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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8510619 No.8510619 [Reply] [Original]

Närcon. How was it?

>> No.8510633

Shit. Fuck that fence

>> No.8510638

Well son. The convention is too large in terms of attendants (queues everywhere), three hours just to get inside is ridiculous. This size is too much, and apparently Närcon changes the people running it each year.

The venue was unclean and uninviting (paper trash, bottles, construction work and paper covered floors in the C-house).

Practically anyone could sneak in the sleeping hall, campushallen, due to the wristbands arroving late.

There was no crowd control and the queue to the NCC was not supervised. I could not see the competition since too many people were let in and we weren't allowed to sit down. I missed the cosplay classic due to the rain frying the tech on main stage, a proof of bad planning and a lack for a plan B. Everything shut down during the rain, and there was no crowd control for the crowded spaces in the C and Key houses.

The queues in general were not supervised, the q to the grill got constantly tangled up with the customers waiting for their ice-cream and juice.

The signing table was extremely poorly placed, making shopping at the Artist Alley very difficult during signings due to queue. The artists themselves seemed to be visibly upset.

My friend was asked by an outside security guard in the sleeping halls if we knew where the person in charge was. This left us feeling very uncomfortable. There were no security guards, only teenage workers, at the gates keeping watch for outsiders. This also greatly confused us. What was the plan if an outsider tried to force themselves in?

I queued for an hour for the mealtickets, since the shop had no code scanner even though I had a printed out QR code for the tickets. The Närcon app didn't work, as it didn't show me the schedule. The maps only showed on the app if I had internet access on my phone.

The NCC judging got rigged by the SVT, just a day before the competition. The contestants were not officially told.

>> No.8510641



The winner of NCC had a professional dancer as the assistant, who spent like 80% of the skit time on stage while the contestant wasn't even seen.

The rules state that an assistant is allowed as long as the contestant is the one in the spotlight. Two out of three winners broke this rule. Both were Swedes. I call rigged.

The judges and contestants didn't receive proper badges (they had to write their names on them with markers), they didn't receive enough mealtickets, and the Icelandic and Finnish teams didn't get their pillows and covers up until the second night.

The contestants had to queue for the same toilets and showers as the rest of the con. This resulted in them almost running late for competition related things because they had to queue for 40min just to wash hands and etc.

>> No.8510643

The fence blocked off Pressbyrån, which had stocked like a three months worth of stuff. I felt bad for them. The McDonald's was also well prepared which loads of staff, but because the fence blocked off the quickest route, it felt like too much effort to go there. The three gates were way too little, there should have been more. And I saw loads of people without the con band, so the fence really didn't work at all.

>> No.8510665

Saw this Storify, and was glad I missed the event.


>> No.8510699

The organisation was an absolute disaster, seems like they spent way too much of their budget on PR. I don't think anybody is going to want to work with NärCon after this.

>> No.8510701

First convention I attended in 8 years, first Närcon. I am mad about so many things and it's sad that the only reason our event didn't got canceled do to rain and we maneged to make it work was because we knew the right people that was part of the right teams.

>> No.8510722


they put over 100k euros on a ad that was on display for a week.

>> No.8510726

And didn't even give the photographers who allowed them to use the pictures for the ads any compensation or recognition. Not even a free day pass.

>> No.8510729

The contest wasn'r rigged though (I have been talking to the a few of the judges) and the Winners assistant is not a proffessional dancer, she has though been dancing for many many years.

Though i wouldn't say any of the performances had their assistants in focus more than themselves. the winners performance was great and her cosplay was definitely more in focus than the crazy dance the assistant had.

>> No.8510736

It was the worst Närcon I've been to and worked at.
I never really got to explore Närcon a whole lot this year since the bad weather keep most people indoors which meant we had to work a lot more than intended since people where constantly flooding in and out of our room, it was fun that we got so many people visiting us, but it was also really exhausting since it wasn't the amount we've been used to having nor had prepared for.

The non-Närcon activity arrangers (Externa Arr) where treated like shit.
No info, five people saying five different things, Närcon provided no food what so ever, no ID cards like the rest of the staff so no one knew who were working and who were common visitors.
People who worked less got much better profits than the external workers who had to do a shit load of work since all of Närcons own activities were being cancelled left and right.

And I'm not sure how many people who noticed, but the fire alarm went off a 8 in the morning on Sunday.
We weren't told what had happened.

>> No.8510776

idk I don't think it was nearly as bad as everyone seems to think. Sure, it sucked that the rain fucked things up saturday but Närcon can't control the weather. It's a con which is in large based around being outdoors so maybe bring proper jackets if the weather is looking so-so.
I do agree though that there is a problem with flexibility and a lack of proper plan B.

I worked ext arr this con which went over well enough. I was bothered by the fact that we didn't get badges (just wristbands) and also that this made for a lot of confusion among the people handling the funkis. I was also bothered by how Närcon handled one of the venues we borrowed; we eneded up double booking the tail of one of our events. It turned out fine but it was a vague annoyance.

All the scheduled events I DID go to (admittedly not a lot as it was the first time we attended as an ext arr so lots of work, also personal reasons) were good and I'm pretty impressed by the guests this year. I also really enjoyed the food this year, the veg pizza was 100% worth the waiting time and I'm really glad they took in extern caterers. My only peeve with that would be that no food places were really open late, which kinda sucked if you're like me and need regular servings of proper food. I would also have enjoyed it if we had been able to eat with the other funkisar but I didn't really expect that so meh.

As for the venue and the gates etc... I think it worked. The josbar and bubble tea should have been moved to zen garden (and the rejv to the main stage) but aside from that I liked that there was a definite line betweeen "this is con" and "this is not con". I think the gates should have distributed a bit differently (north and east gate were good, but west gate should've been by pressbyrån and the main stage, a southern gate should have been added towards märkesbacken. The old entrance really isn't neccessary anymore) and the control should've been stricter.

Shame about the weather.

>> No.8510799

The costume was awesome, yes.

Still, I timed the appearance times of BOTH the contestant and the assistant and the assistant was overwhelmingly more in focus in the SVT footage.

>> No.8510812


SVT demanded that the judges handed their points after every performance which left them no chance to deliberate the winners together. Thus, even the judges couldn't know the winners until they were announced and was a perfect chance for SVT to alter the results to their convenience if they so willed. It might be a bit out there but really. If that isn't sketchy, what is?

>> No.8510814

>Though i wouldn't say any of the performances had their assistants in focus more than themselves. the winners performance was great and her cosplay was definitely more in focus than the crazy dance the assistant had.

You blind or something? Almost every contestant used their assistant way too much, it was like watching the WCS.

>> No.8510824


I kept saying after almost every performance that this is not a pair competition what are you doing??!!

>> No.8510850

NCC has always been using assistants. It's nothing new or odd. It's all about making a good show.
If this was SM then it would've been too much, but it's common in NCC to have a very active assistant

>> No.8510851

To put it short: blunder of the year.

>> No.8510858


against the rules? you know, the reason I'm mad?

>> No.8510863

Just because it's common it doesn't make it fair or even allowed by the rules.

>> No.8510875

If treatment is this bad for the third (fourth?) year in a row, I recommend a boycott.

>> No.8510876

The problem with the assistants if that the rule about using assistants is VERY vague, so it's really open to interpretation, which is really fucked up. In a competition of this scale the rules should be extremely clear and leave no room for interpretation whatsoever. That's not the case right now, so when a contestant uses an assistant that has a visible role they might think they don't break the rules, whereas audience might see the assistants role is just as big as the actual contestants -> breaking the rules. There's no such thing as too specific rules and that should be fixed, because people often see what they want to see when reading the rules, so that causes things like this to happen.

>> No.8510883
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The main points didn't come from the performance but the construction, quality and likeness of the character. If you just look at that it was a fair win.

>> No.8510885
File: 27 KB, 515x420, 1427507259715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Närcon was shit compared to our cons in Finland. This has been eye-opening for me, I have new-found hope & trust in our con scene.

Regards, Winland.

>> No.8510889

No-one mentioning the assault on two people by two young teenagers?

>> No.8510897

You mean this : http://www.aftonbladet.se/senastenytt/ttnyheter/inrikes/article21172325.ab

The ones that were attacked have both made a statement and it seemed like the youths were drunk. They both seem to be fine and are some of the most calm and professional people I know working at Närcon so would be interesting that in some way get the whole story. Even though they probably wont post it online other then what they already have.

>> No.8510911

I heard something about an assault at Närcon??? It was in the newpaper.

green text for non swedish speakers:

>2 guys under 15 years old
>police officer says they've been acting strange
>confronted by staff
>they apparently snapped
>strangled a woman (she ended up in a hospital bc of damages)
>they punched a dude

The article doesn't say if the people who got assaulted were staff or con visiters. Soo yeah, anybody witnessed it?

>> No.8510922

This. I'm so glad Finnish conventions are so good compared to Närcon.

>> No.8510931

it was staff who wanted to escort two drunk teenagers of the area. One who was part of Security and one Healthcare.

>> No.8510940

there actually was security?? I didn't spot a single security guard in the area, for the entire duration of the con.

How could you tell someone was a guard or not?

>> No.8510945

Sounds a bit like Däshcon.

>> No.8510952

Hi, i was one of the the OA;s (event arranger) i am currently on the train home, but i will try to explain a few of the problems, that are explainable, when i get home. In the meanwhile, reply any questions that hasnt been asked and i will try to answer them to the best of my ability.

>> No.8510954

They always have security, spotted allpt of securitas people and "säkerhetsvakter" walking between my car and the con so there were present. The girl who was assaulted has also been working security at allot of events like these before and are educated in the field. I don't know how they were dressed since I was stuck in our room the whole con and cant find pictures of her from the con, but there was security on place, yes.

>> No.8510986

Did you tell Samuel to go fuck himself?

>> No.8511006

Why should he do that? How could this by any means be his fault?

