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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 686 KB, 944x2856, ugky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8043291 No.8043291 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Seagulls! I recently took a brief trip to Japan. I stayed in a hostel with some other tourists and had a great time. Anyhow, I brought a lot of my Jfashion with me. It's all good, brand name stuff. I had some Lolita coords and a gyaru outfit, and I also wore fake nails with gems. Anyhow, this black girl who shared the hostel with me also was into Jfashion. On the last few days of our trip, we decided to wear out lolita coords and gyaru around Tokyo. I noticed that a lot of people were giving us some evil looks, especially with the lolita coords. Some people were even laughing. Regardless of the dirty looks, EVERYONE was staring at us. These coords were adorable, we really do understand the fashion, so that couldn't have been it. It made me think that it had something to do with my friend being black, or that they were mad about none-Japanese were wearing the fashion. What's your experiences with racism in Japan, /cgl/?

>> No.8043297

Japanese gyaru get dirty looks, what the fuck were you expecting

>black girl literally looks like a stripper
>standing dead center in a busy walkway to take a photo
>why are these people looking at us :(

Go cry about it somewhere else.

>> No.8043302

It's Japan. While they're more used to white tourists. Black tourists stick out even more and are more of a novelty. Eye catching fashion like Lolita + black girl. It's not surprising at all.

>> No.8043307

wtf did u expect

>> No.8043321
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I love these.

>> No.8043338

Japan is one of the most xenophobic countries out there, so I'm honestly not surprised.

>> No.8043345


>> No.8043355

My friend walked with her japanice boyfriend, hand in hand, after a date in tokyo and some guy on the street handled him a flyer saying "keep the japanice race clean". She is natrually blond and blue eyed.

>> No.8043360

That's hilarious. I've heard about blonde haired/blue eyed people being fawned over in Japan before though for their novelty.

>> No.8043367

She explains about it in this video.


>> No.8043369

To be honest, yeah, it was probably because she's black. I've been to Tokyo and gotten nothing but nice reactions from people while wearing lolita, but I'm short, naturally dark-haired, and generally wear dark wigs anyway so I guess I don't stick out like a sore thumb to the extent that a black girl or a tall redhead would or something.

>> No.8043371

Because lolita and gyaru are Japanese *alternative* fashions - and Japanese culture is incredibly conformist. What you're wearing isn't normalfag stuff there any more than it's normalfag stuff here, of course people are going to laugh and stare. And yeah, Japan is xenophobic and you're both foreign, it's not just to do with your friend being black it's also to do with you being white. They may even have thought you were both foreign prostitutes working illegally

Afaik from my friends that have been there (one was doing car modelling, so her experience is probably biased) you get fawned over until you actually want to stay long-term in Japan. Like, guys wanna sleep with you/have you as a short term partner like some sort of trophy but you definitely aren't the sort of girl their family wants them to bring home.

>> No.8043373

I hate this girl so much, she looks like a fucking inbred rat. She's so ugly.

>> No.8043375


It's a love hate thing, I think white people are more of a fetish in Japan for most. Like yeah, they wanna fuck some Europeans and have biracial children maybe, but Japan master race and all that. White folks are "exotic".

I was actually just talking to a Chinese exchange student, and she said her dream was to have a child with Caucasian features, however she also said she never wanted to date or marry one.

>> No.8043379
File: 624 KB, 585x741, 1420243075983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It was because you looked odd- none of the people in your picture are wearing things like the two of you- and you both just make a scene in the subway. The abnormality of your clothes plus drawing attention to yourselves will make people stare.

>> No.8043384

Because in Japan blonde girls are seen as easy sluts you just fuck for fun

>> No.8043385


>people who think that Lolita or Gyaru are super normal in Japan just cause the fashions come from Japan

You do realize they're not what people over there usually wear, right? They're gonna look at you just as people look at you back home when you wear Lolita.

But yeah, Japan is pretty xenophobic so, not surprised.

>> No.8043391
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Picture related is how a lot of Japanese tend to feel. I wouldn't call it racist, though. People in the west like to throw that word around a lot without considering what it means.

>> No.8043396
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She looks like Goob from Meet the Robinsons.

>> No.8043398

Gtfo, Mira. No one likes you.

>> No.8043400

Is she honestly claiming that Japan is less racist than the West? Truly? No. If you're planning to live in Japan full-time as a foreigner, it is very difficult to make a life, even if you speak fluent Japanese, not because people "hate" you or whatever, but because they see you as a temporary visitor and will never accept you as a part of their country.

>> No.8043404

What the hell is Mira? I just found that video and thought it was related to this.

I don't know personally because I never been to Japan.

>> No.8043409


She's a dumb cunt, don't take any of her advice seriously. She's also been known to self post on the chans.

>> No.8043410
File: 111 KB, 228x218, miranda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what? Hey, Mira.

>> No.8043414

And as wonderful as your outfit may be, your stopping to take pictures in a public transportation center.

That is rude. Don't do that, take your selfies in a park. You were more then likely drawing undue attention to yourself.

Eh, Japan isn't racist really to tourists. They are one of the nicest countries. Toward Okinawa and more rural areas you'll run into racism.

Not really in Tokyo though, no more then seeing someone tattooed with swastikas head to toe here in the states.

They get weird about foreigners living over there though. They love to have you visit but would hate for you to stay.

It is really hard to immigrate to Japan for this reason.

>> No.8043415

You mean "who".
>not sure if extremely new or just mira with her typical samefagging and horrible english

>> No.8043417


Also, were you talking loudly? Laughing?

That is also rude, don't do that.

>> No.8043420


Oh well I honestly didn't know so thanks for telling me. I just googled Japan's issue with foreigners or whatever on YT and found that so I just assumed she knew her stuff.

Again I never been to Japan and I don't know who Mira is so it would be stupid for me to just go up and say "Yeah Japan is racist!" just because of some salty white people and random rumors.

>> No.8043421

Guys, srsly? This is Yukapon.

>> No.8043423


She is, isn't she...

>> No.8043428


b-but poc people can't be xenophobic!! they're oppressed minorities!! there's no such thing as racism against white people!!11!!

>> No.8043430

cgl is full of newfags now I guess

>> No.8043433

I never actually said that I was the person in the picture. :/ I'm surprised people thought so lol.

>> No.8043436

It is actually one of my pet fucking peeves when people act like the Japanese are oppressed little babbies. NO. Throughout history, they have CONSISTENTLY been the oppressors. Unless you're counting Japanese-Americans, in which case fair enough, but the country of Japan doesn't need SJWs saving it.

>> No.8043437
File: 13 KB, 180x180, 135470927739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome newfriend :^D

>> No.8043440

They're only racist to people who think that preserving your ethnic heritage is racist. (Which most people in the west do).

>> No.8043441
File: 56 KB, 495x730, 1414813896196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I giggled

>> No.8043442


And they fucking hate it when westerns try to play white knights with them, honestly.

This reminds me of that time someone posted an article on Tumblr about how a company in Japan had to remove an advert that basically made fun of white people (doing "whiteface", is that an actual term?), and Tumblr's response was "they deserve it!!!1!! white ppl suckz omfg see how it feels hahaha racism against white ppl is not real!!111!"

>> No.8043444

Being white in the big Japanese cities is kinda fun because everyone expects you to act like a puppy that can also speak. So it's a great holiday destination. Esp. if you're white but not American.
Trying to be taken seriously or live there is a whole other story though.

>> No.8043446 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8043451

I wonder how they would have reacted if that ad had been them doing blackface. Their heads probably would have exploded from the confusion,

>> No.8043454
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>> No.8043462

You do realize that you'd get the same exact looks back home right? If anything, you two are the racists in Japan.

>> No.8043463

I was about to defend op but you're right.
Reminds me of the "Loud American Tourist" - not just style of talk, but the Hawaiian shirt, flashing camera, interrupting people etc. OP may not be doing this exactly, but loud jfashion and getting overexcited on your holiday can be overwhelming to a more generally reserved country.

