
File: 1001 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mxkl4huk2t1ryibbro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if its all an act. I would pay good money to cuddle with her and pretend she's my moe loli waifu.

>> No.7729642
File: 842 KB, 1280x720, dakota.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread lacks Dakota webms

>> No.7729644
File: 1.53 MB, 640x360, dakota2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7729660
File: 730 KB, 640x480, 54645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7729708

Isn't BDD and dysmorphia the same? AFAIK bdd stands for body dismorphic disorder or something

>> No.7729720

I can't believe I bumped this shit thread before now that I realize she made it

>> No.7729725
File: 1.64 MB, 640x480, Dakota wave.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7729736


>> No.7729742


Do tell, since I don't have any plans to visit Japan in the near future.
I'm curious about both of these things.

>> No.7729752

I was kinda curious to see her stomach. Her upper body is like 3 times the size of the other models. Must be embarassing.

>> No.7729754

Kooter, please stop this self posting. Your samefagging to annoying and obvious.

Don't you have something better to do? You live in fucking tokyo, go to a goddamn bar and make some friends.

>> No.7729758

Not to mention her covering it when the other girl takes a selfie with her and then immediately after they take the shot at the end.

>> No.7729773

She gives me hope. If she can get a modeling gig, then, maybe there's hope for me yet.

>> No.7729795

Oh man I need to bitch about this. Looking at all these pictures reminds me how much I love cute bow headbands. I think they're adorable.
And then I see all these girls I went to highschool with on facebook trying to wear cute bow headbands. And act cute. And they look disgusting.
They're all overly tanned with shitty makeup and poorly coordinated "cute" forever21 shit, stocky american girls who are trying so hard to do the cute trend.
And they just are not cute. It just bothers me so much. Maybe it also has something to do with how none of them have bangs or style their hair, it's just shitty generic, THE BANG haircut with a headband plopped on.

>> No.7729797

polite sage for off topic rant

>> No.7729798

I hate bangs and I don't think they look very cute

>> No.7729800

idk even without bangs, I don't think regular teenage girls pull off cutesy stuff like what you see in Popteen very well. Maybe it's because everyone I went to school with just cakes on the eyemakeup, but it all seems so very tryhard and out of place to me

>> No.7729811

She just never seems like she's having fun. Especially in the popteen videos, where everyone else is laughing, jumping around, and generally having a good time, she's just silent, boring, and lifeless. It's sad. I'd much rather have a more lively westerner make it.

>> No.7729812 [DELETED] 

You can look super cute without bangs, and yes you can pull off the popteen cutesy look!

But yeah don't be a tanned basic bitch with raccoon eyes.

>> No.7729836
File: 56 KB, 500x442, tumblr_m0ibdjnR9z1rp3lmco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of her stomach.

>> No.7729842

I love how Dakota always was the ugly, fat sister of Kiki Kannibal, and now Kiki is the one in her sister's shadow.

>> No.7729848

Oh my god some of these hairstyles are cute as shit.

It kinda makes me feel really good to see it because if she can pull them off with her thin as fuck hair then I definitely can too.

I don't necessarily like her, just because the aforementioned history of drama leaves a bad taste in my mouth but if she had the luck/tenacity/whateverfuck you need to get where she is, good for her I guess. I won't waste my energy raging on it.

>> No.7729931

Not embarassing it's normal,japanese people are framed differently than westerners. She's really pretty cute tho i don't like her she's pissing me off but i must say she's pretty cute,have to give her that.Gee /cgl/ is so full of desilusional girls in need to be nihonese thin to be accepted by the japaroos. I must be chubby by your standards

>> No.7729937

Yes, you are, Kooter.
Anyway, there's still a difference between models and normal people so your whole comment is bs.

>> No.7729951

Please go shopping or something Kotex. Everyone that isn't an idiot knows you're here posting.

Is this really fun for you? Staying inside talking to a bunch of randoms on 4chan?

