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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 320 KB, 736x505, aaThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8043635 No.8043635 [Reply] [Original]

last one in autosage: >>7995795

What are your plans/goals for 2015? New merch ideas? Trying more cons? Trying a new art style?

Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l-9tZn_PaqsZWkb5SB_aqwh7uvURyoLgdsQiuz_Ty08/edit#gid=0

>> No.8043703
File: 28 KB, 624x415, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still that image

A-All of the above. We are going to out of state cons with another artist friend.

I will be experimenting with a new way of binding books to make them more accessible to all price ranges by cutting the time spent binding them. As well as a slew of other unique-to-AA items that I rarely see sold.

As for new art style, my partner who does mainly posters will be practicing a more lifelike style. We had comments from anons here that our previous works were odd, looking back on it, I would have to agree that we are not at the point we want to be artistically.

>> No.8043782

>As well as a slew of other unique-to-AA items that I rarely see sold.

Such as?

>> No.8043803
File: 284 KB, 700x745, table2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my plans for fanime and anime expo

also, does anyone here table by themselves regularly and have any tips?

>> No.8043830

I will post them when finished, but I don't wanna get any hopes up for if they cant be made. 4 months to go!

>> No.8043870

I am desperately hoping to get into some closer cons like akon and san japan. I got wait listed on a lot of cons I was hoping to go to but there are still plenty I can apply to. I have a goal to try and get into some larger out of state cons, I do not live in the right state to do AA.

I'm going to be investing in and testing a capsule toy machine that I will fill with stickers, buttons and charms. I'm hoping it goes well and I plan on putting in shiny pokemon as a sort of gimmick, along with other popular series. Fingers crossed that it goes well and I won't have to return it.

>> No.8043904
File: 646 KB, 773x1000, IMG_20150102_022152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on all the things. I'm applying to more out of state cons and ones with juried applications. Also want to do more comic cons then anime this year. Replacing some older fanart prints also

I'm working on more merch including an acrylic keychain line.

I also want to launch a webcomic this year.

>> No.8043919

Sorry, I think it's become the official AA thread image ^^;

I love that table setup.

>also, does anyone here table by themselves regularly and have any tips?
I started to in the last half of 2014. Here's what I can think off of the top of my head:

If you get a second ticket for your table, offer to a friend you know you can rely on to cover your table when you need a break.
If not:
-bring your own food so you don't have to leave the table as often
-make friends with the artists beside you just in case you have to take the inevitable pee break/need change scenario
-try to pack as light as possible, you'll only have yourself to carry your stock/display supplies

Just plan ahead in general and you should be fine :)

>I'm going to be investing in and testing a capsule toy machine that I will fill with stickers, buttons and charms. I'm hoping it goes well and I plan on putting in shiny pokemon as a sort of gimmick, along with other popular series.

I love this idea! Where can you buy decent capsule machines? And are they allowed at cons?

I can't get over how cute that Dedenne charm is <3 I love your work

>> No.8043922

Hey! I remember your miku memo pad. Did you make them in the end? Cute style!

>> No.8043923

Cute style and I hope you do the webcomic too!

>> No.8044022

SHROOMISHHHH You are the bestttTTT

Good luck with your apps and with the webcomic!

>> No.8044025

Anyone have experience with Wonder Con? I thought it was primarily for comic/print artists, but I recently got accepted (surprised me since I mostly have miscellaneous goods). Are they really strict on how you setup your booth? Are there any restrictions on table sharing?

>> No.8044101
File: 420 KB, 617x450, tumblr_nhl1jgWNag1qb6b1zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're sharing stuff...

I'm excited for these.

I'm gonna make 1D my niche.

Come at me.

>> No.8044118

I applied for Hanadokicon when it was open and now I'm thinking about doing Anime Conji too. Did anyone sell there last year since the venue moved? I'm wondering if the change maybe deterred people. I guess I just want to know how good the traffic was and if you broke even at least.

>> No.8044129

From what I've heard, Conji is only really worth it if you're in the area. It's still a fledgling con, so there's always promise for growth, especially if you establish yourself as a local, but I haven't heard of anyone doing super well there yet.

>> No.8044164

Just getting some opinions here...I was thinking about printing some small runs of little coloring books/jokey "activity books" to sell at cons. I'm not sure what price I would sell them for (It would probably depend on how much it costs to print them.) I'm just wondering if that kind of thing would sell at all.

>> No.8044430
File: 184 KB, 638x429, Hatoful Preorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm applying to more out-of-state cons, and adding new merch to my line.

Right now I sell mostly buttons(online) but I just put an order in for pencil bags last week(pic related) and got a Silhouette cameo so I'm hoping to offer stickers and maybe stationary sets soon?

I'm working on a comic I've wanted to do for a bit as well..

And I kind of want to do themed valentines this year since those seem really fun!

I have a lot of time on my hands due to issues with school so I want to make the most of it for sure.

>> No.8044438

Gurl rly

>> No.8044471

anon this is so cute 10/10 would buy

>> No.8044475

Thank you!! I still need to make buttons of all their bishounen forms but I wanted something a little more subtle for the pencil bag!!

>> No.8044482

>silhouette cameo

DUDE why haven't i heard of this product until just now

>> No.8044539

I haven't used it yet but I'm really excited to!

>> No.8044815

you sure that niche will be profitable? the type of pre-teen/teenage girl that frequents anime conventions is usually the nerdier kind that eschew mainstream pop culture in favour of anime/cartoon culture or obscure subcultures and bands

>> No.8044832

Seconding this. If you REALLY want to sell 1D merch at an anime or comic con, I'd suggest making a limited run just to see if they sell first.

>> No.8044843

Tim legit likes 1D for some godforsaken reason.

I can get enjoying the music as a guilty pleasure but actually getting into the "fandom" is a little disturbing for an adult woman.

>> No.8044889

Only dumb if that's exclusively what you sell. My gay bff loves 1D so maybe he would dig these. I think they would hold up decent for the morbidly curious friends of weebs who tagged along for the cons or those whose powerlevels are still low. Where do you get wipers made?

>> No.8044915

I'm glad you drew my husbando Zayn with short hair and NOT THAT FUGLY-ASS LONG hair he has now.

But anyways make some Kpop boyband ones and you'll profit.

>> No.8044924

kpop bonus: since there's so much plastic surgery on korean idols you only need to draw like 3 guys and change the backgrounds a bunch

>> No.8044956

It's basically sameface syndrome irl.
If it works for Korea, it'll work for artist alley.

>> No.8044979
File: 30 KB, 696x713, mik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this sell

>> No.8044980

I wouldn't buy

>> No.8044981

undoubtedly. Miku fans will buy / do anything involving this severely overrated character.

>> No.8045023

May I ask where you'll be getting them printed?

>> No.8045069

Not really. The market is saturated enough that they can get their pick of the best shit.

>> No.8045122

Not that anon, but sometimes you can find them locally for pick up on ebay.

>> No.8045214

Does having a good online following really help sales that much?

>> No.8045222

Only if you're extremely popular.

However, if you can get people to follow you after the con they might be more likely to buy from you again in a future con.

>> No.8045238

what do you consider a good following?
at the time of my last con i had around 20k tumblr followers and maybe 3 people seemed to recognize me during the convention.

>> No.8045324

I have about 1.1k followers and have usually been noticed by about 5 or so each time. Maybe they're just intimidated and don't mention it? There's no way that few people know you!

>> No.8045332

I wanted to ask this since digital art is more popular with fan artists, although this is kind of an unrelated question, but I wanted to know how you guys tended to practice/started out with digital painting. I know most artists say to "practice practice practice!" but was there anything else that really helped with getting into the hang of it

Same with the non-digital artists actually, how did you get into it and decide to do fanart

Sage because this is kind of off topic

>> No.8045337

Admittedly I haven't been to many AA's but the only artists I've ever recognized were HamletMachine and Kazehime. And so the fact that I don't know the artist means nothing towards whether I'm gonna buy or not.

