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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 461x615, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7940155 No.7940155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Y'know when you meet that person who likes the same stuff as you, but they give you so much second hand embarrassment, you pretend to be a "baka gaijin" so they won't leech onto you?
let's talk about that

>volunteers at local lgbtq organization
>preparing for art show
>do weeks of physical work preparing
>day comes to actually start doing art
>we're doing paintings that involve queer/lgbtq representation
>girl who hadn't been to any of the volunteer days before shows up so she can have her art put up in the exhibit
>introduces herself as Hanji
>her preferred pronouns are "anime pronouns"?????
>dressed in cheap ebay AOT cosplay, frizzy hair pulled into bad ponytail, 200 pound hambeast
>draws her OC's and says they represent the queer community because she ships them together
>the entire time, she kept saying "I SOLD MY SOUL TO HUSSY" "THERE ARE LIKE NOOOO OTHER HOMESTUCKS IN (state we live in) EXCEPT ME"
>be me again
>pretends to not know shit about anime or homestuck
>doesn't have the heart to tell her that there are homestuck meetups like every other week, no one has just ever invited her to one

that was the only time she came
a few weeks before her though, there was a fat girl who called herself Usagi who ditched her parenting class to sleep through a meeting

>> No.7940167

There is a mall near me that has a high number of weebs. This happened today.
>Be me, in lolita.
>Out at the mall buying Christmas gifts.
>Weeb group is in the local anime store across from the accessory shop.
>They see me and lock on.
>One girl jumps on one of the guy's back.
>Yells "Yip!Yip!"
>They all run towards me.
>I'm praying to get to the counter to engage with the salesperson.
>I make it! Start buying my items, obviously occupied.
>They fucking stand there and wait.
>Once I finish, "OMG ANON I'M TAKING A PICTURE WITH YOU DESU :3 :3 :3!!!"
>Shoves into position next to me one by one.
>Step back until I'm basically inside a coat rack to keep them from touching me.
>What's anime? Never heard of it.
>Group tries to explain it to me.
>Masterful blank looks, tell them I just like cute clothes.
>Escape amid confusion.
>Managed to get away without them touching my burando.

I have several of these stories from this mall.

>> No.7940174

I like how you're complaining that the garments you wore for attention, gave you attention, but you're still mad.

>> No.7940175

I don't wear them for attention, I wear them because I like them. Being accosted by smelly 15 year olds isn't the kind of attention anyone wants. This thread is about obnoxious weebs, so I didn't think I'd need to go into detail with just how obnoxious they were.

>> No.7940176

>Be a huge fujoshi in High School, and at age 25 still am
>But not a creepy overdone loud one, just enjoy BL manga and doujinshi a lot in my own solitude
>Discuss a certain BL series in school with friend
>A ratty, fat, semi-autistic weeb girl hears us and approaches us
>Oh god no
>She has terrible personal hygiene, smells tens of feets away, her hair is fried by whatever she's been doing to it, she has either terrible self-made clothes or cheap hot topic sales bin tier crap on, she's very self-indulged and has a terrible attitude
>Please go

It ended up with me trying to seem like I only saw a clip of it online and never really watched it. Dodged a bullet.

>> No.7940177
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I'm like this with Supernatural and Doctor Who. I nope so hard I'm pretty sure I could melt into the floor. Love both shows, have even cosplayed from them, but Christ almighty the fans...
>tfw when you've loved Doctor Who for years before these 14 year olds even knew it existed.

>> No.7940182

That's hilarious anon. The "what's anime?" part was the best. Sadly no stories from me.

Oh fuck off. People should be able to wear whatever they want within the law and not be harassed. Every fucking thread there's one of you assholes.

>> No.7940183
File: 14 KB, 335x278, 1315204952349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.7940185

bullshit go back to biology class.
All cosplayers and lolitas are attention whores.
If you really didn't want to be seen in your pretty clothes youd wear them in your room only for you. Seriously...thats not how clothes work.

>> No.7940189

>High school merges with another school and we change to a new school building.
>School inform sessions are changing to a "vertical system"
>Basically have four people from each year in one classroom to reduce bullying.
>It didn't work btw.
>One of my friends told a girl from the year 9 people that I watched anime from time to time.
>Okay with it, girl didn't seem too obnoxious.
>She has no friends so she comes and sits with us.
>She turns out to be the biggest fujoshit in existence.
>My friend finds her hilarious and tells her what my facebook is.
>My fault for having my facebook public, she finds out I wear lolita.
>This girl won't leave me alone.
>Don't have it in me to tell her to go away.
>Get a message one night "Anon, anon! I received my lolita dress! Look!"
>Ita lace monster milanoo-tier shite.

>> No.7940190

There's this thing called a wardrobe. If someone chooses such attire as their default look, its what they like. They buy those things because they like how they look. You're seriously some special kind of retarded if you think that this is how clothing preferences work. Do you also assume that everyone wears jeans for the affections of others?

Retard. Go back to your mother's vagina and get birthed back out when you're fully cooked.

>> No.7940200

okay then why dont you just wear plain solid tshirts and pants or skirts?

>> No.7940201

Time ti find a new mall anon

>> No.7940203

>Yip Yip!
That's when you know you should run

>> No.7940204

Anon you've been on this board how long and you still can't tell bait from non-bait?

>> No.7940209

Learn how to quote, shitstain.

>> No.7940210

shit bate mate
learn how to quote too retard, it's not hard
maybe you should get your mom to help you out

>> No.7940236

Your friend is a fucking prick, anon.

>> No.7940268

I know how to quote, your pathetic retorts and having to drop down to your mom and poo insults instead of any kind of real response demonstrates the depth of your mental capacity. Honestly, shit like this isn't worth the extra effort to quote.>>7940210

>> No.7940303

This happened some months ago.
>be lone lolita
>meeting up with one of boyfriend's friends for the first time
>he told me she likes Japanese stuff, including "that frilly lolita stuff" so I'm really excited to potentially be meeting another lolita
>wear very toned-down outfit because we're just going to hang around downtown, mostly IW and ETC, quite casual with a small petti
>waiting at meet up point
>no lolitas in sight
>"looks like she's not here ye-"
>"[boyfriend]-KUN!!! AIYYAAA!!!!"
>girl that had been waiting there for a while has turned around and spotted us
>she's wearing converse, vertically striped leggings, a Bodyline petti as a skirt and a Hetalia t-shirt with lace shoddily sewn to the neckline
>later find out this is "a style from Harajookoo called gossick rorita" which obviously most normies like me have never heard of because it's so obscure
>apparently the shoes and 'skirt' are totemo kawaii Japanese burando and her shirt is from "an indie brand" (I hope to god she means herself and that she didn't pay someone to sew $0.50 lace onto a shirt from Hot Topic)
>she doesn't recognize any of my outfit as lolita or Jfashion
>purse actually has the brand name "Innocent World" emblazoned square in the middle but nope
>I decide not to bring it up and pretend to have never heard of the style and just nod along
>boyfriend is very confused afterwards but I feel like I've dodged a bullet
And that's how I found out my boyfriend used to be a weeb.

>> No.7940304

Forgot to mention that she's actually five years older than me. If she were a clueless teenager I might have chatted with her more and maybe taken her under my wing or something but this woman was closer to 30 than 20 and was still acting like an obnoxious 14-year-old, so I figured it wasn't worth it.

>> No.7940307

Oh my god hahahaha 10/10

>> No.7940324

I had that happen with a friend of a friend, but she warned me in advance with something like "she says she likes lolita, it's not actually lolita. Don't even try" so I wore jeans, a t-shirt, and avoided the topic. We were all much happier for it.

She wasn't quite as bad as your boyfriend's friend though in terms of obnoxiousness.

