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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 600x376, aliexpress.com-logo-copy-e1364792047604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8585579 No.8585579 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is autosaging. To start off, does anyone know if mu-fish has an AE storefront?

>> No.8585598

On a semi-related note, here's some diagonally-striped tights, though they're probably not exactly what the people looking for these had in mind.

>> No.8585792

Asked this >>8584927 while old thread was already in autosage.
So I'm posting it here.

>> No.8585832

Long/Ankle/Maxi skirts? Do you mean the pattern?

>> No.8585836
File: 46 KB, 563x349, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever gotten a neg feedback from a seller for no reason?
I just noticed pic related now ahaha, "pianzi" means cheater/swindler. I didn't do anything but buy an item. Payment was sent quickly/properly and there was no dispute so I have no idea why the seller would do this. Well, I did forget to leave feedback but pretty sure that doesn't qualify a person as a swindler.
It doesn't really matter anyway because sellers can't deny a buyer from buying an item, but it's just weird. I looked at store's feedback and they have left pages and pages of buyers the same 1 Star feedback calling them a pianzi. You can see that for yourself under the Feedback Left for Buyers tab here:
If you care about your feedback score, please avoid this strange store: Shen Zhen Irai Co. Ltd.

>> No.8585850

some AE sellers are just cunts and will block you or threaten neg feedback over nothing, or try to scam you and dodge refunds. I've never seen a seller this bad about neg feedback before though, damn.

>> No.8585867

Don't aliexpress sellers not get paid unless you remember to at least note you received your item?

>> No.8585885

I think you have to file a claim within the period of protection to prevent them from getting their money.

>> No.8585911
File: 61 KB, 524x610, HTB16lsMIXXXXXaCXVXXq6xXFXXXQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought and received this yet? It was posted in a previous thread. I'm sure a bunch of people especially me would love a review!

Yeah it's so petty! But are there even any repercussions of getting neg feedback as a buyer on AE? I feel like there isn't really unless you get an absolute shitton

Oh I confirmed that I received the item and they were definitely paid. I just didn't leave seller feedback and there's a time limit. But I'm not even sure that's why they did this lol

>> No.8586018

yes the pattern, also Ankle/maxi lenght. Sorry for being unclear

>> No.8586046
File: 349 KB, 502x469, Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 3.39.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure someone here will want this.

>> No.8586763
File: 585 KB, 1345x1793, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd just get a couple blouses, but everything was too cute to pass up...

>> No.8586811

Links of the red dress and the skirt with the painting on it please?
You have good taste anon.

>> No.8586830

Do you know if there are any resellers/storefronts of the "main" indie brands like Infanta, etc on Ali? My minimal google-fu didn't dredge up much.

>> No.8586907


>> No.8586973

Here's the skirt
And the dress, anon.

>> No.8587239

Oh please anon can we have a link to that kitty dress/slip?
Thanks! And yes as the other anon said you have great tase

>> No.8587266

Here's the cat dress, anon.
It's the most expensive thing I bought, but it was too cute to not get.

>> No.8587345

please link to the shirt on bottom right?

>> No.8587352

Are there any resellers of lolita replicas on aliexpress? I know it's a long shot but I'm just curious.

>> No.8587362

There's replicas on literally the first page of "lolita jsk" search.

>> No.8587372
File: 115 KB, 720x960, 11846621_891243934245626_5847244395393752730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl in my comm bought the dress on pic related from Aliexpress, its a replica, of course. I don't know in which store, tho

>> No.8587378
File: 75 KB, 540x720, 11224862_891246234245396_5254705777764166215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587381
File: 82 KB, 540x720, 11934995_891246154245404_7612942178773747050_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587387
File: 77 KB, 540x720, 11225392_891246097578743_2874448047699837292_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587408

this shit looks ass to mouth covered in fucking loose glitter.

>> No.8587409
File: 14 KB, 400x400, i3eTxXhf_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat rikrak trim.

>> No.8587425

sorry! I just meant in terms of, bought from there before and isn't TOTALLY scammy. like their best reccoemndations.
did she happen to link the seller?

>> No.8587449

No, she is trying to sell it for a price higher than what she pay for (she admited that on her post, saying that she had to pay taxes and therefore was going to add it to the final price), so I doubt that she is going to link the seller

>> No.8587480

Here you go, anon

>> No.8587487

thank you

>> No.8587524
File: 181 KB, 800x800, HTB1BqppHFXXXXbUXXXXq6xXFXXXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587541
File: 31 KB, 505x431, 1439879722511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8587585

I was trying to buy a pair of shoes from a seller but after my payment was confirmed the seller told me that they're sold out in my size. I went to cancel the transaction but the seller keeps rejecting it. They don't want me to say that the product is sold out because they said it leaves a bad mark on both our accounts (that doesn't make any sense). Instead they want me to said that the reason is because 'I don't want the item'. But this sounds sketchy. Anyone have any sugguestions or experiences like this?

>> No.8587602

They're lying to you because they don't want to be held responsible by AE for not updating their stock. Nothing bad will happen to you or your feedback if you tell the truth. They may blacklist you from their shop but clearly they aren't responsible or truthful it wouldn't be wise to give them your business again.
If you want to pity them you can lie for them though.

>> No.8587642

Can I please have some links to cute coats? I am trying to get into larme and I have no idea what terms to use.

>> No.8587647
File: 495 KB, 296x160, sad so angonizing are these feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>email seller to let them know I messed up on the address and is instead being delivered to my friend's house
>tell them the actual address
>three days pass
>get notification that the package was sent to friends house and will be 2-4 weeks

.....Why...Why you no email be back, seller? Why?

>> No.8587706

i'm satisfied with this find! thanks so much, anon. going to buy for sure.

>> No.8587835
File: 944 KB, 955x1100, bowsock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I doubt they'll fit me but I'll try a pair to test.
Here's some socks that could work in some otome.

>> No.8587853

Sauce on bow necklace?

>> No.8587859
File: 968 KB, 1156x749, iwantnavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, it was just part of a coord idea. It's chocomint, I've seen them stocked at cons recently but I bought it second hand from a girl. I can't find a site carrying that exact one currently.

