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8154996 No.8154996 [Reply] [Original]

Old one's in autosage, keep them questions coming.

>> No.8154999

To answer a question from the previous thread about the alochol content in Witch Hazel,
That's fine. I use T.D. Dickinson, which seems to be the brand most people get. It's 14% alcohol, and my skin is fine. If anything, Thayers could be used if you have more sensitive skin.

>> No.8155286
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Anyone have a Clairsonic? If so, is it worth the price?

I've had my Olay Pro X cleanser for about 4 years now and it's starting to die on me (head isn't spinning even with brand new batteries). I've been using it as a stationary brush but after just a few days I've noticed a less deep clean. I've finally realized that quality exceeds quantity, so I'm okay with the big ticket price of a Clairsonic but if it isn't any better than the $30 Olay cleanser I'd much rather just buy another Olay instead.

>> No.8155297

Just curious, but what is the difference between Eastern and Western beauty products? Is it the chemicals in them?

>> No.8155318

I had a mia 2 that broke within three months. I think my roommate accidentally knocked it off something but she isn't fessing up and that shit shouldn't have happened so soon.

I loved it, but a konjac sponge does the job too.

>> No.8155332

>konjac sponge
I've thought about trying one but I like the machinery in the Clairsonic. I also worry the sponge would be too abrasive on my skin. Sorry your roommate broke yours! I hope you find a way to get another one.

I think it's the chemicals. Eastern makeup doesn't have to follow the FDA laws so they can probably get away with potentially hazardous ingredients. Eastern makeup also has kawaii packaging.

>> No.8155368

I feel like it's the approach to skincare that's the biggest difference. Western skincare focuses solely on oil if you're young and only anti aging when you already have wrinkles, where Eastern skincare is more on total care and moisture. It isn't odd for an Eastern product marketed towards teenagers that also touts anti aging ingredients. Another thing (that I read in Forbes so who knows how accurate) is that Eastern skincare is more daring and can get away with using ingredients considered weird or gross here. Milky dress sells an anti trouble body spray with silkworm castings (shit) that would never fly in the US, snail mucus wouldn't have caught on here if it hadn't been en vogue in Asia first.

>> No.8155401

If rosehip oil anon is around, what quantity did you buy yours in? Is the 4oz bottle too much? It seems like most retailers offer it in 1oz or 4oz; I'd be afraid of the oil going bad before I finished it.

Also, how do you apply it? I've never used a pure oil around my eyes, do you pour it onto a cotton pad and kind of ...dab? Can you wear it at night?

Sorry for all the questions, but thank you for the recommendation! I think rosehip oil will be the next thing I try for undereye fine lines after I finish my Like20. (I went and looked up a few reviews online, but a lot of them seem to be from older women in their 50s/60s - I'd like to try rosehip as a preventative thing in my 20s)

>> No.8155437

Sorry if this is an beaten to death question....

I have not been having any luck with eye creams.
Trying to keep up with the water and sleep.
I am looking for something for dark circles, tired, puffy eyes.

>> No.8155800

Someone suggested a caffeine cream in the past thread but I can't confirm this.

Question: any suggestions for spf50 pa+++ or higher sunscreens without any alcohol (ethanol, 'alcohol' I mean)?
I'm fighting a losing battle with my current tube of sunscreen, it makes my eyes water and I look like a ghost.

>> No.8155812

Diff rosehip oil user here. I usually apply it at night before bed to a clean face. I just pop a few drops into the palm of my hand, warm the oil by rubbing my palms together then gently smooth it onto my face. You really only need a few drops. If your face feels greasy you are applying too much.

I think a cotton pad would be wasteful and unnecessary. I generally don't apply any directly onto the under eye area as I find as the oil warms up it will cover that area anyway. Sometimes you can apply too much under the eye and as it warms it can get into the eye.

Go the smaller bottle at first to see if you like it. If you are trying to do the preventative thing do a moisturiser + sunscreen for the day and rosehip oil at night. Don't forget your neck, décolletage and backs of your hands when applying.

>> No.8155871

Just stay out of the sun, eat well exercise and fucking stop using so much makeup

>> No.8156485

Welp, looks like I'll be starting Accutane in a month after I prove that I'm not pregnant. Any good lip balms/chapsticks I should stock up on?

>> No.8156520

Hey that's me!
I got mine in an amber glass bottle with a glass eye dropper thing. (Sukin, if brand matters. I just chose the cold pressed variety but use the best your local suppliers can offer). I reckon 1-2 oz is more than enough just for face care, though its hella moisturising on the hands too so I might go 4 oz next.
I believe as long as you get it in an Amber bottle/keep it out of direct sunlight/heat you'll be fine. I've had a couple oils go nasty on me when I did otherwise, and be outlived by ones I forgot in my medicine cabinet.

I do recommend getting an eye dropper to apply though, even if you have to transfer from a bigger bottle to a smaller one. Cleanest and tidiest way to apply the stuff. I have another oil in a pump bottle and get that shit everywhere each use.

I put a drop on my index, and rub if first around the lower lid, then on the upper lids. Otherwise if I do it the other way I get too much oil on the top lid and it makes my eyes blurry for ages.
I also apply it to my nasolabial folds. I only been getting into it for a month or so now? So no telling too much now, but the natural retinol in it apparently is the most derma-absorable form of it. And i feel moisturised, and not too greasy and I'm naturally oily skinned.

>> No.8156690
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My current morning routine is
Shower --> Cleanser --> Exfoliate --> Moisturizer

I use cleanser 6x weekly and exfoliate 3-5x weekly

Just started on skincare am I missing or overdoing anything?

If someone's already answered my question please just link me

>> No.8156703

Tonymoly panda so cool eye stick. The only thing that's worked and its like $10

>> No.8156805
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Oh my god, thank you so much for the in-depth application tips. I feel like such a newbie when I'm asking for directions on how to do specific things since they seem like so basic and fundamental.

Thanks to >>8155812 for chiming in, too! I've only used tea tree oil, which is pretty runny and easier to apply with a cotton pad, so it's cool to know that rosehip is something I'll be able to wipe on with a finger!

>> No.8157118

I would say exfoliate max twice a week if you even need it that many times. Besides that if you're skin is doing okay then keep up with your routine.

>> No.8157136

i have the mia 2 est nov and it works really well. tbh i don't really see a difference since my skin is very hormonal but i can tell my skin is way cleaner than before.

>> No.8157325
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Oh, I wonder if it this pic, I saved it from a few threads back. Just have not looked into it much yet.

oh shit, that is so cute too. I may just pick one up and give it a go. Thank you anon.

>> No.8157339

Any advice (products, treatments, whatever) for someone in their mid-twenties starting to develop fine wrinkles on the forehead and fine nasolabial folds would be greatly appreciated. I use moisturizer daily, sunblock, drink heaps of water, and rarely wear much makeup. Thank you.

>> No.8157365

thanks anon

>> No.8157367

Cool. Thanks! I found some new in box Mia 2's on eBay for less than retail price of the original so I think I'll take the plunge. Thank you based Hong Kong sellers with 100% positive feedback from real people. I'm certain they're real since they complain about the long shipping and use complete sentences.

>> No.8157479

Oh, I have this. I would say it works well but I don't keep up with it, so my dark circles still come back.

>> No.8157735
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No worries! I wish it didn't have to be too daunting to ask, I didn't think they were dumb questions. I mean hey, I wish someone would have told me earlier about the usefulness of eye droppers for oil application back when I originally just had the one in the pump bottle... I saw one of the hippie Health stores in my area selling these for $1.50 each so I'm gonna pick some up next time for my jojoba.

I feel that the rosehip oil gets wasted if it goes on the pad, and I don't put it all over my face either so I still don't have a reason to use it. All you gotta do is clean your hands nice and well, or make sure after doing a face wash you don't touch any door knobs or anything before you do the oil step. And I think that's the gist of it.

>> No.8157756

As someone ever tried skin whitening product.

I'm super jelly of those super pale glowy skins seen on asian models ?
I know that sort of product are probably illegal in Yurop where the tanning nazis reign.

Any good Asian brands ?
Does it work ?

>> No.8157788

The Diff Rosehip Anon here,

Just at a guess I think I may be significantly older than both of you! I use it all over my face as I find as I got older my skin would react to the fragrance and various additives in other products. Rosehip oil doesn't give me a reaction and it's nice and gentle. Just make sure your hands are clean and dry before trying to pop it on your face.

My bottles all come with eye droppers! I need to find an outlet in my country that sells these magical pump packs. Anyways, glad I could help out.

>> No.8157808

>tanning nazis
u wot
anyway, skin whitening isn't illegal in and of itself, hydroquinone is though (it's carcinogenic and ages you). If you want super pale glowy skin, do as us perfidious pasty Islanders do and stay out of the sun, apply sunscreen frequently and take vitamin C (and D, since you're a child of the dark now) supplements.

I don't apply sunscreen while inside but I've read about some Asian girls who do, imo it's taking it a bit too far but if you REALLY wanna be Snow White... Be prepared to get taken the piss out of.

Also, depending on your skin tone you may end up being less of a glowy pale princess and more of a jaundiced skeleton king.

>> No.8157820
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I'm a poor fatty brit-chan looking to make my skin nicer. I have a dry fore head, oily nose and chin and the rest is normal.

What are the absolute essentials I should buy that don't go above £50 altogether?