>> No.7940350

>living in shithole in yurop
>no meetups or shit
>wanting cute weeb friend no matter how fat or obnoxious she might be
>finally got one in my class
>she is total shut-in only reading unpopular manga and barely not talking about it.
>saw her reading some
>she instantly hide it to her bag
>asked her what is she reading
>some shounen or sothing
>being pretty exited about it
>my horny voice: " do you like yuri?"
>she looked at my direction with fear in her eyes then suddenly stand up and ran away
>she has't said a word to me to the rest of school
I fucked this up.

>> No.7940352

Jesus Christ, anon. Don't blast your autism on the first meeting.

>> No.7940353

>move to another state after parents divorce
>begin new highschool being a little ugly nerd so I get no new friends
>see there is an anime "club" at the school, so I get fucking excited
>go to the first meeting wearing a naruto shirt, hoping to find friends who also like naruto
>at this point I have no idea what I am about to get myself into
>pretty much didnt enter the room before I got attacked by people with free hugs signs and people screaming over my naruto shirt
>at first Im happy (though pretty shaken) because I literally had no friends at this point so any attention was good with me
>the entire "meeting" is just people screaming, eating candy and attacking eachother; girl keeps shoving her ugly as fuck homemade naruto yaoi in my face while screaming various animal noises and random anime quotes (the weeb tourettes syndrome)
>as I had never seen real life weebs before I was fucking shocked people acted like this
>obviously never goes to another meeting again
>doesn't matter, a group of weebs literally follow me around school from this point on, trapping me in their group and sitting next to me evey fucking lunch
>I have no confidence and I am defiently not strong enough to tell them to fuck off, at this age I was SO scared of conflicts and being on the spot
>every day is living hell for me
>force me to go to events with them, always call in sick to avoid them, even have to fake my illness for my parents to avoid going to school as much as possible
>there is no way I can get any friends when I am constantly seen with this group, I try to talk with others in class but as soon as the class ends the weeb group come back to storm me
>this literally lasted a year, finally my mom decided to move and I switched highschool again
>literally cried tears of joy
>never fucking talked to anybody afflicted with anime again all highschool

>> No.7940355

go up to her when shes least expecting, greet her ect and tell her you were kidding laugh it ect misc ect ect ectctct

>> No.7940366

The problem is I lost contact with her after we finished school.

>> No.7940397
File: 235 KB, 489x570, TRANSPARENTYAN1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter first ever masquerade at con
>chatting to chill people backstage about costume construction, cosplay plans for future
>time to get in line to go on stage
>in line behind dude in pretty decent bleach cosplay
>starts talking to me, seems okay, but then:
>"anon, you look just like this character from a hentai I've been watching..."
>alarm bells ringing
>normally pretty happy to tell people to go away, but cannot escape as trapped in line
>tells me all about this hentai
>apparently I remind him of this giantess character
>he has a fetish for being used as a "toy" by giant women
>wants to die by suffocating in a giant woman's butthole as she uses him like a dildo
>finally his turn to go on stage, think I've escaped
>go on stage myself, goes fine
>come back off, he's there, watching, waiting
>follows me to changing area
>"anon what's your Facebook"
>say I don't have one
>"okay, what's your email"
>I don't have one
>"what's your phone number"
>I don't have one
>"what's your address"
>before I have to pretend to be a homeless cosplayer, bf appears outta nowhere
>say we have a train to catch
>"Okay, I'll see you at the next con"

I have literally seen him at every single con in the country I've been to since but nothing's happened. Either he hasn't recognised me, or he realised it would be hard to fulfil the whole giant woman fetish when he was at least 6'3" and I'm barely an inch over 5'5".

>> No.7940415

Finally heard of someone creepier than Liam Spooner

>> No.7940421

>"what's your address"

jesus christ as if telling you about some hentai he watched wasn't autistic enough

>> No.7940423

something similar happened to me at a con anon, I feel your pain

>waits in line for the cosplay show
>alone because all of my friends are already in the stage hall as they are performing
>guy standing infront of me in the line begins talking to me
>seems like a cool guy, we talk about some anime for some time
>suddenly begins talking about hentais
>even if I liked hentais, its weird as fuck to begin talking about porn when you meet a complete stranger
>begins suggesting me hentai cosplays to make
>im like no thank you
>says his big dream is to have sex with girls at conventions dressed as hentai characters
>says I look just like this character he really loves, and I should defiently cosplay her
>asks me to come to his hotel room to chill later with some friends
>text my friend to call me so I can escape this painful conversation
>when we enter the hall, he follows me to sit next to me
>say Im waiting for my friend by the door so he will leave me
>he says okay ill wait, keeps standing next to me
>see my friend, literally run over to her and tell her to fucking help me
>guy comes over anyway and asks me for my number
>says no
>ask me for my facebook
>my friend finally says please leave us alone, drags me away, finally he leaves

I dont know why some men at conventions think the hentai sweet talk is gonna get him any girls

>> No.7940431

>What's anime? Never heard of it.

Fuck that's brilliant, I'll have to remember that one.

>> No.7940460


Just curious but what Mall was that exactly name would be nice in case it happens to be the same one I encounter various weebs in.

>> No.7940573

> fully cooked
I love you, anon.

>> No.7940616
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, 1353821514245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still didn't even do it right omfg

>> No.7940625

You are my hero

>> No.7940633
File: 248 KB, 457x594, Raul+Esparza+Chinglish+Broadway+Opening+Night+XUPmWYrzmDNl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your pathetic retorts

>> No.7940761
File: 154 KB, 328x682, Yamato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like SMT/Persona
>Likes BL but isn't a total fujoshi as in "OMG I hate anything or anyone that interferes with my ship."
>Also likes girl on girl as well as hetro pairings
>Talk to someone about SMT/Persona
>Jokes about something that happens in game that's canon.
>"No you're wrong you just a fujoshi that's bullshit. Why do all girls think X is gay. You're stupid as fuck."

Does anyone else have this problem that fans in the fandom deny something that's canon because it's too gay, ambiguous or against their moral values? Or their pairing of choice? I understand if it from shipping goggles or some stupid shit but deny something that's canon....

>> No.7940767

Is that just a Persona thing? Because all the smt fans I've met are gay as fuck, and their ships reflect that.

I actually see more people in fandoms complaining about 'queerbaiting,' because waah, they're just afraid to have canonically gay characters, and not, y'know, just showing a platonic broship.

>> No.7940778

that's it anon, let it all out, we're here for you

>> No.7940783

I'm not really sure but it seems to be that fans in fandoms are either afraid of queerbaiting or pathetic fujoshi having shipping goggles on. I usually don't even bring up certain things in conversation because I have no idea how the person will react.

It's ironic because they don't do this with the girl on girl stuff.

I think Persona is worse than SMT due to the fact that it's popular and how one character went from being slightly homosexual to interrupt homophobic.

>> No.7940788


god, I hate fans that see 'queerbaiting' in everything. There was this one webcomic artist that was being harassed for it despite the fact that she had made it clear that character A was gay (and attracted to character B) but character B wasn't and that they were not getting together ever.

>> No.7940800

>be in the military
>live in the barracks
>wear lolita
>constantly touched, hit on, asked about undergarments

Seriously, the weeb ratio is so much higher it's not even funny. Thankfully everyone is mostly too afraid of sexual harassment suits to talk about hentai, but the autism is so damn high. I'll be even flat out say "I'm one of those people who like their space" if someone wants to get in my face or hug me because "omg lolita!" And they don't get it. I also get suggested "sexy cosplays" because someone found out I used to cosplay. I have so much second hand embarrassment from them that every time I see one of those "it's not science fiction" commercials I can't help but think of a bunch of guys in the shitty sheds you live in overseas watching hentai on a 60 inch tv.

>> No.7940804

I want to wear cute clothes, but everyone goes to walmart in pajamas these days, and their idea of fancy is a tshirt and skirt. When my boyfriend was in highschool, he wore button downs with slacks most of the time and everyone was like omfg why so fancy
Now that alternative fashions are more popular, I hope that lolita and other jfashions will be more accepted.