>> No.8587862

replied wrong but you get the idea
Only thing in the collage from ae is the bag, socks, cherry, white shoes

>> No.8587893
File: 597 KB, 688x352, pairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More socks I like


>> No.8587900

Oh yeah, do sellers contact you to tell you they've shipped the item? That's what I've had happen in the past. I ordered some shoes a week ago and the seller still hasn't contacted me, should I be worried?

>> No.8587901

Did you look at the tracking? What does the order's description say?

>> No.8587911

It says awaiting shipment, I ordered on the 24th.

>> No.8587912

It says processing time remaining is 3 days so maybe they have a deadline?

>> No.8587913

Then they haven't shipped it yet. If they pass their deadline the money gets returned to you so there's nothing to be worried about.

>> No.8588200

Yeah, I got literally no idea why I bought this.
I have a 114 bust and I bought the 98 bust one. I think I saw 98 and thought "98 inches, well I can fit into that!" I don't know. I got no idea. I'm dumb.
Anyway, any of you anons want a gray cardigan?


>> No.8588513

I'm not exactly sure what to do. I've already tried cancelling 3 times but the seller keeps rejecting. Should I just let the time on the transaction run out?

>> No.8588540
File: 116 KB, 730x730, HTB1RWevHFXXXXc.XXXXq6xXFXXXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has ordered these? Are they high-waisted (or do you have pictures of it worn)?

>> No.8588542

I've ordered one but it hasnt arrived.
but it seems like it's the kind of skirt that would sit above your hips, or at least thats what all the other skirts I have that are similar do

>> No.8588807

Is it really safe to type in your credit card information on AE? I haven't heard anything that'd prove otherwise, but I still feel a bit iffy about it. Would anybody mind assuring me it's okay?

>> No.8588831

Am I dreaming or did I honestly just find a bunch of bras in 32DDD for reasonable prices?






>> No.8588875

Does anyone have any good artist materials/resources? A couple of threads ago people were ordering silicone molds and knock-off copic markers. I'd love reviews and links for those if possible.

>> No.8588910

bought this cosmetics carrying case and I love how spacious it is. fits all my annoyingly long, tubular asian skincare bottles perfectly.


are you talking about using alipay? I've only ever used that to pay for stuff on AE and I've never once had any problems.

>> No.8588936

>sex coins

>> No.8589071

I bought two. They were right above my knees in length and sat slightly above my navel. I ordered the smallest size and have a 23"~24" waist at 5'1". I ended up giving them away. The quality was alright, but I prefer the knock off american apparel ones that sit higher, are tighter, shorter, and "sturdier." The pleats also puffed out from the waist band too, but ironing probably would've fixed that.

>> No.8589123

yep, just be careful with the cups. Ive ordered some of these before, and they fit a bit different than american bras. they give you good cleavage, but they dig into your sides a bit.

>> No.8589181

Thank you!

Ah, I'm kind of confused whether to buy those or pick another one. I'm about 5'8'' and I don't want them to be too short but neither too long. Are there knock off AA skirts with patterns on them as well?

>> No.8589200

32E (the British 32DDD) Is my size! I have so many problems finding bras that actually look decent and are least than ~£70, thank you!

>> No.8589245

Asking again if anyone knows any stores that sell pastel/soft goth stuff. Or at least knows what search terms would be good to use. I can only find black goth clothing

>> No.8589269

I meant to say that they sat slightly BELOW the navel, like by an inch. There are some I've seen with pinstripes, but I don't think I've seen any with plaid. I'm on mobile, but I can definitely link you later. The striped ones were $11ish

>> No.8589271

braziliam com? I"ve seen these pics in our sales group.
There was a salopette replica too that was bought in aliexpress some months ago

>> No.8589373

I was wrong. It wasn't $11... but it's $14.78. I'm pretty sure they're just striped versions of the AA skirts. Those are very short on me, though, so maybe the ones you were looking at are better for you.

>> No.8589396

try "harajuku goth" or other random words with "harajuku" (black, pink, cute, fashion). There's lots of pastel gothy stuff categorized as harajuku

>> No.8589400

Sauce on pretzel earrings and bag please?

>> No.8589525
File: 526 KB, 660x820, t1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was interesting

>> No.8589551

it's 2015 and I'm still not sure what pastel goth really means, but my finds for you:




>> No.8589798

Here's another pair, these come in white/pink and white/blue

>> No.8589812


What the fuck.

>> No.8589813

requesting cute bottoms, like shorts or skirts!
please and thank you!!

>> No.8589817

How fucking lazy are you?

>> No.8589818

Some otome-able socks/tights?








>> No.8589823

How much?

>> No.8589826

there should be a way to report them. I don't have any active transactions right now so I can't see what you should click to do this. any other anons know what to do?

>> No.8589934
File: 180 KB, 500x667, 1392071394015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons. This is probably the best example of 'pastel goth' Just a really soft look but with a little creepy thrown in

>> No.8589983

Thank you so much!

>> No.8590044

I've found two similar ones.

>> No.8590161

in the last thread some anon bought a cardcaptor sakura beret, does anyone have the link? it was so cute ;-;

>> No.8590230

if you type in "card captor sakura beret" into the search bar, you will get it for the first two results.

why are people so lazy?

>> No.8590267

Hey guys, sorry for the noob question. I did a google search and just felt like cgl would have better advice on ordering from aliexpress.

My question is - is it like taobao where you are billed for the item first and then shipping later? Or is it actually free shipping?

>> No.8590281

If it says free shipping, then it's free shipping.

>> No.8590283

my 34 DDD boobs thank you

>> No.8590296

It depends on the seller and it's pretty much the same as ebay. You pay shipping unless it says free shipping. And shipping costs are usually right bellow the cost of the item.

>> No.8590312 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 600x659, ghbghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the link to the holographic film/laminate for paper that was around a few threads back?

>> No.8590349

What's a good/reputable/decent quality wig shop on ali?

Preferably with mid-long length wigs.

Thank you!

>> No.8590461
File: 46 KB, 350x350, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought this in black when it was on sale for ~$16 and it got here today. It looks exactly like the picture. There's a few loose threads and if you look really close you can see a bit of gold thread on a spot where there shouldn't be any but it's honestly so minor I don't think anyone besides me will notice. The sizing is pretty spot on too.

