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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8449858 No.8449858 [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't find a thread about this in the catalog.

>people who keep preaching "cosplay is just for fun!!!!" and won't accept that there is a thing called skill levels that is existent in cosplay just like there is in art.
>People who act like they're cosfamous even though no one barely knows about them

>> No.8449909

>thinking a petticoat is optional
>thinking black goes with everything
>those goddamn rhapsody wigs.

>> No.8449976

>socks over tights
>not cutting your damn bangs
>tennis shoes with coords
>stupid shaped eyebrows (stars, hearts, dots, etc)

>> No.8450064

ugh. rhapsody wigs look so unkempt and trashy. why would someone pay for a wig that makes it look like you have bedhead

>> No.8450135

>the fact that for some reason lolita and jfash got tossed into the same board as cosplay
i love you cosplayers. in fact i used to cosplay myself
but it's weird as hell that we have to share a board. i come here for lolita, gyaru, and other jfash, and i don't like wading through convention generals to find those jfash threads
imagine a new board. /jfa/ or /lol/
for lolita and other jfash
who do i have to pay to get that?

>> No.8450160

>people suggesting party city/cheap amazon wigs with all honesty, excusing it with "cosplay is just for fun"
>when you ask for legit help and the same ppl respond to your post with "whatever you think is best! youre the only one who has to approve of your cosplay"
>the hoards of fucking cosplay positivity posts being circle jerked to on con fb pages
>tumblr "cosfame" ppl who get sponsored with shitty storenvy costumes and then get tons of notes just bc they're "trans" or poc.
>snk cosplayers who dont buy or make the fucking harness piece

>> No.8450215


>> No.8450218

ita detected

>> No.8450234

My dream is that someday there will be an image board for lolita/jfash completely separate from 4chan. /Cgl/ is the best place left for discussing lolita mainly because the anonymous image board format is superior to all others (live journal, face book, blogs, etc.) Unfortunately it's embedded into a website like 4chan, which is basically a cesspool despite being amusing at times. Anybody else feel this way? I mean, 4chan is alright, but I feel kind of like a hostage sometimes.

>> No.8450242


goddamn right i am

>> No.8450313

>Wearing detachable bows from dresses on your head.

>> No.8450378
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I fuckin hate people who refuse to wear makeup with their coord or cosplay. Why would you go through the trouble of spending all of this time and money only to look like sickly tired horseshit? And it would be so bad if it wasn't for the hoards of tumblrinas rushing to their defense and shooting anyone down who actually loves makeup. I swear to god if I hear one more person say "makeup feels like lying" I'll puke. I'm sorry I don't naturally look like a magical Japanese fourteen year old I need some damn concealer.

>> No.8450473

True. Lolita has overrun /cgl/ at this point. The only cosplay stuff anymore is the convention threads and help threads, which I don't mind scrolling over, but it's kind of sad for them. I used to come here for cosplay back in the day, and it wasn't like this.
I think cosplayers deserve to get /cgl/ back, and jfash should get its own board. I guess lolita should technically be in /fa/ but lol no
I honestly don't mind. /cgl/ is pretty isolated other than the occasional "who should I cosplay as I'm from /fit/" threads. Just don't mention it too anyone and there won't be any problems.

>> No.8450485

I love mine, I have straight, fine natural hair!
Hagrid Lolita 4ver!
Though I do keep mine brushed and fairly subdued.
Plus they are nice and warm in winter!

>> No.8450505

>poorfags who gripe about the cost of lolita
>people who try to lolify every damn thing
>fandom mashup lolita coords
>people whining because a meet activity costs over $10. Why the f*ck do you have frilly, expensive clothes if you can't afford to go anywhere nice?
>lolitas taking their coord photos in shitpit rooms, showing that they live like pigs despite frilly princess clothes.
>bad eyelash application and cheap, shitty lashes. Yes, we can tell.

>> No.8450770
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Fucking shitty antler headbands. Its especially frustrating because it looks like the ones they're trying to replicate are white tails and those fucks run through my yard almost everyday.

Like god damn its like these people have never seen a deer in their life. Niggas looking like a deformed shit.
>fact most antlers follow a distinct pattern
>pic related
>if not the deer has some sort of issue
>genetic or physical
>guess their not too far off then

>> No.8450775
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Another structural pic for relevance

>> No.8450783

I'd say that they could just wear real antlers, but since I work at a taxidermy, I realize that those fuckers are heavy as hell.

>> No.8450795

I have a pair of yearlings that, while really old and bleached by the sun, could probably suit for a albino accord headdress really well. Trouble is the mounting. I have no idea how to do that and make it look any kind of decent/fashionable.

>> No.8450804

I did get some small real ones. They aren't terribly heavy.

>> No.8450832

Probably have to get a sturdy headband and screw them on, and not have huge ones from a full grown buck

>> No.8450840

>People that see sweaty hambeast in costume "oh you're so beautiful"
>sees non hambeast in same costume "slut showing her body off"

>> No.8450846
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Leave it to OP to take the fun out of dress-up.

>> No.8450857

Post something I just finished.
"Nice, Anon, where'd you get/how did you do X?"
Like I'm their resource?

>> No.8450860

>people who are just terrible at applying body paint
do people seriously look at themselves in the mirror and go "yup, this looks good!"?

>paint used to define a change of color in clothing.
say a shirt has colored stripes or something. they will just badly paint it on with fabric or acrylic paint.
saw that shit a lot at AX today.

>> No.8450864
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People who whine about never "having money to do anything fun" but meanwhile have no problem producing more kids they can't take care of, can't commit to school to get a job at anything higher than fast food, eating out thrice a week, and in general having a really entitled attitude towards society for not giving them enough despite not actually having earned anything.

And I wouldn't be so burned about it if these slobs could stay off my radar, but unfortunately they've embedded themselves so far into my friend circle that I have to put up with their backhanded envy. Apparently I'm "spoiled" because I can afford lolita due to not having babies, finishing graduate school, and working my ass off. When I politely point out that I made choices and sacrifices to get where I am when they give me snark, they just throw excuses at me and make up bullshit.

I hate jealous poorshits more than anything, especially the ones who brought their situations on themselves.

>> No.8450865

I think bad body paint most often comes from being too cheap to practice enough so it looks good or cheaping out on paint quality or both. I hate to see it done badly!

>> No.8450867

This is why I don't post photos very often in lolita groups. If I have something cute, I don't really want to tell you where I got it or how I made it.

>> No.8450870

>Am I a resource?
Well, what if you are?
Personally I never cared about giving brief explanations so long as people don't demand a step-by-step how-to DIY from me.

>> No.8450871

>Newb Lolitas buying a wig or lenses before having a decent petti or shoes.
>No blouse under JSK and still tagging 'lolita'.

>> No.8450877 [DELETED] 

And what if I don't want to say? Asking publicly kind of puts a person on the spot so I think it's a bit rude.

>> No.8450886

>And what if I don't want to say?
Well why wouldn't you out of curiosity? Do you just not like people copying you because of competition or...?

>> No.8450888

And what if I don't want to say? Asking publicly puts someone on the spot, it's a bit rude.

>> No.8450891

For >>8450888.
I just don't see how it's automatically rude.

>> No.8450895

Because if I find or make something nice, maybe I don't want everyone else to have it. Plus if it's a purchased item, let them do their own research to find things. Also if I'm posting my outfit for concrit and they don't give me any, why should I help them out?

>> No.8450897

Because if I ignore the question, that's rude too. So they put me on the spot. I guess I can say I'm not listing specifics? Idk. What is a good reply?

>> No.8450905

yearling antlers, from a yearling, as in, baby deer. Not a full grown buck you silly. The headband idea might work if it's wide enough to let them balance on it.

>> No.8450908

>found items
Well, you're just being purposefully secretive in that case because you don't want an available good to belong to someone else. That's petty and juvenile.

>made items
I can see where you're coming from a bit more here because it does suck to put in the research to make something right only to have someone else want to be spoonfed, but even if they do learn from you it's not like theirs will turn out to be as good as yours.

Alternatively you could also be straightforward and tell them you won't be telling them. They can be mad and you can get what you want. Just be straightforward and it ends there unless the other person wants to look bad pitching a tantrum.

>> No.8450915

Time to start burning bridges that link to shitty, jealous poorfags anon.

>> No.8451073

Unrelated but this game was my shit in kindergarten

>> No.8451098

Make them so jelly that they flip their shit and kick YOU to the curb. Problem solved. It usually doesn't take much. It feels really great to be free of these kind of people too.

>> No.8451107

There's this one girl in my comm with the annoying habit of buying pieces from sales and auctions, and then selling them again straight away. She does it with her costumes and figures too, but it's the worst with lolita clothes.

One day she'll be posting on every page about her new purchases, boasting about how cheap she got them for, and then next thing you know she's selling them on the sales comm with some stupid markup. Sometimes she doesn't even wear them first, and decides while it's at her SS that it won't fit, or she doesn't want it anymore.

She can't even afford to buy most of them and whines about being on the benefit and or not being able to pay for her orders.

Sorry the vent thread is in autosage, but damn this girl grinds my gears for someone that's just buying and selling.

>> No.8451108

Go away fucking normie trash

>> No.8451139

Insecure petty pedants on /cgl/

>> No.8451173

That the "Lolita memes in English" FB group just posts things from BTB.
Is it so hard to be original?

>> No.8451181

I enjoy it. I can read all the funny ones there without having to wade through the nasty ones on BTB. I'm glad they repost these.

>> No.8451256
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When trends go out of style before I can even buy it.