>> No.8043465


They would blame it on white people spreading hatred of niggers through the world and blah blah blah (Because whites are the ONLY race to have conflicts with Africans, right?)

>> No.8043466

If that's the same girl that i'm thinking of then she's an asshole.

But people are going to stare at people who look out of the ordinary (just like in any other city) but i don't think Japan see's a lot of black people/ non-white tourists etc.

I'm sure someone has already said what i have.

>> No.8043469

>implying little old Korean people aren't the most virulently anti-black people to walk the earth
Yeah, but it's all whitey's fault, everyone knows they love us.

>> No.8043470

In addition to generally weird alternative fashion, it might have something to do with how your friend is exposed. Despite what fashion magazines convey, japanese women really don't wear microshorts or tight shorts/tops or expose their cleavage (if they have one lol) very often. Especially not in the winter.

>> No.8043475

I agree with this, it's the same thing Amerifats (and Canadians, Amerifats in denial) do when they come to Europe and are faced with something that isn't squeaky clean and PC like in their home country.
>Zwarte Piet is raaayycis!
>omg TITTIES! LOOK AWAY! Those crazy Europeans!
>Being anything but constantly nice to someone who is not white means you're oppressing them!
>Everyone has a right to your own country except for you, because you're a nasty white oppressor!
>It's your fault that you're unemployed because you're lazy and white! Check your privilege!
I wonder how they never whine about places like Saudi Arabia where there's actual oppression but come here to lecture us on what's proper. Oh yeah I forgot - it's all right if he ain't white!
sjws are cancer

>> No.8043476

That's certainly not my experience, the ladies were wearing all kinds of teeny shorts and skirts in the extreme cold when I was in Tokyo. Usually after dark but certainly during the day too.

>> No.8043479

that's bullshit, they wear all kinds of short shorts and skirts.
The thing that's lewd is exposing the shoulders and cleavage.

>> No.8043486

Europeans are the god kings of social justice bullshit and being offended by things, just saying. It's literally illegal to be racist over there.

>> No.8043491

I can understand the accusations of racism are bogus, but what about sexism in Japan? it seems a lot of women in Japan aren't happy with it either

>> No.8043499

That really only applies to countries like Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the Nordic countries. Your average European is way more racist than your average American, and I say that as a European.

>> No.8043500

Yeah, it's one of those weird things where at least to me it seems like most individual men aren't sexist but the system and expectations are totally sexist.
Society tells women that when they get married they must be a perfect house wife and quit their jobs, so women just never get married rather than doing anything to change that broad expectation.

>> No.8043502

Maybe in Sweden and the UK (and even then), but not the rest of Europe.
But go ahead, tell me all about my country since Americans know everything better than people who have lived here for 20+ years.
The people who get buttmad over cosplaying people of a different race and blackface are 99% of the time North Americans.

>> No.8043514

And as an American, I've heard all to many Eurofags bitching about us being racist for me to believe you.
>>weh weh u killed the injuns
>>omg the way u tread black people when they were your slaves!
>>ignorant rednecks hating on mexicans! u have no culture and they bring it to u!
It's only okay when they're racist, basically.

>> No.8043523

Are most women doing that? Not that I blame them, if my choices were "work 80 hours a week and possibly commit suicide" and "be a housewife" that would be a hard choice and I fucking hate housewifing

>> No.8043524

But then you're admitting they ARE racist. I'm not saying this as a badge of honour, I don't think it's good to be racist, it's just true that most Europeans are pretty racist people. They say that stuff about Americans just to piss you guys off because they don't like you.

>> No.8043525

That's because you're annoying egotards mostly, not because anyone's actually offended.

>> No.8043527
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Some times (more so in the shopping districts) but then they're still usually not skin tight like the girl in OP's pic. When japanese women wear microshorts and minis they've usually got plenty of ease, are partially covered by a shirt or sweater, or are paired with tights. Do you see anyone in the background of OP's pic with exposed legs?

I only say this because after living in Japan for a few months I recall doing an involuntary double-take at a woman wearing denim hot pants and a tight tank top with no other coverings (who I immediately identified as a foreigner based on these things first, and her apparent race second). It's remarkable how quickly I became alienated from styles that are entirely commonplace in my home country, the US. I think it's a weight thing too though; somehow a skinny girl in tight clothes isn't considered as "scandalous" as a chubbier or curvier woman in tight clothes because the former doesn't have as much... junk to display.

>> No.8043530

*not that I blame them if they don't

>> No.8043531

(Pic related is to demonstrate what i mean about most shorts having ease)

>> No.8043539
File: 1.24 MB, 320x240, 56745747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations OP, you are officially a delusional crazy bitch lmao

>> No.8043545
File: 342 KB, 1000x1414, japan_winter_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the look I associate with Tokyo girls in winter. It's certainly not skin tight booty shirts but it is tighter and shorter than your pic.

>> No.8043547


Be more specific. North American women. They are in-fucking-sufferable. That's why the ugly bitches in the OP were getting dirty looks in Japan - NO ONE like American women.

>> No.8043548

All those places are battling racism right now tho, it might be illegal but everyone's scratching their heads wondering what really is racist and actually are allowing a great deal, mainly cus we are afraid to hurt feelings.

>> No.8043552


>> No.8043553

fuck off with miradog bait...

>> No.8043555

To be fair, they were probably fat, at least in Japanese eyes.

>> No.8043557

For real? Europe has always thought themselves to be superior to everyone else in the world, hence the imperialism. Now, they're bitching about the people who come from places they've taken over and ruined entering their own country? Karma is a bitch, huh? I'm glad Africans are finally driving them to extinction, serves them right.

>> No.8043562

Yeah, that's a good point. Europe invades everywhere else, people finally invade them back, wuuh muh country muh heritaeg

>> No.8043565

>Dat generalisation
Plenty of countries in Europe that were the invaded rather than the invaders, mine being one of them.

>> No.8043576
File: 628 KB, 300x169, academyawards5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this ladies and gents.. is why we have domestic violence. Please, let us thank OP for making it all possible

>> No.8043581

/pol/ pls go, you're boring.

>> No.8043582

I'm a Slav, not only were we invaded more times than you can count but we're also poorer than many of the "oppressed" people in North America and Western Europe and people are actually casually racist towards us a lot;
but that's okay, because my blue eyes and blonde hair mean I need to check my privilege!
At this point I don't really care if people call me racist, it's become such an overused buzzword and it means nothing.

>> No.8043585


>> No.8043587

Often by other Europeans, though.

>> No.8043589

Sure, but that doesn't mean we should take the heat for those Europeans when they fucked us over.

>> No.8043590

Not going to turn this into a America VS Europe argument, but that's what happens when you keep the countries you control's population alive instead of exterminating them like Murrica did with the Indians.
Plus usually inmigrants from ex-colonies or countries with historical ties in general are not frowned up upon as much as inmigrants from other unrelated countries are. At least in my country anyways, but that's due to emigration to ex-colonies during the 20th century and other stuff.

>> No.8043591

Even in Japan it is alternative fashion. There is a reason everyone goes to harajuku/wherever else they go. In most places the jfashions we know arent any more accepted than they are in other parts of the world. It isn't because of your race, it is because they think you are dressed like freaks. You see anyone else there with remotely "kawaii" or alternative outfits? Those are normalfags. They will not understand you, they will stare. Not everything is about race, if you dress weird expect people to stare at you!
Also I am just going to point out that the angry looking girl whose face you blew up is actually just chewing a bite of food, not grimacing at you. You can see her carrying the sandwich in her hand (Although I thought it was the height of bad manners to eat while walking in Japan?)

