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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 364x375, my kokoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8167704 No.8167704 [Reply] [Original]

Previous one is on autosage >>8159522.

Try to keep the feels lolita or cosplay related.
Good, good. Let the feels flow through you.

>> No.8168203
File: 979 KB, 400x316, RJ6FT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to lose some weight and tone for upcoming con so I look better in my cosplay
>Get on recumbent bike
>Check resting heart rate
>127 bpm
>whatever, going to get some cardio in
>5 minutes into workout my vision starts going black
>abort mission
>lay on floor for half and hour because I can't get up
>boyfriend has to serve me water and food on ground
>Only eat 1,600 calories a day
>how the fuck am I going to lose this god damn weight?

I can deal with the Ehlers-Danlos joint pain but the not being able to work out because of the POTS is really fucking with my life. I can't enjoy cons anymore because my heart rate is out of control and I have to take at least 5,000 mg of salt pills everyday to keep myself from fainting

>> No.8168218

I left the lolita comm a long while back.
Like expected I also lost contact with most of the lolitas. I had a couple of good friends left and those people were actually the only friends I had.
but I didn't mind having not too many friends for I am not great in keeping in contact with other.

But after I moved house, 6 months ago I became very lonely. The only thing I do is working or cleaning the house.
I tried to hang out with my friends and today I finally realised that I have no one left.
the only way for them to spend time with me was if I would come to visit them not the other way around.
They always had some excuse or just totally 'forget' about it.

And I'm very sad at the moment. I'm sure things will get better and I'll meet new people some time. But for now it just sucks and I wanted to get it off my chest.

>> No.8168223

>had 2 moles on my face my whole life
>always hated them
>mom always says I should leave them alone, "but anon they're cute" etc
>finally had them lasered off
>that feel of sweet relief

>> No.8168227
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>mfw friends get pissed at you if you even entertain the idea of cosplaying certain characters because said friends are so possessive over them
>mfw they cosplay characters that you've already done and then add that to the pool
>mfw they get really into the idea of cosplaying a certain character and have the same attitude towards it and it's something you've wanted to do for years but have needed to level up/save money
>mfw this is a hobby and it pisses me off that people can't just chill the fuck out

>> No.8168237

Stop making friends with crazy people.

>> No.8168294
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>wear lolita last week
>go to Japantown in San Francisco
>bought some stuff at BTSSB
>bumped into a guy at Dimples
>sit right next to a guy
>strike up a conversation with him
>says he works at an engineering firm
>we hit it off
>start falling in love with him
>we take the bus to Downtown
>we split off and say our goodbyes
>ask for number
>receive number
>call him a few days later
>get no answer
>find him on Facebook
>friend him
>doesn't respond to request

How do I deal with unrequited love? It would be nice to have someone to really care and love you. I wonder if lolita was a major turnoff.

>> No.8168299

>I wonder if lolita was a major turnoff.

I can't see any reason why.

>> No.8168300

>find him on Facebook
>friend him
whoa niggah slow the fuck down
just because you thought he was really into you doesn't mean he is in to you

>> No.8168312

>wear lolita last week
>start falling in love with him

Slow down child. He probably thinks you a stalker now.

>> No.8168313

>too normalfag to relate to weeb friends
>too weeb to relate to normalfag friends

>> No.8168320
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>go to Amtgard event with bf who's been a long-time regular
>it was quest day
>"This will be fun!"

Long story short; it wasn't.
>30 people trying to do the quest in a tiny gymnasium
>lazily planned quest consisting of cones, plastic beads, gym mats, and tiles with scribble on them
>bf is playing one of the monsters so he's having fun being a bad guy
>I try to do the quest as a regular player
>it's a clusterfuck
>questmasters are being cryptic jerks (aka being pretentious about a shitty gym quest)
>three annoying cunts basically hogged all the clues and were being rude
>"Gee, maybe because you're not giving anyone else a chance to solve the puzzles and hogging all the items...?"
>I try to rally other players to kill their characters so we can take their clues/items
>"She called you guys stupid."
>"We're guys, we get called stupid all the time xD"
>everyone is being too beta and I couldn't take them on alone

The gym basically divides into two sides: three cuntrags and a few beta followers solving the puzzles and everyone else killing the respawn monsters because there's nothing else to do.
>it's really not fun after 45 minutes
>wouldn't be so bad if the quest story made any fucking sense
>questmasters fucked up their own quest and disorder ensued
>cuntrag girls get some berserk character that's under their command making them basically omega
>somehow drifters in the gym who aren't cunts gain most of the clues to the puzzle
>people who basically were prevented from participating finally have a chance
>they're missing one last piece to the puzzle
>nobody can account for it
>ran out of time and have to surrender the gym to soccer club
>cuntrag girls throws the last piece of the puzzle to the ground "HORK HORK I HAD THE LAST PIECE THE WHOLE TIME YOU DUMBFUCKZ XD"

I....never felt so compelled to punch such an annoying bitch in my whole damn life. Holy fuck.

>> No.8168325

But I wanted him to go to Paris with my aunt in May. He looked like Michael Jackson.

>> No.8168348

IKTF, but I'm reverse, my Ehlers-Danlos is a lot worse than my POTS, so my joint pain is debilitating and the POTS just makes me feel like garbage.

>> No.8168350

Annie, are you ok?

>> No.8168353

EDS and POTS is grim, I'm in the same boat. Not as severe as you by the sounds of things (I rarely faint, but only because it's "under control") but it's horrid trying to do anything when you know you're on the verge of passing out. Best of luck finding a way to exercise, it sucks, but it's manageable.

>> No.8168355

>have a normal relationship with my body/weight
>a little sensitive to my appetite/the amount I eat, but I'm not fat and I don't eat like shit so I figure it's nbd
>all of a sudden my mom starts making snide comments whenever I see her
>"wow anon, you eat as much as a growing boy!"
>"hey anon, are you sure you want THAT much food?"
>point blank says "anon, I think you eat too much"
>plus constant remarks about my weight/how I look but that's nothing new

Thanks for the eating disorder, mom. And you wonder why I never want to visit?

>> No.8168367

I was able to go to the rec center pool but they decided to renovate it and now I have to use that damn torture bike. At least with the swimming, the water pressure presses on my arteries helps keep my vagal tone closer to normal so I don't pass out. Though once I get out of the pool I have to have somebody drive me back so I don't pass out behind the wheel. I want to live in the water.

>> No.8168379

>applied for entry level accounting position at one of the Big Four accounting firms
>fly me to Seattle
>they liked me
>weeks go by, no answer
>get call from them on Monday
>"sorry Anon, but due to a questionable social life on your social media account we are turning you down"
>ask them where they got the information
>instagram, twitter, and facebook
>facebook only has me with lolita pic
>twitter is unprotected and I share my instagram photos on twitter
>also find out bf of four years has been talking behind my back
>bf wonders when I will stop wearing an immature fashion
>breakup with him

This is by far one of the worst weeks in my entire life.

>> No.8168387
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>on and off in ed recovery for seven years now
>suddenly get to the point where I actually find healthy looking women more attractive than boney ones

>> No.8168393

Why do people say this! I mean, I used to be proud of my ability to shock people with how much I ate in College, but it's something you grow out of naturally once you start getting old fart problems like slowing metabolism and heartburn.

>> No.8168402
File: 61 KB, 400x320, poopie-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens a few months ago...

> After ages, finally able to buy my dream dress, Claudia from BTSSB.
> Go to my 2nd meet ever, a very big one.
> All compliments for my coord
> I feel in heaven
> Few hours later, while the tea time, I feel the necessity to go to bathroom
> Idk how to manage my 2 petticoats + dress
> Finally I can sit
> it takes a little long time...
> Done
> I stand up, and while fix my dress again I notice there's a BIG stain on the back.
> A BROWN stain in my cream skirt
> oh wait...
> it smells so bad
> In despair, try to clean it
> Can't do nothing.
> So I break my dress and tear off the dirty part and throw to the vater. flush it.
> I get out, some lolitas were waiting for me.
> I try to walk at the end of the group
> We reach the tea salon
> I sit
> After 1-2 hours, we stand up for left the salon and go to the garden for some photos
> "OH MY GOD ANON-CHAN!!!!! your dress...."
> I pretend to be surprised, all the comm was consolating me, and blah blah blah...

The end.

>> No.8168438
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Wait, they feel like they "own" certain characters? that's messed up. And they aren't really your friends.

>> No.8168543

Why wouldn't you just excuse yourself from the meet and go home?? Ripping such an expensive dress for something like that... It happens.

>> No.8168583
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Sound Horizon anon!

>> No.8168592
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Yes, I'm here!

>> No.8168596
File: 479 KB, 500x233, tumblr_lqz0ilGn4W1qdsl3wo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep getting better, anon. You can do it and it'll get easier with time and know that the other Laurants here are behind you.

>> No.8168607
File: 316 KB, 1280x931, tumblr_n7762k73DJ1ruxtgio10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, that's so sweet. I'll do my best.

>> No.8168620
File: 464 KB, 350x195, tumblr_lqv49moU1A1qi8w2mo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, awesome! Proud of you.

>> No.8168644
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>(not so) suddenly engaged
>mfw online ring shopping

I'm excited, but damn. Too many gaudy rings.

>local con coming up in three weeks
>programme full of uninteresting ego trips
>can't get the fiance excited either
>some interesting panels though
>might not be worth it anyway
>probably the last small con we'll ever attend

>> No.8168657
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A couple of days ago I got into my first car accident. I was in the passenger seat. The roads were wet and our breaks didn't work. If it hadn't been for my boyfriends quick reactions we might of hit the car in front of us head on. I've never been so freaked out in my life I just want to stay home forever and cry.

>> No.8168661
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I feel like dying, my hair is falling out.
>stress more so more hair falls out
>stress eating so can't lose weight
>stress making me break out
>stress causing constant headaches
It's an endless cycle.

I don't even know what is stressing me out, but it never stops. I just want to yell at everyone and break things.

>> No.8168665

Maybe you should see a psychologist/therapist anon

>> No.8168670

It'll get better anon, I had my first car accident last year too. I was at fault because I ran a stop sign and hit the rear door of someone's car at 25mph. I wasn't paying attention because I was lost trying to find a friend's house at 10pm.

Car insurance commercials were really fucking aggravating to me for the first few months, but the bigger your necessity is to drive the quicker you get over your anxiety about it.

>> No.8168676

Thank you so much! Just hearing someone else felt like this makes me feel less crazy (though Im so sorry it happened to you anon, I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone).

>> No.8168691


You have been driving and riding in cars for 20+ years and been in one wreck? Think of the 1000s and 1000s of times you drove and didn't wreck.

>> No.8168694


How can you be stressed about nothing?

>> No.8168712

Some people have anxiety disorder and can/will stress over nothing. Besides, look at all that's happening to her. It's a domino effect and she's stressing about the effects that stress is having on her body.

>> No.8168739

>stressing about first world problems
>body reacts in stages; crying, anger, calamity then stomach problems
>weak stomach from previous problems
>Week week only hold one meal down
>now end week, can hold nothing down
>lost just over 4kgs (8-10 pound?) this week alone
>affecting my competition entry for a huge contest next month. Due date is Friday night

I've taken the shift off work because it's unfair on my coworker to be at work and constantly leaving the store to be sick. I'm gonna see a doctor because I don't think my problems are that bad to be stressed over to this point. May have picked a bug up somewhere too.