>> No.8451300
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My #1 geargrinder: People who try to justify their shitty costumes with "I'm just doing it for fun!!!!! ^___^kekeke" when obviously they want to be asspatted and told they're god-tier cosplayers and use the "just for fun" excuse to get out of taking criticism.

>(legitimate criticism from others)

Other things:
>People who use bullshit excuses to justify not knowing the characters they cosplay ("I have a life outside of cosplay, I don't have the time to watch ALL the animes I cosplay from" etc) when they're so obviously just attention whore fucks
>People who know that Nigri is a hack and has other people do her shitty cosplays for her nor does she give two shits about her fans or the characters but STILL adore and defend her

>> No.8451327

I still think you should have fun in cosplay but it just annoys me when people act like someone who slapped together some j-nig tier cosplay (bra and skirt) and someone who actually used a lot of time on theirs are "on the same level" because cosplay is "just for fun"
I hope that makes sense, I'm not sure how to properly explain it in english.

>> No.8451334

this is sort of was I was trying to say

>> No.8451491

Dear God yes
>waaaah if I say it's for fun you can't criticise me you jelly hater
>teehee everyone look at my casual thing NO CONCRIT PLS

Annoys me in everything really, art, fashion, crafts.
If you want to improve, accept critique and learn from it. If you don't want to be criticised, consider not slapping yourself all over the internet. You may need our validation but we surely don't need your weak bullshit. Hugboxes will only cause you to wallow in your own shit feeling content and safe, hooray for you.

>> No.8451502

>"Lolita has no rules! uwu"
>Newbies asking questions that can easily be solved with 2 seconds of googling because "Well, I'd rather hear it from you guys! uwu"
>People who defend replicas.
You just think you're somehow entitled to have a print even if you can't fit/afford it.

>> No.8451522

People who constantly talk about what they wanna cosplay and every time they see a new movie or tv show or whatever they're like "ohhh i wanna cosplay that!!!!!" and they never pull through with it.

>> No.8451526

This is probably a derail, but as a non-loli, what is a replica and why are they bad?

>> No.8451549

Speaking of things you could have googled in 2 seconds:

>> No.8451570
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So you've met my family?
>female cousins all got married and started having oopsie babies (all of whom are cursed with ridiculous names) before they turned 21
>practically no education post high school and unemployed
>most ambitious cousin dropped out of cosmetology school after one semester
>their husbands work minimum wage jobs
>financially supported by their parents because they'd probably be evicted otherwise
>spend their time watching television while eating takeaway and complaining
>I'm in grad school, STEM field
>bf is also in grad school, medical field
>no kids until we've both got real jobs and are ready to support a family
>parents sometimes give me money to spend on holidays and little extras
>very few expenses means I can spend money on lolita and other hobbies that make me happy

>somehow I'm the spoiled one while they are the ones who have succeeded in life

Do they expect me to fund my cousins' poor life choices or something?

>> No.8451590

>calling yourself Lolita but wearing it like once or twice a year. Going once to big tea party just to show yourself off in a shitty coord.

I really hate people who call themselves Lolita but don't wear it almost at all,just show up to one big event or to calendar meet, just to be in a Lolita calendar. Hypocrite

>> No.8451632

I dunno I feel like the same balls that gives me the ability to wear cosplay and own it gives me the power to wear an unusual, non-mainstream fashion like lolita without the stares of normies getting me down.

>> No.8453541
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>Lolitas who know schoolgirl French and act haughty because they think it makes them more rori than u
>Americans who come to Europe (specifically France, but I've seen this elsewhere) and think they're hot shit because they've once taken a picture on the Champs-Elysées, or overdress and look stupid because they want to live out their Audrey Hepburn film fantasies and then whine when they get pickpocketed by gypsies
>Same goes for lolitas
>people in general who desperately try to make their life seem ~glamorous~ on social media when they work in mcdo, get pissed from cheap booze on weekends and vomit on the sidewalk and that's the highlight of their life
>lolitas who think their shit don't stink and put down younger/noob girls because they think themselves too good for them

>> No.8453552
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> "I'm new to lolita and I wanna wear it so badly! My favorite styles are guro and wa-lolita!"

>> No.8453719
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Lolitas grind my gears mostly. They're the weeaboo equivalent of crazy cat lady. So socially fucked up in the head that they think dressing like a tiny child and yelling at other people for not looking correctly like a child.

They put on clothing for the sheer sake of yelling at other people wearing clothing.

The hobby doesn't imply talent. It's just a giant money-sink.

Nobody admires it except for grannies.

It's literally a collection of monkeys in frilly dresses flinging shit at each other.

>> No.8453747

People have talked about separating the two for years, and the general consensus is that a board specifically for lolita or cosplay would be way too slow. /cgl/ isn't the most popular of boards on a good day, so there's really no reason to kill one portion of the acronym just because some people don't like cosplay.

>> No.8453783

>how do I wash this?????

I swear, has no one ever done laundry? Spot test, then Cold water,air/line dry. Not that hard

>> No.8453799

I think you should stick to tumblr and the facebook comms if you don't like 4chan. They allow people to discuss stuff and you avoid the "cesspool" thing.

I don't agree with you at all and actually really enjoy 4chan's board culture.

>> No.8453803

My favourite thing about that page is that I've seen multiple people say "ugh, BtB is vile, I get my laughs from lolita memes!"

>> No.8453810

I post this in every vent thread and will continue to do it until people stop it.


You don't even need to buy proper boots! Make boot covers! Do anything that isn't a superhero wearing fucking sneakers (Unless it's Spider-Gwen with those built-in comfy as fuck-looking Chucks)

>> No.8453842



>> No.8453865

>Feel like a hostage

Why? really? Then just log off the internet.

4Chan is so dynamic that bad things from internet come to be known and discussed easier, instead of tolerated like in Tumblr. If I was to choose between witty opinions about a hobbie, and being in a separate community like Tumblr or Reddit... the answer is simple.
4chan shares "the worst " with all internet, you won't ever find a clean site, unless is an abandoned Lolita forum full of asspats.

At least we don't share a forum with 2chan

>> No.8453927

In the otaku comm of my area, one girl is begging people to let her borrow some lolita dresses and asian costumes because she want to organise an "asian fashion show".
She really believe some people is gonna give her expensive burando dresses like that? LOL

>> No.8453950

I could see the reasoning behind having Jfash and cosplay on one board when /cgl/ was first established and neither were as big as they are now, but both have grown to the point where the board moves fast enough that it wouldn't hurt to split the board. /con/ could be re-purposed to an actual convention and cosplay board, and /cgl/ could be changed to exclusively Jfash.

Both boards will slow down, but at least less popular threads won't sink as fast, so there would be more thread variety.

I come here for cosplay because the only other options are Coscom and r/cosplay. Coscom has strict moderation and way too many newbs pretending to be experienced cosplayers and giving shitty advice. r/cosplay is more focused on oggling finished cosplays than discussing the hobby, and Reddit's upvote/downvote system is fucking awful.

>> No.8453957

say this on tumblr

>> No.8453977

someone already posted a screenshot of that post lmao
the second i saw it on my dash i knew it was from this thread

>> No.8454023
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>Coswhores who use comm pages for promoting their own shit.
>Coswhores who use the comm pages to ask stupid questions when they claim to be elite tier.
>Coswhores who put their cosplay plans in the comm pages like they're claiming the character.

The comm pages aren't there solely for your narcissistic needs, fuck off coswhores and keep that shit on your fan page. I have one that doesn't even use her fan page anymore she just spams the cosplay comm pages. Fucking attention whores.

>> No.8454350

When people don't know the character they're cosplaying. If it's a super complicated design and you sew then that's different but otherwise it just bugs me and I don't have a really good reason why.

>> No.8458044

I don't think you should a whole community based on shit some salty bitches say on /cgl/, anon.

>inb4 salty lolita

I cosplay.

>> No.8458047

*should judge

Forgot a word.

>> No.8458555

why do people still say months after 12? thats what grinds my gears. like when moms say their babies are 24 months old. no, hes fucking 2 you idiot

>> No.8458710

Probably because babies grow a lot within a span of a month, and 18 months is different than 24 months. For someone older, a month is not as significant which is why I don't define myself at 230 months old.

>> No.8458910

Because young kids develop very fast in the span of a few months. You can have two 2 year olds who are both learning to speak and are about the same level, but one is 24 months and the other is 32 months. It's much more significant if you say 24 months than 2. Point being a ton happens in a year for babies.

>> No.8458944

Oh man, I used to have this game.

>> No.8458975

When people get mad at me for making a rave outfit when I'm fattychan because its not modest. Raves are hot, im showered and deoderanted, fuck off. Im losing weight for cosplay at a gym and it always grinds my gears

>> No.8458997

I was a really quiet and polite little kid but started actual physical fights over this game.

>> No.8459768

People who act like not wearing makeup and not being dressed to the nines is a big accomplishment and/or blog about it for attention.

There was this chick who went backpacking through South America and of all the things she could've blogged about, she blogged about how backpacking made her 'change her views' and stop wearing so much makeup. Half of the blog post was how about insecure she felt next to some chick wearing head to toe designer, not gonna link it because it's on Jizzabel and it's irrelevant.

Like, are you really so starved for attention that you can't not blog about looking normal? And it's mostly Americans who pull this shit too. This whole #urbutiful thing is seriously getting old, do women have zero self-esteem nowadays? Do you really follow the media so blindly that you genuinely believe a picture of a skinny, pretty model is oppressing you or whatever? Fucking hell. I follow so many lolitas on ig who do this, it's surreal.