PIC is of my gross face

>> No.8157822

hydrochloric acid

>> No.8157838

Anybody have any luck with getting rid of under skin acne? It's the only type of zit I really get and it seems like there's always at least one on my face and multiple on my back. I drink a lot of water, am on birth control, and don't wear makeup on my skin unless it is for cosplay. I use Olay Sensitive skin moisturizers (am and pm) and use the oil cleansing method to clean my skin... Hasn't changed much in terms of how much I break out, but it is definitely less irritating. I can't use a lot skin products because my skin is more sensitive than a superwholock on Tumblr. For reference, I've had to go to urgent care because of how my skin has reacted to neutrogena sunscreen. That's how bad it is. I'm thinking of asking my derm about spiro when I go next... Anyone have any success with that?

>> No.8157839

feck off
go see what they've in stock at your local Boots. You'll need a cleanser (gentle is best) and moisturiser as bare essentials. Other things that may come in handy are sunscreen, AHA or BHA chemical peels (Bravura London makes some), facial masks etc. Those you can use periodically or however your skin likes it best, but daily sunscreen use is recommended. Later on, when you've got all the essentials you can buy any potions and elixirs and whatnot that you like to treat particular issues.
Unfortunately you'll have to see for yourself what works and what doesn't, but please try out one product at a time to see if it suits your skin rather than piling on multiple things at once.

EU brands are fair reliable but you can always try Asian skincare if you like, it's usually cheaper. I'd recommend getting the basics locally though, so you can always stock up on them.

As for recommendations, I've had good results with Eucerin and SebaMed for cleansers. Plenty of people here seem to like The Body Shop as well, but I've not tried them. French sunscreens are okay but you may want to sell your soul to our Asian overlords when it comes to that because they're a lot less greasy. They're smaller though, and get used up quickly.


>> No.8157844

Thank you anon! I'll take a look sometime this week and see what I can get in Boots but I might look into Asian skincare stuff too. Thanks again!

>> No.8157845

I bought a whitener with hydroquinone. I think it caused blisters on my hands.Hands are super sensitive. A baking soda/lemon treatment at night might be better for skin. Glowy skin is caused by face mist,It sets in makeup too. The most effect way of staying light is keeping out of the skin and having a whitening soap.
Insta whitener

>> No.8157857

I use hydrquinone it works wonderfully, you wont go from midnight to ivory but it will shift you a few shades lighter if you use it consistently. I usually do 2 months on 2 months off because it thins your skin slightly, I also use mine along with retinol so that makes it harsher. Make sure you are buying a genuine product and at a no more than 2% concentration. Pretty much any complication that has been reported is because people use high dosages without a doctors supervision. It does cause cancer if injected into the internal organs of rats if that's a worry for you.
Most asian brands won't contain HQ they prefer arbutin. Which has a high sensitivity rate but it does show whitening, if not as effective as HQ overall.

>> No.8157873

I'd still recommend kojie san or likas soap instead of hydroquinone, for starters at least.

>> No.8157877
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Skin whitening (or more commonly, 'brightening') products aren't illegal in Europe. Products containing hydroquinone are, because that's considered a harmful ingredient.
I've used pic related for a while, and it should be available in various EU countries. It's not a hardcore whitening cream but it moisturizes nicely and has some decent ingredients for the price so I used it as a night cream for a while. My paleness is mostly due to genetics and sun avoidance, though. Also exfoliation.

Sunscreen-while-inside is useful to counter UVA which, unlike UVB, doesn't give a fuck about windows or clouds. If you sit inside next to a window all day every day the side of you that faces the window will age faster than the side that faces away from it.

Tbh I wouldn't recommend putting baking soda or lemon juice on your skin. Baking soda is too alkaline and lemon juice is wayyy too acidic, so either one will end up fucking with your skin's natural pH and making it more prone to dryness and irritation.
Also you're right that the glowiness of Korean celebrities is in a large part caused by moisturizing and luminizing products. It's definitely not realistic to compare your own bare skin to what you see in your Kdramas.

>> No.8157884

What about in the evening? Do you use make up?

>> No.8157907

That's called cystic acne anon. Did you try cutting stuff from your diet, taking supplements, or talk to your derm about an antibiotic treatment or accutane or something?

>> No.8157988

Same routine for evening and no I do not use any makeup

>> No.8158010

Has anyone ever used rosewater as a toner? I'm thinking of doing it because I like the smell of roses and I read somewhere that you can.

>> No.8158035

Well I'm not sure if it'll have any benefits per se, but if you like the smell of roses go ahead and make your own (you can also include some cucumbers or something), it certainly isn't harmful.

>> No.8158180

Just be careful of kojie san, it gave me hives on my neck and chest. I can't imagine what would have happened had I used it on my face.

I hear milky dress works for a day or so, but I haven't tried it out.

>> No.8158185

I love this shit. It works well enough that my step mom stole it when I left it while visiting home. (To her defense, I wasn't coming home for another year.)

>> No.8158187
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Ugh, dropped my image.

>> No.8158383

I put on oils after after so that\s probably why I dont see a big difference

>> No.8158444

yooooo what, rose water and witch hazel all in one, with aloe vera? This shit looks amazing, how does it work?

>> No.8158450

Yoooo this stuff is the dope dope. Glad to see it finally being recommended on here.

>> No.8158480

Tried biotin, made the problem worse. Was put on minocycline, but my skin got discoloration with it (I stopped).

>> No.8158577

Whoa that stuff has everything I need. I just ordered some, I hope it smells nice

>> No.8158580
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It's amazing. It comes in a lot of other varieties, but rose is the only one I've tried and is my holy grail toner.

>> No.8158599

Yeah biotin, though it can help with hair and mild acne, can be known to make it worse. I actually was on minocycline too but it didn't do shit. Talk to your derm about other antibiotics or treatments. Last time I went in about the minocycline that the best route for me to go would be accutane.

But before all of that, I had tried supplements as well. Do some research on supplements for cystic acne, because sometimes the problem is you're lacking something. Things to look for are:
>Vitamin A
>Vitamin E
>Vitamin D
>Omega fatty acids

Certain vitamins and supplements balance one another out and absorb better in the presence of others. If supplements don't work, that's when you start looking into more serious treatments like accutane. For me, it was a last resort because I had already tried everything else, and nothing worked. If birthcontrol is not working for you, then the problem isn't hormonal. But definitely look into supplements, give it a try, and if nothing happens after a month or so, speak with your derm. There's only so much help you can get from playing a guessing game.

>> No.8158608

I'm definitely going to look into these when I run out of my current bottle of witch hazel. I've been mixing mine with ACV, so I wonder if I should continue doing that rose petal one or not.

>> No.8158611

Witch Hazel anon, or anyone, could someone please explain to me the benefits of not having alcohol in your toner? Does it contribute to aging, or is alcohol in your toner a good thing to have when you're suffering from acne?

>> No.8158920

Best (moderately priced) product to help get rid of blackheads?

>> No.8159027

Supposedly alcohol ages you faster in skincare, irritates, and over dries your skin.
Personally, I love the way Thayer's makes my skin feel, fresh but not dry. It makes my moisturizer (gel cream) sink in better and gives my skin a velvety feeling. I'm also sensitive to certain scents and textures and can't do alcohol in my routine, sadly no Benton snail stuff either because it smells dirty.

>> No.8159036

Not Witch Hazel anon, I bought my first non-alcohol toner and holy crap, there's a difference. Obviously, less drying, but I didnt notice I was so sensitive to alcohol until I tried the alcohol free version. I thought the tingly, light burning sensation was the best I had to deal with. Definitely do try it, and if it's no different to you then just give it away to a best friend or something (bless her soul her skin is resilient to everything and flawless)

>> No.8159047

Here's a good article about alcohol and acne. The witch hazel I recommended is alcohol free, but I guess you have to be careful with other brands because they distill it with alcohol.

>> No.8159055

When people apply Vitamin C to their face for anti-aging etc, are they just crushing up a pill or are they buying it in a fluid form?

>> No.8159058

make sure to buy lots and lots of lotion, lather yourself up, and stay out of the sun.

>> No.8159138

anyone with knowledge of tonymoly products around? what is the difference between the egg pore blackhead out oil gel and the blackhead steam balm?

>> No.8159149

I have combination skin, but my blackheads are more on the oily side, I found the oil gel is a bit more for people with dryer skin, where the steam balm would probably be more harsh. Also, I like tonymoly quite a bit.

>> No.8159161

thanks for the quick response? i also have combination skin with oily blackhead areas. was thinking about buying this set


as well as the brightening panda brightening eye base (was also confused about the difference between that and the cooling base) and the cats wink powder. i've never tried any korean makeup/skincare products before, and i used a mix of high end and drugstore products. please let me know your opinions on these products!

>> No.8159187

Have any of you seagulls tried Cure?
I've been curious about it for a while now...

>> No.8159189

I have the panda eyes set, and the cooling stick is more of an eye serum, and the brightening base is a white primer type stick. (I've heard of people using it as a non sparkly highlighter too)

I love the cat's wink powder, it has a nice finish but is a bit easy to cake.

I highly recommend the red appletox honey cream, its amazingly hydrating without getting greasy. (Despite it's name, its actually a gel!) The Panda's dream sleeping pack is also good (non sticky finish) but I'm going to try the banana sleeping pack next because it smells divine. The panda one smells like ivory soap almost.

>> No.8159199

Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to add I used to use a mix of high end and mid end products.

>> No.8159218

thanks, i'll definitely be picking up all three of those products then! i'll look into the appletox honey cream too. is it a moisturizer? right now i use cerave am and pm moisturizers. a sleeping pack is like a night time moisturizer?

>> No.8159230

It's a moisturizer, sleeping packs go over the top to sort of "seal in" the other products and add benefits, but is generally too heavy for day use. Some of them are sticky but I can't handle that texture.