>> No.8168740

I am going to see my normal doctor this week hopefully, It will be a struggle though. I hope it's nothing medical with my hair .
I guess I shouldn't say nothing. I think I'm having some kind of quarter-life crisis, plus I have agoraphobia and haven't left my house in 2 months.
I have anxiety about my anxiety as weird as it sounds.

>> No.8168741
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>con coming up
>no motivation to start on cosplays
>feeling anxious about going anyway

I sometimes wonder why I do this.

>> No.8168764
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>busy as hell
>want to work on cosplay
>no time
>making wistful eyes at my uncut fabric
Worry not my dear, once midterms are over you will be cut and sewn.

>> No.8168926

>Have shitty GPA
>Getting Bs in all my classes
>ready to quit absolutely everything
>Convention I've been looking forward to for months is coming up in like 3 weeks
>suddenly I don't want to go
>don't even want to buy things from taobao
>don't care that I missed out on Dream Marine
>Not interested in IW set I've been drooling over for weeks
>if only I could stop caring about my grades

I'm seriously considering killing myself because I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm too dumb to succeed in the field I'm interested in, and the only other things I find interesting are jfashion and art, which I can't reasonably do for a career.

>> No.8168933

>getting Bs
>have shitty GPA

I have an F in two of my classes. Bs are fine, and there's still time to improve your grades.

>> No.8168946

> I'm seriously considering killing myself because I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm too dumb to succeed in the field I'm interested in, and the only other things I find interesting are jfashion and art, which I can't reasonably do for a career.
Are you me? I'm just so tired. I'm halfway through the most important year of my academic life, and my grades are shit. I need 98+ to even recover at this point.

>> No.8169087
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Amtgard, Dagohir, Belegarth. Not even once. US needs to sort their shit out.

>> No.8169114

Mine isn't /cgl/ related, but I do know what you're feeling to a degree. My first interview out of college was with Nike as a copy editor, potentially pulling down around $75,000 a year. Interview went great, I hung out with the team for about an hour and had some very fun conversations with the various members, and the manager walked me out when they broke for lunch. She said that I'd hear back one way or the other, likely within two weeks.

Never got a call back. I waited 3 weeks and then called the manager, leaving a voicemail inquiring as to whether it was still open. No response. At least you heard back definitively, even if the answer was a no. Fast forward 18 months and I'm working in a job that isn't terrible but isn't exactly thrilling either, making just under half the pay I would have been making there.

>> No.8169121

>wears lolita to school
>friend wants to wear lolita
>she's 5'0, very manly, overweight, and has a lot of facial hair
>never wears anything girly, always torn up tee shirts and sweats
>no make up
>constantly messaging me
>'what are OTK's?'
>'What is a jsk?'
>'What is bodyline?'
>send her a few links to basic lolita knowledge
>'I can do wa lolita, right?'
>'but it's in the lolita section of bodyline, so it's lolita, right?'
>wants me to do her measurements for her
>she's too large to do them herself
>wants to come to meets with me
>'I think I'll create a local comm! I'm learning so fast!'
>pics of her with sax and white jsk with a white blouse and black tights
>has to rush home and create a comm before her
>shit goes down with her being rude and offensive
>'men can't do lolita, they're guys!'
>removes her from lolita comm
This is just some of the shit she's done
It's hilarious to see what she fucking posts in the larger lolita comm group
She's too lazy to google anything for herself

>> No.8169158

Holy shit I didn't know you were on cgl?
She asked me if she could wear black OTK's with a lime green prom dress and pass it off as a coord!
I saw what she posted and I'm glad you kicked her out, we didn't need her anywhere near our comm.

>> No.8169208

>finally feeling physically better after a month of crappy symptoms with no answers
>financial situation is awesome; husband and I have awesome jobs, car is paid off
>about to go to more anime/lolita events and hang out with friends because of said financial/job blessings
>life is absolutely fucking awesome and is finally looking up and almost stress free
>February 18th, my life is shook up
>Ok, don't worry, I got this
>February 26th, my life is completely torn apart and I am now left with huge uncertainties and unfathomable heartbreak
>stress is so high my tinnitus is almost deafening
>can't really talk to anyone about it because, legal reasons
>fuck getting any professional help because my words are just twisted and misconstrued against me
>right now it's just a "hurry up and wait" situation and I'm not sure I can hold it together much longer
>just pray/send good vibes/whatever for me; I need it badly

>> No.8169226

I'm sorry to hear that anon, that sounds awful
My stress makes my tinnitus really bad as well, I usually can only sleep if I play music or have a fan running
I really hope that things start looking up, I'll be thinking about you

>> No.8169414

>happily engaged to wonderful fiance
>we experiment with polyamory/open relationship for a variety of reasons
>typically limited to just sex with other people
>have a big group of friends, lots of nerdy guys.
>closest with my shadowrun group
>We have lots of deep conversations, I'm very open about my lifestyle
>in this group is my good friend, we'll call him D
>D is about a year younger than me, very innocent, only one girlfriend, still virgin, kind of overweight, you know the kind
>but he's also super sweet, utterly hilarious, even though he's never drank or experimented with drugs he's not opposed to it, just never had the chance
>He's mentioned on several occassions that he is open to poly
>I find him utterly adorable
>we share cosplay plans, he introduces me to new anime
>used to be in a little brother sort of way, but now I have a crush on him that makes me feel silly
>part of me just wants to ruin his innocence and show him the world
>trippin with my fiance, admit this to him
>he doesn't seem opposed to the idea of D being around more
>still scared it would be totally weird so I don't go for anything.
>Now that fiance and I have mentioned moving to a bigger apartment/renting house/possibly getting roommate in summer, D has become really set on moving out of his parents house and being independent.
Idk if it would be a good idea at all, but I know my fiance is quite fond of D as well and we're both very good at being the type of person to enjoy nurturing and caring for other people so I don't think we would be unhappy. I probably won't pursue anything, but I can dream about having my adorable cuddle buddy...

>> No.8169491

Why do people think poly-relationships ever work out?
Even if you and your fiance are OK with it and can separate sex and feelings, some of your other partners will eventually be really miserable because he/she can't separate it.
It's in the nature of sex, bonding hormones get released during sex and orgasms.
Especially D, who seems of the unexperienced kind, will probably develop feelings for you if you ever started a friends-with-benefits relationship.

>> No.8169497

Same here, I failed some classes and everyone here has better knowledge about the field then me (computer science, I came in knowing little so it's my fault really)

Same goes for the interests, if I could I'd do art but I don't even know if the school in my country are decent, let alone if I could ever find a decent job with it, Which I probably won't. So no art for me.

>> No.8169508
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>going to pay for a dream dress tomorrow
>granted it's kind of plain, but VM
>hopefully I can get this one buyer to bite so it'll pay for most of it
>if it does I'll be so happy since it's a good $100 more than I should be spending now, but I don't think I could find it easily again since I've never seen it go on sale before

>> No.8170031

I've been getting two periods in one month for the past few months and it's ruining my life. It's hard to feel cute when you constantly have a blood fountain between your legs. I know I should see my doctor but does anyone know what can cause this before I make an app.? I did change my diet a bit but I've only heard of that delaying menstruation..

>> No.8170097

>does anyone know what can cause this

Doctors, probably

>> No.8170129


You should probably make an appointment with the doctor rather than relying on an anonymous filipino cartoon dressup board for help.

>> No.8170201
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>Local fabric stores have shit fabric selection
>I'm extremely picky, need things to be right shades, right weight, hold the shape, etc
>Been searching for months for fabric for any part of an extremely simple outfit
>Not a single scrap
>Stop by JoAnnes on a whim
>Find everything I need for whole outfit in right shades/materials, and it's all on sale

>> No.8170214

Same happened here but now that I have everything together I'm getting lazy AF
I have an event in less than two weeks and still haven't completed anything despite hoarding all of the elements. Motivation is the only thing I lack and idk how to boost it sometimes. Its like beginning a game of Sims, making the characters and house but never ending up playing after settling everything

>> No.8170232

>Found out that all of the wigs I need are 58cm
>Head is around 61 cm

Is it possible they could fit if I cut my hair short?

>> No.8170244

>make plans to go to AX
>have the money, have a place to stay, would get to chill in Cali for a week around the con with some good friends
>plan costume, slowly start chipping away at it
>sit on the floor last night and stare at fabric for 3 hours
>realize that I don't want to go
>I'm not interested in cosplaying
>I'd rather spend the money on something else like figures, visiting boyfriend, or saving for Japan trip with bf
>When did cons stop being fun?

I feel like I've been trying desperately to hold onto cosplay and cons because I used to have such a good time with friends when I was younger. When in reality, it's not as charming or fun any more.

Has anyone else had to deal with losing interest in something that used to be a huge part of your life?

>> No.8170248

I have. I used to want to be a manga ka and loved drawing and now I'm sick of it because I realized that my dream was just nothing but shit and I was full of shit thinking that an American can be a manga-ka or that a manga-ka was a passionate stress free job. I learned this when I was 22 though and already in debt from art school.

>> No.8170281

Maybe rewatch/replay/reread/re-whatver it is and remember why you love the character so much and want to be them? Or look at other cosplays of them? Bad ones make you laugh and say "I'll be better than this" and good ones make you say "This is my goal!" That's what I do to get motivated! Good luck!!

>> No.8170509

Did he have a smartphone? Iunno most of my male friends stopped using Facebook.

>> No.8170893

Best thing to do is to go for a drive asap. If you can drive yourself, drive as soon as you can. I know it's scary, but the sooner you get in a car again the sooner you'll feel comfortable again.

>> No.8170949

I'm currently locked outside of my car at the gas station. I'm waiting on help to arrive. This is even more proof that I'm not mature enough to live alone.

>> No.8170955

what do people even use nowadays?

>> No.8170965

idk apps n shit

>> No.8171000
File: 992 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ly9vp8awkw1qa4z9wo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, clumsy as fuck
>working on cosplays for con, put a lot of effort into all of them
>I'm on heels for like 3/4 of them
>walking to class in tennis shoes
>trip over my own foot
>fall down
>crunching noise echoes out
>find out I've majorly fractured my foot
>will be in an ugly ass cast for the con
>everyone will laugh at me
>photog friends will ignore me

>> No.8171179
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I'm really, really worried about my favorite convention this year
>It is my 10th year anniversary of when me and my boyfriend met
>But it happens to fall on Easter.
>Not supposed to have Easter off because it is a "peek holiday" (Tbh this is bullshit we are not busy)
>I just won my dream dress from an auction
>Got a coveted new release that I really wanted
>BF's mother specifically came down from California to deliver a little black box to my boyfriend the other day and he has been all secretive about it
>but I have been out of work for 2 months because of a work related injury
>Finally going back
>Just e-mailed boss with the all clear to work and BTW I'm not available these dates because of family commitments (Not fully a lie, gave her other dates too when I have a wedding, did not specify what is the family stuff)

Please just work out. Everything is happening at once and I am freaking out and and please just give me the time off.

