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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8603971 No.8603971 [Reply] [Original]

rant/vent here, gulls. i'll start.
>post office leaves one of those "you weren't home during the time of delivery" slip in my mailbox
>i was home all day
>didn't see slip until next afternoon
>immediately call post office for redelivery
>"sorry, anon. we thought you refused the package so we sent it back already"
>mfw it was a package from japan and it's gonna be expensive to get it redelivered

>> No.8604011
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>Same shit happened with HUGE ass taobao order.

Fuck off, Post Canada.

>> No.8604019

I think lolitas who say stupid shit like
>"I don't wanna be caught dead with a goth, sweet, classic, etc. lolita because I hate their style!"
are extremely trashy individuals. Thing is, they thing irl they're being really subtle but it's pretty obvious when they're shunning the majority of the comm because they don't like most of the styles so they fancy themselves ~*~superior~*~
When in reality every single normie thinks we're being tacky dolls or are Bo Peep in a play unless they happen to like lolita no matter what substyle.

Fucking get over yourselves. I don't like OTT classic but you won't see me curling up my lips and being impolite just because someone else happens to like it. Lolita is turning more and more into a cliquey costume party.

>> No.8604035

Anon you speak the most sense on this board. There's a trend of gulls shitting on OTT and sweet as a costume, when honestly they look just as bad in the eyes of normies, as well as being judgemental pricks on top of that. At least sweet lolitas are cute af, which can't be said for the OTT-hating gulls.

>> No.8604069

I don't understand the mentality of people who feel like they need to pigeon hole themselves into one style. Like I get it you like Gothic but why only wear Gothic? For me I still have a rather small wardrobe (I have one sweet Coord, and two Classic Coords) and I want a little bit of everything.

>> No.8605662

That's kind of like saying "Why don't you like all subgenres of pop music? Why limit yourself to jpop when you could be listening to Britney Spears, Social Distortion and Shania Twain?" Different people like all/some/one genres of pop and the same goes for everything with subcategories.

>> No.8605672

As a plus-sized cosplayer myself, I seriously hate how much ass-patting goes on in the plus size community. Like everyone is afraid of giving concrit because they're scared of hurting someone's precious feelings.

Like maybe it's because I want to gitgud and have really good cosplays (that fit or are tailored to my body type) because I've constantly been picked on because of my weight.

I just don't understand how someone can wear something equivalent to an oversized trashbag and still be called "flawless" and "perfect" in regards to a character. Shit sucks. Deal with it.

>> No.8606707

I absolutely loathe that shit. Once I hunted down a direct phone number and went from there with the manager. It was like the 10th time it happened, so I was very obviously aggitated sounding on the phone, but kept decent and stern as much as I wanted to yell and throw profanities.
Hasn't happened again since, but I wonder if that's why phone numbers at most post offices don't work anymore, they don't want calls about their incompetence? I'm sure they'll wait you out in person too.

It's better to just get a mail center or PO Box something like that. Your package is taken care of, locked up, and signed for. No more hassle. Worth the monthly fee.

>> No.8606712

Oh, I forgot to add. Sometimes you do have to tell them that because that it is from overseas and the reshipping will be a hassle that the fees for it will have to "force" you to file small claims court. THen they get their act in shape.

>> No.8606716

The only plus size lolitas who even get attention nowadays are the 280+ pound ita hams anyway. If you're anywhere between a size 8-15 and you dress decently, you might as well be in fattie limbo.

>> No.8606738

And what's worse is if you're plus size, but not landwhale mode. You get hitched at for(not really being plus size)

Just because I'm not 200 pounds doesn't mean I'm not plus size.

>> No.8606743

I'm slow on new slang, but what does being "hitched at" refer to?

>> No.8606752

Sorry. It auto corrected and I didn't catch it before hitting submit. I meant bitched not hitched.

>> No.8606874

>If you're anywhere between a size 8-15 and you dress decently, you might as well be in fattie limbo.
oh my god, i feel this. im a size 8 so i dont feel very thin, but i cant ask for help in plus sized threads either. ;_;

>> No.8606901

>Simple lolita outfits look just as bad as OTT sweet to normies

HAHAHAHAHA you motherfuckers are delusional as fuck if you think normies look at someone in simple classic and think they look just as weird as an OTT sweet lolita in a giant pink wig with a unicorn puke printed dress from AP

All my friends are normies, I should know. I've often been scrolling through my dash on tumblr with friends around, they see a post with OTT sweet lolitas and remark to me "Holy shit anon, I like your big dresses but I wouldn't want to go out with you if you wore shit like that"

>> No.8606923

>if you think normies look at someone in simple classic and think they look just as weird

Oh, excuse me anon, in that case they think they're trying too hard to be dressy and probably have a validation-seeking issue about their looks.
(Your friends stand next to you to look like well-rounded individuals).

>> No.8606929

>go to CoF

>shitty pictures, nitpick outfits
>hundreds of likes

>meh pictures, OTT outfits
>hundreds more likes

>decent pictures, simple outfits
>barely shit

There really is no happy medium, is there?
Has anyone else just stopped posting to public coordinate pages just so they won't have to roll their eyes like this?

>> No.8607021

It really depends on the normie. I wear classic and I've gotten ranged from people complementing my outfit, to people asking stuff like if I'm wearing some traditional outfit, to completely freaked out like I grew an extra head.

Some people freak out when you wear something just slightly out of the ordinary. Even toned down lolita will cause some people to flip their shit.

>> No.8607129

Where do you live? Like I've worn lolita for 5 years and I've never gotten anything but compliments and a few creeps who either wanted my picture or wanted to take a picture with me. Literally the one and only time I've had a negative reaction was when some teenage cunts with fake tans and bleached blonde hair pointed at me and laughed (I pointed back and laughed and so did my dude friends who were with me, the bitches looked pissed and mildly embarrassed).

I actually find it hard to believe some of the outlandish tales of negative lolita reactions. I always think that maybe it's because people wear particularly crazy styles and I wear simple shit.

>> No.8607148

>talking to a 'friend' about learning Japanese, mention that I'd lend her some manga if she wanted
>she laughs at me saying "Anon, you probably just have shoujo manga"
>I mention that I have other things too
>I mention One Piece, FMA, some other things she might be familiar with
>"I hate mainstream manga"
>I ask what she's into right now
>"Tokyo Ghoul"


>> No.8607174

Yeah I don't go to CoF and I avoid following people on tumblr that posts too many coordinate shots. When I wear lolita it's because I enjoy it, I don't really care about others that much.

>> No.8607178

I haven't posted coord pics for about 2 years now for this very reason. My lolita is for me, anyway.

>> No.8607181

i've been wanting to complain about this for a few weeks
>tfw i met a tripfag from /cgl/ who seemed really cute online but was really cringe in person

>> No.8607184

tell us who it is TELL US WHO IT IS

>> No.8607185

>miswrote my own damn address in an order to Tokyo Alice
>package was sent back, obviously
>hope they catch my email so they can send it back to me asap
>I'm so dumb

>> No.8607187

Spill it and the deets

>> No.8607189

People who don't pay attention to small but easily done details in their cosplays really, really bother me. It's unreasonable how much it pisses me off.

>> No.8607194

maguma... I saw him several times during the weekend of a con and every single time he was being a sperg. I was super disappointed but I guess I should have expected it

>> No.8607244

what nooo he's a sweetheart what are you talking about

>> No.8607271

>had "friend" in highschool
>did no work
>she had a horrible personality
>talked shit
>year before
>she asked me to "help" make her cosplay
>made almost all of it
>she didn't even help me make it
>she wondered why i rushed to make my cosplay
>she didnt even say thank you
>at con she super annoyed because god knows what
>i buy taobao dress in dealers room
>"oh anon why do you always have to go to the lolita stuff" *in a bitchy tone
>she says she wants to get into lolita

>> No.8607284

>thought I was doing well at work regardless of shitty management and petty bosses
>get evaluation for school today
>basically all Fs
>straight A student
I just feel like shit. I'm culturally different from the people here, and they don't bother to try and train me because I don't speak the same language. My co-worker who arrived the same time as me got all A's because she is local. My husband already makes a lot and will be making 6 figures in a few years. Seriously contemplating just quitting uni and having kids and being a housewife.

>> No.8607333

This happened to me as well, my teachers (and I!)were really surprised to see the grades because my boss had only good words about me before. The idea that they disliked me behind my back the whole time I was there really fucked me up.

>> No.8607337

You can be a housewife without having kids anon

>> No.8607366
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This is happened 5-6 times now so I'll just say They
>be at con or cosplay event with husband
>meet a girl that is super hyper and talks to us both
>girl adds me on fb after con
>adds my husband 2 days later
>never speaks to me again
>starts messaging my husband at odd hours
>sends messages to him all day, most the time turns to complaining about their boyfriend or most recent ex
>suddenly turns to flat out asking him to come fuck them OR sends nudes
>know my husband didn't prompt it by shoving me the conversations
>one even claimed to be pure lesbian
Please thirsty whores, go die in a fire. Stop always trying to steal what belongs to someone else you sluts.
>can't trust or become friends with other girls at con

>> No.8607369

showing not shoving damnit

>> No.8607377

I can get this very much, but I also hate the opposite. If the worst thing about someone's cosplay/coord is that they're fat, that doesn't make it inherently bad. If the actual costume/coord is shit, go for it, rip into them, give concrit like anon says, ass-patting is just stupid as hell, but if you're tearing someone apart who genuinely has a good costume/coord just because they're fat, move on with your life.

>> No.8607462

Reminds me of people I know that hate things the moment they become popular. Extra points if they're also complaining that nobody is into their 'obscure' series (not obscure at all).

>> No.8607515

So how did it go in the end? I still have 250 hours to go and I'm having a damn hard time finding motivation when basically having been slapped in the face.

;-; Already have cats and lolita right?

>> No.8607518

The idea that you own someone is fucked up.
Eventually you're gonna have to double down and les out in a threesome.

>> No.8607526

Same, where do you live btw?

I'm from Oireland, studying in Northern Europe atm. Most students here are either locals or Slavs and their English is okay but they refuse to talk to me and just speak amongst each other in their respective native tongue all the time despite this being an English school. Even some of the native teachers switch to their native tongue in the middle of the lesson and expect everyone to follow, the only reason they don't is because of the Russians and other Slavic potpourri. Then they act surprised when I don't show up to events or talk to any of them when they look to be in physical pain every time I try to talk to any of them.

I do study the language but it's fucking hard and I've only been here a short while. If I am active in class they bitch because I'm a native and that's cheating. If I'm not then the class is silent and there's no-one to keep the discussion going they bitch because I seem to have become the designated nerd who does their homework for them. Some of these kids couldn't even find the UK on a map, Jesus fucking Christ I can't wait to go home.

Oh and I speak in a slightly posh Dublin accent so everyone keeps mistaking me for a rich(??) American, and the one American lecturer here keeps bullying me.

>> No.8607544

>too fat for cgl
>not fat enough for tumblr

>> No.8607570

I cut all ties with them, I was basically done anyway and my teacher was very understanding (I think she felt guilty since she was the one to set me up with that place to begin with). I'm sorry you have to do 250 more hours, I don't think I could have handled that. If you can't change workplace somehow, try to remember that they are the assholes and after you are done you hopefully never have to deal with them again...
I'm all on board with the housewife plan, but it's better to finish your education first as a backup.

>> No.8607578

Wow me think the lady doth protest too much. Also that's like saying 'my friends think I'm cool' They're your friends of course they're gonna asspat you moron.
No matter what ACTUAL normies are gonna look at you funny.
Also understand a hyperbole. I'm p sure other anon doesnt ACTUALLY think simple classics get the same level of reaction as an OTT sweet (because someone in a giant pink everything is generally more eyecatching) but people still look at you funny.
Deal with it.

