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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8372137 No.8372137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you thought about cosplaying on stream for money?

>> No.8372141

No, I'm not an ugly pathetic whore with attention issues.

>> No.8372153

Hah. ThisX1000

>> No.8372155

How does that even work, you just sit there on stream while in cosplay? Sounds boring af.

>> No.8372158

The kind of guys that watch those make me feel creeped out to the max. I couldn't deal with the kind of shit they'd say and I know that.

>> No.8372160
File: 261 KB, 1446x1228, Un42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't like free money?

>> No.8372170

When it puts me in debts to perverted strangers who see me as nothing more than tits and a hole, not really.

Also 3k isn't a lot of money.

>> No.8372175

It's too bad misandry doesn't pay the bills.

>> No.8372176

Working a real job does, however.

>> No.8372186

Why can't people just play games for the sake of playing games anymore?

Seems like everyone has a fking Youtube or twitch channel now.
I don't know who I dislike more, streamers or the people who watch them

>> No.8372190

No, but I've thought about having sex with Volpin.

>> No.8372191

Because making a six figure salary off playing games is more fun.

>> No.8372193

Working a real job and setting aside money from that for essentials and then using the 3k and spare money from your income for disposable money to buy anime shit is a sweet set up really.

>> No.8372197

this is by far the greatest argument for those in favor of communism

>> No.8372198

>implying she works a real job
People who disrespect themselves to this degree can't handle the workplace. If they did, then they would just get a second job instead of resorting to being a virtual prostitute. She sleeps with married men too, she isn't smart.

>> No.8372200

Why isn't streaming a real job? The money is just as good as a corporate paycheck.

And who the hell wants to work 9-5 at an office? Yuck. That shit kills your soul.

>> No.8372203

It is for sitting there dressed up.

>> No.8372208

>Why isn't streaming a real job?

You're not working a set of hours.
You're not reporting or paying taxes on the income. You can't even say you're "self-employed" for this reason.

Whoring doesn't have to be considered a job just so a bunch of self-centered, greedy cunts can feel better about what they're doing.

>> No.8372213

You don't need to be a wage slave to make a living.

>> No.8372217

No I went to college and I have a real job.

>> No.8372218

You asked why whoring isn't considered a job. I explained.

I'm sure you can "make a living" when you're young and dumb. Sooner or later, you'll be replaced with fresher meat, and less and less will want to give to your used, seen goods for nothing. You'll resort to either doing more degrading shit in hopes that someone will give a dollar, or you'll be forced into real employment.

What's worse is when that happens, and you live in a system where there is a social welfare system, you'll expect your cut of the pie via social security, benefits, or other free programs when you hadn't done shit to pay into them for all those years. You are a dredge to society.

>> No.8372220


Actually if you want to be a somewhat succesfull streamer you absolutely have to work a set ammount of hours every day. Or else the adhd kids will leave your stream for others that can provide them with entertainment on demand.

Also, you do report and pay taxes as long as you get a certain ammount of money. Depends of course on country, but im fairly certain that in the majority of civilized countries you still have to pay tax on what money you get from streaming as long as you get enough.

Sure, you can try to hide it, but the IRS probably wont be too happy if they stumble upon it.

>> No.8372222

>you absolutely have to work a set ammount of hours every day
They're not taxable and not enforced. By your logic hobbies should be considered jobs because someone has to put in so many hours to become good at what they do, and maybe if they win contests it will pay off. It doesn't mean you have a set taxable income.

>Also, you do report and pay taxes as long as you get a certain ammount of money.
Yeah, because these little girls really report this to the IRS. C'mon.

>> No.8372229

P much this.
I make $60k a year working as a PTA, and going back to school to become a PT.

Cosplay/gaming is my hobby. I don't need to make money off of it.

>> No.8372230

Dude it's her body she isn't disrespecting herself she can do what the fuck she wants with it whys it any of our business.

>> No.8372232

Capitalist sheep.

>> No.8372234

Because she's giving all girls who game a shitty name.

