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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8553612 No.8553612 [Reply] [Original]

New feels thread maybe?

Old one: >>8540705

>> No.8553633

>really shy and anxiety driven with a side dish of chronical depression
>gain a bit of e-fame after sticking around for a while
>now that people recognize me I cannot just avoid talking and stay with my lolita sister all the time because people would think I'm a snotty bitch and I can't handle them being disappointed in me
>force my stern self to be the life of the party, make sure I talk to everyone and find a bit of compliment for all of them, make sure that everyone is comfortable and make the conversation alive, helping the host with the meet as much as possible etc
>now people certainly think I'm a e-fame hungry man handling bitch doubled as a dumb snobby brandwhore, but I suppose you can't win.

>> No.8553663

You really cannot win anon, but still keep doing what you're doing. Socializing, giving compliments, hanging ut with people, that's definitely good for you concerning your illnesses.

>> No.8553778

I feel like I'm losing interest in the lolita community. Not the clothes, just the people. I have my friends from the community and like them just fine, but we've had a surge of new people recently and I just can't with their stupid newbie questions and newbie attitudes. I'm feeling burnt out and even drama on cgl barely holds my interest like it used to. I don't know what to do... should I take a break from the community or should I just push through it and hope it'll go away?

Also I've had a lot of personal problems recently that could be adding to my stress, I don't want to duck out of the community when the reality could be I just am overwhelmed by outside stuff and the comm isn't the issue at all.

I hope this makes sense.

>> No.8553785

I've never seen anyone truly nice and sincere get shitposted for long about their efame. You sound a tad paranoid.

>> No.8553787

You sound like a bitter bitch. Not even her, inb4.

>> No.8553796

No? Just telling the truth based from observations. That's so paranoid.

>> No.8553814

It's really not though considering /cgl/ loves to shit on everything.
Even Lor has been shit on for doing nothing wrong other than 'being ugly'.

>> No.8553819

Okay, but is this girl Lor? Has this girl even been posted? There are oodles of efamous lolitas who don't get posted to cgl on a frequent basis save for the random vendettachan. If she hasn't even been posted yet, she's assuming people care more than they might actually do. It's irrational to distrust others when they haven't even done anything. Paranoid.

>> No.8553849
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Have you ever found that one person you're so madly infatuated with that spending time looking for/meeting other potential partners just feels like a giant waste of time because they'll never come close to the person you're fixated on? I'm feeling that hard right now, and to top it off, I can't have them either.

>> No.8553900

I'm not US based, most my comm don't know what cgl is and I got a few secrets already. Also, paranoia is a form of anxiety.

>> No.8553973

Well I guess having secrets written about you is a big difference than "supposing" other peoples' thoughts about you. Good luck, sounds like you'll need it.

>> No.8553979

>might finally get a job
>meaning I can go to cons again
>meaning I can buy and save stuff without worrying

Just a part time job but since I haven't had one in years thank god.

>> No.8554080
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>broke up with a friend that emotionally abused of me, badmouth, backhanded passive insults and even stole my crush
>i felt devastated and still i'm
>cause that person says i should return and i should said i'm sorry
>i'm painted as the abuser while the real one is that friend
>and that crush believes her too cuz "bwhaaa victim"
I'm tired of this shit. I just hope the pain i'm suffering go back to them. Hopefully i know the people really stand for me are always with me and understand. I want a real friend not this, not really a bf but real friendship is what i strive for.

>> No.8554086

Ah yes, that "friend" hated lolita as well and girly jp clothing.

>> No.8554095

>emotionally abused
Can we stop using this term? When people have a fight it's normal that neither of them sees what they have done as wrong and what the other did as right.
>I'm painted as the abuser
No, she thinks she's right and you think she's wrong. Stop being a fucking drama cow. You weren't in a committed relationship and neither was forcing the other to stay.

>> No.8554101

Thank for the help, anon. Wow....
I know what i did and i know who are these people not you.

>> No.8554104

If you want help see a therapist. No one here is obligated to give you any. I just want tumblr to fucking leave.

>> No.8554117

Anon, I'm as anti-tumblr speak as the next person, but there definitely is such a thing as emotionally abusive friendships. It's someone you're close to, someone you trust who can take advantage of your sympathies and feelings for them, they don't have to be a romantic partner in order to abuse you. Sure, "abuse" is overused on tumblr, definitely, but that doesn't mean that isn't the anon's case.

>> No.8554119

Ugh, stop to be a troll. And it's better i stop too to reply since you are biased to me without knowing the facts. I have done shitty stuff too and i'm trying to fix it, no one is perfect but it seems the more i try to be forgiving the more the situation becomes worse.

>> No.8554128

Thank you anon. It's that emotional abuse is very hard to spot and usually no one but the real victim understand. A typical example is when a girl paint as the abuser her bf becuase he snapped at her being insulting to him and also accuse him of false rape. That is a form of emotional abuse where the real victim (the guy) is painted as the monster and the fake victim is the tumblr type girl that bwhaha victim, femnazing and recruiting everyone to her pity party. I'm a girl and even friends do this not only partners. Now i understand all the tumblr pity party rape stuff and victim complexes i see from SJWs. People is free to not believe me and think i'm the abuser, but it's ok. It's really hard to spot this manipulation, i cant blame them.

>> No.8554132

>big meet coming up that I've been looking forward to for months
>two nights before start puking my guys out
>probably food poisoning although boyfriend, who ate all the same things I did, is perfectly fine
>may not be able to make it to meet, too nauseous and woozy

>> No.8554135

Your English is atrocious. Please stop posting.

>> No.8554140

Sorry to offend you anon with my words but i'm ESL.

>> No.8554147

finally going back to school in january. I'm going part time but I also have a full time job. I'm kind of nervous and scared because last time i failed terribly and crashed and burned and dropped out of school. but back then I didn't care, and now I really do. I'm just going to make my whole life work and school, at least I'm going for something I'm interested in this time.

>> No.8554162

>finally selling a dress I've been needing to get off my hands
>wild dream dress has appeared
>need sale to finalize first
>ask for hold
>waiting on responses for both to send money
>F5 on lacemarket like no tomorrow

So anxious.

>> No.8554180

Emotional abuse is real and in my country it counts as abuse. Emiotional abuse isn't 'just fighting'. Fighting happens between persons who are on the same level. Abuse happens when one is in some aspect in a lower level, such as a child f.e.
When f.e. a partner continuesly belittles the victim's problems, makes them feel guilty to have control over them, persuades them to not pursue their goals or constantly insults them this counts as emotional abuse.

>> No.8554181

read some jfashion/lolita stories a week ago on this board about how men cat call throw things etc when you wear just casual cute
it's fucking true
I wore an ice cream skirt that was inbetween knee and mini length, just a white skirt with ice cream print and I match it with sweets (rings, bracelet etc)
>Go into town mall
>Go into bookstore
>Big pot belly black guy in my sight
>Okay w.e.
>See him walk past me again
>Finally confronts me
>"Are you in a play or something?"
>"No, I'm not"
>well that's...different
>Go back to looking at books

Felt like a shark circling me, people freak out over a skirt now.

Earlier that day
>Go into vans
>Staff gawk over my outfit
>They say their assistant manager would love it
>they facetime their assistant manager just so she can see my outfit

>> No.8554202

>Emotional abuse is real
Nobody said it wasn't. But anon isn't a child and they aren't in a relationship or married. When friends have a fall out and disagree on things, that is not 'emotional abuse'. One asking the other to apologise and the other thinking she hasn't done anything wrong is not 'emotional abuse'. It would be emotional abuse if she constantly and aggressively insulted her, belittled her and turned everyone against her, what we in non-SJW countries call 'bullying'. As I highly doubt she had done that (since anon would not have been so reluctant to get the fuck away), it is not emotional abuse.
The reason emotional abuse happens more often in a family or between partners is because one party usually emotionally manipulates the other and conditions them into staying. With friends it's a bit more difficult since it's not as close of a bond as it is in romantic relationships or families.

>> No.8554206

You said it right. Most people undermine emotional abuse or say the real victim is too much emotional/an ass/a bitch because they try to say the truth but they are ignored cause people thinks you are crazy, while the covert manipulator accuse others of make him or her sad all the time with no mercy. Infact i'm in a lower level where i can't do much than not snapping and not being involved. Now this person is slowly trying to abuse the person i loved, accusing him of hurt her mood or some sneaky stuff i didn't get it. My country counts more physical abuse than emotional but it could happen there are sufficient witnessing to find the real predator.

>> No.8554207

falling out*

>> No.8554215

But it's still abuse anon. Friends could abuse too isn't a thing that needs to ignored. Also, that person did me some covert stuff waaaay before we fell away (i.e. putting me down for example). I know i'm not a child. That person bullied me but bullying is always a form of abuse. Many, many, many times i was bullied but no one would understand me because i was reacting to their action and defend myself with words (no insults).

>> No.8554231

So am I. Learn2English if you're going to be posting on an English imageboard or forum.

>> No.8554236

Kek. I'm learning still thank you to make me understand i'm not that perfect and so you would be like me as well, since you are ESL.

>> No.8554240

There is a bit of paranoia there, but as someone suffering an anxiety disorder too, you generally make a mountain of a molehill in those situations.

Just keep doing what you're doing, and make sure you're sincere about it. I find that when you're sincere, people find it harder and harder to hate you, and the ones who do get called out on it. Maybe spend more time in smaller groups (or one-on-one) and get to know them better?

>> No.8554266
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I've explained this situation before in previous threads so I apologize
>two and a half months ago
>finished grad work
>moved states away to live with parents who welcomed me and my bf
>allowed to stay until we found our ground financially; might even pick up their rental lease if they buy a house
>turns out my parents are controlling pricks and treat us both (23) like we're teenagers
>"Oh well, we gotta make the best of this bf."
>bf found a job because he has no degree but tons of retail experience
>it's taking me longer because I'm shooting for more competitive jobs, I've had a couple interviews
>I'm depressed but bf should be trying to save his money for a vehicle at least
>I have a vehicle and he doesn't
>it's really inconvenient, he's less likely to get a second job without one, and I drive him all over the place
>look at bf's fb and realize he's bitching about not being able to go to LARP gatherings and concerts back home because he's working

Honestly it's only been two months and he's scaring me because he's acting like such a baby about not being able to have "fun" and having adult priorities. I don't even know why he's claiming he never has fun because I take him to his weekly LARP events. And while I know my parents are fucking assholes, they're letting us stay here rent-free. My bf snarls about wanting to move out the second we save up enough, but I told him to chill out because it's a HUGE advantage for us not having a monthly $800-1000 rent bill that we frankly can't afford. He's already been nailed twice for non-payment by his private student loans for when he dropped out of college (~$400+ bills both times), and I know had we been living on our own we wouldn't have been able to make rent with him having those payments due.
So it pisses me off that he doesn't even want to save $3k for a used vehicle, since securing one will only be HARDER on us if we move out. I feel like the only one with common sense sometimes.