>> No.8590521
File: 19 KB, 99x92, jvPsKp4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting dusty rose colored skirts that can be used for Larme (Going to this color for winter/fall)
I can't find any skirts that fit me in that shade of pink.
pic related is the color

>> No.8591231

What are your measurements anon?

>> No.8591240

I found a couple skirts in varying sizes in as close to a dusty pink as possible.



>> No.8591281

Has anyone ever found any cute square, rectangle or circular decorative boxes? Like the ones Misako has in her room? I'm looking for something under $5

>> No.8591285

30 inches
41 inches

>> No.8591286

oh thanks anon

>> No.8591312
File: 52 KB, 620x314, misc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a cute waste bin and a fold-able shopping bag to my order.

>> No.8591453

is that wastebin for trash or ash? Link either way

>> No.8592000

It's a trash bin I wouldn't recommend using it as an ash bin as it's plastic.


>> No.8592615
File: 347 KB, 800x559, 20150903_102634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to take a photo to dispute a missing item in my order, so I might as well share it here!

>> No.8592708

Anyone have any cute suspender dresses? I'm not sure what it's called, because when I search for suspender dress maybe 1/50 is what I'm actually looking for
I want something like
But without the cat ears and stuff

>> No.8592735
File: 15 KB, 284x426, Primrose-Pinafore-Tweed-2-284x426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever found shops selling cute twee/"English" style clothing (basically cheaper version of Miss Patina)? Particularly interested in tweed/twill dresses, trousers, etc.
I don't know if my search terms just suck or if there really is nothing.

>> No.8592736

so basically a salopette? but I doubt you'll find anything with that term. try overall dress.

>> No.8593204
File: 1.28 MB, 916x1053, ali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made this order
thanks for the links

>> No.8593228

Has anyone tall (over 175cm / 5'9") ever ordered leggings or stockings on ali? I've never dared because Asian people are usually a lot smaller so I fear all the leggings/stockings are too short.

>> No.8593392

where to cop bottom right?

>> No.8593410

Can I ask, what exactly is that paw. A bag?

>> No.8593412

They're fuzzy fingerless gloves with paw pads sewn on: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Cute-Fluffy-Bear-Cat-s-Plush-Paw-Gloves-Thermal-Gloves-Lady-s-Half-Covered-Gloves-Mittens/32252124284.html

They fit my hands well but I feel like they'd be swimming on someone with small hands.

>> No.8593426

It's the same place where this anon >>8587480 got theirs
the balloons look awesome!

>> No.8593606
File: 72 KB, 611x601, AliHaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a small "Back to College" order. They're mostly from the same store.

>> No.8593629

Maybe you want a pinafore dress? Idk if that's more of a UK term though, searching it on ali seems to come up with a lot of stuff that I wouldnt really consider a pinafore dress

>> No.8593730

those are so cute, now I wish I was still in school

>> No.8594275
File: 27 KB, 582x496, luna bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White or black? It would be to wear with normie stuff/night out type things.

>> No.8594277

I forgot about posting this.
I was just going to give it away.
It was only like 6 dollars when I paid for it.

>> No.8594299

Does anyone have recommendations for cute but strong bags? I need something quite strong because of heavy books etc, and a backpack would be preferable, but all cute ones seem to break easily/quickly

>> No.8594310

Every bag I've bought from aliexpress has broken the first or second time I've worn them, such is the nature of cheap shit, I'm afraid.

>> No.8594332

I think it all depends on what would match better with your wardrobe really. I'd go for the black one personally.

>> No.8594343

Sadly true, but thanks! Even in other places though it seems like you can get a cute bag or a strong one, never both! So annoying

>> No.8594369
File: 2.96 MB, 4128x2322, 20150903_211508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First order from infanta, just a basic white blouse because I needed one. Holy fuck they ship fast. I placed the order on august 25th during the sale, it arrived on august 31st. I only got a chance to pick it up today though because I was moving into my dorm. I'm really pleased with the quality of the blouse

>> No.8594379

OVERALL DRESS! THATS the word I was looking for. Thanks anon
Never heard of the term. Looked for it om Aliexpress but like you said nothing looked like thay (if we're thinking about the same thing). Thanks anyways anon!
I've bought two recently, one hasn't arrived yet and the other I haven't had the chance to use yet since I've been sick. I'll come back to you when I've used it some

>> No.8594459
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-09-04-03-54-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when sellers don't send stuff I've paid for within the time limit...
Not only was it 14 days, they've removed the item so its no longer available at the store no more.
So sad

>> No.8594587

Anybody have any reviews for this purse?

>> No.8594620

Yeah, I got one for a friend. It's seriously amazing quality, although there are two versions going around. One with a metal moon and one with a golden pleather moon. The metal one is A+ quality, the pleather one less so.

I ordered from this listing and the photos are accurate: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2015-new-Japanese-style-girl-kawaii-Limited-Edition-Sailor-Moon-LUNA-leather-cat-shape-shoulder-messenger/32345374493.html

>> No.8594652

How long does it take for packages to clear US customs?

Mine has been "Inbound into Customs" at ISC New York for at least 4 days now.

>> No.8594844

I purchased from the same seller as >>8594620
and it's pretty good for a replica. My moon has scratches on it though. The seller is really nice, they let me pay by paypal and sent a replacement when the first went missing.

>> No.8594859

There are some picture of what the buyers received, and reviews, here, click on the Feedback tab:

>> No.8594863

Looks like something pinned up in the kid's room at Sunday school

>> No.8594868

Did you leave a review about it getting stopped at the border?

>> No.8594869

link to right corner?

>> No.8594915

It didn't get stopped at the border? I think you've confused me with another anon

>> No.8594930
File: 67 KB, 747x591, pinafore dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I would consider pinafore dresses (just off of google images). We had grey ones as part of my school uniform when I was little, but yeah maybe its just an English term!

>> No.8594932

Thanks for the reviews, thats really helpful! Does it have the cute lining? Some of them seem to have the patterned lining and others are just plain. Thanks again!