>> No.8607582
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Some people view marriage as a mutual ownership where the other person is their responsibility and they have given themselves completely to each other. Not all marriages are glorified friends-with-benefits

>> No.8607602
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Not where I live. A basic classic coord is just looked on as retro/vintage wear and there are crazier outfits seen, punks, goths etc. OTT sweet lolita ie adult women wearing big pastel twintail wigs and pink frilly dresses covered in cutesy childish prints and accessories, will look like ageplay craziness to most normalfags in comparison. Strongly depends on the wearer; I have a friend who wears sweet lolita (albeit not ott) who has a round young looking face and is short, she usually gets favourable reactions from regular folk because her physical attributes leads an overall endearing effect. It's really awkward looking though if the woman in question is big, broad, overweight, has a long face,a mature/soccer mum face and is dressed that way especially to normies. Pic related.

>> No.8607610

>See other gulls posting that they're bored in con threads
>Other gulls reply saying they'll hang out
>Decide I'd like to hang with some people from cgl
>post that I'm bored in a con thread
>post is completely ignored

Well fuck you guys too then.

>> No.8607828
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a weeb once told me that I wouldn't know the anime he watches since he watches 'mature' anime

>mfw I managed to get some series out of him and one was deathnote

>> No.8607851
File: 404 KB, 897x667, 1426815722130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My boyfriend has this friend who thinks he's top tier weebshit
> I asked my boyfriend what kind of anime the guy was into
>He asks and he tells me his friend said I probably wouldn't know
>Ask him to tell me anyway
>Lists stuff like Baccano, SAO, Deadman Wonderland and Steins;Gate
>Normies always thinkin' they hard

>> No.8607854

Well to be fair, there are people who watch the most obscure things just by curiosity and because they have enough time to do so, and there are people who are mostly into mainstream anime and manga who spend way too much time writing weird fanfics or essays about tiny details or some weird shit like that.

>> No.8607855

>"Oh anon I watch anime too!"
> Ask what they watched
> "I watch One Piece"

That was all they watched.

>> No.8607858
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>> No.8607945
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this is a few years old now, but I need to get it off my chest.
>be new lolita
>finds dream dress on EGL
>excited as hell, sends PM to the seller
>everything goes fine, seller sends dress
>does some googling to price compare, worried I overpaid
>finds exact same seller selling the other version of the same JSK
>panic, send seller a PM
>"oh no, I sold that version (the one I wanted) ages ago"
>triple check sales page, nothing to say it was sold
>decide to send dress back when it arrives
>mfw customs decide to charge me £80
>tries on dress to double check, yep looks horrible on me
>tell seller I'm going to make a paypal dispute and return it
>seller freaks out, accuses me of scamming
>thinks I'm keeping the dress AND getting a refund
>eventually sends it back, gets refund
>seller doesn't believe I'm legit until it arrives at her door
>had to pay customs and return shipping, now down £100
>seller leaves negative feedback, eventually changes it to neutral
>never use EGL comm sales again

Sorry for the wall of text but I needed to get it out.
>pic related, me throughout all of this

>> No.8608138
File: 137 KB, 767x519, wake me up inside (wake me up inside).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happened a couple weeks ago but
>poorfag normie acquaintance wants to go to AP SF
>"please? you can browse and take a long time. i just wanna see where you buy your lolitas"
>go into store with acquaintance
>they immediately go around turning over all the price tags
>grab acquaintance and shuffle out of store quickly in embarrassment

S-sorry shop girls... I feel like I should've bought something really expensive to make up for it. but then again...

>same normie acquaintance
>at H&M
>buy cat sweater for $10
>"wtf anon that's so much for just a sweater"
>ask acquaintance where she gets her clothes
this is why you always look like shit, lady.

>> No.8608154

>$10 sweater is a lot
I've been poorfag and that's cheap even for a Wal-Mart sweater.

On a similar note:
>people that walk into a store and start shouting about how expensive that is
Fuck I hate that.

>> No.8608165

Don't plus sizes start at size 12? Sweet Jesus on a Stick, size 8 is NOT. PLUS outside of jfashland.

>> No.8608167

Average weight is already considered too fat for jfashion

>> No.8608670

Wow, shit, that's almost exactly the same as me. I'm in South East Asia, but the shit about the lecturers and local students definitely works here. Even at work, the native speakers get training and I just get ignored even if I'm right next to them. Then they expect me to have known what they were talking about even though they know full well I don't speak the language. And back at school the lecturers always break into the native language to explain things to the native students, even though all classes are supposed to be in English.Then during the exams I can hear the profs telling the natives how to do the question in the language, but when I ask in English it's just "idk read the question again".

It's good you had your teacher backing you up. My teachers don't give a shit, they want to keep sending students there because it's an international brand name and makes the school look good. Thanks for the motivation. I'm going to finish my bachelors, then do a MBA and have some kids. Then I'll re-evaluate if I want to join the workforce or not.

>> No.8608746

>Deadman Wonderland
cringed hard

>> No.8608755

So why doesn't your hubbo throw down some balls and lay down some law before it even gets to that point? I'd be pissed as fuck if my bf showed me this shit just to "laugh" at it instead of doing the right thing and shutting the girl down before it even got to the point of her thinking it's okay to send fucking NUDES.
>but no, let's blame ebil womminz and write off why you can't make female friends

>> No.8608762

>tfw someone who is a member of your FB's lolita page buys a hair accessory off you and says that you should come to a lolita meetup because "we have a lot" when you've been there since 2006 and they've never been to one meetup and want the hair item for maid costumes

>> No.8608804

Thank you for saying it for me
Because normally he's just being plain old polite till BAM - whore5000 level out of nowhere. He is starting to learn that complaining about their own bf is a warning flag and distances himself from the conversation.

>> No.8608810

>distances himself from the conversation
Or he should just tell her it's inappropriate and block her if it persists.

>> No.8608826

People should hold everyone to standards that reflect the effort put into a coord and the resources that were available. Physical attributes of the wearer, while important, shouldn't make OR break a costume. If you look good, you look good!

>> No.8608865

"oh, I've asked my friends who go and they say they've never even seen you"

>> No.8608900

Because if he tells them they are inappropriate BEFORE whore5000 mode they lose their shit and bitch about him reading into stuff to much (you might know this as the kin to -I was just kidding- defense when you blow up at someone for crossing the line or being ultra creepy) . He shows me the conversations not to have a laugh but to say hey babe, this person has become a problem and this is why I'm blocking her and you should too.

>> No.8608903

>they lose their shit and bitch about him reading into stuff

For one, that won't happen when she's blocked. And secondly, you hold a low enough opinion of 'whore5000' as is, so I don't see how her throwing a tantrum around should affect you at all.
>he shows you the conversations for you to be upset and for him to feel desired because he's an egomaniac
I'm very sorry for your situation.

>> No.8608935

I would fucking devastate that post office for that shit. That's absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.8609044

>angelic poverty
My sides are now in orbit

>> No.8609158
File: 690 KB, 700x1520, HOLY SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even counts as mature anime? LotGH? Mononoke?

It's not exactly easy to identify like it is with films or movies, since they're different mediums.

>> No.8609214

I don't know if I like the word 'mature' here but it isn't hard at all to distinguish the mediocre trope filled trash Japan spews out every season from more discerning, original and thought provoking anime such as the works of Satoshi Kon and Studio Ghibli.

>> No.8609229


>> No.8609240

>gets cosplay done for a group
>only one with their cosplay done
>everyone else drops with no intentions to do the group at some other con instead
>cosplay now sits in closet

I hate this comm.

>> No.8609251
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I stopped making complicated cosplays years ago, they're too stressful, I don't have the money and cosplay contests are a fucking fix. Now I just rewear old costumes and comfy ones.

>Best friend is coming with me to a con
>Wants to do a joint cosplay
>They're complicated outfits
>She has no experience with sewing/crafting/cosplaying etc

It's just going to be me making them if I agree. I'd like to do them, but I don't want the stress of having to make two by myself.

>> No.8609312

stand up for yourself and straight up say "I'm not going to make both by myself. If you want to do this, you have to help."
teach her how to make small parts of the cosplay like accessories (hair accessories, wrist cuffs, etc.)

>> No.8609416

I'm sorry you've never had anyone be 100% on your side and give you complete openess and honesty at all time. As we are married we are a team always.
As much as you want to blame him and not the females that are knowingly disrespecting our partnership, might you have tried to steal someone from a relationship and got turned down and ostracized? I'm starting to think so.
If not, what fucked up mentally would you assign to these disrespectful slaterns?

>> No.8609690

You know that being a huge nerd and having shit taste all at once isn't impossible, right?

>> No.8609743

Unless your husband looks like Thor I find it hard to believe girls send him nudes just because he has polite one-line conversations with them. Not even the same anon btw, but it's true that you only know what he chooses to show you. Maybe your husband should stop talking to random convention females.

>> No.8609751

I have dropped the comm I usually go to today.
They are not mean or anything, its that the head organizer and their nine close friends are together, they tend to ignore everyone else.
On their page they post "everyone is welcomed!" yet they only take photos of themselves and talk about thing that has happened to them.
Maybe it's just petty jealousy, and I am happy for them, because they are all close, but I will not go again.
Maybe the groups dwindling numbers will be a wake up call for them?

>> No.8609764

I hate to be the one to say it, even though others have said it, but I don't think women are just sending him nudes from him being a nice guy. There's something you might be missing here, or something he isn't showing fully. I'm not saying he's cheating on you or anything but I do find it a bit odd that it's:
"Well I was just being nice and she sent me a nude. see? I didn't do anything weird."

>> No.8609772

I'm not that surprised girls would send nudes. How many girls get unwarranted dick pics just for being vaguely polite to dudes? Also I think if he's being so open about it to OP then there's probably nothing going on.

However, why he doesn't just block them I don't know, but then again I struggle to delete post-con creepers because it feels rude. Or don't add people online he doesn't know personally. That's just a normal rule.

>> No.8609773

I don't know about you but I think the chance of a guy sending a dick pick and a girl sending a nude is quite different.

>> No.8609774

There is a chance of that but with guys it's I feel like because the girl is being way too nice and not blunt enough for fear of being attacked for it. If it's the same with him, he needs to not be so easy with these girls because he is a married man.

>> No.8609779

>I'm not that surprised girls would send nudes.
I am.
I don't know any girls, not even slutty ones, who send nudes unprovoked if a guy hasn't even remotely expressed an interest in them. Maybe anon's husband comes off as a flirt, or makes himself too available for them, or complains about his relationship behind anon's back to them.

You're right about the blocking thing though. All of this would be avoided if he would stop talking to them after the first sign of disrespect.

>> No.8609795

Even the biggest hoe I knew in high school would only send nudes if someone was flirting with her. She gave them out like candy, but only if someone was being a flirt.

>> No.8609807

Holy shit, why are people unable to believe you and/or telling you that it's your husband's fault?

I swear to god, why is it so hard to believe that women are sluts but nobody has any trouble thinking guys are whores?

Maybe I've had bad experiences, but women can be trifling little hoes, especially when it comes to marriages/LTRs. So many girls relish the idea of being able to have an affair with a married man, or a man in a committed relationship, because in their twisted minds it means they're more attractive/better than the man's partner.

I'm sorry you've had that experience, anon. It happened to my bf, too, believe it or not. He actually told me and showed me the conversation - I was pretty pleased that he responded to her nudes by saying "If you're going to send nudes to random dudes get a boob job because your tits are disgusting you filthy whore" and promptly blocked her.