>> No.8511035

närcon this year was poorly put together and badly executed, the only good thing i have to say about it is that the healthcare team did their job flawlessly

the ncc contestants were treated poorly, they didn't have enough a large enough workforce (probably because of the horrid reputation närcon has for overworking their volunteers) (i heard 600 pandas worked there) to keep track of all the visitors, food ran out or wasn't available - all in all i personally feel like it was a disaster.

signings were held next to tables in the artist alley that got blocked off for hours with little to no security provided for the guests and the information there was vague and honestly it seems like you have to get to the 'right' person to get any help at all.

the cosplay classic judges got little credit for their work, and when they were in the process of deciding whether to have the competition or cancel all novice and intermediate competitors had to stand in the rain for 45 minutes, while master was allowed to go inside.

i also heard rumours that närcon wanted 50,000 sek from both mcdonald's and pressbyrån to open gates there

>> No.8511054


Still the volunteers belive it's worth it, they aren't forced to really? I think working as a panda also gives you a status that makes it worth it

>> No.8511074


i think a lot of people working as pandas this year were young and pretty inexperienced. i don't mean to in any way downplay the fact that the volunteers did the best damn work they could with what they had, i'm just saying that there weren't enough pandas so a lot of them worked way too much and that närcon is notorious in the swedish convention-scene for being a bad place to work at. so absolutely, the volunteers did a great job and many probably felt like it was worth it but i'm still hearing from people who were overworked, got little to no sleep, the information was bad - a lot of your experience had to do with if you got lucky with a good teamleader or not.

i personally saw pandas break down and get escorted to the healthcare team, at one point in the café they all lost it due to stress and started screaming at each other.

ugh tl;dr i don't want to blame those who voluntarily worked there i'm saying that it was all managed in a shit way

>> No.8511084


>> No.8511095

Däshcon? Enlighten me, what do you mean?

Where is NärCon's place in the worldwide convention world, what to compare with? Also, what happened to UppCon?

>> No.8511097

Alright im back, No i did not tell Samuel to go fuck himself, he is a nice guy, this year alot of things were experimented with, and it sadly didnt work out due to volonteers arriving, and just skipping their work hours, alot of people did that actually.
The stage thing, well, who can prepare for a stage 2 storm? And the most important part of cosplay (the golden ticket for Cosplay SM) was solved by putting a stage up in Kårallen.
There was convention security, the wore red t-shirts who said "värd" on the back, sadly they were easily mistaken for the housepandas, who also wore red t-shirts.
As for the gates, yes, närcon asked for 50k sek for gates, however mcdonalds were asked for a sweeter deal, with just the add of some NC exclusive menus.
And pressbyrån said straight up before the deal was even offered that they wasnt interested.
As for the ext-arr not getting badges, good ,you never were supposed to as you shouldnt have access to the panda-only areas, such as Kårallen. However, there was places for you in the D-house called Green room.
The food ran out the first days, due to swedish cater delivering waay too little food.
And the cosplay part. I have no idea. will lurk this thread and keep answering questions i can.

>> No.8511116

Dashcon was a con created for people that go on tumblr. It was run so horribly that /cgl/ had around 17 threads run to sage in the three day period just talking about the shitshow. You can search the subject "dashcon" in the archive for specifics. If you've seen any "ball pit" jokes, this is where they came from.

>> No.8511193

>you never were supposed to as you shouldnt have access to the panda-only areas, such as Kårallen.
Why not? We're working too. I can understand that you don't want to feed us but dismissing us entirely from the personel areas (being able to come in contact with Arr, the printing services, the förråd) is a dick move because we need those too. That I could sit and eat my own food in the pandamatsal was a goddamn lifesaver, likewise when we were woken up by the fire alarm and could spend twenty minutes in Kårallen as opposed to freezing to death outdoors in our pajamas. Hell, regular con goers were let into the C house wednesday because they were mistaken for ext arrs.

>> No.8511194

Can you answer/respond to points made in these posts:

>> No.8511196


Excuse my language but what the hell did you expect? did you really thing mcdonalds and pressbyrån would pay 50k each just to have gates by them? i know they're both big profit places but come on, be realistic. I don't blame them for not paying and i'm definitely not the only one. because of you denying them gates because they denied you two nice 50k checks, you denied a lot of people food. the food at närcon was overpriced and not worth the money or the wait. there has also been multiple reports of people feeling sick after eating your food. and because you made it so hard to get to other food places, a lot of people didn't eat at all and only drank water or soda, maybe had cup noodles once a day or so.

Also, i was in ext-arr and your post is the first time i was informed there even EXISTED something called "Green Room". we (my whole group) were not informed that this was a thing. in fact we weren't informed of anything until late wednesday/early-mid thursday. i guess we're lucky that we at least managed to set up our room without too many problems.
and while i'm at it, let me point out the biggest issue with NC not giving badges or tshirts or ANYTHING except the band to ext-arr: me and my group (and im gonna guess other ext-arr people as well) had to spend several minutes convincing entrance people before the con opened that yes we are allowed in here, we are not just regular visitors, we WORK here.

>> No.8511256

Närcon has been really messy these past like, 5 years. My last time was as a panda in 2012 and it was awful. I actually had to switch teams because my team boss didn't give me any info about my job.

>> No.8511271

Seems like there is a HUGE communication problem between the organizers / volunteers...

>> No.8511296

speaking of food, there was pretty much no allergy friendly food to be found. there were some vegetarian options here and there but that's about it i think. a friend who is allergic to milk (a lot worse than just being lactose intollerant, let me tell you) could barely eat anything at all. and another friend told me that their friend couldn't be inside the cafeteria because they openly sold stuff with nuts in it.
good job närcon, so good

>> No.8511329

I'm gonna keep my opinion about the NC staff thinking ext-arr are a bunch of useless freeloaders.
And you know what, fuck you.
We worked a lot harder than most of your pandas and they got tons of profits.
What do we get?
Nothing, a big slap in the face and a "oh but there was this room no one cared to tell you about where you could go."
The information me and my team got beforehand as well as on site was terrible.
Most of the information I got I had to hunt down personnel to get and even then I got vague answers.

I hope no ext-arr will work with you again.
That way, maybe you'll realize how many of the activities that "you" host are held up by ext-arr.
If they leave, the guests wont have anything left to do but run around, buy overpriced crane-game prices and illegal copies of pretty much everything, look at cosplay and get food poisoning.
That or you'll have to host everything yourself, which I doubt you'd be able to handle.

>> No.8511330

there was practically nothing gluten free and when we asked they didn't know and wouldn't check because it took too much time. i know närcon says they're not taking responsibility for other peoples allergies, but come on! in the cafeteria i could eat fruit and risifrutti, and the latter was only sold early mornings and was inhumanly priced.

there were also pandas smoking all over the con area as well as visitors; i had several friends with severe allergy problems. the närconsent campaign made it all out to be a perfect paradise "oh look out for allergies don't do this don't do that" when in reality they weren't anchored in rules and therefore no one gave two flying shits about it

>> No.8511335

Also, how could you not expect the volunteers to sign up for things only to get a free pass?
This happens every damn time.
It's unfortunate, but you should have learned by now and been able to make a plan B or just get some extra volunteers.

>> No.8511367


>The food ran out the first days, due to swedish cater delivering waay too little food

This sounds like a load of bullshit, considering that the catering delivers the amount of food you order. This happens every year, you underestimate the amount of food needed.

>> No.8511373

>the närconsent campaign made it all out to be a perfect paradise "oh look out for allergies don't do this don't do that" when in reality they weren't anchored in rules and therefore no one gave two flying shits about it

Ha, even the NCC contestants apparently were just told to bring their own food if they were allergic.

>> No.8511385

What kind of weirdo is that?

>> No.8511390


yes amazing put these foreign contestants in sweden in a convention where they are told to bring their own food for allergies, but the convention sells no allergy-friendly food, and there is nowhere to keep the food at all? oh närcon

>> No.8511409

hmmm all the posts with any sort of critique disappear from närcons facebook feed wonder why

>> No.8511413

Here's a solution, this is a page for people to (anon or not) submit critique towards NärCon, spread the word and make us collect all the things in one place!

>> No.8511416

I hope you Swedes run this piece of shit convention to the ground and make a better one. Sincerely, Finland.

>> No.8511425


maybe if the swedish con-goers stopped worshipping närcon like some pagan god and learned that there are other conventions in sweden that are trying really hard and no one would die from supporting the smaller conventions

everyone here needs to stop collectively assume that more visitors =/= better con

>> No.8511440

Sooo, you made this page how many seconds ago?

>> No.8511451

Been thinking about it since I got home, made it 20 mins ago. It's needed, so please send a message about your experience so we can save Närcon.

>> No.8511461


well since närcon removes any sort of feedback that sounds negative.... the finnish ncc troop wrote a statement right? why don't you link that

>> No.8511469

Exactly, we need a free space to vent.
A competitor from the Finnish NCC team did, just shared that. Thank you for the tip!

>> No.8511480

Believe me, Sweden also hates this. Nobody is happy, and I think most of us are either going to wait for something GOOD pops up, or start going to cons outside Sweden.

>> No.8511518

andrew siz modig who competed in nc winter last year also wrote a post about his con experience

>> No.8511534

link, give me

>> No.8511537

The performance should be 50/50 from the main points! Not just "the construction, quality and likeness of the character". It's said in the rules. Check the original sources before writing.

>> No.8511539

It's linked on the real narconsent page.

>> No.8511542

The performance is 10p, costume construction/quality is 15 and likeliness to the character is 5.

>> No.8511600

Pantzar cosplay on Facebook also posted about their experience

>> No.8511609

if you look up pantzar-cosplay at blogspot he's written a con report with links to other people's thoughts as well

i never wanted to see närcon crash and burn tbh, i've been going since 2012, but their behaviour this year is unacceptable and since no criticism seems to reach home the only way to come across is to link rants and hope someone reads them because otherwise people will just keep throwing money at them

>> No.8511615

We just posted about that, there's also a link from a person working with external arrangements and how they were treated.

>> No.8511684
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People who work for Närcon are such assholes. A while ago at a small local con, I complained to a friend that's been out of the con scene for a while, that they'd gotten too greedy and careless with their arrangers. Apparently, some guy overheard me and went on a 15-minute rant about how he was actually almost kinda an arr at NärCon and that it wast the est con ever, yada yada.

>> No.8511695

All they care about is how big they look.

Fuck Närcon, Fuck NCC.

>> No.8511714

>This year we’re launching something completely new at NärCon, a karaoke room that you can book with your friends.

Anyone knows what happened to this room?
We looked for it, found where it was according to the map only to be greeted with a sign that said "Karaoke rooms are in the C-House". The room was supposed to be in the Key-house.
When I talked to the staff, no one even know such a thing existed. I'm just curious if it happened at all.
I also just now found out that you had to pre-book it via mail before the con. This info wasn't available when I checked and I checked relatively close to the con date.