>> No.8459779

Coords with shitty lingerie paired with brand for "ero"

>> No.8459811

Right? Idgaf I'm getting my egg bag anyways bitches

>> No.8459827

>People with the wrong body for their cosplay
Now I'm not talking race here. You can cosplay a character from whatever race you want, you can still make it work. I mean land whales cosplaying skinny characters and guys with twig arms doing jojo.

If you are gonna do the character get in the right shape for them

>> No.8459830

People don't want to see your gross body. That's pretty much it.

>> No.8459945

That's not really that much better than making it about race tbh and I hate fat people

>> No.8459951

One thing you can change to make a costume work better, the other you can't but can still make work despite

That's unless you what to do a so funny character but fat

>> No.8459977

>"This whole #urbutiful thing is seriously getting old, do women have zero self-esteem nowadays? Do you really follow the media so blindly that you genuinely believe a picture of a skinny, pretty model is oppressing you or whatever?"

Yes, and yes. Unfortunately America is pretty fucked up.

>> No.8460023

>Lolitas who get maximum sand over anime. Lolita may not be cosplay, but denying lolita and anime aren't related is just retarded. Brands do collabs with anime series all the time, most lolitas get into it through anime, and most anime conventions cater to us. It's cool if you don't like anime, but please don't be a bitch about it and scoff anytime you hear people talking about it or, even worse, go to anime conventions for the lolita stuff and complain about it.
>Wigs that don't match the coord.
>People who say wigs are mandatory, especially when their reasoning is because everyone has boring or shit hair. It's like, stop projecting your short comings on the rest of the female population. Enough women in the every day world have amazing hair where you should realize some people really don't need wigs.
>People assuming my hair is a wig or I wear extensions are a result of complaint mentioned above. Long, think curls are not some unicorn rare occurrence, I am far from the only lolita with hair like this, I don't get why people automatically assume pretty hair=fake.
>When offbrand lolitas think their wardrobe is superior to a brandwhores just because thy have more. It's honestly more hilarious than it is angering.
>Peeking bloomers.
>People who can't accept that lolita is an expensive hobby and that you will indeed sometimes have to pay well over retail for extremely popular pieces. I'm sorry you can't accept the fact that auctions for very rare things are often bloodbaths that end up at $500+, but that doesn't mean you need to bitch about "scalping" every time you want something that costs more than $400.
>Salty bitches who freak out anytime you say anything positive about yourself, regardless of the context. I got shit from some newb at a meet once because another newb was asking us how many brand main pieces we all had to get an idea of what she should aspire to and I answered.

>> No.8460704

its a crop and high-waist elastic shorts. Half the people there are more naked than me. im allowed to be annoyed when people get on my case.

>> No.8460747

>And it's mostly Americans who pull this shit too.

It's because Americans have gullible, pants-on-head retarded ideals about female beauty standards. Women in media are never seen without makeup, even when alleging they aren't wearing any. Even males wear makeup and or shooped now. So of course the average woman is going to feel incredibly inadequate when compared to media bitches via commercials, movies, billboards, magazines, and internet ads.
Not many understand that most average women are a bit saggy, have dark circles, have a couple zits, and stretchmarks.

Source: I'm an American.

>> No.8460859

>when people don't link to the previous thread when they're posting a new general
I'm lazy god damnit.

I've noticed that watching American vs. UK media, American shows are full of good-looking people whereas UK shows are full of fat/ugly/old/normal people. Like in an American school series the ugly nerd is played by a good-looking person with unflattering glasses and a bad haircut where in a UK series they would be played by an actual ugly person. It's probably harder to feel good about yourself when above-average attractive people are constantly being portrayed as average and below.

>Peeking bloomers
fite me

>> No.8460957

I've noticed that too.
As an amerifat I enjoy British tv more. Mostly because they have actual old or weird looking people.

>> No.8460981

was going to post this in cosplay/con pet peeves...
but I feel like complaining

>cosplayer recently learned to sew
>already offering commissions

>star clips
>star clips
>star clips

>> No.8460993

I love wearing this shit but I don't even tag it lolita much less 'Ero'.

Peeve related:
1. people throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their 'lolita coord' for a con or event when half of it isn't even lolita.
2. Shitty handmade scepters and adding a peignoir and/or wearing some weird, big or droopy headpiece because 'I'm going OTT for the con'.

>> No.8461022

Girl on my fb constantly posting shit like, "Teehee I'm such a crazy yandere!". She wants to cosplay Jinx, Harley Quinn, Yuno Gasai etc.

Bitch, mental illness isn't cute or trendy, and by fetishising it you're making it worse for those who suffer from it.

>> No.8461275
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What really grinds me is lolitas who think that they own the dressing rooms. I once went to a fairly small con few years ago, and i was pretty excited to hear there's going to be a lolita fashion show. I didn't really know about lolitas back then.
Suddenly, there the comes the group of salty bitches who think they own everything. I was fetching my things from the dressing room, (it was okay to leave things there if you didn't leave them everywhere in the room), and the flood of nasty elitist like lolitas came in. No kidding, they were almost literally looking down on others, while bringing their ~sugoi precious burando~ to the filthy, small dressing room that was just not good enough for them. So, i was getting my stuffs, and this one bigass ~super kawaii leader lolita~ bumps into me, and tells me that "if i don't have anything serious to do here, then get the fuck out, we need this room more than you".

So yeah, that was my first experience (and the only one!) with lolitas since then. Good job, random lolitas. You gave a really good image of others as well back then.

>> No.8461296

Even worse
>fuzzy star clips

>> No.8461340

Yanderes are a national treasure

>> No.8461406

Those are for cold weather

>> No.8461448

I completely agree with this but sadly every lolita site has been a failure.

>> No.8461718

I just wish someone had the money/time whatever to make another image board exactly like /cgl/ but not hosted on 4chan. I mean, lolcow enthusiasts went and did it when PT and Kooter threads became verboten, right?

>> No.8461729

I remember a little over a year ago someone was making a website so people could share lolita profiles, rate coordinates, and post on forums.
Lots of people back the idea but the dumbshit founders made it invite only.
What the fuck. If trolls/non-lolitas were the problem then they could easily be found and banned, but no. Shit can't be that simple.

As a result people were trying to cheat the system by reposting invite codes, but they just got their admins to ban those accounts made with duplicate invite codes. Obviously people were willing to join, but the owners couldn't move past the ~*~exclusivity desu~*~ twilight of their website. And it wouldn't have mad people so pissy, had they not spammed it here to begin with.

>> No.8461741

>people who are naturally attractive
>people with money
>people who give the bullshit of "everyone can cosplay anything!" (I mean yeah, no one's gonna stop you, but you're gonna look like shit.)
>people who get into cosplay through friends who are experienced at cosplay and start off looking really good because of a combination of naturally attractive, infinite money, and cosplay senpais

>> No.8461804

On the other hand that's why we get 'hurrdurr this is a 10/10 in Britain' from Americans who watch Miss Marple or whatever

>> No.8462047
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>aliexpress doesn't ship to my state
>make up tests/progress updates that are just a wig and contacts with 23 photos of the same pose
>asking other people to pick your cosplays for you based on what they apparently want to see you as

no one cares. pick them yourself.

>people who bring a shit ton of costumes to a con

why in the actual fuck would you need to bring every single cosplay you have? You're going to be spending your entire con changing in the hotel room. And people cut corners to do this; for example, they tend to keep the make up on. Every one of their cosplays from "yaoi the kid" to "that guy from league" all have that stupid winged eye liner. I was browsing a forum once and I swear some chick was bringing 17 costumes to one con. And they were all casual cosplays like pajama versions or neko versions or a high school AU that required no effort.

Seriously, just bring two or three cosplays and rock them like the Bubble Bowl.

>> No.8462122

slow shipping. why are my SAL packages taking 2 months to arrive? it's normally 3 weeks.

>> No.8462127
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>owns this
>no fucks

>> No.8462157

It's definitely doable. I hope someone has the time/energy to set it up.

Wasn't that Lacebook? I never got on it but it looked like a complete clusterfuck. I don't know why they thought the invite codes was a good idea. Gotta look important somehow!

>> No.8462434

Sekrit cosplay. Not stepping on toes when planning group cosplays by wanting to do the same character. Stopped pushing shows because solo is better.

>> No.8462439
File: 23 KB, 480x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not liking the fact that a girl in my comm has been gathering a lot of negative attention lately. Especially with the way that people have been talking about her, she has been making my comm look really bad. My comm is pretty much super quiet and drama free otherwise, but with her videos and such, she's putting every single one of us out there along with her, whether some of us like it or not.

I really feel like she needs to be kicked out of the comm, but at the same time, she hasn't actually done anything that has personally attacked it. She's pretty nice in person, despite having her online persona being vilified negatively.

I just don't know what to do. She considers me as her friend, too. Maybe I should just slowly isolate myself away from her?

>> No.8462445

Most people won't judge a whole public comm by one person like that. I would consider distance though, and maybe some unofficial meets without her if others are also upset about it. That will let the area comm stay for everyone but give some of you a little haven from her 'publicity'.

>> No.8462451

Also if she's nice, why do online people dislike her? Annoying fake persona? I always wonder how some e-notorious Lolitas will act in person, sometimes it's quite different.

>> No.8462455

What about trimming a rhapsody wig down to a reasonable length? Like, armpit length rather than waist or whatever they're at.

>> No.8462462

Real hair looks sweaty and shitty after 6 hours at a con.
Wigs do not.
Fucking fight me.

>> No.8462470

>"Who should I cosplay?" threads in any fb group
Just fucking pick a character you like and get to it. Don't pick someone you look like but have no knowledge about.