>> No.7940822

Why are people into size stuff so autistic? I'll even admit that I'm in to a lot of that stuff but I'd never just go up to someone in person and talk about it. Also why lead in about dying in someone's asshole? I don't understand how anyone's in to that, much less open about it.

>> No.7940825

>>Basically have four people from each year in one classroom to reduce bullying.

Yep, the best way to prevent bullying is to put the bigger kids with the smaller kids, right?

>> No.7940835

>Liam Spooner


>> No.7940844

I know another guy who is into exactly the same stuff. He's attractive and incredibly normal, I only know about what he's into because he got shitfaced drunk and cried on me about how much he hates himself for having a "weird" kink.

>> No.7940854

90% of my friends were pretty bad weebs in high school. A good chunk of them are amazingly sweet people but oh my god it was 4 years of stories. I was probably just as bad as them. I know for sure I look back at my wardrobe and I can feel how embarrassing I was.
>Talk about Gundam Wing with a few of them
>That ONE GIRL that grew up super conservative christian and wasn't allowed cable suddenly NEEDS the show
>k cool, I record some off my TV with a VHS on Toonami, other friend lends her a VHS she bought at like Suncoast (whichever media oriented store closed down in the mid 2000s)
>She's now Duo's wife. She's invented a persona with an edgy first name and Maxwell as a last name. Her persona HATES Hilde despite the fact that Hilde is not even canonically Duo's romantic w/e.
>Walking home from school she sees a tall guy with a long braid and GLOMPS her HUSBANDO
>It's some totally unsuspecting 40 year old dude
>I wear a braid to school once. I am now Duo's long lost sister whom she cares for very much in a TOTALLY NOT GAY WAY
>clings to me every day

I also had an eating disorder that I didn't talk about, like ever, but when I stopped being chubby and started losing weight two of the naturally bony as fuck weebs I associated with started simultaneously pretending to be on diets and complaining they were fat AND flaunting how skinny they were and how much they could eat at once. I never even got quite as naturally bony as they were in high school.

Weird times.

>> No.7940880

Everyone has a "weird kink" when it's time for drunk confessions hahaha

>> No.7940891

True, but most people's are usually achievable.

There's no way in hell, with current technology, someone with a size fetish like that would ever be able to achieve their dream.

I'm glad my kinks are realistic, and the impossible stuff I only like in porn.

>> No.7940903

Thank god it's not guro/snuff like my ex bf.

>> No.7940905

Yeah, exactly. I'll leave that for my porn collection, thanks.

>> No.7940907


I did that, but with bondage. Then I hit on the really muscular army dude. Then I said my ex was into pedophilia, which isn't true and was just a joke.

I'm still dying of embarrassment even 8 months later.

>> No.7940939

your friend sounds adorable
if you're a girl you should totally cosplay Klan Klang for him

>> No.7940958

I found out he told a friend of mine about it and she ended up RPing some stuff with him.

I would not be able to do any of that shit without laughing or deliberately farting on him or something.

>> No.7940962

In middle school, I was on the borderline of being this Duo-obsessed girl complete with edgy Mary Sue self-insert character. Thankfully, I was too shy to ever touch a stranger or talk about it anywhere but with my two closest friends, but god damn if your post didn't make me feel so much embarrassment I've been keeping hidden for over a decade. Also thankfully my two best friends were equally embarrassing about Trowa and Quatre, and none of us will probably ever admit these things to anyone else for the rest of our lives.

>> No.7941000

>deliberately farting on him

now there's my anti-fetish

>> No.7941001

your friends are fucking weird

>> No.7941009

Speaking of embarrassment years later

>high school
>group of friends and I had a journal where we each took turns writing in it
>my entries were filled with anime pics of BL and stuff
>nickname in journal was Kura-sama

Just thinking about it gets me embarrassed all these years later. My friends wonder what happened to the journal but I don't want to tell them I have it due to the embarrassment. I need to burn it. Even though they have seen my figures, I don't think they know about anime, which is fine by me, but at the same time, I never had friends who are into it even to this day.

>> No.7941013

So did your friends live happily ever after?

>> No.7941039

>inb4 "Trowa and Quatre were actually gay."

>> No.7941040
File: 88 KB, 441x463, 1376068726458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liam Spooner
Pic related. Liam has graciously saved me from ever having to retype my description of him.

>> No.7941046

>be me
>working through cleaning company that gets contracted out through different schools/areas for the summer
>end up working in same school district for the summer as the past two summers
>four 10 hour shifts, friday off
>working with 3 -5 other district employees plus two teen/college helpers
>Jay is 20, Sam is 18
>find out both enjoy con/anime/video games
>first 3 days of summer work were wonderful
>weebed it up and blasted hatsune miku, jpop shit everywhere
>had this gut feeling things were too perfect
>on day 4, Jay starts slacking, figured he just wasnt used to working 10 hour days since his last job was only goodwill, and part time
>following week, Jay starts being more and more annoying, invading conversations i'm having with sam about games/cosplay, trying to impress sam and i
>Every single day for the next 3 weeks sam gets his ear talked off about WoW and other games from Jay
>hit a point where Sam brought headphones in because Jay wouldn't get it after telling him multiple times to shut up
>Jay asked us on one of our breaks if we knew what a neckbeard was


>> No.7941049

Okay you sound like an asshole here, anon. Are there missing details?

>young, socially awkward girl wants to make friends
>you say she's not too obnoxious but she dares to like BL like many young girls do
>inexperienced and eager to impress you
>your friends find this girl "hilarious" and you think finding a child funny is fine
>buys a dress and shows it off to you in hopes you'll approve
>you just bitch about her on 4chan instead of mentoring her like a decent lolita would do

Seriously, what the hell? She sounds like she could be basically any seagull at age 14-15...

>> No.7941059

But what makes him particularly creepy?

I mean, I always find /cgl/ a little offputting because they talk about people I know IRL. If I found someone talking shit about me here, and I didn't know the place, I'd freak out too.

>> No.7941060

>Sam and i let him try and explain it.

Jay smelled, is more along the lines of pudgy, always had a mouth on him, had a beard, loved ponies and talked about walking around in high school wearing a fedora. He said him and 8 of his friends would walk around as a "gang"

>Sam and i both knew what a neckbeard was but let jay just do his thing since he never listened anyway, we hit a point where we just didnt care
>Jay finishes the story and says "Well, guess the only thing that makes me a neckbeard is that i have a beard and wear fedoras"
>sam and i laughed.

Mind you, at this point in time we had tried everything in regards to getting this kid to understand how fucking stupid he sounded/acted. I started off polite but eventually it caused people to quit.


>> No.7941064

Are you tumblr?

>> No.7941073

No, I'm an adult who left high school far behind and this post reeks of pathetic "but I'm too good for this kid wah waah!" high school bullshit.

>> No.7941074

>eventually sam and i were getting asked questions like "What is a love glove" or "What does a chick on the side mean?"
>Jay got mad when i tried to politely explain what it was and told me i should stop beating around the bush
>eventually sam got sick of jay and quit altogether, halfway through the summer
>i had to deal with him and no one else wanted to step up and say anything to him
>jay walked up to me one day and said "You know why do skinny date people date fat ones?"
>Jay" No no hear me out, if i was like, gay or something id go for a skinny guy"
>me: Wtf dude are you trying to tell me something
>jay: no no just saying

My days were continuously like this with random stupid bullshit that he didn't understand. We found out he had a full ride to MSOE and flunked out because of sleeping and skipping classes.

>> No.7941076

I thought the hipsters would ruin fedoras, but instead it was guys like him :(

>> No.7941077

If i found someone talking about me on here, i'd laugh. Getting upset about it and posting it in all caps just fuels the fire.

>> No.7941088

Kid was fucking stupid. You could tell alot of it was because he was sheltered but he also had this level of arrogance about him that made you want to punch him so bad his ancestors felt it. I give people the benefit of the doubt and its extremely difficult when they just dont get it.Oh and pardon my english up there. I didnt cause people to quit, he did. No one else wanted to argue with his 'logic'. I could always shut him down. He tried to argue with me that "Ribs don't bruise, they're bone'. I had to pull up a webmd to get him stfu.