>> No.8511715

närcon keeps cutting back on actual activities to do. the lajv group that usually occupied space behind c-house was sorely missed, the games and the cosplaying, everything that seemingly didn't make money was just rejected

>> No.8511718

i worked as a panda this year. apparantly 250+ pandas didn't show up or told their bosses the week before that they wouldn't be coming.

>> No.8511728

I found loads of gluten free food? where did you even go looking

>> No.8511910 [DELETED] 
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And the plot thickens

>> No.8511914
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And the plot thickens

>> No.8511924

You can really see how much Närcon cares about the survey(enkät), a large amount of the activities you can choose on the list either didn't apply for Närcon this year(like Obscura) or was denied when they tried to apply(like Ragequit).

>> No.8511959
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Totally outing myself but
1) we were always called Swedenstuck. Nothing else.
2) we did not host a "homestuck lecture". We hosted like five lectures and none of them were a "homestuck lecture".

Anyway, reading the DW room, CGB etc we clearly had some pretty good luck. I personally had a pretty good con but the more actual reviews I read the more I'm starting to feel annoyed by the entire thing.

I think they might just want to get the survey out super quick because the criticism has been unusually harsh this year.

>> No.8511967
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(1/2) Hello friends and confidents. I attended NärCon this year and I must say I write this post gleefully reading posts I have witnessed in this thread. I am here to share some light on what I consider to be one of the most FASCINATING conventions in recent history. NärCon Summer 2015.

I believe in the honest to god fact that a convention organizers, or more so, are responsible for their decisions and must be held accountable. Such as they did for the Nazis after World War 2. I’m not comparing NärCon to Nazi Germany, however, they did use fences in quite interesting ways.

The food situation was abysmal as some say, as most people couldn’t rely on their “experiment” to feed their staff, guests, and such.

There was a clear class conflict between what some would call guests of honor, and other guests, as can be seen by the entire NCC posts that have been coming out. The words Abandonded, are written often, and usually as a understatement of this point.

When I arrived at NärCon no one knew what was going on. Information was sparse and there was a total agreement in this as one convention staffer quipped to a girl in the info tent after she had asked a question, “I don’t know LOL”. This was the beginning of a mood that god ever worse as the event dismally sank into the abyss that was NärCon Summer 2015.

The Organisers seemed more interested in creating a show that was for the Swedish TV network more than the actual festival. It was a prison of iron fences and conflicts of interest that couldn’t even be matched by the popular series House of Cards even if they wanted to.

The brand of NärCon they hold most dear is a money machine like no other. When the organisation was privatized way back when the union was absolved in a most aggressive act of overtaking it by the current head it has been used as a convention farm for gold.....

>> No.8511971

(2/2) ---- I believe that NärCon wanted to be the very best convention, when UppCon was around there were stories of how they would change the scene for the better. History however came not to pass.

I feel like NärCon has turned into a machine that is trying to squeeze every euro, dollar, cent, and gold coin out of their participants. In the past few years. They have distracted themselves with the opportunities to work with other companies, and neglected their very foundation of existence.

Her are some of the points I think most people would agree with:

The Convention was focused purely around the production of the NCC show.
The content at the convention hasn’t been afforded the attention it deserves over the years.
The convention has become a proud organisation of staffers that have gotten lazy over the years and have let their size get to their head.
The quality is not near the same as we would have hoped after so many years of seeing them organizing the event.
Lastly I believe that they have forgotten their values.

It feels like NärCon has taken the concept of Pepp that they most valiantly defended in the old days, and perverted it into a form of marketing and shameful exploitation of their very fanbase.

There is so much to say, and not enough lines of text to be able to say it all. I will leave this post with one last remark to all those who read these words.

If NärCon doesn’t actively do something within the next two weeks to address these problems, rather than call it a success. Mechanisms will be put in motion in order to ensure the future of the convention scene returns to a balance we all can enjoy.

>> No.8511979

What the fuck is this post.

>> No.8511986


Despite the somewhat odd wording in some places, this post summarizes the whole situation very well

>> No.8512009

people are already rallying around närcon, trying to say that the criticism is "unnecessarily harsh" and that people are being "unfair" and "childish" - wtf does it take for them to actually find flaws within a convention and admit that närcon has been struggling with poor planning for years now

"don't speak about your experiences openly, send mails instead <3" yes because those mails will surely be read and taken seriously

>> No.8512056

a lot of people are also ignoring all the problems because they had fun with their friends, as if närcon can take credit for you and your friends having fun with each other. as if sitting in a circle and having fun with people you normally have fun with makes all the problems with the con magically go away

>> No.8512072
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This and the fact that they are deleting negative feedback posts doesn't seem like they want to admit anything.

Personally after witnessing countless people shimming under fences to get in, and lack of information with staffers, plus the complete disregard for any responsibility when not having backup plans for weather or such I just felt like someone didn't care.

All in all I feel we swedes should check out other conventions.

Why hasn't anyone joined NärCon and tried to fix it from the inside? It this impossible? Managment not responding? They do get paid after all... you know that right? They are "professionals".

>> No.8512075


THIS! It's like a meetup venue, for way too much money. I mean the costs go up with ticket prices, but we don't get more buildings... and they get more guests that spend more money? I don't get it.

>> No.8512102
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Seems like several people might have gotten unwanted selfies taken on their phones by this staff member.

>> No.8512122

I hope that we can find out who these people are, so that they can get banned from working at other cons.

>> No.8512124

Seriously, if you're going to fool around with someone else's phone at least delete the evidence.

I would love to see these people say something to their defense about this, I hope they won't get another job at a convention for a long time

>> No.8512131
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Some more pics were posted to the event page.
Obviously the same person.

>> No.8512134

Apparently Närcon identified them and had them apologize directly to the owner of at least the phone that particular photo was taken from.

>> No.8512136

Girl in the middle didn't even work at NC
Seems like she's the one working(?).

>> No.8512142

Yeah, the one holding the camera seems to be the only one actually being a staff member. Found her on the staff site.
She's a grown person so people can't blame it on "kids being kids".

>> No.8512150

>She's a grown person

>> No.8512171

English please?

>> No.8512182


According to Pressbyrån themselves, noone had talked with them about the fence.

>> No.8512183

"I talked to the people at Pressbyrån, according to them no one had talked to them about the fence and they also first put up "Pepp Byrån" directly outside of Pressbyrån (although still inside the fence of course) because of this Pressbyrån had been forced to ask them to move."

>> No.8512184

"I talked to the people at Pressbyrån, according to them nobody talked to them about the fence. Plus they (I'm assuming the OP means NärCon) had originally put Pepp-byrån just outside Pressbyrån, but of course inside the fence, so that Pressbyrån had to ask them to leave."

>> No.8512206

This is from the same person that did that storify earlier.

>> No.8512352

There were a lot of things abot närcon, snd particularly the NCC I was not at all happy with, but anyone clsiming yhe contest was rigged need to take a good long thinl before coming out with badeless accusations. I was one of the judges (the norwegian one to be exact, I feel no need to hide behind anonymity). We had an incredibly difficult judging decision, made harder by lacking organisation and time constraints, and let me assure you we spent hours upon hours thinking and talking to mske sure we judged fairly. We know the rules, and had many discussions before yhe show on how to makesure we made the right decision despite the time constraints. In the end we all stood by the final placement and felt it correct, snd to suggest anything else is an insult both to our professionslism and to the winning cosplayers who did a remarkable job. If anyone doubts our decision feel free to contact me or any of the other judges about it rather than starting riddiculous rumors.

>> No.8512358
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>be 16:th march
>guy points out poor planning for whether
>during närcon
>in Sweden
>Head of company "Samuel" Answers
>Derpy derp
>we know what we are doing!

Apparently not.

>> No.8512372


Pretty much it seems that someone feels like NärCon is a money grubby org. And i feel like I have to agree on that.

Just the fact that there are more guests, and no more content, really gets to me.

>> No.8512396

>Why hasn't anyone joined NärCon and tried to fix it from the inside?

People have tried, believe me. With the main organizers it's their way or the highway.

I've literally seen organizers cry over frustration about how shitty they're being treated by the very people who runs the company who owns NärCon.

Also, not all organizers get paid. But yeah, it's really weird having a convention do so poorly when they literally have staff members who work with this full-time.

>> No.8512428
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God that sounds horrible. As far as the NCC i saw the Finish NCC participants post and felt so bad to hear that they smiled and cried and danced when they got off the plane when they got home.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.8512440

Only like four people gets paid by Närcon. All the other organizers slave for free and they are treated like shit. A friend of my worked as an organizer this year and the things they have to put up with is horrible. The main orgaizers just steam roll them with their decisions, give them impossible budgets to work with, give them no information or the wrong info and then expect their volunteer organisers to work miracles. Every organizer barley get the info they need for their work let alone no overall info about other parts of the con. My friend said it was embarrassing when visitors asked questions and he had no idea what they even were talking about. Närcon will kill itself if it doesnt take care if its orgaizers, this year there were a lot of new ones just because old ones don't want to come back.
(sorry for bad English)

>> No.8512474
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Reading the story about the guy who was in the Super smash bros tournament

>150 people were supposed to play several matches, each taking 5-10 minutes, on 3 consoles.

That's 3 consoles.... for at LEAST ~100 matches. That's.....

Managment that sloppy has to be fucking intentional. They WANTED to fuck up, that has to be it.

>> No.8512497

I sadly do not know why not, just that you never should. My personal opinion is that you should have had access, but yeah.
The convention has grown alot in the last few years, a bit too fast for them to handle, hence the reason for the ques and such (theres currently alot of discussions about solving this problem).
Yes, Närcon uses volonteer arrangers, which some of is changed out for every convention, making informationflow, a bit wierd, and hard to handle with.
The venues were indeed unclean, because the cleaning crew were understaffed, and the housepandas didnt do their work.
The paper covered floors in C-house was actually plywood, whom LiU put there as they just changed out the floor and didnt want us damaging it.
Wristbands arriving late when ordered well in time is out of Närcons hands.
Can't answer anything about NCC.
The signing tables were if i understood it right, a reaction on the wednessday "Where do we put the signings ? HERE" And the spot was chosen poorly, with no communication.
The närcon app, närcon isnt the developers off, also it worked fine for me the whole convention, and the maps, were because of an error in caching the maps locally in the app, instead it connected to Närcons onlinemaps.
And the part of teenage workers, this was thought of, if someone forces him/herself in, they would call on security which should always have been closeby the gates, so it could easily be handeled with.