>I want to cosplay as X character. But I'm not skilled enough to build it so i'm going as casual X.
No fuck off.

>I'm Human X character because I can't get the paint. Will anyone recognise me?

>Can I get a photo with you?
>"Sorry I'm really in a rush to get somewhere and I can't really stop."
>Fuck you then
If i'm hauling ass to a place and i can't stop then fucking deal with it don't be an asshole

>> No.8462484

She does put up a "fake" online persona (talking in a really high baby voice so kawaii~~~~!"), but it's been rubbing off on people the wrong way.
Without disclosing too much, she also does meetup vlogs, which some people in my comm have actually expressed discomfort with.

>> No.8462499

Jillian? Wasn't she leaving lolita anyway?

>6 hours at a con
>implying cons are the only place to wear lolita
I'm not wearing a wig to have coffee with my friends, sis. It's not a costume.

>> No.8462503

This. Unless it's an outright creeper like Melissa or John, and even then people will be more concerned about the creeper themselves than the rest of the comm.

Can't you guys just ban video cameras at meetups? Tell her to keep her ~*kawaii*~ online persona out of the comm and not use you guys as an accessory.

>> No.8462505

That kind of filming is not ok. She should be told point blank not to film at meetups if it makes anyone uncomfortable. Meets are the group's time, you guys are not her video cast. Let her ask some girls out to a separate filming meet that she hosts, for those who want to be filmed. That's perfectly fair to require this.

>> No.8462512

>make up tests/progress updates that are just a wig and contacts with 23 photos of the same pose
>asking other people to pick your cosplays for you based on what they apparently want to see you as

These both
fucking both of these fucking things

Shitty generic make-up tests with a wig straight out of the bag are not WIP photos. They're not interesting to look at so stop fucking flooding my community with them. Get your ass back to sewing and sanding and show us some real progress and effort.

If you can't pick a cosplay on your own and you're in it just for the FUNNY CLOTHESXD then you can go fuck yourself. At least ask for sources that have a certain type of character you could enjoy and get acquainted with it instead of just going "WHAT SHOULD I COSPLAY AS GUYS PLZ HELP ME" like a retard.

>> No.8462514

If it is Jillian, y'all better nip that in the bud, and set some comm boundaries fast...that girl is only going to get worse about her ways of filming stuff, not better. She's very nearly seeming obsessed with it now and I can see that just from watching some of her videos.

>> No.8462523

>Ask if i could take a picture
>girl sounds very irritated and pose with a scowl on her face
>"psh, whatever."

>> No.8462529

The tennis shoe stuff doesn't bother me as much as it does other lolitas personally. Especially when they have changed out of their shoes because their feet are sore. Not everyone can stand around in lolita shoes. Especially ones with heels.

>> No.8462536

Problem is they have tapered ends and their length also pulls them a bit flatter. I'm afraid if you cut one it would be bushy and poufy unless you can manage to re-taper the ends a lot and then you risk it looking stringy at the bottom. The biggest reason they often look the way they do is that they tangle very very easily and people don't use proper wig styling products to tame them or keep them well combed and braid them to store them. They need constant amounts of attention to even look as good as they do on the site. They are the most high maintainance wig I've ever had. But the knock-offs are thin and scraggly. I'm afraid to get a Diva but I still kind of want to.

>> No.8462538

>people who keep preaching "cosplay is just for fun!!!!" and won't accept that there is a thing called skill levels that is existent in cosplay just like there is in art.

well...I don't judge peoples bad cosplay unless they've specifically stated it's not for fun

>> No.8462576


Not OP, but I don't think it's so much anyone judging the people who want to cosplay "just for fun!!!", but rather, these "just for fun!!!" people don't seem able to comprehend that their inaccurate closet cosplays don't quite rank on the same level as someone who actually made a fancy accurate-to-source costume with many complicated parts, props and is perfectly styled.

I mean, cosplay "for fun!!!" all you want, but it's not your place to demand that people pay you attention or give you the same amount of praise or respect that they would give to someone else who demonstrated a much higher level of skill in putting together a far more complicated cosplay than yours.

>> No.8462592

This entire post. Not the person you were responding to, or OP, but yes, i agree with you completely. I've had some friends who have worn some outfits that they've either bought, or it was just a closet cosplay, and threw out the 'Naw i'm just here for fun' remark. But it's when you sit there and get buttmad that you're not getting the same amount of attention as the person who's cosplay looks stellar.

>> No.8462633

>People who use worbla for everything.
>Peple who think worbla monsters are better and deserve more attention than a sewn garment. I really want the worbla trend to go away.
>People that purposefully drop a neckline on their cosplay so it shows off their tits. Especially when the character or cosplay is meant to be modest.
>Pastel Bodyline seifukus.
>When I can see the wood grain on your prop because you didn't fucking prime it.
>Arda Wigs. I have never had a single good wig from them ever and I've ordered at least 12 at this point.

>> No.8462635

It's also annoying when they imply that anyone who actually puts effort into their costumes is somehow not having fun. Like why the hell do they think we're even here? Do they think it's impossible to enjoy making accurate cosplays and we're just doing it for attention or to make them feel bad?

>> No.8462983

Jesus I wish a quick death to the worbla fad. It RARELY looks good in real life unless you've spent a lot of time backing, sealing and sanding it in which case you'd be better off with just EVA foam or something and it'd be a lot cheaper for one thing. A lot of people get away with shitty construction and looking nothing like the original source just because they covered their prop in motherfucking worbla and unsanded, creased gesso layers if even that.

It's not some magical essence of god tier cosplay, it requires just as much effort to look good as any other material. And when people just cover EVERYTHING with it to save their time and effort without realizing it still looks like shit.

>> No.8463027

Just wait until you've lost more weight, no one wants to see that shit

>> No.8463202

Depends on your hair, bro. I'm black, I have lots of very nice products including things that can keep nice, shiny curls or strange hairstyles for hours, or even days. Never be surprised at what a beautician can do.

>> No.8463278

I agree with you, anon. I'm sick of reading "I'm just doing it for fun! Who cares if it's accurate!" Last I checked, I cosplay FOR FUN while also taking care in crafting and accuracy to the character.

>> No.8463398
File: 746 KB, 1153x1263, IT'S ALL THE FUCKING SAME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone currently working on a Worbla project, it's a huge pain in the ass, but EVA foam can't give me the hard surfaces that I need for this project. Agreed on unsealed Worbla, which only looks good for gritty armour projects.

>people who use Worbla for flat surfaces and simple curves with no seams... why
>people who use worbla for ENTIRE PROPS... why
>people who make carbon copies of Kamui armor for their "original designs"
pic related

>> No.8463423

You could always watch "reality" tv to make yourself feel better. At least german reality tv shows tend to pick really uglyy and disgusting people.

>> No.8463459

Have you all thought of opening a freeforums, and advertise it here or on the Facebook communities, and probably some other chans that has an influx of people that lurk here, and could advertise it at their respective websites.

On freeforums (if someone is willing to pay), you can create subforum for your petty comm drama in any jfash. And you all could still form your lil cliques if you want

>> No.8463472

We'll need everything to be anonymous for the shittalking, though.

>> No.8463490
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Say hello to American "reality" TV stars. Even our "real" television cakes on the makeup

>> No.8463494

tagged with anything? I'm curious now

>> No.8463518
File: 16 KB, 204x162, 1427001910075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet cosplayer cosplaying something I want to do
>hey offer to help me
>actually claim they'll let me borrow their props
Yes anon, you are a resource and the person asking will love you for sharing your knowledge.

>people who keep preaching "cosplay is just for fun!!!!"
>People who act like they're cosfamous
These sound like they're contradicting each other. Cosplay, for tens of thousands of people, is just for fun. They want to go to cons, get pictures taken, or just fit in with other cosplayers. Adapting some skill related mentality bleeds into trying to be cosfamous or elitist.

Bad wig or you look like a tattered mess? Alright, you need a sit down and talk. But if someone looks accurate enough and seems to be having fun, whatever.

>> No.8463528

Sauce please

>> No.8463545

>Local beginner's sewing class summer camp for teens
>Labeled "cosplay sewing 101"
>Promises the kids that they can sew their own cosplay costumes in 2 weeks
>Projects planned for the class include learning how to use a sewing machine, making a drawstring bag, making your own T-shirt

I sincerely can't see how they're going to deliver on the 2-week cosplay promise. Maybe only if they're making the simplest costumes ever. I'm more annoyed by the fact that the class is labeled as "cosplay" just to draw in paying participants when it's just a very basic sewing skills class.
And it doesn't end there.

>Class starts
>Teens need their course materials (fabric & junk)
>They hit the local fabrics store as a class
>Crowd of ~30 people walk through the door, loud explosion of noise and giggling
>Everyone has to go through the instructor to make sure whatever they picked out is okay for the course
>This clogs up the cutting counter and messes up the ticket system for everyone else in the store
>They also take over the pattern table and all chairs in the stores
>3 hours later, they finally try to check out and leave
>A single instructor is holding all of the cutting slips and managing the cash
>A slip is missing amongst the 50 cuts of fabric
>There is chaos and confusion as the cashier tries to call for the manager to sort it out

>> No.8463569
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Anon if you want I'd gladly try and help you put something together so you don't look disgusting. Are you obese or do you have some slight rolls? Rave gear is, well, geared towards skinny, no t&a girls but if you know your own body you can piece something together that's light but still fashionable.

>Not many understand that most average women are a bit saggy, have dark circles, have a couple zits, and stretchmarks.
I swear to god my self esteem got destroyed in my teen years. Body hair shaming, perfect, perky round boobs were ideal and my boobs aren't perky at all but still rather large. Especially natural, nappy hair being the worst thing to ever be worn on a girl.