>> No.7941120
File: 181 KB, 297x400, 802093991_201902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what makes him particularly creepy?
Basically, the boy ain't right.

He's a full blown autistic lech who will constantly harass anything remotely female at cons. He was loud discussions with himself and is the prime example of weebs running around shouting random anime and Sonic quotes.

He does all this while wearing badly put together Sonic/Shadow cosplays which you can't criticise or he'll get rather mad.

>> No.7941132

I did that with some friends too. We all had weaby fucking nicknames of ___-chan and wrote bad fanfics and even worse Japanese notes to one another. I found it in my bureau when I was visiting my parents about a year ago and buried it at the bottom of a drawer until I can decide whether to destroy it or not.

It was also during the gel pen craze, so it's a black notebook filled with metallic and pastel writing.

>> No.7941142

You're really cute and positive!!! But I don't think a lot of people, even decent ones, would be willing to or comfortable mentoring someone. Sometimes people just rub you the wrong way, or maybe they have social anxieties. Venting on places like cgl can be mean, but it's at least healthy

>> No.7941144

> Be me
> cosplay Len Kagamine w/ friend as Rin to con
> See hambeast weeb staring at me
> Jesussaveme.jpg
> Asks friend if we can head somewhere else around the con
> Weeb runs and glomps me
> I try to pull her off me
> She is yelling broken japanese at me something among the lines of "LEN KAGAMINE DESU OMFG KAWAII DAISUKI LEN KUN"
> She starts singing vocaloid songs in a very horrible way
> We cannot escape the clutches of the weeb
> we finally get away after 10 minutes of the weeb
> Lesson learned

>> No.7941147

>He tried to argue with me that "Ribs don't bruise, they're bone'. I had to pull up a webmd to get him stfu
who fucking cares, you sound just as bad

>> No.7941163

...are there really that 1% running around who make things bad for the other 99% of us socially awkward nerds?

I mean, I've seen my share of bad female behavior at cons, but I don't notice much bad male behavior.

>> No.7941182
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>Cousin who is a year younger than me. (20) >Extreme levels of weeb.
>She tries to convince people around her that she is Japanese (despite being whiter than wonder bread)
>The only Japanese she actually knows is "baka" "kawaii" and "sugoi"
>One day, because of mixed up scheduling on my aunt's part, I end up having to take her along with me to visit my bf (it was that or leave her in the house by herself...I don't trust her enough to do that)
>Bf is Japanese
>Pure dread at the thought of how cousin is going to react to this fact.
>As expected, she has a weeb breakdown.
>"Oh My God, Anon! You didn't tell me you were practically dating an anime character!"
>Proceeds to fawn all over my bf who is extremely uncomfortable.
>Even tries to speak (pseudo) Japanese to him
>The amount of times my bf and I had to redirect the conversation to something non-anime related was mind numbing
>Have to cut visit short because she's starting to get too handsy and I was scared she was going to full on molest him.

>> No.7941184

>out in city with friend for her birthday on same weekend as big local convention
>wear lolita pretty much daily, so in fairly casual coord
>go to big city station to catch a train back to my car so we can get home
>suddenly, convention goers everywhere
>approached by a closet cosplayer of Misa from Deathnote as we're entering the main terminal
>looks like a mix of Leg Avenue and Punk Rave
>girl is sweating bullets though it's midwinter and her outfit is pretty damn skimpy
>the smell of stale sweat mixed with really sweet perfume is just wafting off of her on top of that
>she basically blocks our path, friends try to get around her but don't want to leave me behind
>don't get to say a word beyond "excuse me" before she's raving and squealing about my "cosplay"
>asking me which series
>asking me which character
>my friends aren't into cosplay, lolita, or anime, and are looking sort of panicked by this aggressively excited young woman squealing in my face
>play dumb about it all and say we have a train to catch, sorry
>she follows us through the ticket gates still asking questions
>did you go to (convention) today?
>of course you went to (convention) today
>are you going to (convention) again tomorrow?
>polite "no" responses at every turn
>praying she doesn't need our platform
>she needs our platform
>manage to escape her without having to be a total bitch, because she needs a different train than we do
>friends are still somewhat in shock and want to know if everyone who goes to cons is like that

>> No.7941199

You might need to get your eyes checked, because there are always at least half a dozen of these sort of guys at any given con.
It's still a very, very small percentage (about 1% sounds accurate) however I would not kid yourself into thinking they don't exist.

>> No.7941229

I feel guilty posting this but it can not be helped:

> very best friend super weeb
> only watches and re-watches -00ies anime, never reads the manga
> casually 'dresses up' as L
> dyed her hair in this terrible mis shaded mess at home
> speaks horribly butchered Japanese
> encouraged me so much to go on exchange to Japan, which I ended up doing
> she visited me and I swear to Kami-sama she wore a Naruto headband (self made, ie stitched felt unto a headband) at the airport
> she was so cringe worthy with her fucked up Japanese she insisted to use

She's super endearing but I hated/loved having her around in Japan. She's always so much fun and so encouraging, like said, a total sweetheart but she lacks so badly in common sense.

>> No.7941312

what >>7941199 said
there are tons of badly behaved girls and guys at cons. The only reason we hear more about creepy guys is because the majority of this board is girls (generally pretty average looking as well) and they are a magnet for awkward straight dudes at cons.

same reason why so many of the creepy girl con stories involve crossplayers or average dudes. Nerds seem to think of con as like pussy heaven or some shit. Way fucked up tbh.

>haven't heard gay con horror stories but I know they're out there. There just are more straight creepy encounters.

>> No.7941320

I've seen a few pretty creepy stories from gay congoers on /cgl/. Every few creeper threads there's one or two sprinkled in

>> No.7941336

>I mean, I've seen my share of bad female behavior at cons, but I don't notice much bad male behavior.
It depends on the conventions you go to sometimes I think. Some just have awful behaviour ingrained into them like Anime League conventions in the UK. Liam is (or atleast used to be) allowed on the staff and Mike Towers, the King Creeper who runs the con can usually be found trying to force 15 years old girls into a corner to make out with him so you can't expect any better behaviour from the attendees when the staff are acting that fucking awfully.

>> No.7941379

No, i tried to let things go but he harrass us constantly about the same shit over and over. If you didn't do something to shut him up it would go on all day. His mom was the business manager so he felt quite entitled.

>> No.7941402

I think we generally have a higher threshold for what we consider creepy. I blame pride parades.

>> No.7941495
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literally what the fuck

>> No.7941514

>Nerds seem to think of con as like pussy heaven or some shit.

That's because it is.

>Excellent Male to Female ratio
>the girls you talk to are much more likely to share the same interests as you
>everyone looks hotter in good cosplay

Of course, that's no reason to be a creeper, but I much rather hook up - or meet future GFs - at con then at a bar or a club.

>> No.7941536

>wearing lolita in military barracks
why would you ever

>> No.7941540

Keep her safe, anon.

>> No.7941569

Its how they retain their sanity

Would you like Anon to become a hobo in the US when she gets back?

>> No.7941572


> a hobo lolita

>> No.7941575

That's quite a thought

>> No.7941577
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This is something that has recently started in my life. It's a still on going thing as of now.
>start taking a fashion course in school
>start talking to a girl who sits in the seat next to me
>as we're talking she mentions she likes anime and i get excited because I might get a new friend who has similar interests as me
>as the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months I start to notice extremely weeby traits
>she starts wearing a small tail that clips to her belt
>the teacher decides that we should do an activity together as a class to get to know each other better
>we all go around and say stuff that people might not know about us
>some of the stuff is really touching and sweet
>when we all are finished she whispers to me that "I'm actually part wolf"
>are you fucking kidding me

>> No.7941582

Wolfaboos god bless

>> No.7941593

>I'm actually part wolf
I never got this fad, Is this really for real?