Sage because this is a shit thread full of Kota samefagging and complimenting herself

>> No.7729953

i actually think she's trying to play her cards right. no way kooter could act like the rest of the bimbotic hyperactive bunnies on the set, they already hate her for being white. if she jumps around and "warms up to them" they will ostracise her even more. look at the nihonese moderu-san who is in the same photo as dakota towards the end. moderu-san is like brimming with ~we don't like you gaijin~ alllll over her face lel

well too bad for dakota, she chose this route so it's her problem.

>> No.7729960

Why do You guys think Kota is on /cgl/. She seems busy. If she's not doesn't she have videos and photos to edit. Kota of you're here where's the rest of that tutorial in the Jorma video. I wanted a hairstyle video not a soda commercial.

>> No.7729967

Hm,guys,I'm a french anon (would love a mod or something to prove the location of my IP)...I know you're having a rageboner for Dakooter but calm the fuck down and stop being jelly fatties,at least she's cute and having a job. She's not even fat or chubby (her face is chubby but her boyd is skinny)

>> No.7729968

Why do japanese girls hate white gaijins anyway?

>> No.7729991

The same reason FoxNews hates mexicans. They're stealing jobs. But seriously Kota doesn't have any features I see in other white models. Height, sharp features and all that jazz but she still gets special treatment. Even the other gajin models in Bravo dont like her because Bravo bending over her because they fucked up and couldn't spot Photoshop.

>> No.7729992
File: 535 KB, 545x608, gjN0qEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she has plenty of time to shoop her videos and pictures.

>> No.7730012

Haha this seems so true. I feel bad for them. They bought in and now they need to sell her.

>> No.7730020

>would love a mod or something to prove the location of my IP

>> No.7730030 [DELETED] 

Does Japan know about her Asian ching-chong rants?

>> No.7730037

>dat unshooped photo

Well it's pretty obvious from that that her measurements on Bravo's site can't be the truth. They must be her shooped measurements, lol.

Yeah, I think they also believed her when she lied about her age, too. For some reason on her official blog she states she's 19 and born in 1995, when she's actually almost 21 and was born in sept 1993

>> No.7730043

Why didn't they just kicked her out once they found out about the lies?

>> No.7730044

Maybe they signed binding contracts before finding out about the lies.

>> No.7730045

Japanese people are xenophobic as fuck because they actually understand that multiculturalism can't work and if they want their country to stay the way it is that means it has to stay the same ethnic make up.

It's hilarious that tumblr has such a boner for Japan and they can do no wrong but their culture is the complete opposite of the values they hold.

>> No.7730046

It'd make them look like idiots for believing her and paying for her to get over there in the first place. You know, Japanese honor and shit

>> No.7730049

She's pretty cute unshopped IMO, but not the kind of cuteness that would be popular in Japan.

>> No.7730051

I got the 15th anniversary IW photo book and was surprised Dakota wasn't in it. Didn't she model for them?

>> No.7730056

I saw some beauty-tool (really can't remember what, tweezers I think?) at a local cheap Chinese store half a year ago. They were packaged in a Dakota card back. Oh and I live in eastern Europe.

>> No.7730062

This was definitely her best period. Before she went too cutesy cutesy and too shoopy shoopy.

>> No.7730072

jfc the amount of after effects she uses is insane

Also I hate the gifs where she touches her face/eyes to "prove" she isn't shooped. Like girl, you think we're stupid? We're not Japanese modeling agencies, sorry.

>> No.7730263
File: 63 KB, 600x800, BmZ1mfvCIAAmSEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she shooped and kawaiified the vomit she took a picture of.

>> No.7730297

did she drop her umbrella in it? :C

>> No.7730360
File: 51 KB, 704x396, 1401218311937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew i think she did thats nasty as fuck.

>> No.7730362

Yeah holy shit when she touches her face it's like really noticeable.

Normalfags are stupid though.

>> No.7730384

yeah, back when she had normal looking lips and somewhat normal eyes

>> No.7730397

/pol/ pls stop your weeaboo boner for Japan and weird inferences about their culture and thoughts on multi-culturalism, you're just as bad as Tumblr.
Unless you're actually from grorious Nippon, chances are you're 100% retarded and wrong and shouldn't be talking.