>> No.8554374

> be newbie seamstress/cosplayer
> oldest child
> little sister hates "lame nerd shit"
> desperately wants a big sister type to help get me into things, but no idea how to even find that
> no cosplay friends
> foreveralone.jpg

Posing it here because I really wish I could find a genuine cosplay big sister. There's this girl in my town I've always admired, but I don't even know if she's even a huge cosplayer anymore. I know she has a lifetime pass to D*con though, so maybe I'm just looking for excuses.

I'm an agoraphobic brown NEET who only goes to four or five cons a year and she's super cute and I just :(
I just want a cosplay senpai. We can have sewing parties and she or he can help me with posing and we can so couple cosplays and it would be so great.

>> No.8554398

I know that feel, I want a lolita to have sleepovers and anime marathons with.

Maybe you could be big sister to your little sister if you make it less nerdy for her. Halloween is soon, why not work on Disney costumes together or something?

>> No.8554405

>buy an ETC JSK without checking measurements
>too small
>go full panic mode because I've never had a dress not fit before
>start counting calories and working out
>fit into the JSK, and all my clothes now fit better

I've always been skinnyfat, but never thought to exercise or lose weight since everything 'fit'. I feel more motivated now to lose the extra pounds I gained since college and return to my high school weight.

>> No.8554428
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That's actually a really good idea. I've tried before, but she really likes Jesse from Toy Story. Maybe we can do something with that. She really doesn't care for costuming in the slightest, though. And definitely doesn't look up to me lol I'm the nerd sister, she's the "popular" one. I use that loosely because we're both well liked, but she follows trends more than I do, and she actually grew out of her nerdshit phase. So she usually bullies me about going to cons and watching anime still. Maybe I have sister issues.

>> No.8554457

im so afraid of my comm, its the sweden one and i only went to one meet in a long time

they intimidate me so much, i just want lolita friends

>> No.8554555

>came out as transgender
>no longer have desire to wear lolita clothes, start wearing ouji, feel more confident than ever before
>give all my dresses to my bff/housemate who has a really small wardrobe and rarely gets new pieces bc she's in college right now
>she's really happy

she looks really cute. i'm really glad she likes them. I actually love seeing her wearing these things. Since then I've bought her some accessories too and I can't wait to surprise her with them. I still love lolita fashion and i prefer seeing it on her than on myself. Buying her gifts makes me really happy.

>> No.8554621

Tumblr over uses the term abused, yeah. But, friendships can be abusive, too. People can employ the same methods to abuse someone through that relationship and by controlling or destroying the other person's will. Trauma counsellor, and I've seen friendships do as much harm as romantic or familial ones.

>> No.8554632

You are an angel! I hope the rest of your transition goes well. I'm so touched to see that someone who risks something as great as coming out as transgender also uses that as an opportunity to bring happiness to someone else. I think it may help you find strength during the dark times ahead; just remember the light in your friend's smile and in her eyes.

>> No.8554634

That's so sweet anon. I'm so thrilled when I get a new piece, and I wish I could make the other wonderful girls in my comm happy like that. I'm excited to start working after college- I want to buy gifts for my friends from their lolita wishlists. My secret dream is to coordinate with my comm to hunt down and split the cost of a dream dress for one of the girls for a special occasion (like as a wedding gift).

>> No.8554839

I'm so annoyed cause I'm working on a costume (I do one like maybe once every 2 years so it's something special for me) and now that I have time i can't work on it cause the fabric store is closed till next month... I went last month and they didn't have what I was looking for yet, cause I need winter fabric for my costume.
I will now have to rush through September and have it ready before October's classes begin... urg.

>> No.8554853

Your bf is a manchild. You sound like you've got your shit together, why are you still with him?

>> No.8554864
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>This just in
I had been trying to sell some dresses to help my father with expenses with little luck, I pay for my brand and wouldnt resort to this method if it werent because I recently lost my job.

Hes never really cared about my fashion but lately hes been particularly intolerant. Anyway, my mother made a harmless comment about my closet which got him going, saying things like I should sell everything and what not. He was aware I was trying to sell 4; I told him that would be a really hard task and that I wouldnt want to.
Things escalated quickly, I tried to make him understand that they made me happy but he replied by stating he indeed didnt care how I felt about my dresses and if I didnt sell all of them hed throw them away.
knowing my dad, hes not the kind to break his threats, Im contacting friends to ask for a place to hide them.
Of course I am heartbroken and Im doing everything within my power to find another job and move out.
I feel like Id rather punch him in the face than let him touch any of my burando.

>> No.8554902
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anon are you me
big meetup in two days, I never get sick. Suddenly get skyrocket fever and runny eyes.

>> No.8554942

>tfw not a real cosplayer because I don't make my shit

I give credit where it is due but because I don't make stuff, I'm not as good as people who do.

>> No.8554982

Is that your closet? Get that shit out of there, those are beautiful pieces. Even if it's not, that's terrible. I hope you find a good home for your dresses and then yourself soon, good luck anon.

>> No.8555011
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>finally have an opportunity to purchase a dream item
>it's a really good price
>a week ago I wouldn't have hesitated
>now due to certain circumstances I'm not as financially stable
>watch it slip through my fingers

Hold me gulls I feel dead inside

>> No.8555019

Friendships are relationships though, they're just not romantic relationships, and they can be very close. I know nothing about that anon's situation so I can't comment, but friendships can definitely be abusive. The fact that you don't believe it's real, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.8555125

It really upsets me when I see people making shitty armour cosplays getting way more attention than people with great sewing skills. Not including me, I don't consider myself that good, but is2g the cosplay scene in this country (Eurofag) is so thirsty over some shitty worbla breastplates.

>> No.8555133

>be me
>working all kinds of weird jobs to be able to afford brand and college
>newest one is a princess for hire
>i entertain little girls at birthday parties dressed like a princess
>i even bring cheap stuff from the bodyline kid's section so them can dress up as their own princesses
>i actually fucking hate kids

>> No.8555134
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dropped pic
actually what my job is normally like

>> No.8555164

Yes that is my closet, Im really proud of it, been building it for 4 years, have a couple of dream dresses of mine.

>> No.8555235

Coworker that I thought was my friend took the shift he knew I wanted. Management won't change it for me. Now I have to look for another job bc people here lied and went behind my back and I don't want to work with a bunch cut throat assholes who only look for themselves.
Was just starting to get into Lolita but now I'll have to go to a different job that probably doesn't pay as much.

>> No.8555245

don't feels threads get deleted because of non cgl related posts like theses?

>> No.8555248

I'm sorry that's happening to you anon
I hope you can find a safe place for them

>> No.8555250
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>> No.8555262
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>one post is LARP-related
Huh? How is that and financial issues unrelated to this board that's centered around buying costumes and making money?

>> No.8555270

Ive contacted a close friend of mine. He knows how much they mean to me and didnt hesitate to lend me some wardrobe space. Im just a bit concerned about moving all of it without raising any red flags of what Im tryig to do.
>mfw Ill never understand why my own father doesnt want me to be happy

>> No.8555271

>3k for a used vehicle
...fuck that, get a 600-700 dollar car off someone on Craigslist. I've done that numerous times and so have other people I know. As long as you aren't completely ignorant about cars you can get one from someone easily. I don't even bother with cat lots, fuck that nonsense.

>> No.8555282

barely larp related, Could I make a thread about investment and stocks in cgl those things are about making money but not cgl related.
I don't have a problem with these posts. I dislike that they get the thread deleted, because they really aren't cgl related.
>tfw i just don't want the feels threads to get deleted.

>> No.8555287

Actually what you're doing is usually what gets threads deleted. Feels threads were welcomed until people insisted that bc they were off topic they shouldn't be here. Stop trying to stir up shit inadvertently. Last feels thread had like 300+ replies some of which were off topic.

>> No.8555289

>barely larp related
Replace the larp meetup with some dude's womanchild gf bitching about how she can't make it to lolita cons despite attending local meets and doesn't save money and you'd totally think it's related.
>your bitching is probably what attracts the mod's attention to begin with

>> No.8555292

It's Tumblr's fault to misuse the term. Infact i blamed the SJWs for this trend, now many people believes talking about being abused emotionally or physically is a joke. There are many cases of fake accuses (usually from people that has personality disorders) that ruin people's lives and not only done by partners. And usually the real victim is left in a corner while the predator put a victim mask and let them know he/she did nothing, but hide their true intentions and their reckless choices choosing a scapegoat or trying to lure them into a friendship/love relationship and grooming you to fall for their trap. Nowadays fake feminists and "men's rights" members are like this. And people despise feminism due to these shit tier individuals.
That is really cute! You are a very good friend anon.
Idk why people always forget about friendships. There are some friendships that are deeper than romantic ones. It's a very hard story to explain but i saw some negative stuff going on in the past that i can't forget.

>> No.8555304

This. People will disguise themselves as your friend/lover and then do the most awful shit and then act like they were the victim from the beginning. I've had so many people do this to me. Not sure why I bother with people anymore.

>> No.8555468

Dresses you bought with your own money? Are you over 18 anon? Because if he touches your dresses you can take him to court for destruction of your property.

>> No.8555516

>tfw moving to Europe soon from US
>just realized import tax and the fact air mail will take more then 5 days from Japan.
>euro also has dropped so it's not even like things are still decently affordable....

>> No.8555569

Yes I am over 18 but temporarily residing with parents after losing my job.
Unfortunately my country's legal system is shit and I doubt taking legal action will help at all.

>> No.8555743

>Already planned my Halloween cords (work, uni and for meet ups)
>tfw Halloween meet up is at karaoke bar
>I'm still a little awkward around my comm and can't sing at all. We're going to a karaoke place that you get up and sing In front of everyone.
>I guess I'll pass on this meet up too

>> No.8555851

My friend introduced me to his younger siblings recently. Mainly because his brother wants to cosplay with us and his sister wants a gaijin gyaru friend (they're Japanese).
And I feel really gross, but they're really attractive teenagers. His family has good genes lemme tell you.
But he figured out I'm attracted to them and is teasing me about it non-stop. Just to be a dick, he even told them to call me oneesan because I sorta have a thing for pseudo incest.

We're going to be going to a con together in a few months and I just about cried when his brother came up to me and was like, "oneesan, if I cosplayed Homura, would you be my Madoka?" The kid already fucking knows I can't say no to him, so I'm going to have to deal with an underaged trap clinging to me all con, wanting to due cutesy poses for pictures.

Remembering I'd go to jail for trying anything is a really good way to keep myself in check.
It's only when you find yourself attracted to a 15 year old that you realize 21 is older than you thought.

>> No.8555897

I hope you find a good place for your dresses and for yourself very soon. Parents that really express they don't like stuff from their children are really sickening, they aren't good parents. At least the people that don't have the same taste as me just accept it and are happy that I'm happy, which is all that counts.