>> No.8171200

>Bad ones make you laugh and say "I'll be better than this" and good ones make you say "This is my goal!"
No matter how much this happens I'm still a lazy potato but I do admit it works sometimes. Thank you none the less!

>> No.8171213

>crushed foot by falling

That's impressive. Arm or wrist I could see, but foot?

Also, that sucks. Now's your chance to cosplay that girl in a cast you have been waiting to do though.

>> No.8171278

>need answer from friend on a thing
>send message
>no response
>likes and comments on social network stuff
>replies to posts on forum we visit
>but wont reply to message

>> No.8171279

I was getting that too for a while, it was PCOS. Pretty common. Crappy but treatable. They'll probably give you birth control. You should probably check your thyroid too, if that's the case- hypothyroidism is often interrelated. I don't even have to take BC anymore, thyroid meds are taking care of all symptoms.

>> No.8171316

How did you manage to poop your dress?

>> No.8171362
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>have crush on boy for over 3 years
>even daydreaming about marrying him
>literally dream guy
>liked me too for a while, stopped for understandable reasons
>agree that i understand too
>still kinda sad about it
>he's in a relationship rn
>its been one of his longest so far
>looks kinda serious too
>i should've said yes when he asked me out all of those times

and more /cgl/-related:
>going to ax this year
>gonna meet crush with mutual friends who know i like him
>this is going to be a shitfest
>but my first time doing serious cosplay!

>> No.8171363
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>thinking of selling a gothic dress that I got from AP USA in SF a few years ago
>like the dress, but I have a credit card bill to pay plus (potentially?) a bag that AP will be releasing soon to buy
>feel bad because I feel like I'm selling away an experience
Eh..I don't know how to feel about it. But I'm wearing it less and less ever since I started sweet.

>> No.8171369

Er...no idea why I quoted "poop dress" post but I didn't mean to.

>> No.8171408
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>go to archive to look up really old thread for lulz
>see multiple posts of mine from years ago
>tfw I'm just now realizing how much I sounded like an autistic retard back then

>> No.8171497
File: 452 KB, 440x330, princessu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally buying lolita after years of self-esteem too low to even consider it
>first dress comes, it's a cute IW print that fits a little wonky but nothing that can't be fixed
>no wardrobe, try it on and feel silly
>all in all first dress experience surprisingly lackluster
>hesitant to go any further
>fall in love with dress on secondhand site
>it's an ivory x gold Baby dress
>i've wanted a Baby dress since i was a baby
>dress comes in the mail, gorgeous and perfect in every way
>too intimidated to try it on because of last time
>sits on hanger for two weeks
>finally try it on last night
>it fits perfectly
>look in mirror and finally feel like the real life princess i thought i would
>that feel when you are baby
>that feel when the stars do shine bright

i love this fashion so much, i just about cried. i'm so happy.
anyone else ever had a similar moment?

>> No.8171504


as somebody who used to trip
I know this feeling and it is suffering

>> No.8171527

Anon that's so cute! I hope you always feel like a princess.

>> No.8171534
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Yep. When I got my first jsk. Felt cute as hell in it.
>mfw, waiting on my first online lolita order.

Waiting is suffering.

>> No.8171556
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>This is even more proof that I'm not mature enough to live alone.

Part of growing as a person is learning as we go along--coming across problems and figuring out solutions. You were locked out of your car and called for help--you worked out a solution to your problem.

I have locked myself out of my car about five times (three with the car running) in the past decade (yes, ridiculous to make the same mistake so many times). Getting one of those magnetic spare key holder boxes that goes underneath my car has been a lifesaver--I highly recommend them just so you'll have one less thing to worry about in the future.

>> No.8171644

Oh believe me. It happens to everybody at some point. It's how you handle the situation that's important.

>> No.8171664
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Sorry for posting kinda OT

>in graduate school
>get the impression that lots of acquaintances think I'm immature because I buy lolita, like anime, and don't do typical activities for my age group like blowing $60 drinking every weekend or getting pregnant/engaged
>bf and most close friends don't seem to have a problem with it but still
>don't feel like I'm "maturing" normally sometimes

>in a group chat on fb for my job (mostly to talk about shift swaps, etc.)
>male coworker posts cute picture of a snake wearing a hat and a funny meme caption
>immediately coworkers freak out because "ew snakes r scurry"
>I comment and say I think it's cute
>another coworker says that cuteness is subjective
>obese ghetto coworker I hate comments with a picture of her crotchfruit brat and says "THIS IS WHAT I THINK IS CUTE"
>immediate cooing response from coworkers
>an eyeroll from me
>hate this coworker in particular because I feel like she always brings up the fact that she's A MOM to validate her existence as important when otherwise it wouldn't be
>she totally looks down on me for being "the student" and spending money on "unimportant shit"

I probably sound really bitter. I'm just trying to let go of my negativity.
Is it just so wrong these days to not want to get married straight away and not immediately begin my 20s by raising a family? Is it so horrible that I don't find most babies cutesy?
The way I look at it is I have the rest of my life to be a "mature REAL womyn" and right now I just want freedom and happiness.

>> No.8171735

I feel the same way, anon. I don't think there's anything wrong with spending your time and money on things that make you happy, rather than wanting to immediately become some child-producer because everyone tells you that's what you /should/ want.
I finally have money to spend on what I enjoy, decorate my home like I want, dress how I like to, whatever. In room threads I'm always thinking about how I am in no rush to marry because I love being surrounded by cutesy shit in my room. There's nothing wrong with that. Do you.

>> No.8171774

I know some people really want to be parents or love being parents, but sometimes I feel like the most overbearing acquaintances harping on about why we should be having kids asap are just trying to validate their own life decisions.

When I was having trouble getting health insurance last year and coworkers suggested government-funded programs I said that I was ineligible at my age since I wasn't pregnant and didn't have kids--I seriously had two coworkers suggest I get pregnant to get health insurance coverage. I tried to laugh them off by saying that I didn't want to choose single parenthood for myself, but they just said it wasn't that bad and I should go for it, children are the purpose for life, my life would be so much more complete if I had a child... Wtf, people? Seriously crazy.

>> No.8171789

These professional moms do love to fetishize motherhood. I find that they're not very good at this job, btw. When their kids go to school, her inability to help them with school work or motivate them in life goals starts to show. This is how failure breeds failure.
Besides, most happy families I know have moms that enjoy a hobby that they're good at.

>> No.8171869
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>ask to buy dress
>ask if I can pay the next day, literally less than 12hours away
>seller says that's no problem and they'll hold it till the 11th
>even sends me the invoice
>seller is saying it's sold in said thread, I email for clarification
>has not gotten back to me yet

I'm honestly crushed if they didn't honor the hold, it's a dream dress of mine too.

Also selling my own
>price dress with some extra goodies for about $100-$105usd with tracked shipping
>have 3 people back out after expressing interest and asking a bunch of questions

not a happy camper today so far

>> No.8172078

I hate people like that.

It means they're selfish gits.

>> No.8172079

Maybe they're saying it's sold to you?

>> No.8172135

Either they're thinking and stalling for time, or just forgot to answer.

>> No.8172186

Sometimes I don't want to answer yet and then forget about it.
Don't be pushy, but jsut ask again.

>> No.8172189

Maybe it's sold to you or the seller wanted it sold and didn't want to risk you bailing on him.
If I had a dollar for every potential buyer requesting a hold, even offering a deposit and then never contact me again I'd soon have a new AP purse.

>> No.8172258

So I've been hoping my period would come at a decent time either before or after AB, and slowly getting more and more panicked about it. It finally came and while I'm glad I won't have to suffer through this the weekend of con, I think I always underestimate how annoying cramps are. It's not even that mine are as terrible as some other people's, but back in middle and high school I never used to get cramps and it makes me sad now.

>> No.8172265

I feel like I have plenty of things to do, but I can't pinpoint what I need to do and what should come first. I'm also totally unable to dress myself today, much less going outside. I juste want to sleep, but I'm totally restless with no apparent reason to be so.

>> No.8172276

Just make a list. Make a list of every little thing that has to be done.
Then look at the list and cross out everything that has not to be done this week and circle 5 things that should be done today. Underline things you have to to, but can't do today.

>> No.8172281 [DELETED] 
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I posted about this on /adv/ but since /cgl/ is my main board, oh well:

>Be in relationship with asian guy for 3 years
>Things go mostly well, apart from a few cultural differences that show up when I meet his parents, nothing major though
>Hit 26
>Realize I don't really want to have mixed race kids
>Don't have the heart to tell him

>> No.8172291

You're stupid anon. Just end it and don't have kids at all.
I don't know what kind of advice you want, but if you think /cgl/ will recommend cheating with a white guy to get your blonde and blue-eyed kids then you're in the wrong.

I would like to have blonde and blue-eyed kids as well, since I like my looks, but my boyfriend does not have anyone with blonde hair or fair skin in his family, so I'll probably get kids with normal skin and dark hair. But that's life and I'll deal with it.

>> No.8172293
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I transferred to a different university about a year ago and while I love it, it is insanely hard. Six hour classes five times a week, triple that in homework time and getting my work ripped apart every class is starting to take its toll. I cant stop stressing myself to death and only really like one of my classes because I'm one of the only people in the class that doesnt get borderline Whiplash-tier yelled at during critique. I dont know how much longer I can take this shit for.

The only thing keeping me sane is alcohol and daydreaming of cosplaying at upcoming conventions. I've thought about transferring but I got a nice scholarship here and dont want to be that person that transfers all over the place. I'm not even sure if there is a point to me being here anymore though and the teachers constantly saying only the top 1% of the class will make it anywhere isnt helping.

>> No.8172296

Do you want kids? Does he want kids? If no, then you're good. If either one of you does then that's three years wasted and you should end it now before you waste any more time. No point moping about it--the decision of ending it has already been made; you get to pick the time and the sooner the better for both your sakes.

>> No.8172299

I never wanted you to suggest I cheat. I've never cheated before and he cheated once near the start of our relationship.

We both wants kids.

>> No.8172327

So... break up with him. You really have no alternative. You gonna wait until he proposes marriage to you before you break things off?

>> No.8172359

My cat has been missing since yesterday. She's an indoor cat so I don't know if she's just hiding or if she got out. She older so I'm scared she went somewhere to die. I'm going to come home and tear my house apart after classes to try and find her.

>> No.8172364


You haven't been crying about it right?

>> No.8172413

What do you want then?
Also, saying you don't want mixed kids is stupid, it's not like you're gonna pop out some default mixed kid, it will be your child with characteristics of you and of the one you love, so what's wrong with this?
Do you fear the stigma or problems a mixed child might face? Then you should evaluate if this so reason enough to sacrifice your relationship and future children.
Children are not a collectible, you don't know what they might look like and how they turn out depends on you and your partner. It seems you're not ready for parenthood if you think like this. Once you're pregnant you'll understand the phrase "Everything else doesn't matter as long as it's healthy.".

>> No.8172419
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>Hard for me to make friends
>Finally make 2 really great ones
>They are both under a lot of stress/depressed
>They also live very far away
>One in the UK
>One in Florida
>Can't help because I live so far away
>Feel like an utter failure because of it

>> No.8172425

I just want my children to look like me I guess. When I see white women with black children, it makes me feel sorry for them more than anything else. It's nothing to do with bloodline, it's more that I can see myself in my child, even see my grandparents in him or her.