>> No.8159234

i see. my main skin issues are dry cheeks and an oily t-zone, though the dryness does improve a lot when spring starts. i'm not sure if something like that would be beneficial for me

>> No.8159244

I usually use a serum that is high in vit c.
I really love this one, had really great results.

>> No.8159263

Not the anon you replied too,
but oh dang, I never knew that about cystic acne.
I am having a terrible time with it right now, and my last dr. visit my vit. D level turned out pretty low.

Have not been as regular with my supplements as I should, but dang going to get on that and see what happens.

>> No.8159282

I've only heard good things about it but can't justify shipping it over here at that price so I'm going to try to pick some up when I go to Japan. I don't know much about cosmetics and skincare buying there though, anyone have advice on where to go for it?

>> No.8159468

Suggestions on sunscreen for sensitive skin? Everything I've tried makes me feel greasy

>> No.8159474

I think they all feel like that, whether one is sensitive or not.

Pretty sure sensitive skin refers to inflamed reaction anyway.

>> No.8159507

Look for things marked anti-trouble or trouble-anything because that's what acne is referred to as. Innisfree makes a wonderful trouble care sheet mask. You can also buy a lighter gel moisturiser (like mizon snail recovery gel) and put that on your face, then layer a cream on the dry spots.

I'm actually on the market for a heavier cream to add to dry spots. My skin still flakes after I've had a pimple, on my nose, and the corners of my mouth. I only get hormonal cysts on occasion anymore, so it isn't oil

>> No.8159960

Yeah, there's so many things that can factor into getting cystic acne, and half of the time it's not really your fault. I like to call it "losing the genetic lottery." Unless you get tested for hormones and a birth control pill fixes it, you're stuck playing a guessing game. It could be anything causing it from your diet to your immune system. For more info on taking supplements to help with cystic acne, google "vitamin cocktail for acne." I think the term for taking supplements for acne is called "holistic dermatology."

Sometimes it's even as simple as flushing your gut with ACV. Some cystic acne is caused by bacterial growth in your gut. Mostly though, it's hormones or lack of certain supplements due to a modern diet. For omega fatty acids, I've found that the best way to balance that is not fish oil, because that can make things worse, or borage oil, which actually did nothing for me, but cod fish liver oil. CLO is like a spercharge of retin vitamin a and d, so it's like a three for one deal. The best way to take it is in it's oil form, but it honestly tastes like shit and each bottle is expensive. I've heard it's like liquid miracles though, so do some research and read some reviews on it if you decide to go that route. I hope I was helpful to you guys, cystic acne is quite honestly a life ruiner, and I tried practically every over the counter "natural" cure so the least I can do is offer up my experiences with some things to other anons. There's some anons floating around in these threads that have been drinking ACV, so for that, look up "apple cider vinegar for acne" on youtube for people who drank it to help them.

>> No.8159974

I heard that I'm going to have dry skin and be very sensitive to the sun. As for lotion, I've been using aloe vera gel, do you think I can continue with that or would you suggest I switch to something else for the next half year? Also, for lip balms I was thinking of using Burts Bees?
Sorry for so many questions, I kind of feel like I'm preparing for the impending apocalypse. But I just really want pretty and clear skin, and when my derm asked for my thoughts on Accutane last visit, I was just like "fuck it, let's do it." It's just a bit frustrating that female patients half to wait an entire month before starting.

>> No.8159996

I wanted to love this stuff because it smells so nice and i love the victorian label, but it actually burned my sensitive skin and left me with weird red patches and rashes all over my face. I switched back to my regular witch hazel, and the problems cleared up. Use with caution.

>> No.8160049

Someone please help! Am I doing my skincare routine wrong? I use a foaming exfoliator which I massage onto my face, and then wash away with water. Then I put on toner with a cotton pad, which I also wash away after, and dry using a wash cloth. Should I rather let the toner stay onto my face?

>> No.8160104

> Mfw binged on two slices of cheesecake
> Two days later, six pimples.

>> No.8160149

Uh, you're supposed to just let the toner absorb into your skin anon. Why were you washing it off?

>> No.8160170

I'm kind of a noob to skincare. So far I wash twice a day with a salicylic acid based scrub, wipe down with a salicylic pad, and moisturize. Apply zit creme if needed.
But I'm not totally satisfied. I still get discoloration and bumps and terms like rose oil and toner go right over my head. ):
Can someone explain what I should be doing?

>> No.8160176
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twice a day with a salicylic acid based scrub, wipe down with a salicylic pad
tone it down my man

>> No.8160189

I learned the hard way that it's the only way to keep me from getting comadones. ):

>> No.8160191

Like the other anon said, you're using too much salicylic acid. It's good to have in a cleanser if you suffer from acne, but you should use it twice a day, during your morning and night routine. Scrubs are made for exfoliation, which is getting the dead skin cells off. You only want to exfoliate something like 3 times a week, anything more just irritates your skin and leads to more acne. The basic skincare routine goes something like this:

Pretty much, you use the cleanser to wash your face, get rid of the oil build up, dirt, makeup, etc. Toners help balance your skin's pH, or are an extra kick to your skin's overall health. Moisturize is pretty self explanitory. If you have oily skin or suffer from acne, you don't want to use too many drying products because that just causes your skin to overproduce oil, makes it even more oily, and then leads to even more acne. The whole toner to balance pH is exactly that: you are trying to balance your skin's natural acidity and work with the natural oils your skin produces. Hope that helps.

>> No.8160271
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I hope this doesn't get asked every thread but for real what makes KP go away?
I use a loofa every day and a body peeling once a week, I used to scrub myself down with one of these shower gloves every other day but it did nothing and hurt and I stopped using it eventually.
I tried coconut oil, too, and I drink 3-4L a day, yet my arms and legs are completely covered in red dots, I'm sad thinking about summer when I can't hide that fugly skin under long sleeves anymore.

Any tips? I'm desperate at this point.

>> No.8160272

Whoops, *loofah sponge

>> No.8160299

This is really, really helpful, thank you. I don't have any toner, so I'll find a good one asap.
Should I be moisturizing twice a day? I usually do it only at night, before I go to bed.

>> No.8160429

shitt I've been doing it wrong for so long... I'm an idiot... thanks for answer though

>> No.8160475

I have KP and my derm prescribes me Betaderm ointment (Betamethasone Valerate 0.05%). It feels a bit like vaseline.

>> No.8160575

hey, I recently started using a tea tree oil face wash, followed by moisturising with some diluted tea trea oil in, and so far I'm seeing decent results. Current spots drying up, and new ones are getting rarer and rarer, but my blackheads haven't really shifted. Granted, its only been a few days, but was hoping someone could offer some suggestions for my skincare routine. I'm really new to this stuff, and I have my first appointment with a dermatologist sometime relatively soon. Was hoping to clear up as much as possible in the meantime. Will tea tree oil eventually help unclog blackheads?

>> No.8160582

I've had a weird dry patch of skin on one of my ankles for the past few weeks, and moisturizing/cleansing it doesn't seem to help.

Any suggestions?

>> No.8160587

Different anon here, I never knew that either holy shit.

Where do you seagulls gleam all these nuggets of wisdom?

>> No.8160589

Have you tried using a moisturizer then a moisture locker? (don't know the correct term), but I know vaseline make one. I had something similar on my jawline, and applying that two or three times every day cleared it up soon enough, though when I used it I got a couple of spots in that area, but that shouldn't really be a problem with ankles.

>> No.8160595

same anon here. It cleared up in about 3-4 days if you were wondering

>> No.8160679

I'm kind of a skincare nerd, I look up skincare routines, ingredients and stuff a lot. So I've learned a lot because my mom is useless for that kind of thing.

>> No.8160695

What are some good, trustworthy resources to learn more about it?
When half of /cgl/ still recommends lemon juice on the face, I can't take most people seriously.

>> No.8160775

Any difference to make sure you don't get ingrown hairs when shaving your hairline back rather than any other type of hair removal?
I'm going to be wearing a light colored lacefront. You can see all my baby hairs and it looks terrible, so i'm going to have to shave it back a bit. It's not a problem because I have heavy blunted bangs and always wear my hair covering my hairline but i'm very prone to ingrown hairs and would rather prevent them when they're growing back.

>> No.8160804

I learned just by lurking in these threads. Never even knew about toners until a few months ago. But also it seems pretty wastefull to spend money on a good toner, and then you just wash it off...

>> No.8160890

I'm turning 25 this friday and man, I should probably start taking care of my skin. The most I do is use Olay active hydrating lotion every once in a while when I wash my face.

Is there anywhere I can look to start learning the basics of skin care? Like, how to figure out my skin type and all that? I don't want to bug everyone here with a billion simple/beginner questions.

>> No.8160913

Im gonna get so much shit for this but leddit's skincareaddiction has genuinely good advice in the sidebar sticky post things
The posts are just circlejerking though, no need to bother with them once you've read everything

>> No.8160925

I just look up multiple sources and dermatology reports. If you look up certain ingredients and reviews of everything it helps.

>> No.8161120
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I got mail :D

>> No.8161167

I get it on the backs of my arms, but it goes away when I'm at a healthy weight. Loofah + Clean and Clear cleanser helped when it flared up though. I haven't heard much else from others I know who have it, and I can't recall seeing it on skinny people online. Are you at a good weight, anon?