Only really started to feel confident when I was 19 and even still I'm constantly fretting about getting an eyebrow arch or emulating the ideal white woman (because nobody likes black people) when going out in public.

Better than porn stars.

>> No.8463577

Bottom right looks better without.

>> No.8463580

Yeah, so does ours here. But those people are really trashy and anyone who wears so much here will be mistaken for a hooker or a Ukrainian (or both).
Clearly guys don't give a shit, so why do girls put so much pressure on other girls to wear so much in the US?
I don't get it. We have lots of blondes in my country and light, natural eyebrows are completely normal. Some people are platinum blonde so their eyebrows look like a shimmery patch of skin instead of brows. Some have almost none naturally. And they still go outside without makeup on while I'm 100% sure in America they'd get posted on People of Walmart and told 'loolllll bitch step away from the tweezers/put on some concealer and brow powder' yet those same people will post their meat flabs on instagram and hashtag it #everybodysbeautiful. Idgi.

>> No.8463601

>shit tier weebs befriending you/trying to get in your pants for the "cosfame"
>people using you to look better in the community
>exes using personal stuff to turn the community against you
>con stalkers. The ones that just appear to stare at you no matter where you are. Shit is creepy.

Looking at all my exes.

>> No.8463612

tfw I might know who this is.
Is it V?

>> No.8463630

>Clearly guys don't give a shit
It's more of the media portraying them as like they do. Celebrities do not lay with ugly fatties. Also, younger, shallow but somehow still attractive men more than occasionally will make it clear they only want the best of the best and if you dont look like Katy Perry or Beyonce they will not talk to you. And this is acceptable because TV says its the way to be.

Was just watching Happy Days and the ginger guy said his ideal gal would be pretty with a good build.

>> No.8463681

Not Jillian, actually, but I can see the girl in my comm turning into her. Even though she does do videos with other comm members outside meets, the comm admins have already warned her once not to film during meetups without people's permission. If this keeps up, though, then I may have to ask the comm admins to implement a strict "no filming during meetups" rule.

>> No.8463723
File: 1.95 MB, 1495x592, makesyoufeelgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean even lower quality reality tv shows. Not sure if you have those though. For example pic related is from the show "Schwiegertochter gesucht" which means "looking for daugther-in-law"

>> No.8463731

I could ask her to make her own separate meets just for filming, like what Lor does.

>> No.8463891

All these people still look gross

>> No.8463906

by people who act like they're cosfamous I basically meant for example I know this girl who has a cosplay page and she had a competition at one point where one of the prices was that you could get a picture taken with her.
She had like 50 likes at the time.

Regarding the cosplay is just for fun thing I already clarified earlier in the thread that I couldn't properly explain what I meant but basically what I meant was what >>8451300
and >>8462576 said.
>>8462635 too

>> No.8463912

>That first one on the bottom row
Is that a man?

>> No.8463920
File: 361 KB, 858x725, 6cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finish a costume after a lot of work and post photos of the props and the photos from a shoot online
>Get messages from people
>"hi I'm doing this cosplay you just did and I want to know how did you make the prop/pattern the clothes/style the wig and what materials you used please tell me a detailed description of of the construction of your costume because I'm a lazy moocher who basically wants to rip off your work and not do any thinking or research on my own!!"
>Every. Single. Time.

Bitch I've been practicing for years and pouring a ridiculous amount of time and money into this hobby, I'm not your guidebook to be consulted. I can answer sensible questions like "could you recommend a fabric for this" or "how should I seal this part" or shit but if you straight out say you're going to copy my cosplay, get the hell out of my face. I stopped posting WIP photos online because I got seriously fucking tired of these questions. It's so unbelievably rude and the worst part is that people actually think other cosplayers are required to help their lazy asses out and get mad when you don't answer in enough detail. And if you do answer their question, they never fucking thank you or even credit you for your help.

>> No.8464034
File: 17 KB, 640x360, kyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My national thread...
And identity politicians who derail talks about our chosen medium or clothing designs to infect others with their bullshit.

>> No.8464076
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 63159923-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6% Doki Doki Star Clips
Those things don't look good. Especially if it doesn't match the theme of your coord.

>> No.8464174


People who harass lolitas or cosplayers because 'm-muh culture!'

Bruh, your grandma was from the Philippines, you're not Japanese, sit down.

>> No.8464457

I've got a small waist and large hips, a tummy,and decent sized chest, everything is proportioned. No fupa or sagging butt chin or anything. My legs are really muscular, the issue in terms of weight is my stomach and back.

>> No.8464912

> Wearing sneakers with elaborate clothes.

You don't have to wear heels but couldn't you at least find loafers or something?

>> No.8464928

6% doki doki anything

>> No.8464930

holy shit i lold

>> No.8464940

I'm a lolita and I agree with this.

>> No.8464944

When photogs accuse cosplayers of being drama whores. More photogs I know are shit talking two-faced catty bitches than cosplayers. They spend almost the whole shoot talking about how they don't like another photog's work and why they're better than them but most cosplayers will go days or even a whole con without talking crap about other cosplayers. The photog threads on here are out of control, they are even worse than Jessica Nigri threads with all the samefagging, trash talking, and defending themselves anonymously. They don't even have the excuse of being high school and college age girls, as most of them are middle aged men and some even married, with kids. If you want to be a drama mongerer fine, but don't talk shit about cosplayers when you are worse about it than they are.

>> No.8464959

That's because people in the UK are generally ugly, anon. Not enough variety in the gene pool.

>> No.8465196

>holding out skirts for photos
I love pettis and the shape they give, and this ruins it

>> No.8465256

Nice meme, friend

>> No.8465306

You think Americans can tell?

>> No.8465309

Cheap ass lolitas with hundreds of dollars of burando on their back but they have to whine like little bitches that the meetup restaurant choice is too exPENsive. When it's just a mid-priced place. I don't want to go to cheap crappy places for lunch in my frills.

>> No.8465440

THANK YOU. Photogs tend to be cattier than cosplayers and judge each others' work constantly, even more than the cosplayers I know. They're extremely possessive of their photos and usually demand to have their huge ass watermark plastered over it so that it covers half of the photo, throw a fit if you suggest a small edit and overall act like they're great artists and they painted this superb picture even though it's a photography of an OTHER PERSON'S WORK. They have the same rights to a photo of themselves.

>Shooting with a photog
>4 hours, like 5000 photos
>Get only 2 and neither of them show even half of my costume
>"The other ones were all slightly overexposed or didn't have the perfect colour saturation!"
>are you fucking kidding me
>"I don't care, I just want a photo that shows off even 2/3rds of the costume, not 1/12th"

Never shooting with self-proclaimed professionals again. I'd rather stick to mirror selfies than go through this shit again.

>> No.8465467

>mfw 'ugly' but amerifats still thirsting for that thick English cock
sure lad ;)

>> No.8465476

They can't correct minor exposure or saturation issues and they call themselves a pro? Nah, man. Editing is an important part. It won't make crappy photos good but you aren't a pro if you can't edit.

>> No.8465571


>> No.8465778

Oh dang, I used to have this too

>> No.8465791

Or, at least, hire someone to do the editing for you.

>> No.8466020
File: 820 KB, 500x422, 1409000147644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.
the hobby doesn't even take any kind of construction or craft knowledge, you literally just browse the internet for different coordinations and bitch about other people's aesthetic sense. You're not some brilliant fashionista for matching a blouse with a dress and googling the color wheel, get off your fucking high horse.
lolitas are by far the least creative and needlessly bitchy community out there.

>mfw they want their own board
>muh 4chins is too mean
>muh sekrit klub 4 shit talking lol

i hope your wardrobes catch fire.

>> No.8466035

>Nobody admires it except for grannies

And Ageplayers! :^)

>> No.8466043

Honestly I'm a lolita but I agree with this so fucking much, particularly with all the catty-backstabbing and gatekeeping of their super-special "sekrit fashion club~" over anyone who dares even go a pound above their BMI!

I mean fuck I know fashionistas are usually catty as fuck when it comes to weight, but lolitas take it on a whole new other level! Never have I seen such rage and butthurt in even the most normalfag, high-end designer fashions! I don't know if its just because this is its a Japanese fashion, which makes it naturally on the small side and thus non Asians feel the need to endlessly glorify it and keep out the disgusting white piggus (ironic enough, I never seem to see this kind of mean, fat phobic behavior from Japanese or Asian lolitas! Funny how that works...) or if these girls specifically get into it JUST to feel superior and make fun of fatties or something.

>> No.8466104

Not only are they not crafters, but they collectively shit on anyone who might have the guts to sew their own dress, acting like they know what the fuck they are talking about when it comes to quality. They don't. Shit, most of their precious brand dresses are pretty poorly sewn, they just have nice prints.

I love that every time anyone dares sew a loli dress every one of those bitches suddenly becomes an expert seamstress berating away.

>> No.8466126

I'm actually a part of Jillian's comm and thought you were talking about her as well. Filming a meetup recently, making everyone uncomfortable etc. seems like we're experiencing a lot of the same behaviour.

>> No.8466131

>they collectively shit on anyone who might have the guts to sew their own dress
This is completely untrue and if you actually believe this, you've either never spoken to a lolita or are a horrible seamstress. My comm is full of girls who sew their own dresses and one of them started her their own indie brand that sells for over 2x the price of Japanese brand releases. She's always backed up with orders.
We only "collectively shit on" people who think they can take their little cousin's bedsheets, glue on some raschel lace and make it into a circle skirt and call it lolita.