>> No.7941603

Oh fuck, an "otherkin"?

>> No.7941605

Unfortunately, nothing too crayzay or outrageous. I knew a group of weebs in high school who are now loser weebs in community college, despite it being like three or four years later. They're all unfortunate looking and demonize others by referring to them as 'otaku' or 'fangirls', without realizing that they haven't actually matured since they were fourteen years old. They formed an anime club at that college and my friend peeked into the room one day. It was just a dark classroom with some of them watching Totoro, while a few were doing the carameldansen in the back of the room to music that wasn't even playing. The most unfortunate looking of them all, who appears 10 years old yet isn't, would wear her Vocaloid cosplay to the college on occasion as normal attire. It's whatever the fuck the red one is, I don't do Vocaloid. They also tried to get a con of their own hosted by them on the campus itself, but nothing official ever became of it and it was just them showing up in costume while everyone else stared as if they missed the memo that Halloween was over. One of them is trying to get cosfamous and failing miserably at it. There were two lesbians and both were just royal cunts all throughout high school. The one bore a grudge against me because I confided in a friend that I was Bi, because she thought I "chased guys not girls". Well, motherfucker, what exactly do you expect me to date in our high school? Because nobody here is that good looking and I wasn't going to run down the halls, screaming I liked poon and worsen any bullying. That doesn't automatically mean my sexuality is falsified, cunt. This one had a massive thing for Evanescence, 'Memoirs of a Geisha', and anything Japanese. Pulled my hair once in art because I said I didn't care for Street Fighter, almost knocking me off of my stool chair. This one wound up going on to date a girl who literally looks like a carbon copy of herself, but with the bulldyke haircut.

>> No.7941612


>You might need to get your eyes checked, because there are always at least half a dozen of these sort of guys at any given con.

So what do I look for?

>> No.7941614

>On Halloween I dressed up as a cat and when she saw she started barking at me
>I stare at her like she's crazy
>she explains to me that she's a wolf and shows me her shitty hot topic tail and whiskers she drew on her cheeks with sharpie
>throughout the day she stares at me and acts like a dog or whatever the fuck she was supposed to be when she sees me because I was a cat
>I thank The Lord when class is finally over so I could get away from her

>> No.7941617

This is a pretty ineligible rant anon. Are you okay? You seem very distraught in retelling this.

>> No.7941620

No it's an actual thing. I looked it up after she told me she was a "wolf" and they're called "other kin".

>> No.7941621

I'm fine. I just didn't really bother with separating paragraphs or anything because I'm busy managing another thread. Wanted to type as fast as possible and get back to it.

>> No.7941622

Are they behaving inappropriately towards you or others? Congrats they're creepy

There isn't a real checklist I can give you of things to avoid.

>> No.7941623

I unfortunately couldn't feign innocence in my story, but here it is.

>cosplaying goth loli Saber Alter to a con a few years back
>guy says he really likes my cosplay, pretty happy to hear since not many people recognized me
>he leaves to enjoy the con
>sitting in the lobby later with a few friends and he decides to sit in the empty space next to me to show me his deviantart
>complete with really bad Fate fanart and Harry Potter/Fate fanfiction
>"Oh, uh, cool."
>stuck there for like twenty minutes while my friends talk among themselves
>eventually figure out a reason to leave the area
>later on at the con I see him again
>he's holding one of the clearfile pages you put in binders, and there are drawings in there
>he gives it to me
>later see him when I'm leaving the con and he waves

I mean it's cool that we have similar interests but wow, he was really attached. I don't know, it was a lot more awkward as it was happening. I still have his fanart somewhere, probably at my parents' house though.

>> No.7941625

fuuuck this ended up into a year long hell hole here we go strap in
Part 1
>I'm a sophomore in highschool
>starting to learn that there are people I need to avoid accidentally friending but don't rlly know how to avoid them
>homecoming week chilling with my friend
>we see a kid in an okay john cosplay from homestuck
>he's alone so friend and I walk up and are like hey we like homestuck too
>casual convo, he actually doesn't seem too bad
>bell rings or whatever and were like ok bye
>throughout week we notice this dude being alone and we feel bad
>decide to let him sit with us at lunch bc he said he didn't have any friends and we had the room
>he starts to follow us everywhere
>startin to sign some major signs of autism
>I was talking to a friend and he ran up from the side and stepped literally right between us to talk to me about pokemon or something
>put hands on my throat and pretended to choke me because I was trying to talk to another friend
>laughed and said I should have just listened when I pushed him away
>mayday jump ship this fucker is crazy
>he starts to eavesdrop and spy on conversastions to find out where we go after school
>we had to go to the mall and (he had found my friends phone number some how) suddenly started texting her freaking out asking where we were and we needed to get there bc he was having an anxiety attack
>we didn't even invite him to the mall he shouldn't have known about it
>we try to eat on the literal opposite side of campus for lunch
>we can see him from afar every day standing at the old lunch table frantically looking for us
>I started to tell him off so he shyed away from me and really clung to my friend
>would text her CONSTANTLY
>would miss bus purposely so he could spend time with her after school

>> No.7941627

Yeah, there were two of these in my WoW guild in like 2007.

They were completely normal people, and this was a top PvE guild, so there was constant douchery all around. They weren't unstable.

You couldn't tell unless they told you, though one of them got abnormally excited over anything involving animals (I think she actually quit raiding to work at Sea World).

I also met one at Anime Expo in 2012, I think. He was pretty fucked up, so I noped away quickly, though.

>> No.7941629

You just feel creeped out when they're looking at you.

The thing with these guys is that their intent sees to seep through their movements for reason I don't know. These are the type of people who go "HURR DUR THEY DRESS LIKE WHORES THEREFORE THEY ARE".

Are they there everywhere you go? Does it feel like they're looking at you funny? That's all you ned.

>> No.7941643

I've read about i and I still honestly cannot believe they're real people.

>> No.7941653


>I told my friend to grow some balls and tell him off but she didn't want to because he kept threatening to commit suicide if she stopped being his friend
>we went to school counselors and they literally told us bc he has autism they can't do anything lol sorry
>friend is startin to annoy me bc she isn't doing anything she's even humoring him and trying to comfort him despite also hating his guts and TELLING me she just wants him gone
>ask about him at school and learn he has huge anger issues
>literally flipping desks in class and threatening to literally rip a guys dick off
>slowly reveals to be a literally terrifying would shoot up school autist
>mom makes me invite him to my sweet 16 bc she "feels bad" and doesn't understand anything
>spends entire time freaking out in corner and my friend was comforting him
>told her she needed to fuckin tell him off and stop coddling him
>fast forward a few months later we're juniors
>he comes up to me and is like "your friend says you find me annoying is that true?"
>fuckit.jpg "yes I really don't like you"
>leave him stuttering in hallway
>he stops talking to me and this is the last time I personally have to deal with him
>he still follows friend around everywhere
>she invites him to her Halloween party
>he literally lies on the couch and cries because some people laugh at a joke I tell
>later that night follows my friend into bedroom
>is like "wow wouldn't it be funny if I raped you? I could just rape you on your bed. lol"
>found out my friend is a rape victim
>he was the only one who knew and she told him bc he threatened to kill himself if she didn't (friend always said she hated men and I never pressed her on it but he did apparently)
>that was finally the last straw for her she excommunicated and told him off literally after a year and a half
>he's now a tumblr transtrender otherkin fox demon

>> No.7941657

>>he stops talking to me and this is the last time I personally have to deal with him

Wow, wasn't that easy?

People really need to try it.

>> No.7941666

link to tumblr?