>> No.8609824

We just don't think that unless anon married some 10/10 guy that every other girl they meet at a con and talked to enough to add them on FB, is just sending him nudes because he's just that amazing.

>> No.8609875

Lol, you could be a more subtle samefag, darlin.
Your hubbo isn't showing you the whole picture, better put him on a tighter leash.

>> No.8609964

I met him at fanime 2015 and he wasn't any more sperg than any other cosplayer.

>> No.8610026

Just joined the thread yo
This isn't even true. My bf is a 6/10 and that still happened to him. It doesn't matter how hot the guy is, it only matters how hot the gf is. If the girl is at least an 8/10, other girls want to fuck with their man because it means they're hotter than the gf. Simple psychology

>> No.8610032

Except that's not true.
>"I'm hot and all other women are whores!"
0/10, stop giving yourself asspats hun.

>> No.8610037

You're literally delusional, lol.
>Women are innocent widdle angels and would never try to fuck someone's bf unless he were as hot as a God

>> No.8610040

I can't tell my family how much I spend on lolita and hobbies for this same reason, ugh. My whole family has a tendency to sperg out at 'too expensive!!!1' things, loudly. My dad sometimes brings up the price of a super cheap JSK I bought on ebay in my early days of lolita at the weirdest times, once we were at the supermarket and he just turned to me with a pack of bread in his hands and all but yelled 'If you hadn't bought that dolly dress we could have bought this!' about six months after I'd bought the JSK with my own money. It cost me £50. The bread was less than bus fare. FFS. He's done this in cafes and other public places too. I have no idea if he's trying to make me repent for my sins or if he's trying to tell me that I should wear food as clothes.
If your friend needs smelling salts whenever you splurge on decadent clothes at H&M, try sperging out when she's buying her transparent clothing at Walmart, and tell her that it's all made by slave babies in China, how could you be so heartless, or some shit. If she can embarass you in public, she can take it when it's her turn.

>> No.8610049

lmao how you gonna do your bf like that anon, calling him a 6/10? That's cold af.

>> No.8610072

Yeah that wasn't me. Nice try. And nope I get full convos, no password, I pick up his phone to use all the time and reply to texts for him while he's driving. And then yes. WE BOTH BLOCK THEM. I'm biased so me saying he's pretty hot counts for nothing online. I can sat he is honestly plight and listens to people, he looks them in the eye when they speak, not the tits. He's polite to these girls till they get ubsurd cause he knows I want female animu friends.
To be fair it's not 100% of the time. I found one girl in the last 4 years of con going in that is not interested in hitting on him and I love her to tears for that and being generally awesome.

>> No.8610118
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>he just turned to me with a pack of bread in his hands and all but yelled 'If you hadn't bought that dolly dress we could have bought this!'

From now on, all lolita should be measured in terms of bread. Current going price for 1 JSK is 600 loaves.
I'm laughing pretty hard right now. Seriously though are your parents actually going without food to support your lolita habit or what?

>> No.8610147

I pay for all my stuff with my own money, and even help my parents and family out when they need some cash. I am absolutely not cutting into the bread budget. My dad just has a particularly hard time imagining why anyone would spend over £25 on any item of clothing, shoes included. He's the sort to get personally offended when he sees food that's priced above his maximum limit. The rest of the family's not much better.
I'm glad the going price for a JSK is so low, I might be able to afford Bride of Death now.

>> No.8610172

Haha, I mean 6/10 is a point above average. He's not a knockout but he's also not an uggo, he's slightly above average. His eyes and personality are probably like 12/10.

>> No.8610179

Goddamn I hate people like this. Shopping at Walmart isn't even the cheapest route, it's the stupid route. I've gotten nice normalfag clothes at Kohl's on clearance for fucking $4-5. Walmart is literally just stupidmode for "cheap" clothes (none of which fit anybody well, ever).

>> No.8610190

holy fuck anon i thought this was a completely separate thing from my post so I was wondering what the end of your post was about. then it clicked that it was a reply to my post.

that aside, that's incredibly stupid. just because your dad can't afford something doesn't mean that he can blame it on you for buying something with your own money. he probably wants you to feel bad for buying clothes that he thinks are too expensive even though you didn't spend his money.

yes this!!! she's definitely bought things from Walmart that are more expensive than things I've gotten at H&M or Taobao. The price to quality ration for H&M and certain Taobao stores is far superior to Walmart too. A H&M blazer that cost me $40 has lasted me 2 years so far whereas a Walmart blazer looks disgusting and would probably fall apart in 6 months. I will never understand why people hail Walmart as the best place to get cheap clothes. Shit's expensive.

>> No.8610217

Nobody said all. Tons of men get a rush out of trying to /actually stealing another guys girl. Do you really think women don't also have that sub group?

The biggest truth is that we are all the same. There are whores, cheaters, shit bags, fuckwits, retards, and sperglords in near equal measure in every gender, race, and nationality.

To believe otherwise is to court naivete.

>> No.8610231 [DELETED] 

>see odottemita
>want to dance again
>remember my shitty performance a year ago
>remember why I stop
>realize I have no time because of Uni
>get really angry I can't dance anymore

>> No.8610356


>> No.8610661

the point here is that it seems unlikely for a girl to just randomly send nudes to a guy because of either being that amazing or their SO being that amazing.

There generally is more at play then girls randomly throwing themselves at someone

>> No.8610710

It's not unlikely. I'm telling you with my own words it has happened. Not made up fantasy land, and he's not flirting back. Do I need to go back to mentioning I read and reply to his text/fb messages for him while he's driving, he makes 0 attempt to hide anything from me, no lock on his phone, he keeps me in the loop of anything that's happening.
Why is it so hard to believe there are ANY shitty girls out there?
New rant, this thread white knighting some attempted homewreckers.

>> No.8610716

I think it would have sounded better if you kept it at 'a girl' rather then making it sound like he's swamped with those homewreckers

>> No.8610755

Did you ever think they are doing it not because hes hot or anything but because they don't like you? Do you rub people the wrong way frequently?

>> No.8610764

jfc it reminds me of when my mother slapped me in public in front of a lot of people because I was going to buy a GBA game for 5€ instead of try to lower the price, because it was a waste of money. Greecy people are the worst.

>> No.8610766


>> No.8610833

were you poor or anything because jfc what a shitty mother

>> No.8610863

My first post
>This is happened 5-6 times now so I'll just say They
This is over the course of 3.5 years worth of cons. Not my fault if you imagine swarming.

>> No.8610931

shut up

>> No.8610940

We were poor (still are but at least I have a scholarship and no student loans) and I have 3 sisters. But it wasn't that bad actually, but my parents always used it as a reason not to buy us anything that aren't food and clothes even when we could afford it and tried to make us feel guilty for wanting or having things.

Now that I have my own money I buy whatever the fuck I want and still manage to save enough money just in case.

>> No.8611044

>people who put little nit picks in the bad cosplay thread
>People who ruin other people's cosplays during cons for selfish reasons
>Assholes during anime cons.

>> No.8611174

I'm not ranting because I'm angry, I'm just a little bit frustrated

>I love Kumiko Suekane's official work and fanarts on pixiv
>she's the character designer for the 1st Ace Attorney game and Viewtiful Joe, she did a bunch of BL manga and Afterschool Charisma
>will soon publish a manga about the French Revolution and Versailles
>nobody gives a shit, there will never be merchandises, fanworks and cosplays of her stuffs that aren't Ace Attorney
>my fujoshi idol will never be invited to a con in my country

Still praying for her new manga to be published outside of Japan.

>> No.8611201

>do a photoshoot with amazing photographer
>always been blown away by his work
> just now find out that he sucks at getting pictures back to people
>bummed out

>> No.8611216

Couldn't she be invited to a con in relation to Ace Attorney though?

>> No.8611220

ANON CAN WE BE FRIENDS? I'm super hype for Versailles of the Dead but no one else I know even cares about her.

>> No.8611246

Not in my country exept maybe in japan expo, there are Ace Attorney fans but capcom didn't release the first 4 games in the right order and they didn't even translate AA Investigations and Dual Destinies in other languages than English so I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Dammit I just want her autograph on my NaruhodoBook :'(

Another Kumiko Suekane fan? Is this a miracle? But seriously, it's surprising she's barely mentioned anywhere, given that she worked on a lot of different things. Most things I can find on tumblr for example are some "edited" panels of her BL manga. Can't wait to see how Versailles of the Dead will be!

>> No.8611447
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>make new friends at college
>sweet they're all into anime and such
>one is a super weeb who wears SNK jackets and bags
>They casual cosplayed a homestuck character on their first day at college
>happy that they're into anime and I can talk to them but it slowly starts grating at my nerves
>sick of seeing their bad homestuck cosplays and listening to them rant about cosplay/anime things
>their cosplays are horrible and I don't have the heart to tell them because they show literally everyone
>their art is tumblr tier and they can't animate but want to be an animator to make anime
>once interrupted a tutor who was telling us about how Egyptians made colours from stones and stuff so they could talk about SU
>Constantly telling everyone about their binder/them being trans to the point people think it's just a tumblr thing
>starting to get harder and harder not to correct them

Help me gulls

>> No.8611524

I'd "flirt" with your ugly boyfriend if it meant spiting you. You sound like one nasty ass cunt.
Lol fucking hell you psycho bitch.

>> No.8611704

Dunno why they are mad, I can honestly vouch that some women send unsolicited nudes out, same as some dudes do.
I had three different women I knew send nudes out of the blue and were overly persistent when all prior conversations had been non-sexual, and all three of them were overly insistent on turning the relationship sexual.
I don't interact with them anymore, funny enough.

>> No.8611708

just drop that friendship now anon, it only gets worse, believe me

>> No.8611768

i hate afterschool charisma and its retarded geniuses with a burning passion and i thank god every day that it has finally ended. i just hope that french revolution thing will never get published in my country ever...

does that count as caring?

>> No.8611795

Maybe it's because she went straight to calling other anons sluts and homewreckers the minute they expressed skepticism. Food for thought.

>> No.8611842

In fairness to her, she didn't start that way and a few people jumped in saying there has to be more and it's the dudes fault.
She sure as hell got mad though, but nobody was really great in the overall exchange really.

>> No.8612105

Sort of I guess, but I don't understand why you don't want it to be published because I bet nobody will notice it's release so you most likely won't hear anything about it anyway.

>> No.8612159

No LoveLive screening in Canada, we get plenty of Hallyu though.

>> No.8612206
File: 7 KB, 236x159, big storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it was you, you did this to me. I hope your heart drops as you read this, and wonder if it's me talking to you; or if I'm just some random lolita and that this is aimed for someone else.

>> No.8612218

fair enough, and i'm usually not one to care if people have fun with something i dislike, but i work in publishing, so there's a chance i'll have to work on it if it is.

>> No.8612252

really dumb but im meeting my favorite kpop boy group in 2 weeks and i'm super super super anxious about it and afraid i'll make a fool of myself in front of them, i know they probably wont remember my face but i can't help but be so nervous

>> No.8612265

If it's a general signing/meet&greet just smile and say "thank you" and you'll be fine. Then once you leave the room you can freak out and spaghetti all over your friends. Good luck!

>> No.8612303

Things that are really pissing me off with cosplay atm
>facebook pages with albums full of no less than 1000 'future cosplays'
>unsanded, unprimed fucking worbla armour
>selling photo prints of bought costumes
>armoured/alternate/crossover versions
>fucking everything cosplayers in my town are the worst i hate them all

>> No.8612307

>>selling photo prints of bought costumes
It doesn't get me as much as I guess it should. If the setting looks great and the composure is nice, I don't see why they shouldn't sell it? I purchased my cosplay, but I added things to it and removed things to it, and would like to possibly sell a print of it; I'm super proud of it and I look great in the picture.