>> No.8161174

My pores are absolutely huge. They almost look like freckles.
What can I do anons? I've tried masks and washing my face more than usual and nothing's worked

>> No.8161198

anon you're full of shit, kp has nothing to do with weight. :/

>> No.8161216

It's been brought up in these threads before. I'm not saying I know of any solid evidence behind it, but it's held true for me, and I've had the same routine with my KP for years. The only time it ever flares up is when I get ~10 pounds above normal consistently.

>> No.8161219

probably has more to do with your changes in exercise/bathing routine than the number on the scale.

>> No.8161226

I'll give the exercise possibility to you. Sage for touché.

>> No.8161268

I have a bit of acne and it's mostly going away except I suddenly got like three giant pimples. I've been doing the clay masks every other day and it seems to help, but am I doing it too often? If not, could I do one every day?

>> No.8161298

This is going to be kind of gross, but I was wondering if the type of pus that comes out of your acne tells you about it? Like how yellow/green pus entails an infection. Also, sometimes when my cystic acne comes up, the area is incredibly swollen, and one time when I popped one out of frustration (I know, I know...) it just exploded....and pussy blood was...everywhere. Like a majority of what made up the cyst was watery, yellow/red blood. I obviously never did it again, but it made me wonder about the contents of these things when they don't come to a head.

>> No.8161307

>pussy blood
Let's go with "pus with blood".

>> No.8161473

>I also use mine along with retinol so that makes it harsher
May I ask what benefits you get from using them together?

>> No.8161492

>which I also wash away after
Anon, no lol the toner stays.

>Where do you seagulls gleam all these nuggets of wisdom?
I honestly have to look it up. There are so many things where I look and see, "I don't know how to use this item." So I youtube or google it.

>> No.8161497

The thing is, it was mostly blood with pus, not the other way around. It was more watered down than regular blood, but it was such a copious amount for a cyst you would normally get.

>> No.8161502
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Then let's go with "blood with pus".

>> No.8161528 [DELETED] 

I'm a skincare noob and want to start it now. Could someone recommend something for someone who has dry skin? I only ever use lotion for my entire body after a shower, and when I wake up and go to bed I wash my face and then use normal western face cream. I rarely wear make up or stay in the sun, but still want to see if I could improve my skin more.

>> No.8161615

For me it;s the highly competitive market. The cosmetics market for asian products is larger than any western company could ever dream about. So if a product or formula doesn't work in the slightest it gets left in the dust for another company and another formula. Reviews, studies, and customer recommendations are easier to find on a massive level. Also more brands focus on specific actives for a less horrendous price then western ones.

Things that piss me off about some asian skincare that people don't bring up in their desperation to wank about "kawaii packaging": heavily scented; often reformulated to be competitive; shipping kills me; sheet masks are kinda expensive for what they are 9/10 times.

Certainly you should be careful of whats in your skincare and makeup as >>8155332
says, but if you aren't looking at the ingredients in products you're trying you shouldn't be trying things that can't be easily returned in the first place. There's no superiority in one culture over the other (in fact many popular asian products are less expensive dupes of western ones) so really it's more a matter of what you and your skin need/want and what product you believe will best deliver that result.

I don't fuck with Chinese products though, so that's something. I know there are high end Chinese brands carried by Watsons and department stores but I'd rather stick with Korean and Japanese asian products.

>> No.8161626

Make sure you moisturize the absolute fuck out of your face before you use the biore. even on the oiliest skin that stuff is mega dry. I love it but, a warning is always good.

It also shows every flake so be aware of that.

>> No.8161662

Not who you're replying to, but apparently Burts Bees is just as good as any old lip balm, its just got that marketing where the label designer made it look like Burt's Bees has been around since the beginning of the 19th century lol. Its good if you care about sustainable products & keeping the bee initiative alive.

I'd go with aloe plus something else though!

Most bottles have directions on the packaging that say you're meant to leave it on... Which brand you using? I'm going to make a complaint!

Cream cheese is fucking addictive on its own, the cake is a trap.

>> No.8161676

Drink more water

The rosehip oil on the top of the thread's in regards to moisturization & tackling premature aging.
Toner is to remove excess makeup and dirt left behind the cleansing, and should also balance pH of your skin. Apparently too acidic skin can leads to breakouts, especially on oily skinned people.
If you are worried about your face not being clean enough, try the double cleansing method. That's a non-comedogenic oil rubbed into your skin, then wash off with a cleanser. People dig Cetaphil here. Then use your toner. I'd apply salicylic after that, then when it dries moisturize.

>> No.8162019

Is it true that wearing makeup ages you faster?..

>> No.8162020

Which service?

>> No.8162040

I recently bought a bunch of products from Missha and I'm not really sure about them.
I got the First Essence, snail cream and snail moisturiser and I've been using them for a few days now.
I get an uncomfortable itching sensation and a slight burning feeling after I apply the products together. I'm not sure which product is doing this so I'm going to have to experiment.

I'm just upset over how sensitive my skin is and I feel like an idiot for buying them.

>> No.8162174

Where's the joke in that?

>> No.8162176

Yes, if you're caking yourself with the stuff everyday. Light makeup, you should be fine.

>> No.8162255


>> No.8162388

damn girl get the sand out of your vag, that anon probably doesn't english very well. It's not the first time someone in one of these threads have spelled the word "pus" wrong. Stop derailing things with your fucking ego, no one cares.

>> No.8162409

Chill. It was a funny mistake, but caps lock killed the joke.

>> No.8162652
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How do I convince myboyfriend to moisturize? I'm tired of his nasty flaky face skin. When I put lotion on him he says it feels weird and girly. Yet, he's let me put concealer on him occasionally! I just don't understand.

>> No.8162660

can someone recommend a sunscreen for someone with acne/oily skin? i need to start wearing sunscreen now before i get all wrinkley when i'm older but im really afraid of making my acne even worse.

>> No.8162666

Maybe try aloe Vera gel? It's usually less greasy and girly smelling, plus it absorbs really fast.

>> No.8162905

I had no idea there was a regular skincare thread but I'm so glad there is. I've been dealing with seborrheic dermatitis on my face & scalp for a few months now, and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. It's basically patches of scaly, flaky skin on random parts of my face, and it comes and goes as it pleases. I haven't been able to figure out what triggers it, and the only thing that worked on it was a prescription hydrocortisone, which I've stopped using because that stuff is bad to use on your face longterm. Has anyone else dealt with this condition before? I've basically given up and I'm contemplating just cosplaying characters who don't show their face from now on.

Tell him to stop being such a fucking wuss about "girly" stuff. What the hell kind of world do we live in, when guys are horrified of lotion because they think it's girly? Christ.

>> No.8162914

tell him his health and your satisfaction depend on using it. get him one of those "for men" brands if the girly smell is the problem.

>> No.8162945

>When I put lotion on him he says it feels weird and girly.
LOL what the fuck peice of shit baby boy are you dating? That's the dumbest shit. Unless he's under the age of 17, he's a fucking moron. Why would you date someone who refuses to take care of themself bc it's apparently "girly"?

>> No.8163025

its unscented lotion, hah

I give him plenty of shit about it, believe me. He takes care of his body well pretty much every other way, its just this ONE THING he has with lotion. Maybe it's just the texture or something I don't fucking know.

>> No.8163034

>>8161307 and >>8161502 here.

>>8162255 made me feel tingly and happy all over after a bad day. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8163768

Aloe Vera gel or Cetaphil. Those are the two moisturizers that I have seen guys use without complaint.

>> No.8163779

Yeah, there's plenty of "aftershave gel" products with aloe vera in it. If it really comes down to it, anon can just give her bf one of those and say "aftershave gel doubles as moisturizer!" Then it can satisfy his need to not use "girly shit."

>> No.8163780

I'm in Korea for the next few days, and I might as well take advantage and buy some products! Anything I should definitely get while I'm here or any brands I should look out for? I really want to get a BB or CC cream but I'm pretty tan so I think I won't have any luck on finding my shade here.

>> No.8163782

Sorry didn't mean to quote anyone

>> No.8163791

You should NEVER exfoliate this much. 2 times a week, tops. Exfoliating too much leaves your skin extremely dry. Even with adding moisturizer to the mix, it can weaken your skin. I do it once a week. Opt for a peel mask for the other time during the week if you really feel the need to do this.

Could be seeing your skin being too dry bcause of how much you are exfoliating. Your skin is trying to heal back the dead cells your scrubbed off, but they don't always heal back evenly which is the rough patches you may experience.

>> No.8163792

My routine:

Exfoliate once a week.
Peel mask once a week.

Facial cleanser to clean face
Rinse warm water

I do these ONCE daily. My skin is ultra dry, so I can't clean it so much. but this is enough for me to not get pimples and such all the time.

Also, I keep my facial moisturizer in the fridge. After cleaning my face, it helps reduce any redness by applying cool moisturizer.

>> No.8163794

>After cleaning my face, it helps reduce any redness by applying cool moisturizer.
Smart idea!

>> No.8163800

I think innisfree has a skincare line for men. If it has the word men on it maybe he'll be okay, heh.

>> No.8163805

>tfw my bf uses me girly etude house shit cause he likes it

>> No.8163810

There's a Neutrogena type available in drugstores that's advertised as "ultra-sheer" - it goes on smoothly and feels really light, and I don't think it's set off my acne.

My boyfriend is similar! I think he's squicked by the texture on his skin, since he doesn't like the feeling of chapstick or lotion or anything else that goes on gooey and doesn't harden/peel off (eg he's okay with glue and paper mache because he can pick the scabby remnants away).