Even though half these bitches think they're being ~empowering~ for being half naked on cam, they're all doing it for money and attention and they're doing irreparable damage to the image of females in video games everywhere.

I'm not even feminist. Like not even close. But these people are so dumb and counter productive.

>> No.8372238

>weh not your business!
>whores publicly on the internet
Can't blame the people when they form opinions about what you publicly advertise, hunny. You made yourself a product, better toughen up.

>> No.8372258
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>she doesnt get betas to pay for her NEET lifestyle

>> No.8372266


>> No.8372267

Hmm, it would be cool to sit in cosplay for money, but I don't think the cosplay I choose would bring in any.

I don't make a lot of money now, but my job is easy, and it's enough for me.

>> No.8372268

ik it's bait but
>learn an instrument
>learn a language
>study at all
>implying NEETs ever commit to any of these things

>> No.8372273

This image is so dumb.

>I can learn an instrument
With what money shall you buy the instrument, lessons, or books?
>study NietzSche or Aristotle
Can't even spell one philosopher right, I guess I shouldn't even ask how this asshole would go about self-learning philosophy with meaning.
>I can learn to paint
Fingerpainting doesn't count.
>watch anime
With the television, computer, or internet you, no doubt, don't pay for.
>video games
Same as previous.
>having friends when you're a jobless leech
High schoolers, most likely. Or other retarded NEETs who think they're doing god's work by being leeches.

I'm ashamed to grow up with millennials who would seriously think this image is truthful to any extent.

>> No.8372277

>With what money shall you buy the instrument, lessons, or books?

Donations from fans

>> No.8372280

>With what money shall you buy the instrument, lessons, or books?
Used guitar from ebay, craigslist, etc. Watch free videos on youtube.
>Can't even spell one philosopher right, I guess I shouldn't even ask how this asshole would go about self-learning philosophy with meaning.
He said he had the ability to learn if he wants, not that he was learned.
>Fingerpainting doesn't count.
>With the television, computer, or internet you, no doubt, don't pay for.
Internet and TVs don't cost much.
>High schoolers, most likely. Or other retarded NEETs who think they're doing god's work by being leeches
Judging people on their age, status or who they choose to hang out with makes you a cunt. Sorry.

>> No.8372285

>still can't account for the money required to buy a used instrument, pay bills, and buy vidya
You're a failure.

>> No.8372286
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>> No.8372292

You're confusing NEETs with homeless. There are tons of ways to get money as a NEET.

>> No.8372293
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I watch Kelly because she is good at playing videogames and not for any other reason

>> No.8372295

I doubt she even knew what League of Legends was before she started streaming.

>> No.8372308

>leeching from gov't
>not failures
Pick one out of three.

>> No.8372312


Look, here in europe at least in my country you can make a certain ammount of cash with your hobby and its not taxable, if you make more than that certain ammount its taxable and your hobby turns into a "job"

And no, hobbies are not considered jobs because you do them for fun, and not with the intent to make money. If you want to stream for money, you probably need to take it at least a bit serious as theres plenty of competition that does take it serious. If you just want to stream as a hobby, then sure, all the 15 people watching you and you might have some fun, but you wont be making money with it.

>> No.8372324
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>> No.8372329

Ai-honey, I hope you're saving some of that money for when you age. It's bound to start happening soon and these kind of gigs don't pay forever.

>> No.8372331
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look at those VIDEOGAMES

>> No.8372351
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>> No.8372360

just report any stream you see of a stupid whore with cleavage. The twitch rules don't allow cleavage or shirtless guys. We can stop their attention whoring together!!

>> No.8372366

holy FUCK

>> No.8372378
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>> No.8372387

Who hasn't?