>> No.8045488

I....I think his long hair is pretty majestic but baby Zayn with the fade will always have my heart

Hahhh I dunno. Probably not, but I really like drawing then so I'm gonna add some to my inventory. I do well enough with what I have (mostly vidya, comic, cartoon, and some anime fanart) so if this is a bust, nbd. I sell maybe one of my gltas prints every three cons, but it's no hard feelings because the money from selling 5 pairs of young justice prints every two hours works as a bandaid

I'm hesitant to actually join the fandom. It's kind of fucked up, from what I've seen, and it looks like shipping fanart does the best/gets the most popular. Rpf is weird as hell and I don't want to really be associated with people who will tell the boys to their faces that they're gay or whatever.

But hey, whatever, I do what I want so fuck you buddy

Getting then done by Jimi agency!

I have a friend who dominates that nice, so I don't want to step on her toes. Also, at most I would just do Big Bang. Can't bring myself to care that much for many others.

It helped to have a community to draw with. I used to drawfag for /co/ and I felt like I grew a lot while I did. It just kept me drawing and made me draw stuff I wouldn't have otherwise.

Same for Gaia, Flight Rising, etc. I'm a relatively social person and like getting feedback or components, so if I know people are watching, I'm more inclined to draw, and the more I draw, the better I get. It's important to find what you like about drawing and find an environment that nurtures that.

>> No.8045708

Have any mid-tier artists found it profitable to switch to having acrylic charms made?
I'm not really well known, but I always make at least a couple hundred into the green when I go to conventions. I'm not sure if I can bring myself to blow a minimum of $90 for something that might not sell well.
I never want to make another laminated charm again, I have seen the light.

>> No.8045837

I'm about to experiment with shrinky dink charms and I wanna know more about acrylic charms too. Bumping this.

>> No.8045967

Interested in this too.

My problem isn't the investment, but the designs. I'm afraid what kinds of characters I should do. I know what I WANT to do, but what if it's not popular enough, or already oversaturated.

The same problem as other types of products, but with a higher risk.

>> No.8046374

I know places like zap creatives offers multiple designs with larger orders. I think if you order 50 you can submit up to 5 designs, giving you 10 of each so there's less of a risk of you having overstock.

>> No.8046403

I think the biggest thing for acrylic charms, at least in terms of design, is having a cohesive set. Stick to one fandom (i.e- Pokemon, Love Live, Free, etc.) and do sets so that people buy more.

Most of my friends price their charms at $10-$15 each, 3 for $25, 2 for $20 or something to that effect. It might take a while to break even on charms, but they're definitely a solid enough product to be worth investing in for both the artist and the buyer. I also think they sell fairly well online because shipping is usually so cheap for them.


>> No.8046405

... Sorry, I just did the math on that and it came out wonky. I think $7-$12 is a better estimate for individual charms. Up to $15 if you're adding fancy stuff to them (wrapping, bells, etc.)

>> No.8046411

If you select wood charms or their old style acrylic you can get 5 designs if you order 25. Not a bad deal if you just want to test the water.

But yeah themes help a lot. Especially if you do your own personal theme within the charms.

B-b-but I love pokemon. ;__;

>> No.8046458

I want to do the zap creatives clear! I think I'm going to spring for a hunter x hunter set when I'm caught up. I need to get a better feel for whose important but maybe Gon, Killua, Kirupika, Hisoka, Illumi?

I'm at the dodgeball fight with laser right now so only about halfway.. things could change..

>> No.8046496

Can one assume that, say, headshots of characters in a particular series would work well for buttons versus a handful of assorted ones, much like charms? I'm furiously getting things together for a con this Spring.

>> No.8046532

It's good to have a mix of both, but having a bunch of characters from a series encourages people to buy more instead of just individual buttons

Their wood charms are super underrated. The clear acrylic and candy coat is nice, but there's something just classier about the wooden charms. Also, lighter so less likely to damage your phone/ds/other device when you're swinging it around

>> No.8046755

How do you guys feel about artists with a huge following charging $25+ per character for a commission and then giving you sub-par work? Do you think they can get away with it because they're popular (and have a bunch of attack drone fans) or should we just name and shame them regardless?

>> No.8046771


I think the adult thing to do would be to talk to them first and let them know you're dissatisfied for whatever reason, even via email after the con. If they're a big enough artist they'll have business sense to likely offer a refund/redo.

It would have nothing to do with their "attack drone fans" because if you named and shamed without contacting them first they'd just be able to say something like that you made absolutely no mention of not liking the piece and then their inevitable refund/redo offer would be public and you'd just look like an asshole.

>> No.8046774

anon, 25 dollars for a character is not that expensive

>> No.8046849

Yet it was okay to name and shame the guy that drew that Aigis picture a couple threads ago.

>> No.8046853


20 a character is cheap as fuck, anon. I agree with >>8046771 and you should talk to the artist saying you're dissatisfied, and see if you can get it fixed.

But considering most professional artists (I use this term for people working in the comics industry, mostly) charge 100+ a character, 20... isn't outrageous. By any means. Shit, I'd jump at a 20 dollar character commission

>> No.8046965
File: 73 KB, 800x854, JiMi_Samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing off the couple things I've made so far for 2015.
Notepad and charm wipes so far, hoping to try out some cosmetic bags too.

What would you guys pay for a notepad or charm wipes?
I was considering $5 each for the notepad and for the charm wipes. Worried that may be too much.

>> No.8047042

Dude I'd instabuy that Sakurai lion.

>> No.8047062
File: 26 KB, 301x355, heeeeeesquirtle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh geez, that makes me really happy to hear, you have no idea. I'm trying to do more original art and I'm worried no one would like it.

>> No.8047114

>working on my notepads past deadline

These are super cute!! Mm I usually do my charm wipes for $3, 2 for $5, but I feel like that's also underpriced. They're relatively obscure/less common fandoms too so at that point I'm just happy if people buy them haha. I'll probably do my 1D ones at maybe $5 each, 2 for $8 or the set for $20

I was thinking $7 for notepad, 2 for 10? I'm also doing mine as matching themes to give people more incentive to buy them together.

>> No.8047130

Echoing the other anons, 25 is not that much.

Unless they like insulted, harmed, or scammed you directly, I don't think there's any reason to shame anyone. Keep in mind also that commissions are a little bit of a crapshoot. A lot of factors come in the way of a commission coming out decently (artist taking on too many, complications at the con, etc.) and "subpar" is extremely subjective. Unless you gave them a very specific criteria to draw to (i.e- "Make it look as on-model as possible," "I want it to be in the same style as that picture you drew" etc), a "subpar" quality commission could most likely be a mishap. For all you know, the artist might have been super pleased with it, I dunno.

in general, I feel like commissions are more of a way to show support for the artist, not necessarily a guarantee of a perfect product. If you ARE expecting a certain kind of quality, it's really important to make sure you communicate that to an artist.

Sucks that you had a bad experience with one, though.

>> No.8047152

It's cool, you have until tomorrow, right? This is my first time with JiMi so I made sure things were there days before the deadline, I hate being late for anything.

I think I'll try pricing the charms at $5 and see what happens. I may drop them to $3 if they don't sell well at my next con.

>I was thinking $7 for notepad, 2 for 10? I'm also doing mine as matching themes to give people more incentive to buy them together.

Good plan. Maybe I'll make my next notepad sea creature themed? I might just go with vista or artscaw for my next set just so I can get some made sooner.

>> No.8047157

Yeah. Or even just like.. monster/creature themed (Nagas, centaurs, etc). I feel like that's usually a pretty popular theme.

Let us know how it goes with Vista/Artscaw! It'd be interesting to see the quality/differences between the three companies.

>> No.8047167
File: 70 KB, 541x960, 10714437_307464332779448_3855570610045443267_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend did a couple of the larger ones through artscaw and loved them.

>monster/creature themed (Nagas, centaurs, etc)

>> No.8047181

Those notepads look really good! Does artscrow leave any of their own names on the products?

>monster/creature themed (Nagas, centaurs, etc)
I approve of this

>> No.8047190

not sure, I'd have to ask my friend.

>> No.8047217
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x1280, suddenly-gravityworksinspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get into AA one day, but I don't really know what I should do as far as art and networking. Does anyone have advice for someone just getting into selling and networking their art? Here's an example of my work if you want to critique that too.

>> No.8047229

She said there were no artscaw logos anywhere on the notepad, not even on the cardboard backing of the pad :)

>> No.8047242
File: 151 KB, 640x480, 1405240978907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's great!

Just a random table pic

>> No.8047257

she did mention that "there is a front page with like promo stuff, but you can take that off"

Also, I love that artist! When my niece gets older, I'm definitely getting her one of those stegosaurus.