>> No.8172469

And how would an asian boyfriend be any different from a white boyfriend?
First of all, most people always recognize something in their children, whether a stranger would agree or not.
Second, your child is not your clone, it only has half of your DNA and nobody will guarantee that it will look 50% like you. A white boyfriend can mix up the looks just as much as an asian boyfriend, it all depends on luck.
Also, many people see themselves on their children through the things they do/say/like, if the looks are more important to you (to a degree where you wouldn't want children with your boyfriend even though I assume you like his looks since he is your boyfriend) you are not ready for children.
From the way you write I get the feeling that you only want children to get a little mini-me you can dress up and show off.

(Btw your comment about white moms with black kids is racist af. I personally prefer fair skinned kids for myself, but I don't feel sorry for other mums since everybody has a different taste. My mother-in-law thinks white-black kids are best.)

>> No.8172497

If you can't 'see yourself' in your kids because they are half-asian, then you are an idiot and should break up with your bf so he can be with someone better.

>> No.8172506

>Second, your child is not your clone, it only has half of your DNA and nobody will guarantee that it will look 50% like you. A white boyfriend can mix up the looks just as much as an asian boyfriend, it all depends on luck.

This simply isn't true, as far as averages go anyway.

All people care about how their kids look deep down. I empathize heavily with what she's saying about black kids with white moms. Especially as they don't even identify in any with with whites 99% of the time.

>> No.8172519

>This simply isn't true, as far as averages go anyway.

And this isn't true as well. There would be no scientific method to measure "looking like your parents", because different people would have different opinions on whether you look like your parent or not. Everybody will look different as an individual.
And of course everyone cares about looks deep down, like I stated above I do, too. But only childish people care to an extent where they consider ending an relationship or engaging an relationship.

You know how OP sounds? Like a teen, the ones that say "Omg I love Edward Cullen so much, our kids would look so beautiful!!" and only date people that are look-a-likes.

>I empathize heavily with what she's saying about black kids with white moms. Especially as they don't even identify in any with with whites 99% of the time.

How about you stop pulling some random numbers out of you ass, will you? Yes, mixed kids have certain identity problems at some point in their life, but every kid will "see herself/himself" in his parent and every parent will "see herself/himself" in his kid, even if a stranger wouldn't agree with them, they will find little details to confirm it, it's a mechanism that protects the bond between parent and child.

But all this doesn't matter, OP wants a little clone and she won't get one whether she dates a white guy or an asian guy. Maybe if she had a brother that looks like her she might have luck and get her little look-a-like doll.

>> No.8172555

I don't want "a little clone".

>> No.8172565

Then I don't see your problem. You want to "see yourself" in your child, but this should be possible no matter if it's half you/half asian BF or half you/half white boyfriend. Asian genes don't suddenly make your genes less apparent.
Your arguments are just plain stupid and childish.
Just say you are a racist fuck who fetishizes asian guys and wants them as a lover but would never ever want a non-white child. You sound like one of those white cunts that want asian women as their side-women, because they are good enough for that but not for marriage.

>> No.8172575

>Asian genes don't suddenly make your genes less apparent.

They do.

>You sound like one of those white cunts that want asian women as their side-women, because they are good enough for that but not for marriage.

This seems to be a personal issue to you. Do you dislike white men who date asian women?

>> No.8172580


I just want a white kid. That's all. I'm not "into" asian guys if that's what you're implying.

>> No.8172645 [DELETED] 

Do this, anon. Don't let yourself stay anxious about cars or you're going to regret it. My own off-topic feels:

>Get in semi-bad car wreck 10 years ago
>Road shoulder was below grade, jarred the tired and the car went out of control. Chose to drive into a tree to avoid oncoming traffic.
>Driver's side door wrecked, concussion, stitches, missed my exam, but everything wasn't so bad!
>Move, primarily take public transit for many years.
>6+ years later, realize the tight chest feeling I get when driving is anxiety.
>I drive everywhere now. FML

>> No.8172649

Do this, anon. Don't let yourself stay anxious about cars or you're going to regret it. My own off-topic feels:

>Get in semi-bad car wreck 10 years ago
>Road shoulder was below grade, jarred the tire and the car went out of control. Chose to drive into a tree to avoid oncoming traffic.
>Driver's side door wrecked, concussion, stitches, missed my exam, but everything wasn't so bad!
>Move, primarily take public transit for many years.
>6+ years later, realize the tight chest feeling I get when driving is anxiety.
>I drive everywhere now. FML

>> No.8172656

It depends on how dominant your genes are,ive seen french/jap combos that look like white people with dark hair Or white/Korean combos that have blonde afros.science.

>> No.8172665

>They do.

Dunno where you got that bruh, you might want to take a biology class.

>Do you dislike white men who date asian women?
I dislike them if they date them because they are asian.

But why? Why is a white kid better and why do you think it is any less your child if it's half-asian? You realize that's just plain racist?

>> No.8172669

>I dislike them if they date them because they are asian.

Why? There are plenty of asian dudes who have a thing for white women, and vice versa.

>> No.8172843

Yes and this is no better. How vain do you have to be to see a person and think "oh man, he has this nice asian feutures, enough reason to date him, make him my boyfriend and get children".
Like yeah, you can have preferences like "I really like brown curly hair" or "I like slim bodies instead of muscles", but in the end the person and their personality should be what makes you like them.

>> No.8172975

I saw your post on /adv/, I feel like you might have just came here expecing a different result, for some reason? They have you the same answers you're gonna get here: you're racist, please dump him and let him find someone who doesn't care about how aesthetically pleasing their imaginary offspring is going to be.
That being said, asian babies are some of the cutest in the world so I don't know what the fuck you're even on about.

>> No.8172979

Please ignore spelling errors, I'm on mobile and my point remains the same.
You don't have to admit you're racist, but you're racist.

>> No.8172991

>That being said, asian babies are some of the cutest in the world so I don't know what the fuck you're even on about.

Do you not see the irony in this?

You're claiming asian babies are cuter than white implicitly whilst lambasting that anon for thinking, or at least assuming she thinks that white babies are cuter than asian babies.

>> No.8173002
File: 34 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-be-a-good-goyim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board with a collective racial fetish so massive that many of their former anons have actually tried to go to Japan and sleep around in an effort to get married and secure residency (Yukapon, all those batshit YouTubers married to Japanese guys)
>Chastizing a girl for wanting to breed within her race

>> No.8173013

Do you retards not know how genetics work?There is no such thing as a "pure" race,even among asians.Your child will have some of your features.

>> No.8173015

You brought up purity bro, not me.

>> No.8173026

Holy cow, man, you need to take Biology 102. Sure there are such a thing as recessive and dominant genes, but it's not as simple as that. Your kids could very well come out with white features and even blond hair (had a asian-white mixed friend who had golden hair despite both her parents being brunette). It depends on which genes divide where.

That being said, if you don't want to risk the slightest possible of your kids coming out different-looking than you, than just don't have kids. I mean... you could always get a sperm donor if you bf is okay with that, but in the end, I don't think that you'll be a good parent if you're this adamant about your kids being you 2.0.

>> No.8173027

>Genes are randomized chance

Mendelian Inheritance doesn't work this way.

>> No.8173028

There is no "pure",you will always be race mixing.

>> No.8173033

It does though.

>> No.8173034
File: 49 KB, 480x370, 65741-1004598_487675641308520_2132809167_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goyim pls

>> No.8173037
File: 94 KB, 600x786, 3DPCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8173038

> implying Mendel's work wasn't flawed

>> No.8173041

The reconciliation of Mendelian and Darwinian inheritance are literally how genetic inheritance works.

It's not random chance, whatever you want to think. If it were, discrete groups wouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.8173051

There is no pure race,even among asians.We get 50/50 genes from our mom and dad too.

>> No.8173056

>There is no pure race

I agree. But nobody claimed this, not even Hitler. The term "master race" is actually just a translation of Herrenvolk.

It's just one big strawman.

Discrete groups can exist without being "pure".

>> No.8173057

What is this supposed to prove?They literally just did a study that showed injuns are more related to themselves then any other race so you might want to update your chart.

>> No.8173061

>What is this supposed to prove

Discrete sub species of h. sapiens exist.


>> No.8173080

The sub species don't matter when they never fully existed in the first place without the help of genetic diversity.Natives are the only ones that didn't on a large scale like asians or africans.

>> No.8173089

I think you should still have this child. Once you have it you will love it just like you would any other child of yours. Mixed race children are not only beautiful but help create diversity in the human gene pool.

>> No.8173104

dont encourage her,she should sterilize herself.

>> No.8173125

I don't understand why you'd say something like that.

>> No.8173142

Diversity comes from the existence of discrete groups in the first place. That is literally what diversity is. A brown, amorphous humanity is not "diverse".

>> No.8173187

It is true that if everyone was the same race it wouldn't be diversity. However, that isn't what I'm proposing. If two different races mate with eachother, you create a third, a hybrid. Thus, you have created more diversity. If more people mated outside of their race, we would create more diversity. That's not saying that everyone needs to do that, but it's not something that should be shamed, and people should be allowed to consider it.

>> No.8173193

>If more people mated outside of their race, we would create more diversity.

No, we would just create India. Diversity is a result of divergent evolution through isolation.

>> No.8173213

I just told you why it does create diversity. If two of the same race mate, you create another of the same race. If two of different races mate, you create a new type of human. So instead of two genetic types, you have three. If everyone mated only within their race, you'd almost never see new types of humans. What you're suggesting is something that could theoretically happen if everyone only mated outside of their race, but that's not what I'm suggesting here. A balance is preferred.

>> No.8173222

I have no idea why everyone is trying to tell you what you are/aren't. It's not like anyone's going to change your mind.

Regarding your actual problem - it's only been three years, you're still in your midtwenties, tell him you don't see a future with him and you can both move on with your lives. There's no point in dragging shit out when you've already made up your mind about this, just stop being weak about it and get it over with. You're not going to be happy if you continue down this path and you're potentially wrecking someone else's chance at being happy elsewhere too, so don't be selfish about it and just get out now.

>> No.8173269

You have a big flaw in your logic. You think every mother will love her child once she gives birth to it, which is true to an extent as far as hormones go, but a child that is not gladly welcomed will never be. Abusive parent anons, please come forth and be the living proof.

>> No.8173295

Mothers who didn't want to have children have changed their minds after they conceived and felt genuine love towards their child. Of course it is also possible to never love your child, but I feel like this girl is just hesitant, and once she does conceive she will do like most mothers and love her child.

>> No.8173338

It might accuatly create problems socially. Most people assume azn/ looking kid adopted .
>tfw you see mixed people having to argue that your related to ____ person

>> No.8173342

Because shes obviously stupid or a troll either way she shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.8173344

I also know this feel. It's even worse when you're a tripfag so everybody knows it's you.

>> No.8173349

Because mixed people like rashida jones don't exist

>> No.8173359

I feel it's better to try to guide and educate her rather than saying she shouldn't reproduce at all.

>> No.8173366

She shouldn't if she does'nt understand this in her 20s.