I did a quick search and found that Vaseline has an "Intensive Care Spray Moisturizer," which seems to work like a spray sunblock bottle. It has aloe in it, too! He can spray it into his palm and rub it on his face - the texture isn't lotiony, and he'll (hopefully) get moisturised.

>> No.8163813

Have you tried buying through sellers that offer free shipping? I go through the same few sellers every time I need something because they're established, reliable, and don't have too much of a mark up. Also, innisfree does a lot of 10+10 deals on their masks which brings them down closer to 75 cents on a mask.

>> No.8163815

Keep him and never let him go. May you both be blessed with luscious lady skin that never ages.

>> No.8163832

Which Biore product?

>> No.8163834

I used their First Essence, I thought it was ok. But I got a 10-sample pack of this caviar night cream by them and it was as scented as hand cream from a perfume gift set... And made my skin as you described.
None of their products say they're made with sensitive skin in mind, only "this will make wrinkles fade and skin brighter etc etc...". So I guess that's our mistake we learnt from.

>> No.8163836

Too acidic skin is more prone to dryness. Too basic skin is prone to acne as bacteria can flourish more easily. Both can get pimples caused by reactions and/or dirt.

>> No.8163841
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I really have no idea what I'm doing. I wash my face at least once a day with Neutrogena 2% Salicylic acid acne wash (I try to do it twice, but sometimes I forget before going to bed or not enough time in the morning). Afterwards, I usually organize my face, beard, eyebrows, etc.. Then I apply Neutrogena's Men Triple Protect Face Lotion. I used to do Bentonite Clay masks with apple cider vinegar, but my facial hair made it tough to clean up and painful.

Generally, I have a mild/little acne problem. I usually get pustules(those little white puss filled ones) around my jawline, it's usually 2-3 on both sides of my jaw, luckily my beard partially covers them or they are underneath the jaw, so they aren't very visible. However, lately I've been getting more and more acne on my forehead, either being pustules or papules (the inflamed red ones).

I also got a bit of a dark circle problem, I've been thinking buying that Tonymoly Panda thingy, but I'm not sure how long term it's treatment is, or how long that stick will last and how frequent I will have to buy it.

What do I need to buy, how often should I use such and such, is there anything I can do to promote better skin?

>> No.8163842

Fuck off to retard land. I'm not a dirty minded slut who reads shit like that and obviously neither were they. I knew what they meant and continued reading it as "pus-ee".

He needs some damn confidence.

>> No.8163849

Oh yeah, I forgot to add, I don't care if something is girly, my guy friend once bought me "Be Enchanted" body lotion and I still used it, that shit made my skin soft and I smelt good.

>> No.8163865

minimalistic and simple packaging with products that are free from a lot of chemicals
cute packaging and has some pretty decent products at their price point

>banila co
>clio - eyeliner is a bestseller
>nature republic
>sry I definitely got too lazy to describe them all

There's a pretty famous touristy street of road shops for each brand so you can literally hop in one and go next door to another.

>> No.8163889
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Forgot to add, once I week I also use face masks. While they are cooling as is, I prefer to keep those and lotions for my face in the fridge to help me reduce my redness and to calm my skin more after taking a hot shower or bath [or after exfoliating].

These are the ones I usually use. I have tried other masks from Biore and boscia as well as other well known ones from Olay and such, but none work as well with my skin.

My skin is very sensitive and reddens easily. Not only that, I also have eczema [mostly on my outer arms and inner thighs, not the face, but I still treat the rest of my body like my face].

For people with ECZEMA: Instead of using hydocortizone creams, switch to lotions or face products containing UREA. This is a natural antiimflammitory which won't weaken your skin after prolonged use and smoothes your skin out easier and faster.

Ive been eczema free for months now because I have switched to St. Ives Oatmeal and Shae Butter lotion for my body. I use it every day, once a day, before bed. It lets my body soak in the lotion over night without clothes picking up the skin product. Really helps. Give it a try.

>> No.8163893
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Skin, no makeup, by doing what I do from everything I keep replying to. The less products you put on your skin, the cleaner it is. This also includes going a day or two WITHOUT cleaning it or putting lotion on it. It makes the skin stronger and less prone to things like pimpled.

A lot of people think that the more you clean your face, the less pimples and wrinkles you will get. Wrong. The more you do to your face, the more makeup you constantly put on, the more strained your skin becomes.

>> No.8163900

I get those white pustules around my jawline... It's coz I sit at the computer and unintentionally rest my hand on my chin.

Also, what's the beard for? Sounds more work than necessary, especially if it gets in the way of your skin health...

>> No.8163910

Took me forever to train myself to not touch my face with my hands. tfw palm sweat easily. Just had to practice correcting myself when Id go to rest my chin and to use the BACK of my hand instead. Also, if I have an itch on my face, to scratch with the back or my knuckle or put hand in sleeve and scratch.

>> No.8163912

My doctor told me that acne follows a pattern and that acne around the outer edge of your face (jaw/brow/ears) relates to a hormone imbalance. It may be worth talking to a health care professional.

>> No.8164053
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I have a couple of questions, but I'll post my routine first. I'll admit I have no fucking idea about what I'm doing-- so if I'm doing something wrong, please tell me!

>makeup (usually just bb cream, eyeliner, fill in brows and lip balm)

>makeup remover

OK, so. 1. I have really annoying blackheads/sebaceous filaments/those black things on your nose that you can never get rid of no matter how hard you try and I have no clue how to hide them or get rid of them.

2. At the moment, I'm using Garnier Moisture Match for combination to oily skin (cleanser, toner and moisturizer) but I don't really like the moisturizer because it makes me look greasy even if I only use a teensy tiny bit. I'm almost out of my cleanser and moisturizer, so I was thinking of trying some new stuff. Any recommendations? My nose is really oily but the gap between my eyebrows and forehead can get a bit dry sometimes if that helps

Any help is appreciated and I'm really sorry for the long post

>> No.8164195

>The less products you put on your skin, the cleaner it is.
THIS. I'm from Alabama, and my family is country as hell. My mom and sister don't even know what skin care is, but their skin is FLAWLESS. They have the bronzed skin of models. And whenever I ask them how they keep their skin looking nice, they say, "I just use a face wash and lotion." Up until recently, my mom didn't even use face wash. She just used water, and her skin was always clear. She only started using face wash because I brought home my cetaphil stuff and she digs it.

>> No.8164211

Normally I agree but
>muh genetics
Sorry if you lucked out. I did too. My face is disgusting and I only wear makeup for once a year cosplay, but my sisters flawless.

>> No.8164308

That sure would be nice to do, if only I didn't suffer from acne and naturally oily skin.

>> No.8164310

Yeah, I don't think I touch my face that much, but it's kinda an unconscious thing

Wow, I actually get acne in all three of those places. Wonder what could be causing it?

>> No.8164321

what sunscreen do you use?
I don't have any freckles but I do get some from the sun, along with a metric fucktonne of 'beauty marks' and moles, and skin cancer is rampant in my family.
Absolutely terrified of leaving the house without it and/or looking like a human 'connect the dots' game.

>> No.8164521

go get a hormone test done then

>> No.8164524

Anon....those are normal in Eastern Europeans and those decended from them. You need to stop being so self concious over them, no one cares or even really notices that shit unless it's on your face.

>> No.8164527

Does anyone have a good tip for eye allergy relief?
I can't pinpoint it and it comes in waves, couldn't use eye makeup in weeks..
Maybe someone has had good experience with a product?

>> No.8164537

Urea burns a lot on my dermatitis skin.but can confirm that shea butter did wonders and my skin is super soft. I use the body butter from body shop (german here).

Any tips for the face? I get patches of dry skin during winter and I avoid physical scrubs

>> No.8164572

Just use a soft cleanser for your skin if you have dry skin. A mask maybe once a week. Follow up with pin-pointing the areas that are dry and use more lotion for your face there. My face gets really dry on the space between my eyes/forehead and my upper cheeks towards my nose bridge. I don't put much at all on my chin or my actual nose because those are never as dry.

I use Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen, SPF 55. I am usually wearing a hoodie year round or working in my store, so I really only use it on my face [yes, I use body sunscreen on my face], and it doesn't get rid of my freckles. Nothing does. Ive learned to love them. qq But, just so everyone knows, anything over 35 SPF, is selling you some bullshit. The higher the SPF the no better than 35 you are getting. Thats really all the sun does.

Lucky them!

>> No.8164796

I'm Irish...

>> No.8164804

And it is on my face. Lots of them.

>> No.8164853

Yolo, then. As long as you have good bone structure then who cares, people will think of it as exotic or some shit.

>> No.8164867
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>as long as you have good bone structure

>> No.8164872
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I know you said it isn't necessarily freckles, but does it look like this, anon? Or do you have pictures of it at all? The few girls that I've run in to that have this own it, and they're gorgeous. I always thought it was unique and different, but not in a bad way.

Also, I'm seconding >>8164572 that the Ultra Sheer sunscreen is good.

>> No.8164889
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A mixture of those, except not in clusters like that but scattered one by one, and pic related on random areas on my face (cheeks, browbones, upper lip). From mid-brown to very dark brown. Fml.

>> No.8164914

You gotta just embrace your freckles. I have. You could always lighten them with basic makeup [foundation and powder] which usually lightens mine, but some people are seriously just born with them. Sun or no sun. Its all in the genetics. Freckles are cute and there are tons of people who really like them.

I used to think my face looked dirty all the time because of them. but once you find what works for your skin as far as makeup and care go, you learn to like them and deal with them better than being so upset about them all the time.

Also, a lot of people with freckles look younger. Be glad you are part Irish, I know I am. [Even though Im 50% Portuguese, but my Irish/English took over and Im pale as fuck].