>> No.8047337

Wow this looks nice! There is a promo now until March for 2 large memos for 6 and something bucks. I read though, that first page comes with a print of the promo...I gave it a try and now I'm waiting for them.

>> No.8047338
File: 166 KB, 500x667, 1398223024759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh good to know, thank you and your friend for sharing the info!

>> No.8047391

OP of that incident. It was a commission for someone else who couldn't be there, so she couldn't complain in his place since she didn't know how he would feel about it. Call it secondhand unsatisfaction maybe? Art quality aside, he also told her to pick it up at a specific time the next day and when she came by it wasn't even ready and was told to come back later.

>> No.8047618

As far as stationary goes...

I was thinking of getting a few different notepads printed, each featuring a different character, then taking them apart to make character cast sets, say sets of 5-6 sheets with each sheet featuring a different character from a particular series along with some envelopes. Is this kind of thing considered okay to do?

>> No.8047723

i would buy

>> No.8047835

Has Storenvy been fucking up for anyone else lately?

Sometimes I'll get an email of an order, and I'll have the money and info in paypal but it won't show up in my store. Sometimes it shows up in shippingeasy but not always.

I emailed them about it a week ago and no response.

>> No.8047909
File: 450 KB, 1280x1280, Photo_20Nov_2013_2C_2012_2019_2003_20PM_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do the same anon, it was discussed some threads ago if you want to check that out. Most people include stickers too to seal the envelope. The usual is 5 items of everything, as far as I looked out the other week. Also the price goes in almost all cases to 8 bucks. (Like the picture I'm posting, not mine but I found it cute)

>> No.8049050
File: 96 KB, 756x960, 10155201_842599219123788_2522730864291416646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going to be the hot new animal this season? Alpacas seem to be phasing out. My guess is Deer/Fawns

>> No.8049097

I've been getting an insane amount of likes on my sloth charm wipe.

I'm thinking sloths, shiba inus, or owls.

Pugs are still pretty popular too

>> No.8049098

parakeets and other small birds too. I'm still thinking on this now

>> No.8049112

Been trying to find good prices for the metal cages/stuff for stands. Anyone have any places/shops they preferred to buy from? or had some good deals?

>> No.8050125
File: 106 KB, 630x572, CIMG0126__E5_89_AF_E6_9C_AC_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the year of the sheep, duh.

>> No.8050140

can I ask which digimon are your/your buddie's favorites? I love digimon too and I would love to make charms out of some but I can't afford to do the entire season 1 cast. At least not now anyways.

Doesn't have to be season 1 could be any season

>> No.8050148


>> No.8051086
File: 59 KB, 654x533, otgw pins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has over the garden wall been doing ok in AA? I made a pins set but still debating on doing a print

>> No.8051167
File: 127 KB, 600x450, 1395599442653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Over the Garden Wall would be a good series for AA, maybe not extremely popular but still well known enough. Maybe you can try a small print?

>> No.8051231

It's extremely popular, I'd say. All the retards in my geek community love it plus tumblr.

>> No.8051326

Wizardmon would sell really well. Everyone likes him.

>> No.8052043

My favorite is horribly obscure and I only like it because of the tamogatchi/a player's guide to the tamogatchi version. But that's not important.

From the original series, I like Gomamon and Tsunemon! I imagine a lot of the baby versions would do pretty well because their designs are cute, simple, and easily stylized.

>> No.8052071

If it helps I'm only considering watching OtGW and I'd totally buy those pins.

>> No.8052374

oh gosh, thank you
I think i may do a print then
ive got them up on etsy anyway and they're getting a few views

>> No.8052428

So, how early do you guys look into getting tables? I was hoping to get one for the first time at a con this year only to find that tables for every con I usually go to/every local con are already sold out, even as far off as late August (Though this may be because it's a small con and tables are pretty cheap).

>> No.8052431

Ooo, would you please link your Etsy then?

>> No.8052503

oh sure, here you are!
im trying to actively put more in there, i've been neglecting it

>> No.8052602

Can any one help, when you have finished your charms and badges how do people go about making the packaging to put them in? Is there a good place to get the back board printed and sourcing little plastic bags and are their any tutorials. I really want to make my items look better presented this year but I'm a bit stuck on whats best to do. Thanks

>> No.8053538
File: 67 KB, 500x500, pinexamples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, how early do you guys look into getting tables?
Some conventions will let artists sign up for next year as soon as the con is done, which makes it really hard for new artists to get in.

My biggest con which is in May has signups starting in February/March.

If you want to find out when tables signups become available, contact the staff member responsible for the dealers/artist alley for the con you're interested in.

>how do people go about making the packaging to put them in?

I'm thinking about getting into that this year, and there are a couple options that I've thought of: (see pic)

Top is getting folded business cards with artwork only on the outside so I can staple it at the top of the bag, bottom is designing and cutting all the backing by hand to fit each bag size and then hole punching the backing for charms/buttons to be looped through.

>Is there a good place to get the back board printed and sourcing little plastic bags and are their any
purebuttons/wackybuttons/busybeaver.net/sixcentpress sells custom backings for buttons
clearbags for buying plastic bags, they're the cheapest I know of. Shipping to Canada is ridiculous though.

I'm not sure about tutorials, I'd have to look around a bit

>> No.8053893
File: 62 KB, 1500x1500, 618M9hgZ7ZL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to transport all of your products, set up, etc, to and from the artist alley? I've seen people mention the things in my picture. If they are a good way, which one is the best to buy? I've been using a suitcase, and while it works i'd like to upgrade.

>> No.8053950

Thank you so much for the help.

>> No.8054488

Costco sells (or at least, used to) a really good one. it was really tough fabric and had like 1000 pockets and dividers and stuff.

>> No.8054517
File: 21 KB, 302x348, 101213_rolling_luggage_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling suitcases is how we travel and transport our stuff. 2 mediums and one large. Avoid soft cases, get the hard covered ones.

>> No.8054999
File: 1.70 MB, 1683x1678, 1401241665366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about best way, depends on the artist if they are print artists or craftier.

As the craftier plushie maker sort of artist that depends on using transit, these what are what I use to carry:
Necessary things like change, food, sewing kit, materials whatever
>expandable sports duffle bag
Helps to hold the PVC pipes which are often too long for the suitcases
>two large suitcases
I store everything else so my stock, wirecubes, box of plastic bags, tablecloth, etc. Since I've only sold locally, I just need the two suitcases and restock when I get back home. Only when I sold the last time, my sister lent me her spinner suitcases like >>8054517 and oh my goodness the differences was amazing. I would definitely consider investing in some good spacious spinner suitcases for future cons and travels. It's so much easier on the wrists.

>> No.8055512
File: 53 KB, 699x518, BagsBagsBags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will be the final push for me to get some made, but I still have no idea what I want to put on them.

Is there anything you guys would like to see? I was thinking something with cute animals like budgie/parakeets, or japanese culture things like Maneki Neko and Darumas

>> No.8055620

Parakeets please.

>> No.8056233

How'd you get this offer? Looking on the site and can't see it.

>> No.8056297

I signed up for their e-mail subscription forever ago.
add /reg.aspx to the end of their website (goddamn captcha)

But it looks like they advertise these deals on their FB page too.

>> No.8056772

Any word on hanadoki con?

>> No.8056961

This is gonna sound really silly, but can you take in luggages of your stuff in Anime Expo AA? I was reading through their terms and they don't allow "wheels" -- you have you carry things in with your hands or on your back. This sounds ridiculous, especially for people with lots of merch... so I just wanted to confirm with people who have tabled at AX.

>> No.8056968

I've heard this from local cons here, but what they specifically meant were large pallets with wheels that could steer off and hit a display on load-in.

>> No.8056973

Oh ok! Thanks so much. I wish they'd specify things for literal people like me.

>> No.8056992

I just applied for my first AA!

>> No.8056996

Awesome If you havnt already, join up with the FB AA group. fb . com /groups/143875999117732/

>> No.8057030

Thanks for that.
These threads have been so helpful for me.

>> No.8057076

these threads are the whole reason I'm doing AA's now
for like 2 years I lurked and asked occasional questions while improving my skills. I became so prepared while here, for my first AA I had made enough to cover all my costs and a few hundred dollars profit. The only problem I had was running out of supplies because my stuff was selling so well.