>> No.8043593

Everyone invades everyone.
look at mongolia, that shit once invaded china

>> No.8043595

but that's still not as tight or short as what the black woman in op's photo is wearing, nor has she got a large cleavage sticking out. And again, I think it's a body type thing. you don't see chubby girls in tokyo with their thighs hanging out.

>> No.8043596

>implying domestic violence is a problem
Domestic violence wasn't actually a problem until hysterical feminists made it into one.

>> No.8043598

Mongolia is still a country? Really?

>> No.8043599

>implying I implied it as a problem and not an unfortunate solution

>> No.8043601

Yeah, I'm sure the people glaring at her FROM BEHIND are really concerned with the cleavage they can't even see. Face it, it's just another "white/asians do it = classy, if brown people do it it's ghetto" end of story.

>> No.8043602

Dude yes, it is

>> No.8043604

Look at what you niggers did to Africa and tell me that shit wasn't evil. This goes beyond war and conquest, you forced your culture on them, drained it of everything it's worth, and set up colonies with the intent on destroying the natives and spreading your own world view. Fuck you for not owing up to your shit, seriously.

>> No.8043609

>American education

>> No.8043610

Why does Europe keep trying to blame us for killing the indians? We killed some, but Spain was responsible for the mass extinction.

>> No.8043613
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>> No.8043615

And even they still have a culture
>unlike you

>> No.8043616 [DELETED] 

Btw, to that person to told me me to ">>>/pol/"
I'm not this guy >>8043604 and I have nothing to do with that board whatsoever

>> No.8043617

I don't understand how this got so far off topic so quickly. They're being glared at because they're taking a picture in horrible spot most likely.

>> No.8043618

You going out dressed like that is basically the equivalent of how you treat weeaboos here. I'm a lolita myself but there is no way I would take it to japan with me to wear.

>> No.8043619

Btw, to that person who told me to ">>>/pol/"
I'm not this guy >>8043604 and I have nothing to do with that board whatsoever

>> No.8043620

Most faces are just your generic resting faces in op's pic

>> No.8043621

It's /cgl/. In public girls put on a facade of niceties to protect their reputations, here they can just let all their bitchy thoughts out as soon as they enter their heads. It's a miracle we ever make it past the first reply.

>> No.8043622

>caring what random Japs you'll never interact with on a meaningful level think of you
I don't give a shit, I buy brand in Tokyo, I'm gonna wear it there.

>> No.8043632

Mreh, Europe is washed up and the days of glorious empires are over. All they have left to cling to is "muh history and culture", but their birth rates are so low, and immigration is so high, that they wont even have that to fall back on in a few decades.

>> No.8043639

Just don't cry about being mistreated.

>> No.8043644

Yeah, we went all the way up to North America and killed 'em all with viruela-infected blankets.

South American indians (by that I mean the ones in the territories which belonged to Spain) weren't massacred to extintion. Their empires were destroyed (some fell before the Spanish arrived) but they were pretty much enslaved and used as workforce. Soon afterwards the church, which had a huge influence in 16th century Spain, decided they had to be taught catholic dogma, and they began to integrate themselves in Spanish society from there onwards, intermarriage started becoming common, etc. Heck, even if you don't want to believe me, would you think Spain would still have ties to the South American countries if it had killed its entire native population? Do you honestly think Spanish emigrants would have been welcomed there during the 20th century, like they were? Hell no. They were treated like shit, but they were not massacred.

>> No.8043648

Everyone was very nice to me when I was over, even if they were laughing at me behind my back. As long as they're not literally assaulting me, I'm good.

>> No.8043651

> Taking things out of context because you want to be entitled about wearing your precious burando.
Didn't say you couldn't wear it, just letting you know you look like a fuckwit foreigner doing it.

>> No.8043652

Pretty much this. I also see a lot of "oh shit, someone's taking a photo and I'm in the way. Why are they taking a photo here? Fuck. What do I do? Do I move? is it too late? Where do I go? Fuck this is really awkward"

>> No.8043653

I'm going to look like a fuckwit foreigner regardless, I'm white.

>> No.8043660

Embrace it! Just smile a lot and apologise profusely when you vaguely think you've done something wrong and there is nothing that anyone will hold ill will on you for. It's like being a spoilt 5 year old, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.8043661

>>95% of the indigenous population of the Americas killed before 1618
>>Direct result of European contact
>>America wasn't a country until 1783
>>we didn't do nuffin honest!

>> No.8043663

Yeah that's what I see too. I live and work in a touristy city and I'm sure there's lots of pictures of me making annoyed faces and trying to get out of the way in people's pictures when they stop for photos in a strange or busy spot.

>> No.8043676

You know that would have to do with illnesses spreading, not with genocide, right?
When you take viruses from Europe (like smallpox) to America where people's inmune system has 0 protection against them people die, y'know, just like colonies succumbed to American illnesses. It's true America's population collapsed (it's contained in actual data from that era) but it doesn't have to do with genocide, which was a typically English hobby. Hell, they organised Native hunts and deriberately gave them smallpox-infected blankets, which is actually documented in registries.

>> No.8043677

You do realize 90% of S-A indians died of European diseases the Spanish carried with them? Not an intentional genocide, but the outcome was near the same.

>> No.8043702


>> No.8043705

Have fun, fuckwit foreigner who is choosing to be even more of a fuckwit by putting a big "I'm a fuckwit" sign on their forehead.
Don't cry mommy when you get judged and denied.

>> No.8043706

I already said I've been there and it was fine, but thanks for the concern.

>> No.8043708
File: 42 KB, 450x450, 6d7454cea6644379adc7e529c5790a28078a2823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread needs to do a specific thing

And it's not build a snowman

>> No.8043718
File: 51 KB, 599x416, Bef6O4bCEAAiZpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP where did you get that pic from? I'm familiar with the girl in your picture and she lives in japan in fact she's a member of black Diamond. This seems like bait..

>> No.8043722

OP's already said the picture isn't her, she was just using it as an example.

>> No.8043724

Lolita and gyaru aren't normal clothes, both look horrible and people obviously are going to think you're a fucktard for dressing like an oversized toddler.

>> No.8043726


>> No.8043727

isn't that black girl a lolcow? I vaguely remember people making fun of her because Black Diamond barely tolerated her and she just kind of awkwardly hung onto them.

>> No.8043746


>> No.8043749

watch a shitty kike movie?

>> No.8043763

You're the one who's fucking butthurt about your shitty weeb fashion being insulted. Truth hurts waaaaa

>> No.8043770

>says one word

>> No.8043774

She steals money, tries to fuck people's boyfriends, doesn't speak japanese, was fishing around on Craigslist for marriage so she could get a spouse visa (would up marrying a US military guy, have fun moving to the next base not in Japan in a year or two!), scammed a bunch of people on sales, worked illegally as a sexworker, is a manipulative liar, etcetera

>> No.8043783

>>accuses someone of crying for not liking your autistic fashion
>>Getting this mad
That person was just stating their opinion. No one cares about your nasty chink clothes enough to cry about it, quit projecting weeb.

>> No.8043791

Black girl here. I stayed in Japan for 3 months and people in Tokyo were extremely kind to me. Only place I got dirty looks were Kyoto, and even then, those were just some people, and most were nice to me. That being said, I wore plain clothes while I was there the whole time. Japanese people aren't used to seeing dark skinned people, and although (obviously) jfashion is common and more accepted in Japan, people will definitely notice if you're dressed extravagantly. And as others has pointed out, you're making a scene in the middle of a public place and taking pictures. All of these combined, and no shit you're going to attract attention. Is there racism in Japan? Yes. Is that why y'all were getting weird looks? Maybe, but probably not.

>> No.8043804

i dont even wear gyaru girl you just need to chill lol

>> No.8043806

Is Kyoto that much more conservative than Tokyo?

