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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8435360 No.8435360 [Reply] [Original]

>Only attended 3 cons
>Want to attend more
>Need /cgl/ dirt
>Canada only

>> No.8435440

What area are you looking for? Far west? Ontario? Montreal? Prairies?

>> No.8436407

I wish Animethon would announce that they don't have a JP guest so I can go back to not caring for another year, and wonder if the drive out to AR is actually worth the effort.

>> No.8436680


I don't really care. I travel across the country a lot and the three cons I've been to were each in different provinces. I just want to know what's everyone's best and worst experiences. Which ones are worth it. Which decade-old ones are sinking and which new ones are up and coming, I've been hearing about that a lot lately.

>> No.8437968

There's Atomic Lollipop in Toronto that's coming up in a few weeks. Than there's Otakuthon in Montreal that's happening in August.

>> No.8438039

there's also g-anime happening in mid-july, if that strikes your fancy
>mfw attends every year since only 10 minutes walk away

>> No.8438238

ConBravo in late July. Mostly YouTube/Gaming but lots of fun

>> No.8439060

roll call for Toronto Centre Island Picnic on July 4th?

>> No.8439577

anyone go to Animaritime?

>> No.8439604


I didn't but I was highly considering it. How did it go?

And thanks for the lists guys but i'm looking for actual recommendations (or what to stray from) not just what's happening where which I already know. Give me full blown event run downs (from the previous years) pls. Or maybe Canadian cons are really that tame compared to everywhere else :'))) but I thought this would be the place to ask if there was any /unspoken/ opinions I should need to know about.

Definitely attending Otakuthon, G-anime, Fan Expo and Hal Con. Got my tickets for those suckers.

tfw really need to attend anime north next year.

>> No.8439607

I actually didn't know about that one. Looks fun. Never been to Hamilton either

>> No.8439699

why would you go to G-anime and hal-con? I feel like the size and... distance apart for those cons don't really add up

>> No.8439773


G-anime is less than two hours away from me. It's an easy bus ride and I have family there. Hal Con I attend every year. Again, I have family there. The flight is only like an hour but it is the only con I have to actually fly out to. I just do it to 'see my fam' (kek yeah okay). Hal Con is actually loads of fun. I have fond memories every year. And it's not that much of a small con anymore? They're expanding it for the first time this year and ticket sales are insane.

This is my first year for G-anime though. I jumped on it after missing the last Ottawa con I wanted to attend and my ottawa family are bitching about me not coming to see them when I said I would (con I was previously trying to attend but conflicted with schedule since it was pre-summer).

Dunno, it's a small country (population concentration-wise). I don't really get what's weird about it?

>> No.8439820

Canadian anons are always trying to find fault with con-going.

>> No.8439997

I'm going! Haven't solidified cosplans yet.
Will be first time busing in cosplay though, so kind of nervous.

>> No.8440063

FrostCon is kill

>> No.8440081

Animethon out in Edmonton, Alberta. Same weekend as Otakuthon though. Or Anime Revolution Aug. 14-16 in Vancouver.

>> No.8440211


I have the impression AnimeRev is some weeaboo dreamland because it's Vancouver. I want to think it's the most exciting anime con in the country but don't actually have a clue. Any insights?

>> No.8440269

There's a couple new cons being set up in London.

London Comic Con is in September and Forest City Comic Con in October. FCCC did pretty well last year for a fresh con with 2000 attendees for the day. I wouldn't travel far for them, but if you live like an hour or two away and want to kill a weekend, there you go.

>> No.8440503

Amerifat here. Is Otakuthon good? I'm considering going

>> No.8440571

I'll be going to anirevo this august but it'll be my first time at a con. I hear it gets pretty weebish after dark there.

>> No.8440856

Centre Island picnic - Saturday, July 4th
Woodbine Beach Gathering - Satueday, July 11th
Apop - July 17-19 (Science Centre)
ConBravo - July 24-26 (Hamilton Con Centre)
Unplugged Expo - July 30-Aug 2 (International Centre Mississauga)
Otakuthon - Aug 7-9 (Palaise Du Congress Montreal)
Hamilton ComicCon - Oct 4-5 (Hamilton Convention Centre)

I'll be there, cosing Mirai, shooting all day long

>> No.8440930

You wish. They said that they're only taking a short break from running it this year and that it'll return next year

>> No.8440937

Anirevo is an overpriced shitty con. Save your cash.

>> No.8440945

I went ! It was pretty boring compared to the other years I found (seemed like people were less chatty?), but at least staff let in bigger props this year. I didn't wear my badge all weekend and they never once said anything about it either, lmao. Pretty chill to the usual strictness. I heard some good things about some panels but missed them myself. Lots of good, impressive cosplays this year around tho. Vendors room was WAYYY over priced at most tables, tho.

>> No.8441333

I'll be around most likely with a friend doing sound!euphonium!

>> No.8441746

Is there usually a con-organized tea party or an official lolita meet for Fan Expo? I'm generally a lone lolita, but I have a friend visiting early September and she wants to check out the local scene while she's here.

>> No.8441758

Yeah "short break". They should just get the hint and go away for ever

>> No.8442026


Unless you're going to meet friends or special guests, Anime Revolution isn't worth it especially for the price as >>8440937
mentioned. I've been twice and everything is poorly run and disorganized. The few panels that exist seem to be run by highschoolers who seem to only care about chatting with their friends in the crowd and making inside jokes with each other. The dealer's hall/artist alley is tiny and the staff are quite rude. Most people end up sitting and around doing nothing.

Unfortunately, this is what Vancouver cons are like in general. I'd be happy to hear if anyone has had a different, positive experience in the past year with AR, AE, or Northwest Fanfest or any of the other random little cons that seem to pop up these days.

>> No.8442951

isn't G-Anime shit tho?

>> No.8443092

aw shit is that this weekend already? cosplays not ready and i've already got plans for Taste of Lawrence that day...also isn't this usually held in like the middle of august?

>> No.8443998

It's usually late June if anything. What were you planning to cosplay as?

>> No.8444058

It's okay. Could use a few more coherent staff and the chair is a separatist (lololol) who can't keep his mouth shut, but it's not bad overall. Better than shit like Frost Con at any rate.

>> No.8444065

better than Unplugged or Frost Con or Dot Con and all that bullshit

omfg Unplugged is like the cake secretly made out of turds but covered in chocolate fondant so you think it's a real cake

(I am discussing the way they market themselves versus actual content in case you missed the analogy)

>> No.8444096

>I wish Animethon would announce that they don't have a JP guest so I can go back to not caring for another year, and wonder if the drive out to AR is actually worth the effort.

What, a con is only worth caring about if they spend stupid amounts of money on overseas guests that only 3 people will really care about?

And no, AR is not worth it.

>> No.8444345

It's awful. It's also way more French than Otakuthon for whatever reason.

>> No.8444382

Region. Montreal has a huge Anglo population and the Francophones care a lot less about the language laws overall. Gatineau's right next to Ottawa so it's super concerned about that bullshit. The chair's also a separatist so that's another reason.

Their panels last year seemed better and so did their guests, but the actual organization is so fucked up. It's hard to tell what's going on and the staff aren't all that helpful.

>> No.8444488

Agreed on Unplugged. It was a tiny con where no artists made profits and there was no general common area where anyone could take photos. We got shooed away by security because it's a UofT dorm and photos weren't allowed in the lobby. We spent most of the day doing shoots outdoors in the city.

>> No.8444572

amen to that
i wonder how many people will actually attend the woodbine beach gathering

>> No.8444766

oh, I must've been thinking of the Missisauga one that happened last year mid-august; is that one still happening this year too? or did they choose to settle only for the april one this time?

as for cosplans, i've got a few in progress right now (Princess Hilda, Mockingbird, Spirit Tracks Link), but I've just been working on them pretty casually since due dates seemed rather far off

>> No.8444786

No one knows about anything in August just yet, but I'm willing to bet there's gonna be something, since aside from Otakuthon (which is pretty far for most people), there isn't a lot going on in August, as Fan Expo is now in September.