>> No.8555927


>> No.8555933

>It's Tumblr's fault to misuse the term
Honestly that's a piss poor excuse, outside of the internet most people have barely heard of the site

>> No.8555934

Oh Fuck him anon, don't sell your dresses for an ass like him

>> No.8555979

You're living the dream, anon. You're living the dream.

>> No.8556018
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>tfw my boyfriend and I are too close in height for couple cosplay
Why do they always have such extreme differences? Why must the girls be teeny tiny and the boys ridiculously lean and tall?
Pic related is all I can think of

>> No.8556025
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Welcome to EU postal hell, anon

>> No.8556026

Do what asian cosplayers do and only take photos where one of you looks taller than the other.

>> No.8556031

I actually don't really get that why is she so disliked just because she's "ugly" (I don't really think she ugly she does have some strong features but I wouldn't call her ugly ) she does coord decently though her videos can be a bit repetitive at times and sometimes annoying like her asmr videos but shes not as bad as Jillian

>> No.8556452

I love all of you. You're grand.

>> No.8556455
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Pretty much what >>8556026 said, if height difference does end up being the only problem.

>> No.8556490
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>mfw a yank was being a yank near me today

>> No.8556513

if you still live with your parents aren't they allowed to do that kind of stuff? like if you're not paying rent etc.

>> No.8556707

I cosplay and have been trying to make more cosplay friends... Basically everyone I have met at cons seem super nice, so we exchange social media shit and follow each other. Usually a week later they unfollow me. They are just trying to get another follower??? Is that normal?!

I guess the thing that really pisses me off is the fact that I have a group of friends I go to cons with already, so I feel like what is the point of making the effort anymore?

My close friends don't really cosplay though and aren't as into going to cons so overall it is just a shitty situation.

>> No.8556726

Yeah, he's ridiculed me in the past for liking videogames, doesnt care if his comments hurt or not as long as he gets his way.
Im glad my mom is an angel and understands my hobby makes me happy.
I honestly don't know.

>> No.8556850

All the drama this week has been a treat, thanks /cgl/.

Now if only we could have dashcon 2.0 because that was the most fun I've had on 4chan for as long as I've used this site.

>> No.8556961

Because height difference is adorable

>> No.8557009
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Not cosplay or lolita, but definitely /cgl/-related:

When I first started coming here I was 19, though I've been on 4chan a lot longer than that. I hadn't even known that there was a 'girl board' and discussing 'girl things' on 4chan seemed like an oxymoron at the time.
I had a badly dyed pixie cut then, my makeup was atrocious, I was a weeblet. My eyebrows were 50 shades of terrible.

Thanks to you guys I was able to better myself in ways I hadn't thought possible. My skin looks so much better now. Special thanks to the seagull who recommended homemade vitamin C, after weeks of usage and a bump up to 15% I saw my first signs of improvement today. Unfortunately I'm not one of those people who look better with their natural hair colour but thanks to you guys I was able to figure out what suits me and what doesn't, how not to dress like a retard and a bunch of other useful things.

Cattiness and drama-mongering aside, this is what has me coming back every day. No fake niceness, no upvotes, no usernames or credit, people give advice out of their own good will without expecting anything in return.

If only /r9k/ would fuck off.

I love you, /cgl/.

>> No.8557012

I wish I was pretty enough to cosplay

>> No.8557016


>> No.8557060

I was supposed to go to a con Thursday but things fell through. Then my dad had a heart attack Friday morning, and a quadruple bypass today. If I had gone I would have been 9 hours away.
Holy shit is this a dream? I'm still spinning. Also fuck yeah, only girl in the family and only one to not break down crying.
Also the artist alley is shit at the con right now and no one is making money. Fuck I don't even know how to feel guys

>> No.8557114

Care to share vitaC receipe?

>> No.8557132

>Also fuck yeah, only girl in the family and only one to not break down crying.
Ummm, good for you? You're so not like the other girls,I guess. What's wrong with showing grief through crying? Unless you're from one of those families that looks down on you for crying.

>> No.8557177

Because if no one can keep their shit together, who is going to get things done? Are we supposed to ALL curl up into a ball and weep in a corner? No, because someone has to inform family members, get information from doctors, and plan for if God forbid my only parent dies tonight, planning all of that garbage?
Someone needs to be strong. And being the youngest with 4 brothers, it is so hard watching them not be able to handle anything right now and being able to calm them down. So I'm sorry I had a small point of pride in this horrible mess

>> No.8557328

If it is easier to handle things by burying your emotions, then I guess that's just how you handle things. I apologize, though, it wasn't in my business to question it. I hope you take care, anon.

>> No.8557394

>only 4 or 5 cons a year
What's the average amount of cons people go to in a year? I only ever make it to one con every year.

>> No.8557439

>only goes to four or five cons a year

That's a good amount, anon. I get to go to one a year, two if I'm lucky while having a job. If you're NEET you're probably not paying for any of that. I wouldn't want a kouhai who humblebrags like that. Maybe work on that first, it could be a turnoff to potential sister types.

>> No.8557454
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>be /fit/izen
>hear about C88
>come to /cgl/ hoping to see cosplay
>find this thread

Y-you guys have feel threads too?

>> No.8557459

>tfw when no older sister
>only an older brother who only interacts with me when he needs to or needs a favour
at least my boyfriend is supportive in a "I don't care what you do in your own time" sort of way, and we have similar interests even if I'd like to be a bit more flamboyant(i.e I'd like to cosplay, and I dress in (al be it non-print)lolita)

tfw just want someone to do silly fashion shit with but all of my friends won't actually wear interesting things despite them saying they really like it.

>> No.8557522
File: 54 KB, 563x542, 1438291812099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are always watching

>> No.8557560

>Got married before embracing full Lolita.
>Went to a Lolita wedding full of creative people with professional levels
>I wish I had a better wedding, but is too late.
>Mine was normalfag generic family
friendly dinner.
>Hated my make up, no burando involved either

>> No.8557569

I need simple stress relievers gulls
>family medical issues
>parent leaving the town for work training for a month
>mom's having eye surgery so I have to do a ton more stuff while she's recovering
>con is coming up and i'm not prepared at all
>up all night worrying about stuff
>trying to help alcoholic grandpa
>stepdad got scammed out of $600 recently
>because of above, rent is behind, bills are behind.
>impulse buying stuff from ebay, bst threads, and LM like crazy to try to get away from it all
Lolita is my getaway, but even now, it's becoming stressful to the point where I don't see any option but leave lolita for good and sell my wardrobe

I need help you guys

>> No.8557574

Wow, two people complimented your outfit?? THOSE BASTARDS!

>> No.8557592

>tfw Cadney is such a nobody and GH is such an arsehole their duo CoF post got less likes than yours

>> No.8557619

I think you should quit buying and sell. Keep the things you really love and sell some of the more pricey stuff so you can make your bills.

There will be other times, when you are stable and in a good position to buy. Patience my dear, bide your time and money and then pounce.

Sell the four you wanted and don't give him a penny. Use that money to get out of there and away from that ass.

I think you need to work through your agoraphobia first. I've battled with my own fear/distrust of people and Cons have been my way of putting myself in a different environment and making me be more social. If the same is for you then I suggest doing smaller scale things that get you away from home more often, even if it's simply just to get supplies for your hobby.
As for the girl in your town, you need to find your common ground to strike a conversation before approaching her and asking her to be your mentor. You sound a bit infatuated and it could come off creepy if she doesn't really know you.

>> No.8557637

Lol. I love that cosplay, but yes, we have them until the janitors decide that they're not cgl related.

>> No.8557850

Wouldn't /jp/ be better for C88? Most cosplay at comiket is girls pulling up their skirts for 29 photographers being thirsty as fuck anyway.

>> No.8557860
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Finally managed to get enough motivation to at least make a new and finish a cosplay.
I'm so fucking happy about this because I feel I can finally get back into cosplay.

>> No.8557861

Sure thing!
>1.5 tsp L-ascorbic acid
>7 1/2 tsp distilled water
>2 tsp + glycerin (depending on whether you want a thicker consistency or not)

This makes a batch of 15% vitamin C serum. You need at least 10% for it to work, but you should start with 5% and gradually increase the concentration so as not to irritate your skin. I haven't done this, but my skin is normally resilient so please be careful.

10% measurements would be:
>1 tsp LAA
>8 tsp dist. water
>X tsp glycerin (depends on whether you want it stickier or not)

Some people also add liquorice and other fancy stuff but I personally don't bother.

You need an opaque glass bottle with a dropper/pipette or spray cap. I use the pipette one, got it on eBay. Make sure to thoroughly disinfect the bottle and dry it.

Next, use electrical tape or masking tape or something to cover as much surface of the bottle as you can. All this hassle is because LAA oxidises in UV light and becomes ineffective.
Be as accurate as you can, and use pH strips to measure the acidity of your serum. Ideally it should be between 2-3.5, any lower and it's too harsh, any higher and it's too mild. You can decrease the acidity of your serum by adding a smidgen of baking soda, but I don't know how to make it more acidic so please be careful.

Generally you should use this within 2-3 weeks, the amount of usage you'll get out of it depends on how you store it. Some people refrigerate it, I don't. I keep mine on a shelf in my walk-in wardrobe. It's impossible for me to use it all up in the span of 3 weeks, but the good thing about this is that it's so cheap in the long run you can slather yourself with it as much as you want (just don't get it into your eyes, it BURNS). I use it on my legs, armpits, face and neck.

>> No.8557903

Congratulations on your success anon, you sound like a real cutie!

>> No.8557983

I hate the HAES movement. I'm a fat fuck and the other few fat fucks I know are all aware that being fat is shit, not fun and are trying to change it (with varying degrees of success).

One side supports HAES and tells people they shouldn't lose weight, actively shame skinny people and other shit. The orginal message of "just be comfortable with yourself" isn't even bad, I mean nobody gets better by feeling like shit 24/7 but it has devolved into what HAES is today.

The other side has developed a kneejerk reaction towards HAES and thanks to that think all fat people should be shamed into losing weight despite that working for only 1 in 10 people.

>> No.8557999

Are you sure /jp/ goes outside much

>> No.8558124

>be /fit/izen
>/fit/ here

Stop doing this, no one is impressed and even less care

>> No.8558148

>wearing lolita erryday cause I can and focus on improving my skin and makeup skills
>stop being a daily lolita for health reason, get interested in more casual j-fashion
>tfw my legs are tree trunks and I hate them in the mirror
I'm already down at 125~ pounds and I'm just under 5'3" and pretty muscular. I eat 1200kcal per day and work out three times a week. Loosing more weight would be unhealthy, especially under the 120lbls bar but I hate my legs so much I don't know what I can do. I just want them to not be so top heavy.

>> No.8558154

One of my friends fell deep into the HAES hole, and she went from being a chubby/fat girl that loved to visit family and travel around her city to a miserable, bedbound blob that can't even walk to the bathroom. And even now, where she's pissing herself in her bed, she still keeps spouting off HAES nonsense. I don't expect her to live another five years. HAES is just a socially acceptable form of suicide.