>> No.8043807

I believe Japanese gyaru also get dirty looks most places- and well, the fashion you two were wearing isn't normal Japanese fashion. It's alt. fashion. Most Japanese people do not wear lolita, gyaru, mori, fairy-kei, ect. I think if you were walking around like, Shibuya you'd be more accepted, but anywhere else... no. I think it's fairly inappropriate to wear those styles anywhere else but Shibuya and probably Akiba. I feel like it's nearly on par with cosplay, it's.. not a normal, everyday thing, and some Japanese people may have misconceptions about the fashion just as westerners may have.

And you probably got even more attention because you are foreigners, and your black friend got MORE attention because black people are even rarer than white people are in Japan.

Some of those people who appeared to be giving you "evil" looks may not have even meant to come off that way, it could have been just bewilderment at two foreigners dressed up in a strange, bold fashion.

Did I take bait?? Who knows. (((Probably.)))

>> No.8043821

>ITT: People from other countries telling what goes on in other countries but never live there nor have any long term experience there outside of books and media.

>> No.8043827

You probably did something. I'm mexican, and when I visited with some friends people were extremely nice - the weirdest thing was people asking if they could practice spanish, and nobody did so in an offputting way.

>> No.8043828

Okay now we know pol is in the building

Quick to the burando bunker

>> No.8043834

A bit. Surprisingly, there are quite a few immigrants in Tokyo. Nigerians and Indians are what I tended to see. Because of that, Tokyo citizens seem to be more used to seeing people of color. When I was in Kyoto, however, I saw very few people of color. I noticed maybe one black guy when I was there. The farther away you get from Tokyo, the less minorities you see, it seems.

>> No.8043846

A bit offtopic but less offtopic than other things in this thread:
Is it rude to smile at strangers in japan? I do this unconsciously when I'm happy but I don't want to come off as uncultured gaijin pig.

>> No.8043851

Good bait OP, everyone seems thoroughly rustled.

As a black girl who went to Tokyo and had a great time...yeah, this thread seems silly.

People were super nice, will want to practice their English with you, etc. If you even speak the smallest bit of Japanese they applaud you. On my way to the airport, a man helped me with my luggage as I was getting off the train, I totally had it too, but it was just a nice gesture.

People will stare at you because guess what? You're a foreigner, this goes for all foreigners all the time, so get used to it! No one was ever rude or mean to me, period.

>> No.8043852

Seconding this. I have bad smile mask from working at a hospital.

>uncultured from bumfuck murica

>> No.8043854

Honestly, the only country that smiles at strangers is the USA. Unless you are interacting with other people, it's weird and off putting.

>> No.8043857


nah, latin americans do it too.

> say "hi" to an stranger
> hug like if you've been friends for a lifetime

>> No.8043858

How the hell do you know this? Have you been to every country in the world and seen the locals? Stop stereotyping USA. I know the USA is shit but damn it's annoying when I hear "LOL USA is the fattest country in the world," when the UK has cheeseburger Pizza hut and Mexico is fat too.

Unless you live here shut up and stop talking shit. I don't talk shit about Europe or Asia.

>> No.8043861

Well, Japanese people try not to make eye contact. But if you do, it's better to give a slight bow of your head! I usually did that and gave a small smile with my bow, and people were okay with that. Plus... many usually assume most foreigners are American, and one stereotype they have about Americans is that Americans are VERY friendly! So if you do smile at people, no one will probably think anything of it. "Oh it's just a friendly American!" Not many will be like, "Oh WOW how uncultured of them, what a gaijin pig."

>> No.8043868

I mean, that style of gyaru was made to imitate black girls anyway, wasn't it?

So when a black girl does it it really is just being ghetto.

>> No.8043875

Nope,I'm from Germany.

Thank you,that's pretty helpful! Are there any other codes of behaviour I need to know on the streets of japan?

>> No.8043878

Touchy touchy - I'm not even sure what you're defending. I'm from the US and this is what I've found. Most cultures don't smile at random people. From an evolutionary standpoint it's a sign of submissiveness, but socially it's often perceived as being a dishonest gesture, showing you have something to hide. I've traveled a hell of a lot and I've yet to find another area where people just smile at others without another motive.

>> No.8043883

The fatness one is backed by the OECD indexes isn't it? Usually it's US, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand etc. in the top 5...

>> No.8043888

>I'm one person who went to one small part of one big city so clearly I know my shit

Tokyo doesn't count. Try going outside of such a city and you'll be singing a different tune.

>> No.8043901

They don't like loud tourists and unfortunately there are a lot of teenagers/young adults who want to be quirky and cool and show off their alternative japanese fashion on their blogs by going overseas. It seems like a lot of natives also get annoyed when foreigners do the "I don't like this because in my country we do it this way" kind of thinking. But if you're polite, moderately fluent in Japanese and willing to eat their food and follow their customs it'll be a great experience.

>> No.8043907


Never said I was an authority on the topic??? But I'm tired of people going "omg japan is so racist and mean". And as you clearly just said yourself, there are different places to be in Japan, it is not Japan as a whole.

I could see why people in the country could be more stand offish with foreigners as there are probably fewer around, but I doubt it's the majority, and I also doubt it's as dramatic as some people are making it out to be.

With that being said, anyone got any accounts of full on rudness/assault in Japan because you were a foreigner? I'm genuinely curious to hear other experiences.

>> No.8043914

>The only country that smiles at strangers is the USA

I'm just annoyed with people talking about any country like they know what it is or think that one country is a special snowflake. Europe, Africa, USA, doesn't matter. I my friend comes from the Philippines and he tells me that despite being a poor country they smile and are generally friendly. Now am I going to say the whole country smiles as a whole/people in general? No. Or that the country as a whole is nice as hell? No.

I don't like my shitty country. I don't care if you talk shit but things like that just rustles my jimmies. In face in the city I live in we don't smile at strangers.

USA is part of the fatness but it annoys me when people say that everyone from America is fat like it's so rare to see a skinny person or that Australia and Mexico don't suffer from the same problem either.

>> No.8043915

Well normal people tend to look down on grown women acting like children, no matter what they are wearing

>> No.8043921

>*I mean
>Generally friendly towards tourists and non locals.

God dammit typos.

>> No.8043934

Other pars of Europe=/= the whole world.
People from Europe generally have...
1. A chip off their shoulder
2. A superiority complex
People in lots of countries around the world smile at strangers and are a lot more friendly, most people in Europe think themselves too high for friendly interaction with strangers is all.

>> No.8043949

What the fuck? Isn't a "person of color" a none-white? Is everyone in Tokyo white now? Tumblr u cray.

>> No.8043975

>Please stop. The 13th Amendment makes it illegal to own niggas like this

>> No.8043989

This. Been to Japan a few times, the first time I was super weeb, but the last time I knew where was okay to wear my Lolita and where wasn't. I stuck to areas already populated with Lolitas, and even then dialed my Lolita back a little bit from what I would wear here. Being tall, and not very small (I'm a bit below national average for an American, which is still enormous for most Asian countries) and most importantly being white, was already a huge attention draw, even in the most understated, unassuming clothes.

I'm brunette, but my travel companions were blonde and blue-eyed, and they got lots of stares, even people pointing, taking pictures. My black friend who was enormous (over 6ft tall and built like a linebacker) had children actively point and scream and run away from him.

Japan is pretty xenophobic and pretty homogenized. Anything out of the ordinary is boggled at.

>> No.8044002

Europe is a lot of countries.
Here in Sweden people smile to strangers quite often.
it's really strange to hear Europe this and Europe that, it's not one country.

>> No.8044017

Sorry, I meant none Japanese people of color.
I'm not even from tumblr, chill.

>> No.8044032

Most non-Japanese people Deeply Into j-fashions are aware of it being unusual in japan. Op sounds like newb. There are places near shibuya and harajuku where you can go to change into lolita,fairy-kei, Gyaru,etc because girls don't want to be on the train wearing it. Most experienced girls have thicker skin too and aren't phased by stares ,weird looks ,or even pictures taken from them.