>> No.8612432


Being in a similar situation myself, anon, I understand this fully. I'm not sure what has lead the other gulls to come to a different conclusion. I am slightly confused. Perhaps they lack the experience of marriage/long relationship, or haven't been in a relationship where both parties enjoy full mutual trust. Or maybe it's the drama mongering nature of a gull to see trouble where there is none.

>> No.8612506

it's too easy to hear 'all the girls want my sexy bf', which often times is what someone is saying. on the other hand we all know how crazy bitches be at cons so i think it's not too crazy.

>> No.8612508


My feed is chock full of subpar shitty worbla basic bitch bikini LoL/Marvel/WoW/whatever armors with hundreds of likes. I'm getting so fucking sick of it. Cosplay used to be a fucking creative hobby, now it's just trying to copy Han Nigri Kamui and become the next cosfamous cunt of the year.

>> No.8612515


It's a mix of both, I think a lot of anons are too used to guys being not trustworthy and only giving half the story while in fact they were the reason they get send nudes.

>> No.8612519

Wait, did you accidentally buy the wrong version and tried to give it back or did the seller send you the wrong version and you tried to get your money back?

>> No.8612538

you sound like a fedora, jesus christ

>> No.8612548

this particular situation aside, I don't think ANY girl would just up and send guys pictures of her tits unless she somehow got the green light to do it, explicitly or not.

Plus, I've seen way too many guys become pussies at even the slightest hint of a promise of tits, to a point where they'll play nice with an obvious thundercunt way, way past their SO's comfort zone, usually excusing it with something retarded like 'we were just talking'.

>> No.8612591

Then I hope you won't have to work on it, it must suck to work on something you don't like.

>> No.8612607

I'm freaking out, I keep taking on more and more responsibilities.
But I'm so lazy and I can't cope with any of them. any time I put aside to do things I just open up cgl and refresh the page after I've read even the threads that don't interest me. Or I go to sleep or something.

I'm a shit person and I don't deserve anything that's given to me, I just waste it all.

>> No.8612704

You sound like such an uppity bitch. Get off your high horse about your perfect marriage and realize that all might not be well because your husband is getting nudes sent to him. End of story. That's not normal in a "100% honest and truly open" marriage.

Thus the issue then becomes your husband not giving out his number or social media contacts to convention girls. In fact, since you seem 100% bothered by the notion that there may exist crazy girls who would unconditionally send nudes (not denying this), then maybe it's best for husband to stay home if he can't be straightforward and not make company with these types of people. He sounds like an absolute doormat who can't even uphold his own boundaries and wants you to blame other women for his inadequacy.
>mfw people like this get married

>> No.8612717
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Are you me?

I thought that I was coping fairly well with all these responsibilities (new part time job, started new college course) but towards the end of last week I came down with fresher's flu, crashed hard, couldn't go to lectures for two days, couldn't go to work all weekend. I was basically fucked and now I'll have literally no money for this week. We've only been back a week and I'm already so far behind with course work.

I've avoided anxiety meds all this time because I thought they would interfere with future job prospects in my field, but I am literally this fucking close to taking my counselor up on their offer.

>> No.8612727

Yes anon you're literally me, it's uncanny.
One thing I'll say is that if you're going to go for the meds, either take them right now (the start of a course isn't really as important as it feels) or start at Christmas break, in case they make you feel groggy and it slows you down even more. If you really need to take them though, just take them, universities can be really sympathetic when you've got a genuine medical related note to hand to them.

I don't know how we're going to cope. I hope we both make it through.

>> No.8612734

I thought there was one screening in Vancouver. But I know somebody that flew all the way from Alberta to fucking new york just for the movie like wtf why.

>> No.8612768

I feel this too much. So I'm in a LDR with my gf of a year, but a few months ago we got into a really bad fight which was during cons for the both of us. I had a good time and made a few friends at the con and added them online. One of them was a girl that had similar interests with me, which I thought was cool but not wanting to leave my gf because of it. I talk to the girl a few times on Twitter hyping over Fate shit and jokingly said we should do a certain cosplay together, but from there everything spirals out of control with my gf thinking I'm going to leave her for that girl. She always accuses me of having feelings for her when I get angry when she's brought up, but I'm only angry about the fact that I'm being accused of cheating. We've gone past the worst of it now, but she still has that distrust of me when I go to cons without her.

>> No.8612771

>not enough to leave because of it

>> No.8612798

>Constantly telling everyone about their binder/them being trans to the point people think it's just a tumblr thing
That's where it gets creepy
Just drop them before it gets any worse

>> No.8612848


Being the man in a marriage to a very open and trusting nerd woman, I have to say a lot of the responsibility of upholding fidelity in the relationship falls on the man. If you want to be friends with these women, that does give them a little more access to the man in the realtionship sonce as a couple you are going to be treated like one person quite often for sake of planning, communication, etc. If you have a chronic problem with women clamouring to get their goods in front of your man, 3 things might be occurring, and they all have ongoing solutions:

1. You just got a hot man. The only thing you can do about girls coming at him is educate him on warning signs and let him know you appreciate his continued openess about their behavior.

2. He is a beta and likes the attention, whether he admits it or not. He is interacting with these women in a way that makes it seem like their sexual attention is wanted or needed. Again, not much you can do except monitor and maintain good communication with your partner because trying to change his behavior with other people will change it with you as will.

3. Your husband is not telling you everything. Even with all the access you have, there is still a chance he has another computer/phone he uses to communicate with these women that you are not privy to. He only breaks it off when it gets to the physical stage because he values the LTR more than a fling. He gets off on the mental aspect of being able to attract and seduce multiple women. Definitely don't doubt your partner if you have a loving relationship, just be aware that communication is a two way street and some traffic is slower than others.

Also, don't let a few crazies set you off of cons. And don't let 4chinz get you down.

>> No.8612995

I bought the wrong version due to the lack of mention on the page that the one I wanted was already sold. I had no idea she had the other one up for sale too, as it was on a different sales post. I then sent it back and got a refund.

>> No.8613029

I am sick of the uchuu kei threads. I thought it was cute at first and watched the threads with some mild interest, but after seeing twenty "uchuu has no set look, it's whatever you believe feels ~uchuu~!" posts, I am done and genuinely feel like the damn "fashion" has no place here and is just appealing to people who have /cgl/ open in one tab and tumblr open in another.

>> No.8613195

I think people need to learn that your body is part of your costume

If you want to be a physical representation of that character aim for it as best you can. If they are ripped then workout, if they are skinny then don't but wath what you eat. Your wasting your time with a costume if when you put it on it looks like a circus tent

>> No.8613206

Stop being delusional. You'll never be a 100% representation of a cartoon character.
You're a bunch of faggots in costumes, get real.

>> No.8613210

all this applies to women as well tbh

>> No.8613217

God you are truly a nightmare for a seller. Everyone knows you can't just give back second hand dresses especially when the distance is big unless the seller made a big mistake in the transaction. You not being informed enough or not communicating enough to make sure you buy the right version is NOT a reason for a refund. Glad you at least ate the additional fees, serves you right.

>> No.8613222

No but you should always aim for it. Unless they are some roided up shonen protag it is not difficult to get into the right shape for a character. You wouldn't wear the wrong shoes for a character so why would you have 2 roles of fat for them?

No mater how good your costume is, if the character is not fat you aren't even going to look 25%

And seeing as this is rant/vent, when people go it is okay to be fat and cosplay they are really just making excuses for their heart attacks at 40

>> No.8613227

>No but you should always aim for it.
Unless you're in a contest or competition where it actually matters then it's completely mentally ill to change yourself for a cartoon character's body for a costume party. Go seek a therapist.

>> No.8613236

Joke's on you. I'll be realplaying Master Roshi creeping on the barely 18's at cons when I'm in my 80's while all the fatties have gone onto lucrative careers as dirt in the graveyard.

>> No.8613237

Sometimes these situations come out of the blue though.
A while ago our neighbors in our age moved to another city and out of politeness I asked where they'll move to when we last saw them. Suddenly the guy gives me the new address with a heart next to it. I first didn't notice it but an hour later he adds me on facebook and flirts with me (telling me I'm pretty and not to tell his gf). I was irritated, I only spoke to him twice, always in company with our partners. It was really weird, my bf told me to play it nice if I could, since he is our car-guy.
To this day I wonder why he did that out of the blue.

>> No.8613238

>nasty old pervert nobody wants
>dead in the grave
Eh, no difference :^)

>> No.8613240

I am totally doing Master Roshi cosplays when old. Shit will be great fun

>> No.8613246

>To this day I wonder why he did that out of the blue.
Well it's quite complex. He was horny, possibly unhappy with relationship/life in general, thought you looked good and/or probably though you were easy

why people cheat is really pretty simple unless they are sort of a psycho

>> No.8613250

Hm, I still don't get why he chose me.
I've already wondered if maybe his gf was testing me, writing in his name because he texted in a really 'feminine' manner. But this wouldn't make any sense either unless she's a jealous psycho.

>> No.8613260

He thought you were hot and/or easy. He may have just been trying it on with anyone as he was leaving and didn't have to worry about it

>> No.8613275

AA related rants:

>when people touch everything at your table, say "I just want it all!", ask to take pictures, and then leave saying "I wish I had money! "
>Similarly, when people gush over an item on the first day and say "but I'm already broke, teehee"
>mfw I see these same people pass by my table later with bags of bootleg shit from the dealers room or armfuls of overpriced pocky
>when people want a grab bag but tell me "I loooove grab bags but I just don't want to get a BAD one you know?"
I excuse that sometimes because some people will dump the worst things in them to make an extra buck, but to insinuate to my face that I would give my customers crap stings a little
>when customers always ask me to describe what's in my grab bags, but then zone out and walk away or act like I ruined the mystery after I give them vague explanations.
>mfw customers always ask questions where the answers are on a sign right in front of them "how much is x?" "Do you have a business card? " "omg are these y?" Etc.

>> No.8613282

I do the first one, but I always compliment the artist on their skill and take a card, and 9 times out of 10, I purchase from their online shop. Or I'll go see who owes me money and make them buy me something

>> No.8613287

>how much is x?
this one isn't that bad. Sometimes it is cause to make sure stuff wasn't put in the wrong place or it isn't more or less for some reason, it happens. Other times it is just to get the conversation rolling, it is a bit better than I will buy these as you are being treated more as a human

It is also miles better than someone just sort of thrusting money at you

>> No.8613290

All of those are valid peeves except the last one, anon. Try to have some sympathy, cons are very busy, crowded, loud, etc. It's easy to miss obvious info when you're being jostled by other congoers. Plus sometimes when people ask for prices they're hoping for a "sale" price.

>> No.8613291

Does anyone have those 'friends' on facebook who seem to only keep you around for numbers. I'm starting to get really depressed because none of them seem to care about cosplaying the same things as me even though we get along, are low drama, have good sewing skills and the same fandoms. I just. It gets to me. I try to be nice and I realize that you can't be best friends with EVERYONE but would it fucking kill them to go 'hey I'm making a group for -blank- and I know you love it, would you like to join'. It feels like because I'm not desperate for likes that anything I do doesn't mean shit. Or am I just too fucking ugly for anyone to care about my passions.

>> No.8613304

I'm asexual but I love my partner and try to make him happy. But I'm thinking of breaking up with him so I can find someone else who also cosplays and is asexual because I can't accept his porn use and having a normal male sexuality where he's interested in others, and I'm not like that at all. It feels hurtful, and what am I supposed to do?