>> No.7941673

>At our campus we have a school store that sells food and other things you might need like Chapstick, hand sanitizer, ... Etc
>while I'm walking to the store she prances up behind me and gives me this weird glomp-hug-combo thing
>thankfully she's skinny so I wouldn't be crushed by 300 pounds of wolf wannabe flesh if she was a Hambeast
>while I'm getting food she buys 4 ramen cups
>I ask her if she's hungry and she responds with "No. I just don't want anyone else buying and eating my precious ramen."
>whatever bitch
>during class she is inhaling her "precious ramen" and she's making a shit ton of noise
>I tell her that the ramen isn't going anywhere so it would be fine for her to stop eating for 5 minutes
>"You don't know that anon! It'll run away if I don't keep eating it!"
>continues to slurp up the ramen during class
>at the end of class she walks up to me and tells me "Anon, I want to be a neko girl"
>she pronounces Neko as "Knee-coe"
>oh, you mean you want to be a cat girl?
>"No no no anon there is a big difference between a cat girl and a Neko girl"
>okay well you know that that's not how you pronounce "neko", right?
>"I don't think it matters anon, it's practically the same thing"
That's it for now. However I have another 2 years with her so I'm sure there will be more stories to come.

>> No.7941681

> h haven't heard any Gay stories
Somebody hasn't heard the dragon ball z rape story

>> No.7941685

Shit, I also forgot to mention that she decided to start calling me by an anime characters name because I have the same last name as that specific character. The anime character and my last name are pronounced differently but spelt the same and because of this she insists on calling me by the anime characters name instead of my actual one because it's more kawaii and not as gaijin sounding as my actual name.

>> No.7941687

Please share, I'm running out of things to procrastinate in packing up my apartment with.

>> No.7941692

time to leave thread

>> No.7941698

I can't say that I've heard any dragon ball z stories to be perfectly honest

>> No.7941699

You should never, ever give in to people just out of pity, ever. Same reason as to why I never help hobos out, they can get a job but they know they can always get what they want by claiming they're victims of society, etc.

Regardless, I feel bad for your friend, it didn't have to go that far.

>> No.7941700

Before that I had tried tons of times to ask him to stop following me and my friend. I told him we werent friends with him. I told him he made us feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure why that time really worked (and tbh afterwords he would come up to me and start conversations and I just ignored him. It took another month for him to stop )

>> No.7941705

>mandatory assembly with guest speaker
>assembly is about japanese culture
>guy off-handedly mentions anime
>several people start screaming and clapping
>he shows some video with including an interview from a Japanese person
>their name is ryuno
>guy sitting next to me gets all excited because he thought it said ryuko

He does shit like that so often it's embarassing...

>> No.7941709

Sorry and/our don't worry I'm on my phone so I'm not gonna copy pasta

>> No.7941712

I feel embarrassed already just reading about it.

>> No.7941732

Oh and another one about him

>Have a Kuriboh keychain
>he sees it and asks if a Ryuko keychain exists
>Say probably, give him link to amiami and tell him to look
>He comes back the next day saying he found one but 'my parents won't let me buy stuff online can you please buy it for me'
>Already have an order that month so figure why not
>Get keychain and charge him for it
>he gets all giddy and starts hugging it
>hear from someone else he was 'caressing it' during another class and he now refers to it as his good luck charm
>won't shut up about the damn thing

I mean, it's not insanely weird but like... it's just a keychain. I have one more story about him too.

>> No.7941740
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christ man.

>> No.7941746
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>> No.7941749

>We both have Smash for 3ds
>he asks to play with me after class
>fine, why not
>beat him mercilessly, about to leave
>he goes 't-this is the closest i've been to a girl'
>mutter 'haha yeah' and nope out of there
>next day he complains about not having a gf
>I sarcastically say "Yeah, women only like jerks. Not nice guys like me, m'lady"
>his eyes light up, "i KNOW, RIGHT?"
>tell him I was kidding
>he goes, "No, it's true. Otherwise I would totally have a girlfriend. But you wouldn't understand since you're a girl."

i just

>> No.7941752

I honestly hope you're making this up. This is just really sad.

>> No.7941754

Because I live there. That would be like asking why I wore lolita in a college dorm. If you aren't married, they cram you into something that looks like a shitty twin room in a half size motel 6 for three years, complete with broken water heater and ugly blue curtains. overseas you live in those crappy prefabricated sheds with a couple of other people if you're lucky. Either way you have no privacy because someone can enter your room at any time. I had to throw away anything that looked like shimapan because they kept getting stolen out of the laundry.

>> No.7941756

I couldn't make this up if I tried. The icing on the cake is that he only seems to own t-shirts with outdated anime memes, i.e. "Over 9000"

>> No.7941766
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>he's now a tumblr transtrender otherkin fox demon

>> No.7941769

>autist love

Oh fuck, I used to tutor the special education study hall in high school and had one guy force me to arm wrestle him and then told me that because he was so strong he'd kill my boyfriend.

>> No.7941773

>Otherwise I would totally have a girlfriend.

I died a little inside.

>> No.7941778
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>It's not me, it's them

>> No.7941790

Do they keep talking to you when you tell them to fuck off?
Do they refer to you as the object of their fetish or say that you should dress as said object?
Are they wearing some shittily constructed costume related to said fetish?
Do they follow you despite your obvious disinterest?
Do they tell you about their fetishes unprompted after only a few minutes of conversation?
Do insist on knowing your personal information?
Do they invite you to their room and not take no for an answer?
The list goes on and on.
Male creepers exist. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.7941800
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>> No.7941818

This happened a few years back so my memory of it is fading but...

>be at the Borders in the mall to buy some manga
>two of the employees are putting some of the shelf
>start talking to them about manga (hs-tier stuff like CLAMP series)
>male of the two starts talking about the tattoo he's excited about getting
>"Picture this: a Miko - shrine maiden in full uniform, under a red full moon. She's crying, but it's tears of blood coming from her eyes and..."
>quietly spin behind the aisle while he's distractedly talking to his co-worker and walk out of the store

The best part was that their recommended books table had How To Draw Furries on it with a paragraph from him about how awesome it is

>> No.7941829

I think their URL is cisphobequeen, it was last time I checked anyways. Ive moved on and that's all back in highschool, I try not to think about it anymore

>> No.7941844

>13 year old me visiting a family member's house a couple of states away.
>Was a bit of a weeb but I was a quiet weeb.
>Anyhow, Said family member is quite old so they live a seniors community.
>It was sort of boring so I ran errands to pass the time.
>Family member asks me to drop off some letters at a house down the street.
>Sure, why not.
> Walk down to the house and knock on the door.
>Door opens and it's a 40-something year old woman in a shirt that says "I <3 yaoi" and what I'm pretty sure was a cat tail.
>Scared shitless.
>Mumble something about letters and make a dash for it.
>And out of fear, I became significantly less weeby.

Granted I sort of felt bad for her since she was living with her 70 year old mother and probably had some kind of disorder but that was the first grown weeaboo I had ever met.

>> No.7941849

Uh, excuse me, but it's about ethics in gaming journalism.

>> No.7941874

>Sorry to burst your bubble

Are you kidding? This list is great. Unambiguous "what not to do" that doesn't involve subjective judgements.

>> No.7941957

Are you me?
I won't even mention Supernatural and Doctor Who to my friends that like them because they get derpy about it.

>> No.7941958

At least Sherlock is short enough that I can watch all the episodes.

>> No.7942044

I feel so sorry for your friend. Jesus.

>> No.7942064

Well, you're now on my asshole tripfags list. Jesus Christ. You know, some homeless people are in fact actually homeless because they CAN'T get jobs you self-righteous, thoughtless piece of shit.

>> No.7942087

Do you even know people who're homeless? From my experience I've only known four out of hundreds were homeless genuinely due to circumstance. The rest are homeless because they're genuinely content with leeching off GR(General Relief) and Food stamps while they pandhandle the rest for drugs and alcohol, the other minority are the homeless who have mental problems such as schizophrenia. Here in the Santa Barbara Library alone, you'll always see 6 same hobos who'd spend their time on laptops all day, 2 of them use a portion of their GR money for WoW subscriptions, it has even come to the point where you could see hobos here not only with iPhones but with the gall to actually have "Hungry" signs right by coffee shops with their Mac laptops on their lap.