>> No.8594941

Aww that sounds really cute
Sometimes I wish school uniforms were a thing where I lived
Also yeah some of those were what I was thinking about
I found some stuff with overall dress but it seems like there isn't that much on ali

>> No.8594952
File: 12 KB, 300x300, pinafore uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked and it was actually tartan not grey. This is the actual dress, it was our winter uniform, the summer was a pink stripy dress. The school still has the exact same uniform, after about 15 years! (sorry for being off topic!)
Asos seems to have a few pinafore dresses, but unfortunately yeah its hard to find them on ali as there is a lot of stuff on there that isn't the style they put in the title. Good luck!

>> No.8594980

Did you mean the top or the bottom corner? I'll give you both anyway

Top: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mix-Min-order-10-Cute-cartoon-convenient-4-small-boxes/32325790322.html

Bottom: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mix-Min-order-10-Han-edition-card-rainbow-wings-ball-point-pen/32334040703.html

>> No.8594995

I wore these in school when I was younger but we called them jumpers (US)

unfortunately that's not very helpful for ali either but i've found them on eBay using that in search terms

>> No.8595004

I've had some luck with suspender skirts rather than suspender dress

>> No.8595008

Yes! It totally does. I was super surprised by how lovely all the details were.

>> No.8595073

Has anyone bought any good minimizing bras or sports bras or something from aliexpress?
I have a rather large bust and I'm looking for ways to make it smaller

>> No.8595157

Soft Degree.

>> No.8595184
File: 419 KB, 1272x1114, aliexpressorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to be stopped I just keep finding more things I want

I just ordered this same purse on the 25th, I'm so glad to hear that it's accurate to the pictures.

>> No.8595194
File: 448 KB, 414x844, gridpants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from the other thread wanted me to review these pants. The major concern was that they were baggy, but in my opinion, they aren't baggy at all. They're slightly loose like in the pictures.

I love these pants! They aren't as thin as I thought they were going to be. They're actually quite thick and probably better for actual fall/winter weather. For some reason I thought they'd be okay on cooler summer days. No loose threads, comfy non-scratchy fabric with a zipper that looks reliable.

I'm 5'1" with a 23"~23.5" waist so I got a size 34 which claims to fit a waist size of 65cm/25.5". The pants sit just below my belly button, but it feels a little awkward, so I think the sizing runs small. But these pants came to right at my anklebone like on the model. It is an awkward length at my height, so it looks a lot better cuffed and showing my ankles. Also, they make my hips looks wide, and I barely even have hips.

>> No.8595196
File: 156 KB, 750x836, 1023428978_053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this one (not from this seller though) like 2 years ago and it's still perfect. It can carry a lot of weight as well, or at least mine does!

>> No.8595203
File: 1.60 MB, 1055x851, aliexpress order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting a pretty small order. I mostly just want to get that TV purse. I'll post a couple of other links to things I thought were cool but didn't want to grab in this order.


>> No.8595211
File: 2.46 MB, 1748x808, aliorders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can also review anything else here

>> No.8595222

if that's one of their various chiffon blouses, can i ask how seethrough it actually is? My wardrobe is mostly skirts so i've been wary about getting even the darker colours of any of their blouses, but their blouses tend to fit me so nicely and i love the cuts of them...

>> No.8595224

would you mind reviewing the navy cardigan (and cloud pillow when it gets to you)? thanks!

>> No.8595228

Thanks for the review, anon! Would you recommend definitely sizing up, then?
I have a 26"/~67 cm waist and was debating whether to get the 68cm or 71cm ones.

>> No.8595250

I actually got it in black, but the picture does look navy. I would highly recommend it for the price. The fabric is soft, the collar isnt cheap, and its generally just really cute. The only problems are typical taobao/aliexpress ones -- red marks where the buttons go and buttons not sewn on very well. I'd also be careful when messing with the buttons, because I ripped a tiny hole next to one of the button holes when fiddling with it. That was my fault, though.

will review cloud pillow soon!

It depends on where you want it to sit, I guess? if you want it to be right at your bellybutton, go with the smaller size. if you get bloated a lot after you eat, i'd go with a size up. the waistband has zero stretch

>> No.8595252

Would you please review the red heart shoes when they come in?

>> No.8595328

review the bralettes and white blouse in top row, and the dark blue (overall?) dress in the bottom left when they arrive, please?

>> No.8595331

Could you link the bottom right black tshirt please?

>> No.8595337

Maybe the red blouse with heart dots?

>> No.8595342

thank you, i'll probably snag that cardigan myself too!

>> No.8595354
File: 136 KB, 800x800, IMG_20150904_211738_-1835357038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any links for loliable cardigans like pic related?

>> No.8595356

It comes in white, black, and Heisenberg for some reason.
Also one of those book purses, except it's from Touhou.

>> No.8595358

Not that anon but I have a few infanta blouses and they are not super sheer. I probably should wear an undershirt with them, but sometimes I just wear a beige bra and it's not too noticeable.

>> No.8595373

Is that the long sleeved one with the Peter Pan collar and heart buttons? If so, I have that one as well, and I think the quality of it is really nice. And you're completely right about the shipping; I've had stuff come from them literally the day after I got tracking info.

>> No.8595374

is this 100% legitimate?

>> No.8595378

This is Infanta's official AE front, anon.

>> No.8595456

I'm almost 6 foot and these knock off ghibli legging fit me in the leg pretry much perfectly, I'm a UK size 10 and the medium was fine


>> No.8595934

Here's a cassette tote bag I found while looking for tote bags~

>> No.8596081
File: 945 KB, 1236x1140, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find something like this?
I know i can find it somewhere wholesale instead of the friggin upsold himifashion storenvy

its like a heart maid apron thing that says "kiss me once more".

>> No.8596091

I think they meant footed tights, which are also called stockings in Aus, or leggings.

>> No.8596095

source on red blouse with heart print?

>> No.8596132 [DELETED] 

Different anon here, don't buy it if you're larger than a 94inch bust.

I've ordered this in large. It said that it could fit for someone more than a 96cm bust, but it squished my 34B breasts/94cm when I tried it on, so I'll have to wear a bra which would reduce the squishing. It's so cute though, and very good quality too.