. It would be very weeb of you to only care about their options just because there Japanese when your willing to do the exact same thing in your own country and not even consider opinions.

>> No.8044063

youre fucking ignorant, OP. Japan isn't anything like your weeb fantasy.

>> No.8044085

I think Americans (and I'm from the USA but this is a general guess) have a hard time seeing Europe as different countries because our country is so big. I'm living in California, so the East coast is a couple thousand miles away and probably feels as far as Spain would to you. The culture is pretty different in different parts of the US, culture in the South is vastly different from the west and east coasts. >>8044017

This is just a guess, sorry if I offended anyone.

>> No.8044086

Sorry, didn't mean to quote >>8044063
I mis-clicked

>> No.8044088

>we dressed like attention whores

>> No.8044090

After reading this thread my wish to work in Japan for my company for some time crashed.
Welp, maybe a going on a holiday trip someday..

>> No.8044110

is this person pretending to be yukapon?

>> No.8044116

Kek, where do you think "modern" Americans come from? You're all European Immigrants, unless you're native American.

>> No.8044126

No, she's already said she and her friend aren't the girls in OP pic, I don't know why people keep assuming that.

>> No.8044127

Have you ever been to Europe before? There's like 20+ countries here, which are vastly different from each other. I've traveled most of my surrounding countries, and I've been really shocked by how different people act sometimes.

>> No.8044162

Besides you can still see plenty of Natives in central America, when Indians in the US are now basically unicorns.

>> No.8044170

I always though gyaru was initially about emulating Californian tanned bimbos.
But I'm not into this fashion, so...

>> No.8044200

When I went to Japan (white male of 190cm height) everybody stared at me.

>> No.8044206

Gyaru is a really weird trend, but here's how a person from Japan explained it to me a few years ago.

> Black Girls in US Start Trying to 'look white' (blond hair, light makeup, ect)
> White Girl in US Start Trying to 'look black' (Fake tans, brains, 'gangster' apparel (don't hold this against me I'm just repeating))
> Overseas, the two blended together, and created Gyaru

It might be wrong, but when it was explained to me it sounded legit enough that I've remembered it.

>> No.8044207
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> *Braids not brains lol.

I'm at the 5:30 AM mark on an all-nighter.

>> No.8044213


>> No.8044214

>most people in Europe think themselves too high for friendly interaction with strangers is all

You're subscribing motives to a different culture; it's not about being "too high" - it's just not what some cultures do.

Hofstede's cultural dimension theory is worth a read if you're interested in the subject. Sadly, the wiki article doesn't really do it justice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstede%27s_cultural_dimensions_theory

>> No.8044291


>> No.8044301


>> No.8044315

Tumblr in a nutshell

>> No.8044322


And all England ever sent to the colonies in America was criminals and people they didn't want in their country anymore.

There's no such thing as a pure breed American, unless you are Native American.

>> No.8044385

I don't know if someone already mentioned this but
A) bitchface lady can't even really see what they're wearing from behind
B) have you ever taken the subway in Japan? People are on a fucking mission. If you even wobble in your walking path to get in someone's way you will get passive-aggressively bumped into or at least a shitface

I'm sure she is just really pissed at these assholes picking the worst spot ever to act like idiots. Would you take a photo posed in the middle of the street?

>> No.8044387

I say this over and over again- yes skinny girls in skimpy clothes don't look half as sexual because they lack that post-puberty oestrogen loaded thigh, boobs and ass fat (and the clothes are probably not as tight). That's why little kids and young women with stick legs don't look 'slutty' in short skirts. This is why I hate being thick when I just want to look cute like the <100lb girls I went to school with who hiked up their skirts and no one gave them detention for it. I wear mine knee length and get publically shamed.

As for the racism, fuck I get nasty comments and stares in my own home country let alone japan. Though oddly, I have had more positive responses whilst in j fash from japanese. Maybe it's a novelty thing or just them having seen something familiar. I don't expect japanese people to be totally comfortable with the two gaijin in jfash that isn't even considered normal there, nor myself.

Japan doesn't totally hate blacks though. As misguided and stereotypical as it is, have you seen b-style? What about the HUGE reggae and dancehall culture. I've been meaning to visit club cactus in Tokyo for soca night and the Yokohama steel pan festa. It was cool to see my flag being flown with enthusiam in the Youtube videos.

>> No.8044397


And hardly any taino in the lower caribbean. Stupid fuckin rumors spread that all Kalinago who didn't kiss Spanish ass were cannibals when they were practically the same tribe as Arawakans. There's still a queen elected yearly, a couple of museums and statues but other than that, native culture has faded into obscurity and Europe pretends they never existed (and they never brought over Indians and Chinese laborers as well as Africans)

>> No.8044409


Shut the fuck up. Crying about your 'slavery' when half the time it was your own people selling yourself to the white man ships...

What about the Native Americans? It is true that it was the Spanish who really messed up South America... and then our ancestors who read about it and invented biological warfare.

You know, the Spanish actually didn't mean to give the South Americans smallpox... we purposely did to the natives in North America. Trail of tears?

That shit is terrible.

>> No.8044412


And I'm sorry, I just get pissed because its like... know your history. My ancestors never kept slaves, the majority did not keep slaves here except for two families. And those families were never well liked because they were rich, pompous fuckwits.

And now everyone who lives here is all, 'Rebel pride, I hate them black folk....' Go figure.

At the same time I don't remember us ever asking the Natives if we could stay in history.

>> No.8044417

>when half the time it was your own people selling yourself to the white man ships

while this is technichally correct (black slavers sold other blacks to both whites and arabs), the slavery situation was made worse by pretty much everything the eruopeans/americans did

> let's trade using guns as coin!
> ooops they are now using guns to expands their territory and slave other tribes
> let's forbid slavery, it's immoral!
> oops other countries keep buying slaves and the prohibition made them more expensive, so now it's even more profitable
> let's return all the slaves to africa
>what do you mean they don't want to go back because they are second and third generation who have nothing in common with african cultures?

>> No.8044439

Oh those poor blacks, they are just like innocent animals. Why didn't the Europeans protect them from themselves and each other?

>> No.8044442

>"waaaaah ur ancestors did this!"
>"never mind that mine raped and pillaged everything in sight, it was totes your fault because the U.S. of A is never wrong!"
And on and on and on.

>> No.8044444

not really. It's just that we arent used to fake niceness and people invading our personal space as getting all up in our business and Americans have a talent for being annoying for that reason.
I mean fuck I work in museum and American tourists (youths) sometimes ask me how much it pays. They also talk to random people in public spaces (on the bus, train) to "interact with the locals" and those locals don't necessarily want to talk to you. Americans also get offended over anything and if you are anything but sugary sweet and kissing their arse they will call you rude.
Not to mention that many are absolutely unable to take any form of banter, even with friends, and burst into flames in ten minutes.

>> No.8044446

This is very interesting. If I were to visit Japan, I'd definately look into all these in order to "behave" appropiately. Could you suggest some links to read more about this? Like, basic japanese etiquette for foreigners or something?

>> No.8044447

That's how white women are viewed in much of Asia, in my experience. I volunteered at an animal shelter in a Southeast Asian country for six months and we constantly had native men show up at the house and proposition us for sex because they think we're all easy. The house is run almost like a convent and I'm pretty damn sure nobody has ever taken them up on it or really reacted in anything but polite disgust, but they just kept trying. Young women fawned over us but older women looked at us with disgust even when we were more modestly dressed than their own daughters. If you're a white women and you smile at a stranger you're automatically considered a huge slut.
Fortunately I managed to avoid most of the stigma, probably because they thought I was a young boy. I dressed like a boy and kept my hair short, and people were more respectful to me than to the others up until I opened my mouth and they realized I was a girl, too.