You all are lovely and you rock, I hope you guys sell tons

>> No.8057086
File: 472 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m5avvox1Mk1rvfwwno1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I had started coming here more. I used to lurk these threads a lot, then I left 4chan for a bit. Now I'm back though I've gained a lot more drive for getting better art-wise so I can do artist alley's too

>> No.8057089

I find this board better than the facebook AA hugbox group to get better actual critique of work being sold. Too much ugly shit is constantly posted on the AA group and the sellers will never know any better, noone to tell them otherwise.

>The fucking dodgeball teens is the worst.

>> No.8057093

Sometimes I go to the AA group to feel better about my own art. [spoiler]Then feel worse because despite their shit art they probably make more than me.[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.8057200

I always feel like the facebook AA group is filled with entitled artists. One being that artist who made the angry AA blog. Some of her tips are honestly really helpful, but when I finally saw her art, I realized why she was so angry. I've only met a handful of genuinely nice people from that group.

>> No.8057220
File: 109 KB, 228x245, sowdj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


online store? I need more Hatoful in my life < 3

>> No.8057222

I tend to be more "this is what I'm drawing/making" in the Facebook group and "what your opinion about x" here. I dig the blunt opinions here and thats what's missing on the Facebook one.

>> No.8057231

Has anyone ever sold at Japan Expo in Paris before? I'm thinking of trading at it this year but have no idea would it be worth the trip from Ireland.

>> No.8057326
File: 163 KB, 500x280, jakeSparklyEyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me so happy to hear ^^
Hopefully you stick around and show off your things too!

omg the dodgeball teens.

I enjoy going between here and the AA FB group. I get inspired a lot more through the AA FB group though, but I get more honest opinions here which is the best.

The shit artists are going through from Katsucon changing hours and moving the location without telling the artists, I feel so bad for them.

>> No.8057328

!! It's slimyeels, thank you!!

The pouches were shipped so they should be arriving soon! (They're still for sale on pre-order right now)

>> No.8057366
File: 335 KB, 570x428, Charms 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What size jump rings do you guys use? I'm about to make an order for charm supplies but I got stuck on the stupid jump rings.

Charms will be 1.5" if it matters!

>> No.8057391

How thick are the charms?

>> No.8057418

Please have a shop. Please have a shop. Or an Etsy. Or something.

>Want to buy that Tanuki and Kenny straps so bad along with Sherlock.

>> No.8057434


Also, >>8057366, looks like those charms are 3mm thick, so I'd go with a 5mm jump-ring. Should do the trick.

>> No.8057513

Thank you! I used their image because I'm also planning to use zap, but their clear not the gold.

I appreciate it!

>> No.8057516

so, anons, what do you/your buyers do with their stickers? I always see cute ones at AAs/storenvy but refrain from buying because I don't know what to do with them.

>> No.8057566
File: 86 KB, 500x500, TB2EU26aXXXXXXrXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!794321408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people told me they used my stickers on their planners. So I'm going to make sticker packs with my characters as line play/facebook style stickers(Like the picture I attached)

Other people just collect them or paste them on their phones or laptops etc.

>> No.8057568

>what do you/your buyers do with their stickers?
I put them on my laptop, which is dumb because I know I'm needing a new one soon.

But keep in mind, a lot of conventions ban the sale of stickers. They don't want to have to pay someone to remove them off of walls (but who buys a sticker and then puts it on a wall?)

>> No.8057591
File: 66 KB, 703x521, Vector_Air_Gear_Emblems_by_namieiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(but who buys a sticker and then puts it on a wall?)
If they were these stickers I'd understand why, but really it's very rude and such a waste to stick them on some random building and not on your stuff.

>> No.8057604

Oh shit, Air Gear stickers! I'd love to buy those. I want to see JSR graffiti stickers now, haha

But yeah, I'd want to keep the sticker, not put it on a wall and then never see it again.

>> No.8057617
File: 338 KB, 1143x643, 20150115_102035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to not do anything with them because I was the same, I was always afraid that I wouldn't like where I stuck them and regret it. Now I've just said 'fuck it' and I've been putting them on my school folders and my sketckbooks.

Pics of my folders and my old banged up sketchbook

>> No.8058200

While we have people in the thread that like hatoful, what do you think would sell better? Bird form or human form acrylic charms?

>> No.8058217

pls stop making all kuroko art gay as fuck
I just wana have a poster of them playing basketball and stuff but it feels like that's too much to ask

>> No.8058219

i personally would buy bird form
lets you hide your powerlevel a bit

>> No.8058291

Anyone here got to order JiMi's stickers before? How is the printing quality?

>> No.8058304

Does anyone have any good examples of pin displays?
I'm going to have a lot more pins this year but they're only 1" and im trying to find a way to label them but still make the display look nice

>> No.8058399

Yeah, the fb group is like 85% babies.

That angry artist girl is local to me. I've known her for a couple of years and always found her kind of annoying. Her art's gotten better.... but not by much

Still, wipwednesdays are pretty sweet. I feel like that's when all the actually decent people post, and it's cool to see what they're making or their process

>> No.8058436

you know what I would buy without question? a good gankutsuou print

>> No.8058440

I think birds too, because while they're recognisable for fans, there's also a general "cute" factor for people who don't know/care about the game. And as >>8058219 said, it doesn't come across as weeby for people who are concerned with that.

>> No.8058456
File: 189 KB, 256x1529, buttans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bird, I just love pigeons in general :)

I haven't done it myself, but images from artists that I follow have posted the print quality looks amazing. I wish they did kiss cut though.

Here's a little list of what I see at cons (sorry for the tiny images, no photoshop on this computer)
1. >lazy susan type rotating display
pro: lots of options, fun for customers to rotate
con: customers tend to forget what they see and take longer viewing than just a board of pins where they can see them all at once. Hard to transport
2. >corkboard
pro: easy to pin on board
con: cork tends to fall apart after a while if you're pinning and re-pinning a lot
3 and 4. >different types of separators/organizers
pro:easy to setup
con: easy to steal

and the last image is just an idea on how to make your own :)

>> No.8058489


meh, the point of gankutsuo is the pretty patterns. I'm not sure it would look good in a print - unless it was holographic paper or something.

>> No.8058517

there's an idea

>> No.8058597
File: 38 KB, 250x250, 1360222085747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While everything else about the facebook group is great, i've actually become paranoid against posting WIP's in the group for fear of my ideas just being copied. 99% of WIP posts just end up divulging into
>neat where did you get it made??
> nice idea i'm going to try this too, just list all the supplies you've researched :D:D:D'.
It may just be me though. I do a specific handmade item and i'm not up for freely teaching my trade every time it's asked. (╯︵╰ )

>> No.8058635
File: 102 KB, 720x960, euh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8058638

since becoming part of the FB AA group, I've had 4 private messages of people asking how I make my Nintendo DS cases. And after explaining they ask if I could send them the templates I made.

I try to tell them as nicely as possible if they really like my stuff they could pay me to make something for them/friend.

>> No.8058643

Bird form would be popular even with people that don't know about Hatoful.

>tfw Shuu is my husbando and I would throw my wallet at you for a human!Shuu charm

>> No.8058652

I remember seeing your cases discussed a lot, even on here. I'm so sorry. Your designs are wonderful and they would honestly be hard pressed to make them better.

When messages like that go to my other folder I just ignore them. (-、-)

>> No.8058681


>> No.8058754
File: 19 KB, 210x240, char_40321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And after explaining they ask if I could send them the templates I made.
Were these people raised in the jungle?

>> No.8058764

oh god this reminds me, I follow this decoden girl on instagram and she posted a cap once from her tumblr ask box. some girl said she OWES her fans because they keep her business alive so she better tell everyone where she buys her clear glitter silicone so they can use it too. Little brats are so entitled.

>> No.8058784
File: 22 KB, 350x315, 1412293508807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I can only imagine my deco friend gets just as much shoved into her ask box daily. It really is frustrating. I have a lot of supply/pricing info stored to help people with --but if it relates to how I do my own business-- nope! It's not in our best business interests to divulge pricing of our own materials or where we get them. So for those that DO give them, that's completely out of their own kindness. /rant

>> No.8058891
File: 2.37 MB, 320x240, 1307663110517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some girl said she OWES her fans because they keep her business alive so she better tell everyone where she buys her clear glitter silicone
See, this is like going to McDonalds and telling them they HAVE to give you the recipe for their burgers since you keep the business alive

>> No.8058920

Thank you!