>> No.8164920

Yeah but yours are cute, I only have a few and the rest of my face is bare so it looks like moles pretty much.
Though Im getting a few removed due to a cancer scare (dr's recommendation) so there's that...

>> No.8164971

>shea butter
I have shea butter that my dad got from a friend visiting his family in kenya. It's hard as hell. Is it always supposed to be like that? How do I get it to have a puree feel?

>> No.8165025


Its supposed to be hard unless mixed in with other ingredients like in lotions and hair products. What you have to do is scrape some off the top and warm it up in your hands and apply wherever you want it.

>> No.8165030

You can also warm some up and add in olive oil [which is healthy for your skin] and vitamin E or aloe to soften it up for next use.

>> No.8165055

One time my friend's parents were visiting her and we went to the beach, so I brought my Missha sunscreen stuff (forgot the name, sorry) for my face... My friend's dad picked it up, sniffed it, decided he liked the smell and just squirted out half the bottle to apply on his face/neck. I saw him and almost cried, when he went for round two I just, "Please stop that cost me $50 and is only for you face." He sheepishly put it back with my stuff and just walked away. I was going to ask him for money as compensation but they were letting a group of us stay in their condo/bought us dinner for like 3 nights/bought us groceries so I didn't want to seem ungrateful.

>so kinda like what happened to you but actually not.
>It just kinda reminded me.

>> No.8165201
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So is this the stuff you're referring to?..
I always knew I had more than I should. Its only on this arm though, my driving arm (more tanned one,) has only about 3.
If so, that's interesting!

>> No.8165224

Good facial moisturizers for combination skin, preferably from Asian brands (just because they're easier for me to find/buy)?
My skin gets horribly dry but also tends to break out/get oily if I use most moisturizers. Back home I just used a simple oil-free moisturizer for combo skin, but I haven't been able to find an equivalent since I moved. This winter has also been absolutely terrible to my skin.

>> No.8165228

SPF 50 is only like 1% more coverage than 30.. so if they were the same price on the shelf then why not.

My source is only for my location though. But the added UVA protection mentioned in the first paragraph is good enough for me to continue buying it. http://www.cancer.org.au/preventing-cancer/sun-protection/preventing-skin-cancer/spf50sunscreen.html

Your location may vary. I live in Oz though and the sun is the worst.

Some say it's healthy but it's also comedogenic. Shea butter isn't.

>> No.8165230

Those are moles, not freckles. No reason to freak out about them too

>> No.8165235
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Anon you're replying to. Yeah, they're super common in Eastern Europeans. My family's from the Ukraine, and my sister and I have a bunch of them. Not on our faces, but our bodies. I always thought they looked cute, like little constellations. Oddly enough, I have that exactly same cross formation of those things a bit closer to my wrist. Maybe it's a sign, anon. We're secret twins.

>> No.8165238

it's common in everyone, anon. Not just Eastern Europeans.
>Americans and their generalisations

>> No.8165240

I'm just about finished using my bottle of Skinfood Black Sugar Oil which is great, but reading that it's mostly just made of Mineral Oil has me thinking I could try making my own at home...
How important do you think things like Emulsifier are for making this work on the face?
Mind you I've never used pure mineral oil on my face..

>> No.8165246

I also have a bunch everywhere and I think they're cute.
Also I thought moles were the big kind that like stick out and stuff?
In spanish we call them "lunares" but I've never really heard an English equivalent other than like freckles but, those are lighter and more like
>>8164872 and >>8163893

>> No.8165250

I'm not from America anon, pretty sure I stated that I was from Ukraine.

>> No.8165259

I have those too. Even one on the palm of my hand.

>> No.8165262
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Yeh. They could be called a few names. I call them like freckles because none of them are raised, unlike some moles are.

Same! I do have one under the corner of my eye. It's been there since Bratz dolls came out, because I always likened it to Yasmine.
And that's pretty creepy anon... Maybe we are.
>pic related

I am currently staying over my friends house and you got me curious. I looked over my friend and her mums - I see some freckles on their arms but they're a light browny pink compared to my solid dark brown. They have German/Holland history. Friend and I always noticed i was pallid (or tan) as her but very sallow. We grew up most our life together so I can say we sunned mostly simultaneously.
My anecdote, of course.

>> No.8165315

Thank you! I was just making sure, I thought mine might be "old" or something. I might see if I can mix it with vitamin c and see if it softens it up.

I just really don't want to have to run to a microwave every time I need to heat it up.

>> No.8165330

It's just a really gross generalisation. People can look like that in all parts of Europe. I'm Norwegian and I have sallow pale skin with moles all over my back, so do a lot of my friends. It has to do with your habits and diet, not your heritage.

>> No.8165333

Do you live in Ukraine now?

>> No.8165372

No, I'm studying abroad at the moment. Pretty glad to be out of the country to be honest.

>> No.8165383

How is it a gross generalisation? Anon was only telling the truth, it IS very common in Eastern Europeans because it's genetic. Ya'll need to calm down.

>> No.8165385

I've seen in these threads you guys talking about there not really being a difference between spf30 and spf50 sunscreens, is that true?

>> No.8165391

$50? Was it the "All Around Safe Block Essence" in the pink tube? I can't find any other Missha sunscreens, and that one's only USD$14 before shipping (unless you live outside the US and were using a SS).

He shouldn't have used your sunscreen without asking, but I also wouldn't have brought non-drugstore cosmetics on a beach trip with people - especially not sunblock, which tends to get borrowed and passed around.

>> No.8165449

Naw it wasn't that, it wasn't a pink tube so maybe it wasn't Missha? I always get the brands mixed up, I just remember I bought it direct from the site of the manufacturer and it was about $50.

We weren't at the beach quite yet, and it was in my bag, too. I don't know why he was going through it. It's also the only sunscreen I can use on my face without it breaking out really bad the next day which is why I brought it. The bottle doesn't even look like sunscreen you'd have to actually read the back label. Right after he put mine back and walked away, he walked to the counter probably 5 or 6 feet away and used one of the four giant bottles they had brought along for the trip.

I understand sunscreen gets passed around, but that's precisely why I had it in my purse rather than just laying about. I brought a body one for myself, too that I recall sharing, it's just that I can't use it on my face.

>> No.8165456

In that case Eastern Europeans must be very unfortunate.

>> No.8165472


Same! I come from a long line of Polish heritage (first generation on my mother's side to not be 100% she was the first to not have an arranged marriage which pretty much got her exiled from the family but what can you do) and I have them all over. They're on my neck, arms, legs, stomach, back, bum (sorry) and even my scalp. I used to have on the inner corner of my eye, but when I was little I would scratch there when I was nervous, ended up taking some of the skin off and now there's just a scar.

>> No.8165473

Man, that's real shitty then. It was rude of him to go poking around in your bag (honestly that's my first point of disconnect - who thinks it's okay to do that??). May the cosmetics goddess bring a future bounty of nice sunscreens unto you.

>> No.8165479

Oh, I always thought they were cute.

Yeah I wasn't too clear at first, aha. Thank you for your blessing, hopefully she does. Or that I at least come upon some extra money to make a haul lol.

>> No.8165483

> Mfw some dumbfuck delivered $150 worth of skin care products, left it at my apartment building's front door, and it got stolen.
> Mfw nothing to cleanse with.

>> No.8165485

You mean those big ones like anons posted? Because everyone I know has those tiny ones somewhere, but not the bigger ones

>> No.8165488
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I'm crying for you, anon. That's dreadful.

>> No.8165497
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Shitty picture but does anyone know what that little dot on my lip could be? I've had it for a couple of years, hasn't grown, hurt, or moved. It's a little bumpy, but most of all it's just an eyesore for me. Anyone know???

>> No.8165500
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Pic related, that's my left arm. All of mine look like this, none of them raised. I even have a few on my feet, I rather like them.

>> No.8165518

Does anyone have any helpful tips to stop picking/squeezing? I'm trying very hard to break my habbit, and I made it 14 days! But I would like to kick the habbit entirely. I understand how bad it is for your skin, spreading bacteria, damaging pores, etc. I just can't help it...
I remember there was some anon once who reccomended rubbing a domino or something in one of these threads?

>> No.8165522

I always thought they were cute, girl you just sandy.

>> No.8165538

Its true. The max any sunscreen really does is 35 SPF. The 50+ ones don't change that much besides price and its a way to cash in on more people being gullible.

>> No.8165543

Oh man all of this talk about cute little birthmark/moles found on European kids is reminding me about all of the bad Teen Wolf fanart that used to blow up my dash. And how tumblr would all freak out over how Stiles has moles, and then draw huge dots all over him.

>> No.8165547

What about spf75, for face, that I've seen in stores?

>> No.8165556

Like I said, anything over 35 spf is just selling you bullshit. There isn't much difference in coverage at all. The protection you get isn’t proportional to the numbers.

This should help:


>> No.8165557

Yeah, that's what I meant. I was just confused since I see the little ones everywhere on my friends and myself but never those.

>> No.8165579

Is it a nervous habit? Or something closer to trichotillomania? The second might be much harder to kick, but what worked for me (and I say that loosely, cause I still mess up) was reminding myself that every time I touched my face, I risked getting ugly. I'm vain, so that helped tremendously. They go away on their own early on, so not messing with them saves you from the scars.

>> No.8165580

can I use body moisturizer on my face?

>> No.8165595

Its fine. Just don't apply heavy amounts. The difference in body and face moisturizers are the vitamins and chemicals in them. This is because you face has much more delicate skin. Especially around the nose, mouth, and the eyes, but nothing will really happen. Just don't expect smoother skin on your face to match your regular body after applying.