>> No.8372421

Why are you less angry at the guys who make these womens' body parts a commodity than at the women who want to take charge of that and be in control of what gets seen. Women are seen as sexual objects no matter what they do- why should they always be the ones to passively take sexual advances, have their innocent photos photoshopped naked and other stuff where then power is in somebody else's hands, but not be able to willingly volunteer their pictures or video, even if they're not actually sleeping with anyone? Why is the pandering more abhorrent than the market that demands being pandered to? So we all just tear eachother down like catty bitches

>> No.8372447

>It's not my fault I showed my boobs to horny 15 year old boys to try to extort money out of them, it's their fault for making me!. I'm oppressed! BRB taking these sacks of free money to the bank.

>> No.8372459

the rules dont allow sexy costumes.

>> No.8372468

As a streamer, I don't use a facecam or my mic during streams. On my youtube, I don't use the cam either, and only talk during extensive let's plays.

The fear that someone on Twitch will learn I'm a girl is actually paramount. I don't want that at all.

>> No.8372469

I know a stripper who is retiring before she hits 40. Comfortably. (A million is "comfortable" for some people.) She's in her early thirties now. She has loads of money in the bank. Her whole life she has traveled and stripped at high end clubs during golfing season and sporting events like those pertaining to horses.

Also, one can just report their income quarterly and pay Social Security and taxes off their whore money.

You can make a decent income whoring yourself out.

Anyone streaming through an actual company and not a private self-made site actually has to fill out a W2 and usually e-verify because it is considered employment.

>> No.8372474

...How? I'm actually jealous.

>> No.8372475


One of my favourite videos on the internet ever.

>> No.8372484

It doesn't even matter. If there's a market, someone's gonna fill that gap.

>> No.8372490

It's not free. You have to entertain people and beg for hours. If I need extra money there many more profitable options.

>> No.8372493

Er... you are an entertainer when you make that much money. Good looks and skimpy outfits go a little ways. Nude pictures go a little farther.

To make that much money? You have to hold a conversation. Think like a courtesan only without the actual sex because everything is online. Those men donating that much are donating for the time and conversation that girl provides for them online.

You have to make them feel wanted, sure. Get naked, maybe. Most importantly, you have to connect with the clients even if they disgust you on a verbal/conversational level.

>> No.8372494

"I look a hell of a lot better than anyone they'll ever be with"
white trash bitch stfu.

>> No.8372504

When the whale sounds were playing over the porn i laughed my ass off.

>> No.8372517

best moment

>> No.8372520

ITT: People complaining because they have it all figured out what a "real job" is and are sick of people figuring out other careers that don't require back-breaking labour, tedious repetition, or endless mundanity.

ITT: People being moralfags about boobs.

>> No.8372523

Have some more



>> No.8372561

well done!

>> No.8372574
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>> No.8372575

Guess what, people like this pursue venues like stream BECAUSE they don't want to handle the workplace. Not everyone wants a 9 to 5 corporate job in a field they give two shits about. You saying all the people who pursue the arts don't have "real" jobs?

>> No.8372585

Totally true. I've sold cars to strippers (and drug dealers). The professionals have verifiable income and can finance if they'd like. Most don't but they score out well on credit checks. I believe most of these people will retire comfortable or move on to new successful careers.

The poor life planners bought cars for $9000 cash (to avoid IRS reporting) then spend 20k on aftermarket mods. These people can't buy real estate, can't invest for retirement, and probably end up broke and on the social safety nets.

Just because she's a whore doesn't mean she isnt way better at business than /biz/.

>> No.8372587

> someone's gonna fill that gap
Probably for money

>> No.8372588
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Streaming and making money from it can be a good gig, but never in a million years would I attempt to make it my only source of income. There's zero job security in it, the landscape is constantly changing and on the off-chance that you would be forced to try and apply for a real job, what are you going to say to a prospective employer when there's a giant gap in your CV? "Oh yes, for that period I was sitting in my house streaming videogames to people on the internet."

>> No.8372589


For that amount of money I'd rather hire a real whore and pay her to dress up.

>> No.8372601


She did, but she's still not very good. Doesn't do ranked, can't cs for shit. Basically, you wouldn't learn anything from her.

But I don't think we should be judging her by how she dresses.

>> No.8372604


Cleavage is allowed. Pls read rules again.

