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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 351 KB, 500x600, sugardreamdome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8265976 No.8265976 [Reply] [Original]

Post your "almost perfect but not quite" prints and what details ruined them for you.

Mine is Sugar Dream Dome, I love the fur collar, the print, the all over snowflakes. I love it all, but the pom-pom trim is too tacky. I know it's supposed to be snowballs because it's a winter print but it just looks off with the faux fur trim.

>> No.8266032

I think the problem is that it's such a wide band of faux fur on the bottom. I think if it was thinner(half or less) with a few more pearls sewn in. It wouldn't look so off.

>> No.8266280
File: 303 KB, 500x600, ap_berjsk_2015 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only that stupid rocking horse wasn't in it the print, I would have been all over this cut/colorway.

>> No.8266418

The rocking horse is what makes it perfect.

>> No.8266428

Cosmic Series because the print so simple and pretty but the silhouette of everything looks shitty on anyone with any sort of boob.

>> No.8266611
File: 93 KB, 500x365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow this new print looks amazing!
>look at all that gorgeous detail I should buy the jsk --
>teddy bear

Why a fucking teddy bear. Everything else about it is so mature and elegant.

>> No.8266669

If it was thinner you could probably wear it in another season too without it looking too wintery.

The rocking horse is really cute, but it would look better if it wasn't right in the center. It just looks kind of awkward.

That's crazy, the teddy bear is my favorite part. I think it's a very elegant royal little bear.

If anything I think the tassles are a little gaudy.

>> No.8266720

Ugghhh, same. I love this print so much for everything but that teddy. I just can't bring myself to look past it.

>> No.8266760

Agreed. It is such an elegant print, why put a stupid rocking horse in it? The fabric is shit too.

>> No.8266818

The fabric is actually very nice. Looks much better in person.

>> No.8267151
File: 303 KB, 500x600, salon_de_the_rose_jumperskirt_mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost bought this but I hate the lacing ribbon on the front. It's a way darker mint than any other part of the dress, and satin ribbon just looks so tacky to me.

>> No.8267183

Is that a fake printed ruffle above the actual trim?

>> No.8267528

Yeah, it's part of the print

>> No.8267532

a small brown teddy is less noticeable than a rocking horse

>> No.8267535

You could remove it?
Even if it's attached through the lace, I'm sure you could easily sew it if you wanted to sell it without causing much if any actual damage

>> No.8267958
File: 296 KB, 500x600, a82ebeebe18f63b33311ad2f662a91f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love everything about this dress, but that stupid bib thing. I hate bibs and bonnets, they make dresses look like age play to me.

I would buy this dress in a heartbeat if only I could get it without the bib. I love this style cut so much.

>> No.8267963

Agreed. I'm petite, short, and have small boobs and both the JSK and OP looked like absolute shit on me. Made me look fat. The print is so cute and had so much potential, but man, AP really dropped the ball on it.

>> No.8267967

Can't tell if trolling or just new. This style of neckline is super common for blouses and OPs. And didn't this print come in a skirt or...?

>> No.8268225
File: 92 KB, 480x640, P11OP316-b1-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to like this print because I just love mermaids, but I hate how they kept pastel colours against the black one. Like if they made the water darker I'm sure this would look better.

>> No.8268238
File: 69 KB, 500x600, marinekingdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just way too much contrast between the white and dark here. It's less obvious on the lighter colorways but it's still enough to irritate me. It looks extremely busy.

All tits and the shirred looks great on me. It actually minimizes my bust and makes me look slender because my legs and arms are small but my torso is just wide and stocky. Dresses with lower waistlines actually make me look big. This same cut on cotton dresses doesn't work out as well though. It's something about chiffon that tends to work out great.

>> No.8268270


This print is 10/10 but all the cuts are fug. Such a waste.

>> No.8268437

Funny, I don't mind the pompoms, the bottom trim is what ruins it for me. A longer lace in white would have looked much cuter.

>> No.8268474

The faux fur trim is what makes this a no for me. The collar is nice but the bottom trim? Just out of place.