>> No.8059093


How that really sucks for her :<

>> No.8059103

where was this taken?

>> No.8059110

I've been thinking about finally selling the things I make but I hate customers so much at my real job I don't think I'd be able to handle this sort of shit in a "doing what I love" job.

>> No.8059127

You'd be surprised. It's so much nicer selling things YOU make and they love compared to shit other people make. So don't let the customer service aspect deter you.

>> No.8059128
File: 423 KB, 720x888, instagramcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I went looking for the pic and it's even more irritating than I remember.

>> No.8059145
File: 1.71 MB, 500x281, intenseface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8059228

from the artist alley facebook page

>> No.8059777

How long did it take everyone here to really feel like they got into a regular sales pattern, and what do you sell/what did you start with?

>> No.8060132
File: 2.02 MB, 3060x2673, IMG_0933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new canvas banner arrived and there's a huge mistake on it that didn't show up in the proof (it was totally my fault though, I knew it was there from last time and forgot to correct it)
I'm also planning on getting a bunch of big wicker baskets for my next con... I'll keep the wire cubes because they look like cages but I like the idea of a big basket filled with monsters. I think it'll be cute, like a little nest. I think portability may be an issue, but I'm only doing in-state cons so it shouldn't be too bad.

Jesus Christ. There's a lady who makes resin ponds with clay fish and things on tumblr. All of her asks are either 'can you tell me in detail how you did this so I can make one and not buy it from you?' or 'OMGTHATPOORFISHINTHATTINYBOX calling animal services now.'

It helps online sales, yes, but the problem is that the internet is international and a con is only one specific area. You can use a con to help build up online following though, which is super helpful.
Of course once you're like Beastlies or Miss Monster (my two points of reference) then you can be recognized.

>> No.8060194
File: 973 KB, 800x441, adecb9c00060654206bc657fb08f8d5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wise to sell fanart of a lesser known anime like Kokkuri-san?

Is it also too soon to hop on the Touken Ranbu train or should I wait until it reaches Kancolle levels of popularity?

>> No.8060196

Do you mind me asking what would be the best way to make teeth for a premade hat? I don't want to copy you but you've inspired me to add teeth and claws to a fuzzy hat/scarf I bought.

>> No.8060234

No problem! I have very few secrets.
It depends on the premade hat, if you're looking for cartoonish/comfortable you can just make felt cutouts and stitch them in. If you're looking for realism, you'll need more than that. I personally use super sculpey then paint it and seal it, but if it's going to be for heavy wear you should probably do resin casting.

You could also try taxidermy websites and see if they sell flat teeth/jaws/claws that would fit. Those would probably be the most realistic. Hope that helps!

>> No.8060260

>All of her asks are either 'can you tell me in detail how you did this so I can make one and not buy it from you?' or 'OMGTHATPOORFISHINTHATTINYBOX calling animal services now.'
oh shit, poor thing.

I remember there was a girl in the AA FB group that was making fandom themed goldfish tanks that had way too little swimming space for the goldfish. People were pointing that out to her and she kept defending the whole "but goldfish grow to the size of their tank guys it's okay"
And it just went on and on from there

>> No.8060276

That is terrible. Yes, they grow to the size of the tank and die of stunted growth. A goldfish needs at least 10 gallons.

>> No.8060325

Thank you. I used to work at a pet store and it was agonizing trying to tell parents over and over just because they had them in small bowls as kids doesn't mean you still can now.

We know better now.

>> No.8060827

What's the weirdest thing someone has said to you at your table? Last animeNEXT these two 14 year old asian girls came over to my table three times to tell me it was racist for white people to draw asian characters. I'm not even an illustrator.

>> No.8061036

>two 14 year old asian girls came over to my table three times to tell me it was racist for white people to draw asian characters

If I'm half asian does that make me half racist

>> No.8061091

A brony came to my table and seemed to be really conflicted on what to buy. This was when I had some MLP gijinkas for sale. He took a really long time deciding and finally purchased a mini-print ($3, 4x6) of Pinkie-Pie.

He comes back to me later during the con asking for a return/refund because, according to him, he was "hoping for the actual pony."

Apparently as an actual animal-pony????

How do you confuse a clearly human character with a pony?????

>> No.8061156

My friend and I run a table at local cons doing on the spot commissions of anything and everything. We've gotten some pretty great and terrible things from patrons but the weirdest instance was when another art table person came over to check us out. I'm a big Toku guy and I talked a bit with him about it. Dude got a quick drawing from us and told us that he makes pins of stuff and could make some custom ones for us. I thought his prices were outrageous for his talent and tried to politely decline. Next day the dude comes over to our table with stuff related to what we talked about previous and he pretty much demands I pay for them. It takes me near ten minutes to haggle a collective price that I thought was acceptable because we're already not liked by some of the other artist tables and truth be told I just want the guy to leave. Just all in all a weird experience. Guy forcing wares on people based on day old conversations.

>> No.8061164

>we're already not liked by some of the other artist tables
what, why?

>> No.8061168

They think because all we do is quick commissions without selling prints and everything it makes us not real artists and shit like that, basically. We have fun at our cons with the people in charge and a bunch of the artist tables, but sometimes the squeaky wheel can get us kicked the fuck out. Also, Youmacon said what we do is an insult to other artists, so maybe they're from that crowd and they had heard of us?

>> No.8061179

Uh, that sounds like really backwards thinking.

>> No.8061187

I can see this both ways. I am trying to do more AA's to make my work more well known and build up to a self sustaining business, so when I see people doing AA "just for fun" I can get kind of ticked. Still, if someone can get a table then it's their table and they can do whatever they want with it.

>> No.8061188

Shit sucks sometimes. But we get along with the around us artist tables and a bunch of damn fine artists. Did a bitchin' Saga (the western comic) draw swap with an amazing artist that actually had gotten a few of our drawings years ago when we were starting out.

>> No.8061189

>Youmacon said
What the fuck
Like, staffers or just a lot of attendees? It's shitty and out of line either way, but if it's the former, it's extra shitty and super out of line.

>> No.8061194

I understand that, Anon. My friend and I are both artists and we love the interaction that comes from our work being spontaneously influenced by the patron we're drawing for. We're not really doing it for a living, no, but we're there as artists none the less.
I'm just saying it was a weird instance were merch was forced on us by another artist.
Oh man, and this other time because my buddy had a problem knowing not to chase con tail. This group of people that buy from us every year got a bunch of stuff, but one of them was my buddy's ex and they don't get along so it was just me drawing and this awkward silence from him and her trying not to look his way and hide in the back of the crowd. I felt for him, I did, but fuck that was funny to me.

>> No.8061196

We tried to get a table there once. My buddy has the email printed out somewhere and it says that they knew who we were and that our work is an insult to art. We laugh at it really hard whenever we're planning our con circuit for the year. It's funny cuz since then we've had Youmacon table people come up to us and tell us about their cool ass convention. We always just listen to them and laugh about it later.

>> No.8061205

Do you do art for a living?

>> No.8061207

I'm assuming that means that you guys had never had a table there before, so that just makes it weird as fuck.

>> No.8061208

Oops, misread this. Answered my own question. Why the hell would a convention care whether or not you sell prints when you're selling custom work at the show... That's just really absurd on their part and those around you. So long as you're not underselling yourself, noone else around you should be so buttmad about it.

>> No.8061209

Artist as mostly freelance, and art teacher as more living wage. So, yes?

>> No.8061215

The thing is we go to Youmacon all the time and most of the "con owner" crowd we know knows those guys so its possible we pissed somebody off.
I do remember being in a con green room one year and drunkenly calling someone a "Tom Arnold looking motherfucker." Coulda been from that.

>> No.8061406

Does anyone have any tips on displaying stickers? Any good examples of sticker displays?

>> No.8061577

I was just about to ask this.

My vinyl stickers keep getting knocked around the table/almost taken because people assume they're free.

>> No.8061607

Put them in little plastic bags like drugs?

>> No.8061648
File: 198 KB, 1133x986, stickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe... I'm thinking I should just package the cat stickers together for conventions.