>> No.8613326


I'm sorry that happened to you, anon. From what I've learnt so far, and from observing some of my own emotions, sometimes your other half can have "an itch", and the only way to relieve it is to blow that itch out of proportion to be able to discuss it and handle it. As it is, its not enough to get mad about/start an argument about, but if you keep kneading long enough you will stirr up enough trouble to have the issue handled once and for all. Does that make any sense? Sometimes you need "a fight" to clear the air.

>> No.8613342

Break up? I mean the way you're writing about it makes me think there's no way this will last a lifetime. Find someone else who's asexual because that's obviously what you're in need of.

>> No.8613348


The first thing to do is to stop trolling on 4chan.

Next you'll say : "I'm not trolling, if you assume I have to be trolling because I want a boyfriend who respects women, you need to go back to /r9k/"

>> No.8613485

If my business cards are directly in front of you and you ask me whether I have any I will politely point them out to you with a smile, but it gets old.

>> No.8613499
File: 3.82 MB, 320x282, vixx2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's just an autograph session but not a ton of people are getting the signing and i'm afraid of sperging out in front of my faves/being unable to speak :(

>> No.8613511

The difference, of course, is that I will be defiantly alive and they will be stuck in a coffin because they are dead.


There's no end to perverted old man Cosplays. Walder Frey? Check. Master Roshi? Check. Indiana Jones Dad? Check. Max Bialystock from the producers? Check.

>> No.8613522
File: 49 KB, 400x500, 1442003422665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with this weak ass attitude? If a sign says "all posters: $15," I'm going to assume all posters are $15.
And artists usually tack a sale price up if they're offering it. There shouldn't be any need to ask or haggle.

>> No.8613526

i agree honestly. though sometimes ive been guilty of doing this with those OTT cutesy booths when everything is super decorated and the same color scheme, it's easy to miss a price sign

>> No.8613534

Yeah, I've seen tables where they've had, say, stickers next to posters but the price tags are all together on the opposite end of the table, and that throws me off.
As long as you make sure your prices are clear and near the things they relate to, there's no need to ask.

>> No.8613627
File: 48 KB, 348x499, eizou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a similar experience like a month ago:

>reading manga in the campus cafe, pic related
>weeb comes up to me, asks me about it, calls me a 'main-guh buddy' for reading niche manga
>grabs his Bleach necklace and asks, "Do you recognize this? know where it's from?"
>obviously I know but I accidentally mention I don't read or watch it.
>jimmies are rustled
>how do I politely say it's shit "I just... don't care for it?"
>weeb leaves immediately, thankfully

>> No.8613636

I usually just say it's too long. Fans of the Big 3 should understand.

>> No.8613639
File: 34 KB, 580x435, bunny seaslug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious anon, which group? I bet you'll be fine though, just say anything! if it's a random word/phrase it might garner a good reaction.

>> No.8614079
File: 1.88 MB, 500x294, tumblr_inline_no85a0EN1x1qze0xk_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, i'm meeting BTS in atlanta in 11 days! they're my bias group and include my ultimate bias so im extra nervous vs meeting anyone else haha.

>> No.8614097

>>transferred college because misery
>>switches to arts/liberal arts
>>hiatus cause poorfag
>>becomes a few semesters behind, but excited because maybe will fit in with hipster art kids
>>art school is literally the reincarnation of tumblr
>>everyone looks & acts and likes the same ironic neo-hipster tumblr shit
>>my age group has aged out of college
>>stuck with teenboppers who get mad if i don't introduce myself with a "preferred pronoun" and are triggered by life itself
>>"indie shoegaze"
>>mfw convinced i'll just never fit in anywhere including the supposedly -weird outcasts of society, man-

>> No.8614190

I find it more annoying when people who watch mainstream stuff have missed really obvious shows they will like. If you are going to watch all the mainstream crap at least watch the good ones as well

I know so many who love Sailor moon but haven't touched Utena

>> No.8614192

Break up, he deserves better. If you're thinking about breaking up you don't love him anyway.

>> No.8614226


>> No.8614252
File: 78 KB, 436x413, tumblr_n7sizwnEuJ1r66h7yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly just lurking on cgl since the dashcon fiasco and since then I learned a lot about American conventions.

They seems huge and so fun, and some of my favorite American artists won't stop saying they're going to have booths at cons. I'm so damn jealous because I can only go to cons in my European city (won't say more sorry) which are tiny or so family-friendly that there are a lot of annoying kids everywhere. There's no such things as panels, guests are mostly uninteresting and unknown artists or youtubers I don't care about, cosplayers there are terrible and while there are some good artists in the artist alley, if it can be translated to that, they're not many. It's not so bad but it seems so boring compared to big US cons (maybe not the biggest though).

I just hope that someday I'll be able to buy prints from my favorite artists online.

>> No.8614256
File: 55 KB, 288x302, pennwell.web.288.302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's shit like this that turns you into an adult.

It's not a diploma, your age, or a job. It's when stuff goes wrong and you have to call someone on it cause they were dicking about.

I had my next street neighbor's mail delivered to me twice. They run a mail order after surgery healthcare business and it must be important bills and stuff they need to get on time. I called the post office about it and it hasn't happened again.

I remember being young and getting a talking to by the adults because you're a baby and don't know when they are talking out their ass businesswise. But when you get older and someone's fuck up cost you a chunk of money you learn to put on the big girl pants and deal with them like an adult.

So OP, you make the post office pay for the shipping back to you. Fill out their stupid forms and go to whoever is in charge and let them know their workers are costing the office money.

>> No.8614412

I'd be your friend, anon. I always wanted to go to artschool but couldn't afford it while living at home. I always wanted artist friends who were like me but only got tweens who got a bajillion tattoos on their first go because their mommy said no. Oh this distance between us.

>> No.8614417

Find new friends, anon. If you can't even count on them to include you in common interests, they are acquaintences, not friends.

>> No.8614421

Don't you guys have like the best historical reenactments ever though? Like our Civil War stuff, but better and with knights?

>> No.8614442

Break up. Non-asexual people have natural sexual urges, be it porn or physical sex, and it's not healthy to stay in a relationship that can't offer them. It's for the better of both of you.

>> No.8614471
File: 39 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con season over here approaching
>slightly over-booked myself with costumes
>but finally working full-time, FINALLY afford full weekend at a hotel with new costumes each day
>in a group each day too
>going to be a tight squeeze with finances, but I can afford it, I have $3k put aside for car savings, and that's the only thing I need to save for right now
>get better job offer! great! fantastic!
>accept, give notice in at old job
>buy uniform for new job, but will make it back the first week I work, can't really NOT buy it
>go to start new job yesterday
>they've fucked up my paperwork
>can't be onsite
>possibly start next week??? they don't know, they'll give me a call
>don't call me
>I call them
>clearly no-one has any fucking idea what's going on, but I've been confirmed the offer twice verbally, so they're contractually obliged to uphold that
>but I've lost out on a week of work
>no money
>groups of friends checking with me I can do cosplays/the con/can pay for the hotel
>fucking hell

>> No.8614483

I feel you anon. Sold at a con recently with a corkboard displaying my charms.

People kept trying to rip them off the board when I told them I'd get them a new one if they wanted to buy one?

I spent a while fixing the charms to the board so seeing people try to tear them off just drove me insane.

>> No.8614491

I'm ace in a relationship with someone who isn't and even tho I'm indifferent to it I still have sex with my bf. If you can't find a happy medium you guys probably shouldn't be together

>> No.8614539

These things happen so often that you make lose your trust to anyone.It happened a similar thing but (hopefully) i wasn't married or in a long term relationship and a "friend" broke totally my possibility to have a future with that person i loved, she also knew how i suffered but she didn't give a flying fuck, i was also blamed from her to deserve to being left alone and single because i was an horrible person, i was accused of cheating (????) where the cheaters was her and him. People must be very aware of some friends, they first badmouth and demonize you, after they flirt with your SO and worse situation, they succeed to steal. But isn't only her fault, in my opinion also your husband has something fishy or he doesn't want to show you, please be careful.
Also, i really suggest to never get close some friends to your partner (female or male, it depends of the situation) because some want only a friendship to ruin your relationship.

>> No.8614550

Maybe next time try to put your charms in a (deep) frame? That way you can display your charms without anyone touching and snatching them.

>> No.8615276

The only reason I went to Dragoncon's masq this year was I couldn't find a copy of 2014.

I've found 5 different videos of this years. 5! And it wasn't even that great!

So salty right now. I mean, we packed while watching it from our room, but that is the only salve for this burn

>> No.8616242

>casual cosplays of already casual costumes
>like if you're going to a meet with friends or a cosplay picnic or something and you wear a sailor moon wig with a sailor dress, w/e
>but if you're just going shopping and slap a #casualdeanwinchestercosplay on there
>already a fucking casual costume
>it's literally just your fucking normal clothes
>the costume would already be fucking normal clothes
>this is just inaccurate normal clothes

>> No.8616441

>friend has a shitton of bills, has health issues, has to move, has a job that pays shit
>buys overpriced merch
>travels a decent distance to attend cons
>needs to pay for meds, doesn't have the money or insurance, so goes without
>constant whining about not having money to do anything

get your fucking priorities straight, girl

>> No.8616975

>80% of this board is fat chicks trying to be qt asians.

>> No.8617035

Alberta lolitas are crazy.

>> No.8617564 [DELETED] 

Am I some kind of abomination upon the universe if I enjoy both obscure shit, /a/core, and entry level?

Fuck yeah Gurren Laggan
Fuck yeah Steins;Gate
Fuck yeah Legend of Galactic Heroes

>> No.8617585 [DELETED] 

Male here.

Jesus this is amusing. This is like watching white collar city workers discussing what farm life must be like.

Fucked if I know what the actual story is like, but I find it utterly hilarious the way every single one of you has no clue about how a man will think, feel, and act in response to the situation of a girl trying to mate-poach him.

>> No.8617599

Some of us are haggard skeletons trying to be 2d waifus

>> No.8617608 [DELETED] 

For one:
Men don't block someone in response to a threat or an offense. The male reaction to that is to threat/offense back. That is how males work. They do not ignore or avoid threats, they face them headon and beat them.
What men ignore is things that are useless. If someone is too weak or stupid to be of any help, or if they only say things the man has already heard before, they get blocked.

For two:
A man telling you that a girl has sent him nudes is the same as the man telling you that the AC at his office was broken today. No ego involved, just comments on things that happened.

For three:
Yes, girls will try to mate-poach. It is ridiculously common. When women are rating men's sexual attractiveness, changing the man's profile from single to married, and making no other changes, causes him to jump in value from a 5/10 to a 8/10 or a 7/10 to a 10/10.
Presumably this is because a man who is devoted to his partner is a more valuable partner than a man with no strong attachment.

For four:
The response to being mate-poached is usually to turn down the girl, because she has poor morals - she has demonstrated selfishness and deceiving. These are bad traits for a partner to have. Men of poor morals might pump-n-dump on a one night stand; men of good morals, or who don't care for one night stand, will ignore her.

For five:
"Creepy" is not a word in the male vocabulary, because it is a female emotional response to someone whose child you do not want to spend a pregnancy raising. It is an emotional signal to avoid people who will waste your reproductive capacity on subpar offspring. Men, not suffering pregnancy, do not have this response.
If a Creepy person does not want to have sex with you, then your creeper-sense is giving a false positive.
Also, the main cause of creepy feelings is your amygdala (fear and threat response organ) being overactive. Not a fear or threat response actually existing.

>> No.8617616 [DELETED] 

>but I don't think women are just sending him nudes from him being a nice guy.
They would. Con goers are sluts and single women have an intense preference for married men.