>> No.7942090

Do you know how much you can make panhandling in 1 day in the city? $500.

>> No.7942098

I guess you've never bothered to chat with them have you? It's impossible to get a job without an address any more and those kids you see with macs were kicked out of the house and that's all they have. I have a friend who's about to be homeless because she can't work due to cancer after effects but isn't considered sick enough for social security. There are fakes obviously, but the amount you're estimating is grossly exaggerated. Did you get your info off of Fox News?

>> No.7942099

okay now that we know your stance on the homeless, how do you feel about immigrants?

>> No.7942100

It's only that big during seasons like Christmas. During the best of times, it's usually at $50-80.

>> No.7942111

>Did you get your info off of Fox News?

Better than that, I used to be one for a year and a half. I lived with them, my ASUS G748(that I got to save for before I got fired) then was even stolen by one for heroin. If you want t go so far as to check whether I'm lying or not, feel free to check the /a/ archives.

Seeing as I am one, I can't blame them. From experience, being a hobo here is better than living in a third world country.

It comes to the point where I actually memorize the New Colossus with a passion.

>> No.7942128

I fucking swear I can't use fucking french anymore because apparently that asshole says "allons y!" and I always have to hear "allonzee!! omg doctor who!!" like it's some made up word the show fucking created

>> No.7942137

>ect ect ect ect
god how can you be so stupid

>> No.7942147

So I used to go on dating sites and laugh at really bad profiles, guilty pleasure and all. If dudes see I'm reading it and message me, sometimes I'll keep it going for a bit to see if any hilarity happens. Had a conversation with this one dude, who we can call Fraggle. He literally looked like Mokey Fraggle discovered Hot Topic. The conversation went on to his hobbies, which he gave as "being a living kawaii gosurori doll boy". He proceeded to tell me about how all gosuroris have a "spirit doll" called a bjd that wears matching dresses and has its own special soul from the hopes and dreams of its owner, and they all try their hardest to emulate their spirit doll and be perfect and kawaii at all times. He even had pictures of his own spirit doll, which were actually stolen off some poor soul's Flickr account. It was all well and good until a few days later when I was at work. See, I used to use that dating profile for actual dating, so it had a picture of myself on it that I neglected to remove. And the way I found Fraggle's profile was by combing through local singles. And I worked at fucking Spencer Gifts, so of course such a unique sparkling individual was going to at some point cross our door. Every time he spotted me, he would follow me around the store pointing out particularly "rori" things in stock, babbling about his noble quest to be kawaii, or on a few occasions even bringing in his specially customized spirit doll (a very badly painted Monster High doll rolled in cheap lace). My manager personally found it hilarious and he wasn't actually impeding my ability to work, so I wasn't allowed to tell him to fuck off or kick him out (that would be ~not party-tastic~ by the Spencers rule book). Plus he could pretty easily be talked into buying shit if it was kawaii enough. This happened at least once a week for fucking months, when I switched to a non-retail job and specifically refused to let anyone there know where I was going to.

>> No.7942152

Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned.

>> No.7942168
File: 27 KB, 313x334, zKvea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn 2 "enter" pls.

>> No.7942172

You just put yourself in a corner, friend.

>> No.7942176

"Omelette du fromage"

I-it's omelette au fromage... or omelette de fromage...but y'know, internet meme.

>> No.7942193

Are you fucking kidding me?
Do you know how abusive the state is towards homeless people?
A 90 year old man got arrested twice for giving food to the homeless recently and you're saying this shit? Believe it or not, not every hobo fits your view of them.
Have you ever even been to a third world country?
Filtering your dumbass now.

>> No.7942210

Keep living in your bubble, son. I've only been here in the US for 4 years.

>> No.7942211

Get a load of this hobo

>> No.7942239


>>Oh gawd look at all these stupid weebs bringing their stupidness out in public
>>I could just die of embarassment for them
>>Why can't they just be a fine upstanding young girl like myself?

>>Walks around in public and shops in Lolita

God you bitches kill me - every time I come here to see if there's any cool new cosplay it's like you people just keep trying to find new ways to create drama and hate each other.

Yeah, the world is full of obnoxious people - adding to their number is not necessary. They think you're cool, and you gotta go out of your way to be a cunt. All you gotta say is "Oh I'm flattered but I actually don't really like taking having my photo taken randomly in public" or just do it if you don't really care. Then say that you actually just like Lolita fashion and don't really follow anime anymore. Then just disengage like a well adjusted human being and just say that you're busy and can't hang out with them.

You know that asshole girl that always have in those teenie bopper chick flicks that disses the "plain"/"simple"/naive main character because "Like OMG could you BELIEVE that she just walked up to me like that? Dohohohoho so, SO sad..."

That's what you're being.

>> No.7942246

Dexter can't even speak his own native tongue right when he's awake (Not sure how he got a ridiculous accent in the first place), I can't expect him to learn French from a shitty cassette while he's asleep and keep his prepositions in check.

>> No.7942250

Dexter? Alright.
The rest of the world who has internet and easy access to french people and google translate: no.

>> No.7942266

In his defense, du makes a lot more sense than au. French prepositions are usually retarded as hell and I'm constantly mad I can't slap 'dans' everywhere.

>> No.7942268

Du fromage dans d'l'omelette.


>> No.7942272
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This thread is full of irony in that most of your fags posting almost anyone else would get second hand embarrassment from.

Seriously, quit wearing your lolita and cosplay shit out in public and expecting good results. It doesn't make you cool, it's not fashionable and no one gives a shit about your uber unique taste.

Any time I see anyone wear anything even remotely anime related out in public my face automatically flushes because I know these are the same retards I share liking anime with and that is a fucking awful feeling.

>> No.7942274

>be stylist
>favor retro dresses, big curls, and sparkle
>being color artist, my hair is a ridiculous shade of dark purple
>go out to lunch with some friends
>having great time until we all get that creeped-upon feeling
>friend notices some guys a few tables over are eyefucking us pretty hard
>eye contact is made
>the apparent braver of the two heads over our way
>says hello, then pauses as he glances over our group rather pointedly
>i quickly glance around too and realize something
>one friend is also a color artist, so she has a brightly streaked rainbow pixie
>the other is a horse trainer and has her blonde hair in a long braid and her hat on the seat next to her
>please just be a regular creeper, please don't say it
>"so... "
>"you girls are like... dressed as the ponies right?"
>this mother fucker
>my friends are confused
>i am the only one who knows
>i must protect them
>"um, no, we're just dressed for work. which we should be getting back to. soon."
>he finds this coincidence too much and begins spouting memes in an attempt to trip us up
>very awkwardly hitting on rainbow-friend with jokes about her being the fastest, 20% cooler, etc
>she is obviously confused as fuck
>he seems to catch on and begins explaining ponies, bronies, the show's plot, everything
>finally cowgirl friend lands a killing blow
>"so wait. you're telling me, you think we look like horses from a show for little girls, and that you want to fuck us cus we look like said horses."
>guy's mouth literally flaps around for a minute
>"......yes and no."
>pure solid palpable silence
>i swear to fuck a three-table radius around us is staring at this brave soul
>waitress comes by with check during this intermission of insanity and we quickly pay
>dude is still fucking standing there as if expecting an answer from us
>get out of seats and walk around him
>he defeatedly squeezes out one last attempt
>"n-nice hair"
>i fucking know

>> No.7942280

it's like being caught in a storm

>> No.7942281

that's so much better anon thank you

>> No.7942289

Your friend is a hero.

>> No.7942300
File: 42 KB, 440x664, 1415499948796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aay bby yu wan sum fuk?

>> No.7942321

I love this. Although as someone who hates ponies I probably would have thought you were doing some silly cosplay if there was a group of you dressed like that.