>> No.7730412

half her face/cheek/jaw has been blurred away jfc

>> No.7730421


>> No.7730422

according to this page, her age is listed as 18 (which is funny since the model next to her has the age 20 listed)

>> No.7730424

I hate the way she covers up her lips and paints on the little pink ones. The line/bulge of her lips is so visible in photos that it pains me to see them.

>> No.7730425

Hey, Japan is a shitty country in many respects, they just happen to have that one thing going for them. The attitudes towards foreigners are really well known at this point, it's not as if you have to be Japanese to know about it.

>> No.7730437

Hmmm... Her right eye seems to be significantly higher/wider than her left.

Also, not really related, but her mannerisms at the end of this gif remind me of Venus.

>> No.7730481

I'm suprised she actually looks quite cute in that video and not as uggo as in the other one.
It kinda looks like she's afraid to properly smile or something, so her face doesn't look as big or idk...

>> No.7730493

Well idk about Penus' personality, but at least she's better looking and more photogenic.

>> No.7730571
File: 101 KB, 471x599, 471px-Dakota_Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's such a liar. Kota is 20, nearing 21. She was born in Sept 1993

>pic related, police report with her legit age

>> No.7730597
File: 87 KB, 500x750, dakota-rose-kiki-kannibal--large-msg-119955666832[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never thought i'd find myself arguing about her lying about her age, but i think something was wrong with that report. i have a really hard time believing kiki and dakota are only a year apart, especially when you look at the younger photos of them. i guess it's possible that either takes after one parent more than the other, but besides not looking very similar, dakota always seemed to have a serious little sister complex (which usually happens with a slightly larger age gap).

>> No.7730604

>police report dated at October 2010
>Dakota is 15, born in '93
>1993 + 15 = 2008

>> No.7730633

Oh good lord, the debates about this over the ages and it's still getting posted as 100% fact.

And, no, I don't believe her about her age either but c'mon.

>> No.7730677

you can account to the little sister complex to the fact Kiki was more well known and Kota wanted to always be in her shadow. And Kota takes more after their Mom its not even funny.

>> No.7730680

well since it was a small event, i dont doubt the police not really giving a shit about writing 100% correctly.

>> No.7733639

I hardly ever believe it when other people say I'm cute. I'd believe it if she said it to me, though, since she's so judgmental and harsh.

>> No.7733693

This bitch must be on top of the motherfucking world.

>> No.7733740

I know I'd be. Well, I'd be stressed. All those other girls seem like a pain to work with.

She must feel so self conscious... She seems to be. I feel bad for her. I hope she's okay.

>> No.7733758

>All those other girls seem like a pain to work with.

I know a ton of Japanese girls who are constantly upbeat and energetic like that and not only is it exhausting, but unsurprisingly they're huge bitches behind the show they put on. These girls may be perfectly sweet but can't help but dislike them anyways.

I really don't like Dakota, but she acts very much how I do around girls like that so I can't fault her on it. It's completely draining.

>> No.7733778

I totally agree with you. I act like she does around girls like that, as well. I stay at home most of the time and don't talk to very many people outside of my family. Whenever I do, it's extremely tiring. I'm always watching what I say and what I do because I'm so naturally awkward.

She must be feeling how I feel 24/7... That's awful. Still, it's a very rewarding job. I hope she's finding happiness.

Do you think she'll ever get married? I think she'd be happy staying single, but I don't know. Maybe a very good friend she finds and becomes partners in crime with forever?

>> No.7733782

Also, why are the models like that?

I think it's a fake act they put on to get more attention from sponsors and what not. I could be wrong, though.

Why are they so draining and annoying?

>> No.7733793

Wait, when I ask why they're so draining and annoying, I mean to ask "Why do they act like that?"

Could it be that they like torturing people?

Ugh, sorry for so many posts in a row.

>> No.7733885

Thank god for her that the japanese don't even bother reading the shit about her online. I say someone translate it and post it in a popular japanese forum where everyone can see all her racist comments and slutty pictures she has posted.

Plus her fake age is a bonus. I hear the japanese don't like heavily opinionated, bitchy moderus and idorus. Then again I'm not sure how the japanese internet community would react to that.

>> No.7733895

I really wish someone would just post a bunch of shit about her on 2chan and/or some other popular Japanese site.