>ince you seem 100% bothered by the notion that there may exist crazy girls who would unconditionally send nudes (not denying this), then maybe it's best for husband to stay home if he can't be straightforward and not make company with these types of people.
What insane troll logic do you have to go through to arrive at this conclusion?
There already IS a solution to being unconditionally sent nudes. IGNORE THEM. Or show them to your wife and delete them. You are proposing an extreme solution to a problem that has already been solved in a normal manner. What the hell.

>He sounds like an absolute doormat who can't even uphold his own boundaries and wants you to blame other women for his inadequacy.
Assuming his boundary is "Only fuck my wife, no other women. Talking to other women is fine." then he upholds it. There is no inadequacy involved in receiving nudes. There IS inadequacy involved in receiving nudes and succumbing to their temptation, yes, but that isn't happening.

>Maybe the groups dwindling numbers will be a wake up call for them?
No, their response to their dwindling numbers will be to become MORE cliquish.

>All of this would be avoided if he would stop talking to them after the first sign of disrespect.
You assume your female form of "disrespect" exists in a man's mind in a noticeable manner.
It does not.
To a man, respect means kicking his ass in a close fight and buying him a beer afterwards.
Maybe anon's husband does come off as a flirt or as being available. That's not his problem though. Nor is it his wife's problem. It's not a problem at all.

>> No.8617624 [DELETED] 

Please stop using this word.

>every single one of you has no clue about how a man will think, feel, and act in response to the situation
You obviously don't either. I can believe that some guys will flirt for the attention and then go out of their way to hide evidence, and that some guys are innocent and wouldn't know how to handle the situation but still try to make peace with his partner by showing them the conversation. With the information that's been given out by the OP, I don't think we know enough about her bf to really say which he leans more towards.

>I want /r9k/ to go home.

>> No.8617626 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 620x395, women rating men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol, you could be a more subtle samefag, darlin.
>Your hubbo isn't showing you the whole picture, better put him on a tighter leash.
Shows lack of trust. If the husband is being honest, and he probably is, then you're going to crash the marriage with no survivors by introduces such a lack of trust.
The Husband is showing the damn conversations to the wife. If he were running a deception he'd just not talk about the conversations.

Do you genuinely believe it's more likely that the husband is running a kansas city shuffle of a deception, than that random consluts are lusting over a man capable of a 100% honest and open committed relationship?
Have you not seen consluts or what? Or do you not realise that all it takes is 1 out of 50 girls to be slutty enough to send pictures, since you don't notice the 49 that abstain from sending nudes? "2% of con women are slutty enough to send nudes to a guy they wanna fuck without being asked" is odds I'm damn well willing to take, and if my experience is anything to count for, it's closer to 10%.

>"I'm hot and all other women are whores!"
To be honest, when you're married?
You ARE hot. To at least 1 guy.
And the other women ARE whores, if they want that guy.

Women rate most men as 3/10 or 2/10. 1/10s and 4/10s are rarer, an 5/10s are the top 20%. A man being rated 6/10, by a woman, indicates he's in the top 5%. That is a huge compliment.

Compare to how men rate women - fuggen bell curve. 5/10 is average, 50% of women are at 5/10 or above.

>> No.8617633 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1350x801, its women stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate-poaching describes the behaviour of trying to take anon's husband exactly.
Or would you prefer "attempted cuckqueaning"?
I'm not /r9k/ btw. I come from a place with less frogs and more infographics.

>> No.8617653 [DELETED] 

Guys do not flirt for attention.
That is a female action.
Guys flirt because they wanna get laid. As witnessed by how a guy will STOP flirting when he learns a girl won't put out, but a girl will KEEP flirting with a reluctant guy.
With girls, it's about being seen as attractive.
With guys, they couldn't give a tenth of a shit how attractive they seem, it is merely a means to the end that is the pussy.

I find your word choice of "try to make peace with his partner" odd.
No conflict or war was started with the partner, therefore no peace needs to be made.
The husband got a nudie pic he didn't really need/want.
He showed his wife because it's probably relevant to her interests.
Men only try to make peace with their partner if there is something the man has done wrong. If a man hasn't done anything wrong and the spouse is angry anyway, the action is viewed as placating the shrew. If the partner is not angry, there is no conflict.

>> No.8617654 [DELETED] 

How about you go the extra mile and just type out what she's trying to do.
"She is making passes at unavailable men."
It makes you sound more composed, and people might actually give the time to read the silly things you're writing.
They make your argument weaker.

You might not be from /r9k/, but I don't need an infograph to tell me that the things you're posting are the same things.
Drop the subject because OP has not provided enough information about her bf, and right now it really seems like you're just using her situation to push your agenda.
I mean, you got everything prepared already, like if you had a folder with all these pictures, and a presentation set up, and you just jump at the chance to post them when you can.

>> No.8617656

FUCK why does this matter? OP didn't give enough info about anything, just made a little rant that it was annoying. There's more info there that OP isn't willing to share and it doesn't matter. We had our fun making jokes about it and giving shitty observations but it's just dragging on too far at this point.

>> No.8617657 [DELETED] 

>Guys do not flirt for attention.
>Guys flirt because they wanna get laid.
I don't believe this.
I don't want to believe that such a large group of people are that solely concerned about sex. I think there is more to life than that.
I can word it in another way, trying to please, or even your choice of words, placating, but my point still stands that there will be some people who enjoy that form of entertainment, and some who really don't wish for it.

>> No.8617666 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 755x553, sexual revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The behaviour is called mate-poaching.
I shall call it mate-poaching.
Ratings and infographics do not make an argument weaker. You are wrong.
OP has provided enough information about her bf. The bf's behaviour is consistent with what men do.
What you have done is demonstrated that you have no fucking clue how men react to things, which is enough information for me to rant at you.

Then consider this a case study into how a hypothetical "normal man" would react in a hypothetical situation.

>it really seems like you're just using her situation to push your agenda
Well no shit, but understanding how the male mind works might be useful to you. The information is biased as hell, yes. But it is information nonetheless.
If you don't trust a man to describe how the male mind works, and I can see why you wouldn't (source is NOT impartial), then talk to a happily married woman. They are the women that know the most about men.

And of course I have a folder of these pictures.
Would you like me to upload it?
It's mostly Jews / Communism / Nazi germany related though, and the few that are on women are mostly about feminism, the effects of contraception and abortion on morality and demographics, and womens' voting rights than they are about how women work in relationships.
The few that are about women in relationships are basically "Alpha fucks beta bucks" repeated in various ways.

>I don't want to believe that such a large group of people are that solely concerned about sex
Men are not solely concerned about sex. They talk about their own physical and emotional health, their hobbies, their work, the fights they get into, they spread the knowledge they learned, and participate in causes they feel strongly about.
Men are also concerned with a womans' reliability, loyalty, how much babysitting she will need, how likely she is to coerce or blackmail.
But flirting?
Purely for noogie.

>> No.8617671 [DELETED] 

Okay, so I just went to /r9k/ to try to figure out what's going on.

What the hell are roasties?

Also they seem really deep into the whole beta/alpha dichotomy and pickup artist language. While also idealising the loyal housewife, and failing to realise that a housewife is only as valuable as her husband.

I give them a 10/10 for spirit but jesus christ a 2/10 on execution.

>> No.8617679 [DELETED] 

>Ratings and infographics do not make an argument weaker.
Then you are in the wrong argument. If anything, it's just convincing me you do not care about the issues going on in this thread, and that you want a more general view. In that case, make your own thread, on the appropriate board (I suggest /r9k/ since they seem to be interested in your line of work, /b/ since everything is accepted there, or /soc/ since it seems like a social issue).

>The bf's behaviour is consistent with what men do.
But it's not consistent with what he does personally, which I think trumps compared to what most men do.

And you have no idea how people react to things. I can trust a person if they personally show consistency in the things they say and how they execute them. I'm not going to pass judgement on OP's bf unless he shows up and gives an account of what he has done and his own honest opinion. I don't want to generalize because I don't think it's fair to him.

>The information is biased as hell
I'm not going to consider it then.

And no, I'm good. But if you really want to share it you can make a zip, I'm just telling you right now I'm not going to download it.

>> No.8617683 [DELETED] 

I am ranting in the rant thread. This is the appropriate place.

Feel free to discard the biased info then. But eh, on the whole male and female relationship thing, it'll be hard to find unbiased info.

>> No.8617688
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1417223464864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couples all around me
>some of them do couple cosplays
>I have never done a couple cosplay and it makes me feel bitter and lonely

Am I right to feel this way? I just want to do cute things with someone while in cosplay damnit

>> No.8617690 [DELETED] 

Be honest with me. Are you a gay man?

>> No.8617691


>> No.8617694 [DELETED] 

Huh. So you meant cute in its literal definition.

Well it's not wrong what you feel, but it might be a bit too intense. Is it possible for you to store that emotion for later?

If not, show up at a con as Zelda from TLoZ or Aeris from FFVII, hang out with a Link, Ganondorf, Cloud of Sephiroth.
Or show up as a 2hu. Any 2hu. Hang out with any other 2hu. Yes there will be men playing 2hus.

If you were a gay man, your definition of "cute" is "erotic foreplay" and I would not approve of you sullying your expensive costume with such activity.

>> No.8617708

What the fuck are you on about.

>> No.8617710

When I said cute... I meant like... getting photos taken together, re-enact scenes or poses of our characters, maybe act in-character or something. Not... whatever you were thinking of.

What the hell were you thinking?

>> No.8617761


Washington. Not BC, I am sorry but you will have to go to your local kpop store to get your asian culture fix

>> No.8617772 [DELETED] 

A lot of people ask me that.

I'm telling 8617688 that she should store her emotion for later use, since that emotion isn't that relevant now.

If 8617688 cannot store her emotion, she should cosplay the 2nd half of a partnership and partner up with a compatible person she meets.

If 8617688 were a gay man, then his language use would mean something entirely different - his same words would be conveying different ideas. Since the ideas behind his words are different, my response would be different. In this case, I would not approve of him performing his ideas in costume, as costumes are expensive, and his ideas would soil the costume.

>What the hell were you thinking?
Gay stuff.
Like, sissy faggot steam friends stutter beta socially awkward needy colon three emoticon smug_slice_of_life_anime_girl_making_a_stupid_face.jpg gay stuff.
You know, like in your yaoi animes.

>> No.8617790
File: 77 KB, 249x699, 1437847530264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning cosplay group with a group of friends, all girls
>6 of us, coincidentally make up 3 pairs of best friends, also 3 commonly shipped couples
>friend says to me "I can't wait to take couple photos if that's okay with you!"
>"that's fine anon, I'll have to practise my romantic poses, I haven't done photos like that before" thinking stuff like hand-holding, kiss on cheek, etc.
>friend suddenly clams up, says goodbye on the convo
>oh god I think she meant friendship stuff
>she may have thought I meant like steamy bedroom shoot
>pretty certain she thinks I now want to bang her
>worried cosplay group is now going to be incredibly awkward
I'm going to get a mutual friend to talk to her about my worries, and sort it out, but I could really do without a friend thinking I have a crush on her, it just ruins things.

>> No.8617793 [DELETED] 

Your friend either wants to fuck or does not want to fuck.
Find out which - asking directly is probs easiest.
If they want to fuck, fuck, and plan lewd group poses with them.
If they do not want to fuck, promise not to fuck, and plan tame group poses with them.

If some of that "IRL socialisation" ethics and feelings and awkwardness shit pops up then I dunno what to do. Maybe just repeat what you were doing before, but louder/bigger/harder.

>> No.8617795 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I don't understand how to handle awkwardness besides smashing it with blunt force.