>> No.8044453

>Why didn't the Europeans protect them from themselves and each other

because Leopold of Belgium paid all the people who came to inspect Congo to say it was the best thing ever.

oh, you were being sarcastic.

>> No.8044457

you're fucking stupid. you dumb idiots talk shit and give each other the dirty eye all the time over different fucking panty patterns in some stupid status game, but you think that doesn't happen in REAL LIFE with the people who started lolita?

you're a dumb cunt.

>> No.8044465

Yeah she's not a member, she just kind of follows them around and they tolerate her/treat her like a pet.

>> No.8044466

whites were taken to arabia and india via the slave trade by the muslims invasions into spain and vienna. those whites started as slaves and ended up becoming ruling classes into the countries they were taken to.

I bet that was all because of racism too! The whites are so racist they can conquest india even as slaves!

I had no idea racism was so powerful. Thank you for educating me.

>> No.8044474

>implying domestic violence isn't a problem
fuck off /pol/ this is why all of you fuckers are single

>> No.8044476

quints for truth my man

>> No.8044478

It's obviously because your friend is a fat nigger, how do you not realize this?

>> No.8044480

I fondly remember two Americans talking really loudly on the European metro about how silent people were on the metro compared to the US. It's not like we don't talk but we don't talk so loud everyone in the damn train has to hear us.

>> No.8044481

Just wanted to point out that dressing like a twee prostitot will definitely land you more negative judgment from anybody than just being a racial minority minding their own business in public.
>inb4 but...but it's jfashion anon ;-;
Calling a spade a spade, sorry. They look like tramps.

>> No.8044498

Yup. I'm latin and I always smile. Actually not slightly smiling to strangers at least a teeny bit makes me feel rude and unkind.

>> No.8044512

You should never, ever go to Latin America then, we like to treat everyone like old friends after some minutes of conversation.

>> No.8044523

For the Independence Day this year (December, I live in Finland) I went to a friend's to celebrate. In the tram there was a gaggle of women, young adults and middle-aged, who just wouldn't shut up. They were Americans talking about their yoga classes and cardio, and girl nobody cares about your yoga classes and cardio. Everyone in the bus was visibly annoyed and kept giving them the shit eye but they got really offended when someone (from the accent they may have been a Brit or a Finn who spoke with an English accent) told them to tone it down.
It's not as if we don't talk in public transport, but we talk quietly.

To us talking loudly isn't being friendly, it's being selfish and self-absorbed. We get Italians and Spaniards talking loudly too and being social, but they aren't nearly as loud or annoying and they aren't pushy like Americans tend to be.

>> No.8044527

Yeah, mostly europeans just hate americunts. We celebrate the 4th of July because it feels like we dodged a bullet.

>> No.8044532

I love when amerifags act like Europe is one homogenous culture because their idea of diversity is being a different colour and saying 'y'all' a lot.

>> No.8044538

You know Africa isn't just mud huts and starving children, right?

Oh wait you're american, of course you don't.

I guess you've also never heard of Liberia - you know, that country that is literally a tiny USA, with even more gun crime, disease, and unpleasant people?

>> No.8044541


When people from halfway across the globe understand your country's history better than you do, you have a fucking problem.

>> No.8044545

Look at this faggot in total denial about where 43.9% of the population of their country comes from.

Are we going to talk about the trail of tears? Or was that those naughty little europeans too?

>> No.8044549

>ameripoops getting butthurt
how does it feel to NOT be from the most fabulous continent on Earth?

>> No.8044551

Oh my fuck. How is it possible that you were born and raised in this country and still don't know even the most basic parts of its history?

>> No.8044553

Sorry, did you visit Japan in a time machine?

>> No.8044558

They said it wasn't Japan, it was a South-East Asian country. The reading comprehension in this thread is really top-notch.

>> No.8044567
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>knowing how to read

>> No.8044573


>> No.8044585

More like 45 countries....

>> No.8044589

and counting
>lookin at you, Bosnia
the point stands, though

>> No.8044688

Japan hates niggers

The world hates niggers

More news at 11

>> No.8044795

>hurr europe is a single entity and ttly arrogant!1
Stop embarassing yourself anon.

>> No.8044800

They think they have lots of differences, but they're really just the same fags in different form. The differences seem large only to them.

>> No.8044805

>Fake niceness

Isn't that /cgl/ in general?

>> No.8044806

That's the US, most definitely not Europe.
Amerifats are just universally hated.

>> No.8044809

/cgl/ is not nice in any shape or form

>> No.8044810

Tell me how you've traveled to every country, poor girl.

>> No.8044816

on a mobility scooter :^)

>> No.8044818

This so much. This is why gooks are always so disgusting and creepy, same shit in the middle east. The city I live in in the UK has a really high percentage of immigrants living here, and let me tell you, these fucking pigs have absolutely no respect for women and even less so if you're a white woman, and then even less if you happen to be blonde haired as I am.

Whenever I see one coming towards me down the street I actually anticipate some form of interaction from them, be it them trying to pick me up, catcalling or just leering at me. I used to be really timid about it when I first moved here but now I respond to it really aggressively, screaming and shouting and swearing at them.
Like, it makes me so fucking angry that I cannot walk the streets in my OWN FUCKING COUNTRY without enduring harassment from immigrants.

I am actually considering purchasing a survival knife and sewing a hidden pocket into my coat because I feel like I'm going to be bundled into a car one day walking home.

Even today I was doing some shopping in my local Tesco and I had some guy from Africa come over and start hitting on me, in the middle of the fucking aisle whilst I'm clutching bread, milk and salad cream. Fuck these disgusting asian piles of trash.

>> No.8044827
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he will save us

>> No.8044835

For what its worth, I think the girls in OP's pic look really cute. En pointe

>> No.8044836

Are you for real right now? Are you really this fucking stupid? The Conquistadors weren't fucking Americans, they were Spanish and Portuguese you stupid pile of trash. And all the Injuns died because you stupid fucks brought diseases, not because the U.S. (which didn't fucking exist) decided to kill them all one day. Why will Europe never owe up to all the shit they're done to the rest of the world? Wow, that's unreal.

>> No.8044839

Most people from Europe are really passive aggressive and cuntish, tbh. They're the type of people who love to talk shit, but can't handle when people confront them. That's why people from America are so polite and friendly, you can't get away with being bitchy.

>> No.8044842

We can handle it just fine, it's North Americans who get bootybothered about someone bitching at them. Hell I get yelled at by at least one grandma a day in my country, it's just how things are. It's just ten times worse when it's a foreigner because they don't know the rules, don't speak the language and then start BAWWing about being harassed and how everyone's rude and xenophobic. You people think rules don't apply to you when you come here, that's why we get aggressive and cuntish. And when someone tells you to keep your voice down or take your shoes off you cry about it.

>> No.8044847

It's the same reason why Aussies generally feel more welcome here. You're both foreigners, but they don't take themselves too seriously and know when someone is just taking the piss.

>> No.8044946

Americans just tend to talk really loud as a norm (in my experience anyway). Kind of like when you listen to Chinese people talk to each other - they sound like they're arguing.

>> No.8044952

I know, Slavs sound like they're arguing too. Men especially. But they aren't nearly as obnoxious nor loud.

>> No.8044957


> I'm SO pretty, these horrible immigrants keep hitting on me all the time!

>> No.8044959

>It's just that we arent used to fake niceness

Lol have fun in nipponland. That's all it is.

>> No.8044965

She never implied she was pretty. People don't hit on hookers because they're pretty either, they do it to get laid. And they see white women as such (blondes moreso).

>> No.8044976

Eh. Japs tend not to hate based on race, they just treat everyone who isn't japanese differently. It makes sense to me, since their culture is so distinct. If they treated you the same, you'd feel lost.
What they do heavily discriminate against is people who don't even try to fit in (like english teachers who live there, very often) and people who are there for otaku shit. The japanese, even if they're not interested in that culture, are very much aware of how much attention it gets from westerners. They know you're weebs. They can tell. They don't like weebs.