>> No.8445041

>Fan Expo is now in September
yeah what the fuck is up with that, i know labour day is weirdly late this year and all but really?

>> No.8445069

The only conventions that are as bad as Dotcon was, are Emikos Mini con and Kitchener Comicon

>> No.8445110

And now they're in the only convention centre in Toronto that doesn't have a walkable hotel. Man, fuck that con.

>> No.8445196

Isn't it at the Crowne Plaza right next to Anime North?

I would hope they have shuttle buses running to and from, but the site says nothing about this.

>> No.8445306

Nope, it's at the International Centre which is in the buttfuck middle of nowhere. There's a Comfort Inn sorta nearby, but still like a 15-20 min walk.

>> No.8445634

They do have a JP guest though anon.
They're "sharing" FLOW with Otakuthon so to speak.

>> No.8445788

question: how dumb is it to attend Fan Expo while trying to save on hotel costs to blow money on the actual convention (and travel costs to begin with)? Literally the only thing holding me back from attending the con is wasting all my money on expensive toronto hotels. I'm thinking maybe hostels or airbnb if I have to? Are these terrible options? Just gonna be me and the boyfriend. I know hostels can be great depending on the city... but i'm really skeptical of toronto.

>> No.8445932

Toronto's fine. Hostels are a pretty good option, just have a buddy. If you're taking your boyfriend with you, you're good to go. I've stayed at the Backpacker's Hostel for years and never had any problems.

>> No.8445938

>how dumb is it to attend Fan Expo

It's already dumb wanting to attend Fan Expo. Unless you have hundreds of bucks you want to burn and you feel like you really want to see the guests, Fan Expo is never worth it, let alone getting a hotel.

>> No.8446189

There were Lolita events last year and I think a fashion show? Not sure about a tea party
I think it'll mostly just be cosplayers getting shoots done with photogs, since that's kind of the whole point of it being at a beach. I'm not expecting it to be nearly as packed as Kariya Park

>> No.8446214

So people are only going there for shoots then huh?

>> No.8446471

There's usually panels and a fashion show! The community that organizes it is called Southern Ontario Lolitas

>> No.8446487

There's panels and a fashion show, but no tea party. I'd recommend you or your friend get in contact with SOL and maybe one of the mods can set up a meet for you guys to attend.

>> No.8446594

There's 982 people "attending" the Woodbine Beach cosplay picnic on FB. 20 more and that's how many people Frostcon had last year for their whole con lol. I think the amount of people going to show up is gonna be nuts.

>> No.8447070

Was thinking of going the truffle-chan route and just trying to make friends by bringing food. Not sure if i have any particularily beach-friendly cosplays ready at the moment though. Might skip it rather than try to half-ass something last minute

>> No.8447074

They be lucky if they even get 25% of that to attend. Most events on facebook only see 25%-50% of the "Attending" marked to acutally attend

>> No.8447081


further details please
what's so terrible about the con aside from the fact that it's huge?

>> No.8447087

It's absurdly expensive, and because of how dense and crowded it is, the con's not a good place to show off cosplays. It's all corporate and the only appeal is the guests. Admittedly they get nice guests, some I wouldn't mind seeing, but you have to pay a lot just to see them. It's really only worth it for that. They don't seem to have any good non-guest related events or panels to my knowledge, and they always stop at 7 PM, so there's not even any evening or even late night events happening at the con. Many people I know just go to hang out or take photos in the park, or around the con rather than in it.

>> No.8447091

You don't need to come in anything great or even in cosplay at all, if you just want to make friends. What's the harm, anon?

>> No.8447128

also they've been known to keep selling tickets rather than admit they're sold out, and then just not let you into the con until whenever they're back below capacity
also last year especially there were just tons of screaming kids and confused normalfag parents everywhere, moreso than anyone worth socializing with/being around, you rarely see more than the left earlobe of any celebrities (that is if they don't cancel last minute or just not show up), the venue is near impossible to get in and out of so you're forced to do the con in one go and buy food there, next to no space for photos without stopping all traffic and getting yelled at by security, artist alley/dealers room laid out badly and overcrowded. Don't even think about wearing a large or even slightly bulky cosplay. Overall, like >>8447087 said, it's very very corporate and doesn't have a friendly atmosphere at all, you know damn well when you're there that no one there cares as long as they can milk you for as much cash as humanly possible
i've kept going for the last couple years out of a lack of other cons and its convenient timing, but i've always gotten a bad vibe from it and never enjoyed myself much; definitely not returning this year

>> No.8447149

You could literally go to any other con, spend less money, and get a better experience.
FanExpo isn't even good for a corporate show. It's like if someone took SDCC or PAX, kicked out everyone who gave a damn, and then shat turds on the walls instead of having content.

The only reason to go is if you care about famous people scribbling on shit you own.

>> No.8447465
File: 877 KB, 720x404, Muc9e6f.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this truffle-chan? Saw this in thigh gap's video

>> No.8448001

I'm sure there's lots of people going, but I don't think many people will go to just hang out/not be in cosplay, I believe more people will go for shooting than anything else

I wouldn't take the event page number as a solid idea of how many will show up. Kariya Park's event page had over 400 confirmed attendees, but around 200 showed up, and it's the second most popular picnic event after Centre Island.

>> No.8448788

Thanks anons for the rundown on fan expo. I guess the same thing applies to their march mini-con thing. I'll avoid them. More money for Anime North.

>> No.8448791

But AN is also pretty shitty...

> use that money to buy more official merch

>> No.8448855

Except not /really/. AN has a lot of problem spots, but anons have a hate on because they mostly remember a slow period a few years ago, where there was a lot of "same ol same ol".

AN does have problems but it's not actually shitty. It just depends on WHY you're going. They've got a pretty impressive gaming section these days, there's a ton of musical stuff to go to, and the panels have gotten a lot better.

I'd say the real issue is the staff hostility, not the actual event. There's a huge portion of the staff who act like assholes to the attendees because they don't see them as customers or community members, but kids to control. Also, way too much small-scale thinking where guests are concerned. I don't want YouTube or gaming guests at AN, but I DO want big-name Japanese voice actors and authors/directors, and you can't get ANY of that at AN unless you're a creepy idolm@ster fan or lolita.

>> No.8449680

Still, that means that it's pretty likely the beach will be infested with about 400-500 weebs. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8450008

"but I DO want big-name Japanese voice actors and authors/directors"

If you want JAPANESE voice actors/actresses, then you need to go to US cons (Anime Expo, Otakon, etc). Anime North will NOT get big name Japanese voice actors. because why pay a ton of money to get ONE Japanese voice actor, when you can use the same amount of money to get FIVE OR SIX AMERICAN voice actors.

It's way cheaper to get five or six AMERICAN voice actors, than one Japanese voice actors. and US voice actors, they all speak English, they don't require translators. Which is why AN DO NOT like to get Japanese voice actors. They will get one Japanese actor per year, that's it!

It's also CHEAPER to get YouTube Guests and Gaming Guests than JAPANESE voice actors. It's simply economics. Which one is cheaper, that's what AN will get.

If you want Japanese voice actors, get out of Canada and go to US cons!

>> No.8450270

I was at montreal comiccon today and overheard a vendor talking to a volunteer about how fan expo is trying to buy out the entire country?