>> No.8466144

>I never seem to see this kind of mean, fat phobic behavior from Japanese or Asian lolitas!
You clearly haven't looked very hard. Asia is infinitely more fatphobic than the West. If you went to Japan or China you'd probably have people try to take pictures with you so they can show their family they met a real live white elephant.

>high-end designer fashions
I don't think people who wear Hermès or YSL often get people asking them how to go about buying two dresses and sewing them together to fit their fat ass. I'm sorry your retarded idea was shot down, anon.

>> No.8466145

I'm not a loli. Have delved once or twice out of boredom but other than that.... What I am is a very accomplished seamstress. I have seen many pictures of extremely well made loli mocked for quality.

The only thing that isn't fair is to say it's everyone. I'm sure it isnt. But if you believe that doesn't happen? You're blind.

>> No.8466150

>I have seen many pictures of extremely well made loli mocked for quality
Caps please.

>> No.8466188

>not documenting your work and selling guides for $100 a pop
Do you even jew?

>> No.8466249 [DELETED] 

Please learn to recognize and ignore bait.

>> No.8466261


Lmao holy shit this reeks of either self-fag, people posting claiming to be lolita or both. Nice bait 1/10 I replied.

>> No.8466290

It really upsets me that smart, hardworking people who deserve to have children don't because they're too busy with school/work. And yet all these trailer trash who can't even take care of themselves get to have 5 kids (all supported by the government) because they don't know how to use birth control (which is now almost always free).

I'm in a somewhat similar situation
>working on Bachelor's in Animal Science and Biology and a minor in Chemistry
>plan on going to pharmacy school next year
>get scholarships and financial aid b/c of good grades (3.75 GPA) and poor parents
>BF not in college but doing well where he works
>can't even consider children until graduate pharm shcool
>older sister got Associate's in criminal justice at community college
>transferred to main campus (where I am) and couldn't handle the courses to get her Bachelor's
>has a <2.0 GPA so can't even qualify for loans
>had a kid 5 years ago but put him up for adoption
>blames our mom for not letting her get birth control instead of just abstaining from sex with a guy she wasn't serious with
>current fiance forcibly tried to get her pregnant (made her stop birth control) even though they take out every student loan offered to them
>both work minimal wage jobs
>can barely take care of their dog

She's so bad with money she can't even pay me back the $40 she owes me for buying all the father's day gifts. She's taking me out to eat once a month for a $10 meal, which is nice but really if you can't pay back your sister $40 how are you going to spend $400+ a month on baby necessities? She's back on birth control since I essentially yelled at her for thinking she was financially/emotionally ready for a child. I know she'll have more kids than me which concerns me for the future and I'm sure I'll have to support them some way eventually.

>> No.8466303

Ironic, isn't it? Because anyone can have kids with no qualifications, and society feels am understandable moral imperative to take care of kids, we have a system where those who should have the least kids will have the most.

And that's aside from wanting to have kids. Too many smart nerds I know, male and female, never ever want to have children.

>> No.8466313

what are condoms?

>> No.8466340

Nasty plastic contraptions that take most of the pleasure out of sex.

>> No.8466344
File: 904 KB, 1874x1440, Melon Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly believe there should be some IQ test or in-home evaluation done before having kids. But that interferes with "muh freedoms." If China can limit each family to one child (two if first-born is a daughter) why can't we do something to make sure our kids are at least not being raised by the government?

>too many smart nerds I know, male and female, never ever want to have children
Same here. I have a very intelligent friend who's going to be a science teacher dating an intelligent physicist who currently teaches undergrad physics. Neither of them want kids but at least they're going into teaching fields where they can help some kids. I guess if you're going into a profession where you spend all your time with kids (teenagers) then I can see why you wouldn't want some of your own.

A method of birth control people still don't know how to use properly. Maybe I'm being too harsh since my state is once of the lowest educated with one of the highest teen pregnancy rates. Pretty much everyone here is Catholic so instead of going to the public health center for condoms or birth control in fear of strict parents/family finding out they're having premarital sexthey just have unprotected sex and keep the baby when they end up pregnant.

Pls accept this kawaii Molang image for lack of /cgl/ related rant.

>> No.8466346

>Too many smart nerds I know, male and female, never ever want to have children.
My neighbours are just like that, they are also super chill. Gave me all their ps3 games cause they don't play them any more. They also buy expensive alcohol for me when I do favours, got a few nice whiskeys that way

>> No.8466347

when you're too stupid to pick the right brand and size, maybe

>> No.8466361

my country has legalised gay marriage but not abortion. talk about priorities.

>> No.8466378


this is how Idiocracy starts btw.

>> No.8466380

Gay couples do tend not to have kids

Still makes it much less fun. Personally I'll stick to birth control and the rhythm method, but for teens who don't know what they're doing, it's a good idea.

>> No.8466392

>Gay couples do tend not to have kids
but skanger junkies do. multiple. and the taxpayer has to raise some stranger's retarded FAS crotchfruit with AIDS that will probably end up becoming a petty criminal anyway.

>> No.8466401

That's true. You want to reduce the welfare rolls, encouraging contraception is the way to go.

>> No.8466516
File: 50 KB, 995x174, go fuck yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, no.


you mean SAMEFAG there newfag?

fuck summer man, summer grinds my gears.

>> No.8466573

>Cosplayers making a gofundme or kickstarter so people can pay for their con badge.
>Mediocre cosplayers asking people to pay for their con badge.

I feel like if you're going to ask people to pay for you to go to a con, at least churn out some good cosplays. I'm tired of seeing people with mediocre at best costumes asking for hand outs. Especially cosplayers who don't even make their own costumes.

>> No.8466605

But anon, contraceptives are scary like vaccines and just pushed by money hungry white male cis scum pharm companies. We should just let God take care of us and if we're destined to have 7 kids and measles then that's his plan~~

>> No.8466613

Good, Darwinism at work.

>> No.8466642

If you're not a lolita and haven't even seen much lolita than maybe, just maybe... these weren't actually nicely made lolita items?

A dress can be very skillfully made but still fall flat because of bad design, cheap lace or terrible fabric choices. Lolita isn't just a few random ruffles and a bow.

I sew a lot of my own clothes, even wear them to meets and not once had I heard a negative comment, quite the contrary. Hell, lolitas who know their shit are over the moon when they find a good seamstress, because a perfectly tailored handmade will trump ill-fitting brand any day.

>> No.8466659

I guess the government just doesn't care or something. At least if there's another war all the tard babies will probably get drafted while the nerds stay and work.

>> No.8466720

useful, relevant information for all you lovelies :')
>typically people are shit and cant follow instructions kek

>> No.8466746

Well no shit it's not a craft. Its a fashion. The skill is in coordination.

>> No.8466772

>Cons that list cosplayers as guests

>> No.8466776

>legalize gay marriage
>take children away from people recieving gov'ment money
>give children to gays
>cut all handouts to people who get pregnant on the taxpayers dollar

>> No.8466782

Asian girls are just as bitchy, they really hate fat and ugly girls. Asians have super high standards and are very fat phobic.

>> No.8466807

If they actually have the cosplayer do something like panels, or workshops I think it's great. But yes, having a mid tier, barely known cosplayer sit at a booth trying to sell prints is just awkward for everyone involved.

>> No.8466923

>people who don't look at the rules of the places they post

Lookin' at you girl who posted your shitty page across 3 Lolita FB groups

>> No.8467253

>lolitas who think gold goes with everything
>mixing different shades of gold
>those cheap looking overly shiny gold bodyline shoes

Can the gold trend die please?

>> No.8467313

>coming to this board just to see too many threads about lolita
>bitches over running coins with their "fashion"
>faggots who get snobby if small details are wrong on a costume

>> No.8467326

> auto correct

>> No.8467332

>When I pop onto /cgl/ and 90% of the top threads are ita, and not cosplay.

I don't mind a healthy split, but it got to the point for a while where it felt like it was a egl board and nothing else for a while.

>> No.8467339

Maybe cosplayers should make more threads and post more often, instead of whining like little bitches about all the lolita.

>> No.8467346

I hate it when people on LMdont respond to their messages. I need my seller to openaclaimfor my missing parcel but she won't respond.

>> No.8467352

LM is notoriously slow and broken about 50% of the time. Has she read the message?
Also she just might not want to bother since stuff like that is a time consuming pain, double check her ToS to see if she has one of those "I don't claim any responsibility for what happens after your package leaves my hands" clauses.

>> No.8467367

But that's the problem, we don't let stupid people die anymore. We have to support them so they can live as long off of the rest of society as possible.

>> No.8467380

It has been a few days and I sent two messages just incase one got eaten and she hasn't read them yet and she does not have a TOS

I'm trying to be patient but the weekend is coming and the postal service is off on weekends.

>> No.8467560

IUDs don't have any hormones to fuck with your head and last for 5 years.

>> No.8467589

Oh, well. Maybe have a chat room installed and make anon names there I guess. Or a chatango is actually pretty anon.

>> No.8467599

>someone in comm is quick to reply to CoF, Big Sister lolita, rufflechat Always giving advice
>never has attended a meet
>im not sure if anyone knows what she looks like in our comm
>scalps on ebay, has a large variety of punk and lolita clothes. Quantity not quality. Has some kind of mystery SS?
>claims muh anxiety
>Has never posted anything of herself, all her profile photos are of her items/dogs
>quick to bring AM drama and fight against him the whole time
>probably one of the ones who posts our comm drama on cgl
>Im so annoyed by her that i cant even explain it. I think its how all her advice sounds really entitled and "well when I WEAR THAT...." despite having no proof of her even fitting the items.