>> No.8617812

Autism, the post

>> No.8617813 [DELETED] 

My favourite videogames are Spacechem, OpenTTD, UFO: Enemy Unknown, Dwarf Fortress, and TIS-100

>> No.8617820

Are you also me? I've been spiraling out, my meds aren't working and I'm a hot mess. It's too much and I don't know how I can handle knowing this will likely be a lifelong struggle for me.

>> No.8617822 [DELETED] 

Well there's an easy way to stop a lifelong struggle ;^]

>> No.8617830


You know how to solve this fat anon.

>> No.8617834



>> No.8617840

I'd love to have some non-sperg friends to talk anime/manga with... le sigh.

>> No.8617870 [DELETED] 

Sorry, this really is how men think. Men will not flirt with women they do not want to have sex with.

>> No.8617872

Because it's unreasonable that someone wants a friend to cosplay with, huh?

>> No.8617886

>send mail to USA
>heavy parcel so have to pay an arm and a leg
>tracking passes customs, leaves country, enters USA, proceeds to final destination city, goes out for delivery
>wtf the address is written on there twice, I've sent things there before, what happened
>tell recipient they need to call their local post office
>recipient stops answering my messages
>can't call USPS myself because long distance, website is useless, no idea what to do next

I wish I didn't care or worry so much about these things. Hope you're having a better day than I am!

>> No.8617909

>I'm telling 8617688 that she

I'm not even a woman. Holy shit, what is your deal? All I wanted was to do a cosplay with a girl who would also cosplay from the same series and we would cosplay characters that we ship. Not that hard of a concept.

>> No.8617941

>>tfw literal ageplayer is in my group
>>tfw she calls her boyfriend "daddy" in public
>>tfw no proof but pretty positive from the banter between them that he makes her wear diapers and she wears them under her lolita

Nobody else has said anything and I'm too chicken shit to bring it up but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The others just laugh at her and her boyfriend's antics. WHAT'S GOING ON.

>> No.8617955
File: 134 KB, 301x270, 1415472734316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get part time job to pay uni fees
>receive hardly any training
>managers expect us to know everything
>barked at constantly
>am afraid to ask questions
>extremely high pressure environment that is constantly busy
>unsure about most things
>several people have already quit
>actually started fucking crying one day

How do you guys cope with shitty jobs/job anxiety?

>> No.8617958

male here, you are wrong.

>> No.8617991

Wow you could have said that in a billion other, less fucked up and unnecessarily confusing ways.

>> No.8618058

Your comm is probably hoping it's a joke, or just laughing because they don't know how to respond.
That's gross though, I don't blame you.

>> No.8618066

I mostly talk a lot of shit

>> No.8618082

>How do people cope with shitty jobs?

They stop caring anon.
That's why people who are career retail and fast food workers (re: most managers) don't bother with training, blame problems on their lower totems, and only care about the final lines that they report to corporate.
People like you have good intentions and want to do the job right, but you should save this mentality for a job that deserves it.
If you see other people not caring and being angry then don't take it personally. The environment was jaded like that before you got there so it has nothing to do with you.

Stop caring, immediately.
>be three years ago
>start a retail job part time while in grad school
>want to do my job properly but it's high stress and fast paced
>just get thrown in
>annoy my managers with my frustrations about not being trained and asking questions
>I actually care about the customers
>when I do a good job on the floor they nitpick what I have done
>they give me more tedious, time-wasting tasks
>it's because they know if they push me and never reward me, they can get more work out of me because I'll want to try harder
>a year in
>they hire some obese, lazy fucking bitch with a constant sour puss on her face
>she complains whenever she's made to do work
>they know they can't get any work out of her as a regular associate, unlike me, because she's a shit person
>companies don't tend to fire people unless they steal/not show up to work because they don't want to pay unemployment if it can be avoided
>and so they give her more hours and start training her as a shift manager
>she is rewarded for being a lazy, loud chronic complainer

>> No.8618124 [DELETED] 

>Wow you could have said that in a billion other, less fucked up and unnecessarily confusing ways.
Thank you for the helpful feedback! ^_^ </sarcasm>

>> No.8618128

oh no problem, lurk more and come back when you've stopped using faces like ^_^ and stopped talking like an actual sperg

>> No.8618135 [DELETED] 

Hang on, are you implying that your butthurt is somehow my problem?
Stay rekt kiddo. ;-P
Btw, please continue to enjoy the one-in-a-billion confusion I have given you ^_^

>> No.8618142 [DELETED] 

>fat lazy entitled complainy mom with kids
I feel sorry for the kids. Hope they have a good father at home.

>> No.8618178

quit while you're still behind
I honestly hope you're trolling
>Stay rekt kiddo
>epic 'lul i'm the butthurt master' attitude
Yeah, I'm calling troll

>> No.8618190
File: 59 KB, 535x533, 1430117785144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought of actually talking to him about it like a normal person in a relationship would rather than asking anonymous strangers on the internet?

>> No.8618199 [DELETED] 

And what are you gonna do about it? Be upset at me? Oh noes~

>> No.8618234


I literally can't tell which series is supposed to be which. I mean LoGH is old but it's pretty well known. TTGL and Steins;Gate I think of as almost exactly the same crowd.

But no, it's not weird. I think there are a few people who only like one or two popular shows, an even smaller number of hipsters who hate what's popular, but most people have a spread of what they like.

>> No.8618253


Sex is part of relationship compatibility. If you're not going to have sex with him and you're not happy with him using porn then honestly I don't think you can reasonably make it work - if you won't act outside your sexuality for him then you can't expect him to do so for you.

>> No.8618298
File: 79 KB, 600x720, 1440133852670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a handler who's supposed to monitor your online activity?

>> No.8618350

I'm trying to hide my power level and my friends keeps on acting more and more like weebs when we're together in public these days and I can't stand it. Yelling that they're fujoshi in front of Japanese students and teachers alike in college, showing crappy amvs and blurry memes from 9gag in the middle of lectures while I'm listening to the lecturor and taking notes, imitating anime characters quirks ("EEEEEEEEH?!" instead of saying a simple "what?" for example).

I easily feel second-hand embarrassement when I see them, I don't want to gain some sort of reputation on top of that. It's because we're not many in our course now that a bunch of people quit or went overseas for internship or as exchange students,so we all know each other.

I can't even talk about whatever I want on tumblr without one of them reblogging everything I post and starting talking to me about private stuff that could give my identity in public while adding a bunch of XD and :3 I disabled comments/answers on my posts just so she would stop sending me stuff BUT SHE WON'T STOP. At least I can blame myself for that, I shouldn't have given her my url.

>> No.8618383
File: 173 KB, 336x263, 60,000 bees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have stage 4 terminal cancer because of you holy christ i have never seen such concentrated autism

thread related:
>get two new face cleansers for acne
>been using them every day, twice a day, at least once a day if i cant make it in the morning or at night
>not feeling or seeing any progress
>pic related, what it looks like i got stung by

time to schedule a dermatologist appointment

>> No.8618418 [DELETED] 

>i have stage 4 terminal cancer because of you holy christ i have never seen such concentrated autism
Thanks fam. <3

>Don't you have a handler who's supposed to monitor your online activity?
No, she got upset at me for being racist so now I have no handler other than 4chan.

>> No.8618425

Are you seriously mentally retarded? What am I even reading?

>> No.8618428 [DELETED] 

Perhaps it is you who is mentally retarded if you cannot understand my word use!

>> No.8618432

No hun, you're the retarded one since you thought 'cute' = gay male speaking = fuc me daddyyy :3

or whatever the hell that was.

>> No.8618439 [DELETED] 

What made me suspect it was a gay male was the socially_awkward_slice_of_life_moeblob_anime_pic.tiff , that's a red flag for fags.

Also a sissy would never be so confident and assertive with their desire for sex. They would awkwardly mumble out that they don't want to be "bullied" or that they feel "shy" around other cute boys and they get kind
Which are basically codewords for how they want gay sex.

>> No.8618450
File: 171 KB, 462x554, bird fear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know shit about Madoka
>nothing in anon's post mentioned sex (unless you're so socially retarded that you think any form of contact is sexual)
Confirmed autistic

>> No.8618451 [DELETED] 

I know enough about Meguccas to know that that they are gay as hell yo. And your pic's pretty gay too.

>> No.8618489

Fat doesn't fucking look good. Stop bitching about your giant bust size and muh back pains and eat a goddamn salad for once in your life. If I can fight and win against anorexia, you can damn sure fight and win against overeating, ya fat fuck. So stop whining about how AP's new cuts don't look right on your smelly lardass and go work out or something. Big does not equal beautiful, it just makes you look smelly and mannish.

>> No.8618508

Riding off of this---
Delusional fat chicks.
No, your huge tits don't count if you're fat. No, your thick thighs don't count if you're fat.
I say I like pear-shaped girls and suddenly every planet in the galaxy gravitates around me, thinking I'm into their rolls.

>> No.8618509

>be elitist brand whore
>want to join local comm to become its queen bee
>first meet up
>itas, bodyline and fatty chans falore
>they all fawn over my OTT angelic pretty coord
>one of the fatty chans dares to try and place one of her greasy ham hands on my OP
>slap her hand away and yell at her not to touch what she can't afford
>awkward silence and glares at me the rest of the meet
Needless to say I never got invited back, not that I ever would have stepped one toe of my brand shoes back there anyways. Fucking autists need to learn to ask before they touch.

>> No.8618531

If they're ita or Bodyline, I don't think they care much about touching dresses with greasy hands.

You don't want to be a queen of goblins, anon.

>> No.8618544

this sounds like a call center job

Call Centers are hell. Like honestly if hell is real it's a fucking call center.

>> No.8618579

Take a deep breath, realize it's just a job, and leave your job at your job. You're just doing it to pay bills. Look for something else in the meantime.

>>8618082 Speaks a lot of truth. Stop caring. Just do what's minimally required of you and fly under the radar.

>> No.8618601

I work as an online shop staff and what i hate the most in my life are americans who can't seem to write their addresses correctly. I've had people whose entire address is just THE USA and that's it, no street, no city, just THE USA... Like you're paying for this shit, at least write your address correctly.

>> No.8618906

I love hearing stories from people who work at call centers, though.
If you're like me, you like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they're decently intelligent enough to use common sense. But people who call in are so fucking dumb you literally can not even fathom. Then you say to yourself that it can't possible get worse.... but then it does. Over and over.

>> No.8620081

>Hey anons do you want to see pictures and a review of my thread relevant item??

Why are you asking? The answer is always yes. Unless you are going to make 20 posts, everyone wants to see it. Stop asking it and never doing it, just fucking post the review.

>> No.8620134
File: 54 KB, 300x300, wake me up inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with stories.
"Does anyone want to hear my story about a gross weeb stalker that left me hospitalized and traumatized?"
We are always down for OC, just post it and stop playing.

>> No.8620233

I'm a size 8 at some stores, but I think I'm far from being plus-sized.

Size 8 anons, what are your measurements?

>> No.8620240
File: 31 KB, 300x300, chops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists selling prints that don't come in standard sizes.

There are no frames for the strange dimensions you have given this art.

>> No.8620316

Has someone cosplayed Walder Frey?

>> No.8620326

This just happened to me today with something I sold. I e-mailed the buyer and suggested that she call her local office while I call a help line. It turns out the people at her apartment complex just weren't there to sign for the package. Wtf USPS making me think you were going to return it to me. I was worrying about it all day.

>> No.8620383

Fucking money.

>> No.8620502

Report back if they are as dumb and adorable in person as they look. (tfw bts bias is Taehyung.)