>> No.8558169

Whoa, what? Can you elaborate? I don't see how this could possibly happen, who would resign themselves to that kind of life?

>> No.8558176

lazy shites

>> No.8558189

Well, she's always been pretty big. She is from France, so she has always had access to pastries and fresh made stuff like that. Her family also cooks huge portions of food, and she always would take two or three plates extra, even though one serving was more than enough for your average person. At some point her parents started telling her to stop eating so much, and ever since she got into HAES, she's been saying that her parents starved her and she doesn't know what real hunger feels like and blah blah blah. She also has some chronic illness that causes her pain, but she managed it fine before. Now that she has gotten so big, she can't really move without severe pain, so she just stays in bed all day. She refuses to listen to anyone when they say that it's probably directly related to her weight, and says they're fatphobic (she actually uses that word). The weight has also made it difficult for her to control her bladder, so sometimes even after she goes to the bathroom with help, she'll still piss herself. She talks about this stuff publicly, but she's isolated all her old friends that would tell her that she's causing all this on herself, so now the only people that talk to her are other HAES types.

>> No.8558197

Jesus... I'd hoped the Tumblr bullshit was only an American thing, guess not.
Do you know her irl or via Tumblr?
Does she smell? How does she go to uni?

>> No.8558203

Lol, not even surprised. It's so perfectly ok to be a fat shamer here in France, no wonder why she would turn around. Daily remember that obese people are as rare as a white whale here and they're being ostracised because of how disgusting and unfashionable they are.

>> No.8558206

We met via LJ close to a decade ago, and I visited her irl once when she was staying in my country for a bit. Back then she didn't smell too bad. She bathed regularly. We have a mutual friend (ex-friend, now) that visited her after she started going crazy, and they said that now she smells like piss and fat people sweat. She doesn't go to uni, nor does she work. She lived in an apartment for a while, but she kept saying that her roommate was ableist and fatphobic, so now she lives with her parents again. When she was in my country, she was some kind of teacher, I think, but now she does nothing.

>> No.8558207

As they should be. Being chubby I can understand, it's within the believable bounds of 'HEALTHY at every size', but people like Tess Monster I can't stomach.

Same goes for delusional ana-chans who base their lives around food, counting calories and being skinny.

>> No.8558210

Anon I get your point but trust me, just shaming them all day every day isn't going to do shit.

>> No.8558216

Kind of difficult considering that people like that see everything as shaming and belittling

>> No.8558223

A lot of them don't understand what shaming really is.

>> No.8558233

HAES is the worst because they tell people not to listen to their doctors and that anyone who tries to reach out to them is trolling or fat-shaming them. Not that shaming works, but when you can't admit you might have a problem or listen to medical advice you're just setting yourself up for terrible health.

>> No.8558266

and this is why i also, hate HAES
selling lies and bs to the vulnerable.
i hate it
but on the other hand, it makes for good natural selection too.

>> No.8558277

I feeled so hard today
>going to random normie event in old town
>suddenly, glorious lolitas!
>see a flock of 5 or 6 well-dressed lolitas
>2 even twinned
>first time I see lolitas outside of anime events (we didn't even have this many lolitas in my country to my knowledge)
>stand away from them, trying to hide staring
>know I'll never look that good
>know I'll probably be a lone lolita even if I actually ever manage to afford real dresses

I was way too socially awkward to actually approach or anything. feelsbadman

might as well call location out - Tallinn, EE. you were all really fucking cute

>> No.8558287


>> No.8558291

i completely believe this is a real situation and not at all a fantasy.

ps you're gross.

>> No.8558296
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on a related note ..

>mfw im 4'10
>bf is 6'2
>we both hate cosplaying

>> No.8558322
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>being this mad
some of us cosplay too you know

we just don't autistically sperg over it like you fags

we autistically sperg over other men having nicer asses

>> No.8558406


>when I posted this I was afraid of someone from around actually noticing
>fuck.jpg ;_;

>> No.8558424

I'm not from Estonia (Finland, actually), I was just surprised that Estonia has a comm.

>> No.8558454

there's a facebook page and a group. I believe there isn't more than 4 or 5 members though, and I didn't see at least one of the mods iirc

I'd hardly call it a comm and honestly I would go loneloli if I ever got to the fashion before moving

>obligatory 'voi vittu'

>> No.8558690

>be wearing old school coord in public
>some random normie asks if I "can walk in those" (rocking horse shoes)
>tell him "yeah it's actually pretty easy since the toe is rolled"
>start walking away
>trip on cobblestone and faceplant
>he sees it
>i look like an idiot

>> No.8558693

I do shit like this all the time and I hate it. I usually say I know something and then turn out to be completely wrong in front of everyone, and I can't stop doing it because I guess I'm just constantly being misinformed.

>> No.8558806

I have a good friend of mine that I cosplay with quite frequently, but I think I'm starting to really hate her.
She's the biggest attention whore, never really puts any effort into her cosplays, and she's the most selfish person I've ever met.
The problem is we couple cosplay and go to conventions with each other a lot.
Her ego is just getting out of control, and I just don't know if I can take it anymore.

>> No.8558809

Not saying this to be mean, but maybe you should do some research before you repeat something? And if you're hearing wrong stuff from the same person/people, definitely double check what they say before accepting it.

>> No.8558865

Anon from a previous thread

>still looking for something to study last minute
>still don't know what to pick

Why are there so many studies that seem really vague about what they're actually like "Getting this bachelor will mean that you know your way around numbers, want to work with people and want to help a company grow"
Looking for something I can do is making me really stressed since it feels like I don't fit any of these bachelor degrees.

>> No.8558900
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>Good friend of mine is joining the preliminaries for a big cosplay contest in a few weeks
>She started 10 months ago and she's almost done
>The rules are pretty standard, you have to make everything yourself except maybe things like patterns, shoes, glasses, ect
>No help allowed, I offered to cut out some foam once to help her save some time but she wouldn't let me because she wants to follow the rules to the letter
>(this might also be because I suck at cosplay)
>Yesterday at a party she talked to one of the other contestants, who told her about her fb page
>She showed me the page today, there's pictures and her cosplay is really impressive
>Thing is, in most of the progress pics descriptions on her page she credits her bf and a friend for doing a lot of stuff for her

I've never been into cosplay a lot but I feel a lot of feels for my friend. I can see how important this is for her, and there's a big chance the judges won't find out how much help the others got.

>> No.8558911

Just choose what you think is mildly interesting to study for 4 years. Getting a degree wont give you job experience and it wont pigeonhold you into certain jobs. You just have to get a degree. Like if you want to go work with people, you are better off doing something that gives you experience with working with people (volunteering works here too) and maybe you can say that a social science is more relevant but it isnt really. You arent supposed to fit a degree, you are supposed to tailor your education to your wants as you go.

>> No.8558913

>grandma who i love dearly is in the hospital, recovering thankfully from a scare but still in the hospital
>close family member who was visiting for the weekend is about to go home soon, i won't see them again for months and it'll be at a busy time for them so we won't even get to do much then
>no friends or even potential friends here because small ass boring shit town (also no jobs), everyone young who used to live here has since grown, got smart and moved out
>no more buying lolita until next year because saving for more lolita and cons
>hasn't been to a con since april
>next con isn't for months
>really wants to cosplay again, no opportunities
>parents have their own drama going on involving their relationship being pretty much over but not divorcing and never try to work it out or get therapy or anything
>depression starts coming on again
>start feeling worthless, what the fuck am i even doing
>feeling like a shitty daughter letting my mother down even though i know she loves me
>can't compare to normalfags though, shit personality and health disorders that i can't change complicate that
>feeling even more alone and useless
>knows therapy and medication won't help because lol they can't cure your problems anon, no matter how much you wish they could and how much effort you put into trying them (which has already, including attempts at changing medications many times)
>at least i'm not suicidal or anything like that but stillevenmorefeelinglikeshit.jpg
it's getting to the point where i'm just sitting in my room all day and staring at the wall because i'm lethargic and lonely as fuck
>tfw selling everything and moving out isn't even an option because i'm a fucking failure no matter what i do or try
(sorry for the tl;dr)

>> No.8559095
File: 180 KB, 1300x1153, 22756695-doctor-doing-an-injection-to-a-screaming-boy-Stock-Photo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>let's see if I can finish two costumes in three weeks while working a 10-hr/day teaching job

>> No.8559255
File: 660 KB, 1146x642, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy dress on japanese autions
>item arrives at ss
>ss emails me saying it's there, but they're busy so I need to wait
>ok, I wait
>ss emails me shipping cost/package weight to confirm
>ss emails me they are busy, please wait
>ss emails me it's sunday, they're not working
>ss emails me "ok"

>> No.8559262
File: 27 KB, 200x267, 1364d6d4_why-cant-i-hold-all-these-feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8559502

>go to first ever meet
>had a good time, feeling happy
>stuck in traffic on the way home, tell the people giving me a ride about random shit that happened at the meet
>enthusiasm fades though: it is late at night, the car is idling forever on an on-ramp with no escape possible
>i am exhausted, feet hurt from cheap shoes, feel sweaty in my coord, need real food
>traffic is held up for so long we decide it must be a car accident ahead of us on the highway
>good first meet feels fade into worry about what could have happened to cause such a jam
>finally get off the ramp and onto the highway
>all traffic is trying to merge into far lane
>nobody will let us in, drivers behaving like jackasses all trying to get ahead of each other
>i end up yelling at the driver next to us, gesticulating in my weirdo coord, to fucking let us merge
>he backs off and lets us in, lol
>we squeeze into the single lane and crawl toward the accident
>loads of police everywhere, flashing red and blue lights
>we reach the accident site
>a single SUV completely totalled and tipped on its side, undercarriage facing us as we approach
>one sneaker is visible in a bunch of other debris, right-side up
>police patrol the highway with flashlights, looking for god knows what
>the car is seriously fucked up, have a hard time imagining survivors
>still haunted by the images of strolling policemen, the sneaker, and the crunched SUV
>find out today that a 4 year old girl was thrown from the vehicle and died
>see her face in an online news article
>feel irrationally guilty for having a good time at the meet and then being frustrated and annoyed over what turned out to be a child's death scene

>> No.8559626

>tfw you have to sell off a few things you wanted to keep

>> No.8559745

Honestly, I wouldn't really rush it unless you're already enrolled and getting into junior year. Sometimes people take time off after highachool to travel/volunteer or get work experience elsewhere to figure out their passion.

>> No.8559754

It's one of the hardest things I've had to face in a while

>> No.8559758

>tfw go to Sailor Moon Day in San Francisco
>tfw it is a complete travesty
>tfw go to Japantown instead
>tfw having way more fun there than at a crappy gathering

>> No.8559808

why was it a travesty? deets

>> No.8559812
File: 2.49 MB, 480x270, 1351237461777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a picture of a cosplay you really like
>mfw cosplayer also asks me for a picture of my costume

It's such a tiny thing but it makes me so happy every time.