>> No.8372628

none of the people doing this are ugly or else they wouldn't make any money

>> No.8372633

A lot of guys enjoy spending money on women, and these women enjoy receiving it; it's mutually beneficial.

>> No.8372639

a lot of people do it because they're poor and can't find a job
like rarely do people want to do stuff like that, its a last ditch effort to keep your head above water. it's the same mentality thinking prostitutes want to have sex for money because they like sex
it's so guys can feel better about paying for stupid shit like that when in reality they're still consuming it in mass quantities
even guys participate in this shit, it's common for men to sell their used socks and gay camming is really booming right now

>> No.8372642

Why is everyone acting like the only kind of legitimate job is a 9-5 for a corporate office? There are literally thousands of different kinds of jobs out there with all kinds of requirements, skills, hours, and locations. Not every job in existence is a desk job as an administrative assistant.

>> No.8372644

this isn't a reality for a lot of strippers though
yes if you strip in a high roller area you're going to make way more than small town Suzy who's stripping by a truck stop just so she can feed herself
if you want to make it to the "big leagues" you have to do more than just strip and you need to move to an area that's probably going to be more expensive to live in on top of investing in a boob job and keeping yourself looking good
if you've ever been to an actual strip club that's not in a place like Vegas you'll notice the strippers aren't as good looking as you would imagine, because they are the ones going out and doing this to support themselves to pay the bills and not to make huge amounts of money

>> No.8372645


>> No.8372675

Nobody enjoys spending money for no reason. These guys who donate are under a parasocial relationship with these women and they're getting taken advantage of.

>> No.8372686

The fuxking song I hear in daiso all the time. Who is this chick anyways?

>> No.8372694

They're not spending money for no reason. Some people just want to support a service they enjoy using, others may get enjoyment out of being generous. No one is forcing anyone to donate; no one is taken advantage of.

>> No.8372704

Why do some people want everybody to work 9-to-5 jobs lest they be called leeches and a burden to society? Are you that set on making everyone as miserable as you are?

>thinking you have any sort of moral high ground by judging people on a mongolian tapestry imageboard

>> No.8372728

'freelancing'/'self-employed', duh
I've never had a job in my life (daddy's money) and I got into business school by lying about my work experience. I'm doing great because nobody checks that shit anyway and I'm pretty business-savvy. Course I never whored myself out online, so there's that...
>implying /biz/ is good at anything other than making useless cryptocurrencies and driving them into the ground

Also keep justifying your filthy profession, we all know most whores end up doing crack and selling their soul for the newest Chanel bag anyway or end up being paid to eat shit by oil sheikhs (like most lovely Polish girls).

>> No.8372744

I see the worthless neckbeards have shown up to spout the jelly on how no one sleeps with them for free so they feel the need to verbally abuse sex workers.

>> No.8372748

So I have a stream and I just play games I like on it, and it is really fun to talk to others about them and know that some other people may enjoy the games I like to play as well. I do not do it for views or subs, or money, and in fact sometimes only get 5 people to watch me, or sometimes 0 for a long period of broadcast time. What I do like it the opportunity to talk to people about similar things I enjoy. If I could get paid to do that, it would be a dream come true, but that is not the goal. So do not hate for those who do it purely for fun!

>> No.8372758

>worthless neckbeards
hardly, I'm a regular lolita but keep projecting
perhaps if you spread your legs enough you'll be able to afford some better rebuttals one day

I suppose money can't buy class, especially not the money you get by whoring yourself out

>> No.8372764


>> No.8372783

You guys keep assuming that everyone who works an honest 9-5 making reasonable pay must be a sheep to capitalism, and I'll keep assuming low-down whores are tomorrow's future crack cocaine entrepreneurs. You've got your assumptions about the average person, and I've got my own about those festering meat gaps you call vaginas. Cry harder about how everyone should respect what you do.

>> No.8372786

berating someone else for their life choices regardless of whether or not you agree with them is pretty classless in itself

>> No.8372788

Nobody cares if whores are berated. They desecrate themselves for money everyday.