Apparently there was already an offer made to buy out montreal comiccon, and they're eyeing Calgary and Halifax next? Basically they plan a nation wide takeover and the vendor was saying that would be horrible because it would suck the life out of them, run out a lot of great people and replace them souless money-grabbing tactics

I really hope the independent cons don't fall for this or canada's con future seems bleak

>> No.8450324

Even if you factor the economics of getting x amount of guests for x amount of dollars and value for money. It's still worthwhile for Anime North to get a big name Japanese guests vs multiple low end local guests. The reason being that the Japanese guests still reflects Anime North's core values, namely being a convention centered on Japanese and Anime genre. Right now, Anime North has branched out onto too many nonsensical themes that aren't related to it's core values (i.e. panel on climate change, all the LGBT panels, etc). If they removed these extraneous items, they would have more time, money and energy to focus on what matters.

But if you want a low cost, Japanese/Anime related alternative event, you could invite local Japanese Canadians and do Japanese related workshops and/or panels. For example, you could invite a sushi chef and host a sushi making workshop/demonstration and charge attendees a additional admittance fee. Or contact JCC and have them send someone do a panel on the history of Japanese Canadians, Japanese caligraphy, Origami, etc.

If Anime North was serious about making the convention better, and run it more smoothly and efficiently. Than they should seriously consider increasing their ticket prices an additional $5-10 and hiring a professional events coordinator, along with additional staff on a part time/contractual basis to help oversee their operations.

>> No.8450552

>still reflects Anime North's core values, namely being a convention centered on Japanese and Anime genre

You sir, are living in a dream world. Anime North is now just a con for people to hang out / meet friends / do photo shoots. The "ANIME" part of Anime North is IN-NAME-ONLY. It is now an anything-goes fandom con, including but not limited to anime.

Anime North HAS TO branch out. It if were a PURE anime con that was ONLY ABOUT anime, then Anime North would die. AN has to branch out into other genres (lolita, gaming, cartoons, j-fashion) in order to survive. Look at Otakon, it includes but is not limited to anime. It's everything otaku-related. Anime North has to do the same, or AN will die in the long run.

>> No.8450567

>increasing their ticket prices an additional $5-10

They will. They will increase badge prices for 2016, because the TCC NORTH building (for Saturday's masquerade) costs 100,000 dollars a day, to rent. 100,000 dollars ain't cheap. AN has to increase the badge prices to afford the TCC North Building.

As for hire professional co-ordinators, no chance in hell. AN is fan-run, and will always be fan-run. They do not hire professional coordinators.

>> No.8450585

>It's still worthwhile for Anime North to get a big name Japanese guests

They DO. They get ONE semi-well-known Japanese Guest per year. That is IT. The rest are all North American or local.

>> No.8450598

The TCC North building, you mean the building no one knew how to get to? The one that was super far? We'll be paying extra money for a building that no one is even in?

>> No.8450613


YES, That is the TCC NORTH building, it is far. It hosts Saturday Night's MAIN masquerade. It costs 100,000 dollars PER DAY to rent, and Anime North signed a two-year contract with TCC for the NORTH building.

So for 2016, badge prices increases, in order to afford the TCC North building.

>> No.8450620

Then they better make some damn good use of the building. I don't know if they'd be able to make it easier to access but some good incentive to go there would be nice.

>> No.8450706


The incentive to go there is Saturday night's MAIN masquerade!

>> No.8450719

>>8450324 >>8450567
They do have a "professional" events coordinator, and he's utter SHIT!

We've had nothing but problems since he was brought on a few years back.

Also he seems like a huge slime ball, so I hope we stop dealing with him soon

>> No.8450780


Well, there you go. If they already have an event coordinator, they're not going to hire another one.

>> No.8450817

$100K is probably lowballing it, honestly. That would just be venue cost for the floor, and probably not counting security, staff, equipment, etc.

Also, AN has been way too cheap for its own good for years. They haven't paced with inflation. Given that they're a 40K+ attendee convention with 24 hour programming, they should be up in the $75-100 range.

>> No.8450819

If you mean Eddie Chang, he's not their event coordinator, he's their hotel liaison.

But yeah, he's a total slimeball.

>> No.8450873

Yeah I mean him. Well he markets himself as AN's event coordinator and hotel liaison from the one chat I've had with him

>> No.8451506

>Anime North HAS TO branch out. It if were a PURE anime con that was ONLY ABOUT anime, then Anime North would die. AN has to branch out into other genres (lolita, gaming, cartoons, j-fashion) in order to survive. Look at Otakon, it includes but is not limited to anime. It's everything otaku-related. Anime North has to do the same, or AN will die in the long run.

I'm fine with the other genres you listed (lolita, gaming, cartoons, j-fashion), as it relates to Otaku culture, which is inherent to Japanese culture. Which is what I listed as being part of Anime North's core values and main target demographic. I really don't see the merit on a lot of loosely related or irrelevant panels that aren't associated with Japanese culture or Anime.

In regards to the longevity of Anime North and potential alienation of it's clientele, I don't think that's a problem tbh. Anime North is large enough to hold it's own. They sell out of weekend and Saturday single day passes months in advance. Hotels in the surrounding areas are fully booked nearly a full yr in advance.

I understand that they get one guests. What I'm saying is that they should allocate their budget into getting more, or more famous guests. Even if you compare Anime North to a similar con, for example Otakuthon. Which has a similar target demographic, size, revenue, etc, Anime North falls short.

I'm not trying to start an argument or bash anyone here. Nor am I saying that Anime North isn't a good and fun con to attend. I'm just saying that there's room for improvement, and that they can do better. And I'm not alone in this sentiment:

>> No.8451630

Yes that is her

>> No.8451994

>getting more, or more famous guests

There are other MAJOR US conventions that are competing with Anime North on the same weekend! (e.g. Animazement in North Carolina, FanimeCon California). If you are a Japanese Guest, why go to Canada, when you can go to BIGGER US cons on the SAME weekend?

A lot of Japanese Guests won't go to Canada (Anime North), because there are BIGGER anime cons in US, on the EXACT SAME weekend. So the Japanese Guests choose US cons instead.

>> No.8452005

>I really don't see the merit on a lot of loosely related or irrelevant panels that aren't associated with Japanese culture or Anime.

Whatever get people to come to the con and buy badges, that's what AN will do. If having stupid Homestuck panels or gay-lesbian panels will get people to come to AN, that's what's going to happen! It's about whatever brings people to the con. AN is not solely about anime or Japanese culture.

If having TEN Homestuck panels and TEN Tumbr panels will bring more people to the con, that's what's going to happen.

>> No.8452011

>Anime North falls short

Anime North was NEVER good at getting good Guests, PERIOD. Get used to it. People go to AN to hang out with friends. Very FEW people go to AN solely for the Guests. If you want to see big-name Japanese Guests, go to US CONS! Canadian cons do NOT get good Guests in general. AN will never get good Guests, period. It won't change. You can suggest things until your face t turn blue, it won't change a thing at AN upper management.

>> No.8452021

>they should allocate their budget into getting more, or more famous guests

They WON'T. As of right now, the TCC NORTH building already costs 100,000 per day to rent. And for 2016 they have to increase the badges prices to cover the rental cost of the TCC NORTH building. Allocate budgets for Guests? NO CHANCE IN HELL! AN barely have enough money to rent the TCC North Building without going bankrupt!

>> No.8452049

Never been to conbravo but I'm considering it this year, is it worth it? What's good/bad about it?

>> No.8452104

- YouTube personalities
- Decent cosplay workshops
- Good area for food
- Fun stuff like their nerf gun war and Most Annoying Game Show
- Arcades and other gaming stuff
- Good dealers room for a fan con

- Hamilton's kinda far
- Not a lot of anime stuff
- Still smallish

Honestly not a bad con and growing, plus the staff gives a shit

>> No.8452310

Honestly, why is there always one person WHO TYPES LIKE THIS whiteknighting AN each time it gets criticized. Are they butthurt staff or something.

>> No.8452414

I dunno if you know what whiteknighting is

>> No.8452434

Oh god everyone shut the hell up about how bad AN is. Every fucking year everyone complains, pays money to go anyway, doesn't do anything functional to help the issue, and then bitch how nothing has changed.

I hope you people never accuse anyone else of slacktivism.