>> No.8559815

Did you use Japonica?
They always send stuff like that, like when they ask you to confirm your shipping cost and you do, they send a mail telling you how busy they are.

>> No.8559827

>roommate's birthday is tomorrow
>he's acting all high and mighty because of it
>insists i have to do anything he wants since IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY AND HE'S SO SPECIAL
>will probably spend the day watching anime before going out to dinner
>salty as fuck
>i don't like making a huge deal out of my birthday
>but it would have been nice if he could have wished me a happy birthday at least
>instead i woke up and was immediately screamed at because he was in a bad mood for no reason
>ended up spending birthday in my room crying after he threatened my dog

he's honestly not that bad of a guy most of time. a little annoying and has nasty mood swings, but we haven't had too many issues in the past. but he just gets so childish around his birthday. everything is me me me!!!!! he's asked for a shit ton of presents (mostly expensive cosplays and figures of his husbandos) and i know he's going to throw a fit because he's not getting all of it. it's like, fuck dude you're turning 25, not 5 calm down. i got him one of the cheaper items on his list just to shut him up, but i'm still pretty pissed he treated me like crap on my birthday yet expects me to bow to his every whim on his.

>> No.8559831

It just sucked. I was going to go to the NorCal gathering, but this sounded awesome because I love Sailor Moon, but it was just garbage. Just... So bad. Not even more than 40 people seemed to be there whereas if I went to the NorCal gathering there would easily be over 500. Probably 800. Man.. At least I got to spend an awesome time in Japantown.

>> No.8559839

Wasn't lolibrary up again? I think I saw somebody saying it's up again, but it's still down for me.

>> No.8559841

Sorry, I meant to post this in the general.

>> No.8559879

What a manchild. Happy birthday, anon.
Because no-one can say what the studies will be like for everyone. Instead of focusing on what you fit into and what you love, why not focus on what you like/what seems interesting?

I know this is unpopular advice but few people actually really love what they study. Some grow to love it when they get good at it, some grow to love it regardless, some only do it because it's the only thing they got into.

My uncle is one of the top maxillofacial surgeons in the country. You know how he got his degree? He went to college because of a girl, and decided to finish it after she dumped him.

My mum wanted to get a degree in literature but after seeing what a fuckfest it was, she decided to study economics instead.

At the end of the day it's not which degree you fit, it's how hard you work and how good the university/polytech is. If it's a shitty, negative environment full of corrupt staff you're more likely to drop out than from a place with a good atmosphere and services. If you know your degree is useless you'll end up hating it too.

Relax, anon. Do what you like best and what gets you your foot in the door. You don't need to love it or obsess over it.

It might be a good idea to attend an open university lecture just to get a feel of what you're getting into, or look for some lectures on youtube.

>> No.8559985

Thanks anon, I think what got me so stressed is that last year I did Computer Science and felt really out of place not interests wise, but because everyone seemed to have 10 times the passion and knowledge I had.

I enjoyed being able to freely talk about games and shit but the feeling of being the one that knows the least about PCs kind of brought me down a lot.

>> No.8559991


>> No.8559992

Well if you only got into it because of games it kinda figures.

>> No.8559995

I didn't, I genuinely wanted to learn and especially coding got me excited.

>> No.8560004

Ah well, it happens.
I used to think everyone who'd applied for intl business was super knowledgeable and well-educated but come entrance exam I met people who had a very poor grasp of the English language to say the least. Many of them had no idea what they were gonna be studying, even, and their maths skills were terrible. I thought I couldn't compete with everyone but I got in easy-peasy.

To tell you the truth, I had been just as clueless but the difference is I actually took the time to inform myself about the degree and thoroughly research everything while many others just showed up unprepared.

If everyone else is better, that means you need to study even harder and catch up. Simple as that.

>> No.8561062
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>a "friend" said to me she asked to her boss to understand her special meets at work
>i'm too but i don't ask for special needs at work or university cause "muh special illness"
>also excuse her cold as ice behavior to her condition

I take responsibility of my condition but i dont consider myself special, muh illness or whatever. Also, i can feel empathy.
>i remember that person saying to me i was buying too much lolita and other shit
>while she did the same but worse
>spend money for junk food and other useless stuff

>> No.8561128
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>I know this is unpopular advice but few people actually really love what they study.
I really wish more people would be honest with this.
I'm an Accounting major, about to start my senior year and getting ready for recruiting and all that.
It's not the most exciting job ever, no, but recruiters always shoot me down just because I'm not dripping in enthusiasm for taxes, like everyone else in my major is apparently doing.
I'm just doing it because it pays good and I can handle the overload of numbers, but you can't say that in an interview.

I know, I know, lie about it and act like I dream about mergers and acquisitions every night, it's just so frustrating that that's what I *have* to do to secure a job after graduating.

>> No.8561134

All you are doing is wasting resources that are given to you to help you be equal to normal people. It is normal for someone to do that, whether it is a physical handicap, a mental illness, or even a minority that faces discrimination. Legally the work has to accommodate to that so why not use what you need? You will never be like normal people and you need to accept that it makes you 'special', and trying to pretend you are better than other people who have a mental illness is more special snowflakey than to admit you need help now and then.

>> No.8561145

>finish with summer job on Saturday
>apply for a simple above minimum wage job in my area, even though I don't think I'll get it
>have to budget out my expenses for a while, so I can't do any taobao orders or go to any conventions for a while
>get called today from the place I applied
>ham it up and get super friendly over the phone, guy says he thinks I have great energy and I'd be perfect for the job
>"can you come in on Wednesday for your second interview?"
>apparently that call was my first interview and I nailed it
>begin preparing both for wowing my prospective employer as well as a celebratory taobao spree (just in case)
I really feel like I have a good shot here. If I don't make the cut, I'll be okay, I have a decent amount saved, but having a job RIGHT at the end of my summer job would mean I could save up for stuff way faster. The only thing that worries me is it's a group interview, which I've never had to do before. I'm good at pretending to love everyone and be a team player though, which I think is the best route. Wish me luck, gulls.

>> No.8561194

>she is living at home with her parents and doesn't have a job
>he's moved out from his parents and has a job
>somehow he's the manchild and she has her shit together

women make no sense. I guess there's just no meeting your impossible and often hypocritical standards

>> No.8561196

b8/10 m8, should at least make it subtle.

>> No.8561201

Nobody cares

>> No.8561209

What's bait about it. explain to me how the person living with their parents with no job is somehow more responsible than the person with a job

>> No.8561212

I'm being a paranoid bitter chan because my friends never reblog my photos, but they all reblog each other and say things like "omg look at this cutie!" or whatever. I know they're my friends but it's the one area where I feel self-conscious and doubt what they really think of me. And I know it's stupid to get bent out of shape over internet likes but I do it anyways, which makes me feel worse for caring about something so trivial.

>> No.8561224

Dude if you get a job and move out from your parents but still act like a child, then you're just flat-out pathetic.

>> No.8561239

>living with your gf's parents
>relying on your gf to drive you around everywhere you need to go
>spending money on LARP shit instead of getting your own car
>planning to get your own place when you can't even afford your monthly loan payments, let alone rent and utilities

just another American manchild.

>> No.8561240

Do you know what children do?
They live with their parents and dont have jobs.
She's the child here, but like I said women have impossible and hypocritical standards so they judge men incredibly harshly while thinking they as women shouldn't be judged or held to any standards at all

>> No.8561275
File: 141 KB, 471x400, 1434893373123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while thinking they as women shouldn't be judged or held to any standards at all
lol do you know where you are m8? or do you just lurk feels threads for a chance to sperg out about the evils of women?

if you can't keep your sulky bait on-topic, take it to another board.

>> No.8561285

>chronic migraine
>school resuming soon
>have been in sick pain all summer
>missed work a lot, did not get to work on cosplay at all
>low on funds until scholarships are distributed
>have all the time in the world, but too sick and broke to do anything useful

>> No.8561288

Haha this.
Anon sounds like some assblasted retail dude who can't get a gf and thinks living in some shithole by himself means anything.

>> No.8561305

>muh car
Tell me, if she doesn't have a job who do you think bought and pays for everything related to that car?

Her parents. She sounds like she depends on them to provide absolutely everything for her and does nothing to support herself yet none of you bat an eye. Meanwhile the boyfriend spends his own hard earned money on things he wants instead of just stuff that will benefit her and you call him a failure.

God women are pathetic. I bet all of you here haven't spent a cent on supporting yourself in years and just live off your boyfriends money while spending all of your own on clothes and other shit just for yourselves

>> No.8561365

Yeah because they don't have the means to take care of themselves.
If you have a job and still can't manage money or responsibilities, you're no better than a 13 year old.

>> No.8561408

So then what does that make the girlfriend in this situation, a 5 year old?

>> No.8561418

No one's saying anything about the girlfriend but you.
She has a degree and is trying to get a job that utilizes it; if you've been to university, you know the struggle.

That's.. oh I don't know, what a 23 year old should be doing?

>> No.8561424

Not the girl in question but my car was bought with my inheritance even though I had a shit job durine my tenrage years. Insurance doesn't typically cost over $300 a month, sometimes way less. If you don't have a car payment cars are affordable unless you're an idiot.

Sounds like you're on a tirade against women tonight. There's nothing wrong with living at home during a financial buffer, which by the sounds of it BOTH of them need.
No idea what you expect of the girl since she said she's had interviews and is trying to apply with a her degree. What do you even want? Guess she should just move out, live on welfare instead, and get her gubment bux and not try at all. Stop projecting you cuck.

>> No.8561426

I think it's worse for a grown adult to be living with his girlfriends' parents for free than his own parents for free..

Did anon miss the part where the boyfriend also lives with them and probably mooches from them?

>> No.8561427

Kek, should say teenage but it's just as accurate.

>> No.8561437

>miss all cons since april because of parental meddling (mother disapproves of anything lolita/con-related)
>probably won't do anything until december where I'm making sure I go to X convention
>4-person squad is slowly fading away
>two of them say they're not doing cons anymore
>the other one works so much and can never get time off (though honestly she forgets to put her request in and tries doing it a week in advanced)
>friends come back ;_;

>today friend comes over (the one who can never get time off, closest friend)
>came to wallow over her and her bf breaking up, we make drinks and watch trash reality shows
>she says "fuck it we're booking X convention right now"
>she requests time off and books the hotel right then and there (which surprised me, I usually do the reservations and had my card ready, she said nope this is on me)
>we spend the afternoon planning outfits
>ideas for silly alien-type outfits for friday (like that uuchu-kei shit or whatever)
>lolita saturday, both of us thinking about buying kigus for sunday
>thinking about splurging and going to the hotel's spa after the con

idk how much of it will work out but the fact that she got so into it and took the initiative so far in advanced makes me super happy

>> No.8561439

>cars only benefit women!!!
Orrrr they can make you look like a functioning adult, give you independence, and broaden your opportunities for employment.

