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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7912901 No.7912901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Competing with Asian girls in cosplay/lolita

Let's settle this once and for all.

Is it actually possible?

>> No.7912916

where did her knees go tho

>> No.7912917

>tfw want to join the azn club at school but only a half azn ;_;

>> No.7912922

Yeah. It just depends on the specific person.

>> No.7912929

>itt: picture of a model

>> No.7912944

Not just any model, a heavily blurred and shooped one.

>> No.7912952 [DELETED] 

She's not a model, she's an AKB48 idol.

Secondly, as a male I think she's cute as hell.

>> No.7912987

Hey my body looks just like that only I have slightly bigger boobs...

>> No.7912989 [DELETED] 

>only I have slightly bigger boobs...
>she thinks this is a good thing

lol, oh whores...

>> No.7912990

>Secondly, as a male
every time

btw I'm a girl

>> No.7912995

I can't tell if you're autistic or jealous. My boobs are about a B and you think that makes me a whore?

>> No.7912998 [DELETED] 

I'm a GUY, only whores leave their tits on full display in normal settings.

We'd take that AKB48 qt over you any day, regardless of bigger breasts. Most men don't care about that.

>> No.7913015

Dude when in the post did I comment saying I put my boobs on display. I was marveling at the fact that we have the same body down to a t minus my boob size difference that's so small you can't even tell a difference. I wondered why I was never able to fit into american sized clothes properly... Guess I'll just start buying asian sizes all the time.

But seriously, you sound like a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.7913019

>She's not a model, she's an AKB48 idol.

so she's one of those underage girls that have to do gravure shoots? And is heavily photoshopped?

>> No.7913054
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Just shut up anon.

>> No.7913195

What do Japanese cosplayers think of Western cosplay, anyway?

>> No.7913204

They don't mind or care. If anything, they like that it has spread to other countries.
Unlike westerners, they're pretty chill about debatable shit. Just an example but, remember avril lavigne's japanese song? The japs loved it while everyone in america got their jimmies rustled over it saying it was "racist".

>> No.7913249

Why would it even be relevant what they think?
and please don't say hurr durr cosplay come from glorious nippon. Because cosplay was a thing in the west before the weebo waves hit. It just wasn't called cosplay but simply costumes.

>> No.7913345

They think white girls look manly and too tall.

>> No.7913353

>2 japanese girls in some sort of costume
>1 white girl-prob english tourist judging by accent, maybe french canadian

in japanese the girls were making fun of how wide her hips, how broad her shoulders were, and how fat her thighs were

>she wasn't fat

in broken english they complemented her eyes and her costume and gave her the impression they liked it

>> No.7913361

Just curious, since from my casual comparisons we tend to place different values on things. /cgl/ occasionally laughs at Japanese cosplayers for wearing hooker platforms, adding non-canon embellishments, and using a fuckton of Photoshop; I figured they must laugh at us for something. I'd love to see a Japanese /cgl/.

Too manly I get, but too tall is funny.

That's some Mean Girls shit.

>> No.7913395

Chinese LOVE European cosplay, believe it or not, because we have "5 face features" and "look 3d" because of it. It was hard convincing them that Europeans love Asian cosplayers, they were really surprised.

>> No.7913397

If you don't look Japanese I highly suggest you learn the language, some of the shit Japanese people say is pretty hilarious.

>> No.7913398


>wide hips bad
japan never change

>> No.7913403

I get the manly part face-wise, but I think their lack of curves isn't extremely feminine either.

>tfw I'm actually jelly because I have a fair amount of booty and short skirts look extremely slutty

>> No.7913405


>> No.7913407

I think the ideal in Japan is a s-curve, so they still like narrow shoulders with narrow hips and slim legs, but from the side some curve from a very modest butt and bust.

>> No.7913409
File: 11 KB, 240x240, mq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan's idea of fat is my (and many outside of Japan's) idea of hot as fucking hell and the ideal feminine form.

Explain Chouzuki Maryou's popularity. Does the Japanese community just rip on her relentlessly?

>> No.7913417

Lol shutup fattie

>> No.7913423
File: 453 KB, 600x900, chouzuki_maryou_as_boa_hancock_by_metallicanrana-d5ryts2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7913424


>> No.7913427

Some Japanese girls are cute, some white girls are cute, some black girls are cute and if you're cute you'll look good in lolita. Even if you're not cute but you can coord well you might get complimented.

Misako Aoki and Chokelate are on par in my eyes for "perfect lolita aesthetic".

>> No.7913442
File: 383 KB, 650x825, 1406713464-chuyen-la--2-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rail the shit out of mika hoshima

The cutest whale.

>> No.7913448

Is that an example of "Japan's idea of fat"? Because I'm pretty sure a body like that is everyone on the planet's idea of fat unless you were raised by Honey Boo Boo's family and even then they'd call it chubby.

>> No.7913452
File: 63 KB, 480x640, nonami_takizawa_news_240810_21-644x858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chouzuki Maryou is a better example.
Or Nonami Takizawa

>> No.7913456

Goddamn she is cute and hot as fuck. Please tell me she does gravure vids.

>> No.7913462

I know man, tell me about it - thing that gets me though is if you don't look Japanese, it's like a free pass to say whatever you like right in front of the goddamn person - even mixed race Japanese people that have lived in Japan all their lives still get this crap. I like to make anyone that does this feel embarrassed by subtly showing I fully understood every word of what was being said. Still don't fully understand why this kinda behavior is so commonplace and considered acceptable. Don't get me wrong, love Japan and its people but this sort of crap has gotta stop.

>> No.7913463

It's because Japan is one of the most openly-racist countries in the world.

>> No.7913477

dude my grandma was like look at all these black people in a train station as she was walking through the crowd pointing at them

black guy goes, yeah there are a lot of us here huh

responding to her in perfect japanese

>> No.7913491


>> No.7913629
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This girl used to cosplay. She is more attractive than any asian girl could ever hope to be. Caucasuan girls at their best are genetically superior to all other races.

Tl;dr: Miyu. /thread

>> No.7913632
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>> No.7913633

Lolita is all about being cutesy and girly and being small/petite lends itself to that more easily.

I mean, think of it in terms of animals - a small animal barely has to do anything to seem "cute", they just have to exist. Big animals CAN seem cute if they do something odd or amusing, but half the time it comes off as clumsy or goofy due to their size.

In my experience it's kind of a "grass is greener" situation. Small, petite girls - especially the Asian ones - often really dislike being treated like cute little girls. The ones I've talked to/dated want the long legs, the full breasts (or at least bigger than what they have even if they don't cow tits), the wide hips/round asses, and the sense of power from being taller and "sexy" instead of just "pretty".

>> No.7913634
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>> No.7913635


Well shit, I haven't seen this particular (Miyu) troll bait in a long time.

>> No.7913638


troll bait or not she is legitimately way hotter than any other cosplayer or lolita I've seen

makes me feel like such an oldfag knowing who she is though

>> No.7913644

She's fat.

t. A fatty that's smaller than her