>> No.8468338

Speaking of children and people having too many
>FB friend has 3 autistic children
Like.. how does that even happen? Last I heard there's a 1/60 chance or so? At what point do you not realize your vagina/your husband's dick is poisonous?
They always act like martyrs too like I'm supposed to be sympathetic to the fact people choose to continue plopping out retards. I fucking can't. If you have more than 2 children and still do nothing about complain about them, you're obviously an idiot who continues choosing to make yourself miserable for no discernible reason. The only parents I can stand are ones who seem to actually enjoy children but for some reason they are a minority??? I don't get it. Why are so many parents apparently brain damaged?

>> No.8468490

>>Wearing detachable bows from dresses on your head

that make sense though.
Why wouldn't you?

>> No.8468519

K-Pop at AX cover show. We don't need the Hallyu interjecting itself all the time.

>> No.8468525

How old is the couple?

>> No.8468547

Do you know what takes the pleasure out of sex? Unwanted pregnancy.

>> No.8468562

wen michael is rude and ignores and wont let me slap his butt

>> No.8468569

This. A friend of mine from high school has completely dropped out of college and works at Buffalo Wild Wings with her fiancé. Meanwhile, she just announced that she's pregnant. She and her fiancé are barely 19 years old.

As much as I care about her as my friend, it's people like her that give me a major reason why I should continue college, take birth control, and get a decently paying job that is not my current minimum wage fast food job.

>> No.8468572

Me. Fuck you guys, I'm getting a peignoir eventually.

>> No.8468578
File: 41 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "What do you guys think of Milanoo/My-Lolita-Dress/'insert other non-brand store here'?? Are they good or bad?"
> people direct obvious newbie to multiple sites and reviews
> "I know, but are you guys ABSOLUTELY SURE????? I want to hear it from yOu guys!!!!!!"

Fuck out of here.

>> No.8468594

They sell antlers at Pet Smart. I forget what they're for though. Lizard perches? There were some little ones that were really nice. The larger ones were heavier than I thought they'd be.

>> No.8468597
File: 2.83 MB, 384x256, 1339165432461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sick and fucking tired of this mentality that is becoming common among cosplayers where they justify making a costume solely on "Well the design is cute, so I am going to do it!" For fucks sake, if you just want to make cute designs, don't cosplay a character, just throw together the outfit for every day wear. Then they try to give bullshit excuses about how, "I don't have time to watch anime, read manga or play video games, but I still love the character design!" If you are going to put dozens of hours into making a costume, you can put the 6 hours it takes to watch a 13 episode anime series, or read through a manga. The fact that there are asspatters all around who condone this mentality is what makes it fucking worse, and when ever a fan of the franchise gets upset when they see someone cosplaying from something they don't know shit about, they run back to their hugboxes about the big meanie gatekeeper fans who are trying to prevent them from enjoying something that should be for everyone.

It's fucking stupid, man.

>> No.8468600

Plus they never "fall in love" with anything that happens to be obscure or actually interesting. It's always kill la kill or some comic or whatever the fotm is. It's so transparent. Shit if mememe was any longer, we'd see girls who "just love the design but don't have time to watch it" for that too.

>> No.8468603
File: 399 KB, 254x144, 1339190864704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, to be perfectly honest, I think that a lot of them MIGHT not have watched the 3 and a half minute PV. We just don't ask because we assume that since it's so short, they'd watch it, but with how many shitty fandom jumpers who are obviously only into cosplay for the attention, I would not be fucking surprised in the least bit.

>> No.8468604

>Sellers who write "buyer pays paypal fees"
FUCKING INCLUDE IT IN YOUR PRICE OR WRITE 2% "handling fee" FFS. Clobba puts it in the actual item description box. Why hasnt paypal had some kind of sensor or block that doesnt let you put "paypal fees" like neopets does with swear words.

>> No.8468655

Y'think it'd be hard to even just throw the anime/video on in the background on loop as you work on the costume if someone seriously doesn't "have the time" to watch it.

I put on the anime or drama CD tracks while I work. The drama CDs are great for catching the nuances of the characters through speech alone.

>> No.8468670

2 autistic children in one family i could understand that's actually what happened with my close friend and her brother but 3? holy shit all you're going to be able to pop out is autists stop having kids KNOWING that theyre gonna be fucked up

>> No.8468733

But what about games like Lime Odyssey where servers are dead but all the designs are on the Internet ? I am madly in love with Haccan's artwork but holy shit why do the games he worked on are so hard to get ?

>> No.8468739

...I still have this game. I found it in my grandmothers house and am waiting for a game night to bust it out and play with my friends.

>> No.8469793

And then they go and order anyway because apparently sending money to a trusted chinese SS people recommend is FAR more risky than Milanoo's side shop.

>> No.8469847

Some do. Copper ones don't but have fun reenacting the elevator scene from the Shining

>> No.8469911

>white male cis scum
You've gotten your strawmen confused. That being said I agree with your fundamental point.

My local cosplay comm hasn't accepted me into the group, and I don't really know why. I don't have any costumes posted on my fb, so maybe that's a factor, but I just wanna have friends guys. Please.

>> No.8470065

>go to a con
>THAT person who has to nit pick your cosplay

Holy shit dude of course it won't look 1:1 from the show, calm your tits

>> No.8470094

>"Cosplay is for fun/Cosplay is for everyone!"
In a Facebook post I tried to say that 99% of the time, a wig will look better than real hair and be so much more worth it in the long run. And I was instantly hit with these lines. I played nice so that I wouldn't get kicked from the group (it really is a helpful group) but really?

>> No.8470103

Hey, it'd piss me off too if I saw someone disregarding the original design of my favorite character. Not that much of an autist that I'd actually voice it, though.

>> No.8470106

I fucking hate the people that say wigs are too expensive so they'll just cut/dye their own hair. Even though a decent wig can cost as little as $15, and a cut/dye job can cost way more than that and still look shitty (especially if you're going to a hair stylist).

>> No.8470111

No I went to a local con as space dandy, and this one guy everytime he saw me would go "Dude it isn't the same without the belt and ACTUAL shoes"

I reused some leather boots I had and put some flattened sheet metal on the fronts, I didn't do a wig and just let my hair grow to 6 inches and combed it back to look like a small dandy look.

Not as bad as the time I went as Kamina, but eh

>> No.8470117

that is so accurate, I've had mine for 4 years and it hasn't lightened up a bit

>> No.8470189

>I didn't do a wig
People like you grind my gears

>> No.8470566

If it's the bows from Bodyline, then they tend to be really stiff and resemble helicopters.

>> No.8470650
File: 370 KB, 970x743, Hypocracy at its finest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These sort of double-standard FB cosplay groups

>> No.8472116

Fucking trip fags.
Not even shitposters such as sieg and his crack trip, but I mean other trip fags. One I can't stand is Anon's Sister.
The only acceptable trip is Ukraine imho.

>> No.8472379

What's wrong with trips?

>> No.8472396

There are only a handful of characters that can look presentable without a wig and even they often look better with one. I think wigs look better in most lolita coordinates as well unless you have exceptional styling skills and good hair.

>> No.8472400

>when people don't steam/iron their dress
It's one of my biggest peeves in the whole fashion. Wrinkled clothing is so lazy, and neatly ironed bodyline literally looks better than creased and crumped-looking brand.

>> No.8472408

This is one of my peeves too. Nothing looks good if it's a wrinkled rag.

Also, most JFahion styles are a package. The clothes, accessories, hair, makeup, nails, scene, posing, photos. You can't just throw on a lolita dress and neglect the rest and expect to look good. Even the light makeup tutorials are several steps and lashes, and hair or wig is always well-styled, nails aren't chipped, shoes and socks are correct etc. I see way too many people skimp on the details. Not a good idea.

>> No.8472418

Closet Lolitas. Those people who don't wear the fashion but are 'into it' and get on here and other places and discuss it with a bunch of absolutely value-less opinions. If you don't actively wear lolita fashion, your opinion about it means nothing to me.

>> No.8472458


I get that you should look polished if you're doing a photoshoot or going to a fancy event, but wearing a pound of makeup + false lashes + a wig + fake nails for everyday things just isn't practical IMO. For everyday looks, I think it's perfectly fine to just do something nice with your normal hair, throw on some bb cream, and head out the door.

>> No.8472767

>>people who keep preaching "cosplay is just for fun!!!!" and won't accept that there is a thing called skill levels that is existent in cosplay just like there is in art.
this on so many levels. Like, anybody can cosplay i won't say they can't or shouldn't. It's a hobby open to anyone who wants to. But there IS a difficulty to it and costume making. you could weigh 300lbs and dress as Wonder Woman, idgaf, do it! have fun!
but i'm not gonna ask for you photo because you don't look the part.
Same if you half ass your costume because a bathrobe was good enough to be a jedi.

>> No.8472778 [DELETED] 

Recently? How people get when you disagree with an opinion in a fandom. Like, if you're going to make a general degrading insult to anyone who disagrees with your opinion, expect some backlash. Don't dish it if you can't take it.

>> No.8472781

but nobody outside the parents and pediatrician gives a shit about individual months.

>> No.8472785

People playing up how 'awesome' they are with make-up in the SFX division and citing Michelle Phan as an inspiration and then doing the same make-up for every costume.

Like. Really Queen?

>> No.8472788

and other people are allowed to find that unattractive. I'm 280 lbs, nobody wants to see me dancing at the rave with my shirt off. or wearing even mildly revealing outfits.