Culturally, Japanese would care more about past sluttiness/fake age than the racism, but the racism is an added bonus

>> No.7733903

If someone did that and it damaged (or better yet ruined) her career I would snicker my ass off. She deserves to be found out. Karma needs to teach her a lesson

>> No.7733911

Pretty sure somebody already did that a while back and nobody cared

>> No.7733939

I don't think anyone ever did

>> No.7733948

It says in the caption it's from the liz lisa x mymelo shoot.

I think it's awesome she made it, and shit people make mistakes. I made some pretty stupid remarks online when I was 14 too, as I'm sure did everyone.

>> No.7733957

They did. People posted that video of her being racist on 2chan and nobody really reacted. They just don't give a shit.

Japanese make racist stuff about gaijin piggus all the time anyways. Examples:

It'd be an overreaction to cancel all of the things that she's worked so hard for and that make her so happy because of a stupid retarded video from years ago.

>Inb4 "Hi, Dakota."
Please, you're delusional if you think she actually visits this board.

>> No.7733984
File: 2.32 MB, 1016x2004, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, the Japanese editors and cast directors already believe she is some sort of fantasy in their head. The whole ashblonde-stickskinny-white-britishschoogirlstyle trope has been around in animu. I remember seeing Kota's character in several animu and mangoes. She's trying to emulate them in the examples I showed here. The animu girls who portray the trope are some sort of ethereal, perfect, untouchable beings.

I think it's like one of those situations where a kid sees a person with a specific look in media(like let's say its some punk girl in blonde pigtails) and all the other characters thinks she's some sort of goddess of beauty. Then when the kid sees an actual punk girl with blonde pigtails in real life, he'll subliminally think she's beautiful.

>> No.7733994

Sage for offtopic, but I really appreciate your usage of Speed Grapher. 5/5

>> No.7734003

Only she wasn't 14 when she made those mistakes. She was like 18 when she did those things and now shes 21 or 22. She has been drinking from the fountain of photoshop and bathing in the blood of her white knights so yes, she was 14 when she made those remarks.

>> No.7734210

>video of her racist remarks
>in english

Of course nobody on 2chan paid attention to that shit.

I'm saying noone has ever translated the shit she said and shown her sluttiness or lying on 2chan. Of course they wouldn't care about racist remarks, especially if they're in English, but even translated to Japanese they wouldn't give much of a shit.

Expose her sluttiness, please, somebody. Ruin her ethereal pure maiden image.

>> No.7734257

and this

>> No.7734278

>Still, it's a very rewarding job. I hope she's finding happiness.

Except it's not in the long run. Once she's finally too old to shoop she's gonna get kicked out of the country and then what? Unless she gets serious about making a plan for her life she's gonna end up just like her sister- living at home in Florida with mommy and daddy badgering her to make more YouTube videos.

>Do you think she'll ever get married? I think she'd be happy staying single, but I don't know. Maybe a very good friend she finds and becomes partners in crime with forever?

DAkota strikes me as that kind of girl who is not only too self conscious to date, but it seems like if I were in her position & seeing the shit that went down between her sister and that Cespedes guy and the way their parents encouraged it for Efame, I might have some serious emotional problems as a result. I mean really, has Dakota ever been exposed to a healthy, functioning relationship? Probably not.

Personally I see her trying to start her own fashion line after she can't model anymore, and then watching that struggle and flop. She should focus on the language so maybe later she can do some pop culture media stuff, since we all know she doesn't wanna get a real job & Japanese isn't at all useful for non-Japanese outside of Japan.

>> No.7734293

>Expose her sluttiness, please, somebody. Ruin her ethereal pure maiden image.

You guys realize you need to take this kind of shit to lolcow right? As soon as the janitor wakes up they're gonna delete this thread and ban your ass. You can't really do this kind of stuff here anymore (sadly). Which, BTW, is why lolcow exists. Go on there and start a SluttyKota stockpile thread to put on 2ch, there are usually a few Japanese-speakers lurking on there, same as here.

>you don't have to go home but you can't stay here

>> No.7734332

Or she could be some japanese guy's waifu.

I'm sure the guy from Bodyline would be happy to take her.