>> No.8561469

>no ones saying anything about the girlfriend
but that's exactly my point. Even though shes in a worse position than the boyfriend here, nobody cares at all and instead just focuses entirely on the boyfriend. it's exactly like what I said about women being hypocrites that think men should be held to the highest possible standards while women are held to none.

>> No.8561475

>my car was bought with inheritance

why would you even bring that up. why can women never understand that if you get handed something for free you don't get to act like you earned it. and it doesn't matter how expensive insurance is if she isn't paying for it anyways. so basically I have no idea what you were trying to say with any of that

>> No.8561491

you seem a bit confused by your own thought process. let me explain what you actually think. what you actually think is, it's worse for men to do (anything) thsn it is for women to do (anything)
Because like I've said, hypocrites and unfair standards.

No, in this particular situation him buying a car would benefit her more. he already has the means to get around, but the girl friend here thinks that even though she doesn't have a job and doesn't have to pay for the car in any way it's still too much of a burden for her to have to bring him to his job.

And I can say with 1000% certainty that if this whole situation had the genders switched and the boyfriend was unemployed and living with his parents while the girlfriend was working, you would all be fuming angrily at him ten times harder than you are now. you would all be saying how driving her around was the least he could possibly do.

>> No.8561525

Refer here >>8561426

>> No.8561533

>why would you even bring that up
Because you're implying that the only way to get a car is to make ridiculous car payments and have unaffordable insurance, you're being an idiot and presuming the situation.

Like it or not, that's her car. She isn't the problem. It's more than appropriate, even common, for a post-graduate student to move back in with the parents while they find jobs.

The boyfriend who decided to get a job far away from where they're living, fucked off with his student loan payments, and now has to bunk with her and her parents is the problem. Sucks that he has to sacrifice his fun, but that's what adults do.

>> No.8561544


If my girlfriend was some dumb bitch who didn't have a degree, didn't pay her fucking loans, wanted me to drive her everywhere, and THEN bitched all the time about my parents giving us free room and board and wanting to move out, I'd still have a god damn problem despite her being a WOMMIN. Whatever menial job she got wouldn't negate the fact that I have a higher earning potential, no unnecessary debt, and reliable transport. You're twisted in the head.

>> No.8561577

I've always been self-conscious because of a large face mole. Recently I saved up the money and was willing to pay anything to get it off. I went to a dermatologist to get the OK to get it removed by plastic surgeon and she suggested we do a shave not an excision because of the placement and size/shape. So I agreed.

It's been two weeks and it's healing well. By that I mean it's closed up. And still there. It might be about half the size but it's still there. I think I feel worse about it than I did. It's now red, inflamed and still raised. I went through all that time, money, and pain, as well as embarassment of giant bandaids on my face, etc... and it's still there. Obviously still there. Raised still there. I feel worse than I did, because before it was just there and I needed it removed. Now I've put time and effort into it and failed to remove. I feel like I'm stuck forever and hideous.

>> No.8561684

No actually you'd bend over backwards to comply with her every irrational complaint and demand like the good little slave you are, as you undoubtedly do every day and are even doing right now for a bunch of women on the internet you don't even know.

>> No.8561698

>"I'm a man because I'm retardedly contrarian to the point of grinding on some random dude's dick just because I need to shit on his gf on the principle that she is female."

Faggot. I hope it's true that this is just r9bait.

>> No.8561726

>I'm a man because I defend the honor of fair maidens on the light box when some savage ruffian commits the most heinous sin of "pointing out their hypocrisy"

Knave. I doth pray thou art but playing the fool.

>> No.8561728
File: 141 KB, 500x400, t38295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that projection
What else do your all-seeing eyes see?

>> No.8561734

Can you go back and say "This isn't what I asked for, I wanted it gone completely"?
I had a friend get their mole removed and it just looks like a little circle scar now.

>> No.8561737

>(mother disapproves of anything lolita/con-related)
4chan is an 18+ site

but i hope you guys have fun

>> No.8561744

>tfw /cgl/ is so bored it engages an idiotic troll

>> No.8561758

refer here >>8561491
Your issue is not with "their own parents" vs "someone elses parents". It's entirely with "man" vs "woman".

In your eyes, if a guy lives with his parents he's a loser, if he lives with someone elses parents he's a loser. But if a girl live with her parents she't totally responsible and justified, and if she lives with someone elses parents she's totally responsible and justified.

The proof is in the fact that I know every single one of you has used "you live with your parents" as an insult when you think you're arguing with a man, and that no women (or at least not anyone admitting to being a woman) responded to my post pointing out that if the genders in the situation were swapped, you'd still be mad at a the boyfriend and sympathetic with the girlfriend, because you're just automatically always mad at men and take womens side no matter what.

>> No.8561763

No. The issue is with "college graduate" versus "retail slave."
I know a girl that's 29, can't keep a job for more than a month, never held a position above entry level, stays with her SO's parents, and just bitches about the same thing for the past 3 years. She bitched out her last roommate for asking her to pay rent, as if that's such an inane concept.
Do I respect her? Not a fucking bit. Would I defend her? Nope. She's a lazy ass.

Go back to your neckbeard cuddlebox.

>> No.8561775

>if a guy lives with his parents he's a loser
Not necessarily.
If he's fresh out of college and is trying to find a job and save up for a rental, no, he's not.

If he's some retail wageslave who never went to school, doesn't have a car, and never made an attempt to live by himself then yes, he is a loser. This is how the "you live with your parents" insult came to be, and it must hit a nerve with you if you can't see the distinction.

>> No.8561780

tfw SF bay area and living with parents because all the rents here are horrendous and at least the parents have much more reasonable prices. even with roommates you're looking at a large chunk of your paycheck gone every month

>> No.8561781

>cause you're implying that the only way to get a car is to make ridiculous car payments and have unaffordable insurance
Where the fuck did I imply that. Did you not see me say the girlfriend got her car for free from her parents?

The boyfriend and girlfriend both put the exact same amount of effort into getting a car, but the girl was just lucky enough to be born to parents that would completely buy one for her. Yet somehow just by being born lucky you all claim she's responsible and somehow earned the car.

>Like it or not, that's her car.

Oh how could I overlook this. I'm arguing with women, of course they believe getting handed stuff for free is a valid source of independence. Women rely on getting given free stuff their entire lives so of course they'd convince themselves that they somehow "earned" all the free stuff they get over their lives.

>> No.8561782
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there is literally nothing you can say to make the sulky troll see reason. anyone who actually uses this board knows the type of shit gulls give to people of both sexes. anyone who tries to stoke gender- based flames isn't worth reading, let alone responding to.

especially in a feels thread. focus on the feels, anon. don't waste your salt on a deadend.

>> No.8561790

>Did you not see me say the girlfriend got her car for free from her parents?

Sorry, all I see is
A manbaby defending a manbaby, typical.

>> No.8561791
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, 1408613416052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've heard about a women in Silicon Valley who had to live out of someone's garage for $1000/mo.

>that's not too far off from rental prices in my area
I'm wondering how likely it is that I can move after graduating college..
But I also feel like asking that is as bad as high schoolers thinking they'll be completely independent once they're 18.

>> No.8561793

And yet literally any time you see the words "boyfriend" and "unemployed" in the same sentence here every single persons instantaneous reaction is "DUMP HIM". No further questions asked, you just see those words and immediately dismiss him as a loser. There's absolutely no benefit of the doubt like you'd give to a woman who says she's unemployed.

>in the exact same post you try to claim "we don't just automatically assume every guy living at home is a loser" you immediately try to insult me by saying I must live at home and be a loser

Goddamn. I couldn't pretend to be as stupid as women naturally are if I tried.

>> No.8561802

i've lived in different apartments during college. it's actually cheaper than dorms where i am, with more space. it's frustrating as hell to find roommates though, most of my friends live with their parent(s) and the ones that don't are in a higher income bracket than me so they get better places than i can afford.

be prepared to sacrifice.

>> No.8561805

>tumblr-lite browser accusing me of acting like tumblr

I have my own car, I really couldn't care less if some girl got given one by her parents.

I just have no idea how you people are possibly saying being given a car for free and no effort whatsoever somehow makes you strong independent womyn.

>> No.8561810

So, do you live at home?
Do you have a college degree?
Do you have a car?

Better say the right answers anon, or you're a dirty loser greasebeard who will never get it in with even the fattest of female uggos.

>> No.8561816
File: 10 KB, 259x194, anon's van he got from mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related, your vehicle

>> No.8561817
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I'd understand if a guy was unemployed because he just graduated and finding major work is rough. I'd understand if he lived with his parents for the same reasons.

It's just hard to care much for a 23 year-old doing retail work and having to live with his SO's parents because he'd rather spend his paycheck on LARPing instead of rent or a car.

Sorry for shitting up the thread, seagulls.

>> No.8561824
File: 111 KB, 562x1302, 1437592153423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry for shitting up the thread, seagulls.
this happens every feels thread, and some fucker is always happy to take the bait. it is never worth it, the sulky man never changes his tune, and the thread devolves fast every time.

>> No.8561827

>feels thread getting derailed on cgl because people have nothing better to do
>unheard of

>> No.8561829

you forgot that anytime you see "bf" "no job" and "dump him" on cgl it's because he also gets described with a lot more bad qualities. got fired from his last job. sitting on his ass all day. spending all of her money. not contributing shit. not trying to find work.

>> No.8561840

We're both 21, grill

I live at home and have a crazy mother

>> No.8561841

Literally the only reason you're saying that right now is because this argument is going on. In any other situation where you saw some girl here mention "unemployed" in the same post as "boyfriend" you'd be jumping on the DUMP HIM train just like everyone else.

And I think all of your continued refusal to acknowledge that if this story had the genders reversed that you'd be even MORE mad at the boyfriend only proves that I'm right, you know I'm right, but you just don't want to admit it.

I'm honestly tempted to wait a while and come back here pretending to be a girl so I can tell a greentext story about how I have a job, but my boyfriend doesn't, lives with his parents, and doesn't even want to drive me around anywhere with the car his parents bought him and gets mad at me for buying dresses instead of stuff for him. Just to see how mad all of you get at "him" and how lazy you say "he" is.

>> No.8561842

>getting married next year
>extremely excited to spend the rest of my life with my best friend
>Don't have any close girl friends to be bridesmaids

cgl related
>feel too old for lolita and nanchatte
>no comms or cons in my area

At least I can live vicariously through you guys

>> No.8561843

>sitting on his ass all day. spending all of her money. not contributing shit. not trying to find work.
So exactly like the average girlfriend that most guys have to put up with?
Funny how women never seem to have any issues with these traits unless they're on a man.

>> No.8561850

Ugh, we get it. You won't change your mind. Shut up now.