>> No.8165601

The rose one I ordered came in today and I really like the smell. It's much nicer than my neutrogena one that smells like dish soap. Since I've only had it for a day, I don't know yet if I completely love it. Thanks y'all for the recommendation!

>> No.8165614

Not that anon, but are there any sunscreens that won't make you look shiny? I've found a moisturizer I love but it has no spf protection so I smear on sunscreen on top. I feel like I start the day looking dirty

>> No.8165623

It's really light-weight and non-oily
chosungah is an expensive korean brand but they have amazing ingredients for your skin

>> No.8165626

I think it's weight related as well, because even when I was taking 4 hours of dance lessons a week, I had it but when I was being a lazy shit and a smaller weight I didn't have it

>> No.8165627

it depends.
you can use a MILD scrub everyday because it's not harsh.
however you cannot deeply exfoliate everyday

>> No.8165629

My routine:

Foaming cleanser
Mild softener
Skin booster
Eye Cream

I use tons of packs and facial sheet masks and i exfoliate 1 time a week

(it's really expensive though)

>> No.8165657

There is absolutely no reason to mildly exfoliate every day. It weakens your skin and makes you more prone to breakouts.

>> No.8165660

Meh, I've had pretty bad KP on my upper arms, thighs, and butt for about as long as I can remember, including when I was a really chubby 12 year old and a very thin, fit high-schooler. I'm a kind of lazy 23 year old now at an average/healthy weight (51kg at 156cm), and it's still the same.
Mine has, however, responded somewhat to:
-Nair/chemical hair removers (it's a lot less pronounced if I use this on my thighs every once in a while)
-Salicylic acid creams
-An extreme exfoliation/moisturizing routine

I also find that it isn't so bad in the summer, whether from the sunlight or from swimming a lot (also seemed to not be as bad when I was taking a lot of baths).

>> No.8165676

if it's never gone away or faded it could be a mole. I'm willing to bet it is, or an oddly located skin tag? but that one feels less likely to me. if you're worried about it go to your doc and get an apt with a derm. don't want you to have something potentially dangerous and not get it looked at because you only asked weirdos on the web about it.

>> No.8165699

Yeah, I'm gonna ask my doctor about it in my next appointment. It's really nothing too serious, not painful or anything, but I just have no idea why it's there. :/

>> No.8165788

Does that mean that using AHA and BHA daily is bad?

>> No.8165857

I feel like I'm too young to be developing smile lines under my eyes. How do I prevent them?

>> No.8165878

How old?

>> No.8165959

I got PC's BHA in 1% and it says it's safe to use daily. Whatever feels good to you. I don't use it daily.

Do you have those "cheekbones" or a more hollower look that normalfags like? Apparently they always come with smile lines or something.

>> No.8166009

Has anyone tried this stuff by Byphasse before? What do you think of it? I'm expecting some Eurofags might know about it, says "Made in E.U' on the back. I put Paula's Choice as a size guide - it's huge and only cost my $5 from Chemist Warehouse today.
It's alcohol free, and the first 4 ingredients listed are:
>Rose Water
>Chamomile extract

Smells like roses, the perfume ingredient may be the only downfall I know as of yet. I also bought their Makeup Remover & Skin Cleanser by them, also the same volume and cost. Hope it's good.

>> No.8166031

Tell me more, tell me more!
I'm always after a cheap alternative from a local chemist

>> No.8166053

Very good routine but why no sun protection?

My routine:
Oil Cleanser
Foaming Cleanser
BHA Toner
Sunscreen (chosen based on occasion)

Looking at trying masks but can't really justify the expense at the moment. Are they worth it?
Also want to try the Laneige sleeping pack and blackhead melting gel.

>> No.8166093

R-really? People like that?
I've always had the cheekbones and smile lines but I've always thought that it makes me look like a munchkin.

>> No.8166135

So question that is probably really stupid...
what does toner do?
Where does fit into makeup schedule?
Like toner then moisturizer, then primer then concealer then setting spray...?

>> No.8166154
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Dropped the pic and got distracted...

Well tonight was the first try with it! Feels good and refreshing. Will keep you updated in a week or 2, I always read these threads.
Says it got exported from Barcelona. Looked at the analysis for these on CosDna and they show a few red flags. I've had a few products that don't have any of the Red indicators so I'll have to see on what grounds they're in the Red for. Will research into that.

Yeah, look at Kim Kardashian and stuff - its been around long before her but the hollow cheeks, and prominent cheek bones look is often envied by women. Hence why they emulate the look with the bronzer streak under the blush. To make you look slimmer and show off bone structure.

>> No.8166166

Toner is used to clean up excess makeup after you do a cleanse. Coz sometimes there's some fragments left behind.. putting it on a cotton pad and wiping does that.

Some toner varieties say they can help your pores reduce a little. Others like some witch hazel ones help with acne etc.

I don't put it on before makeup, I personally leave it for after I wear makeup.
>Cleanse (makeup remover or oil, then use a foaming face cleanser to wash off the remover and oil)
>Dry it
>Let it dry (do not wash off)

>> No.8166188

It's more of a nervous habbit, thankfully. If I have zits or a scab on my face, I always pick at it because I'm so irked by having acne. I also used to claw at my face when stressed, but I've managed to get past that. I'm just working on the acne picking thing now.

>> No.8166190

Please give an update after you've used it some! I ordered some too, and I'm really excited to get it and try it. Anon who reccomended this, you are a goddess.

>> No.8166194

Anon...did you even read the thread someone answered that question further up already.

>> No.8166198

Is said dry patch right next your ankle bone? I have had a dry patch the size of a quarter on each of my ankles for the last 10 years or mor. It's a pretty common thing, but no one really knows what it is.
The patches respond in no way to aggressive moisturizing or exfoliating. They don't bother me physically, it's just the annoying mystery of it.

>> No.8166204

I have it, I've pretty much always figured it's from sitting with my feet tucked under me when I'm at home, and the dry patch is the bit that's always touching my chair.

>> No.8166205

Huh, different person but I have that kind of patch and I am sitting like that right now. Maybe that's it.

>> No.8166221

Not that anon, but I also have those dry patches and I'm sitting like that right now... Along with >>8166205 it seems you have a solid theory going.

>> No.8166291

Nervous habit for me too, anon. I blame my aunt though since she would always pop big pimples on my sister and my face when we were going through puberty (sort of like a teasing thing but idk). There's just nothing more satisfying than seeing a big pimple and feeling the pressure of the pus breaking through the skin and reaching the surface. I'm gross.

I've tried telling myself that popping will only make it worse but I still do it. One anon recommended putting bandaids over pimples to prevent picking at them but I've never gotten around to it. Luckily my skin has improved tremendously since high school so I only have one or two pimples/scabs at a time but I should really learn to control myself.

>> No.8166292

I'll add to the chain and say that I had it for the longest time, stopped sitting on it so it went away, then started sitting on it again and it came back.

If it bothers anyone, find a way to change how you sit and moisturize to help it along. These days mine is barely there because I try to stay aware of it.

>> No.8166374

Reading a lot of the stuff people are doing to their face daily. I feel bad for so many of you.

>> No.8166468


>> No.8166501

I tried it after the original anon who posted too, and I love it! Maybe it's just my optimism, but my skin feels so much more balanced after I apply it, and the color is more even. Definitely recommend!

It's definitely a rose scent, but it doesn't stick around too long after drying.

>> No.8166505

Oh, good point, mine got better with sun exposure as well. I wish more was known about the basis of the condition.

>> No.8166557

This isn't really skincare, but as far as facial beauty goes- is there any possible way to get rid of cheekfat? am I just going to have to suffer with it for the rest of my life? I am not fat, by the way.

>> No.8166640

Oh i forgot to add it! I do apply sunscreen everyday.
And yes. I love the innisfree super volcano clay mask. It exfoliates perfectly. Im also looking foward to try the ones from laneige and the rice mask from skinfood

>> No.8166646

Toner is made to balance your ph. Its NOT meant to cleanse your face. If your toner picks up dirt then you havent cleanse well your skin and should consider a new cleanser

>> No.8166647

Having an elaborated skincare routine is the key to flawless skin, anon.

>> No.8166674

Its just genetics. You could always opt for surgery, but some people have that baby fat on certain places of their bodies that will ever go away. Cheeks are very, very common.

Things you COULD try though consit of not eating salt, drinking more water, massaging your face when applying lotions.

>> No.8166756

Does it have rose oil in it? Is that where the "rose petal" part comes from? I'm trying to avoid things that are scented, but if it's rose oil then I'll be ok.

>> No.8166758

I lost cheek fat when I lost weight so, idk if that's what you want to hear though?

>> No.8167076

i keep my rosehip oil in the fridge along with other skincare stuff that might go off.

>> No.8167078

Full ingredient list:
Purified water
Aloe Barbadensis leaf juice (certified organic filet of aloe vera)
Glycerin (vegetable)
Fragrance (natural rose)
Hamamelis Virginiana extract (made from certified organic witch hazel)
Rosa Centifolia (rose) flower water
Citric acid
Citrus Grandis (grapefruit) seed extract

So...I'm assuming that's a no? I suppose I don't know if "rose water" is the same as "rose oil", only more dilute...?

>> No.8167116

So will using stronger skincare regimens for women on mens faces work? his pores are a disgrace.

>> No.8167127

There is rose oil on rose water, but is not added is naturally there when it is made.

Google "how to make rose water" the process extracts the oils from the rose petals and distillates the water at the same time.