>> No.8061833
File: 214 KB, 500x355, 59880_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you're willing to lose some stock or just pin it up, maybe use a display similar to using a cork board for pins? that way people can see what stickers you have and you can keep the rest in the back of the table with your other stuff so no one gets sticky fingers

(pic related, imagine getting a poster like this for your sticker display)

>> No.8061864

Could probably just print and cut their designs out if they're going that route so they won't waste stickers.

>> No.8061865

It helps if people can actually see the product, not some inferior printout that doesn't show how it's cut out.

>> No.8062233
File: 107 KB, 917x960, BiddlyBopTheCompressionDontstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please excuse the crappy quality, but you can sort of make out the setup I had for my wares. It's just a piece of matboard with everything held on with magnets for easy removal in case something sold out. The magnets on the stickers were covered with the buttons that matched the designs.

It was pretty obvious that this was just a display, so people picking things off of the board wasn't really an issue.

>> No.8062346

I'm investing in a laser cutter pretty soon and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in a kind of discount cutting service. I wouldn't be able to make the printed charms like you can get from Zap, but solid colors, multiple colors, and engravings are definitely possible.

It would be the cost of whatever material you wanted, shipping, and $1 a minute for cutting time. Unless you're doing a lot of raster engraving, you can get a full 12" x 12" sheet worth of charms for next to nothing compared to other services.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

>> No.8062362

That sounds pretty sweet anon. When you get a better idea of pricing with examples i'd love to see what you're able to make.

>> No.8062518

I might be down for this. I'd like to see a couple example pieces first if possible. Maybe with prices beside them as well?

>> No.8062812
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 543319_10101140989928863_1027677044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much >>8062362 >>8062518 , may be interested and may be worth paying shipping to Canada, if you're up for that.

>> No.8062880

Before making the investment check your area for makerspaces or hackerspaces that already have a laser cutter. If you're near a reasonably big city there's a chance there's one but if you're nowhere then maybe go for it.

>> No.8062884
File: 433 KB, 1280x960, mireielle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a couple more table displays I found on Tumblr.

file names will be either the table/artist name or the Tumblr name if I couldn't find their artist name.

>> No.8062886
File: 112 KB, 960x720, twistedfantasycreations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8062891

.. did he expect the print to change after buying it and looking at it more..?
I'm confused here.

>> No.8063065
File: 546 KB, 701x620, 1395747433518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063226

Ohh are those blue foldable displays custom made or can you actually get them from somewhere?

>> No.8063319

anyone know a good site for getting custom sweatshirts made like omocat's?

>> No.8063338

They look custom to me - painted pegboards and a pair of hinges on each. A sheet of 24" x 48" pegboard's around $6 so it's cheap enough to make yourself.

>> No.8063690
File: 346 KB, 1280x960, 1395747861550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063741
File: 110 KB, 677x960, 10904601_827610590632109_3107984341778173738_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8063925

You got to it before me anon!!! And I thought my art was complete crap now I feel better about myself.

>> No.8063933

This person better be like...12

>> No.8063940

My 10 year old sister legit draws better than this lmfao.

>> No.8064085

how can you be that delusional

>> No.8064095

According to his Facebook he graduated from college in 2004. He's been around different art communities for a while.

>> No.8064097
File: 90 KB, 960x720, 1475778_787765984616570_1980073293751475869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8064103

Is there an ED page or something because holy shit.

>> No.8064106
File: 237 KB, 324x316, tumblr_mpfrrqLNgS1rv9dbjo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8064349

This guy legit lives with his mother (who is always the first to asspat him on facebook art posts).

>> No.8064353

Mother coddling is pretty much the only way this kind of shit goes this far without improving. Mothers are the original tumblr hugbox

>> No.8064359

...Does this guy actually manage to sell anything?

>> No.8064364
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 1911785_791716697554832_8183344644314513125_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His FB page shows a few people likely guilted into buying the shit (or given it free for the sake of getting a picture of his shit with them).

>> No.8064369
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 1511208_805320549527780_8842281535379962890_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8064374

God, that poor kid. Just look at his expression.

>> No.8064378

oh my god

>> No.8064379

holy shit, from his art I assumed he was like, maybe a teenager. How old is this guy?

>> No.8064424

Holy fuck, seconding this and if it doesn't exist yet there needs to be one created

This is just hilariously sad

>> No.8064467

Is that his son? Who is that poor child?

>> No.8064489

Just another unfortunate kid who made the mistake of making eye contact.

>> No.8064494

Like 31-32. He graduated high school in 2001 according to his website.

>> No.8064596

>$150 for a plush
Not judging, but do people really pay that much for stuff like that?

>> No.8064633

>$160 for a plushie of MLP.

>> No.8064643

I can't personally see myself buying one for 150 bucks, especially one that's so small. I get that it takes a lot of time, especially for a high quality plush, but I can't see even a hard core fan paying more than 1/3 of that. What kind of materials is this person using that they're selling these for 150 dollars?

>> No.8064645


you guys are assholes

>> No.8064650

who the fuck are you even

>> No.8064655

I know ones that have this type of quality or better, are much bigger, and are at the most $50-70.

>> No.8064657

someone with a conscious/empathy

>> No.8064659

and where the fuck do you think you are? fuck off to tumblr faggot

>> No.8064667

Learn to spell, sieg. It's conscience. And no, you aren't.

>> No.8064687

Looking at their DA page, they say they're using minky fabric. TBH, I don't know shit about sewing or plush making so I don't know if that's expensive enough to warrant selling these for 150 bucks or if they just think that the quality of their product is worth that much.

>> No.8064694

Hard core fans will, especially if they see a cuddleable plush on the spot like that. There's someone that makes large ones for $700 and they get eaten up in online sales alone.

>> No.8064729

Isn't that an older image from before the plushies were getting released for much cheaper?

I remember a phase where any plush for MLP was super hard to find. So much so that if you were a semi-decent artist you could get hundreds of dollars for each one.

>> No.8064738
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Probably because it's mlp and a brony might be desperate enough so they could over-price it.

I thought items in the artist alley were expected to be over-priced, at least that's the impression I got when I went to cons.

I remember I bought a doll like in pic related for 40 dollars and my friend was appalled by the price for it but looking at those plush dolls going for over 100, I kind of feel better about it now

Also slightly related question is it possible they could charge you for tax? I bought some pins for a friend one time and the guy said I had to pay a tax for it and I was confused by that especially since no one else said something like that

>> No.8064773
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>These people are dumb niggas

Most plush, good quality ones or custom made cost around $50-100 at the most. Mind you these are custom made ones and many times they are medium to big size. Not small like the previous post.

The commission I got only cost me around $80 but mind you it was this guy. In his final form and this one.

So I'm curious on why that MLP cost $160.

>> No.8064908

How much would you pay for a sticker pack? Considering it contains 12 stickers(6 designs) Two big stickers(8x5 cm) and the rest goes around 2 to 3 cm.

>> No.8064961

While I agree that some of the laughing/ridicule is a little bit mean, you're also addressing a community that makes a living off of creating original art/content. A certain degree of competence is expected if you're serious about selling. This particular artist is so oblivious to critique and so misguided in his approach that, yes, it does make people laugh.

I feel like people have tried to get through to him in the FB AA group, but he's either ignored it or responded negatively. When people are actively working hard to improve and provide desirable products, yeah, they're gonna laugh at someone who doesn't have the insight or the tact to do either.

>> No.8064969

50-100? That sounds super cheap. Would you mind showing what you actually got for $80 or the artist's work? For something at a con I can see $50-80 but I wouldn't charge that little for custom work if it was a large plush and good quality.

>> No.8065013

Where can I get these solid wall cubes?

>> No.8065037

The extremely thin line between this outsider art and the low-brow shit that would be picked up for a show on Fox or Adult Swim or something.

>> No.8065046

I can give you her information but I'm not sure if she still does commissions. She had some personal problems and went on hiatus. If you want I can still give you her information.

I know someone on ebay who did a really good Zankyou no Terror doll for $50 (with shipping) and most likely will have good prices too. You want that too?

>> No.8065052

>Forgot to mention that I don't have pictures right now but I'll post them in the future.

>> No.8065061
File: 42 KB, 395x463, hdrhdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.8065067

search "plastic cube shelving" on the Target website. I can't seem to find any on the Walmart.com site.