>> No.8372790

Of course they're being taken advantage of. Most of these donators are underage boys and lonely men who are seeking contact with these women. There's a reason these stream whores do heart symbols, blow kisses and mention donators' names when they donate.

The old "Hey, nobody is forcing you to donate!" excuse doesn't fly. It's manipulation..

>> No.8372791

By what fucking definition of class? Looking down on others is like the essence of it.

>> No.8372797
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well i mean since you didn't know

>> No.8372807

>kind or good

>> No.8372815

Girl in op has come full circle. Didnt she start out as an actual camwhore?

>> No.8372822


I believe she did but wasn't she the one who stopped camming when twitch donation were bigger?

>> No.8372825

reread the conversation my friend, this post is not making any sense

>> No.8372839

the only people who will give you grief for camming are obese lonely neckbeards and greasy obese fangirls who cant even catch the eye of aforementioned neckbeards

look, it doesnt matter what anyone thinks. it really doesnt. your body is yours and thats that. if you feel uncomfortable, dont do it just for the money. if you are okay with it, go for it. i have never cammed and i can guarantee you every (emotionally stable, at least) person who hasnt cammed wont think less of you.

the people here screaming WWHHOOOORRRRESSS are the people who cant even get laid at cons, much less real life. ignore them. theyre angry because theyre bitter and lonely, theyre not your problem. misery loves company and all that.

>> No.8372841 [DELETED] 

I can cherry pick too

Full Definition of CLASSY
: having or showing class: as
a : elegant, stylish <a classy clientele>
b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior <a classy guy> <a classy gesture>
c : admirably skillful and graceful <a classy outfielder>
— class·i·ness noun

>skillful and graceful
>high standards of personal behavior
aka something you lack and will never have

>> No.8372846

You cant determine someone's class based on how they act, when the way you're acting is classless in and of itself.

>> No.8372848 [DELETED] 

>You've got your assumptions about the average person, and I've got my own about those festering meat gaps you call vaginas.

The opinions of people like this don't matter unless you're one of the unfortunate prostitutes they will inevitably kill and shove in their mom's basement.

>> No.8372851

The boys and men enjoy the entertainment they're provided by the streamer, and may decide to give a donation to support the stream. If they didn't like the content provided, they wouldn't donate. There really is no one forcing them, unless you think of these people as mindless beasts who can't make their own decisions.

>> No.8372853

>hardly, I'm a regular lolita but keep projecting
>perhaps if you spread your legs enough you'll be able to afford some better rebuttals one day
>w-w-why wont any man ever l-l-look at me am i n-n-not pretty enough

>> No.8372855

seagulls please you know I come on here, please no bully.

>> No.8372857

I have a lot of money if you would like to take it in that direction, I'm going into law school and it's all paid for. I don't have to pander for money because it's all given to me by my family.
that would imply that I would be in more of a position to look down upon people like you who dress up in clothing for children and get online to berate those less fortunate than you when you're such an unfortunate case yourself.
someone who dresses in ageplay has honestly no place to come after "online whores" when you might as well be a sex worker yourself.

>> No.8372862

Someone of your standing is not in the position to call others classless, especially not while defending prostitution in the same breath. If you asked a stranger who knew that you were selling your body which one of us is classier, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pick you.
Just accept that people like this are the dregs of society and will never amount to anything more than what they are now.

>> No.8372863

Clevage is allowed, you just can't wear a crop top that has clevage unless you're wearing a high waisted bottom because that's a bikini, and bikini's are not allowed
stop being a bitter cunt

>> No.8372869

oh wow someone's mad
I never mentioned men, did I? They don't matter in this equation. Cry moar.

>> No.8372875

because nothing says classy like a grown woman in bright pink frilly dress with nursery themed decorations on it and a bonnet to top it all off.

because nothing says classy like a grown woman horrified of being a grown woman. Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Vivien Leigh. What do they all have in common? Oh yeah, they didn't feel the need to hide under children's clothes.

honey, give it up. just because you're a lolita that doesn't make you classy. You're just sad, lonely, unhappy and desperate.