>> No.8596135


saw these on modcloth for like 9$ fuck those guys

>> No.8596136

Whoops, I thought this was for the red heart blouse...my bad anon

>> No.8596141

Different anon, It's this one:

Here's my suggestion, do not buy this If you're larger than a 94cm bust

I've ordered this in large. It said that it could fit for someone more than a 104cm bust, but it squished my 34B breasts/94cm when I tried it on, so I'll have to wear a bra which would reduce the squishing. It's so cute though, and very good quality too.

>> No.8596182

if you like something on modcloth, always research before you buy. they resell so much. even when they're carrying a brand that's also sold elsewhere, they'll still jack up the price (and sometime rename the item so it's hard to tell it's the same thing)

>> No.8596386
File: 58 KB, 553x759, 1417908473255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying stuff from storenvy
Why anon?
Also, I didn't find the dress you were looking for but I found some similar stuff




>> No.8596432
File: 387 KB, 497x505, Better than pepper spray..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is fuckin great.

>> No.8596455
File: 673 KB, 636x642, petticoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some good petticoat recommendations? I thought this one looked good and soft, but I'm hoping some of you might already have actually ordered some from aliexpress and could point me in the right direction!


>> No.8596567

I agree with >>8596141 as the original anon you asked. I have a 34" bust and the smallest size fit me. The quality is definitely great. It's the best top I've purchased from aliexpress, and it is one of the cheapest.

>> No.8596608

My bust is 85cm and I wear a 34C, this is confusing.

>> No.8596613

Link to shorts?

>> No.8596680
File: 44 KB, 600x600, BfIfJgfCcAAUnVh[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone can find this backpack, but in black or white rather than pink/blue/purple, I would be eternally grateful.

>> No.8596692

So I'm 100% newbie here, is there a list of good shops for basics?

>> No.8596702

...basics for what exactly? lolita, mori, normalfag stuff, cosplay, can you be a little more specific?

>> No.8596710

especially with 0 reviews/feedback i'm not so certain i'd trust this...i'm sure it'd make a cute underskirt, but i feel like from some of the photos and the names of their other skirts that this might just have another petticoat underneath it and doesn't have any volume on its own

>> No.8596712

Anyone can help with cute normie short heeled ankle boots? My past attempts have been bring such shitty results

>> No.8596718

There are absolute tons. Just search for tweed and tons pop up... Not sure why you aren't getting any results because I get plenty?

>> No.8596844

I meant like, actual basic normalfag shit. White shirts and stuff, socks...

>> No.8596849

WalMart, Primark?

>> No.8596925

Just search for what you want and look if it has good reviews
Like seriously, there are thousands of stores on aliexpress, most of them are good and a good chunk of them sell regular normalfag stuff
If you're that afraid of getting "scammed" that you need a list of stores that are "safe", you probably shouldn't order from Aliexpress, because even reliable stores sometimes fuck up or sell bad items

>> No.8597316

of course!

>> No.8597630

Stupid-ass question, but do you guys actually wear these or is it just to have cute pieces in your collections?

>> No.8597648

Wear what?

>> No.8597649

Who would collect cheap chinese shit? Of course they wear them.

>> No.8598036

What are you even talking about

>> No.8598180

Does anyone know a store that sells those stockings that are seethrough at the top but opaque from the thigh under that give the appearance of OTKs? Even search terms would help.

>> No.8598211

fake tights

>> No.8598214

I think I know what this anon means. I sometimes buy stuff thinking it's cute in the pictures and when it gets here, I just hang it in my closet. The stuff looks cute on the hanger, but doesn't fit they way I thought it would.

>> No.8598221
File: 23 KB, 444x392, IMG_20150906_194654_-344993197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to have this bag? Tempted but no reviews.

>> No.8598240

That's adorable. Sauce?

>> No.8598260

Excuse if the link is a bit wonky. On mobile.
(from AliExpress Android)

>> No.8598263

That's grand, I'm on mobile too. The shop seems to have good feedback.

>> No.8598275

Well I have 14 of their bags in my wishlist...need to cut it down.

>> No.8598321

I think the point of her post was because she DOESN'T want to buy from store envy scalpers..

>> No.8598574

Ooh, my bad, thats probably it. I guess I didn't read it properly, I thought they meant that they were sold out on that storenvy shop and that they originally planned to get it from there
Sorry I get easily upset about storenvy because I've had bad experiences with some store

>> No.8599423

anyone recommend any cute headwear from here?

>> No.8599428

The seller I bought this from just asked me to cancel the order because they didn't have it in stock anymore.
I'm trying this shop instead, I'll let you know when and if this seller ships.


>> No.8599676

Just gonna share this store because they have tons of fun brooches!
Unfortunately you have to order for over $10 but that's kinda understandable since they're so cheap

>> No.8599724

I want to get some underwear like bras or kawaii cotton panties but you know, the sizing could be wrong. I can't find many bras because i have small A cup boobs and where i live most bras are starting to B cups, do not want plain bitch bras or teen bralettes. Panties are cute on AE but my butt is slightly larger than a S/M size but not plus sized or that big. What i have to check carefully before to buy underwear on AE?If panties are elasticated enough?? The few "plus size" panties i saw are pretty ugly in my opinion.
>mfw i just want rilakkuma or super frilly pastel undies

>> No.8599893

link to the collars please?

>> No.8599983

daaaamn thank you some of these are so cute, saved!

>> No.8600089

>I have small cup A
Then you dont really have a problem. Almost all bras are like A or B on aliexpress.
Im jelly of you, I have like E cup and I'll never be able to buy cute bras from aliexpress

>> No.8600143

http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-X-Women-Men-Girls-DNA-Necklace-Serotonin-Dopamine-Acetylcholine-Biochemistry-Molecule-Neck-Chain/32279070246.html These ones?

Also here are some cute blouses.

>> No.8600382

Some anons didn't post some bigger cups bra sets?

>> No.8600438
File: 124 KB, 720x503, 6cf81ca5c223d0f5d770f136df1c444f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone find other stores that sell himekaji? I looked up several words, but so far I couldn't find anything.

>> No.8600652

I've not really found good keywords to search that are consistent, but sometimes just trying things like "floaty dress" or "pastel dress" and sorting through the junk returns some stuff

>> No.8600720

Basically seconding this question about the underwear. I would like to know if anyone has happened to buy any that fit ~95cm hips. The measurements often seem to be incorrect, or they just say "free size" which means nothing.