>> No.8452554


WHY NOT? Cuz the other anon CAN'T read, and i have to type in capital to emphasis. Simpleton.

>> No.8452556


Also, you MUST be a butthurt con-goer, who BAD-MOUTH AN every year, but pays money and goes to AN anyway.

>> No.8452570

I've only been to AN once since it's not convenient for me to attend, so I don't really care about it. I'm just curious as to why every small negative comment about it is met with such vehement responses. Why you taking it so personally, bruh.

>> No.8452618


Then you should pay $120 dollars and go to FanExpo instead. And see how FanExpo treats people (i.e. people are treated like Cash Cows).

>> No.8453097

Pros: staff and other con-goers really friendly, really cosplay-friendly with solid security/harassment policies, panels & workshops are fun and pretty well-run, fun programming as other anon mentioned, venue gives them late night programming, hotels are nicer and a lot friendlier than AN, good area for food & drink, good artists alley & dealers room, gaming room is impressive

Guest roster is kinda one-noted, Hamilton can be sketchy and not easy to commute to, kinda hard to find good places for photography, venue needs more places to sit.

>> No.8453157

Agreed with most of anon

Hamilton has a bad rap but it's also changing. I'm living there now and they're doing a lot to develop the city so there's fewer issues, especially in the downtown where the con is held. Plus you can go between the con and hotel by skybridge so you never need to be out with any of the weirdos when it gets late.

There's also an Anchor Bar right next to the hotel so I am eating ALL THE WINGS ALL THE TIME

>> No.8453164

It's also the only fanrun con in like 10 years to go anywhere.

NAF sucked
Garden City sucked
DotCon sucked
EMC actively sucks horse shit from an anus
Frostcon sucked
Con-G rocked but ended
Unplugged sucks

A bunch of the Con-G staff work on ConBravo now too

>> No.8453409

It looks like the Vancouver expo scene is Canada's Florida expo scene.

Has anyone gone to Atomic Lollipop? How does the "Tickets in Store" thing work, does it mean you don't need any pre-reg lineup at the con or do you still have to line up for a wristband/stamp/lanyard?

>> No.8453758

Fan Expo was originally CN Anime, then they gradually added a horror show, comic book show, sci-fi show and mashed everything together into Fan Expo in 2006-2007. It used to be okay-ish but the dealer's room has always been the centerpiece with panels being an afterthought apart from special guests and autograph sessions. Over the years it became more industry focused and ironically less fan focused. Nowadays it's the autographs-and-photo-op convention with some basic con stuff tacked on.

Around the time they changed to Fan Expo they also moved from the south building to the north building of the convention center, which has a much smaller expo hall, fewer panel rooms and smaller hallways. I haven't gone back since then. The south building had a lot more hallway space for gatherings, more panel rooms, and some nice spaces outside for photos instead of just the sidewalk outside the north building.

A combination of a smaller space with increasing attendance has led to the current common thread of overcrowding and overbooking tickets.

>> No.8453771

>Anime North dying
In the last several years it hasn't been surviving, it's been BLOATING itself with irrelevant stuff. They currently fill out the hotel and convention center to capacity. Trimming the non-anime fat at this point isn't going to kill attendance, unless you think more than half the people there are going to see western voice actors and LGBT panels.

>> No.8453774

This year they moved the Anime Hell panel to the north building, but only filled half the space because it was so fucking cold and far to walk.

>> No.8453778

Anon's history is a bit off.
CNAnime was actually held in the North Building and was concurrent with their Comic and Sci-Fi show (the expo was billed as having 3 internal shows, and you could buy a badge for just one, or all of them, which gave you access to different things).

They moved into the South Building around 2008 for a couple of years, then back again, which is also when they started overselling. 2009-2012 saw moments where customers who had already paid couldn't be allowed back into the building because there were too many people inside.

Despite that, they also frequently lie about their numbers and count "dirty turnstile". There's four ways to count attendance at cons:

Tickets Sold (strictly at door/prereg sales)
Warm Bodies (includes dealers, usually)
Turnstile (every day on a ticket counts as 1 person so a weekend pass can count as 3 people)
Dirty Turnstile (really scummy, counts every time you enter a room as 1 person)

In FanEx's case, they count anyone going in and out of the dealer's room as a new attendee, so if 1 person goes in 5 times, that's 5 people. It's why they have ticket clickers at every door.

This anon used to volunteer for them. The company's actually gotten worse now that Informa bought them. They're really abusive and don't give any shits about the fans. It's completely a money game to them, just like Wizard World.

>> No.8453781

It wasn't cold, what planet are you on? They only filled half the room because not enough people know how much programming moved to the north. That's normal for a show acquiring new space.

>> No.8453795

>Anime North falls short
Let's see:

Otakuthon 2015
Rikiya Koyama -voice actor
Yosuke Okunari - game dev
angela -band, multiple anime OPs
FLOW -band, multiple anime OPs

Anime North 2015
Asami Shimoda -voice actor
Chie Nakamura -voice actor
Hitomi Nabatame -voice actor
UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ -visual k band
Umbrella - j-rock band

Overall, Otakuthon has much more relevant musical guests. Considering how much BIGGER anime north is, it would be reasonable to expect a significantly larger and better guest lineup than Otakuthon so I would agree that AN '''is''' in fact falling short in this aspect. The AN staff must have a real hard-on for jrock considering how many other bands there are to choose from who have done anime music.

Making this comparison is actually making me want to splurge on the hotel/train to go to otakuthon.

>> No.8453812

Thanks for correcting me, it's been a long time since I went there. I do remember now how they sold different themed passes for the events.

>> No.8453817

AN's problem is that they book their music through the shitty JRock North people who ran DotCon back in the day. They're always throwing their weight around and bullying people, and they think they're god's gift to AN for being able to pull a few bands.

>> No.8454053

I'll give you the suckage points for NAF/Ochiba, Dotcon and EMC/KCC. Don't know anything about Garden City, so it must have sucked the most on this list.

But atleast FrostCon and Unplugged are trying to improve (slowly) their conventions.

But Con-G doesn't deserve to be grouped upon this list

>> No.8454172

I had to wear a jacket that night and the Anime Hell host (Dave Merril?) specifically thanked people for showing up in spite of the cold.

>> No.8454540

>want to splurge on the hotel/train to go to otakuthon
The VIA is luxurious but takes forever and is a bit pricey unless you get an escape fare

>> No.8454955

Frostcon is dead and last year was the worst. So no.

Unplugged is awful and has no direction.

>> No.8454959

FrostCon is kill. It's not happening anymore.

>> No.8454967

honestly, the only thing that brought me to frostcon was the fact that my friends were going. the con itself is a nice little cosplay hangout in the middle of the winter, but there's really nothing holding it up to the big cons.

>> No.8454998

Actually? I find it hard to believe they've really given up

>> No.8455044

Apop is just around the corner so who is going and what do you plan on doing? I hear that this convention is just one giant party and I want to know if that is true?

Also how easily available are drugs there? I tried to get some tree at AN but had a hard time so I was wondering if I should bring my own or try to pick up at the con? Also what is the norm for people to be doing at the convention? I was thinking about doing mush or mdma but I don't know how I would be able to handle a huge crowd while tripping.

>> No.8455079

I plan on going but this will be my first time as well. I might bring a bottle o vodka and do some cocktails if we have another /cgl/ party in someones room.

>> No.8455084

what, no mention of Blitz?

>> No.8455086

Seeing as there is only one official hotel I can see there being multiple parties going on in the hotel. I will probably host one in my room as long as you promise not to take over my bathroom midway through the party.

>> No.8455087

It's a drinking con, a bottle of vodka is basically lunch

>> No.8455092

So will more people will be drinking than doing drugs? Like ive said, I have never been before so im just going on what ive heard.