>> No.8372879

I never said being a lolita made me classy either. I do own normal clothing, you know, plenty of it even.
You're trying really hard though, here's a gold star for the effort!

>> No.8372882

You honestly think just because you didn't say it in words that we can't all see right through you? Dude, you are not a smart person and about as subtle as a brick to the face.

If it makes you feel any better maybe if you troll the scraps left at anime conventions at 4:00am there's some lonely neckbeard willing to open those putrid fat waddles of yours and try to give you a sympathy fuck.

>> No.8372883

>gold star for triggered as fuck
lol you should put on a diaper next time you dress up so you can look even more like a big fuckin baby

>> No.8372885
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that's it, that's it!

>> No.8372915

love it, there are still women tearing other women down for being ~improper scantily clad whores~ meanwhile tumblr "feminists" are patting themselves on the back because some kardashian was on the cover of vanity fair and throwing a bitchfit every time a video game character has tits or some dude whistles at a girl across the street w2g guys woo

>> No.8372921

>what do you MEAN women aren't a hivemind?!
how very feminist of you

>> No.8372922

You're just ignoring the statements you're replying to and saying the same stupid thing over and over. They aren't donating for the "entertainment", they're donating out of loneliness and the illusion of contact. Nobody gives a girl on the internet a thousand dollars for dressing up in a costume and being bad at League of Legends.


There's a reason they call it being a con artist. It's the art of getting people to give you their money willingly. And no, it's not okay.

>> No.8372928

I like how asking for cosplay donations is frowned upon and people say 'git yer own jerb' but this is okay because it's women ~being in charge of their bodies~
if it's okay as you say it is just stop calling yourself a camgirl or sex worker and call yourself a prostitute, people will have no problem with it since it's a totally legitimate profession!

>> No.8372937

>They aren't donating for the "entertainment", they're donating out of loneliness and the illusion of contact

.....So? They should just, what, be lonely and not have the illusion of contact? Providing them escapism is wrong, then? So stop reading books. They're only giving you the illusion of adventure. Stop watching television, it's only giving you the illusion of accomplishment. Stop watching anime, it's only giving you the illusion of not being an obese loser who isn't important to anyone or anything.

>> No.8372939

tell the nice seagulls where the big mean camgirl hurt you its okay let it all out it was her fault you thought some anonymous stranger on the internet genuinely loved you its okay now

>> No.8372941

>we're not taking their money, we're helping them by holding that heavy wallet for them

>> No.8372942

Honey, your tumblr-tier insults have no power here, especially when you're not old enough to even put together a proper sentence. Off you go.

>> No.8372945

>>we're not taking their money, we're helping them by holding that heavy wallet for them
-Movie industry, music industry, video game industry... Payment for entertainment and escapism. Just because your waifu is an animated drawing of a four year old doesn't mean the artists aren't doing the same thing.

>> No.8372950

How do you know they're not donating for the entertainment? If someone donates because they're lonely, that's their own choice and if it makes them a little happier, good for them. Thousand dollar donations are rare, and tend to be made by people who are very rich. Most donations are in the single or double digits. You perceive women streamers to be con artists, and that's a very cynical way to look at it; if they are, you could say the same of many other services that try to make you part with your money.

>> No.8372954

this comment made me laugh my ass off, it's so true

>> No.8372957

Bruh I'm a stranger to this. I'm not the ho you arguin with

>> No.8372958

KJ started off doing "sexy" cosplay then she did some voice acting for hentai and as promotion for that she began webcamming.

Now there are more ways for her to fleece people she's doubling down on the camwhoring, softcore for Twitch and hardcore if you pay up enough.

It's funny she's the OP example and people are talking about making a career from camwhoring because she's one person who totally hasn't made a career from it. She only gets by because she has a few sugar daddies in different countries who don't know about each other who fund her trips and she still lives with her mother so she has no bills or rent or other expenses to pay. When she's at cons she relies on friends and whiteknights to cover her accommodation and drinks and shit.