>> No.8512513

So because the gate was placed roughly a 150 meter extra walk for mcdonalds, people refused to go there? Can't blame närcon for that, the gatecrew was already undermanned, and a planned suprise was a gate for mcdonalds if the crew was large enough.
Even people volonteering for NC didnt know about Green room until even saturday/sunday, some people still didnt know it existed.
And thats horrible communication that you had to convince people that you were allowed there, and not excusable by any means.
Närcon has stated "your allergy, your resposibility"

>> No.8512533

>Närcon has stated "your allergy, your responsibility"
well that certainly explains why they put the veggie burgers on the same spot on the grill as the meat burgers, and my vegetarian friend got sick from it

>> No.8512536

My personal opinion:
I love ext-arr, (usually) much nicer service, more to do, more care than NC's own stuff.
NC opinion:
But you get here for free, and we like money so we wont give ya perks.

Information was horrible everywhere, which i guess was a new challenge for everyone, a new game called "fuck over the whole con" i believe.

Ill keep answering questions tomorrow, im just way tired atm.

>> No.8512547

Your friend sounds hysterical.

>> No.8512560

Might be my bad wording and i apologize for that. what i meant is that my friend isn't vegetarian by choice, they're allergic to meat. and at the nc grill they grilled the vegetarian burgers on the same place as the meat burgers, which made some meat stuff stick to the vegetarian burgers. and after my friend ate theirs they got sick because of an allergic reaction and had to rush back to their hotel (luckily their partner could drive them) and had to spend the rest of that evening in the bathroom

>> No.8512563

Vegeterians can actually physically get sick from residual taste if they have built up an immunity to it.

>> No.8512620

The LARP guys (Katrineholms Äventyrsklubb, "KÄK") were present!

They were shunted way off to the side in the "Zen garden" area, where they were treated 'like trespassers' (one persons experience) by the land owner and met with the same shitty noncommital crap all the other ext.arr were. (i.e. no badges, no access to facilities, no food tickets).

>> No.8513098

Närcon has always been about doing the cheapest thing. When UppCon was around, Närcon was the con that taped up crappy paper signs and had organizers saying stuff like "the visitors does not care. We can have 20000 events and they would still just sit in corners and hug people." And when UppCon shut down due to the organizers not wanting to make a crappy con if their hearts were not into it, Närcon took the chance and filled the void. Suddenly they had double the amount of willing visitors and a PR flagship called "Cosplay".

>> No.8513145

If the contest wasn't rigged, then you simply made awful decisions. Two of the winners used assistants way too much, the second and the third one had glaring inaccuracies in their costume with a messy construction and boring, unoriginal performances. You might see why people believe the contest was rigged, especially under shady conditions like these.

>> No.8513189

To the NC oa who keeps answering questions here: man up! Even when some things are not Närcon's fault (e.g. the weather) take responsibility for the mistakes that were. All I hear are excuses and shifting the blame away from Närcon. You fucked up royally, people are pissed (rightfully so) so own up to it. And I don't mean you personally, but the Närcon org as whole.

>> No.8513256

I wanted to go there with my girlfriend but this happened to us:

>> No.8513267

I think Närcon as an organisation needs tp apologize for some things but i do not think that excuse should come from the voullunter workers (pandas or oa:s). They worked for free under shit circumstances and from what I heard they are just as pissed as the visitors. But they do not have the same luxury of complaining noisilly as we visitors do. I think it is the people att the top that are responsible and should apologize to blame peaople down the hierarchy is cruel - they did the best they could and I think some of them are getting a lot of blame for things Närcon did. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place and I am thankful they stuck around and finished their work even though they were miserable or Närcon would have ended on day one.

>> No.8513339

The understaffing is hilarious because I know for a fact that one of my friends who held a lecture and had "Honoured Guest" status got their own personal assistant that showered them around the place and helped them with whatever they needed, no when he finally left then alone (they said they were relieved to just get to explore the con on their own) he said that they could call at any time and he would help them.

>> No.8513371

This what >>8513145 said. I also know that some of the judges didn't agree on the winners, so that makes me call rigged too.

Especially the 3rd winner had NO place in the top 3, her costume wasn't anything special, the assistant was in too large part of the performance and the worst of all was that it was a completely lip-synched clip from the game. No originality or creativity used at all. If a performance that was straight from the original material deserved to win, at least it should have been the Thorin cosplayer whos costume looked better and she acted and spoke the whole performance herself with skill.

The 2nd winner's costume was messy and if the costume was in the largest part of this competition, how the fuck could she have won if the contest wasn't rigged? Her performance also was boring.

The 1st winner didn't surprise me and she deserved a part in the top 3, but it's still bullshit as her performance was the most like a pair performance than any other contestants.

>> No.8513375

All of this. I also know that all the judges didn't agree with the results, but of course they can't admit it in public.

>> No.8513380

Konventseliten where are you

>> No.8513392

Any chance you could disclose whom the 2nd and 3rd winners were? Custome / Act / Name

>> No.8513395

Glad to know I wasn't the only one baffled by the ncc results. While the winner had a gorgeous costume, I really thought her performance violated the rules since her assistant pretty much took over the stage for a large portion of the performance.
I'm a bit dissapointed the ragnarok online bishop didn't win anything, as her performance was hands down the best one, no question about it.

>> No.8513396

typing like this is tumblr??????

>> No.8513398

I think all of the Finish contestants had the best performances hands down. I was shocked to hear none of them placed in the top-3.

>> No.8513399

Dead and gone forever, hopefully.

>> No.8513409

Damn, this is horrible.

>> No.8513410

Butthurt Finns need to stop replying in this thread. Your vendetta shows so bad.

NCC was a fucking awful mess and the Finnish team was treated horribly yes. You are not doing the hard working Finnish team any favors by being this shitty about who won.

>> No.8513414
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If you think my costume was shit etc, I can't help you with that, but feel free to make it better yourself. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever made and if that is not enough, then I must just be a shitty costumer in general. I am also very curious about to which judge you are referring since they were very supportive and seemed happy with the result. The most outrage has of course been from the Finnish audience, but I doubt the Finnish judge (Maiju) would say such a thing. She is a very talented and grown-up person that knows her stuff and would give credit where it is due.

With regards to the performance I can tell you that while I tried to keep true to the storyline of the game, I could not outright copy a scene for a two minute performance that would make sense. I used lines from 4 different scenes, I moved around the lines within the scenes, cut out lines that were unneccesary and even built my own lines from separate words cut from the game. I also added music that I felt was appropriate (3 different bgm tracks from the soundtrack). The whole thing took me about 24 hours to put together. If you think it was all just one scene then I just cut it well. Of course I could've just came up with some completely random story and done a funny dance, but I wanted to stay true to the game and do an appropriate representation of the character without including CoM or Re:coded. I did the best I could with the limits presented by the costume and character. As for my assitant she was not even on stage for half of the performance and had her back to the audience 90% of the time. She did not even cross the middle of the stage.

>> No.8513415

Butthurt Swedes need to stop whiteknighting themselves.

>> No.8513421
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>> No.8513425
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>> No.8513446

Your costume wasn't shit, but it was nothing special in this kind of competition. It wasn't up with there of the many much more elaborate and better looking costumes.

>> No.8513447

While I'm not the anon you're replying to, I have to say, your performance was definitely the weakest out of the winning three.
Your costume is incredible though, mad props for that but your performance really lacked impact. For someone who is unfamiliar with KH or for someone like me who played the games through once when they were released and doesn't remember each scene super well, it really did seem like you just grabbed the audio from a random scene and re-enacted it as is. It was really boring and felt completely uninspired compared to some of the other performances that had more choreography or more of a completed story to them. I couldn't even remember your performance afterwards because absolutely nothing interesting happened in it.
Also, for future reference, while it may seem justified to come and white knight yourself when you're insulted on cgl, it's very rarely a good idea and just makes you look like a fool. Don't let mean anon comments get to you.

>> No.8513452

You are aware that you cannot judge a cosplay contest just on performance and seeing things from the stage right? We spent eight hours Thursday pre-judging, lifting seams, going up close on everything and deliberating amongst the judges.Unless you lookes in detail on every costume and talked to every contestant you simply cannot say something like this without sounding incredibly ignorant. The third place costume was incredibly complex and well put together, though it might not have shown well on stage.

As for saying the secon place was messy I just have no idea what you are talking about, but you clearly did not see the costume up close.

As for the performances they were a difficult judge due to time constraints yes, but we put down guidelines together and all everyone was judged fairly on the same rules, which included the involvement of assistants. If you liked other performances better that is completely fair, performance is very much a matter of opinion, but I hope you know that the contestants you are talking about are reading this, and I can only imagine how hurful it must be to read such thing. We all got to know each other through the hassle that was the contest, and I cannot believe any of the people you thought deserved the places would apporve of talking this way about the others. In any case I won't be having arguments with someone anonymously. If you question our decision feel free to contact me or any of the other judges on facebook where we can have a mature discussion about it. If not, I am done here.

>> No.8513454


Nah dude

>> No.8513455

I'm sure this might sound strange to you but the other contestants seemed to put in a lot more effort in their performance and even though your costume isn't shit, it isn't drop-dead gorgeous either.

>As for saying the secon place was messy I just have no idea what you are talking about, but you clearly did not see the costume up close.

Not that anon, but I did see it up close. That's why I can say it was messy.

>> No.8513459

I am really interesting to hear about these so called inaccuracies, cause I very specifically looked for those in pre-judging and couldn't find a single thing in any of the three placing costumes. However I would prefer if such contact was made on facebook, I am easy enough to find, and I am not at all interested in holding this conversation on anonymous. You are very welcome to have these opinions, and I am always interesting in hearing other peoples point of view in case it can lead me to improve, but have the guts to put your name behind them, or I can't begin to take you seriously. Feel free to contact me on other platforms if you are unsatisfied, since we will be working on making sure the system is improved for next year and we welcome any feedback, but I won't be replying here any more.

>> No.8513462

For someone who hates anonymous discussion you sure do post here a lot.

>> No.8513476

You keep telling us to contact you on facebook to have a proper conversation, but here you are posting anonymously and we have no fucking idea who you even are.

>> No.8513496

>the norwegian one to be exact, I feel no need to hide behind anonymity


That hard to read eh? Finding out who the Norwegian judge was is easy.

>> No.8513504

For what it's worth, i guess we should direct the attention to the lack of proper organization and not argue about the results.

>> No.8513507

^ this, the competition is done and over.

but something can still be done about närcon.

>> No.8513515

At NärCon I acted as a handler for the NCC, and my name is Allan. I am currently writing this without the consent of NärCon or in any ways representing that organization. I was the preshow host.