>> No.8472797

no, it's perfectly acceptable. If you can put forth time and money to make a costume, why not the time and money to get into decent shape? Don't give me the excuse of "no time" or "it's too hard"
you know what i don't have time for?
People who don't try but want my attention for a photo
You know what isn't hard? ignoring less than average cosplayers who don't try.

>> No.8472801

>yes and yes
god it's like admitting to doing something wrong while drunk
"guys...guys i'm just drunk okay? don't blame me...i'm drunk"

>> No.8472819

>skill is in coodination
yes i'm sure it takes a little bit to figure out what matches which piece....but that's not exactly a skill that takes any real amount of time to learn.

>> No.8472844

The fucking Australian exchange rate.
>someone selling one for my favourite prints in my favourite colour way
>$150 usd
>after exchange rate and shipping I would be paying well over $200
fuck me I hate the economy right now.

>> No.8472859

And baby-centric parents don't give a fuck about what anyone else gives a fuck about. Counting milestones by months with other mommies is the important thing. And talking about their baby and its development. To them every day is a new day of baby wonder. This is why I almost always unsub to people when they get pregnant. For those of us who aren't baby-centric, it becomes very tedious.

>> No.8472870

>all the replica mentions

If you complain about replicas but then pirate stuff in the internet then you're a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.8472871

You can do a pretty hairstyle without a wig. You can have a 15 minute polished makeup routine and care for your skin. You can wear unwrinkled clothes. You can tend your mani so it doesn't look chipped. That's what I mean, those ARE the bare basics to look polished, and even more so in lolita. They do not take a ton of time or require vanity. Think Parisian women and their effortless chic. They don't spend hours at the mirror but they make the effort to look polished. Less is just lazy and a bit slobbish. Throwing on a lolita dress and neglecting the rest just looks stupid.

>> No.8472880

Haha, let them have their fatty-group, it keeps them corralled in the hippo pen. Fat hate on anyone thinner is so common, they don't consider it reverse discrimination to do this.

>> No.8472928

I wouldn't fuck any of these whores, with or without makeup

>> No.8472997

fucking this.
>Aussie dollar is at 0.70c
>predicted to only go down

>> No.8473270
File: 459 KB, 384x288, 4d6b7adf-2ddc-43ef-8d6c-ef9b471f94d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the euro is going down all the time
>It's almost at the worth of one dollar now
>Good bye good times shopping online when the euro was around $1.5
>fuck Greece

>> No.8473271

It's not Greece, it had been brought down deliberately to encourage competitiveness. Stop slagging off Greece for everything when you're obviously not very informed about the European economic situation and only parrot things that are fed to you by gossip magazine-tier press

>> No.8473303

Many autism spectra traits run in the family, actually. While I'm DEFINITELY the most spergy in my family, both my parents and my brother have a fair few traits so really it isn't that weird.

>> No.8473315

It's actually exceedingly upsetting. I just want drained cherries this is not fair.

>> No.8473321

I know it's been brought down deliberately you fuck face, but living constantly in massive debt isn't helping the currency. The euro was a fucking retarded idea in general, especially at the part they started letting lazy shit countries in by cheating.

>> No.8473426

A. Rubicon on Facebook. Even if your busy work or fear of public is keeping you from attending events a photo of you in Lolita or a detail shot of ur skirt,
Socks and shoes would make your credibility online some what valid. Seeing people post on tons of photos with advice with nothing to show for grinds my gears hard af.

>> No.8473442

Okay then, go to Hungary and see how it was when each country had their own currency. Good goy.

>> No.8473446

I just have to ignore them or it grinds mine too. I try not to think about it too much or it creeps me out quite a bit, to know people just lurk, comment, etc without even ever being a real lolita at all, just pretending online all along.

>> No.8473457

That's not the same at all. Pirating a show is getting the exact show and doesn't give them any profit. Replica's a shitty fake versions that are made to trick people into giving somone money

>> No.8473461

Same with Canada.

>> No.8473509

So, Cosplay is supposed to be something other than fun? I feel your self importance.

>> No.8473545

Now that you mention it, i haven't seen Sieg in a while...

>> No.8473560

Not important but funny that Russian ruble is falling even more, it's cheaper than it was year ago almost in half. For example dress that costs $300, before I'd pay year ago $160.
>dem politics

>> No.8473581


I've got something similar but kind of opposite thing going on with a lolita friend in my comm.

>grow up in dirt poor family.
>dirty-ist of dirt. Leaky roof. worst neighborhood.. The worx basically.
>work hard at my studies to get scholarship to good school.
>nail it. 3/4 scholarship private school!
>Continue to work hard at school, family life is rough though.
>Get weekend job at 15 to contribute to bills and food, single mum gets sick, bro is disabled.. sister is horrible. Shit is tough.
>Get through school, but family life takes its toll, depressed, suicidal, learning disability doesn't help, fail final exams. No Highschool cert for me.
>Can't find job without a Highschool cert, family is too poor to have connections with people to offer me one.
>Works midnight shift at grocers packing shelves for $7.50p/h to save up to do courses to get a better job and achieve Highschool Cert.
>4 years later get Highschool cert plus numerous other certs to help me find employment.
>Decide to apply for uni, in a competitive course with highly limited places.
>Nail the entrance exam and interview for course.
>Get into uni, one of 33 offered a place.
>Cry, Things are finally looking up.
>Move out to pursue uni, still two hours away from campus but I don't mind really.

>All my highschool friends have finished their degrees and have high paying careers.
>They would always joke: "anon, when are you going to have a real job ahaha"

Anon in my comm was a highschool friend and one day turned to me and said.
"It really shits me how so many people thought I got everything on a silver platter"


>> No.8473583

>have a stable two parent family, both with high paying careers.
>a beautiful two story house with a pool in a lovely area.
>Went to a private school
>never had to work
>parents supported her, gave her an allowance, bought her niche fashion clothes, bought her expensive foods for her diets.
>Breezed through uni, got to stay home throughout. Got dropped off every day at the campus only (10mins away).
>Parent has career in course she was studying and so got advice and tutoring.

I get treated like I'm a mangy pup who hasn't worked a day in my life, because I'm not as far ahead as my highschool friends. She bemoans to my face the hardship of not being able to afford lolita as much as she would like because of the mortgage on their inner city apartment she just bought with her partner that will be payed off in a mere eight years. And when ever I excitedly buy a new lolita piece she puts me in my place by flashing her latest purchases to everyone in the comm. She laughs at my hard work, inferring that I wouldn't know what it was like to work as hard as her or that my struggles aren't equal to hers.

It upsets me that she is trying to turn something I love so much into something competitive...

I ramble. I'm sorry. Basically I would just like some people who are well off to recognize sometimes they've got no fucking clue what a struggle is. And that to pretend that they do, is incredibly demeaning. I wish they would be grateful for what they have.

Anyway, people who have grown up with privileges stepping upon those trying to rise above their lot. That's what fucking grids my gears.

On another note.
>Bought a dream dress last week!! So excited!
>One more semester of my degree to go!!

>No plans for babies cause that's irresponsible as fuck considering my financial situation.
>I fucking hate poorfags who pop out babies and then complain. Fucking wrap it up you filthy bogan trash


>> No.8473596

Streaming websites get money from ads, genius.

>> No.8473613

no site actually makes money off that. Server costs alone destroy any money made

>> No.8473693

His trip was cracked, so there were a few people who would post under his trip.

>> No.8473713

The well-fed don't know the struggles of the starving, that sort of thing.

To me, the worst kind of cancer is that crabs-in-a-bucket mentality when people try to drag you down with them because you make them insecure about their lives.
I grew up in a small town of barely 5k people, never had all the things my neighbours and friends had. i was also a bit ugly as a child so all my peers would always get swarmed with attention because their mums and dads dressed them in cute clothes and did their hair, and I only got hand-me-downs and the boy chop. They'd laugh at me if I didn't have the latest Disney VHS tape or whatever and one of their parents had even called me a monkey at some point because I had a unibrow and dirty clothes. My mum had been making ~€200/mo at the time which is extremely little for my country's standards.
Then by some stroke of luck I moved up, improved everything there was to improve, started earning more money and travelling more often. Every time I showed up in my hometown my mum would tell me all the shite they'd been slinging behind my back and one of the most common things is 'she thinks she's too good for us'. I didn't fall pregnant at 15 or marry a knacker so I'd say yeah, I am.

>> No.8473716

Ever heard of P2P?

>> No.8476196
File: 99 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that just happened
>brother making a joke about "tendies" and "good boy points"
> head over to r9k thinking it would be funny
>3 threads about how everyone on /cgl/ is a whore/slut, saying they have it easy and how they (r9k) are the oppressed.
Honestly I don't like tumblr but this is like a fucking MRA tumblr field day. I had no idea they were this crazy, now I'm a little concerned. We see them come here from time to time and they act all spaghetti but they have that intense inner monologue of an actual retard. Wtf.

>also tumblr sjw's in general really grind my gears.

>> No.8476309

Link us, I wanna see this thread.

>> No.8476483
File: 3.78 MB, 5312x2988, 20150710_155019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conventions that have dealers booth selling knock off merchandise and stolen art from fan artists to sell on posters, pillows, and clocks. Yama con does this.

>> No.8476533

you would be shocked at how many lolitas can't dress themselves even after years of wearing it, not to mention properly style makeup, wigs, create handmade items to match coords, etc. there are definite skills involved with looking good and not just participating in the fashion

>> No.8476558

Please somebody draw a lolita taking off from the ground with her giant helicopter bow.

>> No.8477929

This happens especially in the Bodyline Lolita Sales group.
> "WTB: this dress!"
> most ita looking thing I've ever seen in my life