>> No.8173377

That's why people should date people of the race they fetishtize, to reliaze that there normal people like everyone and eventually start to not fetishize them.Some of those yt married to Japanese guys actually understand that and got over it. fetish over pp of different races eventually go away over time and most often never lend to marriage.

>> No.8173381

Some people don't understand for their whole life. It's better late than never.

>> No.8173392

They shouldn't reproduce either.

>> No.8173406

this isn't something people usually have to deal about

>> No.8173412

are you compensating for those people?

>> No.8173422

No,my iq is'nt below 90 like hers.

>> No.8173449

iq has nothing to do with it. Will you have kids?everytime I hear people talking about how its always "the dumb people" wanting kids but they themselves have no kids.

>> No.8173471

Smart people don't want their kids growing up in modern society or they wait for things to progress and it never does so they never do.

>> No.8173513

>smart people letting idiocy triumph.
I wonder whose really smart in that case...

>> No.8173528

you just need a pat on the head and a back rub, fight the stress with small things like that and find a way to relax

>> No.8173559

Those smart people=Superior Idiots
Its like calling people weeaboo , It doesn't exempt you from being one.

>> No.8173561

Short hair might help, but if you dont want to chop it all off, try cornrows! There are also tutorials floating around for expanding wigs.

>> No.8173690

No but my cat is still missing. And she's not outside. I've had cats my whole life and I know they hide for hours but usually they come out to eat. Its been 24 hours since I last saw her. She probably had a heart attack or something and died inside my dresser. I'm about to go look for her

>> No.8173715

I guess that's one way to put it. As in that they've "claimed" them and it's a personal offense if you want to cosplay something that character is done. It's really annoying tbh because I just think people should cosplay whatever that hell they want from a series they like, but it's super political with a lot of people I know.
A lot of my friends do treat me like absolute trash at times. Not so much in an active way, but definitely a passive way. I have no clue how to make new ones, though. It's especially hard because I'm pretty shy and all of my friends are a lot more extroverted than I am.

>> No.8174049
File: 12 KB, 249x202, momoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, I just got my first salary job. You know what means...

>> No.8174054

>home internet won't load 4chan for some reason
>goodbye data

I can't figure out why it won't load in the first place but its pissing me off.

>> No.8174080

If you guys dont understand you're not apart of the category.She definitely isn't.

>> No.8174487

My dream dress is up for auction, and I don't have the funds for it. I have some pieces I would sell immediately, but I found the auction with only 11 hours left and someone has already bid on it. To make things worse, she's from my area.

I'm so upset over this, holy shit.

>> No.8174518

I found my cat but her 3rd eyelid is open in one of her eyes and she isn't eating. She was hiding in dresser

>> No.8174696

Get her to the vet stat. If she was hiding and she's not eating. She sounds ill and when it gets bad enough to really effect them, you've got a short window.

>> No.8175050

>get into college
>people get to know each other
>I'm not very social, and everyone is pretty much normalfag so I feel lonely
>Tell people I sew
>"oh.. nice..."
>tall, pretty girl tells people she can sew and sells clothes
>well.. ok...
>I sew cosplay and lolita, mostly for specific clients or myself
>I understand it's not their taste
-few months go by-
>I'm alone
>Girl can't stop talking about her "brand"
>I feel angry because the things I sew are much higher end and harder to make, and fitted. Her clothes are those baggy cropped normalfag clothes made with stretch printed fabric
>everyone just loves her so much and buys overpriced shit at her online store

I just.. I know it's a bad feeling and it's really imature and stupid, but I can't help it.
I can make armor, dresses, and even make clothes with led circuits in them, but no one cares.
I'm the problem, right? I mean, if I were more adaptable and normal, I probably wouldn't be feeling the way I am.
I guess I just wanted people to see me and tell me I'm good.

>> No.8175057

That's the thing, D isn't really into having a serious girlfriend/doesn't get attached to people easily. I'm the one with the feels lol it's the first time I've been interested in including another person for reasons other than sex, which has never been problematic for us before.

>> No.8175068

do it for yourself not others,it sounds like they don't understand fashion anyway and are just thinking with their dicks.you don't need their praise.

>> No.8175070

>people circlejerking popular people and ignoring the less liked

It's really fucking harsh anon, but it's true. If you know in your heart that you're doing your best and your stuff is great, then that's better than the empty platitudes of praise you could ever get from fair weather friends who only hang around the 'likable' crowd.

>> No.8175204

their praise=money

>> No.8175209

If one group of people makes up your entire clientele you should go into a different business.idiot.

>> No.8175296

Right. If people know your name and your popular there the first to get business. If your into Lolita then you don't cater to many people.

>> No.8175304

I second this. Th vet might want to put her down, but if she's old and ill it might be for the better. Cats will suffer a lot until they are dead but never show it, they are really strudy. At some point it's just better to let her sleep.

>> No.8175307

Sell your things online to people who understand the fashion and things you're into. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who will love what you make. Maybe just not so many local people. You may have someone's dream dress in your mind just waiting to be made.

>> No.8175377

What dress is it anon? Most AP gothic dresses are on my wish list. I understand the situation though as I've also sold dresses I like and have memories in but just don't wear often. It's a bit hard but usually worth it.

>> No.8175419

Im going to give you some tough love cause I can relate.

I think you are the problem cause you are caring too much about this girl and what other people think. Screw them.

Stop being pathetic/complaining. Continue making awesome clothes and find your place online. If your clothes are as good as you say, there is people out there who will want them. It will take alot of work to make a brand (especially a non-normalfag clothing brand) but it is possible.

>> No.8175437
File: 162 KB, 500x281, godDAMNIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dissertation is due two months from today. There's no way I'm going to make it through while eating a reasonably healthy diet. But after that's due there's another two months until graduation, so I'll be able to lose whatever weight I put on before that right?

I let myself eat way too much crap when I'm stressed out.

>> No.8175445

Make some normalfag shit. Impress everyone. Ask her if she wants to do a collab collection or something.

After you're done, quit and head back to cosplay/lolita with renewed confidence.

Done and done.

>> No.8175503

If you're into accessories, try pooping out some cute pieces of jewelry and hair clips that normalfags might like. People are generally more willing to drop cash on smaller things and this won't compete with pretty girl's stuff, so it could give you a foot in the door for them to look at the rest of your work.

>> No.8175923
File: 352 KB, 600x847, will-yoda-appear-in-the-upcoming-star-wars-film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cosplay isn't done, but I'm considering wearing what I have to the con I'm going to this weekend. I don't think it's -terrible- for my limited time, money, and resources... plus it's the first time I've made something like it and I had no help. I'm sure I'll be posted on here and made fun of, though. It makes me sad. Seeing people trash cosplays has really taken the fun out of the hobby for me. It's so stressful now because just "trying" scares me. It feels like any more it's "go big or don't do it at all"

>> No.8175950
File: 420 KB, 483x402, tumblr_inline_ne6eodXUt31slpkmf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really feel left out a lot with my cosplay friends

It's like all of them like to hang out with me and cosplay, and such, but if I don't remind them of my presence, they will forget about me.

Like they forget to invite me to events and such they will have, even if I was with them planning it. Sometimes I feel like I'm only invited if it benefits them.

When we DO hang ut we always have a great time so I don't understand it.

I got reminded of this when all my cosplay friends posted this "What would you like to see me cosplay as" on FB, and everybody comments on each others, even the ones who don't know each other so well. But none of these cosplay friends commented on mine, only people outside the cosplay comm commented on mine.

I just feel so left out sometimes

>> No.8175993

> bf and I are extremely happy together, we've been dating for almost 2 years but known each other for 6+
> we've been talking about marriage a lot and have gone engagement ring shopping multiple times.
> girl has a long standing crush on bf. Probably for 6+ years
> girl has always been jealous of me because bf has loved me since day 1
> hit a rough patch 3 or 4 years ago, not really talking to bf (just friends at this point), girl and bf have about a week long fling.
> nothing sexual. she invited him to her prom and they made out.
> a couple weeks ago after we got home from a con (she was there as well, with my batshit crazy ex-friend)she called him and confessed that she was still crazy about him
>bf is like okay.jpg, still with my gf and you know that. not interested bye.
> she ends up saying they shouldn't talk while she's still getting over him
> both agree
> today she invites him to go on a road trip with her and a few friends
> doesn't invite me, obviously
> pissed as hell, pls leave my bf alone.
> he confronts her, asking why she would invite him ans not me
>"you just mentioned you wanted to go on one so I offered sorry etc."
> ????? Still doesn't answer our question but we already know the answer.
> bitches be crazy
> dreading the next con we go to knowing that she is going to be there.
> she's also friends with a group of people we hang out with a lot.
>jesus, send me strength

Honestly, how much longer can this carry on?

>> No.8176115

It's cool that your bf knows that she's a crazy and has called her out on her weird crap before, because a lot of guys will downplay that stuff and it fuels the situation. But at this point you (and him, obviously) should really cut contact with her as much as possible. Your bf shouldn't be talking to her on the phone, she shouldn't have a way to even invite him on a trip, etc. He needs to unfriend her, block her number, whatever it takes, because she obviously isn't getting the message and him leaving any methods of communication free is just going to encourage her. If you see her at a con, ignore her as best you can. If she's with a group of people you're talking to, do not make eye contact with her, keep answers to one word if you really have to communicate with her. You both, especially your bf, need to make it crystal clear that you are done with her and her shit. Good luck, anon.

>> No.8176131

>Mix of depression and anxiety has been ruining my life, I can't finish anything I start, can't graduate even though I've always aced all my classes with barely any effort
>Therapist suggested I see a doctor to get anti depressants but I can already barely afford therapy as is
>SO has their own problems but figure that we can support each other but I always end up being the one supporting them: I know they love me and have good intentions but they get angry or depressed over the most innocuous things and even when I'm sad it evolves into me having to comfort them for not knowing how to help me
>Family is the main source of my psychological problems; mother pretends I have nothing serious, can't even tell father I'm seeing a therapist, sibling has clear issues of his own especially anger related so I can't expect any kind of support from them either
>Haven't had close friends in years
>I'm almost a shut-in
>I told myself things would get better all my life so I couldn't give up
>I can't believe that anymore
>Feel increasingly worse
>I'm afraid I'll never ger better

>> No.8176220

> tfw doing horrible in uni
> tfw sibling is doing perfect in uni, ahead of me even though they're younger

I should be happy for them. But I'm not. I just started crying and my self loathing just increased tenfold. Now more then ever it feels like everyone is doing better and moving forward with their lives in a better way then I'll have have it.
I feel like a horrible sister right now.

>> No.8176235

I understand how you feel anon. Do you happen to be European?

>> No.8176238

I do actually.

>> No.8176252

What you said about uni makes me wonder if we're from the same country. I'm the anon from the post above yours. I understand how you feel, I really do. I hope things will improve soon for you. If you wanna keep venting I'm here.

>> No.8176260

Netherlands as well?
And thanks anon, I hope so too. Doing bad and having an example that's doing 1000 times better then you'll ever do next to you hurts so fucking much.

>> No.8176425
File: 620 KB, 472x785, DIO BURANDO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be sick
>Staying at home all day making fun of Penus videos, watching Initial D, and putting together tb order

>> No.8176525

Girl, you gotta lock that unhealthy crap in the basement or something. Don't even let yourself have the chance of being tempted.