And this is all I could find on Amazon: http://www.amazon.ca/AGPtek%C2%AEPortable-Modular-Storage-Compartment-Connector/dp/B00KYMCCBE/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1421639556&sr=8-8&keywords=modular+storage+cubes

>> No.8065101

Please post her reply. I need to know that she didn't let that rude anon walk all over her ; w;

>> No.8065249

Thanks, no rush. I was more interested because I'm really curious what it looks like at that price to see what other people are charging for their quality, but it'd be nice to keep in mind too if I'm ever looking for one by someone else.

>> No.8065335
File: 108 KB, 1000x706, free pins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished some new buttons
I just hope the incoming dub brings out the free fans

>> No.8065352

Those are cute anon.

>> No.8065360

dat ma~ko~toooooo~~~~~ ahhh super cute!

>> No.8065383

Haru is best man

>> No.8065392

thanks guys
hope they do well on etsy, the over the garden wall ones did but i think that was just due to a lack of content for that show

>> No.8065435
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1380026877293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru is actual worst man
>besides Nagisa
>at least Nagisa isn't a shitty friend
>would not be able to stand being around either

>> No.8065448

thats why you should all just give in accept rei as best man

>> No.8065453
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These came in the other day. I still have to get the rest of my pokesweets set made. Going to get that done at Ink it Labs. Zap is kinda weird.

>> No.8065464

At least Nagisa got a little more persoanlity in season 2 than being a suction cup on Rei's ass. Haru is worst because his hipster swimming attitude fucked his whole team over.

>> No.8065488
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>> No.8065493

make shiny mareep
i would buy the fuck out of shiny mareep

>> No.8065919

How do you mean, weird? I was going to get some stuff printed there.

>> No.8065922
File: 258 KB, 493x324, disappointed-cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dammit Anon!

Usually my rule for shiny pokemon is I only make shiny variants of shinies I actually have... but I can't help but want to draw a cotton candy theme shiny mareep.

>> No.8065936
File: 43 KB, 450x571, C9y2r7k1qif20xo1_500_large1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made Pokemon sugar cookie broaches and keychains in the past with paperclay but I think it's time to step up the quality in my materials. What air dry clay do you recommend? I heard Daiso clay is pretty good but I live nowhere near one.

>> No.8065947

Hey MyFebronia, in case you're here, you have my sympathy for all the shit going down in the AA FB group over your suggestion.

I think it's a great suggestion based on what we've talked about here at least, so don't sweat it <3

>> No.8065974


You're a trooper for bringing it up and you're taking all the negative comments like a champ.

>> No.8065982

I just saw that, holy shit! That one chick went off for no apparent reason. MyFeb had a great points. I felt bad when people were tagging Luckysquid with questions she didn't want to answer to. No ones obliged to give out information if they don't have to. Business is business.

>> No.8065984

damn I just looked and thirding that.

Some people with the rubber charms were getting pretty entitled aaa

>> No.8066029

The ears would snap right off of those.

>> No.8066199

Yeah are you using some kind of an armature in these? Using some aluminum foil inside won't affect their weight too much.

>> No.8066240

Caps for the rest of us?

>> No.8066267

This was just a random pikachu sugar cookie that I googled for an example, but I haven't made an actual pikachu keychain.

Someone suggested that I can use a very thin piece of foam board as a base (after sealing it, of course).

>> No.8066283

Sure :) I hope I can type this out so it makes sense.

MyFeb posted in the AA FB mentioning how the SPS and WIPW (self promo sunday and work in progress wednesday) have been feeling more like "oh I like that thing, tell me how you made it" instead of showing off our stuff/promoting our websites/fb pages/etc. She also mentioned that this puts a lot of pressure on some of us that want to keep that information to ourselves, myself included.

She suggested having a notice at the end of our posts that says "Please no source questions, this is SPS/WIPW only" so people know not to ask them if the artist wanted, it's up to them of course.

Cue 100+ comments later in the span of 2-3 hours of 90% of people understanding and putting their 2 cents in, and 10% of people saying that's not fair because we should help everyone out and saying how they would never keep secrets from anyone if asked. Which I can understand, that's their choice, but some of us don't want to.

Plus the 10% misread the post MyFeb was a mod and that this was a rule that was going to be put in place. They thought no one from now on could ask at all in the comments, which isn't the case.

>MyFeb suggested that if you don't want people asking how you made your things, to add that to your post
>some people assumed she was a mod and this was a new rule and no one could ever ask again
>shit hits fan
>argument between mods trying to moderate as nicely as possible with a couple people

I've considered becoming a mod for the FB AA page, but shit like this would drain me quickly.

>> No.8066308

ugh that fuckin thread
>MyFeb posts
>MyFeb immediately says it's just a suggestion, no discussion ple--

my disdain for these AAN fucks runs for light years. These motherfuckers are like passive aggressively trying to guilt artists (who are well within their rights to protect their trade strategies) into sharing everything for a bigger better beautiful world.

God I hope they sit on a mile of thumbtacks.

>> No.8066311

I like this one. H/S username is Mireielle on tumblr right?

>> No.8066313

How do you guys cope with an awful weekend? I've been doing this for years, and this past weekend I just made 1/10ths of what I normally do and barely broke even. I feel like a failure, even if there were a shitton of other things that went into it. Coping mechanisms, stories, etc?

>> No.8066317

You would think in a format like Faceook where everyone has a clear identity to be associated with there would be less assholery. How did the opposite become true?

>> No.8066319

Thanks for the summary! Geez, facebook seems to be a platform that's great at concentrating the idiots sometimes.

>> No.8066323

If you didn't sell a lot of your stock, you don't have to buy lots new for next time, right? So that brings your costs right down for the next one!

>> No.8066324


Is the one who did the ZnT plush (that looked better than the ones on Taobao.) Ebay deleted my damn image though. Sorry.

I don't know H/S's prices though. I'm still looking for the other person.

>> No.8066329

Focus on the good things that happened over the weekend (for me, that's usually hanging out with my artist friends, meeting some really cool customers, fuck, even getting one decent commission and doing a good enough job to feel proud about it). It's easy to let the negatives overwhelm you, especially when it comes to the monetary aspect, but as an artist and as a person, it's super important to keep your head up and keep chugging.

My last 'bust' con was pretty recent. I had really low expectations to begin with, but I guess there were some other things that went wrong, and overall it was just a mediocre experience, but the two things that made the con not a bust were 1) a funny/kinda weird customer commissioned me shippy art of 2 extremely bara League of Legends characters (which was probably one of my favorite commissions from a con ever) and 2) one of my friends from out of town was at the con, which came as a huge surprise to me. I got to hang out with her later, and ended the con on a really high note.

It's also important to acknowledge that you're gonna have good cons, great cons, and absolutely terrible ones. That's okay! You don't get better unless you go through the experience first and become better prepared next time. ANd even if you hit another bust, you'll also have some better days to make up for it.

Don't feel like a failure, because one bad experience doesn't make you. Success is something that's built up, not decided by one moment of weakness.

>> No.8066342

It's not even some people too, it just seems to be that ren faire person going on and on 'WELL IN THE REN FAIRE COMMUNITY WE TEACH OUR CRAFT' and then saying they feel terrible. They remind me of a normalfag friend who wants to go with you to a con but hates all the people and sits in the corner like a sourpuss

>> No.8066355

yep, that's their Tumblr name.

it can be draining, but also super entertaining too.

>>8066329 summed it up really well. You da best Tim!

yeah, some people just can't deal and don't think about what they sound like when they start posting.

I hope she understands eventually that not everyone is as open as the ren faire community.

>> No.8066367

I think the abundance of tutorials on basically anything on the internet is a mixed blessing. You no longer have to get special lessons or spend money on materials figuring something out from scratch just to learn a quick new skill or technique. But at the same time this has made people feel entitled to free information. I want an app that punches people through the computer screen any time someone calls a cosplayer or artist "selfish" for not sharing their trade secrets.

>> No.8066381

>I hope she understands eventually that not everyone is as open as the ren faire community.
I'm not even sure that it's really the ren faire community. Sure, some people will make stuff on site because watching them make it attracts customers, but I'm not sure as many people as she claims just give up their trade secrets to whoever asks them.