>> No.8455097


I promise to hold back on the alcohol and not hold your bathroom hostage. XD

>> No.8455100

Well it's popular with ravers so take that into consideration

>> No.8455109

Good because I don't plan on having to step around you just to take a piss again.

See thats what I thought but ill probably still end up just drinking anyways, I will probably be able to handle myself easier that way

>> No.8455113

drink with the seagulls, booze loves company

>> No.8455115
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APOP seagull party where/when? I'll actually stay this time

Also tfw when I ran out of everclear 2 weeks before the con and wont get a new bottle until the 19th. Guess CB will be the everclear con this summer.

>> No.8455146
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I had a fun time drinking with seagulls at AN so I plan to do it again at Apop

I plan to go see both Tupper ware remix party and Prozac but I will defiantly host an after party in my room both nights, I will make sure to make a post or two during the con.

P.S my fridge is always stocked at a con.

>> No.8455156

stocked and ready to share?

>> No.8455164
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Anyone going to be at Fan Expo?

Going as pic related, far left

>> No.8455168

literally hitler
but I'll allow it

>> No.8455171

Anyone go to that Centre Island picnic? How was it?

>> No.8455178

As long as I am not supplying the whole party I do not mind giving out a beer or two. I was the one at anime north who decided to drink after hours at the the bar patio in the double tree after we checked out the fuck boy meet up.

It was the beer that I bought for any of my friends who did not have any. I know, I am a horrible person.

>> No.8455191

I'm hoping to volunteer, but I heard bad things. Can anyone let me know what I'm getting myself into?

>> No.8455330

>>8454959 >>8454998
They aren't closing shop. I've talked with some of the staff and they are only taking a break. Mainly to hire more staff and volunteers as 20 isn't enough for over 2000 attendees.

So FrostCon will return one day

>> No.8455338

she has a boyfriend, stop pining after her

>> No.8455349

But basically, it's kill

FrostCon... has frozen over.

>> No.8455364

>over 2000 attendees
>uh huh
Hi Antonio/Gabi/Jax/whoever is shilling

>> No.8455367

Please no, don't come back, not ever ever ever

>> No.8455405

Went last year and couldn't believe people pay for this con.

Yall are fools.

>> No.8455431

I have a feeling people go to FrostCon because your only choice for winter cons now are DTAC, FrostCon, Tri-Con or Ganime.

That might be a factor as to why they seem to be getting increasing attendee counts

>> No.8455441

Even DTAC is better than FrostCon because at least you can just ghost/lobby it, as you only really pay for the dealer's room and nothing else. It's fun just hanging out in the area with everyone's winter and Christmas themed cosplays.

>> No.8455457

I did that this whole passed FrostCon. Just stayed in the Lower Concourse lobby right near the reg desk. Never paid to go in at all.

If Con-G was still around, I don't think the other winter cons would be able to compete really. But that's just my opinion

>> No.8455464

Is there anything that'll take Con-G's place, so to speak? I heard there was something, like, GenreCon or something?

>> No.8455472

As >>8455431 said, the only other winter cons are DTAC, Frostcon, Tricon and GAnime. And I don't think any of them can live up to Con-G torch

>> No.8455530

GenreCon was awful. Con-G was one of a kind, and with some of the crew over at ConBravo now that seems to be their successor.

I really doubt anyone will be able to step up to the plate unless lightning can strike twice. There were a lot of really competent, loving people on that staff.

>> No.8455684

lower turnout than expected. a bit of good cosplay, not much.

>> No.8455700
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I went as pic related and honestly just changed out of cosplay right after my photoshoot.
It was super hot in the sun so my makeup was straight up melting off, and there wasn't anything to do.
Ended up going to the beach and having a lot of fun afterwards, though.

Centre Island beach got me pretty hyped up for the Woodbine Beach picnic next week, although someone told me that the Woodbine beach isn't nearly as nice as the Centre Island one; the beach is bigger but the sand isn't as soft.

>> No.8456669

is the beach thing next week too small to have a /cgl/ meet?

>> No.8457310

It could draw as many as 400+ people, which is definitely big enough. I wouldn't mind having a meet there

>> No.8457473

Will corky-lun being doing another round of those Toronto seagulls shirts again for APop?

>> No.8457904

Oh shit, is that next weekend? I can make that.
Though I think there's a free USS show that day..

>> No.8458337

read the rest of this thread above, it has a pretty good outline.

>> No.8458362

On a scale of 1-10 how bad of an idea is it to bring booze to the beach next week?

>> No.8458431

do it, just don't be an obvious tard about it

>> No.8458461

Trust me when I say that FanExpo is not trying to buy out Montreal ComicCon. They hate each other.

>> No.8458499

Derp, I probably should have done that first. Well this is going to be fun.

>> No.8461594

Stealth it. Get cans of beer and a mcdonalds cup. Put the cans in the cup with the straw going to the can. You're only exposed while you're switching cans.

>> No.8461789

What does everyone plan on bringing to the beach other than alcohol?

>> No.8461929

My dick in the frilliest bikini bottoms I can find.

>> No.8461957

AN's panels were awful this year, with more SJW shit than ever before.

>> No.8461960
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>> No.8462040

There was one or two panels that didn't belong, big friggity whoop.

Anons are butthurt about everything.

>> No.8462064

that was aimed at

>> No.8462150

Going to Apop, Sunday only. What to expect?

>> No.8462212

> $50 Sunday door tickets
> okay.jpg

>> No.8462276

Was Finch and her gang there?

>> No.8462839

>a shit disturber appears

>> No.8463382


>> No.8463404

Every hotel thread from AN is Eddie going like "I WILL JUST KEEP ADDING HOTEL ROOMS"

Except if they're sold out and there are no rooms physically available, how can you?


Okay Eddie.

He's also just been an absolute turd whenever he talks to anyone. He's a used car salesman kind of guy and his whole approach is so skeezy. A friend of mine runs one of the local cons and Eddie tried to convince her that he was the best choice for becoming a hotel liaison but all it amounted to was "I work for a company and we deal with a lot of hotels and I'm not important at all but I really want to be so please use me as a consultant".

>> No.8463406

Look at Yaoi North. They maybe had 2-3 actual anime panels all weekend.
Tons of LGBTWTFBBQ and SJW panels on the main schedule which the staff won't get rid of because they're afraid of hurting people's feelings or immature tumblrinas making a huge stink.
4 MLP panels, despite MLP being no longer relevant. It was popular in 2012 and 2013, and now no one really gives a shit and people distance themselves from the fandom.
A climate change panel which the panel coordinators excused by saying some higher-up staff wanted it there.

"Butthurt anon"? Maybe you should actually look closely at the schedule. It's full of off-topic and awful shit run by teenage tumblrinas.

The stuff that is anime related is the same stuff I could talk at a local anime club. If it's a small con that's just getting started, that's acceptable. At a con with 20,000+ attendees that's well-established, I expect there to be at least some programming that appeals to us niche fans who can't find fans of things we like literally anywhere.

Some of us travel great distances and spend a lot of money to go to Anime North. You call it "entitlement", and I call it "getting our money's worth".

The panels were shit this year and that needs to be improved next year big time. I know your staff just try to silence anyone who says anything bad about the con, but it's true, and a lot of us think that.

>> No.8463432

If you don't like the panels that are hosted and want panels that cater to you and your niche. Why not try hosting or suggesting panels

>> No.8463437

>implying we don't try and get rejected

>> No.8463440

He's all that. Plus if any convention staff that he's worked with give him a bad review or cut ties with him, he threatens all the staff. About going and talking to other conventions and hotels and saying that they wouldn't work with whatever convention gives him a bad review

>> No.8463443

2 MLP panels
There were only 2 in the main track.

If you're so apeshit over having good content, you need to provide some. Panels can't exist if they a) suck and b) aren't submitted.

Also, not staff, just someone who does panels at AN and thinks you're a whiny baby.