So, as a conclusion: If you're there just doing holidays, or actually plan to move there for real and prepare yourself accordingly (learning the fucking language properly most of all things), you won't run into many troubles, not more than in any other country.

This is all disregarding the OP, who is wondering why people give her dirty looks if she's walking around like a black stripper. That's like a unicorn there, in the bad sense.

>> No.8044977


Islam teaches that it's okay to rape non-muslim women, this is why they target white women for their crimes. White men need to stand up for their women and defend their honer, or it's just going to keep happening.

>> No.8044991

oh jesus christ I don't come on /cgl/ much mostly to look at pretty grills and giggle and lady drama

but you know someone is bat shit insane when they are given a ED page

>> No.8044993


Chinks women are easier, tbh.

>> No.8045017

all this hate on other cultures and no one is talking shit about Canadians


>> No.8045025

if you guys speak jaanese but look like you don't speak japanese

walk through a crowded area where people are talking to each other and listen to half of the racist shit just spouted openly an the Japanese girl giggles

also despite what somebody's livejournal says, lolita outside of akiba and events and shit is a little weird

>> No.8045033

not really, there are a lot of african refugee's

in adition to that there are alot of koreans, chinese and othersouth east asian populations in japan which are hated

they will only hate on a white chick if you're doing some maid cafe dance in the middle of a business district where people need to get to work

or are giggling in pony tails and lolita

it's like if a japanese guy started walking around in new york with a cow boy hat, boots, and kept asking people where all the guns were

>> No.8045041

>not really, there are a lot of african refugee's
in japan the fuck how and why?

>> No.8045047

i don't remember the detailsbut there was some program japan held in 2004-2006 which was a semi-open border policy at one point.

but nigeria especially was sufering through some various political turmoil (terrorism/civil war between those groups etc) fleeing from boko harem and various al qaueda in iraq (now isil) type factions

result was nigerian males dressed in G-unit clothes handing out tissue packets selling american ganster music

they speak no english or japanese

>> No.8045050

Id enjoy that

>> No.8045052

Because it was colonized by america

>> No.8045055

I asked my Japanese exchange student friend in high school what they thought of black people and she crossed her arms going "no, no, lol" and that they approach girls and try to pimp them

I'm guessing they were true Africans like those mentioned

>> No.8045057

That last tweet destroyed me.

>> No.8045058

but I don't get why japan would allow real niggers into their country its just idontevennologic

>> No.8045064

>it's like if a japanese guy started walking around in new york with a cow boy hat, boots, and kept asking people where all the guns were

This is actually the best analogy I've heard for this thus far. +1 gold star.

>> No.8045105

he's an article on the effects:



japan has a seat on the UN security council, so they probably accepted some number of refugees when the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee dept.

then again this is all speculation, Japanese politics weren't even on my radar as an undergrad...i was more focused on reading/writing arabic for the nation security studies program i was in. although i did do some research on boko haram and their oil seizing operations, which is one of the reasons we saw cheaper gas years ago.

*not to be confused with the ISIS/ISIL takeover of fields/supply short sales for weapons which is why out gas is $2.55/gal now

>> No.8045114

noice thanks for the link I always thought it was impossible to immigrate to japan unless you marry and are rich as fuck

ya ya refugee immigrant isn't the same i know

>> No.8045117

>sharp increase in incarceration rates among African immigrants, particularly newcomers

well who would have fucking known that would happen

>> No.8045119


> Don't hold up traffic in a busy subway by taking a selfie in the middle of the damn platform

>Don't talk/laugh really loudly in crowded public areas, be considerate of the volume of your voice

How is any of that advice "unique" to Japanese etiquette though? That sort of behavior is considered rude just about everywhere.

>> No.8045125

refugees are granted temporary polar bear status basically
then they complain about the snow and lack of posh apartments

>> No.8045133

>japan has a seat on the UN security council, so they probably accepted some number of refugees when the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee dept.
No they don't have a seat, dumbfuck.

>> No.8045136

>>8045119everyome in Japan basically acts like high society Americans.

So it's more prominent

In America you can get wasted and piss on the sidewalk and most people will just laugh in a bar.

Different attitudes.

With that said Japan is okay but I wouldn't spend the money to fly there on vacation.

If I didn't have any FAM there I probably would have never gone/lived there

>> No.8045138

the more I read into this topic the more its making me laugh at japans stupidity why would you allow people from the most niggiest part of africa into your country

>> No.8045145

because if you don't you're racis and need to chek ur privilig duh

>> No.8045151

>people responding to bait

Y'all are stupid niggers.

>> No.8045156

Imagine if you joined a cosplay collective and you got so immensely popular that you got tons of fan mail.

So you have the leader of the group basically sit down and be like

Okay we have 50,000 letters to store. We can't destroy/kill it all. That is just inhumane/mean to our fans.

Then the leader tells everyone that everyone but herself has to take home and store 10,000 letters.

While she takes home none.

You all have guns and the ability to band together to overthrow the leader of shit goes down hill too much.

And one of the girls (Russia) believes that she deserves a seat on the security council per antler rather than rotationaly and has friends (China) who are loaded on her side that hate Japan.

Then the leader says fine fine I'll take home 6,000 letters since I live 20 miles away and you guys live in this apt complex so you guys just divide up the remaining 44,000 letters

So it's less bossy/ more political seen as a goodguyjapan.meme

>> No.8045170

gotta look into this athletic visa loop hole
>tfw track cyclist

>> No.8045172

iirc, you can tell if a chinese person speaks cantonese or mandarin by how loud they speak (though I can't remember which one is which, I believe Cantonese is louder?), which explains why my sister's friend spoke in deafening volumes while some of the students at my school barely speak louder than a whisper.

>> No.8045181

yes yes mainlanders speak like rape victims screaming we all know this

>> No.8045185

>rape jokes

>> No.8045186

You are an ita. Sorry to break the news to you.

>> No.8045187

no I meant that like literary sorry for triggering you

>> No.8045192

>last tweet
Gonna be using it from now on.

>> No.8045194
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like I literally can't even????
like I can't even????

>> No.8045197

Racism in Japan? AHAHAHAHAHA!

You fucking weeaboo shit fuck.

I rub Japan for their culture desu!

Just, I can't. I fucking hate you. But you made my day. Just. Fuck.

>> No.8045226

Anyone whos aware of the countries in africa.

>> No.8045230
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Most populous?

>> No.8045235

Japanese people generally hate the trigger-happy and overly eager "one-turn kill" mentality that American's are stereotyped for (see: nukes).

If you don't act like that, then okay. It's not an anti-white thing. They just hate desperate crybabys. Think of the dad in the new Godzilla movie. Americans may like him because he's "right all along and trying to get shit done" but in all honesty, if you listen to the grammar he uses, he wouldn't get hired in the first fucking place over there, because he's a pretty disrespectful prick, plus he's throws fucking fits.

>> No.8045246


>> No.8045249

But gypsies ARE shit.

>> No.8045258

Well, haven't been to cgl in a while, but this thread turn out exactly how I thought it would be. Why not contribute.

I lived in Japan for over year in an urban area near Nagoya. I am black. I got looks. You get looks if you are a foreigner. I lived in a very odd area of Japan though. I wish I could tell you the percentage, but quite a lot of people in my area were Japanese Brazilians. Therefore, foreigners weren't as odd as maybe other parts of Japan. I love Brazil and Japan so this place was perfect for me.

Anyway, I saw only 2 lolitas in my city. One was a foreigner. The other was Japanese. It was so odd seeing the Japanese lolita. She just stuck out like a sore thumb.

I know this has been already said, but Japanese alternative fashion, is definitely alternative fashion. Japanese women will wear more feminine clothing than most American women, but it is still very mainstream.

Also, I never saw women show their cleavage in Japan. Shorts and skirts were as short as they could be for teens and young adults though.