>> No.7942330

I never watch anime and I still wear lolita...

>> No.7942336

Why are you even on cgl?

>> No.7942377

It was literally just our hair. We all were dressed to the same level of girly/sparkly and none in anything like the right colors (rainbow friend and I have to wear all black dresses for work, cowgirl friend was in rhinestone bedecked purple rodeo gear). Plus we're all a little older than what you'd expect to see cosplaying.
>i admit i mostly come here out of nostalgia and the rare chance i'm doing show costuming

>> No.7942407

I'm only 5'7'' and curvy not fat but a bit chubby. Really pretty average but for SOME REASON the only people who like my DA are giantess and fat expansion dudes. There are... actual fat people on here and girls way taller than me why this. This is why deviantart is a cesspool though holy shit. God it would freak me out so much if someone started doing that in person to me.

>> No.7942410
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>> No.7942420

holy shit guys stop getting baited so easily

>> No.7942427 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 640x960, weebselfeatingyakisoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be 13
>Freshman in highschool
>Decide to go to Anime club after school
>Epitome of a neckbeard approaches me
>Socially awkward because of bullying issues so I'm happy to have a possible friend
>Talk about DMC and shit anime
>Leave room and sit on stairs together
>Neckbeard is getting uncomfortably close now
>Extremely dense so I have no idea he's hitting on me
>13 year old me was 4/10 weaboo so attention from men was heaven sent
>He asks me to be his girlfriend
>Say no
>He attempts to persuade me
>Asks me if I masturbate
>I don't
>He jumps up in horror and begins to explain how masturbating would make me healthier
>Right now I'm confused and worried
>Grabs my boob and squeezes
>I have no idea how to react so I ignore it
>He does it again
>Now he's spouting crap about how I'm so cool for not caring if people touch my breasts
>Inwardly crying and wishing my Mom was here
>Afraid he's going to rape me
>He's 6'4 and over 300lbs so he would overpower me in an instant
>He follows me to the front of the school when I say my Mom is here to pick me up
>I walk to and from school
>Thankfully his Mother picks him up seconds after we head outside
>Immediately start running home to tell my Mother
>Someone from the club had given him my number
>Sends texts constantly asking for sexual gratification
>Tell Mother and Grandfather about neckbeard
>Grandfather is a loud, Hispanic man
>Grandfather tears him a new asshole via phonecall and threatens to report him to police
>Neckbeard is 18 and I've got evidence of him trying to get me to have sex with him
>Neckbeard flips his shit and stops messaging me
>I move schools and never go to an anime club again
Guys, please raise your kids to not be complete fuck-ups like I was. Pic related, its me when I was 13.

>> No.7942512


you were either poor to begin with, uneducated, or from some remote area of africa. Even if the worse shit holes upper and middle classes live in relative comfort, which is better than having nothing in the US.

>> No.7942514

>French prepositions are usually retarded as hell

> all prepositions are usually retarded as hell


>> No.7942527

>Accuses someone of getting their info from Fox News
>gets info from facebook trending tab

>> No.7942612

Right, just because I have the right credentials, you now proceed to attack my intelligence. Fuck off, we know who's the person who doesn't know shit here.

>> No.7942614

Why do you trip?

>> No.7942622


> your intelligence

You are saying it, not me. Uneducated doesn't mind not smart anon, but that you didn't go to school.

>> No.7942627

that's even worse
I've had it for 5 years

>> No.7942683
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>> No.7942709

Ride the rails hobo-loli... ride the rails.

>> No.7942737

Fandom can be considered worse though

>Jawn and tons and tons of fetishes/memes.
>Fandom has sent bomb threats to the lady who played as Mary from the third season.

>> No.7942776

>says I look just like this character he really loves, and I should defiently cosplay her

You, the fact that this sort of conversation is so rampant at conventions makes me certain that the success rate of getting laid is significant enough for them to keep using it as a pick-up line.

So when I think of the sad, lonely, probably teenage girl at a con that actually falls for this and puts out it makes it even worse.

>> No.7942799

The Sherlock fandom is the absolute worst out of all of them. Seriously, I hate those fuckers. Especially with how they treat Benedict Cumberbatch and they fawn over the mediocre writing of Stephen Moffat.
It's just awful. I hate them.

>> No.7942813

>Senior year of high school
>Just hanging out with my friends in the cafeteria, drawing in my sketchbook. Not even anime, just a portrait.
>Seemingly normal girl runs up to me with her sketchbook.
>"Haha yeah I don't really use it though..."
>We exchange usernames and she goes away.
>Couple of nights later, I'm bored. I remember she gave me her username and decide to check it out, she might be pretty good.
>Osmosis Jones yaoi.
> "X3" faces everywhere.
>Osmosis Jones yaoi.
>Goes to extreme lengths to avoid her until graduation.

>> No.7942817

You don't live off base yet? Top kek

>> No.7942825

Sherlock is not even that good, it would have been an okay show to watch when you have nothing else to do but nooo the fandom had to go and fuck everything up. Those people are atrocious and need to hop off Moffat's dick.

>> No.7942833

>Omsosis Jones yaoi
And that's it for me, see you all tomorrow.

>> No.7942839
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>> No.7942842

Ugh same. I refuse to discuss either of these series with some of my friends. They're just too weird/weeb about them for me.

>> No.7942846

This mystifies me as to why grown adults act like this. I'm sorry but if you're over the age of 16 (18 if you want to be generous 21 if you're feeling god-like generousity) and still do this shit I tend to write you off in my head as a lost cause.

>> No.7942892

I feel the same way anon. For some reason the Sherlock fandom is either full of autistic weebs, people like I mentioned in >>7942737 or elitist attention whores who either write really shitty stories and fawn over them/circle jerk them with the fans or complain about how this person isn't writing lel top writing but does nothing about it/gives them good comments about said shitty writing/gives shitty critics.

I used to be part of the fandom and the Supernatural/Doctor who but grew tired of it.

>ACD long time Sherlock fan.

>> No.7942977

>>Fandom has sent bomb threats to the lady who played as Mary from the third season.

sauce plz

>> No.7942986

You know, this might be a stretch, but maybe it's possible that they're just saying that as a genuine compliment?

>> No.7942989


>> No.7943004

>One girl jumps on one of the guy's back.
>Yells "Yip!Yip!"
I'm fucking dying

>> No.7943020

there's shota john fanfictions
they find cucumbersnatch attractive
they are autistic fangirl-tier obsessed to a point where actress who portrays Mary got death threats because she would be wrecking their ongoing homo romance
the only part of the fandom I can almost tolerate is greaserlock (and don't ask me how I found out about it) because they seem to at least do some research about the period and it's fun to see how they wrote stories set in the 50s and how their little SJW brains handled 50s homophobia

>> No.7943025

Hooyah SAPR?

>> No.7943046

Better than me. I can barely tolerate any of it, especially the A/B/O or whatever the hell it is.

I will admit that I used to write John and Sherlock fanfiction but I never considered it a canon pairing nor did I weeb out like how a majority of the Sherlock fandom does with John/Sherlock. I never finished most of it because English isn't my best language and I felt embarrassed due to the negative comments from said bad grammar.

Supernatural is just as scary with all of the Dean/Sam shippers.

>> No.7943092

You can't really SARC someone about stuff like that, as much as people talk about harassment, nothing's done about it on a peer to peer level. I had someone in my shop try to pressure me into a booty call the night before he left on deployment and I was told to ignore him and not do an official report because of his deployment. The only time anyone cares is if it was "hold you down" rape or someone who out ranks you. from what I've seen anyway.

>> No.7943104

Also, have you noticed how high the concentration of autism is in the Navy? (Just noticed your name) I mean the AF is a bunch nerds too, but the navy guys are the ones who are the most obnoxious about it. I'm jelly of how much fun you guys have.

>> No.7943222

Funny how the people who flip their shit over threats sent to video game "developers" never seem to agitate about stuff like this.