I know this is unrelated to AE, but if you're willing to spend a little more, there are several cute lingerie stores on rakuten which have a large size range. Try sanchya or shirohato.

>> No.8601622

These could be quite cute, debating ordering some. Has anyone got them/knows what the quality is like? Do you think they would be unflattering on not 100% skinny legs?

>> No.8601629

http://www.aliexpress.com/store/728980?spm=2114.01020208.3.66.IULSpM somewhat high prices though

>> No.8601660
File: 27 KB, 404x321, communist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says "always ready, struggle for the communist cause"
so kawaii

>> No.8601755


From my experience buying underwear in both Hong Kong and Japan, they're kinda different. (For reference, I'm a 32B, 165cm and have 80cm hips.)

I will get a 75C or a 75B when shopping in Asian sizes. (70 = 30 Band Size, 75 = 32 Band Size, 80 = 34 Band Size, etc.) All of their cup sizes technically are supposed to go a size bigger. (So if you're an A in US sizes, you're a B in Asian. B is C, C is D, etc...) Sometimes I buy a B anyways because it makes my titties look nice. If you're flatter-chested you can usually get away with it. My Asian bras are actually the only ones that ever have given me cleavage, since my boobs are kinda set far apart. I guess it's because they focus more on padding on the sides/bottom of the breasts? If you're one of those girls too, you'll be really impressed with how well they work in that regard!

There will always be RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS of padding in these bras. Most of the time, you can take it out. Also, I almost always have to put the bra strap to the longest length to prevent it from digging into my shoulders/ribcage.

Almost everything is sold in sets, which sucks for us white girls because our hips and boobs don't usually match in size. The bigger your bra size, the bigger underwear you'll get. If they don't have measurements, though, I'd definitely be wary. Some B cup bra set bottoms are small on my hips and I'm an XS. But hey, things on Ali are pretty cheap and at least you'll get a cute bra out of it if the panties don't fit!

>> No.8601773
File: 396 KB, 868x1299, 1439556582900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with buying underwear from Aliexpress? I'm worried about how many panties have a "one size" option. Here are my measurements:
Waist: 26 inches
Hips: 34 inches
Bust: 32 inches

>> No.8601801

Is that shop legit? The stuff it's so cheap I'm attempted to buy small stuff and I don't mind losing $2 but I just want to make sure.

>> No.8601817
File: 405 KB, 1742x786, ali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starred stuff has arrived if anyone wants review.

>> No.8601823

plusheen and macaroon reviews please?

>> No.8601824

looking for some jewelry (Plastic/resin?) that suits larme, and ribbon necklaces. All the ones I find are shit tier
I found some sparkley cheap daisy rings from a seller with good feedback


>> No.8601836

when you get that blue backpack could you review it?

>> No.8601839


Pusheen is pretty big for the price so well worth it. Though it's not super stuff so it might be worth just getting the case and stuffing it yourself. The right ear is a bit of weird shape but probably fixable by doing what I said above.

The macaroons are hella cute, rather small and probably hold a few pairs of small earrings or a necklace in one but definitely with the super cheap price and they dont look like fake food from a distance away. Worth picking up.

Will post own photos if you want.

>> No.8601888

liz lisa is a good search term.

>> No.8601889

What are your experiences with this site and buyer protection? I tried buying off of AE a few years ago and my item never arrived. I think that I wasn't able to file a claim or anything because the item was supposed to take longer to ship than what they allow for complaints, or something like that? Although I don't exactly remember, it's possible I was just lazy about it.

Anyway, the seller had spotless feedback, so how do you order off this site without getting scammed? Is there something on the profile you can look to? Or has AE just generally improved their business practices since that time?

>> No.8601929

I had one item that never arrived. Before my purchase protection ended, the item still had not arrived so I asked to extend the purchase protection and they did by about a month. It still didn't arrive so I asked for a refund before it expired a second time, which I got with no trouble.

>> No.8601978

ohh ok, so it seems like the buyer isn't automatically protected like with other sites, but it's possible to protect yourself if you're on top of things. Thanks!

>> No.8601992

Yeah, from my understanding the seller doesn't even see the money until the buyer confirms they received their product.

>> No.8602027
File: 1.47 MB, 1051x1045, aex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm waiting on. The striped socks and white blouse should be here tomorrow. I don't have high hopes for the swan dress since it was only 4 bucks and hasn't even shipped out since I bought it over a week ago.

>> No.8602461

My hips are 85 cm, not that big but some AE would not fit, i believe. It's like gambling to buy underwear online from China.
Oh thank you anon!I saw the sites but thing is most of them are sets and i would not fit them well. I have bigger hips but small boobs, XS/S up, M/L below. It's a real pain.
Yes, it's that the issue. Unless you are a tube shaped person or you have no ass at all, it's difficult to fit these sets.I really like padding in bras, it makes the boobs way nicer but still mine look small small, at least very good for lolita or other jfashion styles.
Btw, i'm interested in bra/panty sets reviews or just cute cotton panties reviews.
I just love how asian women have the cutest underwear without to be too sexy. Most western underwear is sexy or if comfortable it's too plain and boring.

>> No.8603031

That's a lovely bag. Sauce?

>> No.8603038

I love the bag but I can't stand the fact that it's a replica and it actually says anna sui on it, so tacky. I don't mind design replicas usually but having the designer's name on it cheapens it.

>> No.8603043

Also sauce on white blouse/ review it when it gets here
Are you the anon making the otome coord? I recognise those socks.

>> No.8603055

>tfw when 34"-26"- 41"
How does everybody have hips so close to their bust size, are they measuring it on the hip bone and not around the ass? I feel like a freak. I'm more of an hourglass than a pear I thought.
So yeah I can give up on cute undie sets lol... and jeans.

>> No.8603064

I'd be a fucking xxxxxl in their panties if 85cm is m/l and I'm not even that fat.

>> No.8603134

Don't feel like a freak anon, I'm pretty close to you at 33"-27"-38". It seems chinese underwear is just tiny.