Then there was the time she scammed donations for a charity she never passed the money onto and the time she falsely accused someone of fixing a contest so she could win it herself and sell the prize.

She's not a career webcammer at all. She's a career scrounger who happens to do some webcamming on the side to raise some tax-free pocket money.

I don't get why anybody would donate money to her stream anyway when she's only showing some padded cleavage and you can see her dildoing her pussy on anon-ib for free.

>> No.8372961

When you buy a film you actually get a CD of it, that's the thing
at least do it properly and be a pornstar
top lel, try harder

>> No.8372968

thanks, Tumblr.

>> No.8372978


She started off with not-that-sexy-but-actually-decent cosplays (Alice/Lilith/etc.) which were great, then suddenly its all aboard the boobs train.

I didn't know she lived with her mum, on stream she says "flatmates" or "housemates" or something.

Was that the guitar contest? Because she definitely hasn't sold the guitar and the Kitty girl was the one to start drama, it was all a big messy situation.

>> No.8372979

Camwhores/strippers/porn stars/sex workers in general are just lazy, attention whoring cunts who couldn't make it in regular acting or modeling. And of course they're simply not intelligent enough to have a real job.

Have fun desecrating your body and having everyone think of you as a stupid object.

>> No.8372980

the only tumblr here is the basement dwellers having a conniption fit over boobs


>> No.8372984

>Have fun desecrating your body and having everyone think of you as a stupid object.


>> No.8372989

Actually, I've never even had a tumblr. What now?

>> No.8372994

>Someone of your standing is not in the position to call others classless, especially not while defending prostitution in the same breath. If you asked a stranger who knew that you were selling your body which one of us is classier, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pick you.
>Just accept that people like this are the dregs of society and will never amount to anything more than what they are now.

>> No.8372995

sex workers are really defensive. You'd think they'd just be like "lol, fuck the haters" but they're not.

Really, your defensive is just proof of how dirty you feel on the inside. If you didn't feel bad about what you were doing, you wouldn't defend it so vehemently.

>> No.8372997

still angry? good.

>> No.8372998

Start one. Be amongst your own.

>> No.8373002

Actually most stable women don't care what other women do with their bodies. God knows why you're so mad though. I think the other anon was on to something with the whole 'angry because no man will ever look at me' angle.

>> No.8373006

I love you... Please keep speaking the truth. It's hilarious how defensive all these stupid whores get when someone criticizes their shitty life choices.

>> No.8373011

The butthurt is strong with this one.

>Of course if someone doesn't whore themselves out they MUST be too ugly for a man to ever look at, there's no possible way an attractive woman could have respect for herself.

>> No.8373028
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>> No.8373036

100% of these women look like porn stars.

Basically streaming is just guys paying to talk to wannabe porn stars? I get it now. It's like stripping but more personal. The guys feel like they have a legit chance with these women and want to throw money at them.

>> No.8373037
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>It's hilarious how defensive all these stupid whores get when someone criticizes their shitty life choices.

What is this a thread for serial killers?

>> No.8373041

>people criticize sex workers
>they obviously want to kill those sex workers
spot on man, spot on

>> No.8373051
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>> No.8373069

these girls make my self-esteem skyrocket, it's amazing

>> No.8373081
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>> No.8373087

>these girls make my self-esteem skyrocket, it's amazing

I think that has to be the saddest, most depressing thing anyone has posted in this thread.

>> No.8373094
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>> No.8373100
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>> No.8373125

me too anon, I feel so much better about myself after this thread.

>> No.8373133

I find this all really depressing.

>> No.8373142
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>> No.8373151

playing lol for hours isn't tedious repetition?

>> No.8373163
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>> No.8373172

Tbh if there was atleast 50 people or more who is genuinely interested in seeing me stream, let's say vidya, I wouldn't bother showing my face- I'd just stream the game. I'd probably consider streaming in a cosplay for something special, ex: one of my favourite speedrunners dressed up as the protagonist of the game he was running for a world record attempt (which was magical and pretty exclusive. He also totally nailed it). Otherwise it'd be pretty normal and not whoring myself out.