First off the performance was great and the show production was great, hats off to them for getting that done.

I at least want to try to be here to reply to questions that I may possibly be able to reply to. I believe that if people feel wronged they should have an out and someone to listen to it, and that we can constructively (he said on 4chan) at least get some replies and questions answered.

There are already processes set in motion to address this and NärCon has at reacted well! As for the contest itself being rigged I think it was far from it. I'll explain why I think this.

What actually happened on the ground

The judges were informed late about the procedure to judge (thursday), which was not acceptable by the judges. Dialogue ensued and NärCon had that fixed the morning after (friday).

Pre judging, interviews, and photo sessions worked out great, as that is something where everyone had the proper time with our judge panel to get up and close with each costume. Every judge filled out and discussed pretty much the entire day and came to accordance on pointing based on costuming. A lot of insight into what helped select the winners.

As for the show, the rules about on stage participation were as many here have stipulated very vague, and some assistants took up a lot of time/attention on space. The choice of winners was based on the NCC performance, but was not the sole motivator for who should win. There was also the pre-judging in which I feel sorry that the judges hadn't gotten time on stage to explain the argumentation for why they chose the way they did, so that you the crowd could understand fully their choices.

I hope that you guys understand that choice, and if you have any questions feel free to post a reply.

>> No.8513517

They have started to slowly creep out and comment on the event page, but most of the things they're saying is "Answer the customer form we sent out!!!"

>> No.8513518


I totally agree, what's done is done, and feedback rest assured is being listened to internally. Which is great!

>> No.8513529

I can mostly only speak about how horrendously bad the e-sport side of Närcon was. Just laughable honestly.
I thought that last year would take the crown as the worst year of Närcon but apparently I was wrong.

So I wanted to sign up for some of the tournaments they had, like I do every year.
First of all: They only had 3 tablets that you could sign up with so if someone wanted to sign up for several things, it would take forever and a huge queue would build up. Ok, whatever atleast we got to sign up to the tournaments.
Except if you wanted to sign yourself into the hearthstone tournament, because you needed to provide 3 deck lists for all your decks but guess what, they had no paper or pens at the place where you would sign up for the tournaments. So I couldn't join because someone else took the last spot when I finally managed to get some paper from the board games room from the other side of the con because they had no freaking paper in the K-house. It also only had 40 spots because they were trying to get it to fit into their schedule.

I am not gonna name any delays on tournaments because that is to be expected with Närcon by now. (Their League of Legends tournament was delayed with 24 hours last year).
Also this year is the only year they have allowed people under level 30 to join the competition which sucked balls for everyone forced to play with them.

And now for the the best part: The CS:GO tournament which was held for the first time at Närcon which was a really nice addition since you know, Sweden loves CS:GO.
Too bad the people who were arranging this tournament are fucking retarded and didn't have a premade server OR someone who did this for us. We, the players had to make the servers ourselves for 2 hours before we even could get to play our match and this was in the first fucking round.
Needless to say people were pissed off as fuck.

>> No.8513541

Yeah, I didn't fully agree with the results but I would have been ok with them if the judges would have explained the Why behind their choices. There's a lot the audience can't see, so hearing the judges explain themselves would have really helped, like last year. Now giving the prizes was just shouting name after name with seemingly no credentials.

>> No.8513550


I also don't fully support the decisions, but as was said earlier, I'm not a judge and did not get to lift the seams.

It would have been better if the judges were the ones announcing the winners, because they'd have been able to tell on the spot WHY.

The way SVT handled the entire thing was just confusing and didn't support the cosplays. That is part of the reason why I thought there was something fishy going on, but I do not blame the judges. They did their best with was was given.

>> No.8513554

This is actually something we used to do, back in 2013 - 14, but the TV production changed the priorities which can happen.

We have an internal aftermath group for the NCC contestants, and I can say on my word that none of them felt like the contest was Rigged.

The judges however feel that they want to explain a few points.

"I feel it is important to mention that even with the hurried judging of performance they judges took time before the cons to sit down and figure out a fair system to be able to judge everyone equally, and that the we thought about how to consider the use of assistants on stage."

" ... I dont like the suggestion of the competition being rigged... We were in a stressfull situation but i definitely support the final top 3, that i feel like was exactly as it should be."

The argumentation round was missing, and there is a reason we put it in. The information might be "irrelevant" for the crowd. But this is Cosplay. This is our community, and we don't just fucking tell them what they need to know. We make sure they are involved, understand, and follow the reasoning.

Cosplay is not just something you can package, remove the untidy bits, and sell off as a show. It has to fully be there. Everything. From the arrival briefings, morning briefings, night briefings, schedules in print, food, drink, hosting, heat, and all that.

Last year we were told things would be addressed, and then we had a meeting where we were told that they were not aware of that feedback. This has to stop, and now it seems it has. Reactions, and public outcry is something that makes the community come together in order to change for the better, and NärCon usually embraces it. The problem is they think they have to change it from the top down, and not let the community be part of the process. Not to ignore your people, but to embrace their opnions, and create the experience of the NCC together. Not dictate it.

>> No.8513561

Are you the Allan who worked under Ellen? If yes, tja man.

>> No.8513566
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I worked under Sofia W. as far as I know, no Ellen!

>> No.8513569

Oh, you're than Allan, sup! Im the person who's refridgerator you borrowed. Alot.

>> No.8513572

From the Green Room :D the blond dude?

>> No.8513575

Quite exactly, not the long blonde hair, since there was 2 of us with blonde hair.

Right, i feel like i should add in on what you also typed:
What i have previously states is without the consent of Närcon and without their knowledge as well.

>> No.8513596

I think it's fair that we discuss things that are open knowledge by the community, and it's good for people to know that people that work for NärCon and care for it outside leadership which of course loves NärCon too, are looking into making sure everyone feels heard!

I saw a lot of posts that were pretty unhappy about the negative feedback not being replied and such, but they prefer their questionnaires and such.

Personally I thought that I let a lot of people down with sub par work, but at the same time a lot of workers did a great job. We didn't know the role of the green room for the longest time, and just used your fridge since we didn't have one for the food stuffs we had gotten.

Thanks for that guys!

How was your green room stuff working out?

>> No.8513601

Alot of people sadly didn't, as it was a completely new team in the organisation, and people didn't tell people, and its hard for 1 person to reach out to 700+ people, and all othe other organizers were told about it, but for some reason didnt spread the word.
Green room went better than I ever could expect, and I have no one but my fantastic pandas to thank for that, they did more than they had to, and I feel like I am in debt to them for that. which feels amazing!
I promise, you can hang out in Green room next year as well if you want to! Was fun chatting with you, the short amounts of times we actually chatted.

>> No.8513731

Närcon will never be as good as Uppcon, and that's not exactly difficult.

>> No.8513801

So what cons are good to go to other than Närcon? I've been enjoying Confusion since before, but that's all dependant on whether they shape up their venue handling for this year. Kultcon I'm noping on for personal reasons though I DID hear good things about Kodachi. Kawaiicon was kinda cozy but had a lot of weebs, not sure if worth attending again this year. Maybe? Probably? Peppcon I have not once heard anything good about and I'm not sure when or where Storcon even is.

>> No.8513828
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Personal opinions here! Always choose conventions based on the info they have on their pages, the content they provide, don't just go to conventions to go. You can always meet friends at other venues and stuff. Vote for conventions you like with your ticket purchases.

Two years ago me and some friends started organizing a small con called GEEKcore (800 ppl last year), we're not the best by far, we have some issues, but if you want to come out and chill it's an option? We have a party bar, and a lot of different content from board games, retro games, panels, and entertainment. Most of it is being held in English!

Also J-popcon is pretty good (now), and Genki is great (but it's this weekend).

Kodachicon was pretty chill, but not much content, but as far as I know they are working on that. Kultcon is a safe bet, and so is ConFusion. NärCon can get better if they get the feedback and I believe they will. In Norway which isn't far KawaiiCon, MetroCon, Banzaicon, and ToruCon are probably the best options!

Finland is a unknown vast void for me though, I heard good stuff about all their conventions though!

In Germany Dokomi is good, and Connichi is a great experience!

Dreamhack is fun if you enjoy eSport and games ,but for cosplay it's still building more content.

ComicCon Stockholm, is a expo and it's what you think of it.

ComicCon Malmö, is doing it's first year and organized by one of my favorite NärCon organizers there, so that might be a thing.

Next year there will be ComicCon in Denmark, but I still have to say community wise that Genki, J-popcon, and GEEKcore which are relatively close to Copenhagen and the airport are best choices.

However let's not go too far of thread. Need more info?

>> No.8513850

I personally like your costume a lot. You really brought Riku alive. The only nitpicks I could think of is that the colour of the boots should be slightly more purple and the colour of the "skirt" should be more yellowish.

>> No.8513869

What precedent do we have for Närcon actually improving? Right now they're giving lip service to get back into good graces of the people and promise to improve. It's gonna be forgotten next year and we'll have a similar situation. This has happened many years in a row.

Don't trust the NC orgs. Get your voice out there and demand for actual changes. Don't settle for promises.

>> No.8513955

one big problem i've noticed with a lot of peoples post-con stories this year is that they believe that NärCon Sommar 2015 was "the best con i've ever been to" and they say things along the lines of "i'm really looking forward to next year!"
but when you read their con stories you can clearly see that nothing they enjoyed actually had anything to do with the con. having fun with friends you have fun with anyway, enjoying the ext-arr rooms (doctor who room, karaoke, homestuck room, sarz spelbar and the other ext-arr things), enjoying panels etc. is not something you can give NC credit for, since those aren't events they planned. Yet people praise ncs15 as "the best con ever" simply because they had fun with their friends doing activites not related to nc themselves.

and those people sending positive feedback to nc, giving them credit for things they should not be credited for, gives nc the idea that as long as there were at least some people that enjoyed themselves, they won't need to improve or even listen to those of us who actually saw and experienced all the issues at the con this year

>> No.8514174

Hey Linn, nice to see you here.

>> No.8514182

It's super childish and immature to blame Finnish cosplay community as a whole for saying that "they didn't like your costume". Grown up! This is what happens with every competition and you should know that! You can't please everyone, and you have to learn to not care if someone say that they wanted their friends to win.

>> No.8514293
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>> No.8514295

I like how people talk about ComicCon Stockholm as their replacer for NärCon, when NärCon is the organizers behind it...