>> No.8176564

>How much longer can this carry on?
For as long as your retarded boyfriend keeps enabling it. He asks too many questions when he should be telling her to fuck off completely. Maybe you should call him out on it. Who the fuck cares why she didn't invite you on that trip? None of you are that close (right?) and it was already established that he should have less contact. Neither one of you should have been invited. She's obviously still thirsty for your bf, but he's either too ignorant or willfully delighting in the attention to tell her 'no' for good.

>> No.8176580

This. If she's not getting the hint that someone else's BF isn't interested in her, then she has no shame. Tell your BF how much it bugs you and ask him to block her number and stop letting her contact him.

>> No.8176589
File: 133 KB, 488x492, Screenshot (246).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to live in a city close to my friends and so I always had people to hang out and talk cosplay with.

Now I'm in the middle of bumfuck no where and sitting through sermons about the muslims and America going to hell. Just tonight I had to sit there while the preacher denounced gay marriage (which is legal here now) and called homosexuals immoral... and my relative I'm living with was nodding the whole time even though she knows I'm gay.

I had to sit through an awkward car ride with her explaining "The preacher has to teach what he believes in" and "I love you even if I don't condone your lifestyle."

So now I'm just feeling generally shitty and buying costumes and jfashion stuff that I'll only get to wear for one or two conventions this year because there's no way I could wear jfashion around here.

At least I'm getting some form of petty revenge by buying up subtle Pride tshirts to wear on Wednesday night.

>> No.8176681

>tfw burnt out on minimum wage job
>student loans kick in a few months
>desperately want a proper vacation; haven't had one since I went to uni
>upset over my "useless" degree and being "overqualified" and "under-qualified"

There's no way I want to go to grad school or pursue a new degree, even if it's a technical one anytime soon, but I can see why a lot of my older friends continued their education. It sucks that even in a job like parks and rec. mgmt, you have to have a master's in that field, but the salary doesn't even cover the bachelor's tuition.

I'm seriously thinking about applying with USPS. I may have to spend $50 on the application and I may have to move to a bumfuck town, but $14.21 to $32.28/hour is looking really good right now.

Ohh, hang in there, anon. Assuming that you're in the U.S. (because I know people who are in the same situation, including my SO whose source is a toxic family environment as well), I hate how the system is set up in a way that makes it hard for people who are sick, whether physically or mentally to get better.

>better health is a privilege, not a basic right

>> No.8176685

>have to be at work in 8 hours
>shift is 9 hours long
>spent the last 4 hours shitting my brains out, extremely dehydrated and my asshole is on fire
>stomach is still flipping
>taken medicine 3 times already
>it's not over yet
>can't call off or I'll be out 9 hours' worth of pay
>plus two managers are out tomorrow so there's nobody to cover
>kill me now

>> No.8176702

Google home remedies. One of the things mentioned should work.

>> No.8176716

Sounds like food poisoning or stomach flu.

Dude, get something with electrolytes in it - Pedialyte is probably better than Gatorade since that has a lot of sugar. Get it if you can make it out of your house!

>> No.8176721

>want to buy new coord this week
>outdoor/feral cat needs to go get fixed so we can take him to the shelter with his brother
>need to pay for that instead
>god damn it real life responsibilities, butt out.

There are foxes out and about, so I really want to get him in ASAP, I think a fox is what attacked his brother. He's pretty chill and doesn't really leave our porch though, and the foxes are too skitzy around people to come that close to the house. The dogs bark at anything that comes in the yard so he should be okay but I really don't want to take any more chances.

>> No.8176737

I have IBS so this kind of thing isn't uncommon.

I have a ton of water bottles in my bed and I'm going to hunker down and hope for the best tonight. No gatorade in the house and I'm not going out at midnight to buy any, I ate dinner (everything is lower digestive, I'm not nauseous or anything) so I'm not completely devoid of salt/sugars. It feels like there's a big worm in my intestines writhing around. It's disgusting. My clothing is so uncomfortable. I want to take my shirt off and sleep it off but I have to get up at 7AM.

>tfw I work in food service
>they don't even care if you're puking, you either get someone to cover o you show up

Sorry, customers of tomorrow, if I get you sick somehow. It's probably just my IBS acting up again tho.

>> No.8176745

Oh ok, yours is worse than mine. I mostly suffer from constipation and bloating. I totally understand clothing not feeling comfortable. Fellow fast food worker, I wish you all of the luck in the work. Godspeed.

>> No.8176747

Oh, a fellow IBS anon. My remedy for when I'm feeling really funky is apple cider vinegar. It always seems to stop that in its tracks. Gas sucks though. Drinking hot water and massaging my stomach usually helps.

Also I really improved my symptoms with supplements if you wanna hear about them. I got sick of all the side effects from prescription shit.

>> No.8176750

Yeah I'm polar opposite. I take two bites of whatever ends up not agreeing with me (literally two bites) and I instantly bloat, and I'm running for the toilet. It's always triggered by something I ate, but it's not always the same foods. For example, this time I ate a turkey sandwich, which I've eaten every few days at work for the past year or so without issue.

Usually it's pizzas that do it though.

>Immodium is my best friend

I'm the walking pharmacy, between this (Immodium and Pepto) my migraines (excedrine and dramamine) and my EDS joint pain (aleve and tylenol) I have something to cure almost any ailment. I recently got off birth control, so soon I'll add Midol to my stocks. I don't go anywhere without my meds bag. It's absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.8176755

I'd be extremely interested in hearing about anything that will end this hell.

My mom told me to try probiotics but last time I tried that I just pooped for days.

>> No.8176775
File: 36 KB, 321x251, penguin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got my wisdom teeth removed today
>they were all impacted so surgery
>cant feel kawaii with this puffy face

>> No.8176783

Fuck, I typed up a huge reply and it disappeared. Anyway, the basics are

>boswellia with lunch and dinner
>calcium at night with snack
>olive leaf extract somewhere in between

Boswellia reduces inflammation, calcium pulls water out of your intestines, and ole is a antiviral and bacterial. I went from running to the bathroom just from drinking a sip of water (also explosively shitting water, sorry everyone) to almost normal. It's amazing. I can eat just about anything, and the worst I get it bloating.

>> No.8176821

>moving soon
>for the 4rd time in like 5 years
>can redecorate room however I want
>can have a complete anime room
>or can have cute lolita room
>but I'd rather not move again

>> No.8176874

Blood pressure is at dangerous rates due to the absolute heartbreak and stress I'm going through. If I bring this up as "pain and suffering", I'll more than likely be told it's my fault no matter what proof I give.
Jesus Christ, it feels like this nightmare is never gonna end.
>blood pressure was 175/135 last night
>tfw I should be dead

>> No.8176905

That's why you should never you the same email or your real name on SNS

>> No.8177246

Thanks, anon, I'll definitely check them out!

>> No.8177282
File: 671 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nkspy6Wy6A1qdd4t5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw searching this print desperately
>tfw i don't even remember the name of it and cannot find it anywhere
I just know it's from BTSSB

>> No.8177303

Soiree of the beginning of my memories/ memories of my first soiree, anon.
Link to one of the JSKs:

>> No.8177425
File: 487 KB, 900x900, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad, I'm just mad.
/cgl/ is slow lately and the threads aren't interesting to me.
Since I finally picked up drawing again I'm spending more time on /a/ lately.

Why are they so stupid? How can people be so autistic? I'm just mad they are so incredibly stupid. I know I'm on 4chan but for some dumb reason I expected them to be a little more sane.
I'm just mad, I had to vent.

>> No.8177427

Bought a plane ticket to go see my boyfriend in two weeks!

>> No.8177445
File: 64 KB, 450x450, this is not alright heartcatch precure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw remembering the relationship between japanese sizes and my huge britbong arse after falling in love with some ouji pants on auction

>> No.8177477

>Thinking you will get sane requests from an /a/ draw thread.

Also avoid the fandom threads 9/10 they tend to be shit.

>> No.8177478

>PT will never drop 150 pounds and cosplay Satsuki

Why live?

>> No.8177529
File: 139 KB, 300x300, 1371053768898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy purse on LSE last Wednesday
>seller seems nice and attentive
>"I'll ship on Friday, anon!"
>Friday comes and goes, no word from seller
>message seller, ask if they shipped bag
>"I just shipped it today, anon!"
>immediately ask them for tracking number
>they don't respond until Monday afternoon
>"I'm at work right now anon, I'll send you the number when I get home!"
>okay, I understand
>fast forward to today
>seller still hasn't messaged me the tracking number and package has not arrived
>just sent her another message about it, so help me god she better reply today with my tracking number

Suddenly I'm remembering why I try not to buy things from people on LSE anymore. I doubt she's scamming me (if she is, she must be pretty desperate for money because I didn't pay much for the bag), but jfc if you're gonna sell something, KEEP THE BUYER INFORMED AND SEND THEM THE TRACKING NUMBER WHEN YOU SHIP THEIR ITEM OUT. It's not rocket science.

>> No.8177541

> tfw same

I just want to draw cute anime shit. So many fucking lewd requests and 'LOLI-FY HER" like they didn't look young enough already.

>> No.8177546

I understand you anon, but some people are really that busy. I doubt she's keeping the tracking number around so she might forget it every time.
Still, I think sellers should try their best.

>> No.8177554

I'm not even strictly against a little lewd (as in sexy), but the very lewd request(full of cum and the likes) and the constant shitposting of hexfags or oorafags is simply annoying. I like making anons happy by drawing their waifu, but sometimes I feel we just deliver fap material to NEETs.

>> No.8177556

You are. I used to drawfag on /vp/ and still would but damn that thread has died and is incredibly inactive. I just like 4chan for drawing some random shit and knowing I'm making some anon's day by doing their request.

The worst are the /d/ tier requests or "I want my waifu wearing this dress with these shoes sitting on an icebear and running around and also make it a 3 page comic."

>> No.8177683
File: 104 KB, 500x281, 1327768060251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had problems with food, my self-image, and eating. But very recently it has gotten very bad. I haven't eaten anything yet today. I just keep looking at pictures of very skinny girls and boys. I don't want to eat. I haven't told any of my friends. I want to continue not to eat, even though I know this is wrong, dumb, and it will kill me. I don't know what to do.

>> No.8177692

No one that's forgetful anon

>> No.8177753

Same here, people say I am really boney and that I should eat more, but there are times when I just can't swallow anything down.

Let me give you a tip that I do, may help a little, may not, give it a try:

Make yourself a sandwich put everything on there meat's, cheese, mayo, lettuces, etc.

Cut it in to small pieces and eat a piece, drink down with water or whatever

Take it slow and don't force yourself, if you can only eat one or two pieces that's fine, just wrap up the sandwich pieces up for later and try again in an hour.

Drink water it helps, Good Luck

>> No.8177764

it'll get better soon anon!! i had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed at once and i handled it a lot better than i expected to (i even have bad anxiety so i expected it to be worse than it was). iirc i was fine after a week or two and the swelling had gone down by then too!

>> No.8177772

You should stop looking at those pictures anon, this won't help you. I cannot give you proper advice, but most people with eating problems (both extremes) are too obsessed with food and calories and their looks. Just do something that's not related to your size and eating habits, drawing, watching something, get creative and maybe get professional help.