>> No.8463447

Anon sounds like s/he may be Shance, who got banned from doing panels because she talks over her copanelists and does nothing but bitch and whine over everything.

>> No.8463466

Hello AN drama. It's been awhile.

On topic: Going to ConBravo and Otakuthon this year. FanExpo's not worth the cash, I can just hit up Montreal ComicCon and they have better guests.

A little birdie told me CB is having some kind of cosplay studio thing like AX so I'm excited for that.

>> No.8463492

What is ConBravo like, anon?

>> No.8463531

Good for what I like. It's not an anime con though so don't expect that. Strong youtube game and a pretty impressive variety of games. It's definitely larger than any of the other small cons that cropped up over the last few years. Wikipedia says 4K last year.

>> No.8463659

F**king fujoshi

>> No.8463775

But I'm a dude.

>> No.8463830

F**king otaku-san

>> No.8463844

That's better. Now can we get some frilly cross-dressing action?

>> No.8463998

Anime Revo is shit, but any anons heading to the convention anyways? If theres enough of us lets scrap together a meetup.

>> No.8464683

/cgl/ meet this saturday 3PM at woodbine beach?
i've never been, can someone pick location?

>> No.8464708

everybody will be hungover from the saturday and friday haha. in my experience sunday is the most chill day

>> No.8464733

It's a pretty big beach. Someone should bring a sign or something.

>> No.8465253

Guests are tricky.

On one extreme, you have cons like AX and Fanexpo, which have big name guests but also unfortunately all the corporate stuff that comes with it. Fanexpo has paid autographs and AX's guests are usually there for a certain company, so they can only really talk about and do stuff related to what they're there for. This makes the experience feel a lot less personal (going to a guest panel and spending half the time watching an anime you've already seen isn't fun), but at least they can get them.

Then there's AN, which has decent guests, but no one huge. The issue is that AN isn't organized well enough to deal with having anyone insanely popular. If it suddenly got 3 or 4 really good seiyuu, the staff wouldn't know how to handle the crowd, since they can't even organize letting people into the dealers room properly. On the bright side, the panels are just straight Q&A with almost no restrictions, which is way better.

The best scenario would be a con that's equipped to handle famous guests but also have the money to bring them over independently of companies, but it seems like that's pretty hard to do.

>> No.8466034

Can we start preparing an Otakuthon meet?

>> No.8466239

The huge issue is that AN's guest department is run by amateur, can't-give-a-shit people who don't train their staff and act like bullies to staff and attendees.

It's nice that AN doesn't charge for autographs, but the cost results in them not being able to properly afford celebrities people may actually care about. Combo that with the shitty guest staff (and the endless amount of stupid wrestling guests) and of course it's a shit show.

>> No.8466800
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meet here?

>> No.8466936

Apop's schedule is up. Who's going?

That 90s cafe seems... interesting, but I hope none of their stuff is actually FROM the 90s and well past expiration.

>> No.8466971

>Love Live speed friending

>> No.8467284

Most of AN is run by amateur can't-give-a-shit people who bully staff, volunteers, and attendees.

People are too afraid to report them because they'll either tell them that their opinion doesn't matter or bring up the old "become staff yourself if you think you're so much better". Maybe if staff didn't degrade their attendees and treat them like they don't give a shit, people would be less afraid to mention the problems that they had.

People mostly attend AN now for the cosplays and to meet up with friends. Almost everything else is poorly-run. AN has been on a downward spiral for years.

The only solution many of us have found is to not bother with them anymore and go elsewhere. Otakuthon is a much better con for anime, and ConBravo is a much better con for gaming and other geek culture AN is now more of a teenage drunken weekend party like a lot of many other cons have become.

Gone are the days when AN would invite great guests that people care about like KOTOKO. 2006 was probably the best AN ever.

>> No.8467467

I'm down for that

>> No.8467625

When? I have shoots until 6pm, can it be at 6?

>> No.8467762

Are they going to be over-charging for dunkaroos? I already roll my eyes at vendors over-charging for pocky at cons, I'm definitely not here for pricey snacks I can get at the grocery store 5 minutes from my house.

>> No.8467770

Some people might be heading home by then

>> No.8467859

I'll try to drop by! Won't be in cosplay though

>> No.8468015

Any truffles?

>> No.8468035

no i'm too busy with school to make any

>> No.8468073

I made a rant thread after anirevo 2014. It was really impressive how they were even able to fuck up half the panels and the finale so bad. I remember half way through the finale the announcer made this pissed off comment and just bailed and left.

AE is so terribly put together its almost not worth mentioning. We walked in on a dude with an entire lecture hall empty talking on a tiny projector about the history of godzillas suit. According to the hastily made pan flit we had it apparently lasted 4 hours. Anyway now theyve moved to the tiny UBC room so its safe to say AE is pretty much dead.

>> No.8468075

yeah no, 6 is way too late. How about 3:00 like the original anon suggested?

>> No.8468149


>> No.8468160

Anime Evolution. Was the main Vancouver con until Anime Revolution started in 2012 or so. Used to be pretty big and was held at SFU until everyone jumped ship to AR and AE died. The last few years of AE have been hilariously bad as they have tried to keep afloat.

>> No.8468161

I'll make a thread closer to the weekend of the con, if there isn't one already. It's just that Otakuthon threads die very fast compared to other con-centric threads.

>> No.8468217

Wait,so Anime Revolution replaced Anime Evolution?
Can they not come up with more original names?

>> No.8468267


I remember when revo first started and we hadnt heard of it yet and we all made fun of our one friend who insisted it existed. Anyway AE has been around since 2003 and its still like $12 instead of AR being $70. You pay for what you get.

>> No.8468292
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>One's in a Uni student union building
>the other is in an actual convention centre
well,there's a clear winner just going by that information

>> No.8468323
File: 91 KB, 736x523, 89cf29e656b2725d0a5dce2b58efafac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3PM beach meet at >>8466800 !

>> No.8468334

Ive seen conventions at the ubc building before and theyre cramped as all hell. I used to swim with the UBC swim team and on one 35 degree day we wandered into the campus and found a sweltering bunch of overweight homestuck cosplayers packed into the tiny room. The tiny room created a heat trap and there was paint dripping down their faces as they wandered between all 10 or so vendor booths.

Heres the room. Few years back they had most of SFU rented out.

>> No.8468345

sand at woodbine confirmed for shit, but it varies greatly across the different areas. better areas are super crowded tho
exactly my thoughts

>> No.8468347

Who else iM@S here?

>> No.8468359

That's not a con.That's a panel room with extra people in it

>> No.8468636


I have a shoot at 3 so I guess I can't make this one unless I shoot where the meet is, which is possible I suppose. It's likely I won't make it though

>> No.8468863

What are we gonna do at the meet? Should we all bring something and do a potluck?

>> No.8469081
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be tipsy and have a water fight :^)
also build sandcastles
and bury each other in sand
and if anyone has a ball let's play keep-it-up

it's the beach, after all :^)

>i knew i haven't been saving this gif all these years for nothing

>> No.8469085
File: 1.01 MB, 480x270, yay yay yay yay yay yay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and i'll be immature and blow bubbles all over the damn place

>> No.8469182
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all of these are solid ideas

>> No.8469824

WTF!! O.o What a scumbag this Eddie Chang sounds like

>> No.8469839

A-are boys allowed...?

>> No.8469892

Faggots only

>> No.8469893

He's a complete piece of human garbage. He doesn't have any actual event association memberships, no one in Toronto event planning knows who tf he is, and no one professional acts like he does.

He's just a con man taking advantage of people's ignorance.

>> No.8469969

fakebois only...

>> No.8470003

Oh yeah? you'll change your tune after I show up with my fakedik and fuck you stupid fucking cows.

>> No.8470042
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wild dick monster appears!

>> No.8470305

So you're a rapist is what you're saying.


>> No.8470318

i'm so excited for the beach tomorrow! i wonder how many people will show up.