>> No.8620519

Like the other anon, talk a lot of shit. Get to a place where you're good at your job and then just stop giving a shit. I've been at a place for a year and am now in leadership and am notorious for just being like lmaofuckit all the time because those places will eat you alive otherwise.

>> No.8620535
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>> No.8620627
File: 210 KB, 853x1280, N3iqd2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bias is namjoon and im going to literally throw up if he makes eye contact. i will definitely report back!

>> No.8620639

You're aware someone can have naturally large tits and not be fat, right? Big tits are not a fat girl only thing.

>> No.8620679

>my friends are normies
as opposed to all of us who associate ourselves ONLY with lolitas

>> No.8620701

holy shit why do you care so much

>> No.8620704

>can't make a simple joke without someone getting triggered over nothing anymore
>vaging out the ass over the dumbest shit
>u less you fill you sentences with exclamation marks and uguu mannerisms you're being rude
What the fuck happened over the past few years?

>> No.8620750

>buy heels for cosplay
>really, really bad at walking in heels, but I'm 21, I have to learn sooner or later
>normally take a lot of breaks at cons anyway, it'll be fine
>realise wearing heels both days, the second pair of heels I know I struggle in, already know that day is not going to be fun
>first pair of heels arrive, deliberately get ones will shorter heels so it's a bit better
>try them on
>tight squeeze
>like really tight squeeze
>this is not comfortable at all
>too broke to buy another pair
>"it'll be fine, I'll pack a pair of flats to change into at the end of the day, and just put them on for photos. Also, last time I went there was PLENTY of seating, I'll just take a lot of breaks"
>venue for the event has changed
>never been there, no idea what seating situation is like
>really cannot afford more shoes

>> No.8620757



As someone who exclusively does capes cosplays, I feel like I have to apologize on behalf of everyone else who does.

We're not all fucking Deadpools/MCU characters etc.

I can't wait until the MCU goes out of fashion so I can have my niche back from the fuckers giving us a bad name.

>> No.8620936

>rant/vent thread

>> No.8620941

A+ taste anon

>> No.8620947

You can't return them/ask for another size?
Is there no time?

>> No.8620961

Not with the amount of time it took for them to arrive, no. I thought because they were coming from the same country it'd be alright, apparently not!

>> No.8621013

piggybacking on this to add that if you don't saturate everything you say online with stupid fucking emoji or smilies everyone thinks you're being a huge bitch when you're just trying to stay professional and I hate it.

>> No.8621027
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>> No.8621345

>tfw not into yaoi all that much

I know we had this vent before but it can be so fucking annoying to see everyone loooove R-18 yaoi publicly (even more fun if you reside within fanart circles!) and talk about how great it is when all you want is someone to talk about cute couples that aren't two dudes.

Also it's stupid as fuck to hear any of those people talk about how bad the sexualizing girls/women in media is while they themselves draw tons of R18 of males because "it's hot"

>> No.8621384


This is still really disturbing me and I would like a clear answer.

>> No.8621391

>If I can fight and win against anorexia, you can damn sure fight
It's a mental disorder and no you didn't.

Unless you had a fake "pro-ana :)))" phase.

>> No.8621392

this fatass...

>> No.8621395

There was one but the janitor deleted it.

Yaoicon's going on right now and I have friends/friends of friends attending. While I have a few yaoi ships, I could not go to a convention dedicated to dicks touching. I just.. don't get how you can get that obsessed over such a small thing.

>> No.8621399

I just don't feel comfortable with the idea of going to a con that's pretty much designed around the idea of R18 shit.

Also while I'm far from being a prude, people still see me as one just because I don't want to discuss such things on a public platform, or actively create art for it (I draw as well) because I just don't feel comfortable posting tities I drew online.

>> No.8622162
File: 31 KB, 744x260, 44c6d8de4d8098c5dc068aea553f85f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the new trend for cosplayers to fake being knowledgeable in politics? It's not just annoying as fuck, but also super cringe. As if the "fake geeks" were bad enough, there's this bullshit.

>> No.8622193
File: 180 KB, 500x284, tumblr_n9sv4sGRT31qadlnpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a huge group of friends and we all like to do group cosplays together, usually there isn't a problem with overlap because we all have character 'types' and get along well enough to chat it out

Recently every time someone brings up a group, one of my hyper-skinny flat no-hip friends takes the ONLY girl with huge tits and thick thighs. As the girl with an hourglass, huge hips, and thick thighs, this leaves me with a bunch of twigs or men to cosplay.

Happened recently with LL group. My flatchested skinny twig friends both want to do Nozomi. Then in a Marvel group the same flat twig of a friend took Scarlet Witch.


>> No.8622200

but you just said you guys "chat it out", so why are you not doing that?

>> No.8622207

Have with a few of them, but it's usually sort of first come first serve and i haven't been part of the original convo lately. It's usually between one or two characters and one or two people, and never about bodytype, more about time and amount of money they want to put into the cosplay

In this instance it's all about bodytype and while I don't want to insult my friends, because I know they'll look good, and since they're skinnier and prettier they usually get more attention than I do regardless

hence, vent

>> No.8622222

k ur loss

>> No.8622235

Ugh, yes!! I've had asshats tear into my grab bags as if I wouldn't care, spill ice cream all over my table and then walk away, tell me they can get my ooak item online for cheaper and even had a bitch try to barter her dollar tree jewelry for my stuff. Wtf

>> No.8622268

To be honest, I like BL a lot and I hate when other fujoshits complain about how female characters are too sexualized even when it's barely the case.

>> No.8622637

It's called Tumblr.
Yes, it is super cringe because they tend to keep in a closed box with similar opinions, so a lot of them have no idea how to properly argue about political issues.

>> No.8622923

>feeling stressed because con and contest are coming up and still have some details lefts to do on cosplay
>shit ton of work for college
>Project deadline is coming up, 3 other group members are basically useless
>use fucking wikipedia as a source
>literal copypaste from websites
>it's your 3rd year ffs it's like you want us to fail

>> No.8622936

Yeah it can get really grating, and sexualizing guys 24/7 really gives half of those people no right to say how character X looks too sexy.

>> No.8622974
File: 1 KB, 118x43, tumblr_4444444444444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's not sexualizing if they're male!!!!!
All men are secretly gay because they have prostrastes!!!!! The filthy patriarky brainwashed you, annon.

>> No.8622986

I think it's less "it's not sexualizing if they're male" and more "this media is marketed to a niche audience and is delivering exactly what is expected" vs sexy designs of women being shoehorned into nearly every type of media marketed to "all audiences."

Like people are being fucking stupid if they complain about Monster Musume - that shit is sex appeal marketed to guys the same way yaoi is sex appeal marketed to girls. But generally being tired of girls in chainmail bikinis (and the like) can be reasonably independent of what you get your rocks off to. I hope that makes sense.

>> No.8622995

Same except
just one essay I have to get done by Friday
Con is almost a month away
Need to finish redesigning 3 cosplays

I need to stop procastinating

>> No.8622999

Same except I think I have some more time then you
Working on a collab prop with one more person
redesigning 3 cosplays
have a paper due this Friday only a third done

>> No.8623042

Thank god the ones I know aren't that bad aha

Oh I don't mind actual discussions on it since it does get shoehorned, but it's hard to take someone series when they're complaining that girls in fire emblem have tits when they sexualize every other dude in a tv show.

>> No.8623070
File: 14 KB, 717x202, Fatties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop by /3/ for a bit of arguing
>see this

Fuck /3/, I'm done with them.

>> No.8623093

Fat girls almost never post OC, because they know they'll just get ripped apart. Most people in the selfpost threads are just average and generally skinnyfat at worst.

>> No.8623130

Seagulls, what to do with that feel when you don't finish a cosplay on time? First time it happens to me

>> No.8623161
File: 170 KB, 1440x810, 1440003890473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gauge what you can do before giving up (I had to make a run for the fabric store during the roadtrip so I could work in the hotel).
If there's no way you can do that, prepare a backup outfit and save the crying for later.
Usually there's something to learn from the experience.

>> No.8623250

> girls in fire emblem have tits when they sexualize every other dude in a tv show.
Oh man, the new FE is a hot button issue for a lot of people male and female alike so I'm not surprised. It'd be good to remember that there's a pretty big difference between someone's personal fantasy (aka girls sexualizing/shipping their favorite characters who are heterosexual within canon) and what is canon (aka girls who are knights and snipers in video games wearing bikinis). A girl having a fantasy isn't altering the experience of the show, whereas actual canon is affected solely for the sake of selling titty merch to horny fanboys.

>> No.8623371

I'm just kind of annoyed that fe is getting so much slack for it even though I don't think it's nearly as bad as other games and overall pretty balanced out.

I mean I don't know much about the new one because every source is so littered with spoilers Im outright avoiding it, but honestly I'm not bothered in the slightest with any of the designs I've seen so far.

>> No.8623492

I think it's because the earlier games in the series didn't have this issue at all. It's not like there were no sexy characters in FE at all, but the girls all wore stuff that made sense for their class (like dancers) so the change to Sexy Outfits for every female class type has been pretty jarring to older fans.

>> No.8623921


Well, I guess the saying "Hurt people hurt people" is true. Sorry your self esteem is still in shambles, anon. In the least condescending way I can intend this, I hope you can learn to love yourself and learn to feel less frustrated in a social system where not everyone is going to live as how you feel they should.

>> No.8626882
File: 473 KB, 288x192, tumblr_lm3g40gKuD1qddp4io1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't decide who your first cosplay should be

>> No.8627106

Try posting here: >>8545483
PLEASE follow the rules that OP posted tho. Otherwise you'll get a bunch of "omg can't this dumbass read the OP" replies and 0 recs.

>> No.8627247

>trying to move out of mom's house
>saving money like crazy
>stopped buying all lolita and cosplay shit
>I don't even buy normal clothing anymore
>mom always been batshit crazy
>she's getting worse
>trying to stay sane and calm when she's raging at me for something I didn't do
>considering selling every last piece of lolita/cosplay I have to get enough money to move out in October

Fuck I just want to leave, it's insane. If I dare try to correct her on anything it's like all hell broke loose. If she had a bad day, she screams at me for something completely random and unrelated just to make me feel like shit. She never aplogizes for anything. I swear, once I'm out I'm never coming back to any of this shitty family.

>> No.8628151

>live in small town
>boyfriend i met over the internet is finally here for summer visit
>decide to wear lolita outside in public for the first time ever
>nowhere big or fancy, just the small store down the road from my house
>goes with boyfriend
>lady trys to take a sneak photo but her shutter noise goes off
>another lady in the vegetable aisle also takes a photo (non discreetly)
>3rd lady takes one in the parking lot from her car
>boyfriend has huge anxiety attack
>never wear lolita outside again

>> No.8630253
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>They casual cosplayed a homestuck character on their first day at college

>> No.8630522
File: 41 KB, 960x640, eb12e58a8bcc7cc83263868987e514db32310000_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on this weeb person who I am thankfully no longer friends with

>found out they outed my other trans friend on the first day of college ( I wouldn't have been able to tell at all if they hadn't done that)
>They walk around playing anime music/ Studio Killers music at full volume
>constantly talking to normies about anime things expecting them to understand
>a few days ago they gave everyone in the class homestuck names
>They're now best friends with another weeb who throws glitter at people
> constantly interrupting tutors and other people to talk about something from an anime or a web comic
> Was talking to friend about comic con and they butted in from across the class room to ask about the con
> Me and Trans friend think they're 'tumblr trans' fully now because they're cosplaying a character in a skirt and don't seem to be uncomfortable in a skirt
> They're gonna make 'homestuck zodiac signs' for a craft fair we're taking part in