>> No.8514298
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>> No.8514311
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>> No.8514313

Apparently they just put up an 18+ sign and didn't do anything else

>> No.8514324

This seems like something I've heard before. "Next year we'll be better!!! I promise!!!!"

>> No.8514350

I think that we have to take in mind that samuel has been off sick since like February because of stress related depression. idk why he's still working tbh

>> No.8514358

Oh, I didn't know that. That sucks.
He always seemed like a nice guy, and I feel bad that he's probably gonna have to do most of the cleanup for other people's bad decisions.

>> No.8514359

the dude shouldn't be working at all for the convention until he's healed.

This isn't gonna end well if he continues with a condition that's directly related to the work he does.

>> No.8514377

This, if one of the main organizers is in a bad situation mentally or physically they should always get a replacement until they get better, instead of trying to carry the burden all through the stress.

>> No.8514436

>Finland is a unknown vast void for me though, I heard good stuff about all their conventions though!

Finnish cons tend to have 90% of the content in Finnish, so unless you can speak moonspeak it might not be worth it. They do tend to be nicely organized tho.

>> No.8514440

For all the Finns patting their asses going Finnish cons sure are nice over this, anyone remember Fanfest.........

>> No.8514454

It's still better than last year where they basically decorated the walls with 18+ hugging pillows of underage characters.
As soon as you entered several ventors' rooms, the first thing you'd see were crudely "censored" underage girls begin molested.
Närcon is so family friendly.

>> No.8514459

Oh yes, but that shit got cancelled after the first try and the committee scattered.

>> No.8514463

Geeeh, please. Lewd hugging pillows is part of Con culture.

>> No.8514466

Fanfest had huge organizational issues because the head organizer was off his rocker, but the issues didn't shine through to the audience and only the organizers had to deal with that disaster. It's a good example of a Finnish con gone wrong, but it went bankrupt right after the first event and never happened again.

>> No.8514482


>but the issues didn't shine through to the audience and only the organizers had to deal with that disaster.

This is why it was still better than Närcon.

>> No.8514502

Seriously, Finns. No one cares about your conventions in a topic about a swedish con. It was a failure, but it's just annoying to see you guys flailing your dicks around.

>> No.8514510

The shops were informed that this wasnt okay, and actually most of them werent welcome this year.

>> No.8514531

Yet they still managed to keep them hanging the whole con last year.

>> No.8514533


TBH it's neither cool to act like the judges didn't know what they were doing and saying that contests were rigged when you/your friend/someone close doesn't win. That's not how things work.

Anyway, making the criticism against NCC be about the cosplayers themselves doesn't seem fair. The biggest problem with the NCC was how everything was handled, the production of the show and the vocal opinions regarding NärCon in general. If that would've been better, the talks about rigged competitions and etc. probably would've been less of a thing.

But then, as a former cosplay event organiser, it feels like the talk of "rigged competitions" is always something that comes up in the end no matter the result.

>> No.8514534

Yeah, that was horrible, I agree, luckily, nothing like that this year, as far as I saw, and im pretty sure I visited most of the shops.

>> No.8514555

We live in a crazy alternative dimension where UppCon is still a thing.

>> No.8514561

Ugh, Uppcon, should make a book.
How to grow way too big and drop everything 101

>> No.8514579

Well, most of the main organisers grew up and started doing other things. Free time for working on cons isn't something that keeps persisting throughout the years.

Instead of making a business out of it like NärCon did (which might haven proven successful depending on how you see it), it was easier to drop the whole thing and move on, closing the book on it.

>> No.8514582

Can I join?

>> No.8514586

Apparently Monte Fjanton was there?

>> No.8514591

One of the best swedish youtube channels

>> No.8514594


when you know how hard your friend worked, it's only natural to express your disappointment, no? or when your countrys team loses in a contest, or the team you were rooting for? ofc people get upset.

i'd like to point out that as far as i've seen, no one on the actual finnish contest team has complained about the judging tho. even the one who wrote about the problems with närcon never said she should've won instead. she only said that it was fucked up for svt to meddle with the judging process. and i think that's what should be focused on, because i don't think it's fair for the contestants or the judges to change the judging process so late in the contest :/

so maybe less bitching about finns and more talk about how närcon bend over backwards to suck tv dick

>> No.8514601

Actually it's still Artexis and NärCon, but It's a different budget, and some things are organized differently than NärCon to be honest.

>> No.8514603

> people complain about närcon in a sane and civilized manner and give constructive and well-earned criticism
> hugbox.jpg for all the swedish con-goers who refuse to see närcon's flaws

i'm not very optimistic, i feel like they'll get away with this like they always do and the criticism will die down once again and this shit will be repeated next year

>> No.8514616

Well, sure you can be upset, but there's better ways to spell your disappointment in the end, don't you think?

And absolutely, the whole SVT thing seems like the biggest mistake ever. Rather; SVT seems like a big mistake in general. Considering how much worse the production was re: NCC in comparison to CSM it's hilarious. Especially when it comes to the host making dumb racist jokes and saying things that aren't true.

And yeah, NärCon needs to look back at this summers event and figure out what went wrong (most things apparently). I didn't attend myself, but seeing the backlash really shows how poorly it was organised. Some of this probably goes back to the main organisers not acting in a way that helps the organisers under them. And the fact that they're promising more than they can afford. At least be frank when things doesn't go the way they should.

I'm afraid that this has always been a thing with NärCon. I often see criticism from organisers or staff at the convention, but they seem to repeat mistakes, even if they're in a new manner.

>> No.8514624

I just hope NCC would move the fuck out of Närcon so I wouldn't have to deal with their bullshit.

Literally the only reason I visit Närcon is the NCC. Nothing else about it appeals to me.

Finns have nice venues and their premilinaries look freaking awesome.

Norwegians have some pretty damn dedicated organizers.

And the main NCC handler is of course a Dane, so Denmark would also work as a host country.

Literally anywhere else but Sweden, please.

>> No.8514634

Considering NärCon more or less owns the event (afaik?) it doesn't seem likely. Same with CSM changing it's organiser, which I feel is starting to be needed to change things and make the competition more of a preliminary to larger competitions.

And then, I do think that there are organisers in Sweden that would love to make NCC something good. But I don't feel like NärCon is giving them enough space or money to make it so.

>> No.8514651

from what I heard a lot of people told him to take it calm but apparently he's such a workaholic that he won't quit
tbh i find it really shitty that people put all of NCs shit on him, he can't possible control everything

>> No.8514652

Fuck Närcon.

NCC could just cancel itself, the committee just deciding to nope.

Start the entire thing again with a slightly different name, same concept but somewhere else.

>> No.8514663
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Picture back from 2011 where Ullis pitched me the NCC.

I get you 100%

In the original plan for the NCC it was going to be a travelling event, that would bring the best of craftsmanship to all the different countries. Daniel Ullis was the brain child, and I provided the concept for a lot of the work, and NärCon backed the first event.

After the first event, NärCon decided it was a good thing, and took over the committee process which was the way to ensure fair treatment, and local countrymen teams in each country, and made everyone reapply. Which I was very much against, so I declined to "sign-up" for something I had worked on for at least a year conceptualizing with Ullis to be a part of. Regardless that second year we had hiccups and we had to do some patch work. this was the first of many, next year... we will do better. I believe they mean it, but get distracted along the way.

Recently I feel that the focus of the buisness behind NärCon with the WCS, Eurocosplay Qualifiers (which they moved out of NärCon this year without informing the EC about it) is distracted. Not a problem, they want to do a lot of great things and I get that, but it has to be addressed.

Personally I hope to be standing on Neutral ground for the sake of the NCC's well being, and I believe after our last meeting with the organizers that they want to ensure a better future, and this will include letting the Committee be self establishing, (i.e.) they get to chose their members, and they together with NärCon produce the show ensuring the quality of what NärCon does best which is the show, and what the NCC Committee does best, which is handling the participation process from each country and hosting the cosplayers.

I was pulled in to the NCC a few weeks back as the Pre-show host. That was my only role. Then i was offered the handling role and I managed that poorly. Admittedly the contestants deserved much more from me, and I let them down.

>> No.8514671

Well, in the end, if you're the main and top organiser of something you're the one responsible for the event itself. As are CEO's in companies. I think it might be a good idea to start considering to make someone else take the place for a while. But Samuels seems hellbent on being the one that is the one.

But then, seeing who others are in the top of the organisation I wouldn't let anyone of the others take the position either.

>> No.8514681

You're a good guy Allan, and I'm sorry you're in this mess.

Next year will be better.

>> No.8514688

Allan, if everything fucks up, i got a spot for you in green room, mkay? <3

>> No.8514690

I just feel like the whole thing of NärCon wanting to be the biggest thing in the Scandinavian convention scene is hurting them. With that thought comes the thing of not giving up a single event that mainly should focus on bringing out the best of the scene in the surrounding countries.

If that would've been the focus for these included parts in their convention, both the NCC and CSM probably would've gone a long way in new directions, mostly better such ones.

Speculations of course.

>> No.8514718


Thanks man, every year, I think the key here is to reestablish the NCC to actually take part in planning and just do our part for it. Like it was intended.


The greenest of the rooms.


I believe that there are options, and there are pros and cons yeah.

So let's speculate that Dreamhack f.eks wants to take over. They have budget, they have no sponsor restrictions, they have streaming, they have a stage, but they lack the convention feel.

However people assume that Dreamhack Cosplay is unilaterally only about video game cosplay. This isn't true, any character can go up. There has never been a post in the rules limiting it. However it makes sense for that, and I think that's where they might lose out hosting the NCC.

Speculating that NärCon keeps it and the Committee reestablishes it and becomes a form or Organizer team within NärCon gives most sense. Especially with future plans, and also taking responsibility and helping NärCon get better for the NCC via own work standards.

There are 8k People at NärCon, I doubt that everyone will read this, so I feel fine posting that either we have to put up or shut up. I for one want to give it a chance, and see what we can do if we really do band together. However NC really has to pull through on their end this year, but together we can make it happen. There is no more room for NärCon at the helm without navigators like the Committee and I think they will be fine with sharing!

>> No.8514739

I've been following the drama surrounding this summer's närcon on every platform even though I wasn't there, and honestly Allan - thank you for handling the criticism here with such a grace.

And I agree, Närcon needs to put up or shut up. They need to step up their organizing game, they're not just a small organisation doing a cozy convention in Örebro anymore. They are now a business and need to act as such.

>> No.8514754

So there's no hope for NCC getting an indoors stage?

Actual seatings for the audience?