>> No.8470446

Oh fuck, already bought tickets :/.
This is my first year, hopefully it won't suck ass.

>> No.8470530

Montreal Comic Con is getting overtaken by SJWs
Last year there was only a single panel about it ("Where are the queer superheros?"), which was the last one on Sunday night in a small room
This year, there were 6 I think, including a re-run of last year which was moved to a much more central time plot

I hope it doesn't happen to Otakuthon, even if I know it'll happen eventually since mtl is pretty strong on this shit

>> No.8470543

Anyway you could come to Otakuthon?
I'll be Bradford and it'd be nice to have another Xcom-related cosplay with me

>> No.8470582

I be Im@s, if you're going to the meet I'll bring my Chibiki

>> No.8470609

>Montreal Comic Con is getting overtaken by SJWs
AN had two Korrasami panels.
That's two panels based on literally 10 seconds of a show.

>> No.8470617

Cool. Are you gonna be wearing any other iM@S stuff like cosplay or shirts?

>> No.8470622

I'll be rolling with a redrop hibiki shirt.

>> No.8470623

Not cosplaying, but I'm gonna try to make up some red wine sangria before I go if anyone wants some (bring your own mcdo cup)

>> No.8470652

Are there any cons where SJWs have no chance of taking over?

They've already ruined AN by having their "cishet men are evil" panels everywhere.

>> No.8470655

Says a butthurt cishet man


>> No.8470656

I'll try to find you, then.

>> No.8470761

will you be giving out bjs again this con? i wanted to get one last time but the line was too long

>> No.8470855

>"stop hatred towards one group for things they can't change!"
>"the solution is to direct your hatred towards another group for things they can't change!"
>implying that the redirection of hate will solve the "problem"
If SJWs actually tried having peaceful conversations that weren't just hugboxes between them and their friends from tumblr, and if they actually believed in the tolerance that they claim so much to believe in, then maybe they'd make some progress.

>> No.8471074

Try the western side of Canadian cons because no one gives a shit about them. Runs the risk of having crap programming though. Animethon might be the only decent one with panels.

>> No.8471178

You're talking about SJWs like they're some homogenous group. Are you that stupid? Also, telling people their stupid habits suck for other people isn't "hugboxing". It's telling you that your special snowflake bullshit of "I can say/do what I want because lulz" doesn't fly.

You want peaceful conversations but you're the one being a hostile asshole? O.K.

>> No.8471180

Oh god, I can taste how salty you are from here.

>> No.8471377

>only white cishet men can be discriminatory assholes
>if you're not white, not cisgendered, not heterosexual, and not male, you get an outta-jail-free card for being a discriminatory asshole
>not seeing the hypocrisy
>not seeing that maybe, just maybe, people are being assholes to you not because of your race, gender, or sexual orientation, but because you have an unlikeable personality
>implying people haven't tried having peaceful conversations, but got told to shut up because they're privileged

These are all reasons why people can't stand SJW stuff at cons. Your assumption that I'm a "butthurt cishet male" just proves my point further. Show me proof that I'm wrong without telling me how stupid or privileged I am.

>> No.8471396

>taking his obvious b8

>> No.8471430

I don't necessarily find those panels interesting but I have to disagree on them 'overunning' the con. I attended last weekend and it definitely wasn't as bad as others I've attended.

>> No.8471449

Gun conventions, car conventions

>> No.8471482

Nah, not this time, too many pre-orders

also kek the wine store by my house was closed so sangria will have to wait till apop

>> No.8471624

> Discriminatory, no. Racist and sexist? Yes. Because those are systemic and top-down gestalt issues, not individualized at their root. They're only expressed via individuals.
> It's not hypocritical to be angry as fuck when the background radiation of your life is casual or intentional abuse constantly excused by "it's a joke" from people who will almost never experience systemic injury
> No one has a get out of free card. Cosby wasn't protected for being black, but he WAS protected for being male. Dylann Roof was protected for being white. Freddie Gray was condemned for being black. Etc.

God damn, snowflake, if you can't see the forest for the trees.

>> No.8471627

Anon thinks having 5-10% content be about community and fair treatment is "SJWs overrunning" his/her precious convention.

Anon is a faggot.

>> No.8471637

mom packed a bunch of corn but I can't eat it all
please help me finish it at the meet LOL

>> No.8471642

I will reserve some specifically for putting in people's cornholes.

>> No.8471679

you mean the semen??

>> No.8471681
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>> No.8471694
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Did somebody say cornhole?

>> No.8471715


>> No.8471719


>> No.8471724

any butter?

>> No.8471800

So is this meet up happening or what?

>> No.8471812

Have no idea, I'm down to make my way there now

>> No.8471822

Meet up is a bit far right now, should we move it?

>> No.8471846

Is anyone at the meetup? I'm with some guys but we can't find anyone else.

>> No.8471850

We are on our way now. Be there in 10 mins.

>> No.8471854

Where in fandom is there unfair treatment? Who is telling you that you can't like whatever you like because of your race, gender, or sexual orientation?
If you're talking about unfair treatment at cons by volunteers, why not make a stink about it in a place where the people in charge of the con can see it?
If you're talking about unfair treatment at cons from attendees, why not report it to OS or whatever department the con has to deal with that shit?

>> No.8471862

Anyone here? I'm just chilling in shade because fuck the heat.

>> No.8471869

We are here at the rock. Come say hi.

>> No.8471872

>Yaoi North
That's thematic though, right? Or am I missing how a mini-con dedicated to gay comics/cartoons is completely separate from panels about gay shit? They're more on-topic than "ask a character" or whatever, anyway.

No, but in a couple years it'll hit critical mass and everyone will get bored of it and move on to something else. Remember how many Hetalia panels there used to be?

>> No.8471892

Jk. Moving back to where everyone actually is instead of the complete wrong side of the beach. Come find us where the umbrellas and blow up boat with water in it.

>> No.8471894

Fan Expo Vancouver

>> No.8471900
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Just because you don't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. For example, the lack of presence of darker skinned characters in manga/anime is pretty unfair; it limits the pool of 'accurate' cosplay for darker skinned people. It's just a reality that exists, and a panel for it isn't that irrelevant to con culture despite it touching on social justice.

> mfw SJW are annoying, but anti-SJW annoy me even more

>> No.8471906

We ended up heading back to the beach.

>> No.8471908

Where at the beach?

>> No.8471921

Near the water, south of the volleyball nets

>> No.8471924

Where can I find you guys, any special umbrellas or anything?

>> No.8471995

Southeast of the washroom hut. We're near the wayer

>> No.8472039

What is a wayer?

>> No.8472088

Couldn't find the/cgl/ meetup. Found some idol master plebs. Hanging out with them instead

>> No.8472204


Fuckin trash weebs.

>> No.8472209

SJWs may be annoying, but they actually want good shit for people. Anti-SJWs are just whiny trashbabies who got brought up as special snowflakes

The happy medium is not being an angry fuck but also not think everything is okay

>> No.8472239
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Were any of you at this?, I was lifting in the gym above and it made me realize i want a qt3.14 cosplay gf to watch anime with. Any takers?

>> No.8472316
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The beach was shit but this KBBQ meetup/dinner is making up for it

>> No.8472362


>> No.8472374

I can't believe you guys left me when I went to find trufflechan

>> No.8472384

you never found me ;_;
I spent like forever looking for you but I felt bad making rz dragging around stuff so I gave up

>> No.8472386

Rip, I couldn't find you guys.

>> No.8472397

Young & Bloor Korean Grill House. We're still there
We were under the impression you went to find her then headed straight to the restaurant, we didn't ditch you on purpose

>> No.8472530

s-so it's worth it to go to Otakuthon, right? AN was pretty shit, but Otakuthon does seem much better.

>> No.8472574

Waaaaay better. Plus the damn thing practically runs all night.