>> No.8268532
File: 575 KB, 750x900, DR00065_01__70560.1407881565.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't this have been some modern cyberpunk-esque city skyline print without the Dr Who crap? I would have lapped that shit up. This is so close to being beautiful and instead in my mind, it's just flavour of the month fandom crap instead. Also, red police boxes seriously? - And this is coming from someone indifferent to Dr Who, every Brit knows they're blue without exception, this makes them look like mislabelled phone boxes.

Hopefully some other brand will take inspiration from this close but no cigar print and make their own cityscape print.

>> No.8268575

The ribbon is a totally different shade to anything on the dress. It's very green compared to the blue-ish mint of the print. Lazy, AP, lazy.

>> No.8268625
File: 249 KB, 500x600, 01231215_54c1bccbb60b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw the print for milky cross I got so excited, because it looked so cute. But the dress is so fug.
They shouldn't have jumped on the chiffon trend for a printed dress, and the bow is ugly. It's just so disappointing.

>> No.8268680

It is extremely common, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I avoid that shit like the plague.

It also did come out in a skirt, but I'm just not a huge fan of skirts.

>> No.8268707

oh my god yes this yes yes yes

when i realized there was a rocking horse on this print, i was so disappointed. i just want one beautiful floral/perfume bottle print from AP with no toys and this is so close to perfect

>> No.8268709

I fully agree with your assessment. I've considered buying it anyways and just pulling the pom-poms off, but I then realized that would probably never look good.

>> No.8268710

Marine Dream. I love the print and color ways but those damn dresses ruined it. Skirt is ok...but it had so much potential.

>> No.8268715

Bleh I mean Dream Marine

>> No.8268755

same. i kind of like the bear but i just prefer to not have toys on my clothing.

ugh, same. this is so close to being cute but the ribbons really throw it off. you could probably take it out/replace it with white ribbon though? the fake ruffle in the print bugs me, too. this would be so much cuter with an actual scalloped hem.

i hate bonnets but the bib on this dress doesn't bother me as much. i think the pearl cross looks a little tacky, though.

ugh that cut is horrendous

personally i was hoping Marine Kingdom would come in more actually-marine-inspired colors. It just doesn't feel ocean-y enough to me.

agreed. i love the color of this dress, and if there were no ugly police/phone boxes in this print i definitely would have bought it, even from fan+friend. they really fucked this one up.

>> No.8268799
File: 73 KB, 360x420, metamagicalmoonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Meta dress would be so much better if the blues were matching. I love the print but this dress doesn't look "right" to me.

I guess I have this problem with a lot of Meta dresses, though.

>> No.8268803

this looks like some sorta magical cosplay dress.
its sorta cute yeah, but i agree i see alot wrong with it.

>> No.8268805
File: 87 KB, 480x640, P11OJ207-n-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only cut I liked, but of course it's the only one that doesn't fit. But like I said, don't care about the colours so I'm not as salty as I could be.

>> No.8268894

I didn't like the fake pearls as cross in this Op or the Jsk. I'm getting the other Op, I hope it doesn't have it.
Overall I like it, though.
I didn't get the horrid baby bonnet.

>> No.8269706
File: 1.10 MB, 1339x505, bib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it helps to change your opinion on this look, it is inspired by Edwardian fashion for women.

>> No.8269909

Yeah, the pompoms ruin Puppet Circus for me, too. I thought this cut was ridiculously cute, though I don't care for the print overall. I'm a sucker for fur trim dresses.

>> No.8270234

Not only is it just a teddy bear, it's a fucking ugly bear with weird proportions.

>> No.8270643

It's called a yoke. It's the only nice thing about this clusterfuck.

>> No.8270769

welp i had the JSK 1 in navy in my cart in the first 10 seconds, checking out took 4mins and by the time i submitted my form it was sold out

fml should have been better prepared

>tfw i've been spending the last 35mins eating chocolate and being sad

>> No.8270777
File: 420 KB, 384x499, Cherry Marguerite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this ones been said to death already, but damn those crosses.

>> No.8270778

how on earth do you even prepare for shit like that??

>> No.8270797

Feeling that, except the navy was out by the time my browser finally loaded the goddamn page. For the amount of bitching I saw about the cuts that shit sold fucking fast.