>> No.8177793

>Why are they so stupid? How can people be so autistic?
It's /a/. It's full of underaged and reddit-migrants. The whole board is a huge closed-minded, shitposting circlejerk. I don't even go there anymore. There are very few redeeming threads to be found. I wouldn't let it worry you too much. Maybe try posting during NA night time hours?

>> No.8177854

It is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.8177948

What was it like? I think I'm going to have to have all four removed and i'm scared shitless.

>> No.8178023

You're pretty much out of the loop the day you do it, due to drugs and all. Appearance wise, your face will be in chipmunk mode for a little less than a week. The worst is probably the fact that you can't eat solid food though. Baby puree gets old very fast, I ended up surviving on jello.

As for pain, it's not bad.

Not that anon btw.

>> No.8178029

I took her to the vet today and she had a stroke. The vet just said all we could do was wait and see if she recovered from the brain damage

>> No.8178052

Wow,how long did the pain last? and was keeping it clean an issue?

>> No.8178076

I really want a lolita friend. I joined my local comm but they don't really have many meets and i'm too nervous to really post on the page in an attempt to get to know anyone because i don't want to seem weird. My bf likes lolita but it's not the same because he just kinda likes how it looks and isn't really into it. I just want a cute lolita friend to talk about frilly clothing with.

>> No.8178118


Diff anon, pain wasn't much. It didn't feel great, but I never took any meds. Keeping clean wasn't a big deal, gurgled some salt water a few times a day.

Also, I ate real food, because fuck that. Just be careful where you are chewing.

>> No.8178145

What kind of event happens in a gym? All of the events I've gone to have been camp outs with huge fields.

>> No.8178215

I had 4 impacted removed, woke up from anesthesia and cried like a little bitch then fell back asleep (common side effect), took one of the vicodin they gave me and I was fine functioning on only 3 ibuprofen a day for 4 days after, no painkillers at all after that. It's more of an achey feeling than anything else.

Don't even think about using a straw, though, you will tear your stitches. Brush your front teeth and rinse with salt water for the first few days. It's hard to actually spit, you have to kind of just let it fall out of your mouth over the sink. Kind of gross, but whatever.

You should go back for a checkup about a week later, I still couldn't fully open my mouth at that point, but the swelling was down most of the way. I was working again 4 days after my surgery.

Also don't eat ice cream or anything really cold like that, and if you eat soup or whatever make sure you let it cool down a lot before you eat it.

Honestly it's not that bad.

>> No.8178244

anon chan t-thanks.
I was searching it for my crush (maybe soon to be girlfriend) <3

>> No.8178247

so we can wear kawaii lolita clothes together and hold hands while wearing it
>at least i hope

>> No.8178324

Thanks :)

>> No.8178330

Wow,thanks for all the info!

>> No.8178333

I miss my ex-best friend.
She was my first one and kinda the only one, tbh. We were like -sisters- and shit. She started to like gyaru and at the same time she started to date this douchebag and she became a horrible person. She trashtalked about EVERY girl that tried to be a gyaru, implying that she was the one imposing the trend (kinda true, but still...), she started to hang out with those girls who she dissed only because they gave her stuff and lick her ass. Suddenly she was another person. When I pointed out that I was feeling left alone because of not being interested in the fashion, she exploded saying a lot of mean stuff to me. I didn't want to fight so I 'accepted' that I was, as she said, paranoid.
I decided to stop talking to her because I felt that she wouldn't care and, unfortunately, I was right, I wasn't important to her anymore.
6 years have passed and I still miss her. I feel stupid because she is not fucking worth it.

>> No.8178358

>Found out a package I need for an anime con is delayed.
>Used SAL insurance shipping and it's taking over a month.
>Package is stuck in 'Dispatched from exchange,' from Japan
>Found out recently I might have hirsutism despite not having cysts, no PCOS, etc.
>Outside of using wax and taking bad birth control pills I can't do anything about it
>I will always look like a hair man in cosplays and pictures will be awkward
>I have to crossplay for the rest of my life now

>> No.8178397
File: 27 KB, 400x300, 1419969598111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My SS bought the wrong size of blouse - I got a Large when I needed an X-Large.

>I literally only need it for the bust.
>Not even a secret fatty.

>> No.8178460
File: 111 KB, 480x640, carnaval-sxo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffering through an existential crisis since returning from New York and reading the Steve Jobs biography in January
>graduating from grad school in May (I hope!)
>haven't worn lolita since January following Ohayocon
>talking to my friends, family, and professors about this
>trying to become more comfortable in my own skin
>know that I will be graduating with no student loan debt what so ever
>no job lined up yet
>just booked a trip to Italy after graduation

I don't know what I have become. I'm trying to find meaning about myself and what I should do. I want to have a good paying job so I can buy lolita and be happy.

>> No.8178490

my story isnt cosplay or lolita related but i had one of the worst days of my entire life today. this is like the only board i go on so uhh..would anyone care if i vented?

>> No.8178499

Look at the rest of the thread, most feels threads are totally off-topic. Vent away.

>> No.8178505
File: 43 KB, 1803x936, 1426040128876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be student
>signed up for a double degree program
>just found out that studying abroad to obtain second degree is obligatory, and I will have to stay in France for several years because second degree + traineeship + masters and possibly a job there later as well
>I'm absolutely elated and that'd be grand IF I wasn't already studying in an EU country other than my own and in an ltr with a local here
I'm conflicted. I've been incredibly lucky to find a good place to study and have a guy like him, but the job prospects here aren't that great and his education is... subpar to say the least so we'd both be struggling to make ends meet if I do stay.

On the other hand, this is an amazing opportunity, especially for me because I come from a rather poor family. And the day of my leave isn't soon, it's in a few years so I have time yet.

Another issue is the fact that my family is what it is.
>they're something like what yanks call 'white trash'
>mother still upset that I changed my name years ago (it was THAT bad) and am ashamed of my heritiji etc etc
>people there are upset that I'm doing something with my life because doing so means I think I'm better than them, crabs in a bucket and all that
>both parents think I'm unstable and immature and can't wipe my own arse because I'm a woman, and therefore need to be married off ASAP so I can be told what to do by a man who 'knows better'
>because otherwise I'd have ten dicks in me within a week and get high on bags of glue as soon as I'm let off my leash

In a nutshell: I come from a shithole and I don't know whether to force myself to be a min wage worker so I can please my mam and live with my bf or go and study some more and actually have a chance of a decent job but break his heart.

>> No.8178506

I don't know what to say but congrats. I'm going through an existential crisis and will be graduating with thousands in debt with no job in a city with a stagnate job market and high rent.

>> No.8178509

>getting out of grad school without debt
>implying you have actual problems

>> No.8178511

I'm selling it in pink with the bonnet, email me if you're interested?

>> No.8178517

On one hand: Pursue your dream education, find a job that interests you, move away from your shitty family

On the other hand: Feel unfulfilled because you can't find a job, eventually resent yourself and your bf for not taking advantage of an amazing opportunity, you'll have to be around your family.

You're young. Do the thing is best for you. Heartbreak is a part of life.

>> No.8178528

lmao thank you

>be me
>going on spur of the moment trip to nyc for spring break with long time boyfriend whooo
>he needs this trip so badly, his dad just had cancer, school sucks, ect.
>incidentally have a stupid UTI because female anatomy is stupid
>night before get 1 hr of sleep
>wake up at 3 and cant stomach any food
>have to take medicine for UTI because pain is unreal
>also take motion sickness pill because i get sick
>get going and boyfriend is so excited omg its great to see him this happy
>"anon were going to NYC!!!"
>Havent seen him this excited in a while
>absolutely elated
>fall asleep while driving to the bus station
>wake up feeling horrendously nauseous

part 1

>> No.8178532
File: 63 KB, 500x360, 1415316283556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my 'best friend' about 1 year ago anon although the situation was slightly reversed. My friend was really distant for a couple months and kept making me feel like I was annoying him even though a little before we were two peas in a pod and I considered him the most important person in my life. But the moment I started seeing someone he got insanely possessive and talked shit about my boyfriend constantly. He would call me up just to yell and me sometimes and make posts on facebook about how he was looking for a new bff. It got to the point where I would just cry all day. Finally we had a huge fight and he threw my biggest insecurity in my face.

I cut him out of my life and haven't looked back since. Life lesson: people in your life should lift you up. If they hurt you intentionally then they don't really love you the way they should. Drop the dead weight and move on. Sounds like you deserve better anon.

>> No.8178541

Thanks for the insight, anon, and thanks for pointing out those things. It's true, I'd probably feel really bitter and unfulfilled and hate myself and him for getting stuck in life.

I just don't want to hurt anyone is all, but all my life I've been dreaming of living in a bustling European city all by myself without my knacker parents. I guess I'm bound to step on some toes on my way there, thankfully my bf understands and we've made a deal to end things on a friendly note if and when it comes to that.

I'm just sad that I won't find a man like this again if I look for one with a candle. His family too, saints, the lot of them.

I should probably go to bed, it's early and I've been bawling my eyes out all night.

>> No.8178550

>"boyfriend pull over"
>chew some gum, eat some nuts, drink some water
>feel sorta better
>"im okay lets go"
>get to the bus station, still feeling nauseous but its not as bad
>waiting in line for the bus
>feel that horrible inevitability of vomiting feeling
>give driver ticket
>its getting worse
>run to awful grayhound bus bathroom as soon as we get onto the bus
>vomits into awful grayhound bus toilet
>mfw its all chunky nuts
>vomit more
>cant stop
>embarrassed and want to leave and cry
>thinks about boyfriend
>"be strong anon"
>get out of bathroom
>"i threw up"
>"i heard"

part 2

>> No.8178580

>gotta tough it out for boyfriend gotta tough it out for boyfriend
>have to vomit three more times in a 45 minute bus ride
>stop at absolutely the end of the line metro station
>"anon do you want to get off?"
>YES...but no
>actually yes get me off this fucking bus
>get off the bus, cold and sick
>thank god we brought a blanket with us on the bus
>get metro tickets and see that its 12 stops to get back to our car
>have to transfer trains twice
>fucking great
>"hey boyfriend im really okay lets just get back on"
>bus is gone
>guilty relief
>the train fiasco starts
>get on first train
>the trains in the city are fucking horrible 1980s trash trains that are rickety and disgustingly hot
>wave of nausea, but tries to ignore it
>the prospect of vomiting on a moving train filled with people
>no no no no no no no no no
>that im gonna puke cough
>make desperate eye-contact with boyfriend

part 3

>> No.8178605

>my back pack is waterproof and lined with water resistant nylon
>he grabs my back pack and starts taking out everything
>puts my shit in his bag
>absolutely cannot hold in vomit anymore
>proceed to vomit into my fucking backpack for 12 metro stops
>have to get off the train every two stops to rest and to get away from people
>remember that boyfriend has had even less sleep than me
>its now 6 in the morning
>keep vomiting into the bag as we trudge on
>people looking at me like im a fucking drug addict
>fading in and out of consciousness this whole time
>finally get to station where car is
>almost collapse walking up these crazy steep stairs
>get into boyfriends car
>i can tell he's beyond exhausted
>want to cry but no energy left
>its 7am now
>put my face into the pillow we left in his car
>fall asleep instantaneously
>wake up at my house
>its 8am now
>take a really sad really hot shower
>come back into room to see boyfriend asleep in bed with the curtains drawn
>fall asleep until 3 pm
>think about all the fun we could of had
>mfw when this shit always happens to me
>just feels fucking bad
>upside is that we love each other and that he wasnt upset or anything
>still feels bad tho

thats it. i know im bad at green text forgive me

>> No.8178608

> only eat 1600 a day

Anon, anon, anon, anon, the best way to lose weight is to eat 0 calories a day, and chain smoke to surpress hunger.