...Warm and bright backstage conditions for the contestants?

>> No.8514757

Considering LiU is sick of Närcons shit, most likely. Hopefully, considering they seem to have to change venues quite soon.

>> No.8514762

got any sources?

>> No.8514767

Were you at närcon and saw the C-building? The plywood floor was there because they got tired of the floor breaking.
Also, being a close friend of the main event organizers, gossip spreads fast.
The crew worked super hard this year to make everything spot perfect clean, due to LiU stating that it was never part of the deal to take care of the cleaning of the whole area.

>> No.8514788

What makes me madder is everyone going:
>don't hate on all the hard working pandas!!!! They've worked super hard and don't deserve criticism! If it's so easy you should try yourself! See what it's like! Then you wouldn't be complaining!

It's like the standard argument. It's like NärCon is automatically immune to criticism on the virtue of it being run by a lot of people who work for free. I don't like that mentality because it's a crutch that keeps NC from improving.
It's also laughable that they assume that people who are criticizing have never worked with NC and seen the flaws and problems from the inside year after year.

Also. First time convention goers.
>my first convention ever and nc is the best ya'll just haters!!!

I don't even. Of course your first convention is good. You have no framework for a standard and you just finally found a place with friends who like the same thing as you. Of course you are going to see everything as magical.

>> No.8514802

To add in on this.
>But I have alot of experienced con-goers and they said it was great!

Great for you, however, the con was not great, your friends are not able of an objective look of things, and your OPINION, is subjective and wrong.

>> No.8514807


I also ment specifically that critiquers have to start doing the work, or just not going. If I am going to berate the NCC it's because I am going to be working to fix it and fess up to faults. It's not like if we don't talk about it nothing happened.

The worse feeling is that people feel like I or others are blowing things out of proportions. I believe in the fair grace of letting people feel what they feel, and use that as critique. If someone is super mad, you reach out and you hear them out and address it, actions before words, one NärCon organizer told me recently. And he doesn't get that this is why most people are upset to start off with. A lot of things were felt last year, that were promised to change this year, and that didn't happen. The memory of said critique is fresh.


We talked about getting a list of items that need to be present if they do the same, indoor will probably be impossible, unless NärCon fixes it since we believe that their convention setup is their buisness and we don't mess with that, but if its outdoors again, Heating lamps are on the list.

What kind of improvements do you guys think NärCon needs to head, in order of importance?

... ect

>> No.8514825


Well, since it's very unlikely that I'll get to compete in the NCC, I'll just focus on the audience side.

1. Seating. Numbered seating. This will ensure you know exactly how many people there are in the audience, in case of an emergency.

2. Numbered seating tickets being handed out. This will reduce queues. Has been done in Finland for years, works really well.

>> No.8514826

as long as people use the argument "THEY WORK HARD AND FOR FREE" there will be no constructive or good discussions coming out of this. also the fact that närcon deleted negative feedback for days before addressing the issues (no, they didn't delete just threads that got out of hand as they say) makes me really doubt the sincerity in their apologies. i do believe that a lot of people work hard for närcon to succeed and i don't blame all the workers or OA's that did their absolute best, but the fact that some people did good doesn't make närcon immune to critique as if they won a fucking challenge in project runway and now gets a free pass to next year again.

i feel as if people are so offended and outright upset that some people found flaws WHEN THEY ACTUALLY HAD FUN OMG SHUT UP NÄRCON IS THE BEST that they don't even read what is right in front of them? as said before i think some planners and organisers of närcon think they can get off easy and i think they might even succeed if the people crying out about feeling so bad for all the "hate" närcon receives right now gets their way

sorry but närcon screwed up and no amount of wishful thinking will change the fact that the main organisers made some bad decisions and come at this with an attitude that turn a lot of people away

>> No.8514882

I feel bad for the arrangers and organisers that work their ass off and now get sent threats and hate (saw the head of security saying he might take a break from facebook and not go back to working with cons?) but at the same time those that did mess up should be able to hear that and accept that people are upset.

Idk, I feel bad for the people who have to take all this negativity upon themselves at the same time i'm really pissed at how närcon was handled this year.


>> No.8515265

As an ex panda i can actually say that yes, it is that easy. All you need is a decent teamleader who sets the schedule and the rest of the team who knows how to show up on time. Most of the work doesn't even require any kind of skill. Would say that juice baren and grillen are places where pandas have it rough, and esport... But that's their own fault.

There actually Were experience con-goers who enjoyed the majority of NC this year? Have only heard/seen shit about it

>> No.8515283

For me it was a real disappointment that they only had like 15 TV's like 5 good arcade machines in the arcade area.
It's a con for 8000 people....

>> No.8515595

1. Making the back stage enjoyable: having enough beverages, some cookies, maybe fresh fruits like grapes etc., anything to ensure everyone's blood sugar stays on acceptable levels. And if course tons of water.
2. So called "cosplaymamas": people who go around helping contestants and asking if they're doing ok. Trust me, it's a small thing but it helps having someone ensure you're alright before a nervewrecking contest.
3. Is hotel possible for contestants? Or at least make sure the accomodation stays warm and there's enough pillows and covers for everybody! And so that there are nice changing rooms and bathrooms WITHOUT QS
4. Introduce the teams to each other: have some sort of get-together on Wednesday or something. This is how they do it in Eurocosplay, at least. This way, even if problems arise and some contestants are shyer they still get to know everyone.
5. If you make a mistake, apologize. If someone else made a mistake but you were contacted first, apologize in behalf of them. After that, try to solve the situation to the best of your ability. This is good advice for pandas in general.
6. Make info emails actually informative! No "you'll know when you get here"s, give definite info and keep to it.
7. The rules about the use of assistant should be clarified -- now the entries had everything from a WCS-style dialogue to lone monologues. It's unfair if some take the rules more literally just end up hurting their performance and the ones who outright break said rules get praised with no deduction from the points.

>> No.8515671

>Finland is a unknown vast void for me though, I heard good stuff about all their conventions though!

Finland has had a lot of Swedish visitors at their conventions and they've always enjoyed their stay a lot. The conventions rarely have problems and they're usually very well organized and there's little to no drama in the community. The only downside is that the programming is 100% in Finnish (except for Tracon, which has some English lectures) because international visitors are relatively rare. They do speak English well so making a conversation is pretty easy. Since the venues are usually focused in focused in one place, taking care of crowd control etc. is a lot easier. The Finnish law actually states strict demands for an event so they need to do everything well and by the book. Recommending Desucon and Tracon, especially the first one since it's only for people over 18 and there are less kids running around.

Just mentioning in case anyone else is interested in visiting Finnish conventions.

>> No.8515721

I stand behind this 100%, make it happen.

>> No.8515733

well put, couldn't have said it better myself. from what i've heard, the cosplaymama system can be a lifesaver for the contestants - i'm actually really surprised this wasn't done already??

>> No.8515809

Me too, I was like what?! why didn't they have cosplaymamas?! It's a fucking international contest... They should've supplied the contestants with staff that would help them instead of leaving them on their own.. I feel bad for the teams that didn't speak Swedish and were in a completely foreign place, no wonder they felt so lonely and abandoned.

>> No.8515822


By what I've understood, Närcon kind of thinks that the assistants that the contestants bring with them are the cosplaymamas.

But they too are in the dark! They don't know where everything is, and how stuff works and most likely don't know the language!

That's why the NCC needs specifically trained cosplaymamas who know what is what and where everything is, and who know the host language!

The personal assistant the contestant brings is supposed to be that little mental help, someone who speaks their language and can relate to their problems.

>> No.8515827


Putting this out there too:

There seems to be a rising trend that bigger cons in Finland get sold out very quickly, so it's good to get information about ticket sale dates well in advance. If you have any questions (ie the website is all Finnish) contact the organizers, most of them speak English and can help you with everything you need to know.

>> No.8515890

After Desucon now set both of their conventions as adult only and the kiddies aren't there to grab their ticket, the ticket sales are going to slow down and they won't be sold in under 10 minutes anymore.

>> No.8515916

Don't they usually have a girl who works as a cosplaymama (don't know her name, she's a nobody), but NC don't seem to care about re-hiring her? I dunno. I saw her around, but she didn't seem to be working? Everything seemed utterly fucked up at NCC this year, even worse than last year.

>> No.8515925

good points, but I'd like to add:
8. make the judging transparent - either have the judges on stage to explain their reasoning in picking the winners or have the judges give a written statement for the hosts to read. it won't completely stop the "boohoo it was rigged" whinefest, but it'll help. also, explain the judging process and criteria to clearly to the audience. now at least those watching at home are left with a feeling like the winners were picked at random as they only see what's on stage.

also, if the tv company wants the judges to give the votes after each act, why not make it like idk figure skating or some shit, where the judges give individual points after each performance. and show the points they had from the other parts of judging too. if the focus isn't just on the stage performance, it's kind of shitty tv tbh to not explain the whole process properly

>> No.8515936

The giving of the points after every performance doesn't work in cosplay contests, you can't judge a participant with just points given after every performance. You need to be able to look at the whole picture and compare the contestants with other judges after you've seen everything. It's what the NCC judging has been every year before, but for some reason SVT wanted to deny the gathering of the judges.

>> No.8515943
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>> No.8515949

Someone clearly has been brainwashed into believing Närcon was actually good and doesn't need any attention.

>> No.8515952

>I had a good time!!!
>That means there's nothing wrong!!!
>It was my first Närcon and won't be the last! xD

This mindset is killing me more than the actual bad convention

>> No.8515969


And she won't quit, she's added more worthless shit, and I honestly feel bad for the person running Närconcrit. I'm so tempted to jump into the conversation myself but I want to let Närconcrit handle this for now

>> No.8515975

Wow, how can a person be this stupid?

>> No.8515987

Same, but it seems to be over now (?)
Anyway, whos running it? Seems to be several people?

>> No.8515989
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So how many of these are actually men?

>> No.8516019

There's some more replies now. Impressed by Närconcrit for handling it in a semi-professional manner

>> No.8516024

Has anyone of the head arr's (besides Samuel) come out and said anything about the con?

>> No.8516032
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David wrote some.

>> No.8516035

Saw Daniel I think post a pretty catty status on his Facebook? Something about how his friends are talking shit about his event and that he doesn't care what the Internet thinks of him

>> No.8516041

can anyone translate this shit?

>> No.8516045

I threw it on google translate and basically got that people are being shitty and he's really proud of the hard work the volunteers have done.

But no awknowledgement that the convention didn't work out at all. This is so shitty.