>> No.8270800

Funny, the crosses are the reason I actually like this, and I haven't liked an AP berry print since Milky Berry. I think I like that AP are just throwing crosses and stuff around, it's like they're taking themselves less seriously.

>> No.8270808

you know there's another OP right? it's a lot nicer in my opinion

>> No.8270816

i could've filled the form out quicker if i'd looked at it beforehand, but i had to google translate it and check that everything was right on their guide which probably slowed me down by at least a minute or two

>> No.8270873


I bought a few random items from them (some accessories that go with most of my wardrobe) and sucked up the extra cost and shipping, just so I could have an account ready with my name and details filled in for major releases like this.

>> No.8270929

I agree, especially with the weird ruffle at the bottom of the OP. Everything looked really cheap to me.

>> No.8270936

Right right! I'm going to do that right now...

>> No.8271153

Agreed. They ruin the whole print for me--I really love the green colorway if the crosses weren't there.

For me I know it's just a personal annoyance. I am not Christian and do not feel comfortable wearing Christian symbols for several reasons.

>> No.8271180

I agree, I don't really get why people are so repelled by the crosses. I adore this print and think the daisy crosses are cute and don't really associate it with religious imagery, moreso as just an easter print. Hopefully it means it will sell for less in the western market and I'll be able to get it for cheap!

>> No.8271190

i love the cross motif but I cant wait till this trend dies

people will just slap crosses on anything for no reason cause its the hot new thing

>> No.8271191

What's the name of this print? As a non-lolita who is ignorant.

For science.

>> No.8271212

reverse google you dumbshit

>> No.8271267

musee du chocolat

>> No.8271396

I agree with the annoyance about the crosses. I was really excited when milky cross has a pentagram as the back straps on the jsk, though. I wish they'd cover pagan religions more too. I mean fuck, why not some other religion like hinduism? It would be so cool and there's so many themes and symbols to choose from besides a freaking crucifix.

>> No.8271433
File: 4 KB, 188x188, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271497

I actually wouldn't mind more prints with crucifixes on them as opposed to plain old crosses. The only one I can think of with an actual crucifix on it is sacrifice pour servir and I'm not too crazy about the execution for that one.

>> No.8271938


>> No.8272346

>don't really associate it with religious imagery, moreso as just an easter print
.... did you know easter is actually a religious holiday? topkek

>> No.8273401

Yeah, but the baby doll cuts suit me much better, due to my little size and lack of boobs.

That's interesting, I had no idea. I guess maybe I should give it a try? It just reminds me so much of a bib. Ahhh, guess I should give it a chance, maybe it will grow on me. Thanks anon.

>> No.8273408

>the bow is ugly
The bow and the lace are the only two things I don't hate about this dress.

>> No.8274983

I agree with this. Crucifixes in prints could be cool. Plain crosses are getting a little bit overdone, though. Although I'll be a sucker for old-school cross dresses until the day I die, probably.

>> No.8275111

It's okay if you still don't like the look--I just wanted you to know that it wasn't ageplay related. If it helps you love your almost-dream dress then I am glad.

>> No.8275357
File: 354 KB, 427x640, polic_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATED the blue version of this. The trees and the sky are both blue so the Tardis doesn't stand out at all.
And because of this I actually did some research. Apparently Police boxes used to be red. So I like this print much better now knowing that.

>> No.8275373
File: 231 KB, 450x525, 2015tarot-purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs more Tarot, less ducks!

Those goddamn ducks. I know it's their logo, but I feel like it's always the thing that ruins their prints for me.

>> No.8275380

>not knowing the difference between ducks and swans
So what was it like to fail second grade science

>> No.8275387

>Not knowing that I was doing it on purpose to make a joke.
So what's it like failing the internet?

>> No.8275401

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.8275408

I always refer to Meta's swans as ducks because I hate them, thus the point of my post.

>> No.8275410

I like the red telephone booths. It pulls the print away from fandom, and more towards history.

> mfw there's an old red telephone booth near where I live
> mfw it would be a great place for a photoshoot
> mfw it's near a bus stop so there's always normalfags around

>> No.8275502

But it's a police box, not a telephone booth for whatever. Anon is saying that they would've preferred it had the print had telephone boxes.