>> No.8178611

>my boss' method

Ahaha it's funny, he thinks that the rest of us can also work 11 hour shifts with no break and no chance to eat anything without passing out.

>> No.8178623
File: 371 KB, 1067x845, 1407388334225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely a difficult choice, but you have to empower yourself. And who knows what will happen down the line? Stay positive!

>> No.8178651

New anon here. This >>8178215 sounds really similar to my experience having two impacted and two emerged taken out.

Surgery was a breeze--the nurse was counting down and then suddenly I was being told that everything had gone smoothly--I was totally blubbering as my dad helped me to the car. (Totally normal side effect to be very emotional from the drugs that you're given--I'd expect it and if it doesn't happen to you hooray.) Expect the rest of the day of your surgery to be shot--you will be asleep. If you are awake, you'll probably not remember much after you wake up.

I also only took the pain pill prescribed to me once and then just stuck with ibuprofen. I was back at work the day after my surgery and besides a little (very little--almost unnoticeable amount) swelling and a little tenderness/acheiness all was well. Follow whatever directions your surgeon gives you and you'll probably be fine. Good luck!

Your love will eventually turn to resentment if you do stay and you both end up with shitty jobs--is there a reason he couldn't move with you when/if you move to France?

Best of luck, anon. You've got difficult decisions to make.

That really sucks. I'm sorry you've had such a rough day. Sounds like your bf is really topnotch, though.

>> No.8178654

Adderall you fagget.

Just tell your doctor you're not as chiper.

1 pill is a doller, they last 3 hours. Big profit. Work 20 hours a day.

>> No.8178661


yeah no

Aside from the fact that this is almost definitely bait

I also have actual ADHD so adderall would slow me down, and my hypoglycemia would lead me to pass the fuck out if I didn't eat properly anyway.

>anon why can't you just drink soda that has sugar in it
>anon you can't be eating while you're on the clock
>anon I hope you paid for those fries you snagged right before I threw the rest of them away

>> No.8178695

thank you! its okay. im just really bummed and dehydrated now

he really is tho. he's like...just crazy amazing

for real tho i went on adderal/prozac and i lost 10 pounds without doing jack shit

>> No.8178704

It's a stimulate. Your body is pumping blood faster so you use more calories just sitting.

>> No.8178709
File: 984 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>combo order shirt for myself and posters for brother from nerdy nerd site, with shipping ~$65
>stuff finally arrives, cool cool
>they sent the wrong poster
>okay nbd it's got a similar name to the originally ordered poster, easy mistake
>contact customer service, they send original poster and let me keep the mistake, woo!
>poster arrives, sweet good deal
>wearing new shirt oh so cool
>getting changed
>what's this shit on the inside of my shirt ??
>oh wait
>the shirt's misprinted, looks like the inside was flipped up when it was printed
>design's cut off, nothing too huge but I'm kind of bummed cause I liked the shirt
>contact customer service again
>"sorry about that, here's a code for $7 off your next purchase!"
>okay great the shirt was 25 after shipping but thanks

Pic is shirt. It's really not a big deal, just kind of a let down cause I dug the shirt a lot, and really don't feel like buying another of the same, and I'm iffy to buy from this site again after all this but thanks for the coupon? This is why I never buy graphic tees lol. Sorry for whining, I know it's not a huge deal, but damn.

>> No.8178713

>is there a reason he couldn't move with you when/if you move to France?
Yes actually. He hasn't still finished secondary school and it doesn't seem like he will anytime soon, unfortunately. Also, he won't be able to find work since he doesn't speak French and no-one will hire him as is, so he won't be able to fund his life there while mine is taken care of.

>> No.8179021
File: 1.10 MB, 1079x1088, btssb-feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just find a new second hand sales thread
>2nd page... boom dream dress
>3rd page... boom matching bag
>both cheap as shit as they're quite old
>international shipping too!
>click to buy OP
>sold out.
> decide i can always try again later, go to buy bag
>sold out.jpg
why does this happen to me, fuck.

>> No.8179042

Fuck, I thought this was a some sort of lolita print I missed out on because I've been absolutely dying for an alchemy print that looks something like this.

Honestly though anon, I would ask them for a replacement shirt as you got a defective product.

>> No.8179071

Forearm hair. What do I do about that? Am I supposed to do anything about that? It's gonna be too warm to wear long sleeves soon and since getting into the j-fash scene I noticed ti exists on me. What the hell, biology.

>> No.8179083

Humans have hair--it's completely normal. Hair styles and hair removal are all based on cultural expectations and personal aesthetics.

I have very pale skin and very dark body hair on my forearms so I shave them. I know that a few of my friends do the same thing. Some people wax and others go for longer lasting hair removal procedures.

If you feel comfortable and confident as-is, keep doing you. Hair removal isn't something that has to be done.

>> No.8179086

Forearm hair is perfectly normal.
Try nair or waxing

>> No.8179098

BTSSB and A&TP are always so flattering... Innocent world can be kinda wonky.

>> No.8179116

It's just a personal choice, to me, where I live, a complete lack of arm hair stands out more than having hair, so I leave it be. Now you have me thinking about waxing it though!

>> No.8179148
File: 1001 KB, 500x291, happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've decided to quit university after the fall semester, might even be as soon as the summer.

>four years
>switch major three years in
>meltdowns from stress, still no degree
>never thought I'd have such a hard time
>fiance lands me an interview with database lady
>says she'll contact me next week
>simple data entry job, anyone can do it
>be 99% sure that it's going to be mine

The plan now is to get that job, and try to burrow myself in to long-term employment and buddy myself with my superiors. Eventually, I'll move on up in the ranks and take the lady's job someday.

>tfw I always thought if I get a job I'll be alright
>tfw it's happening and true
>mfw finally ready to quit school and okay with that

>> No.8179164
File: 1022 KB, 500x283, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehe, I'd definitely be a lot more upset if it was a dress!

I know I should, honestly I was sort of expecting them to replace it like they did the poster, but maybe I came off as wishy-washy when I emailed them and they figured this would do. I hate to be that "difficult customer" though, even though I know the mistakes were on their part. Any tips for asking for a replacement or at least a refund without sounding like a huge bitch?

>> No.8179178
File: 113 KB, 400x327, 743417328_758077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets really cool lolita friend
>friend has huge wardrobe and fantastic taste
>just about to convince her to lend me a JetJ dress
>wake up
>it was just a dream
>goddamnit not again

>> No.8179237

>at a con rave with husbando
>suddenly see Yaya doing acrobatic aerial dancing up in the rafters
>her fat ass can only do one or two moves
>show is all about her despite amazing backup dancers
>she lands on a balcony full of people to crowdsurf
>they throw her off and she falls to her death

Guys, my dreams are getting really weird.

>> No.8179447


Different anon here. I had all of my wisdom teeth out in January, and recovery was rough for me. I ended up being allergic to the pain meds they gave me. If you can get by on just advil, you'll be good. They had to really cut up my mouth, so I needed stronger stuff.

They gave me a saline solution and a curved tip syringe to use for cleaning it out.

As for food, I had lots of smoothies and milkshakes the first day, but after that I just ate what I would normally, except I cut it into really tiny pieces to make chewing easier.

>> No.8179539
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, 1426272804803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget the seagull that won the lottery

>> No.8179549

I had all four removed at once. They had to cut me up pretty good. I was awake for it but honestly the actual work only took like maybe 15 minutes. I took my ipod so I couldn't hear anything. Afterwards was great, I got tons of drugs and had an excuse to lay in bed and play the sims for a week. I look back and laugh at how scared I was, it seriously wasn't bad at all.

>> No.8179865


>>8168227 here.. I definitely feel the same way. Sorry for not having any advice, just know you're not alone, I guess?

>> No.8179911


Why not go to France and take him with you?

Either way, go to France imo. If random anon opinions mean anything.

>> No.8179922


Oh, I should have read the rest of the posts.

Still, go imo.

And tell him to learn french and quit being a bum, so he can join you later.

>> No.8179933

I've told him that, but he can't pass his exams because he doesn't want to study Swedish as it is, French would probably be even worse and he said he doesn't want to move away because he likes it at home.
Which is fair enough, but I admit I'm a little upset that he doesn't want to try even a wee bit.

Now I'd begin a rant about spoiled rich Northern European children who get everything handed to them on a platter and don't want to lift a finger, but I don't want to derail the thread. Just a bit peeved is all.

>> No.8179955

Cringe. This brings back memories of a similar experience I had. Sounds like you have a grade A bf tho, hope you feel better anon.

>> No.8179967

Thank you. It's just that I just woved to this city a year ago, and my friends have been friends for several years, so of course they will be closer. I just want to have close friends as well, but I'm going to move again in half a year.

Moving around certainly is the worst if you wan't to make friends

>> No.8180146

>post three coordinates in a short amount of time on tumblr
>coordinate I like the most gets nearly no notes
>coordinate I like the least gets hundreds of notes thanks to a popular blog pimping it out

Oh well, it's not like I'm running a popularity contest against myself.

>> No.8180181

Good luck, anon! I sincerely wish you the best. I've been in a very similar situation, have quit uni, and am currently up for promotion at my part time job and am hoping to become full time soon. (My boss interviewed me, but said that it was pretty much just a formality.) I hope to one day transition to an office job--I've always wanted to work in an office. I just want a steady, stable job that will allow me to live independently.

Maybe try something like, "Thank you for the code, but I'd really prefer to have a fixed shirt or my money back. I have no problem shipping this defective shirt back, but I would appreciate it if you could cover the return shipping. Thanks for your time; I look forward to your response."

>> No.8180200

> Live in moisture consumed hell.
> Haven't really touched my Lolita stuff in a few months, literally.
> Inspect for mould in my wardrobe.
> AaTP Dance of the Black Cats has some suspicious stains on it
> Have momentary lapse of judgement
> Stick the motherfucker in water and watch the red run.
> whathaveidone.jpeg
> Spend the next day and a half scrubbing and rewashing.
> Manage to get most of the run out, still left with bits of the dress with pink spots/hue.

Yep, fuck everything right now. My favourite AaTP dress I own, too.

>> No.8180233

Thanks anon, that sounds perfect! Polite but assertive, which is what I'm going for. I'll give it a try.

>> No.8180341

Thanks for the luck. And are you me? That's what I've always wanted, especially if it's in a cubicle! My fiance thinks I'm weird but is now fully supporting me in this decision because he realizes that I'll truly be happy sitting at a desk filing paperwork for a modest pay.

>> No.8182240

shit I want to know what they did with it