>> No.8603184

i'm 33-23-34, and aliexpress panty-bra sets never fit me. i've purchased maybe 3 or 4 of them. it's like >>8602461 says. you have to be a tube shaped person for stuff to fit. i wear a 34B, so it's not like i was buying the smallest bra and getting the smallest panties, either.

somehow sometimes XS stuff on aliexpress isn't small enough, but their cute panties are always too small.

>> No.8603213

Just letting you know that this seller shipped the shorts.
If I remember this and the thread is still up, I'll let you know if it arrives.

>> No.8603586
File: 14 KB, 175x155, lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lead and zinc alloy
At least they're honest lol

>> No.8603589


I meant tin*

>> No.8603591

Get that lead right up there on your skin! Maybe chew on it a little!

>> No.8603592

it is somewhat sheer. but i wear a binder (i just like the way the flat chest looks) under it so it just looks kinda like a tank top underneath
Short sleeved. I'm in the south. That's why I bought it. It was the only short sleeved blouse left that I liked. The other one was that one in blue, cream, and black (with blue and cream being out of stock) and I wanted a cream one

>> No.8603595
File: 17 KB, 607x261, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, guilt tripping me is gonna make me change my mind about how shitty the product is

>> No.8603598

what was the item that turned out so badly?

>> No.8603601
File: 319 KB, 615x611, QQ_E5_9B_BE_E7_89_8720150121095336_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is silly to ask, but I haven't had any luck finding this sweater anywhere else but storenvy. Does anyone know where I might be able to find it on Aliexpress, if at all?

>> No.8603608

Seconding! I really want one of the heart window ones, but I have a 95cm bust, I'm never going to find one that fits...I feel like I have more of a chance with one of these.

>> No.8603612

didn't they have some weirdly translated search term like keyhole? as in keyhole surgery kek

>> No.8603636

thoracotomy lol

I've seen it on ali and eBay. don't have a link on me but use thoracotomy in search term

>> No.8603638
File: 82 KB, 600x424, Senbon.Sakura.600.837098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone got some experience with buying custom sized cosplay on aliexpress? I want to buy a senbonzakura miku cosplay but I'm very short with a big bust. I already asked this in the ebay thread but now I found out that the same costumes are being sold on aliexpress a lot cheaper.
I'm thinking of buying this one:

I've never used aliexpress before, does it work the same way as ebay? Is it safe?

>> No.8603649

Uhm, I've seen tons of those
Search for "cat turtleneck sweater" and those with cat ears pop up, and "keyhole turtleneck sweater" for the ordinary ones

>> No.8603652

Also, forgot to mention, I bought one a while back and it fits with room to spare. I have about 98 cm bust.

>> No.8603660


Okay so I finally found the perfect overall dress, and put it in my cart and so on. Today when I looked it was out of stock
I've been looking for like 3 hours and I just can't seem to find it anywhere
I know this is kind of a long shot but does anyone happen to have it saved?
I have some other options, but I'm not as fond of them...

>> No.8603777

Here you go! It's been almost a month and I'm still waiting on it so don't expect super fast shipping.

I do agree that it's pretty tacky, but I figured since the writing was engraved and not too big it wouldn't be too noticeable irl so I got it anyway.

Yup, that's me. I got no negative comments so I just went ahead and ordered stuff.
The blouse ended up not arriving today but I'll review it once it arrives tomorrow. Here's the link:

>> No.8603853

"Hollow chest"
"Open chest"
Search for that

>> No.8604038

A wig. It was cheap so I'm not super upset, but I'm still not going to give a shit product good feedback
I gave it three stars so it's not even that bad

>> No.8604096

Anon that's so shapeless, you better be a twig of a girl otherwise its gonna look god awful.

>> No.8604128
File: 91 KB, 750x689, gosties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got cute halloween stuff? I found little ghost earrings with different expressions

>> No.8604387
File: 24 KB, 193x205, 1440257444031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i am a twig

>> No.8604475

I measured from my hip bone and it's 84 cm. It's just... western women bodies, sigh. These chinese underwear are just a dream. I never get leggings on AE because of the tiny sizes, i bought tights... some are too small, some fit good. It's really like gambling.
Odd thing, i buy panties locally from chinese stores and usually the fit me the S/M size if has some elasticity. But online chinese underwear.... I'm not sure. It's way cuter than the chinese panties i see in my town shops.
Yeah, many think big hips/ass=big boobs or bust but it's not always true. I have tiny boobs and here it's hard to find a bra that fits me well, damn everyone thinks women have big boobs.
I saw some Rilakkuma or Marie the cat panties on AE but.... not sure. The Marie ones seems they could fit me but what if not fit? I couldn't even sell them online as second hand, it's a pity throw them in the trash.

>> No.8604523

Yeah you're meant to measure around the widest bit (ie. The middle of your ass) the top of ny hip bone isn't as big but it flares out.

>> No.8604566

My butt is 93 cm from it's largest point. Maybe i can fit these panties, i believe in a slight hope....

>> No.8604665

How is it gonna look awful? Not questioning, just curious. I know it's not gonna be the most flattering but is it gonna be that bad?
I was thinking of wearing it with like a sweater underneath

>> No.8604667

>I measured from my hip bone
That's not your hip. Your hips are the widest part of your bum/thigh when you're taking measurements.

>> No.8604680

Those aren't macaroons.

>> No.8604863

different anon, but then what are they?

>> No.8604891
File: 433 KB, 748x327, kyoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these two things. I hope the cute animals look nice in person.

>> No.8604967


Link to both bags please?

>> No.8604968

They're macarons. Macaroons are also sweets but they're very different in appearance and ingredients. It's a common mix-up.

>> No.8604969
File: 36 KB, 520x347, coconut-macaroons-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Des macarons.

Macaroons are the dessicated coconut things you buy at the grocery store at like $5 for fifty of those. They're nice, but they are not macarons.

>tfw I remember I have macarons in the fridge that are kinda old but still taste like refrigerated and slightly stale heaven

Brb gonna finally finish that box.

>> No.8605012
File: 743 KB, 829x634, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 12.43.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this while looking for interesting clutches. Comes in 5 colors too.


>> No.8605014
File: 848 KB, 598x609, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 12.47.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have a hilarious 'knockoff' of the Baby the Stars Shine Bright logo


>> No.8605021
File: 466 KB, 505x503, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 12.48.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people who are truly fans of campbell's condensed soup.