>> No.8167202

Adding my 2¢ - I sit with my left elbow on the table a lot (hand on face) and its rough like elephant skin. Other one dangles, feels normal. Let's all break the habit!

I don't think there is such thing as rose oil.. only Rosehip oil, and the stuff from petals is essence or water.

>> No.8167235
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So I've developed a pinkeye following a really really bad sinus infection and I have an odd question,

Since I can't use any makeup or tools because it would get infected, is there any way to curl my lashes using disposable objects? I've been trying to use qtips for the past couple days but it only does it so little. I just wanted to get the eyelashes out of my way so I can be able to clean them easily.

pic related that me eye lol

>> No.8167245

I can't fucking stop sitting like this! I'm very vain about my feet but not vain enough to let my feet get cold.

>> No.8167255

Why curl your lashes when your eye is infected?

You could use one of those lash curler things. Make sure to wash it with hot water and then disinfect it with rubbing alcohol after using it.

>> No.8167258

Because my top and bottom eyelashes are sticking together too often, also by doing it they would be much easier to clean since they would be bent out of the way.

Eh I could use a lash curler but I really don't want to risk it. I have my own lash curler around $35 and I don't want to damage it or risk me getting pinkeye again. I don't want to go out to the store either to buy a cheap one because it really really sucks going out when you're sick.

>> No.8167259

Get your pinkeye treated first? Why do you need to curl your lashes if you can't wear any makeup in the first place?

>> No.8167279

>tfw no one reads me post

I'm on antibiotics, it's being treated. I just wanted to curl them because they're getting in my way and making them more irritated because the top and bottom lashes stick together.

>> No.8167609

How do I get rid of the little blackhead/hairs on my nose? Nose strips gets rid of them temporarily but within a week they're back in full force!

>> No.8167613

Nah it really isn't. Skin care falls so much into genetics, I know girls who do crazy routines and still have shit skin and acne and I know girls who don't know what moisturizer even is and they have some of the best skin I've seen. Yeah if you use some cream or lotion you can probably make your skin better but everyone is so different.

>> No.8167695
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I just ordered a 160 pH test strips for only 1 buck on ebay so I can test the pH of my skincare products. (And my own body pH too while I'm at it)
Tell me though - is being a cheap shit and not getting them from a store or something gonna give me crap readings? Most other 100 strip kits cost upwards of $6...

>> No.8167711

Iktf sister
Unfortunately nothing will help if he's a slob and forgets to wash his clothes more often than not

>> No.8167712

But clothes too tbh

>> No.8167742

anon, don't bother curling your lashes. If they're sticking, wet a qtip and lightly wet your lashes to help clean the "gunk" out of them that's causing them to stick. Otherwise, suck it up unless you want to enjoy a longer infection.

>> No.8167744

I love my boys so much, but their low self esteem makes them gross. I keep telling them if they groom, they'll feel better about themselves, but hey, what do I know :/

>> No.8167812


>> No.8168342

Hello all, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I just met with my dermatologist and they've decided that my best route is to go on Accutane. I've been very reluctant to go on it because of all of the side effects and horror storries I've heard, but I'm at a point where I just don't care about that anymore, I want clear skin. All of my problems are under my skin, and some areas are so swollen they are black and blue, and I just want to cry because I was told that I have to wait a month to start to "make sure my birth control kicks in, and to be sure I'm not pregnant." Despite that I opted for abstinance, I find this incredibly unfair that I have to suffer another month like this.
Has anyone in here ever gone on accutane? I was wondering what I can expect...

>> No.8168531
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>tfw only 22 and forehead looks like this
I'm so jealous of all the girls with smooth nice foreheads, I don't even go in the sun much and mine still looks like shit. :/

>> No.8168570
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Anyone know whats the best way to get rid of upper lip hair?

>> No.8168602

Have you ever heard of ElaineMokk? She's pretty famous for being a girl who did vlog updates on her life on Accutane.
I used to watch videos on how she used to deal with her severe acne, before being subscribed Accutane too. She is pretty funny! Maybe check some of her earlier Accutane vids out?

Apparently the shape of some people's skulls affect likelihood of wrinkles. For your case the way your forehead is shaped, you get wrinkles faster than others. My forehead shape llooks different to yours but I have nearly none at 21.
However I do have smile lines, which I had way before I was 15. I explained a popularly supposed cause here >>8165959. I.e. a bone structure thing.
I wish I could have remembered where I read the facts on this shit. Sorry. At least you could cover yours with bangs?

>> No.8168643

hey what can I do for little burn scars?

just mildly curious if /cgl/ got any tips. Been having the same lil burn on my wrist from baking for almost a year now. Also lil oil burns on my hands.

>> No.8168652

I wax mine and pluck the rest with tweezers.

>> No.8168673

I'll watch some of her videos tongiht, thank you so much!

>> No.8168714

Skincare doesn't check to see what gender you are before it decides to work. The only reason skincare is primarily marketed at women is because the industry banks on our low self esteem and high societal expectations. The real question you should be asking is if he'll bother using it, since most men are simple and can't use ~*girly products*~ for fear of hurting their fragile masculinity.

>> No.8168865

Anyone have experience with snail creams? Are they worth it?

>> No.8169183

i feel you, anon. i can't even make myself have tiny forehead wrinkles by lifting my eyebrows, but i have had unfortunate laugh lines since forever. and eye bags.

>> No.8169223
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Has anyone ever used this before? I'm looking for a super hydrating night cream for sensitive and dry skin, that won't break the bank.

>> No.8169232

good lip plumpers??

>> No.8169519

I got a burn from a fry basket I just pulled up when working at McDonald's and applied lavender oil daily. can hardly see it unless I look hard enough. Not sure if it will work on old ones, but any fresh ones, I recommend!

Yeah that's me too! I lift my brows and still look lineless (except a faint one above my left brow now), but damn those laugh lines.. I have been trying face exercises I googled to help them, apparently it can help minimize them. We'll see huh?

>> No.8169535

microwaveable wax.

>> No.8169580

I have smile lines too. How old are you? My doc told me we start losing collagen in our 20's and the face starts to slowly sag. Face fat and structure will show these signs differently.

I get fillers and it helps but it's expensive, you have to keep up with it but some fillers help with collagen production.

>> No.8169585

You could look into Botox.

>> No.8169722

I started in October. I've had very few problems with it at all, but my skin was excessively oily before hand. I only realised how oily it was because I've gone from having to wash my hair every day (and I've tried drawing it out before so it wasn't over washing it) to only needing to once a week.

The only side affects I've had are dry lips and hands, but both of those haven't been much worse than normal for this time of year. I'm also starting to get dry skin on my arms as of the last month or so, but now that I'm moisturising it's much better. I had my first ever nose bleed which I suspect is from it, and because I can't cut down on physical activity because all of mine is work I've been left aching from that, but tbh all of these are minor things and don't actually bother me that much day to day.

My skin's still not completely clear though, especially on my body. I've gone from 2-3 white heads a day to 2-3 a week, and they take longer to heal now. Don't expect miracles immediately, and expect to have to take care of yourself and your skin while you're on it.

>> No.8169839

I've heard that I should expect to have an "initial breakout" which is the medicine pushing everything out of my skin. My skin's actually been in the process of doing that the last two months because of the medicine I'm on right now, so do you think it would be alright for me to assume it will last about a month for me? Also, it's so great to hear about your hair, because I have to wash mine everyday, and I've been envious of people who can do it every two days.

Uhm, I've also decided to stock up on lip balms and moisturizer before I start, would you suggest I get a moisturizer with an spf in it? And, I like doing light work outs everyday, just 15 minutes kettlebell exercises, do you think this will be an issue with the joint paint? I had heart about people having problems falling asleep as well....

I'm so sorry for all of the questions. But I'm glad it seems to be working for you!! You're smart, doing it over the winter. I wish my dermatologist had suggested it in the fall, because now I'm going to be on it over the summer. Guess I should investin a good sunhat....

>> No.8169964

Have you considered bangs? I got them because my forehead was starting to look wrinkled, and the fact that I don't stress about it any more seems to have actually made the wrinkles smaller, hilariously enough.

Other stuff that could be a factor: dehydration (drink more water!), sun exposure (use sunscreen!), sleeping on your stomach (wrinkles from pressing your face into the pillow, try shifting to sleep on your back) and being really expressive with your face when you communicate.

There's a few options to deal with that last one: botox will freeze the muscles so you can't scrunch up your forehead, which will smooth out the lines; you can try to be aware of your facial movements and consciously stop yourself from doing them so much (cheap but really, really hard) or you can try something like Frownies or Realine to smooth out your skin while you sleep (less expensive than Botox but requires you to be very dedicated, they will work for most people but only if you use them every single night for at least a couple of months).

>> No.8171098

21, but it's happened since my teens.
I'll look into fillers - should I ask my doctor first or go straight to a beauty clinic?
When I went to the doctors for other personal beauty matters they just told me to get over myself and remember it happens to everybody eventually.

Frownies seem so good but so expensive for what they are - literally pieces of stiff sticky tape?

>> No.8171763

Would you guys agree that Cetaphil cleanser is a very good gateway facewash?

>> No.8171835

Its most accessible, since it's sold in practically every country in almost every store with a beauty and personal care department. That's why I feel the reviews are so good, besides the value for money. Anyone from USA to Rio de Janeiro can find a bottle, and these boards reach and international scope.

However I own a bottle (the oily skin one), and it's the cleansing product I always go back to whenever I go try new ones, western or otherwise.

>> No.8174263