>> No.8516052

It's about right. /swefag

>> No.8516058
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Look at this bullshit

>> No.8516069

Translated this quickly for you all non swede speaking.

>Now I landed at home after NärCon. I obviously have some friends and acquaintances who have spent the two days I picked away their rubbish to be angry with me on the Internet. That’s okay.

>I want to say that I am incredibly proud of all the organizers of NärCon Summer. What I love about NärCon is that every year, people come to us and take on responsibilities that are much larger than they've ever done anywhere before. To see all new organizers solve problems, make decisions and be leaders in ways that they never could have imagined just one year ago makes me so damn happy. There is something special in grabbing a big challenge and actually get the job done, and it manages a lot of young people with us each year. It will not be perfect. It is not professional. But it's damn good anyway.

>So, if someone is angry with me because it was not professional and polished, please be. That >is we have chosen to do it. However, all critics give a damn to jump on the Pandas, area managers and kommittéare. These are people who worked hard and done their very best to you would be a good event, despite the monster winds that threatened to overturn the scene, despite the rain that drove up the wastewater from cleaning wells, and drunk teenagers who jumped on our guards, and no one here is a pro.

>So if you want to be angry, be angry at me. I do not get my sense of worth from people on the >Internet. It is okay. But it's not fucking other than tasteless to jump on non-profit organizers or >people who already have a lot of other things they need to deal with right now. Shape up, internet!

>To all of OA, pandas and committee members: Thank you for a wonderful fucking job. Thank you toiled in the elements and thank you for planned despite school and jobs. You're fucking best <3 .

>> No.8516076

> It is not professional
ok, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't närcon like run by an actual fucking BUSINESS? I don't know about anyone else, but I'd kind of think a business should be run professionally

also, unlike this fucker seems to think, a high turnover rate isn't exactly a sign of a healthy organization hahahaha

seriously tho, fuck this dude, I'm pretty sure everyone here's clear that the problems with närcon are with the management, not volunteers

>> No.8516090

Hey!! Isn't it the girl stretching out the tounge at the troll selfies?

>> No.8516096

The selfie-drama? No, that's
Kellie-Anne Davidsson

>> No.8516104
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>> No.8516134

Awesome, now I have a name to watch out for in case she applies when the con I run opens up volunteer registration. thx anon!

>> No.8516253
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I've seen the cancer (posted in the ncs event)

>> No.8516258
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>> No.8516437

Theres a long list of people that you should watch out for.

>> No.8516464

Are there any notorious people you should an from your con?

>> No.8516501


Please stop hanging out people, even if the convention failed, cause that's just wrong...

>> No.8516507

As I don't really know if giving out this list would be against the rules, i wont take the risk on this board, do you have anyplace else i can contact you?

Its not about hanging out people, its about making con sweden a better place.

>> No.8516514


Mail to nwarxkyaa@sharklasers.com

>> No.8516533


The people in question have behaved badly while working for the con. It's in future organizers best interest to know their names so that they don't make the mistake of accepting them into their workforce

>> No.8516537
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>hanging out people

>> No.8516560

Email sent.

>> No.8516577


E-mail gotten. Would you please send me the whole list when it's done?

>> No.8516586

Absolutely, i'll try to remember.

>> No.8516673

http://ask.fm/MadmanKellie#_=_ Here's her ask.fm

>> No.8516693

The cateringppl are human too, you know. I didn't work or even visit Närcon, but as a event producer I have seen a lot of screwups like this. I personally ordered food and drinks from a catering service, one of the biggest ones in Finland in fact, and when they arrived they had made food for 80, not 300. I never got an answer to why this happened, we went trough all the information I've sent them and they just shook their heads and said "whoops".

>> No.8516718


Debbie was in charge of the NCC Mama section with Patrik last year. And this year they apparantly left 2 days prior.

This happened apparently due to the production being prioritised more than the cosplayers by NärCon itself.

The Danes were pulled in 2 days before the convention, I talked to Allan and he was just doing pre-show hosting by then, and he was just dropped in. With little or no information into the role.

I think what's lacking is proper experience guiding the NCC from year to year like you say yeah.

>> No.8516788

By being 17 years old.

>> No.8516837

Actually she's somewhere in her 20s, judging by the years she attended gymnasiet

>> No.8516900

They look so uncomfortable all the time. Fucking normies.

>> No.8516926


>That fucking guy cosplaying a Tau commander

Holy shit nigger why was I not informed? Based as fugg.

>> No.8516944

Feel free to share, anon.

>> No.8516989

The list itself is gone, trying to reassemble it through my head entirely, although its way easier for me to just get asked about a person and I will most likely know something about it.
So for anyone who wants to do that.
Dont check that mail often, but I will do it, easier if you post some contact information such as skype or facebook, and ask about it there, also easier for me to answer questions there faster.

>> No.8516994

Why did they drop out 2 days prior to the contest? I get that they're frustrated with Närcon and all but did they actually think it's fair to leave 13 contestants, most of them arriving from other countries, on their own with just the Danes there to help them? Wtf?!

>> No.8517024

Which con do you arrange?

>> No.8517027

Arranging? Not that many, and not a list I want to dump out either.
Being a volonteer and having close contact with alot of the organizers? Too many to put on a list.
I honestly don't think theres a regular volonteer i haven't met yet.

>> No.8517040

For how long have you been working/volunteering at cons?
I used to volunteer at almost every con between 2010-2013.

>> No.8517046

I was a volonteer at the first time back in 2012.

>> No.8517050

Just a note:
There are cons i refuse to go to, and people i refuse to speak to, but with regular volonteer, i mean people who never goes as visitors, and goes to the vast majority of cons in sweden.

>> No.8517092

Since the sharklasers-mail just keeps incoming mails for one hour, I would appreciate if you mailed me your skype and I'll add you from there

>> No.8517115

Assuming you're the anon with the list

>> No.8517118

Will do as soon as I got my new one up and running.

>> No.8517538


I am going to have to field this as I know that if she dropped out she must have had her reasons.

You have to remember that a lot of people want to help out the contestants, and NärCon wanted to do that as well. If a volunteer wants to drop out for any reason they should be free to do so. It's up to NärCon to set things in motion to fix that and their solution was me and my bro Drejz coming in to be replacements.

We weren't adequate by far, with the lack of information since we weren't inteded for the role yeah, and I feel super akward getting kudos for a "job well done" or "thank god you were there" since I think that we didn't exactly help the event do better by not knowing what was up.

We do however have lots of experience at cons, so we just set out to do our thing. What we need, and go get it.

I must give great praise to Thomas B. from NärCon for doing us a huge solid and helping us out with the little time he had just telling us how the convention systems worked that year and where to get stuff.

It was just really hard to do without proper badges and that. Sofia bless her heart was overextended and didn't need to be running two confused Danes around either.

We didn't do a good job, but no one died. If anything, the contestants, judges, and assistants, and committee members banded together in order to put together a show for everyone, and NärCon did a hell of a job producing it with SVT.

>> No.8518321

So what happened to that mechanical horse they said they would have? I don't recall ever seeing one..

>> No.8518458

The place they were hiring from decided just not to let them have it anymore.

>> No.8518508
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>mechanical horse

>> No.8518516

Figures. Any reason to why?

They had this thing on their website

>> No.8518518

They didn't drop out 2 days before Närcon. they dropped out about 2 weeks (just a week after they asked her to be in the team) and only because they couldn't give her a budget big enough to even cover the essentials for the contestants. From what I heard when she gave them a list of what she needed, they said it cost too much and that she needed to "Choll down a bit"

So she dropped out because she didn't want to deal with NCs shit

>> No.8518532

Anyone know what the song in the Ragnarök!bishops' performance is called? It really stuck to my head togheter with everything else from it!

>> No.8518535

Love Toxic by Royal Pirates.

>> No.8518542

Thank you so much!

>> No.8520799

So has anyone else noticed the rant on Linn's cosplaypage saying that she has received only negative feedback from her costume and hasn't got any support from the Swedish cosplay community. I'm curious if she means the few comments she's gotten here.

>> No.8520965

Leave Linn the fuck alone, I don't know her and I didn't care about her cosplay but wtf people stop with the hate and the other crap you're putting in this thread. Criticism is one thing, rumours, lies and slandering people is another.

>> No.8521014

She's lying. She only got a few bad comments here and now she's making it look like everyone's against her. She needs to either grow a thicker skin or stop competing altogether.

>> No.8521075

She's always been praised to hell and back for her cosplays, so hearing some people not liking it, on cgl of all places, probably got to her. She's not used to criticism because she's been regarded as one of the best Swedish cosplayers for a couple of years now.

>> No.8521088

>If you liked other performances better that is completely fair, performance is very much a matter of opinion
And this "matter of opinion" gives you a considerable amount of points. If you judge performances as "matters of opinions", you should not be a judge.

>> No.8521090

Yep. Just like the costume, the performance should be judged from an objective and technical perspective, not by opinion. "I just really like this" isn't a good way to judge.

>> No.8521756

I vaguely understand the need to defend her but I don't get where you're (or her for that matter) seeing these absolutely terrible and hateful comments. In this thread alone anons have said that her costume's good but her performance was a lot weaker and perhaps because of this she shouldn't have been picked among the top three. It's a matter of opinion.

Also, if you haven't noticed, this is 4chan and you need to be this tall to ride it.

I figured this was the case. I know her in passing and she has always given a pretty snobby vibe tbh

>> No.8522129

some wise guy who has never been to NC or any other con (as far as i understand it) and not even into cosplay has now written a long text (in swedish,sorry) about how we basically shouldn't complain about NC http://xn--studententreprenr-f0b.se/dagbok/narcon-och-kannibalism/

the writer takes a lot of stuff out of context and basically paints a picture of everyone complaining about NC being bad guys etc. one of the comments on it is from a NC staff member who praises the text and im just sitting here shaking my head

stay your fucking lane

>> No.8523283

I don't know, Bro. I think it brought up a number of fair points.

>> No.8523607

The basic message of the post is "Don't complain, you're damaging the con", which honestly is both hilarious and infuriating. The writer hasn't been to NärCon, has never cosplayed, and knows nothing about what goes on at cons. And suddenly this person is the the voice that everyone listens to and praises.

I'm all for not taking criticism too far, but to invalidate everyone's opinions and experiences like that, especially when you're an outsider, is just plain shitty.

>> No.8523635

Det var då ett jävla gnäll.
Jag hade kul och fick ligga.

yer all fagets