>> No.8605022




>> No.8605026
File: 113 KB, 346x343, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 12.52.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute loliable bag. Comes in 6 colors.


>> No.8605038
File: 282 KB, 370x465, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 12.58.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teapot bag. Apologies if this has been posted before/is a replica. I don't keep up with these threads much.


>> No.8605040
File: 854 KB, 747x644, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 1.00.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorn tears purse. Because they can.


>> No.8605071

All shops are different, but honestly I haven't had great experience from the two shots I've bought from. They were both custom. One came in completely the wrong size, was misrepresented in the picture, all around terrible, but I was able to get my money back for it. The other was just poor quality sewing. But it put me off buying costumes from aliexpress. Other people might have had more positive experiences. At this point I'd rather buy from taobao or a cosplay site.

>> No.8605073

Swan: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2014-NEW-KATH-KATHERINE-Original-Vintage-Lolita-Forest-Swan-Clutch-Handbag-Canvas-Purse-Satchel-Party-Prom/2002831660.html?spm=2114.031010208.3.37.bhxIRu&ws_ab_test=201407_3,201444_6,201409_5

Bunny: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2014-New-arrival-cute-rabbit-print-mini-messenger-bag-with-Zipper-mini-Single-shoulder-bag-lolita/32222247537.html?spm=2114.031010208.0.803.veews0


>> No.8605077

link to the dress?

>> No.8605212
File: 302 KB, 506x511, Screenshot 2015-09-10 02.50.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for my bad English, but does any body know what material this is called? I cannot seem to remember the name of it

>> No.8605217


>> No.8605507

I got it, thanks.

>> No.8605526

I hate that as well. I accidentally bought a blouse from a seller with 0% feedback and they didn't ship it after a week. I contacted them and told them to ship it and they promised to ship it soon. After another week I wanted to cancel the order because "processing time took too long". They rejected it and forced me to cancel because "I don't want item anymore" and now they want a 5-star rating. Fuck that.

>> No.8606038

i get the feeling this is a replica. what is it a replica of?

>> No.8606086
File: 626 KB, 1152x648, mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from >>8594369
Here's my collage
an infanta blouse, red wooden cross, rosary, suspender skirt, leggings, 30 vol developer, brown hair dye, wefting needles, wefting thread, and human hair wefts (can you tell that i'm modifying a wig?)
also i got a message from a seller saying that my order was sent back to their warehouse for some reason and they are sending it out again, will attach in next post

>> No.8606094
File: 2.87 MB, 3984x2988, 20150910_150213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the blouse arrived today. Sorry for the wrinkles, it's straight out of the bag. The collar is smaller, rounder, and more spaced apart than the stock image. The sleeves are like regular button-up shirt sleeves instead of being puffy. You'll definitely need a tank top or nude bra under it. I'm not COMPLETELY satisfied since it's so different but I can still get some use out of it, so it's not too bad, especially since I got it on sale.

>> No.8606095

I got that suspender skirt about a year and a half ago so it might have changed now but it was pretty for for the price! A little bit thin but not see-through and very flowy? I dont know if thats the word.

>> No.8606104

Link to leggings?

>> No.8606108


But it says it's no longer available, which probably means I won't receive it.

>> No.8606110
File: 13 KB, 1402x139, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the seller i bought it from was offering different sizes (???) and almost everywhere else i've seen it as one size/free size. so i got a medium because i'm too tall to fit into small azn sizing but have a small waist.
but thanks anon. i have some short, low poof, petticoats i could wear under it if it turns out to be see thru
also here's the message i mentioned in >>8606086

>> No.8606115

they're super common on ali/ebay and you can find them by searching bandage leggings or something like that but here's the listing i used
beware of small chinese sizing. i'm pretty thin and i'm worried about them not fitting the circumference of my legs (the reviews were complaining about lack of stretch)

>> No.8606209

Sauce on the suspender skirt please

>> No.8606241


>> No.8606444

I want to get this blouse for lolita, but i'm unsure about quality. Someone has bought it? There is also in black!
I found other lolitable tops, quality not sure but feedback seems pretty positive.
Otome-able salopette?

>> No.8606488
File: 253 KB, 540x734, tumblr_n7yq0pivi01r4v4fvo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find, or what terms should I use to find these satchels/school bags with double shoulder straps

>> No.8606676

>cloud pillow
small, sturdy, and cute! just like the photos. the fabric and stitching were better than expected.

>white blouse
the sleeves are like... princess sleeves? they're puffy at the top, which i didn't notice in the photos. it's pretty sheer, and i like it, but i'm disappointed in the sleeves as they don't suit me.

>overall dress
it hits me right above the knees at 5'1". i wasn't anticipating it to be this long. it's sack like, as it looks in the picture, so i'm thinking about taking it in for shape a little or wearing some sort of belt. the fabric is thick, warm wool. i thought it might make me look a little fat, but it doesn't! i'm kinda slim at ~105lbs, but dresses like this often make me look fat anyway.

>> No.8607389

Long shot, but does anyone have any cute magical-girl themed decor/homeware? I want to buy a friend a home warming package.

>> No.8609108

three way bag

>> No.8609127

magical girl how? if you can give me an idea of what you're looking for i'll help find stuff. browsing aliexpress is like a past time.

>> No.8609128

liz lisa.

>> No.8609488

What are you're favorite stationery or just cute shit shops?

>> No.8609646

house of novelty

>> No.8609791
File: 423 KB, 593x514, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who love engrish stuff.
>I want fuxk your egg


>> No.8610405

Ooh kinky

>> No.8610669

A store I follow just got these in: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/cosplay-anime-Card-Captor-CardCaptor-KINOMOTO-Sakura-bag-coin-change-purse-wallet-case/1090054_32468836235.html

>> No.8610706

Anyone know of any good fabric stores?
Also, anyone wanna do a new thread?

>> No.8610768
File: 14 KB, 168x646, processingtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does "processing time" mean, and is it set in stone, or just an estimate?

>> No.8612974

If the other anon doesn't come back to claim it, I'll take it. Can PayPal you for postage and whatnot if you'd like.