>> No.8373176

>She started off with not-that-sexy-but-actually-decent cosplays (Alice/Lilith/etc.)
Nah she was around for a few years before she did those. Her first like commonly recognised cosplay was Yoko from Gurren Lagann and hers was famously extra skimpy. Jessica Nigri credits it as being what inspired her to cosplay. KJ didn't do Lilith until SCG was well established.

>> No.8373187

>sex workers are really defensive. You'd think they'd just be like "lol, fuck the haters" but they're not.
The successful ones are like that. Your true porn stars are too busy drinking fine wines and snorting premium lines to spend any time defending their lifestyle and they don't give a shit. It's only the broke desperate ones who can't really make it work who feel the need to fight back.

>> No.8373200

Actually one of my friends is NEET, a sculptor and lifts. He's kind of a trustfundbabby. But technically I think he falls under the NEET umbrella.

>> No.8373201

how does being ugly and knowing no one would ever pay money to look at you boost your self esteem

>> No.8373210

because I get enough male attention, love myself enough and am pretty enough to not have to resort to showing my tits and dressing in silly costumes on cam, and the men that pay attention to me aren't thirsty arabs or desperate neckbeards. It feels good knowing I'll never have to stoop that low. ;*

>> No.8373245
File: 1.40 MB, 1657x911, 4chan cup ys own goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

massive b8

sex will never not sell, it's why yaya had to butcher her body instead of aging with grace and taking better personal physical care.
welcome to the world.
I make my very comfortable living selling fanart (ripoff, lets not kid) anime oil paintings, we're all whores.
all of us.
you're all whores in some way.

pic unrelated.

>> No.8373253

First time at /cgl/. This thread is a good glimpse into what this entire board is about

>> No.8373254

These are just plain-looking girls who are too ugly for modeling jobs but look decent enough to woo in thirsty neckbeards.

>> No.8373266

shame about her face, what's her twitch name?

>> No.8373282


Isn't that cosplay girls nowadays?

>> No.8373288
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nailed it

>> No.8373368

The irony is that, while they reigned it in a bit, twitch still lets female steamers get away with so much more than males. Guys literally can't stream shirtless but as long as a girl is wearing a bra and something covering a few inches of leg she's good.

>> No.8373420

i "disrespect myself to that degree" and work a real job. shit is cash, literally. i buy all the weeb shit and lolita i want.

>> No.8373430


Well it's not like guy streamers are ever going to get as much donations as a girl one. I recall a conversation I had with a girl debating about it but she was worried over her lack of skill in games.

Told her that her lack of skill isn't an issue.

>> No.8373457

If you think people are donating large amounts of money for the "entertainment" of observing an attractive woman or giving you a heart sign with her hands then you are fucking stupid.

When a woman goes to a jr. high school in a low cut top, bounces her boobs in front of a kids face and says 'If you give me your money maybe I'll go out with you sometime ^_~" and he does it, that kid isn't getting something for his money. He's getting his lunch money taken from him. "No one forced him to give me it!" is not an excuse for manipulation.

>> No.8373466

what if i play dota with the camera fixed on the character instead of looking at the map. i feel like that's pretty inexcusable- and no one would want to watch that and call me a fake gamer even though i have over 1000 hours clocked in...my apm is just crappy

>> No.8373477

On the contrary, all the top streamers on twitch are dudes. Guys admire other guys into games more than whores who flash their boobs.

>> No.8373539

This, guys make waaaay more money on a regular basis than females do on twitch. Twitch whores can make a decent living if they know how to work their viewers but it's not nearly as consistent money as the top male streamers.

>> No.8373552


Thanks for the Intel, I thought there were a lot more thirsty beta guys into flash boomers but nice to know I stand corrected

>> No.8373761

hahaha fucking jessie fernandes went to my high school.