>> No.8561853

>gets mad at me for buying dresses instead of stuff for him

Where in the original story does femanon say she wants her bf to buy stuff for her? She says that he needs to save for his own vehicle, something for himself that will ultimately benefit him.
An embellishment you tried to sneak into the story is fundamentally incomparable.
Why are men so stubbornly retarded, especially when they know women are right about something?

>> No.8561854

Ugh, we get it. You won't change your mind. Shut up now.

>> No.8561855
File: 23 KB, 200x256, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explains your whole plan
You're like a Disney villain.
I'll wait for you, then.

>> No.8561856

She wants him to get a car purely for her own benefit, because she doesn't like driving him around even though she has no other responsibilities to take care of or pay for the gas.

Swap the genders and /cgl/ would be furious at "him" for such a thing.

>> No.8561859

>purely for her own benefit
Explain how wanting someone to be able to transport themselves to work is self-centered. When she gets a job she will be unable to take him to work. Most employers will not promote or hire people who don't have vehicles of their own.

>> No.8561863

>she has no other responsibilities to take care of or pay for the gas
And finding a job and probably doing her bf's laundry and cooking his food and cleaning their living space and taking him to work when he makes an excuse
>weeee assumptions~
>inb4 those don't count

>> No.8561867

>Explain how wanting someone to be able to transport themselves to work is self-centered.
Because she doesn't want to do it. Like all women the man do put lots of time money and effort into stuff for her while doing absolutely nothing for him because just what a "REAL MAN" will accept.

>> No.8561869

>still lives at home
>implying her mom isn't doing both of their laundry

Spoiled bitch got a free car and never had to work before I'm sure her parents do everything for her.

>> No.8561871

>Because she doesn't want to do it.
She shouldn't have to, and when she gets a job she will be unable to drop him off and pick him up on a whim. So that gravy train will come to a halt either way, there's no need for you to wail about double standards when it's clearly a situation that will come to an end one way or the other.

Her guy is paying off the loans that he didn't pay for years. He's being entirely selfish with his money right now and not giving her shit, and probably isn't helping her parents with rent.
Stop whiteknighting.

>> No.8561872

Please answer >>8561810, misogykun <3

>> No.8561873

>He's being entirely selfish with his money right now and not giving her shit, and probably isn't helping her parents with rent.
Lol and she is?

Oh wait I keep forgetting, double standards. It's the MANS duty to give all his money to the woman and the womans duty to keep all her money for herself.

>> No.8561874

here's the thing: the guys don't have feels threads here. maybe on r9k they have the same thing but it's the other way around, assuming robots can get girlfriends in the first place.

if it was a lesbian couple and one whined and bitched and the other brought in money i'd say dump her ass too. i don't think we've had any story like that in a feels thread yet.

>> No.8561875

Working on it.

>> No.8561878
File: 29 KB, 111x116, hanayoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know he won't.

>> No.8561879

Serve as someone's chaffeur for a bit of time. See how you like it. It's a total pain in the ass.

>> No.8561881

They're HER parents. If they said she was allowed to stay rent free then that's the end of it. If she's their dependent then that's even more justification.
Her boyfriend is a stranger to that house, he should pay rent, since y'know, he should "earn" living there.
>still not addressing what bf will do when gf gets a job and can't give him rides anymore

>> No.8561886

>It's a total pain in the ass.
Maybe it is but when you're a NEET that's not earning or paying for anything you don't really get to complain about that.

>> No.8561892
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>still not addressing what bf will do when gf gets a job and can't give him rides anymore
Judging by the situation, I imagine he'd keep free-loading off her parents and enjoying being 14 again.
There's the chance that he'll realize how behind he is and get a car for himself, but I don't know the guy personally.

I don't think the original anon has returned with a verdict yet.

>> No.8561893

How is the bf earning his stay at their house again?
How is the bf earning her time to give him car rides?
How do you know bf is paying to live at her house or contributing in any way?
How do you know bf is paying for the gas she uses when he begs her to drop him off at his Mcjob?

Oh yeah, that's right, we're only allowed to complain about double standards if they serve as a slight against the e-matriarchy :D

>> No.8561896

right now she's the reason they have a roof over their heads even if the only reason is because she's related by blood. that's her contribution to the equation.

>> No.8561903

Buy his own I might assume. Use public transport. Break up and find some other girl to drive him. There's lots of possibilities. I can't say for certain what he'll do.

I never said anything about what exactly anyone is earning or paying for. All I know is the bf has a job and she doesn't. He's earning money, which means he's also logically paying for things. She's earning nothing, meaning she cannot logically be paying for anything.

>> No.8561908

>that's her contribution to the equation.
>something that requires literally zero effort or intelligence

Oh wait is this the same logic so many of you women use to feel justified in living with your boyfriends rent free and never paying for anything, because your "contribution" is the hole if your crotch that also requires no effort or intelligence to have and that you were simply born with, while still expecting him to make tons of money and spend it all on you?

>> No.8561912

That implies she fucks her parents as compensation for rent.

>> No.8561913

>Buy his own I might assume.
When he wants to travel to LARP events and buy merch that's gonna be an awful bitch of awhile, especially with his $400 student loan bills a month. What gives him a right to have fun with his money while he mooches off strangers?

>use public transport
And somehow, if that were an option I think it would have been brought up.

>break up and find another girl to mooch a living space and vehicle from
Huh, accurate to what manchildren do. Good point.

>> No.8561915

>accurate to what *women* do

>> No.8561918

>She's earning nothing, meaning she cannot logically be paying for anything.
>implying people can't "earn" money and savings by other means, such as sales or what have you

>> No.8561920

Manchild-anon, what's your income bracket?
You really don't understand how normal it is to move in with parents while hunting for degree work.

>> No.8561921

>I never said anything about what exactly anyone is earning or paying for.
Yes you have.
You've been assuming the girl is a spoiled fuck all who has never worked and that the guy is some saint just because he has a retail job. His retail job isn't leaving much for food, rent, and other necessities if he's paying late bills on top. The parents are quite obviously paying for both. You're a delusional thinker.

>> No.8561922

No. It simply implies her "contribution" was something she was born with and did not require any time, effort or skill to obtain. Just like how most womens "contribution" to relationships is entirely using the hole they were born with that requires no time, effort or skill to obtain.

>> No.8561925

>the woman in this case has the car, education, a supportive family, and job prospects albeit being currently unemployed
>bf has literally nothing except his Mcjob and debt that never amounted to a degree

Hah, okay anon.

>> No.8561927


Hoooooooly fuck.

>> No.8561930

I get the feeling you're the same person who asked
> If they said she was allowed to stay rent free then that's the end of it.

So I'll just answer both at once.

If they said HE was allowed to stay rent free then that's the end of it.

>> No.8561931

I'm a guy and even I say she should dump his ass. Goddamn you're posting like you're the guy in question.

>> No.8561935

>If they said HE was allowed to stay rent free then that's the end of it.

That's okay, but anon is targeting the female and questioning what she does to "earn" living there, while not realizing that the bf does nothing to "earn" living there as well.

>> No.8561936

Jeez calm down bitch. I never said parents shouldn't support their children I just have no idea how you women can look at this scenario and claim it's the guy with a job who's lazy and not contributing anything while the unemployed girl is simply living with her parents and you somehow see her as responsible and contributing.

>> No.8561938

She has a college degree, you ignorant fuck. If you're really >>8561875, you'll learn how normal it is soon.

Unless you're a richfag like I'm assuming.

>> No.8561940

>the guy with a job who's lazy
The guy with the job is clearly paying off bills that he irresponsibly put off and accrued interest on while whining about wanting to do fun stuff. He lives with the girl's parents for free while he isn't prioritizing saving up for a car, like you said he should for the inevitable future.

He's an irresponsible fuck. Probably lazy to boot.

>> No.8561945

A college degree on it's own does not just materialize free money out of nowhere. Until she actually has a job she's earning nothing and any "contribution" she makes is actually being made by her parents.

She'd probably have an easier time getting a job with that degree if she had any previous work experience like her boyfriend but it sounds as if she's never had to work job before in her life.

>> No.8561946

>Unless you're a richfag like I'm assuming.

Actually it's more likely he's some college dormfag who lives off student loans and works part time at Burger King and thinks he actually "earns" shit while driving around in his $400 clunker car.

>> No.8561949

I'm not, but I'd still rather be what you described than a woman who thinks she "earned" anything by showing some cleavage and spreading her legs occasionally.

>> No.8561951

>not even at minimum wage slave level
goddamn this gets more and more hilarious

>> No.8561952

>Until she actually has a job she's earning nothing
The boyfriend who is working for menial pay paying off interest that wouldn't be there had he responsibly paid his debts to begin with is also contributing nothing, and everything from his food, clean clothes, and shelter he owes to the girl's parents.

>mfw this bitch faggot is gonna find a way to refute this TOPKEK

>> No.8561958

>"whoa calm down bitch"
>the only poster whiteknighting some rando larper for the entire thread

You seriously need to reevaluate yourself. You are the only person here making sweeping generalizations and now grasping at anything as a reason to, once again, tell us why you hate women.

>> No.8561959

Seemed pretty obvious that I was saying I make decently above minimum wage and not in fastfood or retail but whatever.

Ok but how exactly does any of that change the girls income to being more than $00.00 right now?
Also it's very clear how new you are. Don't bother pretending to be a "real 4channer" it's obvious you're just from tumblr.

>> No.8561960

You're 10/10 mad rn fam

>> No.8561962

Depends on what the degree is.
Also, no a degree doesn't spawn money, but it's why she's living with her parents. It's only temporary until she finds work. But it shows more effort than her freeloading bf in the long-term (long = 1 year or two). It means she has higher potential of moving out sooner since degree-work pays more than shit retail.
Besides, didn't she say she was interviewing?

Yeah I figured one or the other. Either way he clearly doesn't understand the situation.

>> No.8561966

right now her parents are enabling him to live a fairly carefree life with only one low-paying job. with the soulcrushing weight that is student loan debt he would be in a 1000% worse position if he was not with her (and therefore not staying with her parents). he's damned lucky she doesn't just drop his ass

>> No.8561967

If you admit that neither are contributing and the bf is using her and her parents to pay off his student loans while moaning like a cunt about not having fun, then I've won this rodeo pal :^)

>> No.8561969

>attempting to make my own accessories for a fairy kei coord
>go to make a flower crown
>boyfriend has to reglue flowers on for me because when I did it they looked shitty
>paint glasses frame so it matches
>fuck it up several times
>sand off and retry
>finally get it to some what decent/passable
>put on gloss to make shiny and finished
>can't get it to go on even
>ok looks passable
>look up while it's drying
>dripping down the frame and it's drying in place so there's a giant glob

God fucking dammit. It's like no matter how much I practice and try nothing I try to make turns out good and I have to have help and I can't do anything myself. It happens with almost everything I do, even cooking food.
It's killing what little self esteem I have left and I want to give up and just not do things anymore ever.
I don't really want to do that but god, what the fuck is the point, why can't I do things properly.