>> No.8066387

I don't know much about the ren faire community, so I'd have to take her word for it, unless someone mentions otherwise.

But I have my doubts forsure

>> No.8066399

Just because hobbyists and people who treat their business like a hobby give away information doesn't mean the more serious business people have to. Even hobbyists don't have to, I know it can suck putting effort into developing an idea and then having others use it.

>> No.8066454

I've heard that some cons make artist alley participants get/provide proof of tax licenses or something. Does this vary by con or is this a general rule?

>> No.8066477
File: 256 KB, 1040x958, mink and mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, have some kawaii ass stickers that you're willing to trade as free advertising. I think like everyone bought some at ACEN

>> No.8066494

Thanks guys <3 I'm not at all bothered by the negativity so it's no big deal. Got out what I needed to say.

>> No.8066495


You going to Acen?

>> No.8066748

I've been selling prints for a couple of cons now, and they've been doing pretty ok, but I want to expand my merch. Do buttons and stickers actually sell? I want to know if they'd be worth the effort, since those take a bit more work than just going and getting stuff printed.
I don't really have a typical marketable cute/"kawaii"/anime art style, so I'm kind of torn about whether or not they would sell.
Also, I don't really do merch of the super popular stuff either, not to be like "durr im so much better than u mainstreamers" ofc, I just personally prefer to sell stuff of the things I actually like. I've got prints of Sly Cooper, Psychonauts, and Jet Set Radio, if that says anything about the kind of things I do prints of.
Should I just suck it up and do popular stuff if I want to sell better?

>> No.8067185


Check with your con, but many big cons do require a state sales ID license, yes.

>> No.8067226

buttons sell crazy well. never underestimate the allure of a $1 piece of merchandise that works as an accessory. I got a button maker from american buttons and spent like $380 on the damn thing. I figured I'd have to do a few cons to pay it off but it only took one. I sold about $400 buttons and ran out of supplies on the last day. As long as your art is quality and cute teenagers with little spending money will eat that shit up
I also only had pins of stuff I liked. The only real big fandom stuff i had was a few supernatural pins and some adventure time and they flew. But the rest of the designs all did decently well, mostly people being happy to find something they like that isnt as common. Do pins, its worth it.

just dont ever get a badge-a-minit machine.

>> No.8067455

Buttons and Stickers are some of the biggest sellers, I imagine. After people have bought stuff in the dealers or they've bought a ton of posters and they have a handful of small bills left, they start looking for small cute things to buy. If those things are wearable? Even better.

>> No.8067701

Damn, ok. I guess I'll go for it then, my friend has a button machine so I won't have to drop that much cash on one myself (thank god). Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.8068225

I completely agree with what MyFeb suggested. Other artists are so used to being spoon-fed that I even get these "Haha your stuff is awesome!! Ok where do you get X made?" questions via my store's customer service e-mail. I'm going to stop replying to these questions altogether, regardless of where it's from, unless it's from friends.

>> No.8068485

Have any of you had con goers that were offended by something you were selling? How did you handle it?

>> No.8068733

I did fairly well in my first con and made a bit of profit. However, I chose a shitty printing plan at a local print shop and ended up having too many print leftovers.
I'm fairly certain that I will never be able to sell some of these prints at future cons, so how should I get rid of them?

>> No.8068749

lmaooooo I have that bitch blocked, she's a complete drain on my soul. (Oh I'm a g*psy AND native american even though I'm white as hell! Nah. Get out.)

>> No.8068768

>Have any of you had con goers that were offended by something you were selling? How did you handle it?

I've head people that offended by something I DIDN'T sell.
I don't have anything Legend of Zelda related and someone was all pissy that since I sell Nintendo DS cases, that I should TOTALLY have LoZ stuff. I told them that I try to cover all my bases, but I can't make something from EVERY fandom.

For your case, I'd just tell them that it's something you like and that you're sorry they feel that way. What is/are the item(s) in question?

>I'm fairly certain that I will never be able to sell some of these prints at future cons, so how should I get rid of them?

Mystery bags. Put a couple prints in a bag, make sure they can't see into it, and offer a discount on the total amount of prints that are in the bag. (ex. if you put in 3 prints that are usually $10 each, charge $10, $15,$20, whatevs for the bag.

People love that stuff. Maybe mention on the outside of the bag what the total amount is too, so they can see how much they save.

This is just an idea though.

>> No.8068901

No conventions yet, but I am preparing for one. I would like to draw some monster girls in outfits and costumes from around the world. Not all the girls I've made are white, only about two of them are, but since I am white I am a little worried about being confronted since I drew someone in middle eastern style clothing. Should I really be worried about that, or am I just spooked because of tumblr?

>> No.8069112

Eh, I'm middle eastern and I think that idea sounds cool. As long as you've actually done research on the design I don't think you'd be confronted. If it happens anyway, be confident in the research and design you have so you can explain you're just representing whatever culture it is. Anyway, people online don't tend to be as confronting irl so don't let it worry you too much.

>> No.8069375

As long as they're tasteful it's fine. The only people offended by "cultural appropriation" like that is usually middle class white girls or minority teenagers who are being edgy in their own way.

>> No.8069502

Thanks for the answers, they're very reassuring!

>> No.8069504

How far are some of you willing to drive to a con? I live in New Mexico, and for the life of me I can not find any good conventions near by. The closest ones are in Texas and Arizona. Would it be an eight hour drive to go sell at a three day convention?

>> No.8070005
File: 662 KB, 1200x1200, 1421536426032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do AA stuff, but most of my art is unfinished.
Are printed sketchbooks profitable?
Also, I do a lot of nsfw, is that allowed at most conventions? (not to display obviously)

Also, how about printed doujins? I don't want to do stickers/pins and other trinkets like that, just posters, doujins, and books.

>> No.8070030

What are some general good price ranges for apparel? Shirts, dress, skirts, etc? Up to how much would you pay for each, keeping in mind they had original designs on them?

>> No.8070110

Why are artists so stingy about table costs when the dealers play about five times more and have the same amount of risk involved?
>in b4 they know their product would sell
bullshit. I have to pitch for eight hours if I want to make bank. it just doesn't occur without thought.

>> No.8070331

Bumping my question!

>> No.8070426

I'd have to see an example, personally, of style and etc...

>> No.8070482
File: 116 KB, 817x617, tttt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-well some people told me they wanted merchandise, so I opened a storenvy. I know the thread is AA related but I always find myself asking advice for selling. It's missing one sticker and I will probably try printing with jimi a batch of 50 to see how it goes.

>> No.8070737

Tbh your art is mediocre and nowadays most 14yr Olds can do better. It looks generic as hell the coloring is boring, poses too stiff and your chibis look awkward. Maybe it's just the example you provoded but if I were you I wouldn't bother doing aa until you found your own distinct style.
Again it might just be the example you provided, leave your tumblr or art blog or something and I think we would be better able to judge your art style from it.

>> No.8070751

The colors aren't just boring, but downright ugly.
To the artist though, your style is very generic, but it's good enough to sell fanart with imo

>> No.8071070

Maybe... because... dealers tables are paid for by bigger companies, usually? If not, they're taken by artists with bigger names, who, like you said, are more confident about their brand. Plus, if other artists are stingy to shell out a certain amount of money for their table, then that's better for you, isn't it? I'm just not really sure where your butthurt is coming from. This is a weird post.

>> No.8071145
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 14566323054_2a14a34c6f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At AnimeNorth, 1percenttalent was selling his own designs that he screen printed by hand. I paid like $20 for a tank top and $25 for a shirt iirc, maybe 10$ more.

I would keep the price range around $15-30 for shirts/skirts like pic related. (I'm assuming you're not talking about lolita stuff. If it is loli, disregard what I said)

>> No.8071292


If you go to a midsize con or larger, I'd say it's worth it, yes. Gas is cheaper now so your travel costs wouldn't be as bad. Especially since Texas has 3 of the top 15 cons in the US. Well worth it if you can get into them.

>> No.8071296


Check with your con about 18+ stuff. I've sold 18+ items and the only requirement was that I not have them on display and that I check IDs before showing people the art. The customer couldn't get their ID checked and then let their friends see the art. Anyone who wanted a look got carded.

Also, I'd try and work towards some more finished art. Even the stuff in your image could be a small print if you give it a nice background design.