>> No.8472706

Nice, sounds good, are there any meetups, and if so, are they restricted to cosplayers? I remember something like that being said in the AN thread. Likewise, I remember reading something about there'll be more pins at Otakucon, was that right?

>> No.8472717

>they want good shit for people
They're gonna cut your dick off larry

>> No.8472740

I had a feeling some picture like this would show up on the internets somewhere, so yay. Sometimes I'd look up and see some guy taking pictures while at the gym above.

MiniComi was alright, the heat is a lot better than last year, but still stuffy at times. Needs more content for attendees I think, but otherwise pretty good range of artists there. Heck there was an awesome ice cream sandwich maker there, so great.

>> No.8472746

SJW want to look like they want good shit for people when really all they do is masturbate to their own self-righteousness while not actually contributing anything substantial to the causes that they supposedly champion.

>> No.8472836

so you wanna be my qt3.14 gf?

>> No.8472838

>wish I came to the KBBQ

How many people were there out of curiosity?

>> No.8472876

This. Plus they treat it like a religion, if you're not part of their ultra politically correct club, you're an awful shitlord that should be killed on site.

>> No.8472914

i think there were about 14-16 of us there. it was delicious.

>> No.8472943

And yet, you're wrong.

>> No.8472946

I'm going Who would hold dunkaroos for that long? You can still buy them at the grocery store.

The tea parties and stuff they had in past years have been free, except for the maid cafes which are run by a different group. I am hoping for free dunkaroos.

>> No.8472955

Hasn't been my experience with the crowd, per se. SJWs can be angry but usually because so many people are racist, sexist assholes who casually or intentionally contribute to the bad shit in society. I didn't wanna believe the shit either, but the way media and people paint shit like Dylann Roof vs Michael Brown? That's fucked up in a "big society" sorta way, while the hate-on people have for black people cosplaying anime characters is fucked up in a smaller way.

Still fucked up though.

>> No.8473005
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I think I counted 18 people in total

>> No.8473208

This is pretty much it. At best, SJWs are young people with their hearts in the right place who are unaware of how intolerant the movement actually is. At worst, SJWs are people who, deep down, are depressed and self-hating, and they think that pretending to have hundreds of special snowflake identities and supposedly fighting against "bigotry" (which is funny, because they're typically bigots themselves) will earn them gold stars and friends that they wouldn't otherwise have.

They participate in slacktivism. If they really cared so much about the causes that they claim are so important to them, why aren't they volunteering at places such as LGBT community centres and organizations? Why aren't they donating to charity? Why aren't they attending demonstrations and protests?

How about countries where girls are forced to marry at age 13? How about countries where gay people get the death penalty? Is that really less important than fandom matters like "oh, this creator didn't make my favourite gay pairing happen. They're homophobes!".

And, you know, for a group that focuses on diversity, their views sure are Ameri-centric. You shouldn't make statements like "white people never face racism" if you're talking about anime because anime isn't made in America and isn't made for Americans. The reason so few anime characters are black is not "because racism", but because there aren't many black people in Japan.

That's it. That is why people hate SJWs. It's not because we deny that prejudice and social injustice exist. We just think that the movement is toxic and hypocritical, and if these issues are important to you, then fandom and the Internet should not be the main places that you focus on. We don't want the conventions that we enjoy to be supporting these people and their ignorant and extremist views. We've tried having conversations with them, but they always just respond by insulting us or sending death threats instead of actually trying.

>> No.8473469
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sounds like fun

>> No.8473749

Translation: anon has encountered a handful of people on the internet who made them not feel like a special snowflake who understands and relates to everything because they have the default cultural norm and is mad at them.

In real life, most SJWs ARE LGBT people, women, and racially marginalized individuals who want better representation. The other proportion are people who want to support those people. A small minority are, like any community, assholes.

>> No.8473839
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Here's your response

>> No.8473905

Ah, so you're incapable of handling any sort of cognizant thought and have, instead, decided to vomit like an infant. Got it.

>> No.8473920
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>> No.8473937

Such articulate.

>> No.8473954


>> No.8473961

tfw anons respond with shitposting after losing an argument

good job

>> No.8473964


>> No.8473967

If you're looking at anime, you're not going to get that representation. Japan isn't the magical inclusive place that weeaboos make it out to be. If you want to discuss representation, research Japanese culture and understand why they lack representation, and leave your Ameri-centric bullshit at the door.

It's ironic that you're calling ME a special snowflake when SJW culture is basically made up almost entirely of them. Half the people claiming to be LGBT will not be LGBT anymore by the time they're out of college or university for a couple of years, nor will any of the "I'm actually a unicorn!" or "I'm horsegendered and my pronouns are 'horse', 'horse's' and 'horseself'". You're the culture full of people making up fake conditions like "transracial" and "transabled".

If you care so much about these causes, why are you spending your time on the Internet and at conventions when you could be out volunteering for LGBT organizations and doing charity work for countries where girls are forced to marry 40 year old polygamous men by the time they're 14? You've said nothing to convince me that SJWs are more than slacktivists and attention whores.

Aggression is the primary method of SJWs, and it doesn't work. Education, understanding, and civilized conversation is. You can't blame us for being frustrated and angry with your culture when we've tried many times to tell you this and been given nothing but death threats, insults, and parroted responses.

>> No.8473978


>> No.8473986

can't we just talk about conventions?

>> No.8473999

Apparently not, Mrs tumblr and Mr. /pol/ are having couple problems

>> No.8474003

We are. SJW shit is killing cons and needs to be addressed.

>> No.8474024

Anon is some kind of psychic god apparently

Also, transracial was decried entirely by the SJWs because it's not real. Stop making shit up

Sorry anon, you're just some backwards fuck who thinks his/her special snowflake opinion is worth a kek

Back to conventions like Enver said: Apop is soon.

>> No.8474031

>implying we don't hate /pol/ idiots, too

>> No.8474037

>let's pretend to be mature and stop the hissy fit
>but not before I get the last word!

fuck you both, no one gives a shit

>> No.8474039

is for

forgot to tag
Still, leave

>> No.8474084

I'm looking forward to Dick or no Dick at APop! XD

>> No.8474117

What's that?

>> No.8474134

A game show where you guess if a link is going to bring you to a dick pic or not.

>> No.8474136

It's a game hosted at Atomic Lollipop, where you visit a men's wanted ads and have to guess whether or not there's dick pic behind it. It's basically a no win scenario where if you guess wrong, you lose the game and if you guess right you see dicks pics.

I've never attended it before, but it's apparently really fun. Especially with the audience chanting "DICK! DICK! DICK! DICK! DICK! DICK!............................................................."

It's one of those crude things that's not for everyone and only really fun if you're drunk or high on something.

>> No.8474243

>tfw no lolita gf I cook clean enjoy nature cycle and have a qt3.14 doge(collie) that I love as I would my child
>tfw no friends into cosplay
>tfw no weeaboo friends
>tfw no one to go to cons with

I-i wish I could meet some montreal/quebec seagulls I swear im sane not fat shower and really friendly ;-;

>> No.8474270

skype me, bitch

>> No.8474277

it seems my skype/hotmail account was deleted since i haven't used in like a year

evno shit is like 10+ years old,,,,,

>> No.8474282

fuck it, make a new one
I've been looking a long while for normie-passing weeb friends

>> No.8474295

you should try 7/99/420chan irc or even the 4chan rizon irc channels all the kool kidz krew members use irc

>> No.8475390

>Animethon might be the only decent one with panels.
Animethon has almost always been tumblr-con when it comes to its panels.

>> No.8475807

It's also the MOST crowded event at the con, so heads up because they might not be able to let everyone in. The room will be crowded, hot and smelly unless they manage to get a bigger space this year.

>> No.8475983

no one complains about that shit anymore. shut up and cosplay the character without thinking that people are even paying attention to you, yet alone dissing your skin color.