>> No.8561971

I understand the situation perfectly. I understand how no matter which gender was which in this story you would all freak out and call the guy lazy. Whether he's working but doesn't have a car, or not working but has a car and lives with his parents you'd be mad at him. But with the girl i either scenario you all sympathize and have no issue. Thus my original point of showing you all how hypocritical women are.

The boyfriend has a job. He's contributing something. Maybe it might not be much (although you'll all just assume he's not doing ANYTHING because you hate the thought of a man who spends his money on anything but women) but it's more than the woman.

>> No.8561974

Been in that boat before.
Go have some chill out time, maybe do some practice trials before painting something (since it sounds like you have issues there in general), and you'll get better.
Also some websites have colored frames for cheap, but if you need prescription, it'll be a little harder. The only website I'm familiar with is Zenni Optical, have you looked through their stuff?

>> No.8561977

>He's contributing something.

Paying off his LATE loans while not paying for food, rent, and other necessities? Paying his own late bills isn't contribution, that's what he should be doing. You enormous retard, why are you so homo for this guy?

>> No.8561978

I've said multiple times that there's nothing wrong if a guy's in the same boat as the girl we're discussing, but you keep dismissing it.
Your essays in high school must've been atrocious if you can't comprehend an actual counter argument aside from #meninism

>> No.8561980

Why are you so feminazi hated for ALL guys?

>> No.8561985

Honestly I'm at the point where I'm going to side with >>8561931 and say it is anon's boyfriend. No one can be this childish.

Can you imagine how hilarious it'd be if anon's bf was a robot. Come on.

>> No.8561987

>ALL guys
Nah, just you and the failout collegekun that poor femanon is getting herself saddled to.
>I work at Burger King so I'm special and make a difference!

>> No.8561994

>"I'm arguing they're both in the same boat"
You weren't. You were originally saying how the girl is somehow worse because burnout bf keeps a menial job while she searches for one and doesn't like being his personal taxi.

You do, of course, realize that when she gets a job she
>will be employed
>have a car
>have an education
I mean, you best be nice to these girls, fedorakun. They're out of your league...

>> No.8561997

I paint other things too and everything I do turns out not good. My expectations are probably high but people are gonna see me wear this stuff, it needs to look good.
I don't need a prescription, the frames I'm painting are just old 3D glasses from a movie that I popped the lenses out of. I would do the whole cool off thing and wait but its for my birthday which is next week. I'm running out of time and I've already been working on these for so long already. I'm tired of sanding things off and repainting them, ya know?

If I had money all the time I would just buy things instead making them myself but I want to be creative and I already wasted money on buying little deco flowers to glue on when it's done.

I really feel like everything I touch just turns to shit.

>> No.8561999

>Tfw getting too old for conventions
All of the 14 year olds swarming cons make me not want to leave my room until night. ;_;

>> No.8562007

>but you keep dismissing it.
Because i've seen plenty of these threads before and in literally every one I see every woman in them says a guy should automatically be dumped if he doesn't have a job. Nobody ever asks questions or assumes he might have a reason just "NO JOB INSTA-DUMP". And that goes DOUBLE if it gets out he still lives at home. Literally the only time ever ever seen someone give a guy the benefit of the doubt in those scenarios is this thread right now, and that's just because you're pretending to think that way to prove me wrong. I've seen people calling someones boyfriend a "threat" because he got fired. I tried saying that's out of peoples control and was instantly dismissed by women saying "No. Normal people don't get fired. He must have done something wrong. Dump him".

Absolutely no sympathy or attempt to assume anything but the worst about him based JUST on hearing "boyfriend got fired".

See this is what I mean. No matter what you hear about a guys life you'll automatically assume the worst because you have a deep-seeded hatred of men.

>> No.8562014

But all the Asian femboy dicks, Beanie. Think of the dicks. You have so many new ones to taste!

>> No.8562016

as was said earlier they tend to have more going on negatively than just being unemployed

>> No.8562023

All you can really do is practice painting more, really. With the gloss, do it in thin coats and be patient. Thin coats dry faster and unevenness is less apparent.
I get that you're down, but the only way to go is up.

>> No.8562026

And herein lies the root of this problem as well as so many others. You can't separate your assumptions from fact. The original posts in regards to things like this often only have a single line mentioning something about the boyfriend, yet from hearing any of those words like "fired" or "unemployed" you just automatically assume he MUST have all other manner of things wrong with him.

Maybe it's just a self defense mechanism for womens egos. You know all you care about in a guy is how much money he gives you, but don't want to admit it. So when you find out a guy can't give you much money you instantly want to leave him, but to protect your ego and pretend you aren't as shallow as you are you assume he must also be an awful person in all kinds of other ways.

You know.

>> No.8562031

I used to draw a lot and then stopped because I felt like I didn't improve that much even after a few years. I always think about that and then I think about other stuff I've practiced and how I've not improved.

Idk, I always feel like I'm doing something wrong. I'll sand it off tomorrow and try again. After that I'll just let my boyfriend fix it because I don't have anymore time for this. I even tried to give myself time but I guess it wasn't enough.

>> No.8562041

the posts by seagulls have listed other shit the boyfriend is or is not doing.

think of it as a business transaction. your parents put up with you because they expect you to become a functional, valuable member of society and to the family (along with the whole you are made from them thing). businesses put up with employees because they do what the employer wants without being a hindrance and if they do become a hindrance they are canned. employees decide whether stress they get from a job is worth staying for. an investor pumping money into a company has to decide if the business is viable and if it isn't then they have to decide whether to kill it or cut funding.

finally, people with shitty boyfriends have to ask themselves what they are getting out of the relationship and whether it balances out or if it goes negative, and if they expect to ever get anything good out of the other. if it's all take from the other person (money, time, emotional bullshit, etc) with no expected benefits, why stay with them?

>> No.8562050

>You know all you care about in a guy is how much money he gives you

Welp, the femanon in question won't have to be worrying about that, since the amount of dosh the loser she's dating is gonna be a whopping fat $0 so long as he keeps blowing off his bills and spending any cash on LARP.

All of your projecting is making me uncomfortable, tbqh.
Sorry you don't have a gf, anon.

>> No.8562053

>finally, people with shitty boyfriends have to ask themselves
But of course NEVER people with shitty girlfriends because a REAL MAN will just always go into relationships expecting it to be a massive financial drain (and probably emotional too) but never complain because that's just what a REAL MAN does. Give and give and give and never complain or expect anything at all in return because that's just how you're supposed to treat ladies ;)

>> No.8562054

>But of course NEVER people with shitty girlfriends
Anon didn't say that, stop being such a child.

>> No.8562061

Oh is "boyfriend" a gender neutral term for "partner" now?

Nobody kept me in on that loop.

Cause I mean if it isn't, then I just find it a little odd how she went through tons of different scenarios of life and how both parties need to weigh the costs and benefits of their exchanges, but then when it got to relationships suspiciously mentioned only how women should leave if the relationship isn't going well for them, almost as if to say men shouldn't be allowed to have such a choice and just be forced to do whatever a woman wants.

>> No.8562065

>gender neutral
tumblr MRA pls go

The fact of the matter is anon's argument could be applied to both genders and be sound. Not that I expect you to critically think and go beyond semantics or anything...

>> No.8562068

if a guy was bitching about his do nothing girlfriend in this thread sure, i'd give the same advice. cost:benefit analysis and if it's negative dump her. that isn't the case at hand though. we've been talking about a gull with a boyfriend who is a drain.

i'll give you this: you are damned good at dodging points and misdirecting arguments. you have it down to an art form. i imagine you're really good at it in real life too and add some in-person bluster so people don't see what you're doing or become uncomposed to the point they can't effectively respond.

>> No.8562070

>you are damned good at dodging points and misdirecting arguments.
You're giving him too much credit anon. It's easy to argue in circles for hours on end if you're willing to ignore most points and bring up old arguments worded only slightly different. Especially if you have an agenda behind your bantz.

>> No.8562073

he's got the willpower and/or the self belief to do it. a true believer, or maybe a zealot. it's amazing to watch.

>> No.8562074

If you keep doing the same thing over and over, you'll only get the same result. To improve, you need to find what you did wrong and do something differently. It might go better, might go worse, but you learned something about how it works.

I wish you a lot of luck anon, the important thing is to not give up.

>> No.8562082

"Could" sure. But the subtle things people say and do without thinking are often reflections of what's truly going on in their subconscious. And I suspect many of your subconsciouses have similar such "I deserve a perfect man that does everything but a man should have to settle for whatever woman he can get and always do everything she says no matter how much he dislikes it" mentality.

Thanks babe ;^)
But really though why'd you say "boyfriend".

>> No.8562089

Because it was the case at hand. We've been arguing about a girl and her boyfriend the whole time.

And if it matters, which it shouldn't, I'm a guy. The same guy who said kick his ass to the curb earlier.

>> No.8562094

> I'm a guy.
Sure you are buddy.

Sure you are.

>> No.8562125

Well, I've got a dick down there. Reckon I'm a guy

>> No.8562207

Yes and I'm sure it motivates you to spend hugely disproportionate amounts of time money and effort on women while all they return is spreading their legs a few minutes a week.

Cost:benefit amirite

>> No.8562217

Yeah, my dick compels me to expect them to pull their own weight. It kind of points in their direction and says "hey, want to do something after you come home from work?" Symbiotic instead of parasitic.

>> No.8562365

can we please shut the fuck up about that girl and her boyfriend already? this is why feels threads fucking get deleted now. i'm actually amazed this one hadn't been deleted yet, for once.

>> No.8562501

Good luck anon, knock 'em dead!

>> No.8562507

Oh god this is brilliant, keep it up anon!

>> No.8562510


That's cute as shit. Makes me want a lolita girlfriend to do cute stuff like this with

>> No.8563757

>Be on skype talking with friend
>Topic shifts to relationships, friend talks about how her boyfriend says things he doesn't mean when he's angry. Then he gets frustrated when she doesn't forget
>I say "he shouldn't expect you to forget, it's better for him to apologize"
>All of a sudden, this hits me so fucking hard. I'm reminded about the argument that led to my own breakup.
>I shouldn't have expected her to forget, I should apologized
>"Let Her Go" is playing on my playlist. Only know your lover when you let her go. But you let her go
>Memories of my ex resurfacing after like not thinking about her for six months or so

God fuck, I'm such a shitstain.

>> No.8564815

>going to university
>get savings from savings account into own bank account
>"sweet, there's more than enough here to cover accommodation, I can finally buy a lolita piece and start planning a coord!"
>three dresses, two petticoats, two blouses, a bolero, a fuckton of socks, pair of shoes, a wig and some accessories later i am no longer safely into 'affording accommodation' territory
>hahahaha oops
>at least I look pretty ;--;