>> No.8045273

Thats why he was in jail

>> No.8045284

As an American, that is damn accurate.

>> No.8045322

Niggers are like the pack mules of humanity, I'm really surprised that the rest of the world hasn't enslaved them again.

>> No.8045326

Does anyone seriously still go to the movies? Jew rule Hollywood, and they fucking suck at making films. I don't think I've seen a good movie in ten years, I'm surprised so many people went to see that Godzilla movie when they knew it was going to be shit.

>> No.8045328

I don't care if I'm racist or not but gypsies are literal cancer
>inb4 need more money for dem programs!
in my country they tried everything, giving them apartments (I can't even get an apartment here, let alone for free), education (it's mandatory here and you go to jail if you don't send your kid to school), jobs.
In the end they fuck up the buildings they live in, they take their children out of school to make them steal and beg, they harass women and pickpocket everybody. In a neighbouring country they even derailed a train by stealing the nuts and bolts that held the tracks together.

It's easy to whine about being sooper racis when you only get the good educated ones that can afford to move to another continent. We're stuck with the rest.

>> No.8045342

It's mostly all lies. I lived in Japan outside of Tokyo for a year and was completely fine. Go live in Japan.

>> No.8045354
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>>All these fucking reddit newfags ITT

>> No.8045373

>you will never see the emperors imperial edict to expel the barbarian gaijin from japan come to fruition


>> No.8045384

Sounds like my native country (Slovakia).

It's hard not to grow up into a raging racist when you're regularly harassed for gum or money.

The worst part is, those who try and get an education and a job are shunned by their communities by living like white folks or whatever, and in the meantime the scummy horde continues to give them a bad name.

>Canada recently tightened its immigration laws, specifically for refugees
>Cousin gossips about planes full of Czech Romas turned around at the airport and claims it's because of them

>> No.8045396
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They're not good to a lot of us because we're so used to seeing movies that cost over 150 mil to make, unlike pretty much every other country in the world. It's like with the Ghost in The Shell adaptation that people are freaking out about because Scarlet Johanson is playing Major Makoto. To be perfectly fair, that's only an American issue because we're one of the few countries where so many of us live here in one big melting pot and we have such a backstory of being racist to every other ethnicity besides white. Japan literally does not give a fuck besides a few that are very "keep the Japanese bloodline pure". Most complaints are going to the fact that it's not the white girl they wanted.


>> No.8045406
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> Wasting an entire post just to point out one emoticon.

>> No.8045454

Gypsies=/=roma gypsies
In general 'gypsy' means traveller, and the shitty thieving bastards are normally white and of irish blood not ethnically 'gypsy'. It's a skewed colloquial thing

>> No.8045487

no, in general gypsy means roma gypsy in Europe. Only the Isles have travellers.
Roma gypsies are as bad if not worse, I know because where I live they are literally everywhere because that's where the EU keeps dumping them.

>> No.8045496

Stereotypical asian accent for "love". They should've said ruv or some shit. (or you know, just not posted at all)

>> No.8045513

In the past though gypsies were often Irish/Scottish though. They were still called Gypsies, even if they wern't roma.
Although I'm talking like, late 1500's.

>> No.8045516
File: 67 KB, 1024x640, Major_Motoko_Kusanagi_WS_WP_by_seniortwinkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i'm the only one who doesn't give a shit that Scarlet Johanson is being Major Makoto. It's obvious that the movie was going to have white people playing the roles.

From a cosplay standpoint i think ScarJo could make a good Major Makoto

>> No.8045551


I completely second that. I'm fine with it becausei it's a reinterpretation, and as long as it works for things like Lady Thor and black Spiderman and the like, I'm perfectly fine with it when an Asian girl is made into a whitey. I liked the San Fransokyo change in Big Hero 6 as well, and in a way, it's really more respectful to Japanese culture that it take place in San Fransokyo as opposed to Tokyo at that point. It helps cut out romanticizing a particular country/race when it's globalized like that.

Ghost in the Shell is also, fortunately for this case, a series that wasn't written to where taking place in Japan wasn't important to the story nor the context. Dragon Ball Evolution was weird because it's clearly Chinese/Japanese mythology. That kind of 180 needs really careful stylization to work. You can't just throw someone into that mix and expect it to work as well as Big Trouble in Little china or Kill Bill. No dumb amateur writer is going to be able to fix that. (see: the shitty Chun Li movie)

The only times I don't like it are when the people say they have no choice but to make the change. (see: can't make a female lead in Assassin's Creed, not that I give a fuck personally, but if you can't do your job, quit the goddamn job).

>> No.8045568

I'm getting pretty fucking tired of superhero/comic/ move adaptions of whatever. Jews are running out of ideas. Fucking nerd fad.

>> No.8045583
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I'm glad i'm not the only one. And yeah white people for DB/DBZ/BDE was really weard and awkward, though the movie was so bad that i don't think it would've mattered either way if there were asian or white people or who-the-fuck-ever playing the roles.

Also morphed Makoto's and ScarJo's faces because why not?

>> No.8045650


To be fair, 80% of anime that's been coming out for that past 10 8 or so years has been an adaptation of a light novel series or a VN. It's been practice forever. I mean, hell, Parasite Eve is a novel adaptation and most people don't know that.

>> No.8045702
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Or maybe it's the fact that westernized anime movie adaptations are universally shit. I'm not going to completely blame white actors, but look at this fucking douchebag and think long and hard about this. I love scarjo but I wouldn't touch this movie with a 100ft power pole.

>> No.8045705

This. Not even from Europe but I wonder who it was that tried to rob me three times I was there....?

It was freakin' gypsies!

>> No.8045846

japanese people living in america and/or western countries, yeah they're gonna experience racism. there is literally no argument to be had here. japanese people were put into internment camps not that long ago. snl and MAD tv very regularly had white ppl portraying east asian/japanese caricatures for ''''comedy'''. very few people actually believe that japanese people living in japan are oppressed and if they do they're 1. probably 14 2. actually really shitty and lowkey racist themselves. poc aren't poc in their country of origin

>> No.8045871

>In America you can get wasted and piss on the sidewalk and most people will just laugh in a bar.

You have obviously never been to Japan. If you'd walked around any bar areas/rail stations at night that would have been made glaringly obvious. Salarymen passed out in their own puke is a nightly occurrence, let alone pissing on the sides of buildings.

>> No.8045890

Pikeys, anon. Those are pikeys.

>> No.8045891

Gyaru = style for prostitutes
If you're dressed like that, especially in Japan, you're pretty much messaging that you're ready to have sex with old men for clothes. Has nothing to do with racism.

>> No.8045894

Black girl seems to be showing cleavage. That's a big no-no in Japanese etiquette. It's okay to show some leg but cover your tits, or you will get stared.

>> No.8045921

A small toddler was being held by it's mother in front of me in line for the tokyo sky tree and for a solid ten minutes he was staring at my breasts so very insistently. Then looked at my face so I smiled and he looked super alarmed and hid behind his mother's neck for the rest of the time.
I smiled at so many kids that trip and they all looked so alarmed. I was just so used to smiling at children at home I kept doing it when they stared at me.

>> No.8045932
File: 857 KB, 2048x1366, joker-smiling-christopher-nolan-s-memories-of-heath-ledger-are-heartbreaking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you think you are:

cute white girl wearing just a little foundation, tastefully done lipstick, and tastefully done on trend teal hair from pintrest. giving a nice polite smile to a stranger in a stranger land.

what japanese people see

this guy, who is trying to kill patrick bateman from american psycho for some reason

>> No.8046014

How original
lulz wats a mira
totes believable, Mira.

>> No.8047219


>> No.8051205

>>8045406 Agreed.
Also it's obvious that >>8043437 is a Finfag. Seriously, when will they learn "ebin" isn't used anywhere else but Finland nowadays